The article tells about who is the class of class, what is his duties, which criteria are chosen and how to become.

Personal position

At all times, in all communities and teams there was a need to dominate one person who would be elder (not necessarily by age) and solved certain issues related to the entire team as a whole. The need for this is preserved in our time. In this case, the school class of school is a student who is a mediator between the other children and the higher "bosses" (teachers, director, etc.). The duties are clearly defined in the school charter and may differ slightly, but usually it is rarely resorted to such a document.

The meaning of this action in simplifying the interaction between teachers and students. After all, the personality, which is "her" in the team, is much easier to convey certain ideas and needs, as well as engage in various organizational and social activities. It is worth noting that there is no advantage or privileges over other children of the class of class, and if there are similar thoughts, they are very soon pass, as it lies responsibility, including for the actions of other members of the team. And besides his studies, he needs to be engaged in other activities, from which other students are exempt by definition.

So what is included in his duties and how is the class head chosen at all?


Since there are certain responsibilities on the elder, it should be a responsible student. Simply put, the hooligan and the duder to such a position will not be careful and will not appoint. As a rule, it is a person with good performance for most objects that wants to engage in public operation. And the last item is very important, you cannot appoint forcibly for this post, a person must be interested in such activities, and the duties of the class headman can go against personal interests and take free time.

The choice is made either with a general vote for pupils nominated their candidates or direct appointment of a class manager. But sometimes it happens so that there is no wishing at all, and then it may be forcibly appointed with the charter. Naturally, such coercion is reflected on activities - the student of the duties of the class headman performs reluctantly and poorly. But such cases are unknown, because almost always wanting to take this post. But what is included in their duties and what do they do?


The elder solves various organizational issues and manages the public activity of the class. For example, assigns duty, collects money for gifts for various holidays or travel tickets for students. It also includes mandatory attendance in its activities - noting those present in the lessons and trap, and in the presence of a good reason - the provision of evidence to teachers.

In the time of the USSR, when this position had a higher meaning, the headman also supervised the performance of schoolchildren - reported two devices and appointed them additional tasks or engaged in them.

What makes the class old age yet? For example, it is engaged in the organization of extracurricular activities, such as a campaign in museums, walks, visiting veterans of the Second World War, assisting needy old men and poor. This man is a plan for school concerts, performances and other events.

Heritage of the USSR

As already mentioned, such activities were especially widespread during the USSR, and this position was more respected. Older wanted to become all honors, they were respected both students and teachers. It is impossible to say that in our time the attitude towards them has changed, but still children are not particularly striving to take this post, since the importance of public and collective work has declined much.

A similar position is found only in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.


Attitude towards the elder always looked a somewhat dual character - as before and now. On the one hand, due to the fact that he controls attendance, it is not very fond of trap, and if it does not work, it is only a sharp. But on the other hand, taking such a position, he frees other students from a number of additional work, and he is respected for it. A person can also remove from this position in case of inappropriate or abuse by their status.

So we figured out what the class elder should do.


Strets are also in student groups, their activities are not very different from school - all the same monitoring of attendance, organizational issues, and so on. But with the difference that the institute is more important and "adult" in the institute.

In each group there is a "invisible help hand", which reports cancellation or transfer of couples, prepares all SCS at the beginning of the year and, if necessary, protects the group to teachers. Yes, it's all about you, older. Especially for the tower, the elders of different faculties told about their troubles, concerns and joy

Expectation: I wanted to be an older for a long time, and the whole group honored me for such honor.
- I did not solve anything, I was chosen by my classmates, and I thought "Well, LET IT Be";
- I love to help people very much, and this is the most unobtrusive way;
- I did not like the previous old older, and I wanted to change something;

Expectation: I have to inform a group in time on time, regarding the educational process, communicate with the learning part and coordinate the actions of the group with the actions of teachers, report missing.
- The headman informs the group about everything related to the educational process, communicates with the learning part and coordinates the actions of the group with the actions of teachers. Poster: It should be extremely prompt;
- The task of the headman is to transmit information and search for an audience. Questions with teachers can solve any student in the group. Plus, I always, if we ask, I make it missing on lectures in the lists;
- Contacts with teachers, writes the address of the group's mail to the sheet. I still send my homework to the group in VK, I also choose the person of the month of the group;
- makes up a list of those present, but there are also insisting, too, because they do not throw their own;
- Move holly.

Expectation: Single groups will respect me, and teachers know in the face. Study as a whole will pass a little lighter, because I have some authority.
- One-log bars are more listening to my opinion, and as for teachers, then they still remember you.
- In personal communications with third parties, many of the one-laugmen (and maybe everyone) call me not otherwise as "my headman." In addition, if I wanted, it will be quite easy to play them with the transfer of classes, because in this respect they are very easy to accept my words on faith. As for teachers, they almost do not affect them.
- From one-laugherpnikov blows respect, but this is a "cold" feeling. Nobody is screwed into friendship. Teachers usually hang label "The most responsible person of the group." Calculate.
Some things can not be predicted in advance, because We can understand them only during the work.

- I feel in my place. All these things seem to add movements to my life, and I hooked on it;
- I like to do it. I become more responsible, peculiar guidelines appear;
- It helps me remain always in the spotlight.

- sometimes I spend a lot of time to organizational issues, but in general it does not even strain;
- It is very organically fits into my way of life. All these troubles are not even responsibilities, they are part of study;
- From the educational process does not distract absolutely, it is more likely complements it.

- constant need to understand the pile of routine affairs;
- Teachers know your phone number (frequent messages and calls after midnight);
- often you have to get involved with the study part (some faculties are forced to ride another building);
- Sometimes a large number of stupid questions is bored.

- patience, kindness and most importantly - indulgence;
- Phone with Internet access, phone book with numbers of aligns, teachers and other elders, as well as with a sufficient amount of money. The ability to relate to problems with humor, otherwise you fuck;
- Previously, three years ago, it was a phone, but now all one-log bars almost always VC, but with the contact with the teachers by mail or on Facebook. Now the phone "caller" is almost no need, the headman remained without special attributes;
- Notepad with records, where it is indicated who passed, and who needs to shake.

Destroy myths
Many have an erroneous idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the headman is engaged in and what efforts it is given to him. We will try to dispel the most popular rumors that are in the student environment.

№1 Old builders should not inform everything about everything and solve all questions. They are not almighty gods, understand.

No. 2 Streets of groups in the tower do not pay an additional scholarship for performing certain duties. Everything keeps on altruism.

№3 Special relationship of teachers. Our academic performance, our desire to learn, our perseverance is much more important that you call them at night.

№4 Old buildings are conservative in harm. It's a lie! These are absolutely the same students who simply decided to take over more responsibility.

No. 5 in senior elder courses is not needed. Yes, the circle of his duties is narrowed due to the fact that students are becoming less. However, to contact teachers must be needed until the end of learning.

№6 The rank of headlight is not "lifelong". If suddenly you are tired or tired of doing such a routine work, then you have the full right to remove yourself from the post of headlights. Also, the group can independently change the headman if the latter does not fulfill its duties.

The text has prepared Natalia Paschenseva

Illustrations: Katya Gushchina

Before agreeing, because it is not only the opportunity to get certain privileges, but also the fulfillment of everyday duties.

Now the old buildings are in schools and universities, and who they were long before our birth?

Street - "Senior", "Starshina", heading, leading a group of people, appeared in ancient Russia.

This post was most often elected, and the members of the community themselves could choose the boss.

In some cases, the Starost has appointed princes or their nearest environment so that they can perform certain responsibilities:

  • assemble
  • consider and resolve disputes;
  • control the use of land.

The word "older" occurred from the "senior", "Elder"

In 18-19 centuries, rural elders headed rural settlements.

Church - ensured the maintenance of church farms.

The headman was supposed to know the people of the community or parishioners and to be able to bring decrees and orders to them, as well as control their execution.

What has changed since those times and what do we understand under the word "older" now?

Who is the elder group in the university

Old builder today - who is this? All the same elector head.

Older is essentially the head of the initial level

It must be solved by the basic questions arising from the study group, perform certain functions of administering its activities, and be an intermediary between students and the administration of the educational institution.

It can be chosen by the team itself or appointed leadership of an educational institution: schools, college or.

For a person appointed to this position, of course, it will be better if the group itself is chosen.

Few people love to rule them, especially if the reign of the reign is given to the peer, so if the headman has elected a general meeting, then he will still have less problems, since the majority were in accordance with his candidates.

If the headman is prescribed "on top", it can be considered as a "sent to the Cossack" from the manual, and not the student who trusts the majority of students can be chosen.

And in this case, it will be more difficult for him.

But in any way, the headman was not appointed, he will have to fulfill specific obligations.

If the group is invited to choose a headman on its own, then in this case the events can develop so.

The group discusses who can take this position, and during the discussion the option from those who have expressed the desire to become an old-age can be considered.

Strength can choose the students themselves

What qualities are estimated at the candidates first:

  • justice;
  • competence in learning issues;
  • non-conflict;
  • the ability to negotiate with all students of the group;
  • the desire to defend the interests of students before leadership when there is a need.

The choice of best candidates is most often done by simple voting.

If the representatives of the dean are deciding to appoint an older on their own, without discussing candidates with a group of students, then in this case, certain qualities are also considered that could take this position.

Among the key qualities are most often taken into account:

  • good performance;
  • ability to communicate with the faculty;
  • fiction and ability to follow the rules of business communication;
  • non-conflict;
  • availability of authority in group students;
  • a responsibility;
  • adoption of norms and rules of educational institution and the ability to follow them.

After making a decision, the deannate informs the group on the appointment of the headman and gives it the documentation that it should use to fulfill its duties.

Responsibilities Strengths Group

So, what are the main responsibilities to be performed on the posts of headers?

Monastery control

The elder can be invited to meetings of the trade union committee or dean as an official representative of the student community, to speak on behalf of the team of students with proposals for improving the educational or educational process.

If the headman works actively, he can count on encouragement and, as a rule, he receives it from the university administration.

To such a student, teachers relate more loyally than to all the others, and can make him surning when passing tests and exams, less hard to evaluate the quality of its course works or practical tasks.

In some universities, the elder can pay extra charges for the scholarships for the fulfillment of additional duties or financially encourage the results of the school year.

The trade university can help him get a preferential ticket to rest, offer tickets to the theater or a concert.

And finally, the Strost will never be denied the recommendations that he will need to present, for example, to the future employer.

Being an older: unnecessary problems or career

To be or not to be an old-age - a rhetorical question, since it will be decided to have it independently.

The disadvantages of this administrative role are clear:

  1. Temporary costs that can be directed, for example, to rest or study.
  2. The decision is often strangers, not your problems.
  3. Domestic conflicts that may occur with disgruntled fellow students.
  4. The need to fill extra paper.

Meanwhile, in such a way you can buy skills that will help both in life and, most importantly, in further work.

In fact, the elder is a position that can be attributed to the category of managerial.

Performing your duties, he can develop his leadership potential and acquire skills, indispensable for further professional self-realization, such as skills: to establish contact and negotiate, resolve conflicts, organize workflows, issue reporting and business documentation.

And, while everyone else receives knowledge, the headman, doing everything the same, already from the student years begins to build his career.

So be or not to be?

In this video you will learn what to be an old-age:

The question from the category, "What is the meaning of life?". The fact is that there are no ideal answers to such questions, which would come to almost everyone - everything depends on the opinions so that for someone "yes", but for someone "no".

But all this was already told, so I will just tell my story, which, I hope, will give you food for reflection on this topic:

Last year, I entered the first course of the undergraduate in the National Research University Higher School of Economics at the Department of Foreign Languages. My direction was created in the same year, so it was the first set. I immediately appeared ideas to become an old-age, and indeed to change my life. The fact is that at school (later in the gymnasium in which I moved to the tenth grade) I did not suffer from special activity, but the reason was that my environment tribal did not have me to this. As a result, I began to sit alone on the first desk. It was not fun, although much better than at school. My life is a story for a separate post, however, as for many other people.

After we have got acquainted with the faculty and other things, our group gathered curators, from which the mark immediately walked down, and they suggested choosing an old age. I immediately volunteered with another girl, but she preferred me, and said, they say, I will help you with your deputy. Of course, she did not do anything, but I still had a deputy (yes, yes, I was so cool that I had a deputy). Now, my former deputy, became my old-age.

At the beginning, everything was fine: I immediately decided that I did not want our group to share on the subgroups consisting of two to three people, and so that everyone coexisted and was friends in one bigger. We celebrated the birthday of Birth, after discussing everything together, walked up late and so on. Of course, when the study began it was clear that everything would change, but I did not think that everything would be so.

During the study, in principle, everything was not bad too: I solved various questions with which I turned to me, I created an oldostat, gathering all the elder together, promoted certain ideas, in general - I tried to help everyone and make the faculty better. Everything went well, as long as I do not have a sick with the disease.

For these one and a half - two weeks that I lay on the bed and did not do anything because I had a lot of eyes fastened and in general I felt like a pair, I wrote from the strength of five - six of the whole group. But these are still flowers: when I returned to the university, then everything would change. People began to behave differently, everyone crashed into small groups and no longer heard those hazardous human voices, which seemed to be permeated with the whole group. Gradually, everything began to deteriorate and somehow came to me the chairman of the student council (with which I roldied, as I myself wanted to be the chairman and moreover, to create a Student Council, which was not at that time. He, by the way, appeared when I was on the hospital. ) And told me that people from my group come to her with requests to remove me from the duties of the headman. I, frankly, did not understand because of what, because I tried to please everyone and help, but everything turned out to be more prosaic. I spent a couple of polls, first in Vkontakte, in which he won with a margin into several votes, and then IRL, in which the separation was not in my favor.

Actually, the moral of this fable is that people do not appreciate what they cannot see. People from my group were like the Romans who believed that if I did not see your mother personally, then it really does not really.

But you know what? I am even glad that I stopped being an old-age. Using that most of my group is not the people with whom I would like to be friends, it became much easier for me to live. For the whole of this school year, I got a huge luggage experience and knowledge based, not least, on errors.

Once, in the third or fourth module, my headman said me that she was already tired of being he.

People do not appreciate the work that I do.

And she was right.

So, if you want to become an old-age, good luck: it all depends on the circumstances and people, for example, from university, one-laugheries and their hobbies.

And I want to warn everyone that the elders are also people. I as an older had a goal to help people and make their life better. Yes, I had missed classes, was not always present on pairs for various reasons, but I never ceased to help people when they appealed to me. Moreover, I myself was imposed using, for which once another old-terrier told me:

"You with your restless thymbynding has already got everyone."

To lead the student group of the Higher Educational Institution is not only honor and special privileges, but also a big responsibility, because from how correctly the activities of this person will be organized, such factors such as performance, discipline and leisure of students will be directly dependent. That is why it is not every student to become a good old-year old age, because in order to successfully cope with the task assigned to your own shoulders, this person should not only learn to learn, but also to devote most of his free lifestyling time and collective learning. At the same time, it should not be assumed that only the older is the best that shows brilliant knowledge and academic performance, because there are much more qualities for this mission. Some other qualities are much more valuable. Of course, we are not talking about a person who will lag behind the educational process, but also not need to choose for this responsible role.

Charismatic, the authority and respect of the team, volitional character, the ability to communicate and negotiate - this qualities should have the heads of the group. Among other things, this person must be very attentive, as well as have good memory, which is simply necessary for the correct organization of the planning process. And the first thing to be done is to make a convenient detailed diary, in which all contacts are needed (phone numbers, email, nicknames from social networks, because it is sometimes even easier to find a student in them even easier and faster), student addresses, as well as some others Data (numbers of student tickets and credit books, birthdays, etc.). This information is necessary for the rapid notification of all students about some important events, sudden changes in the schedule of pairs and examination lessons, as well as about various kinds of events that are saturated with student life.

Naturally, in order not to miss the birthdays of classmates, they should be indicated not in alphabetical order, but marked in the calendar with an explanatory footnote. In addition, the headman should annually collect a group for discussing gifting options so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Moreover, it is not only about the gifts to the students themselves, but also about the presents of the curators and the deanant who are most often presented to the Day of the teacher, for the New Year, to the Day of Knowledge and to the graduation. It is the headman who leads lists of the collection of material resources for gifts, conducting various kinds of events and other needs, invariably arising in each student group. In addition, he keeps the money collected and leads a detailed expense report, if necessary, confirming them with checks and overheads. And it is especially important to comply with the statements if large acquisitions are assumed (organizing, printing of the work of the group, etc.).

In order to understand how to be a good old-year, it should be remembered that in addition to the intelligence and business grip, which will help reduce students' expenses, ensuring their basic needs for the proper level, this person must also be very kind and responsive. After all, if someone from the students there will be something serious, the group, and there may be representatives of the dean, they must come to his aid, and to convey this information to them in the most delicate form should be exactly the older. A student who for some reason does not attend the university for some reason, can also find an older to establish the cause of skills and conduct an explanatory conversation, because not every dean takes this responsibility, as a result of which the student is simply automatically deducted. And although no one is obliged to do this, a good old-age still should not be indifferent to his classmates.

The organization of congratulations, solemn events and KVN, in which the student group will take part, also falls on the shoulders of its headmasters, which should lead lists and discuss the conditions for holding, both with the organizers and with the students themselves. Well, finally, the main task of the headman is the ability to negotiate with the teachers of the university about various issues that somehow relate to the educational process and a particularly relevant this topic is for jurisas students. The headman simply must be aware of all important events and changes in the life of an educational institution, on time aroused this information to each student. To do this, he needs to visit the dean and curator of the group daily to obtain specific instructions, which requires additional time and complete return.
