Fragment of book Marty Lanie. Advantages of introverts. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013.

In this book, the practitioner psychotherapist and the leading expert in the United States on the topic of introversion unites his rich experience and results of scientific research to dissuade the introverts in the fact that something is wrong with them and help them see and evaluate their strengths - analytical skills, creativity , High concentration ability. In addition, in the book you will find practical advice on how to establish relations with people of different temperaments in the family, at work and in the circle of friends.

The founder of this theory of Karl Gustav Jung believed that extroversion and introversion - congenital properties having a physiological substantiation. Modern science confirmed the correctness of his intuitive guesses. He claimed that it was best to adapt in this world, moving on the continuum from an introverted to the extravel edge of the spectrum when we need it. According to Jung, in addition to extremes, you can be at any point of the continuum, and this is quite normal. However, we always pull in one direction stronger than in the other. Everyone has a "comfortable niche", where we function in the best way. Journal believed that the child would be significant harm if it will be pushed out of the natural area of \u200b\u200bits temperament in the process of tying, since it is "violence over the congenital predisposition of an individual." He was convinced that it leads to mental illness. However, Jung pointed out that other continuum points are available to us. And the ability to move on it can improve the awareness of our entire process. Jung believed that if a person operates outside his natural niche (extrovert or introverted): additional energy is consumed, and the new is not produced. But if you learn to accumulate energy and thus create its stock, it can be effectively used in less natural environment. The basic differences between the introverts from the extroverts are as follows. Head, which distinguishes introvert from the extrovert - the source of energy. Extraverats are charged with energy from the outside world - actions, people, places and things. They are wasteful energy. Long periods of inactivity, internal contemplation, loneliness or communication only with one person deprive them of the sense of life. Nevertheless, the extroverts need to alternate the time when they are particularly active, with intervals are simply being, otherwise they will lose in inclusiveness of feverish activities. Extraverts are easily expressing, targeting the result, adore the crowd and action. Most of them love to communicate, engage in some kind of activity, work with people, be in the thicker affairs and events. Contrary to popular belief, they are not necessarily an easy and more fun character, they are simply a focus of their attention is always outside their personality. Experts are easy to spend energy and often cannot stop. They quickly restore the forces, engaged something outside the house, having organized active leisure. Experts may experience loneliness and feel empty when they are not contacted with people or the outside world. It is often difficult for them to relax and give their own body to relax. The credits, for their part, the source of energy is found in their inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions. Contrary to the consequences of them, this is not necessarily quiet or closed people. Just the focus of their attention - inside self. They need a quiet place, where you can thoroughly think about everything and charge energy. They can be preserved energy. The outside world quickly introduces them into the state of over-excitation, and they have an unpleasant feeling that there is something "too much". This can manifest itself in nervousness or, on the contrary, apathy. Therefore, introverts need to limit social contacts so as not to be completely empty. Nevertheless, they need to complement the time spent alone, the time of stay in society, otherwise they may lose the vision of the prospects, relationships with others and generally connections with the external world. The credits that are able to balance their energy needs have persistence and perseverance, can watch on Things independently, deeply focus and creatively operate. The next difference between introverts and extroverts - their feeling of external arousal and response to external stimuli. Extraverts are comfortable in an atmosphere of permanent action. Extraverats love to experience more emotions and new impressions, introverts like more to know what they are experiencing. For introverts, a high degree of internal activity is characterized, and everything that comes from the outside world will very quickly increase the level of their voltage. Independent, often not even understanding why, trying to regulate the sense of tension by limiting the receipt of information from the outside. The introverts do not frighten the difficulties when they can focus on one or two activities and should not work in a state of stress. But if there are too many different things, they quickly experience a feeling of overload. Aso, the introverts are already overwritten among other people. Energy leaves them when they are in a crowd, an educational audience or in a noisy planting at the nerves. People can like them very much, but, by talking with one person for some time, introverts usually experience a sharp desire to go away, take a break, "block air". Extracerts are also needed breaks, but for other reasons. For example, if they go to the library, it is very short in a state of knowledge (internal process) and soon begin to experience the need to walk between the racks, come up to commercial machines, talk to people (external process). Communication breaks can enhance the excitation from the extroverts and reduce it from introverts. Extraverats feel the need to charge the greater, the more feel the lack of excitement inside. The difference between the extroverts and introverts is the perception of the concepts of latitude and depth. In general, the extroverts prefer a wide range: have a lot of friends, impressions, to understand everything in onemand, to be wagon. What they know from the environment is usually not deepening when processing the experience gained. The credits prefer the depth and limit the impressions, but in each reach the veryest. They usually have few friends, but very close. Their mind absorbs information from the environment, and then analyzes and expands it. Inverters like to explore the subject, reaching the very roots, they are looking for "wealth" of few impressions, not diversity. It is enough for them to discuss one two topics in a conversation, otherwise they begin to seem that they are overcrowded to thoughts. So, the main differences between the extrovert and the introvert. Extravert:

  • Loves to be in the thick of events.
  • He loves a variety, one thing anniversary.
  • Familiar with many people, considers them friends.
  • I am pleased to chat with people, even with strangers.
  • The action charges it, with impatience enough for the next case.
  • Says or acts, without experiencing the need to first think.
  • In general, this is a pretty energetic person.
  • Located to talk more than to listen.
  • Prefers to relax alone or in a narrow circle of close friends.
  • Friends consider only those who have developed deep relations.
  • It needs to rest after some kind of activity, even if it is entertainment.
  • It seems calm, balanced, likes to watch.
  • As a rule, first thinks, and then he speaks or acts.
  • Feels emptiness in the head, being in a group of people or in a state of stress.
  • Does not like to feel overloaded work.
The simplest way to diagnose temperament is as follows. If you still have not decided to include, think, think about how to answer this question: in the crisis situation, you tend to feel that they closed, distanced themselves from everything and react slowly? Or do you prefer to do not physically move, do not take something wrong? In the stressful situation, we return to the most basic laid on us from the nature of the behavior model. If you tend to retreat and silence fell on you, like a thick fog, it means that you are more introvert. If you are more extrovert, react, immediately leading yourself to combat readiness. And in the one and another reaction there is its own value. If you are still not sure, ask yourself the question: "When I feel more rested: after the passive (introverted) stay alone or an active (extractal) pastime among people?" Also you You can use the special online test introvert or extrovert. Evaluation of temperament.

It has long been known that the types of personalities of the introvert and extrovert, brightly polar. But in life there are individuals, in whose character is crossed by the features of both types. Introvert and extrovert, who is it?

"In nature, there are two fundamentally different ways to adapt, which ensure the continuous existence of a living organism. One lies in high reproduction rates, with a relatively low protective ability and the short life expectancy of a separate individual; The other is to ensure the individual itself by diverse means of self-preservation at relatively low fertility, the behavioral type characterized by the focus on the subjective mental content "(focus on the internal mental activity); and extroversion as a "behavioral type characterized by the concentration of interests on external objects." K.G.Yung.

The word "extrovert", if literally translate from Latin into Russian, means "external". Based on this, it can be argued that the type of personality "Extravert" is an individual, a characteristic feature of which is the outer orientation in society, both impact and impression.

The word "introvert", if literally translate from Latin into Russian, means "internal". From this it can be argued that the "introvert" is an individual, a characteristic feature of which is exceptional focus only on itself, the inability, often flowing into a closedness.

There are also individuals, in the character of which there are features of both introverts and extroverts. This type of people relates to ambiversets and are much more common than everyone else. It must be said that the greatest success in his life is precisely the ambifrants.

Classification of identity types, proposed by Karl Gustav Jung

The famous Swiss psychologist psychoanalyst K.G. Jung first developed and offered the famous theory-classification of identity types up to date and today. He suggested their names, described their behavior and distinctive features of each individuality.

According to Jung's classification, all of humanity is divided into three types of personalities.

  • extravert;
  • introvert;
  • ambivers

It is in the type of personality of an ambiver that you can see a combination of two other.

They define differences between these two types of personality and described the main features of the character embedded in early childhood.

Extraversion, as well as introversion, can manifest themselves in early childhood, almost in infancy.

Extraversion is manifested by interest in subjects and to the world around the world, the desire of universal communication. All his inner mental life is a response to the result of communication with society. He is experiencing about all his surroundings. His manitis is all unknown and risky.

The main manifestation of the introversion is the closure and closeness of the person, as well as the orientation solely on its inner world. Here everything is based on personal judgments and decisions, as well as human reactions to their own thoughts and perceptions.

Extraverted introvert, or an ambiver (in other words), this is, according to Yung, the type of person, which is not manifested with the birth of a person, and acquires them with maturity.

Psychological picture

If a self-sufficient person met, alienated and closed, the main psychological characteristics of which are focusing only in their inner world, not inclined to communicate and with great difficulty establishing all sorts of external contacts, without showing that he is not comfortable, this is an introvert.

Extravert is the exact opposite of the introvert. This man deployed to the outside world, easily setting the contacts, placed in front of himself the interests of society above their own, but to some extent the adventurer and soul of the company. With such a person, "easy and fun" you can spend your free time without thinking about the consequences.

If they describe the psychological portrait of an ambiver, then it can be argued - people of such a warehouse of character are very sociable, but at the same time they love to be a little alone. They, like the extroverts, can be a "soul of the company", but at the same time they can gladly eat in themselves and in their thoughts.

Characteristics of the personality of such warehouses of character

Provided that the characteristics of the personality prevail the features of an extrovert, he:

Provided that the characteristics of the personality prevail the features of the introvert, he:

  1. She strives for the closetness of his real inner world, leaving from the surrounding reality.
  2. Communicating with people, characterizes their personality only in their subjective sensations. Most often, perceiving opponent-interlocutor hostile.
  3. He is comfortable, while in the company, if active actions are not required from it.

Provided that the characteristics of the person prevail the features of the ambiffe, he:

  1. It can feel comfort both "in the crowd" and in its "mink", where the outsider "entrance is ordered."
  2. Located in 2 extremes: at the time of the "soul" and "center" of a cheerful company, and at the same time he feels an insurmountable desire to "escape somewhere, where no one will find it."
  3. It is about such people that can be said: "Do not deprive me of loneliness, but do not leave me alone."

AmbiWrth then is "in comfort" when it acts as a pseudo-introvert or pseudo-extrovert, absolutely not exciting his nervous system.

Restoration and preservation of emotional resource for a person sociable

As you know, the most sociable people are always extroverts. To preserve the emotional self-regulation balance, they need to understand what is their "feedback feeding".

For people with this type of character, the main emotional resource is:

Restoration and preservation of the emotional resource for a person self-sufficient in its closure

As is known from psychology, self-sufficient man always introverted in its closure. Such people also need to be able to restore their energy balance.

For people with this type of character, the main energy resource is:

Restoration and preservation of the emotional resource for a person both self-sufficient in its closure and at the same time sociable

Psychologists note that ambiferts restore their energy resource when applying a set of methods that use both extroverts and introverts.

Extroversion, introversion, ambivers

This is common in science-psychology criteria for categorization, or, in other words, indicators for measuring the features of a particular personality.

The criteria for extroversion refers:

  • interest in external events and peace;
  • the desire to have a huge number of friends and acquaintances, and be them in demand;
  • can quickly adapt to any circumstances and surroundings;
  • huge curiosity and her all sorts of manifestations;
  • internal content and their own desires are located on the 2nd place, for external needs.

The criteria for introversion refers:

The criteria for ambivers belongs:

  • being in society, after a while the desire to change the situation begins;
  • having increased sensitivity to the situation of stress, it is quickly tired of the company's noise, but long-staying in complete loneliness begins to test the depression, discontent and oppression;
  • the instantaneous transition from the state of the closetness (characteristic of introvert) into unrestrained sociability (characteristic of an extrovert).
  • among the close friends of random people does not happen;
  • tikhonya-etching and at the same time Buntar-Pravdoluba;
  • skillful use of internal and external energy.

Reactions to the stressful situation for all considered types of personality

The response to stress or a difficult life situation at a representative of any of the person under consideration may be in two manifestations.

First, to respond extremely, that is, sharing its pain with the surrounding people, splashing it verbally into space.

Secondly, respond to intrusted, that is, experiencing his pain alone, "inside".

For an extrovert, it is undesirable to experience such a situation extraponatory. By virtue of the already excessive emotionality and openness inherent in such a person in everyday life. Such a form of reaction to an event can lead it to a state of excessive aggressiveness, or a complete devastation leading to full emotional burnout and, on this background, the formation of biological burnout (death).

For introvert, it is not recommended to experience its pain alone, pushing it into its consciousness. Such a reaction will definitely lead such a person to the emergence of a depressive state or disorder, conscious independent isolation from society, and as a result of autism.

Unlike the extrovert and introvert, the ambiffe can cope with stress and complex life situations by any of these two ways, without applying harm in any way.


Having considered the characteristics of all three types of identity proposed by K. Jung, comparing and analyzing them by structuring the similarities and the difference between them to unambiguously say who is better - introverts and extroverts are not possible, since all people are individual and choose their own circle of communication in their special characteristics.

The introvert is a person whose energy is directed inside. He is not bored with himself. It is calm and judged, attentive to detail and careful in decisions.

The introverts sometimes seem gloomy, closed and absolutely asocial. But in the soul they are a paws. Just social contacts take energy from them.

In the near circle of introvert - two or three people. Lastly with outsiders, he is ready to discuss interesting topics with those who love.

Loneliness for introvert is the lack of involvement in someone's life. He may be lonely even in the crowd. Evening with or contemplative walk - here is the best way for introvert to restore forces.

Who are the extroverts?

Extravert is a person whose energy is aimed at the outside world. It is sociable, open and active. Everything looks with optimism. It is not afraid to take the initiative and be the leader.

Due to the impulsivity, the extroverts sometimes seem to be deserted. But do not confuse emotion with superficiation.

Extraverts draw energy in communication. Loneliness for an extrovert is when it's not a soul around, you have no word with someone. They have many friends and buddies.

With extraverts fun. In order not to get bogged down in Routine and ignite the inner light, they will go to the club or call guests.

And then, Karl Gustav Jung?

In 1921, the book of Charles Gustav Jung "Psychological Types" came out. In it, he introduced the concept of extroversion and introversion. Jung considered extroverts and introverts through the prism of the prevailing mental function - thinking or feeling, feeling or intuition.

Many scientists also appeal to the fundamental work of Charles Jung. Extraveral-introveus typology was based on the theory of Myers-Briggs, the identity model called the "big five and a 16-factor questionnaire Raymond Kettella.

In the 1960s, Jung's ideas picked up a British psychologist Hans Aizenk. It interpreted extroversion and introversion through the processes of excitation and braking. The introverts are uncomfortable in noisy crowded places, since their brain processes more information per unit of time.

Introverts truth smarter?

Find out this is trying many psychologists, sociologists and neurobiologists throughout the world. While unsuccessfully. But the more research, it becomes clear that the extroverts and introverts work in different ways.

The distinction line is dopamine. This is a neurotransmitter generated in the brain and responsible for a sense of satisfaction. In the course of the scientific experiment, it was found that extroverts in the state of Azart, there is strong activity in the field of almonds and the adjacent nucleus. The first is responsible for the process of emotional incentive, and the kernel is part of the dopamine system (the center of pleasure).

In extroverts and introverts, dopamine is produced equally, but the system of encouragement responds to it differently. In extrovers, the process of processing incentives takes less time. They are less sensitive to dopamine. To get your "dose of happiness", he needs them together with adrenaline.

The introverts, on the contrary, are too sensitive to dopamine. The incentives have a long and difficult path in the areas of the brain. In their system of encouragement, the main role is played by another neurotiator - acetylcholine. It helps to reflect, concentrate on the task set, work fruitfully for a long time and feel good during the internal dialogue.

How to understand who I am an introvert or extrovert?

To determine the type of jungle, hein - Wilterite tests and the "JNG type index" questionnaire are usually used. Psychologists also use the Personal Questionnaire Aizenka. At the household level, you can go more or analyze your behavior.

I do not fit it or another. Who am I?

According to Karl Jung, introversion and extroversion in pure form do not exist. "Such a person would be in a crazy house," he said. The author of the popular book "" Susan Kane agrees with him.

In each person there are features of the extrovert and introvert. Signs of one or another may prevail depending on age, environment and even mood.

People who are most of the time are in the middle of an introversion scale - extroversion, called ambifractions (or dialects).

Ambirls are not covered, but they can be enthusiastically to participate in what they like. Activity is replaced by passivity and vice versa: the soul of the company can easily become shy quiet. In some situations, Ambirls chat unrestrained, in other words of them have to be dragged with ticks. Sometimes they work well in the team, but some tasks prefer to solve alone.

How to interact introverts and extroverts?

The first step towards effective interaction is the respect of individual features.
If your friend is introvert If your friend is an extrovert
  • Do not wait for an instant reaction. Inverters need time to think about information.
  • To pay attention to anything important, write him a letter or message.
  • At the party, do not pray to him with questions: "Well, why are you silent? Are you bored?". Let him get comfortable.
  • Do not invade his personal space. Give him to be alone if he wants. Never take silence and the closure of the introvert on your own account.
  • Be patient - let him speak out. The more attentively listen to, the faster you will find rational grain.
  • Do not be offended that he ignores written messages. If you are waiting for actions from him, call. Between the case, you will definitely ask how things are.
  • At the party, do not leave it without attention, direct its energy into the structural channel.
  • To please the extrovert, just agree to his next adventure.

In human life, such concepts as introvert and extrovert were already tightly included. Only lazy does not know who it is. We are talking about the multidirectional of energy, which in one case goes from the inside to the outside, and in the second - outside inside.

All people are different. For their greater understanding, everyone wants to quickly give a classification. Quickly determining how one or another person belongs to what type of people, the rest becomes easier. However, the site of psychotherapeutic assistance site is worse than psychology lovers in the fact that it is impossible to judge unambiguously about all. In each person you can find the qualities that he should not be inherent. So in the introvert, there will be something from the extrovert, and in the extrovert - from the introvert.

All people are different in their quality set. However, all the same definite features of one or another can be traced. That is why you can easily install, who is an introvert, and who is an extrovert.

Introvert and extrovert - who is it?

Let's start with the categories of definitions such as introvert and extrovert. Who is it? Under these concepts are the types of personalities who are opposed to each other:

  1. The introvert is a person who is directed to himself inside himself.
  2. Extravert is a type of man who seeks to interact with other people, to society.

An even third type of person is distinguished - an ambiver, which combines the quality of introvert and extrovert.

Determine the two people under consideration are very easy, because they characterize two opposite behaviors:

  • Extravert is constantly striving to communicate with others. He attracts attention, because it can not live without him. That is why he is happy to participate in all events where he can actively communicate with people, to demonstrate himself. Extravert needs people not only as feeding its energy, but also to obtain their help. You can call them to some extent helpless without efforts around.
  • The introverts prefer to spend time alone. They are more immersed in their own alarms, feelings, reflections and fantasies. If they go to society, then occupy the position of observers. They are more interesting to watch other people, while not taking participation in events. The introvert prefers to rely on its own strength. He works well alone, uses all his potential, does not wait for help from others (sometimes even refuses it).

A question may appear on how extroverts are formed and. The base here remains the structure of the CNS, which is born by a person. Initially, a person is inclined to develop introvert or extrovertative qualities. However, as everything can change everything. Depending on the upbringing, environment, life circumstances, a person is formed as an introvert or an extrovert.

In physics, all processes are based on energy. A person is also an energy-consuming personality that needs to restore forces. Extravert spends energy by directing it to the outside world. The introvert accumulates energy by spending it mainly on himself. How do these people replenish their energy reserves?

  1. Extravert feels the tide of energy and forces when communicates with people. He participates in some events, gives his energy to others, in the same way it takes it back. To some extent an extroverts can be called energy vampires that restore their forces by exhausting others.
  2. The introvert can get energy from the usual sleep or reading the book. He does not need people, he is restored in remoteness from them. It can be called a good source for the fence of energy. Only the surrounding people can pick up his energy, which he accumulated so.

Speaking about energy vampires in the face of extroverts, it should be noted that not all are:

  • Some really get the charge of the forces when someone threatens, blackmail, hurt, etc.
  • Others, on the contrary, charge when someone helps, bring good.

Two types of personalities are easily recognized by their behavior. Undoubtedly, the extroverts will be a soul of the company, and introverts will seem closed. At the same time, the extroverts may be the most incorrect partners, while the introverts will become perfect family mans.

On any company can be found both introvert and extrovert. Each type will find their advantages and flaws. A good leader should be noted who his employees are to put them on those positions where their advantages will help in solving working issues, and the disadvantages will not be a hindrance.

  • The positive quality of the introvert in the work is to undertake their own responsibility, since it is to individual work. If there are any questions from the manager, the introvert will be fully responsible for the entire work done, because it realizes its own responsibility.
  • The positive quality of the extrovert in the work is the skill and easy establishment of new contacts. It is not afraid to communicate with unfamiliar people who can take both high and minor posts. They are well sent to negotiations and interviews, as they are pleased to contact them with others, know their business and love it.

Remember that the extroverts love attention to themselves, so they like public speeches or negotiations on which there are many people. If at the same time the extrovert is given the right to vote, then they will definitely use them.

  • Accordingly, the negative quality of the introvert is the inability to establish contacts with the surrounding (by the head and colleagues). They may be inconspicuous employees and white rands that quietly perform their work. You can not give them a task that will include communication with other people, they will not cope with him.
  • The negative quality of the extrovert will be its inability to notice the mood changes of the interlocutor, as well as control their own behavior. Its activity can close the disadvantage that the change of mood leads to a decrease in performance. Extravert does not stop communicating with the client just because he is bad. On the contrary, he will communicate as it is convenient for him to in parallel to receive energy from the client (energy vampirism).

Since both types have difficulties due to existing flaws, recommendations are given:

  1. The introverts are advised as often to communicate with people, showing patience and doing everything to get positive emotions from them.
  2. Extraverts are encouraged to show more empathy to others, notice their reactions and regulate their own behavior. You should also restrain personal emotions and be a little calm.

Ambiwrt is a person who combines both types of personalities. On the one hand, it can be lonely, but in a circle of individual people becoming sociable. On the one hand, he can quietly advocate the public, but to experience difficulties in establishing new contacts.

How to determine who you are an introvert or extrovert?

There are special tests that help to determine who is a person - an extrovert or introvert. Typical questions are asked here, which clearly indicate how the "public" or "lonely" person in their preferences. If you like to work in the team, then you show the quality of the extrovert. If you prefer to solitude a noisy party, then you are an introvert.

It is easy to recognize one or another person in its behavior. You can pay attention to how a person behaves in the team. Extravert will communicate with everyone, joke, commemorate, put in someone else's conversation, etc. He will be interested in all the ideas and impressions that arise from others. The introvert, on the contrary, will try to retire, to be in a corner or communicate only with one interlocutor, often with those who already know well.

The introverta can be well recognized by its peace of mind, prudence and equilibrium. He will never act without meaning. He needs goals and action plan to understand what to do and why it is necessary. They are indecisive and slow.

  • Female introverts are faithful wives, excellent housewives and mothers.
  • Men-introverts are faithful husbands and podcasts in female manipulators.

Extravents decisive, bold, immediate. They wish to receive recognition everywhere. They are not important actions and results as the approval of others. At the same time, they never get tired of communicating, because they receive energy from it. Extravert is easy to rise and initiative. Thirst for power can make it brazen and selfish. He can go on the heads, being confident in his actions.

In love, the extrovert always takes power. If he meets with the same extrovert, then during a quarrel everyone will defend their right.

Clean extroverts and introverts do not exist. In each person there will be qualities inherent in the opposite type. In love:

  1. Strong pairs are extroverts with introverts, where one can hang, and the second is to calm down on time.
  2. Burnt couples are introverts, where no one manifests the initiative and is immersed in itself.
  3. Conflict pairs are extroverts, where no one is inferior and considers itself the right (which gives energy).

How to become an extrovert?

Since introverts are considered less useful and significant society, many of them soon begin to wish to become extroverts. Is it possible? Everything's possible. It should only be understood whether it is necessary. You can remain an introvert and use your advantages with benefit. And if a person wants to change, then he should make efforts.

Change your plants and beliefs will not work. Only at the level of actions can be an introvert to become an extrovert. At first, the actions will be awkward and ridiculous. But then they will become natural.

How to become an extrovert?

  1. Start traveling, to be and interested in new places.
  2. Find new situations for themselves where a person can prove himself to be active
  3. To strive for new acquaintances, slowly communicate with unfamiliar people, to work out communication skills.
  4. Weekly make something that was previously prohibited, but I really wanted to do.

After applying, efforts must be rest. This should be done convenient for yourself.


It is mistaken to believe that introverts are worse than the extroverts. Just the quality of introverts is not always valued by society. Also, it should not be judged unambiguously about people, since "clean" extrovert and introverts does not exist. Understanding these characteristics and a clear vision of the surrounding will eventually achieve great success than a simple division on those who are worse or better.

Introvert, extrovert who is it?

Everyone at least once wondered: "Who is the introvert and extrovert?" Or "How to determine who I am an introvert or extrovert?", Now we will try to decompose you everything on the shelves.


In 1921, the Swiss Psychiatrist Charles GustavJungin his work, "psychological types" allocated two absolutely opposite to each other psychotype offered all people to share introverts and extravents, About everyone, now in more detail.

We will analyze each type separately.

Who is the introvert?

The introvert is a person whose psychological energy is directed inside. He feels comfortable only alone with himself, or with very close people to him. The exit from the Comfort Zone for the introvert is any interaction with people unfamiliar to him, any public speeches, all this at the introvert causes stress and thereby spends its emotional energy in large quantities.

Therefore, rest for such people is rather a lonely evening with a circle of tea, rather than a noisy party or a hike into any shopping center, where a big cluster of people, in their own words it means a closed inamous person.

Pros and cons of introvert


  • The introverts are very difficult to make new friends, thereby acquiring useful acquaintances, which helps a lot in life.
  • Each new job, any courses, is a huge stress.
  • Calls by phone for introvert comparable with lively communication, respectively, a call to the hairdresser, a restaurant, university - for them is torture.


  • Alone, introverts feel comfortable, which makes them self-sufficient and independent of other people.
  • Often introverts are very intelligent, well-read people, as the party prefers the book, so their introversion does not particularly.

Who is an extrovert?

Extravert is a person whose psychological energy directions outside, to the outside world. They are comfortable in society, in the cluster of people, whether class, queue, concert. Alone feels lonely, sad.

Extraverts usually have many friends familiar, they are very sociable, often these are the leaders of companies. This type of people is always on a positive and give it to others.

We prefer to relax - in noisy companies, these are clubs, parties, concerts, for extrovert the main element of rest, because it draws his emotional energy from it.

Pros and Cons Extravert


  • Extraverats feel very poorly alone, they are vital to communicate with other people, which makes them dependent on society.
  • Often, the extroverts are frivolous and can be conducted on any adventures, which will most likely lead to problems.


  • Extraverats are easy to start new acquaintances, which helps a lot both in personal life and in a career.
  • Quickly adapt to new teams.
  • Often, the public speeches are often given.

How to understand who I am an introvert or extrovert?

To learn better, try to relate yourself to this table.

In which column you found more coincidences, you are more and relate to the psychological type, you are an intraverter or extrovert. Pure psychotypes are extremely rare, because in a certain period of life, a person may feel both introvert, as well as an extrovert, depending on the events of the occurrees in his life.
