Table 1. Refractive indices of crystals.

refractive index some crystals at 18 ° C for the rays of the visible part of the spectrum, the wavelengths of which correspond to certain spectral lines. The elements to which these lines belong are indicated; the approximate values ​​of the wavelengths λ of these lines are also indicated in angstrom units

λ (Å) Lime spar Fluorspar Rock salt Silvin
com. l. extraordinary l.
6708 (Li, cr. l.) 1,6537 1,4843 1,4323 1,5400 1,4866
6563 (N, cr. l.) 1,6544 1,4846 1,4325 1,5407 1,4872
6438 (Cd, cr. l.) 1,6550 1,4847 1,4327 1,5412 1,4877
5893 (Na, fl.) 1,6584 1,4864 1,4339 1,5443 1,4904
5461 (Hg, w.l.) 1,6616 1,4879 1,4350 1,5475 1,4931
5086 (Cd, w.l.) 1,6653 1,4895 1,4362 1,5509 1,4961
4861 (N, w.l.) 1,6678 1,4907 1,4371 1,5534 1,4983
4800 (Cd, s.l.) 1,6686 1,4911 1,4379 1,5541 1,4990
4047 (Hg, f. l) 1,6813 1,4969 1,4415 1,5665 1,5097

Table 2. Refractive indices of optical glasses.

Lines C, D and F, whose wavelengths are approximately equal: 0.6563 μ (μm), 0.5893 μ and 0.4861 μ.

Optical glasses Designation n C n D n F
Borosilicate crown 516/641 1,5139 1,5163 1,5220
Cron 518/589 1,5155 1,5181 1,5243
Light flint 548/459 1,5445 1,5480 1,5565
barite crown 659/560 1,5658 1,5688 1,5759
- || - 572/576 1,5697 1,5726 1,5796
Light flint 575/413 1,5709 1,5749 1,5848
Barite Light Flint 579/539 1,5763 1,5795 1,5871
heavy kroner 589/612 1,5862 1,5891 1,5959
- || - 612/586 1,6095 1,6126 1,6200
flint 512/369 1,6081 1,6129 1,6247
- || - 617/365 1,6120 1,6169 1,6290
- || - 619/363 1,6150 1,6199 1,6321
- || - 624/359 1,6192 1,6242 1,6366
Heavy Barite Flint 626/391 1,6213 1,6259 1,6379
heavy flint 647/339 1,6421 1,6475 1,6612
- || - 672/322 1,6666 1,6725 1,6874
- || - 755/275 1,7473 1,7550 1,7747

Table 3. Refractive indices of quartz in the visible part of the spectrum

Reference table gives values refractive index ordinary rays ( n 0) and extraordinary ( ne) for the range of the spectrum approximately from 0.4 to 0.70 μ.

λ (μ) n 0 ne Fused quartz
0,404656 1,557356 1,56671 1,46968
0,434047 1,553963 1,563405 1,46690
0,435834 1,553790 1,563225 1,46675
0,467815 1,551027 1,560368 1,46435
0,479991 1,550118 1,559428 1,46355
0,486133 1,549683 1,558979 1,46318
0,508582 1,548229 1,557475 1,46191
0,533852 1,546799 1,555996 1,46067
0,546072 1,546174 1,555350 1,46013
0,58929 1,544246 1,553355 1,45845
0,643874 1,542288 1,551332 1,45674
0,656278 1,541899 1,550929 1,45640
0,706520 1,540488 1,549472 1,45517

Table 4. Refractive indices of liquids.

The table gives the values ​​of the refractive indices n liquids for a beam with a wavelength approximately equal to 0.5893 μ (yellow sodium line); temperature of the liquid at which the measurements were made n, is indicated.

Liquid t (°C) n
allyl alcohol 20 1,41345
Amyl alcohol (N.) 13 1,414
Anizol 22 1,5150
Aniline 20 1,5863
Acetaldehyde 20 1,3316
Acetone 19,4 1,35886
Benzene 20 1,50112
Bromoform 19 1,5980
Butyl alcohol (n.) 20 1,39931
Glycerol 20 1,4730
Diacetyl 18 1,39331
Xylene (meta) 20 1,49722
Xylene (ortho-) 20 1,50545
Xylene (para-) 20 1,49582
methylene chloride 24 1,4237
Methyl alcohol 14,5 1,33118
Formic acid 20 1,37137
Nitrobenzene 20 1,55291
Nitrotoluene (Ortho-) 20,4 1,54739
Paraldehyde 20 1,40486
Pentane (normal) 20 1,3575
Pentane (iso-) 20 1,3537
Propyl alcohol (normal) 20 1,38543
carbon disulfide 18 1,62950
Toluene 20 1,49693
Furfural 20 1,52608
Chlorobenzene 20 1,52479
Chloroform 18 1,44643
Chloropicrin 23 1,46075
carbon tetrachloride 15 1,46305
Ethyl bromide 20 1,42386
Ethyl iodide 20 1,5168
ethyl acetate 18 1,37216
Ethylbenzene 20 1.4959
Ethylene bromide 20 1,53789
Ethanol 18,2 1,36242
Ethyl ether 20 1,3538

Table 5. Refractive indices of aqueous solutions of sugar.

The table below gives the values refractive index n aqueous solutions of sugar (at 20 ° C) depending on the concentration With solution ( With shows the weight percentage of sugar in the solution).

With (%) n With (%) n
0 1,3330 35 1,3902
2 1,3359 40 1,3997
4 1,3388 45 1,4096
6 1,3418 50 1,4200
8 1,3448 55 1,4307
10 1,3479 60 1,4418
15 1,3557 65 1,4532
20 1,3639 70 1,4651
25 1,3723 75 1,4774
30 1,3811 80 1,4901

Table 6. Refractive indices of water

The table gives the values ​​of the refractive indices n water at a temperature of 20 ° C in the range of wavelengths from approximately 0.3 to 1 μ.

λ (μ) n λ (μ) n λ(c) n
0,3082 1,3567 0,4861 1,3371 0,6562 1,3311
0,3611 1,3474 0,5460 1,3345 0,7682 1,3289
0,4341 1,3403 0,5893 1,3330 1,028 1,3245

Table 7. Refractive indices of gases table

The table gives the values ​​of the refractive indices n of gases under normal conditions for the line D, the wavelength of which is approximately equal to 0.5893 μ.

Gas n
Nitrogen 1,000298
Ammonia 1,000379
Argon 1,000281
Hydrogen 1,000132
Air 1,000292
Gelin 1,000035
Oxygen 1,000271
Neon 1,000067
Carbon monoxide 1,000334
Sulphur dioxide 1,000686
hydrogen sulfide 1,000641
Carbon dioxide 1,000451
Chlorine 1,000768
Ethylene 1,000719
water vapor 1,000255

The source of information: BRIEF PHYSICAL AND TECHNICAL HANDBOOK / Volume 1, - M .: 1960.

Refraction is called a certain abstract number that characterizes the refractive power of any transparent medium. It is customary to designate it n. There are absolute refractive index and relative coefficient.

The first is calculated using one of two formulas:

n = sin α / sin β = const (where sin α is the sine of the angle of incidence, and sin β is the sine of the light beam entering the medium under consideration from the void)

n = c / υ λ (where c is the speed of light in a vacuum, υ λ is the speed of light in the medium under study).

Here, the calculation shows how many times light changes its speed of propagation at the moment of transition from vacuum to a transparent medium. In this way, the refractive index (absolute) is determined. In order to find out the relative, use the formula:

That is, the absolute refractive indices of substances of different densities, such as air and glass, are considered.

Generally speaking, the absolute coefficients of any bodies, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, are always greater than 1. Basically, their values ​​range from 1 to 2. This value can be above 2 only in exceptional cases. The value of this parameter for some environments:

This value, when applied to the hardest natural substance on the planet, diamond, is 2.42. Very often, when conducting scientific research, etc., it is required to know the refractive index of water. This parameter is 1.334.

Since the wavelength is an indicator, of course, not constant, an index is assigned to the letter n. Its value helps to understand which wave of the spectrum this coefficient refers to. When considering the same substance, but with increasing wavelength of light, the refractive index will decrease. This circumstance caused the decomposition of light into a spectrum when passing through a lens, prism, etc.

By the value of the refractive index, you can determine, for example, how much of one substance is dissolved in another. This is useful, for example, in brewing or when you need to know the concentration of sugar, fruit or berries in the juice. This indicator is also important in determining the quality of petroleum products, and in jewelry, when it is necessary to prove the authenticity of a stone, etc.

Without the use of any substance, the scale visible in the eyepiece of the instrument will be completely blue. If you drop ordinary distilled water on a prism, with the correct calibration of the instrument, the border of blue and white colors will pass strictly along the zero mark. When examining another substance, it will shift along the scale according to what refractive index it has.

Light refraction- a phenomenon in which a beam of light, passing from one medium to another, changes direction at the boundary of these media.

The refraction of light occurs according to the following law:
The incident and refracted rays and the perpendicular drawn to the interface between two media at the point of incidence of the beam lie in the same plane. The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant value for two media:
where α - angle of incidence,
β - angle of refraction
n - a constant value independent of the angle of incidence.

When the angle of incidence changes, the angle of refraction also changes. The larger the angle of incidence, the larger the angle of refraction.
If light goes from an optically less dense medium to a denser medium, then the angle of refraction is always less than the angle of incidence: β < α.
A beam of light directed perpendicular to the interface between two media passes from one medium to another without breaking.

absolute refractive index of a substance- a value equal to the ratio of the phase velocities of light (electromagnetic waves) in vacuum and in a given medium n=c/v
The value of n included in the law of refraction is called the relative refractive index for a pair of media.

The value n is the relative refractive index of medium B with respect to medium A, and n" = 1/n is the relative refractive index of medium A with respect to medium B.
This value, ceteris paribus, is greater than unity when the beam passes from a denser medium to a less dense medium, and less than unity when the beam passes from a less dense medium to a denser medium (for example, from a gas or from vacuum to a liquid or solid). There are exceptions to this rule, and therefore it is customary to call a medium optically more or less dense than another.
A beam falling from airless space onto the surface of some medium B is refracted more strongly than when falling on it from another medium A; The refractive index of a ray incident on a medium from airless space is called its absolute refractive index.

(Absolute - relative to vacuum.
Relative - relative to any other substance (the same air, for example).
The relative index of two substances is the ratio of their absolute indices.)

Total internal reflection- internal reflection, provided that the angle of incidence exceeds a certain critical angle. In this case, the incident wave is completely reflected, and the value of the reflection coefficient exceeds its highest values ​​for polished surfaces. The reflection coefficient for total internal reflection does not depend on the wavelength.

In optics, this phenomenon is observed for a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including the X-ray range.

In geometric optics, the phenomenon is explained in terms of Snell's law. Considering that the angle of refraction cannot exceed 90°, we obtain that at an angle of incidence whose sine is greater than the ratio of the lower refractive index to the larger index, the electromagnetic wave should be completely reflected into the first medium.

In accordance with the wave theory of the phenomenon, the electromagnetic wave nevertheless penetrates into the second medium - the so-called "non-uniform wave" propagates there, which decays exponentially and does not carry away energy with it. The characteristic depth of penetration of an inhomogeneous wave into the second medium is of the order of the wavelength.

Laws of refraction of light.

From all that has been said, we conclude:
1 . At the interface between two media of different optical density, a beam of light changes its direction when passing from one medium to another.
2. When a light beam passes into a medium with a higher optical density, the angle of refraction is less than the angle of incidence; when a light beam passes from an optically denser medium to a less dense medium, the angle of refraction is greater than the angle of incidence.
The refraction of light is accompanied by reflection, and with an increase in the angle of incidence, the brightness of the reflected beam increases, while the refracted one weakens. This can be seen by conducting the experiment shown in the figure. Consequently, the reflected beam carries away with it the more light energy, the greater the angle of incidence.

Let MN- the interface between two transparent media, for example, air and water, JSC- falling beam OV- refracted beam, - angle of incidence, - angle of refraction, - speed of light propagation in the first medium, - speed of light propagation in the second medium.

Let us turn to a more detailed consideration of the refractive index introduced by us in § 81 when formulating the law of refraction.

The refractive index depends on the optical properties and the medium from which the beam falls and the medium into which it penetrates. The refractive index obtained when light from a vacuum falls on a medium is called the absolute refractive index of this medium.

Rice. 184. Relative refractive index of two media:

Let the absolute refractive index of the first medium be and the second medium - . Considering refraction at the boundary of the first and second media, we make sure that the refractive index during the transition from the first medium to the second, the so-called relative refractive index, is equal to the ratio of the absolute refractive indices of the second and first media:

(Fig. 184). On the contrary, when passing from the second medium to the first, we have a relative refractive index

The established connection between the relative refractive index of two media and their absolute refractive indices could also be derived theoretically, without new experiments, just as it can be done for the law of reversibility (§ 82),

A medium with a higher refractive index is said to be optically denser. The refractive index of various media relative to air is usually measured. The absolute refractive index of air is . Thus, the absolute refractive index of any medium is related to its refractive index relative to air by the formula

Table 6. Refractive index of various substances relative to air

The refractive index depends on the wavelength of light, that is, on its color. Different colors correspond to different refractive indices. This phenomenon, called dispersion, plays an important role in optics. We will deal with this phenomenon repeatedly in later chapters. The data given in table. 6, refer to yellow light.

It is interesting to note that the law of reflection can be formally written in the same form as the law of refraction. Recall that we agreed to always measure the angles from the perpendicular to the corresponding ray. Therefore, we must consider the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection to have opposite signs, i.e. the law of reflection can be written as

Comparing (83.4) with the law of refraction, we see that the law of reflection can be considered as a special case of the law of refraction at . This formal similarity between the laws of reflection and refraction is of great use in solving practical problems.

In the previous presentation, the refractive index had the meaning of a constant of the medium, independent of the intensity of the light passing through it. Such an interpretation of the refractive index is quite natural; however, in the case of high radiation intensities achievable using modern lasers, it is not justified. The properties of the medium through which strong light radiation passes, in this case, depend on its intensity. As they say, the medium becomes non-linear. The nonlinearity of the medium manifests itself, in particular, in the fact that a light wave of high intensity changes the refractive index. The dependence of the refractive index on the radiation intensity has the form

Here, is the usual refractive index, a is the non-linear refractive index, and is the proportionality factor. The additional term in this formula can be either positive or negative.

The relative changes in the refractive index are relatively small. At non-linear refractive index. However, even such small changes in the refractive index are noticeable: they manifest themselves in a peculiar phenomenon of self-focusing of light.

Consider a medium with a positive nonlinear refractive index. In this case, the areas of increased light intensity are simultaneous areas of increased refractive index. Usually, in real laser radiation, the intensity distribution over the cross section of the beam is nonuniform: the intensity is maximum along the axis and smoothly decreases towards the edges of the beam, as shown in Fig. 185 solid curves. A similar distribution also describes the change in the refractive index over the cross section of a cell with a nonlinear medium, along the axis of which the laser beam propagates. The refractive index, which is greatest along the cell axis, gradually decreases towards its walls (dashed curves in Fig. 185).

A beam of rays emerging from the laser parallel to the axis, falling into a medium with a variable refractive index, is deflected in the direction where it is greater. Therefore, an increased intensity in the vicinity of the OSP cell leads to a concentration of light rays in this region, which is shown schematically in cross sections and in Fig. 185, and this leads to a further increase in . Ultimately, the effective cross section of a light beam passing through a nonlinear medium decreases significantly. Light passes as if through a narrow channel with an increased refractive index. Thus, the laser beam narrows, and the nonlinear medium acts as a converging lens under the action of intense radiation. This phenomenon is called self-focusing. It can be observed, for example, in liquid nitrobenzene.

Rice. 185. Distribution of radiation intensity and refractive index over the cross section of the laser beam of rays at the entrance to the cuvette (a), near the input end (), in the middle (), near the output end of the cuvette ()

Determination of the refractive index of transparent solids

And liquids

Instruments and accessories: a microscope with a light filter, a plane-parallel plate with an AB mark in the form of a cross; refractometer brand "RL"; set of liquids.

Objective: determine the refractive indices of glass and liquids.

Determination of the refractive index of glass using a microscope

To determine the refractive index of a transparent solid, a plane-parallel plate made of this material with a mark is used.

The mark consists of two mutually perpendicular scratches, one of which (A) is applied to the bottom, and the second (B) - to the top surface of the plate. The plate is illuminated with monochromatic light and examined under a microscope. On the
rice. 4.7 shows a section of the investigated plate by a vertical plane.

Rays AD and AE after refraction at the glass-air interface go in the directions DD1 and EE1 and fall into the microscope objective.

An observer who looks at the plate from above sees point A at the intersection of the continuation of the rays DD1 and EE1, i.e. at point C.

Thus, point A seems to the observer located at point C. Let's find the relationship between the refractive index n of the plate material, the thickness d and the apparent thickness d1 of the plate.

4.7 it can be seen that VD \u003d BCtgi, BD \u003d ABtgr, from where

tgi/tgr = AB/BC,

where AB = d is the plate thickness; BC = d1 apparent plate thickness.

If angles i and r are small, then

Sini/Sinr = tgi/tgr, (4.5)

those. Sini/Sinr = d/d1.

Taking into account the law of light refraction, we obtain

The measurement of d/d1 is made using a microscope.

The optical scheme of the microscope consists of two systems: an observation system, which includes an objective and an eyepiece mounted in a tube, and an illumination system, consisting of a mirror and a removable light filter. Image focusing is carried out by rotating the handles located on both sides of the tube.

On the axis of the right handle there is a disk with a limb scale.

The reading b on the limb relative to the fixed pointer determines the distance h from the objective to the microscope stage:

The coefficient k indicates to what height the microscope tube moves when the handle is rotated by 1°.

The diameter of the objective in this setup is small compared to the distance h, so the outermost beam that enters the objective forms a small angle i with the optical axis of the microscope.

The angle of refraction r of light in the plate is less than the angle i, i.e. is also small, which corresponds to condition (4.5).

Work order

1. Put the plate on the microscope stage so that the point of intersection of strokes A and B (see Fig.

Refractive index

4.7) was in the field of view.

2. Rotate the handle of the lifting mechanism to raise the tube to the top position.

3. Looking into the eyepiece, slowly lower the microscope tube by rotating the handle until a clear image of scratch B, applied to the upper surface of the plate, is obtained in the field of view. Record the indication b1 of the limb, which is proportional to the distance h1 from the microscope objective to the top edge of the plate: h1 = kb1 (Fig.

4. Continue lowering the tube smoothly until a clear image of scratch A is obtained, which seems to the observer located at point C. Record a new reading b2 of the limbus. The distance h1 from the objective to the upper surface of the plate is proportional to b2:
h2 = kb2 (Fig. 4.8, b).

The distances from points B and C to the lens are equal, since the observer sees them equally clearly.

The displacement of the tube h1-h2 is equal to the apparent thickness of the plate (Fig.

d1 = h1-h2 = (b1-b2)k. (4.8)

5. Measure the plate thickness d at the intersection of the strokes. To do this, place an auxiliary glass plate 2 under the test plate 1 (Fig. 4.9) and lower the microscope tube until the lens touches (slightly) the test plate. Notice the indication of the limb a1. Remove the plate under study and lower the tube of the microscope until the objective touches the plate 2.

Note indication a2.

At the same time, the microscope objective will drop to a height equal to the thickness of the plate under study, i.e.

d = (a1-a2)k. (4.9)

6. Calculate the refractive index of the plate material using the formula

n = d/d1 = (a1-a2)/(b1-b2). (4.10)

7. Repeat all the above measurements 3-5 times, calculate the average value n, absolute and relative errors rn and rn/n.

Determination of the refractive index of liquids using a refractometer

Instruments that are used to determine the refractive indices are called refractometers.

General view and optical scheme of the RL refractometer are shown in fig. 4.10 and 4.11.

Measurement of the refractive index of liquids using a RL refractometer is based on the phenomenon of refraction of light that has passed through the interface between two media with different refractive indices.

Light beam (Fig.

4.11) from a source 1 (an incandescent lamp or diffused daylight) with the help of a mirror 2 is directed through a window in the instrument housing to a double prism consisting of prisms 3 and 4, which are made of glass with a refractive index of 1.540.

Surface AA of the upper illumination prism 3 (Fig.

4.12, a) is matte and serves to illuminate the liquid with diffused light deposited in a thin layer in the gap between prisms 3 and 4. The light scattered by the matte surface 3 passes through a plane-parallel layer of the liquid under study and falls on the diagonal face of the explosive of the lower prism 4 under different
angles i ranging from zero to 90°.

To avoid the phenomenon of total internal reflection of light on the explosive surface, the refractive index of the investigated liquid should be less than the refractive index of the glass of prism 4, i.e.

less than 1,540.

A beam of light with an angle of incidence of 90° is called a gliding beam.

The sliding beam, refracted at the liquid-glass interface, will go in prism 4 at the limiting angle of refraction r etc< 90о.

The refraction of a sliding beam at point D (see Figure 4.12, a) obeys the law

nst / nzh \u003d sinipr / sinrpr (4.11)

or nzh = nstsinrpr, (4.12)

since sinipr = 1.

On the surface BC of prism 4, light rays are re-refracted and then

Sini¢pr/sinr¢pr = 1/ nst, (4.13)

r¢pr+i¢pr = i¢pr =a , (4.14)

where a is the refracting beam of the prism 4.

Solving together the system of equations (4.12), (4.13), (4.14), we can obtain a formula that relates the refractive index nzh of the liquid under study with the limiting angle of refraction r'pr of the beam that emerged from the prism 4:

If a spotting scope is placed in the path of the rays emerging from prism 4, then the lower part of its field of view will be illuminated, and the upper part dark. The interface between light and dark fields is formed by rays with a limiting refraction angle r¢pr. There are no rays with an angle of refraction smaller than r¢pr in this system (Fig.

The value of r¢pr, therefore, and the position of the chiaroscuro boundary depend only on the refractive index nzh of the liquid under study, since nst and a are constant values ​​in this device.

Knowing nst, a and r¢pr, it is possible to calculate nzh using formula (4.15). In practice, formula (4.15) is used to calibrate the refractometer scale.

On scale 9 (see

rice. 4.11), the values ​​of the refractive index for ld = 5893 Å are plotted on the left. In front of the eyepiece 10 - 11 there is a plate 8 with a mark (--).

By moving the eyepiece along with plate 8 along the scale, it is possible to achieve alignment of the mark with the dividing line between the dark and light fields of view.

The division of the graduated scale 9, coinciding with the mark, gives the value of the refractive index nzh of the liquid under study. Objective 6 and eyepiece 10-11 form a telescope.

Rotary prism 7 changes the course of the beam, directing it into the eyepiece.

Due to the dispersion of glass and the liquid under study, instead of a clear dividing line between dark and bright fields, when observed in white light, an iridescent stripe is obtained. To eliminate this effect, the dispersion compensator 5 is installed in front of the telescope lens. The main part of the compensator is a prism, which is glued from three prisms and can rotate relative to the axis of the telescope.

The refractive angles of the prism and their material are chosen so that yellow light with a wavelength ld = 5893 Å passes through them without refraction. If a compensatory prism is installed on the path of colored rays so that its dispersion is equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign to the dispersion of the measuring prism and the liquid, then the total dispersion will be equal to zero. In this case, the beam of light rays will gather into a white beam, the direction of which coincides with the direction of the limiting yellow beam.

Thus, when the compensatory prism rotates, the color of the color shade is eliminated. Together with the prism 5, the dispersion limb 12 rotates relative to the fixed pointer (see Fig. 4.10). The rotation angle Z of the limb makes it possible to judge the value of the average dispersion of the investigated liquid.

The dial scale must be graduated. The schedule is attached to the installation.

Work order

1. Raise the prism 3, place 2-3 drops of the test liquid on the surface of the prism 4 and lower the prism 3 (see Fig. 4.10).

3. Using ocular aiming, achieve a sharp image of the scale and the interface between the fields of view.

4. Turning the handle 12 of the compensator 5, destroy the colored coloration of the interface between the fields of view.

Moving the eyepiece along the scale, align the mark (—-) with the border of the dark and light fields and record the value of the liquid index.

6. Investigate the proposed set of liquids and evaluate the measurement error.

7. After each measurement, wipe the surface of the prisms with filter paper soaked in distilled water.

test questions

Option 1

Define the absolute and relative refractive indices of a medium.

2. Draw the path of rays through the interface of two media (n2> n1, and n2< n1).

3. Obtain a relationship that relates the refractive index n to the thickness d and the apparent thickness d¢ of the plate.

4. A task. The limiting angle of total internal reflection for some substance is 30°.

Find the refractive index of this substance.

Answer: n=2.

Option 2

1. What is the phenomenon of total internal reflection?

2. Describe the design and principle of operation of the RL-2 refractometer.

3. Explain the role of the compensator in a refractometer.

4. A task. A light bulb is lowered from the center of a round raft to a depth of 10 m. Find the minimum radius of the raft, while not a single ray from the light bulb should reach the surface.

Answer: R = 11.3 m.

REFRACTIVE INDEX, or REFRACTIVE COEFFICIENT, is an abstract number characterizing the refractive power of a transparent medium. The refractive index is denoted by the Latin letter π and is defined as the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction of a beam entering from a void into a given transparent medium:

n = sin α/sin β = const or as the ratio of the speed of light in a void to the speed of light in a given transparent medium: n = c/νλ from the void to the given transparent medium.

The refractive index is considered a measure of the optical density of a medium

The refractive index determined in this way is called the absolute refractive index, in contrast to the relative refractive index.

e. shows how many times the speed of light propagation slows down when its refractive index passes, which is determined by the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction when the beam passes from a medium of one density to a medium of another density. The relative refractive index is equal to the ratio of the absolute refractive indices: n = n2/n1, where n1 and n2 are the absolute refractive indices of the first and second media.

The absolute refractive index of all bodies - solid, liquid and gaseous - is greater than one and ranges from 1 to 2, exceeding the value of 2 only in rare cases.

The refractive index depends both on the properties of the medium and on the wavelength of light and increases with decreasing wavelength.

Therefore, an index is assigned to the letter p, indicating which wavelength the indicator refers to.


For example, for TF-1 glass, the refractive index in the red part of the spectrum is nC=1.64210, and in the violet part nG’=1.67298.

Refractive indices of some transparent bodies

    Air - 1.000292

    Water - 1,334

    Ether - 1,358

    Ethyl alcohol - 1.363

    Glycerin - 1, 473

    Organic glass (plexiglass) - 1, 49

    Benzene - 1.503

    (Crown glass - 1.5163

    Fir (Canadian), balsam 1.54

    Heavy crown glass - 1, 61 26

    Flint glass - 1.6164

    Carbon disulfide - 1.629

    Glass heavy flint - 1, 64 75

    Monobromonaphthalene - 1.66

    Glass is the heaviest flint - 1.92

    Diamond - 2.42

The difference in the refractive index for different parts of the spectrum is the cause of chromatism, i.e.

decomposition of white light when it passes through refracting parts - lenses, prisms, etc.

Lab #41

Determination of the refractive index of liquids using a refractometer

The purpose of the work: determination of the refractive index of liquids by the method of total internal reflection using a refractometer IRF-454B; study of the dependence of the refractive index of the solution on its concentration.

Installation Description

When non-monochromatic light is refracted, it is decomposed into component colors into a spectrum.

This phenomenon is due to the dependence of the refractive index of a substance on the frequency (wavelength) of light and is called light dispersion.

It is customary to characterize the refractive power of a medium by the refractive index at a wavelength λ \u003d 589.3 nm (average of the wavelengths of two close yellow lines in the sodium vapor spectrum).

60. What methods for determining the concentration of substances in the solution are used in atomic absorption analysis?

This refractive index is denoted nD.

The measure of variance is the mean variance, defined as the difference ( nF-nC), where nF is the refractive index of a substance at a wavelength λ = 486.1 nm (blue line in the hydrogen spectrum), nC is the refractive index of a substance λ - 656.3 nm (red line in the spectrum of hydrogen).

The refraction of a substance is characterized by the value of the relative dispersion:
Handbooks usually give the reciprocal of the relative dispersion, i.e.

,where is the dispersion coefficient, or the Abbe number.

An apparatus for determining the refractive index of liquids consists of a refractometer IRF-454B with the measurement limits of the indicator; refraction nD in the range from 1.2 to 1.7; test liquid, wipes for wiping the surfaces of prisms.

Refractometer IRF-454B is a test instrument designed to directly measure the refractive index of liquids, as well as to determine the average dispersion of liquids in the laboratory.

The principle of operation of the device IRF-454B based on the phenomenon of total internal reflection of light.

The schematic diagram of the device is shown in fig. one.

The investigated liquid is placed between the two faces of the prism 1 and 2. Prism 2 with a well-polished face AB is measuring, and prism 1 has a matte face BUT1 AT1 - lighting. Rays from a light source fall on the edge BUT1 FROM1 , refract, fall on a matte surface BUT1 AT1 and scattered by this surface.

Then they pass through the layer of the investigated liquid and fall on the surface. AB prism 2.

According to the law of refraction
, where
and are the angles of refraction of the rays in the liquid and the prism, respectively.

As the angle of incidence increases
angle of refraction also increases and reaches its maximum value
, when
, t.

e. when a beam in a liquid slides over a surface AB. Consequently,
. Thus, the rays emerging from the prism 2 are limited to a certain angle

The rays coming from the liquid into the prism 2 at large angles undergo total internal reflection at the interface AB and do not pass through a prism.

The device under consideration is used to study liquids, the refractive index which is less than the refractive index prism 2, therefore, the rays of all directions, refracted at the boundary of the liquid and glass, will enter the prism.

Obviously, the part of the prism corresponding to the non-transmitted rays will be darkened. In the telescope 4, located on the path of the rays emerging from the prism, one can observe the division of the field of view into light and dark parts.

By turning the system of prisms 1-2, the border between the light and dark fields is combined with the cross of the threads of the eyepiece of the telescope. The system of prisms 1-2 is associated with a scale that is calibrated in refractive index values.

The scale is located in the lower part of the field of view of the pipe and, when the section of the field of view is combined with the cross of threads, gives the corresponding value of the refractive index of the liquid .

Due to dispersion, the interface of the field of view in white light will be colored. To eliminate coloration, as well as to determine the average dispersion of the test substance, compensator 3 is used, consisting of two systems of glued direct vision prisms (Amici prisms).

The prisms can be rotated simultaneously in different directions using a precise rotary mechanical device, thereby changing the intrinsic dispersion of the compensator and eliminating the coloration of the field of view observed through the optical system 4. A drum with a scale is connected to the compensator, which determines the dispersion parameter, which allows calculating the average dispersion substances.

Work order

Adjust the device so that the light from the source (incandescent lamp) enters the illuminating prism and illuminates the field of view evenly.

2. Open the measuring prism.

Apply a few drops of water to its surface with a glass rod and carefully close the prism. The gap between the prisms must be evenly filled with a thin layer of water (pay special attention to this).

Using the screw of the device with a scale, eliminate the coloration of the field of view and obtain a sharp border between light and shadow. Align it, with the help of another screw, with the reference cross of the eyepiece of the device. Determine the refractive index of water on the scale of the eyepiece to the nearest thousandth.

Compare the obtained results with reference data for water. If the difference between the measured and tabulated refractive index does not exceed ± 0.001, then the measurement was performed correctly.

Exercise 1

1. Prepare a solution of table salt ( NaCl) with a concentration close to the solubility limit (for example, C = 200 g/liter).

Measure the refractive index of the resulting solution.

3. By diluting the solution by an integer number of times, obtain the dependence of the indicator; refraction from the concentration of the solution and fill in the table. one.

Table 1

An exercise. How to get only by dilution the concentration of the solution, equal to 3/4 of the maximum (initial)?

Plot dependency graph n=n(C). Further processing of experimental data should be carried out as directed by the teacher.

Processing of experimental data

a) Graphic method

From the graph determine the slope AT, which under the conditions of the experiment will characterize the solute and the solvent.

2. Determine the concentration of the solution using the graph NaCl given by the laboratory assistant.

b) Analytical method

Calculate by least squares BUT, AT and SB.

According to the found values BUT and AT determine the mean
solution concentration NaCl given by the laboratory assistant

test questions

dispersion of light. What is the difference between normal and abnormal dispersion?

2. What is the phenomenon of total internal reflection?

3. Why is it impossible to measure the refractive index of a liquid greater than the refractive index of a prism using this setup?

4. Why the face of a prism BUT1 AT1 make matte?

Degradation, Index

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A way to assess the degree of mental degradation! functions measured by the Wexler-Bellevue test. The index is based on the observation that the level of development of some abilities measured by the test decreases with age, while others do not.


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- an index, a register of names, titles, etc. In psychology - a digital indicator for quantifying, characterizing phenomena.

What does the refractive index of a substance depend on?


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1. V.D. Ponomarev "Analytical Chemistry" 1983 246-251

2. A.A. Ishchenko "Analytical Chemistry" 2004 pp 181-184


Refractometry is one of the simplest physical methods of analysis, requiring a minimum amount of analyte, and is carried out in a very short time.

Refractometry- a method based on the phenomenon of refraction or refraction i.e.

change in the direction of light propagation when passing from one medium to another.

Refraction, as well as the absorption of light, is a consequence of its interaction with the medium.

The word refractometry means dimension refraction of light, which is estimated by the value of the refractive index.

Refractive index value n depends

1) on the composition of substances and systems,

2) from at what concentration and what molecules the light beam meets on its way, because

Under the action of light, the molecules of different substances are polarized in different ways. It is on this dependence that the refractometric method is based.

This method has a number of advantages, as a result of which it has found wide application both in chemical research and in the control of technological processes.

1) The measurement of refractive indices is a very simple process that is carried out accurately and with a minimum investment of time and amount of substance.

2) Typically, refractometers provide up to 10% accuracy in determining the refractive index of light and the content of the analyte

The refractometry method is used to control authenticity and purity, to identify individual substances, to determine the structure of organic and inorganic compounds in the study of solutions.

Refractometry is used to determine the composition of two-component solutions and for ternary systems.

Physical basis of the method


The deviation of a light beam from its original direction during its transition from one medium to another is greater, the greater the difference in the speeds of light propagation in two

these environments.

Consider the refraction of a light beam at the boundary of any two transparent media I and II (See Fig.

Rice.). Let us agree that medium II has a greater refractive power and, therefore, n1 and n2- shows the refraction of the corresponding media. If medium I is neither vacuum nor air, then the ratio sin of the angle of incidence of the light beam to sin of the angle of refraction will give the value of the relative refractive index n rel. The value of n rel.

What is the refractive index of glass? And when is it necessary to know?

can also be defined as the ratio of the refractive indices of the media under consideration.

nrel. = —— = —

The value of the refractive index depends on

1) the nature of substances

The nature of a substance in this case is determined by the degree of deformability of its molecules under the action of light - the degree of polarizability.

The more intense the polarizability, the stronger the refraction of light.

2)incident light wavelength

The measurement of the refractive index is carried out at a light wavelength of 589.3 nm (line D of the sodium spectrum).

The dependence of the refractive index on the wavelength of light is called dispersion.

The shorter the wavelength, the greater the refraction. Therefore, rays of different wavelengths are refracted differently.

3)temperature at which the measurement is taken. A prerequisite for determining the refractive index is compliance with the temperature regime. Typically, the determination is performed at 20±0.30C.

As the temperature rises, the refractive index decreases, and as the temperature decreases, it increases..

The temperature correction is calculated using the following formula:

nt=n20+ (20-t) 0.0002, where

nt- bye refractive index at a given temperature,

n20 - refractive index at 200C

The influence of temperature on the values ​​of the refractive indices of gases and liquids is related to the values ​​of their coefficients of volumetric expansion.

The volume of all gases and liquids increases when heated, the density decreases and, consequently, the indicator decreases

The refractive index measured at 200C and a light wavelength of 589.3 nm is indicated by the index nD20

The dependence of the refractive index of a homogeneous two-component system on its state is established experimentally by determining the refractive index for a number of standard systems (for example, solutions), the content of components in which is known.

4) the concentration of a substance in a solution.

For many aqueous solutions of substances, the refractive indices at different concentrations and temperatures have been reliably measured, and in these cases reference data can be used. refractometric tables.

Practice shows that when the content of the dissolved substance does not exceed 10-20%, along with the graphical method, in very many cases it is possible to use linear equation like:


n- refractive index of the solution,

no is the refractive index of the pure solvent,

C— concentration of the dissolved substance,%

F-empirical coefficient, the value of which is found

by determining the refractive indices of solutions of known concentration.


Refractometers are devices used to measure the refractive index.

There are 2 types of these instruments: Abbe type refractometer and Pulfrich type. Both in those and in others, the measurements are based on determining the magnitude of the limiting angle of refraction. In practice, refractometers of various systems are used: laboratory-RL, universal RLU, etc.

The refractive index of distilled water n0 = 1.33299, in practice, this indicator is taken as reference as n0 =1,333.

The principle of operation on refractometers is based on the determination of the refractive index by the limiting angle method (the angle of total reflection of light).

Hand refractometer

Refractometer Abbe

Angle of incidence - cornera between the direction of the incident beam and the perpendicular to the interface between two media, reconstructed at the point of incidence.

Reflection angle - corner β between this perpendicular and the direction of the reflected beam.

Laws of light reflection:

1. The incident beam, perpendicular to the interface between two media at the point of incidence, and the reflected beam lie in the same plane.

2. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

refraction of light called the change in the direction of light rays when light passes from one transparent medium to another.

Refraction angle - cornerb between the same perpendicular and the direction of the refracted beam.

The speed of light in a vacuum With \u003d 3 * 10 8 m / s

The speed of light in a medium V< c

Absolute refractive index of the medium shows how many times the speed of lightv in this medium is less than the speed of light With in a vacuum.

Absolute refractive index of the first medium

Absolute refractive index of the second medium

Absolute refractive index for vacuum equals 1

The speed of light in air differs very little from the value With, that's why

Absolute refractive index for air we will assume equal to 1

Relative refractive index shows how many times the speed of light changes when the beam passes from the first medium to the second.

where V 1 and V 2 are the speeds of light propagation in the first and second medium.

Taking into account the refractive index, the law of light refraction can be written as

where n 21relative refractive index the second environment relative to the first;

n 2 and n 1absolute refractive indices second and first environment respectively

The refractive index of the medium relative to air (vacuum) can be found in Table 12 (Rymkevich's problem book). Values ​​are given for the case the incidence of light from the air into the medium.

For example, we find in the table the refractive index of diamond n = 2.42.

This is the index of refraction diamond against air(vacuum), that is, for absolute refractive indices:

The laws of reflection and refraction are valid for the reverse direction of light rays.

From two transparent media optically less dense called a medium with a higher speed of light, or with a lower refractive index.

When falling into an optically denser medium

angle of refraction less than the angle of incidence.

When falling into an optically less dense medium

angle of refraction more angle of incidence

Total internal reflection

If light rays from an optically denser medium 1 fall on the interface with an optically less dense medium 2 ( n 1 > n 2), then the angle of incidence is less than the angle of refractiona < b . With an increase in the angle of incidence, one can approach its valuea pr , when the refracted beam slides along the interface between two media and does not fall into the second medium,

Refraction angle b= 90°, while all light energy is reflected from the interface.

The limiting angle of total internal reflection a pr is the angle at which a refracted ray glides along the surface of two media,

When passing from an optically less dense medium to a denser medium, total internal reflection is impossible.
