Throughout the history of mankind, people indifferently knew and discovered the world around them. Everything deeper and deeper penetrated the thought of man in the foundations of the universe. To know the essence of everything, which is what the goal was standing and standing in front of science, including before natural science. The entity made attempts to know the object from time immemorial.

There is a certain classification of these attempts (on Marx and Engels), which divides the history of the development of natural science into three stages. The first stage is an ancient Greek natural philosophy, which implied the overall contemplation of nature, generalizing all observations, often experiencing particulars and individual details. The second stage is the inverse one, where particular and parts occupy the primary position for observing. At the same time, the tribute is given to painstaking analysis (anatomical research, the search for causes and consequences, etc.). At the same time, the thread is lost for the observer (already scientist), which binds everything in the universe into one. The third stage lies in the synthesis of all knowledge gained by man. The overall picture of nature and the world recreates. The first two stages (synthesis and analysis) are associated together.

The history of the development of natural science is closely intertwined with the general history of mankind. Each period of the technical jump corresponds to a new promotion in natural science. The systematic study of the surrounding world has developed to the second half of the XV century. Up to this point, all attempts to study nature and the world were only in preparatory character. The following periods are responsible for the development of natural science.

The first period is natural philosophy. Refers to the ancient world. All natural science was associated with a uniform thread of philosophy. Differentiation of sciences is not observed, but it is planned only by the end of this era. Medical, anatomical and physical research only originated. The mansion was independent industries: astronomy and mathematics. Later to join chemistry (alchemy).

The second period is superimposed on the Epoch of the Middle Ages. On the territory of Western Europe, all sciences are under the nest of theology, which turns them into magic, astrology and cabalastic. The bright development of technology and, therefore, natural science is not observed. Nevertheless, the accumulation of knowledge, which leads to the third period.

In the third period, natural science is born. It is referred to the era of the Renaissance. Dating: The second half of the XV century is the end of the XVIII century. This era is called the metaphysical era. The development of natural science takes revolutionary. The world reveals such names as the city of Galilee and I.Nuton, with which, according to the formation and completion of the history of mechanical science development. Natural science is directly related to the growth and development of production (the emergence of new crafts and manufactories), navigation (heavenly mechanics) and military affairs (ballistics). The end of the epoch is marked by the revision of mechanical science. A number of bright discoveries of scientists such as Lomonosov, Kant, Leibniz places the need for metaphysics and a metaphysical look at life.

The fourth period is called "spontaneous-dialectic" natural science. The beginning of the XVIII century passes under the industrial coup (steam engine). Therefore, new types of major techniques appear. Mechanics retreats, freeing the place for physics and chemistry. These sciences begin to work on the ideas of the emergence and use of energy with those or other substances. In biology there is an evolutionary theory of life development (J. Lamarc). Such new discoveries, like darvinism, cell theory and the doctrine of energy transformation, put a cross on metaphysics. Dialectics of Nature appears in all its glory after the discoveries of A.M. Butlerov in the chemistry, periodic system of Mendeleev, the foundations of scientific physiology I.M. Sechenov, electromagnetic theory of light J.K. Maxwell.

The fifth, "revolutionary" period refers to the occurrence of the XX century. A number of most important discoveries of mankind are followed: short-wave electromagnetic radiation radioactivity, electron, light pressure, the idea of \u200b\u200bquantum, theory of relativity, radioactive decay, radio, genetics, atom model. First of all, physics develops, revealing interesting prospects for nuclear energy. Physics has a huge impact on the rest of science. Thanks to her, there are sciences about space. More attention is paid to electricity - a Dynamo machine is created. Chemistry prevents internal combustion engine. There is a final collapse of metaphysical representations. Confused dialectical materialism. In the 20s of the XX century, the second wave of revolution in natural science comes (the creation of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity). The familiar picture of the world is inferior to new objections of scientists.

The final period in the development of natural science today is the discovery of atomic energy (core division). Cybernetics are born. The first computers appear. In natural science, such sciences are beginning to compete as biology, chemistry and cybernetics. All this leads to a scientific and technical revolution. Subsequently, importance is fixed behind fundamental sciences, without which the development of technology is impossible.

Thus, in the overall picture of the development of natural science, primary preparatory stages and stages of development of the already formed natural science are observed. Then comes the revolutionary stage of scientific and technological progress, which lasts at the moment.

Reading time 10 minutes

The stages of personality development are one of the most interesting and mysterious topics. Everyone really wants to learn more about yourself, the possibilities of their development, improve the skills and bring ourselves to the state of the ideal. Philosophers and psychologists consider these issues from different points of view, so the formation of a single opinion in this aspect is impossible.

In this article, you will get acquainted with such concepts as the formation and stages of personality development, you will be able to work out our own point of view on the social issue of growing up and some of the methods of self-knowledge.

Personality Development Stages

Most often, age gradation is used - the development of the personality on Freud and the development of Erickson's personality, which suggest a change in the consciousness of a person as they are growing up. There is also the concept of the evolution of the individual on its social and spiritual level of perception of life.

We will start considering the stages of the development of the personality in the age criterion, since this theory is most popular and widespread everywhere.


This period is distinguished by Erickson and Freud ("Oral Stage"). At this stage, the basis of the personality and attitude towards the surrounding world is confidence or distrust, confidence or her absence.

Of course, his mother plays an important role in the life of a child, which represents the whole world for the baby. He needs maternal care that allows you to feel the sequence, awareness in experiences. Further identity development depends on the first days of life.

In the presence of confidence, the child perceives the world in a positive key, as a reliable, predictable, calmly transfers difficulties, even a temporary absence of a mother nearby. In the absence of maternal care, a sense of distrust, fear and suspicion arises. Thus, the first period is based on the ratio: "Trust-distrust".

Early childhood

The period from the 1st to 3 years, corresponds to the "anal stage" along Freud, the child mastering the ability to control its excretory functions. In addition, the baby becomes stronger physically and can perform more complex actions - walk, clogging, wash.

Very often appear calls for independence "I myself", an important point is the help of parents in independent actions. It is necessary to provide an opportunity for the development of the personality, the formation of the autonomy of the child. If he is constantly walking down and do everything for him, then it goes to harm development, along with unreasonable demands.

Such things are caused in further uncertainty, weakness. With positive development, the will and self-control is developing.

Preschool age

Preschool age, 3-6 years old, also called the "age of the game", according to Freuda - "phallic stage", the period of awareness of the difference in sex. This period is characterized by an increase in social interactions - games, communications with peers and adults, interest in labor affairs.

Self-development manifests itself in the ability to take responsibility for those who are less or weaker, animal care. The main slogan: "I am what I will be. Now the super - ego is being formed, as a result of understanding social restrictions. Perhaps training and education of the child, there are all the prerequisites for this.

Children are joy from independent actions, they begin to associate themselves with special, important people, begin to set goals. In addition, they show fantasy in choosing games and creating their own entertainment. It is worth encouraging the independent actions of the child, which will be the basis for the development of initiative, independence and help in the development of creative abilities.

School age

School age (6-12 years old), if you turn to the theory of personality development by Freud - "Latent Period". There is a calm in the psyche, in the first place is now the development and study of the outside world, the creation of contacts. The basis of everything is the desire for the development of new knowledge, everything that is important within the Company, where the child grows.
The main motto: "I can learn what I can learn. Children are given discipline and participation in solving various tasks. There is a desire to manifest creativity. Children need support for adults for personality development. In negative development, there may be doubts about themselves and their own competence.

Youth (12-19 years), identity identity and self-determination. An important period for the formation and development of the personality. Stage of search and self-determination. A teenager tries to determine his place in this life and choose a role that is suitable for him. There is a rethinking of life and values.
At this stage, the mistakes of past periods often pop up, which were admitted to the upbringing earlier. As a result, negative self-identification may arise - belonging to informal groups and more of that - drug addiction, alcoholism, violation of the law. There is also a tendency to create idols and the desire to resemble them.
With a positive development of events, there is a self-development of such qualities as loyalty and ability to independent decisions, determining the life path.


Youth (20-25 years old), the beginning of adult life. This is the period of the emergence of love, affection, creating a family and independent life. During this period, there is a need for intimate proximity, and comprehensive, not only at the physical level.

It is important to have mutual feelings and respect in the relationship, learn to merge with your loved one without losing your identity. A person learns to build interpersonal relationships. If it is not possible to gain this balance in relations with the opposite sex, then a sense of loneliness appears.

A feeling of great importance in this period has a feeling - love, which is considered, as confidence in the partner, loyalty under any circumstances, care for near. All stages of personality development must be held on time - "Blessed, who has been young as a smolod ..." (A.S. Pushkin), although it happens that development is late, and this is quite normal.


Maturity (26-64 years), the development of the personality is manifested in taking care of the growing generation. Moreover, even in the absence of children, under normal circumstances, more concentrate on the external world and help to others. In the opposite case, a "middle-aged crisis" occurs, a sense of meaningless life appears.

As a rule, by this time a person has already reached certain results in life and has the need to transfer knowledge and skills to others, help their children, grandchildren. It is also observed sufficiently.

Old age

Old age (from 65 years old), the last stage of personality development. There is another rethinking of life, a person increasingly recalls the past years and is aware of the correctness or erroneousness of its actions and decisions. Often they say: old age is wisdom. For those who have passed a long life path and analyzed their life - it is.

This stage of personality development comes when a lot of things have already managed to pass, conquer the highest peaks. And it is very important to be satisfied, find joyful moments in the lived life. Then the old age will be calm and confident, and the approach of death will not be afraid, because life continues in the descendants and creations of man.

If a person cannot find calm, he is only waiting for sorrow on the missed opportunities and tormenting conscience. Therefore, throughout life, you must try to live so that years, rejoice in your achievements and accomplishments, write memoirs and tell grandchildren about your life.

So we made an analysis of the development of personality throughout life. However, this is ideal, wisdom comes to old age, and in childhood we live impulses and desires. It all depends on the person and his desire to develop, and still experienced experience and understanding the lessons of life and errors on the way.

In adulthood, the stages of identity development, which are based on the level of development of the mind and spiritual filling of the essence of a person also distinguish. Of course, we can consciously influence these processes using self-development.

6 stages of the development of an adult personality

Stages of growing are described with a purely biological point of view and consider the opinion of Freud in this matter, we will come to the eternal question of sexuality, but is it all definitely? Many agree that the theory of the famous scientist and psychotherapist is perfect and carries a structured file information about a person. But in order to draw up your own opinion, not enough knowledge just one of the psychoanalyst book.

Consider the stages of human identity development in another gradation.

1. stage of primitive man

The lowest level of human personality is the stage of primitive man. The behavior of a person is approaching the animal world - the basis of the satisfaction of animal instincts. Moreover, at this stage, a person is little interested in social issues and restrictions.

If the identity is stuck at this stage, it can negatively affect the loved ones and others, and the person himself cannot be happy in the absence of control over its desires and needs. All this leads to crime, violation of the laws of society. And constrained by the "person" of only the Criminal Code and to a lesser extent, moral principles.

The person of this stage may have an interest in other stages. For self-development and transition from this level to the next need awareness of the need and the adoption of the thought, which is returned, and a negative attitude towards life and people as well. It is necessary to eradicate violence at the level of thoughts, subconscious processes.

2. The level of the average

The second level is the level of the average man who thinks little on its own about life, most of the information draws from television programs, magazines and media. It does not subject information to critical analysis. There is already an understanding that you need to avoid violence in life. And it is associated with karmic experience or upbringing and more highly developed human consciousness.

At the same time, a person in society behaves quite normally, according to existing rules, and on a thinner level, in thoughts, it allows you to insult, blame, deceive. The basis of this stage is the need for pleasure, there are often amateurs of drinking, smokers or just curious.

If we recall the development of the personality of Freud, he spoke of the possibility of developing such consequences, regression in self-development. A person can be quite adequate, and at the same time in difficult situations or during periods of stress, sliding up to this level - to start absorbing sweets in large quantities, drink alcohol, etc. People are trying to gain peaceful equilibrium by receiving pleasure.
The original sources are laid in childhood, often people of this category have not fallen with love and attention at an early age or parents were too demanding, therefore "indulging" themselves in adulthood. Regulation arises when a person cannot cope with the following stages of personal development.

For further growth, it is necessary to make a deep analysis of the foundations of its behavior, to understand and work out psycho-emotional causes of early periods or produce skills to overcome vital difficulties in a different way. In the second case, the investigation is treated, in the first - the causes of this phenomenon (regression).

3. Level "Chief"

The next stage of personality development is the level of "chief". At the same time, they do not mean the chief in terms of a career, although the professional development of the person may be observed. First of all, the person becomes the owner of his feelings and requires order from the people around him. Physiological needs are no longer major behavior.

The basis of behavior is the desire to own, manage, subjugate. In relations, this is manifested in the desire to win the attention of the representative of the opposite sex, after which interest is often fading. Only a higher-level person meeting can delay a person for a while. After all, it is always interesting to know the new, and the people of a thin level are very sensitive and otherwise perceive life, react to it.

At the subconscious level, we are looking for a person one level above our for further development. Interestingly, the third-level person can communicate with people of a lower level as needed or, if all the lessons of previous periods have passed, regression arises, life sends us to re-learning.

Conditionally the first three periods is the development of personality in social terms, and the following three stages are spiritual improvement, self-development.

4. The period "Blessed"

The stage of real mature, call the "blissful" period. A person no longer concentrates all attention to his ego, ceases to be a child and is ready to take responsibility and take care of other people. Not all people go to this stage, many prefer to remain children and wish to be the center of the Universe, to subjugate the world. The people of the first three stages do not show interest in this topic, they are satisfied with the existing positions of things.

Let's think if such a person really is really happy? Even if all wishes are fulfilled, there will be a precipitate, a sense of loneliness. For this period, changes in the perception of life are characterized, the depth of feelings and emotions appears, it comes to understand that negative emotions and feelings - hatred, anger, deception cannot please a person.

If the third level allows you to gain a social position and stability, now knows the knowledge to manage your power. It comes to understand that life is not worth spending on experiences, reflexion, it is beautiful and it is worth rejoice in everybody's stay, creating a wonderful world and helping close people.

In the age graduation, this is a period of maturity, but not everyone comes to the realization of the necessary criteria for the individual and the need for self-development.

5. Stage wise

The next period is called the "Piece of the Wise". A person acquires knowledge of managing his own consciousness, an understanding of the structure of the device of the world and causal relations is increasing. The realization comes that all events of life have their own root causes, are lessons that need to work out to transform a picture of their lives.

A person learns to see the deep meaning of all processes, the transition to the fifth stage is connected with disappointment in the ideals of the world and the knowledge of the spiritual essence of man. It is important to undergo the stages of personality development gradually, because if you miss the fourth period - overcoming pride, then there is a feeling of meaninglessness of being and deep disappointment.

With the right course of development, real wisdom arises and an understanding of the evolution of life, the development of the personality. The person of this period finds a balance in all manifestations of life and responds to events calmly, always finds solutions. This balance is kept on the deep level.

It is usually believed that wisdom comes in old age, however, first of all, its formation depends on the development of self-consciousness and life processes, experienced experience. There is such an expression - "wise not by year."

6. Enlightenment of personality

At the last stage there is an enlightenment of personality. The transition to this period is perceived as a revelation or illusion of consciousness. A person suddenly understands where the real truth is in consciousness takes a real revolution. At the same time, the personality can live ordinary life, but to understand everything on a thinner level.

Enlightenment is a realization of the existence of life at a particular point in time, the past and the future is just an illusion. Manifestations - calm, contemplation of life, "everything goes, as it should and happen what you need." A person perceives itself as a phenomenon that spontaneously arises in the Being River.

Buddhists are remembered, the monks who have known life and are not in a hurry anywhere. Life is a thought. It is determined by our idea about it. There are people and in our lives - they are incredibly calm and surprised by their resilience to any life situations.


So, we reviewed the stages of identification in various criteria and affected the origins of the formation of the personality. It is important to understand: regardless of our position at the moment, there is always the opportunity to move forward and not stand up the time that can easily be sent to good things. Whether it is a self-knowledge or development of your own business, building a career or creativity, - use all the necessary tools and achieve success with the project of self-development and self-knowledge.

It can be conditionally divided into social (the first three stages), and the following are the spiritual stages of development. This turn between the social and spiritual has one characteristic feature. Most people suffer when they have to do anything for others, and enjoy when others are trying for themselves - this is typical household selfishness. At social stages of development, crystallization and the development of the ego take place, so the main need of personality here is self-affirmation. A person lives for himself, constantly strains, dismisses others, annoyed, worried, greaders - lives as if he is constantly missing something. This feature takes place a real coup of the worldview, breaking the ego and subsequent relief. The man, as Don Juan said, is in life, "Slightly touching everything." This part of the article describes the following three stages of development: Blessed, sage and enlightened.

Fourth stage of personality development

This is the stage of blissful. A man at this stage lets the grip for the ego and. I would call this stage with true mature, because now a person is able to truly take care of others, as if he, finally, ceased to be a child, always in need of patrons. The person from the first three stages is not interested in this. Even reading these rows can cause ugly. And, on the contrary, interest in this topic, suggests that a person is ready, he is already at the bridge from social to the spiritual. The transition itself can be long, and if you do not take conscious steps, showing the way to the fourth stage takes decades, and it may not happen.

What is the meaning and the joy of living for others? What is meant by the development at this level in comparison with the third stage? To understand this, you can ask yourself another question. What is the meaning and the joy of living for yourself? Are there really happy people in the first stages of development? If you exaggerate a little, then a person who lives for himself wants to subjugate the world of his personality. Will he be happy if his desires fulfill? He will be infinitely alone. To communicate with souls with loved ones, you need to be able to reveal. When the soul burns the fire of greed, being itself painfully and scary. Before pouring out of the vessel of the soul, the lava vorsolubiya burns the body with its cold fire.

At the fourth stage of development, perception acquires a new depth, and a person becomes even more sensitive and attentive to what is happening. He sees that wisdom does not know egoism, and constantly tightening the blanket to his side. In his foresight, he knows that hatred, false, greed and the caring does not lead to happiness. If we are talking about the fulfillment of desires, it gives only a brief moment of satisfaction, then an endless race for illusory future continues.

At the fourth stage of development, a person feels fears and false incentives of other people (from the first to the third stage), but it does not cause it an exalted condemnation. Nightly the opposite, he compresses those who are in ignorance. If you analyze, most people in the first stages of development spend most of the time and money, or even in harm to themselves. A well-worked third stage of development gives a man's strength of a social level. At the fourth stage, a person acquires a certain kind of wisdom in how this power dispose.

In detail about this stage of development, I spoke in the article "". I will give a few quotes from there: "Saint happy, because he is not looped on anxiety about himself. He loves life, does not spend time on endless thinking and reflection, which spends 90% of the intersener's energy. It can be said that the meaning of his life is in creating, in action, which turns away with a blessing for those who are near. It is impossible to avoid suffering and emptiness when the ego defends its position, and no self-dedication occurs. "

Fifth Development Stage

This is the stage of the sage. The transition from the third stage to the fourth is one of the most difficult, as in terms of experiences, so, and in terms of events. Therefore, in our time there are people with good developments of the last stages, while inflaming their own importance to the limit. Ideally, development stages are worked out one by one.

If, at the third stage, a person learned to manage events at the social level, then on the fifth, he learns to control his own consciousness, which leads to a certain kind of event control at the metaphysical level.

If a person worked well the fourth stage, on the fifth his wisdom acquires even greater depth. Why do wars arise? Why do diseases exist? Why do people suffer? It is at the fifth stage of development that wisdom achieves the border when it accommodates the deep understanding of these things. The essence of what is happening is not limited to the framework of a typical look at what is fair and what is not. The sage is aware of the cause and consequence. Each phenomenon does not happen by chance, but is a precious lesson that makes a new element in a puzzle, complementing the perception of a holistic picture of the world.

The vision of hidden processes at the fifth level of personality development occurs from deep angles. All mechanisms of life begin to be opened at this level. If the transition from the third stage of development on the fourth was characterized by overcoming a sense of its own importance, passing through shame, guilt and fracture in feelings, at the fifth level a person passes through disappointment in world ideals.

If the fourth level was not worked out, and the person did not learn to love, which occurs at the fifth stage of development causes a sense of doom. However, now the strength of distinction, sensitivity and foresight are at an extremely high level. Therefore, for the exposure of worldly illusions, the obversation of the illusions of spiritual. Disappointment, doomed, meaninglessness - the same illusions as everyone else.

At this stage, a person clearly realizes the wisdom of evolutionary lessons, through which he is destined to pass. Lust, irritation, greed, envy, guilt, doom and other experiences are given to become stronger. They stimulate consciousness, make it expand so that the person does not dissolve in gross illusions. Heavy experiences are encouraged at the subconscious level to develop the strength of perception and distinguishing, so that thanks to these strong qualities of the mature consciousness to gain the ability to digest, and dissolve negative experiences. If the previous stages of development were well worked out, at the fifth stage of development, a person is able to acquire the finest balance in all phenomena, at every moment of life. At this level, the person responds to life according to the situation. It balances what is happening here and now in a very thin level.

Sixth stage of development

This is an enlightened person. When switching to this stage, cognitive shock is experiencing. To say that at the same time a person is surprised, or even amazed - nothing to say. - This is the exposition of ignorance and coming to the truth. At the level of events, a person can live a completely ordinary life, not standing out in the crowd, or in a conversation, but in his soul everything is completely different. If the transition from the third stage of development on the fourth was a revolution in feelings, the transition to the sixth stage is characterized by the revolution of consciousness.

At this stage, perception reaches a peak, and the person sees everything as it is. He sees that life exists right now. He is aware of the past and the future as illusions in the mind. He sees that all the so-called events are just thoughts in which the man in the street is sleeping. At this stage, the personality is experiencing a total catharsis, the perception will closes on itself and there is deep self-awareness. The personality begins to be perceived as an object with something even more deep, perceiving the person from the side standing on the human life. Personality Feels in true light - bundles of transient mental energy, which was centered, walked in the head, throat and heart area. At this stage of development, everything that a person knew about life is perceived as an illusion. The world of man is the thought of thought.

The main characteristic features of this stage of development are the termination of suffering, relief and lack of any personal desires. Another characteristic feature is awareness of life as a completely spontaneous phenomenon. The enlightened person aware of himself, as a feeling of being, presence, the only quality of which is contemplation, perception. The viewer does not interfere in the process. Life occurs spontaneously, herself, by virtue of its inner energy. .

Enlightenment is awareness of what is here and now. In this awareness, the person himself is perceived as one of many phenomena spontaneously arising in the presence of being. It is impossible to understand what it is a person from earlier stages of development. When familiarizing with it, as a theory, there may be estimates. However, all this is nothing more than thoughts, which one and the same phenomenon at different times are assessed differently.

If a person from another stage of development will survive the freedom of spontaneous being inherent to enlightened, he will understand why he lives.

At different times, we sometimes jump on advanced levels and understand everything, then we go down and this understanding is lost. This happens due to indispensable programs from previous stages of development. The development process itself is the central, most important aspect of human life. Therefore, the transition from one stage to another is the "event" of the greatest importance, the event with which no material benefits will be equal.

All nature is in perfect condition, state of internal equilibrium. And only a person was withdrawn from equilibrium - it was set. The added desire for food and to the woman who once came out of this equilibrium, are now moving by the development of humanity. Development goes to doubling ...

Fragment of the lecture of the second level on the topic "The development of mankind through 8 measures of the universe":

All nature is in perfect condition, state of internal equilibrium. And only a person was withdrawn from equilibrium - it was set. The added desire for food and to the woman who once came out of this equilibrium, are now moving by the development of humanity. Development goes to doubling. They got the desired - the desire doubled, Mammoth was mined - another time you need two mammoths, bought "nine" - the next time "Mercedes" wanted.

It swing, it is a pendulum, it is a vibration to increase desire, filling and doubling. Doubling will occur and happens indefinitely. And everything would be fine, but the force is not alone, there are two of them - libido and Mortido. They live and die by us, interact, vibrate, even our senses are arranged on these vibrations, somewhere obvious, somewhere hidden: vibrate drumpocks, the pupil constantly changes the viewing angle - this is a given duality.

From one phase of development to another, our desires are constantly doubled.

Muscular phase of development. In it, we had a feeling of near, and at the same time the primary feeling of dislike. Thus, we immediately got a threat to our existence. Outside there was an enemy - a predator, and inside - dislike, the threat of decay.

Then we limited dislike by creating ritual cannibalism, an act of sacrifices. By the sacrifice, we accumulated the overall hostility on it, thereby keeping society from decay. But for a while - as long as the new victim again was not required. Mentally we still need a sacrifice, this desire is sitting in us at the unconscious level.

The next step in the restriction of hostility was the creation, and it began with the refusal of cannibalism.

Anal phase of development. The pack broke away from the animal world as integrity. Each person in a flock feels like a particle of a whole, completely dependent on it. It is well holding back dislike. But at one moment, the anal sounds said: "There is enough to sit among these freaks ... We go to our group and their packages to that glade and we will live in our rules there."

The pack was divided into families and prides. With predators coped, but they themselves became enemies, inside the flock. Divided families, laid the foundation for the founding of races and peoples. And the dislike remained as a factor of attraction to death, and she also demanded restrictions, as it was an inner threat to the existence of the species.

Any internal threat requires restrictions on its essence. So there was Christianity. The last 2000 years the locomotive of culture was Christianity, which limited our hostility.

The last resistance to the exit from the anal phase of development was the anal Nazism: my people are clean, the rest are stupid and dirty! If you seriously understand, it is not clear how the Germans could lose war. Already at that time they had Fau-2 and a nuclear project. And in 1945, the bomb could reset and not on Hiroshima ...

Explanation There may be only one. We just think that we are the owners of our destiny. In fact, we live according to the laws of nature, we live collective unconscious. It lives and manages us unmistakably. The boy who should be in the kindergarten at eight in the morning may be the idea of \u200b\u200bplaying the house and not go to the garden. Only this idea will not be embodied in any way - on the pope, they jerk, and you will be in the kindergarten at eight in the morning, as it should be!

I could seem anything, they as many as you could feel the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great Clean Race. But the time of the anal phase of development and division on the principle of blood is irretrievably gone. And humanity should have joined the skin phase - in poor or in good condition.

Skin phase of development. The skin phase divided us even more than anal. If the society used to be divided into childbirth, now it has become divided into individual personalities. Anal values \u200b\u200bgo, such as marriage, traditions, obedience to the elders.

For us, Russians, the process of decay of marriage is perceived as a catastrophic, and for the West - as natural. In the marriage of skin, everyone in itself - the husband and wife, parents and children are all respecting the distance that the complementary values \u200b\u200bof Western society are complementary. Everyone lives for himself not because he is bad - people are quite good, and they consisted, and career do, and earn a lot. Just live alone: \u200b\u200bhe is alone and she is alone. Full disintegration of not only families, but also peoples - the phenomenon of the skin phase.

For the modern world there is nothing more stupid than the national idea. The world today is migration, globalization, tremendous mixing of peoples and erasing borders. People in the head no longer have an idea to save their blood, people want to eat a lot and delicious, sweetly and safely sleep, drink good wine, choose partners in attraction, and not as dad and mom said, and so on.

Standardization comes in everything, including between male and female. The woman today received freedom of choice of male type: she gets education, requires an orgasm for himself, makes a career, not yet on a man, but the process goes. Enconsibly promotes standardization, integration and globalization of the Internet. And with this, interdependence is growing proportionally: some of the end of the world did not happen, we are already shaking from the news that we get in the media.

Single, absolutely interconnected. The paradox is that the more single we are, the more we are connected with each other, the more we are responsible for our actions before other people.

Our civilization is incredibly fragile. Previously, if one posting was not there - everything, there is no light in the entire entrance of 2 hours. Now one wiring is not connected to it, what will happen? .. Catasturn technogenic.

And then the degree of our interdependence will only grow. A person can be mentally not healthy, and we will depend on it and do not go anywhere. Someone was offended by Mom, and the parents of children did not wait from the school ... Skin standardized civilization occurs and makes it possible to influence one person to whole masses of people, and the farther, the more ...

Continuing abstract on the forum:

I recorded Julia Black. March 28, 2014

Volumetric understanding of this and other topics addicts in full oral training on system-vector psychology

The article is written on the materials of the training " System-vector psychologyยป

A person throughout life receives experience, goes his way laid down by soul. But not each of the people chooses spiritual development for itself.

This article on the 4 stages of development, which, in principle, are not related to spiritual growth. This is the path of man. Most stop at the second stage, and someone goes on.

Understanding this process will help you to look at yourself and realize at what point the path you are now.

Stage 1. Problem appearance

Unfortunately, people most often learn not on positive experience, but on a negative. And the growth point is psychological, sometimes physical, injury, a serious problem, by which not pass.

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The emergence of the problem is the first stage of human development.

It may be a strong insult, betrayal, disappointment, even physical violence. Sometimes there may be several such traumatic events, where the last of them will be the very point where development will begin.

Stage 2. Attempt to heal injury

In the second stage a man trying to heal this injuryBut heal is not in the literal sense.

If we talk about people 3D, ordinary people, those who surround us, what this attempt is. In other people, they see the same problem as they.

And in order to feel better, trying to help others heal it.

The key point is that it is attempt by healing Injuries. There is no real healing when you move freely.

And this is done with the help of the fact that other people are helping to highlight, demonstrate their own injury.

At this stage, try to enlighten people, show them something - absolutely impossible. That is why it is so difficult for us with loved ones and friends.

Why they say: "Do not climb without a request," because people do not see this injury, do not realize. Somewhere in the depths of the soul they understand that it is. And such a distorted way try to transform it. Absolutely not understanding the essence.

You will learn why good deed leads to sad consequences, why helping others, you spoil your life.

Surely you met such people? And maybe they themselves. When you do not understand that this is your problem.

But you see her in the surrounding people and give advice that you need to do where to go, what practice, apply the methodology. Because the wounded part calls you.

You do not hear it at this stage, and you offer other people a decision of this particular problem.

By the way, many coaches work at this level. In the inside there is a deep problem, and they do not heal her with the help of other people, and help themselves feel more comfortable.

And there is a law of attraction. I attract such people who demonstrate me my shadow aspect, my internal injury.

If you work with people at this stage, you should not climb into the soul, trying to dissuade them into something. Because you provoke aggression against yourself.

And your tips will turn against you. Just because initially the incorrect approach itself. You do not see, do not realize this problem. You are trying to solve it, more precisely, make it easier with other people.

Stage 3. Dive inside yourself

The next stage is a man begins to come back to oneself.

Its focus from external, external problems, other people turns inside.

Sometimes the transition to this stage is accompanied by some tragedy: someone falls on the hospital bed, someone remains without work, without a loved one.

Some of this moment of returning to himself comes without catastrophic concomitant situations.

And then questions arise: "Who am I?", "Where to go?", "Why?". You still do not know what to do, but you understand what the answer is not to look for not in the outside world, but
inside yourself.

This is a key point from which in principle begins spiritual awakening. While a person did not reach this point, trying to "turn into his faith," to reveal the eyes - it is useless. Because in response there will be only aggression.

And when a person has already started returning to himself, look inside himself, he understands that the outside world is a reflection of internal.

If the outside world reflects, then, most likely, inside me there is something that is worth paying attention to. I still do not understand that, but I know something there is there. And I discover any opportunity to change my life, something to transform in it.

In this article you will find equipment for the expansion of consciousnessthat you can enter into your daily practice.

Stage 4. Spiritual Awakening

And so the person goes to the next stage - spiritual awakening. Because at this moment openness appears.

The desire to openly see and not fix something, fix in yourself, no. Namely - to reveal, take a fresh look and expand. Expand the injury. Expand the limits of the problem. Go to something more global.

This stage with accuracy repeats the second when you are trying to heal. But in this case you are trying to heal not at the expense of the outside world.

And make straight steps that lead you to the present healing. When you irrigate the problem, remove the roots, heal this part of you, and move on.

What does humility from a spiritual point of view mean.

They gained courage, or they were pushed to this, look inside. And this understanding removes many conflicts in the family: with relatives, parents, children.

Because when you hold this classification in my head, there is awareness of how it happens.
