What do you think when it comes to education abroad? Most likely, such thoughts are visited: "It is unrealistic", "too expensive", "only for chosen", "I will not cope." And so consider almost everything.

However, today education abroad is not an uncomplicated dream, but a reality available to everyone. Almost anyone can study for free in a foreign university thanks to scholarships and grants. To enroll in the University of Dreams and get full financing, do not even need to be a genius.

We will tell about what the process of receipt looks like and where to begin.

1. Choice of the country of training and educational program

These two points are specifically combined in one point. If you at least approached with the direction of learning, then it is important not to be mistaken with a suitable country.

For technical specialties, it is best to go to Germany, the Czech Republic and the USA - countries that are historically leading in advanced technologies, engineering and innovation. Also, do not forget about Asian countries: Singapore, South Korea, Japan and China. They are now on advanced positions in technological development.

For degree in design and fashion it is best to go to Sunny Italy or sophisticated France - the Motherland of world famous brands and couturiers. If you are interested in ecology, environmental protection and the protection of people's rights, choose the countries of Scandinavia (Sweden, Finland, Norway) or Switzerland. They are world activists in these directions. But remember that there can always be exceptions to this rule.

2. Selection of university

As soon as you have decided on the country of learning and specialty, it is worth choosing the most suitable. It is worth paying attention to the cost and rating of not only the university itself, but also the specifically selected program. One of the most useful resources is the rating of the Times edition -.

It is also desirable to take into account how much university is comfortable for training foreign students, is the necessary adaptation support and international programs.

It is important to choose the type of university: private or public. A private university exists at the expense of its own earned funds and sponsors. In it, education will be quite expensive, but more elite. Public universities exist at the expense of public funds. Education is more accessible in them (up to 1,000 dollars per semester).

Not always education in a private university is better. For example, California University in Berkeley is public, and Stanford is private. But at the same time, these two universities historically compete for the best students.

3. Preparation of documents

The final list of documents depends on the specific country, university and program. But the overall minimum set of required documents usually looks like this:

  • Notarized translation of a diploma about previous education (school certificate for undergraduate and a bachelor's degree / specialist for a magistracy).
  • Notarized translation of application with estimates.
  • . This is one of the most important documents that will present you in the advantageous light.
  • Letters of recommendation.
  • Language certificates. For learning in English - IELTS (from 6.5) or. For training in other languages, relevant international certificates are needed.
  • Additional exams. For example, GMAT / GRE for a magistracy in business and finance or portfolio for designers and artists.

4. Selection of scholarships and grants

There are several main types of scholarships and grants:

  • State. Given the government of the host or sending country. As a rule, they are not tied to a particular university and specialty, they can be selected independently.
  • Universities. Given for applicants to a particular university.
  • External Funds and Organizations. Quite point, cover a specific direction or program. About them find information the most difficult.

The number of scholarships and grants is also highly dependent on the country and the specialty.

There is a limited number of information aggregators for scholarships and grants:

  • Germany - Daad;
  • France - CampusFrance;
  • China - CSC Scholarships.

The main information is presented there in foreign languages, including in English. From Russian-language resources it is worth highlighting Studyqa and the StudyFree project, where information about actual scholars and grants appears several times a week.

5. Admission time

As a rule, documents for admission to a foreign university are served in March-June to start learning in September. By this time you have all the results and other documents in your hands.

However, the deadline for filing documents on scholarships is ends much earlier. Applications for large scholarships in prestigious universities cease to take in September-October to programs starting the autumn of next year. Some universities finish receiving applications in November-February. Most major scholarships no longer consider candidates after March.

By the time you submit an application for a scholarship, you must have a package of ready-made documents. This means that you need to prepare at least a year, and better for one and a half.

Enrolled in a foreign university with full financing - it is real. It is necessary only not to scare the process itself, start studying the question in advance, choose the direction and the country, prepare all the documents. If you realized that the process is too complicated, you can always seek help from special educational agencies that will solve all questions for you.

Many graduates are interested in the question: "Is it possible to leave for study for the refuction after grade 11?". Some of them have heard that foreigners are not accepted into all universities, which have just completed school, others are not confident in their level of English or simply fear competition in the process of receipt.

In a word, there are more questions than answers. In this article we will try to figure out - is it possible to actually start learning abroad after grade 11 and, most importantly, is it worth doing this?

Much depends on the country

If you want to go to a foreign university after graduation, you probably know, in which country would like to live and learn.

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However, it is worth remembering that if you can enter the overseas university immediately after the end of the Russian school, largely depends on the country and the rules of a particular educational institution.

The fact is that not in all countries the education system involves entering the university immediately after school, especially for foreign students. There are several reasons here:

1. First, the 11th grades of the Russian school are 11 or 10 (in case the school "jumps over" grade 4) years of study. In some countries of this learning experience, it is not enough to submit documents for admission to a higher education institution

2. Secondly, the system of education of some countries provides for an "intermediate link" between school and university education. It may be a study in Polytech or Mandatory courses for training for study at the university (usually applies to foreign students)

For example, in America there is an optional, but desirable system of preparatory pre-sustate courses. Such courses suggest not only training at the university, but also an improvement in the academic indicators of students, and practically guarantee successful admission to the university.

Meanwhile, in Singapore, everything wishes to enter the university are obliged to undergo preliminary training in the country. For foreign students, this is expressed in the passage of annual futures, studies at the local secondary school (1-2 years) or in Polytech for the selected specialty. Only after that the student has the right to file documents into one of Singapore universities.

At the same time, there are countries, which can be entered into universities and immediately after the end of the Russian school. These include, for example, ,,, the Czech Republic and Finland. In these countries, as in the United States, there is an option to pass preparatory linguistic or academic courses, however, this condition is not mandatory for submitting documents to the university.

Much depends on the student himself

Note that not all graduates of Russian schools have a real opportunity to enter the Foreign University immediately after grade 11. The highest chances of course, those who have set the goal in advance to go to study abroad. Such students for several years before the end of the school choose the country of interest and even the university, they begin to diligently study the required foreign language and bring their academic indicators before compliance with the requirements of the university.

If you did not do all this, but just wanted to learn abroad already at the end of the 11th grade, let's say directly - your chances of rapid arrival are small. Training in another country, especially in a prestigious university, usually implies a serious preparation process, without which to enter the university is very difficult.

You can enroll at the university after grade 11, if:

  1. Your knowledge of English or other requiring language is at a fairly high level.
  2. You have a certificate about the delivery of a language exam (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) with a good pool.
  3. Your academic indicators are high enough
  4. You can count on receiving a letter of recommendation that characterizes you as a serious and purposeful student.
  5. You defined exactly with the place of study abroad
  6. You or your parents have a financial opportunity to pay for learning abroad

In case you do not meet this list, but you dream about learning abroad, do not despair! For several years of persistent classes, you can easily raise your linguistic and academic level, pass the necessary exams, find a suitable foreign university. In that case, it is possible that you can use courses for preparing for admission to the university, and scholarships and grants for foreign students can help you with financing studies.

Should I come immediately after grade 11?

Consider the main advantages and cons of departure to study abroad immediately after the end of the Russian school.


  1. You do not spend precious years and purposefully go to your dream
  2. You do not have time to get out of the hard student process and drop away from it.
  3. You will receive a bachelor's degree in age in which many others only come to university
  4. You quickly reinforce theoretical knowledge of foreign language practical skills


  1. In addition to preparing for graduation exams, in the 11th grade you will be engaged in the labor-intensive process of admission to a foreign university
  2. Due to age or psychological unpreparedness, a sharp change in the place of residence and study can cause stress
  3. You will not have time to distract and take a break from studying. For two years (grade 11 and 1 year at the university) you will be engaged in tense studies, passing a variety of exams, tests, collection and submission of documents
  4. You should be prepared for the fact that may not be able to enter the university on the first attempt, in case your language or academic indicators are not good enough

Admission to the University

If you still decided to start learning from a foreign university right after the Russian school, follow this instruction:

  1. As early as possible, choose a university in the country in which you can start studying at the university immediately after grade 11 of the Russian School
  2. It will not be superfluous to go to this country and visit the university to assure in its decision.
  3. Implement to study the requested foreign language
  4. In the period of study in the 11th grade, get the necessary certificates about the passage of international language exams
  5. Check out university requirements for foreign students and bring our indicators to these requirements.
  6. Get some good, correctly compiled advisory letters from our teachers.
  7. Learn about the necessary documents for submitting to the university, collect them and apply for sure
  8. In advance, deal with the issue of registration of passport and the visa necessary for entry into the country of study.

Getting higher education abroad is not only prestigious, but also opens up a lot of doors in life. After graduating from the European, American or Canadian university, the graduate is given a unique opportunity.

You can enter the majority of foreign universities immediately after school. Of course, this information should be learn from the university, which is planned for admission.

Some European countriesFor example, Germany does not always accept graduates of Russian schools and advise to come after passing at least one course at the university in their native country. It is advised to begin to think about admission to a foreign university for about a year or one and a half until graduation: see options, choose universities, write them letters with clarifying issues and take the necessary exams.

Send documents and apply for almost all educational institutions can be online by scanning documents and passing Skype interview. The huge advantage of e-arrivals is the possibility of sending documents to a large number of universities, thereby increasing the chances of enrollment into one of them. Most often universities require sending the following documents:

  1. Certificate.
  2. Diploma (upon admission to the magistracy).
  3. Certificate confirming language knowledge.
  4. Motivational letter and summary.

In which cases can the version of the student's arrival in a foreign university?

All documents must be translated into the language of the program, which was chosen for admission (English or national language of other countries). Certificates and diplomas require not only certified translation, but also apostille.

At the time of submission of documents, the language knowledge certificate must be valid (for example, IELTS is valid for only 2 years from the date of delivery). Summary is to indicate education, courses, languages \u200b\u200band hobbies. It is worth writing a little about yourself, your knowledge, hobbies and why you want to learn exactly at this university.

Attentively, it is worth considering the period of acceptance of documents for admission, especially regarding foreigners. Some countries accept applications only until May, when the graduation certificate of 11 classes in Russia and the CIS is obtained only in June. In such cases, you need to directly contact the university and ask permission to go before receiving a certificate or diploma.

An important aspect is the initial investments. Even if the future student is confident in receiving a grant or enrollment on a free training program abroad, he will have to spend money on the preparation of the necessary documents for admission. Another spent will be the delivery of the language exam, since almost all of them are paid. That is why it is worth paying enough time to prepare to pass on the desired score from the first time.

Higher education system abroad

Features of free learning


Funding education in the countries of the world

It is worth noting that some universities offer their own grants or scholarships. Information on financing is always worth learn when contacting the foreign department at the university.

Student exchange program in Erasmus Europe

Participating in the Erasmus Student Exchange Program, a foreigner can go to study one semester in a foreign university, which is also a member of the program. Many large universities of Russia and CIS countries are partnership with European universities, thereby giving the opportunity to participate in the program.

It is worth noting that freshmen can not participate in the program. You can apply for an application only if the student has already successfully finished 2 semesters.

Grant for training in the Netherlands

- One of the most favorable countries to move and start studying, especially for those who still do not know the local language. Universities offer many programs in English, and almost local residents they own and will be happy to help figure out and get used in the country.

The Government of Holland offers 5,000 euros for paying for undergraduate or magistracy.To make a submission of an application to obtain a grant worth in advance. Usually acceptance of applications ends already in May.

Obtaining a grant in Sweden

He offers some of the most generous grants in the world. First, getting a grant can not worry about paying studies - the financial organization automatically sends them money. Secondly, the grant covers the flight to Sweden. And thirdly, the participant receives a monthly order of about 950 euros for renting an apartment, payment of insurance and nutrition.

It is necessary to create a resume, write a motivational letter, take recommendation letters from the places of work.

Education abroad Students from Russia and CIS countries can receive in any country. The most popular countries among Russian-speaking students are the USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Every year, several thousand students leave to the universities of these countries.
With good academic preparation and competently compiled application and portfolio, you can enroll in any university of the world, even one of these prestigious as Oxford, Cambridge, Mit, Harvard or Stanford.
What are the requirements of foreign universities for foreign students how to choose a university and program and prepare documents for receipt - answers to all these questions you will find on the Education Index website.

How much is the training in a foreign university

The cost of the semester in an educational institution abroad depends on the country that you have chosen, places of university in the world ranking of universities and from the selected specialty.
In countries where students receive financial support from the state, the cost of learning can be very low, you can find free programs. Such countries, for example, are Germany, Czech Republic, France.
True, in most cases, only programs in the language of the country are funded by the state in which the University is located. Programs in English in non-English-speaking countries are usually paid. But if you try, you can find free or budget options even for learning in English.
Training in US universities, UK, Canada paid. The most expensive foreign universities are US universities. The year of study in the Master in the United States costs from $ 25,000. Master in the UK can be from $ 17,000 per year. The cost of learning in the magistracy in Canada begins from $ 6,000. The cost of learning in many European countries may be cheaper.
It is also necessary to take into account the cost of accommodation: housing, transport, Internet, textbooks and other expenses. Also, a foreign university may require confirmation of the viability of the student's family, that is, a bank statement with a certain amount in the account. To this you need to be ready.
Although there is an opportunity to get a grant or scholarship for training, get them extremely difficult. This requires brilliant success in educational and extracurricular activities. Therefore, it is better to prepare and carefully examine the prices of training in various universities abroad. You can use for this search engine on Education Index.

Is it necessary to take exams to go to a foreign university

Foreign universities require confirmation of performance, that is, a translated and notarized certificate or certificate of previous education.
Additional exams and tests should be submitted for some programs and specialties and depend on universities and countries. Before taking such an exam, it is necessary to determine which specialty you enter the overseas university, and explore the requirement for documents in this university.
Of course, you need to pass the exam for knowledge of the language of the country of learning. It is worth starting to prepare for the year. And even if you speak perfectly on your language, it is worth paying for a preparation for 2-3 months to get used to the format of the exam.

In what foreign university to do

When it became clear which country and which budget for training abroad is most attractive, it is time to go close to the choice of the university. It is important to choose the best foreign university from the possible - the best in the selected specialty, the most close to the top of the world's highlights of universities, affordable, with the prospect of staying in the country or find prestigious work in the homeland.

What to rely on when choosing a foreign university?

Of course, there are universities known worldwide: Oxford, Cambridge, Yel, Stanford, Harvard, Mit, Princeton. However, these universities are not only difficult to enter, although it is possible with properly prepared documents. Even harder to learn there.
Good news lies in the fact that abroad has a huge number of universities with respected programs, excellent teachers and rich opportunities for practice. How to choose such universities if they are not hearing students in Russia and the CIS countries?
There are ratings to help future students - international school ratings and domestic ratings of countries. Hundreds of universities participate in the ratings, they are conducted by leading rating agencies, and the assessment techniques are evaluated by solid auditing companies. The most famous ratings of foreign universities is the Rating of European Agencies QS and The American Agency U.S.News and the Asian Agency Shanghairanking Consultancy. On our site you can explore and compare all these ratings.
However, to choose the university for your purposes, it is not worth blindly relying in the ranking. Methods for evaluating foreign universities depend on the purpose of the study. Accordingly, the places in different ratings universities occupy different. To understand which university for learning abroad is suitable for you, it is worth a little to get acquainted with the criteria for evaluating each particular rating. As criteria, usually advocate: the quality of teaching, the overall quality of programs and research, student satisfaction assessment and the percentage of the device for the work of graduates, technical equipment, the complexity of the receipt, the percentage of the issued and average student scores. As you can see, the criteria are much and deal with them will take some time.
Remember both internal rankings of countries. Even if the university you like occupies not the highest place in the world ranking, in the country's ranking he can do a very high place and use authority.
Depending on what you want from your learning abroad and further career, you can flexibly choose an educational institution. Education Index consultants can also help choose the university for the criteria you specified.
Now the whole world is opened before future students. Studying at a foreign university is a complex and very important solution in life. You will receive experience in another country, an excellent education will give the start of your career or scientific activity, and around the world you will have connections and friends. If you decide to get an education abroad, the results are overcoming a variety of difficulties. And the website and specialists Education Index will help you understand all the intricacies of admission to the overseas university!

Stanford - the names of these universities for hearing at all, however, when choosing a university for training abroad, this information is not enough. You need to consider many factors.

Choosing a university

After you have decided on the country (about choosing a country for learning and reviewing countries you can find in the section "") You can narrow the search to a particular educational institution. Usually, the first thing is examining universities. It is necessary to know them, but the information presented in them should be analyzed very extremely. Most often you need to choose the program, and not university.

Ratings, for example, QS WORLD University rating can be sorted by the criteria you need. For example, you are looking for universities in Germany, where you can study biology. In the top there will be a university Ludwig Maximilian in Munich and Heidelberg University. If you are interested in computer technology programs, you will see another alignment: Technical University of Munich, Carlsruhe Technology Institute and Humboldt University in Berlin will occupy the top position.

In addition, ratings are compiled on the basis of different criteria. For example, there may be a rating based on an academic base or attractiveness of graduates of this university for employers. If you plan to engage in science, then the first criterion will be more important for you of the second, and if you think about your career in business, then, most likely, on the contrary. Studying ratings data, be sure to ask the methodology: it happens that the researchers equally take into account the equipment of laboratories, and the quality of food in the student dining room.

In addition to global, learn the ratings on universities of a particular country. For example, for British universities authoritative is the GUARDIAN newspaper rating. The choice of universities in this case will be wider, and universities that have not entered global ratings are not obviously bad. The reason for the lack of in the "big" rating may be associated with a small age of educational institution or narrow specialization, but maybe it is exactly what you need.

Select multiple universities for comparison. Carefully examine the content of the courses and programs, the number of academic hours, the biography of teachers.

As a rule, this information can be found on the university website. If there is little information in public domain, you can always contact the university by email.

For those who are going to enter the master's program and especially in graduate school, the key point is the case of a supervisor and research base for the topic of interest to you. In some universities, despite the loud name, it is according to your specialty of star scientific and scientific developments may not be.

If you want to get a practical experience during training, find out the university policy with respect to student internships. It will not hurt to talk with students and graduates: many universities declare internships, but in fact it may turn out to be a formality. Look for those universities where the internships are serious, as well as those who have been established by cooperation with companies.

Dream about an international career? Then choose programs where you will have the opportunity to study in an international environment and go to an internship in exchange to other countries. Also ask how much the diploma of this university is quoted in the international arena.

Choosing a specialization

If you still have not decided what you want to study, not trouble. In some countries, for example, in the United States, training in the undergraduate begins with common courses, and only then you can choose a specialization, and if you do not like it, it can be changed.

As a rule, most European universities are divided into two types - academic and applied. First, the emphasis was made on theoretical knowledge and research. However, if you enter the undergraduate, the diploma of such a university will be a good start. As a rule, academic universities are the oldest and most famous educational institutions of the country. However, if you plan to enter a magistracy or receive a second higher education for the development of career in business and industry, you may be more interesting to practice the program in applied universities.
