You booked a ticket. Your baggage is already packaged. You can not wait for the beginning of your travel to the country, where everyone speaks Spanish.

There is another simple thing you can do, and she is great for your trip: learn several phrases in Spanish! The journey will definitely be much more exciting and useful if you can communicate with native speakers.

In this article we picked up the most popular Spanish phrases that will help "survive" on the journey.


Hispanic culture is based on the cult of courtesy, you should also always show courtesy and say "Hello" and "How are your business?" And do not worry about the mistakes allowed, others will do everything possible to understand you and make sure you understand them. Just try our best, and they will be happy to see your efforts.

  • Good morning - Buenos Días. (Buenos dias)
  • Good day - Buenas Tardes. (Buinas Taryes)
  • Good evening - Buenas noches. (Buenas nights)
  • Hola (Ola) - This is "hello." You can say hello to people who already know.
  • ¿Cómo Está? (Como eta) - how to ask "how are you?" In case you are unfamiliar with a person, ¿Cómo Estás? (Como Estas) - If you know it.
  • If you are asked "how are you?", Answer "Good, thank you" - "Bien, Gracias" (Bien, Gracias), because you are also a polite person.
  • Never forget keywords: please - por Favor (pore Favor) - and thanks - gracias. (Gracias).
  • When you represent someone, you say "Mucho Gusto" (Mucho thick), and hear the same thing in response. This means "nice to meet".
  • If you suddenly rested in an insurmountable language barrier, go to universal English, just make sure the interlocutor: ¿Habla Inglés? (Abla Ingles)? - Do you speak English?

Useful basic vocabulary

In everyday communication, you will be great for even the simplest to memorize the words and phrases. You can always use "I want", "I like", "Do you have ...?", And if you do not know how to finish the phrase (for example, you cannot remember the necessary noun), justify the subject.

  • I want, I do not want - Yo Quiero, Yo No Quiero (Yo Kierie, ё but Kierie)
  • I would like (more politely) - Me Gustaría. (ME Gustaria)
  • Where is? - ¿Dónde Está? (Donde et)?
  • How much is? - ¿Cuánto Cuesta? (Cuanto Coustle)?
  • What time is it? - ¿QUÉ HORA ES? (Ke ora es)?
  • You have? - ¿Tiene? (Tiene)?
  • I have, I do not have - YO TENGO, YO NO TENGO (Tengo, but tengo)
  • I understand, I do not understand - Yo Entiendo, Yo No Entiendo (ENTEndendo, Ethendo)
  • You understand - ¿Entiende? (Enthende)?

Simple verb shapes: where is, I want, I need

You can express many thoughts and requests using simple verbs. It is important that you can say a lot of things using "I want", "I need", "I can", "I could" or "where is" and then simply adding a noun. Perhaps it will not be so easy for you, but you will definitely be understood.

  • I want a ticket to the hotel, taxi - Yo Quiero Un Boleto, Un Hotel, Un Taxi (Yo Kierie ON Poolen, University Hotel, UN Taxi)

How can I get there?

If you are a little confused or not sure how to get somewhere, you need a few simple phrases that will help find the right way. "Where is?" In Spanish sounds like "¿Dónde Está?" (Donde Esta?), Consider this issue in action based on a few examples:

  • Where is the railway station? - ¿Dónde Está La Estación de Ferrocarril? (DTE ESTA La La La La Fans) or "Autobuses" (Autobusees).
  • Where is the restaraunt? - ¿Dónde Está un Restaurante? (Donde Esta Un Restaurant)?
    - A train? - ¿UN TEN? (UN TRAN)?
    - Street …? - ¿La Calle ...? (La Say)?
    - Bank? - ¿UN BANCO? (UNN Bank)?
  • Where is the restroom? - ¿Dónde Está El Baño? - (Donde Esta El Banay)?
  • I want a hotel, I want a hotel with bathroom - Yo Quiero Un Hotel CON Baño (Yo Kierieo Unh Hotel, Yo Kierie ON Hotel Kona Banun)
  • I need - Yo NeceSito. (Yo Nasashito). Very useful phrase, only add a noun:
    Yo NeceSito Un Hotel, Un Cuarto, Un Cuarto Con Baño - (ё Nasashito Unh Hotel, Uncle Courto Dream Banay)
  • Where the exchange office is; Where is the bank? - ¿Dónde Está Una Casa de Cambio? (Donde Esta Una Casa De Cambier);
    ¿Dónde Está El Banco? (Donde Esta El Banco)?
  • Money - Dinero (Dinero).

Driving directions

Once asked the question of how to get somewhere, the answer you will hear in Spanish. Remember how a few simple instructions sounded in Spanish, which someone can give you, for example, advising you to turn right or left or proceed straight forward. Listen to these keywords:

  • Right side - a La Derecha. (A La Darecha)
  • Left-hand side - a La Izquieerda. (and La Isked)
  • Right ahead - dERECHO. (DEREKHO)
  • On the corner - en La Esquina. (EN LA Eskina)
  • In one, two, three, four quarters - a UNA CUADRA, A DOS, TRES, CUATRO CUADRAS - (and Unaw Quadra, and Dos, Tres, Koatro Kuadras)

In Restaurant: What do you want to eat or drink?

It is probably in these phrases you will need the most while in the restaurant. Order something with the help of you already "Quiero" (Kieryo) or "Quisiera" (Cogna) - "I want" or "I would like." And do not forget to talk "Por Favor" and "Gracias"!

  • Table - Una Mesa. (Una Mesa)
  • Table for two, three, four - Una Mesa Para Dos Tres, Cuatro (Una Mesa Pair Dos, Tres, Quatro)
  • Menu - Un Menú (University of Man)
  • Soup Sopa. (SPE)
  • Salad - Ensalada. (Ensalad)
  • Hamburger (also needed!) - Hamburguesa. (Avenue)
  • With ketchup, mustard, tomato, salad - CON SALSA DE TOMATE, MOSTAZA, TOMATE, LECHUGA - (Kon Salsa DE Tomatoe, Mostaz, Tomato, Legal)
  • Snack - Una Entrada. (Uninway)
  • Dessert - Un postre (un post)
  • Drink - Una Bebida. (Una Babida)
  • Water - Agua. (Agua)
  • Red wine, white wine - Vino Tinto. (Bino Tinto) vino Blanco. (Bino Blanco)
  • Beer - Cerveza. (Sirweza)
  • Coffee - Un Café. (UN Cafe)
  • Call the waiter or waitress - ¡SEñor! OR ¡señorita! (senor or seniary)
  • Score - La Cuenta. (La Cuenta)

Miscellaneous Information

  • Credit cards. Many different places in small cities still do not accept credit cards to pay, so be sure that you have enough cash with you. You may ask if a credit card takes, - una Tarjeta de Credito (UA Tarkheta DE credit). If you have questions, you can always use nouns as a question. For example, you can get a credit card and ask ¿Tarjeta de Credito? They will understand.
  • Universally word: No Funciona. (But funxone) - no, it does not work. You can use it in many other circumstances. Just point to the shower or something else and tell me: "¡No funciona!"
  • Practice to say everything out loud, so, first, you will remember some phrases without the need to "extort" them, and secondly, you will learn how to pronounce them quickly and, at the same time, smoothly. A simple hearing of a speaking man will also help you understand people.
  • Take with you a little pocket dictionary. Of course, you will not want to look for the desired leaning of the verb in the middle of the conversation, but you will always always find the right noun. Download such a dictionary before the trip, it will definitely help me unlikely.

1 - Uno (UNO)
2 - DOS (DOS)
3 - Tres (Traces)
4 - Cuatro (Coatro)
6 - Seis (SEIS)
7 - Siete (Sieve)
8 - OCHO (Ocho)
9 - Nueve (Nuewe)
10 - Diez (Diez)

P.S. More useful phrases you will learn on the online course.

Russian-Spanish phrasebook with pronunciation. Departing B. travel to Spain or in cities and countries, where speak Spanish, take this spanish phrasebook.

Spaniards try to enjoy every moment of their lives. The language of Spaniards is the same emotional and passionate as their songs and dancing.

When writing, the Spaniards put questionings and exclamation marks not only at the end of the proposal, but also at the beginning, by this strengthening speech expression. Planning travel to Spain, be sure to study at least a few phrases of this russian-Spanish phrasebook with pronunciationbecause one of the most favorite studies of the Spaniards is "OsiO" - the ability to talk.





¡ Hola.! Hey! Ola!
¡ BUENOS Días! Good morning! Buenos dias!
¡ Buenas Tardes! Good day! Benos TarTes!
¡ BUENAS NOCHES! Goodnight! Buenas nights!
¿Cómo Estás? How are you? Como Estas?
Bien, Gracias.¿Y USTED? Well thank you. And you? Bien, Gracias. And RED?
No. estoy bien.. Bad. But the ecc is bien.
M.á s. o. menos.. So-so. Mas o Mozos.
¡ Bienvenido! Welcome! Bianvanido!


¿Cómo Te Llamas? What is your name? Como Te Yamas?
ME LLAM.o ... My name is… ME Yamo ...
Mucho Gusto en Conocerte Nice to meet you Mucho densely en Konoserte
¿De Dónde Eres? Where are you from? DE DONDE Eres?
Yo Soy DE. España. I'm from Spain. Yo Soye DEEspan.
¿Cuántos Años Tienes? How old are you? Cuntos Anos Tyenes?
Yo Tengo.años. I ... years. Yo Tango ... Anos.
¿A QUÉ TE DEDICAS? What do you do? And Ke te Dadicas?
Soy Estudiante. I am a student. Saw Esturian.
¿En Qué Trabajas? Who do you work? En CE trabahas?
E.l Director.. I am a director. El Director.
El Empresario. I'm a businessman. El Empresario.
El Arquitecto. I am an architect. El ArkiteTo.
¿ USTED HABLA INGLÉS? Do you speak English? Ustdu Abla Inglas?
SI Yes S.
No. Not But
No entiendo. I do not understand But Enthendo
¿ME PUEDES REPETIR ESO? Repeat, please ME Puendes Rapethir ESO?

Communication and questions

¿Dónde? Where? Where to? Donde?
¿Cuándo? When? Kuando?
¿Por Qué? Why? PORY KE?
¿QUÉ? What? CE?
¿Cuál? What? COUNT?
¿QUIÉN? Who! Cyan?
¿Cómo? How? Como?
¿NOS TRAE LA CUENTA, POR FAVOR? You could not bring us the score, please? Nose Trachea Caunta, Por Favor?
¿Cuánto Cuesta? How much does it cost? Cuanto Coustle?

Expression of thanks

Gracias. Thank you Gracias
Por. favor You are welcome Por favor
DE. nada. It's my pleasure DE Nada
Disculpe. sorry Discalpse


Adiós. Bye Adjos.
¡ H.aSTA Mañana! See you tomorrow! Asta Manyan!
¡Nos vemos pronto! See you soon! Nose Voezo is not!
¡Que Tengas Un Buen Día! Have a nice day! KE TENGAS UN BEEN DREAM!

I wish…

¡ENHORABUENA! Congratulations! Enuraun!
¡Felicidades! Good luck! Falisidadees!
¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday! Faliz Kumrohanyos!
¡Feliz aniversario! Happy wedding! Faliz Anivhersario!
¡Que AproVeChe! Bon Appetit! CE APROVACHE!
¡Que Tengas Suerte! Good luck! Ke Tengas Suerte!
¡Buen Viaje! Have a good travel! Buen Vyahte!

Where and how to speak in Spanish?

About 500 million people speak Spanish on the planet. There are about 60 countries with a significant Hispanic population in the world, even America is a country, where speak Spanish.

Spanish language It is one of the lightest languages \u200b\u200bin training. Almost all words are read in it as they are written for some exceptions:

h - not read

lL - in reading as "th", but there are still other national options for "l", "J"

y - read like "th", and if used as a union, then "and"

j - read like Russian "x"

z - as "C" (Latin America) or English "Th" (Spain)

ñ - read soft "ny"

r - "PR" if it stands at the beginning of a sentence or when in the word two RR

c - before A, O, U - as "K"; Before E, I - as "C" (Latin America) or English "Th" (Spain)

g - before I and E - as Russian "X", in front of the other vowels "g".

The originality of the culture of the people is expressed in a dialect and language, which speaks the population of the country. Studying russian-Spanish, pay attention to our foreign phrasebooks for traveling to other foreign countries:

So now you know how to speak Spanish. We recommend that you print this With pronunciation And use it on the journey.

Russian-Spanish phrasebook with pronunciation. Departing B. travel to Spain or in cities and countries, where speak Spanish, take this spanish phrasebook.

Spaniards try to enjoy every moment of their lives. The language of Spaniards is the same emotional and passionate as their songs and dancing.

When writing, the Spaniards put questionings and exclamation marks not only at the end of the proposal, but also at the beginning, by this strengthening speech expression. Planning travel to Spain, be sure to study at least a few phrases of this russian-Spanish phrasebook with pronunciationbecause one of the most favorite studies of the Spaniards is "OsiO" - the ability to talk.





¡ Hola.! Hey! Ola!
¡ BUENOS Días! Good morning! Buenos dias!
¡ Buenas Tardes! Good day! Benos TarTes!
¡ BUENAS NOCHES! Goodnight! Buenas nights!
¿Cómo Estás? How are you? Como Estas?
Bien, Gracias.¿Y USTED? Well thank you. And you? Bien, Gracias. And RED?
No. estoy bien.. Bad. But the ecc is bien.
M.á s. o. menos.. So-so. Mas o Mozos.
¡ Bienvenido! Welcome! Bianvanido!


¿Cómo Te Llamas? What is your name? Como Te Yamas?
ME LLAM.o ... My name is… ME Yamo ...
Mucho Gusto en Conocerte Nice to meet you Mucho densely en Konoserte
¿De Dónde Eres? Where are you from? DE DONDE Eres?
Yo Soy DE. España. I'm from Spain. Yo Soye DEEspan.
¿Cuántos Años Tienes? How old are you? Cuntos Anos Tyenes?
Yo Tengo.años. I ... years. Yo Tango ... Anos.
¿A QUÉ TE DEDICAS? What do you do? And Ke te Dadicas?
Soy Estudiante. I am a student. Saw Esturian.
¿En Qué Trabajas? Who do you work? En CE trabahas?
E.l Director.. I am a director. El Director.
El Empresario. I'm a businessman. El Empresario.
El Arquitecto. I am an architect. El ArkiteTo.
¿ USTED HABLA INGLÉS? Do you speak English? Ustdu Abla Inglas?
SI Yes S.
No. Not But
No entiendo. I do not understand But Enthendo
¿ME PUEDES REPETIR ESO? Repeat, please ME Puendes Rapethir ESO?

Communication and questions

¿Dónde? Where? Where to? Donde?
¿Cuándo? When? Kuando?
¿Por Qué? Why? PORY KE?
¿QUÉ? What? CE?
¿Cuál? What? COUNT?
¿QUIÉN? Who! Cyan?
¿Cómo? How? Como?
¿NOS TRAE LA CUENTA, POR FAVOR? You could not bring us the score, please? Nose Trachea Caunta, Por Favor?
¿Cuánto Cuesta? How much does it cost? Cuanto Coustle?

Expression of thanks

Gracias. Thank you Gracias
Por. favor You are welcome Por favor
DE. nada. It's my pleasure DE Nada
Disculpe. sorry Discalpse


Adiós. Bye Adjos.
¡ H.aSTA Mañana! See you tomorrow! Asta Manyan!
¡Nos vemos pronto! See you soon! Nose Voezo is not!
¡Que Tengas Un Buen Día! Have a nice day! KE TENGAS UN BEEN DREAM!

I wish…

¡ENHORABUENA! Congratulations! Enuraun!
¡Felicidades! Good luck! Falisidadees!
¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday! Faliz Kumrohanyos!
¡Feliz aniversario! Happy wedding! Faliz Anivhersario!
¡Que AproVeChe! Bon Appetit! CE APROVACHE!
¡Que Tengas Suerte! Good luck! Ke Tengas Suerte!
¡Buen Viaje! Have a good travel! Buen Vyahte!

Where and how to speak in Spanish?

About 500 million people speak Spanish on the planet. There are about 60 countries with a significant Hispanic population in the world, even America is a country, where speak Spanish.

Spanish language It is one of the lightest languages \u200b\u200bin training. Almost all words are read in it as they are written for some exceptions:

h - not read

lL - in reading as "th", but there are still other national options for "l", "J"

y - read like "th", and if used as a union, then "and"

j - read like Russian "x"

z - as "C" (Latin America) or English "Th" (Spain)

ñ - read soft "ny"

r - "PR" if it stands at the beginning of a sentence or when in the word two RR

c - before A, O, U - as "K"; Before E, I - as "C" (Latin America) or English "Th" (Spain)

g - before I and E - as Russian "X", in front of the other vowels "g".

The originality of the culture of the people is expressed in a dialect and language, which speaks the population of the country. Studying russian-Spanish, pay attention to our foreign phrasebooks for traveling to other foreign countries:

So now you know how to speak Spanish. We recommend that you print this With pronunciation And use it on the journey.

Spanish is one of the most popular in the world, it is spoken in Spain and in Latin American countries, the truth is talked to dialects and variations of classical Spanish. Classic Spanish is the basis and is well understood in Peru, Chile, Portugal, Mexico, in Cuba and in other countries of South America. In general, it turns out more than half a billion people in the world. So learn 100 phrases in Spanish will be useful.


Spanish sounds beautifully, it is melodic and easy to study. Writing and pronunciation is practically identical, to learn it yourself at the level of the tourist just enough. In everyday speech, the Spaniards consume about 700-1000 words, of which approximately 150-200 verbs. And for tourist purposes, in order not to get lost in the cities of Spain or understand the airport employees, approximately 100 phrases consisting of 300-350 words are sufficient.

They are conditionally divided into several groups: words of gratitude and phrases for polite communication, in a restaurant, airport and on the road. You will also need the numbers, pronouns and the most popular verbs, designations of destinations and names of places, days of the week and time. And also need to learn the words needed in difficult and dangerous situations, ask for help or help passersby.

Sound and pronunciation in Spanish

To speak Spanish, start studying with Azov - phonetics and alphabet. The language has features and difficulties. The Spanish alphabet is almost identical to English, with the exception of 1 details - added the letter - "ñ", it reads "n". Otherwise, they are the same. Consider the details of the phonetic features of Spanish letters:

  • at the beginning of the word letter "H" is not pronounced, in the word "HOLA!" (Hi), it is pronounced Ola with removal to the first vowel;
  • in the classic Spanish letter "C" is often pronounced with a whistle, something similar to the English combination of "TH";
  • the letter "E" is read by "e", at this moment the foreigners are very audible;
  • letter "L" in Spanish soft;
  • basically, the words are read, as they are written, there are exceptions, but there are few of them;
  • the stresses are put according to the rules, in contrast to the Russian language - at the end of the word, the consonant letter (except N and S), then emphasis on the last syllable, vowel or the letters N and S, then on the penultimate;
  • the letter "C" is read "K" in combination with vowels A, O, U; and "C" - with letters E, I;
  • the letter "G" is read "g" in combination with A, O, U; and with letters E, I - pronounced "x";
  • special combinations "GUE", "GUI" are read as "GE" and "Gi", and "QUE" and "QUI" - as "ke" and "ki";
  • the letter "V" is pronounced as the average between "B" and "B";
  • the letters "S" and "Z" are read as Russian "C", and in Spain, it seems like "TS".

These features are easy to remember, in the rest of the languages \u200b\u200bare similar and Russian is easy to learn Spanish and talking on it is clear for the indigenous people of Spain.

The difficulty lies in the first 2-3 months of study when the pronunciation is put, at this time it is better to deal with the teacher. You can independently instangle the sound of some words and combinations of letters, and then it is difficult to vote.

How to learn a foreign language?

Regardless of the country and language, its study must contain certain items and stages, then memorization and understanding will be achieved as necessary. It is impossible to learn the proposals without learning how individual words are pronounced, it is also impossible to start talking without getting the initial knowledge in the construction of phrases. It is best to do everything gradually, including all stages:

  • setting the pronunciation, the study of basic words and sounds - here you can start a dictionary where new phrases and expressions with transcription and translation are written;

  • the solution and execution of exercises on phonetics and spelling;
  • writing words and expressions to consolidate knowledge of mechanical memory;
  • listening to music and watching movies in Spanish with subtitles;
  • reading books of Spanish authors and their translation - start with simple children's stories familiar with you since childhood, then go to more complex;
  • communication with native speakers in chat, social networks, language centers, trips to the Spanish-Saluing Country.

The skipping of any of the stages will negatively affect the speed and completeness of learning the language, better if everything is in the complex. Communication in Spanish will allow you to collect all the knowledge gained in a bunch and try to reproduce the phrase so that you understand. It is possible to hear and try to understand the real Spanish speech, because it is very different from the book.

Words of greetings and phrases of gratitude

First of all, write down the words of greetings and farewell in your dictionary, they are the basis for any language and to communicate in any country. Spain is no exception, here everything politely greets in stores, in a cafe, when meeting acquaintances and friends. As in Russian, in Spanish there are several options for phrases for varying degrees of "kinship" with the interlocutor.

When meeting with a friend and a well-known peer, you can say ¡hola! (Ola!) - Hi! But an unfamiliar person or an adult companion says ¡Buenos Días! (Buenos Diaz!), ¡Buenas Tardes! (Buenos TarTes!) Or ¡Buenas Noches! (Buenos Nastesta!), That accordingly translates "Good morning / day / night!".

Usually, after greeting, add a polite question "How are you?" Or its variations that do not tell about their problems, they simply say "Good! And how are you?" It sounds as follows:

    ¿QUÉ TAL? Ke Tal How are you?
    ¿Cómo Estás? Ktoce Estás How are you?

These two phrases can be used to communicate with a friend or friend, but a stranger or group of people should be said:

    ¿Cómo Está? Cover Está How are you? (if a person is one), or
    ¿Cómo Están? Is Estian as your affairs? (If you appeal to the group of people).

Answer options again depend on the interlocutor:

    BIEN, ¿Y Tú? [Bean, and that] well, and you? - So you can say a friend, but in other options you need this wording:

    Bien, Gracias ¿Y USTED? [Bjan, Gracias and Usthat] Good, thank you! And you?

In addition to standard greetings, you can use or hear such phrases: ¿QUÉ TAL LA VIDA / EL TRABAJO / LA FAMILIA / LOS ESTUDIOS? (Ke Talla La Vope / El Thrabho / La Familia / Los Estudios), which means - How is your life / work / family / study?

In response to these phrases, you can answer the standard "BIEN!", And you can diversify communication:

  • ¡Excelente! (ExeLent) Great!
  • ¡Muy Bien! (Mui Bian) very good!
  • Más O Menos. (Mas o Mados) more or less.
  • Regular. (RReagular) Normally.
  • MAL. (Mal) is bad.
  • Muy Mal. (Mui Mal) is very bad.
  • Fatal. (Fatal) is terrible.

But after these phrases, polite Spaniards will start asking questions and require details if you are not ready for such, then limit the standard wording.

Say goodbye or wish a good day by the famous phrase

  • "¡Chao! (CHAO) So far! " or "¡adiós! (Adjok) for now! Bye!" If the interlocutors are older than you or unfamiliar, then it is better to choose one of these:
  • ¡Hasta Luego! Asta Luego Goodbye!
  • ¡Hasta Pronto! Asta Protto to the soon!
  • ¡Hasta Mañana! Asta Magnaya until tomorrow!
  • NOS VEMOS. Nose VEM to meet! See you.

If suddenly you encountered a complete misunderstanding of the interlocutor, then you can tell him about this in the following words:

  • No Entiendo But I do not understand the enthendendo.
  • Mas Despacio, Por Favor. Mas-Daespaso, Por Favor Could you speak slower?
  • No comprendo. No-comprendo I do not understand.

These words are enough to look in a polite person when communicating with residents in the cities of Spain. With difficulties in understanding, you can go to English if you easier to select phrases in this language, besides you can meet and Russian-speaking people, there are a lot of them in the territory of all countries in Europe and Latin America.

The right words if you don't know the road

Spaniards are quite responsive and will gladly prompt the road to the tourist, but you need to know how to ask her and what you can answer. In order not to memorize complicated phrases and phrases, 3 options are enough and you will be understood:

    Where is…

    I need…

For example, you need to ask the way to a jar or hotel, you can ask a question in this way:

  • ¿Dónde Está La Calle / Un Banco / Un Hotel? (Donde Esta La Saire / UN Bank / UNN Hotel?) - Where is Street / Bank / Hotel?
  • Yo Necesesito La Estación de Ferrocarril. (ё Nasashito La La Fausion De Farril) - I need a train station.

More options that can be used to search for the road:

    ¿СóMO LLEGO A ...? - How can I get to…?
    ¿QUÉ TAN LEJOS ES ...? - How far is ...?

In response, you can offer a map or show the direction, and can and explain in detail how to reach and where to turn, for this, the following expressions are used:

  • Right side, right (A La Daecha) a la derecha;
  • Left side, left (A La Isquied) a la izquieerda;
  • Right ahead (Darecho) Derecho;
  • At the corner (EN La Eskina) EN La Esquina;
  • Far (lechos) lejos;
  • Near / close (Sirka) CERCA;
  • In one / two / three / four quarters (and Unaw Quadra / A DOS, / Tres / Cuadra Cuadras) A UNA CUADRA / A DOS / TRES / CUATRO CUADRAS.

Even if you do not understand the answer of the Spaniards, you can ask to repeat again or say that you do not understand. As a rule, they will gladly draw a map, will take place or explain more and more clearly.

In Spain, they relate well to tourists and rejoice when you manage to pronounce words correctly. You will be helped on the street and in the store, and police officers are also carried out to the right place.

Phrases for emergency situations

Unforeseen situations can happen with everyone, no one is insured. Help may need you or your acquaintances, as well as a person on the street. You won't pass by people in trouble just because you do not know how to call the doctor in Spanish? On trips with children, quick response to the situation and the search for the right phrase in a phrasebook or the online translator will greatly make a solution to the problem. What basic phrases may need to find help:

  • ¡Ayúdame! (Ayudame!) Help me!
  • Help! (Sokorro!) Socorro!
  • Stop! (Stand!) (Pare!) Pare!
  • NeceSito un Doctor / Dentista / Oficial de Policía. - I need a doctor / dentist / policeman.
  • ¿HAY UNA FARMACíA CERCA? - Is there a pharmacy nearby?
  • ¿Puedo Utilizar Su Teléfono? - Can I take advantage of your phone?
  • ¡Llame A La Policía / Ambulancia / Los Bomberos! (YiMe A-Lapolysia / A-Unambulancia / A-Los Bombaros!) - Call the police / Smell / firefighters!
  • Fire! (Fuego) FUEGO!
  • I'm lost. (ME U Perdido) Me He Perdido.

These phrases will be enough to ask for help from passersby in an emergency. If you will know them by heart, then perhaps it will save someone's life or health and make your trip much calmer and safer.

As a conclusion!

Spanish - beautiful, sonorous and musical, study it nice and easy. The phrases for tourists are only the beginning, the top of the iceberg, and the present understanding of this music will come after the year-two of his development. When you can understand the interlocutor, and not guess the gestures, what you were told when you can watch Spanish films without subtitles and translation, then you can already confidently go to someone else's country and enjoy its culture and inner world.

Where can I learn Spanish:

  1. Language schools, courses and individual classes with a teacher - the most popular way and the most productive.
  2. Online programs and applications for a smartphone for self-study - for a long time and requires self-discipline.
  3. Video and audio lessons, exercises and tasks on the network and books - will require an adjustment of a specialist or help at the initial level.
  4. Visiting a country or communication with native speakers - quickly, but will give only a speaking speech, read and write you there will not be taught.

If the study of Spanish is your dream, then add training to the country's history, books of national authors, finding information about its culture, features. Then the picture will be more complete. If you need a language to fulfill work, then deepen the study by technical knowledge, specialized words. To do this, you will need special literature, magazines, newspapers, sites and blogs on the necessary topics, and start studying them only after the base part has passed.

Classes can take from half a year indefinitely, depending on the intensity and density of classes, the degree of immersion in training, repetition of the knowledge gained and adding new words and phrases.

Eccentric Spain - a dream of any tourist who is looking for hot, sharp sensations. Rest in Spain implies accommodation in luxury hotels, rest on the rays of the worlds of the world, dinners in popular restaurants, tours on medieval castles and other attractions, and of course communication with extraordinary Spaniards.

The latter, it is most likely the most memorable and interesting thing that can happen for all the time spent in this beautiful country, but there is one thing that would communicate with the local population you need to know the Spanish at least minimally, or have our Russian at hand Ispisan phrasebook. Our phrasebook is an excellent assistant to communicate with the local population. He is divided into important and common topics.

General phrases

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
enough / prettybastante.bastante
What time is it?Que Hora ES?KE ORA ES?
I do not understandNo entiendo.But enthendendo
I'm sorryLo Siento.lokento
Could you speak more slowly?Mas Despacio, Por Favor.mas-Daespaso, Pore-Favor
I do not understand.No comprendo.but-comprendo
Are you talking in English / in Russian?Habla Ingles / Ruso?abla Ingles / Rusus?
How to get / get to ..?Por Donde SE VA a ..?peddonde se-wa ..?
How are you?Que Tal?Ke Tal?
Very goodMuy Bien.Mui Bien.
Thank youGracias.Geroshai
You are welcomePor FavorPor favor
How are you?Que Tal?ketal?
Thank you excellent.Muy Bien, Gracias.mui Bien, Grashai.
And you?Y USTED?jUSE?
Very nice to meet you.Encantado / Encantada *.encantado / Enantada *
See you later!Hasta Pronto!asta not!
Good! (Agreed!)ESTA BIEN!esta Bien
Where is there / are ..?Donde Esta / Donde Estan ..?dondesta / Dondestan ..?
How much is from here meters / kilometers before ..?Cuantos Metros / Kilometros Hay de Aqui a ..?cuttos metro / kilometers ai de-aki Ah ..?
No smokingPROHIBIDO FUMAR.ProIbido Furmar
Why?Por Que?spanking?
closed / closedcerrado.sirrado
open / Openabierto.abyto


Walk in the city

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
Railway Station / StationLa Estacion de Teresla Estasion De-Tennes
Bus stationLa Estacion de Autobusesla Estasion De-Aouthobuses
Travel BureauLa Oficina de Turismola Officon De-tourism
City Hall / Town HallEl Ayuntamiento.el Ayuntamatento
LibraryLa Bibloteka
The parkEL PARQUEel Park
GardenEl Jardin.el Hardin
Urban WallLa Murallala Muraiya
TowerLa Torre
StreetLa Kaye
AreaLa Plaza
MonasteryEl Monasterio / El Conventoel Monastreiro / El Combanto
HouseLa Casa.laasy
PalaceEL Palacio.el-step
LockEl Castillo.el Qastioo
MuseumEl Museo.el Musao.
BasilicaLa Basilika
Art GalleryEl Museo Del Arteel Musao Daallyta
CathedralLa Cathedral
ChurchLa Iglya
Tobacconist'sLos Tabacos.los Tabakos
Tourist agencyLa Agencia de Viajesla Akhensya de vyakhnes
Shoe shopLa Sapateri
SupermarketEl Supermercado.el SuperMarkado
HypermarketEl Hipermercado.el Ipermarkado
NewsstandEl Kiosko de Pensael Kyosko De Preda
post officeLos Correos.los Corneos.
MarketEl Mercado.el Markado
BarbershopLa Peluqueriala Paluckeria
Ditney number does not existEL NUMERO MARCADO NO EXISTEEl Numero Marcado But Exceiver
We were interruptedNOS Cortaron.Nose Kortaron
Line is busyLa Linea Esta OcupadaEa Line Est Okupada
Dial the numberMarcar El Numero.Marcar El Nimero
How much are the tickets?Cuanto Valen Las Entradas?Cuanto Valen Las Entrance?
Where can I buy tickets?Donde Se Puede Comprar Entradas?Donde SE Puete compira entrendas?
When does the museum open?Cuando SE ABRE El Museo?Kuando SE Abre El Musdeo?
Where is?Donde Esta?Donde eta?
Where is the mailbox?Donde Esta El Buzon?Donde Esta El Buson?
How much do I owe you?Cuanto LE DeBo?Cuanto Le Dabo?
letters to the Possiyamandar Una Carta A Rusiamandar Unina Card and Rusia
I need brands forNeceSito Sellos Para.Nesysyto Seyos Para
Where is the post office?Donde Estan Correos?Donde Estan Kreios?
post cardPostalPostal
down / downabajo.abajo
top / upstairsarriba.arriba
long awaylEJOS.lechos
near / closecerca.sirka
straighttodo Recto.todo-Rerete
lefta La Izquieerda.aa La Fairy
righta La Derecha.a-La Daecha
left / Ayaizquieerdo / Izquieerda.ejero / Fordeld
right / Aya.derecho / Derecha.daracho / Dahacha

In a cafe, restaurant

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
red winevino Tinto
pink winevino Roseado
white winevino Blanco
toasts (fried loaf)tostadas.tostadas
cake / Pietarta.tarta
dry / Dry / OsECO / SECA.sKEK / SEKA
cupcakepastel / pasteles.pastel / Pastleles
orange (s)naranja / Naranjas.naranha / Naranhas
vegetable stewmenestramanest
mollusks and shrimpmariscosmariskos.
apple (s)manzana / Manzanas.manzana / Manzanas
smoked hamjamon Serrano.hamon Sirrano
ice creamhelado.eldo
large shrimpsgambas.gambas
dried fruitsfrutos Secos.frutos SEKOS.
fruit / fruitfruta / Frutas.fruta
The check, please.La Cuenta, Por Favorla Cuenta, Por Favor
A fishPescado.passdo
How to warpMuy Hecho.mui-Echo
SemiconductousPoco Hecho.poko Echo
Dish of the dayEl Plato Del Diael Plateau Del-Dia
SnacksLos Entremeses.los EntreMES
First courseEl Primer Plato.el Primer Plateau
DinnerLa San.
DinnerLa Comida / El Almuerzola Komid / El Almuerso
BreakfastEl Desayuno.el Decaoyo
A cupUna Taza.un-Tasa
PlateUn Plato.un-Plato
The spoonUna Cuchara.un-Kuchara
ForkUn Tenedorun-Tenador
KnifeUn Cuchillo.un-Kumoyo
BottleUna Botellaun-Botayia
Glass / Ryumka.Una Copa.un-Kopa
AshtrayUn Cenicero.un-Sanicero
Map of wineLa Carta de Vinosla map De Vinos
Complex lunchMenu del Diamaine Del-dia
MenuLa Carta / El Menula map / El Mane
Waiter / kaCamarero / Camarera.camaroiro / Camarrae
I am a vegetarianSoy Vegetariano.saw Waetharyano.
I want to order a table.QUIERO RESERVAR UNA MESAkierie Rresarvar Un-Mesa.
Orange juiceZumo de Naranja.Sumo Da Naranha

In transport

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
Could you wait for me?Puede EsperaMe, Por Favor.puete Esprarme Pore Favor
righta La Derecha.and La Darecha
Stop here, please.PARE AQUI, POR FAVOR.pore \u200b\u200bAki Pore Favor
lefta La Izquieerda.a La Farud
Take me to the hotel ...Lleveme Al Hotel ...lepreme al Otel
Take me to the railway station.Lleveme A La Estacion de Ferrocarril.lEVEME A LA La La La Farrill
Take me to the airport.Lleveme al Aeropuerto.lepreme al aircraft
Take me at this address.Lleveme a Estas Senas.lepheme and Estas Senas
What is the tariff to ...?Cuanto es La Tarifa a ...?quanto Es La Tarifa
Can I leave the car at the airport?Puedo Dejar El Coche EN El Aeropuerto?Pouoto dehar El Kurie En El Aeropuerto?
Where can I take a taxi?Donde Puedo Coker Un Taxi?donde Pouoto Kohler Unnue Taxi
How much does it cost?Cuanto Cuesta Para UnaKuanto Cuesta
week?semana?unaw Seven?
When should I return it?CUANTO TENGO QUE DEVOLVERLO?Cuanto Tengo Ke Devolverlo?
The price includes insurance?El Precio Incluye El Seguro?El be the Incluey El Seguuro?
I want to rent a carQuiero Alquilar Un CocheKierie Alkilar Unco

At the hotel

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
HotelEl Hotel.el Otel
I reserved the roomTengo Una Habitacion Reservadatango Un-Abitasion Rresaervad
KeyLa Yawe
PortierEl Botonesel Botonees.
room overlooking the area / Palacehabitacion Que Da A La Plaza / Al Palacioabitasion ke yes a-la-slave / al-lane
room with windows into the courtyardhabitacion Que Da Al Patioabitasion ke yes al-pat
room with bathroomhabitacion Con Bano.abitasion Con-Bano
single Roomhabitacion Individualabitasion individual
double Roomhabitacion Con Dos Camasabitasion Con-Dos Kamas
with double bedcON CAMA DE MATRIMONIOconcise DE-Matrimono
two bedroom suitehabitacion Dobleabitasion Haven
Do you have a free number?Tienen Una Habitacion Libre?Tsenan Unabitasion Liber?


Date and time


Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
0 cero.sERO.
1 uno.uNIS
2 dOS.dOS
3 tres.traces
4 cuatro.quatro
5 cinco.sino
6 seissAYS
7 siete.sieve
8 ocho.ocho
9 nueve.nuewe
10 diez.diez
11 onceoNSE
12 dOCEdEE
13 trecetRESE
14 catorce.katorsoe
15 quincekISEE
16 dieciseis.diezisais
17 diecisiete.diezizhete
18 dieciocho.dieshioco
19 diecinueve.dieshinuevel
20 veinte.wenthe
21 veintiuno.wentiano.
22 veintidos.wentidos
30 treinta.treinta
40 cuarenta.kartete
50 cinquenta.sincantta
60 sesenta.sESANTA
70 sETENTA.satvent
80 ochena.wait
90 noventa.noventa
100 cIEN (in front of noun and adit) / cientosien / Cito
101 ciento Uno.sento Uan
200 doscientos.dossenos.
400 cuatrocientosquatrosientos
500 quinientos.kinentos.
600 seiscientos.sAISSENTOS.
700 setecientos.sETSENTOS.
800 ochocientos.opoentos.
900 novecientos.novsenthos
1 000
10 000 diez Mil.diez Mil
100 000 cien Mil.sien Mil
1 000 000 un Millon

In the shop

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
Can I take it?Puedo Probarmelo?pouoto Sampler
Too expensive.Muy Caro.mui Karo.
Please email it.Por Favor, Escribalo.ti Favor Escribalo
How much is?Cuanto ES?quanto ES.
How much does it cost?Cuanto Cuesta Esto?quanto Kesta Esto.
Show me it.Ensenemelo.ensenenelo
I would like to…Quisiera ..kisiera
Give me it, please.Demelo, Por Favor.damelo Pores Favor
Could you show me this?Puede USTED ENSENARME ESTO?puete Esto Esto Esto
Could you give me it?Puede Darme Esto?puete Darm Esto.
What else will you advise?ME PUEDE RECOMENDAR ALGO MAS?ME Puede recommended Algo Mas?
What do you think it will suit me?Que Le Parese, Me Queda Bien?Ka le Parese, ME Keda Bien?
Can you make a purchase with tax exemption?Usted Puede Formalizar La Compra Libre de Impuestos?Usted Puede Formalisar La Compare Libre De Impaestos?
Can you pay a credit card?Puedo Pagar Con Tarjeta?Puedo Pagar Con Tarheth?
I take thisMe quado con estoME CODO KOK Esto
(smaller size?gRANDE (PEQUENA)?grande (Packenha)?
Do you have a bigger?Tiene Una Talla MasTien Una Taiya Mas
Can I try?Puedo Probar?Puedo Sorry?
If I take two?Si Voy A Tomar DOS?Si fight and Thomar DOS?
How much does it cost?Cuanto Vale?Kunto Bale?


Greetings - all the words necessary for greetings or began talking with a resident of Spain.

Standard phrases - a list of all sorts of phrases and their pronsection that will contribute to the development of the conversation and maintaining it. There are many common phrases of frequencies often used in communication.

Orientation in the city - In order not to get lost in one of the Spanish towns, keep this topic with you, there is a translation of phrases to help find the way to the place you need.

Transport - moving on urban transport You need to know the translation of a number of phrases and words, it is these words that are collected in this topic.

Hotel - so that you do not have difficulties during the settlement in the room or communicating with the service at the rooms, use this topic.

Emergency situations - if some trouble happened to you or it became bad, contact us for help to passersby with this section.

Dates and time - if you are confused, what is the number today, and you urgently need to clarify this issue, seek help to the passage, this topic will help you. You can also clarify what time it is.

Shopping - words and their translation, which will be needed in stores and in the markets.

Restaurant - ordering a dish in a restaurant, make sure it consists precisely from the Tez ingredients that you expected using this section. Also with it, you can call the waiter, clarify your order and ask for a check.

Numbers and numbers are all numbers from 0 to 1.000.000, translated into Spanish, their proper pronunciation and writing.
Tourism is the main selection of phrases and words for a tourist. Words without which no vacationer will cost.
