Spelling of noun suffixes includes a number of rules. We have already analyzed the spelling of H and HN, so the remaining rules can be conditionally divided into two types of rules:

1) Spelling of consonants in noun suffixes;

2) Spelling of vowels in noun suffixes.

Spelling of consonants in noun suffixes.

1) Suffix -chik spelled in nouns whose stem ends in consonants g, h, s, d, t:

Counter, pilot, scout, storyteller.

Note... Consonants k, h, c, which the stem of the noun ends with when adding suffix -chik alternating with -t-:

Distribution - Dispenser, Intelligence - Scout.

2) Suffix -Schik written in nouns whose stem ends in all other consonants:

Welder, ring worker, nuclear engineer.

Spelling of vowels in noun suffixes.

1) Suffix -chik or suffix -check?

The suffix -chik is written in cases where the suffix for case declension remains unchanged:

Key - key - key; boy - boy - boy.

If the vowel drops out when declining in cases, then in the nominative case we write suffix -ec:

Lock - lock - lock.

Attention... There is no suffix -check in Russian!

2) Suffix -enk- and -onk-.

If the stem of a noun ends in a soft consonant or consonants w, w, then the suffix is ​​written -enk-:

The soul is darling, the dawn is the dawn.

If the stem of a noun ends in solid consonants other than w, w, then the suffix is ​​written -onk-:

The lip is a sponge, a fur coat is a little fur coat.

Words to remember. Goody, goodbye, goodbye.

3) Suffixes -ich- + -k- get nouns whose stem ends in -its- (in this case, there is an alternation of -ts / -ch-):

A bird is a bird, a button is a button.

The rest of the nouns get diminutive suffix -ech-:

Seed, Manechka, name.

Note... In Russian, there is no unstressed suffix -yachk-!

4) Suffixes -in- + -k- are written in nouns with stems ending in -in-:

pea - pea; machine - machine.

Combination of suffixes -en- + -k- forms a diminutive form of nouns that end in -nya and -na (in which, in the plural form, genus. not written soft sign):

Arable land - arable land - arable land; pine - pine - pine.

5) Suffix -ets (o) is written in neuter nouns, the stress in which falls on the ending:


If the stress in such nouns falls on one of the syllables of the stem, then the suffix is ​​written -its (e):

He called the noun "the bread of the tongue". Indeed, without using this part of speech, it is impossible to build sentences. Objects, things, events and states, people and animals, feelings and emotions - we convey all this in speech using nouns.

When writing the words of this part of speech, you should adhere to the rules. The greatest difficulties are caused by endings and suffixes. How to write noun suffixes correctly will be discussed in the article.

Consistent spelling suffixes

The correct spelling of many morphemes of the Russian language obeys the morphological principle, that is, they are written uniformly in all words and word forms. There are such suffixes for nouns. You just need to learn them.

These are such suffixes as IZN, OT, IN, OST, OTN, OVN and some others. Cheapness, high cost, whiteness; kindness, redness, simplicity; silence, depth; shortness, youth, pride; running, tumbling; chatter and so on. Such suffixes are mainly characteristic of words formed from adjectives and verbal words.

It is recommended to memorize the spelling of words formed from verbs using the suffixes ИВ and ЕВ, for example, "fuel", "mess", "varevo", "circle" and others. You cannot apply any rule to them, they must be remembered or checked against a dictionary.

Suffixes IK and EK

Suffixes of nouns IK and EK serve to form a diminutive form and sound the same when pronounced. They should be written according to a very simple rule. If during the declension of the word the vowel "runs away" - then this is the suffix EK, and if it is preserved, then this is the suffix IK. A classic example, which schoolchildren are very fond of and easily remember, is a lock and a key. We bow the words and see:

  • lock - lock (the vowel "ran away");
  • the key of the IR - the key of the IR (the vowel remained in place).

Applying this rule, you must first correctly find the suffix in the word. For example, in the word "ball" there is a root BALL and the suffix IK familiar to us, in the word "pilot" there is a knee YEARS and a suffix CHIK, and in the word "boy" there is no suffix at all, but only a root and a zero ending. It is important to remember: there are no nouns with the CHEK suffix in Russian!

  • Conclusion. To choose IK or EK, you need to see if the vowel falls out in the form of indirect cases.

Suffixes EC and IC

The spelling of the suffixes of the nouns ЕЦ and ИЦ is similar to the previous paragraph of the rule. Here, too, with the declension, the vowel drops out of the EC morpheme, but remains in the IC morpheme. But there is one more nuance. EC is written in masculine words: young, handsome, foreigner. Accordingly, the IC will only belong to the feminine words: beautiful, blizzard, sloth.

Everything here seems to be simple. But what about neuter words, attentive readers will ask? They even have a vowel when declining anywhere. And here another principle works, and you need to pay attention to the stress. If the emphasis falls on the ending, we write EC: coat, letter. If the shock is the base of the word, we write the suffix ИЦ: dress, name, jam.

  • Conclusion. Suffixes EC and IC depend on the genus of the word. If we ate a word of the neuter gender, we look at the stress.

Suffixes IChK and EChK

Suffixes of nouns IChK and EChK are also found in affectionate and diminutive names of both animate and inanimate objects. Distinguishing from is very simple. IChK is written in those words that are formed from the forms with the IC suffix: ladder - ladder, sister - sister, mill - mill. ECHK is used in all other words, including affectionately diminutive forms of proper nouns: crumb - crumb, cat - kitty, Olya - OLECHKA.

  • Note... The use of the names TANICHK, MANICHK and other similar ones is found in works of fiction, but is not standardized.

It should also be borne in mind that there is no YCHK suffix in Russian.

  • Conclusion. The spelling of the ECHK and HCI suffixes depends on the presence of the IC suffix in the base of the word from which the given noun is formed

Suffixes ONK and ENK

Spelling the suffixes of nouns with the affectionate meaning ОНЬК and ЕНЬК rarely causes difficulty, because they are usually clearly audible when pronounced. But still, let's generalize: ONK should be written after a hard consonant, ENK - after a soft or hissing one. The scythe is a scythe, the birch is the birch, but the daughter is the daughter, the night is the night, Yulia is the Yulenka. Exceptions can be considered the diminutive versions of the words "mom" and "dad": only mom and dad are allowed, despite the fact that the base of these words ends in solid consonants. It is also necessary to remember the spelling of words that do not obey the rule, "zaINKA", "PAINKA", "baINKi". They are written in a special way and are vocabulary.

  • Conclusion. The suffixes ОНЬК and ЕНЬК depend on the softness / hardness of the preceding consonant.

Combinations IN-K and EH-K and suffixes INK and EHK

Suffixes of nouns are also interesting because it can be difficult to distinguish them correctly. Words have similar meanings, but are formed with different suffixes. For example, the words "pea" and "snowflake" denote a diminutive form of an object, but the first is formed from the word "snow" using the morpheme INC, and the other - from the word pea-in-a by adding the suffix K.

  • The combination IN-K is written in words formed from feminine nouns with the IN suffix: ballerIN-Ka - from ballerIN, busIN-Ka - from busIN.
  • The combination EN-K is found in words formed from nouns ending in -NYA: cherry-Ka - from cherry, cherry-Ka - from cherry, and so on.

The suffixes of the nouns INC and EuNK are difficult to explain with any clear-cut rule. The YNK is found in words denoting female persons: a beggar, a nun, a Frenchwoman and others. Accordingly, in words that do not have such a meaning, the INK suffix is ​​written: throatINKA, smesINKA, zadorINKA. If the questionable suffix is ​​in the unstressed position, it is best to check the dictionary.

  • Conclusion. The spelling of suffixes and combinations EHK (EH-K) and INC (IN-K) depends on the morphemic composition of the word or is regulated by the dictionary.

The letters O-E in the suffixes of nouns in the position after the sibilants sound the same, which is why it is this spelling that causes the most difficulties, and it is with it that the most errors are associated. In fact, the rule is very simple.

In the suffixes of the nouns OK-EK, ONK-ENK, ONOK-ENOK and the like, under stress is written O, without stress is written E. Examples of stressed positions: rechONKA, mezhvezhONOK, circle. Unstressed suffixes: daughter, river and others.

As you can see, OE after sibilant nouns in suffixes is very easy to distinguish!

But there is one nuance (after all, the Russian language does not recognize rules without exceptions). This rule does not apply to words formed from verbs. In them, regardless of the place of stress, you should always write E (most often such suffixes are in the stressed position, and this is misleading). Overnight - we write E, because from the verb "to spend the night", condensed - we write E, because from the verb "thicken", stew - is explained in a similar way.

  • Conclusion. Suffixes of nouns after sibilants depend on the place of stress (with the exception of verbal words).

Suffixes CHIK and SHIK

Suffixes of nouns cause difficulty in writing not only vowels, but also consonants. A vivid example is the hissing nouns CHIK and SHIK in suffixes, which often sound the same in oral speech. Most often, these suffixes form words with the meaning of a profession or occupation: "roofer", "scout", "stacker", etc. How to distinguish them?

The suffix CHIK is written only after the letters D, T, Z, S, Z: the getter, the clerk, the deserter. The morpheme SCHIK is written after all the other sounds: STONE, RECRUITER, etc.

It is noteworthy that the soft sign is never written before the CHIK suffix, and before the SCHIK it is preserved only in one case - after L: a sawer, a roofer, a layout designer.

  • Conclusion. The choice of the suffix CHIK or CHIK depends on the preceding consonant.

Н and НН in noun suffixes

Double vowels are found in words of any part of speech, including nouns. How to determine how many H to write in the suffixes of this part of speech?

  • One N is written if the noun is formed without the addition of the suffix N from a word whose stem ended in one N: youth - from young, spicy - from spicy, and so on.
  • Two H is written at the junction of morphemes, that is, if a noun is formed from a word with a base on H by adding another H: change - from change with the addition of NIK, PRICE - from the price with the addition of NIK.
  • NN is also written if a noun is formed from an adjective or participle that already had a doubled N. in its composition. CONFIDENCE - from confident, restraint - restrained.
  • Conclusion. The spelling of one or two H in a noun depends on the morphemic composition of the word, as well as on the number of H in the word from which it is formed.

Let's summarize

The suffix method is the main way of word formation of nouns. This probably explains the richness and variety of suffixes of this part of speech. Here are presented such common morphemes as OST, EK, ONK, but there are also rare or outdated suffixes, for example, YAD in the word "mokryad", YSH in the word "foundling" or UN in the word "runner".

The difficulty is that all suffixes that form nouns require the application of a special rule, as well as knowledge of the morphemic composition of the word and the method of word formation. Therefore, when studying the spelling of nouns, you will have to turn to dictionaries very often.

Spelling: Spelling the suffixes of different parts of speech(except -Н - / - НН-): spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

1. Spelling of suffixes of nouns

Suffixes -chik / -chik. Suffix -chick written after roots ending in d, t, z, s, z, suffix -clerk- in other cases (scout, tap, specimen, subscriber, defector, porter, shiftman).

Suffixes -ek / -ik. Suffix -ec it is written if the vowel drops out in the suffix during the declension of the word; suffix -ik it is written if the vowel is preserved in the suffix during the declension of the word (lock is a lock, a key is a key).

Suffixes -ts / -its. Suffix -ets written:

  • in masculine nouns (brother, businessman, loaf);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the ending (letter, finger).

Suffix -its- written:

  • in feminine nouns (street, soap dish, mill);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the stem (dress, construction).

Suffixes -echk - / - echk-. Suffix -ichk- spelled in feminine nouns formed from nouns in -its-(onion - onion, mitten - mitten). Suffix -chk- spelled in words derived from nouns not on the -its- (nanny, basket, Tanechka).

Suffixes -yshk - / - ear - / - yushk-... Suffix -yshk- written in neuter nouns (after it the ending -o is written) (grain, sun, bottom). Suffix -shk- spelled in masculine and feminine nouns (grandfather, girl, nightingale). Suffix -yush- spelled in words of all three genera (polyushko, dyushka, uncle).

Suffix -ink - (- in- + -k -) / - enk-. Suffix -ink- spelled in words formed from nouns with the suffix -in-(straw - straw, mountain ash - mountain ash). Suffix -enk- spelled in diminutive forms of nouns in -na, -ya in which in R. n. Pl. h. the soft sign is not written at the end ( baubles - baubles - baubles, tower - towers - turret ), as well as in words refugee, sissy, french, sweet cherry etc.

2. Spelling of adjective suffixes

Suffixes -iv - / - ev-, -evat - / - evit-... Suffix -iv- spelled under stress -ev- in an unstressed position (handsome, arrogant, combatant, dashing). Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

Suffixes -ow- and -ev-. After sizzling and c suffix is ​​written under stress -ow-, without stress - suffix -ev-(brocade, pepper, reed, key, end, bucket, clothing).

Suffixes -chev - / - liv-. Always written with and(affable, changeable).

Suffixes -k- and -sk-. Suffix -To- written:

  • in high-quality adjectives that have a short form (sharp - harsh, low - low);
  • in adjectives formed from nouns with stems on к, ч, ц, the suffix -sk- is simplified into to; sounds k, alternating with c (Nenets - Nenets, Cossack - Cossack, weaver - weaving). Exceptions: Uzbek - Uzbek, Uglich - Uglich).

Suffix -sk- preserved in relative adjectives with a consonant stem d, t, s, s(sailor, French, fraternal, urban) and with a consonant stem r, k, x, which often alternate (Onega - Onega).

3. Spelling of verb suffixes

  1. In past tense verbs before the suffix -l- the same letter is written as in the indefinite form before -t(seeing - seeing, making it easier - making it easier, accepting - accepting).
  2. In the indefinite form of the verb and in the past tense, suffixes are written -ova-, -eva- if in the 1st person the verb ends in th, th(draw - draw).
  3. If in the 1st person the verb ends in -I'm, -I'm without emphasis on a then the suffix -wa-, -iva- persists (think - think, finish - finish).

4. Spelling of adverbial suffixes

Prefixed adverbs v-, za-, na- formed from short adjectives have the suffix -O(to the right, darkened, whitened), and adverbs with prefixes do-, out-, s- suffix -a(until dark, occasionally, on the right, exception - ahead of schedule).

At the end of adverbs, after hissing without stress, a suffix is ​​written -e, under stress - suffix -O(begging, good, exception - yet).

Lesson summary "Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -Н - / - НН-)".

        • § 7. When combining a prefix ending in a consonant, with a root or with another prefix that begins with and, it is written, according to the pronunciation, according to the general rule of s, for example: search, previous, take, withdraw (but: charge, where is pronounced i), to summarize, artless, again, ideological, lack of initiative, uninteresting, improvise, supra-individual, prehistory.
        • § 21. In affectionate nouns, na -nka can be preceded by n only o or e, for example: birch, liponka, babonka, Veronka, Lizonka, fox (but not “Lizanka”, “fox”), strip (but not “strip "); Petenka, Olenka, Marfenka, Seryozhenka, Zoya (but not “Petinka”, “Zoya”), darling, little night; also hairs (but not "hairs").
        • If the stress is before the suffix, then in some adjectives it is written - yang - (after hissing - an -), in others - - enn - (which is established in dictionary order), for example: clay, leather, silver, wind (chickenpox, mill), oil (oil paint) with beak, straw.
        • § 26. In the passive participles of the past tense, as well as in the adjectives and nouns formed from these participles, the suffix is ​​written - an (n) -, - yan (n) - - at (-yat), and the suffix - en (n) - if the corresponding verb ends in -et, -it, na -ti (-ty) after consonants, in -ch, for example: tied, knitted (participle), knitted (adjective), seen, wounded, wounded (participle), wounded (adjective), oiled, taken out, shaved, infused, ripped out, shot (from being shot), shot (from being shot), hung (from being hung, for example: a lot of linen was hung), hung (from being hung, for example: the door was hung), mixed, mishmash (from stirring), kneaded (from kneading), windy, spirit, dyed, dyeing (fabric), frozen (participle), ice cream (noun), felted (but: felt boots).
        • § 36. It is necessary to distinguish intransitive verbs with a stem in -e, for example: exhaustion, exhaustion (become powerless, lose strength), disgust, disgust (become hateful), recover, recover (become healthy) from their corresponding transitive verbs with a stem in - and, for example: weaken, weaken (make someone impotent, deprive someone of strength), weaken, weaken.
        • § 39. Masculine nouns with suffixes - ushk -, - yushk -, - ishk -, - yshk -, denoting animate objects, as well as all feminine nouns with the same suffixes end in the nominative singular in -а, for example: grandfather, father, boy, old man, little man, nightingale, nanny, little hand.
        • In the ending of the nominative singular of animate masculine nouns, after the suffixes - к - and - l - it is written - -, for example: a reveler, a singer, a big man, ate; colloquial proper names such as Gabriel, Cyril, Mikhail (used along with Gabriel, Cyril, Mikhail) are also written.

Learning to write suffixes –ets, –its, combinations –ichk, –echk

Target: familiarization with spelling suffixes -ts, -its, combinations -schk, -schk.

  • develop the ability to write suffixes of nouns;
  • consolidate the ability to parse words by composition;
  • develop spelling vigilance, logic;
  • to educate the skills of communicative communication.

Equipment and literature:

  • Textbook "Russian language". Ivanov S.V. Grade 3 (1-4), M.- "Ventana-Graf", 2008
  • Workbook number 2. “We write competently”. Kuznetsova M.I. Grade 3 (1-4), M.- "Ventana-Graf", 2008
  • Demo table.
  • Demo cards with words.
  • I. Motivation for the success of the activity.

    II. Calligraphic minute.

    III. Learning new material.

    - What have we registered with you now? (Suffixes -its, -ets)

    - What is a suffix?

    Today in the lesson we must find out when the suffix is ​​written in words in an unstressed position -ets, and when -its.

    1. Read the words on the chalkboard: puddle, old man, beauty, button, brother, frost.

    Arrange the words in two columns, in the first - feminine nouns, in the second - masculine nouns.

    Look carefully at the words and draw a conclusion.

    The suffix is ​​written in masculine nouns -ets, the suffix is ​​written in feminine nouns -its.

    2. Working with the textbook.

    Reading the rule on page 24.

    - When a suffix is ​​written in nouns -ets, and when -its?

    Reading the algorithm. (Learn to apply the rule)

    - How are we going to apply this rule?

    IV. Anchoring.

    Go down the ladder, inserting the missing letters.

    2. Work in the notebook "We write competently". (Page 5, exercise 1)

    Add suffix -ets, or -its... Remember that after the suffix -its it is necessary to write the ending -a.

    brother ____ smart _____ young _____

    wise ___ singer ______ brave _____

    handsome__ singer _____ fox _______

    handsome__ sister ____ lizard ______

    V. Physical minutes.

    Vi. Familiarity with spelling combinations -schk, -schk.

    1. Compare pairs of words.

    - What did you notice?

    Combination -bitch written in words formed from words in -itsa... In other cases, the combination is written -check.

    2. Reading the rule. (p. 25)

    - When a combination is written in words -bitch, and when -chk?

    - What is the meaning of suffixes -chk, -bitch? (Diminutive)

    3. Reading the algorithm. (Learn to apply the rule)

    Vii. Anchoring.

    1. Work in the notebook "We write competently". (Page 5, exercise 2)

    Insert the missing words.

    book _ chka kosh _ chka bukash _ chka

    buttons _ chka sin _ chka nyan _ chka

    sister _ chka fox _ chka one _ chka

    cups _ chka cheesecakes _ chka countries _ chka

    2. Deformed sentence: built, sand, small, out, Van_chka, castle.

    VIII. Reflection.

    - What new have you learned in the lesson today?

    - How did you feel in the lesson, choose the right figure?

    Suffixes -ets and -its

    Are written in neuter nouns

    -ets (if the stress falls on the ending)

    -its (if the stress falls on the stem)

    Note. In masculine nouns it is written –C- with a runaway e (mountains ets- highlanders), in feminine nouns –Its-(handsome its a).

    -ec (if the vowel of the suffix drops out during declension)

    -ik (if the vowel of the declension suffix is ​​preserved)

    -bitch from nouns with suffix -its

    in other cases

    -clerk after the rest of the consonants

    Note. In some foreign words (if the stem ends in two consonants) after T written: -handler-: asphalt - asphalt-box , percent-box .

    -yshk in neuter nouns

    -ushk in masculine and feminine words

    -yushk in words of all three kinds

    Spelling suffixes that can be easily identified

    only written -and-

    after soft consonants and sibilants

    after hard consonants

    wide, soft, inferior

    Suffixes -к- and -sk-

    If adjectives are short with -OK-:

    close near OK

    narrow bond OK

    In all other cases:


    German German ets

    If formed from a noun stemming from –K \ c:

    and base on -ch \ -ts: weaver

    If the suffix –N- does not stand out:

    young, spicy, drunk, red, ruddy

    If there's n at the base + suffix -н-:

    equestrian, toboggan, sleepy, long, deep

    if adjectives are formed from nouns in –name: temporary and temporary, fiery, tribal, seed, nominal, stirrup

    Ets itz suffix rule

    Suffixes of nouns in Russian

    Suffix writing rules.

    Exceptions and Notes.

    stripes (a) - stripes- onk ( a), fox (a) - fox- onk ( a), Liz-onk (a)

    mom- enk(a), dad- enk(a)

    pea-in (a) - pea- in-to(a), ssad-in (a) - ssad- in-to(a), straw-in (a) -salm- in-to(a)

    snow- inc(a), push- inc(a)

  • In words not in -in (a) (unlike -in + k-) it forms nouns with the meaning of a person (feminine gender, nationality, state):

    B at the end:

    cherry (cherry) -vish- enk(a), pine (pines) -pine- enk(a)

  • It is written after hissing under stress:

    wolf - wolf Onok()

    key- uk- key- uk(a), knife- uk- knife- uk(a)

    It is written without stress:

    It is written under stress:

    wolf OK, cam- OK

    letter - letter - ets(Oh), gun - gun - ets(O);

    ladder - ladder ich-k(a), onion - onions ich-k(a), fox - fox ich-k(a)

    seed - seed echk(oh) spoon - lie- echk(a), morning - morning - echk(O),

    in proper names:

  • -chits (a)- names of feminine persons with the same meaning
  • Written after consonants d, t, s, h, f:

    reconnaissance chick, years- chick, signed chick, grease chick, runover chick; reconnaissance chits(a), signed chits(a)

    Note, consonant alternation k, h / t before the suffix -chik-:

    tavern - kabat- chick, production - mined- chick

  • Forms nouns with the meaning of a person - the names of males by profession, occupation, ethnicity, place of residence.
  • It is written if the stem ends in other consonants (other than d, t, s, s, g):

    shift- box, hack- box, trainers box.

    T written -shchik-:

    percentage - interest-box, asphalt-asphalt-box.

  • Designates the names of females by profession, by place of residence.
  • It is written only under stress:

    mor- cell(a) Siberian cell(a)

  • Indicates the face of m.r. or f.r., animal or object with a touch of affection, irony
  • They are written in words of all three kinds:
  • mind- ishk(oh), coat- ishk(oh), passion- ishk(and)

    in nouns Wed and inanimate noun. m.r - O:

    After the suffix, it is written:

    ending -E (in noun m. and neuter):

    ending -A (noun):

    forces looking for A, ruch looking for A


    kitchens To a (kitchens), nannies To a (nanny), songs To a (songs)

    Georgian- To(a), artist- To(a)

  • Denotes a male person in relation to an occupation, profession, activity
  • One of the most active suffixes:

    Forest- Nick, school- Nick, uch- Nick, Saturday- Nick

    shir- in(a) from wide ,

    Spelling of suffixes "ets" - "itz" (lesson development)

    The lesson of children discovering new knowledge on the topic “The spelling of the itz-ets suffix is ​​built in accordance with the technology of the activity method. It includes the advancement of the problem, the task for trial action and the formulation of the educational problem. As a result, students will be able to independently derive an algorithm for writing words with these suffixes.

    View document content
    "Spelling the suffixes" ets "-" itz "(lesson development)"

    Thing: Russian language

    Lesson type: Lesson "discovering" new knowledge

    Topic: " Spelling of suffixes -ets- and -its- "

    Target: Create conditions for the formation of the ability to correctly write words with the suffixes -c- and -ic-.

    Educational: to form the ability to correctly write words with the suffixes -c- and -it-, to promote the development of spelling vigilance.

    Developing: to promote the mastery of skills in working with educational information, the ability to independently formulate conclusions based on observations, to develop the skills of educational cooperation through work in pairs, groups, self-control and self-assessment.

    Educational: development of motives for learning activities, skills of constructive cooperation with peers and the teacher.

    Personal UUD:- orientation towards understanding the reasons for success in educational activities: introspection and self-control of the result.

    Regulatory UUD: - define and formulate the purpose of the lesson,

    pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson,

    to study together with the teacher and other students to give an emotional assessment of the activities of the class in the lesson.

    Communicative UUD - correct construction of speech utterances.

    Cognitive UUD - general educational skills, skills (listening, answering),

    Find answers to questions, draw conclusions as a result of joint work of a group, class.

    1. Entering the activity. Poem. "The suffix is ​​interesting»

    Who guessed. What are we going to talk about in the lesson today?

    3. Actualization of knowledge. Repetition.

    The suffix is (part of the word), which is worth (after root) and serves (to form new words).

    In writing suffixes ... Why?

    There are suffixes that ...

    Rules for writing suffixes ...

    Generalization about repetition.

    4. Putting the problem forward. Trial action assignment.

    Here, guys, what suffixes you know and can write.

    Do you think you already know everything about the spelling of suffixes?

    Insert the letter you want. 1 minute

    Why did we get different answers?

    Who doesn't know which letter to insert into words?

    Why did we have such a difficulty?

    We don't know the rule about writing suffixes.

    5. Statement of the educational problem.

    What goals will we set for ourselves?

    Learn the spelling rule of suffixes

    Learn to write words with these suffixes

    How many guessed what the topic of the lesson?

    Lesson topic: Spelling suffixes -c- and -its-.

    6. Learning actions to implement the plan. "Discovery of new knowledge"

    How we plan our work on this problem. What are we going to do first? What then?

    I suggest observing the words that I wrote out from the dictionary.

    damsel, old man, sage, summer resident, singer, brother

    Divide the words into 2 groups.

    Find a common feature of each group.

    Make a generalization, conclusion.

    Look at the words in the first column. What have you noticed?

    What is the common feature of nouns in the first column?

    Now look at the words in the second column. What have you noticed?

    What is the common feature of nouns in the second column?

    What sign determines the spelling of the suffixes –ets- and –its-?

    - Gender of nouns.

    Who can make a conclusion. When is the suffix -ec- and when is it written?

    Now let's compare our discovery with the rule of the textbook.

    Did our conclusion match the rule?

    Tell the rule to each other.

    Who can speak out loud?

    This rule can be represented as algorithm.–What is the first step.

    Clarify students' understanding of the tasks and work plan.

    We learned when to write the suffix -ec-, and when - -its-?

    Now what do we need to do?

    (Turning to goals)

    2) I determine the genus.

    3) If m.r., then -etc-

    If f.r., then -its-

    8. Primary anchoring. Practice writing words

    Drawing up a pictogram according to the rule.

    In the yard I saw a big puddle ... tsu. Chickens drank water from it ... tsa. We love the rooster ... he pecked the grain.

    9. Control and assessment of knowledge.

    Guys, let's remember what goal we set for ourselves in the lesson?

    Were we able to achieve it?

    Where do we need the ability to write the suffixes –ets- and –its-?

    11. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

    The above set of rules for Russian spelling in 1956 is still in effect.

    § 7. When combining a prefix ending in a consonant with a root or with another prefix that begins with and, spelled according to pronunciation, as a general rule s, For example: search, previous, get hold of, withdraw(but: charge where is pronounced and), sum up, artless, over again, unprincipled, inactive, uninteresting, improvise, supraindividual, prehistory.

    But it is written and:
    § 17. It is necessary to distinguish between suffixes of nouns - hic (- nickname , - chick ) and - ek... The first of them preserves the vowel in declension, and in the second it is fluent, for example: little table - table, Street cleaner - janitor, a glass - cups, but: little knife - knife, ravine - ravine, lamb - lamb.
    § 18. It is necessary to distinguish between suffixes of nouns - ets - and - itz - :
    Neuter nouns also have the suffix - c - with a fugitive e which appears in the genitive plural, for example: saucer (saucer), tentacle (tentacles).

    Note. From spellings of masculine nouns with a suffix - ets - the spelling of words should be distinguished Hare and month.

    § 19. It is necessary to distinguish between suffixes - echk - and - ichk - .
    Suffix - echk - written:
    Suffix - ichk - spelled in feminine nouns formed from words with the suffix - itz - for example: stairs - staircase, button - button, scissors - scissors.
    § 20. Spelling should be distinguished - inc - and - enk - in nouns:

    Is written - enk - also in feminine nouns denoting females, for example: beggar, Frenchwoman, Circassian, nun; the same word is spelled ladder.

    § 21. In pet nouns on -nka maybe before n only O or e, For example: birch, lipstick, babonka, Veronka, Lizonka, fox(but not "Lizanka", "Lysanka"), stripe(but not "striped"); Petenka, Olenka, Martha, Seryozhenka, Zoya(but not "Petinka", "Zoinka"), darling, little night; also hairs(but not "hairs").

    However, in words zainka, goody, bainki written -inka (-inki) , and in nouns formed from words on -son, spelled -ynka, For example: charity(from alms).

    § 22. One should distinguish between the spelling of diminutive (affectionate) nouns with suffixes - ear -, - yushk - and - shk -, - ishk - and etc.:

    Separate masculine nouns are used with suffixes - baby -, - ears -, - eshek, For example: peg, sparrow and sparrow, bread(also bread), pebble and pebble, edge... Certain neuter nouns are used with the suffix - yushk -, For example: bitterly, pole, sea.

    About discernment - ishka and - ishko see § 39.

    In addition, masculine, neuter and feminine nouns can use the suffix - ishk - (- ishka , - ishko ) , introducing a diminutive-derogatory meaning, for example: fanfare, Saraishko, dress, name, overcoat(cf. rogue, thief, courtyard, coat).

    § 23. It is necessary to distinguish nouns with a suffix - atay declined as masculine nouns, from nouns with the suffix - at - and ending - th inflected as full adjectives, for example: intercessor - intercessor, intercessors, intercessors, but: counselor - counselor, counselors, counselors.
    § 24. From the suffix of adjectives - ev -(soy, marginal, key; cf. ruble) the suffix should be distinguished - ivy -(gracious, compare lazy) with its derivatives - liv - and - chiv -, For example: picky, arrogant, caring, talkative.
    § 25. In adjectives derived from nouns, the suffix is ​​written - yang -(after sizzling - an -), if the stress is after the suffix, for example: earthy, herbal, tin, bone, oil, cereous, wardrobe, wood-burning.
    If the stress is before the suffix, then in some adjectives it is written - yang -(after sizzling - an -), in others - - enn -(which is set in dictionary order), for example: clay, leather, silver, windy(chickenpox, mill), oil(oil paint) at beak, straw.
    In adjectives formed with the suffix - n - from basics to -men-(nominative singular on -my) is written -enn-, For example: temporary(time, time), fiery, tribal, seminal, stirrup... (The form is also known in the literature as a noun stirrup.)

    § 26. In the passive participles of the past tense, as well as in adjectives and nouns formed from these participles, the suffix is ​​written - an (n) - , - yang (n) - if the corresponding verb ends in - at ( five ) , and the suffix - en (n) - if the corresponding verb ends in -net, -it, on the - ty (- th) after consonants, on -night, For example: attached, knitted(participle), knitted(adjective), seen, wounded, wounded(participle), wounded(adjective), oiled, deduced, cropped, insistent, ripped open, shot(from shoot), shot(from shoot), hung(from hanging, for example: a lot of laundry was hung), suspended(from hanging, for example: the door is hung), mingled, mishmash(from getting in the way) kneaded(from knead), windy, breeze, painted, Krashenina(the cloth), frozen(participle), ice cream(noun), felted(but: boots).

    Passive participles from verbs equate and equalize with prefixes ending in -enny: aligned ("made equal") and aligned ("made equal"), etc .; from measure, torment passive participles end, as well as measure, torment, on the -enny : measured, tormented(cf. measured, jaded etc.).

    § 27. In the participles of the present tense suffixes are written:

    For the conjugation of verbs see § 44.

    Note 1. Participle movable spelled with a suffix - them - .

    Note 2. From the verb dazzle a valid participle is spelled squeamish.

    § 28. Adjectives ending in ny, are written in short masculine form with e front n, for example: calm - calm, sultry - sultry, exuberant - buen, straight-line - straightforward.

    But from worthy short form - worthy(dignity), but the participle is honored, honored(from deign, under § 26).

    § 29. Adjectives ending in non-accented -insky or -ensky are grouped by spelling as follows:

    Adjectives end in - insky:

    Note. Some adjectives derived from nouns in -a (-I am) , in accordance with a well-established tradition, retain the spelling with -ensky, For example: presnensky(Presnya), Penzene(Penza).

    § 30. In adjectives on -chi formed from nouns in -shka, front h written e in a non-stressed position, for example: old woman, cuckoo, feline, froggy, turkey, but formations on -Any with the beaten a, For example: feline, frog, turkey.
    § 31. In collective numerals four, five etc., as well as in adjectives derived from them quaternary, fivefold etc. before R written e.
    § 32. In the suffixes of the degrees of comparison in the unstressed position, it is always written e, For example: louder, older, more beautiful (beautiful), most beautiful.
    § 33. In verbs ending in indefinite form in to eat, necessary for the correct spelling of the unaccented vowel before v distinguish between the following types:

    In addition, the following verbs ending in -evat - -you(with emphasis on -wa):

  • overshadow - overshadow ,
  • get stuck - get stuck ,
  • intend - mean ,
  • overwhelms - overwhelm ,
  • extend - prolong ,
  • corrupting - corrupt ,
  • exhort - exhort .
    § 34. In the suffixes of singular verbs on -anut written a, For example: fuck, quilting, sadanut.

    In verbs colonize(cf. stabbing), drown(Wed cold), strip written O.

    § 35. In verbs meaning a change in a state, it is written - numb, For example: freeze, ossify, grow stiff, go berserk, be dumbfounded, numb; transitive verbs of this type end respectively in - change, For example: freeze, bloom and etc.

    § 36. It is necessary to distinguish intransitive verbs with a stem on -e, For example: exhaustion, exhaustion(become powerless, lose strength), disgust, disgusted(become hateful) get well, get well(become healthy) from their corresponding transitive verbs with stems in -and, For example: weaken, exhausted(make somebody powerless, make someone powerless), let loose, weaken.

    § 4. A. If after f, h, w, SCH pronounced under stress O, then the letter O written:

    “The presence of these rules is a compulsory necessity, caused by the special position of hissing and c in the system of phonemes of the Russian language (their unpaired softness-hardness). The syllabic principle of Russian graphics cannot dictate the spelling here e or O

    V.F. Ivanova. Difficult Spelling Questions: A Teacher's Guide. - M .: Education, 1982.

  • In the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, hut, shoulder, Fomich, cloak, border, reins, soul, candle, sling, stranger, big.
  • In suffixes:
    1. a) nouns:
      • - OK, For example: horn, cockerel, hook, borshchok;
      • - onok, For example: teddy bear, mouse, dummy, barrel;
      • - onk -a, For example: little book, shirt, little hand; also money;
      • b) adjectives:
        • - s -, For example: hedgehog, penny, brocade, canvas;
        • - he(with a runaway O), For example: ridiculous;
        • c) adverbs, for example: freshly, hot, in general.
        • In plural genitive nouns in -OK, -he, For example: intestines, princess.
        • In words (and derivatives from them): glutton, gooseberry, pulp, ratchet, slum, thicket, clink glasses, prim, Pechora, the seam, rustle, blinkers, in nouns: heartburn, burn, arson(compare spellings with -eg in the past tense of the verbs: burned out, burned, set on fire); also in some regional and colloquial words, for example: jolt, zhora(and gag), zhokh, already(meaning "later", "after"), evening(meaning "last night"), choh(for example, in the expression "does not believe in sleep or choh"), adverb chok.

    Note. Foreign words are written according to pronunciation, for example: punch, major, ramrod - ramrod, Chaucer(last name), but: gesture, tablet.

    About the letter e see also § 10.

    B. In all other cases after f, h, w, SCH the letter is written under stress e although pronounced O, namely:
    1. In verb endings - eat , - yes , - eat , - yeah, For example: lying, lies etc., bake, bakes etc.
    2. In the verb suffix - yew -, For example: obscure, migrate, also shading, relocation.
    3. In the suffix of verbal nouns - yevk -,
      For example: relocation, demarcation.
    4. In the suffix of nouns - er -, For example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, suitor.
    5. In the passive participle suffix - yeonn -(- yong -) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tensely; detached, detachment; softened, softness; simplified, simplicity; scientist, scholarship; crushed; burnt, gum.
    6. In words, at the root of which under stress is pronounced O alternating with e in other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow(turn yellow) hard(harsh) millstone(millstones), acorn(acorns), perch(poles); cheap, cheap(become cheaper), silk(silky), fur(woolen), lattice, lattice(sieve), wallet(wallet), whisper(whisper); canoe(shuttle), bang(forehead), crap(devils) black(black), even(odd), tap(Chets) report, check(deduction, subtract), dash(damn it) liver(liver), twine(string); brush(bristle), click(click), slap in the face, cheeks(cheek); in the roots of verb forms: burned, set on fire, burned, set on fire(burn, burn) walked(walking), chew(chew).
    7. In the prepositional case of the pronoun what: about what, on what and also in words moreover, do not care.

    Note. The rules of § 4, like all others, do not apply to surnames: they are written in accordance with the spellings in official personal documents.

    Section 60. Double n and double With are written with a combination of a root and a suffix, if the root ends and the suffix begins with a consonant n or With :
    Double With is also written in past tense verbs when combining stems on -With with returnable particle -sya, For example: escaped, rushed.

    Note. Double n written in numeral eleven.

    § 39. Masculine nouns with suffixes - ear -, - yushk -, - ishk -, - shk -, denoting animate objects, as well as all feminine nouns with the same suffixes, end in the nominative singular with -a, For example: grandfather, father, boy, old man, little man, nightingale, nanny, hand.

    Masculine nouns denoting inanimate objects, as well as all neuter nouns, have the singular in the nominative case after these suffixes -O, For example: bread, courtyard, feather, coat.
    In the ending of the nominative singular of animate masculine nouns after suffixes - To - and - l - written -a-, For example: reveler, sang, brute, ate; colloquial proper names like Gavrila, Kirila, Mikhail(used along with Gabriel, Cyril, Michael).

    The exception is Old Russian and Ukrainian names and surnames on -ko, For example: Mikhalko, Shevchenko, as well as old and regional proper names in -lo, For example: Yarylo, Mikhailo Lomonosov.

    § 54. To know when to write SCH, and in which shh, or zh, or nt, or zh, or stch, or hch, you need to understand the composition of the word.
    Is written SCH in cases where it refers entirely or only to the root, or only to the suffix, for example: brush, pike, forgive, looking for, waxed, boardwalk; split(Wed pinch), flatter(Wed flat), drover(Wed drive); female(cf. wife).
    Is written nt at the junction of the prefix and the root, when With refers to the prefix, and h to the root, for example: count, dishonest, exhaust, overkill.
    Is written shh, zh, nt, zh, stch or hch:

    Note. In words happiness, sandy written nt.

    Section 61. Double n written in suffixes - enn -, - he N - adjectives derived from nouns, for example: straw, painful, cranberry, artificial, interior, bucket, peculiar, dining, revolutionary, positional.

    Note. In a word windy and in its derivatives one is written n, but in the prefixed formations it is written -nn- (windless, lee).

    Suffixed adjectives - yang - (- an -) formed from nouns are written with one n, For example: hair, wood-fired, clay, leather.
    Adjectives wood, tin, glass are written with double n.
    With one n suffix is ​​spelled - in - in adjectives, for example: nightingale, chicken, living room as well as in the noun hotel.
    § 99. Adjectives formed from individual names of people, mythological creatures, etc., are written with a capital letter (see §§ 95-98):

    Note 1. Adjectives formed from individual names of people are written with a lowercase letter:

    Note 2. Adverbs formed from individual names of people are always written with a lowercase letter, for example: Pushkin-style, in Suvorov style.

    The value that the suffix gives to the word.

  • It is written if the root ends in a solid consonant:
  • It is written if the root ends in a soft consonant or hissing:
  • dawn - dawn enk(a), road - road enk(a), Sasha - Sash- enk(a)

    per- yink(a), ba- yink(and), pa- yink(a)

    • It is written in nouns formed from feminine nouns with the suffix -in (a) using the suffix -k-:
    • Diminutive.
    • In words not in -in (a) (unlike -in + k-) it forms nouns with the meaning of a person (feminine gender, nationality, state):
    • beige- enk(a), monk- enk(a), tender enk(a), not enk(a), French enk(a)

      It is written in nouns formed from nouns in -nya, -na, in which in R.p. plural not written B at the end:

    • Gives a tinge of disdain
    • -onk- is written after hissing under stress:
    • soul - shower- He to(a)

    • Used when referring to baby animals.
    • It is written after hissing under stress:
    • It is written if the vowel of the suffix is ​​preserved during declension (in the genus case):
    • It is written if the vowel of the suffix drops out during declension (in the genitive case):
    • lock ek- soak _To(a), bag- ek- bag _To(a);

      It is written without stress:

      piece- ek, ravine- ek

    • It is written under stress:
    • It is written in neuter nouns with an emphasis on the ending (the stress comes after the suffix):
    • It is written in masculine nouns (with the declension e drops out):

      young ets- young _ts(a), hor- ets- mountains _ts(a)

    • It is written in neuter nouns if the stress falls on the stem of the word (stress precedes the suffix):
    • armchair - armchair its(f), oil - oil - its(e);

      Written for feminine nouns:

      blizzard - blizzard- its(a), handsome its(a)

    • when forming words from feminine nouns with stems on –its, -nits:
    • in other cases (not from words with the -its- suffix):
    • in proper names:

      Number of echk(a), Yul- echk(a).

      Forms nouns with the meaning of a person.

    • -chick- forms the names of males by profession, occupation, nationality, place of residence;
    • Written after consonants d, t, s, h, f:
    • Note, consonant alternation k, h / t before the suffix -chik-:

    • It is written if the stem ends in other consonants (other than d, t, s, s, g):
    • But, in some foreign words (if the stem ends in two consonants) after T written -shchik-:

    • It is written only under stress:
    • diminutive meaning (sometimes with disdain)
    • Written in neuter words:
    • sun shk(oh), don- shk(O)

    • Written in masculine and feminine words:
    • bread- ear(oh), cum- ear(a)

      baht- yushk(a), half- yushk(oh), zor- yuschk(a);

      After the suffixes -ishk-, -ushk-, -yushk-, -ishk-, the ending is written:

        in nouns Wed and inanimate noun. m.r - O:

      in noun r. and animate noun. m.r - A:

    • Gives a magnifying value.

    House House- looking for(f), friend - friend looking for(e) dust - dust - looking for(a)

    After the suffix, it is written:

      ending -E (in noun m. and neuter):

    House looking for E, muzhich looking for E

    ending -A (noun):

  • In diminutive words formed from nouns in nya using the suffix -k-, the letter b is written if it is in the genitive plural:
  • In the names of females by profession, occupation, nationality, place of residence:

  • One of the most active suffixes:
  • Are written with the letter I

    crooked out(a) from the curve),

    new- out(a) (from new)

    deep in(a), silence-in (a)

    large institutions(o) (from big), senior- institutions(o) (from senior)

    Itz ets suffix rule

    In all genera with a magnifying meaning (ending -e - m. And Wed, -a - f.

    Domische, nosische, boring things

    Exercise number 5. Form nouns with the suffix -isch-, coordinate them with adjectives, determine the gender.

    Determine the category of adjectives.

    USHK- is written in masculine and neuter nouns. -YUSHK- - in nouns of all three genders with a soft stem

    Daddy, Pole, Volyushka Feather, Sunshine

    Exercise number 6. Form nouns with the suffixes -ushk-, -yushk-, -ishk-, ishk- make up phrases with them.

    Write a word with a checked consonant at the root of the word _______________________

    Suffixes -AE-, -YES-, -AR-TEL-, are part of abstract nouns with the meaning of quality, property, attribute.

    Exercise number 7. Form nouns from these words with the suffixes -ost-, -est-, -ar-, -tel-, sort them out according to their composition.

    Examples for spelling warm-up:

    Kamen_ik, gazette_ik, reception_ik, set_ik, obez_ik, accounting_ik, machine gun_ik, ban_ik, plumbing_ik, concrete_ik, set_ik, lantern_ik, buffet_ik, office_ik, pass_ik, wardrobe_ik, answer_ik, waste_ik, denouncer ,_excavator_oprokik, translator_interpreter iron foundry_ik, staging_ik, lazut_ik, smot_ik, ukat_ik, tuning_ik, churn_ik, correcting_ik, fake_ik, soviet_ik

    The suffix -its- in nouns. Examples of

    With suffix -its- and ending -a we indicate feminine nouns. Here are some examples of neuter words with the suffix -its- and ending -e.

    Derivative suffix -its-

    Using the suffix -its- nouns of the feminine gender are formed from the same root words of the masculine gender:

  • emperor - empress itz a;
  • king - king itz a;
  • wretch - wicked it;
  • landowner - landlord;
  • messenger - messenger it a;
  • guest - stayed it;
  • breadwinner - fed it;
  • reader - thu itts a.
  • The names of female animals and birds are also formed from masculine nouns:

  • eagle - eagle itz a;
  • lion - lion itz a;
  • tiger - tiger itz a;
  • camel - camel itz a;
  • buffalo - buffalo itz a;
  • bear - bear itz a;
  • wolf - wolf itz a.
  • In the morphemic composition of feminine nouns that name a number of animals and birds, the same derivational suffix is ​​traced:

  • hen
  • kun itz a
  • sin itz a
  • fox itz a
  • From adjective stems using a suffix -its- single-root feminine nouns are formed:

    • crimson - crimson itz a;
    • different - different;
    • windy - windy;
    • wet - wet;
    • sour - sour it;
    • dried - dried eggs;
    • oatmeal - oatmeal;
    • powdered - it is powdered;
    • free - free;
    • bitter - mustard itz a.
    • Examples of nouns with the suffix -ic-

      Let's indicate feminine nouns with a suffix -its- and ending -a:

      Evaluation suffix -its-

      Suffix -its- gives a diminutive meaning to feminine nouns:

      Suffix -its- has the same meaning in the composition of neuter nouns with the ending -e:

    • jam - varéice;
    • estate - estate;
    • armchair - armchair;
    • oil - oil;
    • assembly - to the congregation;
    • a village - a village;
    • desire - desire;
    • creation - creature;
    • building - a building;
    • consolation - consolation;
    • dress - dress.
    • Writing suffixes -its- and -es-

      Putting stress in derivative words, in the morpheme composition of which there is an evaluative suffix -its-, make sure it comes before the suffix.

      This is the spelling of the unstressed suffix -its- can be remembered like this: if the word has an ending -e, then in the suffix, on the contrary, the letter is written "and«.

    • pickle e - pickle and c e;
    • name e - name and price.
    • Distinguishing the suffix -its- from unstressed suffix -etc- neuter nouns.

    • gun - gun ets o;
    • underwear - underwear ets o;
    • spear - spear e ts o;
    • coat - coat e ts o;
    • letter - letter ец о́.
    • If the word has a shock ending -O then in the suffix -etc- a letter is written "E".

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    In nouns denoting people by the nature of their occupation or actions, after consonants d , T , s , With , f suffix is ​​spelled -chick , after other consonants - suffix -clerk , For example: speaker, pilot, loader, subscriber, defector, bricklayer.

    Letter b written before the suffix -clerk only after l , For example: grinder.

    Some noun suffixes are used to express shades of diminutiveness, affection, magnification, etc.:

    Suffixes EK, IK, CHIK

    Should write -ec , if the vowel drops out during declension, if it does not drop out - -ik and -chick , For example: nut e k (nut), bucket and to (bucket), box e to (drawer), key and k (key), sofa and k, pattern and To;

    Suffixes EC, ITs-a

    In masculine words it is written -ets , in feminine words -its-a, For example: bread ets, broomstick its a;

    Suffixes EC-o, ITs-e.

    If the accent falls on the ending, it is written -ets-O if the accent is based on - it is written -its-e, For example: letter eco, build itze ;

    Suffixes ONK, ENK

    Are written with a letter b (they have an endearing meaning), for example: birches onk ah, liz onk a, speech enk a, Volod enk a(exceptions: goodbye, goody).
    Words with a suffix -horn To, -enk it is necessary to distinguish:

    • from words on -ink-a -To- from nouns to -in-a, For example: crack inc a (crack in a), calves inc a (calves in a), straw inc a (straw in a);
    • from words on -enk-a formed with the suffix -To- from the genitive plural forms of nouns to -nya , For example: pash enk a (pash nya, pash yen), dog enk a (dog yen, dog nya) ;

    Suffix ECHK

    It is written after soft consonants and sibilants, for example: this echk oh chas echk a... Words with a suffix -chk must be distinguished from words with -bitch formed from nouns with -its by suffix -To- , For example: st ichk a (st its a), res ichk a (resn its a);

    Suffixes USHK, YUSHK, YSHK, ISHK

    In the words of the neuter it is written -yshk- , in masculine and feminine words - -shk- , For example: grain shk O, but: godfather ear a, neighbor ear a... Suffixes -yush- and -ishk- are used in nouns of all three genders, for example: uncle yushk a, ox yushk a, gender yushk O; mischievous ishk a, overcoat ishk a, coat ishk O.

    After these suffixes, the nominative singular ending is written O :

    • in neuter nouns
    • in masculine nouns inanimate ( piece of glass O, town O );

    Is written a :

    • in feminine nouns;
    • in masculine animate nouns ( hibernation a, hostess a; grandfather a, uncle a, son a ).

    Suffix ISH

    Used in nouns of all three genders. After this suffix, the nominative singular is written -e in masculine and neuter nouns, spelled -a - in feminine nouns, for example: basisch e, human beings e, monsters e; arms a .

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