Hello!!! My name is Sukhanova Alina
I completed a project that is dedicated to the topic "The influence of climatic conditions on human housing."
Different peoples live on Earth for a long time
One taiga and steppe - a dear home,
others like the subtropics.
Alone in the desert or near the glacier everything is nice,
others in deciduous forests.
But everyone sees strength in their own homes.

The goals of my project are:

1. Conduct an analysis of what requirements for the construction of a dwelling are determined by climatic conditions;
2. To study what building material for building a dwelling is used in different natural areas;
3. Find out if the way of life and traditional occupations of the population influence their type of dwelling.

The objectives of my project were:
1. Determination of climatic features in various natural zones;
2. To study what houses are built in different parts of the world;
3. To form an idea of ​​the influence of natural conditions on the architecture of a person's dwelling.

A house is a human dwelling
In the process of research, I learned about such houses as:
House on stilts;
I learned what climatic features of the place where the house was built have a significant impact on the types of housing:
1. Of course, this is a natural zone, a climatic zone
2. Economic activity
3. Building material

I learned while doing this work that the natural zones of the Earth are very diverse, these are:
alpine desert
Tundra and forest tundra
mixed forest
hardwood forests
Variably moist forests
Permanently wet forests
broadleaf forests
temperate deserts and semi-deserts
Steppes and forest-steppes
Savannahs and woodlands

Also, in the process of studying the topic, I learned that on Earth there is
7 types of climates that make up climatic zones. 4 of them are main, and 3 are transitional.
The main types are:
and polar (arctic, antarctic),
and transitional climatic zones include:
subequatorial belt,
subpolar (subarctic and subantarctic)

arctic belt
This is the northernmost geographic zone of the Earth. The whole year is dominated by a single arctic air mass. On land, the Arctic belt includes the zone of Arctic deserts. Frosty weather in these parts of the Earth lasts all year round. The permafrost is not heated by the sun's rays, as they fall tangentially to the ground. The subarctic climate is characterized by seasonal changes in air masses, polar in summer and arctic in winter. There is little precipitation, but because The air temperature is low and the humidity in this area is very high. The tundra and forest-tundra prevailing in this area are quite swampy.

Types of Dwellings in the Arctic and Subarctic Belts
Among the peoples of the Far North, the lack of wood and other building materials caused the appearance of a dwelling with a frame made of whale ribs and jaws, as well as snow huts:
Yarangi are the traditional dwellings of the Eskimos, reindeer herders, which were also built from improvised material.
An igloo is a house made of snow blocks, usually domed, which is built by the Eskimos in winter camps.
And CHUM, a portable dwelling of the peoples of the North. The conical frame of poles is covered with reindeer skins, birch bark or bark.

Temperate zone
it is one of two geographic zones of the globe. A characteristic feature of the temperate zone is the change in temperature clearly according to the seasons of the year. There are very cold winters and very hot summers, and between them there are two transitional seasons - spring and autumn, which are found only in these latitudes.
The temperate zone includes steppe and forest-steppe natural zones, taiga, mixed forests, broad-leaved forests, temperate deserts and semi-deserts.
In regions with cold winters, compact houses were built with thick, insulated walls and small windows. Since these latitudes are rich in forest, the main building material is wood. Typical types of housing in the temperate zone in the forest and forest-steppe zone. Typical representative countries are Canada, Russia, Norway.
The main...

"Natural zones of the cold belt" - "Ecological systems". Deserts and semi-deserts. Deserts. Mixed and deciduous forests. Taiga mixed broad-leaved forest forests. tundra ecosystem. natural areas of the earth. Steppes. Steppes of the semi-desert of the desert. Natural zones of the temperate zone. In the direction from the pole to the equator, natural zones replace each other in a certain order. cold moderate hot moderate cold.

"Climatic zones of the Earth" - Equatorial Tropical Moderate Arctic (Antarctic). Climatic zones of the Earth. At the equator, the sun's rays fall at ... an angle. Large volumes of the troposphere with the same properties are called ... Characteristics of the belts (work in groups according to textbooks). Winds that blow from the equator to the tropics are called .... In temperate latitudes blow .... winds.

"Thermal zones of the Earth" - Africa. Eurasia. Glaciers. Each card has its own ... . Summary of the lesson. 4. Image of the Earth on a plane. South America. Restore the story: One - rise, stretch. And the conditional image of the Earth's surface on a plane is called .... There are many types of geographic maps. Three - three claps in the hands, Three nods with the head.

"Temperate Forests" - The benefits of the forest. Topic: "Temperate forests." Answer the questions in a group: Working with a herbarium. Tree groups. Forest: coniferous (taiga) and deciduous. In a temperate climate, the seasons are sharply expressed: winter spring summer autumn. For a fish - water, for a bird - air, and for the beast - forest and mountains. Forest natural community?

"Belts of Russia" - Temperate belt. Ash. Ephedra. Balsam fir. White spruce. Taiga forest. Saxaul. Arctic desert. The taiga of the Urals is characterized by light coniferous forests of Scots pine. A vast part of the territory of the temperate zone is occupied by taiga. Dahurian rhododendron. Dwarf willow. The subarctic is dominated by tundra and forest tundra.

"Climatic zones of Africa" ​​- Why is there practically no precipitation in the northern hemisphere? What are the climate zones in Africa? For individual work with crossword puzzles, they receive an additional point in the grade book. How do major climatic zones differ from transitional ones? Use wall maps. Superimposed on the equatorial belt, the remaining parts, respectively, lean on the belts).

A student of advanced training courses under the program:
“Project and research activities as a way
formation of meta-subject learning outcomes in
conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard "
__Galkina Margarita Olegovna__
Full Name
Autonomous non-profit educational
organization "Gymnasium" Zhukovka ", Odintsovo district,
Moscow region
Educational institution, district
On the topic of:
Methodological development for implementation
research work "The influence of climate
conditions on traditional dwellings of people in different
parts of the world."

Research project "Influence of climatic conditions on traditional dwellings of people in different parts of the world"

The work is done by the student in partnership with the teacher,
It is proposed to study the influence of climate on
traditional dwelling structures in various
climatic zones. Make them layouts for
further use in geography lessons.
The work is carried out at the ANOO "Gymnasium" Zhukovka ". IN
Gymnasium pays great attention to design
activities of students since 2015, each student
invited to participate in this work. self-learner
chooses a topic and a subject supervisor
project. In 2017, school students took part and
became the winners of the V All-Russian Festival of Projects
"Creation and creativity".

The purpose and objectives of the project

Prove the relationship between climate and type
traditional dwellings of people in different parts of the Earth.
Create a visual aid for geography,
showing this dependence.
Study the geography textbook material on climate and
its types.
Collect and analyze information from
various sources about traditional dwellings
people in different parts of the world.
Determine whether the type of dwelling depends on the climate.
Analyze the results of the work and make
Create a multimedia presentation.

Research methods

The student used the following methods
research: analysis, observation, generalization.
Project product
Do-it-yourself home models;
Exhibition of their layouts.
Main content
Relevance of the project: Studying the dwellings of different
peoples of the world, studying:
1. Learn more about the customs of these peoples;
2. Develop your horizons;
3. Get new knowledge that he will need in
further in the lessons of history, geography and in

Novelty and practical significance:

Novelty and practical significance:
The student creates a manual for geography lessons, which
can be used in primary and secondary school for
increase interest in the study of the subject.
Object of research: Traditional dwellings of people.
Subject of study: Subject of study:
Hypothesis: Human dwellings in different
countries differ from each other in that the Earth has different
terrain (mountains, deserts, plains, forests) and various
natural conditions.
Research results: Influence of climatic
factors on the type of dwelling in different peoples of the world.
Main climatic factors: changes in air t,
pressure, wind, precipitation and moisture in the air,
Climatic zones
Design features of dwellings, depending on
climate, outdoor temperature and wind.

The climatic zone is a latitudinal band of the earth's surface, which differs from other bands in the intensity of heating.


Climatic features of the construction site of the house, always
had a significant impact on the types of housing.
building material for


Types of housing in the equatorial belt

Stilt houses are the hope of flood protection. IN
in other areas, people live in swamps where you can’t build
sustainable houses.
Light bamboo huts covered with palm leaves,
stand high above the ground and protect against flooding and

Tropical climate zone

High pressure and dominance of tropical air masses;
high air temperature in summer, cool in winter;
rain is rare.
The area is sparse in vegetation.

Tropics and humid subtropics

Unlike the dry tropics, they are rich in forests.
In warm and humid zones - pavilion-type houses with
cross-ventilation capability.
Traditional dwellings of the Australian aborigines - wind
barriers, sheds, huts. In Oceania - frame-pillar
high gabled roof made of palm leaves.

temperate climate zone

This CP occupies vast areas of the Earth, its
main features:
the predominance of temperate air and westerly winds;
distinct seasons. Growing
continental climate from west to east, cold
winters and hot summers. Precipitation is plentiful but distributed
The flora is diverse, with a predominance of forests
conifers and hardwoods.

Arctic and Atlantic belt

The predominance of cold air masses, low air temperatures
year, little rainfall.
The absence of almost any vegetation, except for mosses and lichens.
Arctic and Subarctic
Igloo - a house made of snow blocks, usually domed, which
build the Eskimos of Canada and Greenland in the winter camps.
Yarangi - traditional dwellings of the Eskimos, reindeer herders, which
was also built from improvised material. The yarang walls are often
covered with turf, made of stones or boards.

Practical part


Prospects for the development of research / project activities in the institution and the professional activities of the author.

The project is systematically carried out in the gymnasium.
activities of students. September at the fair
projects are proposed topics.
Each child from 5th to 8th grade prepares and defends his
project on the chosen topic.
Pre-protection, protection February - March.
The best works are sent to the All-Russian Festival
projects "Creation and creativity". In 2017, the work
2 students became winners.
In his professional activity methodically
I use the knowledge gained in these courses. How
the result is a high score of the jury (5+) at the school level.
I'm not going to stop there, it appeared
Lots of ideas that I want to bring to life.
Thank you very much!
