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Often looking for tutors:

French Tutors

Moscow, Serpukhovskaya

Age 21

Experience 4 years

Service price from 1500 rubles / 45 minutes

I am an experienced tutor in english language... I am fluent in spoken and written English (C1), plus spoken French. I can find a common language with any student. Prepare successfully ... I am an experienced English tutor. I am fluent in spoken and written English (C1), plus spoken French. I can find a common language with any student. She successfully prepared students for such exams as OGE, USE, VLF, FCE thanks to an individual approach. In my work I use various methods to achieve more effective learning. She completed an internship at the University of London. to uncover...

CV with 2020

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CV with 2020

CV with 2020

CV with 2020

CV with 2020

CV with 2020

CV with 2020

CV with 2020

CV with 2020

Moscow, Rokossovsky Boulevard

Age 21

6 years experience

Finding professional private French tutors in Moscow has become easier with our resource. Here you can find information about the best teachers in the capital.

Teaching requirements

For successful study foreign languages you need to choose the right teacher. The main parameters for choosing a professional teacher:
  • service cost;
  • teaching experience;
  • level of knowledge and prestige of education.
If we are talking about preparing a student for the Unified State Exam or State Exam, then the teacher must also know the program. A university like Moscow State University (Moscow state University) requires the highest possible score from applicants, therefore, the teacher must have the appropriate experience in preparing the child for the exams.

Pros of learning French with a private teacher

Self-study of languages \u200b\u200bdoes not provide the same efficiency as working with a professional teacher. Learning without the help of experienced teachers requires a high level of organization. Only systematic studies will provide the necessary knowledge base. Individual lessons allow you to develop the correct pronunciation, learn to communicate freely and conduct a dialogue. An educator who has completed an internship or has lived in France knows the subtle nuances of speech. A professional teacher fills in knowledge gaps that the public school does not provide. The teaching methodology varies depending on age and an individual approach is practiced for each student. Lesson structure varies depending on the level of training and the age of the student. Some teachers undertake to teach children even from three years old.

Forms of education and pricing

Language teaching falls into two main categories: individual and group teaching. Personal meetings with a student can take place with a teacher's visit to the home or at the customer's home. Group lessons are held in a rented or purchased class specifically for these purposes. Remote language learning takes place using various communicator programs such as Skype. The cost of training varies depending on the qualifications of the teacher and the level of knowledge of the student. The first year of classes and the spoken language are cheaper, the subsequent years, as well as highly specialized language options (medical, technical), will cost more. They require in-depth knowledge from the teacher himself. Even third-fourth-year students of the Faculty of Philology can deal with young children. Individual lessons are paid in rubles per hour of classes or in advance for a certain amount. In parallel with the study of the French language, the tutor can improve the child and Russian or offer an adult translation services. Such additional services are paid separately.
French 2475 R / 45 min.
DELF 3300 R / 45 min.
Conversational French 2475 R / 45 min.
3300 R / 45 min.
Remotely (Skype) 2475 R / 45 min.
Lesson 45 min. 2500 R / 45 min.
Lesson 90 min. 2500 R / 45 min.
all things

Education and experience

Tutoring activity - since 2003.


I am very pleased with my choice: Seda very clearly defined where to start (I already studied French), and selected very good teaching materials. For me, as a working person, such classes on Skype are very convenient, plus I also memorize the material very well in such small portions.

I liked the teacher, we are still studying. I had a certain base, I wanted to go to a higher level. We were engaged in pronunciation, grammar, and listening. The results depend on me, I often do not manage to attend as it should. I cannot say that the result is wonderful, but it is there. The teacher fully provides educational material. Everything went well with communication, no complaints.

The goal is to learn spoken French, we are at the beginning of the journey. Presenting the material in an accessible form in a friendly manner, provides handouts for the lesson. The hours spent with Seda Vladimirovna fly by quickly and excitingly.

Everything is super. We are still working with the teacher, we are working. The teacher explains the material in an accessible and understandable way, very well. During the classes, my level of French has improved a lot. The teacher has his own material from different textbooks, his own methodology. The teacher is attentive, calm, polite.

French 1250 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam in French 1250 R / 45 min.
OGE in French 1250 R / 45 min.
Remotely (Skype) 1000 R / 45 min.
Paired with 1500 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam 1250 R / 45 min.
OGE 1250 R / 45 min.
Departure 1500 R / 45 min.
all things

Education and experience

Faculty of Geography, specialty - foreign language (French) (2009)

Faculty of Philology, Master of Philological Education (2013).

Tutoring experience ... activities - since 2005.



All perfectly. We learn the language for ourselves. The tutor provides the necessary materials. While we are strengthening the basic level, but we are moving towards a specific goal - we are planning to move to France ... after few years. The child likes everything, we involve her in internships, courses. The teacher is very motivated, and this makes me happy. In terms of communication, she is a very pleasant person, at the same time quite strict, without unnecessary emotions. Everything is in moderation: somewhere she can laugh, somewhere she can scold.

I liked studying with her, she is a good teacher. She explained very well. The teaching method suited me. Psychological contact was established immediately. We did a little work with her, just a few classes, but then I didn't need classes. I needed to clarify some points for speaking the language, to correct something - and I got what I planned from the classes.

Cons: No

Description: We took a tutor to prepare for the OGE in grade 9! (There were three months to prepare). Before that, the level of the language was intermediate, and now it has become much better, thanks to Natalya Alekseevna's clear explanation of all the rules and methods, which makes it easy to understand tongue. Natalya Alekseevna is fluent in French and clearly expresses her knowledge.

So, the OGE passed for 5 and almost without errors, also thanks to the support of Natalya Alekseevna.

Pros: We liked everything. Natalia is fluent in the language, and most importantly, she can transfer her knowledge to the student. She explains perfectly, is always in touch and ready to help.

Description: My daughter was finishing 9th grade and was taking a second foreign language - French. In an emergency, in a couple of months we had to improve our grammar and spoken language very strongly. We tried to get 4 at best. As a result, the daughter got 5 for the exam. A huge share of this excellent result belongs to Natalia, who in a few months not only gave Leia her excellent knowledge of the French language, but was able to structure and put things in order in her knowledge

For three weeks Natalya Alekseevna was able to help master the university material in, no less than an annual volume. Natalia is a highly qualified specialist. I am extremely pleased with the cooperation, the first fruits of the joint work were immediately visible.

Hello! With great pleasure I will share my impressions of my tutor Natalya Basova. I think that I was very lucky with the teacher, because I study with great pleasure. Of course, my personal achievements cannot be called brilliant, since, unfortunately, I cannot devote as much time to my studies as I would like. But Natalia, in my opinion, is a very qualified teacher, patient, moderately strict. And, importantly, he clearly enjoys studying with his students. I really hope that in the end we will succeed and of course I will recommend Natalia to my friends and acquaintances. And on a five-point scale, I would give her a solid five.

The teacher perfectly adapted to my capabilities and needs. French lessons are informative and exciting. The learning process is active, there is progress. She herself selects the material for the lessons, there are printouts, a textbook, listening. We work both in writing and orally. It fits in a complex way, from different sides. I learn the language almost from scratch, the tutor tries to talk to me a lot. Natalya Alekseevna has a lot of handouts, if there is no opportunity to buy, she provides printouts. I really like to study.

Natalia is an excellent specialist! We are learning the language because we have moved to live abroad! Lessons are on Skype in one go!

History 1500 R / 45 min.
USE in history 1500 R / 45 min.
OGE in history 1500 R / 45 min.
Social Studies 1500 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam in Social Studies 1500 R / 45 min.
OGE in social studies 1500 R / 45 min.
French 1500 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam in French 1500 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam 1500 R / 45 min.
OGE 1500 R / 45 min.
Lesson 90 min. 1500 R / 45 min.
Lesson 120 min. 1500 R / 45 min.
all things

Education and experience

Teaching experience - over 20 years (teacher-methodologist of a non-state school).

Tutoring activity - over 30 years.


Elena Ivanovna is a qualified specialist who is fluent in her subject and responsibly approaching work. Preparing for the exam in Russian history. The classes were interesting and capacious with the involvement of additional examples from world history, I studied with pleasure. In the classroom, there was a collected, friendly atmosphere. I passed the exam with 85 points.

Social studies teacher teaches interestingly, the child is delighted at home retells. The woman is friendly, cheerful, pleasant, we really like it, we advise)

Classes are going well. I come, we start our lesson by going through a new topic, then I teach it, do its assignments at home, then there will be some kind of test for knowledge of terminology and certain concepts. I think she has a tremendous learning experience because she explains the material so easily, as if not for the first time. She also always has her workbooks with her, in which there are her notes. Apparently, manual work, it is clear that a person is preparing for lessons.

Very satisfied. Thank. I was present at the first lesson, I liked everything. The teacher has a good approach to the child, competent speech, has all the necessary textbooks and manuals. It is interesting for Katya to study, she is preparing for the exam. So far, all tests and tests in social studies at school are written only for positive grades.

I can say very briefly: we liked the teacher. She is good at conveying the material, explaining everything in detail and clearly. Andrey passed the Unified State Exam in Social Studies with 94 points. We are glad.

The most important thing is that the child was engaged with great pleasure. Thanks to the work of the teacher and her desire to get a good grade, the daughter successfully passed the social studies exam, there was only one point short of five. The teacher competently conducted the classes, she immediately identified all the gaps, and, taking into account all the nuances, selected a training program.

Daria is a good student, but her daughter decided to prepare for the USE in history and social studies with a tutor. She likes everything - both teaching and communication with the teacher. She passed the mock exams. She also came in handy with the knowledge gained from the tutor.


The first lesson is for schoolchildren who are looking for a teacher for classes from September, after a month, etc. The free lesson is on Skype, duration is 20 minutes. 10% discount on French lessons in the morning from 10:00 to 12:00.

all things

Education and experience

Tutoring experience - since 2011.


Alena really helps to start speaking a foreign language. I like our lessons. Alena is always punctual. In the classroom, we use not only textbook material, but also various videos ... materials that make classes more interesting and varied. But self-training has not been canceled. Alena is always demanding to do her homework. Without it, nowhere.

Pros: answers all questions, is very patient, punctual

I liked the teacher. But, to be honest, the lessons were not very interesting. We studied using the textbook and the teacher's book. There was no variety. I am an adult, not a schoolgirl, and I wanted to get the maximum result in the shortest possible time, and the teacher tried to study phonetics in detail. I don't know how to learn French, but we studied for six months, and I did not see much results. I would like more creativity, maybe a different methodology, not according to the school curriculum. The teacher is punctual and tactful. Everything else was fine.

Pros: Super teacher! Explains everything in an accessible language, each lesson is structured and it feels like the teacher is preparing for it, and not just sitting out with the student for an hour or two. She is very responsible and executive, makes concessions if it is necessary to postpone the lesson to another time.

Cons: No minuses come to mind. I like everything.

Description: A very good teacher. Classes are not stressful and not boring, during the lesson we have time to check our homework and read and go through something new. After that, there is no desire to quit everything and never open the textbook again. It is felt that the teacher himself is interested and that he is preparing for each lesson.

I have been studying with this tutor since the end of August and I have been working with her normally. I'm comfortable with her. She is a good teacher. There is a dynamic: I understand the texts, I can speak partially. We first took a phonetic course with her, first we learned the alphabet and learned to read, because French is a difficult language, so it takes time to learn to read. We took the Alter Ego tutorial, with a listening CD. The teacher is calm, punctual, that is, for example, we began to study with her at a certain time and finished exactly one and a half hours later. The tutor gives homework stably, that is, there is such a consistent assimilation of the material.

I started learning French from scratch. A tutor was needed to "enter" the language, to understand the direction in which one could move on more or less independently. Alena Sergeevna paid attention to the peculiarities of pronunciation, which are often overlooked when studying independently. I liked both the textbook and the additional materials she used in the class. In addition, she is unusually patient, self-possessed, punctual - it is pleasant to deal with Alena Sergeevna. The cost of the lesson was also quite reasonable. I would recommend this teacher both to those who want to "pull up" the child, and to those who, like me, decided to study the language at an almost retirement age.

Pros: I studied French with Alena, the classes were structured and very interesting. We have always used additional materials. Punctually, on schedule. At the same time, I have a very difficult schedule and I could have agreed in advance about the transfer! I advise!

Cons: I didn't find any cons

Everything is fine, we will leave Alena Sergeevna for the next academic year... She gives material in French not only according to the school curriculum, but also extensively, as I asked. My daughter's grades improved by one or two points, her understanding of the subject improved. I see the prospects of my child, she really likes teaching, she studies with a teacher with great interest and loves French. Alena Sergeevna communicates well with children. Both her age and professional skills allow her to work as efficiently as possible. The training takes place at our home, Alena Sergeevna is always there at the appointed time. If there are occasional shifts in the schedule, then we easily agree on them in advance.

French 2500 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam in French 2500 R / 45 min.
OGE in French 2500 R / 45 min.
Business French 2500 R / 45 min.
French literature 2500 R / 45 min.
DELF 2500 R / 45 min.
DALF 2500 R / 45 min.
TCF 2500 R / 45 min.
TEF 2500 R / 45 min.
TEFaQ 2500 R / 45 min.
Olympiads in French 2500 R / 45 min.
Italian language 2500 R / 45 min.
Conversational Italian 2500 R / 45 min.
Paired with 1750 R / 45 min.
Preparation for exams 2500 R / 45 min.
International exams in French 2500 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam 2500 R / 45 min.
OGE 2500 R / 45 min.
DWI 2500 R / 45 min.
Preparation for the Olympiads 2500 R / 45 min.
Country geography 2500 R / 45 min.
Departure 2750 R / 45 min.
all things

Education and experience

Education: postgraduate study at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, 2nd year of study

Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Regional Studies, specialty - linguist-teacher (with honors, 2013).

Experience... teaching - since 2012 (teacher of French at Moscow State University, in foreign language courses).

Tutoring experience - since 2007.



The result is undoubtedly positive and very dynamic!

The cost of services is not inferior to the result obtained. Full and even overdrive, sincerity and complete mutual understanding!

Pros: High-quality methodological support; an understandable and effective lesson plan (not "studying a textbook", but practicing specific skills, grammar rules, lexical topics); friendly and pleasant atmosphere.

Classes are held in the teacher's own premises, near the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (m. Lomonosov prospect).

Cons: Not available

Description: We studied French for about six months, later the classes were interrupted due to my employment.

I was completely satisfied with the lessons: there is a clear methodology for working out grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, aimed at ensuring that there are no gaps in knowledge. Before coming to Lyubov, despite the rather advanced level of the language, there were gaps in some elementary sections of French grammar - they were eliminated, the word usage was brought to automatism.

The teacher bases the classes on a variety of literature (electronic materials). Love is always ready to answer any questions, clarify controversial points. In the classroom, there is always a very pleasant and friendly atmosphere, conducive to effective mastering of the material.

A very talented teacher. The child is very happy.

We like the tutor, the only thing is, it's a little expensive for elementary school. We will study with the teacher until the end of this academic year, and then we will look. In general, we appreciate the work of the tutor at 5 points with pleasure! We like her as a tutor! She works with the child according to the school curriculum, they work for an hour and a half. The effect of training is visible, at least stability is visible, there are no gaps in knowledge. The child immediately liked to study with her, the teacher knows how to find an approach to the student, is calm, balanced.

I have been studying with Lyubov Mikhailovna for almost 2 years now and I am very pleased with our lessons! Always interesting, lively and easy. In the classroom, we touch on various topics, do grammar, practice speaking, listening and much more. Now learning French is a real pleasure!

Love is a real professional. I turned to her for help at an almost zero level, in connection with a trip to study in France. Although studying in English, French is very necessary here in all situations. Lyuba not only pulled me up to the level of the necessary understanding of everyday phrases, but also took the accent necessary for me, that is, practice spoken language, and moreover, she always shared her interests regarding the language and culture itself. I highly recommend this professional to anyone who wants to speak French.

A wonderful teacher, we continue to cooperate with her. My daughter's knowledge of the language is at a decent level, so with a tutor she prepares for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

French 1500 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam in French 1500 R / 45 min.
DELF 1500 R / 45 min.
DALF 1500 R / 45 min.
RCT 1250 R / 45 min.
Remotely (Skype) 1250 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam 1500 R / 45 min.
Departure 1750 R / 45 min.
all things

Education and experience

Education: Moscow State Pedagogical University, faculty of foreign languages, specialty - linguistics (2004).

Teaching experience - 10 years (at Moscow State Pedagogical University).

Tutoring experience - 12 years.


Great, very cool! For a long time I tried to take up French and went through both schools and tutors, and somehow she succeeded. Someone is given, someone is not. In my opinion, it is given for her. We studied according to the usual standard textbook, which is given at the Institute of Foreign Languages, that is, I did not buy any new textbooks. We studied for about a year. Of course, she lived next to me, this is actually 50% of the success. If they ask me where I taught, I always recommend her. I started to learn the language practically from the alphabet, from syllables. By the end of the year, I even explained myself well in France, explaining at the level of how and where to go. I go there often. She is my person, I felt good, comfortable, but over time I have a question, so I stopped going to her. She always met halfway, if I did not succeed with time: we had incidents with transfers and cancellations of classes. It was pleasant for me to study with a person, I walked with pleasure. I am very sorry that there is simply no time now.

This is a great teacher! I worked with her for a long time. It seems to me that three or four months. She helped me. Actually, in grammar I have made quite a lot of progress, I have more or less figured out the pronunciation, taking into account that I am from scratch, that is, as far as possible with French for a Russian person. I would rate the tutor at five. The teacher is very friendly, explains everything in great detail, always carefully checks the homework, that is, it is clear that she is not indifferent to everyone. I had specific requirements, so we followed the same grammar textbook, I didn't need variety, we usually follow the Soviet principle.

Endless thanks to Irina Anatolyevna! For 4 months of preparation for the Unified State Exam in French, bringing the child to a qualitatively new level of language proficiency is the PROFI! And if asked to give an assessment on a 100 point system, then I would give 100.

Pros: Professionalism, flexibility, commitment to results, patience.

Just a nice person to talk to.

Cons: No

Description: Irina is a very empathetic professional teacher. It is always more difficult to work with adults - busyness, lack of time for homework and, most importantly, laziness :)). Irina always feels the mood, the degree of preparedness and is ready to optimize the class time so as not to lose a second from the lesson.

A wonderful teacher. I started working with her not so long ago, but, in my opinion, I have already improved my level of French. Together with the tutor, we draw up a training program that makes them more effective.

Only one lesson was held. The specialist coped with her task by completely translating the resume into French. A friendly person, an extremely competent specialist, her French is at a serious level, it is a pleasure to deal with her.


She is an excellent tutor and teaches very well. He is a very nice person, so I have only pleasant impressions. The goal - to tighten the language to a certain level - was achieved. At the moment, there are enough lessons, if only later I turn to her again. We studied at her home. It was comfortable for me, and everything was done well, her room was equipped for classes. We built the training program together, based on my needs.

Elena Yegorovna speaks so beautifully, and the French language is good in itself, that even I wanted to study it. My daughter had attended courses before. But four months of training there and a little more with a tutor are simply incomparable things. Now the child reads, writes, translates, can speak. We have great pronunciation. My daughter learns French as a second foreign language exclusively for herself, so we are focused on long-term work with Elena Egorovna. Maybe for several years, until we really acquire sufficient skills. Now we already have a large number of versatile textbooks, according to which they study with the teacher. I myself only attended the first lesson. I don't know French at all and have never learned it before, but it seemed to me that at least half of what Elena Yegorovna explained to my daughter, I understood too! An excellent teacher, I very highly appreciate the professional level of Elena Yegorovna. I hope that with her help we will achieve excellent knowledge.

Pros: Undoubtedly the best French tutor.

Cons: No cons.

Description: Elena Yegorovna helped me a lot in learning French. Within a few months after studying with her, my results grew very quickly from zero. She knows how to clearly explain the material (she tries to speak as simply as possible about the complex). I am ready to dwell on an incomprehensible topic and explain it again. I recommend this teacher to those who are ready to work and see the results of their work.

We like the teacher very much, I give him the highest mark. The child understands the material, the grade has improved significantly. We started learning the language from scratch, everything was lame at school. Now my son has begun to understand the lessons, he gets fours on the tests. Tutor helps to master school curriculum... I am happy, and so is the child.

I would like to express my gratitude to Elena Yegorovna! Thanks to her, the child has a solid four, despite the fact that the daughter was ill for almost the entire school year. In between illnesses, when I went to school, I felt confident. We go to Elena Egorovna with pleasure. Next year we will definitely continue our studies.

Elena Egorovna is a wonderful teacher! I applied in the hope of successfully passing the exam, I needed help in a detailed analysis of grammatical topics and preparation for the oral part of the exam. Elena Yegorovna gave me a huge amount of necessary, moreover, additional information as soon as possible. And the oral exam was simply the best in the group! Thank you so much for your help, friendly atmosphere and just for inspiring me to love the wonderful French language again!

Pros: Preparation for each lesson, high qualifications, delicate approach to teaching. Delays are excluded, since classes are held at the teacher's home. Not far from the metro.

Description: Great teacher, old school. Has a special folder with prepared printouts for each student, which surprised me personally. I am an adult and am learning a language from scratch for work. I have been practicing for about a month. Homework is rather big, but tell yourself how to learn the language differently, if you know. If you follow them, then there is good progress. If training under the guidance of E.E. is not going at the speed with which you want, then you are to blame.

English language 1275 R / 45 min.
Unified State Exam in English 1350 R / 45 min.
Spoken English

Tutoring experience ... - since 2008.


Not selected Moscow State University Lomonosov API at IGiP RAS Financial University (formerly GUMF) AGPS EMERCOM of Russia AGZ EMERCOM of Russia AMI RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (ANH under the Government of the Russian Federation, RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation) MIGUP (formerly APU) ATiSO AU MIA RF AFB RFPS ASI ... V.S. Popov AEI AEiU ARBI VA Strategic Missile Forces them. Peter the Great (formerly VA named after Dzerzhinsky) VIU MO RF VUNC VVS VVA them. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (formerly VVIA) VU MO RF (former VPA named after Lenin) VURKHBZ ISV (former VU) VAVT Financial University (former VGNA) VGIK VKSH MEDT VTSh S. Melkonyan VSH GMU VSHP VSHP VSHSO VTU them. Shchepkin TI them. Shchukin (formerly VTU named after Shchukin) VIU GASIS GASK GKA them. Maimonides State. IRYA them. Pushkin State Pedagogical Institute named after Ippolitova-Ivanova RGSAI (formerly GSII) NRU HSE (SU-HSE) GAUGN (formerly GUGN) GUZ GUU GEI GEITI Humanitarian Institute GITR MGPI (now MGPU) YES MFA RF MOIUP Yurinfor IBP (until 2013) IBP . UPS) IBPU RGIS (VSK) IGU MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation IGA IGiMU GUU IGUMO IDK INESNEK IZHLT IITEM IIR IK IKiP ICSI AFSB RF IMBO IMPE them. Griboedova IMTP IMES IMPiPP IME IMEI (world economy and informatization) IPV IPO IPP IRESPiP ISB ISI ISBTiSU ISN ISSO INEKBI IEiK IEP INEP IEKP RAMA IEFP IEPiUR INaK im. L. Tolstoy LI them. Gorky MATI MVSH MIGMT MIM Link MIEP MNEPU MIEPP at MNEPU MSI them. Derzhavin MUM MUI KNOW MTI MAP (international) MGIIT them. Yu.A. Senkevich (formerly MATGR) MAEP MGAVMiB im. K.I. Scriabin (formerly MBA) MGAVT MGUPI MITHT MGAFK (Moscow Sports Academy) MGAH MGK im. Tchaikovsky MGUTU them. K.G. Razumovsky (formerly MGTA, VZIP) University named after O. E. Kutafin (MGLUA) First MGMU named after THEM. Sechenov (former MMA named after Sechenov) Mirbis RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev MFYUA MAI MARHI MBI MVVKU (formerly MVI, MVOKU named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR) MVIREKV MGIU MGPU MGPU MADI MGAU named after Goryachkin Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after Surikov MGVMI RGGRU (MGRI) them. Ordzhonikidze MGGU MGIU MGADA (MGIDA, MIDA) MGIMO (U) MFA of Russia MGIM im. Schnittke MSTU MIREA NUST MISIS MIEM NRU HSE MIET MGLU (formerly Maurice Torez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute) A. I. Evdokimov Moscow State University for the Humanities (formerly MGOPU) them. M. A. Sholokhov Moscow State University Chernomyrdin MGSU NRU (MGSU-MISI) TI MGUDT (formerly MGTU named after Kosygin) MGTUGA MGTU named after N.E. Bauman University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) MSTU Stankin MIIGAiK MGUDT MGUIE (formerly MIKhM) MGUKI MGUL MGUP im. I. Fedorova (formerly MPI) MGUPP MGUPB MGUP (environmental engineering) MGUPS (MIIT) RGUTiS (formerly MGUS) MESI MGHPA im. Stroganov MGEI MGI them. Dashkova NRNU MEPhI MIBD MIBUA MIIIA MGAKHiS (VZISI) MIMSR MIMB at the Higher Air Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation MIP MIPP MIGKU MIU (management) MU them. S.Yu. Witte (formerly MIEMP) MIEPP MKVI branch of SPbGUKiT MNYUI MOSA (formerly MOSU) MSGU (formerly MGPI named after Lenin) MPU MPSU (formerly MPSI) MRIVSEO MTUSI MTI (transport) MosU MVD RF MU Turo MIPT (GU) SPbGUP MF) SPbIVESEP in Moscow MFEI MGTA (formerly MEI) MEFI KNOW MEI NIU MEI (MEI TU) MAHU in memory of 1905 Leningrad State University im. Pushkin in Moscow NIB IPPiP Continent<Евро-Азия> PMYUI ITT (Moscow Region branch) RAA them. Plevako RAZHVZ RAMIA RAM them. Gnesin RAP (justice) RAP (entrepreneurship) GITIS RGATiZ RGUFKSMiT (GTsOLIFK) RMAPO RMAT (MF) RPA MJ RF RTA REU them. GV Plekhanov RGASU RGGU RGAIS (formerly RGIIS) RNIMU (formerly RGMU) named after N.I. Pirogov ROAT MIIT (formerly RGOTUPS, VZIIT) RGTEU RGUITP RGUNG im. Gubkina ITLP MGUTU (formerly RosZITLP) RosNOU RPI St. John the Theologian RUDN RCTU named after Mendeleeva RIU UGMU (former RUI) SDI SGA SFGA (LEU SGI) UNIK MAO (UNN - Natalia Nesterova) URAO Financial University (FA) under the Government of the Russian Federation School-studio MKHAT LEU SA MITRO RGSU MGOU (regional) MIFKiS MABiU MIUP (formerly MFPA, MMIEIFP) MEPI MGGEI (formerly MGSGI) MIJ MVShM USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (until 1992) IMDT RAKHI MHPI ITiG RUK (formerly MUPK) MGUU Moscow Government MGIM IEAU MSEI INES NI VSHU MILE VSHU MIEMO MOSPI at MSGU PSTGU MTI "VTU" (formerly VTU UNESCO) NIEV AEB Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (formerly ANP FSNP RF) RIPTIB (IMTs) Institute of Business and Design (formerly InOBO) Collège Universitaire Français de Moscou BVShD IMSGS NESH NIID MGNRO UML at MGK KPSS NIM BBI OITiR IGTM (formerly IAYA) MIRTSHB MosAP under the Moscow Government VIA im. Kuibyshev IPK IMM MNI SIU IOSO RAO MI 21 MAMARMEN IMLI them. Gorky MAOK IMEMO RAN VA BTV GPI PIU AUMP MPI FSB RF (formerly MVI FPS RF) ASOU MVSB SSE Russia USNG IEF Synergy MIAPP (IAPP) MVSSEN IIS ABiP MIUS NMU MIP (psychoanalysis) IUiChI MEGPI PAST ISPT St. Foma IRT IPIU ISOM SFI VASHGD IGUPIT ITEP EEI SGEI ISPE MAGMU IRDPO FPI PI RAO PIP ISE MAB IFEP OZ MICB (formerly MAKB) MSGI ICT MVSHE FI SIP IUE MEGU IPES IKS V RF EUP O Frunze) INISB MARTIT IUP IUEPI VGSH them. Dubnova (formerly EUM) NISD VEGI IE RAS I&SP under the Government of the Russian Federation IO RAS MIAN IGiP RAS MIU (Islamic) SII ION (formerly ANO) IE RAS NII SP RF MIO (formerly MIPKRO) MUI MVD RF ISK RAS GASiZhKK MOYUI at PCPS Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (formerly IEFP) VKSR IPU RAS MTI (theological) ITIRShB ISPT Agroindustrial Complex and PPRO GNII RNS FTS RF MIPK MSTU im. Bauman IRI RAS IUV NMHTs them. Pirogov VSHII MBS IPB Russia CEPL RAS GII RAS IS RAS IN RAS RISK (RISC) IMET RAS EAOI ISPI RAS ZNUI IET IDNT IEK IIC VShDSI at RATI (GITIS) MSDS TAEKh VIESKh INEOS RAS ILA RAS GIUV RMI RF IPU MIUI RAS VNIIVSGE IHO RAO ITTI IOF RAS VSTISP IIP IPD MFPA VVI (ex. VVF at the M.V. Scriabin) Lebedev Physical Institute Lebedev RZTI MIPK REU them. G.V. Plekhanov EPI Them. Vishnevsky RAMS SIUS VKIYA MEDT IP RAS MUGU IOC RAS \u200b\u200bMIPK RRiSKhP INP RAS CEMI RAS IEA RAS N.N. Miklukho-Maclay Moscow Scientific Research Institute P. A. Herzen IIO RAO Institute of Applied Mathematics MV Keldysh RAS IAF RAS AGPRF IBMP RAS IREI UCU IG RAS IPNG RAS ILI IVI RAS ISIS IIT named after PM Ershova Institute of Oriental Studies GETI (formerly ASER, Academy "Continent") ISIT NII RAKh ICP RAS MIGIP IAM PGI "Co-action" MN Gersevanov ISL RAS IP RAS EBS IPI RAS GOSNITI NOU ART INFO - Ruthenia GIA (GIA) IPV RAS IBG RAS IPEB MABT "Forex Club" INEUM im. IS Brook AIS IPE RAS NISK ISV RAO (formerly NII OPV APN USSR) Managing Academy of Sciences San Marino IMASH RAS them. A. A. Blagonravova MPPI IPPKP IKSR NII SPiPRL IKhT AII VGKPI RBU ITPI IMM RAS MAFSI NIPHI IINMS IATU APRIKT IKI RAS Kora Moscow IPKIR IPPC "Professional" TsNIITMASH IKhS RAS PPDS IS NIKPI RAS IESO IA RAS IPKON RAS RISI INION RAS ASMS RRC KI UMC ZhDT General Church Postgraduate School. Cyril and Methodius MSHU Skolkovo MTS MEIEFP IOGen RAS INBI RAS VIAPI them. A. A. Nikonov GU IMEI RTI them. AL Mints SOPS RAS MITP RAS VNIIgeosystems MASI IPTiK VINITI RAS RAPS (formerly IPK MPS of Russia) IVF RAO IRE them. V.A. Kotelnikov RAS SRI FHM Roszdrav SRI OPP RAMS TsNIIS IPKgosluzhby ISBT VIGIS PAPO ISOUKiT VNIIDAD IPK DSZN ISP RAO GKNPTs them. MV Khrunicheva IT Academy IUPFAN Centro Gregorio Fernández ARMO IISU MGAAII S. Andriyaki IPChE RAS MISB MAA VNIINTPI ISO RAO IMAD Strelka IPG IIPPR IPPD RAO University of Work Correspondents. Ulyanova VNIIZhT ABiSP MKTA IEUSP BON IPK FMBA of Russia SAMB ISA RAS VNIIMS SHAD TsNIIPSK im. Melnikov INO IRYA RAS Research Institute of Virology RAMS IBChF RAS OTI EYUI SRI TSS GosNIIgenetics IMB RAS IEHO IREA IGiSP IDM IESB MISAO NTsSSH im. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS MIGTiK VNIIPVTI VDA IU (MskUniversity) RAKO APK YUI (MskUniversity) MOSGI MGIMT PU September 1 Touro College - Lander Institute Moscow IUB AMIR NIIRPO IT (MskUniversity) IE (MskUniversity) IP (MU. I.P. Bardin IASU GEOKHI RAS 25 State Research Institute of Chemotology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation VIEV MONIKI them. MF Vladimirsky ITIP RAO ESC of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation NAMI Academy GRU SRI SP named after Sklifosovsky Institute of Automation and Automation Marsh INASAN GINFO IMEI (Management, Economics and Innovation) MICTIR MINECBIK SGLA IITP RAS MBS TsNIIP Urban Planning RAASN ESMOD MOSCOU IMG RAS VFEU AVR (ex. KI KGB) JIHT RAS MSEKH Institute of Urology MH RF MNIIP CBS RPU VNIIGiM im. A. N. Kostyakova INSTEP IHP CITO im. NN Priorov VNIIneft im. A.P. Krylova Higher School of Arts by Konstantin Raikin MMI "Reaviz" GNITsPM IGE RAS SNTSSSP them. V.P.Serbsky NIIOR them. VA Negovsky RAMS IAP RAS VKIYA MFA RF School-studio SHAR VNIIA Russian Agricultural Academy IVND RAS MIGp UCPiDPO RSL RSCH im. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS ISEPN RAS MBA School MEGI RNTSRR

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