Life sometimes sets a very high pace, and a bunch of cases falls on us. And although in the days of all the same amount of time, not everyone uses it with benefit. Someone has time and sports work, and work, and give time to self-development and relatives. And someone can work out a whole day and to find out with surprise that I have not done anything important.

We really want to do everything. Demand creates a proposal: many books about personal effectiveness, productivity and coaching courses with success and motivation training courses have appeared. And further- Time Management Systems. The site understands what time management is when it helps to have time to do everything, and when it turns out to be useless and ineffective.

What is time management

Time management - These are ways to control the time with which the efficiency of its use increases.

There are many different time organization systems: to load staff and calculating hours of operation use some approaches for personal needs.- Others. Time management helps not only to have time to do workers, but also to pay enough time to rest, sport and communicating with loved ones.

When time management is useless

Time management is important to those who have the opportunity to distribute time independently. If you work on a clear schedule, which is not changed,it is planned to plan exit days. But there are other situations in which time management is useless.

Time management - This is not a magic tablet that will helpgood luck everything. Because actually time management- It is not about what you need to do everything. This is about what you need to have the important thing, but from the unimportant- refuse.

Time Management is Not a means of motivation.Time management will not make you more productive and motivation will not fall from heaven if you are deeply disgusting what you are doing. The most important thing- Make sure you really want to do these things. Perhaps you need to change your professional sphere, and not try to do more and better.

Time management does not guarantee success.Some coaches convince that it is only worth learning their technique- And you immediately get rich, solve problems in the family, start playing sports. But it does not work. Time management- Just a tool that is useless without your effort. It's how to buy a handle that the great writer's ideas recorded, and hope that these ideas will now come to you.

Time management techniques are not universal, they are not suitable for everyone. Any author's technique- This is only the experience of its creator. But we are individual, so not all ways and will not always be applied. If the technique does not work, then you do not need to rape- Just look for another. And even better- Watch yourself. You know better than all yourself and how it is more convenient for you to work. Someone is productive in the morning, someone - in the evening or even at night.

Time management does not force you to overcome yourself. Get up at 5 am or sleep for 4 hours and feel bad- This is not time management. In addition, do not buy yourself if it is impossible to solve the tasks effectively. Allow yourself wrong. Some ways will not suit- Try others. So it is possible.

How to manage time

There are different techniques and tools in time management. They help at different stages: planning, prioritization, assessment of the result.

Plan: put goals and tasks

Planning - An important part of the time management and efficiency increases. You can plan either in the evening the next day or at the beginning of the day. When planning it is important to share goals and objectives. purpose- General and global. Goals are divided into small and specific tasks. For example, goal- Deliver quarterly reporting. We divide it into small specific tasks: collect data for 3 months, reduce them in the table, create speakers of speakers, make a presentation.

Make lists of tasks per day and longer periods- week or month. For each task you need to determine the time to which it needs to be executed. To do this, you can use paper or electronic planners. Diary, board with stickers or planning applications- For example, TRELLO or WUNDERLIST.

So the task board looks like in Trello- This is an electronic analog board with stickers. Lists and cards can be organized as convenient for you.

The task can also be divided into steps and mark when each. In addition, for the task you need to determine the time and try not to move it. Time always take with a reserve: you need 3 days- Log 4. Everything always goes wrong, as we plan.

Set priorities

You can burn tens of tasks. For them, it is necessary to determine priority, and some may even refuse at all.

For prioritization, there are two popular methods: ABC and Eisenhuer Matrix.

ABC method

Take a list of tasks and put for each priority level with letters a, b, c (some resort to the letters D and E).

  • A - Important and urgent tasks, the highest priority in fulfillment. These are those, non-compliance or postponement of which can have unpleasant or serious consequences. For example, correct the error, because of which the site stopped working, especially if the business delays money.
  • B - important, but indeferential tasks or those, non-fulfillment of which will not lead to serious consequences. An example is to introduce a development that will help increase sales. This is important, but if you slightly move it - it is unlikely that something irreparable will occur.
  • C - tasks that would be well done: spend the evening with friends or arrange a dinner for your wife.

To level D. include tasks that can be delegated subordinates, and toE - From which it is worth refuse at all.

Matrix Eisenhauer

The method is named by his creator- US President Dwight Eisenhower. He had a lot of tasks, so he set their priority, distributing in categories:

  • urgent, important;
  • important, indefinition;
  • urgent, unimportant;
  • unimportant, indefinite.

The sheet is divided into 4 squares, in which the tasks fit.

Eisenhuer Matrix: 4 squares with varying urgency and importance. Some paper planners are produced already multiplied on such squares.

Urgent and important perfect first. They are direct value for you and the future, they can not be delegated to someone. Important, but incorrect can be safely and comfortable to fulfill or convey to subordinate and cooperate with them during their implementation. Urgent and unimportant try to transfer to others. From indefinition and unimportant it is worth refusing at all.

It is convenient to place the priority of tasks immediately when you put them in the planner,- So nothing will fall into it.


Schedule tasks and determine their priority- Only half work. Now you need to perform them. Especially commonly, everything is not on the plan: new tasks are swapped, we pronounce, do not take into account some nuances, which eventually shifted the task terms, and together with this, follow-up tasks. Everything will not work, but something can still be taken into account in order to reduce interference to a minimum.

Do not attempt to solve several tasks at the same time

Brain - Not multitasking computer. We do not speed up the process if we try to do everything at the same time, but spraying between tasks. You are distracted, we miss the important, slow down, stress, constantly switch between tasks and delve into them every time again.

Remove what prevents concentrate on the task

Close the social networks and messengers, disconnect the sound on the phone, come true in the workplace. If you work at home, then select time and place when you will not distract family members. Otherwise, you will spray attention or will be prolonged at all.

Do not rush immediately perform new tasks

To begin with, determine their priority. If you incline a new task, you will not have time to make the planned- And among them there may be important. As a rule, nothing will happen if you agree with colleagues that you will perform a new task tomorrow. Not so many tasks that need to be rushed immediately.

Learn to refuse

Not all tasks and projects should be taken over. Sometimes they are trying to fall on us than we should not do at all. Sometimesit just makes no sense to take a new project if there is no time on it and you do not want to abandon others. Even if you should be tend to tear the best friend. Everyone has the right to"not " remember this.

Work as it is more convenient

We all very different. We have different temperatures, there are different events in life, we are active at different times and in different ways. For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate on the task- Try technical school"A tomato " . It is named so in honor of the kitchen timer in the form of a tomato, which counts 25 minutes. Run the timer for 25 minutes and do this time only by work. Then a break of 5 or 10 minutes.

And if you have the opportunity to change the working schedule for yourself- Do not refuse her.

Evaluate the result

Completed the task- Analyze what was good and whatnot. Perhaps some time management tools are not suitable for you. Technics"A tomato " It will not make you productive if you are more convenient to work on one and a half or two hours, and then make a good break.

Please note that it hindered the task: tired, distracted by mail or sang a favorite performer. Next time try to exclude stimuli.


An important component of time management- relaxation. Plan a short break throughout the day, determine the time after which you will not work. Try to fully rest at the weekend and do not take work at home. No one can be productive 24/7. We need to rest and refill resources. Include in your workout schedule, time with loved ones and full sleep.

And even consider that after the avral you will need more time to restore.

Do not forget about important

In addition to working tasks, projects and careers, there are many more amazing and beautiful in life. Is it so necessary to take the eighth project for a prestigious company or make money on the newest car if this will deprive you of time with children and loved ones? Do not forget that not everything is measured by money and success. Plan so that then do not regret that they missed something very important for yourself.

Time is all that we have with you. No one knows how much we are allotted, but you can and even need to learn how to use the most effectively every minute of your life.

Everyone is not so simple, although, on the other hand, there is nothing difficult in this, especially if you master such a thing as time management. "Time" (Time) is the English word, translated into Russian meaning time. Management is control, control. Art correctly express priorities is the basis for successful people. Rich and happy people always know how much they have time to rest, and how much to work or duties. This is based on the right psychology of self-development.

Why do we need time management

Time control is needed by a person for one simple reason - we are multitasking. We are creatures reasonable, so there must be very many different things, without which life is simply stopped.

Even if you relax, you still have a favorite hobby and there are people who are with you in love or friendly relations. Life is very dynamic, it does not stand still. Time management helps people worldwide remember that everything changes every second, every moment. You can wake up in the morning and discover that you live in a world other than that surrounded you 8 hours ago.

Time control is needed, because time cannot be reversed. We depend entirely and completely, so we can only interact with it. Many ask themselves: "Why is I constantly lacking on what time?" The answer is obvious - you incorrectly arrange priorities in life. Sometimes people load themselves with work and truly unbearable tasks. This may also be the cause of problems associated with a shortage of time. It is necessary to clearly divide anyone unnecessary altruism and the rules of good tone. Of course, mutual assistance is the first step to success. Help your neighbor and get in response. But you need to remember about yourself too. And appreciate your time.

How to distribute time

To get started, get such a useful habit as fixation of all tasks for the future. If you do not know when you get freely, for example, after work, you write in your personal notebook that in the evening you should go for medicines or do it during lunch. We live in the 21st century - if you do not like the prospect everywhere to carry notebooks with you, use a special application in the phone as a notebook.

If you have tasks that do not require solutions at a certain time, try to perform them as quickly as possible. Remember that absolutely any cases that can be done now is better not to postpone. So you exempt time for other affairs, you will be less nervous and worried. The only "but" is a vacation.

Do not forget about rest. If you can do everything now, and it does not cause you feelings of overwork, it means that everything is controlled. But do not force yourself to limit the well-deserved relaxation time and idleness. Alternate periods of activity and periods of restoration of forces.

Another important remark and advice: Do not forget to celebrate cash and receipts. In general, moderate control allows you to see a complete picture of what is happening. Statistics says that people who track money are less losing them and, most importantly, are less worried.

So that time does not work against you, time management specialists advise do not take money in debt and, especially, not to give. It is strictly forbidden to give the debt amount more than you are willing to lose.

Now that the advice is distributed, you can talk about the direct time distribution:

To all always have time, highlight four groups of cases for yourself:

  • responsibilities;
  • hobby;
  • entertainment;
  • relaxation.

1. Responsibilities. This is what does not allow even thinking about a delay. If you forget something to do, it will fail in mode and, possibly, big problems. This refers here:

  • work;
  • house cleaning;
  • regular important purchases;
  • children (take to school, check out the lessons, walk and so on).

For duties, an unlimited amount of time can be assigned because it is cases that determine your lifestyle. Although, of course, if the prospect is to work at work, it causes you only to decline forces, perhaps you should think about changing activities.

Responsibilities do not need to record - you must always remember them. Distribute things so that you and your second half it is convenient to perform them. Few people know or guesses, but, for example, food intake is also a duty. Proper nutrition defines mood and performance, so breakfast, dinner and dinner at the same time. Do not want to cook - wash the dishes so that your second half does not make everything entirely. An exception is a situation where one person comes home in, for example, at 16 o'clock, and the second in 19. During this time, you can cook and wash the dishes. If you live by yourself, you need to cook and wash the dishes immediately. Forget about the mountains of unwashed dishes - this is the lot of those who and important fateful events will begin to transfer on the later.

Responsibilities occupy as much time as needed. They cannot be replaced with nothing - neither with rest, nor a hobby. After you make up and learn a list of all responsibilities for all week, you can start planning the rest.

2. Rest. This is the second point of your time planning. Many mistakenly believe that they manage to do everything only those who almost do not rest. This is not true. The organism needs relaxation. Rest should also be planned clearly, as well as responsibilities. You always need to relax. Remember it. Do not skip the recreation cycles at work and at home. Having come home, do not sit down at the computer and do not go to the training session. Pass literally 15-20 minutes. Just do not fall asleep, because such a dream is quite harmful to the day mode. By the way, about the mode. Observe it as clear as possible. This is an important rule of all successful people.

When all urgent things have been completed and you have rested, it is time for hobbies and entertainment.

3. Hobbies.The hobby is something, without any one person can live. Sometimes it happens that the hobby coincides with the work, that is, with duties. In this case, you can find another hobby. Let it delay you. Think of it more often, creating a desire to do it. The hobby should be useful, so sport is one of the best options.

The task of hobbies is obvious - you switch, change the type of activity, make something that brings pleasure. In your plan, on the day, the employment of a favorite thing can be shifted and not planned carefully and painstakingly. This is the main charm of them.

4. Entertainment. Entertainment is hiking to the club, to bowling, movies, restaurant, computer games, friends, and so on. The difference between recreation from entertainment is that you spend your time or vitality. Entertainment is needed only on weekends or on Friday, if you work out the plan of a five-day working week.

They are better not planned further than a week, because you can't know what will be the situation in the future. At entertainment, a special place should also be assigned in the budget. Without entertainment, you can live for a very long time. This is an optional point, but if you want to live an active life, you should include them in your program.

A separate conversation deserve a telephone, computer and television. They also require the cost of some amount of energy, so in no case go to bed immediately after watching the TV or after computer games. Give the brain to relax at least an hour. Before bedtime, it is better to engage in a calm hobby like reading books.

So, the main rule of time management is to streamline all the vital processes. Do what you want, but duties and rest should always be planned. These are the cases that cannot be postponed without a good reason. If you live according to these rules, you will always have time. This is also one of the secrets of punctual people - they always know that they are required, so they cares and someone else's time. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

Time management for a modern person is the central concept of any system of personal effectiveness and productivity, holy grail for each ambitious person, whether it is a student, entrepreneur or housewife. The rapid pace of life, especially in large cities, and huge data arrays make it difficult to achieve important goals for each of us, it does not matter to increase this in service, upbringing a child or creating your own business project. If you have something to strive for, you are unhappy with your results, you just want to become a little more efficient or need to help to overcome the procrastination (habits to postpone cases for later), then this series of lessons was created for you.

The presented online training will introduce you to the basics of time management and its details, will tell about how the most successful people of the planet organize their lives and organize their lives. Completely free to your attention will be offered various principles, techniques, exercises, technicians and techniques, of which the most effective time management systems consist, and which will allow you by applying them in practice, to notice positive changes in the very first days. This online course on time management will be your personal guide to the world, where you will forget about what eternal fatigue, constant stress and lack of time. You will learn how to competently set the goals and plan their achievement, time to do a huge amount of affairs in a record short time, enjoy work and have time to come to rest. The course contains tips and methods for managing time, which are truly effective.

However, despite the fact that the course presented has enormous potential, time management in itself, unfortunately, is unexpectedly a lot of uncertainties and issues. First, why are there any different approaches to time management so much? What is the difference between the method of GTD David Allen and the "Time Drive" method of Gleb Arkhangelsky? Why, in general, every next "supere efficient" author invents something new, is there anything definite and accurate in time management?

Secondly, why not all of the specialists offered work? The authors in one voice speak about the effectiveness of their methods and techniques, but they do not want to follow. And then, even if you fulfill everything exactly according to the instructions, something still goes wrong. What is the reason?

And thirdly, what to do with the reluctance to live on the machine one by one, but forever the commissioned schedule? How to adjust a clear system of organizing time organization under constant changes that our life is so rich?

This online lesson series is not designed to give answers to all of the issues listed, but is designed to help you respond to them yourself. And this is its main value. And for the same reason, having studied the materials of this training, you can not only "pump" some individual qualities, but also to have a comprehensive effect on your own personality.

And if you want to master the time management methods as quickly as possible and more efficiently, sign up for our.

Time management (Organization of time, time management) - This is the technology of streamlining time aimed at improving the efficiency of its use.

The very concept of "time management" comes from English "Time Management" and means the technology of organizing a person of its time and increase its efficiency. To speak more specifically, Time Management implies actions or a set of awareness of awareness of conscious control over the amount of time that is spent on certain types of activities and through which it is possible to significantly increase its productivity and effectiveness.

Time management includes a wide range of activities, including:

  • Setting goals
  • Planning and time distribution
  • Delegation of tasks and resource management
  • Analysis of the cost of time
  • Fixing time
  • Prioritization
  • Drawing up lists
  • And many others

At the beginning of its appearance, time management has concerned only the areas of employment or business. But, as far as Developed, the term began to expand and included various aspects of human personal activity. Today, time management is the necessary component of development of absolutely any project, because It serves as a determining factor when calculating its scale and time required to implement it.

In Russia, the revolutionary and public figure of A. K. Gastev, who was the director of the Central Institute of Labor, began to speak about the management of time. He began to develop ideas about the personal effectiveness of a person and about the efficient use of time. Already at the beginning of the 70s, the first method appeared, which allowed to manage personal time, called "Timber". Over time, the topic began to rapidly gain more and more supporters and introduce into different areas of people's activities. All this led to the fact that time management became an independent direction, and in 2007 at the Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy (at the University), the Time Management Department was created.

Time management has its own structure consisting of several important processes:

  • Analysis
  • Development and preparation of strategies
  • Planning and prioritization
  • Process implementation
  • Control of achievement goals

It is important to note that the time resource management allows you to effectively manage not only working time, which is the main part of the life of an ordinary person, but also a free time that a person uses for rest. Using it in everyday life, it is possible to organize your life much more efficiently, plan the weekend, arrange various events. Skillfully disposed of its time, a person can make even mini leave from his weekend. All together, this very positively affects the emotional, mental and physical human health and significantly improves his life.

To date, special schools for learning effective time management are created and successfully function. Standard training takes place on the following main topics:

  • Strategic planning
  • Tactical planning
  • Evaluation of personal effectiveness
  • Evaluation of management efficiency
  • Definition of a personal mission as an emotionally motivating factor
  • Determination of the main factors to work out our own plan
  • Ability to arrange priorities
  • Mind Mapping tool
  • Learning the basics of using software designed specifically for planning (MYLIFEORGANIZED, MS Project, MS Outlook and other programs)
  • Analysis achieved
  • Studying methods for improving the process of achieving goals

To train people, the basics of competent time management today are held various trainings and seminars, programs and courses are being developed, books and other publications are being developed, and various Internet resources and online trainings are being created, such as presented training on our website 4Brain, for example.

Time Management

In the modern world, personal time is a key resource of a person, often having a much higher value than money, since it, unlike them, cannot be accumulated or restored. That is why the ability to best use your time and manage it is substantial value for any person. And it is important to learn how to apply this skill in all spheres of life: work, business, creativity, family relationships, etc.

Time control skill provides a huge amount of a wide variety of benefits. Below we will list only some of them.

So, a person who knows how to manage its time:

  • Significantly more often reaches the goals
  • Reaches its goals at times faster than people who do not possess such skills
  • Able to achieve success in any field of activity
  • It has much more time to rest, staying with loved ones and
  • Able to perform many different cases for a short period of time
  • Has the ability to increase its income, create capital and move away from how soon as possible
  • Can get rid of the feeling of constant fatigue and strengthen their health
  • Much less susceptible to the influence of stress and negative factors.
  • Positively perceives the world around the world and events
  • Can pay more time for spiritual development and self-improvement
  • Always has a clear action plan
  • Possesses inner freedom and has the ability to choose
  • Creative to create favorable conditions and independently control their lives

This is only a part of the positive impact that the ability to manage the time to human life. It is not just that way there is an opinion that people who do not know how to distribute their time, they cannot find any free minute, and constantly busy, but all their employment does not bring any intelligent results. And people who can skillfully dispose of their time resource can always highlight the time for something or for someone, and all of their affairs are continuously promoting them to their goals and achieving success.

If you get acquainted with the peculiarities of life and work of successful people, we will certainly discover that they are all like one, they say that the most valuable asset who has his time is his time, and probably notice that they all lead diaries, make up Plans, think over further steps and do it all the time. They always have a lot of ideas, and the number of their cases is simply amazing. But at the same time, they are happy, smiling, positively configured; All that they do, they do with enthusiasm and get pleasure from it; And also have strong health. If you are a person who seeks to self-development and personal growth, then the likelihood is that and you would like to achieve such results, otherwise you would not be here. And for you there is a wonderful news - you can do it. It is only necessary to put yourself a goal to learn how to use your time.

How to learn this?

It's no secret that we all from birth we have a set of different abilities and predispositions. But everyone, of course, these abilities and predispositions are different, and while some people are originally inclined to effectively manage the time of their lives, others have to develop and exhaust this skill. Be that as it may, it is possible to do it. And again joyful news - you can do it yourself, i.e. Without resorting to undergo training in specialized institutions or buy expensive training courses. Moreover, it is not necessary to have some kind of special talent or genius, but you can simply go through online training, the introduction to which you are currently reading.

There are two important points when passing this course. It:

Theoretical base - The information you can get from the lessons offered by us.

Practical development - Application that you will learn in practice in your daily life.

Based on these important points, we have developed this training. Each lesson is designed to assign the theoretical material that is presented with interesting and completely understandable and accessible to any person language. And also to ensure that you have motivation and the ability to apply everything that you have learned without expecting some kind of suitable moment, but right here and now. " All you need is a desire to master the new skill and a little free time, which you will need to find this in which we, of course, have no doubt.

Want to check your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the course of the course and understand how suits you, you can pass our test. In each question, only 1 option can be correct. After choosing one of the options, the system automatically moves to the next question.

Time Management lessons

Having studied the experience of learning how to manage the time of many people, we came to the conclusion that its foundations, as we have said, can be learned independently. By introducing some adjustments, and adapting the material to self-study even more, we have prepared a number of lessons aimed at developing useful competencies for a full mastering of this skill. Next - briefly about each lesson:

The purpose of this lesson is to help you in the most understanding the features and nuances of time management, as well as in the deep level to realize and feel how the effective organization of your time contribute to the achievement of goals, help in developing the potential of your personality and have a beneficial effect on life as a whole.

The lesson will consider issues such as the purpose of controlling the time and its prerequisites, the main stages and features of this process. In addition, you will learn a lot of personal effective advice and you can choose those of them that will approach specifically.

As you know, any action of a person is directly due to the fact that it spends a certain amount of time for its commission. And if the information from the first lesson will teach you to determine and fix your time costs and understand the structure of the temporary resource allocation, the knowledge you will get from here will help you learn to separate what you need to spend your time, on what you do not need .

Here it will be about the goal-setting process: you will learn how to identify your true goals and secondary tasks, and therefore you can do what will allow you to exclude useless waste of time, and even your minimum efforts will bring you the maximum results.

Achieving any result is a process that always has its own characteristics and characteristics. It is important to understand that not all actions are effective. You need to be able to see prospects, calculate your steps and arrange priorities. The presence of the goal implies the presence of a plan for its achievement. This lesson is dedicated to this and other interesting issues.

From it, you will learn about what is the process of planning affairs, what are the methods of prioritization methods, get acquainted with the most effective techniques for compiling plans and lists. In addition, you will learn several important principles that will help you learn how to save time, improve your results and avoid many errors that are peculiar to people who have become on the way of competent time distribution.

Despite the fact that the concept of "time management" came to Russian not so long ago, the very fact of organizing personal time for achieving the goals and increase productivity was given and pay attention to many outstanding figures. Perhaps, that is why they were able to achieve significant success, because from the ability to dispose of the main resource - time - often the ability of a person to cope with all cases, intensively and efficiently work in any situations, and leaving the winner of them.

One way or another, they planned their employment (artists, writers, politicians - well-known and not very), but the creator is not a universal regime of the day, and B. Franklin became one of the first integrated time management systems. In his own example, he showed how important it is to set goals and develop a plan to achieve them. About his and other author's time management systems, in which the principles of goal-setting, planning and motivation are united, and will be discussed in this lesson.

A. Herzen wrote: "The theory inspires convictions, an example determines the image of action." In fact, the time control system lesson 4, the basics of goal-setting lesson 2 and planning lesson3 as the main components of time management would be no more than elements of a slender theory, if they were not complemented by specially designed general-flow and within individual techniques practical tools. Following them, applying them in their everyday life, everyone will be able to acquire not only useful knowledge, but also to create their own system of setting, assessing and implementing strategic goals.

Recommendations, tips, tricks, receptions, as well as services and programs on time management, taken from different sources, but are universal tools and are equally useful both in terms of time management, and for personal development as a whole: Self-discipline training , character, attitudes towards life priorities and goals.

How to pass classes?

All our lessons have one important feature - they are created in such a way as to apply them absolutely any person. But you must certainly keep in mind that how successful you will master the material depends to a great extent, from your relationship. If you react to this challenge, from the position "If the time appears, then I, of course, do it," then the result will be completely mediocre if it is at all. But in the event that you come to study the material with full responsibility and understanding the importance of what you do, the result will be your rapid personal growth and increasing the indicators of all personal characteristics, not to mention the fact that you will learn to excellently manage your time.

In order to extract the greatest benefit from the training, we recommend that you study at one lesson in two days: on the first day you will need to just get acquainted with the lesson, and in the second - during the day to use what you learned every time using new techniques every time and combining them. Total, you will leave for about ten days. But important here is also the fact that, after holding the passage of the training, you can no longer miss classes. Put yourself a task - go through this course to the end. Only this will already be your time management practice, and in addition, it will begin to develop such qualities in you as purposefulness, commitment, dictuctance and punctuality. Remember that theory and practice are two sides of the same medal. Only so you can learn what you want, and just that all successful people did in all times. And something else: prepare a notebook and pen in advance, because in the planning case without it anywhere.

Additional material

Time Management Books

In this section of additional materials, we will consider several of the most popular books on the topic of time management. Each of them is a unique collection of useful information, practical advice and guidelines, effective techniques and techniques for time management. Some of them are written by the authors of professionals and have already deserved their authority not only from Russian readers, but also from readers from around the world. Others were published quite recently, and their authors are not yet such famous, but, undoubtedly, who deserve attention to people. Any of the books considered will be an excellent addition to our trainings.

It would be great to always keep at hand a universal column-assistant on organizing time. We have prepared a universal list of 25 techniques of time management, divided into categories to determine the priority, planning and organization of the work and recreation process.


1. Analysis ABC.

This technique is based on expression as a percentage of the most important and least important cases. All tasks are distributed into three classes depending on their importance:

A. The most important cases that make up 15% of the total amount of affairs and their contribution to achieving goals is 65%.

B. Important tasks - 20% of their total quantity, significance to achieve a goal is 20%.

C. Less important tasks are equal to 65% of their total number, and their significance is 15%.

To use ABC analysis, you must do the following:

  • make a list of all future tasks;
  • divide them in importance and establish an oddness;
  • estimate the tasks according to the categories A, B and C;

2. Matrix Eisenhower.

The tasks are divided into urgency and importance groups:

A - urgent and important thing

In - not urgent, but more important thing

C - urgent but not important

D - not an urgent and not important

Depending on the group in which the task has fallen, the sequence of its execution or delegation depends.

3. Pareto method

Pareto method is an 80/20 task distribution: 80% of tasks can be solved in 20% of the time being consumed; The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof the tasks spend 80% of the time spent.


4. List of all cases

A record of absolutely all cases will help when planning the amount of work per day, week, month. And you can clearly be able to see your workload and the ratio of important and not very important tasks. Moreover, if one will always be such a list, the question is "what to do?" will be addressed immediately.

5. Accounting for biological rhythms

When planning cases, you should consider not only the "Lark" you or "Owl", but also peak productivity. It can be determined by observant for its performance during the day. It would also be not bad to determine the right time for lunch. Rest and self-development.

6. Drive diaries

Organize previously recorded cases: recording in a diary, Excel table, app in your phone, etc. The main thing is that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work on the day and did not even forget about the most small order.

7. Right tools

All sorts of applications are our weapons in the fight against procrastination and time traps, so it is better to update the arsenal. The most convenient and proven programs and applications for compiling lists and team work read.


Timing technique is a fixation of time for any tasks, even for such primitive, like morning charge or lunch. You record every business that you spend time, thereby during the week you can solve the following tasks:

  • determine what your time is spent on;
  • to identify chronophages, that is, "time eaters";
  • develop a "sense of efficiency" and "sense of time."

9. Formula 10-3-2-1-0.

To use this technique, you must remember the formula describing a healthy work schedule and personal time, and stick to it, constituting a daily plan.

10 hours before sleep: no caffeine.

3 hours before sleep: no eating and alcohol.

2 hours before sleep: no work.

1 hour before sleep: no electronic gadgets.

0 times: so many times you can press the "Put" button on the alarm clock.

10. Gantt Chart

Gantt diagram is a reliable technique for visual display of tasks and time. On the same scale, the charts indicate tasks, and on the other - the time for their execution. Ideal for chart lovers that can be in MS Project, Excel.

Organization of work and recreation

11. Tomato technique

Principle of implementation: We will start a timer for 25 minutes, we work concentrately, not distracted until the timer is not distinguished, after which we take a break for 5 minutes. After 4 repetitions, we do a long break - 20-25 minutes. Thus, you constantly alternate work and rest, change the activity and avoid overwork.

12. Eating a frog

The frog is the most unpleasant thing. It is best to do it first. After its implementation, it is already the case itself not so terrible and opposite, and other tasks will also seem lightly.

13. Salami method

How to easily eat the stick sausage? Suts off on a small piece. Similarly, you need to do with all complex, many composite tasks: divide them into small parts and perform one every day.

14. Delegation

If you are a leader, delegate those cases that take away a large amount of time and do not differ in importance, and focus on more strategically important tasks.

15. Observe the stratification

Strive to do business sequentially, first finish one, and only then start another. We have already told that when switching from one case to another requires about 10-15 minutes to fully focus on the process. Constantly jumping from the task to the task, you lose time, although it creates the illusion of hard work.

16. At least 10 minutes

This technique refers not to work affairs, but rather to personal growth and self-development. For example, if you have long wanted to learn or remember a foreign language, try to give him at least 10 minutes a day. The same with sports, books, etc.

17. "Time found"

The essence of the technique: in advance to highlight a list of 15-20 small tasks, which you do not have enough time, and be ready to make them when you have any suitable "window". Constantly complement the list.

18. Work is the best way, start doing something

There are days when performance on zero and work in gravity. In this case, for overclocking it is better to start working with small tasks: mail, calls, tasks, which will be needed for no more than 20 minutes.

19. Assign important meetings in the morning

20. Divide the working time on blocks

Divide workflows on blocks: calls and mail, meetings, project work, etc. This will help allocate time for focused work during the day.

21. Install Deadlands for Total

Even the smallest task must have a deadline, otherwise the flow of affairs "for then" will be trammed forever.

22. Immersion in the work

Highlight a day or two on the solution of priority tasks, eliminating such distracting factors as calls and meetings.

23. Speak "No"

"No" is a powerful word. When you say no new commitment, you demonstrate respect for the already taken and get the opportunity to successfully observe them. Remember that giving consent, you must deny something or cancel something.

24. Burn with the "urgent tyranny"

"Urgent tyranny" is small unimportant tasks that need to be done right now. This creates a large problem, because urgent action usually have a very small effect. It was "tyranny urgent", it will be difficult to get rid of it, and accordingly allocate time for something more important.

25. Get ready for tomorrow day before leaving the office.

An excellent way to complete the working day is to prepare for the next. Load the results of the day, make a plan the next day, bring the work desk in order.

Time management for managers

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"We are tired and exhausted not because we work a lot, but because we work poorly, it is not organized working, work it's work."

Physiologist N.E. Introduced

Time - managementt - Time management technique, which includes the rules and principles that help a person correctly organize their time and achieve maximum efficiency in any business. With the help of time management, a person himself can consciously monitor the time he spends on different activities, while increasing the efficiency and productivity of his work or rest. Planning, distribution, alignment of priorities, setting goals helps a person cope with the crazy rhythm of modern life. Time - Management helps a person to have time to do everything without stress and avoid chronic fatigue.

Initially, the methods of time - management were used only when doing business, organization of work. But now the time management methods also apply in the personal life of a person to manage to cope with domestic issues, to properly organize their leisure, rest.

History of the occurrence of time - management

Back in the 20s, the scientific organization of labor was talking about the fact that the effectiveness of the use of time depends on the personal effectiveness of the person himself. The League "Time" appeared, which published articles in newspapers called "Fighting During". In the 70s, the timing method was gained popularity, which developed a biologist loved. This method is tools for developing effective human thinking, which contributes to rational management of personal time and improving personal effectiveness.

In 2007 in Moscow, at the Financial and Industry Institute, the first department of the Time Management was opened. Today, this direction has become very popular and popular. There are a lot of trainings, planning seminars and a rational time distribution.

Time Manager This is a person who takes into account the psychological features of people, working conditions and offers more effective work schedules. He is able to uncover all its hidden reserves in man and tell what way to increase its effectiveness.

The process of communication of the time-manager with a client is similar to the psychological consultation, in which he listens to a person gives tips and tips, how to distribute time, how long to pay rest, how to place priorities. How to plan a day so that everyone's time without stress.

Time - managers spend not only individual advice. Often they are invited by companies as experts so that they help to establish the labor process. First of all, teach the manager to properly distribute your working hours and competently distribute responsibilities in the team. They study the company's activity required by the amount of time to solve certain tasks. After collecting information and analysis, the Time Manager makes adjustments to the routine of the company's day.

  • Analysis of the time of time for performing certain tasks.
  • Staging, formulation and definition of the goal.
  • Drawing up a plan to achieve the goal, as well as prioritization.
  • The realization of the goal. Tip which steps need to be done according to the plan.
  • Drawing up lists of cases that need to be done.
  • Locking time using timekeeping.

What advantages have a person who has learned correctly plan his time?

"The time spent wasted is existence; Time used with benefits is life "

E. Jung

  • Reaches the goals.
  • It reaches its goals much faster than the rest.
  • It is capable of achieving success in any field of activity.
  • It has more time to rest, chat with loved ones and friends.
  • Can perform much more affords for a certain period of time.
  • It may increase its income and move away from affairs, correctly distributing the responsibilities between employees.
  • It can get rid of chronic fatigue, are not subject to stress.
  • It always has a clear action plan.
  • He has a sense of inner freedom and independently controls its life.

Time Time Management

Now there are many diverse approaches to the time management problem. Experts allocate three main types:

  • Personal (Personal) Time - Management. It is associated with the personality self-development of a person, the ability to properly and fruitfully organize his day.
  • Professional Time - Management It helps a person effectively perform his work, properly organize his working hours or reasonably distribute responsibilities in the team.
  • Social Time - Management Regulates interpersonal relationships or management of several people. For example, corporate.

Basic Time Management Concepts

The Concept of Management Time This is a way of understanding and perception of time. The concept of time management helps determine the cause and purpose, why a person needs to learn how to manage its time. Realize the value of this process, as well as understand the basic principles of time management.

Time Management Methods- A certain sequence of actions that will help solve a specific task.

Time Management System - A complex of concepts and methods that will allow you to achieve your goal as quickly and effectively.

Incorrect work organization or illiterate organization of activities Guidelines leads to the fact that employees of companies feel a constant shortage of time. This affects the efficiency of the work and success of the enterprise as a whole.

Lack of time is observed in cases if:

  • No work schedule for the day.
  • If the assistant manager is not aware of his routine of the day.
  • Phone calls and visitors often distract from the main activity.
  • If the manager does not know how to distribute duties.
  • If the work is performed in constant hurry, which leads to fast fatigue.
  • If employees do not correspond to their positions.
  • If employees inadequate evaluate their capabilities, the speed of work.
  • If there is no motivation from employees (for example, too low salary).

To improve the efficiency of the enterprise, you need to teach employees to make a work plan for the day. When drawing up a plan, you need 60% of the time to take the main tasks, 20% unforeseen and 20% spontaneous affairs. The main thing is to teach the team to make plans for the day systematically and regularly.

The effectiveness of the time management depends on how employees will be trained in planning, making priorities, to control the time to perform tasks, as well as the correct priority of tasks.

To solve these tasks, you can invite a time-management expert or train your company's manager, which will be available to employees of the task and control the effectiveness of their work. The manager must issue both the main and several spare tasks. At the end of the day, the employee presents a report on the work done.

Manage Personal Time - Management

As for the management of personal time, that is, the basic rules of the time management applied in personal life:

  1. Never take work at home.
  2. Organize life so that it occupies a minimum of time.
  3. Plan your free time in advance. This should include emotional pleasure (moving in cinema, theater, concert, museum). As well as physical (sports, dancing, etc.).
  4. To rest use not only weekend, and at least one day is among the week. For example, ride a bike after work or go with friends to the sauna.
  5. During the holiday, limit calls, mail, the Internet to relax truly.

1. Basic Time Management Rule - Correct Goal Settlement.

If you learn how to clearly define your goals, as well as determine which tasks are secondary, then you will save a lot of time.

If you spend your time for something, then at this moment you think it is very important. But is it? Ask yourself a question, the result of this action will help you get closer to your goal? What is the goal? The goal is a man's desire for something when the whole process is directed to the final result.

When setting a goal, it is necessary to begin to decide on the main values.

Realize your capabilities, motivation. Analyze the problems, needs and difficulties that may arise on the way to the goal. Present clearly your goal in the smallest details, its end result. Plan your actions, search for resources and proceed with implementation.

There are various methods for setting goals. But all methods have a common procedure algorithm:

  1. The goal should be as concrete as possible with a clear end result.
  2. The need to achieve the goal must be reasonable. Why do you need and what do I get from it?
  3. The goal should be real and the mechanism of its achievement is understood.
  4. It is necessary to clearly define the limits of the time for which the goal should be achieved.

2. The main main rule of the time management is prioritization.

To be able to arrange priorities - it is very important. There are cases that have less significant in achieving the goal, and there are those that play a major role.

3. Time the main time-management rule is planning.

After setting the goal, the next stage will be planning. Planning is an integral part of the time management. It consists of such main stages:

  1. Drawing up a time management plan.
  2. The process of drawing up a project at which you can maneuvering, consider different options for achieving the goal.
  3. The stage of identifying the necessary resources.
  4. The stage of defining persons you can help on the way to goal.
  5. Stage fixing the results of planning in the form of a business project, cards.

When a person begins to plan planning, thinking is activated, the creative potential turns on. When drawing up a plan, your goal becomes more specific, you begin to understand what you really want and how to achieve it. This is a kind of practical guide to action.

As long as a person does not make a plan for the implementation of what he wants, he is constantly thinking on this topic. But not thought, and the actions bring you to the goal. When a detailed plan was drawn up, in which various ways of achieving the goal are taken into account, it makes it possible to maneuver. Not obtained by one tools and ways, you can try others. Planning develops flexibility and readiness to any situations in man.

The preparation of the plan gives you a high chance of success. The presence of a plan gives confidence, its capabilities. All successful people and entrepreneurs are planning.

Basic planning methods. Short description

1. ABC Planning It is based on the fact that you must first fulfill the most significant affairs (under the letter A), and then B and C.

Categories Categories A - the most important. They make up 15% of all cases and bring 65% of the results. B - important cases that make up 20% of all cases and bring 20% \u200b\u200bof the results. Category C is the least important things, they make up 65% and give results - 15%.

2. Pareto rule or the principle of "80 to 20". This principle is applicable to any daily activities. 80% of the cases you are doing per day give you 20% of the desired result. And 20% of planned important cases bring you to the result by 80%.

For example: 20% of people own 80% of capital, 80% of people own 20% of capital. 20% of customers make a profit of 80%, and 80% of customers give profit of 20%.

3. Tronomeration - This method is that you need to remember to write down all your actions and how much time you spent on them. It will help you understand wherever your time goes and how to adjust your schedule.

4. Making a list of tasks - This is the easiest method of planning that allows you to plan and time, and things.

How to draw up a list of cases and follow him?

  1. First, watch yourself. How much time you need to perform different tasks.
  2. Write a list of cases from the evening.
  3. Record specific items. For example: Go to the store. To this item attach a list of purchases.
  4. Plan all your day, not just a job.
  5. Start your day from performing unearned tasks. To immediately put ticks and cheered up for the whole day the thought that follow the list of cases is not so difficult .. for example, make charging and cook breakfast.
  6. The list of cases should always be in sight.
  7. Don't write more than 7 priority to the list so that you are not nervous that you did not have time.

  • Try all planning techniques and select the most suitable.
  • Drive records.
  • Do not try to catch everything. First do the most important and priorities.
  • Plan every day every day. And also make an additional plan for the week.
  • Always carry a handle and notepad with you.
  • Get the Diary of Success, He will motivate you and remind you that you are on the right track.
  • Learn to say no. This will help to avoid communicating with unnecessary people, exercising unnecessary affairs.
  • Before doing something, think about how urgently it is, it is important and how this action will bring you closer to the goal.
  • Analyze your habits, actions that take your time into your time. The timing is easy to track the actions from which you need to get rid.
  • Do not fulfill other things. Do not be a tool to achieve other people's goals. Concentrate on your purpose.
  • Select time for self-improvement.
  • Do not stop there. Having achieved one goal, put the following.

1. Stephen Covi in \u200b\u200bthe book "7 Skills of High Efficient People"considers the time-management as an element of self-improvement. Here is his advice:

  • Do what you should do first. Do not postpone important things for later.
  • Your goal should be a priority and important. Move to her.
  • All actions are based on priorities.
  • Do not waste a lot of strength to achieve a minor purpose. The spent resources and the final result must be commensurate.
  • Look for all ways to make life easier.

2. David Allen advises to properly organize a workplace, acquire all the necessary stationery. Also start a card file, to make an appropriate folder for each business. Allen advises to write 4 lists:

  • Make a list of cases that need to be performed in the near future;
  • To a separate list of mapping projects that require an integrated approach;
  • Separately make a list of projects that for one reason or another can not be fulfilled;
  • List "ever".

3. Julia Morgennen advises first to evaluateHow long do you spend on doing your tasks. What factors are distracted. Perhaps you are distracted by social networks, additional responsibilities, unreal terms or psychological obstacles.

  • For each action you need to set a time frame.
  • If you can not perform some action, then analyze, it may be possible to postpone it for a while, to reverse with other employees or to refuse it at all.
  • Sort things and things, clean the space from everything, without which you can do. Assign each thing its place, and every case - time.

"Eat the frog for breakfast"

So that all the day your thoughts did not return to the case that you do not want to fulfill or it is unpleasant to you, start the day from it. So you will be released from emotional tension and cargo, which would have to carry all day.

"Bifstex from an elephant"

If you have a global task, to solve which you need to do a lot of actions, then divide this work on the part. Do not make an elephant out of the case, cut it into pieces. So it will be easier to start realizing the task. And this approach contributes to a better understanding of this task.

Learn to say "no"

Time management teaches not to do to do as much as possible, and you have time to do what you need. Speak "No" unnecessary affairs, people. Do not become an instrument for anyone to achieve its goals. Concentrate for your own purposes.

Strive for automation and maximal simplification of your activities.

Perform similar things in a row, since the brain gets used to a certain field of activity. And every time copes with them faster.

Listen to your biological rhythms. Do work at a time when you feel a special tide of strength and activity. During the smallest activity, let yourself relax. Listen to the needs of your body. Sometimes a 15-minute break is enough to operate "second breathing".

The best books on time management, which are worth reading:

  • Result time management. B. Tracy
  • Time Drive. How to manage to live and work. G. Arkhangelsky
  • Hard time management: Take your life under control. D. Kennedy
  • Work less, time more. K. Glison
  • To hell with all of it! Take and do. R. Branson
  • Extreme Time Management. N. Morrokovsky, A. Tolkachev
  • Practical course on time management. I. Abramovsky
  • How to work for 4 hours a week and at the same time not hanging around in the office "from call to call," to live anywhere and rich. T. Ferris
  • How to bring things to order: the art of productivity without stress. D. Allen.

The effectiveness of the time management depends on the fulfillment of your main rules, as well as a clear understanding of why you need you, how to manage your time and what benefits you will have.
