WORD FORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 2
Unstressed vowels, checked by stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Unchecked unstressed vowels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . four
Alternating vowels at the root of a word. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Spelling of consonants in the root of the word. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Separating b and b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .eight
The letters O, E, Yo after hissing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Letters Y - And after C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ten
The letters I, U, A after hissing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .eleven
Spelling POL- with words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eleven

MORPHOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Spelling of adjective endings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Spelling of adjective suffixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Letters E and I in the endings of verbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
-TSYA and -TSYA in verbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fourteen
NOT with verbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fifteen
Spelling particle WOULD with verbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
The letter b after hissing and C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Spelling of negative and indefinite pronouns. . . . .eighteen
H and HH in participles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Spelling of prepositions with words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . twenty
Spelling NOT with different parts of speech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Particles NOT and NI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Particles WOULD, LI, SAME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25



* * *
If the vowel letter raised doubts,
You put her under stress immediately.

* * *
C And we have to stay for a long time
It can be in the city, in the village.
When eating, so as not to choke,
Should be done with the letter E.

(live - chew)

They hurry with E if they know
What is not long before the deadline
S I - teacher often
Speaks at the end of the lesson.

(hurry - sleep)

percussion and unstressed

The conversation takes place in a word between two vowels: Stressed O and O Unstressed.
Of course, - complains Unstressed, - my style is not the same. It's easy to sound in your position. If I were you, I wouldn't sound like that!
“But I’m under stress,” reminds Udarny. - Get stressed - and sound. Who's stopping you?
The unstressed one utters some sound, more like an A than an O, and falls silent.
- So agreed? - Shock is not appeased. - You will become shock, I - unstressed ...
Silent Unstressed. Frowns. He doesn't want to answer. He doesn't want to change. Who wants to put themselves in danger?

Correct the mistakes. Why did they appear?

The boy bared the dog. Mom opened the door. Everyone went down the mountain, and Vitya licked everything.

Why are similar words spelled differently?

village old-timer
Garden collective farm watchman.

Why is the spelling of the word "witness" a historical error?

Answer: the old Russian word "witness" was formed from the verb "lead", which meant "to know". At present, we associate this word not with the verb "know", but with the verb "see"

Examples of the variability of Russian stress over time:

* * *
Toothy Pike came up with an idea
For the cat to take the craft.
(I. Krylov)

* * *
The daylight went out;
Fog fell on the blue evening sea.
(A. Pushkin)


Tell me a word

* * *
Is the garden empty?
If it grows there ... (cabbage).
Dig a little under the bush
Look out into the light ... (potatoes).
Who guys don't know
With white-toothed ... (garlic)?
Pick it up in a bowl
Red-cheeked ... (radish).
Found at last
And green ... (Cucumber).

* * *
Lives calmly, not in a hurry,
He carries a shield just in case.
Under it, not knowing fear,
Walking ... (turtle).

* * *
He walks with his head up
Not because an important count,
Not because of a proud disposition,
But because he ... (giraffe).

* * *
The hedgehog has grown ten times
It turned out ... (porcupine).

* * *
A log floats on the river -
Oh, and it's wicked!
For those who fell into the river
The nose will bite off ... (crocodile).

Guess the metagram

* * *
With the letter O circle of friends
Or business people.
With A comes to us in the spring
It's called a seed.
(company - campaign)

Alternating Vowels in the Root of a Word

They grow in summer and fall off in winter.
They don't sow, they don't plant, they grow themselves.
Who grows upside down?
Who goes to bed in the fall and gets up in the spring?

* * *
Weirdo Mathematician
Lived in Germany.
He is bread and sausage
Accidentally folded.
Then the result
He put it in his mouth.
That's the way man
Invented a sandwich.

* * *
There is a suffix in the world - A -,
I am slightly in love with the letter I.
If it rises after the root,
Even on Saturday, even on Tuesday,
At the root we write the letter I -
Take her to class.
If the suffix - A - leaves,
The root will find the letter E.
There is an alternation in the roots,
And examples are optional.
freeze, but freeze
From delight in the circus.
I will choose, but choose
Bagels without holes.

* * *
People write, but time erases
It erases everything that it can erase.
But tell me - if the hearing dies,
Should the sound also die?
(S. Marshak)

* * *
“Mom, I was washing the dishes,” the eldest son said proudly.
- And I wiped it, - added the middle one.
- And I collected and threw away fragments, - said the youngest.
(From "School's Calendar")


* * *
Sometimes in words there are
Terrible consonants.
They don't pronounce
And what to write
It's not clear to you...
To know how to write
We need to change the word
So that behind the sound incomprehensible
The vowel stood.
(Transmission "Baby Monitor").

* * *
The wind ran along the path,
Offered spring earrings.

That earring did not take
And she gave them to the alder.

Alder flaunts in them,
Doesn't even take off at night.
(G. Novitskaya)

* * *
The hostess treated the guest with various dishes.

What word is wrong?
Art, Russification, Renaissance.


Prefixes lived in one of the cities of the country's word-formation.
I want to talk about two prefixes-sisters PRE- and PRI-.
The prefix PRI- was very kind and affectionate. She wanted to caress everyone, snuggle.
Her sister, the prefix PRE-, was of a completely different character, She persecuted everyone, betrayed, wanted to turn everyone into her slaves.
And then, at the very first meeting, the prefixes began to analyze the behavior of the prefix PRE-. The prefix RAZ- said: “Your mother prefix PEREN- was not as evil as you.” And she added: “Why did you change the word “transfer” into the word “betray”? Aren `t you ashamed?"
The prefix PRE- realized her guilt and began to form good words: clever, amusing, cheerful ...
(And what are the meanings of the prefix PRI-?)

* * *
Not having time to finish the fight,
The cat stuck to the dog
And to the tram at the same moment
The truck stuck.
(B. Zakhoder)

* * *
May no one ever forget
That Z was not and will not be a prefix.
Here, building, health
So as not to damage the meaning
Z cannot be separated in them.

* * *
Deaf sounds are fidgets,
They don't want to live in peace.
They dream of a sonorous neighbor
Stun by all means.
You remember that prefixes
Before deaf consonants
Always change Z to S.
(G. Alexandrova)


* * *
A solid sign does not rest:
The prefix with the root separates.

* * *
All around are embraced by fear:
Furious ogre
He announced that he would eat today
Wonderful lunch.

In supernatural anxiety
All beasts take their feet.
Even an inedible hedgehog
He cringed in fear too.

Furious ogre
Ate a bag of candy.
He is an outspoken villain
But he doesn't eat people at all.

Nobody grows on the mountain
Angry, disheveled burdock.
Do not take it in a bouquet.
And he doesn't care.
(G. Novitskaya)

* * *
The seal lies all day,
And he is not too lazy to lie down.
It's a pity, seal diligence -
Not an example to follow.
(B. Zakhoder)


* * *
Mommy had a son
Little Bear,
Mother take care of him
Suffer with your son:
Mine it, smooth it
Fur tongue.
(S. Marshak)

* * *
Found in Russian
I have such a word: went.
It was raining,
It was snowing,
Went and just a man
In the morning it was the tenth hour,
There was a cartoon.
He walked for us.
We need to know the word "went"
In the middle Yo write.

Replace combinations of words with one word-synonym

The junction of the sewn pieces of fabric (seams).
Dress smartly (flaunt).
Oak fruit (acorn).
Quiet speech (whisper).
Professional horse rider (jockey).

* * *
Fell asleep in a chamomile every petal.
The sandpiper screams both plaintively and pitifully.
And the firefly hung like a nightlight,
Before the fragrant violet of the night.

From a good tree, good fruit.
The burden is light on someone else's shoulder.
A big ship has a great voyage.

Distinguish homophone words

Burn, arson (verb) - burn, arson (noun);

* * *
I burned my back in the sun
And the third day I treat a burn.

* * *
Nettles are burning in the garden,
New Year's frost burns,
In the summer the sun burns mercilessly,
The mustard plaster burns mercilessly.


* * *
The chicken performed in the circus,
He played the cymbals
Traveled on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.

He got out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers.
And only one did not know
Where is I, and where is Y.
(Transmission "Baby Monitor").

* * *
Gypsy on tiptoe
And tsyts chicken says.


* * *
In the grass field are good,
And on the river reeds.
Near the field, past the rye
There were prickly hedgehogs.

I put my hands in the water
And I will rinse them in water.

Or I'll light a candle
Or turn on a light bulb.

We are similar to each other
If you make faces to me,
I make faces too.
(Reflection in the mirror)

Replace the phrase with one word:

A river that murmurs - a murmuring river
The cow that bellows...
Grandmother who grumbles - ...


* * *
Everything is now clear to us
Let's never forget:
The word "POL-" with any consonant
It is always written fluently.

Before L and before a vowel
Before a capital letter
The word "FLOOR" is clear to anyone
Separated by a dash.



* * *
There are no easier rules in the world:
What's in the question is in the answer!

* * *
What day? WARM
Face green.
What a fun day
Light shines in the grove!

Insert the missing letters

* * *
Little... boy
In a small ... boat
In a small ... the sea floats.
On small ... waves
The boat is propelled forward.
To the little… harbor
In a small ... town
The boy finally arrived.
Launched down the mast
And small ... the fairy tale is over.
(J. Jovanovic-Zmay)


* * *
Every gentleman will tell you:
- Two letters H any time
Write in words where -ONN- and -ENN-,
And only windy with one.
The native answered him:
- The base ends at H,
You add the suffix H to it -
With two H you get the word!
And in the suffixes -IN-, -AN- and -YAN-
Write N one, friends!
Only pewter, wooden
And glass is written with two.

Standing in the garden, among the pond
A column of silver water.
(The fountain)


* * *
I have many friends
I drew them all:
Kolya pricks,
fields flight,
Pasha plows,
Varya cooks,
Light shines,
Valya brings down,
Sonya is sleeping
Katya rolls,
Tonya is drowning.
But I won't let her drown!
I'll draw something.
(G.Komarovsky, G.Ladonshchikova)

Exception verbs of the first conjugation

To the neighbor's chicken
Shave your head clean
Should be on a stool
Lay down two napkins.
(T. Rick)

Exception verbs of the second conjugation

Drive, hold
Watch and see.
breathe, hear
And depend, and twirl,
And offend, and endure.
You remember, friends,
You can't hide them on E.

On what features of the Russian pronunciation is the rhyme of V.V. Mayakovsky built?

We are waiting for you, comrade bird,
Why are you not flying?

Is there a spelling in the riddle - TSYA, -TSYA in the verb?

* * *
Along the river, along the water
A string of boats floats.
The ship is ahead
He leads everyone.
(Duck with ducklings)

day riddle

Born from the sun, but afraid of the sun
And lurks behind us all day long...
She runs away from the sun all day.
And the sun does not know what we have (shadow).


With smart to know - mind to gain.
Who loves to work, he does not sit idle.
Know how to err, know how to get better.
Where the song is sung, there is a happy life.
Beauty will take a closer look, and the mind will come in handy.
Without wind, the grass does not sway.

The mouse said to the children:
“I taught the companion to squeak.
If only not to be lazy,
Much can be achieved.”
(G. Novitskaya)

spitting Petrov
And spitting is not bad:
was talented
Camel student.

Toothy, not biting.
They always see each other, but they don't come together.
(ceiling and floor)
They are not angry, but they turn their mustaches; they are not silent, but they will not say a word;
they go, but they will not budge.

* * *
The sorceress is sitting, puffing
To the whole wide world:
The sorceress does not conjure,
And there is no inspiration.

Conjured for dinner
Banana from Africa
And appeared - hello to you! -
Storm from the Arctic.
(M. Bogoroditskaya)

* * *
Do not go and do not go,
Because ice.
Great fall!
Why is nobody
Not happy?


* * *
A lazy cat does NOT catch mice.
A lazy boy does NOT wash his ears.
A lazy mouse will NOT dig a hole.
A lazy boy does NOT like cleaning.
A lazy fly does NOT want to fly.
A lazy boy does NOT want to read.


* * *
I decided I WOULD...
I would say...
Hurry up...
I WOULD write...
How wonderful is
Subjunctive mood!
Doesn't quarrel, doesn't scream,
Will get into a soft chair
And dreamily murmurs:
"I'd like to learn Turkish...
I would play the piano...
I WOULD eat a carload of cakes
If only B had them!”

* * *
If I were a girl
I WOULD NOT waste time!
I didn't jump on the street
I washed the shirt.
I WOULD wash the floor in the kitchen,
I WOULD sweep the room
I WOULD wash cups, spoons,
I would peel the potatoes myself,
All my own toys
I B put in place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would immediately say:
- You are young
(E. Uspensky)


I WOULD escort my brother
I'm in kindergarten today
Yes, it’s not worth it: it’s in the evening
It will still come back.
I WOULD go for bread
So that grandfather does not complain,
Yes, I think without bread
Lunch is ten times better.
I could wash the spoons
And put the dishes in the cupboard,
But then our cat
There will be nothing to lick.
I do not study for triples,
On the fives I could,
But you can’t - they interfere very much
I have household chores.
(V. Zvyagina)


You will not know,
Don't understand -
These are the waves
Or rye.
This is the forest
Or reeds
Or from heaven
Silence erupts.

Insert appropriate words

Because of ... the moon appeared. We need more ... a fire. “...-ka dry branches,” said the comrade. The bush was scary... The branches whipped... I had to... eyes. But after a row… the flames shot up.
(Words for reference: clouds, kindle, cut, prickly, backhand, cherish, failures)


Cheap chintz, yes linyuch. The mushroom is old, but the root is fresh. It's good to rest when the work is done. A sleeping cat will not catch a mouse.

Replace adjectives synonymous with stem with sibilant

The air is cool (fresh). The oak is strong (mighty). The harvest is high (good).

Replace verbs with synonymous verbs ending in -ch

The bird waved its wing, covered the whole world with one feather.
The grandfather is standing over the water, shaking his beard.
In the summer he goes to the plowman, and in the winter he leaves with a cry.
It turns green for two weeks, it spikes for two weeks, it fades for two weeks, it dries up for two weeks.

* * *
He is very polite
Soft sign.
He does not like arguments and fights.
He is in the word mother and in the word daughter,
And in the quiet lunar word night.
To not upset anyone
He tries to soften things up.
Eat - Eat!
Fix it - Fix it!
So softly asks for a soft sign,
That cannot be denied.
(O. Vysotskaya)


* * *
Don't write under stress
Search without stress.
When the preposition is inside,
We write not one, but three words.

About nothing

Lived - there was NOTHING
Nothing was skillful
Didn't want anything
Back and forth it went
And I didn't speak to anyone
NO ONE noticed
She considered herself the best.
And NOTHING about it
And say something

* * *
Three black dogs were sitting on SOMETHING,
Three black dogs were looking somewhere,
Three black dogs saw SOMETHING
Three black dogs jumped up from SOMETHING
Three black dogs crept up on SOMETHING
Three black dogs are chasing SOMETHING
But SOMEONE was not at all confused,
Dodged SOMETHING and climbed onto SOMETHING.
(A. Khurgin)


Continue the story using participles with the suffixes H and HH

One day the Distracted One did not notice that his door was broken, the lock did not work. For a long time and unsuccessfully he tried to lock the broken door.

Try to come up with an example for this rule.

A well-worn and long worn suit is not at all the same as a worn one.


They lived in the country of Words prepositions. They were such fighters and bullies that nouns and pronouns did not want to live next to them. They built their houses so far from prepositions that adjectives easily fit between them. Since then, a rule has appeared that prepositions with words are written separately.

What three prepositions are hidden in the word "goat"?
(to, oh, for)

The name of which common tree includes four prepositions?

Guess the charades

Dwelling - the first syllable,
Then comes the suggestion
But overall, I'm huge.
And I'm called (home-on)

My first syllable is a preposition
And in the second we will live all summer,
A whole from us and you
Been waiting for an answer for a long time.
(a task)

Why are similar words spelled differently?

As a result of the discovery of new evidence in the investigation of the robbery case, a new version arose, which was later confirmed.
He walked without looking at me, and despite the wind, he walked quickly.


* * *
Don't know, don't rush.
With verbs alone
Do NOT write a part.

NOT with a verb
write separately,
For example, I didn't want to, I didn't know.
Just be aware of the exceptions:
Hated, resented.

They told me to bring
New habits.
Never girls
Pull pigtails!
Never with brother
Fight for dinner!
NO more in class
Talk to your neighbor!
I agree not even
Draw on the map!
I agree not even
Dance on the bench!
But don't you make me
No accusations
Even if I don't
I'll learn my lessons.
(Yu. Vronsky)

* * *
Didn't run, didn't jump,
NOT singing, NOT sad,
Didn't argue, didn't fight
And he didn't break the glass.
DID NOT crawl under the desk,
Didn't throw papers -
And with verbs
Didn't write.


The truth DOES NOT burn in fire and DOES NOT sink in water.
Don't hurry with your tongue, but hurry with your deeds.
DO NOT spit in the well, you will need water to drink.
The one who does NOT do anything does NOT make mistakes.

fix the mistake

Keep water in the sieve.
Cannons are fired at sparrows.
They plow the arable land - they wave their hands.
Tears of grief will help.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
DOES NOT sing and DOES NOT play -
She warms the house.
(Heating battery)

So that autumn does NOT get wet,
NOT limp from water,
He turned puddles into glass
Made the gardens snowy.
Always in your mouth and NOT swallowed.

* * *
I once visited the country
Where did the NOT particle disappear.
I looked around in bewilderment:
What a ridiculous position!
But all around was quiet,
And everything was a mess
And on the vzrachnoy flowerbed by the booth
Blue forget-me-nots bloomed.
And the weather was fine
And the happy dog ​​walked
And, wagging his tail, clumsily
Puddles ran through.
Meet me without any fear
There was a washed, combed ryakha,
And behind the ryakh on the fresh grass
There was a stern dotyopa and a vezha.
And from school, holding hands,
The daughters came out with a dignified step.
And meet everyone early in the morning
Princess Smeyana smiled.
It's a pity that only in a dream
There is a country without a particle NOT.
(Example S. Bondarenko)


Change the text so that a good student turns into a bad student with a NOT particle.

A neat student was going to school. He put a neat diary, wrapped notebooks and textbooks in his briefcase. The boy went to school cheerful. He prepared his homework, and at school he was waiting for good grades.


The cuckoo is NOT a hawk, but the NEUTCH is NOT a master. Where the brave loses, the brave finds. The forest is not high, but protection from the wind. The best of gifts is intelligence, the worst of misfortunes is Ignorance

The steamboat now back, then forward.
And behind him such a smooth surface -
NO wrinkles to be seen.

* * *
The teacher dictated to me
One simple phrase
But unfortunately I didn't read
Never about this.
I just turned the chalk in my hand,
Not finding an answer
NEITHER in thoughts, NOR on the ceiling,
Not in the cracks of the parquet.
I went to the board to answer.
I stood in front of the class
Neither give nor take, nor sit nor stand,
NO fish and NO meat.
Wherever you just look
(That's how it works in life)
Particle NI with union AND
So easy to replace.


* * *
Three sisters lived
Three particles lived.
We pronounce it whole -
Written separately.

There WOULD be a neck, but there would be a collar.
Slander is to the ear what wormwood is to the tongue.
Could you help me?


Alexandrova G. Entertaining Russian language. Boring textbook. - St. Petersburg: Trigon, 1998.
Brusina A.E. Workbook on the Russian language. 5-7 grades. - St. Petersburg: MIM - EXPRESS, 1997.
Vinogradova L.A. etc. Collection of dictations in the Russian language. 4 - 6 classes. - M., Education, 1973.
Shkatova L.A. Think and answer.

There are also my ideas.

Special course "Russian language"

(Principles of Russian spelling)

Explanatory note

Relevance course "Principles of Russian spelling" choice is determined, on the one hand, by the need to solve the problems of improving the literacy of students, on the other hand, by the lack of time in the lesson for spelling training. This course is designed for students in grade 7 and is designed for 34 hours. Classes are organized one hour a week.

The purpose of teaching spelling at school - the formation of relative spelling literacy of students, the degree of relativity of which should tend to zero. This involves the conscious assimilation and application in practice of spelling rules.

Didactic principles for selecting the content of the material:

    scientific character;


    consistency and systematic presentation of the material;

    continuity and prospects;

    connection of theory with practice;



The course "Principles of Russian Spelling" has a cognitive and practical orientation and pursues the solution of the following main tasks:

    to consolidate knowledge about the tested phonetic, traditional, lexical-syntactic, word-formation-grammatical spellings (writing conditions, spelling norm, methods of distinguishing similar spellings);

    to continue the formation of the skill of relative spelling literacy;

develop spelling vigilance and the ability to work with different types of dictionaries (spelling, orthoepic, derivational, etymological).

The course presents all the principles of modern Russian orthography (morphological, phonetic, traditional, lexico-syntactic, word-formation and grammatical), the topics are grouped in accordance with these principles and correspond to certain stages of mastering the language material.

Teaching methods :

    heuristic conversation;


    problem-search tasks;


    linguistic games;

    individual assignments.

Expected results

As a result of studying the discipline, the student should know:

    rules of verified, phonetic, traditional, lexical-syntactic, derivational-grammatical spellings;

    conditions on which writing depends;

    the norm applicable under these conditions;

    the sequence of detection of the studied spelling;

    techniques for distinguishing between similar spellings.

be able to:

    correctly write words with spellings due to morphological and traditional principles of writing;

    write compound words correctly

    correctly use capital letters in proper names and in adjectives formed from proper names;

    correctly write words with spellings in suffixes and endings of nouns,

    correctly write words with spellings in suffixes and adjective endings,

    correctly write words with spellings in the endings and suffixes of verbs;

    correctly write words with spellings in suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives;

    correctly write not with different parts of speech.



the date

Lesson Topics

Number of hours


Knowledge, skills, skills



08.09 – 14.09.

Spelling of unstressed vowels, checked by the stressed position, at the root of the word, ending, prefix, suffix.

To consolidate the skill of writing unstressed vowels, checked by the stressed position, at the root of the word, ending, prefix, suffix. To form the ability to correctly select single-root words.

To be able to recognize the spelling being checked at the root of the word, ending, prefix, suffix by ear and visually, to know how to determine the correct spelling by selecting words with the same root.

15.09 – 21.09.

Spelling of consonants, checked by a strong position, at the root of the word, in a prefix. Spelling of unpronounceable root consonants.

To teach to distinguish between consonants in the roots of words: checked by pronunciation and not checked by pronunciation, as well as unpronounceable and doubled consonants.

To form the ability to accurately write vowels in the roots of words. Be able to determine the spelling of a consonant and write them accurately.

Spelling o/e after words hissing at the root.

Fix the spelling o-e after the words hissing in the roots. To form the ability to choose and explain the letters o or e.

Be able to explain the choice of the letter o-e after words hissing in the roots.

06.10 – 12.10.

Spelling of prefixes on -з / -с.

Review the spelling of invariable prefixes. Learn the spelling of prefixes on s-s.

Know three groups of prefixes depending on their spelling.

Writing sy at the beginning of the root after prefixes into a consonant.

Learn to recognize this group of words and understand under what conditions after the prefixes the letter and is stored in the root, and under what conditions the letter s is written instead of and.

Know the conditions for choosing letters and and s after prefixes to a consonant. Know how to apply the rule correctly.

27.10 – 29.10.

Writing about under stress after hissing in the endings and suffixes of nouns, adjectives.

To consolidate the ability to recognize unstressed endings in the text and correlate them with a certain part of speech.

Know how to determine the spelling of the endings of words. Know how to use it freely.

Spelling of unchecked vowels and root consonants.

Fix the spelling of root vowels that are not stress-checked. To form the ability to refer to the spelling dictionary in case of difficulty.

Know the spelling of words with an unchecked vowel at the root of the word.

21.11 – 26.11.

Spelling of alternating vowels at the root of a word.

Alternation of a / o: in the roots -zar-/-zor-, -gar-/-gor-, -creature-/-creation-, -clan-/-clone-, -plav-/-plov-, -kas- /-kos-, -lag-/-false-, -rast- (-rasch-)/ -ros-, -skak-/-skoch-, -poppy-/-mok, -equal-/-smooth-

Alternations of e / and in the roots: -ber- / -bir--glitter- / -blist-, -der- / -dir-, -zheg- / -zhig-, -mir- / -mer- -per- / - feast-, -ter-/-tir-, -steel-/-steel-, -even-/-chit-. Alternating them / a (ya), in / a (ya).

Be able to write words with alternating vowels correctly. Know the conditions for choosing a vowel in alternating roots.

Separating b

Spelling b as a separator after prefixes to a consonant and in compound words with the first part of two-, three-, four-.

Know and accurately use Ъ as a separating sign after prefixes to a consonant and in compound words with the first part of two-three-, four-.

Spelling b as a separator as a sign of softness and an indicator of grammatical form.

The use of b as a sign of softness at the end of a word and in the middle before hard consonants, in the middle of a word before soft consonants, if the first one retains its softness when the word changes or in related words and when the second becomes hard: in writing (cf. letters). The use of a soft sign as an indicator of the grammatical form in nouns, in verb forms, at the end of adverbs after hissing particles.

Know the main uses of b as a separator and to indicate softness.

Know the main cases of using b as an indicator of grammatical form.

19.12 – 26.12.

The use of prefixes pre- and pre-.

Introduce the spelling of vowels in the prefixes pre- and pre-. Learn to determine the lexical meaning of prefixes and write them correctly.

Understand that the use of pre- and pre- prefixes depends on the meaning that the prefixes have in the word (the semantic basis of the choice of spelling).

16.01 – 21.01.

Spelling n and nn in full forms of adjectives and participles, in short forms of adjectives and participles, in nouns.

To form an idea about the spelling of letters н and нн in suffixes of full adjectives and participles, in short forms of adjectives and participles, in nouns.

Know the conditions for choosing one and two n in suffixes of full adjectives and participles, in short forms of adjectives and participles, in nouns.

30.01 – 04.02.

06.02 – 11.02.

Spelling of noun suffixes: -ek-, -ik-, -chik- (-schik-).

Repeat the spelling of noun suffixes -ek-, -ik-, -chik- (-schik-).

Be able to write the suffixes of nouns -ek-, -ik-, -chik- (-schik-) correctly.

Spelling of suffixes of adjectives.

Fix the spelling of the suffixes of adjectives -k- (-sk-).

Know the frequency suffixes of adjectives that cause difficulties in writing.

20.02 – 22.02.

Spelling of verb suffixes.

Spelling of the suffixes of the verbs ova-

(-eva), -yva- (-iva-), a vowel before the stressed suffix -va-.

Know the rules for writing suffixes and how to use them.

06.03 – 11.03.

Spelling of participle suffixes.

Spelling of participle suffixes: -usch-

(-yush-), -ash- (-yash-), -om- (-em-), -im-, vowels before the passive participle suffixes -vsh-, -nn-.

Know the suffixes of participles and the conditions for their use.

20.03 – 24.03.

Writing not with nouns, adjectives.

Systematize information about spelling not with nouns, adjectives.

Know the rules for not using nouns and adjectives. Be able to give examples, identify the corresponding word forms in the text.

10. 04 – 15.04

Continuous and separate spelling not with verbs, gerunds.

Remember the rules for writing not with verbs and participles. Develop the skills and abilities of writing these parts of speech with not.

Know the rules for using not with personal forms of the verb, gerunds. Be able to correctly use these word forms in your own written work.

Writing not with participles.

To form the habit of using н and н in participles.

To be able to determine the words dependent on the participle, the full and short form of the participle. Know how to spell without participles.

Continuous and hyphenated spellings of complex nouns.

To form an idea and the corresponding skill of continuous spelling of words, hyphenated and words with the initial part half-.

Know the conditions for choosing a continuous or hyphenated spelling of complex nouns. Be able to apply these rules when writing.

Merged and hyphenated spellings of adjectives. Differentiation of complex adjectives and phrases.

Learn how to spell complex adjectives.

Know the rules for using a hyphen in compound adjectives. Give examples. Properly use a hyphen in writing.

Transfer rules.

Fix the rules for word hyphenation.

Know the rules of word hyphenation, be able to apply them in writing.

Final lesson. Quiz "Spelling Experts"

Quality control of mastering the material

Know the basic rules of spelling, be able to apply them in practice.

Total: 34 lessons


Agazina N.N. Formation of spelling skills: A guide for the teacher. - M., 1987.

Baranov M.T., Ivanitskaya, G.M. Teaching spelling in grades 4-8. - Kyiv, 1987.

Bezrukov A.A. On the ending of nouns like a moment / moment in the prepositional case of the singular / / Russian language at school. 1990. No. 5.

Belchansky K.A. Graphic schemes by language// RYaIL in the SSUZs of the Ukrainian SSR, 1989. No. 5.

Broide M.E. Russian language in exercises and games. - M.: Rolf, 2001.

Bykova G.V. To the spelling - through pronunciation norms / / Russian literature. 1996. No. 6.

Vlasenkov A.I. Developing teaching of the Russian language. - M., 1983.

Getman L.I. Morphemic-spelling exercises//RyaiL in the CUZs of the Ukrainian SSR. 1989. No. 12.

Granik G.G., Bondarenko, S.M., Kontsevaya L.A. Psychological mechanisms of literate writing// RyaiL in the educational institutions of the Ukrainian SSR. 1991. No. 3.

Donchenko T.K. Step: One more step: Algorithms in the lessons of the Russian language / / RyaiL in the SSUZ of the Ukrainian SSR. 1990. No. 6.

Ivanova V.F. Principles of Russian spelling. - L., 1977.

Ivanova V.F. Difficult spelling questions: A guide for teachers. - 2nd ed., revised. - M., 1982.

Kozlov L.I. Graphic commentary on orthograms// RYaIL in the CUZs of the Ukrainian SSR. 1989. No. 11.

Kosolapkova A.A. Individual work on spelling based on dictionary dictations// РЯШ. 1990. No. 1.

Murashov A.A. Absolute Literacy: Rhetorical Strategies for Achievement. RYASH. 2000. No. 3.

Murashov A.A. Creative interaction of a teacher and a student in teaching the Russian language// РЯШ. 1998. No. 2.

Panov M.V. Interesting spelling. - M., 1984.

Selezneva L.B. Generalizing classes in spelling at an eight-year school. - M., 1980.

Skryabina O.A. The system of work to improve the literacy of high school students // RYaSh. 2000. No. 1.

Stepanchenko I.I. NOT - prefix or particle? // Russian speech. 1990. No. 1.

Entertaining spelling

№ 1.

Unstressed vowels in the root, checked by stress.

If the letter causes doubt in you,
You immediately put it under stress.
For example, l and sa v l e su somehow got lost.
V l
e s to the rescue of l and sy a lot of l and s appeared.

№ 2.

Unchecked vowels and consonants in the root.

There are words in which letters cannot be replaced.
Emphasis is useless to remember to check them.
You need to remember those words and never confuse.
Do not be lazy to look in the dictionary -
This is your way to literacy.
orange, arena, here
This spelling is.
And in
candy hid, in the piano rolled up.
You go to play basketball, but don't forget about it.
Do not yawn at football, do not lose the letter t.
- Do you remember everything?
Learn the spelling.

№ 3.

Checked consonants in the root of the word.

“Oak” whether, “year” whether you figure it out
Do not rush to give an answer.
Prove to me first
What will you write at the end.
Oak - oaks, and year - years
We write the letter d then.
Means request - ask
And walking will walk .
- All clear?
- Repeat!
Learn the spelling.

№ 4.

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.

Both terrible and dangerous
letter t write wrong.
know how lovely
letter t write appropriately.
What about checking?
It will become sad - to be sad.
Late means to be late;
Hello - wish you good health.

№ 5.

Letters and, y, and after hissing.

Letters i, u, a you write, my friend, always.
After all
hissing letters:
After w and after u, after h and after sh.
Pike swam up to more often, miracles: found sorrel.
Squinting began to squeak: wild rose not enough.
Parachute, jury, brochure
Write with Yu, like the name Yura.

№ 6.

Separating b and b signs.

Nightingales, family, friends
Always write b.
Announcement, filming, entry
write here.
Do not deprive them, they are prefixes separate.
We write at the root - this rule is a trifle.

№ 7.

Separate writing of prepositions with other words.

We write prefixes together -
That rule is simple
Prepositions are separate
Everyone has known for a long time.
A wolf roams along the edge
By , you understand, a suggestion.
He will sneak into the village -
Pro - console. Lucky.
But he did not take the sheep away:
The old dog met the wolf.

From under the house
Because of clouds -
Don't forget the dash.

№ 8.

The use of b at the end of nouns after sibilants.

In the women's sort of write boldly b
Get on with the job.
Don't forget that
Daughter, game, help, thing, speech, lie;
Words like them
b always.
But here's a beam, and a hedgehog, and a doctor
Others require tasks.
b don't write here
Remember the rule quickly.
The masculine gender will not let you down
b save.
We will write: “Because of
clouds the last ray came out.
Help came on time
The youth went to dance.

№ 9.

The use of b to indicate the softness of consonants.

Predatory, powerful and cum
b can't write.
Bridge, carnation and glasses
you don't write.
cheerleader, casually, let's take
Let's return again

№ 10.

Vowels and consonants in prefixes, except for prefixes on z (s-).

Do you remember that we have
Rule one:
We never change
For-, over-, under-, about-, before -.
Learn all prefixes
Write the words correctly.
Lettering, do, sit,
Watch TV.

№ 11.

The letters z- and s- are at the end of the prefixes.

From-, whether, is-, whether, times- and dis- ?
I will explain to you now.
Write, my friend, you
Before b, d, e, c, f.
Don't forget L. pro m, and of course the letter h .
Izv twitch, unclench, write a letter h ,
But dawn, search, wake up lick only write With .


The letters -o, -and at the root -lag-, -false-.

If after root-a,
at the root a always write.
suggest, suggest
You must know the rule.
come to life and lie down
letter o don't forget here.
- Do you remember everything?
- Repeat.
Learn the spelling

№ 13.

The letters o-a at the root -rast- -ros-.

Pod ro sla lilac in the garden,
I'm with
races I'm coming to you as a shadow.
-ros- fell in love with o ,
He is very lucky.
Where there is
-st- and -sh- ,
Write only letters
a .
Bush quickly under
races tal,
In the summer he became a cherry.
We will write through
about .

№ 14.

The letters yo-o after the words hissing at the root.

You want to hiss
letter write at the root.
Brush, dandy, acorn, bangs,
Click, clearly, the devil and the bee.
But don't be confused: seam, slum, rustle, chocolate, glutton.
You remember those words once and for all.

№ 15.

The letters s-and after c.

Remember that in the words-tion
We write ia, slasha ya.
Police, police, walkie-talkie, acacia.
And deal with the roots.
and hurry up.
The figure was given to the circus performer,
Scurvy not afraid of a strong man.
But remember the words
And never get confused.
Gypsy with a gypsy friendly.
stand on
tiptoe with baby,
Not daring
poke at the chicken.

№ 16.

Capital letters in proper names.

I was born in Vladivostok
With Sasha made friends at school.
Ivanov we are friends,
It is impossible not to love him.
He gave me a kitten
I called him
All the names of rivers, seas,
Motor ships, ships,
Cities and islands
Own name I
I'm writing in capital letters, my friends.

№ 17.

The letters E and I in the endings of nouns.

We have different cases, but sometimes they are difficult.
Genitive, dative and even prepositional.
E and I confused, difficult but possible
Parse where E, where
And here, please, look.
3rd declension is only a letter And: things and, things and and again about things and.
But about the sea in the 2nd (it doesn't get any easier!).
Country, country within countrymy dear friend lives.

№ 18.

The letters O-E after hissing and C in the endings of nouns and adjectives.

I'm dissatisfied with the starling
I am dissatisfied with the rook.
Letter O should write,
Do you understand this?
my friend
We're after the bird last.
She finally brought
E towards the end.
O under stress,
E without accent.

№ 19.

Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

What morning did I go out to breathe the air?
early. So we will be the letter And write.
in the blue (like
oh ?) silver lily of the valley smells fragrant
Do not be lazy
question ask to write correctly.

№ 20.

Short adjectives with a sibilant stem.

Powerful, odorous, dense, viscous.
Please: don't torment me here!

№ 21.

Not with verbs.

Didn't know, didn't know, didn't see.
Not, accidentally, did not offend?
Not write separately and tell your neighbor.
I hate, I hate
Here without not I can't live will.
Because without her
I'm not worth anything

№ 22.

b after verbs hissing in an indefinite form and in the 2nd person singular.

b save don't dare. Why are we talking about this?
The verb has the right to take whatever you want.
But our letter H loves
b generally.
Here look:
ignite, attract to distract for a while,
Bake something and save it, and then lie down again.
You draw and sing, you live with.
In the 2nd person, always write b

.№ 23.

Tsya and -tsya in verbs.

What to do? Swim, dive, tumble.
Kohl in question b Don't forget about him, weirdo.
my brother is bathing, the soldier is somersaulting,
smiling father: “Tell me the end?”
Well, of course I guessed. That's right: the question was asked.
What is he doing? Laughing, smiling, swearing.
same does soldier? And the father? And you? And brother?
b do not write here. Do you understand the whole secret?

№ 24.

The letters E-I in the roots with alternation.

If after root a,
At the root And write then.
Spread, collected,
Locked, unlocked.
And without the letter of this a
Just write always.
Spread, locked
Flickered, frozen.

№ 25.

Letters E and I in the endings of verbs I and II of conjugation.

Ko II with the same yarn
We'll take it without a doubt
All verbs that
Excluding laying and shaving.
And further: watch, offend
hear, see, hate,
drive, breathe, hold, twirl,
and depend and endure.
