Getting acquainted with the chapter, prepare messages: 1. About what contributed to the creation of great powers - Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian (key words: iron, cavalry, siege equipment, international trade). 2. About the achievements of the culture of the ancient peoples of Western Asia, which retain their significance today (key words: laws, alphabet, Bible).

1. Country of two rivers. It lies between two large rivers - the Euphrates and the Tigris. Hence its name - Mesopotamia or Mesopotamia.

Soils in the Southern Mesopotamia are surprisingly fertile. Just like the Nile in Egypt, the rivers gave life and prosperity to this warm country. But the floods of the rivers were stormy: sometimes the streams of water fell on the villages and pastures, demolishing both dwellings and pens for livestock. It was necessary to build embankments along the banks so that the flood would not wash away the crops in the fields. Canals were dug to irrigate fields and gardens. States arose here at about the same time as in the Nile Valley - more than five thousand years ago.

2. Cities made of clay bricks. The ancient people who created the first states in Mesopotamia were the Sumerians. Many settlements of the ancient Sumerians, growing up, turned into cities - the centers of small states. Cities usually stood on the banks of a river or near a canal. The inhabitants floated between them in boats woven from flexible branches and covered with leather. Of the numerous cities, Ur and Uruk were the largest.

There are no mountains or forests in the Southern Mesopotamia, which means that there could be no construction of stone and wood. Palaces, temples,

lye houses - everything here was built from large clay bricks. Wood was expensive - wooden doors were available only in rich houses, in poor houses they closed the entrance with a mat.

There was little fuel in Mesopotamia, and the bricks were not fired, but simply dried in the sun. Unfired brick crumbles easily, so the defensive city wall had to be made so thick that a wagon could pass over the top.

3. Towers from earth to heaven. Above the squat city buildings rose a stepped tower, the ledges of which rose to the sky. It looked like the temple of the god - the patron of the city. In one city it was the sun god Shamash, in another it was the moon god San. Everyone revered the water god Ea - after all, he nourishes the fields with moisture, gives people bread and life. To the goddess of fertility and love, Ishtar, people turned to requests for rich harvests of grain and the birth of children.

Only the priests were allowed to climb to the top of the tower - to the sanctuary. Those who remained at the foot believed that the priests there converse with the gods. On these towers, the priests observed the movement of the heavenly gods: the Sun and the Moon. They made a calendar, calculating the dates of lunar eclipses. The stars predicted people's fate.

Scientists-priests were also engaged in mathematics. The number 60 they considered sacred. Under the influence of the ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia, we divide an hour into 60 minutes, and a circle into 360 degrees.

Goddess Ishtar. Ancient statue.

4. Letters on clay tablets. Digging up the ancient cities of Mesopotamia, ar-

geologists find tablets covered with wedge-shaped icons. These badges are embossed on a tablet of soft clay with the end of a specially pointed stick. To give hardness, inscribed tablets were usually fired in a kiln.

Cuneiform badges are a special writing of Mesopotamia, cuneiform.

Each sign in cuneiform comes from a drawing and often stands for a whole word, for example: star, foot, plow. But many signs expressing short monosyllabic words were also used to convey a combination of sounds or syllables. For example, the word "mountain" sounded like "kur" and the icon "mountain" also denoted the syllable "kur" - as in our rebuses.

There are several hundred characters in cuneiform, and learning to read and write in Mesopotamia was no less difficult than in Egypt. For many years it was necessary to attend the school of scribes. Lessons continued daily from sunrise to sunset. The boys diligently rewrote ancient myths and legends, the laws of kings, the tablets of astrologers who read the stars.

At the head of the school was a man who was respectfully called the "father of the school", while the students were considered the "sons of the school." And one of the school employees was called literally like this: “a man with a stick” - he followed discipline.

School in Mesopotamia. Drawing of our time.

Explain the meaning of the words: Sumerians, cuneiform writing, clay tablet, "father of the school", "sons of the school".

Test yourself. 1. To whom do the names Shamash, Sin, Ea, Ishtar belong? 2. What is common in the natural conditions of Egypt and Mesopotamia? What are the differences? 3. Why were stepped towers erected in the Southern Mesopotamia? 4. Why are there many more signs in cuneiform than in our alphabet of letters?

Describe the drawings of our time: 1. "The village of the Sumerians" (see p. 66) - according to the plan: 1) river, canals, vegetation; 2) huts and pens for livestock; 3) main occupations; 4) wheeled cart. 2. "School in Mesopotamia" (see p. 68) - according to the plan: 1) students; 2) teacher; 3) a worker kneading clay.

Think. Why did rich people in the Southern Mesopotamia indicate in their will, among other things, a wooden stool and a door? Get acquainted with the documents - an excerpt from the legend of Gilgamesh and the myth of the flood (see pp. 69, 70). Why did the myth of the flood arise in Mesopotamia?

Class: 5

Presentation for the lesson

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Lesson type: lesson of primary presentation of new knowledge

Lesson Objectives:

  • Educational: to form students' ideas about the geographical location, occupations and social structure of the most ancient city-states of the Ancient Mesopotamia;
  • Educational: educate children in the spirit of respect for the history of the past;
  • Educational: to develop communicative actions: the ability to fully and accurately express one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks set.

Lesson equipment: computer, screen, presentation, cards, workbooks, map "Egypt and Western Asia in antiquity", atlases

Forms of study: individual, pair.

Receptions, methods: cluster method, problem presentation method, work with a textbook


Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organizational moment
1. Offers to remember where the first states arose?
2. Asks a question: What state history did you finish studying?
3. Question: What can you say about the climate in Egypt?
Sample answers: the first states arose in Africa and Asia.
Answer: The history of ancient Egypt.
Make up a verbal series: sun, river, desert, heat
Personal universal learning activities: sense formation, that is, the establishment of links between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.
Regulatory universal learning activities: forecasting, goal setting.
2. Updating knowledge - Today we will begin to get acquainted with the history of another country, and which one are you
- You will find out if we repeat the campaign of the warriors of Thutmose in Asia and see how far the borders of the Egyptian state began to stretch under him.
The task is to trace the path of the warriors of Thutmose to Asia using the map.
Answers: Pharaoh's soldiers had to cross over to the Sinai Peninsula to get to Asia.
The borders of Egypt under Pharaoh Thutmose reached the river. Euphrates
Personal: activation of previously existing knowledge
cognitive: the formation of the ability to extract information
Communicative: the formation of competence in communication
3. Statement of the learning problem A slide showing the map "Ancient Mesopotamia" is being demonstrated
Question: What was the name of the state that was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
So what will be the topic of our lesson.
The slide "Two Rivers" is shown

Answer: History of Mesopotamia.

Regulatory: self-determination of the topic of the lesson
4. Problematic presentation of new knowledge Problem: What was common and different in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Purpose: To find out how people lived, what they did
Suggests to assume knowledge of the history of Ancient Egypt, what you need to know when characterizing the state.
Organizes discussion.
Slide show "Memo cluster"
Working in pairs
One student works on the board.
The results are presented in the form of a cluster on the board and in the children's notebooks.
State: located in…, nature occupation of inhabitants, culture, writing, religion
Regulatory: the formation of the ability to work in pairs.
cognitive: development of the ability to receive information
- To study the Mesopotamia and we will be on these issues:
1. Asks the question: why is the state called Mesopotamia?
2. Suggests for understanding to consider a map, illustrations of slides, a historical document and try to compare Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

The main source for groups will be the text of the paragraph

Organize work in pairs

Purpose: to identify lines for comparison.
Organizes work in groups, suggesting that the results be presented in a conceptual table.

Q: What changes can be made to the cluster?

Asking questions:
- What were the inhabitants of Mesopotamia called?
- What else could the Sumerians do, thanks to the geographical position of the country?

Slide. Mesopotamia Map

Question: What changes can we make in the Cluster?

It is suggested that it is most likely due to what has arisen between the rivers.
Work in pairs, discussion, highlighting the main characteristics.

Climate, soil, vegetation, occupations.
Table after discussion

Egypt Lines Mesopotamia

warm climate warm climate
climate river floods
fertile. The soil is fertile.


Zemled. Zemled.
Craft Craft
Builds. Builds. channels channels
clay houses

They name common features: river floods, fertile soil, warm climate, main occupations: agriculture, crafts, canal construction.
Difference features: river floods: very stormy in Mesopotamia, they built houses from clay.

Changes on the board and in notebooks

The answer is the Sumerians.

Assume: trade, because. rivers and country at the crossroads of trade routes

Changes in the cluster on the board and in the notebook

Offers to solve the problem.

More than 2,000 tombs have been explored in the city of Ur. Several tombs stood out sharply from the rest. Dozens of servants, grooms, and musicians were buried in them along with the deceased. Golden helmets, wreaths, necklaces, etc. were also found here. What conclusions can be drawn from these burials? Justify your opinion.

Slide show "Religion of the Sumerians".

Suggests to consider the material of the textbook p.13 (p.65-66)
Determine what kind of writing the inhabitants of Mesopotamia had, what they wrote on, what

Sample answers: the inhabitants of Mesopotamia believed in life after death, because believed that all of the above would be useful in the realm of the dead

They suggest various options, discuss, come to a joint decision that the religion of the Sumerians in Mesopotamia was pagan

Read the material in the textbook.
It is believed that they wrote on clay tablets using special sticks, the writing was cuneiform.

5. Primary consolidation of students' knowledge Working with a contour map p. 32 tasks 2,3,4 - workbook No. 1. Personal: practical application and subsequent repetition of new material
6. Practical work with peer review Offers a test

Carry out a test and cross check

Regulatory: mutual control and making adjustments
7. Homework Homework: paragraph 13, workbook pp.13-14
Fill in the crossword
Describe the drawing of our time with. 66 "School in Mesopotamia", using keywords: students, teacher, worker kneading clay. (creative task)

Write down a home task of your choice

8. Reflection What was the most important thing in the lesson?
What information is valuable to you?
How can this help in learning?
– What was interesting?
Statements of students about achieving the objectives of the lesson Communicative: assessment and self-assessment of educational activities, generalization and systematization of knowledge, the formation of skills to fully and accurately express one's thoughts

Ancient Mesopotamia

Lesson Plan

1. Country of two rivers .

2. Cities made of clay bricks .

3. Towers from earth to sky .

4. Writing on clay tablets .

Dunaeva L. N.

Starogol secondary school

Novoderevenkovsky district

Oryol region

It lies between two large rivers - Euphrates And Tiger.

Hence its name - Mesopotamia or Mesopotamia.

1. Country of two rivers.

A detachment of alien warriors approached a large full-flowing river. It was the Euphrates. The strangers looked at the running water, waved their hands in surprise and shouted: “It can’t be! Why, it’s a river flowing in reverse!”

Guess what people the foreigners belonged to.

Why did they call the Euphrates "the great inverted river"?

What was the name of the king who led the army to the banks of the Euphrates?

Answer on the first page of the textbook

1. Country of two rivers.

Fill in the table based on working with the text of the textbook (clauses 1, 2 § 13)

comparison lines

comparison lines

comparison lines


natural conditions

natural conditions



natural conditions

Infrequent rains, irregular and stormy floods of the Tigris and Euphrates; the hot sun that turned the earth into a desert; marshy spaces; lack of forests



Organization of the irrigation system

Organization of the irrigation system


Organization of the irrigation system

Construction of canals, reservoirs, embankments, dams and dams; use of water-lifting machines and pumps

Lack of rain; the hot sun that turned the earth into a desert; regular floods of the Nile, bringing fertile silt; fertile lands suitable for agriculture located along the river

Construction of canals, use of shadufs to lift water

Describe the pattern of our time (p. 66)

according to plan

"The Village of the Sumerians"

1) river, canals, vegetation; 2) huts and pens for livestock; 3) main occupations; 4) wheeled cart.

3. Towers from earth to heaven.

Above the squat city buildings rose a stepped tower, the ledges of which rose to the sky. It looked like the temple of the god - the patron of the city .

Mighty mountains are full of your radiance, your light fills all countries. You are mighty above the mountains, you contemplate the earth, you hover at the ends of the earth, in the middle of the sky. You rule over the inhabitants of the whole universe... You crush the horn of him who plots evil; you imprison the unrighteous judge, you execute the one who takes bribes; to the one who does not take bribes and cares for the oppressed, Shamash is merciful, and his days are continued ... O Shamash, a traveler full of fear, a wandering merchant, young merchant, carrier of a purse of gold. O Shamash, a fisherman with a net, a hunter, a butcher, a herder prays to you

Shamash - Sun God

Syn - god of the moon .

Ea - god of water Ishtar - goddess of fertility and love

2. Cities made of clay bricks.

1. I was born on an unfortunate day!

2. Throw you into the water - the water will go bad. Let you into the garden - all the fruits will rot.

3. Friendship lasts a day, relationship lasts forever.

4. If the country is poorly armed, the enemy will always stand at the gate.

5. You go to conquer the land of the enemy, the enemy comes and conquers your land.

6. The poor man takes - he makes worries for himself!

7. Well-dressed is always welcome.

8. He has not yet caught the fox, and he is already making a block for her.

9. Dodged a wild bull - ran into a wild cow.

Let's take a look at the documents on p. 69-70.

Find sentences in the text of the document that would serve as captions for illustrations.

Why did the myth of the flood arise in Mesopotamia?

4. Writing on clay tablets

Cuneiform - this is a special letter from Mesopotamia.








In the tablet house, the overseer remarked to me: “Why are you late?” I was frightened, my heart was beating wildly.

Approaching the teacher, I bowed to the ground. The father of the tablet house questioned my tablet, He was unhappy with it and hit me.

Then I was zealous with the lesson, I suffered with the lesson.

When the teacher checked the order in the house of tablets,

The man with the reed stick remarked to me:

“You have to be careful on the street: you can’t tear clothes!”

And hit me. Father of the house of plates

placed a written tablet in front of me; The class overseer ordered us: “Rewrite!” I took my tablet in my hands, I wrote on it, But there was also something on the tablet that I did not understand, What I could not read. Then the guard made a remark to me: “Why did you talk without permission?”

And hit me; The caretaker said:

"Why did you bow without permission?" - and hit me;

The man in charge said, "Why did you get up without permission?" - and hit me; The gatekeeper said, "Why did you leave without permission?"

And hit me; The man with the stick said:

"Why did you hold out your hand without permission?" - and hit me... The fate of the scribe made me sick, I hated the fate of the scribe.

  • Think about whether the relationship between a teacher and students in a scribe school was similar to the relationship between a father and sons?

4. Letters on

clay tablets

Describe the drawing of our time according to the plan

"School in Mesopotamia"

  • students;

2) teacher;

3) a worker kneading clay

Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action

  • Perform testing (option 1, 2).
  • Work on cards 1, 2.

Why did rich people in the Southern Mesopotamia indicate in their will, among other things, a wooden stool and a door?


about home


  • Study § 23. Answer questions 1-4 orally.
  • Write a letter to your friend from this country, share your impressions.
  • You can send a photo (drawing) about Mesopotamia.
  • Complete tasks 46, 48, 56 in the workbook

"Game about Ancient Rus'" - What is the main occupation of the Eastern Slavs. Eastern Slavs 100. Baptism of Rus' 500. At least 4. The name of the neighboring community in Rus'. And there was no yard where it would not burn. Culture of Ancient Rus' 400. Determine the significance of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Verv. Prince Svyatoslav Prince Oleg's campaign against Tsargrad in 907

"Ancient East Grade 5" - The type of troops that the Assyrians first began to use. cavalry. Noah. Commandments. Repetitive-generalizing lesson on the topic "Ancient East". Palestine. Priests. What invention of the Phoenicians in ancient times could only be used by kings and priests? The weapon used by the biblical hero David to slay the mighty Goliath. What caste did the kings of ancient India belong to?

"Countries of the Ancient East" - The most famous navigators and inventors of the ancient alphabet were the Sumerians (Phoenicians). Historical Persons: The Wheel of History game. Correct answers to the test "Countries". The most famous navigators and inventors of the ancient alphabet were the Sumerians. 4. Mesopotamia. To ensure the systematic assimilation of students' knowledge on the topic "Ancient East".

"Culture in Ancient Rus'" - CULTURE - a solemn, instructive address. Literature of life and walking architecture growth of moscow icon painting. Homework: 1. Read paragraph No. 7, notes in notebooks. 2. Prepare for the test work. What is missing here and why? The rise of Moscow also predetermined the special role of Moscow chronicle writing.

"Ancient Rus' Grade 3" - Buns. Bakery. You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without effort. Ancient Rus'. Bread. Bread is the head of everything! Grain. Spinner. Khlebny. Sort by composition. In what names of professions did we single out the basis? Letter from the farmers. Write the sentence down on the birch bark. Crust. Editing a note for a newspaper. How to find the root of a word?

"Ancient Rus' Grade 6" - Ancient Rus'. WHERE IS THE RUSSIAN LAND COMING FROM? Find and correct the mistakes. Fill in the missing letters and explain the meaning of the word. Rule of Princes Set the correct matches. Most historians consider the Slavs to be the indigenous population of Eastern Europe.

Synopsis of an open lesson on the history of the Ancient World

Grade: 5

Date: 10/28/2015.

Teacher: Kunakova Lyudmila Borisovna.

Subject: Ancient Mesopotamia.

The purpose of the lesson: Creation of organizational and content conditions for the formation of ideas aboutnatural and climatic conditions of the Ancient Mesopotamia, the occupations of its inhabitants.

Lesson objectives:

Educational : to give an idea of ​​the life of the ancient Sumerians (everyday life, religion, writing.)

Developing: to form the ability to analyze the read text, work with the text of the textbook, draw conclusions; develop skills in working with a historical map.

Educational: to educate students in the desire to realize their abilities and abilities, the desire for knowledge, self-education and self-control.

Planned results


To comprehend the social and moral experience of previous generations. Respect the culture of other peoples, build constructive relationships in the group. Argumented to evaluate their own and other people's actions.


Regulatory: Determine the goal, put forward versions, plan activities. Assess the degree and methods of achieving the goal.

Cognitive: Find information in different sources, highlight the main thing. Define concepts. Analyze, prove. To master semantic reading. Draw conclusions. Use critical thinking techniques: cluster, conceptual table.

Communicative : Ability to conduct a dialogue. Organize group activities independently.


To be able to describe the climatic conditions of Mesopotamia, the occupations of the inhabitants, their culture, to show the location of Mesopotamia on the map.

Work with a historical map, analyze and summarize its data; to acquire holistic ideas about the historical path of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.

Establish causal relationships between the geographical conditions of the Sumerians and their economic development.

Forms of work: couple, group.

Leading didactic goal : learning new material.

Equipment : wall map "Ancient East, Egypt and Asia Minor" atlases, multimedia installation, PC.

During the classes:

Motivational - target stage.

Call stage

/10 minutes/

Predicting the topic of the lesson.

Goal setting.

Hello guys! There are guests at our lesson today. I ask you not to be embarrassed and work as usual. I wish all of us today fruitful work, be attentive and active.

I suggest using emoticons to display your mood at the beginning of the lesson.

- Guys, what rivers do you know?

What river flows in our village?

- Do you know the place where the rivers seem to meet each other?

- Is there such a place?

- Well done! Answer a few more questions:

How many eyes does a person have?

How many legs does a person have?

How many shoes did Cinderella have?

- Worst rating?

The number 2 is an important number, which will be the most important in our lesson.

1.1. Offers to remember where the first states arose.

1.2. Asks a question : What country's history did you finish studying?

1.3. Today we'll get to know each otherwith the history of another country , Which one thenyou will learn, if we repeat the campaign of the warriors of Thutmose in Asia and see how far the borders of the Egyptian state began to stretch under him.

Organization of work with atlases, one shows at the blackboard, on the wall map.

Task: using the map, trace the path of the warriors of Thutmose to Asia.

1.4. Geographical position and nature of Mesopotamia.

What continent is the new country on?

On the map, in which part of the world is the country located?

What are the names of the rivers we reached?

Where do rivers start and where do they flow?

Through what countries did we get to these rivers?

What are the names of the modern states through which these rivers flow?

What state do we hear about every day in the media?

Showing a slide with image of the map "Ancient Mesopotamia"

Question: What was the name of the state that was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?

What else would you call this country?

So what will be the topic of our lesson?

( Demonstration of the slide "Two Rivers")

1.5. Organizes students forbrainstorming , offering to suggest, based on knowledge of the history of Ancient Egypt, what you need to know when characterizing the state.

Organizes discussion.

The results are presented in the form of a cluster on the board and in the children's notebooks.

Demonstration of the slide "MEMO CLUSTER"

Control and evaluation activities.

Who agrees with the work done?

What do you agree with?

Who disagrees and with what exactly?

Who is having difficulty? In what?

After discussion:

The study of Mesopotamia on these issues will be the purpose of today's lesson.

Answer questions

Sample answers: The first states arose in Africa and Asia.

    Answer: History of Ancient Egypt.

Sample answers:

    The pharaoh's soldiers had to swim across to the Sinai Peninsula, along the Mediterranean coast, along the Arabian p / ofall on the banks of the Euphrates River (to Asia)

    The borders of Egypt under the pharaoh under Thutmose reached the river. Euphrates.



    river Tigris and river Euphrates

    They flow from the mountains of Transcaucasia and flow into the Persian Gulf

    Palestine, Syria, Phoenicia.

    Türkiye, Syria, Iraq.

    Syria (report on the Russian operation against terrorism in Syria)

    Answer - Mesopotamia


    History of Mesopotamia

    The work of students, highlighting the main characteristics.

    One student works on the blackboard

    Making sense

/20 minutes/

Fizminutka (5 min)

2.1. Asks a question : why is the state called Mesopotamia?

More this country is called Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is an ancient Greek name meaning "country between two rivers" .

So, the Ancient Mesopotamia arose about 5 thousand years ago. At the same time as Egypt.

The inhabitants of Mesopotamia were the Sumerians - one of the most mysterious peoples: no one knows where they came from, according to one of the legends they call Fr. Dilmun in the Persian Gulf.

In appearance, it is difficult to confuse them with other peoples. Squat figures, dark skin, long, straight noses, dark straight or curly hair.

The land on which the Sumerians lived is a flat plain with a hot and arid climate. Rain fell infrequently. And during the flood of the rivers, stormy streams of water fell on the villages and pastures, demolished dwellings, crops and cattle pens. The memory of catastrophic floods is preserved in the Sumerian flood myths.

Question: What real events could be meant by the word "flood"?

To protect the fields from the floods of the Tigris and Euphrates, the Sumerians dug canals, built dams, dug wells. As a result, the country became fertile. The situation was more difficult with the raw materials necessary for construction. The tree was delivered with great difficulty. Houses had to be built from reeds. Then covered with clay. The ancient Sumerians made everything from clay. Crockery, toys. Even tools. With the development of crafts, two large cities Ur and Uruk appeared. They built temples and palaces. Their language was not decipherable for a very long time.

Work in pairs . Performing tasks, determine the main occupations of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.

Task 1. The basis of life here was water. In winter, during the rainy season, as well as during the flood, water was in abundance, during the rest of the year it was not enough. The lack of water was especially acute in places remote from rivers. Deprived of moisture, scorched by the sun, the soil dried up and cracked. And in the lower reaches of the rivers, the lands oversaturated with water swamped, turning into impenetrable swamps. The construction of canals and dams was aimed at the development of this occupation. What occupation are you talking about?

Task 2. After irrigating the land, when the land was well saturated with water, bulls with tied hooves were released into the field: they leveled the field and trampled the weeds. Advances in agriculture led to an increase in the number of livestock: herds of cows, sheep, goats and pigs grazed on pastures. What occupation are you talking about?

Task 3. In the Southern Mesopotamia, many types of raw materials (building stone, timber) were lacking, but grain, dates, and wool were grown in abundance. Goods that could be exchanged for those they needed. What is the name of the occupation in which one commodity is exchanged for another with the help of money? (Instead of money in Mesopotamia, silver bars of a certain weight were used.)

Suggests for reflection to consider a map, illustrations of slides, a historical document andtry to compare Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

2.2. Organize work -"Brain attack"

Purpose: to find out the lines for comparison

2.3. Organizes, offering the results to be formalized inconceptual table, layout, which, as suggestions appear on the board.

    1. Organizes a discussion on the issue, proposes to draw a conclusion .

2.5. Fizminutka

2.6. Offers to solve the problem

SLIDE "Solve the problem"

More than 2,000 tombs have been explored in the city of Ur. Several tombs stood out sharply from the rest. Dozens of servants, grooms, and musicians were buried in them along with the deceased. Golden helmets, wreaths, necklaces, etc. were also found here. What conclusions can be drawn from these burials? Justify your opinion.

2.7. Working with the text of the textbook p.67. "Towers from Earth to Heaven"


Target: bring students to the understanding that the religion in Mesopotamia was pagan

What gods did the inhabitants of Mesopotamia worship?

What role did the priests play in Mesopotamia?

2.8. Demonstration of slides showing the writing of Mesopotamia.

Exercise: Determine from the slides what kind of writing did the inhabitants of Mesopotamia have, what did they write on, with what?

Archaeologists during excavations in Mesopotamia found about 500 clay tablets belonging to school students - future scribes. These cuneiform tablets bear the names of the disciples, the names and professions of their fathers.

What can be said from these tablets about the life of people of that time?

Vocabulary work.

Cuneiform - a type of writing in ancient Mesopotamia.

Ancient writing was pictorial. Often one drawing had many meanings. This caused difficulties. Reading texts sometimes turned into solving puzzles. Only an experienced person could write without errors. Literacy was a privilege. Not everyone could study. There were many schools in Mesopotamia. They taught children of priests, officials and other dignitaries.

Why was clay used as a writing material? The answer is simple. For a business census, cheap and simple material was needed. But papyrus did not grow on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates. If the document was important, then the tablet was fired like a brick. After that, it could be stored for a long time. Many of these tablets have survived to this day. Later, they learned to make bricks from clay, and build houses, temples, palaces from them.

2.9. He asks to return to the cluster on the board and name what they have not yet found out from the history of Mesopotamia?


Target: organization of students for self-determination, which was typical for the culture of Mesopotamia.

The result should be announced with the help of the teacher.


Group work

Group 1 - workbook assignment No. 50 p.39.

Group 2 - workbook assignment No. 49 p.39.

    It is suggested that, most likely, due to what arose between the rivers.

Student message: "The Myth of the Flood"

“Once the gods got angry with people and decided to make a flood. But the god of water, good Ea, informed a man named Utnapishti about this. He built a ship and loaded all the cattle and all the relatives into it. And then a black cloud covered the sky, the god of thunder thundered menacingly. When, after 6 days and 7 nights, the storm ended and the sun came out, only a small island was visible above the water. It was the top of a high mountain. Utnapishti released a dove, and he flew back, not finding a dry place. Released a swallow, and she had to return. He released a raven, and the raven found land. On the top of the mountain, Utnapishti poured reeds, lit a fire and made a sacrifice to the gods. The gods rejoiced at the offering and forgave the people who had escaped the flood. Utnapishti himself, the only man, became immortal.”

Answer: The floods of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Answer: Agriculture.

Answer: Cattle breeding.

Answer: Trade.

    Job,discussion, highlighting the main characteristics.

    Whiteboard writing, selection of the most important:

climate, soil, vegetation, occupations

    Table after discussion

warm climate


warm climate river floods stronger


the soil



agriculture, crafts, canal construction.


agriculture, handicraft, canal building, clay houses

    Name the common features : river floods, fertile soil, warm climate,main occupations : agriculture, craft, canal construction.

    Features of difference : river floods are very stormy - in Mesopotamia, they built houses there from clay.

    Sample student responses:

The inhabitants of Mesopotamia believed in life after death, because they believed that all of the above would be useful in the kingdom of the dead.


    In one city, the sun god Shamash, in another, the moon god Sin, the water god Ea was considered wise, and people turned to the fertility goddess Ishtar with a request for rich harvests.

    They were servants of temples, they could communicate with the gods

    They offer various options, discuss, come to a joint decision that the religion in Mesopotamia was pagan.

Consider slides

    It is believed that they wrote on clay tablets using special sticks, the writing was - cuneiform

    Called - CULTURE

    Sample Answer : It was characteristic for the culture of Mesopotamia that science, literature, architecture, sculpture, painting were developed there.

They work in groups.

3. Reflection.

(5 minutes)

3.1. At the stage of reflection, students return to the original notes on the board(cluster) and in notebooks.

slide "Finish the sentences"
