The Little Humpbacked Horse


Over the mountains, over the forests,
Over wide seas
Not in heaven - on earth
An old man lived in one village.
The old lady has three sons:
The elder was smart,
Middle son this way and that,
The youngest was a fool at all.

The brothers sowed wheat
Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:
Know, that capital was
Not far from the village.
Wheat was sold there,
Money was accepted in the account
And with a full bag
We returned home.
In a long time al soon
Grief came to them:
Someone began to walk in the field
And stir the wheat.

Little peasants of such sadness
Have not seen the offspring;
They began to think and guess -
As if a thief to spy;
Finally they realized themselves
To stand guard
Keep bread at night
Trap the evil thief.
This is how it only began to get dark,
The elder brother began to gather:
He took out the pitchfork and the ax
And he went on patrol.

The rainy night has come
Fear attacked him,
And out of fears our man
He buried himself under the sennik.
The night is passing, the day is coming;
The sentinel descends from the sennik
And, having poured water on himself,
Began knocking under the hut:
“Hey you sleepy grouses!
Unlock the doors for your brother
I'm soaked in the rain
From head to toe. "

The brothers opened the doors
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see what?
The guard prayed
Right, left bowed
And clearing his throat, he said:
“I haven't slept all night;
In my own misfortune,
There was a terrible storm:
The rain was pouring down like that
I wet my shirt all over.
How boring it was! ..
However, everything is all right. "
His father praised him:
“You, Danilo, well done!
You are, so to speak, approximately
Served me faithfully,
That is, being with everything,
I didn’t hit my face in the dirt ”.

It began to get dark again;
The middle brother went to pack:
Took both a pitchfork and an ax
And he went on patrol.

The cold night has come
A shudder attacked the little one,
The teeth began to dance;
He started to run -
And he went on patrol all night
At a neighbor's under the fence.
It was terrible for the fellow!
But here is the morning. He to the porch:
“Hey you sleepyheads! What are you sleeping!
Unlock the door for your brother;
There was a terrible frost at night, -
I was chilled to my tummies. "
The brothers opened the doors
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see what?
The guard prayed
Right, left bowed
And through clenched teeth he answered:
“I haven't slept all night,
Yes, to my unhappy fate,
The cold was terrible at night,
He got me into my hearts;
I rode all night;
It was too inconvenient ...
However, everything is all right. "
And his father said to him:
"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It began to get dark for the third time,
The youngest must get ready;
He does not lead a mustache,
Singing on the stove in the corner
From all the stupid urine:
"You are beautiful eyes!"
Brothers, well, blame him,
They began to drive in the field,
But no matter how long they shouted
Only the voice is lost:
He's not moving. Finally
Father came up to him
Says to him: “Listen,
Run on patrol, Vanyusha.
I will buy you luboks,
I'll give you peas and beans. "
Then Ivan gets off the stove,
Malachai puts on his,
He puts bread in his bosom,
Keep the guard going.
Ivan goes around the field,
Look around you
And sits down under a bush;
He counts the stars in the sky
Yes, he eats the edge.

Suddenly, about midnight, the horse whinnied ...
Our guard stood up,
Looked under the mitten
And I saw a mare.
That mare was
Everything, like winter snow, is white,
Mane to the ground, golden,
Curled rings in crayons.
“Ehe-he! so that's what
Our thief! .. But wait,
I don't know how to joke
I'll sit on the neck at once.
See what locusts are! "
And, ucha minute,
Runs up to the mare,
The wavy tail is enough
And he jumped to her ridge -
Only backwards.
Young mare,
Eyes sparkling madly,
Snake head twisted
And launched like an arrow.
Curls around the fields
Hangs over the moats
Runs galloping through the mountains,
Walks on end through the woods
Wants by force al deceit,
Just to deal with Ivan.
But Ivan himself is not simple -
Holds tightly to the tail.

Finally she was tired.
“Well, Ivan,” she said to him, “
If you knew how to sit
So you own me.
Give me a place to rest
Yes take care of me
How much you know. Yes look:
Three morning dawns
Unleash me
Take a walk in a clean field.
At the end of three days
I'll give you two horses -
Yes, such as they are today
Not even a trace;
Yes, I’ll also make a face of a skate
Only three inches tall,
On the back with two humps
Yes with arshin ears.
Sell ​​two horses, if you like,
But don't give up the skate
Not for the belt, not for the hat,
Not for the black, hey, grandmother.
On the ground and underground
He will be your friend:
He will warm you in winter
In summer it will wrap around cold
In hunger he will treat you with bread,
Give honey to drink in thirst.
I'll go out into the field again
To try strength in the wild. "

Okay, Ivan thinks.
And into the shepherd's booth
She drives the mare
The matting door closes
And, as soon as dawn broke,
Goes to the village
Singing a song out loud:
"Well done went to Presnya."
Here he comes up on the porch,
Here is enough for the ring,
That there is strength knocking at the door,
As soon as the roof does not collapse,
And shouts to the whole bazaar,
Like a fire broke out.
Brothers galloped off the benches,
They cried out stammering:
"Who knocks hard like that?" -
"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"
The brothers opened the doors
They let the fool into the hut
And let's scold him, -
How dare he frighten them so!
And Ivan is ours, without removing
Neither bast shoes, nor malakhaya,
Goes to the oven
And he speaks from there
About a night adventure,
Surprisingly to all ears:

“I haven't slept all night,
I counted the stars in the sky;
The month, exactly, also shone, -
I did not notice the order.
Suddenly the devil comes himself,
With a beard and mustache;
Erysipelas like a cat's
And the eyes - what are those bowls!
So that devil began to jump
And knock down the grain with your tail.
I don't know how to joke -
And jump on his neck.
Already he dragged, dragged,
I almost broke my head,
But I myself am not a mistake,
Hey, I held him like a pulp.
Fought, fought my cunning
And finally he prayed:
“Do not destroy me from the light!
A whole year to you for this
I promise to live in peace
Do not stir up the Orthodox. "
I, hey, didn’t measure words,
Yes, I believed the imp. "
Then the narrator fell silent,
He yawned and dozed off.
Brothers, no matter how angry,
They couldn't - they burst out laughing
Grabbing under the sides,
Above the story of a fool.
The old man himself could not restrain himself,
So as not to laugh until tears,
At least to laugh - so it is
It's a sin for old people.
Much time al little
From that night it ran, -
I mean nothing
I have not heard from anyone.
Well, what does it matter to us,
Whether a year or two has flown by, -
After all, you can't run after them ...
Let's continue the tale.
Well, that's what it is! Once Danilo
(On a holiday, I remember it was),
Stretched out madly drunk,
Dragged into the booth.
What does he see? - Beautiful
Two horses of the golden mane
Yes to a toy-skate
Only three inches tall,
On the back with two humps
Yes with arshin ears.
"HM! Now I have learned
Why did the fool sleep here! " -
Danilo says to himself ...
The miracle knocked the hops out at once;
Here Danilo runs into the house
And Gavrila says:
“Look how beautiful
Two horses of the golden mane
Our fool got himself:
You have never heard of it. "
And Danilo da Gavrilo,
That there was urine in their feet,
On the nettles straight
So they blow barefoot.

Stumbling three times
Having repaired both eyes
Rubbing here and there
Brothers enter to two horses.
The horses whinnied and snored,
The eyes were burning like a yacht;
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail was streaming golden,
And diamond hooves
Upholstered with large pearls.
It's expensive to watch!
Only the king would sit on them!
The brothers looked at them like that,
That they were a little distorted.
“Where did he get them? -
The elder told the middle one. -
But it has been a long time ago,
That only fools are given treasure,
You should at least break your forehead,
You can't knock out two rubles.
Well, Gavrilo, in that week
Let's take them to the capital;
We will sell the boyars there,
We will divide the money evenly.
And with money, you yourself know
And you will drink and take a walk
Just slap the bag.
And to the good fool
There won't be enough guesses
Where his horses are visiting;
Let him seek them here and there.
Well, buddy, from your hands! "
The brothers agreed at once,
Hugged, crossed themselves
And returned home
Talking between you
About horses and about a feast
And about a wonderful little animal.
Time rolls along
Hour after hour, day after day.
And on the first week
The brothers are going to the capital city,
To sell your goods there
And at the pier find out
Didn't they come with ships
Germans to the city behind the canvases
And will Tsar Saltan
Basurmans Christians.
Here they prayed to the icons,
Father was blessed
They took two horses secretly
And they went quietly.
Evening made its way to night;
Ivan got ready for the night;
Walking along the street
He eats the edge and sings.
Here he reaches the field,
Supports hands on hips
And with a jump start, like a pan,
Sideways enters the booth.
Everything was still standing
But the horses were gone;
Just a humpbacked toy
His legs were spinning
Clapping his ears with joy
Yes, he danced with his feet.
How Ivan will scream here,
Leaning on the booth:
"Oh you, horses of the bora-siva,
Good horses, golden-maned!
I did not caress you, friends,
What the hell stole you?
To be lost to him, the dog!
To die in the gully!
So that he in the next world
Fall through the bridge!
Oh you, horses of the bora-siva,
Good horses, golden-maned! "
Then the skate whinnied at him.
“Don't grieve, Ivan,” he said, “
The trouble is great, I do not argue
But I can help burn.
You are not riveted to hell:
The brothers brought the Koniks together.
Well, what's the use of empty talk,
Be, Ivanushka, in peace.
Sit on me soon
Just know to yourself hold on;
Even though I am small,
Yes, I will change the horse to another:
How will I start and run,
So I will overtake the devil. "
Here the skate lies before him;
Ivan sits on a skate,
Takes ears in the rake,
That there are lobes roars.
The little humpbacked horse shook
Got up on his paws, startled,
Slammed with his mane, snored
And flew like an arrow;
Only dusty clubs
A whirlwind curled underfoot.
And in two moments, if not in a moment,
Our Ivan overtook the thieves.
Brothers, that is, were scared,
Combed and hesitated.
And Ivan began to shout to them:
“It's a shame, brothers, to steal!
Even though you are smarter than Ivan,
Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:
He did not steal horses from you. "
The elder, writhing, then said:
“Our dear brother Ivasha,
What to shine is our business!
But take you into account
Our unselfish belly.
No matter how much wheat we sow,
We have a little bit of daily bread.
And if there is a poor harvest,
So at least get into the noose!
Here in such great sorrow
Gavrila and I interpreted
All the other night -
How can I help you?
We did this and that
Finally, they decided like this:
To sell your skates
Even for a thousand rubles.
And thank you, say by the way,
I will bring you an update -
Red hat with a vertebra
Yes, boots with heels.
And besides, the old man is sick,
He can no longer work;
But you have to waste your time, -
You yourself clever man!» -
"Well, if that is the way, then go, -
Ivan says - sell
Goldmane two horses,
Yes, take me too. "
The brothers looked sideways painfully,
Yes, you can’t! agreed.
It began to darken in the sky;
The air began to grow cold;
Here, so that they do not get lost,
It was decided to stop.

Under the canopies of the branches
Tied up all the horses
Brought with a local basket,
Got drunk a little
And let's go that God willing,
Who in which of them is much.
Danilo suddenly noticed
That a fire lit up in the distance.
He looked at Gavrila,
I winked with my left eye
And gave a little cough
Pointing the fire quietly;
Here I scratched my head,
“Oh, how dark! - he said. -
At least a month that way as a joke
He looked to us for a minute,
Everything would be easier. And now,
Really, we are worse than a tester ...
Wait a minute ... it seems to me
That the light smoke curls there ...
You see, evon! .. That's right! ..
That would be to break up a smoke!
A miracle would have been! .. But listen,
Run, brother Vanyusha!
And, I must confess, I have
Neither flint nor flint. "
Danilo himself thinks:
"May you be crushed there!"
And Gavrilo says:
“Someone to sing knows what is burning!
Kohl the villagers stuck
Remember him, what was his name! "
All a trifle for a fool.
He sits on a skate
Kicks on the steep sides with his feet
Tugging at him with his hands
With all his might ...
The horse soared, and the trail was gone.
“May the power of the cross be with us! -
Gavrilo shouted then,
Shielding himself with the holy cross. -
What a devil is this under him! "
The light burns brighter
The hunchback runs faster.
Now he is in front of the fire.
The field shines as if during the day;
A wonderful light streams around
But it does not heat, does not smoke.
Ivan was a miracle here.
“What,” he said, “for the shaitan!
There is a light with five hats,
And there is no heat and smoke;
Eco miracle light! "
The skate says to him:
“There really is something to marvel at!
Here lies the feather of the Firebird,
But for your happiness
Don't take it for yourself.
A lot, a lot of restlessness
It will bring it with it. " -
"You speak! How not so! " -
The fool grumbles to himself;
And, raising the feather of the Firebird,
Wrapped him up in rags
I put rags in my hat
And he turned the skate.
Here he comes to his brothers
And answers to their demand:
“How I rode there,
I saw a burnt stump;
I fought over him, fought,
So I almost got sore;
I fanned it for about an hour -
No, damn it, it's gone! "
The brothers did not sleep the whole night,
They laughed at Ivan;
And Ivan sat down under the cart,
He snored until the morning.
Here they harnessed their horses
And they came to the capital,
We stood in the equestrian row,
Opposite the big chambers.
In that capital, there was a custom:
Kohl does not say the mayor -
Buy nothing
Sell ​​nothing.
Now mass is coming;
The governor leaves
In shoes, in a fur hat,
With a hundred city guards.
The herald is riding with him,
Long-mustache, bearded;
He blows a trumpet into gold,
Shouts in a loud voice:
"Guests! Unlock the shops
Buy, sell.
And the overseers sit
Near the benches and watch
So that there is no sodom,
Not just now, not pogrom,
And so that no freak
Didn't deceive the people! "
The guests of the shop are unlocking,
The baptized people call out:
“Hey, honest gentlemen,
Come to us here!
How do we have tare-bars,
All sorts of different products! "
The buyers are coming
They take the goods from the guests;
Guests count money
Yes, the overseers are blinking.
Meanwhile, the Gradsky detachment
Comes to the horse row;
Looks - a crush from the people.
There is no exit or entrance;
So swarming here and swarming,
And they laugh and shout.
The mayor was surprised
That the people were amused
And he gave the order to the detachment,
To clear the road.

"Hey! you devil barefoot!
Get out of my way! get out of my way!"
The barbel screamed
And they hit the whips.
Then the people began to stir,
He took off his caps and parted.
There is a row of horses before the eyes;
Two horses stand in a row
Young, black,
Curly golden manes
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail is streaming golden ...
Our old man, no matter how ardent,
He rubbed the back of his head for a long time.
“Wonderful,” he said, “God's light,
There are no miracles in it! "
The whole detachment bowed here,
I wondered at the wise speech.
The mayor meanwhile
I punished everyone,
So that they don't buy horses,
They did not yawn, they did not shout;
That he is going to the yard
Report everything to the king.
And, leaving part of the detachment,
He went to report.
Arrives at the palace.
“Have mercy, king-father! -
The mayor exclaims
And the whole body falls. -
Don't tell me to be executed
Order me to speak! "
The king deigned to say: “Okay,
Speak, but just fluently. " -
“I will tell you as best I can:
I serve as a mayor;
Faithfully correct
This position ... "-" I know, I know! " -
“Today, having taken a detachment,
I went to the horse row.
I come - darkness to the people!
Well, neither exit nor entrance.
What to do here? .. Ordered
To drive the people, so as not to interfere.
And so it happened, tsar-trust!
And I went - and what then?
Before me is a row of horses;
Two horses stand in a row
Young, black,
Curly golden manes
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail is streaming golden
And diamond hooves
Upholstered with large pearls. "
The king could not sit there.
"We must have a look at the horses, -
He says - but it's not bad
And make such a miracle.
Hey, take me a carriage! " And so
The cart is at the gate.
The king washed, dressed up
And rolled to the market;
A detachment is behind the king of archers.
Here he drove into the horse row.
Everyone here fell to their knees
And they shouted "hurray" to the king.
The king bowed and instantly
Well done from the cart jump ...
He does not take his eyes off his horses,
On the right, on the left it comes to them,
Calls with an affectionate word
Beats them quietly on the back,
Ruffling their cool neck,
Strokes a golden mane,
And, rather blindly,
He asked, turning
To those around: “Hey guys!
Whose foals are they?
Who is the owner? " Ivan is here,
Hands on your hips, like a pan,
Because of the brothers
And, pouting, he answers:
"This couple, king, mine,
And the owner is me too. " -
“Well, I'm buying a couple!
Are you selling? " - "No, I'm changing." -
"What good do you take in the exchange?" -
"Two to five caps of silver." -
"So it will be ten."
The king immediately ordered to weigh
And, by his grace,
I gave five rubles in addition.
The Tsar was magnanimous!
Lead the horses to the stables
Ten gray-haired grooms,
All in gold stripes,
All with colored sashes
And with morocco whips.
But dear, as for a laugh,
The horses knocked them all off their feet,
All the bridles have been torn
And they ran to Ivan.
The king went back
She says to him: “Well, brother,
A pair is not given to ours;
Nothing to do, you have to
Serve you in the palace.
You will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress,

All my stable
I give you an order
Tsarsko word in that surety.
What do you agree? " - “What a thing!
I will live in a palace
I will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress,
Like rolling cheese in butter
The whole stables factory
The king gives me orders;
That is, I'm from the vegetable garden
I will become a royal voivode.
What a wonderful thing! So be it
I will serve you, king.
Only, mind you, don't fight me
And let me sleep
Otherwise I was like that! "
Then he clicked horses
And went along the capital,
Himself waving a mitten,
And to the song of a fool
Horses are dancing trepak;
And his hobbyhorse is humpback -
So it breaks squatting,
To the surprise of all people.
Two brothers meanwhile
We got the money royally,
They were sewn into their cords,
Knocked on the valley
And they went home.
Houses shared together
They both got married at once,
They began to live and get on
Yes to remember Ivan.
But now we'll leave them
Let's amuse with a fairy tale again
Orthodox Christians,
What our Ivan has done
Being in the service of the royal,
At the state stable;
How did he get into the neighbors,
I slept like a feather,
How cunningly caught the Firebird,
How he kidnapped the Tsar Maiden,
How he drove for the ring,
As an ambassador in heaven,
How he is in the sun village
Kitu begged forgiveness;
How, to the number of other undertakings,
He saved thirty ships;
As in the boilers it was not cooked,
How handsome he was;
In a word: our speech is about
How he became king.

A story begins
From Ivanov's pranks,
And from the sivka, and from the burka,
And from the prophetic couch.
The goats to the sea are gone;
The mountains are overgrown with forest;
A horse with a golden bridle broke,
Rising straight to the sun;
Forest standing underfoot,
On the side is a thunderous cloud;
A cloud walks and sparkles
Thunder spreads across the sky.
This is a saying: wait
The tale will be ahead.
Like the sea-okiyane
And on the Buyan island
There is a new coffin in the forest,
The girl lies in the coffin;
The nightingale whistles over the coffin;
The black beast prowls in the oak forest,
This is a saying, but -
The fairy tale will follow.
Well, so you see, laity,
Orthodox Christians
Our dashing fellow
I got lost in the palace;
At the tsar's stable he serves
And will not bother at all
It's about brothers, about a father
In the royal palace.
And what does he care about his brothers?
Ivan has red dresses,
Red hats, boots
Almost ten boxes;
He eats sweetly, he sleeps so much,
What expanse, and more!
Here in five weeks
I began to notice the sleeping bag ...
I must say this sleeping bag
Before Ivan there was a boss
Above the stable you need everything,
From the boyar had a reputation for children;
It's no wonder he was angry
I swore at Ivan,
Though an abyss, but a stranger
Get out of the palace.
But, concealing cunning,
He's for every occasion
Pretended to be a cheat, deaf,
Short-sighted and dumb;
He himself thinks: “Wait a minute,
I will move those, you fool! "
So in five weeks
The sleeping bag began to notice
That Ivan does not groom horses,
And he does not clean, and does not school;
But for all that, two horses
As if just from under the crest:
Washed clean and clean
The manes are intertwined in braids,
The bangs are gathered in a bun
Wool - well, shines like silk;
Fresh wheat in the stalls
As if it will be born right there,
And in large vats
As if only poured.
“What kind of parable is this? -
The sleeping bag thinks with a sigh. -
Doesn't he walk, wait,
To us a prankster-brownie?
Let me watch you
And no, so I and a bullet,
Without winking, I know how to drain, -
If only the fool to leave.
I will report in the tsar's duma,
That the state equestrian -
Basurmanin, witch,
Warlock and villain;
That he drives bread and salt with the devil,
Doesn't go to the church of God,
Catholic holds a cross
And he eats meat by fasting. "
That same evening this sleeping bag
Former head of equestrian,
I hid in stalls secretly
And sprinkled with oats.

So it was midnight.
His chest ached.
He is neither alive nor dead,
Himself prayers do everything.
Waiting for a neighbor ... Chu! in itself,
The doors creaked dull,
The horses stamped, and behold
The old horse breeder enters.
Locks the door with a latch,
Gently throws off his hat,
Puts it on the window
And from that hat he takes
In three wrapped rags
The royal treasure is a feather of the Firebird.
Such a light shone here,
That the sleeping bag almost cried out,
And I was so scared from fear,
That the oats fell off him.
But the neighbor is not aware!
He puts his feather in the barrel
He begins to clean the horses,
Washes, cleans up,
Weaves long manes,
He sings different songs.
And meanwhile, curled up in a club,
Shaking with a tooth
Looks at a sleeping bag, barely alive,
What's the brownie doing here.
What a devil! Nothing on purpose
The midnight rogue dressed up:
No horns, no beard
Razhy guy, even where!
The hair is smooth, the side of the tape,
On the shirt there are prose
Boots like al morocco, -
Well, exactly Ivan.
What a miracle? Looks again
Our eye on the brownie ...
"NS! so that's what! - finally
The sly man grumbled to himself, -
Okay, tomorrow the king will know
What your stupid mind is hiding.
Wait just one day
You will remember me! "
And Ivan, not knowing at all,
That he is in such trouble
Threatens, weaves everything
Let her mane sing in her braids.
And after removing them, in both vats
Strained fed honey
And poured in addition
Beloyarov millet.
Here, yawning, the feather of the Firebird
Wrapped it up again in rags,
A cap under the ear - and lay down
Near the horses' hind legs.
It just started to dawn
The sleeping bag began to move
And hearing that Ivan
Snores like Eruslan,
He quietly climbs down
And creeps up to Ivan,
I put my fingers in the hat,
Grab a pen - and the trail is gone.
The king has just awakened
Our sleeping bag came to him,
Banged my forehead hard on the floor
And then he sang to the king:
"I am guilty,
The king appeared before you,
Don't tell me to be executed
Order me to speak. " -
"Speak without adding, -
The king told him yawning.
If you will lie,
Then the whip cannot be avoided. "
Our sleeping bag, gathering with strength,
He says to the king: “Have mercy!
These are the true Christ,
My denunciation is just, tsar.
Our Ivan, then everyone knows
Father hides from you
But not gold, not silver -
Firebird feather ... "-
“Zharoptitsevo? .. Damned!
And he dared so rich ...
Wait, you villain!
You will not pass the whips! .. "-
“And even then he still knows! -
The sleeping bag continues quietly
Curved. - Good!
Let him have a pen;
And the Firebird itself
Into yours, father, light room,
If you deign to give an order,
Boasts to get it. "
And a scammer with this word,
Crouching with a hoop,
I went to the bed
He handed in the treasure - and again to the floor.
The king looked and marveled,
Stroked his beard, laughed
And he bit the end of his pen.
Here, taking him to the chest,
Screamed (with impatience)
Confirming your command
With a quick sweep of a fist:
“Gay! call me a fool! "
And the messengers of the noble
We ran along Ivan,
But, colliding everything in the corner,
Stretched out on the floor.
The king admired so much
And he laughed to stitches.
And the nobleman, observing,
What's funny is for the king,
Winked among themselves
And suddenly they stretched out.
The king was so pleased with that,
That he awarded them with a hat.
Here are the messengers of the noble
They started to call Ivan again
And this time
There were no leprosy.
They come running to the stable,
Doors open wide
And fool's feet
Well push on all sides.
They were busy with it for half an hour,
But he was not woken up.
Finally a private
I woke him up with a broom.
“What kind of servants are they? -
Ivan says getting up. -
How I grab you with a whip,
So you will not become later
Without a way to wake Ivan. "
The nobles say to him:
"The king has deigned to order
We should call you to him. " -
“Tsar? .. Well, okay! Here I am going to get together
And immediately I will appear to him ", -
Ivan is speaking to the ambassadors.
Then he put on his caftan,
I tied myself up with a girdle,
I thought about it, combed my hair,
I attached my whip to the side,
Like a duck swam.
Here Ivan came to the tsar,
Bowed, cheered up,
He grunted twice and asked:
"Why did you wake me up?"
The king, squinting with his left eye,
Screamed at him with anger,
Rising up: “Silence!
You must answer me:
By virtue of which decree
You hid your eyes from ours
Our royal good -
A firebird feather?
That I am the Tsar Ali Boyar?
Answer now, Tatar! "
Here Ivan, waving his hand,
He says to the king: “Wait!
I didn't give those hats exactly,
How did you find out about that?
What are you - are you a prophet?
Well, yes, put it in prison,
Order now even with sticks -
There is no pen, and no shabalki! .. "-
“Answer! I'll screw it up! .. "-
“I plainly say:
No pen! Yes, hear from where
Can I get such a miracle? "
The king jumped out of bed here
And he opened the box with the feather.
"What? You dare to shuffle yet?
No, don't get out!
What's this? A?" Here Ivan
Trembled like a leaf in a blizzard,
I dropped my hat in fright.
“What, buddy, is it tight? -
The king spoke. - Wait a minute, brother! .. "-
“Oh, have mercy, it's my fault!
Let go of the blame for Ivan,
I'm not going to lie ahead ”.
And wrapped in the floor
Stretched out on the floor.
"Well, for the first occasion
I forgive you the blame, -
Tsar Ivan says. -
God have mercy, I am angry!
And sometimes from hearts
I'll take off my forelock and head.
So, you see, what I am!
But, to say without further words,
I learned that you are the Firebird
To our royal room,
If I thought of ordering,
You boast to get it.
Well, look, don't deny
And try to get it. "
Then Ivan jumped up like a spinning top.
“I didn't say that! -
He screamed, wiping himself off. -
I don’t lock myself
But about a bird, as you like,
You are leading in vain. "
King, shaking your beard:
"What? Show me up with you! -
He screamed. - But look,
If you are three weeks old
Can't get me the Firebird
To our royal room,
I swear by the beard
You will pay with me:

Get out, slave! " Ivan cried
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.
The hunchback, sensing him,
I started dancing;
But, as I saw tears,
He almost sobbed himself.
“What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? -
The horse says to him,
At his feet spinning. -
Do not hide yourself before me
Tell me everything, what is behind the soul.
I'm ready to help you.
Al, my dear, unwell?
Al was caught by a scoundrel? "
Ivan fell to the skate on his neck,
Hugged and kissed.

The king orders to get the Firebird
To the state lodge.
What should I do, hunchback? "
The skate says to him:
“The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help burn.
That's why your trouble
That did not obey me:
Remember, driving to the capital city,
You found the feather of the Firebird;
I told you then:
Don't take it, Ivan - it's a disaster!
A lot, a lot of restlessness
It will bring it with it.
Now you have learned
I told you the truth.
But, to tell you out of friendship,
It is a service, not a service;
Service is all, brother, ahead.
You go to the king now
And tell him openly:
"It is necessary, king, I have two troughs
Beloyarov millet
Yes, overseas wine.
Yes, tell them to hurry up:
Tomorrow, it will only get bogged down,
We will go on a hike. "
Here Ivan goes to the king,
She says to him openly:
"It is necessary, king, I have two troughs
Beloyarov millet
Yes, overseas wine.
Yes, tell them to hurry up:
Tomorrow, it will only get bogged down,
We will go hiking. "
The king immediately gives the order,
So that the messengers of the noble
They found everything for Ivan,
He called him a good fellow

The next day, early in the morning,
I woke up Ivan's horse:
“Gay! Master! Sleep well!
It's time to fix things! "
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on a path,
Took troughs, and millet,
And overseas wine;
I dressed up warmer
I sat on my skate
Took out a piece of bread
And went east -
Get out that Firebird.
They go for a whole week,
Finally, on the eighth day,
They come to the dense forest.
Then the skate said to Ivan:
“You will see a clearing here;
In the glade of that mountain
All of pure silver;
Right here before the lightning
The firebirds arrive
Drink water from a stream;
Here we will catch them. "
And, having finished his speech to Ivan,
Runs out into the clearing.
What a field! Greenery here
Like an emerald stone;
The breeze blows over her,
So it sows sparks;
And flowers in the green
Untold beauty.
And on that glade,
Like a shaft on the ocean
The mountain rises
All pure silver.
Summer sun rays
Paints all of it with light
Runs in the folds of gold,
At the top, it burns with a candle.
Here is the skate on the slope
Climbed this mountain
I ran a mile to a friend,
He settled down and said:
“Soon the night will begin, Ivan,
And you will have to guard.
Well, pour wine into the trough
And mix millet with wine.
And to be closed to you,
You crawl under the trough,
Take note of it on the sly
Yes, look, don't yawn.
Until sunrise, hear the lightning
Firebirds will fly here
And they will begin to peck millet
Yes, screaming in your own way.
You who are closer
And grab her, look!
And you will catch the bird-heat,
And shout to the whole bazaar;
I will immediately appear to you. " -
“Well, what if I get burned? -
Ivan says to the skate,
Spreading out your caftan. -
You will have to take mittens:
Tea, the cheat burns painfully.
Then the skate disappeared from the eyes,
And Ivan, groaning, crawled
Under an oak trough
And he lies there like a dead man.

Here at midnight sometimes
The light spilled over the mountain, -
As if noon is coming:
The firebirds come flying;
They began to run and shout
And peck millet and wine.
Our Ivan, closed from them,
Watching birds from under the trough
And he interprets with himself,
Spreading your hand like this:
“Ugh, you devilish force!
Eck them, rubbish, rolled!
Tea, there are about five dozen of them.
If you want to take over everyone, -
That would be a profit!
Needless to say, fear is beautiful!
All have red legs;
And the tails are sheer laughter!
Chickens do not have such tea.
And how much, guy, light,
Like a father's stove! "
And, having finished such a speech,
Himself with myself under the loophole,
Our Ivan snake and snake
I crawled to millet with wine, -
Grab one of the birds by the tail.
“Oh, Little Humpbacked Little Horse!
Come running quickly, my friend!
I caught a bird, after all, "
So Ivan the Fool shouted.
The hunchback appeared at once.
“Ai, master, distinguished himself! -
Skate says to him. -
Well, hurry her into the bag!
Yes, tie it tighter;
And hang the bag around your neck.
We need to go back. " -
“No, let me scare the birds!
Ivan is speaking. - Check this out,
You see, sat down from screaming! "
And, grabbing your bag,
Splashes up and down.
Shining with a bright flame
The whole flock sprang up,
Coiled around fiery
And rushed over the clouds.
And our Ivan followed them
With your mittens
So it waves and shouts,
As if doused with lye.
The birds were lost in the clouds;
Our travelers have gathered
The royal treasure was laid
And we went back.

Here we arrived in the capital.
"What, did you get the Firebird?" -
Tsar Ivan says
He looks at the sleeping bag himself.
And the one, kind of out of boredom,
Bitten all my hands.
"Of course I got it" -
Our Ivan told the tsar.
"Where is she?" - “Wait a little,
Order the window first
To shut up in the bedchamber,
You know to create darkness. "
Then the nobles ran
And the window was closed.
Here is Ivan a bag on the table:
"Come on, grandma, let's go!"
Such light suddenly spilled out here,
That the whole yard was closed with a hand.
The king shouts to the whole bazaar:
“Ahti, priests, fire!
Hey, call the lattice!
Fill in! Fill in! " -
“This, you hear, is not a fire,
This is the light from the bird-heat, -
Said the huntsman, himself laughing
Straining. - Fun
I have brought those, condemnation! "
The Tsar says to Ivan:
“I love my friend Vanyusha!
You have amused my soul,
And for joy such -
Be the royal stirrup! "
Seeing this, a sly sleeping bag,
Former head of equestrian,
Says to himself:
“No, wait, baby sucker!
It won't always happen to you
So to distinguish yourself in a canalsky way.
I'll let those down again
My friend, in trouble! "
Three weeks later
In the evening we sat alone
In the royal kitchen, the chefs
And the servants of the court;
Drank honey from a jug
Yes, they read Eruslan.
“Eh! - one servant said, -
How did I get it right now?
A wonderful book from a neighbor!
There are not so many pages in it,
And there are only five fairy tales,
And fairy tales - tell you
One cannot wonder like that;
Well, you have to manage that way! "
Here everything is in a voice: “Make it easy!
Tell me, brother, tell me! " -
“Well, what do you want?
After all, there are five fairy tales; look here:
The first tale of a beaver,
And the second is about the king;
Third ... God forbid memory ... for sure!
About the eastern boyaryn;
Here in the fourth: Prince Bobyl;
In the fifth ... in the fifth ... oh, I forgot!
The fifth tale says ...
So it is spinning in my mind ... "-
"Well, leave her!" - "Wait!" -
"About beauty, what eh, what?" -
“Exactly! The fifth says
About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
Well, my friends,
Shall I tell you today? " -
“The Tsar Maiden! - everyone shouted. -
We have already heard about the kings,
We have beauties soon!
It's more fun to listen to them. "
And the servant, sitting down importantly,
He began to tell a long story:
"In distant German countries
There, guys, okiyan.
By that whether okiyanu
Only bassoons go;
From the Orthodox land
Nicoli has never been
Neither nobles nor laymen
On the nasty okiyane.
From the guests, there is a rumor
That the girl lives there;
But the girl is not easy
Daughter, you see, dear to the month,
And the sun is her brother.
That girl, they say
Rides in a red sheepskin coat,
In the golden, guys, lifeboat
And with a silver oar
He personally rules it;
Sings different songs
And he plays on the guselets ... "
The sleeping bag here is skipping -
And from all both feet
I went to the palace to the king
And just came to him;
Banged my forehead hard on the floor
And then he sang to the king:
"I am guilty,
The king appeared before you,
Don't tell me to be executed
Order me to speak! " -
“Speak, but the truth is only,
And don't lie, look, not at all! " -
The king screamed from the bed.
The sly sleeping bag answered:
“We were in the kitchen today,
They drank to your health
And one of the court servants
He amused us with a fairy tale aloud;
This tale says
About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
Here is your royal stirrup
Sworn by your brother
That he knows this bird -
So he called the Tsar Maiden, -
And her, if you please know,
Boasts to get it. "
The sleeping bag hit the floor again.
"Hey, call me a stirrup!" -
The king shouted as a messenger.
The sleeping bag is now behind the stove.
And the messengers of the noble
They ran along Ivan;
They found him in deep sleep
And they brought me in a shirt.
This is how the king began his speech: “Listen,
Denunciation on you, Vanyusha.
They say that right now
You boasted for us
Find another bird
That is to say, to say, Tsar Maiden ... "-
“What are you, what are you, God bless you! -
Began the royal stirrup. -
Tea, from the depths I, pound,
I threw this thing out.
Yes, be cunning as you like,
And you can't fool me. "
King, shaking your beard:
"What? Show me off to you? -
He screamed. - But look,
If you are three weeks old
Can't get the Tsar Maiden
To our royal room,
That, I swear by the beard!
You will pay with me!
On the right - into the lattice - on the stake!
Get out, slave! " Ivan cried
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.
“What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? -
Skate says to him. -
Al, my dear, got sick?
Al was caught by a scoundrel? "
Ivan fell to the skate on his neck,
Hugged and kissed.
“Oh, trouble, hobbyhorse! - said. -
The king orders to his room
I can get it, hey, the Tsar Maiden.
What should I do, hunchback? "
The skate says to him:
“The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help burn.
That's why your trouble
That he didn’t listen to me.
But, to tell you out of friendship,
It is a service, not a service;
Service is all, brother, ahead!
You go to the king now
And say: "After all, for the capture

Gold-stitched tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling ",
Here Ivan goes to the king
And this speech is:
"For the capture of the princess
I must, king, I have two pants,
Gold-stitched tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling. " -
"It would be like this for a long time than not," -
The king from the bed gave the answer
And ordered the nobles
They found everything for Ivan,
He called him a good fellow
And "happy journey!" said.
The next day, early in the morning,
I woke up Ivan's horse:
“Gay! Master! Sleep well!
It's time to fix things! "
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on a path,
Took flys and a tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling;
I put everything in a bag in the road
And tied it with a rope,
I dressed up warmer
I sat on my skate;
Took out a piece of bread
And drove east
For the Tsar Maiden.
They go for a whole week,
Finally, on the eighth day,
They come to the dense forest.
Then the skate said to Ivan:
“This is the road to okiyanu,
And on it all year round
That beauty lives;
Twice she only comes off
From okiyana and leads
Long day to earth to us.
You will see for yourself tomorrow. "
And, having finished his speech to Ivan,
Runs out to the okiyanu,
On which the white shaft
Alone was walking.
Then Ivan gets off the skate,
And the horse is broadcasting to him:
“Well, spread the tent,
Put the device on the fly
From overseas jam
And sweets for chilling.
Lie down behind the tent
Yes, be smart with your mind.
You see, the boat flashes over there.
Then the princess swims up.
Let her enter the tent,
Let him eat, drink;
Here's how to play the harp, -
Know that the time is coming.
Run into the tent at once,
Seize that princess
And keep her strong
Call me soon.
I'm at your first order
I'll come running to you just;
And let's go ... Yes, look,
Look closely behind her;
If you oversleep her
So you can't avoid trouble. "
Then the skate hid from the eyes,
Ivan huddled behind the tent
And let's twirl the dir
To spy on the princess.
The clear noon is coming;
The Tsar Maiden swims up
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device.
"HM! So this is the Tsar Maiden!
As in fairy tales they say -
Reasoning as a stirrup, -
What is where red herself
Tsar Maiden, so what a marvel!
This one is not at all beautiful:
And pale and thin,

And the little leg, the little leg!
Ugh you! like a chicken!
Let someone fall in love
I won’t take it for free. ”
Then the princess began to play
And she hummed so sweetly
That Ivan, not knowing how,
Snuggled on my fist
And under a quiet, slender voice
He falls asleep calmly.
The West was quietly burning down.
Suddenly the horse neighed over him
And pushing him with a hoof,
Shouted in an angry voice:
“Sleep, my dear, to the stars!
Pour out your troubles
It’s not me who’s going to be impaled! ”
Then Ivanushka began to cry
And sobbing, he asked
So that the skate forgives him:
“Let go of the blame for Ivan,
I'm not going to sleep ahead. " -
“Well, God will forgive you! -
The hunchback shouts at him. -
We'll fix everything, maybe
Only, mind you, do not fall asleep;
Tomorrow, early in the morning,
To the gold-embroidered tent
The girl will come again
Sweet honey to drink.
If you fall asleep again
You can't take your head off. "
Here the skate hid again;
And Ivan set off to collect
Sharp stones and nails
From the wrecked ships
In order to inject
If he takes a nap again.

The next day, in the morning,
To the gold-embroidered tent
The Tsar Maiden swims up
Throws the boat ashore,
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device ...
Here the princess began to play
And she hummed so sweetly
That Ivanushka again
I wanted to sleep.
“No, wait, you trashy! -
Ivan says getting up. -
You won't go away
And you can't fool me. "
Then Ivan runs into the tent,
A long braid is enough ...
“Oh, run, skate, run!
My hunchback, help! "
Instantly the skate appeared to him.
“Ai, master, distinguished himself!
Well, sit down quickly
Keep it tight! "
Here reaches the capital.
The king runs out to the princess,
Takes up by the white hands,
Leads her to the palace
And sits at the oak table
And under the silk curtain,
He looks into the eyes with tenderness,
Sweet Speech says:
"The incomparable girl,
Agree to be a queen!
I barely saw you -
He boiled with strong passion.
Falconies are your eyes
Won't let me sleep in the middle of the night
And in broad daylight -
Oh! torture me.
Say a kind word!
Everything is ready for the wedding;
Tomorrow morning, my light,
Let's get married to you
And let's begin to live singing. "
And the princess is young,
Without saying anything
Turned away from the king.
The king was not at all angry,
But more deeply I fell in love;
I knelt before her,
Gently shook hands
And the balusters began again:
“Say a kind word!
How did I upset you?
Ali by the fact that he fell in love?
"Oh, my fate is deplorable!"
The princess says to him:
“If you want to take me,
Then deliver me in three days
My ring is made of okiyan. " -
“Gay! Call Ivan to me! " -
The king hastily shouted
And he almost ran himself.
Here Ivan came to the tsar,
The king turned to him
And he said to him: “Ivan!
Ride the okiyan;
The volume is stored in the okiyan
Ring, hear you, Tsar Maidens.
If you get it for me,
I'll give you everything. " -
“I am from the first road
I drag my legs violently;
You're okiyan again! " -
Ivan speaks to Tsar.
“Why, you cheat, take your time:
See, I want to get married! -
The king cried out in anger
And kicked his feet. -
Do not open my door
Go quickly! "
Then Ivan wanted to go.
“Hey, listen! Along the way, -
The queen says to him, -
Stop by you to bow
Into my emerald tower
Yes, tell my dear:
The daughter wants to know her,
What is she hiding for
Three nights, three days
Your clear face from me?
And why is my brother red
Wrapped up in rainy gloom
And in the misty heights
Will not send a ray to me?
Don't forget! " - "I will remember,
Unless I forget;
Why, you have to find out
Who are the brother, who are the mother,
So that we don’t get lost in our relatives ”.
The queen says to him:
"The month is my mother, the sun is my brother" -
"Yes, look, three days ago!" -
The groom-tsar added to that.
Then Ivan left the Tsar
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.
“What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? " -
Skate says to him.
“Help me, hunchback!
You see, the king decided to marry,
You know, on a thin queen,
So it sends to okiyan, -
Ivan speaks to the skate. -
Gave me a term of three days only;
Here you can try
Get the devil's ring!
Yes, she told me to call in
This subtle queen
Somewhere in the tower to bow
To the sun, to the month, moreover
And ask about something ... "
Here the hobbyhorse: "To say in friendship,
It is a service, not a service;
Service is all, brother, ahead!
Now go to sleep;
And tomorrow, early in the morning,
We will go to the okiyan. "

The next day, our Ivan,
Taking three onions in my pocket
I dressed up warmer
I sat on my skate
And went on a long journey ...
Give, brothers, a rest!

Ta-ra-rali, ta-ra-ra!
The horses came out of the yard;
Here the peasants caught them
Yes, tied tightly.
A raven sits on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet;
As the pipe plays,
The Orthodox amuse:
“Hey, listen, honest people!
Once upon a time there was a husband and wife;
The husband will start joking
And the wife for the jokes,
And they will have a feast here,
What is the whole baptized world! "
This adage is being carried on
The tale will begin later.
Like ours at the gate
The fly sings a song:
“What will you give me for a message?
Mother-in-law beats her daughter-in-law:
I put it on a pole
Tied by a lace
I pulled my arms to my legs,
Right razula leg:
“Do not go on the dawn!
Do not sound like good fellows! "
This adage was carried on,
So the fairy tale began.
Well, this is how our Ivan goes
Behind the ring on okiyan.
The hunchback flies like the wind
And in initiation on the first evening
One hundred thousand miles waved
And he did not rest anywhere.

Approaching okiyanu,
The skate says to Ivan:
“Well, Ivanushka, look,
Three minutes later
We will arrive at the clearing -
Straight to the sea-okiyanu;
Lies across it
Wonder-yudo fish-whale;
For ten years he has been suffering,
But until now he does not know
Than to receive forgiveness;
He will take into account asking you
So that you are in the sun village
I asked him for forgiveness;
You promise to fulfill
Yes, look, don't forget! "
Here they enter the clearing
Straight to the sea-okiyanu;
Lies across it
Wonder-yudo fish-whale.
All his sides are pitted,
Palisades are hammered into the ribs,
There is a fuss on the tail,
The village stands on its back;
The peasants plow on the lip,
Boys dance between the eyes
And in the oak grove, between the mustache,
The girls are looking for mushrooms.

Here is a skate running over a whale,
It knocks on the bones with a hoof.
Wonder Yudo whale fish
So the traveler says
Opening wide mouth,
Sighing heavily, bitterly:
“Way-road, gentlemen!
Where are you from and where? " -
“We are ambassadors from the Tsar Maiden,
We are both going from the capital, -
The horse says to the whale, -
Towards the sun straight east
Gold mansions. " -
“So it’s impossible, dear fathers,
Ask the sun:
How long will I be in disgrace,
And for koi sins
Do I endure troubles, torments? " -
"Okay, okay, whale fish!" -
Our Ivan shouts to him.
“Be a merciful father to me!
See how I suffer, poor man!
I've been lying here for ten years ...
I myself will serve those! .. "-
Ivana's whale begs
He himself sighs bitterly.
"Okay, okay, whale fish!" -
Our Ivan shouts to him.
Then the skate huddled under him,
Jumped to the shore - and set off,
You can only see how the sand
Swirls in a whirlwind at the feet.

Are they going close, far
Are they driving low, high
And they saw someone -
I know nothing.
Soon the tale is spoken
The business is going on sluggishly.
Only, brothers, I found out
That the skate ran there,
Where (I heard the side)
The sky meets the ground
Where peasant women spin flax
Spinning wheels are put in the sky.
Then Ivan said goodbye to the land
And I found myself in the sky
And he rode like a prince
Hat to one side, cheer up.

“Eco miracle! eco marvel!
Our kingdom is beautiful though -
Ivan speaks to the skate.
Among the azure glades, -
And how does it compare with the sky,
So under the insole will not work.
What the earth is! .. because it
And black and dirty;
The land is blue here,
And what a bright one! ..
Look, hunchback,
You see, where, to the east,
Like a lightning shine ...
Tea, heavenly light ...
Something is painfully high! " -
So Ivan asked the horse.
"This is the tower of the Tsar Maiden,
Our future queen, -
The hunchback shouts to him, -
The sun sleeps here at night
And at midday sometimes
The month enters for rest. "
Drive up; at the gate
From the pillars, the crystal vault;
All those pillars are curled
Slyly in gold snakes;
There are three stars on the tops
There are gardens around the tower;
On the silver branches there
In gilded in cages
The birds of paradise live
The royal songs are sung.
But the tower with the tower
Like a city with villages;
And on the tower of stars -
Orthodox Russian cross.

Here the skate enters the yard;
Our Ivan gets off him,
Goes to the tower to the month
And this speech is:
“Hello, Month Month!
I am Ivanushka Petrovich,
From distant sides
And I brought you a bow. " -
"Sit down, Ivanushka Petrovich, -
Said Month Month, -
And tell me the blame
To our bright country
Your parish from the earth;
What people are you from?
How did you get to this land, -
Tell me everything, don't hide it ", -
“I came from the earth Zemlyanskaya,
From a Christian country, -
Sitting down, Ivan says, -
Moved okiyan
With a handrail from the queen -
Bow to the light tower
And say like this, wait:
“You tell my dear:
The daughter wants to know her,
What is she hiding for
Three nights, three days
Some kind of face from me;
And why is my brother red
Wrapped up in rainy gloom
And in the misty heights
Will not send a ray to me? "
So, seem like? - Craftswoman
The queen speaks red;
You can't remember everything in full
What she told me. " -
"And what kind of queen?" -
"This, you know, the Tsar Maiden." -
"The Tsar Maiden? .. So she,
What have you taken away with you? " -
Shouted Month Month.
And Ivanushka Petrovich
Says: “It is known, by me!
You see, I am a king's stirrup;
Well, so the king sent me,
So I can deliver it
In three weeks to the palace;
Otherwise, father,
Threatened to put on a stake ”.
The month cried with joy
Well hug Ivan,
Kiss and have mercy.
“Ah, Ivanushka Petrovich! -
Said Month Month. -
You brought such a message
I don’t know what to count!
And how we grieved
That the princess was lost! ..
That is why, you see, I
Three nights, three days
I walked in a dark cloud
I was sad and sad,
I didn’t sleep for three days.
I didn't take crumbs of bread,
That is why my son is red
Wrapped up in a rainy darkness,
I extinguished my hot beam,
The world of God did not shine:
I was sad, you see, for my sister,
Whether that red Tsar Maiden.
What, is she healthy?
Aren't you sad, not sick? " -
“Everyone would seem to be a beauty,
Yes, she seems to have dryness:
Well, like a match, hey, thin,
Tea, about three vershoks in girth;
This is how it will get married,
So I suppose he will get fat:
The king, hey, is marrying her. "
The month cried out: “Ah, villain!
I decided to marry at seventy
On a young girl!
Yes, I stand firmly in that -
He will sit as a groom!
See what the old fuck is up to:
He wants to reap where he did not sow!
Enough, it hurts like varnish! "
Then Ivan said again:
"There is still a petition to you,
That about the whale forgiveness ...
There is, you see, the sea; miracle whale
Lies across it:
All his sides are pitted,
Palisades are hammered into the ribs ...
He, the poor man, begged me,
So I ask you:
Will the torment end soon?
How to find forgiveness for him?
And what is he lying on here? "
The clear month says:
“For this he brings torment,
What without God's command
Swallowed among the seas
Three dozen ships.
If he gives them freedom,
God will remove adversity from him,
All wounds will heal in a moment,
It will reward you with a long century ”.

Then Ivanushka got up,
I said goodbye to a bright month,
I hugged my neck tightly
He kissed me three times on the cheeks.
“Well, Ivanushka Petrovich! -
Said Month Month. -
Thank you
For my son and for myself.
Take the blessing
Consolation for our daughter
And tell my dear:
“Your mother is always with you;
Completely cry and crash:
Soon your sadness will be resolved, -
And not old, with a beard,
A handsome young man
Will lead you to the tax. "
Well, goodbye! God is with you! "
Bowing as best he could
Ivan sat on the skate here,
Whistled like a noble knight,
And set off on the return journey.
The next day our Ivan
Came to okiyan again.
Here is a skate running over a whale,
It knocks on the bones with a hoof.
Wonder Yudo whale fish
So, sighing, he says:
“What, fathers, is my petition?
Will I receive forgiveness when? " -
"Wait, you whale fish!" -
Then the skate shouts to him.
Here he runs to the village,
He calls the men to him,
Shakes with a black mane
And this speech is:
“Hey listen, lay people,
Orthodox Christians!
Kohl does not want which of you
To the waterman sit in the order,
Get out of here in a moment.
A miracle will immediately happen here:
The sea will boil violently
The whale fish will turn ... "
There are peasants and laymen,
Orthodox Christians
They shouted: "There will be troubles!"
And they set off home.
All the carts were collected;
They did not hesitate to lay down
All that was belly
And they left the whale.
Morning and midday met,
And in the village there is no longer
Not a single living soul
As if Mamai went to war!

Here the skate runs into the tail,
Close to feathers
And that urine is screaming:
“Wonder-yudo fish-whale!
That's why your torment
What without God's command
Have you swallowed among the seas
Three dozen ships.
If you give them freedom,
God will remove adversity from you,
All wounds will heal in a moment,
It will reward you with a long century ”.
And after graduating speech like this,
Has bitten a steel bridle,
I took the trouble - and in a moment
Jump to the distant shore.

The miracle whale began to stir
Like a hill has turned
The sea began to excite
And throw from the jaws
Ships after ships
With sails and rowers.
There was such a noise
That the king of the sea woke up:
They fired copper cannons,
Forged pipes were blown;
White sail rose,
The flag on the mast fluttered;
Pop with all the servicemen
He sang prayers on the deck;
A row of rowers
A song burst out in response:
“Like a sailor, by the sea,
On a wide expanse,
That on the very end of the earth,
Ships are running out ... "
The waves of the sea swirled
The ships were out of sight.
Wonder Yudo whale fish
Shouts in a loud voice
Opening wide mouth,
Breaking waves by the plyos:
“How can I serve you, friends?
How to reward for the service?
Do you need colorful shells?
Do I need golden fish?
Do I need large pearls?
Ready to get everything for you! " -
"No, whale fish, we are rewarded
Nothing is needed, -
Ivan says to him, -
Better get us a ring -
The ring, you know, the Tsar Maiden,
Our future queen. " -
"OK OK! For a friend
And an earring from the ear!
I will find before the lightning
The ring of the red Tsar Maiden ", -
Kit answered Ivan
And, like a key, fell to the bottom.
Here he hits with a dash,
Calls in a loud voice
Sturgeon all the people
And this speech is:
"You reach the lightning
The ring of the red Tsar Maiden,
Hidden in a drawer at the bottom.
Who will deliver it to me
I will reward him with the rank:
He will be a Duma nobleman.
If my order is clever
Do not obey ... I will! "
The sturgeons bowed here
And they left in order.
In a few hours
Two white sturgeon
We slowly swam to the whale
And they humbly said:
“Great king! do not be angry!
We are all the sea, it seems
They went out and dug up,
But they did not open the sign either.
Only ruff is one of us
I would carry out your order:
He walks across all seas,
So, surely, the ring knows;
But, as it were,
Already taken away somewhere. " -
"Find him in a minute
And send to my cabin! " -
Kit screamed angrily
And he shook his mustache.
The sturgeons bowed here,
They started to run to the zemstvo court
And they ordered at the same hour
Write a decree from the whale,
So that messengers will be sent as soon as possible
And they caught the ruff.
Bream, hearing this order,
He wrote a decree in his own name;
Catfish (he was called an adviser)
I signed the decree;
Black cancer decree folded
And attached the stamps.
Two dolphins were called here
And, having given the decree, they said
So that, on behalf of the king,
Ran all the seas
And that ruff-reveler,
A screamer and a bully,
Wherever they are found
They brought me to the sovereign.

Then the dolphins bowed
And the ruff set off to look.
They are looking for an hour in the seas,
They are looking for an hour in the rivers,
All the lakes emanated
All the straits swam across
Couldn't find a ruff
And came back
Almost crying with sadness ...
Suddenly the dolphins heard
Somewhere in a small pond
The cry is unheard of in the water.
Dolphins wrapped in a pond
And they dived to the bottom, -
Look: in the pond, under the reeds,
Ruff fights with crucian carp.
“Attention! the devil would take you!
See, what sodom they raised
Like important fighters! " -
The messengers shouted to them.
“Well, what do you care? -
Ruff shouts out to the dolphins boldly. -
I don't like to joke,
I'll chop everyone at once! " -
"Oh you, eternal reveler
And a screamer and a bully!
Everything, rubbish, for you to walk,
All to fight and scream.
At home - no, it’s not sitting! ..
Well, why dress up with you, -
Here is a decree from the tsars,
So that you swam to him immediately. "
There are prankster dolphins
Picked up by the bristles
And we went back.
Ruff well, tear up and shout:
“Be merciful, brothers!
Give me a little fight.
That damned crucian carp
Carried me yesterday
With an honest assembly
In a different kind of abuse ... "
For a long time the ruff still shouted,
Finally he fell silent;
And the prankster dolphins
They dragged everything by the stubble
Without saying anything
And they appeared before the king.
“Why haven't you been for a long time?
Where are you, the enemy's son, staggering? "
Kit screamed in anger.
Ruff fell on his knees,
And, confessing to the crime,
He prayed for forgiveness.
“Well, God will forgive you! -
The sovereign whale speaks. -
But for that your forgiveness
You obey the command. " -
"Glad to try, miracle whale!" -
On his knees, the ruff squeaks.
“You walk all the seas,
That's right, you know the ring
Tsar Maidens? " - “How not to know!
We can find it all at once. -
“So go quickly
Yes, find him quicker! "
Here, bowing to the king,
Ruff walked, bent over, out.
I swore at the royal courtiers,
I dragged myself for the roach
And six herring
He broke his nose on the way.
Having done such a thing,
He rushed into the pool boldly
And in the underwater depth
I dug a box at the bottom -
Poods at least a hundred.
"Oh, it's not easy here!"
And come on from all the seas
Ruff to click herring to himself.
Herrings are gathered in spirit,
They started to drag the chest,
You can only hear everything -
"Ooh!" yes "oh-oh-oh!"
But no matter how much they shouted,
The bellies just ripped
And the damned chest
Not even one inch.
“Real herrings!
You should have a whip instead of vodka! " -
Ruff shouted from all hearts
And dived for sturgeon.
Sturgeons come here
And they raise without screaming
Firmly entangled in the sand
Red chest with a ring.
“Well, guys, look,
You are now sailing to the king,
I'll go down now
Yes, I'll rest a little:
Something overwhelms the dream,
So it closes its eyes ... "
Sturgeons swim to the king,
Ruff-reveler right into the pond
(From which dolphins
Dragged by the bristles)
Tea, fight with crucian carp, -
I don't know about that.
But now we will say goodbye to him
And we will return to Ivan.
Quiet sea-okiyan.
Ivan is sitting on the sand,
Waiting for a whale from the blue sea
And purrs with grief;
Falling on the sand
The faithful hunchback sleeps.
The time was leaning towards evening;
The sun has already descended;
In a quiet flame of grief
Dawn broke.
And the whale was not there.
“Let those thief run over!
See what a sea shaitan! -
Ivan says to himself. -
Promised before the lightning
Take out the Tsar Maiden's ring,
And until now I have not found
Cursed scoffing!
And the sun has already set,
And ... "Then the sea boiled:
A miracle whale appeared
And to Ivan he says:
“For your good deed
I have kept my promise. "
With this word a little chest
Blasted tightly on the sand,
Only the shore began to sway.
“Well, now I've got my revenge.
If I am forced again,
Call me again;
Your good deed
Do not forget me ... Goodbye! "
Then the miracle whale fell silent
And, splashing, fell to the bottom.

The little humpbacked horse woke up
Got up on his paws, dust himself off,
I looked at Ivanushka
And he jumped four times.
“Oh yes Kit Kitovich! Nice!
I paid off my debt regularly!
Well, thanks, whale fish! -
The Little Humpbacked Horse is screaming. -
Well master, get dressed
Go on a path-path;
Three days have already passed:
Tomorrow is an urgent number.
Tea, the old man is dying. "
Here Vanyusha answers:
“I would be glad to raise
Why, you can't take the strength!
The chest is painfully dense
Tea, devils in it five hundred
The damned whale planted.
I've already raised it three times;
Such a terrible severity! "
Here the hobbyhorse, without answering,
He lifted the box with his foot,
Like a pebble
And he swung it around his neck.
“Well, Ivan, sit down quickly!
Remember, tomorrow is a deadline
And the way back is far away. "

It was the fourth day to dawn.
Our Ivan is already in the capital.
The Tsar runs to him from the porch.
"What is my ring?" - shouts.
Then Ivan gets off the skate
And most importantly he answers:
“So much for the little chest!
Let the regiment scream:
The box is small at least in appearance,
Yes, and crush the devil. "
The king immediately called the archers
And immediately ordered
Take the chest to the parlor,
He himself went to the Tsar Maiden.
“Your ring, soul, has been found, -
He said sweetly, -
And now, to speak again,
There is no obstacle
Tomorrow morning, my light,
Marry me to you.
But don't you want, my friend,
See your rings?
He lies in my palace ”.
The Tsar Maiden says:
"I know I know! But I confess
We can't get married yet. " -
“Why, my light?
I love you with my soul;
Forgive me for my courage
I wanted to get married.
If you ... then I will die
Tomorrow, with grief, in the morning.
Take pity, mother queen! "
The girl says to him:
“But look, you are gray;
I'm only fifteen years old:
How can we get married?
All kings will start laughing
Grandfather, they will say, took it to his grandson! "
The king shouted in anger:
“Let them only laugh -
I will just curl up:
I will fill all their kingdoms!
I will uproot all their kind! "
“Let them not laugh,
All we can’t get married, -
Flowers do not grow in winter:
I'm a beauty, and you? ..
What can you boast about? " -
The girl says to him.
“At least I'm old, but I'm smart! -
The king answered the queen. -
How do I clean up a little
At least someone will seem so
A daring fellow.
Well, what do we need?
If only we can get married. "
The girl says to him:
“And such is the need,
That I will never go out
For the bad, for the gray-haired,
For such a toothless one! "
The king scratched his head
And, frowning, he said:
“What am I to do something, queen?
Fear how you want to get married;
You, exactly for trouble:
I won't go but I won't go! " -
"I will not go for the sedov, -
The Tsar Maiden speaks again. -
Become, as before, well done,
I am immediately down the aisle. " -
"Remember, mother queen,
After all, you cannot be reborn;
God alone creates a miracle. "
The Tsar Maiden says:
“If you don’t regret yourself,
You will get younger again.
Listen: tomorrow at dawn
In the wide yard
You must force the servants
Three large boilers to supply
And lay the fires under them.
The first one needs to be poured
Cold water to the brim,
And the second - boiled water,
And the last one is milk
Boil it with a key.
Now, if you want to marry
And be a handsome man, -
You are without a dress, light,
Take a dip in milk;
Stay here in boiled water,
And then still in the cold room,
And I'll tell you, father,
You will be a noble fellow! "
The king did not utter a word,
At once he clicked on the stirrup.
“What, again on okiyan? -
Ivan speaks to Tsar. -
No really, pipes, your grace!
And even then everything in me has gone astray.
I won't go for anything! " -
“No, Ivanushka, not that.
Tomorrow I want to force
Put boilers in the yard
And lay the fires under them.
First I think to pour
Cold water to the brim,
And the second - boiled water,
And the last one is milk
Boil it with a key.
You should try
Sample for a swim
In these three large cauldrons
In milk and in two waters. " -
“See where it is coming from! -
Ivan begins his speech here.
Only piglets spit,
Yes, turkeys, and chickens;
After all, look, I'm not a pig,
Not a turkey, not a chicken.
Here in the cold, so it is
You could swim
And how will you cook,
You won't entice me.
Completely, king, to be cunning, to be wise
Yes Ivan to carry out! "
King, shaking your beard:
"What? dress me up with you! -
He screamed. - But look!
If you are in the dawn of dawn
You will not obey the command, -
I will give you to torment
I will order you to torture
Tear piece by piece.
Get out of here, wicked pain! "
Here Ivanushka, sobbing,
Trailed to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.

“What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? -
Skate says to him. -
Tea, our old groom
Throw it away again? "
Ivan fell to the skate on his neck,
Hugged and kissed.
“Oh, trouble, horse! - said. -
The king is completely selling me;
Think for yourself, makes
Bathe me in cauldrons
In milk and in two waters:
As in the same icy water,
And in another boiled water,
Milk, hey, boiling water. "
The horse says to him:
“That's a service, that's a service!
This is where my whole friendship is needed.
How can I not say by the way:
It would be better for us not to take a pen;
From him, from the villain,
So many troubles on your neck ...
Well, don't cry, God bless you!
We will somehow relieve you with trouble.
And rather I myself will perish,
Than I will leave you, Ivan.
Listen: tomorrow at dawn
In those days, as in the yard
You will undress as you should
You tell the king: “Can't you,
Your grace, order
Send the hunchback to me,
To say goodbye to him one last time. "
The king will agree to this.
This is how I wave my tail
In those cauldrons with the face of the maknu,
I'll shed my eyes on you twice
I will whistle with a loud whistle,
Look, don't yawn:
Dive into the milk first
Here in a cauldron of boiled water,
And from there to the cold room.
Now pray
Go to sleep in peace. "

The next day, early in the morning,
I woke up Ivan's horse:
“Hey master, sleep well!
It is time to perform the service. "
Here Vanyusha scratched himself,
Stretched out and got up
Prayed on the fence
And he went to the king's courtyard.
There the boilers were already boiling;
Sitting in a row beside them
Coach and cook
And the servants of the court;
They diligently added firewood,
They talked about Ivan
Secretly among themselves
And they laughed at times.
So the doors opened;
The king and queen appeared
And prepared from the porch
Look at the daredevil.
“Well, Vanyusha, take off your clothes
And in the cauldrons, brother, buy! " -
Tsar Ivan shouted.
Then Ivan took off his clothes,
Answering nothing.
And the queen is young,
So as not to see nakedness
Wrapped up in a veil.
Here Ivan went up to the cauldrons,
He looked at them - and combed himself.
“What have you, Vanyusha, become? -
The king cried out to him again. -
Do what you must, brother! "
Ivan says: “Can't you,
Your grace, order
Send the hunchback to me.
I would be the last to say goodbye to him. "
The king, on reflection, agreed
And he deigned to order
Send the hunchback to him.
Here the servant of the skate leads
And he goes to the side.
Here the horse waved its tail,
I dipped my face into those cauldrons,
I spat twice on Ivan,
He whistled with a loud whistle.
Ivan looked at the skate
And immediately dived into the cauldron,
Here in another, there in the third too,
And so he became handsome,
Whatever in a fairy tale to say,
You can't write with a pen!
Here he dressed up in a dress,
The Tsar Maiden bowed,
Looked around, cheered up,
With an air of importance, like a prince.
“Eco miracle! - everyone shouted. -
We have never heard of
To make you look prettier! "
The king ordered himself to be undressed,
Crossed himself twice
Booze into the cauldron - and boiled there!
The Tsar Maiden gets up here,
Gives a sign to silence,
The cover lifts
And he broadcasts to the servants:
“The king told you to live long!
I want to be a queen.
Do I love you? Answer me!
If you like, then admit
Volunteer everything
And my wife! "
Then the queen fell silent,
She pointed at Ivan.
“Lyuba, lyuba! - everyone shouts. -
For you, even to hell!
For your talent
We recognize Tsar Ivan! "
The king takes the queen here,
Leads to the church of God,
And with the young bride
He walks around in bulk.

The cannons are firing from the fortress;
Forged pipes are blown;
All cellars are open
Barrels with fryazhsky are exposed,
And drunk people
What is the moss fights:
“Hello, our tsar and tsarina!
With a beautiful Tsar Maiden! "

In the palace there is a feast in the mountains:
Wines flow like a river there;
At oak tables
Boyars drink with princes.
Heart love! I was there,
I drank honey, wine and beer;
Though it ran along the mustache,
Not a drop got into my mouth.

Today is Saturday. You don't have to go to the kindergarten, you can sleep as much as you want.
But why is it so: when you can, then you don't want to? Petya woke up, but does not get up - he is thinking whether it is worth getting up before his brother?

We need to talk, Ryzhov. And you, as always, is in a hurry to run away - this is my mother's voice from the corridor. Ryzhov is dad. And apparently, he goes to work. Despite Saturday.
Petya guesses what mom wants to talk about. This is probably about yesterday, about their fight with Kolka. Dad can be heard trying to put on his shoes without bending over. Here are two inflows, three boosters - and a kiss, a kiss to mom. Petya decides to jump out and get his "smack, smack", but hears his dad say: “Again problems with the Kolpety? We'll talk in the evening. You, dear, do not have enough iron gloves. Otherwise they will sit on their heads. And now I’m sorry - I don’t want to be late for the meeting of the department ”.

The lock clicked. It became quiet. Mom went to the kitchen.
“I'm still lying around,” Petya decided. And the older brother still does not wake up, grunts sweetly into the pillow. He is two years older than Petya, and will go to school in the fall. He already has a cool knapsack, which he does not allow Petya to touch. Is that why, one wonders, such an injustice? Why should Kolya always be the first in everything?
Petya asked mom about this yesterday. “It happened,” she replied, “the stork has been choosing you for too long.” Petya thought that one could be proud of this fact: after all, he chose, while he took Kolka without looking!

In the evening, my mother wanted to read them a story about the Little Humpbacked Horse for the night. "Don't," Petya protested, "you've already read it."
- No, mom, read, read, - Kolya was delighted. - We were shown a cartoon in the group yesterday. There is about three sons, the eldest was a smart fellow, the middle one was both this and that, the youngest was a complete fool, - he joyfully, though not quite accurately quoted the tale.
“You yourself are a fool,” Petya reacted violently. - I am middle, and we will still have the youngest, right, mom?
- Do not quarrel, Kolpetiki, everyone has long known that you are both smart. And, of course, remember that in all fairy tales, the youngest, Ivanushka, always turned out to be the kindest and smartest, do you agree with me?
Petya agreed with this, but Kolya did not. And after mom leaves, your right
he began to prove that he was a "smart fellow" with his fists.

This is what my mother probably wanted to tell my dad about when she accompanied him to work in the morning. It's good that dad was in a hurry for his physical education.
- What other physical education? - Kolya, who woke up, did not believe when he heard this version from his brother.
-I heard it with my own ears as it flew out of his mouth! The whole chair is squatting!

Kolya has nothing to cover. It is logical that sick people need to exercise more. Kolya has known for a long time that dad works with cripples. I myself heard how dad was introducing mom to an uncle who had come from the institute: "Meet Igor Vasilyevich, my cripple!" And he came to invite dad to a banquet. Dad said then that Igor Vasilyevich had finally defended himself. From whom?? It is necessary to ask dad, who was persecuting poor Igor Vasilyevich? After all, his dad, of course, defended him? And did they catch those bandits who were chasing? And why do they collect banks at the institute, arrange such banquets for themselves? Mom just throws them away ...

The brothers were discussing plans for the day when the bell rang and the barking of a neighbor's poodle, Bim, was heard outside the door.
- We just missed him! - said my mother and went to open the door to her “beloved” neighbor.
Bim jumped up first, followed by his neighbor, Aunt Klava.
Bim, with joy, was ready to lick not only the boys, but even Stark the cat hissing at him.
- Come in, come in, - Petya chirped, - we just missed you!
- Truth? - Aunt Klava was surprised, - nice to hear!
- Children love your Bimchik so much! - Hastened to switch the conversation to another topic, mom, and took the neighbor to the kitchen.

But the guys have ears on top of their heads: they will not miss a single news!
It turns out that the neighbor, Uncle Vanya, got drunk somewhere, came home splashed wet. Apparently he was swimming, although the sea was shallow, he was knee-deep.
“That's why I got drunk on all sorts of nasty things, that it was shallow,” Petya commented in a whisper.
“You are at least small, but smart,” the elder brother praised. - But I don't understand why Aunt Klava can't cook porridge with Uncle Vanya? What is there to cook it ?!
“Don’t worry, mom will teach her,” Petya consoled his brother, and suddenly, remembering the conversation of his parents overheard in the morning, he asked: “Kolya, why are they making mittens from hedgehogs? Dad said Mom needed them. - Petya was ready to burst into tears.
- Stop sniffing! In the evening we will ask Ryzhov. Maybe he wants
Mum to make such a gift on March 8th?
- No, we'd better ask you not to do it, and, in general, it seems to me that the mittens are against us ... - a tear was about to roll out of Petya's eye.
-Listen, nurse, you lost your car in the yard yesterday? Lost. Likewise, mittens can be lost. Agree? That's it. Always listen to your older brother!

Page 1 of 8

The Little Humpbacked Horse


The tale begins to tell

Over the mountains, over the forests,
Over wide seas
Against the sky - on the ground
An old man lived in one village.
The old lady has three sons:
The elder was smart,
Middle son this way and that,
The youngest was a fool at all.
The brothers sowed wheat
Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:
Know, that capital was
Not far from the village.
Wheat was sold there,
Money was accepted in the account
And with a full bag
We returned home.
In a long time al soon
Grief came to them:
Someone began to walk in the field
And stir the wheat.
Little peasants of such sadness
Have not seen the offspring;
They began to think and guess -
As if a thief to spy;
Finally they realized themselves
To stand guard
Keep bread at night
Trap the evil thief.
This is how it only began to get dark,
The older brother began to pack up,
He took out the pitchfork and the ax
And he went on patrol.
The stormy night has come;
Fear attacked him,
And out of fears our man

He buried himself under the sennik.
The night is passing, the day is coming;
The sentinel descends from the sennik
And, having poured water on himself,
Began knocking under the hut:
“Hey you sleepy grouses!
Unlock the doors for your brother
I'm soaked in the rain
From head to toe. "
The brothers opened the doors
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see what?
The guard prayed
Right, left bowed
And clearing his throat, he said:
“I haven't slept all night;
In my own misfortune,
There was a terrible storm:
The rain was pouring down like that
I wet my shirt all over.
How boring it was! ..
However, everything is all right. "
His father praised him:
“You, Danilo, well done!
You are, so to speak, approximately
Served me faithfully,
That is, being with everything,

I didn’t hit my face in the dirt ”.
It began to get dark again,
The middle brother went to get ready;
Took both a pitchfork and an ax
And he went on patrol.
The cold night has come
A shudder attacked the little one,
The teeth began to dance;
He started to run -
And he went on patrol all night
At a neighbor's under the fence.
It was terrible for the fellow!
But here is the morning. He to the porch:
“Hey you sleepyheads! What are you sleeping!
Unlock the door for your brother;
At night there was a terrible frost -
I was chilled to my tummies. "

The brothers opened the doors
The guard was let in

They began to ask him:
Didn't he see what?
The guard prayed
Right, left bowed
And through clenched teeth he answered:
“I haven't slept all night,
Yes to my unhappy fate
The cold was terrible at night,
He got me into my hearts;
I rode all night;
It was too inconvenient ...
However, everything is all right. "
And his father said to him:
"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It began to get dark for the third time,
The youngest must get ready;
He does not lead a mustache,
Singing on the stove in the corner
From all the stupid urine:
"You are beautiful eyes!"
Brothers, well, blame him,
They began to drive in the field,
But, no matter how long they shouted,
Only the voice is lost;
He's not moving. Finally
Father came up to him
Says to him: “Listen,
Run on patrol, Vanyusha;
I will buy you luboks,
I'll give you peas and beans. "
Then Ivan gets off the stove,
Malachai puts on his,
He puts bread in his bosom,
Keep the guard going.
The night has come; the month rises;
Ivan goes around the field,
Look around you
And sits down under a bush;
He counts the stars in the sky
Yes, he eats the edge.
Suddenly, about midnight, the horse whinnied ...
Our guard stood up,

Looked under the mitten
And I saw a mare.
That mare was
Everything, like winter snow, is white,
Mane to the ground, golden,
Curled rings in crayons.
“Ehe-he! so that's what
Our thief! .. But wait,
I don't know how to joke
I'll sit on the neck at once.
See what locusts are! "
And, ucha minute,
Runs up to the mare,
The wavy tail is enough
And he jumped to her ridge -
Only backwards.
Young mare,
Eyes sparkling madly,
Snake head twisted
And launched like an arrow.
Curls around the fields
Hangs over the moats
Runs galloping through the mountains,
Walks on end through the woods
Wants by force al deceit,
Just to deal with Ivan;
But Ivan himself is not simple -
Holds tightly to the tail.
Finally she was tired.
“Well, Ivan,” she said to him, “
If you knew how to sit
So you own me.
Give me a place to rest
Yes, take care of me
How much you know. Yes look:
Three morning dawns
Unleash me
Take a walk in a clean field.
At the end of three days
I'll give you two horses -
Yes, such as they are today
Not even a trace;
Yes, I’ll also make a face of a skate
Only three inches tall,
On the back with two humps
Yes with arshin ears.
Sell ​​two horses, if you like,
But don't give up the skate
Not for the belt, not for the hat,
Not for the black, hey, grandmother.
On the ground and underground
He will be your friend:
He will warm you in winter
In the summer it will wrap around cold;
In hunger he will treat you with bread,
Give honey to drink in thirst.
I'll go out into the field again
To try strength in the wild. "
“Okay,” Ivan thinks.
And into the shepherd's booth
She drives the mare
The mat closes the door,
And as soon as dawn broke,
Goes to the village
Singing a song out loud
"Well done went to Presnya."
Here he comes up on the porch,
Here is enough for the ring,
That there is strength knocking at the door,
As soon as the roof does not collapse,
And shouts to the whole bazaar,
Like a fire broke out.
Brothers galloped off the benches,
Stuttering, they cried out:
"Who knocks so hard" -
"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"
The brothers opened the doors
They let the fool into the hut
And let's scold him, -
How dare he frighten them so!
And Ivan is ours, without removing

Neither bast shoes, nor malakhaya,
Goes to the oven
And he speaks from there
About a night adventure,
Surprisingly to all ears:
“I haven't slept all night,
I counted the stars in the sky;
The month, exactly, also shone, -
I did not notice the order.
Suddenly the devil comes himself,
With a beard and mustache;
Erysipelas like a cat's
And the eyes - what are those bowls!
So that devil began to jump
And knock down the grain with your tail.
I don't know how to joke -
And jumped on his neck.
Already he dragged, dragged,
I almost broke my head.
But I myself am not a mistake,
Hey, I held him like in a pulp.
Fought, fought my cunning
And finally he prayed:
“Do not destroy me from the light!
A whole year to you for this
I promise to live in peace
Do not stir up the Orthodox. "
I, hey, didn’t measure words,
Yes, I believed the imp. "
Then the narrator fell silent,
He yawned and dozed off.
Brothers, no matter how angry,
They couldn't - they burst out laughing
Grabbing under the sides,
Above the story of a fool.
The old man himself could not restrain himself,
So as not to laugh until tears,
At least to laugh - so it is
It's a sin for old people.
Much time al little
From that night it ran, -
I mean nothing
I have not heard from anyone.
Well, what does it matter to us,
Whether a year or two has flown by, -
After all, you can't run after them ...
Let's continue the tale.
Well, that's what it is! Once Danilo
(On a holiday, I remember it was),
Stretched out madly drunk,
Dragged into the booth.
What does he see? - Beautiful
Two horses of the golden mane
Yes to a toy-skate
Only three inches tall,
On the back with two humps
Yes with arshin ears.
"HM! now I know
Why did the fool sleep here! " -
Danilo says to himself ...
The miracle knocked the hops out at once;
Here Danilo runs into the house
And Gavrila says:
“Look how beautiful
Two horses of the golden mane
Our fool got himself:
You have never heard of it. "
And Danilo da Gavrilo,
That there was urine in their feet,
On the nettles straight
So they blow barefoot.
Stumbling three times
Having repaired both eyes
Rubbing here and there
Brothers enter to two horses.
The horses whinnied and snored,
The eyes were burning like a yacht;
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail was streaming golden,
And diamond hooves
Upholstered with large pearls.
It's expensive to watch!
Only the king would sit on them.
The brothers looked at them like that,
That they were a little distorted.
“Where did he get them? -
The elder said to the middle, -
But it has been a long time ago,
That only fools are given treasure,
You should at least break your forehead,
You can't knock out two rubles.
Well, Gavrilo, in that week
Let's take them to the capital;
We will sell the boyars there,
We will divide the money evenly.
And with money, you yourself know
And you will drink and take a walk
Just slap the bag.
And to the good fool
There is no guesswork,
Where his horses are visiting;
Let him seek them here and there.
Well, buddy, from your hands! "
The brothers agreed at once,
Hugged, crossed themselves
And returned home
Talking between you
About horses, and about a feast,
And about a wonderful little animal.
Time rolls along
Hour after hour, day after day, -
And on the first week
The brothers are going to the capital city,
What would you sell your goods there?
And at the pier find out
Didn't they come with ships
Germans to the city behind the canvases
And will Tsar Saltan
Basurmans Christians?
Here they prayed to the icons,
Father was blessed
They took two horses secretly
And they went quietly.
Evening made its way to night;
Ivan got ready for the night;
Walking along the street
He eats the edge and sings.
Here he reaches the field,
Supports hands on hips
And with a jump start, like a pan,
Sideways enters the booth.
Everything was still standing
But the horses were gone;
Just a humpbacked toy
His legs were spinning
Clapping his ears with joy
Yes, he danced with his feet.
How Ivan will scream here,
Lean on the booth.

P. Ershov
The Little Humpbacked Horse

Over the mountains, over the forests,
Over wide seas
Not in heaven - on earth
An old man lived in one village.
The old lady has three sons:
The elder was smart,

Middle son this way and that,
The youngest was a fool at all.
The brothers sowed wheat
Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:
Know, that capital was
Not far from the village.
Wheat was sold there,
We accepted money by account
And with a full bag
We returned home.

In a long time al soon
Grief came to them:
Someone began to walk in the field
And stir the wheat.
Little peasants of such sadness
Have not seen the offspring;
They began to think and guess -
As if a thief to spy;
Finally they realized themselves
To stand guard
Keep bread at night
Trap the evil thief.

This is how it only began to get dark,
The elder brother began to gather:
He took out the pitchfork and the ax
And he went on patrol.

The rainy night has come
Fear attacked him,
And out of fears our man
He buried himself under the sennik.
The night is passing, the day is coming;
The sentinel descends from the sennik
And, having poured water on himself,
Began knocking under the hut:
"Hey you sleepy grouses!
Unlock the doors for your brother
I'm soaked in the rain
From head to toe. "
The brothers opened the doors
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see what?
The guard prayed
Right, left bowed
And clearing his throat, he said:
"I haven't slept all night;
To my own misfortune,
There was a terrible storm:

The rain was pouring down like that
I wet my shirt all over.
How boring it was! ..
However, everything is all right. "
His father praised him:
"You, Danilo, well done!
You are, so to speak, approximately
Served me faithfully,
That is, being with everything,
Do not hit the face in the dirt. "

It began to get dark again;
The middle brother went to pack:
Took both a pitchfork and an ax
And he went on patrol.
The cold night has come
A shudder attacked the little one,
The teeth began to dance;
He started to run -

And he went on patrol all night
At a neighbor's under the fence.
It was terrible for the fellow!
But here is the morning. He to the porch:
"Hey you, sleepyheads! What are you sleeping!
Unlock the door for your brother;
There was a terrible frost at night, -
I was chilled to my tummies. "
The brothers opened the doors
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see what?
The guard prayed
Right, left bowed
And through clenched teeth he answered:
"I haven't slept all night,
Yes, to my unhappy fate,
The cold was terrible at night,
He got me into my hearts;
I rode all night;
It was too inconvenient ...
However, everything is all right. "
And his father said to him:
"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It began to get dark for the third time,
The youngest must get ready;
He does not lead with a mustache,
Singing on the stove in the corner
From all the stupid urine:
"You are beautiful eyes!"

Brothers, well, blame him,
They began to drive in the field,
But no matter how long they shouted
Only the voice is lost:
He's not moving. Finally
Father came up to him,
Says to him: "Listen,
Run on patrol, Vanyusha.
I will buy you luboks,
I'll give you peas and beans. "
Then Ivan gets off the stove,
Malachai puts on his,

He puts bread in his bosom,
The guard goes to keep.

Ivan goes around the field,
Look around you
And sits down under a bush;
Counts the stars in the sky
Yes, he eats the edge.

Suddenly, about midnight, the horse whinnied ...
Our guard stood up,
Looked under the mitten
And I saw a mare.
That mare was
Everything, like winter snow, is white,
Mane to the ground, golden,
Curled rings in crayons.
"Ehe-he! So that's what
Our thief! .. But wait,
I don't know how to joke
I'll sit on the neck at once.
See what locusts are! "
And, ucha minute,
Runs up to the mare,
The wavy tail is enough
And he jumped to her ridge -
Only backwards.
Young mare,
Eyes sparkling madly,
Snake head twisted
And launched like an arrow.
Curls around the fields
Hangs over the moats
Runs galloping through the mountains,
Walks on end through the woods
Wants by force al deceit,
Just to deal with Ivan.
But Ivan himself is not simple -
Holds tightly to the tail.

Finally she was tired.
"Well, Ivan, - she said to him, -
If you knew how to sit
So you own me.
Give me a place to rest
Yes take care of me
How much you know. Yes look:
Three morning dawns
Unleash me
Take a walk in a clean field.
At the end of three days
I'll give you two horses -
Yes, such as they are today
Not even a trace;
Yes, I’ll also make a face of a skate
Only three inches tall,
On the back with two humps
Yes with arshin ears.
Sell ​​two horses, if you like,
But don't give up the skate
Not for the belt, not for the hat,
Not for the black, hey, grandmother.
On the ground and underground
He will be your friend:
He will warm you in winter
In summer it will wrap around cold
In hunger he will treat you with bread,
Give honey to drink in thirst.
I'll go out into the field again
To try strength in the wild. "

Okay, Ivan thinks
And into the shepherd's booth
She drives the mare
The matting door closes
And, as soon as dawn broke,
Goes to the village
Singing a song out loud:
"Well done went to Presnya."

Here he comes up on the porch,
Here is enough for the ring,
That there is strength knocking at the door,
As soon as the roof does not collapse,
And shouts to the whole bazaar,
Like a fire broke out.
Brothers galloped off the benches,
They cried out stammering:
"Who knocks hard like that?" -
"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"
The brothers opened the doors
They let the fool into the hut
And let's scold him, -
How dare he frighten them so!
And Ivan is ours, without removing
Neither bast shoes, nor malakhaya,
Goes to the oven
And he speaks from there
About a night adventure,
Surprisingly to all ears:

"I haven't slept all night,
I counted the stars in the sky;
The month, exactly, also shone, -
I did not notice the order.
Suddenly the devil comes himself,
With a beard and mustache;
Erysipelas like a cat's
And the eyes, what are those bowls!
So the devil began to jump
And knock down the grain with your tail.
I don't know how to joke -
And jump on his neck.

Already he dragged, dragged,
I almost broke my head,
But I myself am not a mistake,
Hey, I held him like a pulp.
Fought, fought my cunning
And finally he prayed:
"Do not destroy me from the light!
A whole year to you for this
I promise to live in peace
Do not stir up the Orthodox. "
I, hey, didn’t measure words,
Yes, I believed the imp. "
Then the narrator fell silent,
He yawned and dozed off.
Brothers, no matter how angry,
They couldn't - they burst out laughing
Grabbing under the sides,
Above the story of a fool.
The old man himself could not restrain himself,
So as not to laugh to tears,
At least to laugh - so it is
It's a sin for old people.

Much time al little
From that night it ran, -
I mean nothing
I have not heard from anyone.
Well, what does it matter to us,
Whether a year or two has flown by, -

After all, you can't run after them ...
Let's continue the tale.

Well, that's what it is! Once Danilo
(On a holiday, I remember it was),
Stretched out madly drunk,
Dragged into the booth.
What does he see? - Beautiful
Two horses of the golden mane
Yes to a toy-skate
Only three inches tall,
On the back with two humps
Yes with arshin ears.
"Hmm! Now I know
Why did the fool sleep here! "-
Danilo says to himself ...
The miracle knocked the hops out at once;
Here Danilo runs into the house
And Gavrila says:
"Look how beautiful
Two horses of the golden mane
Our fool got himself:
You have never heard of it. "
And Danilo da Gavrilo,
That there was urine in their feet,
On the nettles straight
So they blow barefoot.

Stumbling three times
Having repaired both eyes
Rubbing here and there
Brothers enter to two horses.
The horses whinnied and snored,
The eyes were burning like a yacht;
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail was streaming golden,
And diamond hooves
Upholstered with large pearls.
It's expensive to watch!
Only the king would sit on them!
The brothers looked at them like that,
That they were a little distorted.
"Where did he get them? -
The elder told the middle one. -
But the speech has been going on for a long time,
That only fools are given treasure,
You should at least break your forehead,
You can't knock out two rubles.
Well, Gavrilo, in that week
Let's take them to the capital;
We will sell the boyars there,
We will divide the money evenly.
And with money, you yourself know
And you will drink and take a walk,
Just slap the bag.
And to the good fool
There won't be enough guesses
Where his horses are visiting;
Let him seek them here and there.
Well, buddy, hand over! "
The brothers agreed at once,
Hugged, crossed themselves

And returned home
Talking between you
About horses and about a feast
And about a wonderful little animal.

Time rolls along
Hour after hour, day after day.
And on the first week
The brothers are going to the capital city,
To sell your goods there
And at the pier find out
Didn't they come with ships
Germans to the city behind the canvases
And will Tsar Saltan
Basurmans Christians.
Here they prayed to the icons,
Father was blessed
They took two horses secretly
And they went quietly.

Evening made its way to night;
Ivan got ready for the night;
Along the street he walks
He eats the edge and sings.
Here he reaches the field,
Supports hands on hips

And with a jump start, like a pan,
Sideways enters the booth.

Everything was still standing
But the horses were gone;
Just a humpbacked toy
His legs were spinning
Clapping his ears with joy
Yes, he danced with his feet.
How Ivan will scream here,
Leaning on the booth:
"Oh you, horses of the Boer-Siwa,
Good horses, golden-maned!
I did not caress you, friends,
What the hell stole you?
To be lost to him, the dog!
To die in the gully!
So that he in the next world
Fall through the bridge!
Oh you, horses of the bora-siva,
Good horses are golden-maned! "

Then the skate whinnied at him.
"Do not grieve, Ivan, - said, -
The trouble is great, I do not argue
But I can help burn.

You are not riveted to the devil:
The brothers brought the Koniks together.
Well, what's the use of empty talk,
Be, Ivanushka, in peace.
Sit on me soon
Just know to yourself hold on;
Even though I am small,
Yes, I will change the horse to another:
How will I start and run,
So I will overtake the devil. "

Here the skate lies down before him;
Ivan sits on a skate,
Takes ears in zagreb,
That there are lobster roars.
The little humpbacked horse shook himself
Got up on his paws, startled,
Slammed with his mane, snored
And flew like an arrow;
Only dusty clubs
A whirlwind curled underfoot.
And in two moments, if not in a moment,
Our Ivan overtook the thieves.

Brothers, that is, were scared,
Combed and hesitated.

And Ivan began to shout to them:
"It's a shame, brothers, to steal!
Even though you are smarter than Ivan,
Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:
He didn't steal your horses. "
The elder, writhing, then said:
"Our dear brother Ivasha,
What to shine is our business!
But take you into account
Our unselfish belly.

No matter how much wheat we sow,
We have a little bit of daily bread.
And if there is a poor harvest,
So at least get into the noose!
Here in such great sorrow
Gavrila and I interpreted
All the other night -
How can I help you?
We did this and that
Finally, they decided like this:
To sell your skates
Even for a thousand rubles.
And thank you, say by the way,
I will bring you an update -
Red hat with a vertebra
Yes, boots with heels.
And besides, the old man is sick,
He can no longer work;
But you have to waste your time, -
You yourself are a smart person! "-
"Well, if that way, then go, -
Ivan says - sell
Goldmane two horses,
Take me too. "
The brothers looked sideways painfully,
Yes, you can’t! agreed.

It began to darken in the sky;
The air began to grow cold;
Here, so that they do not get lost,
It was decided to stop.

Under the canopies of the branches
Tied up all the horses
Brought with a local basket,
Got drunk a little
And go, whatever God gives,
Who in which of them is much.

Danilo suddenly noticed
That a fire lit up in the distance.
He looked at Gavrila,
I winked with my left eye
And gave a little cough
Pointing the fire quietly;
Here I scratched my head,
"Oh, how dark!" He said.
At least a month that way as a joke
He looked to us for a minute,
Everything would be easier. And now,
Really, we are worse than a tester ...
Wait a minute ... it seems to me
That the light smoke curls there ...
You see, evon! .. That's right! ..
That would be to break up a smoke!
A miracle would have been! .. But listen,
Run, brother Vanyusha!
And, I must confess, I have
No flint, no flint. "
Danilo himself thinks:
"May you be crushed there!"
And Gavrilo says:
"Someone to sing knows what is burning!

Kohl the villagers stuck
Remember him, what was his name! "
Nothing for a fool.
He sits on a skate
Kicks on the steep sides with his feet,
Tugging at him with his hands
With all his might ...
The horse soared, and the trail was gone.
"May the power of the cross be with us! -
Gavrilo shouted then,
Shielding himself with the holy cross. -
What a devil is this under him! "

The light burns brighter
The hunchback runs faster.
Now he is in front of the fire.
The field shines as if during the day;
A wonderful light streams around
But it does not heat, does not smoke.
Ivan was a miracle here.
“What,” he said, “for the shaitan!
There is a light with five hats,
And there is no heat and smoke;
Eco miracle light! "

The horse says to him:
"There really is something to marvel at!
Here lies the feather of the Firebird,
But for your happiness
Don't take it for yourself.
A lot, a lot of restlessness
It will bring it with itself. "
"You speak! How not so!" -
The fool grumbles to himself;
And, raising the feather of the Firebird,
Wrapped him up in rags
I put rags in my hat
And he turned the skate.
Here he comes to his brothers
And answers to their demand:
"How did I jump there,
I saw a burnt stump;
I fought over him, fought,
So I almost got sore;
I fanned it for about an hour -
No, after all, damn it, faded away! "
The brothers did not sleep the whole night,
They laughed at Ivan;
And Ivan sat down under the cart,
He snored until the morning.

Here they harnessed their horses
And they came to the capital,

We stood in the equestrian row,
Opposite the big chambers.

In that capital, there was a custom:
Kohl does not say the mayor -
Buy nothing
Sell ​​nothing.
Now mass is coming;
The governor leaves
In shoes, in a fur hat,
With a hundred city guards.
The herald is riding with him,
Long-mustache, bearded;
He blows a trumpet into gold,
Shouts in a loud voice:
"Guests! Unlock the shops,
Buy, sell.
And the overseers sit
Near the benches and watch
So that there is no sodom,
Not just now, not pogrom,
And so that no freak
Didn't deceive the people! "
The guests of the shop are unlocking,
The baptized people call out:
"Hey, honest gentlemen,
Come to us here!
How do we have tare-bars,
All sorts of different products! "
The buyers are coming
They take the goods from the guests;

Guests count money
Yes, the overseers are blinking.

Meanwhile, the Gradsky detachment
Comes to the horse row;
Looks - a crush from the people.
There is no exit or entrance;
So swarming here and swarming,
And they laugh and shout.
The mayor was surprised
That the people were amused
And he gave the order to the detachment,
To clear the road.

"Hey! You devil barefoot!"
Get out of my way! get out of my way!"
The barbel screamed
And they hit the whips.
Then the people began to stir,
He took off his caps and parted.

There is a row of horses before the eyes;
Two horses stand in a row
Young, black,
Curly golden manes
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail is streaming golden ...

Our old man, no matter how ardent,
He rubbed the back of his head for a long time.
"Wonderful, - said, - God's light,
There are no miracles in it! "
The whole detachment bowed here,
I wondered at the wise speech.
The mayor meanwhile
I punished everyone,
So that they don't buy horses,
They did not yawn, they did not shout;
That he is going to the yard
Report everything to the king.
And, leaving part of the detachment,
He went to report.

Arrives at the palace.
"Have mercy, king-father! -
The mayor exclaims
And the whole body falls. -
Don't tell me to be executed
Command me to speak! "
The king deigned to say: "Okay,
Speak, but just smoothly. "
"As I can, I'll tell you:
I serve as a mayor;
Faithfully correct
This position ... "-" I know, I know! "-
"Today, having taken a detachment,
I went to the horse row.
I come - darkness to the people!
Well, neither exit nor entrance.

What to do here? .. Ordered
To drive the people, so as not to interfere.
And so it happened, Tsar Hope!
And I went - and what then?
Before me is a row of horses;
Two horses stand in a row
Young, black,
Curly golden manes
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail is streaming golden
And diamond hooves
Upholstered with large pearls. "

The king could not sit there.
"We must have a look at the horses, -
He says - but it's not bad
And make such a miracle.
Hey, a carriage for me! "And so
The cart is at the gate.
The king washed, dressed up
And rolled to the market;
For the king of archers, a detachment.

Here he drove into the horse row.
Everyone here fell to their knees
And they shouted "hurray" to the king.
The king bowed and instantly

Well done from the cart jump ...
He does not take his eyes off his horses,
On the right, on the left it comes to them,
Calls with an affectionate word,
Beats them quietly on the back,
Ruffling their cool neck,
Strokes a golden mane,
And, rather blindly,
He asked, turning
To those around: "Hey guys!
Whose foals are they?
Who is the boss? "Here is Ivan,
Hands on your hips, like a pan,
Because of the brothers
And, pouting, he answers:
"This couple, king, mine,
And the owner is me too. "-
"Well, I'm buying a couple!
Are you selling? "-" No, I'm changing. "-
"What good do you take in the exchange?" -
"Two to five caps of silver." -
"That is, it will be ten."
The king immediately ordered to weigh
And, by his grace,
I gave five rubles in addition.
The Tsar was magnanimous!

Lead the horses to the stables
Ten gray-haired grooms,
All in gold stripes,

All with colored sashes
And with morocco whips.
But dear, as for a laugh,
The horses knocked them all off their feet,
All the bridles have been torn
And they ran to Ivan.

The king went back
Says to him: "Well, brother,
A pair is not given to ours;
Nothing to do, have to
Serve you in the palace.
You will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress,
Like rolling cheese in butter
All my stable
I give you an order
Tsarsko word in that surety.
What, agree? "-" What a thing!
I will live in a palace
I will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress,
Like rolling cheese in butter
The whole stables factory
The king gives me orders;
That is, I'm from the vegetable garden
I will become a royal voivode.
What a wonderful thing! So be it
I will serve you, king.

Only, mind you, don't fight me
And let me sleep
Otherwise I was like that! "

Then he clicked horses
And went along the capital,
Himself waving a mitten,
And to the song of a fool
Horses are dancing trepak;
And his hobbyhorse is humpbacked -
So it breaks squatting,
To the surprise of all people.

Two brothers meanwhile
We got the money royally,
They were sewn into their cords,
Knocked on the valley
And they went home.
Houses shared together
They both got married at once,
They began to live and get on
Yes to remember Ivan.

But now we'll leave them
Let's amuse with a fairy tale again
Orthodox Christians,
What our Ivan has done

Being in the service of the royal,
At the state stable;
How did he get into the neighbors,
I slept like a feather,
How cunningly caught the Firebird,
How he kidnapped the Tsar Maiden,
How he drove for the ring,
As an ambassador in heaven,
How he is in the sun village
Kitu begged forgiveness;
How, to the number of other undertakings,
He saved thirty ships;
As in the boilers it was not cooked,
How handsome he was;
In a word: our speech is about
How he became king.

Soon the tale is telling
And not soon the thing is done

A story begins
From Ivanov's pranks,
And from the sivka, and from the burka,
And from the prophetic couch.
The goats to the sea are gone;
The mountains are overgrown with forest;

A horse with a golden bridle broke,
Rising straight to the sun;
Forest standing underfoot,
On the side is a thunderous cloud;
A cloud walks and sparkles
Thunder spreads across the sky.
This is a saying: wait
The tale will be ahead.
Like the sea-okiyane
And on the Buyan island
There is a new coffin in the forest,
The girl lies in the coffin;
The nightingale whistles over the coffin;
The black beast prowls in the oak forest,
This is a saying, but -
The fairy tale will follow.

Well, so you see, laity,
Orthodox Christians
Our dashing fellow
I got lost in the palace;
At the tsar's stable he serves
And will not bother at all
It's about brothers, about a father
In the royal palace.
And what does he care about his brothers?
Ivan has red dresses,
Red hats, boots
Almost ten boxes;

He eats sweetly, he sleeps so much,
What expanse, and more!

Here in five weeks
I began to notice the sleeping bag ...
I must say this sleeping bag
Before Ivan there was a boss
Above the stable you need everything,
From the boyar had a reputation for children;
It's no wonder he was angry
I swore at Ivan,
Though an abyss, but a stranger
Get out of the palace.
But, concealing cunning,
He's for every occasion
Pretended to be a cheat, deaf,
Short-sighted and dumb;
He himself thinks: "Wait a minute,
I'll move those, you fool! "

So in five weeks
The sleeping bag began to notice
That Ivan does not groom horses,
And he does not clean, and does not school;
But for all that, two horses
As if just from under the crest:
Washed clean and clean
The manes are intertwined in braids,

Bangs are gathered in a bun
Wool - well, shines like silk;
Fresh wheat in the stalls
As if it will be born right there,
And in large vats
As if only poured.
"What kind of parable is this? -
The sleeping bag thinks with a sigh. -
Doesn't he walk, wait,
To us a prankster-brownie?
Let me watch you
And no, so I and a bullet,
Without winking, I know how to drain, -
If only the fool to leave.
I will report in the tsar's duma,
That the state equestrian -
Basurmanin, witch,
Warlock and villain;
That he drives bread and salt with the devil,
Doesn't go to the church of God,
Catholic holds a cross
And he eats meat by fasting. "

That same evening this sleeping bag
Former head of equestrian,
I hid in stalls secretly
And sprinkled with oats.

So it was midnight.
His chest ached.
He is neither alive nor dead,
Himself prayers do everything.
Waiting for a neighbor ... Chu! in itself,
The doors creaked dull,
The horses stamped, and behold
The old horse breeder enters.
Locks the door with a latch,
Gently throws off his hat,
He puts it on the window
And from that cap he takes
In three wrapped rags
The royal treasure is a feather of the Firebird.

Such a light shone here,
That the sleeping bag almost cried out,
And I was so scared from fear,
That the oats fell off him.
But the neighbor is not aware!
He puts his feather in the bottom of the barrel,
He begins to clean the horses,
Washes, cleans up,
Weaves long manes,
Sings various songs.
And meanwhile, curled up in a club,
Shaking with a tooth
Looks at a sleeping bag, barely alive,
What's the brownie doing here.
What a devil! Nothing on purpose
The midnight rogue dressed up:
No horns, no beard
Razhy guy, even where!
The hair is smooth, the side of the tape,
On the shirt there are prose
Boots like Al Safyan, -
Well, exactly Ivan.
What a miracle? Looks again
Our eye on the brownie ...
"Eh! So that's what! - at last
The sly man grumbled to himself, -
Okay, tomorrow the king will know
What your stupid mind is hiding.
Wait just one day
You will remember me! "
And Ivan, not knowing at all,
That he is in such trouble
Threatens, weaves everything
Let her mane sing in her braids.

And after removing them, in both vats
Strained fed honey
And poured in addition
Beloyarov millet.
Here, yawning, the feather of the Firebird
Wrapped it up again in rags,
A hat under the ear - and lay down
Near the horses' hind legs.

It just started to dawn
The sleeping bag began to move
And hearing that Ivan
Snores like Eruslan,
He quietly climbs down
And creeps up to Ivan,
I put my fingers in the hat,
Grab a pen - and the trail is gone.

The king has just awakened
Our sleeping bag came to him,
Banged my forehead hard on the floor
And then he sang to the king:
"I am guilty,
The king appeared before you,

Don't tell me to be executed
Order me to speak. "
"Speak without adding, -
The king told him yawning.
If you will lie,
Then the whip cannot be avoided. "
Our sleeping bag, gathering with strength,
Says to the king: "Have mercy!
These are the true Christ,
My denunciation is just, tsar.
Our Ivan, then everyone knows
Father hides from you
But not gold, not silver -
Firebird feather ... "-
"Zharoptitsevo? .. Damned!
And he dared so rich ...
Wait, you villain!
You will not pass the whips! .. "-
"And even then he still knows! -
The sleeping bag continues quietly
Curved. - Good!
Let him have a pen;
And the Firebird itself
Into yours, father, light room,
If you deign to give an order,
Boasts to get it. "
And a scammer with this word,
Crouching with a hoop,
I went to the bed,
He handed in the treasure - and again to the floor.

The king looked and marveled,
Stroked his beard, laughed
And he bit the end of his pen.
Here, taking him to the chest,
Screamed (with impatience)
Confirming your command
With a quick sweep of a fist:
"Gay! Call me a fool!"

And the messengers of the noble
We ran along Ivan,
But, colliding everything in the corner,
Stretched out on the floor.
The king admired so much
And he laughed to stitches.
And the nobleman, observing,
What's funny is for the king,
Winked among themselves
And suddenly they stretched out.
The king was so pleased with that,
That he awarded them with a hat.
Here are the messengers of the noble
They started to call Ivan again
And this time
There were no leprosy.

They come running to the stable,
Doors open wide
And fool's feet
Well push on all sides.
They were busy with it for half an hour,
But he was not woken up.
Finally a private
I woke him up with a broom.

"What kind of servants are they? -
Ivan says getting up. -
How I grab you with a whip,
So you will not become later
Without a way to wake Ivan. "
The nobles say to him:
"The king deigned to order
We should call you to him. "
"Tsar? .. Well, okay! Here I will go
And I will immediately appear to him, "-
Ivan is speaking to the ambassadors.

Then he put on his caftan,
I tied myself up with a girdle,
I thought about it, combed my hair,
I attached my whip to the side,
Like a duck swam.

Here Ivan came to the tsar,
Bowed, cheered up,
He grunted twice and asked:
"Why did you wake me up?"
The king, squinting with his left eye,
Screamed at him with anger,
Rising up: "Silence!
You must answer me:
By virtue of which decree
You hid your eyes from ours
Our royal good -
A firebird feather?
That I am the Tsar Ali Boyar?
Answer now, Tatar! "
Here Ivan, waving his hand,
Says to the king: "Wait!
I didn't give those hats exactly,
How did you find out about that?
What are you - are you a prophet?
Well, yes, put it in prison,
Order now even with sticks -
There is no pen, and no shabalki! .. "-
"Answer! I'll screw it up! .." -
"I plainly say:

No pen! Yes, hear from where
Can I get such a miracle? "
The king jumped out of bed here
And he opened the box with the feather.
"What? You dare to shuffle yet?"
No, don't get out!
What's this? Huh? "Here Ivan
Trembled like a leaf in a blizzard,
I dropped my hat in fright.
"What, buddy, is it tight? -
The king spoke. - Wait a minute, brother! .. "-
"Oh, have mercy, guilty!
Let go of the blame for Ivan,
I won't lie ahead. "
And wrapped in the floor
Stretched out on the floor.
"Well, for the first occasion
I forgive you the blame, -
Tsar Ivan says. -
God have mercy, I am angry!
And sometimes from hearts
I'll take off my forelock and head.
So, you see, what I am!
But, to say without further words,
I learned that you are the Firebird
To our royal room,
If I thought of ordering,
You boast to get it.
Well, look, don't deny
And try to get it. "
Then Ivan jumped up like a spinning top.
"I didn't say that! -
He screamed, wiping himself off. -
I don’t lock myself

But about a bird, as you like,
You are leading in vain. "
King, shaking your beard:
"What? I have to deal with you! -
He screamed. - But look,
If you are three weeks old
Can't get me the Firebird
To our royal room,
I swear by the beard
You will pay with me:
Get out, slave! "Ivan burst into tears
And went to the hayloft,
Where his horse lay.

The hunchback, sensing him,
I started dancing;
But, as I saw tears,
He almost sobbed himself.
"What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? -
The horse says to him,
At his feet spinning. -
Do not hide yourself before me
Tell me everything, what is behind the soul.
I'm ready to help you.
Al, my dear, unwell?
Al was caught by a rascal? "
Ivan fell to the skate on his neck,
Hugged and kissed.

The king orders to get the Firebird
To the state lodge.
What am I to do, hunchback? "
The horse says to him:
"The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help burn.
That's why your trouble
That did not obey me:
Remember, driving to the capital city,
You have found the feather of the Firebird;
I told you then:
Don't take it, Ivan - it's a disaster!
A lot, a lot of restlessness
It will bring it with it.
Now you have learned
I told you the truth.
But, to tell you out of friendship,
It is a service, not a service;
Service is all, brother, ahead.
You go to the king now
And tell him openly:
"We must, king, I have two troughs
Beloyarov millet
Yes, overseas wine.
Yes, tell them to hurry up:
Tomorrow, it will only get bogged down,
We're going on a hike. "

Here Ivan goes to the tsar,
She says to him openly:
"We must, king, I have two troughs
Beloyarov millet
Yes, overseas wine.
Yes, tell them to hurry up:
Tomorrow, it will only get bogged down,
We're going on a hike. "
The king immediately gives the order,
So that the messengers of the noble
They found everything for Ivan,
He called him a good fellow
And "happy journey!" said.

The next day, early in the morning,
I woke up Ivan's horse:
"Gay! Master! Sleep well!
Time to fix things! "
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on a path,
Took troughs, and millet,
And overseas wine;
I dressed up warmer
I sat on my skate,
Took out a piece of bread
And went east -
Get that Firebird.

They go for a whole week,
Finally, on the eighth day,
They come to the dense forest.
Then the skate said to Ivan:
"You will see a clearing here;
In the glade of that mountain
All of pure silver;
Right here before the lightning
The firebirds arrive
Drink water from a stream;
Here we will catch them. "
And, having finished his speech to Ivan,
Runs out into the clearing.
What a field! Greenery here
Like an emerald stone;
The breeze blows over her,
So it sows sparks;
And flowers in the green
Untold beauty.
And on that glade,
Like a shaft on the ocean
The mountain rises
All pure silver.
Summer sun rays
Paints all of her with dawns,
Runs in the folds of gold,
At the top, it burns with a candle.

Here is the ridge on the slope
Climbed this mountain
I ran a mile to a friend,
He settled down and said:

"Soon the night will begin, Ivan,
And you will have to guard.
Well, pour wine into the trough
And mix millet with wine.
And to be closed to you,
You crawl under the trough,
Take note of it on the sly
Yes, look, don't yawn.
Until sunrise, hear the lightning
Firebirds will fly here
And they will begin to peck millet
Yes, screaming in your own way.

You who are closer
And grab her, look!
And you will catch the bird-heat,
And shout to the whole bazaar;
I will immediately appear to you. "
"Well, and if you get burned? -
Ivan says to the skate,
Spreading out your caftan. -
You will have to take mittens:
Tea, the cheat burns painfully. "
Then the skate disappeared from the eyes,
And Ivan, groaning, crawled
Under an oak trough
And he lies there like a dead man.

Here at midnight sometimes
The light spilled over the mountain, -
As if noon is coming:
The firebirds come flying;
They began to run and shout
And peck millet and wine.
Our Ivan, closed from them,
Watching birds from under the trough
And he interprets with himself,
Spreading your hand like this:
"Ugh, you devilish force!
Eck them, rubbish, rolled!

Tea, there are about five dozen of them.
If you want to take over everyone, -
That would be a profit!
Needless to say, fear is beautiful!
All have red legs;
And the tails are sheer laughter!
Chickens do not have such tea.
And how much, guy, light,
Like Father's stove! "
And, having finished such a speech,
Himself with myself under the loophole,
Our Ivan snake and snake

I crawled to millet with wine, -
Grab one of the birds by the tail.
"Oh, Little Humpbacked Konechek!
Come running quickly, my friend!
I caught a bird, "-
So Ivan the Fool shouted.
The hunchback appeared at once.
"Ai, master, distinguished himself! -
Skate says to him. -
Well, hurry her into the bag!
Yes, tie it tighter;
And hang the bag around your neck.
We need to go back. "
"No, let me scare the birds!
Ivan is speaking. -- Check this out,
You see, you sat down from screaming! "
And, grabbing your bag,
Splashes up and down.
Shining with a bright flame
The whole flock sprang up,
Coiled around fiery
And rushed over the clouds.
And our Ivan followed them
With your mittens
So it waves and shouts,
As if doused with lye.
The birds were lost in the clouds;
Our travelers have gathered
The royal treasure was laid
And we went back.

Here we arrived in the capital.
"What, did you get the Firebird?" -
Tsar Ivan says
He looks at the sleeping bag himself.
And the one, kind of out of boredom,
Bitten all my hands.
"Of course I got it," -
Our Ivan told the tsar.
"Where is she?" - "Wait a little,
Order the window first
To shut up in the bedchamber,
You know, to create darkness. "

Then the nobles ran
And the window was closed.
Here is Ivan a bag on the table:
"Come on, grandma, let's go!"
Such light suddenly spilled out here,
That the whole yard was closed with a hand.
The king shouts to the whole bazaar:
"Ahti, priests, fire!
Hey, call the lattice!
Fill in! Fill in! "-
"This, you hear, is not a fire,
This is the light from the bird-heat, -
Said the huntsman, himself laughing
Straining. - Fun
I have brought those, condemnation! "
The Tsar says to Ivan:
"I love my friend Vanyusha!
You have amused my soul,

And for joy such -
Be the royal stirrup! "

Seeing this, a sly sleeping bag,
Former head of equestrian,
Says to himself:
"No, wait, baby sucker!
It won't always happen to you
So to distinguish yourself in a canalsky way.
I'll let those down again
My friend, in trouble! "

Three weeks later
In the evening we sat alone
In the royal kitchen, the chefs
And the servants of the court;
Drank honey from a jug
Yes, they read Eruslan.
"Eh! - one servant said, -
How did I get it right now?
A wonderful book from a neighbor!
There are not so many pages in it,
And there are only five fairy tales,
And fairy tales - tell you
One cannot wonder like that;
You have to work that way! "

It's all in a voice: "Make it easy!
Tell me, brother, tell me! "-
"Well, what do you want?
After all, there are five fairy tales; look here:
The first tale of a beaver,
And the second is about the king;
Third ... God forbid memory ... for sure!
About the eastern boyaryn;
Here in the fourth: Prince Bobyl;
In the fifth ... in the fifth ... oh, I forgot!
The fifth tale says ...
So it is spinning in my mind ... "-

"Well, leave her!" - "Wait!" -
"About beauty, what eh, what?" -
"Exactly! The fifth says
About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
Well, my friends,
Shall I tell you today? "-
"Tsar Maiden! - everyone shouted. -
We have already heard about the kings,
We have beauties soon!
It's more fun to listen to them. "
And the servant, sitting down importantly,
He began to tell a long story:

"In distant German countries
There, guys, okiyan.
By that whether okiyanu
Only bassoons go;
From the Orthodox land
Nicoli has never been
Neither nobles nor laymen
On the nasty okiyane.
From the guests, the rumor goes,
That the girl lives there;
But the girl is not easy
Daughter, you see, dear to the month,
And the sun is her brother.
That girl, they say
Rides in a red sheepskin coat,
In the golden, guys, lifeboat

And with a silver oar
He personally rules in it;
Sings different songs
And he plays on the guselets ... "

The sleeping bag here is skipping -
And from all both feet
I went to the palace to the king
And just came to him;
Banged my forehead hard on the floor
And then he sang to the king:
"I am guilty,
The king appeared before you,
Don't tell me to be executed
Command me to speak! "-
"Speak, but the truth is only,
And don't lie, look, not at all! "-
The king screamed from the bed.
The sly sleeping bag answered:
"We were in the kitchen today,
They drank for your health
And one of the court servants
He amused us with a fairy tale aloud;
This tale says
About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
Here is your royal stirrup
Sworn by your brother
That he knows this bird -
So he called the Tsar Maiden, -

And her, if you please know,
Boasts to get it. "
The sleeping bag hit the floor again.
"Hey, call me a stepladder!" -
The king shouted as a messenger.
The sleeping bag is now behind the stove.
And the messengers of the noble
They ran along Ivan;
They found him in deep sleep
And they brought me in a shirt.

This is how the king began his speech: "Listen,
Denunciation on you, Vanyusha.
They say that right now
You boasted for us
Find another bird
That is to say, to say, Tsar Maiden ... "-
"What are you, what are you, God bless you! -
Began the royal stirrup. -
Tea, from the depths I, pound,
I threw this thing out.
Yes, be cunning as you like,
You can't fool me. "
King, shaking your beard:
"What? Shake me with you? -
He screamed. - But look,
If you are three weeks old
Can't get the Tsar Maiden
To our royal room,

That, I swear by the beard!
You will pay with me!
On the right - in the lattice - on the stake!
Get out, slave! "Ivan burst into tears
And went to the hayloft,
Where his horse lay.

"What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? -
Skate says to him. -
Al, my dear, got sick?
Al was caught by a rascal? "
Ivan fell to the skate on his neck,
Hugged and kissed.
"Oh, trouble, horse! - said. -
The king orders to his room
I can get it, hey, the Tsar Maiden.
What am I to do, hunchback? "
The horse says to him:
"The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help burn.
That's why your trouble
That he didn’t listen to me.
But, to tell you out of friendship,
It is a service, not a service;
Service is all, brother, ahead!
You go to the king now
And say: "After all, for the capture
I must, king, I have two pants,

Gold-stitched tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling ",

Here Ivan goes to the Tsar
And this speech is:
"For the princess's capture
I must, king, I have two pants,
Gold-stitched tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling. "-

"It would be like this for a long time than not," -
The king from the bed gave the answer
And ordered the nobles
They found everything for Ivan,
He called him a good fellow
And "happy journey!" said.

The next day, early in the morning,
I woke up Ivan's horse:
"Gay! Master! Sleep well!
Time to fix things! "
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on a path,
Took flys and a tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling;
I put everything in a bag in the road
And tied it with a rope,
I dressed up warmer
I sat on my skate;
Took out a piece of bread
And drove east
For the Tsar Maiden.

They go for a whole week,
Finally, on the eighth day,
They come to the dense forest.

Then the skate said to Ivan:
"This is the road to okiyanu,
And there is something on it all year round
That beauty lives;
Twice she only comes off
From okiyana and leads
Long day to earth to us.
You will see it yourself tomorrow. "
AND; after finishing his speech to Ivan,
Runs out to the okiyanu,
On which the white shaft
Alone walked.
Then Ivan gets off the skate,
And the horse is broadcasting to him:
"Well, spread the tent,
Put the device on the fly

From overseas jam
And sweets for chilling.
Lie down behind the tent
Yes, be smart with your mind.
You see, the boat flashes over there.
Then the princess swims up.
Let her enter the tent,
Let him eat, drink;
Here's how to play the harp, -
Know that the time is coming.
Run into the tent at once,
Seize that princess
And hold her stronger
Call me soon.
I'm at your first order
I'll come running to you just;
And let's go ... Yes, look,
Look closely behind her;

If you oversleep her,
So you can't avoid trouble. "
Then the skate hid from the eyes,
Ivan huddled behind the tent
And let's twirl the dir
To spy on the princess.

The clear noon is coming;
The Tsar Maiden swims up
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device.
"Hmm! So that's that Tsar Maiden!
As in fairy tales they say -
Reasoning as a stirrup, -
What is where red herself
Tsar Maiden, so what a marvel!
This one is not at all beautiful:
And pale and thin,
Tea, about three vershoks in girth;
And the little leg, the little leg!
Ugh you! like a chicken!
Let someone fall in love
I won't take it for nothing. "
Then the princess began to play
And she hummed so sweetly
That Ivan, not knowing how,
Snuggled on my fist
And under a quiet, slender voice
He falls asleep calmly.

The West was quietly burning down.
Suddenly the horse neighed over him
And pushing him with a hoof,
Shouted in an angry voice:
"Sleep, my dear, to the stars!
Pour out your troubles
I’m not going to be impaled! "
Then Ivanushka began to cry
And sobbing, he asked
So that the skate forgives him:
"Let go of the blame for Ivan,
I'm not going to sleep ahead. "
"Well, God will forgive you! -
The hunchback shouts at him. -
We'll fix everything, maybe
Only, mind you, do not fall asleep;
Tomorrow, early in the morning,
To the gold-embroidered tent
The girl will swim again
Sweet honey to drink.
If you fall asleep again
You can't take your head off. "
Here the skate hid again;
And Ivan set off to collect
Sharp stones and nails
From the wrecked ships
In order to inject
If he takes a nap again.

The next day, in the morning,
To the gold-embroidered tent
The Tsar Maiden swims up
Throws the boat ashore,
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device ...
Here the princess began to play
And she hummed so sweetly
That Ivanushka again
I wanted to sleep.
"No, wait, you trashy! -
Ivan says getting up. -
You won't go anywhere else
And you can't fool me. "
Then Ivan runs into the tent,
A long braid is enough ...
"Oh, run, skate, run!
My hunchback, help! "
Instantly the skate appeared to him.
"Ai, master, distinguished himself!
Well, sit down quickly
Keep her tight! "

Here reaches the capital.
The king runs out to the princess,
Takes by the white hands,
Leads her to the palace
And sits at the oak table
And under the silk curtain,

He looks into the eyes with tenderness,
Sweet Speech says:
"The incomparable girl,
Agree to be a queen!
I barely saw you -
He boiled with strong passion.
Falconies are your eyes
Won't let me sleep in the middle of the night
And in broad daylight -
Oh! torture me.
Say a kind word!
Everything is ready for the wedding;

Tomorrow morning, my light,
Let's get married to you
And let's begin to live singing. "

And the princess is young,
Without saying anything
Turned away from the king.
The king was not at all angry,
But more deeply I fell in love;
I knelt before her,
Gently shook hands
And the balusters began again:
"Say a kind word!
How did I upset you?
Ali by the fact that he fell in love?
"Oh, my fate is deplorable!"
The princess says to him:
"If you want to take me,
Then deliver me in three days
My ring is made of okiyan. "-
"Gay! Call Ivan to me!" -
The king hastily shouted
And he almost ran himself.

Here Ivan came to the tsar,
The king turned to him
And he said to him: "Ivan!
Ride the okiyan;

The volume is stored in the okiyan
Ring, hear you, Tsar Maidens.
If you get it for me,
I'll give you everything. "
"I and from the first road
I drag my legs violently;
You're okiyan again! "-
Ivan speaks to Tsar.
"Why, you cheat, take your time:
See, I want to get married! -
The king cried out in anger
And kicked his feet. -
Do not open my door
But rather go! "
Then Ivan wanted to go.
"Hey, listen! On the way, -
The queen says to him, -
Stop by you to bow
Into my emerald tower
Yes, tell my dear:
The daughter wants to know her,
What is she hiding for
Three nights, three days
Your clear face from me?
And why is my brother red
Wrapped up in rainy gloom
And in the misty heights
Will not send a ray to me?
Do not forget! "-" I will remember,
Unless I forget;
Why, you have to find out
Who are the brother, who are the mother,
So that we don't get lost in our relatives. "
The queen says to him:

"The month is my mother, the sun is my brother" -
"Yes, look, three days ago!" -
The groom-tsar added to that.
Then Ivan left the Tsar
And went to the hayloft,
Where his horse lay.

"What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? "
Skate says to him.
"Help me, hunchback!
You see, the king decided to marry,
You know, on a thin queen,
So he sends to okiyan, -
Ivan speaks to the skate. -
Gave me a term of three days only;
Here you can try
Get the devil's ring!
Yes, she told me to call in
This subtle queen
Somewhere in the tower to bow
To the sun, to the month, moreover
And ask about something ... "
Here the hobbyhorse: "To say in friendship,
It is a service, not a service;
Service is all, brother, ahead!
Now go to sleep;
And tomorrow, early in the morning,
We will go to the okiyanu. "

The next day, our Ivan,
Taking three onions in my pocket
I dressed up warmer
I sat on my skate
And went on a long journey ...
Give, brothers, a rest!

Doseleva Makar dug gardens,
And now Makar got into the governor.

a-ra-rali, ta-ra-ra!
The horses came out of the yard;
Here the peasants caught them
Yes, tied tightly.
A raven sits on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet;

As the pipe plays,
The Orthodox amuse:
"Hey, listen, honest people!
Once upon a time there was a husband and wife;
The husband will start joking
And the wife for the jokes,
And they will have a feast here,
What for the whole baptized world! "
This adage is being carried on,
The tale will begin later.
Like ours at the gate
The fly sings a song:
"What will you give me for a message?
The mother-in-law beats her daughter-in-law:
I put it on a pole
Tied by a lace
I pulled my arms to my legs,
Right razula leg:
"Do not go on the dawn!
Do not sound like good fellows! "
This adage was carried on,
So the fairy tale began.

Well, this is how our Ivan goes
Behind the ring on okiyan.
The hunchback flies like the wind
And in initiation on the first evening
I waved one hundred thousand versts
And he did not rest anywhere.

Approaching okiyanu,
The horse says to Ivan:
"Well, Ivanushka, look,
Three minutes later
We will arrive at the clearing -
Straight to the sea-okiyanu;
Across it lies
Wonder-yudo fish-whale;
For ten years he has been suffering,
But until now he does not know
Than to receive forgiveness;
He will teach you to ask
So that you are in the sun village
I asked him for forgiveness;
You promise to fulfill
Yes, look, don't forget! "

Here they enter the clearing
Straight to the sea-okiyanu;
Across it lies
Wonder-yudo fish-whale.
All his sides are pitted,
Palisades are driven into the ribs,
There is a fuss on the tail,
The village stands on its back;
The peasants plow on the lip,
Boys dance between the eyes
And in the oak grove, between the mustache,
The girls are looking for mushrooms.

Here is the skate running over the whale,
It knocks on the bones with a hoof.
Wonder Yudo whale fish
So the traveler says
Opening wide mouth,
Sighing heavily, bitterly:
"Way-road, gentlemen!
Where are you from, and where? "-
"We are ambassadors from the Tsar Maiden,
We are both going from the capital, -
The horse says to the whale, -
Towards the sun straight east
Into the golden mansions. "-
"So it is impossible, dear fathers,
Ask the sun:
How long will I be in disgrace,
And for koi sins
Do I endure troubles, torments? "-
"Okay, okay, whale fish!" -
Our Ivan shouts to him.
"Be a merciful father to me!
See how I suffer, poor man!
I've been lying here for ten years ...
I'll serve those myself! .. "-
Ivana's whale begs
He himself sighs bitterly.
"Okay, okay, whale fish!" -
Our Ivan shouts to him.
Then the skate huddled under him,
Jumped to the shore - and set off,
You can only see how the sand
Swirls in a whirlwind at the feet.

Are they driving close, far
Are they driving low, high
And they saw someone -
I know nothing.
Soon the tale is spoken
The business is going on sluggishly.
Only, brothers, I found out
That the skate ran there,
Where (I heard the side)
Heaven meets earth
Where peasant women spin flax,
Spinning wheels are put in the sky.

Then Ivan said goodbye to the land
And I found myself in the sky
And he rode like a prince
Hat to one side, cheer up.
"Eco miracle! Eco miracle!
Our kingdom is beautiful though -
Ivan speaks to the skate.
Among the azure glades, -
And how does it compare with the sky,
So under the insole will not work.
What the earth is! .. because it
And black and dirty;
The land is blue here,
And what a bright one! ..
Look, hunchback,
You see, where, to the east,

Like a lightning shine ...
Tea, heavenly light ...
Something is painfully high! "-
So Ivan asked the horse.
"This is the tower of the Tsar Maiden,
Our future queen, -
The hunchback shouts to him, -
The sun sleeps here at night
And at midday sometimes
The month enters for rest. "

Drive up; at the gate
From the pillars, the crystal vault;
All those pillars are curled
Slyly in gold snakes;
There are three stars on the tops
There are gardens around the tower;
On the silver branches there
In gilded in cages
The birds of paradise live
The royal songs are sung.
But the tower with the tower
Like a city with villages;
And on the tower of stars -
Orthodox Russian cross.

Here the skate enters the yard;
Our Ivan gets off him,
Goes to the tower to the month
And this speech is:
"Hello, Month Month!
I am Ivanushka Petrovich,
From distant sides
And brought you a bow. "
"Sit down, Ivanushka Petrovich, -
Said Month Month, -
And tell me the blame
To our bright country
Your parish from the earth;
What people are you from?
How did you get to this land, -
Tell me everything, do not hide it "-
"I came from the earth Zemlyanskaya,
From a Christian country, -
Sitting down, Ivan says, -
Moved okiyan
With a handrail from the queen -
Bow to the light tower
And say like this, wait:
"You tell my dear:
The daughter wants to know her,
What is she hiding for
Three nights, three days
Some kind of face from me;
And why is my brother red
Wrapped up in rainy gloom
And in the misty heights
Will not send a ray to me? "
So, seem like? - Craftswoman
The queen speaks red;

You can't remember everything in full
What she told me. "
"And some kind of queen?" -
"This, you know, the Tsar Maiden." -
"The Tsar Maiden? .. So she,
What have you taken away with you? "
Shouted Month Month.
And Ivanushka Petrovich
Says: "It is known by me!
You see, I am a king's stirrup;
Well, so the king sent me,
For me to deliver her
In three weeks to the palace;
Otherwise, father,
Threatened to put on a stake ".
The month cried with joy
Well hug Ivan,
Kiss and have mercy.
"Ah, Ivanushka Petrovich! -
Said Month Month. -
You brought such a message
I don’t know what to count!
And how we grieved
That the princess was lost! ..
That is why, you see, I
Three nights, three days
I walked in a dark cloud
I was sad and sad,
I didn’t sleep for three days.
I didn't take crumbs of bread,
That is why my son is red
Wrapped up in a rainy darkness,
I extinguished my hot beam,
The world of God did not shine:

I was all sad, you see, for my sister,
Whether that red Tsar Maiden.
What, is she healthy?
Aren't you sad, not sick? "
"Everyone would seem to be a beauty,
Yes, she seems to have dryness:
Well, like a match, hey, thin,
Tea, about three vershoks in girth;
This is how it will get married,
So I suppose he will get fat:
The king, hey, is marrying her. "
The month cried out: "Ah, villain!

I decided to marry at seventy
On a young girl!
Yes, I stand firmly in that -
He will sit as a groom!
See what the old fuck is up to:
He wants to reap where he did not sow!
Enough, it hurts like varnish! "
Then Ivan said again:
"There is still a petition to you,
That about the whale forgiveness ...
There is, you see, the sea; miracle whale
Lies across it:
All his sides are pitted,
Palisades are driven into the ribs ...
He, the poor man, begged me,
So I ask you:
Will the torment end soon?
How to find forgiveness for him?
And what is he lying on here? "
The clear month says:
"He bears torment for that,
What without God's command
Swallowed among the seas
Three dozen ships.
If he gives them freedom,
God will remove adversity from him,
All wounds will heal in a moment,
It will reward you with a long century. "

Then Ivanushka got up,
I said goodbye to a bright month,
I hugged my neck tightly
He kissed me three times on the cheeks.
"Well, Ivanushka Petrovich! -
Said Month Month. -
Thank you
For my son and for myself.
Take the blessing
Consolation for our daughter
And tell my dear:
"Your mother is always with you;
Completely cry and crash:
Soon your sadness will be resolved, -
And not old, with a beard,
A handsome young man
Will lead you to the tax. "
Well, goodbye! God be with you! "
Bowing as best he could
Ivan sat on the skate here,
Whistled like a noble knight,
And set off on the return journey.

The next day our Ivan
Came to okiyan again.
Here is the skate running over the whale,
It knocks on the bones with a hoof.
Wonder Yudo whale fish
So, sighing, he says:

"What, fathers, is my petition?
Will I receive forgiveness when? "
"Wait, you whale fish!" -
Then the skate shouts to him.

Here he runs to the village,
He calls the men to him,
Shakes her black mane
And this speech is:
"Hey, listen, lay people,
Orthodox Christians!
Kohl does not want which of you
To the waterman sit in the order,
Get out of here in a moment.
A miracle will immediately happen here:
The sea will boil violently
The whale fish will turn ... "
There are peasants and laymen,
Orthodox Christians
They shouted: "There will be troubles!"
And they set off home.
All the carts were collected;
They did not hesitate to lay down
All that was belly
And they left the whale.
Morning and midday met,
And in the village there is no longer
Not a single living soul
As if Mamai went to war!

Here the skate runs into the tail,
Close to feathers
And that urine is screaming:
"Wonder Yudo fish-whale!
That's why your torment
What without God's command
Have you swallowed among the seas
Three dozen ships.
If you give them freedom,
God will remove adversity from you,
All wounds will heal in a moment,
It will reward you with a long century. "
And, having finished such a speech,
Has bitten a steel bridle,
I took the trouble - and in a moment
Jump to the distant shore.

The miracle whale began to stir
Like a hill has turned
The sea began to excite
And throw from the jaws
Ships after ships
With sails and rowers.

There was such a noise
That the king of the sea woke up:
They fired copper cannons,
Forged pipes were blown;
The white sail has risen
The flag on the mast fluttered;
Pop with welcome to all service
He sang prayers on the deck;

And the rowers are merry row
A song burst out in response:
"Like a sailor, by the sea,
On a wide expanse,
That on the very end of the earth,
Ships are running out ... "

The waves of the sea swirled
The ships were out of sight.
Wonder Yudo whale fish
Shouts in a loud voice
Opening wide mouth,
Breaking the waves:
"How can I serve you, friends?
How to reward for the service?
Do you need colorful shells?
Do I need golden fish?
Do I need large pearls?
Ready to get everything for you! "-
"No, whale fish, we are rewarded
You don't need anything, -
Ivan says to him, -
Better get us a ring -
The ring, you know, the Tsar Maiden,
Our future queen. "-
"Okay, okay! For my friend
And an earring from the ear!
I will find before the lightning
The ring of the red Tsar Maiden ", -

Kit answered Ivan
And, like a key, fell to the bottom.

Here he hits with a reach,
Calls in a loud voice
Sturgeon all the people
And this speech is:
"You reach the lightning
The ring of the red Tsar Maiden,
Hidden in a drawer at the bottom.
Who will deliver it to me
I will reward him with the rank:
He will be a Duma nobleman.
If my order is clever
Do not obey ... I will! "
The sturgeons bowed here
And they left in order.

In a few hours
Two white sturgeon
We slowly swam to the whale
And they humbly said:
"Great King! Don't be angry!
We are all the sea, it seems
They went out and dug up,
But they did not open the sign either.

Only ruff is one of us
I would carry out your order:
He walks across all seas,
So, surely, the ring knows;
But, as it were,
Already taken away somewhere "-
"Find him in a minute
And send to my cabin! "-
Kit screamed angrily
And he shook his mustache.

The sturgeons bowed here,
They started to run to the zemstvo court
And they ordered at the same hour
Write a decree from the whale,
So that messengers will be sent as soon as possible
And they caught the ruff.
Bream, hearing this order,
He wrote a decree in his own name;
Catfish (he was called an adviser)
I signed the decree;
Black cancer decree folded
And attached the stamps.
Two dolphins were called here
And, having given the decree, they said
So that, on behalf of the king,
Ran all the seas
And that ruff-reveler,
A screamer and a bully,
Wherever they are found
They brought me to the sovereign.

Then the dolphins bowed
And the ruff set off to look.

They are looking for an hour in the seas,
They are looking for an hour in the rivers,
All the lakes emanated
All the straits swam across

Couldn't find a ruff
And came back
Almost crying with sadness ...

Suddenly the dolphins heard
Somewhere in a small pond
The cry is unheard of in the water.
Dolphins wrapped in a pond
And they dived to the bottom of it, -
Look: in the pond, under the reeds,
Ruff fights with a crucian carp.
"Attention! The devil would take you!
See, what sodom they raised
Like important fighters! "-
The messengers shouted to them.
"Well, what do you care? -
Ruff shouts out to the dolphins boldly. -
I don't like to joke,
I'll chop everyone at once! "-
"Oh you, eternal reveler
And a screamer and a bully!
All, rubbish, you have a walk,
All would have to fight and shout.
At home - no, it’s not sitting! ..
Well, why dress up with you, -
Here is the Tsar's decree,
So that you swam to him immediately. "

There are prankster dolphins
Picked up by the bristles
And we went back.
Ruff well to tear and shout:
"Be merciful, brothers!
Give me a little fight.
That damned crucian carp
Carried me yesterday
With an honest gathering with all
Inimilarly different abuse ... "
For a long time the ruff still shouted,
Finally he fell silent;
And the prankster dolphins
Everyone was dragging by the stubble,
Without saying anything
And they appeared before the king.

"Why haven't you been for a long time?
Where are you, the enemy's son, staggering? "
Kit screamed in anger.
A ruff fell on his knees,
And, confessing to the crime,
He prayed for forgiveness.
"Well, God will forgive you! -
The sovereign whale speaks. -
But for that your forgiveness
You obey the command. "

"Glad to try, wonderful whale!" -
On the knees, the ruff squeaks.
"You walk all the seas,
That's right, you know the ring
Tsar Maidens? "-" How not to know!
We can find it at once. "
"So go quickly
Yes, find him quicker! "

Here, bowing to the king,
Ruff went, bent over, out.
I swore at the royal courtiers,
I dragged myself for the roach

And six herring
He broke his nose on the way.
Having done such a thing,
He rushed into the pool boldly
And in the underwater depth
I dug a box at the bottom -
Poods at least a hundred.
"Oh, it's not easy here!"
And come on from all the seas
Ruff to click herring to himself.

Herrings are gathered in spirit,
They started to drag the chest,
You can only hear everything -
"Ooh!" yes "oh-oh-oh!"
But no matter how much they shouted,
The bellies just ripped
And the damned chest
Not even one inch.
"Real herrings!
You should have a whip instead of vodka! "-
Screamed ruff from all hearts
And dived for sturgeon.

Sturgeons come here
And they raise without screaming
Firmly entangled in the sand
Red chest with a ring.

"Well, guys, look,
You are now sailing to the king,
I'll go down now
Yes, I'll rest a little:
Something overwhelms the dream,
So it closes its eyes ... "
Sturgeons swim to the king,
Ruff-reveler right into the pond
(From which dolphins
Dragged by the bristles)
Tea, fight with a crucian carp, -
I don't know about that.
But now we will say goodbye to him
And we will return to Ivan.

Quiet sea-okiyan.
Ivan is sitting on the sand,
Waiting for a whale from the blue sea
And purrs with grief;
Falling on the sand
The faithful hunchback sleeps.
The time was leaning towards evening;
The sun has already descended;
In a quiet flame of grief
Dawn broke.
And the whale was not there.
"Let those thief run over!
See what a sea shaitan! -
Ivan says to himself. -
Promised before the lightning
Take out the Tsar Maiden's ring,
And until now I have not found
Cursed scoffing!
And the sun has already set,
And ... "Then the sea boiled:
A miracle whale appeared
And to Ivan he says:
"For your good deed
I have kept my promise. "
With this word a little chest
Blasted tightly on the sand,
Only the shore began to sway.
"Well, now I've got my revenge.
If I am forced again,
Call me again;
Your good deed
Do not forget me ... Goodbye! "
Then the miracle whale fell silent
And, splashing, fell to the bottom.

The little humpbacked horse woke up
Got up on his paws, dust himself off,
I looked at Ivanushka
And he jumped four times.
"Oh yeah Kit Kitovich! Nice!
I paid off my debt regularly!
Well, thanks, whale fish! -
The Little Humpbacked Horse is screaming. -
Well master, get dressed
Go on a path-path;
Three days have already passed:
Tomorrow is an urgent number.
Tea, the old man is dying. "
Here Vanyusha answers:
"I would be glad to raise
Why, you can't take the strength!
The chest is painfully dense
Tea, devils in it five hundred
The damned whale planted.
I've already raised it three times;
Such a terrible severity! "
Here the skate, without answering,
He lifted the box with his foot,
Like a pebble
And he swung it around his neck.
"Well, Ivan, sit down quickly!
Remember, tomorrow is a deadline
And the way back is far. "

The fourth day began to dawn.
Our Ivan is already in the capital.
The Tsar runs to him from the porch.
"What is my ring?" - shouts.
Then Ivan gets off the skate
And most importantly he answers:
"Here's the little chest for you!
Let the regiment scream:
The box is small at least in appearance,
Yes, and crush the devil. "
The king immediately called the archers
And immediately ordered
Take the chest to the parlor,
He himself went to the Tsar Maiden.
"Your ring, soul, has been found, -
He said sweetly, -
And now, to speak again,
There is no obstacle
Tomorrow morning, my light,
Marry me to you.
But don't you want, my friend,
Seeing your own ring?
He lies in my palace. "
The Tsar Maiden says:
"I know, I know! But, I must confess,
We can't get married yet. "
"Why, my light?
I love you with my soul;
Forgive me for my courage
I wanted to get married.
If you ... then I will die
Tomorrow, with grief, in the morning.
Take pity, mother queen! "
The girl says to him:

"But look, you are gray;
I'm only fifteen years old:
How can we get married?
All kings will start laughing
Grandfather, they will say, took it to his grandson! "
The king shouted in anger:
"Let them only laugh -
I will just curl up:
I will fill all their kingdoms!
I will uproot all their kind! "
"Let them not laugh,
All we can’t get married, -
Flowers do not grow in winter:
I'm a beauty, and you? ..
What can you boast about? "
The girl says to him.
"At least I'm old, but I'm smart! -
The king answered the queen. -
How do I clean up a little
At least someone will seem so
A daring fellow.
Well, what do we need?
If only we can get married. "
The girl says to him:
"And such is the need,
That I will never go out
For the bad, for the gray-haired,
For such a toothless one! "
The king scratched his head
And, frowning, he said:
"What am I to do something, queen?"
Fear how you want to get married;
You, exactly for trouble:
I won't go but I won't go! "-

"I will not go for the sedov, -
The Tsar Maiden speaks again. -
Become, as before, well done,
I am immediately down the aisle. "
"Remember, mother queen,
After all, you cannot be reborn;
God alone works a miracle. "
The Tsar Maiden says:
"If you don’t regret yourself,
You will get younger again.
Listen: tomorrow at dawn
In the wide yard
You must force the servants
Three large boilers to supply
And lay the fires under them.
The first one needs to be poured
Cold water to the brim,
And the second - boiled water,
And the last one is milk
Boil it with a key.
Now, if you want to marry
And be a handsome man, -
You are without a dress, light,
Take a dip in milk;
Stay here in boiled water,
And then still in the cold,
And I'll tell you, father,
You will be a noble fellow! "

The king did not utter a word,
At once he clicked on the stirrup.

"What, again on okiyan? -
Ivan speaks to Tsar. -
No really, pipes, your grace!
It’s all out of place in me.
I won't go for anything! "-
"No, Ivanushka, not that.
Tomorrow I want to force
Put boilers in the yard
And lay the fires under them.
First I think to pour
Cold water to the brim,
And the second - boiled water,

And the last one is milk
Boil it with a key.
You should try
Sample for a swim
In these three large cauldrons,
In milk and in two waters. "
"See where it is coming from! -
Ivan begins his speech here.
Only piglets spit,
Yes, turkeys, and chickens;
After all, look, I'm not a pig,
Not a turkey, not a chicken.
Here in the cold, so it is
You could swim
And how will you cook,
You won't entice me.
Completely, king, to be cunning, to be wise
Yes, see Ivan off! "
King, shaking your beard:
"What? Dress me up with you! -
He screamed. - But look!
If you are in the dawn of dawn
You will not obey the command, -
I will give you to torment
I will order you to torture
Tear piece by piece.
Get out of here, wicked pain! "
Here Ivanushka, sobbing,
Trailed to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.

"What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? -
Skate says to him. -
Tea, our old groom
Throwing it out again? "
Ivan fell to the skate on his neck,
Hugged and kissed.
"Oh, trouble, horse! - said. -
The king is completely selling me;
Think for yourself, makes
Bathe me in cauldrons
In milk and in two waters:
As in the same cold water,
And in another boiled water,
Milk, hey, boiling water. "
The horse says to him:
"That's really a service, that's a service!
This is where my whole friendship is needed.
How can I not say by the way:
It would be better for us not to take a pen;
From him, from the villain,
So many troubles on your neck ...
Well, don't cry, God bless you!
We will somehow relieve you with trouble.
And rather I myself will perish,
Than I will leave you, Ivan.
Listen: tomorrow at dawn
In those days, as in the yard
You will undress as you should
You tell the king: "Can't you,
Your grace, order
Send the hunchback to me,
To say goodbye to him one last time. "
The king will agree to this.

This is how I wave my tail
In those cauldrons with the face of the maknu,
I'll shed my eyes on you twice
I will whistle with a loud whistle,
Look, don't yawn:
Dive into the milk first
Here in a cauldron of boiled water,
And from there to the cold one.
Now pray
Go to sleep in peace. "

The next day, early in the morning,
I woke up Ivan's horse:
"Hey master, sleep full!
It's time to perform the service. "
Here Vanyusha scratched himself,
Stretched out and got up
Prayed on the fence
And he went to the king's court.

There the boilers were already boiling;
Sitting in a row beside them
Coach and cook
And the servants of the court;

They diligently added firewood,
They talked about Ivan
Secretly among themselves
And they laughed at times.

So the doors opened;
The king and queen appeared
And prepared from the porch
Look at the daredevil.
"Well, Vanyusha, take off your clothes
And in the cauldrons, brother, buy! "-
Tsar Ivan shouted.
Then Ivan took off his clothes,
Answering nothing.
And the queen is young,
So as not to see nakedness
Wrapped up in a veil.
Here Ivan went up to the cauldrons,
He looked at them - and combed himself.
"What have you, Vanyusha, become? -
The king cried out to him again. -
Do what you must, brother! "
Ivan says: "Isn't it possible,
Your grace, order
Send the hunchback to me.
I would be the last to say goodbye to him. "
The king, on reflection, agreed
And he deigned to order
Send the hunchback to him.
Here the servant of the skate leads
And he goes to the side.

Here the horse waved its tail,
I dipped my face into those cauldrons,
I spat twice on Ivan,
He whistled with a loud whistle.
Ivan looked at the skate
And immediately dived into the cauldron,
Here in another, there in the third too,
And so he became handsome,
Whatever in a fairy tale to say,
You can't write with a pen!
Here he dressed up in a dress,
The Tsar Maiden bowed,
Looked around, cheered up,
With an air of importance, like a prince.

"Eco miracle! - everyone shouted. -
We have never heard of
To look prettier! "

The king ordered himself to be undressed,
Crossed himself twice
Booze into the cauldron - and boiled there!

The Tsar Maiden stands here,
Gives a sign to silence,
The cover lifts
And he broadcasts to the servants:
"The king told you to live long!
I want to be a queen.
Do I love you? Answer me!
If you like, then admit
Volunteer everything
And my wife! "
Then the queen fell silent,
She pointed at Ivan.

"Lyuba, lyuba! - everyone shouts. -
For you, even to hell!
For your talent
We recognize Tsar Ivan! "

The king takes the queen here,
Leads to the church of God,
And with the young bride
He walks around in bulk.

The cannons are firing from the fortress;
Forged pipes are blown;
All cellars are open
Barrels with fryazhsky are exposed,
And drunk people
What is the lobster tears:
"Hello, our king and queen!
With the beautiful Tsar Maiden! "

In the palace there is a feast in the mountains:
Wines flow like a river there;
At oak tables
Boyars drink with princes.
Heart love! I was there,
I drank honey, wine and beer;
Though it ran along the mustache,
Not a drop got into my mouth.


Azhno - really.
The booth is here: a hut, a barn.
Balusters - empty talk, chatter.
Basurmanin is a foreigner, a person of a different faith.
Barrels with fryazhsky - barrels with overseas wine.
Guerak is a small ravine.
Suddenly - another time, again.
The entire courtyard - all the tsar's associates, courtiers.
The guilt is here: the reason
I give it as an order - I give it under supervision.
The eye is a person spying on someone.
The governor - the head of the city in the old days.
Guest is the old name of a merchant, merchant.
Davezh is a crush.
Dirochka, dira - so it was pronounced and now it is sometimes pronounced
in some places the word "hole".
He jerked off the dance one - he started dancing, danced.
Eruslan is one of the heroes of the Russians folk tales, a mighty hero.
Food is edible.
The belly is here: property, good.
Bagasse - vice, press.
Zagreb - a handful.
3selno - strong, very.
To dawn, to dawn - dawn, dawn.
The police chief is the head of the rural police in pre-revolutionary Russia.

To sit down in the order - to drown, go to the bottom.
The red dress is an elegant, beautiful dress.
Someone to sing - here: who is.
Smoke is here: fire, bonfire.
The face is the face.
Lubki - here: brightly colored pictures.
Lzya - you can.
Malachai - here: long, wide clothes without a belt.
Bulky - slow.
I will overtake - I will overtake, I will overtake.
Do not rivet - do not blame in vain, do not slander.
Our unselfish belly is our poor life. The belly is life.
Can't - get sick; sickness - to be ill.
German countries are foreign countries.
Rent - money or products that peasants under serfdom
had to give to their landowner.
Opala is the tsar's disfavor, punishment.
Ostrog is a prison.
Eyes - eyes, eyes.
Penalize - reproach, reproach.
Overfishing - overfishing.
Shove - argue, deny.
Plast - by layer.
Plyos is a fish tail.
Capture - take prisoner.
They knocked on the valley floor and drank. Endova is a vessel for wine.
Bedchamber, bedchamber - bedroom.
If I’m compelled, I’ll need it.
The parable is here: an incomprehensible matter, a strange incident.
Prozument (braid) - gold or silver braid that was sewn on
on clothes for decoration.
I asked - I asked.
Drain a bullet - lie, spread a false rumor.
Razhy is healthy, prominent, strong.
Lattice - firefighter.
To dress up - to bargain, bicker, negotiate.
To perish is to perish.
The week is a week.

That is, exactly.
To peep is to spy.
The sleeping bag is the king's servant.
Urgent number - due date.
The villagers are here: robbers.
Sagittarius are an old army.
Stremyannaya - the servant who looked after the riding horse of the state
Sousedka - brownie (Siberian name).
A bush is a fenced-off place for storing oats or other grains.
Syta is water sweetened with honey.
Talan - happiness, luck.
Talovy - willow.
I saw - I saw; to see - to see.
I have learned - I have become.
Veil is a woman's bedspread made of lightweight fabric.
Servants are servants.
A warlock is a sorcerer.
Shabalki - Sabbath, the end.
Fly - a wide, full width of the fabric, towel.
To school is to teach.

Over the mountains, over the forests,
Over wide seas
Not in heaven - on earth
An old man lived in one village.
The old lady has three sons:
The elder was smart,
Middle son this way and that,
The youngest was a fool at all.
The brothers sowed wheat
Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:
Know, that capital was
Not far from the village.
Wheat was sold there,
Money was accepted in the account
And with a full bag
We returned home.
In a long time al soon
Grief came to them:
Someone began to walk in the field
And stir the wheat.
Little peasants of such sadness
Have not seen the offspring;
They began to think and guess -
As if a thief to spy;
Finally they realized themselves
To stand guard
Keep bread at night
Trap the evil thief.
This is how it only began to get dark,
The elder brother began to gather:
He took out the pitchfork and the ax
And he went on patrol.

The rainy night has come
Fear attacked him,
And out of fears our man
He buried himself under the sennik.
The night is passing, the day is coming;
The sentinel descends from the sennik
And, having poured water on himself,
Began knocking under the hut:
“Hey you sleepy grouses!
Unlock the doors for your brother
I'm soaked in the rain
From head to toe. "
The brothers opened the doors
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see what?
The guard prayed
Right, left bowed
And clearing his throat, he said:
“I haven't slept all night;
In my own misfortune,
There was a terrible storm:
The rain was pouring down like that
I wet my shirt all over.
How boring it was! ..
However, everything is all right. "
His father praised him:
“You, Danilo, well done!
You are, so to speak, approximately
Served me faithfully,
That is, being with everything,
I didn’t hit my face in the dirt ”.

It began to get dark again;
The middle brother went to pack:
Took both a pitchfork and an ax
And he went on patrol.
The cold night has come
A shudder attacked the little one,
The teeth began to dance;
He started to run -
And he went on patrol all night
At a neighbor's under the fence.
It was terrible for the fellow!
But here is the morning. He to the porch:
“Hey you sleepyheads! What are you sleeping!
Unlock the door for your brother;
There was a terrible frost at night, -
I was chilled to my tummies. "
The brothers opened the doors
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see what?
The guard prayed
Right, left bowed
And through clenched teeth he answered:
“I haven't slept all night,
Yes, to my unhappy fate,
The cold was terrible at night,
He got me into my hearts;
I rode all night;
It was too inconvenient ...
However, everything is all right. "
And his father said to him:
"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It began to get dark for the third time,
The youngest must get ready;
He does not lead a mustache,
Singing on the stove in the corner
From all the stupid urine:
"You are beautiful eyes!"
Brothers, well, blame him,
They began to drive in the field,
But no matter how long they shouted
Only the voice is lost:
He's not moving. Finally
Father came up to him
Says to him: “Listen,
Run on patrol, Vanyusha.
I will buy you luboks,
I'll give you peas and beans. "
Then Ivan gets off the stove,
Malachai puts on his,
He puts bread in his bosom,
Keep the guard going.
Ivan goes around the field,
Look around you
And sits down under a bush;
He counts the stars in the sky
Yes, he eats the edge.

Suddenly, about midnight, the horse whinnied ...
Our guard stood up,
Looked under the mitten
And I saw a mare.
That mare was
Everything, like winter snow, is white,
Mane to the ground, golden,
Curled rings in crayons.
“Ehe-he! so that's what
Our thief! .. But wait,
I don't know how to joke
I'll sit on the neck at once.
See what locusts are! "
And, ucha minute,
Runs up to the mare,
The wavy tail is enough
And he jumped to her ridge -
Only backwards.
Young mare,
Eyes sparkling madly,
Snake head twisted
And launched like an arrow.
Curls around the fields
Hangs over the moats
Runs galloping through the mountains,
Walks on end through the woods
Wants by force al deceit,
Just to deal with Ivan.
But Ivan himself is not simple -
Holds tightly to the tail.

Finally she was tired.
“Well, Ivan,” she said to him, “
If you knew how to sit
So you own me.
Give me a place to rest
Yes take care of me
How much you know. Yes look:
Three morning dawns
Unleash me
Take a walk in a clean field.
At the end of three days
I'll give you two horses -
Yes, such as they are today
Not even a trace;
Yes, I’ll also make a face of a skate
Only three inches tall,
On the back with two humps
Yes with arshin ears.
Sell ​​two horses, if you like,
But don't give up the skate
Not for the belt, not for the hat,
Not for the black, hey, grandmother.
On the ground and underground
He will be your friend:
He will warm you in winter
In summer it will wrap around cold
In hunger he will treat you with bread,
Give honey to drink in thirst.
I'll go out into the field again
To try strength in the wild. "

Okay, Ivan thinks.
And into the shepherd's booth
She drives the mare
The matting door closes
And, as soon as dawn broke,
Goes to the village
Singing a song out loud:
"Well done went to Presnya."
Here he comes up on the porch,
Here is enough for the ring,
That there is strength knocking at the door,
As soon as the roof does not collapse,
And shouts to the whole bazaar,
Like a fire broke out.
Brothers galloped off the benches,
They cried out stammering:
"Who knocks hard like that?" -
"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"
The brothers opened the doors
They let the fool into the hut
And let's scold him, -
How dare he frighten them so!
And Ivan is ours, without removing
Neither bast shoes, nor malakhaya,
Goes to the oven
And he speaks from there
About a night adventure,
Surprisingly to all ears:

“I haven't slept all night,
I counted the stars in the sky;
The month, exactly, also shone, -
I did not notice the order.
Suddenly the devil comes himself,
With a beard and mustache;
Erysipelas like a cat's
And the eyes - what are those bowls!
So that devil began to jump
And knock down the grain with your tail.
I don't know how to joke -
And jump on his neck.
Already he dragged, dragged,
I almost broke my head,
But I myself am not a mistake,
Hey, I held him like a pulp.
Fought, fought my cunning
And finally he prayed:
“Do not destroy me from the light!
A whole year to you for this
I promise to live in peace
Do not stir up the Orthodox. "
I, hey, didn’t measure words,
Yes, I believed the imp. "
Then the narrator fell silent,
He yawned and dozed off.
Brothers, no matter how angry,
They couldn't - they burst out laughing
Grabbing under the sides,
Above the story of a fool.
The old man himself could not restrain himself,
So as not to laugh until tears,
At least to laugh - so it is
It's a sin for old people.
Much time al little
From that night it ran, -
I mean nothing
I have not heard from anyone.
Well, what does it matter to us,
Whether a year or two has flown by, -
After all, you can't run after them ...
Let's continue the tale.
Well, that's what it is! Once Danilo
(On a holiday, I remember it was),
Stretched out madly drunk,
Dragged into the booth.
What does he see? - Beautiful
Two horses of the golden mane
Yes to a toy-skate
Only three inches tall,
On the back with two humps
Yes with arshin ears.
"HM! Now I have learned
Why did the fool sleep here! " -
Danilo says to himself ...
The miracle knocked the hops out at once;
Here Danilo runs into the house
And Gavrila says:
“Look how beautiful
Two horses of the golden mane
Our fool got himself:
You have never heard of it. "
And Danilo da Gavrilo,
That there was urine in their feet,
On the nettles straight
So they blow barefoot.

Stumbling three times
Having repaired both eyes
Rubbing here and there
Brothers enter to two horses.
The horses whinnied and snored,
The eyes were burning like a yacht;
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail was streaming golden,
And diamond hooves
Upholstered with large pearls.
It's expensive to watch!
Only the king would sit on them!
The brothers looked at them like that,
That they were a little distorted.
“Where did he get them? -
The elder told the middle one. -
But it has been a long time ago,
That only fools are given treasure,
You should at least break your forehead,
You can't knock out two rubles.
Well, Gavrilo, in that week
Let's take them to the capital;
We will sell the boyars there,
We will divide the money evenly.
And with money, you yourself know
And you will drink and take a walk
Just slap the bag.
And to the good fool
There won't be enough guesses
Where his horses are visiting;
Let him seek them here and there.
Well, buddy, from your hands! "
The brothers agreed at once,
Hugged, crossed themselves
And returned home
Talking between you
About horses and about a feast
And about a wonderful little animal.
Time rolls along
Hour after hour, day after day.
And on the first week
The brothers are going to the capital city,
To sell your goods there
And at the pier find out
Didn't they come with ships
Germans to the city behind the canvases
And will Tsar Saltan
Basurmans Christians.
Here they prayed to the icons,
Father was blessed
They took two horses secretly
And they went quietly.
Evening made its way to night;
Ivan got ready for the night;
Walking along the street
He eats the edge and sings.
Here he reaches the field,
Supports hands on hips
And with a jump start, like a pan,
Sideways enters the booth.
Everything was still standing
But the horses were gone;
Just a humpbacked toy
His legs were spinning
Clapping his ears with joy
Yes, he danced with his feet.
How Ivan will scream here,
Leaning on the booth:
"Oh you, horses of the bora-siva,
Good horses, golden-maned!
I did not caress you, friends,
What the hell stole you?
To be lost to him, the dog!
To die in the gully!
So that he in the next world
Fall through the bridge!
Oh you, horses of the bora-siva,
Good horses, golden-maned! "
Then the skate whinnied at him.
“Don't grieve, Ivan,” he said, “
The trouble is great, I do not argue
But I can help burn.
You are not riveted to hell:
The brothers brought the Koniks together.
Well, what's the use of empty talk,
Be, Ivanushka, in peace.
Sit on me soon
Just know to yourself hold on;
Even though I am small,
Yes, I will change the horse to another:
How will I start and run,
So I will overtake the devil. "
Here the skate lies before him;
Ivan sits on a skate,
Takes ears in the rake,
That there are lobes roars.
The little humpbacked horse shook
Got up on his paws, startled,
Slammed with his mane, snored
And flew like an arrow;
Only dusty clubs
A whirlwind curled underfoot.
And in two moments, if not in a moment,
Our Ivan overtook the thieves.
Brothers, that is, were scared,
Combed and hesitated.
And Ivan began to shout to them:
“It's a shame, brothers, to steal!
Even though you are smarter than Ivan,
Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:
He did not steal horses from you. "
The elder, writhing, then said:
“Our dear brother Ivasha,
What to shine is our business!
But take you into account
Our unselfish belly.
No matter how much wheat we sow,
We have a little bit of daily bread.
And if there is a poor harvest,
So at least get into the noose!
Here in such great sorrow
Gavrila and I interpreted
All the other night -
How can I help you?
We did this and that
Finally, they decided like this:
To sell your skates
Even for a thousand rubles.
And thank you, say by the way,
I will bring you an update -
Red hat with a vertebra
Yes, boots with heels.
And besides, the old man is sick,
He can no longer work;
But you have to waste your time, -
You yourself are a smart person! " -
"Well, if that is the way, then go, -
Ivan says - sell
Goldmane two horses,
Yes, take me too. "
The brothers looked sideways painfully,
Yes, you can’t! agreed.
It began to darken in the sky;
The air began to grow cold;
Here, so that they do not get lost,
It was decided to stop.

Under the canopies of the branches
Tied up all the horses
Brought with a local basket,
Got drunk a little
And go, whatever God gives,
Who in which of them is much.
Danilo suddenly noticed
That a fire lit up in the distance.
He looked at Gavrila,
I winked with my left eye
And gave a little cough
Pointing the fire quietly;
Here I scratched my head,
“Oh, how dark! - he said. -
At least a month that way as a joke
He looked to us for a minute,
Everything would be easier. And now,
Really, we are worse than a tester ...
Wait a minute ... it seems to me
That the light smoke curls there ...
You see, evon! .. That's right! ..
That would be to break up a smoke!
A miracle would have been! .. But listen,
Run, brother Vanyusha!
And, I must confess, I have
Neither flint nor flint. "
Danilo himself thinks:
"May you be crushed there!"
And Gavrilo says:
“Someone to sing knows what is burning!
Kohl the villagers stuck
Remember him, what was his name! "
All a trifle for a fool.
He sits on a skate
Kicks on the steep sides with his feet
Tugging at him with his hands
With all his might ...
The horse soared, and the trail was gone.
“May the power of the cross be with us! -
Gavrilo shouted then,
Shielding himself with the holy cross. -
What a devil is this under him! "
The light burns brighter
The hunchback runs faster.
Now he is in front of the fire.
The field shines as if during the day;
A wonderful light streams around
But it does not heat, does not smoke.
Ivan was a miracle here.
“What,” he said, “for the shaitan!
There is a light with five hats,
And there is no heat and smoke;
Eco miracle light! "
The skate says to him:
“There really is something to marvel at!
Here lies the feather of the Firebird,
But for your happiness
Don't take it for yourself.
A lot, a lot of restlessness
It will bring it with it. " -
"You speak! How not so! " -
The fool grumbles to himself;
And, raising the feather of the Firebird,
Wrapped him up in rags
I put rags in my hat
And he turned the skate.
Here he comes to his brothers
And answers to their demand:
“How I rode there,
I saw a burnt stump;
I fought over him, fought,
So I almost got sore;
I fanned it for about an hour -
No, damn it, it's gone! "
The brothers did not sleep the whole night,
They laughed at Ivan;
And Ivan sat down under the cart,
He snored until the morning.
Here they harnessed their horses
And they came to the capital,
We stood in the equestrian row,
Opposite the big chambers.
In that capital, there was a custom:
Kohl does not say the mayor -
Buy nothing
Sell ​​nothing.
Now mass is coming;
The governor leaves
In shoes, in a fur hat,
With a hundred city guards.
The herald is riding with him,
Long-mustache, bearded;
He blows a trumpet into gold,
Shouts in a loud voice:
"Guests! Unlock the shops
Buy, sell.
And the overseers sit
Near the benches and watch
So that there is no sodom,
Not just now, not pogrom,
And so that no freak
Didn't deceive the people! "
The guests of the shop are unlocking,
The baptized people call out:
“Hey, honest gentlemen,
Come to us here!
How do we have tare-bars,
All sorts of different products! "
The buyers are coming
They take the goods from the guests;
Guests count money
Yes, the overseers are blinking.
Meanwhile, the Gradsky detachment
Comes to the horse row;
Looks - a crush from the people.
There is no exit or entrance;
So swarming here and swarming,
And they laugh and shout.
The mayor was surprised
That the people were amused
And he gave the order to the detachment,
To clear the road.

"Hey! you devil barefoot!
Get out of my way! get out of my way!"
The barbel screamed
And they hit the whips.
Then the people began to stir,
He took off his caps and parted.
There is a row of horses before the eyes;
Two horses stand in a row
Young, black,
Curly golden manes
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail is streaming golden ...
Our old man, no matter how ardent,
He rubbed the back of his head for a long time.
“Wonderful,” he said, “God's light,
There are no miracles in it! "
The whole detachment bowed here,
I wondered at the wise speech.
The mayor meanwhile
I punished everyone,
So that they don't buy horses,
They did not yawn, they did not shout;
That he is going to the yard
Report everything to the king.
And, leaving part of the detachment,
He went to report.
Arrives at the palace.
“Have mercy, king-father! -
The mayor exclaims
And the whole body falls. -
Don't tell me to be executed
Order me to speak! "
The king deigned to say: “Okay,
Speak, but just fluently. " -
“I will tell you as best I can:
I serve as a mayor;
Faithfully correct
This position ... "-" I know, I know! " -
“Today, having taken a detachment,
I went to the horse row.
I come - darkness to the people!
Well, neither exit nor entrance.
What to do here? .. Ordered
To drive the people, so as not to interfere.
And so it happened, tsar-trust!
And I went - and what then?
Before me is a row of horses;
Two horses stand in a row
Young, black,
Curly golden manes
Curled rings in crayons,
The tail is streaming golden
And diamond hooves
Upholstered with large pearls. "
The king could not sit there.
"We must have a look at the horses, -
He says - but it's not bad
And make such a miracle.
Hey, take me a carriage! " And so
The cart is at the gate.
The king washed, dressed up
And rolled to the market;
A detachment is behind the king of archers.
Here he drove into the horse row.
Everyone here fell to their knees
And they shouted "hurray" to the king.
The king bowed and instantly
Well done from the cart jump ...
He does not take his eyes off his horses,
On the right, on the left it comes to them,
Calls with an affectionate word
Beats them quietly on the back,
Ruffling their cool neck,
Strokes a golden mane,
And, rather blindly,
He asked, turning
To those around: “Hey guys!
Whose foals are they?
Who is the owner? " Ivan is here,
Hands on your hips, like a pan,
Because of the brothers
And, pouting, he answers:
"This couple, king, mine,
And the owner is me too. " -
“Well, I'm buying a couple!
Are you selling? " - "No, I'm changing." -
"What good do you take in the exchange?" -
"Two to five caps of silver." -
"So it will be ten."
The king immediately ordered to weigh
And, by his grace,
I gave five rubles in addition.
The Tsar was magnanimous!
Lead the horses to the stables
Ten gray-haired grooms,
All in gold stripes,
All with colored sashes
And with morocco whips.
But dear, as for a laugh,
The horses knocked them all off their feet,
All the bridles have been torn
And they ran to Ivan.
The king went back
She says to him: “Well, brother,
A pair is not given to ours;
Nothing to do, you have to
Serve you in the palace.
You will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress,
Like rolling cheese in butter
All my stable
I give you an order
Tsarsko word in that surety.
What do you agree? " - “What a thing!
I will live in a palace
I will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress,
Like rolling cheese in butter
The whole stables factory
The king gives me orders;
That is, I'm from the vegetable garden
I will become a royal voivode.
What a wonderful thing! So be it
I will serve you, king.
Only, mind you, don't fight me
And let me sleep
Otherwise I was like that! "
Then he clicked horses
And went along the capital,
Himself waving a mitten,
And to the song of a fool
Horses are dancing trepak;
And his hobbyhorse is humpback -
So it breaks squatting,
To the surprise of all people.
Two brothers meanwhile
We got the money royally,
They were sewn into their cords,
Knocked on the valley
And they went home.
Houses shared together
They both got married at once,
They began to live and get on
Yes to remember Ivan.
But now we'll leave them
Let's amuse with a fairy tale again
Orthodox Christians,
What our Ivan has done
Being in the service of the royal,
At the state stable;
How did he get into the neighbors,
I slept like a feather,
How cunningly caught the Firebird,
How he kidnapped the Tsar Maiden,
How he drove for the ring,
As an ambassador in heaven,
How he is in the sun village
Kitu begged forgiveness;
How, to the number of other undertakings,
He saved thirty ships;
As in the boilers it was not cooked,
How handsome he was;
In a word: our speech is about
How he became king.

A story begins
From Ivanov's pranks,
And from the sivka, and from the burka,
And from the prophetic couch.
The goats to the sea are gone;
The mountains are overgrown with forest;
A horse with a golden bridle broke,
Rising straight to the sun;
Forest standing underfoot,
On the side is a thunderous cloud;
A cloud walks and sparkles
Thunder spreads across the sky.
This is a saying: wait
The tale will be ahead.
Like the sea-okiyane
And on the Buyan island
There is a new coffin in the forest,
The girl lies in the coffin;
The nightingale whistles over the coffin;
The black beast prowls in the oak forest,
This is a saying, but -
The fairy tale will follow.
Well, so you see, laity,
Orthodox Christians
Our dashing fellow
I got lost in the palace;
At the tsar's stable he serves
And will not bother at all
It's about brothers, about a father
In the royal palace.
And what does he care about his brothers?
Ivan has red dresses,
Red hats, boots
Almost ten boxes;
He eats sweetly, he sleeps so much,
What expanse, and more!
Here in five weeks
I began to notice the sleeping bag ...
I must say this sleeping bag
Before Ivan there was a boss
Above the stable you need everything,
From the boyar had a reputation for children;
It's no wonder he was angry
I swore at Ivan,
Though an abyss, but a stranger
Get out of the palace.
But, concealing cunning,
He's for every occasion
Pretended to be a cheat, deaf,
Short-sighted and dumb;
He himself thinks: “Wait a minute,
I will move those, you fool! "
So in five weeks
The sleeping bag began to notice
That Ivan does not groom horses,
And he does not clean, and does not school;
But for all that, two horses
As if just from under the crest:
Washed clean and clean
The manes are intertwined in braids,
The bangs are gathered in a bun
Wool - well, shines like silk;
Fresh wheat in the stalls
As if it will be born right there,
And in large vats
As if only poured.
“What kind of parable is this? -
The sleeping bag thinks with a sigh. -
Doesn't he walk, wait,
To us a prankster-brownie?
Let me watch you
And no, so I and a bullet,
Without winking, I know how to drain, -
If only the fool to leave.
I will report in the tsar's duma,
That the state equestrian -
Basurmanin, witch,
Warlock and villain;
That he drives bread and salt with the devil,
Doesn't go to the church of God,
Catholic holds a cross
And he eats meat by fasting. "
That same evening this sleeping bag
Former head of equestrian,
I hid in stalls secretly
And sprinkled with oats.

So it was midnight.
His chest ached.
He is neither alive nor dead,
Himself prayers do everything.
Waiting for a neighbor ... Chu! in itself,
The doors creaked dull,
The horses stamped, and behold
The old horse breeder enters.
Locks the door with a latch,
Gently throws off his hat,
Puts it on the window
And from that hat he takes
In three wrapped rags
The royal treasure is a feather of the Firebird.
Such a light shone here,
That the sleeping bag almost cried out,
And I was so scared from fear,
That the oats fell off him.
But the neighbor is not aware!
He puts his feather in the barrel
He begins to clean the horses,
Washes, cleans up,
Weaves long manes,
He sings different songs.
And meanwhile, curled up in a club,
Shaking with a tooth
Looks at a sleeping bag, barely alive,
What's the brownie doing here.
What a devil! Nothing on purpose
The midnight rogue dressed up:
No horns, no beard
Razhy guy, even where!
The hair is smooth, the side of the tape,
On the shirt there are prose
Boots like al morocco, -
Well, exactly Ivan.
What a miracle? Looks again
Our eye on the brownie ...
"NS! so that's what! - finally
The sly man grumbled to himself, -
Okay, tomorrow the king will know
What your stupid mind is hiding.
Wait just one day
You will remember me! "
And Ivan, not knowing at all,
That he is in such trouble
Threatens, weaves everything
Let her mane sing in her braids.
And after removing them, in both vats
Strained fed honey
And poured in addition
Beloyarov millet.
Here, yawning, the feather of the Firebird
Wrapped it up again in rags,
A cap under the ear - and lay down
Near the horses' hind legs.
It just started to dawn
The sleeping bag began to move
And hearing that Ivan
Snores like Eruslan,
He quietly climbs down
And creeps up to Ivan,
I put my fingers in the hat,
Grab a pen - and the trail is gone.
The king has just awakened
Our sleeping bag came to him,
Banged my forehead hard on the floor
And then he sang to the king:
"I am guilty,
The king appeared before you,
Don't tell me to be executed
Order me to speak. " -
"Speak without adding, -
The king told him yawning.
If you will lie,
Then the whip cannot be avoided. "
Our sleeping bag, gathering with strength,
He says to the king: “Have mercy!
These are the true Christ,
My denunciation is just, tsar.
Our Ivan, then everyone knows
Father hides from you
But not gold, not silver -
Firebird feather ... "-
“Zharoptitsevo? .. Damned!
And he dared so rich ...
Wait, you villain!
You will not pass the whips! .. "-
“And even then he still knows! -
The sleeping bag continues quietly
Curved. - Good!
Let him have a pen;
And the Firebird itself
Into yours, father, light room,
If you deign to give an order,
Boasts to get it. "
And a scammer with this word,
Crouching with a hoop,
I went to the bed
He handed in the treasure - and again to the floor.
The king looked and marveled,
Stroked his beard, laughed
And he bit the end of his pen.
Here, taking him to the chest,
Screamed (with impatience)
Confirming your command
With a quick sweep of a fist:
“Gay! call me a fool! "
And the messengers of the noble
We ran along Ivan,
But, colliding everything in the corner,
Stretched out on the floor.
The king admired so much
And he laughed to stitches.
And the nobleman, observing,
What's funny is for the king,
Winked among themselves
And suddenly they stretched out.
The king was so pleased with that,
That he awarded them with a hat.
Here are the messengers of the noble
They started to call Ivan again
And this time
There were no leprosy.
They come running to the stable,
Doors open wide
And fool's feet
Well push on all sides.
They were busy with it for half an hour,
But he was not woken up.
Finally a private
I woke him up with a broom.
“What kind of servants are they? -
Ivan says getting up. -
How I grab you with a whip,
So you will not become later
Without a way to wake Ivan. "
The nobles say to him:
"The king has deigned to order
We should call you to him. " -
“Tsar? .. Well, okay! Here I am going to get together
And immediately I will appear to him ", -
Ivan is speaking to the ambassadors.
Then he put on his caftan,
I tied myself up with a girdle,
I thought about it, combed my hair,
I attached my whip to the side,
Like a duck swam.
Here Ivan came to the tsar,
Bowed, cheered up,
He grunted twice and asked:
"Why did you wake me up?"
The king, squinting with his left eye,
Screamed at him with anger,
Rising up: “Silence!
You must answer me:
By virtue of which decree
You hid your eyes from ours
Our royal good -
A firebird feather?
That I am the Tsar Ali Boyar?
Answer now, Tatar! "
Here Ivan, waving his hand,
He says to the king: “Wait!
I didn't give those hats exactly,
How did you find out about that?
What are you - are you a prophet?
Well, yes, put it in prison,
Order now even with sticks -
There is no pen, and no shabalki! .. "-
“Answer! I'll screw it up! .. "-
“I plainly say:
No pen! Yes, hear from where
Can I get such a miracle? "
The king jumped out of bed here
And he opened the box with the feather.
"What? You dare to shuffle yet?
No, don't get out!
What's this? A?" Here Ivan
Trembled like a leaf in a blizzard,
I dropped my hat in fright.
“What, buddy, is it tight? -
The king spoke. - Wait a minute, brother! .. "-
“Oh, have mercy, it's my fault!
Let go of the blame for Ivan,
I'm not going to lie ahead ”.
And wrapped in the floor
Stretched out on the floor.
"Well, for the first occasion
I forgive you the blame, -
Tsar Ivan says. -
God have mercy, I am angry!
And sometimes from hearts
I'll take off my forelock and head.
So, you see, what I am!
But, to say without further words,
I learned that you are the Firebird
To our royal room,
If I thought of ordering,
You boast to get it.
Well, look, don't deny
And try to get it. "
Then Ivan jumped up like a spinning top.
“I didn't say that! -
He screamed, wiping himself off. -
I don’t lock myself
But about a bird, as you like,
You are leading in vain. "
King, shaking your beard:
"What? Show me up with you! -
He screamed. - But look,
If you are three weeks old
Can't get me the Firebird
To our royal room,
I swear by the beard
You will pay with me:

Get out, slave! " Ivan cried
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.
The hunchback, sensing him,
I started dancing;
But, as I saw tears,
He almost sobbed himself.
“What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? -
The horse says to him,
At his feet spinning. -
Do not hide yourself before me
Tell me everything, what is behind the soul.
I'm ready to help you.
Al, my dear, unwell?
Al was caught by a scoundrel? "
Ivan fell to the skate on his neck,
Hugged and kissed.

The king orders to get the Firebird
To the state lodge.
What should I do, hunchback? "
The skate says to him:
“The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help burn.
That's why your trouble
That did not obey me:
Remember, driving to the capital city,
You found the feather of the Firebird;
I told you then:
Don't take it, Ivan - it's a disaster!
A lot, a lot of restlessness
It will bring it with it.
Now you have learned
I told you the truth.
But, to tell you out of friendship,
It is a service, not a service;
Service is all, brother, ahead.
You go to the king now
And tell him openly:
"It is necessary, king, I have two troughs
Beloyarov millet
Yes, overseas wine.
Yes, tell them to hurry up:
Tomorrow, it will only get bogged down,
We will go on a hike. "
Here Ivan goes to the king,
She says to him openly:
"It is necessary, king, I have two troughs
Beloyarov millet
Yes, overseas wine.
Yes, tell them to hurry up:
Tomorrow, it will only get bogged down,
We will go hiking. "
The king immediately gives the order,
So that the messengers of the noble
They found everything for Ivan,
He called him a good fellow
And "happy journey!" said.
The next day, early in the morning,
I woke up Ivan's horse:
“Gay! Master! Sleep well!
It's time to fix things! "
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on a path,
Took troughs, and millet,
And overseas wine;
I dressed up warmer
I sat on my skate
Took out a piece of bread
And went east -
Get out that Firebird.
They go for a whole week,
Finally, on the eighth day,
They come to the dense forest.
Then the skate said to Ivan:
“You will see a clearing here;
In the glade of that mountain
All of pure silver;
Right here before the lightning
The firebirds arrive
Drink water from a stream;
Here we will catch them. "
And, having finished his speech to Ivan,
Runs out into the clearing.
What a field! Greenery here
Like an emerald stone;
The breeze blows over her,
So it sows sparks;
And flowers in the green
Untold beauty.
And on that glade,
Like a shaft on the ocean
The mountain rises
All pure silver.
Summer sun rays
Paints all of it with light
Runs in the folds of gold,
At the top, it burns with a candle.
Here is the skate on the slope
Climbed this mountain
I ran a mile to a friend,
He settled down and said:
“Soon the night will begin, Ivan,
And you will have to guard.
Well, pour wine into the trough
And mix millet with wine.
And to be closed to you,
You crawl under the trough,
Take note of it on the sly
Yes, look, don't yawn.
Until sunrise, hear the lightning
Firebirds will fly here
And they will begin to peck millet
Yes, screaming in your own way.
You who are closer
And grab her, look!
And you will catch the bird-heat,
And shout to the whole bazaar;
I will immediately appear to you. " -
“Well, what if I get burned? -
Ivan says to the skate,
Spreading out your caftan. -
You will have to take mittens:
Tea, the cheat burns painfully.
Then the skate disappeared from the eyes,
And Ivan, groaning, crawled
Under an oak trough
And he lies there like a dead man.

Here at midnight sometimes
The light spilled over the mountain, -
As if noon is coming:
The firebirds come flying;
They began to run and shout
And peck millet and wine.
Our Ivan, closed from them,
Watching birds from under the trough
And he interprets with himself,
Spreading your hand like this:
“Ugh, you devilish force!
Eck them, rubbish, rolled!
Tea, there are about five dozen of them.
If you want to take over everyone, -
That would be a profit!
Needless to say, fear is beautiful!
All have red legs;
And the tails are sheer laughter!
Chickens do not have such tea.
And how much, guy, light,
Like a father's stove! "
And, having finished such a speech,
Himself with myself under the loophole,
Our Ivan snake and snake
I crawled to millet with wine, -
Grab one of the birds by the tail.
“Oh, Little Humpbacked Little Horse!
Come running quickly, my friend!
I caught a bird, after all, "
So Ivan the Fool shouted.
The hunchback appeared at once.
“Ai, master, distinguished himself! -
Skate says to him. -
Well, hurry her into the bag!
Yes, tie it tighter;
And hang the bag around your neck.
We need to go back. " -
“No, let me scare the birds!
Ivan is speaking. - Check this out,
You see, sat down from screaming! "
And, grabbing your bag,
Splashes up and down.
Shining with a bright flame
The whole flock sprang up,
Coiled around fiery
And rushed over the clouds.
And our Ivan followed them
With your mittens
So it waves and shouts,
As if doused with lye.
The birds were lost in the clouds;
Our travelers have gathered
The royal treasure was laid
And we went back.

Here we arrived in the capital.
"What, did you get the Firebird?" -
Tsar Ivan says
He looks at the sleeping bag himself.
And the one, kind of out of boredom,
Bitten all my hands.
"Of course I got it" -
Our Ivan told the tsar.
"Where is she?" - “Wait a little,
Order the window first
To shut up in the bedchamber,
You know to create darkness. "
Then the nobles ran
And the window was closed.
Here is Ivan a bag on the table:
"Come on, grandma, let's go!"
Such light suddenly spilled out here,
That the whole yard was closed with a hand.
The king shouts to the whole bazaar:
“Ahti, priests, fire!
Hey, call the lattice!
Fill in! Fill in! " -
“This, you hear, is not a fire,
This is the light from the bird-heat, -
Said the huntsman, himself laughing
Straining. - Fun
I have brought those, condemnation! "
The Tsar says to Ivan:
“I love my friend Vanyusha!
You have amused my soul,
And for joy such -
Be the royal stirrup! "
Seeing this, a sly sleeping bag,
Former head of equestrian,
Says to himself:
“No, wait, baby sucker!
It won't always happen to you
So to distinguish yourself in a canalsky way.
I'll let those down again
My friend, in trouble! "
Three weeks later
In the evening we sat alone
In the royal kitchen, the chefs
And the servants of the court;
Drank honey from a jug
Yes, they read Eruslan.
“Eh! - one servant said, -
How did I get it right now?
A wonderful book from a neighbor!
There are not so many pages in it,
And there are only five fairy tales,
And fairy tales - tell you
One cannot wonder like that;
Well, you have to manage that way! "
Here everything is in a voice: “Make it easy!
Tell me, brother, tell me! " -
“Well, what do you want?
After all, there are five fairy tales; look here:
The first tale of a beaver,
And the second is about the king;
Third ... God forbid memory ... for sure!
About the eastern boyaryn;
Here in the fourth: Prince Bobyl;
In the fifth ... in the fifth ... oh, I forgot!
The fifth tale says ...
So it is spinning in my mind ... "-
"Well, leave her!" - "Wait!" -
"About beauty, what eh, what?" -
“Exactly! The fifth says
About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
Well, my friends,
Shall I tell you today? " -
“The Tsar Maiden! - everyone shouted. -
We have already heard about the kings,
We have beauties soon!
It's more fun to listen to them. "
And the servant, sitting down importantly,
He began to tell a long story:
"In distant German countries
There, guys, okiyan.
By that whether okiyanu
Only bassoons go;
From the Orthodox land
Nicoli has never been
Neither nobles nor laymen
On the nasty okiyane.
From the guests, there is a rumor
That the girl lives there;
But the girl is not easy
Daughter, you see, dear to the month,
And the sun is her brother.
That girl, they say
Rides in a red sheepskin coat,
In the golden, guys, lifeboat
And with a silver oar
He personally rules it;
Sings different songs
And he plays on the guselets ... "
The sleeping bag here is skipping -
And from all both feet
I went to the palace to the king
And just came to him;
Banged my forehead hard on the floor
And then he sang to the king:
"I am guilty,
The king appeared before you,
Don't tell me to be executed
Order me to speak! " -
“Speak, but the truth is only,
And don't lie, look, not at all! " -
The king screamed from the bed.
The sly sleeping bag answered:
“We were in the kitchen today,
They drank to your health
And one of the court servants
He amused us with a fairy tale aloud;
This tale says
About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
Here is your royal stirrup
Sworn by your brother
That he knows this bird -
So he called the Tsar Maiden, -
And her, if you please know,
Boasts to get it. "
The sleeping bag hit the floor again.
"Hey, call me a stirrup!" -
The king shouted as a messenger.
The sleeping bag is now behind the stove.
And the messengers of the noble
They ran along Ivan;
They found him in deep sleep
And they brought me in a shirt.
This is how the king began his speech: “Listen,
Denunciation on you, Vanyusha.
They say that right now
You boasted for us
Find another bird
That is to say, to say, Tsar Maiden ... "-
“What are you, what are you, God bless you! -
Began the royal stirrup. -
Tea, from the depths I, pound,
I threw this thing out.
Yes, be cunning as you like,
And you can't fool me. "
King, shaking your beard:
"What? Show me off to you? -
He screamed. - But look,
If you are three weeks old
Can't get the Tsar Maiden
To our royal room,
That, I swear by the beard!
You will pay with me!
On the right - into the lattice - on the stake!
Get out, slave! " Ivan cried
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.
“What, Ivanushka, is not happy?
What did you hang the little head with? -
Skate says to him. -
Al, my dear, got sick?
Al was caught by a scoundrel? "
Ivan fell to the skate on his neck,
Hugged and kissed.
“Oh, trouble, hobbyhorse! - said. -
The king orders to his room
I can get it, hey, the Tsar Maiden.
What should I do, hunchback? "
The skate says to him:
“The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help burn.
That's why your trouble
That he didn’t listen to me.
But, to tell you out of friendship,
It is a service, not a service;
Service is all, brother, ahead!
You go to the king now
And say: "After all, for the capture
I must, king, I have two pants,
Gold-stitched tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling ",
Here Ivan goes to the king
And this speech is:
"For the capture of the princess
I must, king, I have two pants,
Gold-stitched tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling. " -
"It would be like this for a long time than not," -
The king from the bed gave the answer
And ordered the nobles
They found everything for Ivan,
He called him a good fellow
And "happy journey!" said.
The next day, early in the morning,
I woke up Ivan's horse:
“Gay! Master! Sleep well!
It's time to fix things! "
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on a path,
Took flys and a tent
Yes, the dining set -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling;
I put everything in a bag in the road
And tied it with a rope,
I dressed up warmer
I sat on my skate;
Took out a piece of bread
And drove east
For the Tsar Maiden.
They go for a whole week,
Finally, on the eighth day,
They come to the dense forest.
Then the skate said to Ivan:
“This is the road to okiyanu,
And on it all year round
That beauty lives;
Twice she only comes off
From okiyana and leads
Long day to earth to us.
You will see for yourself tomorrow. "
And, having finished his speech to Ivan,
Runs out to the okiyanu,
On which the white shaft
Alone was walking.
Then Ivan gets off the skate,
And the horse is broadcasting to him:
“Well, spread the tent,
Put the device on the fly
From overseas jam
And sweets for chilling.
Lie down behind the tent
Yes, be smart with your mind.
You see, the boat flashes over there ...
Then the princess swims up.
Let her enter the tent,
Let him eat, drink;
Here's how to play the harp, -
Know that the time is coming.
Run into the tent at once,
Seize that princess
And keep her strong
Call me soon.
I'm at your first order
I'll come running to you just;
And let's go ... Yes, look,
Look closely behind her;
If you oversleep her
So you can't avoid trouble. "
Then the skate hid from the eyes,
Ivan huddled behind the tent
And let's twirl the dir
To spy on the princess.
The clear noon is coming;
The Tsar Maiden swims up
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device.
"HM! So this is the Tsar Maiden!
As in fairy tales they say -
Reasoning as a stirrup, -
What is where red herself
Tsar Maiden, so what a marvel!
This one is not at all beautiful:
And pale and thin,
Tea, about three vershoks in girth;
And the little leg, the little leg!
Ugh you! like a chicken!
Let someone fall in love
I won’t take it for free. ”
Then the princess began to play
And she hummed so sweetly
That Ivan, not knowing how,
Snuggled on my fist
And under a quiet, slender voice
He falls asleep calmly.
The West was quietly burning down.
Suddenly the horse neighed over him
And pushing him with a hoof,
Shouted in an angry voice:
“Sleep, my dear, to the stars!
Pour out your troubles
It’s not me who’s going to be impaled! ”
Then Ivanushka began to cry
And sobbing, he asked
So that the skate forgives him:
“Let go of the blame for Ivan,
I'm not going to sleep ahead. " -
“Well, God will forgive you! -
The hunchback shouts at him. -
We'll fix everything, maybe
Only, mind you, do not fall asleep;
Tomorrow, early in the morning,
To the gold-embroidered tent
