- This is an excellent chance not only to get a certificate or a diploma, which is recognized in the whole world, but also the beginning of the way to.

The end of the English school makes it possible to enter the overseas university. Graduates of universities are easily found.

You can learn in public and private schools. This is the choice of parents.

To get a certificate about the end of the English school, the student must pass a few exams.

Of these, mandatory:

  • english;
  • mathematics;
  • science (combined or separate exam on biology, chemistry and physics).

Delivery of final exams

Pupils can take additional exams: foreign languages, design, music, history, etc.

Summer Schools in England

In England, summer lingu schools are common. Studying the language at his official homeland is easier, and teachers are native speakers who know all the nuances of grammar, punctuation, syntax and pronunciation.

Training can last from 2 weeks to 3 months.

By your program, all schools are different. The choice depends on personal goals in learning the language. There are courses for preparing for language exams, learning English from scratch or for a specific specialty.

The payment of some courses includes accommodation with food.

The most popular courses among foreigners:

  • preparing for IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, etc.;
  • preparatory programs for admission to the university;
  • studying English from scratch.

The cost of language courses in 2020 - 350 - 5,000 euros.

In charge of some courses, training materials are not included. They need to be bought separately.

Options for schoolchildren

It's not so easy to enter a prestigious school. To do this, you need to have good grades, know English, pass entrance exams.

In each English school, a school uniform is required, which costs about 180 - 300 euros per suit.

Admission to English schools is a difficult process. Not all children at an early age can speak fluently in a foreign language and understand that they explain the teachers in the lessons.

When enrolling in the first class of a child with knowledge of English, they accept immediately, credit on the preparatory program or assign entrance exams.

In the case of translating from Russia or other CIS countries, the child will be tested to define knowledge levels.

It often turns out that it is necessary to repeat the class already passed on the homeland. But it is not scary. The material will not be difficult to explore, and during this time the child will have time to get comforted in a new school and get used to study in English.

It is no secret that British universities occupy the first places in world rated universities, and the English diploma is recognized and appreciated worldwide. British education is known for its high quality and oddly strangely occupies one of the first places in the number of foreign students, in particular and Ukrainian.

All educational institutions of England are divided into public and private. To date, private schools are open both for the citizens of Great Britain and for foreign students. In public schools, only residents and persons who have a residence permit in the country have the right to study. Public schools are financed from the country's budget, and privately private at the expense of students.

Many dreams to learn in England, but most of such desires are not embodied in life, which is due to the high cost of education in this country. The "Observer" prepared for you detailed information on education in the UK, as well as an overview of scholarships that will help to make school free.

The British education system differs from the Ukrainian, there are not six schoolchildren there, and at 18 years old. Accordingly, after graduation, the Ukrainian need to finish at least 2 courses of the university in their country, and only then enter the British university. Under unfinished education, the student has the right to come only on the specialty he received in his homeland.

There is a chance that the student will hardly join the rhythm of the European University, therefore there are some more options. For example - british state free colleges who take foreigners having secondary education. For two years of study in such institutions, students receive a certificate "A Level" (Document on obtaining English secondary education).

Also, you can go to special preparatory college or at preparatory courses at university To go through a paid one-year Foundation Course program. It is intended for foreigners and its goal - to help them get used to the British education system, tighten the knowledge of basic learning disciplines and, of course, in English. At the end of this program, graduates pass language test IELTS. and comprehensive final work on subjects studied.

Admission. Entrance exams in english universities no As the exclusion of candidate for students can ask for an interview (personal or by phone). The only exam that all foreigners will hand over is a certified IELTS English exam. You can register and go through it in the British Counter. Ilets is a paid exam, passes 3-4 times a month. After passing the exam, the student receives a certificate with a final score from 1 to 9, to enroll in the British university, the incoming need to score 6.5-7.5 points.

The World Studio Program provides support to Ukrainians in obtaining a master's degree in one of the 200 best universities in the world. After receiving a diploma, the grant recipients must return to Ukraine and work in at least 5 years.
Grants from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation are provided to obtain education in six directions that the Fund considers priority for the further development of Ukraine, namely: Agrarian Sciences, Environment and Ecology, Alternative Energy, Aerospace Engineering, Law, and Public Administration. First of all, Grant covers the cost of paying for training at the university, textbooks and medical insurance. On average, the grant covers up to 60% of the total amount.

The annual program of the British government is Cheventing. You can learn in the following areas: European law, European integration, environmental protection, public administration and economics (the list of directions can expand).

Another one year scholarship. Available list of directions: right, social anthropology, education, as well as all sorts of development sciences (for example, ecology, sociology, political science, etc.).

Hollywood actor and director, two-time owner of the Oscar Award Kevin Spacey helps young people from around the world to build a successful film. For this, he founded the Kevin Spacey Foundation Charitable Foundation. Applicants, can take part in the competition for one of nine scholarships From the foundation of Kevin Spacy. Scholarships are available for bachelor's studies on such specialties: acting skills and global theater; writing scripts and producing.

The university grants will allow young professionals to fully develop the skills necessary for the further successful career, in the following areas: teaching, access to the public, entrepreneurship, research. International Student Calculator

The English education system is recognized as one of the best. It is also very conservative due to its age. The first educational institutions appeared here in the XII century, and to this day a high level of teaching and strict discipline is appreciated in English schools and universities above all.

British universities occupy top positions in all sorts of training quality ratings. That is why studies in England is a dream and the goal of many applicants, including Russians. Before entering abroad, you need to know the features of learning in the UK for foreigners, see the options for schools and universities, as well as requirements for admission.

UK education system

The British education system was formed several centuries. Allocate two sectors of the country in the country:

  • state - Study is free;
  • private, involving fee for private educational institutions.

Training in England takes place in four stages:

  1. Initial - Children come in 5 years and learn up to 11 years.
  2. Average - continues from 11 to 16 years.
  3. Post-school - Lows from 16 to 18 years.
  4. Higher - From 18 years.

The third stage is conditional. Children can learn in high schools, and can go to college and learn to specialized subjects.

Training features for foreigners

There are several categories of school education in England. The public sector does not require admission fees, whereas to get into elite private schools can be, possessing a solid bank account. If the Russian schoolboy wants to get an education abroad, he will need to make a certificate with school assessments. It is also necessary to confirm the level of knowledge of the English language, as Russian-speaking schools do not exist. To do this, you need to get a IELTS or TOEFL certificate.

Higher education is paid for everyone, including the British themselves. You can enter, confirming the knowledge of the English language and passing the necessary exams. If you are going to learn items in the University of British University, you have the opportunity to initially enroll in one of the international colleges. Here you can catch up with the school curriculum and fully prepare for admission.

Prices for educational services

Foreigners are obliged to pay for studies in schools. The cost of studying in primary school reaches 5,000 pounds per year, in private, this figure will grow to 7,000 pounds per year and above.

Higher educational institutions are a bit more expensive. Training will cost 7000-15000 pounds per year. Elite universities (for example, Oxford) will take even more - up to 25,000 pounds per year.

Classification of schools by age

Schools in the UK, as in Russia, are divided depending on the age of students. Each of the steps offers educational programs in accordance with the level of development of students.

Preschool education

Represented by nursery and children's kindergartens. This period is limited to age from 2 to 7 years. However, most British children are engaged in such schools only a couple of years - from 2 to 4.

Baby gardens are paid, and their price is much higher than in other European countries. State gardens are usually designed for 2-3 hours of children in them - they resemble courses or circles.

Pre-school education is aimed at developing abilities, learning reading, writing and account. It is considered one of the best in the world, as the majority of children with admission to primary school have already listed skills.

Preparatory education

In many private schools, the so-called preparatory education is practiced. Children are studying at five years, and teachers are engaged in their active preparation for entering elementary school, teaching basic skills to read and write.

Primary school education

Primary school in Britain can be divided into 2 types. Children come in 4 years, and learn to 11 - this option is called Primary School. Still learning can last from 7 to 13 years - this is Junior School. The second variety applies to immigrants.

In elementary school, the British are studying about ten disciplines. In the first year they make focus only on the basics of mathematics, English and English literature. After a time, humanitarian, computer and scientific disciplines, as well as foreign languages, are added to the study.

Primary training in the UK is more like our kindergarten, where children entertain and play with them. Much time is given to creativity, walking and sports. Teachers try primarily to develop the skills of communication and help the child acquire confidence.

Secondary school education

From the age of 11, the secondary school education begins. It lasts up to 16-17 years and is mandatory for all citizens. Studying in the UK in high school combines two basic stages:

  • 11-14 years old, wears the name Key Stage 3;
  • 14-17 years called Key Stage 4.

2 years after the start of learning in high school, it is necessary to pass a common exam, which includes about ten items. Among them are Latin writing, Welsh and Irish languages. Successfully passing them, you can continue learning. After that, the disciples are carefultration to understand what subjects they have abilities and interest.

At the end, each student receives a GCSE certificate. Then you can continue to learn and prepare for admission to the Higher Educational Institution or go to work. At high school, mandatory education ends for the British.

Secondary education helps to gain knowledge and full preparation for admission to the British university. Therefore, studying in England for Russians in school priority.

Education since 16 years

If the schoolboy is not going to immediately go to work after the GSCE exam, he can continue his studies and for another 2 years to be at school. It is at this time that the active preparation for admission to the university begins.

Those who wish to continue learning go to the course A-Level. Each year ends with mandatory exams for confirmation of knowledge. The student chooses himself that he wants to study depending on the purposes of future receipt.

In the first year, he must choose 4-5 items, in the second year - 3-4 disciplines. There is no object that is mandatory for all students. The secondary school offers about 20 disciplines. The future student chooses exactly those that will then determine his specialty.

Studying in England for Russians begins precisely from stage A-Level, that is, preparations for the institute. Without it, there is practically no chance of admission.

Education since 18 years

After passing the course of A-Level and the successful surrender of school examinations, students have the opportunity to switch to professional or higher education. They choose the direction on the basis of their abilities and preferences.

Secondary education

After leaving the school at the age of 16, there is an opportunity to get a vocational education. There are more than 600 colleges in the country that offer various training programs. In college, you can pull out English, master any professional discipline.

Higher education

She is paid for the British, and for guests of the island. However, for the best students, there are still free learning programs. Local citizens have some privileges, for example, the possibility of partial payment. Getting higher education is possible from 18 years. It includes:

  • undergraduate;
  • magistracy;
  • doctoral degree.

Training to obtain a bachelor's degree lasts 3-4 years. Usually, with a four-year training, the last year is aimed at obtaining knowledge of the first degree of magistracy. After a successful release, the student has the right to go working in the selected area, or continue to study in:

  • master - implies research activities for about two years;
  • aspirator - Improving knowledge lasts three years.

The higher education system in this country is rightfully considered one of the highest quality. The demonstration of this fact can be seen in the international rankings of universities, where British universities consistently occupy leading places, as well as determine the demand for British specialists.

Few people know that the educational system of Britain was basically popular and used in many countries of the Bologna system. The academic year is different from our usual students (semesters or quarters) and consists of three trimesters. Pupils attend standard lectures and seminars, but much attention is also paid to independent learning and tutorials. Under this concept, it is understood by the execution of works by small groups of students with leaders.

Performance is constantly monitored by cocorate works, scientific projects and essays, and at the end of the year there are mandatory exams. Counting points is different. In some institutions, it is displayed as a percentage.

Conservativeness does not interfere with the British regularly work on the educational system and improve it. Universities are constantly equipped with new means and technologies, teaching is also amenable to change and new methods.

There are the following types of schools in Britain:

  • Mixed - Standard variety, familiar to our realities. They study together both sexes. Proponents of mixed learning make the emphasis on the fact that from an early age a child to learn to communicate and interact with the opposite sex. Also, the opposite sex amplifies the motivation to study and self-development.
  • For girls - Educational institutions in which only girls learn. This type of schools also have a lot of defenders. Girls in emotional and physical plane develop much faster, because in such a school they do not have to adapt to the possibility of the opposite sex. They differ in the best discipline and are not distracted by "love", therefore it is better to learn and show the best results.
  • For boys - educational institutions in which exclusively boys are trained. This is argued by the fact that they are very active and mobile, therefore require another approach and more sports activities. Success criteria are also distinguished - the focus is on leadership and self-confidence.

Each family independently chooses the type of school in which her children will learn. Emigrants can also send a child to a mixed or same-sex school.

Features of English education

English education should be required by all citizens of the country in the period from 5 to 16 years. Parents can give a child to a state or private school based on desires and opportunities. The first method is affordable and free, while private education can afford not everyone.

Also this country is distinguished by a variety of types of schools. Pensions are common here, which for the first time a few more centuries ago. Children not only learn, but also live in such schools.

Pre-school education system

Pre-school education is an important component of the educational cycle. Children are trained in kindergartens from 2 to 7 years. However, most parents make a decision to give a child to primary school aged 4-5 years.

Preparing for studies in high school

Training in London for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Kazakhstanis usually begins at this stage. A-Levels suggests studying 4-5 disciplines as desired, which will be the basis for further receipt of the university.

Scholarship, grants to foreign students

English education has many advantages, but not everyone may afford it. To increase international status, some universities offer scholarships and grants to foreign students. Also, an educational institution may be interested in attracting specialists to certain (usually unrequited) industries, therefore are gaining students to budget places. However, such an opportunity occurs very rarely. It is impossible to enter the medical institute to enter the budget place.

Distinguished students already during training can receive grants or discounts. The reason can serve as success in studies, participation in conferences or sports events.

Advantages of learning in England

Graduates of British universities provide themselves with a high level of knowledge, and therefore are in demand by experts and applicants for prestigious positions. On the level and quality of universities in Britain, only educational institutions of the United States and several EU institutions can compete.

Pustiousness of universities

British universities are highly in international rankings. This means that diplomas are accepted all over the world, and graduates without problems find well-paid work.
Universities regularly undergo checks, confirm the quality of learning and improve teaching techniques.

High level of material base

Students receive all the possibilities for the full and comprehensive study of their discipline. Laboratories, extensive libraries, workshops and equipment are available at the disposal. Studies regularly conduct and projects are developed.

Centuries-old traditions

Learn in the UK - it means to become part of the centuries-old culture of this country. The educational structure combines classical and innovative techniques. They perfectly complement each other.

The possibility of studying at the same time in the Russian Federation

A comfortable geographical position greatly facilitates movement between Russia and Misty Albion. Passing training in England, you can remotely study at the correspondence department in the Russian Federation and ride on vacation to the session. The trip is consistent with the guidance of an educational institution.

The magnificence and luxury of Glasgow

The United Kingdom is not only England. Universities of Glasgow and other Scottish cities offer various programs for Russian and other foreigners. Hours can be combined with travels and inspect all historical places and sights of this rich country.

Types and types of schools in the UK

Schools are:

  • private;
  • state.

There is a separate type of school based on religion. At first they take children regularly attending one or another church.

The floor plays the value, the institutions are also divided into:

  • mixed;
  • for boys;
  • for girls.

School institutions divided by age of students. There are a full-cycle establishment, where children learn from 2 to 18 years. There are separate institutions for preschoolers, younger and senior schoolchildren, as well as to prepare for admission to the university.

School rating and prices for studying in them

According to the results of academic performance, the list of best schools in the country includes:

  1. The Perse School. Cost - from 20,000 pounds per year.
  2. Cost - from 11,000 pounds per year.
  3. King's College School Wimbledon. Cost - from 6,500 pounds per year.
  4. Queen Ethelburga's College. Cost - from 12,000 pounds per year.
  5. Concord College. Cost - from 13,000 pounds per year.

When choosing an institution, you should pay attention to the infrastructure, the level of teaching staff and the results of graduates.

Options for Russians in England

Those who wish to study in England should understand what to do this without a financial base is almost impossible. Becoming a student of the British university is possible after the passage of special programs:

  • A-LEVEL. Two-year study of disciplines that are associated with future higher education.
  • Foundation. Intensive learning English and several selected items continues for 1 year.

The cost of studying in England for Russian citizens should also include accommodation and nutrition.

Advantages of private education for Russian and other foreigners

British private schools are highly qualified specialists, excellent infrastructure and material base, in-depth study of items. All these advantages make it possible to consider these educational institutions as a place to train foreigners.

Training cost for foreigners

The cost of training in England for Russians depends on the status and prestige of the educational institution. On average, a year will have to pay from 10,000 to 15,000 pounds. The specialty also matters. For example, the price of study at the medical faculty is much higher than on economic.

Documents for submission to private schools

For receipt it is necessary:

  • confirmation of knowledge of the English language;
  • school assessments over the past few years of study;
  • recommendations of teachers;
  • writing an essay.

Usually applicants are asked to pass an interview and fill out a questionnaire that should determine the level of knowledge. High school students are also required to pass a few exams - English, mathematics, science and logical thinking.

How to simplify the process of admission

It's not so difficult to enter the English private school. The main thing is to confirm the knowledge of the language. Troika in the certificate can interfere with the prestigious institution.

It is possible to simplify the process by contacting educational agencies. They will significantly speed up the procedure and increase your chances.

Requirements for Russian and other foreigners when entering educational institutions

The main requirements will be:

  • knowledge of english language;
  • the ability to pay training and accommodation;
  • passage of A-Level or Foundation (for admission to the institute).

Also, the prerequisite is the successful examination of the exams.

Student Accommodation Conditions

Most of England universities provide hostels to accommodate students. Depending on the educational institution, options may differ. You can move into rooms for several people or single rooms. The bathrooms can be individual, and they can have one common. Hostels paid, they can cost from 100 to 200 pounds per week.

Important: In most universities you guarantee housing only for the first year of study. It is likely that then you will have to look for another place.

The situation is different in Elite Universities - Oxford or Cambridge. The management highlights rooms in hostels for the entire period of training. However, such a placement is much more expensive - 6000-7000 pounds per year.

The student does not necessarily agree on the hostel. You can rent a room, rent an apartment or reside in the British family. However, rent will still cost 5000-9000 pounds depending on the location of the house.

Obtaining a student visa

There are four varieties of visa documents allowing foreigners to legally learn and live in London or any other city of the country. Without such permits, it is impossible to find on the territory of Britain.

Conditions for obtaining a visa

To learn in language courses enough to get Student Visitor Visa.which is issued for half a year and costs 129 dollars.

there is Extended Student Visitor Visa - An annual visa is issued to study the language and is an extended analogue of the previous version.

Still exist Tier 4 Child Visa - An option for applicants going to go to school or university. It costs 220 pounds and is issued for the entire period of study.

Latest Document - Tier 4 General Student Visa - Visa for students in colleges or universities. It also costs 220 pounds and is issued for a period of six months.

Required documents

To become the owner of a cherished visa and cross the border, it is necessary to prepare in the Embassy:

  • passport, valid for the entire period of study;
  • photo 35 * 45 millimeters;
  • electronic questionnaire that needs to be filled in accordance with the rules;
  • official letter to enroll in school or university;
  • financial confirmation, 800 pounds per month calculated per person;
  • certificate from the current training place;
  • a document that confirm the place of work of the parent (or sponsor);
  • a document confirming reservation and payment of accommodation;
  • the document on agreement on the departure from the country of the child from the parents previously certified by the notary.

Each of the listed documents should be translated into English.

The timing of obtaining and validity of visas

The average visa time is 15 days. The validity period depends on the type of student visa, it may vary from 6 months to several years.

Possible part-time student

Since accommodation and training is quite expensive, many students are looking for additional earnings. The most accessible vacancies are:

  • waiter;
  • usher;
  • promoter;
  • shop assistant;
  • mystery shopper.

A good opportunity is an internship - work in the specialty, which will give the opportunity to get practical knowledge and take a little over.

Refusal visa: reasons, actions

The most common causes of failure are:

  • incomplete package of documents;
  • mistakes in documents;
  • non-compliance with financial requirements;
  • disposable interview.

You can re-apply for a visa, correcting all the shortcomings.

International assessment of the quality of English education

A regular international assessment of secondary education demonstrates an interesting dynamics. From 2000 to 2009 in England, the quality of training school graduates has consistently deteriorated. If in 2000 the country was the seventh in the international ranking, then in 2009 he descended into 24th place.

However, this does not affect higher education. In international rankings, the country has long been lowered below the third place.

Best universities in United Kingdom

  1. Universita of Cambridge.
  2. Universita of Oxford.
  3. Universito of St. Andrews.
  4. London School of Economics and Political Science.
  5. Imperial College London.

England's education system successfully combines traditions and advanced technologies. Its goal is not only the acquaintance of knowledge, but also the acquaintance, development of communicability and personal growth.

Universities in Great Britain regularly occupy the highest places in the ranking of the best educational institutions in the world. As of 2017, the top ten universities of the world included 4 universities of the United Kingdom of the authoritative consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds (hereinafter referred to as QS). When drawing up the rating, the following parameters were taken into account:

  • the level of international communication of education;
  • research activities of the university;
  • the quality of training of the teaching staff.

Cambridge university

This higher education institution is one of the most famous universities in Great Britain. According to QS, he ranks the first line in the ranking of the best universities of the Kingdom and the 4th place in the international ranking. It was founded in 1209. At the moment, more than 5 thousand teachers work at the university and approximately 17.5 thousand students are studying, a third of which are foreigners.

The university consists of 31 colleges that are divided into "old" and "new". The first group includes colleges based until 1596, and the second ones that opened in the period from 1800 to 1977. New Hall, Newnham and Lucy Cavendish - Three Colleges, where only girls are trained. Peterhouse - First College of Cambridge University. It was opened in 1284. The youngest is Robinson College, founded in 1979. The cost of training is from 11,829 to 28,632 pounds per year.

The University of Cambridge ranks 4th in the ranking of the most influential universities in the world. He is inferior only by Harvard, and Stanford University. 92 are graduates of Cambridge. The most famous of them: Charles Darwin, Oliver Cromwell, Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking.

University of Oxford

This university is the oldest university of Great Britain. Training in it was conducted from 1096. In the British QS rating, he takes the 2nd place, and in the international settled on the 6th line. Along with Cambridge, he enters the "Russell" group, which unites the 24 best higher educational institutions in the UK.

In 1249, the first college was founded - University. The last open is Templeton, which was founded in 1995, and after 13 years he was united with Green College. In total, the university has 36 colleges and 6 hostels in which religious orders are taught.

For many parameters, this higher scientist institution is the best university of Great Britain. The cost of one year of study for foreigners is from 15 to 23 thousand pounds of sterling. Students who have studied for three years in any of the British colleges or the last three grades spent at the UK school, have to pay approximately 9 thousand pounds. The most expensive program is clinical medicine, the value of which is over 21 thousand pounds. An annually pays a college fee in the amount of 7 thousand pounds sterling.

University College London

This school occupies 3rd line in the ranking of Universities in Great Britain. The university is located in the capital of England and is very young, if compared with Cambridge and Oxford. University College was founded in 1826. At first it was called the University of London, and the modern name was received in 1836. In the international ranking of College takes the 7th place. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 graduates find work within 6 months after release.

College consists of 7 faculties. As of 2014, the Faculty of Economics was the best in Britain to the Economics Faculty. The cost of the year of study on the undergraduate is almost 16 thousand pounds. Cut into college can applicants age 18 years old. For admission, it is necessary to submit a bachelor's diploma with a middle score from 4.5, two recommendation letters and one motivational. Also, the applicant must pass IELTS by 6.5 points or higher and TOEFL at least 92 points.

The cost of the year of study in the magistracy of the University College of London is about 17 thousand pounds sterling. In addition to the above data, an applicant is obliged to submit its summary.

Imperial College London

On the 4th line of the British rating and on the 9th International, Imperial College of London is located. The educational institution was founded in 1907. The college is included in the Golden Triangle group along with Cambridge and Oxford Universities and is one of the most elite universities in the UK.

The cost of the undergraduate is almost 28 thousand pounds. In addition to both TOEFL, the applicant must complete the International Baccaulaure program. For admission to the magistracy, you must pay from 13 thousand pounds.

Edinburgh University

This institution was founded in 1583. At the seniority, the Scottish University is located on the 6th place among British universities, in the twentieth century his rector was the Prime Minister of Great Britain Sir

Foreign students who want to receive a bachelor's degree must pay 23.5 thousand dollars for their studies a year, and those who plan to enter the magistracy will have to put about 18 thousand dollars. For residents of Great Britain, training prices are slightly lower. The cost of the magistracy is 17.5 thousand dollars a year, and undergraduate - 12.5 thousand dollars. Also additionally need to pay from 664 to 1265 dollars a month for accommodation.

Royal College London

This institution is one of the most famous universities in the world. College was founded in 1829 by order of King George IV.

The cost of training undergraduate is almost 24 thousand dollars a year for foreigners and 12.5 thousand per year - for citizens of the United Kingdom. For tuition in the magistracy, it is necessary to pay 25,740 and $ 7500 per year to foreigners and citizens of Great Britain, respectively. The cost of learning does not include accommodation fee, which ranges from 1 to 2 thousand dollars per month.

University of Manchester

At the 7th place of the rating of the best higher educational institutions in the UK according to QS, it was located in 1824 and refers to universities "from red brick". The university in this form began to exist in 2004 after the merger of the University of Victoria and its Scientific Institute of Technology.

The cost of training is from 19 to 22 thousand pounds. The costs of accommodation and transport are approximately 11 thousand pounds sterling per year. There is also a preparatory program worth 11,940 pounds and 15,40 pounds per 3 and 4 semesters, respectively.

Bristol University

Like Manchester, the University of Bristol is the University of Red Brick. It was founded in 1909. Included in the group "Russell". At the moment, 2.5 thousand teachers work at the university and almost 19 thousand students are studying, a quarter of which are citizens of other states.

The cost of the year of study for foreign students is almost 20 thousand US dollars. For the owners of the UK passport rates below - 9 thousand US dollars. The costs of accommodation and transport are approximately one and a half thousand dollars every month. In order to enroll on the 1st year of undergraduate, the Russian student must have a diploma equivalent to A-Level, and graduate from the 1st year of the higher educational institution of Russia. It is also necessary to confirm the level of knowledge of English and pass the LNAT exam.

Warwick University

The University of Warwick is located in Coventry. It was founded in 1965 and is also part of the Russell Group. The university consists of 4 faculties: medical, social sciences, humanitarian and scientific and technical. In total, more than 20 thousand students study at the University of Warika.

For receipt, the applicant must confirm the level of proficiency in English, passing the tests of IELTS and TOEFL. Also necessary in the period from September 1 to October 15 to provide the form of UCAS. The cost of training is from 15 to 30 thousand pounds per year. Annual accommodation costs - from 10 thousand pounds.

Open University of Great Britain

This Higher Educational Institution of Open Education was founded in 1969 by the decree of the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II. The open university (hereinafter OU) was created to provide the opportunity to people who seek to receive higher education, to study in any place convenient for them. OU is one of the largest universities in the kingdom. More than 200 thousand people are trained in it.

The university uses a large number of methods that allow students to study remotely. One of the British agencies, which is engaged in an assessment of the quality of education, has delivered an excellent assessment. In the mid-2000th, the educational institution occupied the first line in the ranking of the best universities in Great Britain.

The Higher Education of Great Britain has a rich history starting from the foundation in the XII century Oxford, and a little later, universities of Cambridge. Today, there are more than 300 universities in England. Get the education in higher schools of the United Kingdom can be in any specialty.

Modern British education gives international qualifications and is famous for its highest level on a wide circle of objects. Centuries-old traditions are combined with the latest methodological pedagogical developments and excellent technical equipment of educational buildings - this is how famous English quality is achieved. An English diploma is recognized in more than 180 countries of the world and opens excellent career opportunities.

The structure of the Higher School is represented by three degrees: undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies. Also separately allocate business education - MBA.

Despite the fact that all universities of the United Kingdom oversees the Department of Education and Science, there are small differences in educational systems. So, in England to obtain a bachelor's degree, it takes three years, in Scotland - four. Many universities provide the opportunity to undergo production practices during training. In this case, the overall duration of study increases for a year. Some specialties associated with medicine, dentistry and architecture will require more prolonged bachelor training - up to 7 years. The master's program lasts 1-2 years, depending on the specialty.

The best universities in England

From year to year, the United Kingdom's universities occupy the first lines in world rankings. So, according to the rating of Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019, 58 British universities are included in the top 500 universities of the world. In the top ten, Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College of London are traditionally laid. Most schoolchildren, dreaming about studying in English universities, most often represent themselves with students of these famous educational institutions. In practice, it is not just difficult to enter them, but it is very difficult - the competition, depending on the faculty, up to 12 people in place. But before submitting documents to any English university, the Russian schoolboy will also need to level the differences between the school certificate of the Russian Federation and the UK.

What to do in the University of British University?

Unfortunately for Russian applicants, to get to the British university after the end of the Russian school is impossible. The reason lies in the discrepancy of educational systems: English schoolchildren spend 13 years after the school desk, while our compatriots are 11.

In order to compensate for the "space", you can:

  • Remove 1 year in the Russian university, then go to the British. This option can be called the most risky - such applicants have a low chance to be enrolled.
  • Pass the training inprogramfoundation, which lasts 1 year and allows you to improve knowledge of English, as well as "pull up" profile disciplines. Foundation certificate takes most British universities, but not all. So before choosing this program, it is better to make sure that the university you are interested in considers applications from applicants with this type of certificate.
  • Enroll in a British elder school and learn 2 years in it by programADVANCED LEVEL (A-LEVEL) PROGRAMME or International Baccalaureate Program (IB). The first program is more narrow-controlled and suitable for those who have already defined the future specialty. IB gives training on a wider circle of objects. Both options for certificates are accepted by all higher educational institutions of Great Britain. In fact, you become an English schoolboy and come to the university on a par with the British.

Enrollment in the British University

The process of admission to universities in the UK is unified and is carried out centrally via UCAS (Universities Service and Colleges Service). All applicants, including Russians, fill the special form, which contains the following data:

  • Score on graduation or score, which student expects to receive on exams.
  • A small essay (Personal Statement), in which the student talks about his professional plans, justifying the need to learn in this area.
  • List of universities, in the amount of no more than 6 institutions in which the applicant would like to do.

Universities receive applications from applicants and report their decision. Since applications are submitted no later than January, when the final exams are not yet handed over, then the enrollment is usually "conditional". After the applicant receives the results of final exams, we can talk about actual admission.

As a rule, applicants count their strength in advance - annually in the UK, the university rating is published, which indicates the passing points. For Oxford and Cambridge, they traditionally make up 100 points (the highest possible result), but for enrollment it is also necessary to pass exams in the university itself and pass a personal interview. By the way, applications for these educational giants should be sent no later than in September of the previous year.

The cost of higher education in the UK

The cost of higher education in the UK is the highest in Europe. However, training in British universities is considered as prestigious that it does not stop foreigners. It is also worth considering the opportunity to get a bachelor's degree for 3 years: a reduction in total learning time allows you to significantly save on education. Prices per year of study fluctuate from 10,000 to 22,000 pounds sterling (depending on the university and faculty). The most affordable - the humanitarian faculties: the price rarely exceeds £ 12,000. Technical specialties will cost about £ 17,000. According to business specialties (economics, political science, right, management) in leading universities, the price tag comes to £ 20,000. Along with them go Doctors. 17,000-22,000 pounds of sterling a year is such a cost of higher medical education in England.

An important cost of expenses is accommodation: most English universities provide a dormitory only to students of the first courses. After that, students have to resolve the issue of residence independently, which can be very expensive. Thus, rent an apartment in London will cost about £ 900.

It is possible to reduce the cost of higher education in England with the help of scholarships and grants, to find out about which you can on the site of the same Reception Commission of UCAS. Often, individual programs apply to students from Russia and CIS countries.

5 categories of British universities

Choosing a British University, it is important to know what category it refers. All universities in the UK can be divided into 5 categories, depending on when they were based. Universities of England, created approximately at the same time, have many common features, although, undoubtedly, every university is unique and has its advantages.

Ancient Universities. - Created before the 17th century, in the Middle Ages and the Epoch of the Renaissance.

  • UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD - based in 1167
  • University of Cambridge - founded in 1209
  • University of St Andrews - founded in 1413
  • University of Glasgow - based in 1451
  • UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN - founded in 1495
  • University of Edinburgh - based in 1583

Red Brick Universities. - Initially, this group included only 6 "civilian" universities based in large industrial cities of Great Britain, who received the status of universities before the beginning of World War II. The main difference of these universities from Ancient Universities was in their practical, not academic orientation.

  • University of Birmingham.
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Leeds.
  • University of Liverpool.
  • University of Manchester.
  • University of Sheffield.

Currently, this category includes all universities - members of the so-called Russel Group.which was a cooperation of 20 universities in Great Britain (previous 6 and 14 below), which received government grants and state support. The Commonwealth of these universities received its name by the name of the hotel, which passed their first informal meetings - The Russel Hotel on Russel Square in London.

  • University of Leicester.
  • University of NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE
  • University of Nottingham.
  • Queen "S University of Belfast
  • University of Reading
  • University of Southampton.
  • University of Swansea.
  • University of Wales (Aberystwyth)
  • University of Wales (Bangor)
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Dundee.
  • University of Exeter.
  • University of Hull.
  • University of Wales (Lampeter)

Plate Glass Universities. - English universities created between 1963 and 1992 (mainly in the 60s). The name of this category reflects their current time architecture contrasting with universities of previous categories - Red Brick and Ancient.

  • Aston University.
  • University of Bath.
  • University of Bradford.
  • Brunel University.
  • City University
  • Cranfield University
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Essex.
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Keele University.
  • University of Kent.
  • Lancaster University.
  • Loughborough University
  • University of Salford.
  • University of Stirling
  • University of Strathclyde.
  • University of Surrey
  • University of Sussex.
  • University of Warwick.
  • University of Ulster.
  • University of York.

New Universities. - Former Polytechnic Institutions of England, who received university status in 1992 in accordance with Further and Higher Education Act 1992.

  • University of Abertay Dundee
  • Bath Spa University.
  • University of bedfordshire.
  • Birmingham City University
  • University of Bolton.
  • Bournemouth University.
  • University of Brighton.
  • Coventry University
  • University of Derby.
  • Edge Hill University.
  • University of Glamorgan.
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • University of Gloucestershire.
  • University of Greenwich.
  • University of Hertfordshire.
  • University of Huddersfield.
  • Kingston University
  • Leeds Metropolitan University
  • University of Lincoln.
  • Liverpool Hope University
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • London Metropolitan University
  • London South Bank University
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Middlesex University.
  • Napier University.
  • Northumbria University
  • University of Northampton.
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Oxford Brookes University.
  • University of Plymouth
  • University of Portsmouth
  • Robert Gordon University
  • Roehampton University
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Staffordshire University
  • Southampton Solent University
  • University of Sunderland.
  • University of TEESSIDE.
  • Thames Valley University
  • University of the West of England
  • University of the West of Scotland
  • University of Westminster.
  • University of Wolverhampton.

Recently Created Universities. - Former colleges who received the status of universities in 2005.

  • University of Chester.
  • University of Chichester.
  • Queen Margaret University
  • University of Winchester.
  • York St John University
  • University of Cumbria
