Svetlana Sycheva

Scenario of a methodological event for teachers


Target: generalization of the experience of the MBDOU kindergarten of category III No. 11 "Kolobok" on the topic "The use of innovative technologies in the work of teachers in the moral and labor education of preschool children."

Game Props: auctioneer's hammer, cash coupons, bell.

Materials: video and photographic materials, a selection of practical material (a card index of games, exercises, proverbs and sayings; art materials for drawing, a conditionally schematic layout of a residential building, pictures of household items, elements of a set of cylindrical toys, booklets.

Auction progress:

Leading: Dear colleagues, we are glad to welcome you within the walls of our kindergarten. Today we are holding an Auction of Pedagogical Ideas.

An auction is a public sale of goods using bidding. The product is sold in the presence of many willing buyers. The price of a commodity is determined by the process of buyers bidding among themselves for the right to buy the commodity. Present to your attention:

Auction leader- educator of the middle age group - Sycheva S. V.;

auctioneer- educator of the middle age group - Sycheva S.V.;

auctioneers- guests and employees of the kindergarten, that is, you, dear colleagues.

Auctioneers have the right to familiarize themselves with and purchase one or another lot that interests them. It will go to the highest bidder. Pay attention to banknotes - coupons. Each of you has 5 coupons. So, attention!

(Rings the bell)

Auctioneer: Auction open (hammer banging). Bidding of pedagogical ideas is announced.

Leading: The theme of the auction: "The use of innovative technologies in the work of teachers in the moral and labor education of preschool children."

The following items are up for sale today:

1. "Introducing children to professions through the integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils";

2. "Formation of moral and labor qualities of preschool children through work with parents";

3. Marathon "Do good for the good of your neighbor."

4. "Formation of the moral and labor qualities of pupils through familiarizing them with the work of adults"

Leading: We present to your attention lot No. 1 "Introducing children to professions through the integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils"

Theoretical part:

(Speech by the teacher of the senior mixed-age group Bondarenko T. A.)

Educator: the topic of the methodological development that I present is "Introducing children to professions through the integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils."

Target: deepen children's ideas about maritime professions, promote the formation of cognitive interest, consolidate the rules of behavior on the water, develop logical thinking, broaden their horizons, replenish the vocabulary of children, cultivate respect for the work of people in this profession.

Practical part:

(For viewing, an integrated activity to familiarize children with the professions of the older age group “Journey to the Islands of Professions” is offered)

Auctioneer: So, lot No. 1 “Introducing children to professions through the integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils” is put up for sale. The starting price is 1 coupon. Practical materials are sold with the lot.

(The winner receives the purchase.)

Leading: We present to your attention lot No. 2 "Formation of moral and labor qualities of preschool children through work with parents"

Theoretical part:

(Speech by the teacher of the nursery group of different ages Ivanova N.N.)

Educator: the topic of methodological development, which I represent - "Formation of the moral and labor qualities of preschool children through work with parents";

Target: to reveal the level of formation in children of stable emotionally positive attitudes towards work. Determine the special significance of the direct impact of the personality of adults on the formation of the moral and labor qualities of the child.

Practical part:

(A test game “How I and my family work” is held with the participants of the auction)

Auctioneer: So, lot No. 2 “Formation of moral and labor qualities of preschool children through work with parents” is put up for sale. Starting price - 1 coupon. Practical materials are sold with the lot.

Leading: We present to your attention lot No. 3 “Do Good Project”.

Theoretical part:

(Speech by the educator of the senior uneven-age group Pisarenko E.N.)

Target: To educate children in positive qualities of character, to promote team building, to motivate children and parents to do good deeds, good deeds for the benefit of other people.

Practical part:

(The action "Give a smile" is held with the participants of the auction)

Auctioneer: So, lot No. 3 “The Do Good Project” is put up for sale. Starting price - 1 coupon. Practical materials are sold with the lot.

(Winner receives purchase.)

Leading: We present to your attention lot No. 4 "Formation of moral and labor qualities in children through familiarizing them with the work of adults, taking into account the integration of educational areas."

Theoretical part:

(Speech by the educator of the middle age group Sycheva S. V.)

Educator: the topic of the methodological development that I present is “Formation of moral and labor qualities in children through familiarizing them with the work of adults, taking into account the integration of educational areas”

Target: To cultivate interest in the work of adults and respect for the worker, respect for the results of labor; develop perseverance, determination, ability to overcome difficulties to achieve the goal; to form a culture of work, to teach to perform the labor actions necessary to fulfill labor assignments.

Practical part:

(For viewing, a photo session is offered on the topic “Introducing children to the work of adults in role-playing games”.

Auctioneer: So, lot No. 4 "Formation of moral and labor qualities in children through familiarizing them with the work of adults, taking into account the integration of educational areas" is put up for sale. Starting price - 1 coupon. Practical materials are sold with the lot.

(Winner receives purchase.)


Leading: So the Auction of Pedagogical Ideas ended. Today you got acquainted with the experience of our kindergarten in moral and labor education. They also had the opportunity to purchase the lot they liked with a practical application. Congratulations on your successful shopping! Happy owners are:

Let's welcome them. Congratulations, you are the most active participants in our auction!

Auctioneer: Auction closed (hammer banging).

The goals of the pedagogical council:

  • increasing the creative activity of teachers, creating conditions for personal and professional self-realization;
  • identification and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience;
  • increasing the prestige of pedagogical work and search, public calling of the contribution of teachers to the development of preschool educational institutions.

Form of the teachers' council: auction

Board plan:

1. Opening remarks by the head of the preschool educational institution.

2. Parting word of the senior educator.

3. Conducting an "Auction of pedagogical ideas"

4. Summing up. Statements of teachers, parents, guests. Presentation of letters of thanks.

5. Tea drinking.

Attribute: hammer,

The course of the pedagogical council

1. Opening speech of the head

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

We are very glad to welcome you today at the "Auction of Pedagogical Ideas". Today, unusual lots are put up for auction - these are the pedagogical products of our teachers, who today will become auctioneers. Auction - public sale of goods using auctions. The goods are on sale in the presence of many wishing - buyers. The price of a commodity is determined by the process of buyers bidding among themselves for the right to buy the commodity. Present to your attention:

  • Auction leader - senior educator;
  • Auctioneer - head of preschool educational institution;
  • Auctioneers - you are respected colleagues.

Auctioneers have the right to familiarize themselves with and purchase one or another lot that interests them. It will go to the one who answers 3 questions. The idea will go to the one who correctly answers 3 questions. If you do not answer the questions, then the idea remains in the bank of the methodical office.

2. Host

One of the tasks of the preschool educational institution is to create a favorable moral and psychological climate, an environment for creative interaction and cooperation. Only a creatively working team of teachers is able to provide a high level of educational work with children, the formation of a creative personality.

The activity of a teacher is an activity based on pedagogical theory and pedagogical creativity - art. In order for the personality of a teacher to become a factor in the formation of the personality of pupils, he must be a professionally competent, creative member of the teaching staff, preserving and enriching its traditions, sharing its views, ideas, values.

For the continuous improvement of educational and educational work in preschool educational institutions, a continuous increase in the level of theoretical training and pedagogical skills of teachers is required.

The creative individuality of the teacher is manifested in his pedagogical activity, in the organization of a creative environment in a group of children. Without creativity, it is impossible to develop pedagogical skills, which are an essential component of mastering the teaching profession and its improvement.

In solving this problem, an important role is played by a systematic independent study of the latest achievements in pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy and physiology of the child, hygiene, as well as program and methodological documents on preschool education.

The higher the level of mastery of pedagogical theory and practical skills and abilities, their creative understanding, the higher the level of pedagogical skill and creativity. So, attention!

(bell sounds)

3. Host

And so, let's start our "Auction of pedagogical ideas"

There are 5 lots presented at the talent auction, which are declared in your programs:

  • Lot #1 - "The use of non-traditional methods in physical education classes"
  • Lot #2 - "My family"
  • Lot #3 - "Fairytale Journey with the Astrologer"
  • Lot No. 4 - "Innovations in methods for the development of coherent speech"
  • Lot No. 5 - "City of colored men"
  • LOT №6 - "Treasure Map"
  • Lot No. 7 - "Journey to the country of traffic lights"

We present to your attention Lot #1. "The use of non-traditional methods in physical education classes" - this lot is presented by the head of physical education Kotova S.G. (protection of abstract).

What tasks of a cognitive nature are solved in physical education classes?

What methods provide a test of the child's motor skills, the correctness of their perception, motor sensations? (practical)

What are the non-traditional types of hardening of children in your group?

The knock of a hammer.

Lot No. 2 - "My family" is presented by Terentyeva Natalya Anatolyevna. (protection of abstract).

So the starting price is the first question.

Why do you think the introduction of children to folk culture, the formation of patriotic feelings in them should begin from preschool age?

What are the types of didactic games?

At what age do children begin to develop moral qualities in children?

The knock of a hammer.

Lot No. 3 - "Fairytale Journey with the Astrologer" - Vera Alexandrovna Domracheva brings to your attention. (protection of abstract).

So the starting price is the first question.

How and through what do we develop creative abilities in children in our preschool?

What can be cooked but not eaten? (lessons)

What are the methods and techniques of cognitive activity of children in the classroom?

The knock of a hammer.

Lot No. 4 - "Innovations in the methods of development of coherent speech" - offers Velizhantseva T.V. (method protection)

So the starting price is the first question.

What forms of work do you use when teaching children connected speech?

In which group is collective storytelling introduced?

What are the conditions for the development of children's speech created in your group?

The knock of a hammer.

Lot No. 5 - "City of colored men" - will be presented to us by L.I. Kaneva. (abstract defense)

So the starting price is the first question.

Why is it necessary to develop sensory abilities at an early age?

What conditions for sensory education are created in our preschool educational institution?

How many months in a year have 28 days?

The knock of a hammer.

LOT No. 6 - "Treasure Map" brings to your attention Iskenderova Z.M. (protection of abstract).

So the starting price is the first question.

What methods and techniques do you use to ensure the joint activities of children in the REMP classes?

What are the main areas of work on REMP in preschool educational institutions?

What REMP methods and techniques do you use in class and in free activities?

The knock of a hammer.

Lot No. 7 - "Journey to the country of traffic lights" - prepared by Iskenderova Z.M. (abstract defense)

How often can I conduct classes using computer tools?

A part of a building material that has 2 faces - triangles, the rest - rectangles? (prism)?

What are the main legal documents governing the interaction of preschool educational institutions with the family?

The knock of a hammer.

4. Summing up

Dear Colleagues! We would very much like you to take part in the evaluation of the lots of our auctioneers. But not only with the help of a monetary unit, but also with the help of statements for each lot.

Teachers' statements.

Presentation of letters of thanks.

5. Tea drinking

Dear teachers! Let me end the "Auction of Pedagogical Ideas" with the phrase:

"Pedagogical creativity and satisfaction with the chosen profession mutually stimulate each other. Without satisfaction with the specialty, it is impossible to display high creative productivity in pedagogical work. Therefore, today, I can say with confidence that creative, purposeful, emotionally rich teachers work in our teaching staff, for whom their work is not only a source of existence, but also a source of joy, the meaning of life.

Thank you all!!! Good luck in your difficult but creative work!

Purpose: Creation of conditions for personal and professional self-realization of teachers,

The use of modern pedagogical technologies that contribute to

Effective implementation of GEF DO.


    contribute to the search for pedagogical ideas to update the content of education

    to intensify the activities of teachers, increase their creative activity, using pedagogical technologies in their work;

    identify and disseminate interesting pedagogical findings and ideas;

    promote the prestige of pedagogical work.

The chosen form of holding the teachers' council included several forms of work

with teachers: a test to determine the emotional state, "Quick - setting" for the successful work of a teacher, solving a crossword puzzle to consolidate pedagogical technologies and an auction that involved serious preparation. It is gratifying to note that all teachers took an active position in this, they prepared methodological developments, file cabinets, game material, presentations with practical material.

Each group submitted one lot for the auction, which was evaluated by all those present with the help of "nominal banknotes worth 1000 rubles."​

Teachers adhered to the following criteria, presenting their methodological development: purpose, tasks, for what age of children it is intended, aesthetics, multifunctionality, versatility, interactivity.

13 Lots were put up for auction:

Lot #1. Methodical selection "Children's folklore in the daily life of children of early and younger preschool age". This material was presented by the teachers of group No. 5 "Smile" Bogdanova O.A. and Ortyanova A.A., who consider the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate for each child in the group to be the main thing in their activities.

Lot #2. Methodological development "Finger gymnastics - one of the forms of health-saving technology", it was presented by the educators of group No. 9 "Why" Grishkova E.V. and Shukh T.V. - teachers who created a card file of finger games that correspond to the calendar and thematic planning
Lot No. 3. "Entertaining game library" - this is the name of the card file of didactic games with the logic blocks of Gyenes, which was presented by the teachers of group No. 3 "Fairy Tale" Myachenkova T.V. and Aksenova E.F. Teachers recommended using Gyenesh technology in their work, as it changes the standard idea of ​​​​mathematics as an uninteresting science and far from creativity.

Lot No. 5. Card file of graphic dictations for children of senior preschool age "Cheerful Pencil". It was presented by the educators of group No. 2 "Teremok" Koval O.N. and Kolieva M.S. Teachers noted: graphic dictations are a great way to develop the small muscles of a child's hand, an interesting and exciting activity, the results of which will affect the ability to write and think logically in the future.

Lot No. 6. "Shaggy caterpillar", she is also "Chenille", she is also "Chenille wire" - this methodological development on the use of non-traditional materials in the sensory development of preschoolers was presented by the teacher of group No. 6 "Firefly" Maltseva I.I., who shared with colleagues with their discovery: Chenille - fluffy flexible wire - a wonderful material for children's creativity, you can make cute fluffy crafts from it.

Lot No. 7. A presentation for educators in the work with children of the preparatory group for school "The owner of the Serpukhov Museum - Anna Vasilievna Maraeva" was presented by the educators of group No. 10 "Romashka" Epifanova N.V. and Ragimova Z.A. This is the most interesting local history educational material for teachers, children of the preparatory group and their parents.

Lot No. 8. "Invisible observer" - this is the name of the model of a protective structure for observing shy animals. It was presented by the educators of group No. 7 "Merry Friends" Surkova M.V. and Bondarenko O.V. Teachers use different technologies in their work. Much attention is paid to design, cognitive and research activities with children, attracting
interesting additional information and involving in activities
parents of pupils.

Lot No. 9. Methodological development for working with the family "Optional instructions" - was presented by the educator of group No. 4 "Sunshine" Barkova I.A. Irina Alexandrovna presented a selection of non-traditional announcements and advice-cheat sheets for parents.

Lot #10. Practical material for children of senior preschool age for the projects "Space", "Journey through the Imagination" was presented by teachers-specialists in the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" (artistic activity) Pugacheva M.V. and Ilyin G.F. Teachers are distinguished by the presence of high creative potential, professional skills, their own passion and the ability to captivate students with fine arts.
Lot #11. The methodological development "Music for children in sensitive moments" was presented by musical directors Proydisvet M.V. and Ilyina O.I., who activated the attention of educators to the role of "Music" in all types of activities, how actively "Music" is used in sensitive moments, so the child harmoniously develops comprehensively as a person.

Lot No. 12. "Player" - a card file of didactic games on FEMP for preschoolers was presented by a teacher-specialist in the educational field "Cognitive Development" FEMP Shubenok E.L. The educators were offered a disk, "buying" which, they could easily use didactic games in the joint and independent activities of children.

Lot No. 13. The card file "Physical minutes for preschoolers" was presented by an instructor in physical education Blagorazumova E.V. She noted that physical education sessions are the most interesting and effective form of active recreation during sedentary activities with children.

Throughout the teachers' council, the interest of teachers in the current auction was traced, they were active, emotionally liberated. At the end, the host of the auction congratulated the teachers on successful purchases, calling them happy owners of methodological developments.

According to the results of the auction, we can say with confidence that purposeful, creative, emotionally rich teachers work in our teaching staff. We wish you all success in difficult, but interesting, creative work!
The conducted pedagogical council became an assistant in the formation of a team of like-minded people, increased the creative activity of teachers. He helped to create conditions for personal and professional self-realization, for the analysis and evaluation of existing attitudes and principles in accordance with the requirements of modern science and best practice, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The teachers' council was developed and held by the deputy. head VMR Larina T.N. and Shubakova R.R.

Experience of MDOU No. 51 "Childhood Center"

Nowadays, teachers are thinking about how to raise a child as a person of tomorrow. Comprehension of this should take place through the teacher's awareness of the changed social order: yesterday a performer was needed, and today a creative person with an active life position, a high level of readiness to independently solve a wide range of problems is required. The problem of improving the pedagogical skills of each teacher of a preschool educational institution is considered one of the most urgent. Increasing the competence and professionalism of educators is the most important condition for improving the quality of preschool education. Therefore, the methodological service of the MDOU kindergarten No. 51 "Childhood Center" is in constant search of effective forms of advanced training, i.e. the main activity of MDOU is the creation of conditions for improving the quality of upbringing and education according to criteria such as innovation, relevance, accessibility and economic feasibility.

Purpose of the event:

  1. Improving the search for and mastering new technologies for increasing the professional competence of teachers, contributing to qualitative changes in the activities of an educational institution.
  2. Increasing the creative activity of teachers.
  3. Creation of conditions for personal and professional self-realization.

Material and equipment:

Multimedia installation, laptop, tribune, audio, video, multimedia accompaniment, coupons, a hammer, a rack for an exhibition of works, a set for reflection "Daisies"

Venue and time: music and sports hall, 13.10 - 14.00

Participants: teaching staff of the educational institution

Auction progress:

Watch the motivational video "Believe in yourself"

AUCTION is a public sale of goods using bidding. Educators - sellers and teachers - buyers participate in the auction. Common, as in all auctions, was the principle of competition between buyers. Goods are divided into so-called lots. Each lot is assigned a number. The price of a product is determined by the process of buyers bidding among themselves for the value of an idea and the right to buy the product. Bidding is conducted to increase prices. The unit of purchase at our auction was coupons earned earlier for participating in the intellectual game "Own Game". In order to get the highest price, the seller must present the value and practicality of his idea (material, manual, educational game, etc.). At the end of all auctions, the winner was announced - the seller who sold his lot (idea) at the highest price. Auctioneers, giving preference to one or another lot, justified their choice of purchase: "I buy this lot because ...". In the process of presenting their idea, auctioneers will be able to practice using one or another manual, a game technique. Lots were put up for auction - these are products, their interesting practical developments, which became auctioneers. Bidding theme: Development of pupils' creative abilities through cognitive-practical activities and fine arts. The following lots are up for sale:

  1. Game manual for working with pupils of senior preschool age "Magic Threads" - educator of the highest qualification category Mir T.A.
  2. Guidelines for educators "Musical accompaniment of visual activity" with a selection of program works on two disks - music director without a qualification category Kirdun T.V.
  3. Game manual for working with young pupils on the development of fine motor skills of the hand "Bizibord" educator of the second qualification category Skovoronskaya K.V.
  4. A game manual for working with pupils of middle, senior preschool age "The Magic World of Colors" - a teacher of the second qualification category Esis E.V.
  5. Game manual for working with pupils of middle, senior preschool age "Lapbook" - educator of the second qualification category Sinitsa O.V.
  6. Game manual for working with pupils of middle, senior preschool age "How a plant grows" - teacher - defectologist of the second qualification category Iodo S.N.
  7. Guidelines for educators "Using elements of ART therapy in working with preschool children" with a selection of practical material for work - teacher - psychologist of the second qualification category Ilkevich O.N.
  8. A practical guide for working with pupils of senior preschool age “Creating a book with your own hands” with a selection of practical material for creating the book “Belarus is Olympic” - teacher - defectologist without a qualification category Leshchenko V.Yu.

Reflection "Daisies"

Participants are invited to choose a petal corresponding to their impression of the event: yellow - they liked everything, blue - they liked it partially, red - they did not like it at all. We will offer to fill in these daisies separately for participants - sellers and participants _ buyers.

Teachers' Council 01/10/19

"Auction of pedagogical ideas"

E.Yu. Bocharnikova, Deputy Director for water resources management

Only a creatively working team of teachers is able to ensure a high level of the educational process, the formation of the creative personality of students.

The activity of a teacher is an activity based on pedagogical theory and pedagogical creativity. In order for the personality of a teacher to become a factor in the formation of the personality of students, he must be a professionally competent, creative member of the teaching staff, preserving and enriching its traditions, sharing its views, ideas, values.

Without creativity, it is impossible to develop pedagogical skills, which are an essential component of mastering the teaching profession and its improvement.

We are very glad to welcome you today at the "Auction of Pedagogical Ideas".An auction is a public sale of goods using bidding.Today, unusual lots are put up for auction - these are the pedagogical ideas of our teachers, who will become auctioneers today.The goods they present will be sold. I think that among us there will be buyers who want to purchase this or that lot.

I encourage everyone to participate

Show finds in the pedagogical auction.

Here everyone can boast

What would she be good for?

How will it affect children?

What will educate, develop,

What each lot will teach.

You have forms on your tables where you will fix the cost of the lot.

Red – something new, very interesting!!!

Yellow - I liked the idea, I will apply it in my work as much as possible

Green interesting, but not new to me

The price of the goods is determined in the process of how the teacher presents his idea. When evaluating an idea, you need to highlight for yourself the professional skills of the teacher, the use of modern technologies, the effectiveness of the techniques and methods used, the ability to present your product.

Which lot will score the most red badges means that this idea turned out to be the most valuable in our auction, and will most often be used in educational activities.

And for counting, you need to choose a counting commission, fair and independent(heads of MO)

There are 12 lots for today's auction.

So let's start.

Every year the number of children with complex speech pathology increases, in particular, practically non-speaking children. These children have problems with oral and written speech - when learning to read and write.Present to your attention:

Lot No. 1 "Techniques for working with non-speaking children"

Likhareva E.L.

(method Novikova-Ivantsova, presentation)

Lot No. 2 "Technologies of global reading"

Novikova A.V.

(Domain method, presentation)

There are many different techniques that help make the learning process interesting and entertaining. Your attention will be presented

Lot No. 3 "Creative workshop of Elena Uleva"

Kotova I.L., teacher

(method E.Ulyeva, presentation)

Another grant will be presented in the next lot.

Lot No. 4 "Funny pages"

Rassadina G.V.

(manual presentation)

The development, improvement and enrichment of the speech of mentally retarded students is one of the most serious and always relevant tasks of teaching the Russian language and reading in a correctional school.

Next Lot No. 5 "Speech at your fingertips"

will present authors: Tareeva N.A., Shevchuk N.V.

(methods of work in the lessons of reading and writing, presentation)

As a rule, the child comes to classes with narrow specialists after school, having spent the whole day at the school desk. Therefore, you should not strive to ensure that the atmosphere in the classroom is close to the usual lessons of the Russian language or reading. It is advisable to make the most of gaming techniques, collective forms of work, allowing students to move around the classroom.

Lot No. 6 "Modern innovative interactive speech therapy techniques"

(presentation, video, games with teachers)

In mathematics lessons, students receive basic mathematical knowledge, master the necessary computational skills, and learn to think logically. However, the assimilation of mathematics for children with mental retardation presents great difficulties.

“At school, learning is mainly from the teacher’s lips to the student’s ear, and the child learns 80% of the information with the eye.”

Lot No. 7 "Development of mathematical skills"

Styagina E.S.

(method one hundred count, presentation)


Lot No. 8 "Oral account"

Maslova I.M.


In the process of teaching mathematics, students receive not only arithmetic knowledge, but also information from visual geometry. The study of geometric material equips students with practical skills of measurement, drawing. The construction of geometric figures with the help of various tools contributes to their better preparation for everyday life, mastery of various types of professional work, adaptation to the conditions of modern life.

Lot No. 8 "Geometry is interesting"

Zaitseva T.V.


Warm-up "Kaleidoscope"

Each of you has seen kaleidoscopes and knows that they are made up of small particles of glass (plastic), each of which has only one color and only one permanent shape. When the particles are combined in twos, threes, in small groups ... Bright, multi-colored patterns are obtained, surprisingly diverse in shape!

So it is with people: each has value in itself, each is beautiful. But when people communicate with each other, they can create amazing patterns of communication.

let's play

Imagine that each of you is a piece of colored glass. The glasses were close to each other ... (get together in a tight pile).

And now the gigantic hand began to take the colored glass pieces one at a time and make a pattern. Once - and the pieces of glass united in two! (you need to break into pairs and freeze).

Two - the pieces of glass fell apart one by one again and froze!

Now you need to unite in threes. One by one.

By fours. One by one.

And now I ask you to close your eyes. Our giant turned the kaleidoscope again and saw an amazing pattern: all of its pieces of glass lined up in an even - even circle!

Now with your eyes closed, touching each other, try to stand in a circle. The glasses froze and opened their eyes. Look: did we get a circle? Smile at each other.

I ask all participants to sit down at the tables.

We continue our auction

Lot No. 9 "Kaleidoscope of psychological ideas"

Berezovskaya N.E., Serebryakova L.V., Dzevik Yu.A., Smetanina E.D., Ogneva I.V., Pavlyuchenko S.N., Zaitseva Ya.V., Kurolenya O.I.

(presentation, video, demonstration of manuals)

Communication, exchange of thoughts, ideas is one of the forms of interaction between people.But among our students, we increasingly observe - isolation in oneself, loss of interest in reality and communication with others, loss of emotional contact with other people. What is autism? How to work with such children?

After all, teaching autistic children requires from all teachers not only professional knowledge and skills, but also a lot of mental and physical energy, great patience, intuition and love, constant pedagogical search, flexibility in applying various teaching and upbringing methods.


Lot No. 10 “Children with ASD. The main directions of corrective work.

(presentation, demonstration of manuals)

When teaching, it is necessary to take into account the abilities, needs, characteristics of students. Education should be developing, motivational, differentiated.

Lot No. 11 "Block-modular technologies at labor training lessons"

Tarasova N.B.


Joint creativity: teacher-child-parent - forms a trusting relationship, has a positive impact on the development of the child and teaches him to cooperate. Joint creative activity is an interesting pastime.

Lot No. 12 "What is a master class?"

Salimshina S.A.

Here is our auction. Congratulations to everyone on a successful purchase. I hope that you will replenish your methodological piggy banks with the ideas presented and will actively apply them in your activities.

I propose that the counting commission start counting and determine which product turned out to be the most valuable at today's auction of pedagogical ideas.
