Russian scientists distinguish part of speech differently. Our article will tell about those parts of the speech, which are studied in the school course. These are 12 parts of speech, which are divided into independent and service. Let's consider in more detail what parts of the speech are in Russian.

Independent parts of speech

The name of the noun is part of speech that is independent and answers questions "What?" "Who?", And also denotes the subject. In its value, all the nouns can be divided into animate (boy, horse) and inanimate (stool, notepad), on the names of own (Moscow, Petya, Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper) and nominal newspaper (numerous names of objects and phenomena: table, coin, heart , society, love, etc.).

The adjective name is part of the speech, expressing a sign of the subject responsible for questions "What?" "what?" "whose?" etc. Adjectives are divided into relative (wooden, readable), high-quality (large, beautiful) and attractive (sister, fox).

Number name is part of speech, denoting the number of items and a number, order at the score. Numbered names for grammatical features and meanings are divided into ordinal (tenth, second) and quantitative (ten, two).

The pronoun is part of speech, indicating signs, objects and their quantities, but not calling them. In the proposal offers are most often used as subject or definition, rarely as circumstances. Sometimes pronouns are used even as a faithful.

The verb is part of the speech, denoting the state of the subject or action, while answering the questions "What to do?", "What?" etc. The verbs are divided into perfect and imperfect, valid and suffering pledge, transitional and non-propelled, return and irrevocable. Also, verbs have an initial form or infinitive. In the proposal, the verbs are most often the faees, but can act as a subject or definition.

Communion is a special form of verb, denoting signs of the subject by action. The communion answers the questions: "What?", "What makes?", "What made?", "What made?", "What made?" etc. Communions are divided into persons and valid. The actual indicates a sign of the subject that produces an action, and the suffering - a sign of that object that is experiencing this action. ("Reading Boy" - a boy who reads himself; " readable book"- a book that someone reads, that is, someone produces actions with this book).

Teperyption is a form of verb, denoting an extension effect, while there is a basic action. Tempecility responds to questions "What MAKE?", "What?". Tempecisses are perfect and imperfect ("jumping out" - the view, "jumping" - imperference. View).

Instant is part of speech, expressing a sign of action or another sign (do beautifully, very beautiful). Instant is an immutable part of speech, which in the proposal is most often the circumstance.

Service parts of speech

Now let's look at what business parts of the speech includes a system of part of the Russian language speech.

The pretext is part of the speech, expressing the dependence of the name of the noun, pronouns and numeral from the remaining words available in the phrase and in the proposal. Prepositions cannot be changed, as well as not members of the sentence. Prepositions can be derived and non-derivatives (non-productions: A, K, from, C; production: on the contrary, along, due to).

The Union is the service part of speech that connects homogeneous members in the composition of a simple supply, as well as several simple proposals in the complex. Unions are subordinates (therefore, that) and writing (A, and, but).

The particle is part of the speech, which makes various shades in the sentence and serving to form new forms of words (already, come on, well, let, b). Particles are not members of the sentence and do not change.

Interomotion is a special part of speech, expressing feelings, but not calling them. It does not enter into a group of service parts of speech, nor into the group of independent (oh, ah, chi-chi, pah, brrr).

Thus, it can be noted that all parts of speech in Russian are diverse and not similar to each other. Only combining each other, they can form phrases and suggestions.

What part of speech is the community of words that can be distinguished by based on the similarity and differences of their grammatical and semantic properties.

What is part of speech in Russian

Based on the article by the famous Russian Linguist Leo Vladimirovich Scherbi, who created the theory of phonam, together with the group of other philologists, dominant in linguistic rusticism is considered to be the adoption of the multifaceted properties in order to classify them.

Taking the above signs and guided by the following significant differences and similarity, lexemes refer to certain categories:

  1. The unity of the total meaning, as, for example, a sign of a sign of adverb.
  2. Unity of grammatical patterns and wordinity.
  3. Similarity of syntactic functions.

The differentiation of words in classes occupied scientists even in antiquity and was relevant on all continents and at all times, and the ancient Greek philosophers (Aristotle), and the Old Indian Linguists (Panini), and scientists of Tsarist Russia were engaged in this issue.

Due to the fact that in the framework of the Russian language, most words are changeable, consider their separation on the morphological principle, which is widely promoted by representatives of the Fortunate school (named its founder F. Fortunatova).

There are the following signs:

  • certain procedure for transformation of the word;
  • a set of grammatical values;
  • the morphological structure (for example, "as" and "so" is pronoun, and "sad" and "funny" adjectives).

What class does a lexeme applies, it can be understood using only typology on a morphological basis, but in other languages \u200b\u200bthe use of this principle will not be so obvious.

What are the parts of speech

Rusists identified 13 parts of speech: 9 independent and 3 service. Consider each of the parts of speech separately.

Independent parts of speech

Otherwise are called significant. If you look at the syntax position, they can also be subject to the subject, the definition, the circumstance or addition.


Semantic content: a linen or inanimate object.

Answers questions "Who?", "What?".

Can perform functions of the subject or addition. From the position of morphology, it has such characteristics as: genus (husband, wives, media, common. And mutually), number, case, zealtivity (nominal and own).

For example, a dog is essential. g. r., 1 Skl., Elevation., Him. Pad., Menantic.

Ostap - South. m. r., 2 Skl., Elevation., Him. Pad., Own.


Semantic component: a sign of an object.

The following questions are suitable for it: "What?", "Whose?".

The proposal plays the role of determination, coordinating with objects.

Separately brief adjectives, whose distinctive feature is their heterogeneity for setting parameters, so, for example, it may be very difficult to include such immutable words in this class as Bordeaux.

Discharge It can be called the most sustained sign of this class (high-quality, relative, attractive).

High-qualitythe sign-carrying sign or the quality of the object can change: strengthen / weaken. For example, the kindest, premium. To achieve changes in the degree of severity of a sign by combinations with adverbs very (extremely, infinitely, extremely, etc.). For example, an infinitely deep sea.

Almost all representatives of this group are capable of transforming in a brief form: it is beautiful, should. Also, they can also be found in the possibility of presence of antonyms: big - small.

At the same time, qualitative adjectives exist the following comparison degrees:

  • Positive - "long road";
  • Comparative - "The road from our city to Moscow is longer than the road to Ryazan";
  • Excellent - "The longest road".

Relativepossess the following characteristics:

  • answer the question "What?";
  • denote a sign;
  • do not correlate with reinforcing them;
  • have only a positive degree;
  • are not crawled;
  • can not have antonyms.

For example - wooden, Paper, Peter, Millimeter, Telephone (That is, adjectives denoting the relationship of one object with another).

Attractive adjectivesas it is clear from the title, give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe object belonging to another object. They possess the same signs (from the 3rd to 6th) as the representatives of the previous group. For example, Verin, Sergean, Mint, Dadin, doggy.


Semantic component: action or state of object.

It can be found on the question "What (s) to do?".

The proposal performs the obligations of the faith. The verbs have a lifting (change by persons and numbers).


  1. Transitional (requires the attachment of the object to which the action is directed, for example - "He cooks porridge") and uncomplicated (do not combine with an addition, for example - "it costs").
  2. Returns (for example, "Hug", "rejoices") and non-return ( "Hug", "will be happy").

In addition to the hidngth, it is also varied within the framework of the following categories: inclinations, pledge, etc.

As for the change in times, everything is clear here: the past (was), the present (is), the future (will).

In terms of inclination, the verb changes as follows:

  • in the zealing challenge: "I sing";
  • in the subgunny challenge: "I would sing";
  • in imperative challenge: "SPLEY!".


Semantic content: quantity, number and order of objects.

To the question "How much?" Committed quantitative ( nine, eight, nineteen), fractional ( seven eighth, eight more than three tenths) and collective ( four); On "What?" And "which?" - ordinal ( fifth, fourteenth).

The first group, in turn, is divided into:

  • definitely quantitative ( ten, one hundred seventy seven) and vaguely quantitative ( several, many);
  • on simple, consisting of one base ( from 11 to 20, thirty, four), complex having two bases ( eight hundred, sixty) and composite consisting of several foundations ( three thousand twenty nine).


The meaning of the component: a sign: subject, actions (more) or a sign.

Can I be determined on "Where?", "Why?", "When?", "Why?", "Where?" And How?". Do not change!


  • Defintent: quantitative (extremely, too), high-quality (exactly), comparative-ridiculous (in the boyish);
  • Circumstantial: in the image of action (in winter, atpon, therefore, so, it is possible, you can see), measures and degrees (once), places (there, here), the reasons (no accident, inevitable), time (when, always, sometimes, already More), goals (purpose).


Indicates objects, their signs, the quantity, but does not replace them.

The following groups are distinguished:

  • Personal (they);
  • Index (such, this, those, it);
  • Determined (each, all, all, other);
  • Relative (how many who, whose, which);
  • Negative (draw);
  • Undefined (some, somewhere, something);
  • Holding (yours, yours, mine);
  • Questionaging (by whom than).


Language scientists are mostly not referring to themselves. service parts speech. Interdudice express emotional and volitional manifestations of animated objects.

There are several of their classifications based on their semantic load, structure and origin. These include the designation of rapid actions ("soychik!"), Phraseologisms: "My father!", "Well, something like that."


It is a special form of verbs, denoting a sign of the subject by action.

Answers the question "What?" At the same time, there has been signs of adjective and verb.

Allocate valid (engaged, drawing) and affected (rising, handing).


You can determine by asking questions "What do?", "What?".

It is formed from the verb.

Adds additional action to the main one. It has signs of both the verb and adverb.

The first properties got from the first: repayment, deposit, transition, view, from the second, the role of the circumstances and immutability were transferred.

Examples: "Making", "Having done", "Dodlav".

Service parts of speech

They associate representatives of previous classes and play a supporting role. For example, "When it's cold outside, I take a book in (hands) and sit on a fire carpet with a cup of hot cocoa."


Uniform members and composite parts of the proposals are associated (if, too, as long as) and composite (as if).


Denote the type of relationships of the subject and the object, ensuring the possibility of a verification.

There are prepositions:

  • spaces ("between the lawn and park", "near the river", "across the road");
  • time ("for one hour", "fifteen minutes of the second");
  • causes and purposes ("for").


Also perform a supporting role, helping to paint emotionally independent parts of speech. In addition, serve as further word formation.

Particles are:

  • Questionally: Really;
  • Indexing: here;
  • Negative: no, nor;
  • Selective: only, only;
  • Amplifying: even, too;
  • Opposing: after all.

How to determine the part of speech in Russian

So, in order to understand which of the above categories belongs to the lexeme, it is necessary to install:

  1. First, the question that it responds, as well as what is denoted.
  2. Secondly, what morphological signs have (for example, the noun has a decline, and the verb has a lion), that is, how it is modified.
  3. Third, what part of the supply is it.


Thus, on the basis of semantic, syntactic and, of course, morphological features is concluded about the ownership of the word to the above classes.

1. All the words of the Russian language can be divided into groups that call parts of speech.

Together with the syntax, morphology is a section of a language science called grammar.

2. Each part of speech has signs that can be combined into three groups:

3. All parts of the speech are divided into two groups - independent (significant) and service. A special position in the system of speech parts is occupied by interjections.

4. Independent (significant) parts of speech Include words that call objects, their actions and signs. You can ask questions to independent words, and in the proposal, significant words are members of the sentence.

TO independent parts Speech in Russian refer the following:

Part of speech Questions Examples
1 Noun who? what? Boy, uncle, table, wall, window.
2 Verb what to do? what to do? Saw, cut, know, find out.
3 Adjective what? whose? Good, blue, mamm, door.
4 Numeral how much? which the? Five, five, fifth.
5 Adverb as? when? Where? and etc. Fun, yesterday, close.
6 Pronoun who? What? how much? as? and etc. I, he, so, mine, so much, there.
7 Participle what? (what makes? What made? etc.) Dreaming dreamed.
8 Tempecios as? (what making? What made?) Dreaming, deciding.


1) As noted, there is no single point of view in linguistics in the situation in the system of speech parts of communion and verbalism. Some researchers refer them to independent parts of speech, others consider them by special forms of verb. Communion and verbality really occupy an intermediate position between independent parts of speech and the forms of verb. In this manual, we adhere to the point of view, reflected, for example, in the textbook: Babayitseva V.V., Chesnokova L.L. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 classes. M., 2001.

2) In linguistics there is no single point of view on the composition of such a part of speech, as numeral. In particular, in "Academic grammar" it is customary to consider ordinal numbers as a special discharge of adjectives. However, the school tradition refers them to numeral. We will adhere to this position and we are in the present manual.

3) In different manuals, the composition of pronoun is characterized in different ways. In particular, words there, there, nowhere et al. In some school textbooks refer to adverbs, in others - to pronuches. In this manual, we consider such words as pronouncing, adhering to the point of view reflected in "Academic grammar" and in the textbook: Babayitseva V.V., Chesnikova L.L. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 classes. M., 2001.

5. Service parts of speech - These are words that are not called neither objects or actions, nor signs, but express only relations between them.

    TO service words It is impossible to put a question.

    Service words are not members of the sentence.

    Service words serve independent words, helping them to unite with each other in the composition of phrases and suggestions.

    The official parts of speech in Russian include the following:

    pretext (in, on, about, out of);

    soyuz (and, but, but, however, because to, if);

    particle (would, whether, not even, just, only).

6. occupy a special position among the parts of speech.

    The interjections are not called neither objects, no actions, nor signs (as independent parts of speech), do not express the relationship between independent words And do not serve to communicate words (as service parts of speech).

    Interdudice transmit our feelings. To express amazement, delight, fear, etc., we use such interjections as ah, oh, wow; To express the feeling of cold - br-R., to express fear or pain - oh etc.

7. As noted, some words in Russian can change, others - no.

    TO unchangeable All service parts of speech, interjections, as well as significant parts of speech as:

    adveria ( forward, always);

    tempecistry ( leaving, leaving, accepting).

    Some also do not change:

    nouns ( coat, taxis, blinds);

    adjectives ( coat Color Beige, Electric Color Costume);

    pronouns ( then, there).

    via end;

    Wed: sister - sisters; I read - read.

    via finishes and premisted;

    Sister - to the sister, at the sister, with sister.

    via auxiliary words.

Part of speech (Lat. pars orationis) - a category of a unit of language, which is determined by syntactic and morphological features. According to these features, there are different classification of parts of speech in different languages World. Part of the speech can be called a group of words that has:

  1. One grammar meanings And total set morphological signs;
  2. One general lexical meaning;
  3. Some performed syntactic functions.

In different languages \u200b\u200bof the world, the part of the speech is divided into a category of names, which is opposed to the verb, and they are together are opposed to various service parts of speech. But this division is primarily conditional.

Signs of classification of speech parts in Russian.

Signs of classification - These are signs that define the principles of classifying speech parts in Russian. There are four such signs in Russian:

  • Semantic - This signdetermines the total value of the part of speech (for example, the verb has the value of the action)
  • Syntactic- this is signwhich defines the role of a part of speech in the proposal (for example, the verb most often acts as a legend).
  • Morphological- This is a complete set of forms and paradigms of the word, as well as the division of the words of the language on the variable and immutable.
  • Word-formative- This signcharacterizes a set of models and means of word formation of a particular part of speech.

Views of speech parts in Russian.

There are ten major in Russian parts of speech:

Principles of classification of parts of speech.

All parts of speech in Russian are divided into independent parts of speech and service parts of speech. Independent parts of speech - These are parts of speeches that have their own meaning (object, sign, action, quantity, etc.). Service parts of speech - These are words that do not have their own value, but serve to bind words to sentences, comparisons, opposition and other purposes.

TO independent parts Speech belong:

  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • Numeral
  • Pronoun
  • Verb
  • Adverb

TO service parts of speech In Russian refer:

  • Pretext
  • Particle

These are the main parts of speech in Russian, each of which we will look at and study separately.

§one. What is the classification of words in parts of speech?

Morphologyhe studies the grammatical nature of words and classifies them on the basis of the morphological signs inherent in them. In principle, a variety of classifications are possible: the result depends on what features are based on the basis. Therefore, facing the classification, always think about what it is based on.

Morphological classification of words - this is the division of them by classes that are called parts of speech.
This is a comprehensive classification. It is not built one by one, but by three signs:

  • grammar meanings
  • set of morphological signs
  • syntactic role in the proposal

Grammar meanings
- This is the most generalized value characteristic of the whole class of words. More subtle differences in the meaning reflect discharges in valuewhich are allocated for a particular part of speech. For example, refer to the noun.

The grammatical meaning of the noun is "subject". It is expressed by words responsible for questions: Who what?
Examples: Who what? - leg, lamp, son, Moscow, gold, silver, nobility, youth, good, greed.
These words, of course, transmit different meanings: concrete and abstract, real, collective, own. For morphology, it is important that these differences are expressed in the morphological level. For example, most nouns with a specific value usually have the unique forms and multiple number: leg legs, And all others are only one form: either the only number or multiple: Moscow (own) - units, gold (real) - units. h., nobility(collective) - units. h., good (abstract) - units But all these words of the same class. They respond to some questions that distinguishes them from other classes of words, for example, the verbs that answer questions: What to do? What to do? and express the grammatical meaning of "Action": walk, jump, laugh, fight, learn.

Morphological signs -
these are characteristics of the grammatical nature of words. For morphology, it is important:

  • words change or not,
  • what sets of forms have a layer
  • what endings these forms are pronounced,
  • that these forms express.

Some morphological features are common to several parts of speech, for example paide, others are characterized only by one word class, for example time. The same feature may be immutable, permanent for any class of words and variable in others, such as, for example, rank. Each part of speech has its own set of morphological signs. Not knowing them, it is impossible to produce a morphological analysis of the word and understand that it combines the words of one part of speech and distinguishes them from the words of other parts of speech.

Syntactic role in the proposal -
This is the role that the words of a certain class play in the proposal. Important:

  • is the word a member of the sentence,
  • what is his role in the grammatical proposal device.

§2. Parts of Speech


The dotted point shows that the communion, verbalism and state category are not allocated by all authors. More This question is discussed below.

Part of speech- This is a class of words combined by a common grammatical value, a set of morphological signs and a syntactic role in the proposal. This class of words differs from other classes a set of characteristics.

The logic of such a classification of the words of the Russian language in parts of speech is generally accepted.

Also generally accepted distinguish:

  • interdomitia and non-chemical school classes,
  • enecesscome to divide on service and independent classes of words,
  • among the independent distinguish between significant and location words,
  • significant divide on changing and unconditional (nareny),
  • changing to divide on the inclined and hidden (verbs),
  • the inclined to divide further by the types of declination (nouns, varying by numbers and cases and other, variable in numbers, cases and childbirth).

Traditionally stand out 10 parts of speech:

  • Nouns
  • Adjectives
  • Proponation
  • Verbs
  • Nashia
  • Prepositions
  • Unions
  • Particles
  • Interdomitia

§3. Why is the textbooks indicate a different number of speech parts?

Linguistics - Interpretation science, i.e. Explaining.
Specific interpretations of language phenomena depends on the point of view of the author.
In the language there are such phenomena that can be interpreted (explained) in different ways.

Combat and Tempecism

The lines from the points in the diagram show the special status of communion and verbalism. Depending on the point of view, they are either considered forms of verb, and then they are part of speech VerbOr allocate as special parts of speech. Why did different interpretations arise?

The peculiarity of the communities is that they retain verb signs, such as species, time, transition, repayment, and leasing. But at the same time, the communion changes in a special way as adjectives. Full communities - by cases and numbers, and in the singular - by childbirth, and brief - in terms of numbers and in the singular - by childbirth. And verbalia do not change at all.

Interpretation 1. : Communion and Templocoming are special forms of verbs.
Initial form: verb in the form of an infinitive, i.e. infinitive.
Suffix of communion and verbalism are forming suffixes.
Infinitive to erectCommunion: and verbalia: easy- these are only different forms of one word erect.

Interpretation 2. : Communion and Templocoming - independent parts of speech.
Initial shape of communion: units. Numbers, husband. kind
Switchy and verbal suffixes are word-forming suffixes.
Infinitive to erect, communion earring, built, erected and Tempecios earror -different words related to different parts of speech.

A line of points on the diagram shows a special status of the words category of state. The name itself, by the way, is also unlike the names of other parts of speech. Why did different interpretations arise?

It has long been noticed that the nareny words are very diverse. It is allocated, in particular, a group of nareny unchangeable words that denote the condition of the face. To me cold, and to him hot. This is not the same as: loudly shout, quietlaugh. And meaning and role in sentences from words: cold, hot - loud quiet differ.

Interpretation 1.: All these words of adverbs. Among them there is a special subgroup that has its own characteristics.

Interpretation 2.: Adcharations and status categories are different parts of speech. They have a different meaning and a different role in the sentence.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

How should the guys answer questions from teachers? How to perform test tasks? How to produce morphological analysis of words? And word-forming analysis, by the way, too?

Nowhere is not said: Descending myself and make a choice which points of view to adhere to. Textbooks unequivocally claim: it is so. Some authors categorically do not accept other points of view and directly declare: another point of view is erroneous. That there are adults could not agree among themselves. What to do schoolchildren? Everyone is ahead of GIA or EGE, and the guys shame - both exams.


  • how this material is given by the authors of your textbook;
  • by which textbook you do: learn the names of the authors;
  • performing tasks, do not swing between different concepts, act consciously and, most importantly, consistently.

For graduates: be prepared to explain the point of view that you share and call the textbook in which it is presented. No one has the right to consider it unacceptable and reduce the mark for it. In the event of misunderstandings in assessing your knowledge that arose as a result of various interpretations of language phenomena in school textbooks, persistently ask to understand the situation. The necessary information for protection is on this site.

§four. Service - independent parts of speech

Anyone, speaking in Russian, is clear that there is an important difference between service and independent classes of words.

Service part of speech:

  • Prepositions
  • Unions
  • Particles

Independent parts of speech:

  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • Numeral
  • Verb
  • Adverb


Arctic - a special part of speech. It is neither service or independent.

What is the main difference?

Service parts of Speech Express not independent values, and the relationship between members of the offer or suggestions or give words and proposals various shades of value. They do not have a set of morphological signs and are not members of the sentence.

Independent parts of speech Express the grammatical meaning characteristic of the whole class of words:

  • Nouns - "subject"
  • Adjective - "Sign of the subject"
  • Numeral - "Number, number, order at the score"
  • Verb - "Action"
  • Instant - "Sign of a sign, actions of action"
  • Proponation - "Note"

Independent parts of the speech are divided into significant and pronouns.
Renal parts of speech call objects, signs, actions, numbers, and proponation Only indicate them.

Sample forces

Check how you understood the content of this chapter.

Total test

  1. What classification is based on the grammatical meaning of words, the set of their morphological signs and the syntactic role of words in the sentence?

    • Members of the sentence
    • Parts of speech
  2. Can the same morphological sign be common in words of different parts of speech?

  3. Can the same morphological sign be changed in some words and immutable from others?

  4. Can the words of one part of speech be different members of the sentence?

  5. Can the words of different parts of speech be one sentence?

  6. Is it true that significant words are divided into changeable and immutable?

  7. What part of speech is the interomotion?

    • Independent
    • Service
    • Neither
  8. What parts of speech is opposed by interjections?

    • Service
    • Self
    • And those and others, that is, all
  9. Are clever?

  10. Are pronouns hide?

  11. Is all independent parts of speech are a significant?

  12. Does all the significant parts of the speech are independent?

Right answers:

  1. Parts of speech
  2. Neither
  3. And those and others, that is, all
  • How do words change in Russian? (for high school students and those who want to figure it out)

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