School education in Canada, schools in Canada - one of the most popular areas in international education today. Education in Canada is a combination of the highest quality and accessibility, traditional techniques and modern equipment, as well as favorable conditions for residence and training. Many students who want to get school education abroad, choose Canada - in this article you can find out why schools in Canada are so popular, and start the process of choosing an educational institution right now!

It is perfectly deservedly considered one of the most qualitative, prestigious and effective worldwide, and schools in Canada are very developed educational institutions with a comprehensive infrastructure. It should be emphasized that the government of Canada pays considerable attention to the development of the field of education, in particular, school education, and in terms of the volume of financial funds sent to this scope of Canada is one of the leading countries of the world. In addition, Canada is currently a very developed state with a strong economy, a fairly flexible policy for immigrants, a friendly attitude to foreign citizens, in particular to students, as well as with incredibly beautiful nature, a comfortable climate and the purest mountain air - all this allows School education in Canada to enjoy tremendous popular among students from various countries of the world, including Russia. Equally important is that school education in Canada will cost you somewhat cheaper than, say, in the USA or the UK, however, Canadian education is not at all inferior in quality.

It should be noted that in fact there are two types in the country: in English and in French. The fact is that the official (state) languages \u200b\u200bof Canada are these two languages, and the country itself is divided into two parts - English and Francophone. The overwhelming majority of primary and secondary educational institutions are offered to choose from training in one language or another, but this must be additionally clarified for each specific school in Canada, because there are also purely French or English educational institutions.

Canadians themselves are very and very benevolently refer to citizens of foreign states, including students and students, which allows parents to be completely calm for the well-being of their child in new conditions for him. The territories of educational institutions in Canada are additionally protected on a round-the-clock basis, school staff live in hostels with students to solve external and domestic situations, and in the host family it turns out all the necessary concern.

The main advantages of school education in Canada for Russian schoolchildren:

  • First, the certificate of the full secondary education of any school in Canada is highly quoted among leading and rating universities in the United States, Great Britain and many other countries.
  • Secondly, an important aspect is that the cost with a strength level of education and the proposed living conditions and training conditions is somewhat lower than in the same or, as well as in some other countries.
  • Thirdly, in Canada there is a relatively loyal policy towards immigrants from other countries of the world, including Russia. This policy provides for the opportunity for foreign students to receive citizenship, work and move to Canada for permanent residence, and confident economic growth will allow you to find a job and achieve success.
  • Fourth, the field of education of Canada receives huge subsidies and investments from the state, so there are all the opportunities to use the latest achievements of human thought, modern computers, infrastructure elements, training techniques and educational programs. In the vast majority of educational institutions, Canada has modern computer classes equipped with the latest technology, which has an exceptionally positive effect on the quality of school education in Canada.
  • Fifth, in Canada there is a pleasant and comfortable climate and a friendly atmosphere in relation to foreign citizens.
  • Sixth, school education in Canada is not only not so much academic education as the development of skills and talents of each student, searching the sphere that is interesting to every student. The teaching staff pays a lot of attention to these aspects, using an individual approach, that is, paying to each of his students as much time as it is necessary for understanding this or that material, achieving a new level of knowledge. All this subsequently helps the guys when surrendering graduation school exams and when entering higher education institutions, not only Canada, but also in the whole world.
  • Finally, the rich infrastructure of Canada's educational institutions is not limited to computer classes: a lot of attention of the Education system of Canada pays to the sports development of students, for which their own stadiums, sports complexes, swimming pools are built in many schools, as well as covered rollers for hockey schools - National Sports of Canada.

Among other things, Canada's schools, like educational institutions, are three types depending on the gender composition of students: most schools in Canada today are educational institutions of joint training, where boys and girls are accepted for training. They learn together, as in the usual Russian school. However, there are also educational institutions of separate learning: for girls or for boys. In such bordering schools, classes consist exclusively of girls or boys are tribute to centuries-old traditions. When choosing a specific type of educational institution in Canada, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the "for" and "against", given the features of the child's development at this stage. It is believed that in schools of separate training, children achieve much greater success than in educational institutions of joint training. So this or not - everyone decides himself, however, you can be sure that both in those and other schools of Canada your child will receive an extreme quality formation.

School Education in Canada: Structure, Specific Pupil Training

School education in Canada includes primary and middle links. Initial education in Canada has a structure that is similar to American: children are trained five years before reaching the age of 15. Primary education in Canadian schools is free for Canadians, moreover, it is mandatory. At the same time, it, in accordance with the specifics of the country, is carried out in English and French (depending on the location of the educational institution). For foreign students, additional courses are organized for studying a language. In the elementary classes, girls and boys together are studying.

Includes three stages and lasts for 11-12 years (classes). Of course, in each of the Canadian provinces there may be the own structure of secondary education, and therefore the duration of learning in high school may be different. So, the average link in Canada may include either classes from 7 to 12 (children learn from 12 to 18 years old), or classes from 9 to 13 (children learn from 14 to 18 years old). Educational institutions of the middle link in Canada are called "High Schools", and the logical name for the middle school "Middle Schools" in Canada is the classes of the second elementary stage. The academic year, as a rule, begins in Canada in September, ends - in May-June. Instead of the usual Russian schoolboy of quarters in the schools of Canada, as in most Western educational institutions, the school year is divided into two semesters for six months.

The students are mainly engaged in disciplines that they choose independently based on the specialization in higher educational institutions that they would like to receive in the future (therefore it is important to approximately understand that the child wants to do in the future). In addition, in Middle Schools of Canada, there are opportunities for in-depth study of some specialized disciplines, which are combined into a program called "Advanced Placement Program". In the case of the passage of this complicated educational program, students in the future will be able to acquire a certain advantage during admission to the majority and other countries. This program includes the development of the heads of the Best Schools of the United States and Canada from the middle of the last century on more than thirty disciplines that are treated in an in-depth - as it happens in the first year of universities.

We offer students practically limitless opportunities for physical and creative development. With many schools, there are own sports centers, complexes equipped with the highest international standards, and creative circles will allow schoolchildren to realize themselves in various fields of art.

Schools in Canada have a huge technical base and developed infrastructure. So, by the number of computers and other techniques that are used in the educational process, Canada is among the first in the world. During the first few school years, students are engaged exclusively on major disciplines, although it is often allowed to take several items on the choice. As the student approached the graduation class, students are increasingly engaged in the disciplines selected by them, which will later help them successfully study at. The certificate of obtaining full secondary education in each state is installed on its own, however, the overall feature for all secondary school educational institutions is that it is necessary to gain a certain number of loans to this certificate, which are charged for the successful completion of disciplines. At the same time, there is a total number of required loans, which consists of loans that students should gain for mandatory disciplines and for items. Important condition is also mandatory, but voluntary work by a volunteer in libraries, hospitals, etc.

During training, students perform frequent written test work. According to one disciplines, such works are provided for several times in the semester, according to others - once at the end of the school year. As for the exams, they are mostly surrendered in writing: the role of the exam can act either testing or essay. If the student has chosen any additional subject from the field of creativity, then he needs to fulfill a certain creative task in the end of training, depending on the type of creative activity. The final score for each discipline consists of several parts: evaluations for written tasks for the semester, for an individual project, for the passage of the exam. Evaluation themselves, as in the entire Western world of education, are exhibited exclusively in percent, which sometimes have a letter (from A to F). For example, from 90 to 100% is the estimate "excellent", from 70% to 89% is the "four". At the end of the school year, all the estimates obtained are summed up, and the average score is calculated. In order not to stay for the second year, you need to score at least 50%. There is also a promotion system: if the average estimate is obtained high (from 80%), then the student can be released from the exam.

By the time of release from the educational institution, students marks 18-19 years, after which they can already submit documents to enter ,. It is necessary to emphasize that Canada's private bordering schools among other things, consults for students on the topic of the process, inviting representatives of various universities for lectures. In addition, the peculiarities of the school education process favorably affects the skills and abilities of students:

  • Pupils During the time of stay in the Pension Schools, Canada acquire independence, which is facilitated by individual tasks for each of the students who need to be performed independently and submit to the rest in the form of a presentation.
  • In the last year, school teachers pay great attention to the specifics of the receipt process to universities. Private boarding schools invite representatives of universities and consultants for conversations with students on the subject of plans in school and life.

Rules for residence and training in the schools of Canada

In each teaching staff, it is its own list of rules for the behavior of students during training and location on the territory of the educational institution. The rigor and the essence of such rules may vary from the province province, the impact also has prestige, school demand in Canada. The most common and common rules for many educational institutions can be called: the prohibition of smoking, drinking alcohol and, of course, drugs; prohibiting the use of cribs on exams and control, as well as write off; prohibition of violations of educational discipline; The prohibition of aggressive behavior in relation to peers, rudeness in relation to teachers, etc. In addition, in many elite and rating schools-boarding rooms of Canada, the daily wearing of school uniforms. In case of violation of any of the school rules, depending on the severity of the student, the student will wait for the sanctions from comment and warnings up to the deductions.

It is important to emphasize that at all, in all Canadian schools, the teaching staff on a regular basis make up detailed reports for parents, containing complete information about the performance of their child, about success and gaps in knowledge, about progress in certain matters, disciplines, disciplines, as well as about behavior. Parents will be practically lived in watching the teaching of their child at the Canada School. In addition, the safety of the child here is above all, round-the-clock security is organized on the school and hostels. All students are allowed to leave the territory of the educational institution only with the permission of teachers or school employees (longer students need only permission).

Features of school selection in Canada for school education

In case you have decided that your child needs to receive school education in Canada, do not lose precious time. The fact is that the process of choosing an educational institution, the process of designing and collecting the necessary documents, as well as the receipt itself may take quite a lot of time and effort, so it is necessary to at least a year before the expected start of learning, and better even earlier.

As in many countries, Canada employs both public schools and, however, the first more than the latter. State educational institutions are obviously contained by the state and take on the training of only children of Canadians (and girls, and boys). Despite this, various specialized educational training programs are available in many public schools in Canada. As part of training on such programs, students live either in hostels or in the host Canadian family, one of two foreign languages \u200b\u200bis in advance (usually English, but many schools offer French). Subsequently, students of such courses can count on help from public schools (in the form of consultation and support) in the process of entering the Universities of Canada.

Also represented by a large number of schools in which, however, only 10% of small Canadians are studying. Private schools in Canada have some benefits for students to public educational institutions:

  • In each class, there are less students on learning - it favors the effectiveness of education and allows teachers to fully use an individual approach to each child;
  • When studying in private bordering schools, students except accommodation in host families are offered accommodation in spacious student residences on the territory of educational institutions. Thus, the guys from different countries will learn and live in one place.
  • In the overwhelming majority in private bordering, the best conditions for residence and training are achieved than in the state - and from the point of view of infrastructure development (in some educational institutions there are own pools and even hockey arena), and from the point of view of academic education (by attracting experienced teachers).
  • While all public schools in Canada - joint training, private educational institutions offer separate learning.
  • Private bordering schools in Canada are more prestigious than government, and graduates of the most rated and elite private boarding schools of Canada in the future are easily enrolled in the leading and around the world.

The process of admission to the schools of Canada

First, to successfully enroll in any school in Canada, you need to pass the exam on the level of English proficiency, as well as the exams on the main disciplines. However, before this, it is necessary to correctly fill out all the documents necessary for the receipt, to provide a chart with estimates for the last 2 years of schooling in Russia, as well as recommendations from teachers or directors of the educational institution. It must be remembered that the collected Russian documents must be converted and notarily assured.

In order for a foreign student to receive school education in, according to law, he needs a guardian, as a citizen of Canada, who takes responsibility for the child during his training. In fact, he serves as parents during the absence of a child in his native country. Guardian with a child - or together with parents - fill in a special questionnaire. At the very beginning of the receipt to any of the schools of Canada, it is necessary to pay a registration non-refundable fee (up to 200 CAD). After the approval of the documents provided, the future student is invited to a personal interview with the director of the School of Canada, which, however, can pass by phone or Skype. At the end of all the formalities, it will be necessary to wait for an official decision on enrollment, after which it is important to do a student visa.

Ways to accommodate students during training in the schools of Canada

Provide students to accommodate comfortable and spacious student residences. Foreign students live 1-2 people in a room in which there is everything necessary for full and comfortable studies and accommodation. In addition to the schoolchildren themselves, school employees also live in residences that ensure the safety of children, and are always ready to help students solve any household or academic issues.

Approximate cost of school education in Canada

The cost is generally more accessible than prices in the United States or the United Kingdom, but in Canada there are a huge number of educational programs and training options that can also cost a country house in the suburbs. When choosing an educational institution, the following most important factors must be taken into account:

  • School prestigiousness in Canada;
  • Available ways to accommodate students at the time of study;
  • The organization of pupils (in most cases a full board is offered - food three times a day);
  • The need to pay a registration fee for submission of documents for admission (in different schools the size of this contribution is different);
  • The cost of the necessary textbooks and school uniforms;
  • The list of activities included in the extracurricular cultural program, etc.

In general, the cost can range from 12,000 CAD to 70,000 CAD for the academic year. In addition to this amount, it is additionally necessary to pay the cost of living - about 11,000 CAD for the academic year.

12 best schools of Canada

35 best universities and colleges of Canada

9 University of Guelph

The North American Kingdom is one of the leaders in terms of funding for schools and universities. Training in Canada is carried out on best practices with best specialists with the involvement of all necessary technical equipment. That is why in the country you can count on obtaining high-quality education at any level.

Advantages of training in Canada

Diplomas of local universities and secondary special educational institutions are in demand worldwide. The schools of the kingdom give excellent basic knowledge, are involved in independence and purposefulness. For foreign migrants, education in Canada is beneficial by the fact that it is 30-40% cheaper than in Europe. And accommodation in the kingdom will require a quarter of less expenses than in the United States.

Moreover, local universities are focused on practical training. Students are constantly offered paid internships, which makes it possible to compensate for their expenses, gain experience and establish links with the future employer. Local laws allow students to work. Graduates are given the right to employment in Canada, followed by a residence permit. Training is carried out in the most common languages \u200b\u200bin the world - English or French.

Structure of the Canadian Education System

Adopted in the kingdom system differs little from the Russian. There is a pre-school education. The school is divided into younger and middle. In addition to colleges or universities, there are secondary special institutions. The highest step is graduate school. The current education system differs only in detail, which depends on the characteristics of the region finding the institution.

Pre-school education of children

Reception in kindergartens is carried out no earlier than 4 years (only in Ontario - from 3). The state provides the possibility of any parents to give their child to such an institution. The fee for this is not charged. However, you can use the services that private kindergarten offers. The cost of the month of stay in it will be from 350 to 700 per $.


Standard school education in Canada implies an 8-year study course. In Quebec, it is carried out in French. There are 6 primary classes. In any case, the study begins with 6 years and undergo free of charge, with the exception of non-state institutions.

Types of school

The country has a wide variety of institutions for general education. In addition to the public school, in Canada there are:

  • national;
  • catholic;
  • private;
  • home learning institutions.

All of them, except private, belong to free. The national institutions are focused on learning the language and culture of the ethnic minority or the Migrant Community living in Canada. In Catholic schools, a uniform is obligatory and a small focus on religious education is made. Private primary education is considered an elite and expensive.

Are there specialized schools

For children with disabilities, all conditions for learning in standard establishments are created. In Canada, it is not customary to isolate them into specialized boarding schools. The same standard programs are offered and gifted students. Special education in Canada they can only get in some private schools. Those who do not seek the ownership of a university diploma and wants to get a working specialty, it is proposed to enter college.


The programs operating in different regions imply training from 12 (14) to 17 (18) years. Accordingly, in 7-11 or 8-12 classes. Due to vocational training, the term may be extended for another 2-3 years.

Secondary education is available for children of foreigners. With stateless persons are charged for training in the amount of up to 15,000 per $. In private institutions, the cost increases 3-4 times. As an additional service, it is possible to pass language courses.

When the academic year begins

Usually classes start from September and end in June. The duration of the school year is 190 days without the weekend. Classes are held within the framework of the five-day working week and take away no more than 6 hours a day. Some regions and individual private educational institutions have their unique features.

Features of higher education

In Canada, a western system is adopted, including 3 steps:

  • undergraduate (3-4 years);
  • master (2-3 years);
  • doctoral studies (analogue of graduate school), numbering 4 years.

The first two steps can be obtained in college. The main feature of the system adopted here is as follows. Higher education in Canada implies a large number of practices. They begin not even from magistracy, but from 2-3 years of undergraduate.

The course of the school year as a whole complies with the norms of Russian education. However, the winter holidays falls for the last 2 weeks of December, concluded after Catholic Christmas and New Year. In colleges and universities of Canada, you can pass distance learning. All technical conditions are met for this. Many get a second higher education.

For Russians, an important feature of Canadian universities is that they recognize domestic school certificates. Therefore, those who, after grade 11, will want to move to Canada, you will have to get a TEFL or DALF language certificate. This will be enough to admit to the entrance exams.

Popular Educational Institutions Canada

If you take the official rating of 2017 (QS), then the first place in it will be held universities in Toronto, formally, which are different institutions, but combined into the overall structure of 10 urban quarters. If you consider the list of popular universities among migrants, it will be walked in the University of McGill. He is one of the oldest in the country, as it was opened in 1821.

Mentioned Canadian universities regularly enter the top-sheets of international ratings of educational institutions. A good position is occupied by the University of British Columbia. Its structure has 12 faculties. Listeners are given the possibility of distance learning. According to Skype, the best professors of Canada will read their lectures. Good education gives a medical college located in the province of Albert.

The best Universities of Canada are presented in large cities. All of them annually take a huge number of foreign students, therefore, the mechanisms for organizing the organization of student youth in campuses are debugged and ensuring them all necessary.

Cost of education

Prices Training for the sake of obtaining Canadian diplomas are largely determined by regional specificity. Consider what will be the cost of studying for Russian students successfully enrolled in the university and received a visa. These prices are represented in Canadian dollars.

To significantly reduce the cost of learning, you can take part in the grant program. The state and many Canadian funds, as well as employers sponsor the training of the most talented young people. Some programs can provide fully free higher education. In addition, a number of proposals are valid not only for the local population, but also for immigrants.

As a foreigner to enter the University of Canada

To enroll into one of the universities, a resident of another state will need to submit a package of documents, pass the introductory tests and get a visa. Before entering the Canadian University, you need to decide on financing. If the applicant cannot prove his ability to pay for expenses at the embassy, \u200b\u200bhis ride to the country of the maple leaf may not take place.

Installed requirements

Training in Canada for Russians possible under the following conditions:

  • age from 17 years;
  • from 80 points on TOEFL or 6.0 by IELTS;
  • the presence of a certificate or a university diploma;
  • copies of passports (national and overseas);
  • recommendations and motivational letters;
  • photo on a visa;
  • availability of an application for admission to the university (filled on the website of the institution);
  • confirmation of a sufficient amount of funds for paying for training and residence in Canada;
  • summary.

Wishing to learn in Quebec will require a CAQ certificate.

Visa application

Without permission to enter Canada, it will not work under any circumstances. To go to the country, learn and work in it on legal reasons, a visa is needed. It can be obtained at the consulate or specialized center. This is filled with a questionnaire and a package of documents is applied. Often the applicant is invited to an interview to the embassy.

You can also order registration through an intermediary. In this case, representatives of such a company will fulfill most of the procedure and save the client time. In general, it will cost approximately 5,500 rubles. This is the amount of consular fee.

Scholarships and grants for foreign students

The number of programs in which immigrants can participate are limited. Most often, grants for training in Canada are issued only to the most gifted and / or famous persons with persons, for example, prize-winners of international Olympiads. Also in the country there are 3 government programs:

  • Government of Canada Award;
  • Faculty Research;
  • Faculty EnricHment.

There are several ways to get a grant. You can contact the fund directly and familiarize yourself with the conditions of participation. Documents on government programs are submitted to the embassy usually from September to the beginning of the Christmas holidays. The applicant is better hurry, because the number of participants is limited by quotas.


Students in Canada are offered several options for arranging their life.

  1. Campuses. It provides all conditions for full-fledged students. Tariffs forms the university administration, but usually this option is cheaper than renting an apartment.
  2. Housing on average costs 1000 from $ per month.
  3. Those who have such rates are not affordable, it is recommended to participate in the program of residence in the Canadian family. For applicants are offered different conditions. Most often, students have to help with household or look after children, pay part of the bills. For this, a foreigner gets a roof over his head and nutrition.

Each optional has its pros and cons. However, all of them are quite popular among foreigners and allocate the best is not possible.

Prospects for further employment

The orientation of the Canadian education system for practical training makes diplomas of local universities with pretty popular among employers. Graduates are eagerly taken within the country, in the United States and Europe. Often, advantageous offers come already during the practice. Thus, it gives excellent opportunities to improve their theoretical knowledge of high-quality practical training.


In recent years, immigrant forums have appeared both positive and negative training reviews in Canada. Not everyone managed to join Western society. Many did not have to complete learning due to poor progress. In general, immigration is a complex process that requires great effort from man than at home. However, the prospects for obtaining a good diploma should spur the will to success.

"Letidor" sometimes comes out interesting articles (for example, my). I got an interesting story about the Canadian school. I would be there - I would write the same. In the end I wrote that you can apply from us. Read especially the end - there all the shelves are decomposed, as I did in the old days.

Canadian school education is located in 6th place in the world.

The education system in Canada is heterogeneous, moreover, also varies from the province to the province. At the provincial level, many laws on the functioning and financing of schools, their responsibility and rights and so on. But in the most general form, the device of the school world looks like this:
- general education schools (the most free general education that we know well)
- Catholic schools. The most common religion in Canada. A few centuries ago in Canada, an existing system of Catholic education has been created. In such schools, children are taught and ordinary subjects, and religion.
- Private schools. Paying for training in private schools, in return, parents get the opportunity to choose both "bias" (Montessori, Sports) and "Favorites Society" for their children - only children from families with prosperity are accurate, well, and some other other "Bonuses" like wearing school uniform, dining room at school and TP.
- Home tuition is also possible, but not very common. Add to this the fact that Canada is a bilingual country; Each of these types of schools is possible in the option when the main training is conducted in English, and French is studied as a second language, and vice versa.

How is training organized?

In Canadian school, several steps are common for which students are moving:
- "Preschool School", called Kindergarden. Children are taken here in incomplete five years, and traineled two years, after which they go to the first class. Study at this time - by 100 percent of "game learning".
- elementary school, classes from the first on the sixth.
- High school, 7-8 classes.
- Senior School, 9-12 classes.

As a rule, during his studies, the Canadian schoolboy changes three buildings: in the first he is learning from classes in Kindergarden and up to the 6th grade, the second-grades collect students in the second, well, and in the third, the most difficult part of training In Canadian school, until its end. But classes, teachers and classmates, the student changes every year. In Canadian school, every year classes are formed anew, so during study the schoolboy has time to repelly literally with everyone.

Systems of registration in Canada does not exist, but it is precisely at the place of residence that your child goes to which school. Each school has its place in the provincial rating (depending on how well the student tests on the main subjects wrote this year). Above the rating is more expensive at home in the area, which is "assigned" to this school.

In the photo - the typical building of the Canadian elementary school. Two (happens one) floor, Canadian flag at the entrance. Territory around (border marked) - School property. In Canada, these are not empty words: as the owner is obliged to care for his "land" and "alien" is obliged to follow the rules. For example, you can not go and play on the school playground, or cut off the road through the school field, or ride a bike - for more security you will need to go on foot, driving a bike nearby.

A typical phenomenon for the Canadian school, unfortunately - "trailers". When classes cease to accommodate students, some classes are carried out in such traps. Improved, naturally, with sewage and heating. Parents are still not too satisfied, and children nothing, for them it is like an adventure.

Another typical Canadian way to optimize the placement of students is "dual" classes: for example, class 1/2 or 3/4. In such groups, children from two classes are studying at the same time - from the older in a row, from the younger - those who can "pull" more independent training. The teacher at the same time gives part of the time the same material, part - two different programs, but the main difference is in those works that children perform; To the youngest requirements are smaller.

Classes in elementary school begin at 9:10 am and end at 3:30. Every morning, a long chain of backpacks is built to school in the school: students are launched only on a call. Given that the inputs are usually 5-6, no special turmoil arises.
Where is the close and noise - it is in school corridors: there are hangers for clothes and backpacks, boxes for replacement shoes. Only a diary (and sometimes a favorite toy, young parents are allowed to the class of primary school.
In the class where you look - posters, drawings, visual benefits. Walls are used for a hundred percent.

Floor - space for the game, building complex structures (often with the whole class, children are built or a super city, or a miracle monster). In classes for "feeding", there are no parties in general - several tables with chairs, and a lot of "stations" for the game - here and the computer with game programs, and the corner of "nature" - grow plants, watch the ants or snails, and a large sand container where you can pour water and mess around, developing fine motility.

In the older classes, the parties appear, but the student sits behind it, only when you need to write. For discussion, the teacher most often collects children in a circle - they sit on the floor with crossed legs, he is in a comfortable rocking chair nearby.

What and how do you teach in the Canadian school?

Every morning it begins with a Canadian hymn (everyone stands, but you can sing) and school radio broadcasts. Then the study begins. The items are usually combined into clusters: so, in the lessons "Science" study physics, chemistry, biology, under the word "art" hide classes with drawing, modeling and computer graphics. From the first grade, schoolchildren study "Social Sciences" - and if society and history begin closer to the middle classes, then the first-grader in Canada knows how important it is to wait for his turn, share with friends, and properly sort garbage to reuse it.

A very large part of the educational process is given to the art of presentation. The quality of the project is evaluated and the ability to tell about it in front of the class. In this case, any expressive means can be used.

Canadian version "From what the girls are only made .. and boys" - presentations in French about who loves what.

And in Canadian schools a lot of sports. Sports classes - three or four days a week. It is traditional physical education (in a non-round time - on the street), and a variety of sports games: for one year only a student can try himself, for example, in Badmindon, football, baseball, tennis and dance.

What can be definitely be envied - this is the equipment of local schools. As an example - in the photo - the music office of a completely ordinary Canadian high school in a small town.

In Canadian school fun. A rare week costs without any special event. Then a public holiday, then a large-scale school (for example, a school anniversary or a performance / concert, which set the whole school), and even just - a pajama day. On this day, all, and students, and teachers, come to school in pajamas, favorite slippers and with pillows - plaid-toys in an embrace. There is a hat, and the day of the beloved book character.

But the beginning of the school year, by the way, does not apply to the holidays. Studying in Canada begins on the first Monday of September, after the day of labor, and no special outfits, no bouquets for teachers and in risen. Ending studies, by the way, here much later - usually last week.

Before the start of lessons on the first school day

Socialization, involvement in communication and training for the rules of conflict-free cooperation at all means in local schools as many as many as actually academic assessments. How good or poorly learns the child is to concern him and his parents. The concept is this: the teacher gives knowledge, and how much the child "took" depends on his / her desire and opportunities. In Canada, it is not accepted at all, and schools are no exception; Tabel with estimates The teacher at the end of the quarter and the year in the envelope is in this way, only the student and his parents can see it, and the children themselves absolutely do not focus on how well their classmates learn or poorly learn.

Canada is a country of immigrants, and therefore the appearance at school - including in the middle of the school year - a child, a word of not speaking in English - the phenomenon is quite ordinary. The mechanism is worked out until automatism: a portion of the questionnaire on the filling of parents, "friend" - for a new student or student (usually chosen from schoolchildren who speak the same language as the newcomer). At first, the main occupation of the "Student" (just like this, Students, are called schoolchildren in Canada) - mastering the language; Therefore, approximately half of the total study time, it does not hold on the usual classes, but in the ESL-English As a Second Language classes. As a result, even children begin to learn the language "from scratch", begin to communicate more or less freely in a few months.

Is free learning?

Let's consider. At the beginning of the school year, parents of young students are issued a list with the wishes of what needs to study. This is usually the Office - you can meet in dollars 20. Partially compensate for the cost of excursions, it is from 5 to 15 dollars per each. 10 dollars stands a beautiful color diary, called the scheduler - it plays the role of a diary.
Everything else is on a truly voluntary basis. No form. You can buy a T-shirt with a school logo, but not necessarily. The purchase of school breakfast is also optional, but almost all parents pay for the weekly "pizza day" their child received his pizza and milk. There are photo days regularly at school, but again, your business, buy photos (and at the end of the year - yearbook, that is, the album is on the memory, or skip.

In public Canadian schools, children bring food with them. Special lunch boxes are produced in a thousand and one variation: for example, this, from the photo, "environmentally friendly": you can put all the food by departments without using packaging.

For supporters of the child to eat hot, thermoshams: there is enough heat until the schoolboy sees for a snack.

Somehow a particularly strongly in Canada feels the inclusion of the school in the life of the whole society. Further, the Canadian school from the principle "With your charter in a foreign monastery do not go": schoolchildren live in one rhythm with what is happening around. There was an Olympics - and in all Canadian schools, children discussed who and as played, counted medals, were sick "for ours." And also, there are often guests in class. "State employees" - police, firefighters; Animal defenders - those come to class with a mini-zoo. As a result of "wholeness with society," the Canadian teachers behave very differently. The current Canadian teacher (among them, by the way, a lot of men) is quite a company friendly comrade, who "takes" not the status, but by the fact that he (or she) knows a lot, it is interesting to behave and masterfully manages the learning process.

As in all Canadian society, volunteering plays a large role in local schools. As a rule, in Canadian families, children have one after another, with a difference in two or three years. Mom - if the financial situation of the family allows, sitting at home until the youngest of them goes into the first class. So Moms "Kindergarten" are the most frequent volunteers. They help at home (prepare, for example, dough for modeling), in school (sort, organize, fold), and in class in classes - for example, read with children or help solve the challenges. And of course, volunteers are simply indispensable on exit events.

Visit to the farm - we consider animals and make bets on piglets

In the warm season, such "bales" are committed once a month, or even more often. Fascinating - Children's eyes are burning - hiking in the theater, library, farm or zoo, fire station or hospital - are accompanied by mini lectures on how everything is arranged, as well as "what is good and what is bad."


What you can apply with us:

- Developed private schools (If parents have money, then why not organize a student an individual approach, useful circles and classes, good equipment. In the regions, this is an urgent problem, since there are rich, and high-quality schools - no)

- primary school up to grade 6(At 11 years old, children are not yet ready to go to high school, where they are granted themselves. Therefore, we have a couple of years old for a couple of years old. And then teenagers are already getting used to. I believe that teachers must change with the adulthies To children are not getting used to)

- Stirring in classes every year(useful for both leaders and losers (I do not know synonym in Russian))

- Closed territory (Our dogs walked. Yes, and 2 my greats would not have stole a school threshold, be fenced)

- Start at 9:10 (I had at 8:30 pm. It's terrible. I would have done at 10:00, because schoolchildren would not load public transport, winter was already light, sleep)

- Use of walls in maximum (It is more beautiful, for schoolchildren is useful)

- sit on the floor(We sit so on in Samara. On linoleum. If the carpet was made, it would be cool to rest on change)

"From the first grade, schoolchildren study" Social Sciences "- and if society and history begin closer to the middle classes, then the first-grader in Canada knows how important it is to wait for his turn, share with friends"

- many projects and presentations (Many can not act at all in front of people or talk on the go)

"Socialization, involvement in communication and training rules of conflict-free cooperation at all mean in local schools at least much as many academic estimates"

- events and invited people(for the diversity of the educational process)

P. S. It would seem like simple advice, but even the implementation of these items (quite common and suitable for Russia) can radically change school education in the country. And judging by the results of the EGE, it really needs serious changes.

Tell your friends. For me it is very important: stimulates writing more posts.

The Canadian education system is considered one of the most effective in the world. It has several logical steps, thanks to which Canadians can get quality knowledge and master the chosen profession at a high level. The prestige of the Canadian educational system annually attracts a huge number of foreigners to universities and colleges of this country. How to get an education in Canada without having citizenship of this state?

Canada: Middle Educational Stage

For Canadians, all public schools are absolutely free. Children come in them in 5-6 years old, and continue their studies until 15-16 years. If you wish, you can learn and longer. Some graduates choose additional classes to prepare for the university entrance exams.

If a foreigner is learned in the Canadian school, then for his education, parents will have to pay from 30 to 60 thousand dollars. This amount is relevant for government agencies, in private schools, the study will be much more expensive.

« Private guest houses are regularly implemented for their wards.International BaccalaureTe, which helps them go to the best state institutions».

In Canada, among others, the following private schools are allocated:

  • Appleby College. Located in the province of Ontario, it is possible to study there for 60 thousand Canadian dollars a year;
  • Bodwell High School. Located in Vancouver, tuition in this guest house in the daytime is 18 thousand dollars, the full board will cost 35 thousand dollars.

To enroll in public or private school, it is necessary to provide your handbooks for past years of study, as well as successfully pass SSAT, CAT, TOEFL or IELTS tests to choose from.

A certain package of documents in English is required to enter school for admission, in some private schools, children undergo an oral interview.

When parents have no citizenship, to study on day form, the schoolboy will require local guardians. The child must be guaranteed a place of residence, all conditions for study should be created.

Canada - bilingual country. Therefore, schools in the south can teach in French, and in all other parts of the country can be taught in English. There is no single approach in the presentation of the material in Canadian schools. The program may include blocks of information about the province where the child is learned, its cultural heritage and features.

Each small foreigner at school is supposed to be accompanying who will speed up the integration of the student into the educational environment. Children begin to speak in a new language very quickly if Canadian speech regularly hear.

« Pedagogues for Canadian schools are prepared very carefully. For them, there are a huge number of exams, as well as inspections for professional benefits during the direct work in the institution».

A foreigner cannot study at the Canadian school. The fact of training does not guarantee the receipt of citizenship, if the child will not go into the university or college.

Canada: Higher Educational Stage

British researchers in the field of education found that Canada is included in the top 5 best countries in terms of training in universities and colleges.

The researchers measured the effectiveness and availability of education, financing institutions, the availability of world-famous institutions.

A huge advantage of training in Canada, besides the above, one can consider the study of two local languages \u200b\u200bat once, as well as the system two-vectors. After all, in Canada, it is equally prestigious to receive a profession in college and mid-level university.

Canadian colleges

College in this state really gives "applied" knowledge. Technical direction, art, tourism, health and management are those areas where it is best.

In college, students learn from 1 year to 4 years. Academic disciplines are not enough, but there are practically constant internships that enshrine acquired skills.

The cost of one year of study varies from 11 to 15 thousand dollars. The most famous and popular colleges are in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa and Kitchener.

In order for a foreign student to learn there, the following will be required:

  • Pay the registration fee on the college website;
  • Fill out and send the application form;
  • Send a college translated into English and certified from the notary certificate about the end of the school;
  • Provide a college the results of the language you needed to know the language;
  • For some professions, you will have to send a letter commission, portfolio or interview.

The test of language test will cost the future student about $ 500 of Canada.

« Canada recognizes and takes Russian certificates about secondary education».

Only at first glance, the algorithm of admission to the Canadian college may seem difficult. If you just pass the stage behind the stage and not to delay the timing, the academic world of Canada will certainly open its doors before the new student.

Canadian Universities

Studies in the Canadian University differs from college training in a large number of academic hours. The higher education system here consists of three steps:

  • 3 years - bachelor;
  • Plus for another 2-3 years - Master;
  • Plus 4 years - Doctor.

According to British research, United Universities of Canada consider such universities such as McGill University, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia. A good rating has universities in Montreal and Albert.

To enroll in such a university, you need to go through the same procedure as for receipt of the college. Only the middle point of the certificate must be quite high.

How much is the study in the Canadian university? The joy of Canadian students learning is much cheaper than the same US. So one academic year can cost up to 30 thousand dollars. The most expensive education in the medical sphere. For example, studying at the dentist will cost 75 thousand per year.

« If a student learns well, he can reduce the payment for training, sometimes the discount reaches 70%».

From Russian higher education, education in Canada is distinguished by having received a bachelor's degree, one cannot go to a magistracy to another specialty.

In the list of claimed professions in this state today are medical workers, logging managers, urban planners, pharmacists and pilots.

Since the contest for in demand profession is very high, it is necessary to apply for the university no later than six months before the start of enrollment.

Canadian MBA

Studying in a business school in Canada is considered prestigious. It takes place on the basis of existing universities, it is possible to do there only after receiving higher education at any other specialty.

Learn in business schools 1-2 years. The educational process involves active internship in real companies. After mastering the standard dialing of disciplines, the student has the ability to choose objects yourself.

A foreigner to get into this school, you need to go through complex stages and comply with all terms of enrollment. It will be necessary to confirm higher education. Complete a number of tests for knowledge of language and their items. Write an entrance essay.

In some business schools, they may require recommendation from the employer, will ask whether the future student has experience in leadership.

Is it possible to speed up the enrollment in a Canadian university or college?

Unfortunately, straight paths to accelerate enrollment does not exist. To avoid long-term correspondence with an educational institution, it is worth examining the reviews about him. Before making money for training, you must make sure the visa is required. Only after that you can open your training deposit in the institution.

Admission to a Canadian university or college is a long and complex process. This is especially true of foreign students. It is necessary to study in detail the information about the institution, think over all the details related to accommodation, food and part-time. By the way, many teaching aids in Canada students buy at their own expense, which results out in the total amount. Therefore, the student will need money not only for study and life, but also for different trifles associated with the educational process.

One of these achievements for Canada is the school learning system. Canadian schools have good sports facilities, modern equipment in classes. Teachers have a bachelor's degree and master. As a result of all this - a well-thought-out form of training, excellent training of students, regularly demonstrated in the tests of international level.

There is a moderate cost of learning and residence, which is important for foreign citizens. In addition, in the cities of Canada, the crime rate is at times lower compared to the United States. Therefore, school education in Canada attracts its accessibility and dynamics.

State-type school education is funded by way. Foreign students, including Russian, learn in government agencies on a fee basis. Approximate annual cost - 9 thousand dollars. Russian citizens, in most cases, live in patronage families with three meals and a separate room. For this they pay 700 dollars every month.

Requirements are high enough - you must need a certificate from the police, recommendations.

Many local families are happy with Russian students, like any other foreigners, and it's not an additional income, but it is better to know the traditions of another culture, to expand their understanding about the world. As a rule, even after graduation with pupils, communication is supported.

Almost 90% of the Schoolchildren of Canada attend the secondary schools of the state type, the rest choose private (paid). Therefore, Russian students take the same form of training as the main part of the locals. An important rule for foreign citizens wishing to learn at the School of Canada is knowledge of English.

Choice of school

Training in Canada is focused on visiting the so-called Public School - public schools that are funded by the local budget. The form of training is joint, that is, the institution is visited both boys and girls. Most schools are guided by the Rule, which is entitled to education the children of Canadians, faces arranged on on an ongoing basis, as well as Russians with knowledge of English.

In some institutions of the country, an international form of training has been introduced, according to which schoolchildren can study in local institutions from abroad. Features of such a program - an intensive expanded study of English spoken and scientific language, developing classes with a psychologist, accommodation in local families, as well as consultations for those who want to continue school education in Canada and will continue to successfully enter the higher educational institution.

One of the schools, the form of study in which implies the reception of foreign schoolchildren, is located in the West Vancouver district. More than 30 years ago, this international program of adoption of high school students from different countries was organized - Students International, in particular for 8-12 classes. The approximate cost of training is 14 thousand Canadian dollars. Additionally, you need to pay for food and accommodation - 10 thousand dollars.

An alternative form of training - admission to private schools. Russian citizens can also be trained in them, but it will be necessary to pass a big contest, plus the knowledge of the English language should be at the highest level. According to statistics, about 300 thousand children are studying in Canada's schools in Canada.

The form of training in the pensions is mixed, that is, everyone can choose himself for himself, with whom he is better to learn. In these institutions, classes are significantly less, there are modern sports facilities, including the pool, the psychologist's advice leads, additional English lessons are held. Children learn on the territory of the guesthouse, live in hostels in the territory, which is well developing the team spirit, makes it possible to pay more time to sports achievements. The daily routine is strictly controlled by teachers.

The main thing is to graduates of guest houses much easier to enter the good universities of Canada, or continue, or. Therefore, even a private-type primary school in Canada has a high level of knowledge of children.

Private schools

The private form of training in the country involves paying the course of knowledge gained by schoolchildren for all the years. You can enter this institution by passing a high contest, a test for knowledge of English, an interview from a psychologist.

Locals take care of children's arrival in these guest houses before their birth. Popularly separate training, but at will you can choose a mixed school. Equipped with these institutions are significantly better compared to state:

  • comfortable hostels with all conditions;
  • modern equipment;
  • large territories;
  • small classes.

For accommodation conditions, several times in comfort exceeding analogues in other countries, Canadians pay significantly less. Particular attention is paid to the comprehensive schoolboy's training, its emotional state, so a psychologist talks with children often with children. The program is carefully thought out, it includes sports activities, lessons on special subjects, as well as the study of art and music.

Requirements for schoolchildren are high enough. Labor, perseverance, pain conspiracy and responsibility are the main fundamental learning. As a workout and a serious attitude to study in some provinces of the country, certification tests are organized, on the basis of which is solved whether a schoolboy is going to universities or.

One of the advantages of training in a private type pension is the ability to maximize your skills immediately in 2 languages: French and English, as well as the modern correctional and developing work of a psychologist at school. It attracts every year more and more parents who are seriously suitable for the issue of education of their children.
