The vast expanses of our Universe keep many secrets. Everything that humanity knows about other worlds is what allows us to understand our experience and our consciousness. This is a negligible fraction of what has been hidden in the bowels of outer space for almost 14 billion years.

Mysteries of the Universe

There are many sensational discoveries about space. Thanks to the painstaking work of astrophysicists, mankind has learned that space has no boundaries. We know for sure that the Earth is not the center of the universe and there are trillions of other worlds. But, a paradoxical situation: the more information scientists give us, the more mysteries of the Universe arise. The most common unexplained facts are:

Black matter

It is a mysterious substance that is invisible to the eyes of observers. The substance has an impressive mass and makes up a quarter of all matter in outer space. The elements of this substance interact very weakly with each other. This complicates the process of their research and until now, the principles of their interaction have not yet been fixed.

Scientists believe that new data on the mysterious substance can be obtained on special accelerators.

The emergence of the universe

The most problematic issue for study is the mystery of the formation of outer space. The most common version is the Big Bang Theory, which stipulates that the universe began its evolution after a kind of "boom". Other scientists believe that the explosion might not have happened, and the expansion of the universe occurs due to the formation of black matter.

Black holes

A dark substance that is capable of absorbing absolutely everything in its path cannot be observed. Even their existence has been confirmed by indirect experiments. But it is known that dark matter has just a crazy gravitational force and is able to “swallow” both light and time. Questions remain open concerning the composition of black holes, as well as the principles of their movement in outer space. In our solar system, the presence of a huge black hole was discovered, which is millions of times larger than the sun in size.

Endless space contains many unique celestial bodies... But, really, among all the planets, only the Earth has conditions suitable for life? Scientists believe that a temperate climate, an oxygen atmosphere and liquid water are not only a description of our planet. There is a high probability that there is an identical “Earth twin” in outer space. But, at the moment, these are just assumptions.

Our Universe: Secrets of the Origin of Life

According to the American astrophysicist A. Loeb, humanity is the last form of life. Our planet was inhabited long before there was a man. The scientist suggests that 15 million years after the Big Bang, there was life on all the celestial bodies that revolved around the Sun. On the globe, living things appeared 3.8 billion years ago, this is seven hundred years after its formation.

To confirm this theory, the astrophysicist proposes to study in more detail all the planets that are near stars with a low metal content.

Unsolved mysteries

In the process of the evolution of the Universe, trillions of galaxies were formed in the cosmic space, each of which has a specific shape and content. All objects are structured and have a similar composition. Scientists offer several hypotheses for the formation of galaxies, but there is no reliable information about their confirmation. What happened after the Big Bang? Did the stars form from small particles that joined together and only then did galaxies form? Or immediately after the "boom" there were already structured clots of black matter, which split over time to form stellar houses?

Also, the following secrets remain unsolved:

1. Galaxy, emerald shaped. The square "star house" is located 70 million light years from our Milky Way. This is an unusual object for outer space, it looks like a faceted emerald. The object is contrary to all the laws of the universe. Scientists speculate that the square galaxy is the result of the collision of two spiral objects. If you believe this hypothesis, then the Milky Way, after a collision with Andromeda, may also acquire a square shape.

2. What happened before the formation of a point in the Universe? The answer to this question can no longer be found. It is known that it all began with the "Big Bang", but what came before it?

3. Powerful energy emissions. Scientists often spot unexplained gamma-ray bursts. But an explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found.

4. Dark energy. 68% of the universe is dark energy. Scientists know that this substance acts as a counterweight to gravity and expands the boundaries of space. But, in all other respects, this “substance” remains a mystery.

5. The presence of other types of life. Somewhere in the universe there may be an inhabited planet. Science fiction writers often describe the arrival of aliens on Earth. But what if other civilizations are watching our life? It has not yet been possible to refute this assumption, but it has not been confirmed either.

6. Secrets of the origin of life. There are hypotheses that the appearance human body associated with complex chemical reactions... But an exact explanation could not be provided.

Will there be any answers?

All today's discoveries just a few years ago were also inexplicable and mysterious for us. Careful observation of other worlds, as well as the planned exploration of outer space, will help scientists come closer to the true answers to mysterious and mysterious phenomena.

It's no secret that outer space is full of unexplained secrets and unsolved mysteries that continue to trouble the minds of scientists trying to find logical answers to them. From mysterious dark matter to the multiverse, the truth behind these mysteries may be more amazing than the most incredible fiction!

1. The size of the universe

Many scientists and researchers are trying in vain to find an answer to this question, however, unfortunately, everything remains at the level of several hypotheses and assumptions. To find a clue to the mystery, scientists studied a huge amount of information. Starting with Solar system, they discovered a myriad of new questions that led them even more into a dead end.

While trying to decipher the solar system, scientists have discovered that there are more than 200 billion solar systems in our galaxy alone, and that there may be about 150 billion galaxies in the universe. Imagine how crazy and incredible a particular result can be! However, researchers Oxford University believe that the universe is at least 250 times its estimated size - and this is only for galaxies, not to mention planets!

2. Black holes

Black holes are one of the most mysterious mysteries of the universe. Some scientists believe that the structure of black holes resembles the structure of galaxies, and they are characterized by very high and powerful levels of gravity, capable of absorbing everything, including light.

Even more interesting is that in the Milky Way alone, scientists admit the existence of about 100 million black holes, but how they form, how they function and what happens when matter gets into them remains a mystery.

3. What appeared earlier - a black hole or a galaxy?

Another question that concerns scientists - which appeared earlier - black holes or galaxies? Based on the results of studying the radio frequency spectrum, black holes were the first to exist. According to the researcher at the US National Radio Astronomy Observatory Chris Carilli, first black holes appeared, and only then stellar galaxies formed around them.

4. Dark matter

Dark matter is another mystery that we have no idea about. Hoping to get to the bottom of the truth, scientists put forward a variety of assumptions and assumptions, but the only thing they found out is that dark matter is a substance that functions like a spider web. They also came to the conclusion that this substance can account for up to 25% of the entire universe. Dark matter exists and there is a lot of evidence for this, but what exactly it is remains a mystery.

5. Temperature of Dark Matter

Scientists are trying to understand not only what Dark Matter is - they are interested in how cold or hot it can be. Various theories suggest that dark matter can be hot, warm or cold, but the Lambda-CDEM model is generally accepted, according to which this substance is cold and dark.

6. Dark energy

In the 1990s, a group of astrophysicists called dark energy a substance that, in their opinion, counteracts gravity and accelerates the expansion of the universe. Scientists believe that dark energy makes up almost 70% of our unknown and mysterious universe. According to some theories, dark energy is a region known as "quintessence" - Einstein's concept of a scalar field that is variable in time and space.

7. Nemesis is our second sun

Some of the mysteries of outer space are very difficult, if not impossible, for the human brain to perceive. So, many scientists believe that once we had two suns, one of which bore the name of Nemesis.

Astronomers believe that since 80% of star systems are binary, there is a possibility that the sun was once binary as well. Surprisingly, the latest research confirms this, because as a result of a detailed study of the stars of the Milky Way, scientists have come to the conclusion that all sun-like stars are born in pairs. Nevertheless, until a star is found that is identical in composition to our sun, Nemesis will remain one of the most mysterious mysteries of the universe.

8. Moon

No one really knows where the moon came from. Despite numerous studies, the answer to this question has still been found and everything remains at the level of theories and assumptions. Some popular theories assume that the Moon appeared as a result of a giant collision of the Earth with a "protoplanet" that occurred about 4.5 billion years ago.

Another popular theory suggests that the Moon is actually an asteroid stuck in our gravity.

9. Space noise

The sound of the Universe is inaccessible to the human ear, because in the conditions of space, molecules of matter do not collide with each other and do not create the vibration that is familiar to our eardrum. Nevertheless, the sound of space exists and can be determined using radio signals, however, where it comes from and what causes it, scientists cannot explain.

10. Cosmic rays

Cosmic rays are high energy particles moving through outer space. The intensity of cosmic rays increases markedly and substantially. Ray intensity increased 19% in 2019, according to California Institute of Technology scientist Richard Mewaldt, the first time in 50 years.

The endless, boundless expanses of space have attracted man for millennia. sought to comprehend the mysteries and secrets of the universe, observing the movement of the stars. On the basis of their astrological calculations, they tried to predict the fate of peoples, as well as the rulers of the earth.

The sun is the source of life on earth

The sun gives light, warmth, life and ... death? Indeed, the existence of the most interesting riddle and secret of the universe - life on Earth - is impossible without solar energy. However, there is another side to this powerful force. In 1859, increased solar activity led to a powerful electromagnetic storm, as a result of which throughout the territory North America and Europe, telegraph communication was out of order. Outbreaks in the sun can cause not only man-made disasters, but also a deterioration in well-being in hypertensive patients, in people suffering from heart disease.

Presumably, about 70% of hypertensive crises, heart attacks, strokes occur during the period of increased sun activity (during solar storms). Scientists believe that this is due to oxygen starvation of tissues - capillary blood flow slows down due to fluctuations in the geomagnetic field.
Modern society highly dependent on electronics and electricity.

Imagine for a moment what would happen if the computers that control the activities of defense systems ceased to function, nuclear power plants, water supply systems? Powerful flash the sun can damage absolutely all electronics! - the telephone connection will be cut off, radio, television, and the Internet will be unavailable. Banks and commercial organizations will stop working normally.

For a long time, people believed that anomalies associated with the sun (for example, an eclipse) were omens of wars, epidemics, or other significant events. The sun was worshiped as the supreme deity. By the way, it was the sun that most often sacrificed animals and even people.

Secrets of the Universe - What is Reality?

It is not given to a person to clarify for himself the secrets of the universe - the deeper we "climb" into space, the more riddles and secrets the universe presents to us. It was much easier in the Middle Ages, when people believed in the "firmament", outside of which there are heaven, hell or other mythical areas controlled by an incomprehensible deity.

But technological progress has done its job - rockets and satellites have allowed researchers to penetrate previously inaccessible limits. And immediately questions arose - did the universe arise by itself or was it created by someone? Is there an edge of the universe or is space infinite? Will we find it?

Trying to explain the mysteries and mysteries of the universe from a scientific point of view, physicists and astrophysicists have developed many theories. Here is one of the most original hypotheses - the universe is a projection, a hologram. The author of this unexpected idea was a physicist from the University of London named David Bohm. It would seem an absurd theory, but it has found its supporters. Leonard Susskind of Stanford University and laureate Nobel Prize physicist Gererd Hooft supported Bohm. According to these scientists, our world is a two-dimensional space, and the effect of the third dimension is nothing more than a hologram.

The adherents of the theory "the world is a hologram" did not stop there. They made a map of the cosmos, from which it follows that the universe is not at all infinite, and it was created only 13.7 billion years ago. Apparently, all we can do is to prostrate ourselves before the physics guru. But you must admit that sitting in front of a three-dimensional monitor, it is not so easy to believe that it is illusory.

Be finiteness is a paradox

The phrase "the universe is infinite" is so familiar to each of us that we do not see any mystery in it. However, the possibility of the existence of limited forms in infinite space simply does not fit into the mind. Infinity can be thought of as something constantly increasing in size. Accordingly, any limited form, be it the smallest bacterium or a huge planet, is continuously decreasing in relation to the universe ...

Did you know, for example, that if Saturn is placed in a bathtub of water, it will float, that the day on Venus lasts longer than a year, and the Moon moves 3.8 centimeters away from the Earth every year. More than 8 thousand pieces of space debris fly in the earth's orbit, and there is a diamond floating in the Galaxy, the size of which exceeds the size of the Earth. Astronauts say space smells like roasted steak, hot metal and welding fumes, while scientists say the Galaxy tastes like raspberries and smells like rum. Sometimes scientists manage to solve these riddles, and sometimes they have to struggle for many years over the answers and not find them. Perhaps because some riddles should remain? So, "" presents ten of the most interesting mysteries of the Universe

1. The Big Bang Theory

Scientists are sure that space was formed after the so-called Big Bang, before which nothing existed - no time, no matter, no light. And then an inexplicable expansion of energy (explosion) happened, and the greatest mystery - the Universe - was formed. Moreover, the explosion occurred in a matter of seconds, after which the Universe, which at first was a fireball, began to rapidly grow and cool. And by the way, the Big Bang does not look like fireworks at all, it was, rather, a very rapid expansion of space.

2. Big freeze awaits us

Since the Universe has occurred as a result of an explosion, the most likely demise for it is the Great Freeze, scientists believe. And it will happen as a result of the fact that due to constant movement and the expansion of many galaxies, the Universe will eventually lose heat, that is, useful energy.

The approximate age of the universe is 13.7 billion years

3. The age of the universe is 13.7 billion years

In fact, 13.7 billion is not an exact figure, but the closest to the truth. This is what the WMAP team calls it, which has collected all the necessary information for a rough estimate of the age of the Universe. And this information is based on measurements of relic radiation and changes in the content of some radioactive nuclei. Observations made on globular clusters that contain old stars also indicate values ​​close to this - 13.7 billion years.

4. Black holes

This is perhaps the most terrible and strange phenomenon in the Universe. Black holes lurk in the cores of galaxies, swallowing up millions and billions of stars, and they are so heavy that they warp space and time. By the way, the Sun will never become a black hole, scientists say, since this requires a mass 10 to 15 times greater than the Sun's. And in order for a black hole to swallow, for example, the Earth, one must also try to approach it.

5. Shooting stars

Surely you have seen a shooting star at least once in your life and even made a wish. So, in fact, these are not stars, but meteorites burning in the Earth's atmosphere. But the good news is that there are shooting stars too. One in a hundred million. And scientists discovered the first of the "shooting stars" not so long ago - in 2005. She moved through the Galaxy at a breakneck speed of about 900 km / s, which is ten times the normal speed. On the other hand, about 275 million new stars are born in the Universe every day.

About 275 million new stars are born in the universe every day

6. Dark matter

What we call "dark matter" makes up about 23% of the universe and is invisible to the human eye. This is a hypothetical form of matter that does not have electromagnetic radiation and does not agree with him. So most of substances in the universe are invisible. And everything visible - planets, stars, comets, asteroids, dust, gas and particles - is only 4% of the Universe. Scientists have been feverishly trying to see "dark matter" with their instruments for years, but so far they have failed.

7. Dark energy

And then there is "dark energy". In the Universe, it occupies 73%, penetrates space and removes galaxies from each other at super speeds. The rate of this growth is so great that one day, according to British scientists, it will lead to the Great Schism. That is, the force of "dark energy" will overcome gravity and a chain reaction will begin: it will separate the stars from the planets, then the forces that hold the particles together, then the molecules of these particles, and, finally, the atom and subatomic particles. This is where the Big Split happens. But we, most likely, will not live to see it.

8. Planets

We live on Earth and at least roughly imagine how everything happens here, but the rest of the planets of the solar system, and even more so outside of it, still remain the greatest mystery to man. For example, scientists cannot yet explain how rocky planets once formed from gas and dust. And they discovered the first planet outside the solar system only in 1999. Then, in 2008, they discovered the first exoplanet completely covered with burning ice, located 33 light-years from Earth. At the moment, the existence of 1849 exoplanets in 1160 planetary systems has been reliably confirmed, of which 471 have more than one planet.

The first planet outside the solar system was discovered in 1999

9. Gravity

Gravity is the interaction between all material bodies on Earth and in the Universe. Its force makes the stars burn, and the planets are next to each other, because it is gravity that forms the orbits. However, the source of gravity outside of matter still remains an absolute mystery to scientists. Although some of them believe that very small particles called "gravitons" are responsible for gravity, they wonder if they can be detected.

10. Parallel Universes

Every minute and even every second, our Universe is divided into many entities, each of which continues its development, quantum physicists are sure. But none of them can say for sure if the multiverse really exists.
