The Mediterranean racial zone without breaks extends from Spain through the Gibraltar Strait in Morocco, and from there east to India. Its branch expands far to the south on both sides of the Red Sea to South Arabia, Ethiopian Highlands and African Rog. Of the three main Mediterranean Prani, which contains this zone, the most common, the most central, the most highly developed, and the most typical Mediterranean is the central Mediterranean form, which is best represented by the skeletons of Dodinal Egyptians. Today, the largest unified area in which this intermediate Mediterranean racial type of moderate sizes is detected in the most pure form is the Arabian Peninsula.

Arabia, about fifteen hundred miles long and a thousand width, has a large mass of land, but a small population. Due to the aridness of the large desert of Rub-El Hali and a large part of the north, the whole country can support no more than six million people, of which at least half live in a small fertile south-western part - the kingdom of Yemen.

The study of the prehistory of Arabia was just beginning. However, it is known that during the plungy periods of the Pleistocene, an empty place (Empty Quarter) was a fertile plateau, through which large streams were abandoned by wide and deep Wadi (dried rivers dried); And that he was inhabited by people at least from Ashhelsky time. Since the post-term drying of this part of the world, Arabia could serve Vagina Gentium, Lona Peoples, speaking to other regions of the mass of the population, which she could not more feed. In the legendary and historical times, this role continued: the ancient wardings of the Jews, the settlement of Ethiopian Nagrai by the colonists from Hadramaut, the great expansion of Arabs in the early Muslim times - all this can serve as examples.

Modern Arabia is divided into several kingdoms, each of which occupies a separate geographic area. The largest - Saudi Arabia - includes injectors, Hazu, Hijaz and Asiirs - in other words, all regions north and west of Rub-El Hali. Luzhd is engaged in a mixed population of shepherd-nomads and farmers, of which the first are more numerous. Residents of not induces make up a natural unity with the tribes of transice and the Syrian desert. The northern border of Arabia in the ethnic sense does not coincide with its current political border, but is a line, which bends the edge of the so-called fertile crescent. In North Arabia, it is necessary to include tribes such as rolling, Shammar and Hovettat. Hijaz, which includes the sacred town of Mecca and Medina, contains a settled population engaged in agriculture and trade, and the wealth, brought by annual crowds of pilgrims from the entire Islamic world, largely helps support the population of this sacred field. Asira - the most southern and the latest part of the country, part of Saudi Arabia, is a mountainous region, occupied by most of the farmers, ethnically related to Yemen, than the north.

The kingdom of Yemen is limited in the north of the approximately 17th parallel of the northern latitude; in the west - the Red Sea; in the south - the British Protectorator of Aden; And in the East - the south-west edge of the empty place. It consists of two main parts - narrow coastal plains and a plateau, smoothly descending to the east with an escarp height of 10,000 feet. This plateau is very fertile and contains a numerous agricultural population. In the northern and eastern border, it gradually goes into a shepherd terrain, and in the south merges with the ethnic community of Hadramaut. The eastern part of this plateau was once a highly populated region, since there was a throne of the three great kingdoms of Maan, Katan and Saba. This country partially held on agriculture based on extensive irrigation projects, and partly - in charges of caravans with incense, passing through them on the way to the north.

To the west of Yemen, Wadi Hadramaut is a narrow strip of the fertile valley, separated from the Gulf of the Gulf of almost free from the vegetation of the mountains. In the east of Hadramauta lies the Delhofar, surrounded by the mountains of Kwar; This small semicircle of the Earth retains brown vegetation caused to life with permanent rains, bringing southeast monscons. Of the whole of South Arabia, only he retains the Pleistocene climate, in the past times, made this region of fertile land. Northeast of the Great Desert, acting as a giant barrier, separating these kingdoms, lies Oman - a mountainous country in which agriculture is practiced, and which is marked by marine activity and exports of dates.

The population of Arabia can be divided into two general groups: Arabs and Hadramaut's aborigines are actually, the territory of Dohfar and Socotra island. Belonging to the first category, almost without exception is a Mediterranean race, and it is this group that we consider in search of a pure Mediterranean form. On the other hand, Hadramaut contains a variable population with at least four social and ethnic elements. They include Bedouins living in smaller border valleys and in the valleys between Hadramaut and the Aden Bay. These are slender people with small heads, curly hair and features of the face who partly relate to them with a large domed group of humanity. In a racial attitude, they are on the border of the White race.

The second group consists of tribes inhabiting the Hadramaut Valley itself; They trace their roots to Yemen and other parts of Arabia. The ancestors of these tribes, apparently came to Hadramaut to the pre-Islamic times. In addition to these ancient immigrants, there is a class of artisans that argue about their origin from various parts of the Arab world, and, as the highest layer, a group of Saidov - the descendants of the prophet, which make up priest aristocracy. From a racial point of view, the Hoodhauta population includes both loadoid and Mediterranean elements. In later times, a large number of slaves were imported from Africa, which even more increased this racial complexity.

Duparamarian Semitic languages \u200b\u200bhave been preserved in Makhra, Doaffara and on the island of Socotra. This is Marie, which says Mahra and Sokothrians, and Shahary, which people who live in the hills are talking. Other ancient Semitic dialects seem related to these two linguistic groups. Mahra and the population, living directly behind the Delhofar, belong mostly to the same common racial type as the Bedouins of Hadramaut, and make it a more pronounced core.

The origin of this non-intermediary, partially domadoid population of South Arabia is unclear. In culturally, they possess many primitive features that allow them to tie them, on the one hand, with the economy of such collectors, as Australians and Vedes and, on the other hand, with a cattle-breeding culture of Toda in India and Khamita and a bow in East Africa.

Let's first consider the racial features of Yementess living on the plateau, which, apparently, make up the most pure core of the Mediterranean race in Arabia, studied so far. A group of 400 adult men from a central plateau and an adjacent escarpic region for few exceptions belongs to a homogeneous Mediterranean type. This series of adult men with middle age is 33 years old. The average growth of this group is 164 cm - moderate; It is typical for the Small Mediterranean race, which is defined in previous chapters.

These Yemen are thin bodybuilding; General observations for their type of constitution show that Yemenians are predominantly leptosomic in 60% of cases and occasionally the Conguests. Relative width of the shoulders 21.5 less than most European groups; The relative scope of hands 102 resembles purely Nordic groups of Eastern Norway, and the relative growth of 51.3 is less than that of most Europeans. Yemenians, although low, relatively long-legged. Their heads of moderate sizes, with an average length of 188 mm and a medium width of 143 mm, which gives the head pointer 76, lying on the upper border of the Dolikhacephalius. It should be noted that although the head shape is the same as the nordic race, the length and width of the head is significantly less. The front diameters are respectively narrow: the average smallest width of the forehead is 102 mm, the zilly diameter is 132 mm, and the bigonial is 101 mm. These sizes are already what we meet in Europe. The height of the face is 121 mm - moderate, and the upper height of the face is 72 mm should be considered large. It is really more than many European groups with large cranial and facial volumes. The height of the nose is 56 mm - the same large as in most nordic groups, and the width of the nose is 33.5 - small. The front pointer 92 is only moderately leptoproen, and the upper facial pointer is extremely lusted. Here you can see the disharmony between the total height of the face and the greater the upper height of the face, which indicates the extreme meliefness and fragility of the Mediterranean jaw. The nasal pointer 61 is extremely leptorized. The dimensions above can serve as metric specifications of a small Mediterranean racial type in its pure form. Next, we consider external specifications.

The skin of the hustlese yemen in the open areas of the face, hands and feet often seems to be a brown, and a typical range of the color of these skin sections lies between № 12 and No. 18 on the scale of Lushan's scale. In more than 50% of the series, the color of these skin sections is defined as No. 15 and darker. Really bright skin was observed only in one case in a person rarely happened to the sun. When the observer checks the skin on the chest or the inner side of the hands in those places where the sun penetrates rarely, then it is immediately clear that these people are much lighter. The color of this closed skin is 83% of the entire series - dark, suitable in the scale of Lushan's background under No. 10 and No. 11. Lighter shades - No. 7 and No. 8 - noted about 5%, and the rest of the series is darker. No investigated individuals from the Yemen Plateau were not darker than No. 18 in Lushan. Vascularity is present in all, except for one fifth of the subjects, but in most cases it is weakly witnessed. The freckles were found only in 1% of the whole group; For a pure Mediterranean race, they are atypical.

The hair on the head of Yemen residents is directly only in 4% of the whole series, most people have moderate waves, and in 20% hair can be classified as curly. This shape of the hair consists of wide, open curls, and it is the same as the dominant form among the dominant Aborigines Hadramaut. Neroid hair in this group are not found. These hair of the middle structure is 80% of the series and thin in the rest. Hair on the face for the most part is abundant, and the baldness is rare. Only 14% of the entire group showed any signs of baldness, except for pathological text. A beard is small in more than 50% of the series and rarely covers the entire bottom of the face. Usually there are hairless gaps between the ends of the mustache and the beard on the chin. Hair on the body, except the pubis and armpits, are absent in the third of the group, and in general, only moderately developed. A minority at 10% has increased overexposure. In general, the classic Mediterranean type is characterized by the amount of hair on the body from moderate to the messenger, but it should not be concluded that individual Mediterraneans cannot find an increased degree of agriculture.

Hair color black in 90% of the series; With the exception of one example of light hair and one red, the rest of the group is dark brown hair. However, the color of the beard is black only in 75% of the group, and the rest of the fourth part is divided into various shades of chestnut and red. The redhead beard is visible in 6% of the Yemen series, and red hair on the head is found only in one case. 12 people from 400 beards contained visible impractions of golden-brown hair. Redhead brown beards are found at the same frequency as red. Since there are no evidence of the presence of ash-light hair on the head, nor in the beard, and golden and red shades represent all cases of existing light pigmentation, it is obvious that the hair of the basic Mediterranean type, represented by these yemen, contain a significant amount of red pigmentation.

Twenty-five percent of chestnut and bright beards can be compared with 25% of light and mixed shades of the eyes. However, dark brown eyes make up almost half of the entire series, and black and light-brown eyes definitely make up a minority. Mixed eyes are most often found green-brown, and dark mixed exceeds light mixed. In Yemen, no case was met in pure blue or gray eyes: the brightest eyes contained a little brown pigment specks.

The fact that the percentage of a beard containing testimony of light pigmentation is the same as the percentage of mixed rainbow shells, and the hair color on the head is almost always black, leads to certain thoughts. Since it would be difficult to find a cleaner Mediterranean racial type than this one, then it is possible to postpone that some trend towards breathing in about the fourth part of this branch of the Mediterranean race, in other cases dark, but this trend is rarely expressed in the form of extremely light pigmentation. By historical reasons, the figure of 25% in Yemen is too large to explain it only with a mixture with a third-party population.

Internal folds of the century are completely absent. Medium folds found in about 10% of the series, and the external folds are present at the other 15%. Thus, the state is usually considered nordic, there is among the Mediterranean almost equally. In 15% of the series, an easy eye tilt is discovered upwards, and the hole between the centuries is usually moderate in width. The thick eyebrows are found in the fourth part of the series, and the rest are from moderate to medium. It is interesting to note that the convergence of eyebrows is present in 85% of the group. It is small in most cases, but is moderately expressed in 40%. Consequently, it is necessary to discard the idea that at least these Mediterraneans do not have converging eyebrows. A moderate amount of this convergence is an obvious Mediterranean trait. Absorption arcs of these Yemenians are small in half of the group and moderate in most other half; Only about 5% have protruding abnormal arcs comparable to those that can be found so often in Northern Europe.

From the point of view of the forehead, the forehead is height from moderate to large; His depreciation is less than the usual for Nordicov. Missing or very light downstream was found near almost half of the group, and the depreciation, comparable with the punching of Nordicov, is another half.

Deepening in the field of transfer is usually small; In many cases, it is almost absent. The nose root is almost always tall and narrow, the bridge is higher than the average of 60% of the series, but a typical width from small to medium. The nose profile is convex in half the group. The concave profiles are limited to 3%, and the rest are straight. A convex concave profile, so often found in some of the nordic types, is missing here. The tip of the nose is usually from narrow to medium. It is usually horizontal or slightly rumped up; Tilt down is detected only by the sixth part of the group. The wings of the nose alternately medium or narrowed, and the expanding books are only in 2% of the group. Nostrils often take the shape of a thin oval on the contour and are planted under slightly inclined axes.

In general, the shape of the Yemen nose is quite permanent and has low variability. Yemen's nose has a high root and high nose; It is narrow, with a profile from convex to a straight, and a narrow, slightly elevated tip, wings from compressed to moderate, and narrow, slight beveled nose holes. The number of convex noses among the Mediterranean is greater than among Nordicov, and the Mediterranean group represented by this series is slightly more leptorin than everything except the most extreme, norDic groups.

The lips of the yementess moderate height, and the thickness of the lips is usually from narrow to the middle. Lips are usually just a little twisted. The bog of the lips is visible in the whole group. Precatism is rare: 9% are demonstrated from light to the middle development of its facial option, and the alveolar type is limited to 2%. It must be remembered here that a small number of facial prognaths is typically European and especially the Mediterranean feature, and Alveolar prenatamism is to a greater degree of the Negro trait. She, like other neo-shaped features, is practically absent in the Highlands of Yemen.

Despite the small size and narrowness of the Yemen's lower jaw, the chin is moderately European in 70% of the series. Rectively speaking chins that can be found in Northern Europe among the descendants of the upperopelyolithic population are absent. These chin are medium in three fourth cases, and the remaining fourth part has a form, frequent among Europeans. Only one person out of five has a straight bite, as often found among medieval and ancient European skulls, since the yemeni jaws and the overall development of Yemenians have features already marked in the skulls from Mesopotamia.

For large sizes, Yemenians demonstrate a weak front speech of cheekbones or generally its absence, and moderate transverse speech is usually due to the small development of the temporal muscle and the overall subtlety of soft fabrics of the face. The corners of the lower jaw in most cases from medium to small. The occipital speech is usually significant, and there is no compaction or very small in the three fourth series, and in the rest of the quarter is also expressed, as in most Nordicov.

Although the refside of this region, concentrated around Sanaa, can be considered as a smaller species of the Mediterranean race in its pure form, for other parts of Yemen it is incorrect. In the southern part of the mountain range near the cities of Jerim, IBB and Thaza, the mixing of this Mediterranean type with a domaded type is typical for Hadramaut. Further, along the Yemen's coast, rural areas are mainly engaged in non-ferrous farmers, which were imported as agricultural slaves, since climatic conditions impede the serious physical efforts of white. However, there is a minority of white farmers, and they partially belong to the Mediterranean type described above. Nevertheless, a significant coastal population, located in large cities and seaside villages, belongs to a completely different physical type.

Yemen coastal areas are lower than the Mediterranean with a plateau, with an average growth of only 160 cm. They have a smaller size of the head, with a very low length of glabella to a nape of 177 mm, the height of the skull is only 122 mm and the middle head of 84. Their faces are wider than the population of the plateau, and very short with the average height of the face 118 mm. The nasal pointer 64 is less leptoroic, and the length of the eye slit is much larger. This coastal population often has rough straight hair; Their skin color tends to be darker than the population of the plateau, their faces are denser, and their ears are protruding and bevelled.

This brachiceopal coastal population for some metric characteristics is strongly reminiscent of Malaysers and Indonesians, and it is believed that there are many Malay blood in certain families. On the other hand, from the point of view of morphology, most of them look with armenoids, as there are often convex noses with thick tips and slopes. In any case, whatever their origin (and it, without a doubt, is mixed), they represent the emergency population brought to South Arabia by the Sea and have no connection with the initial Mediterranean group developed in highlands. The evidence of their racial influence can be seen among the agricultural population of the coast and to a certain extent in southern cities, but so far they, apparently, did not have any influence on the plateau itself. Probably, Escarp Barrier with a height of 10,000 feet and a strong climate difference is enough to keep the coastal population away from the plateau, and the population of the plateau at the same time only in a low degree penetrated into the nizenas with their harmful climates.

A thorough observer may noted the presence of a certain amount of subtypes in the population of the Yemen Plateau. The cities concentrated specific, the Mediterranean population is emphasized with lower growth, narrower and low heads, narrower faces and noses and brighter skin color than the rest of the Yemen. The urban type seems largely selected on a professional basis and represents the quintessence of the Mediterranean race. The rural population is generally a bit more, a little more broadcaster and has a slightly more wavy shape of the hair.

Among the tribal and village shears and officers of the Imam's army, examples of the high, very long head and long-rolled Atlanto-Mediterranean type can often be found, which, apparently, is a socially selected version of this group. In nordically looking people are usually associated with the social layer, from where civil servants and priests are gaining, and this is more than just a coincidence that the recognized descendants of the prophet are more lately and demonstrate a greater testimony of light pigmentation than the rest of the population. It may have existed a nordic element associated with saints, which appeared in this region from Hijaz in early post-general times.

We have no data from Asira, but it is likely that the inhabitants of this mountain province are largely reminded by the inhabitants of Yemen Nagrai. There are almost no material from Hijaz, but on the basis of personal observations, you can say a few words. Today, the townspeople who extract large profits from the trade with wanderers and inhabiting mostly Jedda, Mecca, Taif and Medina are the same motley and a heterogeneous group that you can find in Port Said or Honolulu. Thousands of Yavalents, Chinese Muslims, Buchants from Turkestan, as well as Indian Muslims and African blacks attracted by saints, remained here. The permanent population of these cities is probably Arabic less than half. So far, these foreign elements are messedily mixed with the local population, and the ancient families retain the separation from these alien types, but the importance of aliens in the future cannot be exaggerated. As a result, Hijaz will be the place of a strongly mixed population consisting of three primary racial groups - europeanoids, innoors and mongoloids.

Members of the ancient families of Hijaz in many cases have a clearly differentiated type, which in its extreme form can be described without difficulty. These are people with an average to high; They are broadcast, long-lave, with a lot of weight, their constitutional type has a tendency to accumulate both muscles and fat. Their heads are large, from mesocephalic to Brachicefone, their faces, both wide and long, their noses are often large and fleshy tips. The chin protruding, and the lower jaw is strong. Their hair from dark chestnut to black, the beard is developed strong, and the color of the eye is typically brown, although light eyes are quite frequent.

Although the existence of this look-in-Alpine Hijaz type so far, it is probably early to argue on a scientific basis, its existence will be confirmed by readers familiar with the population of this region. It seems very likely that the people of this common type went to North Africa with ancient Muslim conquests, as this type is often found among the aristocratic families of North African cities, especially in Fez, as opposed to the rest of the population, which is almost completely dolichacephaly. It would be foolish to consider the question of the origin of this type in the absence of metric data, but it can be confident that it is not purely Mediterranean origin. It is probably connected mainly with citizens and with more ancient aboriginal families.

In the same way, we have no information on the exact physical nature of the nomadic population, but we have a corpus of information on a certain number of tribes that graze their camels in transice and in the desert parts of Syria and Iraq. Among them is a noticeable tribe of the rustula, known due to the writings of Lawrence, Musille, Rassas and others. A series of 270 adult men from the rurawl measured by Shanklin, below Yementez, with an average growth of 162 cm, but other tribes of Bedouins, such as Shammar, above, and when driving in the regions in the north, the growth of Bedouins reaches 170 cm. However, in general, the growth of Northern Arabs It should be considered an increase from low to medium. The relative growth of sitting 51 among the rurawl is consistent with Yemensky and is a typical Mediterranean feature.

The headwall head with an average length of 192 mm is slightly longer than that of Yemenians, and the head pointer is 75 slightly less. Persons of the routing with an average zoom diameter of 130 mm are very narrow. Other sizes are reminiscent of the already familiar to us by Yemen. The color of the skin at the routing, apparently, in general, somewhat darker than that of Yemenians. The hair is usually black or dark chestnuts, and Shanklin not marked a single case of partially light pigmentation, although individual people who have it were spotted by other observers. However, it is obvious that 25% of the inferior bright pigmentation, noted in Yemen, are absent in this tribe, although Field discovered an even greater share among Shammar.

Among the ruver there are two easily distinguishable types: a larger type, with a wider face and straight nose, from average to a wide, definitely resembling the aboriginal population of Hadramaut and Dohfara; And what can be described as a more sophisticated type, to which most Shakhov families belong. It is more narrowly and narrow-skinned, with often concave or hooked nose profile. This egg-grained type of Arab aristocrat is better known than another type, but probably he is less numerous. It reaches extreme personification in the old warrior Sheikh Auda Abu Taiya, whose features of the face are known to thousands because of the portrait made by coal, published in the book of Lawrence "Seven Pillars of Wisdom."

The most pure Mediterranean group in North Arabia is a group of Savubbiev, or Slabov. These are mysterious people-exile, fluttering in small family groups from the camp to the camp, engaged in hunting, work with skin and a mezzanie for Bedouins. The despised position of slabs can be understood from their torn clothing, small tents and the fact that they have no camels and they can not ride horses. However, they are considered true desert aborigines and know more about its topography and can survive in it with great difficulties than any other people. Measurements conducted by Dr. Henry Field on a series of these scattered people show that they are close to the Yemen Plateau standard and look more lately and less in Dravida than ordinary Bedouins.

The origin of grazing camels of Bedouins with their long genealogies and a difficult social structure was a long time problem for ethnologists. Although there is no place for a long study of this subject, the author believes that the Bedouin cattle complex is not offering South Arabian's cattle breeding culture, in turn, closely related to the similar complex of India and East Africa. It is likely that with the upcoming drought and collapse of the ancient civilizations of South Arabia, one or more tribes and families of Yemen and dominated origin moved to the north of Non-clench in Nesh, and the Syrian desert, moved the economic aspects of their culture of cattle breeding on their camels, and social aspects on their mares. According to this hypothesis, slakes and socially lower tribes, not belonging to the Tribal Union Aneza, based on sheep and camels, are more ancient elements of the population and are cleaner Mediterranean than rolling.

One of the common types of appearance is the Mediterranean. Its features should figure out. This article will present in detail the general information and features of the Mediterranean race.


The Mediterranean type is one of the subspecies of the Europeanid race. For the first time he mentioned sociologist Georges Lepad in the XIX century. Anthropologists began to actively use this term in the XX century (allocated this subasser such a scientist as Carlton Kun). Hans Gunter preferred to call it western.

Soviet anthropologists included this subspecies in an Indo-Mediterranean type, which also includes such subtypes as Caspian, Iranian and Oriental. Distinctive features of the Indo Mediterranean race can be called dark hair, elongated face and brown eyes.

Distribution history

Separately, it is worth mentioning how such a race was distributed over other continents. On the territory of the Middle East in the III century BC, a large fertility was observed, so residents of this region spread through the nearest territories.

Part of the people went to Western Europe and Africa (scientists began to call them by the Iberians).

Others went to the Caucasus. This is how Armenians appeared, Azerbaijanis, etc.

The third moved towards India (after the conquest of Australoids, the overseas were mixed with them and founded the Indian state). Also, representatives of the Mediterranean race are assieved in the Balkans.

In the first century, BC, Celts went to the West from Central Europe (several centuries ago, India won the Aryans and created a custom building).

According to anthropologists, there were more representatives of the nordic type earlier among the Celts. Part of the Iberians during the movement of the Celts to the West was exterminated, and part is assimilated. This is how such a subproduce appeared.

Distinctive features

The Mediterranean race has the following signs:

  1. Narrow and elongated face.
  2. Short stature.
  3. Asthenic or normostic physique.
  4. Abundant vegetation on the face.

The nose among representatives of such a long, and his back is high and straight (sometimes it can be a little convex with a small hubber).

Depending on the subtype, representatives of this race may be dry features of the face. The hair is both black and dark chestnuts. Most often, hair in typical Mediterranean wavy.

As for the abnormal arcs, they are expressed much weaker than Nordid. The same features are distinguished by Indo-Mediterranean small race.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about how the face of the representatives of this subrace appears. The Mediterranean has a rounded forehead, and the chin is fuzzy, but at the same time a little pointed.

The skin is usually dark, on the touch she is soft, as if velvet. The shade is distributed evenly.

Representatives of the Mediterranean race are easy to sunbathe, but the blush on their cheeks is rare. As for the color of the lips, most often the Mediterranean lips have a cherry shade. Since the skin protects the pigment, they are adapted for life in tropical conditions.

The eyebrows have dark color, so they seem thick. A similar type is characterized by a more thick hair cover on the skin than, for example, from representatives of the nordic subrace. Eyelashes are usually long. In women belonging to this type, in the region of the upper lip, the dark color can be found.

What else is the Mediterranean Race? Skull. Most often it has an extended shape. But at the same time, a part near the ears is high and non-planning.

As for the color of the eyes, they most often have a black or brown shade. Conjunctive is yellowish, and a rainbow shell is dark-painting.

Body structure

Interesting is the fact that the figure of a similar subtype, despite the low growth, does not look roasting. The proportions of representatives of this race are no different from the proportions of representatives of the nordic type. The article can see what the Mediterranean Race looks like, the photo is presented below.

The legs of the representatives of this subark are most often there are long and muscular. They have quite thin legs.

Most Mediterranean end grow earlier than other people. Another distinctive feature is early puberty and fast aging.

Interesting is the fact that the figure in men belonging to the Mediterranean type, less courageous: they have narrow shoulders, wide hips and a soft expression. But women who are representatives of a similar race look pretty feminine: they are distinguished by wide hips and more pronounced remaining forms.

Representatives of this type looks graceful not only the whole body, but also separate parts: legs, hands. As a result, the impression is that their body is light and flexible, the movements of people belonging to this race, smooth and elegant.

In most Mediterranean, the lower jaw most often happens to be lightweight, her symphimity is small. It is also narrow in transverse diameter.

Typical representatives of the Mediterranean race

Peoples living in the Pyrenean Peninsula are typical representatives of this race. A lot of her representatives live in the south-west of France and in Central Italy.

She is also common in Syria, Israel and Palestine. Another bright representatives of the Mediterranean type are Georgians (the most such type is distributed in the western regions of this country).

They are representatives of the Mediterranean subspecies and residents of Greece (South and Eastern) and islands located on the Mediterranean Sea.

This race is distributed in North Africa (its representatives were assimilated here in the era of Neolith), on the Arabian Peninsula. It is customary to attribute to the inhabitants of Iraq, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey. There are distinctive features of this type of inhabitants of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.

Calculate to a similar subtepa and those who live in Northern India, Pakistan and on the island of Crete.

Mediterranean admixture is noticeable and in the population of some regions of Germany (most often on the border with Italy). Also, this type of appearance is found at the residents of Tyrol. In this case, their nasal profile is a bit concave, and the face is low.

Interesting the fact that in Tyrol (in addition to the Mediterranean variety of appearance) there is a Western European type.

Mediterranean subspecies and Central Europe are seen. There are two options for explaining this phenomenon. According to the first version, the Atlantic elements appeared as a result of the modification of therigoids, which are one of the links between dark-stock exchanged Mediterranean and light-copied nordic.

According to the second version, for the first time, a similar type appeared in Austria and in Germany in the era of ancient Rome. It was then that there were Roman garrisons here.

Antlanto Mediterranean Appearance

One of the common subtypes of the Western subrace is Atlanto Mediterranean. It is most common in the south-west of Europe, including in countries such as South France, Portugal and Italy.

Representatives of this type of appearance have a narrow face. Unlike the representatives of the Western type, they are most often high growth.

Pontic type

The Mediterranean Race has such a subspecies as the Pontic Podrase. Her distinguishing features are high bridge and convex nose back. The tip of the nose in typical Pontians is slightly lowered. Eyes and hair most often dark.

This kind of variety is most common off the Black Sea coast. People with such a type of appearance are most often found in Ukraine and Adygea.

Nordic type

Also, the Mediterranean Race includes a nordic sublay. It has developed in the territory of Northern Europe in the Bronze Age. The basis for this subspecies of the Western type served as follows from the Black Sea region.

Distinctive features of the Nordic appearance are a slim physique and high growth. Hips and hands are thin, but at the same time muscular. Another important feature is a wide range of limbs.

Continuing the topic about the ancient civilizations, I offer you a small compilation of data on the interlogatory and ethnic history of the Ellinsky world - from the Minoan era to the Macedonian expansion. Obviously, this topic is more extensive than previous ones. Here will be to stay on the materials of K. Kun, Edgela, Pulia, Sergey and Ripley, as well as some other authors ...

First, it is worth noting a few moments associated with the Dointo European Pool Pool of the Aegean Sea.

Herodot about Pelasgah:

"The Athenians have pelasgic, and Laquisian - Hellenic origin"

"When Pelasgi took that land that is now called Greece, the Athenians were pelasgami and called the crane; when the kecpets ruled, they called kecropids; With Eriet, they turned into Athenians and, in the end, in Jonyan, from Ionus, the son of Kstusus "

"... Pelasgi spoke on the barbaric adveria. And if they were all Pelasgi, then the Athenians, being pelasgami, changed the tongue at the same time when all Greece "

"The Greeks, already separated from Pelasgov were few, and their number grew due to mixing with other barbaric tribes"

"... Pelasgi, who already become Ellini, united together with the Athenians, when they also began to call themselves by Ellity"

In Pelasgah, Herodotes should consider conglomerate of various tribes, having both autochthonic neolithic origin and low-depth and North-Galucan origin, which has passed through the bronze century, the homogenization process. Later in this process, Indo-European tribes, who came from the north of Balkans, as well as the Minoan colonists from Crete were also involved.

The skull of the middle bronze century:

207, 213, 208 - female skulls; 217 - Male.

207, 217 - Atlanto-Mediterranean type ("Basic White"); 213 - European alpine type; 208 - East Alpine type.

It is also necessary to affect myxen and tyyrinf. - Civilizational centers of the era of the middle bronze century.

Reconstruction of the appearance of the ancient mykens:

Paul Form, "The daily life of Greece in the times of the Trojan War"

"All that can be learned from the study of the Skeletons of the Rannel-Allensky type (XVI-XIII century BC) with the current level of anthropological information, only confirms and slightly complements the data of the Mycenaean iconography. Men buried in a circle in the royal tombs in mycken, an average reached 1.675 meters of height, seven were 1.7 meters above. Women are mainly 4-8 centimeters below. In a circle, two skeletons are preserved more or less well: the first reaches 1.664 meters, the second (carrier of the so-called Agamemnon Mask) is 1.825 meters. We studying their Lawrence Andzhil noticed that both on the rarity dense bony, body and head massive. These people clearly belonged to the ethnic type different from their subjects and were on average 5 centimeters above them. "

If we talk about the "gogotorn-born" destroyers who came from behind the sea and usurped power in the old Myckenes polishes, then here, most likely, we have the place of the ancient East-intersectoral tribes of the navigators. "Manthorn" found their mapping in myths and legends, from their names began the dynasty of the Ellen kings who lived already in the classical era.

Paul Form About the type displayed on the posthumous masks of the kings from the "Manthorn" dynasties:

"Some retreats from the widespread type on gold masks from the burls allow you to see other physiognomy, it is especially interesting to alone - almost round, with a more fleshy nose and fragile with brings brings. Such faces are often found in Anatolia, and even more often - in Armenia, as if deliberately wanting to provide a justification for legends, according to which many kings, tsarits, concubines, masters, slaves and soldiers were moved to Greece.

Traces of their presence can be found among the population of Cyclades, Lesbos and Rhodes.

A. Pulianos. About the Aegean Anthropological Complex:

"It is distinguished by dark pigmentation, wavy (or straight) hair, average hair growth on the chest, above average rising beard. There is no doubt affecting the influence of front -hasional elements. On the color and shape of hair, in the growth of beard and hair on the chest in relation to the anthropological types of Greece and the forefront, aegean type occupies an intermediate position "

Also confirmation of the expansion of navigators "Because of the sea" can also be found in the data dermatolgifiki:

"There are eight types of prints that can easily be reduced to three main: arcs, looped, mutter, that is, those whose lines differ in concentric circles. The first attempt of comparative analysis, made in 1971 by Professors Rolu Astrom and Sven Ericeson on the material of two hundred copies of the Mycenaan era, was discouraging. She showed that for Cyprus and Crete the percentage of arc prints (5 and 4%, respectively) - the same as the peoples of Western Europe, for example, Italy and Sweden; The percentage of looped (51%) and mutual (44.5%) is very close to the fact that we see the peoples of modern Anatolia and Lebanon (55% and 44%). True, the question remains the question of what interest among the artisans of Greece was Asian emigrants. Still, the fact remains a fact: the study of fingerprint revealed two ethnic components of the Greek people - European and Middle Eastern "

Fitting K. more detailed description population of the ancient Eldla K. Kun about the ancient Ellina (from the work of the "race of Europe")

"... in 2000 BC. Here were present, based on the cultural point of view, the three main elements of the Greek population: local neolithic Mediterranean; Aliens from the north, with the Danube; Cycladic tribes from Asia Minor.

Between 2000 BC and Homer's Epoch, Greece experienced invasions: (a) The culture tribes of cord ceramics, which came from the north later than 1900 BC, and which, according to Maiz, brought an Indo-European Base Greek language; (b) Militans from Crete, which gave the "ancient pedigree" dynasties of the ruler of FIV, Athens, Mycene. Most of them invaded Greece later than 1400 BC. © "The Manthorn" conquerors, such as Atii, Pelop, etc., who came from the Aegean Sea on the ships, learned Greek speech and usurped the throne, marrying the daughters of the Minoan kings ... "

"The Greeks of the Great Period of Athenian Civilization were the result of mixing various ethnic elements, and the search for the origins of the Greek language continues ..."

"Skeletal remains should be useful in the process of reconstruction of history. Six skulls from Ayas Kosmas, near Athens, represent the entire period of mixing the neolithic, "Danube" and "Cycladic" elements, between 2500 and 2000. BC. Three skulls are dolichephaloval, one - mesocephalus, and two - brachiecephali. All faces are narrow, noses - leptorrhus, orbits are high ... "

"The medium-eldic period is represented by 25 turtles, which represent the era of the invasion of aliens of the culture of cord ceramics from the north, and the process of strengthening the relics of the Minoan conquerors from Crete. 23 skulls - from Asin, and 2 from Mycene. It should be noted that the population of this period is very mixed. Only two skulls are brachycephalus, they both male and both are connected with low growth. One skull has a medium size, a high cranial box, a narrow nose and a narrow face; Others are extremely wide and Hamarrian. They are two different wider types, both of which can be found in modern Greece.

Long skulls are not a homogeneous type; Some have large cranial boxes and massive abrasions, with deep nasal depressions, resembling me one of the options for Neolithic Dolikhacephalves from Long Barrow and Culture of Ceramics ... "

"The rest of the part of the dolirocephalus skulls is the middle-elegassium population, which has been smoothed by the abrasions and long noses similar to the residents of Crete and Malaya Asia in the same era ..."

"... 41 skull of the late-eldic period, dating between 1500 and 1200. BC, and leading their origin, for example, from argold, should include the element of the "raw birth" conquerors. Among these skulls are 1/5 - Brachicepal, mostly Cypriot Dinar Type. Among the dolirocephalus, a significant part is difficult and classified options, and a smaller number is the lowered Mediterranean options. Similarities with northern types, with the type of culture of cord ceramics, in particular, this era seems more noticeable than before. This change in non-mineral origin should be associated with Homer's heroes "

"... The racial history of Greece in the classical period is not as described in detail, as in those periods that were previously studied. Up to the start of the slave-owned era, there could be small population changes. In Argolid, the Mediterranean element in pure form is represented only in one of the six skulls. In accordance with the data of Kumaris, Mesotacephalia dominated Greece everywhere throughout the classical period, and in the Hellenistic and Roman era. The average cefial index in the Athens represented by 30 skulls, this period is 75.6. Mesocephalus displays mixing various elements, Mediterranean among which is dominant. Greek colonies in Malaya Asia reflect the same combination of types as in Greece. The mixture with low-immigs should have been disguised as noticeable similarity between the population of both shores of the Aegean Sea "

"A young nose with a high nose and flexible body fell into classic Greece as an artistic ideal, but portrait images of people show that it could not be an ordinary phenomenon in life. Villas, funny characters, satirists, centaurs, giants and all disagreeable people and in sculpture, and in Vasopysi are shown as widely, smoky and bearded. Socrates belonged to this type similar to satire. This alpine type can be found in modern Greece. And in early skeletal materials, it is represented by some brachycephalus series.

In general, surprisingly contemplate portraits of Athenians and posthumous masks of Spartans, such similar to modern inhabitants of Western Europe. This resemblance is less noticeable in Byzantine art, where you can often find images similar to modern residents of the Middle East; But the Byzantines, mostly lived outside Greece.
How will be shown next (Chapter XI) , modern residents of Greece, oddly enough, almost do not differ from their classic ancestors»

Greek skull from Megara:

The following data leads Lawrene Angel:

"All evidence and assumptions are contrary to Nilsson's hypothesis that the Greco-Roman decline is associated with an increase in the reproduction of passive individuals, bastardsation initially racially nobility, as well as a low level of its birth rate. Since it is this mixed group that appeared in the geometric period, gave the beginning of the classical Greek civilization "

Analysis of the remains of representatives of different periods of Greek history reproduced by Angel:

Based on the data above, the dominant elements in the classic era are: Mediterranean and Irano-Nordic.

Iranian Nordic Greeks (from L. Endzhel)

"Representatives of Irano-NorDic type have long high cranial boxes with strongly protruding populations, which smooth out an ovoid ellipsoid contour, developed abrasions, inclined and wide foreheads. The considerable height of the face and narrow cheekbones, in combination with a wide jaw and forehead, create an impression of a rectangular "horse" face. Large, but compressed cheekbones are combined with high orbits, an eagle protruding nose, a long concave pawn, massive wide jaws, chin with a deepening, although not protruding forward. Initially, representatives of this type were both blue-eyed and green-ventilation blondes and shutters and burning Brunettes "

Mediterranean type Greeks (from L. Endzhel)

"The classic Mediterraneans have a subtle physique and are graceful. They have small dalicephalous heads, pentagonal in vertical and occipital projection; Compressed neck muscles, low rounded foreheads. They have thin beautiful features; Square orbits, thin noses with a low nose; Triangular lower jaws with a small protruding chin, barely noticeable prenatamism and an incorrect bite, which is associated with the degree of wear of the teeth. Initially, they were only below average height, with a thin neck, brunettes with black or dark hair "

Having studied the comparative data of the ancient and modern Greeks, Angel is drawing:

"Racial continuity in Greece is amazing"

"Puulnos is faithful in its judgments as to which there is a genetic continuity of the Greeks from antiquity to modernity"

For a long time, the discussion remained the question of the influence of the Northern Indo-European elements on the genesis of Greek civilization, therefore it is worth staying at several points relating to this topic:

The following writes Paul Form:

"Classical poets, from Homer to Euripid, persistently paint the heroes of high and blonde. Any sculpture from the Minoan era and to the Ellinism era gives the goddesses and gods (except may zeus) golden curls and superhuman growth. It is rather an expression of the ideal of beauty, a physical type, not occurring among ordinary mortals. And when the geographer Diekarh from Messen in the IV century BC. e. Surprised to blonde chivans (painted? Red?) And praises the courage of blonde spartists, it only emphasizes the exceptional rarity of blonds in the Mynań world. And in fact, on the pictures of warriors that have come down to us - - be it ceramics, inlaid, a wall painting of a michene or pilos. We see men with black, slightly curly hair, and their beards - in those cases, if any, are black as agate. No less dark wavy or curly hair the priestens and goddesses in the mixes and tyaring. Widely open dark eyes, a long thin nose with a clearly intended, and the meatful tip, thin lips, very light skin, relatively small height and a slim figure - all these features we invariably find on Egyptian monuments where the artist sought to capture "peoples, What lives on the islands of the Great (Sugouja) of Greens. " In XIII, as in the XV century BC. e., Most of the population of the Myckene region belonged to the ancient Mediterranean type, the one that was preserved in many regions and at this time "

L. Angel

"There is no reason to assume that the Iran-Nordic type in Greece was as light-fightered as Nordic in the northern latitudes"

J. Gregor

"... like Latin Flavy, and the Greek" Xantos "and" Hari "- generalized terms with a lot of additional values. "Xantos", which we safely translate as "Blonde", was used by the ancient Greeks to determine "any color of the hair, with the exception of black as coal, and the color of this was probably not lighter than dark-chestnut" ((Wees, Caiter ) Serge) ... "

K. Kun.

"... We cannot make sure that the entire prehistoric skeletal material seems to be north-European in osteological sense, was associated with light pigmentation"


"With regard to the Ahetsev, we can say that it seems there is no reason to suspect the presence of the North-European component"


"In the composition of the population of the Bronze Age, we generally find the same anthropological types as in the modern population, only with another percentage ratio of representatives of certain types. We cannot talk about mixing with the Northern Race "

K. Kun, L. Angene, Baker and, Later, Aris Pulianos adhered to the opinion that the Indo-European language was brought to Greece along with the ancient tribes of Central Europe, which included, as an integral element, to the Dorian and Ionian tribes that assimilated the local pelasgic population.

Indications on this fact we can find an ancient author Paramemon (who lived in the Adrian era):

"Those who managed to preserve the Hellenic and Ionian race in all its purity (!) - Men are pretty tall, widespread, statist, okay, and pretty late-skinned. They do not quite bright hair (that is, light-chestnut or blond), relatively soft and slightly wavy. Persons wide, cheese, lips are thin, the nose is straight and shiny, full of fire, eyes. Yes, the eyes of the Greeks are the most beautiful in the world. "

Data features: strong physique, medium or high height, mixed hair pigmentation, wide cheesefaces indicate the Central European element. Similar data can be found and bullying, according to the results of the studies of which the Central European Alpine type in some regions of Greece has a specific weight of 25-30%. Puliasov explored 3,000 people from various regions of Greece, among which the most light pigmented is Macedonia, but at the same time, the cefial index is 83.3, i.e. An order of magnitude higher than in all other regions of Greece. In Northern Greece, Pulianos allocates Western Paulone-based (Seversopin) type, it is the most light-free, is sub-brachycephalus, but, at the same time, it coincides with the Elaladic anthropological group (centrultural and southern-hydrical type).

As a more or less visual example western Ascedonian Complex Damn - Bulgaria-speaking Macedonets:

Interesting is the example of blonde characters from Pella (Macedonia)

In this case, the heroes are depicted by chillers, pale (as opposed to ordinary mortals, workers under the scoring sun?), Very tall, with a straight line of the profile.

In comparison with them - Image hipspic detachment from Macedonia:

In the image of heroes, we see the sacralism of their image and the features, the most distinctly different from "simple mortals", the embodiment of which are the warriors-hypospists.

If we talk about the works of painting, then the relevance of their comparison with living people is doubtful, as the creation of realistic portraits begins only with 5-4 V. BC. - The image of the features found relatively rarely dominate the image (absolutely straight line of the profile, heavy chin with a soft circuit, etc.).

However, the combination of these features is not fantastic, but an ideal, the models for the creation of which were few. Some parallels for comparison:

In 4-3 centuries. realistic images People begin to acquire widespread - some examples:

Alexander the Great (+ Estimated reconstruction of the appearance)

Alkivad / Fucidide / Herodot

On the sculptures of the Epoch of Philip Argeada, the conquests of Alexander and in the Hellenistic period, which are characterized higher than in early periods, realistic, dominates atlanto Mediterranean ("Basic White" in the terminology of Endzhel) type. This is possible anthropological pattern, and possibly the coincidence or a new ideal, under which the features of depicted personalities were suppressed.

Atlanto Mediterranean OptionCharacteristic of the Balkan Peninsula:

Modern Greeks of Atlanto Mediterranean Type:

Based on the data to K. Kun, the Atlanto-Mediterranean substrate is largely present in Greece everywhere, and is also a basic element for the populations of Bulgaria and Crete. Angel also positions this anthropological element as one of the most prevailing Greece in the population, both throughout history (see table) and in modern era.

Antique sculptural images displaying the features of the above type:

The same features are clearly noticeable to the sculptures of the images of Alkiviad, Selevka, Herodotus, Fukidid, Antioch and other representatives of the classical era.

As mentioned above, this element domains and among population of Bulgaria:

2) Tomb in Kazanyk (Bulgaria)

Here are noticeable to the same features as on previous paintings.

Thracian type by Aris Pulia:

"Of all the types of the southeastern branch of the Europeanid race thracian type The most mesochepal and narrowish. The nose backrest profile is straight or convex (women often concave). Nose tip position horizontal or raised. The slope of the forehead is almost straight. The speech of the wings of the nose and the skin of the lips is medium. In addition to Frace and East Macedonia, the Thracian type is distributed in Turkish Frakia, in the West of Malaya Asia, partly among the population of the Aegean Islands and, apparently, in the north, in Bulgaria (in the southern and eastern regions). The closer to all this type costs to the central, especially to his Fessealian option. It can be opposed to both Epiro and the front -hasional types, and called the South-Western ... "

And Greece (with the exception of Epira and the Aegean Archipelago), as the localization zone of the civilization center of the classical Allenian civilization, and Bulgaria, with the exception of the Northwestern regions, as the ethnic core of the Ancient-Defraki community), are relatively tall, dark, mesocephalous, high-headed populations, whose The specificity is placed in the framework of the Western-Defaway Race (see Alekseeva).

Map of peaceful Greek colonization of 7-6 centuries. BC.

During the expansion of 7-6 centuries. BC. Greek colonists, leaving the overpole policies of Ellala, brought the grain of classical Greek civilization is hardly at all parts of the Mediterranean: Small Asia, Cyprus, South Italy, Sicily, Chernomorsk Coast Balkans and Crimea, as well as the appearance of few policies in Western Mediterranean (Massily, Emporia, and T .d.).

In addition to the cultural element, Hellen brought there and the "grain" of their race - the genetic component dedicated Cavalli Sforza and associated with the zones of the most intensive colonization:

This element is noticeable and clustering of the population of Southeastern Europe on Y-DNA markers:

Concentration of various Y-DNA markers in the population of modern Greece:

Greeks n \u003d 91

15/91 16.5% V13 E1B1B1A2
1/91 1.1% v22 E1B1B1A3
2/91 2.2% M521 E1B1B1A5
2/91 2.2% M123 E1B1B1C

2/91 2.2% P15 (XM406) G2A *
1/91 1.1% M406 G2A3C

2/91 2.2% M253 (XM21, M227, M507) i1 *
1/91 1.1% M438 (XP37.2, M223) i2 *
6/91 6.6% M423 (XM359) i2A1 *

2/91 2.2% M267 (XM365, M367, M368, M369) J1 *

3/91 3.2% M410 (XM47, M67, M68, DYS445 \u003d 6) J2A *
4/91 4.4% M67 (XM92) J2A1B *
3/91 3.2% M92 J2A1B1
1/91 1.1% DYS445 \u003d 6 J2A1K
2/91 2.2% M102 (XM241) J2B *
4/91 4.4% M241 (XM280) J2B2
2/91 2.2% M280 J2B2B

1/91 1.1% M317 L2

15/91 16.5% M17 R1A1 *

2/91 2.2% P25 (XM269) R1B1 *
16/91 17.6% M269 R1B1B2

4/91 4.4% M70 T

The following writes Paul Form:

"For several years, a group of scientists from Athens - V. Baloaras, N. Konstantangis, M. Paidusis, X. Sbarunis and Aris Pulianos, - studying the blood groups of young conscripts of the Greek army and the composition of the bones burned at the end of the Myckene era, came to a double conclusion about The fact that the pool of the Aegean Sea demonstrates the striking uniformity in the ratio of blood groups, and few exceptions fixed, say, in the White Mountains of Crete and in Macedonia, find compliance with the Ingush and other peoples of the Caucasus (while throughout Greece, the blood group "in "It approaches 18%, and the group" O "with small oscillations - to 63%, here they are noted much less often, and the latter sometimes drops to 23%). This is a consequence of ancient migrations inside stable and still prevailing Mediterranean type in Greece "

Y-DNA markers in the population of modern Greece:

mT-DNA markers in the population of modern Greece:

Autosomal markers in the population of modern Greece:

As a conclusion

It is worth making several conclusions:

Firstly, Classical Greek civilization formed in 8-7 centuries. BC. Involved a variety of ethno-civilizational elements: Minoan, Mygen, Anatolian, as well as the influence of North-Balkan (Ahasey and Ionian) elements. The genesis of the civilization core of classical civilization is a combination of the consolidation processes of the above elements, as well as their further evolution.

Secondly, the molenetic and ethnic core of classical civilization was formed as a result of consolidation and homogenization of various elements: Aegean, Minoan, North-Galucan and Anatolian. Among which the authonic eastern-intentional element was dominant. The Ellen's "kernel" was formed as a result of complex interaction processes between the above elements.

ThirdlyIn contrast to the "Romans", which were essentially a politicalonium ("Roman \u003d Citizen Rome"), Ellinas have formed a unique ethnic group, which has retained related relationships with the ancient Thracian and low-ancient population, but has become a centering basis for a completely new civilization. Based on the data to K. Kun, L. Endzhela and A. Pulianos, between modern and ancient Ellities there is a line of anthropological continuity and "racial continuity", which manifests itself in comparison between populations as a whole, as well as in comparison between specific micro elements.

FourthDespite the fact that many people have an opposition opinion, the classic Greek civilization has become one of the bases for Roman civilization (along with the Etruscan component), in part predetermining the further genesis of the Western world.

FifthIn addition to the impact on Western Europe, the era of the campaigns of Alexander and War Diarathov was able to give the beginning of a new Hellenistic world, in which various Greek and oriental elements were closely intertwined. It was the Hellenistic world that became fertile soil for the emergence of Christianity, its further distribution, as well as the emergence of the East Roman Christian civilization.

Asthenic buildings, as a rule, with a high face, black or predominantly dark hair and eyes of a almond-shaped cut, more or less dark skin, abundant growth of beard, long and narrow nose with a straight back, thicker than the northern European lips and dolichochefalia. Among this race, many varieties are distinguished, the Eastern European variety of the Mediterranean race is called the Pontic Race.


Atlanto Mediterranean Race

Stands out by many anthropologists. This is a tall, narrowiest Mediterranean. The Atlanto Mediterranean Race is distributed in all southwestern Europe, in particular, in Portugal, Northern Italy and Southern France.

Differences from the graceful Mediterranean type:

  • A narrower face.
  • High growth.
  • Extension of the head pointer - Dolikhetiaphalia.

see also



  • Mediterranean Race // Big Soviet Encyclopedia: [In 30 tons] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
Alpine type

Alpine Race is a small race (anthropological type) in the composition of the European Dream. Highlighted at the end of the XIX century. French anthropologist and sociologist George Liped (like Homo Alpinus). In the future, it was stably allocated by anthropologists: W. Ripley, M. Grant, L. Stodardd, J. Montadon, Ya. Chekanovsky, K. Kun used this particular term "Western European", E. Aikstedt - "Alpinids ", Günther -" Eastern ", B. Lundman - West Alpine. In later years after the transition of anthropologists to the population approach, the name "Alpine Race" was used only episodically. Alpine type can be considered as the branch of the Balkano-Caucasian race.

Eastern climbers got the name of the ruling (B. Lundman) or Carpathides (V.V. Bunak).

Americanoid race

American-shaped race - Race, common in North and South America. Americanoids are characterized by straight black hair, weak hair growth on the face and body, dark skin, medium-dearned straight, and sometimes "eagle" nose. Black eyes, with small eyelashes, wider than the Asian Mongoloids. Epicatus is relatively rare in adults, although quite frequent in children. Person with significant spelling cheekbones. The growth of americanoids is different.

Anthropological types of the Coretheyoid race

The anthropological types of the Court of Europeoid race are the product of the classification of a large quantity race for smaller categories. Depending on the principles of classification and the availability of relevant data, various researchers proposed various options.


Borburi (dates. Borreby - Borcuy) is an anthropological type of a European-like race, characterized by depigmentation, hyperstatencomb, middle growth, brachiekafali, a wide face. Phenotypically close to the East Baltic race.

Borburya has a significant similarity with the Brynnian type, and some anthropologists unite them into the single type of Borburi / Brynn.

East Baltic Type

The East Baltic Race is a small race (anthropological type) of a large european race, isolated by some anthropologists of the first half of the XX century. Later, the East Baltic type was sometimes allocated by supporters of the population classification of races.


Gord (English Gorids) is the anthropological type of the European-like race, highlighted by the Swedish anthropologist Bertil Lundman. In his classification, this is the eastern branch of the Alpine race. From the Western species of the Alpine race is characterized by a wider section of the eye, more sharp features of the face and often brighter pigmentation.

Dinar Type

Dinar Race is a small race (anthropological type) of the Coresoid race. Total name in honor of the Dinar Alps. The term was introduced at the beginning of the XX century. French anthropologist I. Deniker, who also used the name "Adriatic Race". In the first half of the XX century. Highlighting many anthropologists. In population classifications as the name of the population group is not used, but the dinar type can be viewed as part of the Balkano-Caucasian race.

Caucasoid Race

Caucasoid Race (also called Eurasian or Caucasoid) - Race, distributed to the era of great geographical discoveries in Europe, Front Asia, North Africa, partly in Central Asia and North and Central India; Later - on all populated continents. Especially widespread the European appeals settled in North America and South America, in South Africa and Australia. It is the most numerous race on earth (about 40% of the world's population).

Indo Mediterranean Race

Indo-Mediterranean Race is a small race as part of a large Caucasian race. It is common along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and on the east through the front Asia to Northern India.


Cordidis (eng. Corded) - anthropological type, which was allegedly characteristic of tribes of culture of cord ceramics. Described by K. Kun. Type is considered as the local version of a large Mediterranean race. The estimated source of distribution is the Ranneolytic cultures of the Northern Black Sea region.

Ladoga type

Ladoga type (eng. Ladogan Racial Type) - anthropological type of the European-like race. The term was introduced by American anthropologist K. Kun (1939), also used by American Racist R. Maccalkom. Other [who?] Anthropologists did not stand out.


Mehto (Fr. Mechtoides), or Aphtow-Mehtoid Race, Race Mehta-Aphal, Epipalolytic, Ibero-Mauritanian (Eng. Mechta-afalou) - Prehistoric subproduction of the Coretreyoid race, in the era of late Paleolithic and Mesolitis inhabited in North Africa (Ibero-Mauritan Culture). The type of meht is sometimes called the African Creemone.

They differed relatively thin and muscular build, wide shoulders, developed tertiary hair, wide direct forehead, dolo-or mezzanine, large and sharp features of the face (massive and wide lower jaw, straight and protruding combo arcs, deeply "planted" eyes, small In some cases, the bonds distinguished by the square chin), in some cases had the features of the structure of the backbone - on some turtles of the head, it is quite strong and in shape resembles Neanderthal "Shignon". In the structure of the nose, the large size and highly protruding nose combined with a small nasal thickness and subtle nostrils. The intensity of pigmentation of hair, eye and skin as a whole occupied an intermediate position between the modern Central and South European population.

The skeletons from the burial grounds of Taforalt (Morocco, 11.9-13.9 thousand tn), Apalu-bu-Rummel (Algeria, 11.5-13.1 thousand tons, served as skeletons. ) And Mecsta-El Arbi (Algeria, 7.5-10 thousand tn), later the similarity was discovered with many other finds. The area is limited to Magreb and North-Western sugar.

It is possible that the type of meht arose in the west of Africa, since the number of skeletons belonging to it increases in North Africa towards the Atlantic Ocean. Signating his capsiysk culture was partially created by the same people, as an example is Mekta-El Arbi, but an opinion was expressed that, at the beginning of Golocene, another type of people appears in Maghribor, the protozedishenic, invading the east and the printed capsus culture. The type of meht-affalum is distinguished from more graceful mehth. In the middle of the Golochene, traces of the type of meht are gradually smoothed by moving into a mehoid version.

According to one of the hypotheses, Mehto migrated to the territory of Africa from the territory of the Iberian (Pyrenean) peninsula in the era of the last glaciation. It remains the subject of discussion the time of this resettlement, and therefore, it is belonging to the mehtods of atheric culture, which is chronologically and geographically preceded by Ibero-Mauritanian. The presence of mehtoids is witnessed in the west of North Africa in the era of Maghreb Neolithic.

Mehto is assimilated in the era of Neolithic - early bronze century by the carriers of Afrazian languages \u200b\u200b(Mediterranean Race). Representatives of the mertoid race were ancestors (together with Berbers) Guangchors - residents of the Canary Islands, extinct after the arrival of Spaniards near the XVI-XVII centuries. e. from diseases included by Europeans.

Apparently, the type of meht became the basis of the modern cabin population of North-West Africa, for their main characteristics are similar, with the amendment that modern cabins are mesocrane and much graceful than people of epipaleolitis.

Nonodunai type

Neo-Danubian type (eng. Neo-Danubian) is an anthropological type of the European-like race, allocated by the American anthropologist K. Kun, characterized by mesocephalus or brachicephalia. According to Kun, is one of the types of Ladoga type with a strong admixture of an ancient Danube type. It is distributed mainly in Eastern Europe among Finno-Ugric and Slavic peoples.

The term is also used by R. Maccalkom, he did not stand out by other anthropologists. This type of Famous Polish Anthropologist Chekanovsky called Vervyansky, and in Soviet anthropology, the nearest analogue is the Central Story-European Race.

Nordic Race

Nordic race (also Nordian Race, North Race; it. Nordische Raße, English. Nordic Race) is a small race (anthropological type) as part of a large european race of a person. The term was used by ideologists of racism, in particular in "Nordic theory". In Soviet anthropology, the term was almost not used because of its geographical uncertainty. Distributed in Northern Europe (Finnov, Swedes, Norwegians, Germans of the North-West Germany, Dutch, British, Western Estonians, Latvians), as well as Russians (mostly North-West Russia), North Karel, Erzy and Komi.

Pontic subtype

Pontic Race is a subspecies of the European-like race, common among the population of the Black Sea region. Described by V. V. Bunac in 1932. Sometimes the Pontic Rasa is brought together with the Caucusian, but noted by representatives of the first narrowing person. They have a number of similarities with the Caspian subtype of the Mediterranean race. Like representatives of the Caspian type, Pontidov also belong to the Mediterranean race, but for a number of indicators the Pontic subtype has much more differences with the Mediterranean race, rather than the Caspian type.


Tongids are a kind of mongoloids, called the Soviet anthropology of the North Asian race or the continental group of the Mongoloids. Completed in Siberia and Mongolia. Tongids are often opposed to the Far Eastern Small Rase in the framework of a large mongoloid race and differ from it are wider and slightly higher, stronger than flattened face, lower rising, thin lips, orthoganatism, hyperstatencomb, greater frequency of epicatus, brighter skin, hair and eyes, Very low and wide skull, very weak hair growth on the body and face. Richard McKalkow attributed to the tongids of Eskimos, however, Eskimos, as a rule, refer to another branch of the Mongoloids, the Arctic Small race.

False type

Falssland Race - the name of a small race (anthropological type) as a small race (anthropological type) as part of the European-like race as proposed by the creator of racial theory. It is allocated only in typological racial classifications.

Neolithic Europe is primarily a period of the Mediterranean race in one form or another. Obviously, it was the Mediterranean that moved to the producing economy somewhere outside Europe and invaded the territory of collectors.

These Mediterraneans, although quite homogeneous in some respect, can still be divided into subgroups geographically and typologically based on several traits. Before you continue our geographically-historical reconstruction, it will not hurt to determine the term "Mediterranean Race" to compare it with other races meets us and determine its main types.

Under the Mediterranean race - only in the sense of skeletal types - we mean the family of closely related racial types, which have the following features: long head, orthogance, meso or leptoring, narrow face, middle size head. They originated from the generalized type of Galley Hill and are related to samples from Comb-Drops and Apal No. 28. In this sense, the Mediterranean Race is the name that we propose to denote one of the two main racial elements related to the development of European-like peoples. This element does not have a neaanderthal heritage. It differs in some respects from the Grand Upper Paleolithic Group of Europe and North Africa, as shown on page 100.

The Mediterranean racial family is the same "white" (europeoid) in a broad sense, like a top-pressurelyolithic family. Its main differences from the last one: a smaller brain size, the average body size and the absence of excessive specialization characterizing the Northern Group. Apparently, the Mediterranean group occurs only from Homo Sapiens., without Neanderthal or any other impurity.

Before the Neolithic, the main groups of the Mediterranean family have already existed. Probably, some Mediterranean possessed light skin, and others were dark; It is also possible that the differences in the color of hair and eyes, according to which today the modern varieties of the Mediterranean are so very different, by that time there were already.

We cannot confidently talk about the nordic type until we meet the light skin color. Also, it is impossible to make reasonable assumptions until we find a certificate of their presence in writing sources and images. Consequently, we should not allow differences in pigmentation and soft tissues to interfere with our understanding of the morphological unity of the Mediterranean race.

It can be demonstrated that the Sumerians who lived more than five thousand years ago in Mesopotamia are almost identical on the shape of a skull and the face of modern British and that Egypt's skulls of a dotted era can be compared with London skulls from the plague cemetery of the XVII century. And with turtles from neolithic graves in Switzerland. Modern dolikhacephali with white and dark skin is very similar in shape of the head and face. Nordic race in a simple sense is simply a Phase phase of Mediterranean.

Based on the material considered in this chapter, we can allocate the following types of a generalized Mediterranean group or a group of Gallea Hill:


1. Large brain box size.

2. The average skull length is about 198 mm in men.

3. The height of the arch is different, usually moderate.

4. Various shape of the head. In some cases, local averages are 70-72, in others - 74-75.

5. Strong tendency to brachicephalia, expressed in some local branches.

6. Fat cranial arch, strong muscular markers.

7. Strongly pronounced abnormal arcs and the development of logs on the back of the head.

8. Face length is different, often small.

9. Very wide face, zoom diameter more than 140 mm in men. Bile arcs are very curved.

10. Orbits are very wide and low.

11. Large distance between orbits.

12. protruding nasal bones.

13. The tray segment of the face is relatively large.

14. Thick, heavy lower jaw, with a large symphimity height, wide two-dimensional and bigonial transverse diameters; Speaker, often bilateral chin.

15. Rising is different, but mostly high, on average about 172 cm.

16. The physique is usually strong, very wide shoulders, bulk chest, big hands and legs.


1. The brain size is different, but usually moderate.

2. The average skull length of 183-193 mm in men.

3. The absolute height of the arch has the same range or above in absolute terms, but usually more than other diameters. In the Mediterranean-Galle Hill group, the differences in the altitude of the arch service serve to diagnose a race or a subrace.

5. The tendency to brachicephalia before the arrival of Neolithic in the territories studied is not expressed.

6. Vault from average to thin, muscular relief on the arch is usually poorly expressed.

7. Abnormal arcs and output lines are diverse, from medium to weak.

8. The same, but there are some very long-haired exceptions.

9. The face is usually narrow, usually 127-133 mm, the bile arcs are weak and compressed from the sides.

10. Orbits of moderate proportions.

11. A small distance between orbits.

12. Nasal bones perform in some types, but not all.

13. The tray segment of the face is relatively small.

14. Lower jaw different; Usually lightweight, with a small symphimity height, and narrow both in two-dimensional and in bigonial transverse diameters. The chin is moderate or pointed. However, in some types of lower jaw approaches the upperopelyolithic type in height, but not in width.

15. Rising is different, but mostly low, on average from 159 to 172 cm.

16. The physique is usually elongated, hands and legs less, weight, perhaps less.

1. Actually Mediterranean type(Below this type is called simply Mediterranean). Low growth, about 160 cm; The average length of the skull 183-187 mm in men, the average height of the arch 132-137 mm, the average values \u200b\u200bof the cranial pointer 73-75, the development of the abnormal arcs and the bones of a weak, short face, nose from leptorized to mesonian. This type has already met in Portugal and Palestine in Late Mesolite. It is a prefabricated or undifferentiated mediterranean form for sexual sign and often carries an easy-toothed tendency.

2. Danube Type. The same in size and structure of the body, the length of the skull and the cranial pointer are the same; In some cases, the pointer reaches 80. The height of the arch is greater than the width, the average value of 137-140 mm. Nose from mesonian to charmeric.

3. Megalithic type. High growth, on average 167-171 cm, slender addition; The length of the skull is more than 190 mm, the average value of the cranial pointer is 68-72 mm, the individual range is up to 78; The arch moderate is height - the height is less than the width; The forehead is moderately sloping, the surveillance arcs are often developed moderately, the muscular marks are stronger, the base of the skull is wider, the face from the middle to the long, the nose is leptoroic, the lower jaw is often deep and moderately wide. Elementians from East Africa are separate and extreme shape of this type. It is a gerontomorphic or differentiated in the form of a form of the Mediterranean race or Gallea Hill race, and according to the characteristics of the skull, he is closer to the type of gallium-hill, than any other branch.

4. Type of cord ceramics. High growth, an average of 167-174 cm, elongated, but strong addition - perhaps heavily than in a megalithic type; Extreme long head, length is an average of 194 mm. The high height of the arch, on average, more than 140 mm exceeding the width; Abrasion arcs and muscle marks from medium to strong; very long face, from a small to moderate width; Lower jaw deep with marked chin, but narrow due to jaw corners. The nose is leptoroic, often speaking. This type in Western and Northern Europe in some respects is approaching the upper-paralyolithic type with which it is mixed.

5. Other forms. Includes mixtures of these four, along with others, which are also intermediate, but may not be undifferentiated by ancestors. Late "Nordic" forms are intermediate. In Malaya Asia and Iranian-Afghan plateau, there are forms marked with strong speech and convexity of nasal bones and lack of deepening in the field of transfer. Since these features were found in individuals of various sizes and proportions, as well as brachicephonic races in the neighborhood, it seems that they represent some local genetic trend, and they cannot be considered as an exclusive property of this race. However, you can call a small variety found in Malaya Asia, cappadocian, and a large form, more frequent east and metrically close to the type of ceramics, may be called afghan.

The names allocated above, these racial divisions are chosen to avoid clear references to modern races, as they are based only on skeletal material. Mediterranean typeit is an exception - it is so well known and firmly installed that it cannot be changed. In this case, we can be confident in the character of soft tissues due to the accuracy of realistic portraits in Egypt, in Crete and in Mesopotamia, as well as mummification.

The names of the "Danube", "Megalithic" and "cord" are consciously taken from archeology, for, as will be shown, during Neolithic and even later, the designated types are closely related to the cultural communities with which they are identified.

I hope that the use of these names will eliminate the need for detailed descriptions to the end of this chapter.
