Bhavishya Purana and Prophecy of Jesus Christ and the Great Trial
The Bhavishya Purana is especially famous for its predictions. The word bhavisyati means "that which will be." The Bhavishya Purana is relatively small, containing only 14,000 verses or slokas. It touches on many topics and tells many stories corresponding to different levels of knowledge. However, it is known mainly due to astrological predictions and long lists of the ruling dynasties of the Kali era. Most of these predictions describe the time after the end of the Battle of Kurukshetra between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, which is usually dated to 3140-3137 BC. After this war, with the departure of Lord Krishna, around 3102 B.C. e. the age of Kali began. The Bhavishya Purana is believed to have been written during the reign of King Senajit, 267 years after the Battle of Kurukshetra.
In the later parts of the Bhavishya Purana, the Kali Yuga is very unambiguously described as an age of evil. It speaks of the conquest of India by the Yavans (Greeks), looking for rich booty. These yavanas will follow an unrighteous path: their kings will not have the qualities befitting a king. Different peoples will in turn come to the fore and rule the earth, while others will decline in the meantime. Dishonest, impoverished kings will kill each other over trifles. Highly learned Aryans and ignorant mlecchas who do not follow the Vedic tradition will mix freely with each other. The low-born rulers that emerged as a result of this mixture will create such conditions under which women, children and the elderly will no longer be respected and will begin to mercilessly kill. As the Yavanas, Aryans, and mlecchas succeed each other in power, civilization will decline, morality will be destroyed, and the population will perish.
Yavana was the name of one of the sons of Maharaja Yayati. He ruled over a country in present-day Turkey, so the Turks are the descendants of Maharaja Yavana. For a while, the Yavanas remained kshatriyas (warriors) associated with Vedic culture. However, later they left the Vedic tradition and began to act according to their own inclinations. In the Battle of Kurukshetra, they fought on the side of Duryodhana and the Kauravas under the leadership of Karna and were defeated by the Pandavas, after which they left India. The Yavanas are described in detail in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva, 85.34). It was predicted that the Yavanas would return to India and conquer it, which happened during the Muslim invasion.
The Bhavishya Purana also states that during the third century AD, non-caste beggars and Shudras (simple workers) will become kings and will rule the lands along the banks of the rivers Indus, Chenab (Ceneb) and County (Coinli), as well as in Kashmir. All of them will be unjust, dishonorable, unmerciful, that is, completely devoid of good qualities.
Other Puranas: Matsya, Vayu, Brahmanda, Vishnu, Garuda and Bhagavata Purana also have similar prophecies. These descriptions are somewhat similar and somewhat different, and we will examine these similarities and differences in more detail when we begin to compare the details of these prophecies to find out what the future holds for us.
Dr. Vedavyas, a researcher with a doctorate in Sanskrit, analyzes some of the important Predictions of the Bhavishya Purana, which he dates back to 3000 B.C. e. One of them describes the coming of Isha putra, the son (putra) of God (Isha), who will be born from an unmarried woman named Kumari (Maria) Garbha Sambhava. He will visit India at the age of thirteen and go to the Himalayas for tapas, or penance, to reach spiritual maturity under the guidance of rishis and siddha yogis. Then he will return to Palestine to preach to his people.
So Jesus studied with the saints of India. This explains his ability to work miracles (siddhis). The reason for the numerous parallels between early Christianity and Hinduism also becomes clear.
The Bhavishya Purana, continues Dr. Vedavyas, describes how Jesus will visit Varanasi and other holy places of Hinduism and Buddhism. The manuscript about the life of Isha (Issa), found by Mr. Notovich in 1886 in the Hemis monastery in Ladakh (India), as well as Hebrew inscriptions found in Srinagar (Kashmir) in Roza Bal, the tomb of Yuz Asaf (Isha, or Issa), confirm these facts. The Bhavishya Purana contains a prediction of how Jesus will meet with the emperor Shalivahana, who began the era of Shalivahana, or "Shaka". Dr. Vedavyas talks about all this in his Telugu book Veerabrahmendra Yogipai Parishodhana.
A description of these events is contained in verses 17-32 of one of the sections of the Bhavishya Purana. It says that the grandson of Vikram Jeet, Shalivahana, was the ruler of the Kushans. He is believed to have ruled from 39 to 50 CE. e. He won victories over conquerors from China, Parthia, Scythia and Bactria. Having established a boundary between the Aryans and the mlecchas, he ordered all the mlecchas to leave India. One day, going to the Himalayas, he reached the country of Hun, or Ladakhi. There he met a light-skinned young man dressed in white, with the appearance of a saint. The mighty king asked him who he was. The young man replied that he was called the Son of God, Born of the Virgin, the Teacher of the unbelievers, and that he was seriously engaged in the search for the truth.
The king asked him what his religion was. The young man replied that he came from a country where there is no truth, but only boundless evil. He appeared as the Messiah, but the terrible demoness Ihamashi appeared in the country of the barbarians, and he left from there.
The Messiah explained to the king that his religion should purify the mind and body of a person, after which, guided by Naigama (Scripture), he will be able to pray to the Almighty. By living in truth and justice, practicing meditation and immersing himself in spiritual oneness, one will return to Isa, the Supreme Person. One day God will unite with all erring spiritual beings and Ihamashi (evil) will be destroyed. After that, the person will plunge into the ecstatic image of Isa, which is located in the heart and is a source of happiness. Then the young man said to the king: "My name is Isa-Masih (Jesus the Messiah)." After hearing this, the king sent the Master of the unbelievers to his country of the unbelievers.
Dr. Vedavyas also claims that it was not Jesus Christ, who was later crucified on the cross, but his double. Last words: "God, why did You leave me?" addressed to Jesus, who left him on the cross and went to the "promised land" of Kashmir. Of course, there are other theories about this. Some scholars say that Jesus did not die on the cross, but suffered and then recovered. Others say that his ascension to heaven was actually a return journey to the paradise land of Kashmir, where he actually died and was buried in Srinagar, at Rosa Bal, the place now called the tomb of Yuz Asaf (it is believed that this is the name of Christ).
Dr. Vedavyas goes even further, saying that the foreshadowed advent of Lord Kalki, the avatara, described in the Bhavishya and many other Puranas, fully corresponds to the second advent of Christ described in the Bible. Lord Kalki will be the next ruler of the world, who will establish world domination and revive the Vedic culture in the new Satya Yuga, the new kingdom of God. However, says Dr. Vedavyas, a global catastrophe will break out first, which will entail the death of the population of the Earth. An impact of gigantic force will cause a planetary earthquake, a tsunami, a shift of the north and south poles. The same is said in the predictions of Nostradamus. At this time, the planets will line up and may collide or be attracted to each other. This will cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, climate change and even the very face of the earth.
The Bhavishya Purana also speaks of the danger of a great war that could completely change the face of the world. It is in this spirit that Gordon Michael Scallion predicts the future. He drew a new map of the world, what it will look like after the change of the Earth, which he expects in the next few years. His map, however, differs from that drawn by Edgar Cayce, who also foresees many changes on this planet.
In addition to all this, the Bhavishya Purana contains statements relating to such personalities as Adam, Noah, Allah, Shankaracharya, Jayadeva, Kabir, Nanak, Aurangzeb, Shivaji - up to the reign of Queen Viktavati, that is, Queen Victoria. It even describes how the British will build factories in Calcutta. Most of these divinations are rather brief and not very detailed. An example of such divination is the description of the apparition of Mohammed.


- Did God provide salvation for the peoples of East Asia, because they worship Allah, Buddha, and so on?

God wants all people to be saved. I don't know what the path of salvation could be that leads a Buddhist to the Kingdom of Christ. I know the Christian way of salvation. Therefore, I can’t imagine how, remaining a Buddhist, one can embark on the path of salvation in the Christian sense.

But if the Buddhists do not save themselves, this is not a reason to jump off the path of salvation themselves as a sign of solidarity with the perishing. If I see that - this is not a reason to start breaking windows in your Moscow house yourself. It may be in God's plan to save the Buddhists through your prayer and your word to them. Only this word should not be in the style of “It's so good that you Buddhists are not like Christians and believe in a completely different way, but still wonderful! And you are so close to a God you don't believe in!"

- What does Orthodoxy think and how does it relate to the Vedas? I will say that a lot of useful things can be gleaned from the Vedas, but when listening, I had an expression - a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. I propose to approach the study of the Vedas selectively, sifting out such concepts as karma, reincarnation, and so on. Priests unequivocally say that this is heresy. But what is it?

— Of course, the Vedas are not heresy. To earn the high title of a heretic, one must at least be a Christian. With heretics, we have a complex intra-family relationship. And the Vedas are from another planet, it's simple.

As for the relationship of Orthodoxy to the Vedas, it is similar to the relationship of Orthodoxy to rhythmic gymnastics or to the pyramids. There is something that is simply beyond the scope of the Orthodox Church. Why is it necessary to stare at every passing marvel? If you stare at everything like that, if you are distracted by every curiosity, then you can miss something very important. The Vedas are out of our field of vision, and, therefore, estimates.

At the same time, there may be Orthodox people who study the Vedas, but the author of this question is hardly among them.

Orthodox study of the Veda can only be done by a professional who a) knows the language of the Vedas, that is, Sanskrit; b) perfectly knows the ancient history of mankind and the culture of ancient India; c) well versed in the history of religion, literature and philosophy; d) has a deep knowledge of Orthodox theology.

I know of only one person who knows how to combine this - Vladimir Kirillovich Shokhin, a leading researcher at the Moscow Academy of Sciences. His books on Hindu philosophy mean a lot to me. I will say this - I am not interested in the Vedas, but if one day I have a question about them, I will call Vladimir Kirillovich. So far, I do not understand what I could find in the Vedas that would replenish the treasures of the Bible, the holy fathers, the great European and Russian culture.

On my own bruised head with a censer, I was convinced that this topic is VERY sick for Christians, bekoz cannot fight off my questions ... IMHO. Vasilisa.

Modern Christianity does not officially accept the idea of ​​reincarnation.

But has it always been like this?

The reasons for the cancellation are the decree of the Pope under pressure from Emperor Justinian. When Christianity, after centuries of persecution...

The idea of ​​the rebirth of the soul was alive in Christianity until the 5th Ecumenical Council of the Christian Church in Constantinople in the 6th century AD.

The reasons for the cancellation are the decree of the Pope under pressure from Emperor Justinian. When Christianity, after several centuries of persecution, became the official religion of the Roman Empire, they decided to make it more socially acceptable.

The ideologues of those times believed that if people know that they have more than one life, they can relax. In this sense, more practical im...

A little about myself: I am an expert engineer by profession and, to be honest, although I am baptized, the understanding of God in my mind has a slightly different image. Perhaps in connection with this I am in search of a theory, teaching or faith that would be closest to my feelings. This search led me to the Vedas.

My acquaintance with the Vedas began recently and I am at the beginning of the journey, but my first immersion in the texts caused an unexpected reaction of the body in the form of semantic analysis, collection ...

Christianity in Rus' arose from time immemorial, and until now Orthodox Christians make up the majority of the population of Russia. Christianity is one of the directions in religion which is based on the commandments of Jesus Christ.

But a true Christian is not one who constantly goes to church and observes all temple fasts and holidays. The true heir of a teacher can be considered only one who adheres to his precepts in worldly life.

The Christian Church has done a lot and...

The Vedas are the sacred ancient Indian books, which contain the philosophical wisdom of the East. In addition, the Vedas also describe spells, rituals and hymns.

In Sanskrit, the word "Veda" means "knowledge".

The Vedas are the most famous sacred scriptures of Hinduism. It is believed that they do not have an author, and that they were "clearly heard" by the holy sages of the distant past, and after many millennia, when due to the spiritual fall of mankind with the onset of the Kali Yuga, fewer and fewer people sought to study them and transmit them orally (like that demanded tradition) from generation to generation.

Vedavyasa ("who compiled the Vedas") structured the scriptures that remained available at that time and organized ...

Consider the difficult topic of the duties of husbands and wives in the family from the point of view of ancient wisdom - the Vedas.
Some may say that the Vedic family duties are not suitable for our time (difficult to observe), but at the same time, it should be noted that failure to observe these duties leads to problems in the family and causes divorce. For example, in the CIS countries the number of divorces exceeds 50%.

Moreover, divorce does not at all guarantee that the next marriage will be more "successful", especially if a person is not ...

Exposition of the book by V.A. Kozhevnikov “Buddhism in comparison with Christianity”. The main ideas of V.A. Kozhevnikov’s work “Buddhism in comparison with Christianity” (In 2 vols. Pg., 1916) deserve wide dissemination. An obstacle to this, however, is the size of the book, it contains almost 1400 pages, and the fact that it appeared shortly before the Bolshevik revolution, therefore, before it had time to spread, it probably disappeared on the book market. Therefore, I thought it useful to give a summary of this book...

Today, many researchers know that the ancient sacred Vedic knowledge is encoded in our language. The Russian people were initiated into these secrets of the language by sorcerers and vestal sorceresses, whom the Christian tradition calls witches. The very word "know", i.e. “I know” determined the deep meaning of the Russian Vedic worldview. Modern Russian Vedism is not an exotic Indian on Russian soil, but the deepest historical layer of the systemic worldview and spirituality of our people. The prophecy of the clairvoyant Vanga comes true: "The most ancient teaching will come into the world." (Stoyanova K. Istinata for Wang. Sofia, 1996).

The question of the nature of the systemic worldview of our distant ancestors goes beyond the scope of any science and requires an appropriate approach to study. The systemic worldview organically included the hierarchy of gods and the concept of the Supreme Deity. The problem of determining the Supreme Deity among the ancient Slavs and his role in the formation of spirituality among our ancestors was considered in the 18th century by M.V. Lomonosov and M.I. Popov. In the 19th century, N.I. Kostomarov, A.S. Famintsin, N.I. Tolstoy, A.F. Zamaleev. In the XX century B.A. Rybakov, Ya.E. Unfortunately, in the 20th century, the concept of the Supreme God of the ancient Slavs was replaced by the concept of the Main God, which provides for the change of gods in the very hierarchy of these gods. The Vedic tradition of understanding God as the Absolute was finally interrupted and almost forgotten. Hence the age-old dispute not only about the name, but also about the functions of the God of gods. Not having, according to the Vedas, one personal name, but having the main distinguishing feature - "luminiferous". The Supreme (Most High) god of the ancient Slavs is cosmic fire, cosmic fiery light (Sva), which had many manifestations and faces. In the world of people, as in a microcosm, there are all manifestations of light and darkness. "Light" people had not only blond hair and could be called Russian. They had to be "light-bearing" and "Aryans", i.e. "noble". This word from the language of the "sun" - Sanskrit is almost forgotten, but in Rus' the concepts "Your Grace", "Your Honor" are still remembered, and this assessment bore the original spiritual sign of the best Russian people. To be an Aryan means to be a “noble” and “luminiferous” person, giving to his (clan) - tribe and the whole world “good”, which was understood as “good” and was initially considered as the opposite of “evil”. Today we can imagine how the very concept of "Aryan" was distorted and distorted by Hitler and his followers.

For our ancestors, the "life-giving" face of the sun was especially important. All the Slavic-Aryan tribes deified him, and, according to the ancient Vedic tradition, the sun had the second sacred name Yara (Ya-Ra), which is better known as Yarilo. It was encoded in such Russian words as ve (Ra), zha (Ra), me (Ra), (Ra) arc, go (Ra), but (Ra) and many others. Even in the concept of Ivan - du (Ra) k there is a deep sacred meaning, providing for a special life path of the protagonist of ancient Russian fairy tales.

Linguistic and philosophical analysis of ancient fairy tales, myths and legends allows us to say that Russian Vedism is a harmonious system of views that permeated the life of the Proto-Slavic society, solved emerging worldview issues, determined collective priorities and the resulting spiritual and activity attitudes of people's behavior.

A special place in Vedic Orthodoxy is occupied by the concept of “Right”. This sacred concept is associated with "Naviu" and "Yavu". Orthodox sorcerers knew about the multidimensionality and illusory nature of Being. Only God's Laws (commandments) are true, and the main one of them: "what you sow, that you will reap." It is believed that this is the law of "karma" and through the Hindu Aryans - b (Ra) hmans, the Vedic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis Law returned to us. However, in the Slavic-Aryan (Orthodox) Vedas there is the concept of "karna". It is described, for example, in the book of Asov A.I. Myths and legends of the ancient Slavs. If a person follows the path of Rule (Truth), then Nav (Mountain World) becomes Reality, manifests itself in the physical world, and dreams come true, “manifest”. Rule is the path from the divine Navi to the real Reveal. An Orthodox person is the person who “glorifies” the bright path and follows it. The seven steps of yoga from “pit” to “samadhi” were familiar to our ancestors, and the very concept of “yogi” is the inverted name of Slav(Yan)(In)a – “goy”. This is how the ancient Jews called every Slav, and through Christianity it has survived to this day. In this case, we are not talking about the (gentiles) who betrayed the (Prav) o (glorious) faith of their ancestors and took the path of Krivda.

Everyone knows from the Bible that the sorcerers-sorcerers honored the cradle of Jesus with their presence, but it is not specified where they came from, and who they are? Thus, the connection between times and religious eras, the sacred Truth about Vedic Orthodoxy and its righteous (Right) path to the Almighty, is cut off. However, the concept of “worthy” and “unworthy (worthless)” has been preserved in the Russian language, just as the concepts of Pravda and Krivda have been preserved. It is they who are at the center of the ideological struggle today. How to get away from the modern, many-sided Krivda and embark on the path of Truth (Rule)? Along with this question, another question arises: “What is the difference between Vedic Orthodoxy and Christianity, which is also commonly called Orthodox in modern Russia?”

If you start a conversation with this question, it should be noted that there are a lot of differences, but a systematic approach to the stated research topic requires highlighting fundamental differences. They were designated by the Christian Church itself in the 17th century and served as one of the main reasons for the persecution of representatives of our ancient Orthodox faith - the Old Believers (Old Believers). In Vedic Orthodoxy, double-faced baptism had a special, sacred meaning. The sacrament of baptism itself existed long before Christianity, and it has no right to “appropriate” it for itself. Moreover, Jesus himself was "attached" to it through John the "Baptist", and it was probably two-faced, since the magicians taught the sacrament of "baptism". The oldest form of baptism of the Orthodox with two crosses has survived to this day among the Old Believers of Russia. Its peculiarity is that the middle (highest) finger symbolized God, and the index finger symbolized man. Man is a "child of God" and he must be close to God if he is not afraid of losing spiritual unity with him. The two-fingeredness just symbolically denoted unity with God, "God-manhood."

Baptism from right to left is the second feature of Vedic Orthodoxy, which was preserved in the 17th century by Nikon and did not go under the knife of "reform". Until now, there are theological disputes among Christians about this difference between the Orthodox and the followers of the Roman Catholic Church. In these disputes, there is no main thing - the understanding that the Orthodox, who recognized God as the Most High (Absolute), could see his manifested life-giving face every day in heaven. This face was the sun I - Ra (Yarilo), and our Orthodox ancestors worshiped him every day, performing K (Ra) MOL. It was not just a prayer addressed to the sacred name of the sun (Ra), but glorification, reverence for the Radiant Wisdom and Light of the Truth of the Most High. Vedic Orthodoxy did not know the country of Russia, since the Orthodox sorcerers called Rus - Raseya and invested in this name the sacred "light" of their knowledge. The name of Rus' as Raceya came from the words "Ra", i.e. Radiance of the Truth of the Most High and "Behold", i.e. "this" and pronouns "I". Literally: "I Am the Radiance of the Truth of the Most High." Our ancient, or, as they say, old faith from the 17th century began to be persecuted and forgotten. However, she has not lost touch with the Vedic Wisdom, which teaches understanding of the duality of the world and the need to follow the path of Law (Truth, Righteousness). Our business is right!!! This expression is the essence of Vedic Orthodoxy, but for its understanding it is necessary to find the "reference point" of the right and left sides. Christians do not have this “reference point”, since our sun-worshipping ancestors had it as the “point” of sunrise and its movement took place from the right side. The path of Rule is the bright path (Swa) of the life-giving, manifested face of the Almighty, which follows the path of Rule, and Orthodox Slavs glorify this path throughout their lives. At the time of the baptism of the Orthodox, the movement of two fingers from right to left means the victory of light (Sva) over darkness, Truth over Krivda. The Russian Christian Church is an orthodox church, not an Orthodox one, and this is well known to churchmen who, when publishing bibles in Russian, directly write about this in the source data. There are many other confessions where they do not dissemble in front of their "sheep" from among the Slavs - from (goyim).

The attitude of our ancestors towards Christian priests is known from the tales of Pushkin A.S. and naturally, the Christian church could not be indifferent to the fact that, according to the famous researcher of Russian antiquity A.N. and superstitions of the Slavs, vol. 3, p. 409.-M .: Eksmo Publishing House, 2002.). The “reforms” of the Patriarch of “All Russia” Nikon were directed against Vedic Orthodoxy, and the sorcerer-sorcerers, like the sorcerer witches, were forced to become “wanderers”, “passable kaliks”, to go into the dense forests, where they could live, as they lived ancestors, instructing the Orthodox on the path of Truth (Rule - Truth) and make prayers to the Almighty according to their old Orthodox faith.

Foreign researchers also speak about the existence of a class of sorcerers-mentors among Russian Old Believers. And we are not talking about some kind of 17th century, but close to us times. For example, “In 1931, an Old Believer (non-priest) mentor, explaining to a German researcher how to fold his fingers, signing himself with the sign of the cross, said: “This is our first dogma.” Examples of this kind can be multiplied." (Uspensky B.A. Sign of the Cross and Sacred Space: Why are Orthodox Christians baptized from right to left, and Catholics - from left to right? - M .: Languages ​​of Slavic Culture, 2004, p. 102).

When analyzing the spiritual origins of Vedic Orthodoxy and the essence of Nikon's "reform", a distinction should be made between the Old Believers and the Old Believers. The offensive against the Old Believers, organized by Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century, also affected representatives of the Christian Orthodox Church, who advocated the preservation of the ancient two-fingered sign. Over the centuries, dissatisfaction with the church hierarchy grew within the Russian Orthodox Christian Church, which, according to the theologian Theodosius Vasiliev and Archpriest Avvakum, was mired in "sins" and "falsehood." In the "Exhortation ..." of 1701, the founder of the Old Believer bespopovsky consent of the Fedoseyevites, Theodosius Vasilyev, wrote: "And now I see that you have no reasoning either with the right hand or the shuitz, that is, neither good, nor evil, nor heresies, nor true faith" (There same, p.13).

A similar "split" of Christians happened in the Catholic Church. For example, the Baptists (from Greek - baptists) as a Christian sect that arose in the 17th century. in England, rejected the church hierarchy, the only source of knowledge of God was considered "holy Scripture". However, the fundamental difference between the Old Believers and the Old Believers does not lie in the plane of Christian "dogma" or Christian teaching. The bright appearance of Jesus Christ as a “martyr for humanity” attracted Orthodox Old Believers, but the Christian priests themselves were long perceived as “The Ashes of the Fathers Betraying Priests”, as from (goyim) who adopted an alien Jewish faith and planted Christianity with “fire and sword” of Christian princes and boyars . If for Christians the “symbol of faith” was Jesus Christ himself, then for the Orthodox Old Believers the “symbol of faith” was and is the ancient equilateral cross. Initially, it was designated in the "solar" circle. Such a symbol of the cross and circle is found on ancient megalithic structures (dolmens) and in rock paintings of the 4th millennium BC. It is noticeable in cromlechs depicting "solar" circles, on tombs and altars, on dishes and clothes of our distant ancestors. The difference of this Orthodox cross is that it denoted the path of Rule (Truth), which had a symbolic Right side. Our business is right! This is what the Orthodox Old Believers said, and the two-fingered Old Believers is an expression of the two-pronged cross and God-manhood. What was considered the starting point of the "right" side? This question is not related to questions of formal logic. In the concepts of "right" and "left" there is an absolute (axiological) and a relative (physical) meaning of this opposition. Our ancestors considered the moment of sunrise to be the initial "reference point" of the right side. The sacred meaning of this “moment” will be revealed elsewhere in our study. Now we only note that for our ancestors, the sunrise was perceived as the moment of manifestation of the face of the life-giving Supreme (Most High and Omnipresent) God. The moment the sun appeared from the world of Navi (Mountain World) to the world of Reveal was reflected in the minds of our ancestors by a single symbol of the cross and circle. The cross is inherently ambiguous, since it shows the duality of the world, denotes the world of Navi and Reveal, God and Man, Heaven and Earth, but it is limited by a circle, as a symbol of the "reference point". Without this "starting point" one can constantly get confused about where the right and left sides are, where the "Truth" and "Falsehood" of human Consciousness and Existence are located. In addition, in the symbolism of the "solar" circle, everything primary, odd and right was designated. Plato wrote about this feature of the ancient Vedic worldview in the Laws. In the Orthodox tradition, odd numbers denoted not only the Truth in all its manifestations, but also the Light of Life. Therefore, in Rus' it was customary to give an odd number of flowers for birthdays and holidays, and an even number - only for the dead, deprived of Life. Lucky numbers were considered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and so on up to 21, when a “point” or “solar” circle of the mystical “trinity” was obtained, known in the ancient language of the “sun” - (san)skrit as “trimurti ". Orthodox Old Believers attached special importance to the numbers 3, 7 and 11 of all odd numbers, which was known to the lover of Russian "old times" and the brilliant poet A.S. Pushkin. This and other "mystical" aspects of his activity are still not understood by the "researchers" of his work, and Pushkin's attitude A.S. To this day, there is no comment on POPs.

It should be noted that today, speaking about the differences between Orthodox Old Believers and modern Christians, researchers reduce these differences, as a rule, to the two-fingered and three-fingered sign of the cross. Meanwhile, Christian theologians today are well aware that two-fingered baptism is more ancient, and the entire dispute on this issue was carried out within the framework of purely theological scholasticism. This is well described in the monograph by B.A. Uspensky “The Sign of the Cross and Sacred Space: Why are Orthodox Christians baptized from right to left, and Catholics from left to right?”. More important is the analysis of the interests of the Christian hierarchy in Rus', which could not endure the facts indefinitely when the peasants turned for help to the Magi, Orthodox sorcerers, and not to Christian priests. But let's not raise the question: "Who is to blame?" and look for the guilty in the person of today's ministers of the Christian church. The Orthodox have a good saying: "Whoever remembers the old, that eye out!". The Path of Rule is the path of Light and Goodness. In this matter, one cannot go further than an objective critical analysis of the essence of Christianity and its history on our earth. Each person is free to follow his own path and choose his own "path to the temple." We should be concerned today not with the question “who is to blame?” but “what to do?”.

Modern Slavophiles argue that it is necessary to designate the “points” of Truth, the “centers” of Vedic Orthodoxy, where the spiritual Vedic communities, through a new “assimilation” of ancient truths, will return to the “origins” of Orthodoxy. The example of England, where there are dozens of communities living according to the ancient patterns of the hostel, but on a new technological basis, shows the correct Path (Right) of the way out of the modern technogenic and spiritual crisis of mankind. There are similar examples in other developed European countries, but they are hushed up, hiding from the Slavs, because in these examples the Slavs will see what they have in their subconscious and at the gene level. It is best to create "centers" of Vedic Orthodoxy in the places of the remnants of the megalithic culture of our distant ancestors, where rituals were performed and mantras (prayers) were performed, where the spirits of the Slavic "kind", our "prayed" gods, are waiting for the revival of Vedic Orthodoxy. If such places have not been preserved, then one should start from clean places where a stream or river necessarily flows, it is possible to “wash” everyone who is ready to start creating tribal “nests” of Slavic communities. "Ancestral Keys" can only be found by those who see the Path of the Right (Truth) of Vedic Orthodoxy.

Teaching Vedic Orthodoxy should begin with deciphering the “original” words of the Russian language, or even better, with the root foundations of the modern language. The spiritual "circumcision" of the Slavs began with the All-Light Charter, which contained 147 letters. Not a few "reformers" have worked hard to "circumcise" the figurative, rich and powerful Russian language. Finally, Lunacharsky brought this "circumcision" to 33 letters. Thus, the alien Krivda led the too gullible Slavs along the path of gradual loss of the original Law (Pravda), imagery and creative power of the Russian language.

Today there is a change of historical eras, and the question of the historical fate of the Russian and other related Slavic peoples is becoming very important. Enemies want to divide and quarrel the Slavs precisely in the most important issues of our unity - the questions of the language and faith of the Slavs. The slightest differences are elevated to the "absolute", the main issue of politics, and this can be opposed by our common and ancient worldview - Vedic Orthodoxy, which leads to the "Ancestral Keys" and the common "origins" of our spiritual culture. Today, the very concept of Russian fate, the Russian "cross" is becoming a subject not only of world outlook and philosophy, but also of politics.

It should be noted that in Vedic Orthodoxy there is an idea of ​​Fate. Many researchers of the worldview of the ancient Slavs wrote about this, and this is clearly seen from the idea of ​​the Slavs about women in labor - the maidens of fate. I will not dwell on this issue, since such sayings as “what is written in the family”, “you can’t go around your betrothed with a horse”, etc. well known. It is much more important to note the fact that in Vedic Orthodoxy there was a concept of the "judgment of God" and those who find this "idea" only in Christianity are wrong. In the "Word of Igor's Campaign", for example, it says: "Neither cunning, nor much, nor a bird is much the judgment of God" (Golden word. Century XII. History of the Fatherland in novels, stories, documents. M., 1986). Fate, according to Vedic Orthodoxy, changes according to the law of Karna: "what you sow, you will reap."

It is created in accordance with its own actions, manifests itself according to uniform Laws. In this regard, it is impossible not to mention the brochure of Svyatsky D. “Under the arch of the crystal sky. Essays on astral mythology in the field of religious and folk outlook. (St. Petersburg, 1913). This pamphlet convincingly proved that in Vedic Orthodoxy, or, as Svyatsky D. said, in the “pagan” worldview of the Slavs, the “dialectic” of Good and Evil was taken into account. Our ancestors believed that stellar patterns do not irreversibly apply to people, but have a predisposing and conditionally probabilistic character. A.A. Kulikov made a similar conclusion in the book “Space Images of Slavic Paganism” (St. Petersburg, 1992). There are many works that analyze in detail calendars from ancient Slavic vessels. This is well described in the book by B.A. Rybakov “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs” (M., 1997). All these books do not contain the main thing - the understanding that "pagans" and "gentiles" were not Slavs, but Christians who slyly imposed on Orthodoxy a foreign faith - Christianity. The substitution of the Most High (God the Father) of Vedic Orthodoxy by Jesus Christ took place for centuries, but not painlessly. Moreover, by making the Slavs "slaves" of God, and they were "children" of the Almighty (God the Father), Christianity "cut off" the connection of the Slavs with the gods of their ancestors. From the key phrase of every Slav: "Glory to the gods and our ancestors!" Christians took the concept of "Glory", they also added the key phrase of Vedic Orthodoxy "Our Father!" and it turned out to be an allegedly Christian prayer “Our Father ...”, which ends with the words: “... For Yours is the Power, the Kingdom and the GLORY, forever. Amen". Who can say how the Russian words "Father" and "Glory" sound in Hebrew? Ask this question to Christians who do not see the difference not only between Vedic Orthodoxy and Christianity, but also between the New and the Old Testament. A lot has been written about the “falsehood” of Christianity today, but all sorts of “attacks” on Christianity are not our Path. Christians really did not connect Christianity with our “origins”, with our Truth (Right), but they could not do this, since the Bible speaks of another people, another is (Tor) and all the “origins” of Christianity from the Pentateuch of Moses , "From the Torah", and not from "Orthodoxy". If there were Slavs who accepted someone else's path to God as their own, then what's wrong with that? A person is free to choose the path that seems closer and more understandable to him today, but this path will not lead to the "Ancestral Keys" and "Rebirth". It is necessary to understand the internal "weakness" of Christianity on Russian soil and not to threaten Christians with "a blow from the Russian gods." Evil cannot be defeated by Evil, and this axiom of Orthodoxy is well reflected in the Russian proverb: "God is not in power, but in Truth." Truth (Right) is our, national, Slavic Path of Orthodoxy. Therefore, one cannot but say that without Vedic Orthodoxy, our people will become “rolling stone”, will begin to leave their homeland without the slightest feeling of regret, and will study excerpts from the Torah in “prestigious” universities.

It should be noted that the appeal to the Almighty, and in the ancient tradition to Vyshen, has been preserved through our Aryan tribes in India, but the Slavic Vyshen sounds like Vishnu. There is nothing surprising in this similarity, but one must understand that Vedic Orthodoxy has more ancient roots than the Vedanta of India. An appeal to the Almighty (Vyshenya) - the Father of the Slavic race, in Vedic Orthodoxy begins with "Our Father ...", but before this key phrase, OUM is pronounced 21 times. The sacred sound of OUM and the life-giving RAM were known to our ancestors from the cradle, since these sounds had the properties of a mantra (prayer) and changed the “vibrations” of human consciousness. They threw an invisible "bridge" to the Light-bearing Father (Sva). It is no coincidence that Mantra-Gayatri, or, as it is also called, Mantra-(Sva) Rupa, is still pronounced in the language of the sun - Sanskrit. This mantra (prayer) addressed to the Luminous God (Sva) and the key phrase in the Mantra-Gayatri is Tat (Sva) (vit) ur (Var) enyam. It is translated into Russian as "Our Father, giving Light and Life on earth."

In the Russian language there are expressions s(var) to destroy, (var) evo, (var) to be - this is an action that implies the Path of Light from the Light-bearing Father to the Light-bearing children. This is where the ancient appeal “Your Grace” and the Mantra-(Sva) Rupa serves as a “bridge” between the Almighty and (glorifying) his children - (glory) yans. The Northern Vedic Orthodox tradition of celebrating the “Birthday of the Sun” on December 25 through the Aryan (Indo-European) tribes spread to the southern regions of Europe and Asia. For example, the Etruscans passed on the tradition of celebrating this day to the Romans. They “also had a celebration of the coming of the sun, and there were games in the circus in honor of the birth of the god of the day. It was celebrated eight days before the January kalends, that is, on December 25th. Servius, in his commentary on verse 720 of the seventh book of Virgil's Aeneid, says that the sun is new on the 8th day of the calends of January, that is, December 25th. During the time of Pope Leo I, some church fathers argued that "the event (Christmas) considered a festival is less a celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ than a celebration of the birthday of the sun." On the same day the Romans celebrated the birthday of the Invincible Sun, as can be seen from the Roman calendars issued in the days of Constantine and Julian. This epithet "Invincible" coincides with that which was given by the Persians to the same god whom they worshiped under the name of Mithras, and who was born to them in a cave, and, being born in a barn, was revered by Christians under the name of Christ" (Menley P. Hall. Interpretation of the Secret Teachings hidden behind the rituals, allegories and mysteries of all times. - SPIKS, St. Petersburg, 1994, pp. 160-161.). To this we can add that the Christian Immaculate Mother has a heavenly prototype - the Heavenly Virgin. It is no coincidence that Albert Magnus stated: “We know that the sign of the Heavenly Virgin rises above the horizon at the moment that we celebrate as the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ibid., p.161). As you can see, “nothing is new under the sun” and orthodox Christians, having no real evidence and no idea about the actual birthday of Jesus Christ, annually celebrate an event that for many thousands of years has been one of the main holidays of the so-called “pagans”, and in reality of the Orthodox Aryans, including the ancient Slavs.

Noting the features of our "old faith", it should be said that the Vedic Orthodox worldview included mystical directions and priestly "schools" of veduns (sorcerers). Analyzing the ancient Vedic era of Rus', A.N. Afanasiev concluded: “So, a review of the names assigned to sorcerers and witches leads us to the concept of higher, supernatural wisdom, foresight, poetic creativity, knowledge of sacred spells, sacrificial and cleansing rites, the ability to perform fortune-telling give predictions and cure diseases. (Afanasyev A.N. Myths, beliefs and superstitions of the Slavs, vol. 3, p. 407, m .: Eksmo Publishing House, 2002).

As already noted, Christianity brought to Rus' for many centuries existed side by side with Orthodoxy and became "Orthodox" Christianity. Therefore, it is not surprising that Christian theologians found much in common with their "saints" and "enlightened ones" with the practice, as they believed, of Hindu raja yoga. In this regard, the work of the Christian theologian M.V. Ladyzhensky "Superconsciousness and ways to achieve it" (Moscow, 2002). In the first chapter "Hindu raja - yoga and Christian asceticism" M.V. Ladyzhensky draws quite a few parallels, but does not draw the main conclusion and acknowledge that "Orthodoxy" is not a Christian doctrine. It layered on Christianity, reworked it to such an extent that it was enough for Russian people to say that we are Orthodox and forget to add the word "Christians". Orthodoxy "mixed" with Christianity to such an extent that in the 17th century, the Patriarch of "All Rus'" Nikon ordered that liturgical books and church customs be corrected according to Greek patterns. Adherents of the so-called "schism" called Orthodoxy "the old faith", "Old Believers". Nikon's "reform" was reduced not only to the "correction" of liturgical books and the persecution of the Old Believers, but also to the destruction of the remaining Vedic heritage of Old Russian (right) o (glory) ion. Such was the main result of Nikon's religious "reform". Much has been lost today, but not all. Through researchers of the so-called "Slavic paganism", for example, A.N. Afanasiev and A.A. Kotlyarevsky, we can imagine the worldview and images of the gods of our distant ancestors. There is historical and archaeological evidence of the existence in Vedic Orthodoxy of the Vsebog (Supreme God) and a hierarchy of gods. For example, Igor’s agreement with the Greeks says: “And how many of them are not baptized, but they don’t have help from God or from Perun, Let there be an oath from God and from Perun” (PSRL. Ipatiev Chronicle. L., 1998.) Zbruchskaya found by archaeologists stele of the 9th century AD refers to the era of "Christianity", but it depicts "pagan" gods, people and the holder of the underworld in 3 tiers. Let me remind you that in Christianity there is not even a mention of Russians and Slavs, who were Orthodox long before the advent of Christianity. Nevertheless, the bright image of Jesus Christ took root on Russian soil, and Christianity became an important part of the national culture. This fact cannot be denied and one must understand that Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Orthodox Vedism are just different paths to the one God (Absolute). They all deserve equal and sincere respect. The only difference between Orthodox Vedism is that it is closer to the Slavic spiritual sources and their life-giving moisture can help us not to disappear from the historical stage.

For thousands of years, Slavic sorcerers and witches (witches) taught Vedic Orthodoxy and the idea of ​​the living nature of fire, water, sky and earth. This was the absolute omnipresence of God, and a systematic idea of ​​the spirituality of nature and man. A.N. Afanasiev, for example, noted that the sky as a receptacle of the bright beginning - light and heat - was deified among all Slavic peoples. Slavic conspiracies say: “You, the sky, hear, you, the sky, see” (Afanasiev A.N. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature. T. 1, p. 62). In Vedic Orthodoxy, Heaven was originally revered together with the Earth. Heaven and Earth were represented in a marriage union with each other, and the all-acting male type (Yang) was given to the sky, and the perceiving earth was female (Yin). The Slavs called the sky father, father, and the earth - mother, nurse.

For each glory (Yan) (Ying) and the month (Jan) var was important. Solar energy (Yang) began to (variate) and flow into (Ying) Mother Earth. The time has come for the energy "fertilization" of the earth and it will have to give its children glorifying (Yang) the fruits of the life-giving Ya-Ra (Yarilo). However, in Vedic Orthodoxy, the new year did not begin at (Yan)(var)e. According to the solar calendar of the Slavs, the new calendar year began on March 22, but it was celebrated with the beginning of spring - March 1. From zero degrees Aries on March 22, the circle of the Zodiac began, and this is no coincidence, since the sun enters the sign of Aries on the day of the vernal equinox. Orthodox sorcerers and witches depicted this sign not in the form of a zoological ram, but in the form of an opening kidney. This sign personified the arrival and flowering of a new life, pure and immaculate. It was the day of the vernal equinox that symbolized the moment of the rebirth of life, and this rebirth took place thanks to the male solar energy (Yang).

In Vedic Orthodoxy, the days of the calendar and numbers were of particular importance, since in Orthodoxy the path of the Rule (Truth) was natural, or, as our ancestors said, right (Vedic). It was easy for the Slavs to go the right (guided) path, since the (ved)uns and (ved)dmys suggested how, for example, to name a child if he was born, say, in Jan (var) e, when and how best to make a prayer, pickle cabbage, tidy up the house, find your betrothed and schedule a wedding on just such a day in order to go "on a good path, for many years."

I note that the Earth for the Orthodox Slavs was at the same time the deity-Mother-Earth, and the creative, divine element. Slav (Yang) (Ying) glorified Yang and Yin, Heaven and Earth, and all the nature surrounding it. Christians see this as gross paganism. However, for the systemic worldview of Vedic Orthodoxy, which recognizes the All-God (Absolute), the deification of nature is quite natural. The Orthodox drew inspiration from the life-giving, spiritualized source of nature for all sorts of accomplishments. In this they saw the path of Rule (Truth) and walked along it in order to be worthy of their "bright" gods and "enlightened" ancestors. This is the essence of the systemic worldview of Vedic Orthodoxy and the features of the “source” of Russian spirituality.

In conclusion, we note once again that each person is free to choose his own path to God. Our article was not written for the purpose of malicious criticism of Christianity; it has a very specific task - to expand the ideological "platform" of Slavophilism in the 21st century. In the XIX century, the slogan: "Brothers Slavs, unite!" was not heard and accepted by all Slavic peoples because the power and strength of the "Slavic world" seemed to too many unshakable. Today, the Slavs are disappearing as an originally single ethnic group with common historical and national roots. Our enemies are trying with all their might to separate the Slavs into “national apartments”, put them in border “castles” and, as the “orange revolution” in Ukraine showed, they will “drive a wedge” between Slavic clans on every occasion. Under the onslaught of American “globalism”, the rich and diverse Slavic culture may finally disappear. That is why the new Slavophile movement becomes the "need of the day", and the return to the Vedic origins of Orthodoxy is a new, powerful factor in the Slavic spiritual revival. The mass movement to create Slavic "pagan" and "Vedic" communities, historical and cultural Slavic organizations is already a historical fact. The task is to give the Slavophiles a new ideological "platform" of unification and return to an extremely positive religious cult - this is the cult of our ancient gods and ancestors. Today, the Slavic world is disastrously rapidly disappearing, and as a response to the threat of American “globalism” that is destroying our national roots, we must answer: “Slav brothers, unite!”, “Glory to the gods and our ancestors!!!”

Rybnikov V.A.

It is generally accepted that the word "religion" comes from the Latin word re-ligio (reunion, connection), which means reunion with God, whose image is formed in the depths of our soul. However, the definition of religion that is most rooted in our practice is “the worldview and attitude, as well as the corresponding behavior based on the belief in the existence of God or many Gods.” This is a very common interpretation, includes the key word that defines its essence - FAITH. Thus, “faith” in the modern sense is a statement based on the authority of the church about the existence of a supernatural, powerful, kind, merciful and ruthless SOMETHING, whom (or what) must be feared and obeyed in order to avoid severe punishment. And in our real life, it turns out - to follow the subjective opinion of people-clergymen who appropriated, privatized the right to interpret the activity and will of this unknown SOMETHING.

Our ancient Russian culture (it's hard to call it a religion in the modern sense of the word) was based on knowledge. In Old Russian, knowledge is VEDA, so our primordial Russian culture, without any doubt, can be called Vedic. Vedic culture is currently known as a system of religious ideas of the ancient peoples living on the Hindustan peninsula. But at the same time, one must always remember who brought the Vedas to the territory of modern India. It was one of the tribal unions of the Russian-Aryans, who about 4 thousand years ago moved from the territory of Russia to the aforementioned peninsula, conquered the local Negroid population - the Dravidians, brought them perfect knowledge, culture, art, social structure and much more. It was our Russian Vedas that gave impetus to the development of all modern religions and philosophical movements of the East: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc. All of them, one way or another, stem from the Vedas and represent a somewhat distorted and simplified version of the ancient teaching, adapted by local sages to the needs of the time and the possibilities of the population to whom it is addressed.

The Indians themselves recognize the fact of the emergence of the Vedic tradition as a result of the cultural influence of the Aryans. Some of the Indian researchers also believe that their ancestral home is in Russia, in the Arctic. However, this is not entirely true, since Russia is not the ancestral home of the Indians themselves, but of their white, blue-eyed, fair-haired teachers. Unfortunately, the white population, who came to Dravidia in ancient times, has long been assimilated with the locals. But now, after millennia, we have a unique opportunity to study our own ancient culture through the prism of past times, alien mentality and alien language unknown to us ... Therefore, there is such an interest among our compatriots in various oriental cultures, religions, philosophies.

What does it mean to be a follower of the Russian Vedic tradition? This is to study the foundations of the world order, laid down in ancient Russian culture, and to master the methods of using natural universal laws and principles, their manifestation and action in our world for the benefit of the world around us. Since these laws are unshakable, universal, and operate not only on our planet, but also in any “corner” of the Universe, then all natural cults, one way or another, should be similar to each other, like two drops of water. Of course, they have their own characteristics, since they are “voiced” in different languages ​​and are distributed among peoples with an unequal degree of development and, accordingly, a different degree of understanding of knowledge (Vedas).

It is conditionally possible to distinguish between natural religions (traditions) and artificial (“man-made”). All modern so-called "mass religions" were written, created by people, "wise men" of antiquity, prophets, i.e. “man-made,” or rather, “brain-made.” Anyone who carefully studied the history of religions could not but pay attention to the fact that these teachings did not represent an unshakable creation. Christianity at the dawn of its formation was repeatedly reformed: books were rewritten, fundamental postulates were clarified, a couple of dozen gospels were withdrawn from “circulation”, ancient manuscripts were burned or hidden in the vaults of the Vatican.

For example, Christianity in Russia was reformed in the 17th century, which led to the destruction of a huge number of ordinary Russian people - believers of the old sense (Old Believers). The church was also reformed in Soviet times. And now, in pseudo-democratic times, some figures are trying to turn the Church into a kind of Closed Joint Stock Company, carrying out profit-making activities, exploiting the needs of a normal person in communication, interaction with God.

As for the Russian tradition, it is absolutely impossible to imagine our Vedas, that is, the Knowledge about Nature, subjected to reform. Any ignorance of the true knowledge received by our ancestors directly from God leads to negative consequences. What will happen, for example, to a person if, having climbed a tall tree, he starts sawing the bough under him, "spitting" on the laws of gravity? That's right, finish it and collapse down. This is how humanity falls into the bottomless abyss, having lost touch with the Vedas.

The words "VEDA", "VEDAT" are primordially Russian words, understandable to all of us without any translation and mean "KNOWLEDGE", "KNOW". Russian Vedic culture was a perfect regulator of social relations and a natural scientific basis for human life in interaction with nature, for his free spiritual and physical development.

It seems that it is necessary to distinguish between the concept of "Vedic culture of the Russian people" and "paganism". Our culture has always been Vedic (that is, the culture of knowledge), and by paganism our ancestors understood those areas of human knowledge where ancient wisdom was lost or distorted. Paganism is a folk faith, the faith of a simple, poorly educated people. The word came from the Old Russian “tongues” - people, people ... There was a gradual profanation of the great ancient teachings as the carriers of the ancient Vedic tradition in Rus' were physically destroyed and ideological enslavement by foreign religious cults.

What is the name of our ancient Vedic tradition? The original religion of our ancestors can be called ORTHODOXY. "Orthodoxy", but not "Orthodox Christianity". Somewhere in the dictionaries it was written that our ancient word "Orthodox" comes from the Greek "orthodox". But it's not right! The ancient Roman and Greek civilizations (and many others) are fragments of the once unified world of white people, united by a common culture, language, history, ancestors ... Therefore, it is unscientific and unethical to categorically prioritize the origin of concepts, words. However, it is safe to say that most terms, including those of Roman and Greek origin, are easily interpreted and translated precisely from the position of the RUSSIAN language. This speaks volumes! "Orthodoxy" is simply a translation of the word "Orthodoxy" (from Greek ὀρθοδοξία: Greek ὀρθός ("straight", "correct") +δόξα ("opinion", "glory"))

Our ancient pre-Christian word "ORTHODOXY" was formed from two Russian words RIGHT and GLORY.
RIGHT is the highest cosmic Law, according to which all elements of the manifested and unmanifested Universe interact. The essence of this divine Law in modern scientific interpretation can be expressed as "The law of ensuring the sustainable development of the System (Universe) to achieve effective interaction of its elements based on the principle of emergence."

It should be noted that modern science has long been using in its practice the knowledge that was a daily toolkit for Russian Vedic Magi thousands of years ago. And in order to quickly assimilate the sacred knowledge of our ancestors and try to look at the world through the eyes of the ancient Russian Magi, it is recommended to turn to such disciplines as “systems theory”, “information theory”, “synergetics”, “tectology”, “control theory”, etc. . Over time, they will become the basis on the basis of which there will be a breakthrough in all fundamental areas of modern science and a return to the ancient Vedic (natural) worldview, but, apparently, already in a modern form.
From this term, meaning the fundamental and all-encompassing law of universal existence. - "RIGHT" there were known to all the concepts of "RIGHT", "TRUTH", "RIGHT", "RIGHT", "JUSTICE", "RULE", "RIGHT", "GOVERNMENT" and many others.

It should be noted that in the related Russian language of the Vedic Aryans, Sanskrit, there are a number of words derived from the root "PRAV". Even today they provide an opportunity to expand the understanding of some sacred concepts and terms of our Ancestors. For example, in ancient Sanskrit: prava - hovering in the sky; pravata - breath, spirit, breath; pravarosa - rain (literally: "the dew of Rule"). A monument of ancient Russian literature - the Book of Veles calls rain "living water", which is sent to people by the Gods of Justice.
In the ancient Indian treatise "Rigveda", the concept of Rule as a universal law of the development of the Universe is conveyed by the word R'ta (Rita, Rota) as a kind of cosmic pattern, according to which disordered chaos turns into an ordered harmonized cosmos (Slavic - Lad). This Lad (order) provides the conditions for the existence of the Universe, its circulation, the life of mankind, its morality. Russian Rule, just like the Aryan Rita (some kindred peoples used the term "Arta" ("Orta") with the same meaning), also determines the ceremonial, ritual mode on Earth. That is, it provides not only the physical, but also the moral (spiritual) and everyday side of the life of mankind in general.

Thus, this Comprehensive Law (Law of Rule) applies to systems of various levels, origins, states. It is equally true for the Universe, as a single supersystem, for the system of planets in our solar system, the biosphere of planet Earth, for the human body, as a biological system, and for society, as a social system.
Our Russian Rule, among other things, reveals the innermost and deepest meaning of the cult of the Ancestors. According to ancient teachings, our ancestors after earthly life in Yavi are sent to the "Luki Svarogya" (Meadows of Svarog), where "they will stay for some time to get a new body." The stay of our great Ancestors on the Bows of Svarozhy brings them closer to our Gods. Therefore, there was a deep belief that our Ancestors help us together with the Gods, maintaining a continuous connection with us. Judge for yourself: the words GREAT-ASCHUR, GREAT-grandfather, GREAT-BABA and others - after all, they all have the same Slavic root as RIGHT. The basis of the spiritual life of our people is the energy and information connection with our ancestors who went to the Rule.
The second word - "GLORY" is understandable without any dictionary to any normal Russian person. And this word for a better understanding of its meaning can be divided into two parts: the preposition "C" and "LAV". In old Russian LOVE, and in English LOVE, means the same thing - LOVE. Thus, PRAISE means “to treat with the greatest and sincere feeling of love”, “to love”.

Our kindred white peoples preserved many words of ancient origin better than we do, and in order to understand the meaning of some terms, it makes sense to refer to related Indo-European languages.
SLAVA is a very ancient concept that is directly related to the self-name of the great people - the Slavs. Even in the IV century. the writer Agatangel, secretary of Tsar Terdat, wrote about the ancient Russian Goddess of Glory as “the great queen and mistress, the Glory of the people, supporting the life of the people, the Mother of all virtues, the Mother Goddess, the Golden Mother.” He also described her temple, which had countless treasures. The image of the Goddess (her statue) was made by skilled craftsmen from pure gold. The holiday of the Goddess of Glory, which was celebrated in the spring, is most fully preserved among the Serbs close to us in spirit and faith. It should be noted that the cult of the Russian Goddess of Love Lada is almost identical to the cult of the Great Goddess of Glory.

So, our ancient culture, with a fair degree of certainty, can be defined as "Glorification of the divine law of RIGHT". And our great ancestors, bearers of this wonderful culture, were called ORTHODOX or SLAVES, i.e. THOSE "THAT GLORIFY THE GODS" and who are "GLORY IN THEIR GREAT DEEDS AND PURE THOUGHTS". It should be noted here that the Slavs were originally a religious and cultural rather than an ethnic term. Slavs began to be called those tribes that, after the gradual displacement of our ancient culture by foreign, overseas ideologies, as well as the Christianization of the majority of the European population, for a long time remained committed to the ancient Russian tradition, that is, continued to glorify Prav, the great Russian Gods and bring love to people.
In ancient Rus', the Creator of the Universe, the God of ROD, was most revered, therefore our culture is sometimes called RODOSLAVIY or RODOLOVIE in our time. Such a name as SVETOSLAVIE is widely known ...

It must be emphasized that there can be as many modern names that reflect the essence of this multifaceted phenomenon, like ancient Russian culture. The Russes themselves lived according to the Vedas for millions of years and did not name their way of life in any way. The Vedas - global information about the world order, were the basis on which all everyday life proceeds, household chores and sacred holidays, ceremonies, rituals, the birth and upbringing of children, physical culture and medicine, agricultural work and craft.
In other words, the Russian Vedas are all that now for us should be a natural and necessary set of knowledge that allows us to simply live, orienting ourselves in the complex world of things and phenomena.
