So, I welcome everyone who came to read mine. I hope you will not be boring. At least, I will make a maximum effort. Otherwise, why I started it all. My goal is to find the right balance and harmony in the relationship between men and women, because a man and a woman - the concepts, without which the word "mankind" is deprived of any meaning. And keep in mind that for me the superiority of men over women - there is an axioma! Although here, specifically for women, I, rather, will use the term theorem, and what theorem without evidence. In this, my idea is concluded - the evidence, the unfounded I do not like.
Of course, without your help, I will not get absolutely no results. There is no such person who would not be mistaken. Sport, prove the opposite, outraget, make mercy in the comments. I will try to attract here - both a men's audience and female.

Man and woman

You should have noticed that I am an ardent supporter of Patriarchate. I don't write in vain, but now I focus your attention on the fact that the order of words is precisely the "man and a woman", and not - "woman and man." And if you are attentive in nature, then you should have noted for yourself that absolutely all publications on the Internet and mass media containing this phrase "man and woman" begin with the words man. And I say about it is not in vain. The fact is that among the editors of magazines and newspapers, the ratio of men and women is approximately the same. And this suggests that women themselves, publishing exactly the order of words, subconsciously agree that the primacy of men over women is obvious, undoubtedly, it is no doubt that the man is older, it is more important, stronger, smarter, primary, but not a woman. But here I will probably make a reservation. You know, I have one favorite expression - "in the family is not without a freak." Who will understand it, I do not know, but I understand it correctly. That is, such, undoubtedly, great women, like Catherine Great and Jeanne d'Ark - .... Yes, it is not turning the language to call them this word, although if I pronounced it, I would only mean good and positive.

But men-freaks who prefer to swap roles with women, enough. Hence my main thesis - "Women are not to blame for the fact that in our time there are so many weak men, we yourself are to blame." I hope that this thesis will convince you that I am not a feminist, I love my mother, my girlfriend, my sisters and in general the weak half of humanity ...

But this does not mean that the woman came out clean out of the water. For me, for me, the concept of "man and a woman" is inseparable, their rejection from each other will lead to the death of Homosapience. But among you there are such people who believe that the man is not needed at all. Isn't it nonsense? Do not feminists do not have to be punished? Yes, right up to criminal responsibility! Just for some reason, the feminine is a crime and discrimination, but feminism, unfortunately, no.

Superiority of men over women

As I said, it is obvious and undoubtedly. Although the gender equality, in the correct understanding of this word, of course, should be. For example, a man and a woman must have the same right to housing, food, food, and so on. Normal, adequate people understand this from birth. But there are some people, and that is the most amazing and among men who are blind, which fly somewhere in the clouds, taking off from reality, which for some reason believe that the superiority of men over women is a mistaken statement. So, especially for them, I will write records in which gradually, based on the facts and indisputable judgments, try to cure them. Yes, it is to cure exactly, since the separation from reality is a mental disorder.


In conclusion, I want to draw your attention for another important moment. When I say, "the superiority of men over women," because I don't mean that if you, God forbid, ever something similar to Leningrad's blockade during the Second World War, a man will have to get bread and water, and there is no woman. This is a crime, it is unacceptable. Or, for example, I will break the skull of that Malena who will beat a woman without a reason, just because he wants so much. Speaking of superiority, I first mean priority when making global decisions. After all, how not to twist, and the average man in the overwhelming majority of cases will take the most correct decision, rather than the average woman, and will make it the order faster.

Cute ladies, well, agree that I am right))) ...

Hello. We are peers - 29 years old. No children. Two months later, the wedding. We live together for 3 years. My future husband is a good person: good, responsive, but very unbalanced. Absolutely does not know how to restrain his emotions. If he is annoyed with something, concerned or some emergency situation occurred, he begins to shout, firmly and rushing offensive words into my address or to his mother. But very quickly cools and behaves like nothing and says that it was not offended. Over the years, a huge resentment has accumulated from such behavior and the household began to crush relations. Once there happened such a case: I bought caps for claws for a cat. They needed to glue. The adhesive adhesive is very caustic, like a super glue. I cut off the tip of the tube to open the hole and at that moment on my knees jars my cat and the nose goes into this tube and the tip of the cap falls into his mouth. From the caustic glue he begins to go foam from his mouth. I was very frightened and ran my cavity to the bath. At this time my husband runs and shouts at me with Mat that I have no mind that he also knew that it would work out and that as I could trust a child, if I am so irresponsible. And my whole shakes even more. No, to support me, so he finishes me even more. Half an hour passed, I am acknowledged all, and he says, so as not to be offended, I'm not with evil. At that moment I felt the crushed completely and morally, and as a woman. The same case occurred when I had a hot dough in a hot oven from silicone form. I was also confused and began to pull it out of the oven and this dough flowed on my hands, having received burns, and he shouted to me in the time that I had no head that I was not able to and his favorite phrase at all: "I So knew. " Well, everything ended and he calmed down and again cheerful and cheerful. And in my soul, I have a huge, greasy spit and feeling that I have no male reliable shoulder. He is also an amateur to poke my nose, for example, in the abandoned mug of a computer, not during washed floors, fenced or stroke underwear. On all my requests for help, he first pursues, we will donate, and then will do. Well, or safely forget and have to do it yourself. Or he will wash the floors, and then beats into his chest that they say, see I washed the floors, and you do nothing. I stopped him to ask for something in order not to hear his psychos if, if I could do something myself. Then I do, but it turns out that by the power I almost all. He has not been working on October from October from October - at the session, the defense of the diploma. We live on my salary. Promised to find a part-time job, but it turned out that it was not so simple, everywhere need official employment. I went out in a couple of places - refused, so I sat down the entire session of the house. I started to drive into the other who would have found a man and that many chellurbs and do something, somehow twisted, and he does not know how. On all my suggestions on the guitance reacted, I reacted with the refusal, they say that I don't want it and then I also do not want, I need I sit and preparing for the diploma here is such a job. According to declared that I would even go to the loader. But how later it turned out that he is sorry for him, his back and health is not that a loader work. I work on a 5-day, work at the computer, sometimes I sit at 18 o'clock, I come home as a zombie, I begin to cook. There is no longer enough for cleaning time. Not every weekend is able to take care, and he is waiting for everything from me that I will do everything according to his schedule. And if you do not give God, I did not wash the floors on the weekend and postponed it in the middle of the week, he myself would wash them with himself and starts me sticking me again that I did nothing. I, in turn, begins to defend yourself, we swear. He spoke several times, he would go, because there is no strength to live. And he will cool five and everything is fine. Only I already have no feelings left, one fatigue. He wants all the weekend I devoted to him one or cooking, cleaning. I was dancing, I had to quit, because he began to reproach me that I did not help him make a diploma. I periodically want to quit work to sit and get into the house to please. But on the other hand, I understand that he will not appreciate this, and I can not sit without work at home. It seems to be attentive and cares, but here it is fascinated on household trifles, for which I would not pay attention at all. And then I also blame me. I forgot to turn off the light in the bathroom, so he will not be silent, but it is necessary for me: "Why didn't you turn the light in the bathroom?" I'll keep silent, and he repeats again. I'm just telling him, so that behind, because the forces justify and pour the tail - no. Nothing crime happened. And for him it is a whole tragedy. The same attitude of him to his mother. When he comes to her, it makes faithful that it is not so worth it and it does not like it. She is silent. He told me that he was crying sometimes, because he was hurt. And I can't be silent and we swear again. If I start to be silent, it is more and more and more starts to stick, while you do not cry at him. I do not feel myself a woman next to him. I spoke with him on this, but it is useless. He starts: "But you ... But look at yourself ...." Everyone is always unhappy, everyone condemns. It seems that he is generally a solid negative. I am also suppressed, too, and he says to me later that I am always unhappy. And I can't already be satisfied, because coming home, then you are waiting for any comments on the topic of farm. I am a clean man, but he is small and little all the time. And that he truly wants me, I do not know. According to him, that every weekend was cleaned, erased and prepared, and then free. And after all this, nothing is needed. And I'm 29 things, I want to work out on my two weekends and work out, read in the end, go to the girlfriend. I begin to think that he is Tyrant and whether I do that I am going to marry him. I do not even know how to build a relationship with him. I have a feeling that I do something wrong or did and this is the attitude towards me or he is waiting for me, and what I do not know. The feeling that he needs not a wife, but the housekeeper and the maid, and even in a part-time mistress, for which she is not enough forces. I can't do something when I specify and justify someone's expectations. And he is always waiting for, when I get off, so that you can press me again. What am I wrong and what should I do with all this. Applying to other psychologists, they told me, why do you need such a husband? Why do you have to understand someone, but I think it is wrong that you can decide everything and that in our case you can still change something

Let's immediately declare that there are problems in any family, regardless of the age of spouses, their financial situation, the number of children and the place of residence. Of course, each nationality is distinguished by its views on a family device, and the fact that a European woman will seem to infringe upon her rights, a woman will perceive as a reasonable "master" husband. But, fortunately, Domostroy has long been going to fly in the field, therefore, in the area of \u200b\u200binterpersonal (and loving, including relations, we will be guided only by such concepts as a civilized approach to any problem.

Emotionality or gaps in education?

Husband is offended, allows themselves incontinence in expressions? Watch how communication is happening in his family. His parents are quietly talking to each other, do you know how to listen to the interlocutor? All problems of the communicative plan come from childhood. If a husband is called Wife if parents constantly communicate at elevated colors, the child simply will not be able to behave in a different way in society. For him, it is, he simply does not know that there may be other scenarios of behavior.

Husband is offended? This is not a reason for panic. You love this person, got married for him, were going to give birth to him. Show your favorite man that you can communicate completely differently, without increasing the tone, without pick-up and coarse expressions.

Husband is offended, allows yourself to be tactless - in no case answer the same. Tell me in response that you really love him that he is the most wonderful, hardworking, strong (the listing of qualities can be continued to infinity!). And, kissing him in a cheek, tactfully hint that you are unpleasant when such a superman behaves in an inappropriate way. Men are no less sentimental responsive than women, and your location will definitely call him a response. In addition, you get used to everything quickly and, appreciating the beauty of gentle, respectful relations, without rustic and sore, the man will most likely change.

Of course, each case should be considered separately. Expressiveness in behavior, sharpness in words can be explained by the human character warehouse. Nobody canceled the classification by type of emotional response (phlegmatics, sanguinics, chorers). Maybe you just think that husband is offended You really are, because of your character warehouse, he just behaves a little differently than you are used to. Try to understand it and not be offended by trifles - women are always distinguished by tolerance and the ability to "feel" another person, the more beloved, at the intuitive level.

When you need to put in place

Another question if husband is offended Constantly, allowing yourself to say the bug or even insulting your address, despite the persuasion and exhortation. Husband is called And in every way shows its superiority? It's time to apply decisive measures! But do not join the playback immediately, do not react violently for each unpleasant word. Wait, remember all the claims that he expresses you. Everyday clarification of relationships are nervous men and only they will come up. Maybe he, discouraged by your calm reaction, will stop his grinding, to realizing his meaninglessness and worthlessness (this also happens). If this does not happen and husband is called, I continue to rich in the same - take yourself in hand (you must be calm and a hundred percent sure of your right thing) and say a "sacramental" phrase that acts on all men equally depressingly: "Cute, I need to talk to you seriously!" .

In a calm tone, not dropping to insults, express "cute" all your resentment and claims that you have kept in yourself for a long time. Do not miss any little things - let him know that you remember all the offensive words that he allowed himself to express in your address.
Stress that only the desire to keep the normal situation in the family kept you from the temptation to roll the scandal. You, unlike him, you can keep yourself in your hands and not to "cut" your beloved person by insignificant occasion.
Tell him about all the details that annoyed you in his behavior, spread it in the shelves and demonstrate all his weaknesses. Attempts to argue or convince you immediately stop - you and so long silent, hoping that he will understand the absurdity of his behavior.
Explain more accurately to "handsome" that he has no rights to reproach you - he himself is far from the image of the perfect spouse. You love him, despite all the flaws and want it to be mutually. You might answer His spike so that he would not have repent, but playing the pride of a loved one - the most recent thing.

We give a guarantee, your monologue will work out cutting down her husband and make him look at some things in a new way. But it is not a fact that you immediately and irrevocably change the man. If after a while everything returns "on the circles of its own", act again according to the above scenario. Just before reversing, emphasize that they hoped at his prudence and the ability to understand everything from the first time. But if this did not happen, it will have to listen to everything once again to listen to everything you want to say.

Husband offends calls, is trying at every opportunity to demonstrate your superiority? Explain the inadmissibility of such behavior. And do not forget to remind him of your love - in most cases it acts better than any exhortations.

Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

In family relationship There are always some problems and difficulties, because ideal people do not happen, it is worth recognizing. Each of us wants to show your character, prove the point of view and simply cause respect for family members. In order to achieve all the methods use different methods, because in many ways a person's deeds depend on its nature.

Often men Express our expressionism and arrange real scandals, so that the wife understood - he is the main one. Every representative of beautiful sex wants to avoid it, but sometimes it is very difficult to find a person who is not inclined to clarify the relationships on elevated colors. Relatively recent scientists in the field of psychology and sociology have proven the fact that the tendency to scandals is transmitted genetically. This means that looking at the father of my chosen one, you can understand how it will be in a few years. It also plays the role of both genetics and psychology, because the child grew up in a certain atmosphere. Children almost always adopt the behavior model from their parents.

Why is part of the male population especially prone to family scandals?

how found out Scientists, approximately 30% of the world are representatives of the "scandalous type". It is these men who can genetically convey their tendency to family scandals. Of course, it is impossible to insure everything here, so you have to look for a man, following the call of the heart, but if you notice the aggressive tuned father of your beloved, then think about it.

It is likely that your favorite person Soon will also show his desire to find out the relationship. As sociological polls show, wives of such men are often unhappy in marriage, which makes you think about the need to make the right choice. That is why it depends on how your son or daughter in relationships will be, because a visual example also plays an important role in the formation of a person.

But psychology here plays far from the last role. A man who grew up in a family with constant scandals and nervousness will be inclined to manifest aggression and excessive emotionality. If Dad loved to arrange a scandal to her mother, then the son, looking at the example of the elders, will also come. Often it happens on the subconscious level. Children almost always take an example from their parents, sometimes not understanding this.

If the baby surrounded the permanent scandals And quarrels, he was simply used to this and does not represent the relationship with others. Pay attention to the fact that it is in the family that a person understands the principle of relations between a man and a woman and quickly forms his own look. The tendency of a man to scandals can be caused by both genetic predisposition and a feature of his psychology. At first glance, such a feature of character is not a problem, but in fact it can lead to the breakdown of the family.

How to determine a man prone to scandals?

1. one hundred percent sure The fact that his opinion is the only right of all existing ones. Trying to show maximum efforts to convince the interlocutor in the correctness of his ideas and thoughts. Such a strong sex can desperately argue, absolutely not recognizing himself to be wrong. If you try to prove to him that his opinion is not right, it will immediately begin to be nervous and raise the voice. Such a man can be recognized even on the first date, simply trying to impose their point of view and point out their mistakes.

2. Jealous its own beloved, often even to friends and. Such a man will regularly arrange scandals on the topic where his woman disappeared and how it was time. This behavior causes alertness even in psychiatrists, because sometimes a man can go for desperate actions in a desire to prove that this woman is his property. The jealousy of the man, prone to scandals, is always aggressive, and not a simple desire to attract attention. A woman should be soft and in detail to tell about the time spent if she does not want quarrels.

3. Limits love from activities outside the house. Such a strong sex will constantly monitor and reproach that the beloved went with friends in a cafe or visited her beloved mother on the weekend. It is impossible to call this behavior inheress, because sooner or later it can lead even to the divorce. A man who controls all actions beloved can sometimes shout or hit. He will try to prove his superiority every way.

4. Enough aggressively Refers to animals and children, proves their domination in the house and dictates their rules. In order to understand in the early threshers of relations, whether your chosen one is prone to scandals, just visit it and talk to your relatives, see how he behaves in a habitual setting. Often, such a person tries to accuse another family member in the situation that happened, he does not want to take responsibility. His attitude to the youngest is perfectly characterized by paternal qualities.

If you do not want tie His life with a man who tries almost any conversation to translate into the scandal, then look at his behavior already at the beginning of the relationship. Genetic predisposition to expressiveness and emotionality should be one of the main points in learning the beloved. If his dad can raise a voice on a spouse or on an empty place to arrange a scandal, think well before connecting your life with their son.

In families where peace reigns and harmony, often grow decent mentally stable people. If you learn how to determine the tendency of a man to quarrels and scandals, then protect yourself from unsuccessful marriages and save the nervous system healthy. Men can show their excessive emotionality in only a few years of marriage, but the father's character will become a great way to realize the chosen one for you.

There are things that should not be done in order to conquer or keep your beloved man. First, because he will not appreciate this, secondly, it will not be wrong for you, thirdly, will cease to respect you. If you do not make things that we have listed below, then you have every chance to build and save strong relationships with your beloved man.

Financial help

You should not take the duty to keep your pair. If you close your eyes to the fact that your partner does not work, referring to the fact that it cannot find a job, looking for your calling, or wages, which he is worthy, then in the end, the whole cargo of financial responsibility in your relationship will fall on your Fragile shoulders. And your favorite man just sees you on the neck. Over time, you will begin to understand that he is not going to work, it will lead to quarrels and swearings that destroys your relationship.

Expensive gifts

You do not need to give your beloved men gifts that will cost more than his gifts for you. Let's start with the fact that it can hurt his pride and even offend him, if it does not have the opportunity to spend large sums on the present. If you give your chosen to expensive gifts, or even worse, trying to buy His love and attention, and he takes them without remorse, it is worth thinking over the wrong man and you need such a sell love?

Dear gifts are more appropriate in the established family relationship, when by and large, your financial well-being is the result of joint efforts.

A pity

You do not have to regret the man, unless of course you want to stay for him just a friend. A man will never love the one that regrets him, because this will not allow him to make his male essence. He is from the nature of the male, which should be strong and confident in his female. You must support it, you can give advice, sympathize, but do not regret.


You should not show your superiority, poke your finger in what he failed. Even if you warned it about something and he did not listen to you, I don't need to remind him about it, believe it and so knows about it. And with your reminder you only humiliate and melt it. Speaking and supporting - Wanted respect.

From extreme to extreme

House, kids, family - it is beautiful and all keeps on women's shoulders. But this does not mean that you should limit your life only with it and forget about my career, friends and your hobbies. No matter how disappointing, but the housewives who live only with their homework over time are less thought about their appearance, their wardrobe and their own interests. This may lead to the fact that even the man who lists you will become looking at more well-groomed girls who look elegant, sexier and with whom you can talk about anything other than household topics.

Of course, this does not mean that he will change you, but look at the other and flirting with her, for sure. That is why you do not have to forget about yourself: work, communication with friends, your hobby and shopping for themselves should be in your life necessarily. But do not fall from the extreme to the extreme! Your man will not appreciate if you leave your head in my career or spend too much time with friends, forgetting about home comfort, husband and children.


Women love to change something in their appearance: style, hairstyle, haircut, hair color. And this is normal when you want it yourself, but when you do it just because you like your man so much, but not you - it's strange. And if your man constantly points out that you have something wrong with the figure: not the size of the chest, or you are too lush, too thin, etc., think about whether he loves you, because when you only They met, it all satisfied him, he loved you so what you eat and it should be. If a man demands that you impossible, it means you are unnecessary, do not hold on to it, and perhaps he is just trying to break the relationship with you, not finding other good reasons.
