Sending to the specified address.

Any test will require your attention and 30-90 minutes of free time. To accurately define your level, you should not use any reference aids - you are doing it for yourself. Since all tests are different, to get a more objective picture, take two or three tests on different resources.

Use any of the tests that you like best - they will all help determine your level of knowledge:,,,

Helpful advice

If you prefer verbal communication, contact a foreign language school, where you will be offered to take a test for a fee.

If you want to find out how well you know English, then for these purposes there are many both scientifically educational and purely everyday ways. Whichever verification method you choose, remember that there is no perfect verification, and your level can fluctuate greatly even within one week. So here are some ways to find out level language.


Take the test on a specialized site. If you search the web, you will find a huge variety of tests done by both amateur and professional tutors. Go through a couple of them for free and gratuitously. In addition to the assessment that you have, evaluate for yourself how difficult or easy the test was for you, how much time you spent remembering this or that material, and what emotions it caused in general.

Create an account on a global social network. It could be facebook or myspace. In these networks, you can easily find yourself an interlocutor who would be a carrier. Write to a few of them, compose a template letter and send it to 5-6 people that you especially like. Not everyone will answer you, but sooner or later you will find yourself an interlocutor. Try not to use a dictionary when translating his phrases and use as many new words as possible for you when writing letters to him. If you see that you can easily keep up a conversation, and they understand you, you really have a high level .

Sign up for Stickman or just find someone to talk to on Skype. It's one thing to write and translate a text, it's another thing to listen to real English speech and try to imitate it. This is not only a test, but also a brilliant training of your ability to speak and listen to the language. If you see that you are not yet up to such communication, try to raise your level, watching movies on and memorizing new words and repeat the "test" again.

Pass the test with benefit. Sign up at any linguistic center for a test with. Such documents will be useful to you if you are going to build a career in a foreign company or want to work with international clients. Pass the test - you will be given a certain score and will be awarded a personalized certificate.


  • how to know your level of english

Tip 3: How to determine your level of English proficiency

The ability to correctly and adequately determine your level of English proficiency allows you to select the necessary teaching aids, set realistic goals, evaluate your capabilities when entering an educational institution or when looking for a job.


There are numerous English language proficiency tests available on the Internet. You will need to test your skills in grammar, reading, listening, vocabulary. Some tests offer to test all skills in a complex. For example, a large number of such tests are presented on the site or, offers very interesting tests for knowledge of vocabulary and semantic guessing, accompanied by pictures.

The elementary level means that you can understand simple inscriptions and exchange information with a foreigner on everyday issues. They also highlight the upper-elementary level, which means that you own the minimum for communication on a limited set of topics.

The pre-intemediate level means the ability to explain simple topics, possession of vocabulary for everyday communication and knowledge of elementary grammar. A graduate of the average should have this level, at least.

The intermediate level implies the ability to speak a foreign language competently, watch movies and read books with a full understanding of the meaning, and in addition, write texts on various topics with virtually no errors.

The last level, advanced, implies language proficiency at the native level. To achieve it, it is necessary not only to study the language persistently, but also to use it for a long time, for example, communicating with foreigners, living in an English-speaking country, or working as a translator.

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Tests from Englishjet will help you determine your level of English language proficiency and will also give you the opportunity to take an appropriate level test to confirm it.


  • how to determine the level of english proficiency

Tip 4: What are the levels of English proficiency

For beginners to learn English, this process usually seems vague and uncertain. But the methodology of teaching English is so perfect that it is enough to determine the level of a person, after which you can build training in such a way as to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. To begin with, it is useful to learn about what levels exist and at which of them you want to master the language.

Level Zero, Full Beginner

This applies only to those who know absolutely nothing about the language, even the alphabet. If you studied English at school or, then this is definitely not about you. Given the prevalence of the English language, it is difficult to find an adult who would have an absolute zero level.

Elementary Knowledge, 1 Elementary

Unfortunately, this is the level of those who studied English at school. A person knows a few simple words, has a vague idea of ​​grammar, but he cannot speak. With a certain diligence and sociability, possession of elementary knowledge will allow you to communicate with the seller in the store or the staff at the hotel, but nothing more.

Advanced Elementary, 2 Upper-Elementary

A person at this level can speak using the simplest grammatical structures. Vocabulary is limited to topics that have been studied in the classroom, but this is already enough to keep the conversation going on a familiar topic. It's hard to express your opinion though. You can communicate at this level if the interlocutor speaks slowly and supplements his words with gestures.

Slightly below average, 3 Pre-Intermediate

With this level of proficiency, a person can carry on a conversation on a familiar topic with ease. He speaks with almost no mistakes, the pace of speech is already quite decent. But when communicating with native speakers, a difficult situation often arises. An English-speaking person decides that his interlocutor speaks well, and begins to communicate in “normal mode”, and here a person with a Pre-Intermediate level realizes that he still understands little, usually feeling awkward at the same time.

Intermediate, 4 Intermediate

This is good knowledge. A person can speak quite fluently on everyday topics, knows grammar, can explain himself in writing. Vocabulary is still, as a rule, low. This level allows you to take international tests IELTS for 4.5-5.5 points, and TOEFL - for 80-85.

Advanced Intermediate, 5-6 Upper-Intermediate

Upon reaching this level, a person can already enter a university or work in a foreign company if you do not need to communicate too much with clients. The test results are as follows: IELTS 5.5-6.5, TOEFL 100.

Advanced. 7-9 Advanced

This is already excellent knowledge of the language, and further differences in everyday communication cannot be noticed. You can work in any position at any university. Test results: IELTS 7.0, TOEFL 110.

Level 10-12 is considered even higher. This knowledge of the language, like a native highly educated resident of the UK. This is called perfect language proficiency. IELTS score is 8.5.

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beginner. It is also called primary. This is the level of knowledge of a student who starts learning English from scratch. At this level, they study the alphabet, initial grammar and elementary vocabulary, and features of the pronunciation of sounds. Your vocabulary is about 500 words and phrases.

Elementary. This level assumes that you can discuss elementary topics in English. You can express your thoughts in typical daily situations. You can also tell about yourself, understand simple texts in English, signs and simple content. Have basic knowledge of grammar. The vocabulary ranges from 1000 to 1500 words. This level is also called the “required minimum” level.

Pre-intermediate. Possessors of English knowledge at this level are oriented in standard concepts, but are not lost in new topics, and are also able to maintain a short conversation in an "unusual" situation. You understand fairly complex texts such as magazine or newspaper articles, travel guides. Your vocabulary is about 2000 words and phrases.

intermediate. This level assumes that you can understand the everyday speech of native speakers with little difficulty, as well as communicate with them. It is also called "medium". With this level of knowledge, you can conduct friendly or business correspondence in English, read adapted literature and watch films in English with subtitles without much difficulty. You have a good vocabulary, about 3000 words, but you are not always confident in using it.

Upper Intermediate. This level is called "above average". You understand spoken language very well and communicate in English on a wide range of topics without preparation. This level assumes the ability to read non-adapted literature and understand complex content in English. Your vocabulary is 3500-4000 words and phrases. You own complex grammatical structures, but sometimes you make lexical and grammatical errors.

advanced. This is an advanced level of language proficiency. You can communicate on any, even the most complex topics, understand complex texts and retell English-language content or someone else’s speech without losing any sense, although sometimes you have to resort to subtitles when watching movies. Your vocabulary can reach 6000 words and phrases. You know a large number of idioms, set expressions, abbreviations. In a conversation, you use complex grammatical constructions, operate with all tenses.

If you want to take a more in-depth test of your English level, namely: listening to English, your spoken English, we offer you to take a free lesson with one of the methodologists of our school.

Do you want to take an English level test right now and find out your level of language proficiency? What are your strengths and what do you still have to learn? We invite you to take a free online test (registration and email is not required), consisting of 60 questions. You will receive the result as soon as you answer the last question.

English level test - instructions

The test determines the level of knowledge of the English language and divides students into 5 groups - from elementary (elementary) to advanced.

The test tests knowledge of language constructions (36 questions) and vocabulary (24 questions). A total of 60 questions must be answered, each of which is given a choice of one of four answers. If you do not know the correct answer to a question and do not mark anything, then the answer on it will be considered incorrect.

There is no time limit for passing the test, but try to keep within 40-45 minutes - this is the time for which this test is designed. For a more accurate assessment of knowledge, it is better not to use dictionaries and textbooks.

Determining the level of English

You can determine the result yourself in accordance with the table below, depending on the number of points you have scored. Read also our articles on how to prepare for and pass international tests: and.

% LevelLevel on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR)
0 – 20 Beginner, ElementaryA1+ to A2
21 – 40 Pre-intermediateA2 + to B1
41 – 60 intermediateB1
61 – 80 Upper-intermediateB2
81 – 100 AdvancedC1

Please note that the English level test only provides estimates and cannot be used for admission to educational institutions. In addition, this test does not assess your writing, reading, or speaking skills.

CEFR level ( Common European Framework of Reference - The level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is a unified system for assessing language knowledge, using which you can even compare your knowledge of different languages, for example, you have English at level B1, and Chinese - at level A2.

So let's take the test

TEST (60 questions)

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for each question

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Determine the level on the website of our school by completing the author's English proficiency test →

From many people you often hear the phrase: "My friend (brother, wife, etc.) is fluent in English." But, firstly, the concept of perfection is different for everyone, and secondly, a variety of tests will help you find out how perfect you really are in this matter. Determining the level of English- this is where the study begins or continues. It is necessary to determine the level of the language, if only to find out how far you have progressed in this process. In addition, this will be needed if you decide to teach, so that the teacher can understand where to start learning.

How to determine the level of English proficiency

  • beginner
  • Elementary
  • Pre-Intermediate
  • intermediate
  • Upper Intermediate
  • Advanced

So, the definition of the level of English begins with the level of " beginner ", or zero. This is exactly the level that those who have never studied English have. This is the level that will give you an idea of ​​the English language and equip you with basic knowledge. By the way, many course teachers determine exactly how long it will take you to master the English language. If you hear exact dates, leave immediately. To master a language means to grasp the immensity. You can master the language to some extent, but you cannot acquire something that is beyond your control - a living organism. After all, language is a living organism that is constantly growing, constantly changing.

Elementary - you can explain yourself on the most elementary topics, but, alas, with little. If you got this level in testing after many months of study, do not despair. There is a rule - spent little - received little! And if this level is a reward, then you are approaching the next level ...

There are certain difficulties with determining the level of English Pre-Intermediate . Like everything in the world, this level is relative. The reason for this is that the line between this level and the next is too thin, but nevertheless, it is believed that students at this level should not only use English adequately in familiar situations, but should not get lost in unfamiliar ones.

intermediate . You can understand English speech and communicate effectively in life situations, yet sometimes have difficulty doing so.

Upper Intermediate . You will be able to use English more or less successfully in different situations. This level of knowledge is for those who expect to start working or studying abroad.

Level Advanced involves the use of English almost to the same extent as Russian, but sometimes with minor errors.

On our site you can determine your level of language proficiency by passing the following tests:

  • A comprehensive test to determine the level of English on the website of our school
