Humanity's interest in antiquities as historical monuments, which took shape in the science of archeology, was born from much lower motives. In the second half of the 18th century, those who went to excavate antiquities dreamed of not finding unique evidence of past eras, but gold and jewelry for personal enrichment.

Treasures of the Valley of the Kings

But in the 19th century, the situation is gradually beginning to change, and archaeological excavations are becoming the business of enthusiasts who are ready to spend time and money on their hobby, in return dreaming of glorifying their own name.

One of the most attractive points for archaeologists was Egypt, rich in ancient history which was not a secret.

Expeditions flocked to the Valley of the Kings, where dozens of tombs of the pharaohs, as well as high-ranking representatives of the nobility of Ancient Egypt, were located in a rocky gorge.

The problem, however, was that the archaeologists who investigated the tombs were not the first "guests" there. Despite all the stories about the "superstitious fear of the ancient Egyptians before the wrath of the gods," the tombs were mercilessly plundered even in the era of the pharaohs, so that the researchers late XIX- the beginning of the XX century got only what the plunderers, for some reason, disdained.

Professional and amateur

Howard Carter, the son of an English painter from the county of Norfolk, entered Egyptology at the age of 17, joining the British Organization for the Archaeological Research of Egypt. Carter was noted by fellow Egyptologists after he made some interesting discoveries during his exploration of the Jeser Jeseru - built in the 15th century BC. e. terraced memorial temple and rock tomb in Deir el-Bahri.

Howard Carter. Photo:

Having become a famous archaeologist, Carter was for several years the general inspector of the Egyptian Antiquities Department, he inspected the work of the American archaeologist Theodore Davis... In the course of these works, the tombs of Thutmose IV, Horemheb, Ramses Saptakh,

Carter dreamed of a revolutionary discovery - finding an untouched tomb. In 1906 he found a companion - an amateur archaeologist and collector of antiquities Lord Carnarvon... The lord was not only sick with Ancient Egypt, he dreamed of finding the tomb of Tutankhamun, the ruler of the XVIII dynasty, whose very existence was questioned by historians.

Joint excavations Carter and Carnarvon began in 1914, and managed to open the tomb of Amenhotep I and the burials of several queens of the XVIII dynasty.

Then the expedition had to be curtailed due to the First World War, but after its end, Carter convinced the lord to return to the search.

The secret under a pile of rubble

But as time went on, there was no result. Lord Carnarvon was also ready to give up the pointless waste of money, but now Carter insisted on continuing the search. In the course of work in other tombs, he accidentally managed to find objects with the name of Tutankhamun. This meant that the pharaoh was a real figure and not a legend.

Lord Carnarvon. Photo:

In 1922, Lord Carnarvon announced to Carter that he was financing the last excavation season, and if there was no result now, there would be none at all.

In November 1922, workers on the Carter expedition tore down the walls of the barracks left by the archaeologists themselves five years earlier. At the same time, a meter-long layer of rubble was removed, which was under them.

On November 4, 1922, work stopped. Carter, looking into the hole dug by the workers, found in it a step carved into the rock.

Apparently, the workers, who once built the nearby tomb of Pharaoh Ramses VI, filled the path leading to the entrance to the already existing tomb. So they accidentally mothballed it for millennia, hiding it from the eyes of the robbers.

The excavation continued with renewed vigor. At the bottom of the stairs, a door was found, blocked by stones, walled up and double-sealed.

Carter was delighted to discover that he was dealing with a royal seal, which was used to walled up the tombs of the pharaohs. It seems his dream is finally coming true!

Tutankhamun's tomb (KV62), discovered by Carter. Photo:

"From the twilight, strange animals, statues and ... gold began to appear."

The archaeologist sent a telegram to England to Lord Carnarvon: “At last you have made a wonderful discovery in the Valley: the magnificent tomb with intact seals is closed again until your arrival. Congratulations".

On November 23, the Lord arrived at the excavation. When they were continued, Carter discovered that one of the seals was not royal, but priestly. This was the case if the tomb had to be closed again after the discovery of theft by grave robbers.

This fact upset Carter, but the very presence of the seal indicated that the tomb had not been completely ransacked.


On November 26, 1922, it was possible to clear the passage to the interior. Howard Carter described the moment in history: “With trembling hands, I made a narrow gap in the upper left corner of the masonry. Behind it there was a void, as far as I could determine with an iron probe ... they tested the air on the candle flame, for the accumulation of dangerous gases, and then I slightly expanded the hole, stuck the candle into it and looked inside. Lord Carnarvon, Lady Evelyn Herbert and Egyptologist Callender stood nearby and anxiously awaited my verdict. At first I could not see anything, because the stream of hot air from the tomb was blowing out the candle. But gradually my eyes got used to the flickering light, and strange animals, statues and ... gold - gold sparkled everywhere from the twilight before me! For a moment - to those who stood next to me, it seemed like an eternity! - I was numb with amazement.

Tutankhamun on a chariot. Image from a tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Photo:

Pharaoh's "golden palace"

The room, which opened in November 1922, would later be called the Front Room. The treasures here were not arranged in the order originally intended. Apparently, the robbers were preparing to take out the valuables, but were taken by surprise. The priests also did not begin to restore everything in its original form, having sealed the tomb.

Statue of Tutankhamun. Photo: Frame

In the Front Room, more than six hundred items were discovered, which were carefully described and sketched. After completing this work, archaeologists were ready to open the burial chamber.

This happened on February 16, 1923. The "Golden Palace" turned out to be completely untouched by the robbers. Among the various values, the count of which was in the thousands, was found the sarcophagus of the pharaoh, and in it and his mummy with a death mask. Today, the death mask of Tutankhamun, made of 11.26 kg of pure gold and many precious stones, is considered one of the main treasures that have ever been discovered by Egyptologists.

The opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun, the first unbroken tomb in the Valley of the Kings, caused a worldwide sensation. Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon have forever entered the history of science.

The Pitchfork of Death: The Truth About Tutankhamun's Curse

Like any sensation, especially connected with Ancient Egypt, the history of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun could not but overgrow with legends, the main of which, of course, is the "Curse of the Pharaoh".

Carter himself threw wood into the fire when he told about what was happening at the moment of opening the burial chamber: “At that moment we lost all desire to open these seals, for we suddenly felt that we were invading the forbidden domain; it oppressive feeling The linen sheets that fell from the inner ark were further strengthened. It seemed to us that the ghost of the deceased pharaoh appeared before us, and we must bow before him. "

Legend has it that those who disturbed the peace of Tutankhamun suffered an untimely death. The inscription in the tomb warned about this: "The pitchfork of death will pierce the one who will disturb the peace of the Pharaoh."

The first "victim of the curse" was Lord Carnarvon, who died on April 5, 1923 from pneumonia. The 56-year-old enthusiast passed away at the moment when the study of the found values ​​was just beginning.

Supporters of the reality of the "curse" count more than 20 victims of "the wrath of Tutankhamun", including Howard Carter himself.

The archaeologist died in March 1939 in London, at the age of 64, of cancer. Already here it is felt that the "curse" is far-fetched - one of the two main "defilers" lived after the opening of the tomb for 16 years.

As for the inscription threatening death, such were present in almost all tombs, which did not prevent the robbers from taking out of them everything that had at least some value.

The best evidence that the "curse" is a real "linden" is statistics. A study of the biographies of the members of the Carter expedition shows that their average life expectancy was 74.4 years. The most, perhaps, anecdotal example is the presence in the list of "victims" author of Middle Egyptian grammar Sir Alan Henderson Gardiner... The scientist died in 1963 at the age of 84!

But it just so happened that people are attracted by mysticism, not real science. This was the case under Tutankhamun, and it continues to this day.

Egyptomania has long seemed familiar to us. Well, who does not know about the Sphinians, Amenhotep, the worship of cats and strange hieroglyphs on huge golden tombs? We watch films about pharaohs, read books about the mysterious queen Nefertiti and perceive as part of our life the entire ancient Egyptian culture, which seems so far away and so close at the same time.

But it was not always so. To be honest, it wasn't even that way just 100 years ago. At the beginning of the 20th century, Egyptology was quite specific science, which only a few British fanatics did. Yes, the pyramids stood and attracted sophisticated tourists back in Napoleonic times, but the wide heritage of the Nile civilization, with all its golden splendor and unusual religious traditions, did not interest even those who lived in Egypt.

Excavation and search for unusual treasures the ancient world for a long time were the prerogative of a rather narrow circle of enthusiasts. This lasted until one day - November 4, 1922. Then the famous archaeologist Howard Carter, who worked in the Valley of the Kings with the money of the patron George Carnarvon, discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. The opening instantly became the main event of the year. And gave rise to the first wave of Egyptomania. The history and significance of the discovery - in the material "MIR 24".

How the tomb was opened

The first large-scale research in Egypt began in the 19th century. Archaeologists have investigated the ancient culture mainly from tombs. At some point, scientists discovered that the Egyptians had a centuries-old tradition of embalming bodies. According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, the soul of a person "ka" exists even after his death, so the body must be kept intact, as well as food and part of his wealth must be left to the deceased. In the tombs one could find incense, gold, jewelry, and even whole chariots.

By the end of the century, the so-called Valley of the Kings had become one of the most popular sites for excavations. It is located near present-day Luxor. This is a rather vast territory, where dozens of different burials have been found. A huge part of all Egyptian artifacts that we now see in museums were found there. Thutmose I, Ramses II, Amenhotep III are just a few of the galaxy of buried pharaohs.

By the 1900s, the Valley of the Kings seemed to be fully explored. Large archaeological groups began to gradually leave Luxor, they were pulled to other regions. From 1908 to 1922, not a single major discovery was made in this area. And in 1914, the last great philanthropist, Theodore Davis, refused his concession (permission for excavation from the authorities). True, only a few months later the document was bought by Lord George Carnarvon. He had been studying Egypt for a long time, but he did not differ in special knowledge or luck from other scientists. And there were practically no discoveries on his account.

But one thing still fueled the desire of the businessman. A long time ago, half a century before the events described, he read the work of another Egyptologist about Tutankhamun. This is a completely unknown, not particularly remarkable ruler of the New Kingdom, who died quite early, and his descendants tried to blot out his name from history. A couple of mentions and a pedigree - that's all Carnarvon had. However, he knew one important thing: all the relatives of Tutankhamun were found in the Valley of the Kings. Except for himself.

The lord hired Howard Carter, a connoisseur of ancient Egyptian art, gave him a serious sum and told him about Tut. The archaeologist shared the idea of ​​his patron and also found it strange that the tomb of the little king, in which countless riches were probably kept, was never found. After long discussions and preparations, the gentlemen planned to start work in 1917.

The central part of the Valley of the Kings, where the tomb of Tutankhamun was supposed to be located, for millennia was filled with tons of various garbage, sand and rubble. In fact, archaeologists spent five years (or rather, five winters, working in Egypt because of the scorching sun, basically, only from October to March) only to take out all the extra embankment. They even equipped railroad to the excavation site, along which rubble trains departed weekly, gradually exposing ancient burials.

Despite the confidence in his righteousness, gradually the hands of the philanthropist and archaeologist began to lose heart. Five years without even a hint of any tomb. Thousands of pounds dropped on the sand and months of life left next to Luxor. The 1922/1923 season was supposed to be the last one for the explorers. Either they find the tomb, or they forget about the Valley of the Kings forever. It was at this moment that Carter, who had arrived from England, decided to buy himself a funny canary bird for the winter at the local market. The archaeologist's Arab servant said that yellow birds always bring happiness.

In early November, archaeologists began excavations at the place where they actually wanted to start. But then fellow researchers convinced them that there was definitely nothing in this square and could not be. Therefore, they left him for last. The area, by the way, was located next to a popular tourist destination - the tomb of Ramses VI. The excavations had to be carried out right in front of onlookers. On the evening of November 2, the workers managed to find a stone step. The first footprints of a person in the endless desert in five years of Carter's work. She was four meters from the tomb of Ramses.

Two days later, it became clear that there was a tomb in front of the researchers. Lord Carnarvon was urgently summoned from London. No one dared to continue without him. The patron was able to arrive only after almost three weeks. Together they cleared the door that closed the tomb. It was clearly written in ancient Egyptian: "Nebkheprura". This was the throne name of Tutankhamun.

Who is Tutankhamun?

About the XIV century BC, already during the New Kingdom, Pharaoh Akhenaten came to power in Egypt. In just 17 years of his reign, he managed to carry out the most difficult reforms for the entire ancient Egyptian society. It was something akin to the war between Catholics and Anglicans in medieval England, only Akhenaten abandoned the god Ra and ordered all subjects to worship Aton. The priests of other cults were persecuted and killed. In addition, for a lot of money, Vladyka rebuilt the city of Akhetaton from scratch and moved the capital there.

Just a few years after Akhenaten's death, Egypt returned to the old cult. And the Pharaoh himself was recognized as a traitor to the state and all references to him and his relatives were erased from history, up to the moment when the right of succession to the throne passed to another dynasty. One can learn about the Akhenaten family only from separate rare sources, such as the books of the French scientist Emile Priss. It was he who first told that the unreliable pharaoh had a son, who also became the ruler of Egypt, and only 10 years old. It was Tutankhamun.

The guy himself ascended the throne after the return of the old cult. And he supported him, judging by the name taken, which literally means "Living likeness of Amun." Tutankhamun, together with his regents, managed to move the capital to Memphis and, in general, pursued a conservative policy. True, he did not manage to remember anything significant: he died suddenly at the age of 15. Few people knew about the pharaoh, who ruled for only five years, and even serious scientists did not remember him for 70 years - until the discoveries of Carter and Carnarvon.

Significance to culture

It took another three long years to simply select all of Carter's finds from the tomb. It turned out that inside the tomb there is an entrance hall, in which hundreds of gifts to Tutankhamun were collected, a huge burial room with an ark, in which the sarcophagus of the pharaoh was located in nine layers, a separate treasury, in which jewelry and artifacts of the ruler were placed, as well as a pantry in which they laid many more objects of ancient culture that Tutankhamun was supposed to use after his death.

Further research showed that the tomb had been plundered at least twice before its discovery. True, both crimes were committed thousands of years ago, and the thieves did not touch anything except the simplest jewelry and incense. Then they were considered very valuable. They did not touch the gold, luxurious dishes and clothes of the Pharaoh.

Due to its rather secretive location, the tomb of Tutankhamun is almost the best preserved in Egypt. As a result, thousands of artifacts were delivered to museums around the world, many of which are still on display. The view of the little pharaoh's grave has become a classic for popular culture. What you imagine when you say "the ancient Egyptian ark and sarcophagus" is most likely the tomb of Tutankhamun.

The discovery gave rise to an unprecedented interest in ancient Egyptian culture. Carter's discoveries were featured on the front pages of all the world's major newspapers, and the media fought for the right to cover further excavations. A huge flow of tourists poured into the provincial town of Luxor, which was not particularly needed by anyone, which forced people to sleep on the streets, because there were not enough hotels.

In addition, even the famous "curse of the pharaoh" is just a media invention of those times. The fact is that after the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun, Lord Carnarvon died suddenly, either from an exacerbation of pneumonia, or from the bite of an malaria mosquito. From this story, journalists inflated the myth of the dark forces that guarded the burial. In addition, according to one of the stories in the newspapers of those times, careless Arab workers, after opening the sarcophagus, pulled off the towel that covered the pharaoh. A few minutes later, the canvas allegedly disintegrated in their hands, and the men themselves contracted a mysterious virus and died. Later, sand storms and an invasion of scarabs were added to these legends, with which those researchers who dared to disturb the dead allegedly have to fight.

The very image of ancient Egypt is a derivative of the Egyptomania that swept the whole world after the discoveries of archaeologists in 1922. Be it the masquerade dressing up "like Cleopatra" or films about the curse of the mummy - nothing would have happened if it had not been for the excavations under the patronage of Lord Carnarvon, who was already ready to turn off the expedition just a few meters from the find.

Tutankhamun's tombmore than three thousand years kept its secrets in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings. There is hardly an event in the history of archeology comparable in significance to the discovery of the tomb of this pharaoh, made in 1922 by Howard Carter. Despite the fact that even in ancient times robbers penetrated the burial chamber, it turned out to be undisturbed. A huge number of ancient Egyptian household items, untold treasures and an absolutely untouched mummy were found in it. The most valuable exhibits made a revolution in Egyptology.

Tutankhamun was not the most famous person in the history of Egypt, however, thanks to this discovery, it was he who became the torch of the culture of an extinct civilization. His tomb is the only royal burial that has come down to us intact. Thanks to this, Tutankhamun became one of the most famous rulers of Ancient Egypt.

Due to the early and sudden death of Tutankhamun, they did not have time to build a worthy tomb. For this reason, he was buried in a rather modest crypt. Over time, the entrance to it turned out to be hidden under the huts of workers who were building a tomb for Ramses VI nearby. It is for this reason that the tomb of Tutankhamun was forgotten and stood for more than three thousand years untouched. The tomb consisted of four rooms, the main of which was the burial chamber.

The first two rooms contained objects of a funeral ritual and symbols denoting royal power, and almost each of them was an outstanding work of applied ancient Egyptian art. There were a lot of figurines and statues of the pharaoh himself and his wife, the royal throne, clothes, ritual vessels, weapons, jewelry, images of gods who will patronize him in the other world, as well as many jewelry made of precious stones, silver and gold. In the burial chamber, the fourth room, in a very large stone sarcophagus made of quartzite, there were three magnificently decorated coffins, nested one inside the other and made in the shape of a human body. In the last coffin, which was completely made of gold, lay the royal mummy. On the head of the mummy was a massive gold mask depicting the face of the pharaoh. On the mummy itself were more than one hundred and forty gold objects wrapped between layers of fabric.

However, the value of such a discovery far exceeds the value of the gold found in the tomb. Thanks to the excavations, people got the opportunity to be convinced of the complexity and splendor of the ancient Egyptian funeral rite, the idea of ​​the scale of the state cult of the pharaoh and the Egyptian funeral ritual was replenished. The stunning content of the tomb piqued interest in the life of Tutankhamun and his mysterious death - an interest that has not faded to this day.

For the new time, this tomb became the very seed that provided a chance to experience the possibility of the existence of mysteries and magic. The Egyptians have always believed that there are no dead things in nature, that in nature all living things and absolutely any thing can be the place where a living invisible being exists. These things do not disappear forever, they can only disappear for a while, so that, after waiting for the right moment, they can re-open their essence. The tomb of Tutankhamun is a very important testament to how the Egyptians viewed death, the afterlife, and life itself. The tombs were built so that the soul could gain strength for future trials, break out of the flesh and receive a second birth.

But this story, like any discovery, also has negative sides... These are legends that were born in the course of research. This find gave birth to many mysteries and questions. One of these mysteries is the unusual deaths of two dozen people who took at least some part in the excavation. Already at the first stage of research, the legend of the "curse of the pharaoh" appeared. Some time after the discovery, G. Carter found a clay tablet in the tomb, which said that over anyone who dares to disturb the peace of the Pharaoh, death will spread its wings. And, as you know, the pharaohs and their priests did not throw words to the wind. At one time, a similar inscription was found in one of the tombs. In addition to this message, two bodies were found there. The first is a mummy, and the second is a robber. The moment the thief reached out to the treasure, a stone fell on him from the ceiling.

Talk of this "curse" began after Lord Carnarvon died on April 5, 1923. Other deaths followed, no less mysterious. Soon, one after another, the lord's wife, his half-brother, the woman caring for him, the doctor who took x-rays of the mummy and other people who had a direct or even indirect relationship to the discovery, suddenly passed away. By 1930, of all the witnesses, only G. Carter survived. There are still rumors about whether this chain of deaths is accidental, whether there is a connection between them. The official version of the mysterious deaths, which was expressed by Carter himself, does not seem entirely convincing. According to him, modern people cannot believe in such mystical nonsense as the "curse of the pharaoh." The chain of deaths, in his opinion, is just an accident. But is it possible to believe that the death of one after another of twenty-one scientists who together with him explored the tomb is just a fatal coincidence?

And this is far from the only secret of the tomb. The thing is that until now it has not been possible to fully understand the significance of the discovery made by British researchers. One can only guess how many more miracles can be revealed to the world.

In the treasury of the tomb, containers were found on which the god Osiris was depicted. Inside these containers was the sand of the Nile, seeded with grain. Germinating, the grain breaks through the sprouts from the body of Osiris, which means that death gives birth to life. Perhaps this is a message through the millennia to make it clear that nothing disappears without a trace. Many original items were also found in the tomb - original even by modern standards. One of these items is a lamp - a gift to Pharaoh from his wife Ankhesenamun. If you light a fire inside this lamp, you can see through the translucent walls of the young ruler and his wife.

Truly unique exhibits have been recovered from the tomb of Tutankhamun. It is a stone coffin with sawing marks, a stainless steel pharaoh's dagger and two small pipes. What is the uniqueness of these items? The dagger was made of alloy the highest quality- the masters of Ancient Egypt could not have known his secret in any way. There is also no doubt that the cut on the tomb was made with a circular saw. But the most amazing exhibit is two pipes, which are made of an alloy of silver and copper. One of these pipes can put thousands of people into a trance at the same time. And the second is capable of turning off the electricity. One of the archaeologists blew on it in 1954, and all electricity in Cairo was immediately cut off. This incident was repeated in 1974 as well. Finds like these suggest that at one time Ancient Egypt attended by representatives of a very civilized world, which may have been located outside Solar system... And these gifts are from them.

A headboard on the royal bed from the first chamber of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

One of Tutankhamun's life-size statues guarding the door of his tomb.

The world's first photograph of the world famous third sarcophagus of Tutankhamun

A golden burial ark with statuettes of the goddess Isis, which contained vessels with the entrails of the mummified pharaoh

Thanks to the creativity of the Nautilus Pompilius group, many consider Tutankhamun to be a wise old man. Meanwhile, this man died very young ...

Until now, it was believed that he was handsome, because the features of his death mask are pleasing to the eye. But when scientists performed tomography and genetic scanning of Tutankhamun's mummy, it turned out that he was not handsome, and even suffered from many diseases.

The declassified secrets of Tutankhamun can be called:

  • clubfoot (due to which he walked with a cane);
  • effeminate figure (wide hips, enlarged breasts);
  • malocclusion.

9: Tutankhamun was killed

He ascended the throne at the age of 9 and died at the age of 19.

For a long time it was believed that Horemheb (his commander) had a hand in the death of the pharaoh.

At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists conducted DNA research, and another mystery was revealed: Tutankhamun was killed not by a skull injury, but by malaria.

8: Did he have children

Two more mummies were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. They were newborn girls, very small. Most likely, they did not survive, being born prematurely.

A blood test showed that these are the daughters of the pharaoh and his wife Ankhesenamun. So far, it remains a mystery what killed the children - the kinship of the ruler or the fact that the couple got married too early (at the time of the marriage, Tutankhamun was 12, his wife was 13 years old).

He left no living children.

7: Pharaoh has extraterrestrial origins

The father of Tutankhamun (Akhenaten) had a bizarre appearance, so ufologists classify him as an alien. But modern doctors believe that an elongated skull, a disproportionate figure (like a son's), excessively long fingers are the result of genetic abnormalities.

Tut's mother was also a dugout. True, it is still a mystery, what was her name: Nefertiti (Akhenaten's first wife and Ankhesenamun's mother) or Chiya.

6: After the burial of the pharaoh, they set fire to

Structural analysis showed that many of the mummy's tissues were charred, as if they had been heated to 200 degrees Celsius.

Scientists believe that the embalmers were wrong with the proportions of the substance used. There was a reaction with the fatty tissues of the body (Tutankhamun was not thin), but there was little oxygen inside the sarcophagus, and the fire did not smolder for long.

5: The mummy's penis was stolen

Scientists have published several X-rays of the pharaoh. On the first, the penis was present, on the subsequent ones it is not.

As it turned out, this fragile part of the body simply ... fell off during the first scientific examination. The loss was not immediately noticed, but later doctors looked under the body and found the "dignity" of Tutankhamun.

4: Pharaoh's DNA Says He's Not Egyptian

No, everything is clear with the nationality of Tutankhamun.

Another thing is interesting: the Swiss, studying DNA extracted from the mummy's bone, came to the conclusion that the genes of almost half of Europeans are similar to the pharaoh's gene code.

Modern Europeans and Egyptian rulers have a common ancestor who lived in the territory of the modern Caucasus about 9.5 thousand years ago.

3: What is the secret of the tomb

Literally a couple of years ago, 2 secret rooms were found in it. The first contains metal items (possibly treasures), and the second contains metal and organic residues.

By the way! It is still a mystery how you can get inside and what exactly lies there. Information about the rooms is still available only thanks to the screening of the walls. The Egyptian authorities do not allow tearing down the wall to get there.

2: Tutankhamun was buried alone

The mummies of his children were found in the tomb.

In addition, it is believed that Nefertiti is buried in the secret room - the likely mother of the pharaoh, who died 9 years before the death of her son.

Since Tutankhamun died much earlier than planned, it is unlikely that the Egyptians would have had time to build a worthy tomb for him. Most likely, the mummy was simply placed in the extended tomb of the mother.

1: The curse of the pharaohs exists

13 people who studied the tomb from 1922 to 1929 died. Although ... Many were old people (over 75 years old), and it would be strange if they lived long. Plus, if the curse existed, all the scientists would die, not half. So the mystery of the curse of the pharaohs is an invention of journalists and screenwriters.


  • As a result of research, it turned out that Tutankhamun did not have an alien origin. He has DNA typical of earthlings.
  • Pharaoh died not because of murder, but because of malaria.
  • Tutankhamun's appearance is far from the canons of beauty. In addition, he suffered from many diseases.

Want more secrets? I offer a video about Cleopatra with the debunking of popular myths about her life:

The mystery of the tomb of Tutankhamun

In November 1922, a young English archaeologist Howard Carter excavated Tut's tomb. Success accompanied him - he found the burial of the pharaoh. True, there was neither a mummy nor a sarcophagus in the first chamber of the tomb. But from below to the very top, it was filled with wonderful works of art: statues, figures of unknown animals, gold jewelry. Carter made a careful description of the finds, and the passage was closed.

The excavation continued. One day a clay tablet was found with a strange inscription: "Death will spread its wings over the one who disturbed the peace of Pharaoh." None of the scientists paid much attention to this warning inscription. But so that the Egyptian laboratory assistants and movers did not spread the rumor among the local residents about the mysterious warning, the tablet was removed from the collection.

On February 17, 1923, Carter and Lord Carnarvon, who sponsored the venture, opened the second room of the tomb in the presence of 21 people. In it was the mummy of the pharaoh. At the entrance to the tomb there was a protective statue, on the back of which was inscribed: "It is me who drives away the robbers of the tombs with the flame of the desert, I am the protector of Tutankhamun's grave." For the first time, scientists only examined the room and closed the huge doors. Preparations began for the removal of the body.

To rest a little, Carnarvon left for Cairo, where he stayed at the Continental Hotel. Here, the lord's temperature suddenly jumped. And 12 days later, on the night of April 5, 1923, at the age of 57, he died. The cause of death was a severe fever caused by a virus of unknown origin.

Perhaps this sudden death would not have been paid much attention if, shortly after the death of Carnarvon, the American Arthur Mace, who broke the wall in front of the entrance to the tomb, suddenly began to be severely exhausted. He fell into a coma and died in the same hotel as the lord ...

Sensational journalists saw in these deaths a special mystical sign and immediately started talking about the "curse of the pharaoh." And death really continued to mow down people who were somehow involved in the discovery of the tomb of the pharaoh.

In connection with the death of Carnarvon, his longtime friend George J. Goode arrived from America to Egypt. Upon arrival in the Valley of the Kings, Hood, along with Carter, examined the tomb of Tutankhamun. And the very next morning his temperature rose sharply, and in the evening he died. Doctors diagnosed bubonic plague.

The radiologist Archibald Douglas Reid, who cut the bandages on the mummy, at some point felt bouts of inexplicable weakness and, having arrived in England, died.

Unexpectedly, an "unknown type of fever" ended the life of Egyptologist Arthur Weigall. Having lost control of himself, the half-brother of Lord Carnarvon, Aubrey Herbert, committed suicide. In 1929, Lady Almina, the wife of Lord Carnarvon, died. What was the real cause of her death is unknown. Although it was reported in the press that she died from "the bite of an unknown insect."

Tutankhamun's tomb. The guards at the entrance to the burial chamber

In February 1930, Lord Westbury threw himself out of the window of his eighth-floor apartment. A year earlier, in November, the lord's son had died, although in the evening he went to bed in a normal state. Presumptive diagnosis: heart attack. By the way, Westbury Jr. also participated in the excavation of the tomb ...

People died one by one. And within just a few years, 22 people left the mortal world, who were directly or indirectly involved in excavations in the tomb of the pharaoh or were preparing scientific works about this discovery. Moreover, thirteen of them were directly involved in the opening of the tomb ...

After 1930, of all the members of the expedition, only Howard Carter survived. And, oddly enough, the archaeologist spent more time in it than anyone else. Carter died in 1939 at the age of 66. It is this fact that is considered a serious argument against the version of the "curse of the pharaoh." Although, on the other hand, it is possible that this exception only confirms the rule.

German journalist Helmut Hefling also believes that the "curse of the pharaoh" is a sensation invented by journalists. In defense of his version, he makes two arguments. Firstly, the existence of a tablet with an ominous inscription has not been proven. Secondly, the age of the deceased scientists who dealt with the tomb and the mummy was far from young and averaged 74.4 years.

And nevertheless, scientists did not begin to attribute the entire series of deaths to the natural course of events. And to explain the death of people involved in the autopsy of Tutankhamun's grave, they put forward several hypotheses. Moreover, they did not discard the version of the "curse of the pharaoh."

Several historical facts... So, for example, it turned out that Tutankhamun was the only one of the pharaohs who had a diadem on his head, which in Egypt was given special importance, believing that it possesses magical powers.

In addition, when the cruel and vengeful Horemheb began to rule over Egypt instead of Tutankhamun, he destroyed all the statues and tombs of almost all of his predecessors. But - an amazing fact - for some reason he did not touch Tutankhamun's grave!

In connection with this fact, Egyptologists suggested that, before sealing the tomb, the priests left in it some kind of protective agent, which turned out to be not only effective, but also timeless.

But a professor at Cairo University Ezeddin Taha in 1963 gave a completely different explanation for the "curse of the pharaohs." He conducted a lengthy study of the health status of archaeologists and museum staff working in the Egyptian pyramids. And in the body of all these people, he found microbes that cause inflammation of the respiratory system. The professor found similar microorganisms in mummies.

One of these bacteria, asparagilus niger, is quite resistant to the effects of various environmental factors and therefore can retain its pathogenic properties for three to four millennia.

According to the professor, most likely, it was these microorganisms that became the factor that killed the scientists who entered the tomb of the pharaoh. True, it is still unknown how the killer microbe ended up in the pharaoh's tomb: did he accidentally get there or was he placed there on purpose?

However, the scientist did not at all claim that the infection was the only cause of death for such a significant number of people. Ezeddin Taha planned to continue working in this direction, but did not have time, since he soon died in a car accident. The doctors named the cause of death as a heart attack.

However, who knows: what if it overtook its next victim "the curse of the Pharaoh"?

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