Often we have to deal with such a person's reaction on what is happening as laughter. But laughter is also different and caused it can be different reasons. So, a small child is laughing from the fact that he has fun or his mockery mother with dad. Laughing friends over a telied joke or a witty joke. Or laugh at a stranger grief, on what awkward situation a person got.

Laugh, appearance, with disabilities can only completely soulless, cherish people. Such people simply do not have a heart, they are not given from nature of this quality as a fancy. They cannot compare and see the pain of others, because himself, like a coward, is afraid to show its weakness and to be in the same line with those above which it mocks.

What do you think is Silen Whether the person who laughs over the other when some difficulties occur? For example, a relative laugh at how his wife degrades her wife. Or friends laugh at how the woman fell on the road. What do you think are those people who laugh at others at the time of their grief? Is this laughter justified? And how can it be explained? After all, in fact, the normal response to the occurrence of such a kind of sympathy should be more sympathy, sadness than laughter.

Laugh over others - weakness. Therefore, do not be mistaken if you have become the object of someone's ridicule that you hear behind your back, or in the open. In fact, weak people are laughing at you, because they can not in the face you will express your attitude, or mock you when they are more, and you are alone in your defense. You are unlikely to come across the fact that some one person will make fun of you without the presence of the relevant public. And if it turns out to be so, he just envies you and decided to take advantage of the situation to prick you more than you feel at least a little as it feels for a long time. It is always easy to attack a lonely person when people themselves are more. It is always easy to speak unpleasant things when a person does not hear them. But only weak people do that, who, besides, have not achieved anything in their lives. Try to ignore what you said following, pretend that you just did not hear it. This situation repeated several times will select the desire to laugh at you.

Can a successful man laugh at the poverty of another? Not. Only those who received their wealth on pure randomness are laugh, by successful or illegal. They rejoice that someone at one time was deceived, robbed and therefore became so rich. But is it in richness happiness? And suddenly tomorrow you will find yourself in place of deceived and robbed? What will be to you then? No one wants to think about it, but lives today. Typically, those who are unhappy in life are laugh. Check out the question: Are those people who are laughing at you? And you will understand that in their lives even more grief than you. They laugh, because thus increase their self-esteem. But much depends on you, from your behavior when you laugh at you.

Laugh most often over weak, because it will immediately give up and not always words. Therefore, you get as many friends as possible, even if you will have your own support group. Be sociable, learn to laugh at your shortcomings, but at the same time you will be able to stand up for yourself. Avoid people who act negatively. After all, evil creates evil.

If you are offended, crying or trying to prove something, then your interlocutors managed to humiliate and increase their self-esteem. But, if you are calm and even a little laughing at them in response, it causes outrage from them: they did not raise their self-esteem at the expense of your tears and scream. Their laughter was not perceived seriously, but remained even unnoticed. The goal was not achieved! Therefore, do not react to mockery of weak people who are simply unhappy in their lives and otherwise they cannot feel joy as soon as humiliate or insult others. Be the above it! Forgive such people and regret. Know that in what situation at the moment you would not be, you are happier! Without allowing you to laugh at yourself, do not let you get laughing at others!

Which of us at least once turned out to be the object of ridicule?

Most often in such a situation, we feel uncomfortable, and sometimes, especially if this happens in childhood or youth, we get for life. How to learn to experience ridicule painlessly?

Let's start with the fact that there are certain reasons why people laugh over each other. Suppose in the company of adolescents, someone throws a replica one of the girls: "Did you find a dress on the garbage?". Someone picks up: "No, she bought it on sale" all 10 rubles! ". Or something like that. And now the bitch sounds from all sides ...

Recently, foreign psychologists have found out that most of all in the environment of children and adolescents does not tease not least of popular individuals, but, on the contrary, those who stand out, for example, excellent students and advanced. Why? Because they pay attention. Often they envy them or do not understand, and it annoys ... If the child or the tarts are all such a positive, it makes the peers look for flaws in it. And, of course, they are found, because the ideal people, and even more so children do not happen.

We also tease those who are not able to repulse - say, the most timid and educated. The pretext can be absolutely any. When I was a teenager, teased those who had parents could afford to buy tea imported clothes. Now - those who have cheap mobile phones. But again, notice, maybe it may not come to mind to laugh at the daughter of a lonely cleaner, barely reduced ends, despite the lack of decent clothes and gadgets. Because she, not burdened by upbringing, was able to "put" in the company of peers. But the daughter of the divorced scientific employee risks forever to become "outcast", since due to the "right" education allows him to rest on themselves. Mocking may be subject to a teenager who has something, which is not from others - the best clothes, the best things ... in a word, any.

Moreover, we willingly laugh at someone else, fearing, no matter how you started laughing. While we participate in the grass of someone, we are "protected." If we try to remove from this or protect the victim, we can turn into an object of etching. Logic is simple: it is better to be with a flock than to resist her.

The object of ridicule can be at any age. For a woman, the reason for ridicule is often the appearance: "Well, what happened in the hairdresser's economy class again?", "You are not inferior to you in such a coat as a pregnant woman?", "And you will not give us a chair with your weight?" If some details of personal life are known, they can also be used as an "gun": "Well, again about the cant yesterday was attached?" (This refers to the fact that the cohabitant set a lady bruising), "And when the wedding?" (knowing that serious relationships here and does not smell).

To get out of the situation with minimal psychological losses, you should learn how to react to such attacks correctly.

Primarily, try to analyze the situation and understand why you laugh at you. Do not consider that if you are ridicule, you are worse than those who do it. All people have some shortcomings. And your mockerys can be even more than you. Perhaps they laugh at you to stop feeling infallible ... Remember: a strong and successful person there is no need to assertize at the expense of others! It is always a sign of weakness and.

In no case are not justifying. After all, you laugh, wanting to vulnerable you, and your excuses will only serve as a reason for continuing ridicule.

Do not show what offended. After all, the goal of mockery - just knock you out of the rut and make you feel discomfort.

It is best to exit the situation and laugh at himself along with mockery. For example, in response to the remark about the clothes found on the garbage, it's fun to say: "Yes, I rushed in garbage for a long time!" In response to the question of the "ambulance" - "as soon as we give an application to the registry office, I will inform you first!".

Sometimes it does not prevent a hint of the mockery itself: "Do you?", "And what Second Hand are you in?" Although it works only when the disadvantages are obvious.

If you are not at once, what to say, subsequently analyze the situation, prepare a worthy answer and when you will begin to mock next time you will begin, issue "home blanks".

Do not argue and every way. By this, you will show that the purpose of the offenders is achieved and you are affected.

If in your company, it was simply accepted to make fun on each other, then take ridiculs seriously at all. You can also teach over others.

If a person who is constantly mocked by you, especially in humans, is your close friend or partner (sometimes in publicly ridicule even husbands and wives), that is, it makes sense to talk with him alone and explain that he has been painful with his behavior. Perhaps he just does not recognize this. If it turns out that a person does it consciously, it is a reason to limit or stop relations.

When you find out why people mock others, then look at this problem completely from the other side. If you mock you somewhere, or friends at school, university, parents, then do not despair and fall into depression, because millions of people face with such a problem. But, as a rule, admitted that they mock you, not every person is capable, because it is absolutely unpleasant and to speak out. If you are looking for ways to get rid of mockery, then be sure to read this article and make the appropriate conclusions.

Turn on the problem by the face and realize why people mock the other

It is not worth running in tears from the problem, because it once does not solve it, you need to turn to her face and start actively acting to overcome ridicule once and forever.
As a rule, the person may mock if the timidity or uncertainty in it feel, also excessive shyness can also be caused. For example, if you run from the dog, it will definitely catch up and tastes, and if you stop and look at her face, she will simply miss it. With a human factor, everything is the same, because if you give constant reasons, then the problem is never to decide, but will also lead to bitter consequences.

Find out the reason why people mock others

In order to start with something to begin to become in front of the mirror and look at yourself a critical look. Find out what can cause surrounding a mockery. But it is not necessary to console yourself or regret, you need to be extremely frank with you. If you do not see any "defects", the only reason why you mock you are fear and pressure. And these qualities are one of the worst in the person who must be overcome.
One of the most basic ways to overcome your fear is to become an adult. After all, your even children's attachment to public opinion does not allow you to live calmly and enjoy life. So, it is necessary to learn, not to pay attention to the opinion and statements of others, especially if it is about you. Only when you learn to not pay attention to the ridicule of other people, then they will simply disappear every desire to do this in the future.

Confidence and personality over which mocked

Sometimes only becoming an adult may not be enough, then you will have to work on self-confidence. After all, as a correct, self-confident man, not one mockery will not be able to disturb, even if it will be very trying. It turns out that the answer to the question why some people mock the others are that the victim itself is the reason for this unconsciously.
To be sure you need to be perfect. To achieve ideality, try to draw your portrait, that is, in which you see perfect yourself. Draw yourself with a new costume, a new image and so on, then hang a portrait over the bed and let it be as an incentive in realizing his confidence and uniqueness. Then start slowly incarnate your ideal image into life. Also, you should only have positive thoughts that you are much better than your offenders and completely superior to them.
And in conclusion, we can say that, as a rule, the folk wisdom that our life is what our thoughts make, is of great importance. After all, if you turn off your thoughts in the direction of ridicule, then the offenders are bored, and all, because it does not affect you. And remember that your abusers only want to offend you and make it, and you should be much smarter and above that all.

Options to sneak, humiliate and insult smart words.

Very often you can encounter the arrogance and lack of patience. It would seem that even in the safest places can be encountered with Ham. In this case, you should not answer the rudeness of fists. It is enough to put a bad person in place with words. For this, it is not necessary to reveal.

In general, there are a lot of options, how to humiliate Hama, with the help of bargain phrases.

Ideas for insulting:

  • To humiliate men's potency. Here options are enough, it is only necessary to hint on a weak potency and tie it with brains.
  • Indicate inconsistency. People who earn a bit are very painfully reacting to what they point into small income.
  • Show uneducation.Well, here you can pushed a relatively low level of education. Show that a person does wrong and makes mistakes.

Options offend a person:

  • You are spiritual impotent
  • You are not able to earn even on matches
  • You are not able to buy yourself dinner

It can be offended by a woman, you can point out its appearance. At the same time there is no need to say that it is urodna. You can hint at it. Hidden subtext always humiliates more than straight words.


  • I would have offended you, but I think you are offended by a mirror every day
  • It happens, there is no mind, but God and Beauty did not give
  • When God created you, apparently instead of the rib used the heel

You can also hint a woman on her not quite the right way of life. It will be like the way for the mistress of her husband or spinning.


  • Contact like you - disgrace yourself
  • Beauty You Lost Another 20 Men Back
  • You are a shame for parents
  • Yes no standing man in your side looks
  • To whom you need. Only a lazy man did not turn with you
  • You are a men's litter under the feet

Young and beautiful girls often face rudeness and very obsessive flirts. Some men do not understand the words "no".


  • Do you want to go to me or to yourself? Then let's do this: you are to yourself, and I am
  • Would you like to spend? Well, you can make me a company and go to the leather dispensary
  • Do you want to meet with me? Do you know what to do if an attack of epilepsy happen?
  • Ready to go with me on the edge of the world? Well, go, there freely
  • Do you want to meet? You can first talk with my boyfriend

There are a lot of options to settle a person without the use of fists and matel words.


  • You accidentally did not scare in you in childhood?
  • Oh, apparently you do not know what to be better friends with me?
  • You need to head a special column that goes on ...
  • If you can't call me today, I will call me, but not you
  • I wonder the opinion of those I ask. I did not ask you
  • If you want to heat, go to the garbage, talk to dogs
  • To go crazy, you need to have
  • Do not touch my advantages, your shortcomings

If someone is abundant or does it constantly, do not be discouraged. Pass the offender with his coin.


  • When God created men, you were the last in line. The mind did not go
  • If you were a decent man, your wife would be happy
  • No, you are not a woman, but a thing for frequent rental
  • You did not take place in the womb, so that you suffer severely

If you do not want to send by mate, you can simply make a person want to communicate with you.


  • Speak "Yeah", "Well, of course." Do not support the conversation
  • Try to translate the topic in a uninteresting course for the interlocutor
  • Another good reception is to speak only about yourself and constantly interrupt the partner.

How to answer rudeness, offense and insults without Mata smart words?

You can see more about this in the video.

You can answer quotes of famous people. At the same time, there is no need to humiliate or insult. It is quite correct to bring a person to the fact that he says incorrectly. Below the quotes of famous people.

Here are some options to do without mesh words:

Instead: oh ... hurt!
We must say: I am amazed!

Instead: these p .... Done!
We must say: in this case, they are wrong!

Instead: what na ...., Difference!
We must say: the difference is not fundamental ...

Instead: n ... zdets!
It is necessary to say: Oops, a small collapse came out ...

Instead: went to x ... .y!
We must say: please do not distract me!

Instead: for ... Bali!
We must say: sorry, but you are too annoying!

Instead: what kind of x ... .yny?!
We must say: it seems to me somewhere a mistake!

Instead: Bl ... DI!
We must say: I am overwhelmed with emotions!

Instead: to write ...
We must say: your degree of responsibility leaves much to be desired!

If you know a good psychology and own a decent vocabulary, then there will be no need to use fists. Everything can be solved by a conversation.

Video: Nut without mat
