No time. There is a movement of matter in space, which is perceived by us as time. Time is as much an artificial invention of physicists as energy. After all, energy does not exist either! Energy does not exist "in its pure form." There is motion perceived as a measure of kinetic energy. There is the height of the body's rise, perceived as potential energy. There is electromagnetic radiation, which physicists sometimes really call energy. But this is just a figure of speech. The same as "the kettle is boiling." The kettle does not boil, the water in the kettle is boiling. It's just that after Einstein wrote his great formula E = mc2, they began to say that science had established a connection between energy and mass. In fact, with the help of Einstein's formula, it became possible to express any energy in units of mass (kilograms), and any mass in units of energy (joules). No more. And in physical sense the formula established a connection between matter and radiation. Radiation is not energy. Radiation is matter. Matter has three hypostases - matter, field, vacuum. And physicists invented the fiction of energy for calculating processes. And so they got used to it that they began to perceive it as something independently existing.

So time is just some invented value, convenient for calculations. There is no energy in the world. There is no time in the world, there is only moving matter. Actually, time is always measured by uniform movement - by the course of the hand in the clock, pouring sand in a glass flask, the revolutions of the Earth around the Sun.

But why is time directed? Indeed, in space one can move both to the right and to the left, both forward and backward, and in time - only forward. Why is there an arrow of time? For the same reason: there is no time. Time manifests itself through the laws of motion of matter. And they are such that some processes are directed. This, in fact, is perceived by us as the arrow of time.

For example, heat from a hot body is transferred to a less heated one. Why? But purely statistically. After all, heat is a measure of the speed of body particles. Hot, that is, fast particles, colliding with cold ones, transfer part of their momentum to them, the velocities are equalized. Of course, it is theoretically possible that the slow particle hits the fast one so successfully that the speed of the fast one will increase even more, and the slow one will stop altogether. But this is an extremely unlikely spatial combination of velocities and directions of motion (the slow atom "caught up" from behind the fast one and pushed it at a certain angle). Most often, ordinary chaotic collisions occur, leveling the velocities. So that famous Second the beginning of thermodynamics, which prohibits the transfer of heat from cold bodies to hot ones, is purely statistical in nature. And the thermal death of the Universe, predicted by Clausius, is a child of statistical physics ... This is the thermodynamic component of the arrow of time. There are other components as well.

When two protons collide, a "heavy hydrogen" nucleus, a positron and a neutrino is produced. This is one of those reactions that take place in the bowels of low-mass stars. In theory, all reactions in nature are reversible. But! After the collision, the neutrino flew away from the star at the speed of light - and remember the name. Theoretically, one can imagine the collision of heavy hydrogen, positron and stray neutrino. However, the likelihood of this meeting, firstly, is extremely small. And secondly, neutrinos practically do not interact with matter. This crazy particle can easily pierce a lead plate from the Earth to the Sun. So for this reason, the likelihood of a reverse reaction is negligible. That is why the stars shine because directed (irreversible) reactions go into them.

I like listening to people who say "time is an abstract concept" certainly not without this, well, the fact that all our speech and thought process is also a level of abstraction, for some reason I am not a troll and I am not a hater, I just want to clarify something in terms You can, of course, endlessly talk about the recursion of abstraction within an abstraction and ultimately never come to objectivity at t = ∞, well, this will give nothing. In my opinion, time is the subjective perception of the propagation of an electromagnetic wave. It directly interacts with matter and is localized by us This is the only way it is possible to either notice, compare and comprehend, a direct consequence of the relativity of everything that exists, otherwise there would be eternal statics. If we take as the postulate that when reaching anomalously high speeds, time slows down exponentially, then when the speed of light is reached, time will be equal to zero, which means that the photon emitted at an early stage of the universe and the one that now enters the layers of our atmosphere is one and the same photon in time, for the passage of any segment of space, be it a Planck size, t is required, well, for a photon t = 0, so people who shout about the speed of light is 300 thousand km per second, you need to clarify that they mean the speed of light which tries to comprehend the subject or the true speed without subjective interpretation, then most likely the universe is flat like a broadcast projector and t = 0 of a photon is the gap of the moment now, and light is something like a frame scan on a TV or the refresh rate of your image on a monitor, it must be fast because there would be lags) If your computer knew how to think, it would have perceived the frame scan (it is the screen refresh rate) for time, because for him it would be a clue to make a relative comparison in a sense, light generates time. into the furnace of physics, just this moment can say that time is more likely a relative concept like everything else. Relativity is deeper than it seems, it can be identified with primordial knowledge where everything originates, because any knowledge is the relativity of one to another by the method of exclusion, or comparisons, you can imagine that you are rummaging in a box with an infinite number of cubes, and you are trying to find the most correct one in shape, well, no matter how much you search, there will always be a cube more correct. An example may not have come up with the best, well, the meaning is clear. So cubes are mental illusions of people and every time they think that they know, well, time passes and knowledge comes that destroys past illusions and they are at a loss how they could be so delusional, well, this is a completely different story, I don’t know which cube is correct about time, well, mine is still such. Most likely, temporal-spatial development occurs even at the stage of development of the fetus in the womb, and is already more extensively developed in the early periods of life. we are blocked, apparently, so as not to harm ourselves. And the acceleration of life over time is nothing more than the acceleration of the brain's perception of the same processes, trodden by neural networks a huge number of times, and since the main principle says everything moves along the path of least resistance, the brain it simply does not send impulses to other synapses anymore, and this eventually leads to the withering away of the unnecessary and what has stood for a long time without exploitation, the lengthening of temporary perception will most likely only if every time in the head we generate relativity, that is, do something that has not been done before.

Physicists made a shocking statement - time does not exist

Physicists have made a shocking statement - time does not exist. For a person, time definitely exists: we wake up in the morning, move forward in time during the day and at some point go to bed, and in a dream we also continue to move forward in time. The old adage “time doesn’t wait” seems quite true, doesn't it?

The problems started when general theory Einstein's relativity, which describes the laws of physics on a large scale, was confronted with quantum physics, the field that attempts to describe the smallest particles in the universe, and the theory of wave-particle duality, which claims that light is both waves and particles, was put to the test for the first time. Over the years, physicists have tried to combine two mismatched regions by composing the Great Unifying Equation, believing that, regardless of the scale, everything in the Universe must be connected with each other - from particles to galaxies.

A little over 40 years ago, two brilliant physicists, John Wheeler and Bryce-DeWitt, developed such an equation. However, their discovery immediately seemed controversial, because if the equation is correct, then such a thing as time, does not exist at all at the most fundamental level of matter. While the concept is confusing, it seems to be true, and what we subjectively perceive as "time" is in fact the measurable effect of global changes in the world around us. And the more we delve into the world of atoms and photons, the less relevant the concept of time becomes. This opinion is confirmed The National Institute standards and technologies.

NIST is the keeper of the world's most accurate atomic clock, by which all other clocks around the world are checked. Scientists from NIST claim that their ultra-precise watches do not measure time at all: The time is indicated by the markers on the watch. In fact, time allows us to create order in life: had we not come up with such a concept as "time", there would have been complete chaos around. seems to agree with this.

Scientists at the Bistra Research Center in Ptu, Slovenia, have advanced the theory that Newton's idea of ​​time as an absolute measure that moves on its own, and that time is the fourth existing dimension, are incorrect. They proposed replacing these concepts of time with a new perspective that better correlates with physical world: time is just a numerological order of physical changes.

From the editorial board

Time really does not exist, and never has existed. Academician Nikolai Levashov explains this by the fact that the term "time" was invented by people for your own convenience. In nature, there are only processes that occur in one way or another. Processes can be periodic (repetitive) or non-periodic. But any process that reflects what we mean by the term "time", not in nature! In his unique book, Academician N.V. Levashov addressed this issue in chapter 12 "System of matrix spaces", in the following way:

«… And more ... I would like to draw your attention to such a natural phenomenon as time... What is time? Every person knows his birthday and that from that day he goes sometimes faster, sometimes slower towards his death ... A person knows that he is assigned a certain period of life measured in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds ...

But few people understand that time does not exist at all that it is only a frame of reference that a man invented on Earth for his own convenience. Time - conditional How conventional are the processes occurring in matter, in matter, which have their own cycles, rhythms, and a person uses them as a unit of time. The same processes in different parts of the planet occur with some differences, which are often so insignificant that they are simply not noticed. But nonetheless, they are... The rate of the processes is influenced by the shape of material bodies, the quantity and quality of energies coming from... And I would like to note that changes (disturbances) occur not only at the physical level. They also arise at all other levels.

The impact of flows coming from the outside, first of all, causes changes in mental, then on the astral and etheric levels... And only after that - on the physical... This is due to the fact that they all constitute one system, but have different quantitative and qualitative composition their constituent matters, and also have different mobility of structures (inertia). And therefore, to create instability and modification, a different external force is needed to cause this change. The change that has arisen on the outer planes of our planet, successively passing through the previous levels, will naturally reach the physical level and manifest on it. Now we come to understand the possibility visions of the future... And, as you can see, there is nothing mystical or supernatural in this.

Let's imagine that we are in a seven-story building. The first floor is the physical level and, accordingly, the second is the etheric, the third is the astral, the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh are the first, second, third and fourth mental levels. Now let's consider the situation when the “residents” of the seventh floor did not close the water, and it starts to flood this floor. After some time, the water will seep to the sixth, then - the fifth, fourth, third, second and finally to the first floor. And if some "tenant" of the first floor takes the elevator to the seventh floor before water seeps out to the other floors, sees it and goes down, starts warning everyone else about the danger, then they can just laugh him off ... Or simply will be considered crazy, as is often the case with those whom people called “ prophets" or " clairvoyants", Because what they saw on the" seventh floor ", more often than not, did not really like those in power on" first»...

And it was always better for such a “seer” to simply find the “key” to the apartment where the water is pouring and try (if it works out, of course) to turn off the tap. But very rarely, unfortunately, it was possible to find this "key" ... And many prophets, out of ignorance or at the behest of the "strongest", people simply threw stones or burned at the stake, like sorcerers and witches ... One of the most famous prophetesses and clairvoyants there was a queen Mikalda, which, a thousand years before the birth of Christ, described the events associated with him and even showed the tree from which the cross will be made, on which he will be crucified. This woman caused horror in the minds of the people around her, who were unable to understand what was happening. Only three of the nine books she wrote about the Future of mankind have survived to this day, the rest were burned ... Another woman, who was reputed to be a clairvoyant, was Cassandra from, the daughter of King Pierce, who was also not understood even by those closest to her (Homer writes about this in part). A later prophet was Nostradamus, who in his poems very accurately described the events of the future, but unfortunately he did not find that "magic key" to change anything ...

These are the ones that we have more or less heard about, and how many names the memory of mankind has not preserved ... Almost always, these people were very unhappy and incomprehensible to their contemporaries. They were crushed and oppressed by the severity of the knowledge of the future, which they were unable to change ... The depth of penetration of thought, consciousness into the future depends on the level, “floor” of the planet, a person was able to shift with his consciousness. The maximum depth of penetration into the future of our planet is possible with a mental shift to the fourth mental level of the planet. At the same time, one can look at hundreds, thousands of years ahead. The minimum shift is to the etheric level, when you can see the future of the next days, months and years ... "

And one more small, but very useful for us fragment from the same chapter:

«… Future and Past - material and real, and are parts of one inextricable process ... Nuclear physics at the level of elementary particles faced a paradox - the past determines the future... In principle, there is no paradox in this, it is natural and natural, as death is natural after birth. Death on one level - birth on another and vice versa ... "

This wonderful book was first published in a small print run 20 years ago. And, despite the fact that later its dissemination was diligently hampered by those in power, "scientists" are still forced to openly admit today that the term "time", invented by people for the convenience of organizing their lives, does not exist in nature. Congratulations to everyone on debunking another "scientific" myth ...

There are many approaches to understanding the phenomenon of time. People have been struggling to solve this phenomenon for many centuries.

In this article we will try to understand if time exists and what this definition includes.

Time measurement

How can you measure something that doesn't exist? Time is an extremely subjective matter. We are used to measuring time based on the speed of movement of heavenly bodies across the sky. The simplest and one of the earliest devices for measuring time was and remains a sundial. With their help, people from ancient times have learned to determine time based on the angle at which the shadow falls from the sun and at what speed it moves across the sky. Over time, more accurate mechanical and digital watches appeared, with the help of which it is possible to accurately measure the timekeeping of any processes.

When we measure the speed of a car, we are simply comparing the movement of the car with the movement of our planet around the sun. It seems to us that we are comparing the speed of a car with some abstract quantity called time. In fact, we simply compare the unknown speed of our car with the known speed of the Sun across the sky. Time is a way to compare or describe different types of motion, such as the speed of light, heart rate, and the speed at which the earth rotates around its axis. Time is not independent. It just serves to simplify and streamline the description of those processes that occur around us every day.

Imagine two objects, one of which revolves around the other in space. Now let's imagine that we are observing this rotation from a great distance. According to our observations, a rotating object goes through one circle of rotation in a certain time. It is not difficult to assume that if we were directly on this object, one circle of rotation in our perception would take much longer, and it would drag on for us much more slowly. This confirms once again that the perception of time is subjective.

How can you track the passage of time?

The movement of time becomes apparent when we observe the sunrises and sunsets, the change of day and night, the seasons, and also observe the movement celestial bodies such as the sun and the moon. The aging process also serves as a visible reminder that molecules in nature are found in constant movement, and the more time passes, the more pronounced the result of the influence of molecules on each other becomes.

Past, present and future

We are used to perceiving time from the point of view of the past, present and future. The most real perception of time, what is happening right now around us, we call the present. However, almost everything that we perceive as present is already in the past. When our brain begins to analyze an event, it, as a rule, has already happened, and we are already dealing with its consequences. The present is just a fleeting moment. It is an infinitesimal point on the timeline that separates what has already happened and what is about to happen in the future. The present is like the tip of a recording needle or laser. It can be described as a mental awareness of the moment when an event is recorded in our memory, what our brain is facing at a given second. Until we are aware of ourselves in any place or in any particular situation, this event will not become part of the past for us.

Unlike the present time, the past and future tenses are measurable. Past historical events, meetings and celebrations can be measured in time, both in terms of their total duration and in terms of how long ago they happened in relation to the present moment.

The past is simply the memory of some event in your head.

The future is a projection of our previous experience, stored in memory, onto current events and an attempt to predict how events will develop in the future.

The fact that the present, which gives the most real and, as it seems to us, objective perception of reality, cannot be captured in time, while the duration of events can be measured only in the past and future tense, which we cannot influence in any way, suggests that our perception of time is, in principle, an illusion.

Religious point of view

In most world religions, the concept of time, as such, does not exist. In religions that recognize the existence of one God, it is customary to say that God exists outside of time. That he has always existed and will exist forever. In polytheistic religions, time is often ruled by one or more divine beings.

The concept of time in religion is closely related to the concept of eschatology - a system of religious beliefs at the moment when the usual existing way of life in the Universe will radically change. Within the framework of eschatology, it is customary to talk about such issues as the cyclical nature of the historical development of mankind and the end of the world.

These ideas were most vividly reflected in the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), which in one way or another are based on the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament. Since events are often mentioned in the Old Testament last days and the Last Judgment, the debate about when these events will finally come has not subsided for many centuries.

Be that as it may, neither science, nor religion or philosophy have yet succeeded in deriving a single, universally accepted definition of what time is and how it is worth measuring. However, developments in this area are ongoing. Nobody denies the fact of the existence of time. It remains only to find out what this concept implies.

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The end is approaching, to the soul, it is approaching, and not happy, not preparing,
time is shortening, Vostani, near the doors there is a Judge.
Like a sleepyhead, like a color, the time of life is flowing: why are we crumpled in vain?

(Monday 1 week of Great Lent, from 4 canons of the Great Canon)

Many people in recent years, began to notice that something strange was happening with time. Days run like hours, weeks like days, months like weeks, and years like months. The speed of the passage of time is such that a person has time to do less and less. It would seem that the day has just begun, you do not have time to look around, and it’s already night outside! And what is typical, if earlier only people of the age noticed the fact that time for them began to flow faster over the years, now the situation with the feeling of the fleetingness of time has changed and even adolescents and children began to complain about its lack.

Speaking about modern children, the famous Moscow priest Alexander Shumsky told the Russkaya Liniya news agency: “Children’s sense of time is changing. As a child, it seemed to us that time flows very slowly, but for an adult, by definition, time flows quickly. I ask young children, but they say that time flies very quickly. My grandson went to first grade, and he says that time flies very quickly. " The priest wonders: what is it from? He speculates: “Or is the substance of time objectively changing, because it is the most incomprehensible substance, or does such an impression come from information overload? But in any case, time passes subjectively faster than before. " Yes, subjectively, the day has become shorter and a variety of people talk about this effect, complaining about a decrease in their labor productivity, and noting the fact that they do not have time to do in a day what they previously easily did ...

And here is what the monks from Athos say about shortening the time. During the night prayer, they noticed such an oddity. Since ancient times, they had a special prayer rule: at a certain period of time they had to read a certain number of prayers, and so every day, strictly by the hour. Before the monks had time to complete this "program" in one night, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And at the present time, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them. An equally amazing discovery was made by the Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years now the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. It burned out completely within a year. But now, for the umpteenth time, there is still a lot of oil before the main Christian holiday. It turns out that even the physical laws of combustion are ahead of time.

Various sources claim that in terms of real, not calendar duration, if we take the old time, which has not changed for centuries, as a standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours against the previous 24 hours. It turns out that every day we receive less than 6 hours, and that is why we constantly do not have enough time, the days fly at an accelerated rate. The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

What do scientists say about this, in general, little-studied topic of time? Studying the "chronosphere" interesting explanations of the variability of time were given by the famous scientist-physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, the late Viktor Iosefovich Veinik. Academician Veinik put forward a scientific hypothesis that time, like a physical phenomenon, has a material carrier - a kind of time substance, which he called "chronal field". In the course of the scientist's experiments, a wrist electronic watch placed in an experimental installation created by him could slow down or accelerate its course. Based on his experiments with the substance of time, Veinik concluded that there is a temporary field of the planet - the "chronosphere", which controls the transition of the past into the future.

The scientist believed that time is also represented at the level of microparticles and called these microparticles chronons - quanta of physical time. And the field in which these microparticles of time exist is called chronal. He believed that the chronal potential (chronal) decreases over time. A decrease in chronal is accompanied by a decrease in the rates of all processes - radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions etc. in any bodies: small (atoms and molecules) and large (planets, sun and galaxies), inanimate and living, including plants, insects, animals and humans. The noted regularity of the decrease in chronal over time is universal and is observed in all the listed bodies, living organisms and their populations. For example, a person has the most great importance Chronala has a newborn, with age it decreases many times. In particular, in infants, all metabolic processes occur much more intensively than in adults: per kilogram of weight, the need for nutrients is 2-2.5 times higher, and oxygen consumption is 2 times higher. For them, all processes proceed quickly - babies grow quickly, gain weight quickly, quickly learn to understand the world and the life around them, accordingly, they seem very slow to them. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! By old age, all processes slow down, this is noticeable even in the subjective perception of time: the weeks begin to flicker as quickly as in youth - the days of the calendar. The less the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies.

But that's not all. It turns out that not only people are aging. Of particular interest is the problem of chronal reduction (aging) of planets, stars, galaxies and the entire Universe. Here we will pay attention only to the process of natural aging of the Earth. It does not develop at all, as is sometimes thought, but decays. To date, her chronal, which determines the intensity of all processes on her, has greatly decreased. In ancient times, with a high chronal, life on Earth was "in full swing", dinosaurs were like a three-story house, the grass was like today's trees, the process of radioactive decay of the atom was extremely intense. Now everything has grown old, although there are still some places on earth with a slightly higher chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island, where burdocks are like large umbrellas, the grass is like a bush. The French tried to transplant this "gigantomania" to their home, but after a year everything degenerated - the wrong chronal. On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, which is why the running of time is accelerating for everything on Earth.

But back to the theory of time acceleration. Why did time on earth start to run faster? It is known that to slow down the running of time it is necessary to increase the speed, therefore, to speed up the time, the speed must be reduced. Our planet had to decrease its speed. American astrobiologists D. Brownlee and P. Ward came to the conclusion that the Sun is "to blame" for the decrease in the speed of the Earth's motion. Our star is a young growing star. Expanding, the sun gradually absorbs our planet. Year after year, revolution after revolution, our planet continues to change its orbit and approaches the sun. If you compare solar system with the model of the atom, where electrons revolve at a certain distance from each other, around the nucleus, then one can understand how the speed of the earth's movement has decreased. Electrons closer to the nucleus rotate more slowly than those farther from the nucleus. The closer the planet is to the sun, the slower it will revolve around it, slowed down by the more powerful gravitational field of the sun. With a decrease in speed, the running of time will accelerate. It will just go faster. This does not mean that the day will be 23 or 22 hours. No. The smaller trajectory of the orbit is compensated by the lower rotation speed in this orbit. There are 24 hours left in a day, but this is not the same 24 hours that were before.

THE UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING, BUT IT'S TIME ... ACCELERATING!- this is the conclusion reached by the researchers of the Kiev Institute of Quantum Physics Dmitro Stary and Irina Soldatenko, conducting a scientific experiment that they began in the 70s, and it lasted almost thirty years: link.

This conclusion of scientists echoes and is significantly supplemented in the books of A. Novykh:

In the near future, humanity will face another phenomenon of the Universe. Due to the increasing acceleration of the Universe, due to the depletion of the power of Allat, humanity will feel a rapid decrease in time. The phenomenon will consist in the fact that the conditional twenty-four hours a day, as they were, will remain, but time will fly by much faster. And people will feel this rapid shortening of time intervals, both at the physical level and at the level of intuitive perception.
- So it will be connected with the expansion of the Universe? - Nikolai Andreevich clarified.
- Yes. With increasing acceleration. The more the Universe expands, the faster time runs, and so on until the complete annihilation of matter.

For a deeper understanding of time and the creative power of God - Allat, I recommend reading the books by A. Novykh ("Ezoosmos", "AllatRA", "Sensei IV. Primordial Shambhala" - link)

And finally, I will cite excerpts from the Holy Scriptures of Islam and Orthodoxy about the acceleration of time as a sign of the approaching Day of Judgment. According to this knowledge, some Orthodox believers and Muslims are inclined to believe that metamorphoses over time are a clear indication that we are entering the Last Times and there are only a few decades or even years left until the end of the world. No one can speak about this with confidence, for no one knows about that day and hour, except for the Creator himself, but nevertheless, signs of the approach of this day in the Holy Scriptures are given for a reason:

... For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in places ... then there will be great tribulation, which has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and will not be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened (Matthew 24: 7-22).

There are Christian prophecies according to which time will change dramatically before the end of the world. In the "Posthumous Broadcasts of the Monk Nil the Myrrh-streaming Athos" it is said that in the very last epoch of human existence, when the tyrant - the Antichrist, will reign, over time, something incomprehensible will happen.

The day will rotate like an hour, a week like a day, a month like a week and a year like a month, - said the Monk Nile. - For human cunning has made the elements tense, they began to hurry and tense up even more, so that the number proclaimed by God for the eighth number of centuries ends as soon as possible "(here we mean the eighth millennium from the creation of the world).

The twenty-third small sign of the signs of the Doomsday in Islam: Acceleration of the time of Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, reports from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

Doomsday will not come until time (Bukhari) accelerates (draws closer).

Also Abu Hureira, may Allah be pleased with him, reports:

The day of judgment will not come until time has accelerated, and the year will be like a month, and the month like a week, and the week like a day, and the day like an hour, and an hour like the burning of a leaf (Ahmad).

Scientists disagreed about these words, and we will list the main interpretations:
First opinion. This refers to the decrease in barakat over time.
Ibn Hajar al-Askalyani writes in Al-Fatah: "We notice in our time how the days pass faster, which was not in the era before us." And we see this even more in our time, when we constantly do not have time to do anything. Therefore, for us, the stories that convey that the Companions and Tabiins could read the entire Quran in two rak'ahs seem fiction or an exaggeration, but this is reality, and they really could read the entire Quran overnight. This was the manifestation of their greatness, their lofty aspiration, because of which Allah gave them barakat, thanks to which they left us such a great legacy.
Second opinion. This refers to the time of the arrival of Imam Mahdi and Isa, peace be upon him, when people will enjoy life, peace and abundance, because for people time with abundance and peace passes very quickly (see Al-Fatah).
Third opinion. This refers to the convergence of time due to progress in means of communication between people and the spread of fast vehicles. This opinion has been expressed by some modern scholars.
Fourth opinion... This refers to the literal decrease in time and its acceleration, and this will happen in the time of the Dajjal, and in this understanding, the sign has not yet appeared.

And finally, I would like to add that this article was not written in order to scare people with the near end of the world and plunge them into apathy and despondency. For everything, the Will of God and the timing of the fulfillment of the signs are in his hands! The purpose of this article is to remind people that life is very fleeting and there is simply no time to spend it on the transitory, empty and unnecessary.

Time is fleeting, you need to be quick for all good and firm in your intention to save the Soul. AllatRa. A. Novykh.

Where a person's values ​​are, there he is, if a person's thoughts and all his deeds are devoted only to material dust, he will be dust. If a person's thoughts about the Eternal: God and the Soul, then he himself becomes a part of the Eternal:

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. Mt 6: 19,20,21.

Prepared by niva (Russia)
