What desires are in the subconscious completely determines what you have in life. If you do not have subconscious aspirations for something, then, no matter how consciously you want, it will not come true. For example, if a woman subconsciously does not want to have children, then, no matter how much she wants to have a child (because it is so customary), fate will resist this and will not give her children. Believe me, fate has many ways, for example, a woman falls in love with a barren man.

If a man subconsciously lives well with his mother (he is in the so-called comfort zone), then, no matter how much he wants, at the level of consciousness, to start his own family, he is unlikely to achieve this. After all, unconsciously, he will behave so that everything remains the same.

Fig. Subconscious desires come true!

Subconscious (true) desires are forced to act so that the situation develops in a manner appropriate to the desire. It doesn't matter what you want at the level of the mind (consciousness). Until you subconsciously want this, it will be very difficult to realize what you want, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

You, for sure, have come across this more than once. It happens that you want something and it seems that this something is quite achievable. But, despite all your efforts, nothing comes of it. It's like a wall is growing between you and your target.

The subconscious mind directs a person to the embodiment of true, subconscious desires. In other words, you can not give up your conscious desires, if only you are ready to control yourself and every day to be engaged in embodying them, not succumbing to laziness, weakness and the desire to postpone - then these desires will become subconscious and come true with a minimum of effort, as if by yourself yourself.

Your conscious desire should become subconscious, only then will it be easily embodied in reality!

In order for a conscious desire to become subconscious, it is necessary to change your beliefs, which contradict your conscious desire, and change them to those that will contribute to its fulfillment (for example, visualize, creating thought forms of a new belief, etc.).

You also need to control your actions and do exactly those that will help you achieve conscious desire. The subconscious mind will change its usual actions if you constantly concentrate on what you want consciously, and act, not allowing yourself to do what can push you away from the goal.

Your beliefs can get in the way of making progress towards your dreams. And unconscious actions are actions of your subconscious mind that can contradict your conscious desires. Take control of your desires, and.

If the desire is in your subconscious, then you can relax and submit to yourself. Your subconscious mind will push you to take those actions and deeds that will help you even one step.

22.05.2016 12836 +15

The subconscious mind can do anything, or Control the energy of desires. Features of psychoenergetics

Ksenia Menshikova Esoterics Super mind

The author invites you on a fascinating journey through the endless space of the inner world of man, acquainting readers with the peculiarities of our psychoenergetics. This book is devoted to the properties of the astral body, the space of the psyche, in which what we used to call emotions and desires is realized.

Thanks to the theoretical information, simple practical advice and exercises given in this book, you can easily establish a conscious connection with the mysterious world of emotions and desires in order to properly use the resources of this space and feel its support.

This is guaranteed to make you a darling of fate, a successful, successful and even happy person, whose conscious aspirations coincide with subconscious desires. Edition 2, revised.

Ivan Valuev Counterculture Absent

Intuition is energy information that seeps from the subconscious into the consciousness of a person without the participation of his desire. And a dream is sometimes a projector capable of transmitting not only intuition, but also surf the subconscious halls in search of a conscious decision ...

Yes, compared to what I see every day on Earth, its beauty can hardly be called anything other than outrageous. The words "brilliant" or "supernatural" blur the image completely, depriving it of concreteness and pronounced features, and in this case the features were expressed absolutely clearly.

The young man was tall, his whole appearance simultaneously breathed grace and some kind of crystal monumentality. His face clearly radiated a radiance as if it were cast from starlight, and the correct features with their tracing and clarity could easily overshadow the work of the most skillful sculptor of the Earth.

The young man's starry appearance was completed with silver hair and glowing sapphire eyes. The appearance of this man gave me a strange anxiety. No, he did not make me afraid, on the contrary, his presence inspired me with inner confidence. But at the same time, I suddenly felt embarrassed to be in the presence of this beautiful and majestic creature, which - as I subconsciously felt - was far superior to me.

At the same moment I realized that what I was seeing could not happen in reality, I realized that I was dreaming. I wanted to wake up to escape from those shining eyes that saw right through me. And this desire was immediately fulfilled, the fabulous vision clouded over and disappeared, and after a few seconds I opened my eyes in my room.

It was dark all around, but it seemed to me that dawn was coming soon. I sat up in bed to turn on the lamp and see what time it was, and then ... He was here! The star man stood a stone's throw from my bed against the backdrop of a curtained window. He smiled at me, and the words "Don't be afraid of me" sounded in my head, and then disappeared without a trace.

When the numbness that gripped me subsided, I got up and went to the bathroom, the cold water helped me finally wake up. When I returned to the room, I decided to write everything down, which I am doing now. ".

A real story about a friend Olga, who has long wanted, but could not buy a car. Five years have passed since the terrible accident, but Olga was in no hurry to get behind the wheel again. I was very worried about my friend, supported her in every possible way, took her to salons and regularly introduced her to the new products of the car market. But she constantly came across Olya's extinct gaze:

- I want to buy a car and drive again. Problems started with work, I don't have time, the boss will fire ... But I'm so scared!

Each conversation ended with a friend's tears, with which she mourned her material inability and professional failures.

I arranged for Ole to meet with my friend, a psychologist. We met in a relaxed atmosphere, and now an hour later the psychologist says to her:

- You remember every moment of the accident and constantly relive it again. The subconscious mind is so arranged that it protects you from repetition, it feels threatened and blocks your moral readiness to buy a car and drive again. And then you start playing by his rules - you come up with problems that do not exist in order to justify this block.

And then I nodded:

- Yes Yes! You say you don't have enough money. But you got your loan approved last week, remember?

The psychologist took a napkin, wrote "deprogramming" and ordered to subtract everything that he found on this request. And Olya was lost and my field of vision for a month.

The separation from my friend was worth it: now she often picks me up from work in her zero foreign car. Olya often now tells me how to fulfill desires with the help of the subconscious. So she was able to get rid of the fear of driving, to cope with far-fetched material problems.

Within a month, she completed extreme driving courses and successfully purchased a car. This was her most cherished desire, which she herself prevented from being fulfilled.

According to the program, we automatically perceive information and respond to it. Olga could not buy a car not because of a lack of money. She was hampered by the fear of having an accident again. The subconscious at the level of instincts stopped buying a car.

This is how the once deceived men and women cannot start families. Therefore, some do not go to another country to rest. Others shy away from public speaking people who have failed on the school stage.

Successful entrepreneurs avoid mergers and profitable partnerships. They explain this by the fact that they are used to trusting only themselves and being guided by their own interests. And this is not selfishness! This is a program according to which a person defends himself.

You can make wishes come true if you use the methods and techniques for fulfilling desires through the subconscious:

  1. Reprogramming.
  2. Deprogramming.
  3. Thanks.

Reprogramming is aimed at changing the attitude towards the problem, which is a barrier to the fulfillment of desires.

For example, you want to be promoted. You may be hindered by fear of your boss, so you don't approach him with this question. You may be intimidated by the amount and level of responsibilities that you may not be able to handle. In any case, there is a block - fear.

According to one of the reprogramming techniques - "Golden Ratio" - we compose a text of 27 words, in which the phrase "get promoted" will be in place of the 16th and 17th words. This is the ideal position to embed the mindset into the subconscious. We record the entire text on a dictaphone, listen to the recording continuously for at least half an hour for two weeks.

Reprogramming uses affirmations, hypnosis, and audio programs such as the resulting dictaphone recording.

The result of all the techniques will be:

  • idea;
  • inspiration;
  • rise of strength;
  • self confidence.

Your dreams can be imposed by your parents, friends. Before you fulfill desires with the help of the subconscious, decide what you really want.

The disadvantage of this method is self-hypnosis and self-deception. Your wish - a promotion - will not come true if you are lazy, do not have the necessary skills, do not grow professionally, and are late for work. You are not solving a problem that will eventually remind of itself, and your passive expectation will turn into a dismissal.

Deprogramming is different in that it does not change your attitude towards the problem, but eliminates it. To do this, a person finds the source of the problem, the causes of fear, works to replace or cancel them.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Emotional release from the block occurs during the session, which consists of five stages:

  1. Assess the problem that prevents your desire from being fulfilled. For example, suppose you dream of opening a franchise bakery. Uncertainty in your abilities stops you (you are afraid not to cope, you feel the fear of failure). We formulate and evaluate this obstacle on a ten-point scale.

The problem should be formulated as concretely as possible: “I don’t believe that I can open a bakery,” “my head hurts,” “I hate the boss,” “I am afraid to fly an airplane,” and the like.

  1. Eliminate internal resistance and tune in to the next step. We include our wording in the sentence: "Even though __ I deeply and completely love and accept myself." Our example sounds like this: "Even though I do not believe that I can open a bakery, I love, forgive and accept myself." Repeat three times and simultaneously tap on a point on the edge of the palm under the little finger (Karate Point).
  2. Tap it. By tapping, we pass all the energy points of the upper body from one side:
  • the beginning of the eyebrow,
  • outer edge of the eye,
  • cheekbone under the eye
  • under the nose (above the lip),
  • chin (under the lower lip),
  • the beginning of the collarbone,
  • close at hand (armpit),
  • thumb,
  • forefinger,
  • middle finger,
  • little finger.

For each point, there are 7 taps with two fingers and a repetition of the installation.

  1. Further tapping moves to a point between below the bones of the ring finger and the little finger (Connection Point, Gamma Point). We do not pronounce the setting. Follow the taps with the following actions:
  • close your eyes;
    • open your eyes;
    • move your eyes to the right and down;
    • move your eyes to the left and down;
    • make a full circle with your eyes in one direction;
    • repeat with your eyes a full circle in the opposite direction;
    • “Sweep” for a couple of seconds (for vibration);
    • count to 5;
    • again "sweep" for a couple of seconds (for vibration);

Then repeat tapping from the beginning of the eyebrow to the little finger.

  1. Take a deep breath and exhale, rate the problem on a ten-point scale again. If the mark dropped by at least one point, then you did everything right.

Get the grade down by repeating the cycles with a slight adjustment to the setting phrase: “Even though I still don’t believe I can open a bakery, I love, forgive and accept myself.” Logically change the wording each time, and when you repeat it during therapy, put into it those emotions that you experience (anger, frustration, resentment, irritation).

The result will be your emotional release, you may suddenly realize that you are not really afraid to open a bakery, and do not fully understand how to do it. And then you find a way to accomplish what you want.

BSFF (Get Free Fast)

The technique blocks the prejudices of the person that interfere with the realization of his dreams. This happens according to the scheme:

  1. What do I want? Taking Olga's example, our goal is to buy a car.
  2. What I feel? We write down the answers on a piece of paper: “I’m afraid of dying in an accident,” “I’m afraid of the aggression of other drivers,” “I’m too lazy to earn money for a car,” “I might be a bad driver,” “if I even get into a small accident, I will be very ashamed "," I have to re-study the traffic rules and pass on the license "and others. We end with a positive thought: "I will be happy to drive", "I will have my own car."
  3. We choose the word code. Larry Nimsom, the author of the technique, advises:

“Just pick the word or short phrase you want to use. It is better to choose a word that does not contain a strong emotional charge, for example, the word "money" is not appropriate.

Examples of keywords our clients have used: awesome, Dynamite, I can do it, Peace, Joy, Go ahead, Be free, Light, Freedom, Hurray. "

We insert into the instruction:

“This instruction is for you, my subconscious. Whenever I spot a problem and say the keyword "Dynamite", you will eliminate the problem and its roots in an effective way. I thank you for always being my faithful servant. End of instructions "

  1. We apply the instructions to each item of the list written or printed on a sheet of paper (item 2), for this we read the conviction and pronounce the code word until yawning appears. As soon as it appears, go to the next item.
  2. We end with phrases, which we also repeat until you yawn:

“Now I eliminate forever all the problems associated with my goal - to buy a car. Dynamite"

“Now I forgive all people who are associated with my goal - to buy a car, I forgive the whole world and myself. I did my best for this. Dynamite"

The result is an increase in stress resistance. What prevented you from moving towards your dream ceases to enter into a stupor, frighten and excite. You will buy a car, as you will not be afraid to appear on the road as an insecure driver, defeat laziness and prejudice.

Other deprogramming techniques - PEAT and Aspectica - work on the same principle. They eliminate the negative emotional basis, neutralize the attitude towards the problem.


People are happy to help you and fulfill your requests when they receive a grateful response. If you do not thank the person who helped you out with money or gave you good advice, next time he may refuse. The situation is the same with the Universe - it can stop fulfilling our desires.

A notebook will help to thank the Universe (God, the Almighty, Space). Number 21 pages and sign each one, "My thanks to the universe today." Day by day, write down 21 reasons to say thank you.

Thank you for a cup of coffee in the morning, for the smile of a loved one, for a good mood, for the health of loved ones, for the transport that arrived on time, for the attentiveness of the boss who helps you to improve.

Accompany the gratitude of the Universe with inner gratitude to yourself for courage and decisiveness in professional matters, for attentiveness to loved ones, for diligence and reliability in relation to friends. Say: “I am grateful to myself that I am saving my life”, “I am grateful to myself for reading this book”, “Thank you for your material confidence in the future.”

On the sheet, you can add the second column "I want to thank" and thank you for fulfilled wishes (imagine that they have already come true): "Thank you for a new home", "Thank you for a promotion at work", "Thank you for being completely healthy."


Fear and prejudice prevent us from being happy. They are easily removed from the subconscious on an emotional level.

Use these techniques of working with the subconscious to achieve goals, and the main result of working with the subconscious and fulfilling desires will be a new stage of self-improvement. Any desires are fulfilled by someone who is confident in himself, and those around him will feel this confidence.

Top 10 mistakes

1.Formulation of desire

4. Concentration

Concentrate on one desire, if you give several different tasks at once - this will slow down the execution process. Therefore, you should think carefully in order to highlight the most cherished and important dream, in order to reinforce only it with energy on a daily basis.


Having given an order to your subconscious mind, you should not just sit with folded hands and wait for it to be fulfilled. It is also important to act, then by joint efforts everything will work out. For example, you want to meet your love, but you hardly leave the house, thinking only about how to make the Universe fulfill your desire? Get out for a walk, concerts, chat with new people ... Help yourself, don't expect your love to just knock on your door.

6.Communication circle

Every time we tell someone about our dream, we waste some of our energy, so try not to waste it. I do not urge you not to share your plans with anyone, just do it selectively, and with those people who will be able to support you, and not devalue impulses and opportunities. Such people, on the contrary, will be able to inspire you not only to accomplishments, but also the desires themselves.


In the article I talked about the fact that it is very important to be able to bring what has been started to the end. Why am I doing this? And to the fact that if, for example, you started with positive affirmations, but pronounce them every other day, or abandoned them after practicing for a week, you should not expect quick results.

8. Particle "NOT"

There is one important secret - in your speech and thoughts, try to do without a particle of "not". The fact is that the subconscious of a person misses it, does not notice, therefore, if you say to yourself: “I will not be ill this year,” then it is precisely for the illness that you are programming yourself. Therefore, in order to correctly set yourself up and send the right message to the Universe, keep track of how you formulate your goals.

By the way, this also applies to wishes to others, especially on holidays, try to follow your speech and in normal communication.

9 thoroughness

Make real wishes, good ambitions, of course, is great, but if you demand to fly into space, it is unlikely that this will come true. The closer to reality your goal is, the faster it will be fulfilled. And in general, first, think about what exactly will happen if you still get what you wanted?

Sometimes we dream of achieving something, thinking that it is then that we can become happy. But, having received what was expected, sometimes we feel disappointment, therefore, before instilling an idea in the subconscious, carefully consider the pros and cons of its successful implementation.

10 learn to wait

The Universe knows better when exactly the hour will come, when it is better to fulfill your dream, how best to organize events so that you too can notice opportunities and changes in life. If you are impatient, over time, irritation will begin to build up, from which the strength and energy of the message will decrease. For example, imagine that at work your boss gave you an assignment, and throughout the day constantly twitches about progress in implementation, requiring you to provide reports.

After some time, even if you had the inspiration to do this work, you will feel that you have no strength to continue in this spirit, and you will already force yourself to do this, spending colossal energy, only this time fighting with yourself. So, do not change its vector, let it be productive and not wasted on unnecessary processes.

Check out these free 30 lessons on working with the subconscious... With their help, you will learn how to properly work with the subconscious, as well as learn real life examples.


That's all, dear readers of my blog! I would like to remind you that everything is in your hands, and you are able to do some little things on your own in your life. Learn to hear your inner voice and formulate your goals correctly to help the Universe fulfill them. Good luck to you, follow the recommendations, and you will succeed.

If you subscribe to updates or join the VKontakte group, following the links on the right, you will not miss the release of articles with very important tools for implementing your plans. See you soon friends.

When you learn the secrets of the most powerful desire fulfillment techniques, you will be shocked at how easy it is to consciously create the circumstances you desire instead of letting circumstances dictate the conditions of your life.

Wish fulfillment techniques

Learn these powerful techniques to make your dreams come true as if by magic:

1. Love yourself

Yes, love yourself! This is incredibly powerful force. When you love yourself, you believe in yourself. You trust your intuition. Honor your values. Speak the truth. Feel worthy. When you feel worthy, your visualizations and affirmations will work, because then you will believe that you can have what you want, instead of bumping into a brick wall that says "It would be nice, but I don't deserve it."

When you love yourself, you feel worthy to have what you want! Learn to love yourself by knowing yourself and constantly improving yourself. You are participating in the creation of your life, you have contributed to the circumstances! Now that you may be unhappy with what you have created, it is a very powerful step to take responsibility for your life, because when you allow yourself to truly, of course, love yourself to the core, you can make your actions have always been consistent with self-love. Now your efforts will not constantly fail due to deep-seated limiting beliefs!

2. Power of Thought

It is also known as the creative force of consciousness. In quantum physics it is argued that the outcome of an experiment is influenced by the expectations of the observer. Research has shown that when observers expect a certain result from an experiment, they get it, but when they stop observing, the experiment continues according to its own "rules." Our Universe consists of energy “bricks” - quanta. Quantums, or waves of matter, can manifest the properties of both particles (matter) and waves (light, sound, thoughts). The quanta influence each other even at great distances. This means that you can influence external circumstances (such as your financial condition) and change them with the power of your thoughts.

It is so easy, but so difficult! The challenge is that it takes clarity of thought, focus, and time to generate enough focused mental energy. Unprepared consciousness is constantly distracted by extraneous thoughts, because of this it is difficult to focus, thoughts remain scattered and the process of fulfilling desires is inhibited.

3. Meditation helps focus

Imagine reading in bed. If you turn on and off the lamp, waving it around the room so that the light hits the book only occasionally, it will be very difficult for you to see the text and even more so to understand its meaning. To see what you are reading, you need to illuminate the book evenly and with sufficient intensity.

It takes time and effort to focus the mind. You can start by practicing meditation and achieving mental silence using the Silva Method. Only then will you be able to apply the principles of the Power of Thought taught by eminent spiritual mentors for thousands of years:

Ask and you will be rewarded. Seek and you will find. Knock and they will open for you. Let it be rewarded to every one who asks, let every seeker find, let it be revealed to every one who knocks.

We are what we think. Everything we are comes from our thoughts. With our thoughts we create the world around us.

Thought Power develops through visualization, positive self-talk (affirmations), and self-programming (to change limiting beliefs). The main goal is to fix the image of the desired in your subconscious and thus make it look for favorable conditions for receiving it.

The subconscious mind does not distinguish between "real" and "imaginary". But it passes any new information through subconscious beliefs, rejecting everything that does not agree with them.

Through persistent and regular visualization exercises, as well as verbal commands charged with lots of positive emotions, it is possible to make new ideas and intentions overcome conditional barriers. But there is one more thing - remember "love yourself"? By meditating and uncovering hidden barriers to money, love, etc. that have made your previous visualizations and affirmations ineffective, you will open the door to success.

4. Gratitude

This is one of the most overlooked techniques for fulfilling desires. The more grateful you are for what you have received and the circumstances that develop around you, the happier you will feel. You know how it happens that everything goes your way, because you are happy, but you are not happy, because everything goes your way. Like attracts like. To embody desires for what you want, and to attract it, you need to radiate these vibrations. Expressing gratitude on a daily basis will help you become happier, learn the correct vibrations, and fulfill your desires.
