Outbursts of solar activity, or magnetic storms, as they are commonly called, differ in their intensity and, as a consequence, in their effect on the well-being of the inhabitants of the earth. Over the past few days, there have already been three strong flares of solar activity. The first one was recorded on September 7.

Depending on the individual physiological characteristics of each human body, people endure magnetic storms in different ways. Someone is sensitive to the slightest changes in solar activity, while others will not even notice. "Schedule" of magnetic storms for the current month will help weather-sensitive people prepare for atmospheric changes.

Sun flares in September 2017: a period of magnetic storms of the same intensity was last observed 12 years ago

The recent increase in solar activity is coming to an end, the activity of the Sun has decreased to the level of class C, which is considered weak. This information was provided by scientists from the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun of the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences.

As one of the representatives of the laboratory explained, in the past few days, a 4/5 magnitude magnetic storm has been happening on the planet. The storm, in its strength, exceeded experts' forecasts by 10 times. The occurring phenomenon has a planetary character, which arises from the interaction of two large groups of sunspots on which a certain amount of energy has accumulated, which is released in the form of a flash.

Solar flares in September 2017: forecast of magnetic storms for September

Humanity has already experienced one of the most "severe" magnetic storms on September 9th. Presumably, we should expect such a forecast of solar activity:

September 12 - calm magnetosphere;
September 13-14 - weak magnetic storms;
September 15 - medium-strength magnetic storm;
September 16 - weak magnetic storm;
September 17 - magnetic excitation, which indicates stabilization of the magnetosphere;
18-26 - stable calm situation in the magnetic sphere is expected;
September 27-30 - a series of weak magnetic storms.

Sun flares in September 2017: how to survive magnetic storms

Bursts of solar activity affect both the functioning of the body's systems and the psychological state of a person. On such days, chronic diseases are often exacerbated, you can feel pain in the joints, nervous breakdowns and migraines occur.

Good sleep, avoidance of conflict and stressful situations, drug prevention in the presence of chronic diseases will be the prevention of poor health on days of increased sun activity.

The most meteosensitive people are considered to be patients with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system and with vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome. Such patients during the period of magnetic storms should carefully monitor the changes in their state of health and in which case, without delay, consult a doctor.

September 2017 saw a wave of solar activity, with the Sun emitting 27 M-class and four X-class flares and releasing several powerful coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, from September 6 to 10.

Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation, and coronal mass ejections are huge clouds of solar material and magnetic fields that erupt from the Sun at incredible speeds.

The activity came from one fast growing and active area - the area of ​​intense and complex magnetic fields. As always, NASA and its partners had a variety of observation instruments, both from Earth and outer space, allowing scientists to study these events from different angles.

With multiple insights into solar activity, scientists can better track the evolution and propagation of solar eruptions in order to improve our understanding of space weather. The harmful radiation from the flare cannot pass through the Earth's atmosphere to physically affect people on Earth, however, when intense enough, it can disrupt the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel. On the other hand, depending on the direction in which they are moving, flares can trigger powerful geomagnetic storms in the Earth's magnetic field.

To better understand the underlying processes that drive these events, and ultimately improve space weather forecasts, many scientists observe the Sun around the clock at dozens of different wavelengths of light. Anyone can identify unique structures and dynamics on the Sun's surface and deeper layers, giving researchers an integrated picture of the conditions that lead to space weather.

Scientists are also looking at how the sun affects the Earth and even other planets. The effect of solar activity in September led to the observation of the Martian "northern lights", and around the globe on Earth in the form of events known as showers of neutrons found on Earth, resulting from the acceleration of fast particles of solar eruption flux along the Earth's magnet field lines and flooding of the atmosphere.

The data from the satellites and instruments below show the wide range of data available to researchers as they used these recent space weather events to learn more about the star we live next to.


The geostationary operational environmental satellite NOAA-16 or GOES-16 observes the Sun's upper atmosphere, called the corona, at six different wavelengths, allowing it to observe a wide range of solar phenomena. GOES-16 captured this X9.3 flash shot on September 6, 2017. It was the most intense flare recorded during the current 11-year solar cycle. The X-class denotes the most intense flares, while the number gives more information about its strength. X2 is twice as intense as X1, X3 is three times as intense, etc. GOES also discovered solar energy particles associated with this activity.


NASA's Solar Dynamics Laboratory observes the corona at 10 different wavelengths in a 12-second cadence, allowing scientists to track highly dynamic solar events such as solar flares X2.2 and X9.3. The images were captured on September 6, 2017 at a wavelength of ultraviolet light that shows solar material heated to over a million degrees Fahrenheit. Flare X9.3 was the most intense flare recorded during the current solar cycle.


JAXA / NASA Hinode captured this image with X8.2 on September 10, 2017, the second largest flare of this solar cycle, with its X-ray telescope. The tool is capturing X-rays of the corona to help scientists link changes in the Sun's magnetic field to explosive solar events such as flares. The flare originated from an extremely active region on the surface of the Sun - the same region from which the largest flare of the cycle originated.


The primary instruments at NASA's Solar and Ground Communications Observatory, or STEREO, are a pair of coronagraph instruments that use a metal disk called a hidden disk to study the corona. The circular disk blocks the sun's glare, allowing detailed features of the Sun's outer atmosphere to be discerned and tracking coronal mass ejections as they erupt from the Sun.

On September 9, 2017, STEREO observed the CME ejection from the Sun. The next day, STEREO observed an even larger CME that was associated with the X8.2 outbreak of the same day. The CME departed from the Sun on September 10 at an estimated speed of up to 7 million miles per hour and was one of the fastest CMEs ever recorded. CME was not sent to Earth. This magnetic field, pulled from side to side, and therefore did not cause significant geomagnetic activity.


Like STEREO, ESA / NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO, uses a coronagraph to track solar storms. SOHO also observed CMEs that occurred on September 9-10, 2017; some of these observations provide even more information for space weather models. As the CME expands beyond SOHO's field of view, a flurry of what looks like snow floods the frame. These are high-energy particles ejected before the flash at low beam speeds.


A NASA or IRIS region interface imaging spectrometer sits at a lower level in the Sun's atmosphere, called the interface region, to determine how this region manages the constant changes in the Sun's outer atmosphere. The interface area feeds solar material into the corona and solar wind: in a photo taken on September 10, 2017, jets of solar material appear like tadpoles floating on the surface of the Sun. These structures, called supra-arcade downdrafts, are sometimes observed in the corona during solar flares, and this particular set has been associated with the X8.2 flare of the same day.


NASA's Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment, or SORCE, collected this data on total solar radiation, the total amount of solar energy from the sun, throughout September 2017. While the Sun was emitting high levels of ultraviolet light, SORCE actually found a drop in all exposure during intense solar activity over the course of a month. A possible explanation for this observation is that above the active regions where solar flares occur, the "sunspot darkening effect" occurs more than the effect of the bright ultraviolet radiation of the flare. As a result, the total solar radiation suddenly dropped during the flares. Scientists are collecting long-term data on solar radiation to understand not only our dynamic star, but also its relationship to the Earth's environment and climate. In December this year, NASA is ready to launch the full spectral solar radiation sensor - TSIS-1, to continue measuring solar radiation.


Intense solar activity has also caused a global aurora on Mars more than 25 times brighter than ever seen in NASA's Atmosphere of Mars and Flying Evolution missions or the MAVEN mission. MAVEN studies the interaction of the Martian atmosphere with the solar wind, a constant stream of charged particles from the Sun. Images from the MAVEN UV spectrograph show a bright aurora on Mars during a solar storm in September. Violet-white colors show the intensity of ultraviolet light on the night side of Mars.

archangel Michael

Recently there was a powerful solar flare that had a strong impact on the Earth.
What can you tell us about this.?
Forces: This is another energy impulse, which was intended to add energy to those entities that are on the border of the transition and doubt their ability to cross.
Or those who needed an extra push, an extra impulse to awaken.
Q: How has this impulse affected people?
C: Impact on DNA, on some cells of the body.
Basically, this is an impact on the physical level.
Reconstruction, restructuring of the body.
Q: Did the person become aware of this influence?
S: No, this impulse was not calculated to affect consciousness.
Q: That is, you are working with our body now?
S: Yes, there is a restructuring of the body, because some of the essences are lagging behind in terms of restructuring.
Q: Does this impulse rebuild or give an energy charge, accumulate it?
S: It gives expansion to cells.
Each cell has its own luminosity.
The luminosity of each cell increases separately.
This is not a physical expansion, but an energetic one.
The energy levels are different, in this case it concerns the physical component.
Dense energy.

Q: Has this outbreak had a negative impact?
If so, when does it manifest itself?

WITH: The negative impact is manifested in those physical bodies that no longer make sense to restore.
This outbreak intensifies the processes of degeneration, decomposition and accelerates the exit from incarnation of those who have it in their program.

The diseases of those whose bodies are already so worn out that there is no point in restoring them are increasing.
If there are any destructive, degenerative changes in organisms, these changes accumulate and accelerate.

This applies to oncological diseases, aging processes, including osteoporosis and blood diseases, diseases of a systemic nature.
Degradation, fatigue of muscles, internal organs.
Decay of those organs that are capable of decay.

Hematopoietic and circulatory organs th system.

Q: How has this outbreak affected those people who are not sick but lead destructive lifestyles?
S: What specific cases do you mean?
Q: These are those people who are not yet old, an intermediate link between those whose body is being rebuilt and those whose body is being destroyed.
S: Do you mean alcoholism and drug addiction?
Q: Not only alcoholism and drug addiction.
Something when a person loses vitality.
S: It depends on the tasks of the Soul.
If the Soul came in order to go through the transition, then such people are led to events that make them come to their senses and go to healing.
If people are ready to leave incarnation, then these processes of decomposition are intensified.

Q: Is this a planned outbreak?
S: Yes, planned.
Q: Why is it so powerful at this moment?
S: She's not alone.
Now there is a constant supply of energy from space.
Including from other space objects.
Now there is a powerful movement of energy, which flows to the Earth continuously.
This is just one of them.
Q: Do you advise you not to panic?
S: You never need to panic.
Q: So this outbreak is acting in both positive and negative ways?
She lifts some, and finishes others?
How should our listeners react to such information?
S: It depends on their level of consciousness.
Q: How did this outbreak affect nature?
S: Specifically, this flash was intended for the physical body of a person.
It had no influence on nature.
Q: What influences nature?
S: Internal earthly processes.
Nature is part of the earth, part of the physical body, therefore it obeys the natural processes that are now taking place on the planet.
Q: That is, nature is fed by the energy of Gaia? And the animals?
S: It depends on which Souls are embodied in the bodies of animals.
These are entities of a lower level, therefore they are closer to the Earth.
This is not to say that energy from space does not affect them.
But they are more dependent on planetary processes.
Q: After the body has internalized this activation, what happens next?
S: The next stage of development, depending on the extent to which this flash has been internalized.

Q: Can this flash be called a checkpoint or an exam, or is it just an ordinary event that will happen all the time?
S: This is not a control point.
The test will be later.
There are four milestones in a year that you are aware of.
They matter more.
The intermediate ones are of lesser importance.
Q: That is, for example, the autumnal equinox?
Are there any streams on this day? What are these streams?
S: This is a whole complex of different energies that come to Earth at this time, opening up new opportunities and closing what should be closed.

Q: What recommendations can you give to conduct September 23 correctly?
WITH: It is advisable for this day to cleanse everything that surrounds you, to cleanse yourself, your thoughts, emotions, bodies.
And it is desirable to spend this day in nature.
As close to Earth as possible.

So that the incoming energies are most optimal for you to be perceived and assimilated.
Both in the body and in the mind.

Q: That is, do you recommend collecting these energies on such days?
S: Accept. Collecting is not quite the right word.
Q: There is a conscious technique, and there is an unconscious one.
People will simply go to nature, have a picnic and accept these energies.
And there are people who will consciously approach this issue.
What should they do?
S: Even if people do not come to nature, and will live an ordinary life, in any case, these energies will come in and will be assimilated.
The difference is in the quality of assimilation.
If you consciously strive to accept these energies, to consciously meet this day, to receive the energy you need, you will receive a much greater resource in this case.
Q: How does a solar flare form?
What is this process? What civilizations are involved in it?
S: The Sun, as the Logos of your planetary system, itself provides the reproduction of these impulses of energy.
The sun is intelligent and creates energy impulses at the right time and in the right size.
These are not civilizations.
Q: How does the Logos know when and how to reproduce flashes?
S: You give the Logos a human mind.
This is the mind of a higher order, which regulates and monitors the processes in its solar system.
Creates the necessary conditions for the cultivation and education of Souls that undergo their experiences in this system.
The sun can be called a structure that looks after you in a fatherly way.
This is the first higher structure that patronizes, guides and controls you and those civilizations that are involved in the process of your development.
Q: What are her tasks?
S: The Sun, as the Logos, monitors all processes, regulates them and creates conditions for your development.
Q: How does the sun affect you?
S: The Sun is a superior structure above us too and also helps us in our work.
Q: Who came up with this structure?
S: The architect created such a system.
In order for Souls to go through their experience.
Q: Is the Architect a superior structure for the Sun? Is he endowed with divine powers?
S: The Architect is what you call the Son of God.
Q: Does he have assistants?
S: Yes. We are all his assistants.
Q: Does he have a name?
S: People need names, they are not needed by higher powers.
Q: How do you distinguish each other?
S: By energy.
Q: That is, you are in no hurry to name this energy?
Do you just understand?
S: Names are a very human concept.
You need them to distinguish between different forces.
Q: Are you an energetic substance?
C: Energy Arkhangelsk structure.
Q: What does the Arkhangelsk structure include in addition to the energy component?
S: This is a structure of the fifth density level, which is engaged in observing the processes taking place on Earth and helping people.
Leadership of angelic structures and all means of accompanying Souls in incarnation.
Q: Where does the replenishment of your Arkhangelsk structure come from?
S: Developing Souls who move to the next levels of development can become archangels if they wish.
Q: That is, the Soul chooses with what tasks and in what system it will develop further?
S: Yes, this is also one of the experiences that the Soul goes through.
Including she can go through experience as an angel, and with further development - an Archangel.
Q: Can we say that the Soul leaves the school level, and the choice begins where to enter?
To this institute, or to another institute? By your profile?
S: Yes, this is the correct understanding. By their inclination.
The infinite number of structures in the Universe requires different types of specialization of Souls, in human terms.
Q: That is, people can not think about what is better or worse, but simply look for their destiny?
S: There is no concept of "better" or "worse".
This is a purely human concept based on duality.
Q: The soul must make the right choice, where to go?
S: The soul can make many different choices and experience itself in different ways of development.
Q: That is, it can move from one institution to another?
Looking for your destination?
S: Usually the Soul strives for vertical development.
But if desired, it can develop horizontally if other interests and other tasks arise.
There can also be a return movement, if the Soul wants to go through some experience, if it comes to the conclusion that it is interested in some experience from lower densities that it has not yet gone through, or passed in an inappropriate way, in its opinion.
With its part, it can return back to the embodiment of a lower dimension, and go through this experience for its development.
And satisfy your curiosity.

Q: What do you want to wish to those people who see money as their purpose of living on Earth.
And who believe that they will begin to develop in the presence of money.
And they will be able to solve their questions, which sometimes are not resolved during their life.
Those who are more inclined to make money.
There are a lot of such people on Earth, and we do not exclude ourselves from this category.
What advice can you give to these people?
S: First of all, to trust, to understand that no one will ever be left without help and without supervision.
One cannot but give credit to the dimension in which you exist, which is material.
And you need material support in order to exist on this planet with dignity.
It is necessary to intelligently combine the material and spiritual aspects of development.
And remember that one is not a hindrance to the other.
One cannot rest on only one path of development, one cannot be both a poor esotericist and an excessively rich, but spiritually unspiritual person.
You must understand that this should harmoniously combine in you and not allow distortions in either direction.
There is nothing sinful about focusing on the material side of life.
Just don't forget about the spiritual too.
Q: Thank you for answering our questions.
Thank you for telling us about solar flares that are occurring and will continue to occur, to be afraid of them or not to be afraid, to be protected from them, or, conversely, to accept.
WITH: You have no way to be protected, there is no point in being afraid. Everything is planned and your Soul knows it.

On September 7, a series of flares occurred on the Sun, the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported.

The photo shows the ejection of solar plasma from the X9.3 flare (frontal view from the side of the Earth). The photo was taken by the LASCO C3 instrument on the SOHO satellite.

During the X9.3 solar flare registered the day before, a large ejection of solar matter took place, and it is directed towards the Earth. This is evidenced by data received from space solar coronagraphs - unique instruments that observe the outer layers of the solar atmosphere and plasma flows in them. The speed of the ejection is currently being specified, but, proceeding from the values ​​usual for such events - at least 1000 km per second - tomorrow evening, clouds of plasma ejected from the atmosphere of the Sun by the colossal force of the explosion will come to our planet. The typical size of such clouds when they reach the Earth's orbit is up to 100 million kilometers and more. This means that in addition to the impact on the Earth's magnetic field, our planet will be immersed for 1-2 days in a hot substance, which yesterday was part of the Sun's atmosphere.

The mass ejection from X9.3 reached Earth on September 8. A plasma cloud from the Sun entered our planet's orbit about 12 hours earlier than expected. This means that its speed exceeded the expected 1.5 times, and the impact on the Earth was made with more power than planned.

A magnetic storm of level 4 on a 5-point scale is occurring on Earth. The force of the event is about 10 times greater than predicted. Canada, now on the night side of the Earth, has strong auroras at high and middle latitudes. The storm is planetary in nature.

A class X 1.3 outburst occurred on the evening of September 7th and originated from active area # 2673, which had previously emitted three X-class flares and many M-class flares.

On September 8, from this group of sunspots, flares M1.2, flares M1.3, M3.9 and many other flares of different intensities were recorded. The most powerful M7.8 was accompanied by a coronal ejection towards the Earth. An M8.1-class outbreak occurred 20 minutes later.

In the first half of Wednesday, September 6, 2017, scientists recorded the most powerful solar flare in 12 years. The flash is assigned a score of X9.3 - the letter indicates belonging to the class of extremely large flares, and the number indicates the strength of the flash. The release of billions of tons of matter occurred almost in the region of AR 2673, practically in the center of the solar disk, so earthlings did not escape the consequences of what happened. The second powerful outbreak (score X1.3) was recorded on the evening of Thursday, September 7, the third - today, Friday, September 8.

The sun is throwing huge energy into space

Solar flares, depending on the power of X-ray radiation, are divided into five classes: A, B, C, M and X. The minimum class A0.0 corresponds to a radiation power in Earth's orbit of ten nanowatts per square meter, the next letter means a tenfold increase in power. In the course of the most powerful flares that the Sun is capable of, huge energy goes into the surrounding space, in a few minutes - about a hundred billion megatons in TNT equivalent. This is about a fifth of the energy emitted by the Sun in one second, and all the energy that humanity will produce in a million years (assuming it is produced at a modern rate).

A powerful geomagnetic storm is expected

X-rays reach the planet in eight minutes, heavy particles in a few hours, and plasma clouds in two or three days. The coronal ejection from the first flare has already reached the Earth, the planet collided with a cloud of solar plasma with a diameter of about one hundred million kilometers, although it was previously predicted that this would happen by the evening of Friday, September 8. Geomagnetic storm of the G3-G4 level (five-point scale ranges from weak G1 to extremely strong G5), provoked by the first outbreak, should end on Friday evening. Coronal emissions from the second and third solar flares have not yet reached the Earth, possible consequences can be expected at the end of this week - early next week.

The consequences of the outbreak have long been understood

Geophysicists predict aurora in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, cities located at relatively low latitudes for the Aurora. In the US state of Arkansas, he has already been noticed. Back on Thursday, operators in the US and Europe reported non-critical outages. The level of X-ray radiation in near-earth orbit has slightly increased, the military clarifies that there is no direct threat to satellites and ground systems, as well as to the ISS crew.

Image: NASA / GSFC

Still, there is a danger for LEO and geostationary satellites. The former run the risk of failing due to braking on the warmed up atmosphere, and the latter, having moved 36 thousand kilometers from the Earth, may collide with a cloud of solar plasma. Interruptions to radio communications are possible, but for a final assessment of the consequences of the outbreak, it is necessary to wait at least the end of the week. The deterioration of people's well-being due to changes in the geomagnetic situation has not been scientifically proven.

Increased solar activity is possible

The last time such an outbreak was observed on September 7, 2005, but the strongest (with a score of X28) occurred even earlier (November 4, 2003). In particular, on October 28, 2003, one of the high-voltage transformers in the Swedish city of Malmö went out of order, de-energizing the entire village for an hour. Other countries were also affected by the storm. A few days before the events of September 2005, a less powerful flare was recorded, and scientists believed that the sun would calm down. What has been happening in the last days bears a strong resemblance to that situation. This behavior of the star means that the 2005 record may still be broken in the near future.

Image: NASA / GSFC

However, over the past three centuries, humanity has experienced even more powerful solar flares than those that occurred in 2003 and 2005. In early September 1859, a geomagnetic storm caused the telegraph systems of Europe and North America to fail. The reason was a powerful coronal mass ejection that reached the planet in 18 hours and was observed on September 1 by the British astronomer Richard Carrington. There are also studies that cast doubt on the effects of the solar flare of 1859, scientists that the magnetic storm affected only local areas of the planet.

Solar flares are hard to quantify

A consistent theory describing the formation of solar flares does not yet exist. Flares occur, as a rule, in places of interaction of sunspots on the border of regions of north and south magnetic polarities. This leads to a rapid release of the energy of the magnetic and electric fields, which then goes to heating the plasma (increasing the speed of its ions).

The observed spots are areas of the Sun's surface with a temperature of about two thousand degrees Celsius below the temperature of the surrounding photosphere (about 5.5 thousand degrees Celsius). In the darkest parts of the sunspot, the magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the surface of the Sun; in the lighter parts, they are closer to the tangent. The magnetic field strength of such objects exceeds its terrestrial value by a factor of thousands, and the flares themselves are associated with a sharp change in the local geometry of the magnetic field.

The solar flare occurred against the background of a minimum solar activity. Probably, in this way the luminary dumps its energy and will soon calm down. Similar events took place earlier in the history of the star and planet. The fact that today it attracts public attention does not speak of a sudden threat to humanity, but of scientific progress - in spite of everything, scientists gradually better understand the processes taking place with the star, and inform taxpayers about it.

Where to monitor the situation

Information about solar activity can be gleaned from many sources. In Russia, for example, from the websites of two institutes: and (the first, at the time of this writing, posted a direct warning about the danger to satellites due to a solar flare, the second contains a convenient schedule of flare activity), which use data from American and European services. Interactive data on solar activity, as well as an assessment of the current and future geomagnetic situation, can be found on the website
