Many maneuvers can only be performed by the Su-30SM fighter. Their development and use significantly expands the combat capabilities of a multi-role fighter.

The Falcons of Russia is the only aerobatic team that demonstrates air combat tactics on combat aircraft. The pilots demonstrated all the figures in a limited space and low altitude.

A delegation of the Russian Association of Heroes came to Kamyshin to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Maresyev.
May 20, 2016, Kamyshin has a very warm and truly festive atmosphere. And we can say that even the weather enjoys the holiday. Although yesterday it was raining in the city, and the organizers feared that significant adjustments would have to be made to the program. But today the sky has cleared up, there are hundreds of people on the streets of Kamyshin. And their mood, like the weather, is joyful and sunny. This day is special for everyone.

In Kamyshin, a documentary film “Alexey Maresyev: I am not a legend. I'm just a man!"
On the day of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev, residents and guests of Kamyshin were waiting for a big television premiere. The creative team of the STRC "Volgograd-TRV" presented a documentary film "Alexey Maresyev: I am not a legend. I'm just a man!"

The tape is based only on historical facts and stories of people for whom the meeting and personal acquaintance with the pilot-hero became the most important event in life.

The creative team of Volgograd-TRV, consisting of author Alexei Bespalov, cameraman Yuri Komochkov and director Irina Kolesnichenko, worked on the film for several months. The study of archives was interspersed with trips to historical sites. The tape touched even the youngest viewers.

Thousands of spectators gathered for the gala concert on the day of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Alexei Maresyev.

The culmination of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev in Kamyshin will be a gala concert on Komsomolskaya Square.

Relatives of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev arrived in Kamyshin.
On the day of the centenary of Alexei Maresyev, relatives of the legendary pilot arrived in Kamyshin. There are about 40 people in total.

Someone still lives in the small homeland of their heroic ancestor, someone moved to other cities of the country - Volgograd, Tambov. Many of them were only able to get to know each other today. However, without exception, all the relatives of Alexei Maresyev, regardless of their place of residence and degree of kinship, carefully preserve the memory of his feat. Today they all agreed to keep in touch.

1st page

"Childhood and youth"

(The performance of prepared students is accompanied by a slide show)

1st student: Alexey Petrovich Maresyev was born in the city of Kamyshin, Kamyshin district, Saratov province, on May 16, 1916. Later, when drawing up military documents, they mistakenly noted another date - May 20, and since then Maresyev indicated it and celebrated his birthday on May 20.

2nd student. In 1924 he went to first grade. He grew up as a weak, sickly child, and his mother often said: “You were born to me, Lyosha, in May, so you will have to toil all your life.” Like most Soviet schoolchildren, A. Maresyev went through all the stages of public life: he was a pioneer, a pioneer leader, a member of the Komsomol. After graduating from the 2nd stage school, he entered the FZU school, having received the specialty of a turner, began to work and at the same time study at the working faculty.

3rd student: The first two attempts to enter the aviation schools of Kamyshin and Stalingrad ended in failure. He was rejected by the medical board. But Maresyev was already a stubborn man in his youth. He graduated from the working faculty. Having received the education necessary for admission to the aviation institute, Alexei nevertheless achieved his goal. Although it wasn't easy. In Khabarovsk, Alexey had the opportunity to get closer to his dream - he began to visit the local flying club.

4th student: In the spring of 1937, he took to the skies for the first time. In his memoirs, A.P. Maresyev wrote: “I am flying! And the sky, it turns out, is bottomless, there is no limit to it! On March 9, 1938, he was awarded a certificate of completion of the courses.

In 1939 he was sent to the Chita Military Pilot School. In September, due to the proximity of the state border, the cadets were transferred to Rostov-on-Don to the Bataysk Military Aviation School for Pilots. A.K. Serov. On July 11, 1940, the flight school was successfully completed. Sergeant Maresyev became a "military pilot". After graduation, he was left in his native school as an instructor-pilot. October 10, 1940 Alexei Maresyev was awarded the first officer rank - junior lieutenant.

5th student: The young commander shared his knowledge with the composition of the training squadron, which included twelve people. He released his first cadets in 1941.

2nd page "War"

Showing a fragment of a film about the horrors of war, accompanied by a performance by trained students.

(slide show)

1) Maresyev held his first air battle on August 23 in the Dneprodzerzhinsk region. In January 1942, our troops surrounded six enemy divisions near the city of Demyansk. The Nazi command sought to break the encirclement at any cost. During March alone, German transport aviation made more than 3,000 sorties, transferring 10 battalions, a large amount of ammunition and food to the Demyansk region. Our pilots did everything possible to disrupt these deliveries. For fighter pilots, it was a hot time for action. In just ten days, Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev shot down four enemy aircraft over the Demyansk Cauldron and made 20 attacks on the Nazi troops. For these heroic actions, he was presented to the Order of the Red Banner of War and the next military rank of "lieutenant".

2) On April 4, 1942, the link of Alexei Maresyev accompanied the Ilov party, going to attack the surrounded Nazis. There were two pairs in the link - four boards. They were met in the sky by 12 Messerschmitts.

This battle forever changed the fate of the pilot Alexei Maresyev.

3rd page

"A Tale of a Real Man"

1) Alexey Petrovich Maresyev accomplished his most famous feat, which formed the basis of Boris Polevoy’s work “The Tale of a Real Man”, in April 1942. Maresyev’s fighter was shot down in one of the forest regions of the Novgorod region, when he covered Soviet bombers. The pilot was seriously wounded in both legs, but he was able to land. The area around was occupied by the Germans and he, wounded, first on his feet, and then crawling, had to carefully move towards the front line.

2) The crippled legs hurt, and they had to eat cones, berries and tree bark. After 18 days, the exhausted Alexei was met by a father and son from the village of Plav, mistook him for a German and hurried to leave. After that, the already barely alive man was found by boys from the same village. One of them called his father, who took the wounded man home. The villagers looked after him for more than a week, but professional help was urgently needed, and soon the seriously ill Maresyev was airlifted to a Moscow hospital. As Maresyev's son, Viktor, later recalled these facts from his father's biography, it was not possible to leave the wounded in the hospital, and Alexei Petrovich, almost half-dead, was already being prepared to be sent to the morgue - gangrene and blood poisoning had begun. By chance, Professor Terebinsky passed by the dying man, who saved his life by amputating both legs.

3) It would seem that the end of all the exploits and career of a pilot, but Maresyev Alexei Petrovich did not allow fate to take over him even here. Even in the hospital, and then in the sanatorium, this strong-willed man began to train a little in order to fly with prostheses instead of legs.

Dramatization "Medical Commission"

Already on July 20, 1943, Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev accomplished a new feat - he saved the lives of two Soviet pilots during an air battle with a preponderance of forces on the side of the Nazis. During this battle, two German FW 190 fighters were sold, which covered the bombers. For this feat, on August 24 of the same year, Maresyev A.P. was awarded the Gold Star medal and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The fame of him spread along the entire front, and correspondents began to visit the hero's regiment, among whom was the future writer B. Polevoy, who glorified Maresyev's feat throughout the country.

Conversation and answers to questions.

Dramatization of "Interview"

4th page

"Memory of a real person"

(Performance of the song)

Solemn event “Soldiers of the sky. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.


    Raising patriotism, a sense of pride in the heroic past of their people.

    Formation of historical memory and continuity of generations on the basis of deepening knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.

    Raising a sense of gratitude and respect for the older generations who defended the independence of the Motherland.

    Expansion of students' knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.

    Raising a sense of respect for veterans.

Event progress

    Attention! The solemn line dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Petrovich Maresyev is declared open!

    Under the flag and anthem of the Russian Federation, stand still! (the anthem of Russia sounds)

    Speech by the team "Pilots".

    The floor is given to the director

    Lomovov's song with clips from the film

    Biography about Maresyev (presentation)

    The poem "Gives birth to the Motherland of heroes"

    Song (A. Domogarov and M. Poroshina)

    The poem "He was shot down by a fascist, he fell from the sky"

    The song "Airplanes First"

    The verse "Their hopes and aspirations expired untimely"

    moment of silence

    People's memory is immortal! Under the background of Lomovov

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier .



Memorial plaques:


Named after Maresyevminor planet 2173 Maresjev.

Song "Soldiers of the Sky"

16. Event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Maresyev A.P. considered closed.

Gives birth to the Motherland of heroes,

If our land is trampled by the enemy,

They, covering it with themselves,

Don't take a step back...

And the pilots fought bravely

Disrupting an enemy raid,

Their strength of mind is without limit,

They take her on a flight.

Alexei has his first flight,

Strike on the enemy's technique,

They beat the Nazis at low level,

His hand didn't tremble...

Under Staraya Russa in a tough fight

His plane was shot down.

The motor has stalled and there is no platform,

But it's good that it doesn't burn.

Fell into the forest, knocking down branches,

The plane broke into pieces

Here it is, this special case,

When the pilot survived...

How did he crawl those eighteen

Hungry hard-won days?

How difficult it is for the body to rise

But willpower is still stronger ...

Doctors looked at him for a long time

And one conclusion was drawn...

Only willpower, a sense of duty

They left him alive.

Taking crutches, began to move his legs -

How difficult are the first steps!

The teachers are too strict

And only two hands to help.

"I must quickly learn

Walk and move like everyone else.

Otherwise, do not break into the air,

And without flying it’s hard for me.”

And he with perseverance, willpower

Trained every hour.

Although in my heart I moaned in pain

And fell to the floor many times...

And he proved that in prostheses

Ready to fight at the front

Now he has iron at his feet,

They just need to be commanded.

And in the hot summer in forty-three

Got to the Kursk Bulge,

I met my friends at the front

In the Guards Combat Regiment.

They took off eight times a day,

Thugs, breaking the line,

And the cannons roared in the sky,

Here every moment is a deadly battle!

And then one day, that same summer

Polevoy came to their regiment,

We talked until dawn

About everyday life fighting.

He told how life was

I was almost asleep with my eyelids closed...

And soon "The Tale ..." appeared

About the Real Man!

Shot down by a fascist, he fell from the sky,

He was severely shell-shocked, burned.

He crawled without help, without bread,

He overcame everything.

He stood up, dentures creaked,

He again took off to beat the Nazis ...

But there are those among us who dare

To forget that immortal feat.

He studied at a regular school

Here next - Belarusian, Uzbek,

And fought for his native land,

Like a real person!

The whole globe admired him,

He was a simple Russian guy.

Gagarin met with him more than once

Before space conquered.

That century has been replaced by a new century.

The years float by like clouds...

And a real person

He was named and called.

He has received the highest honor

Native land, planet of the whole

Our brave pilot and warrior

Hero Maresyev Alexey!

Alexey Petrovich Maresyev:

Maresyev Aleksey Petrovich fighter pilot, deputy squadron commander of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, Guards Senior Lieutenant.

Born on May 20, 1916 in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region, in a working class family. Russian. At the age of three, he was left without a father, who died shortly after returning from the First World War. After graduating from the 8th grade of secondary school, Alexei entered the FZU, where he received the specialty of a locksmith. Then he applied to the Moscow Aviation Institute, but instead of the institute, he went to build Komsomolsk-on-Amur instead of the institute on a Komsomol ticket. There he sawed wood in the taiga, built barracks, and then the first residential quarters. At the same time he studied at the flying club. He was drafted into the Soviet army in 1937. He served in the 12th Aviation Border Detachment. But, according to Maresyev himself, he did not fly, but "wafted his tails" at the planes. He really took to the air already at the Bataysk Military Aviation Pilot School, which he graduated in 1940. He served as a flight instructor.

He made his first sortie on August 23, 1941 in the Krivoy Rog region. Lieutenant Maresyev opened a combat account at the beginning of 1942 - he shot down a Ju-52. By the end of March 1942, he brought the number of downed Nazi aircraft to four. On April 4, in an air battle over the Demyansky bridgehead (Novgorod region), Maresyev's fighter was shot down. He tried to land on the ice of a frozen lake, but released the landing gear early. The plane began to quickly lose altitude and fell into the forest.

Maresyev crawled to his own. He had frostbite on his feet and had to be amputated. However, the pilot decided not to give up. When he got the prostheses, he trained long and hard and got permission to return to duty. He learned to fly again in the 11th reserve aviation brigade in Ivanovo.

In June 1943, Maresyev returned to service. He fought on the Kursk Bulge as part of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, was a deputy squadron commander. In August 1943, during one battle, Alexei Maresyev shot down three enemy FW-190 fighters at once.

On August 24, 1943, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Senior Lieutenant Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Later he fought in the Baltic States, became a regiment navigator. In 1944 he joined the CPSU. In total, he made 86 sorties, shot down 11 enemy aircraft: 4 before being wounded and seven with amputated legs. In June 1944, Major Maresyev of the Guards became an inspector-pilot of the Office of Higher Educational Institutions of the Air Force. The legendary fate of Alexei Petrovich Maresyev is the subject of Boris Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man".

In July 1946, Maresyev was honorably discharged from the Air Force. In 1952 he graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU, in 1956 - postgraduate studies at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, received the title of candidate of historical sciences. In the same year, he became the executive secretary of the Soviet Committee of War Veterans, in 1983 - the first deputy chairman of the committee. In this position, he worked until the last day of his life.

Retired Colonel A.P. Maresyev was awarded two Orders of Lenin, Orders of the October Revolution, Red Banner, Patriotic War 1st degree, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Orders of Friendship of Peoples, Red Star, Badge of Honor, "For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd degree, medals, foreign orders. He was an honorary soldier of a military unit, an honorary citizen of the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kamyshin, Orel. A minor planet in the solar system, a public foundation, and youth patriotic clubs are named after him. He was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Author of the book "On the Kursk Bulge" (M., 1960).

Even during the war, Boris Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man" was published, the prototype of which was Maresyev (the author changed only one letter in his last name). In 1948, director Alexander Stolper shot a film of the same name based on the book at Mosfilm. Maresyev was even offered to play the main role himself, but he refused and this role was played by a professional actor Pavel Kadochnikov.

    Song about Maresyev performed by Lomovoi.

    People's memory is immortal!

On September 3, 1968, A.P. Maresyev was named an Honorary Citizen of the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region.

July 11, 1973 - Honorary citizen of the city of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

June 7, 1977 - Honorary citizen of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

On April 25, 1990, A.P. Maresyev was named an Honorary Citizen of the city of Oryol.

May 8, 1967 Maresyev participated in the ceremony of lighting the eternal flame atTomb of the Unknown Soldier .


On May 20, 2006, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous pilot, a bronze monument was solemnly opened in Kamyshin, located at the intersection of two central streets of the city, not far from the house where Alexei Maresyev lived (author - Honored Artist of Russia, sculptor Sergei Shcherbakov).

A bust of A.P. Maresyev was installed on the Alley of Heroes in the city of Kamyshin on May 5, 2010.

A bust of A.P. Maresyev is installed in the square on Mira Avenue in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.


In the city of Kamyshin, a street in the northern part of the city and a boulevard at the site of the monument to A.P. Maresyev were named in honor of Alexei Maresyev.

The central street in the village of Ibresi, Chuvash Republic, is named after Alexei Maresyev.

Also, the name of the hero is the streets in the cities of Aktyubinsk, Tashkent, Gorno-Altaisk and other cities.

Memorial plaques:

The memorial plaque is placed on the house in Moscow where Maresyev lived after the war.

There is an inscription on the memorial plaque "Heroes of the Soviet Union" in Bataysk.

In 2005, a memorial plaque was opened in the village of Ibresi, Chuvash Republic.


The name of the legendary pilot was given to Moscow School No. 760.

School No. 13 in the city of Orel (Roshchinskaya Street, 33) was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union A.P. Maresyev on 30.08.2001.

At school No. 89 of the North-Western District of Moscow, a museum was created for the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, in which A.P. Maresiev.

Named after Maresyevminor planet 2173 Maresjev.

    Round table "Combat brotherhood (partnership)"

To the 100th anniversary of Alexei Petrovich MARES'EV

Dear Colleagues!

2016 is declared in the Volgograd region the Year of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the legendary pilot Alexei Petrovich Maresyev.

In each library of our region, events dedicated to our fellow countryman will definitely be held and are already being held. We also started cooking. military-patriotic almanac "Heroes of the sky, Heroes of war": Pilots with the fate of Alexei Maresyev". We took a general topic, it concerns not only our fellow countryman, but also other pilots who repeated his feat, flying and shooting down Nazis after amputation of their legs. Why did we choose a more general topic? Because in our fund (as we found out in the fund of the Central State Library), except for the books by B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man", No information about Maresyev. Information on the Internet is repetitive. And then came to our aid ARMAVIROCHKA, one of the authors of the library blog of the same name, methodologist of the Central State Library of Armavir Irina Zaika . She looked through the articles in the SCS, found several over the past 10 years, the library staff scanned and now we have new material for us.

I bring to your attention the first article about Alexey Maresyev. It is called:

"Alexey Maresyev - who defeated the fatal signs of fate ..."

Pilot-hero and "real man" Alexey Maresyev, like the great Chkalov, was born on the banks of the Mother Volga, in the city of Kamyshin, Stalingrad Region. His date of birth is May 20, 1916. Apparently, the stars wanted a whole galaxy of Maresyev's celestial brothers to be born on this spring day. These are fighter pilot K. A. KRASAVIN (1917), attack pilot E. A. ALEKH-NOVICH (1920), Honored Test Pilot of the USSR E. N. KNYAZEV (1926), fighter pilot K. V. KOVALEV ( 1913). All of them are Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Alexei was only a year old when he became an orphan. His father died shortly after returning from the First World War. The boy was often sick for a long time. At home, a children's photograph was preserved, where for some reason a black flare-mark passed through the legs. He will suddenly remember this years later...

After graduating from 8th grade of high school Alexey entered the FZU, where he received the specialty of a locksmith. Then he applied to the Moscow Aviation Institute. But at that sublime and romantic time, the country called the youth to build Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Aleksey also arrived there in 1934 on a Komsomol ticket. He worked in the taiga, built barracks, and then the first residential quarters of the City of Youth. These, mostly two-story residential buildings, have survived to this day. Youth, youth ... Despite very hard work and harsh climatic conditions (in winter on the Amur over forty), Maresyev studied with great desire at the local flying club OSOAVIAKHIMA - that was the name of the defense-technical society, the predecessor of ROSTO-DOSAAF.

In 1937, Alexei was called up for military service.. And not just anywhere, but in the border troops, service in which then, and even later, was very prestigious. The fighter Maresyev had a chance to serve in the border aviation - in the 12th aviation border detachment stationed on Sakhalin. By the way, for some reason this period of Alexei Petrovich's life is not reflected at all in reference and encyclopedic publications.

Here is how Maresyev himself spoke about this stage of his biography in an article that the author of these lines found in the third issue of the Border Guard magazine for 1961: “I am still proud that I had a chance to wear a green cap and an overcoat with green buttonholes. years on the Far Eastern border was a particularly disturbing situation. We spared no effort and time to perfectly master our business, reliably protect the border. Service in the border troops requires a warrior to be constantly collected, courageous, cold-blooded. It develops endurance, self-control, stamina " .

A truly yesterday's border guard took to the wings already at the Bataysk Military Aviation School of Pilots, from which he graduated in 1940. A capable and diligent pilot was offered to remain an instructor in it. And a great military thunderstorm was already brewing in the air ...

He made his first sortie on August 23, 1941 in the Krivoy Rog region. Lieutenant Maresyev opened a combat account at the beginning of 1942 - he shot down a Junker Ju-52. By the end of March 1942, he brought the number of downed Nazi aircraft to four. On April 4, in an air battle over the Demyansk bridgehead (Novgorod region), Maresyev's fighter was shot down. The plane crashed into the woods. For 18 days, Maresyev crawled to his people until village children found him in the forest. The pilot had frostbite on his feet, and in the hospital where he was taken to the Po-2, they had to be amputated. The surgeon's scalpel, by a strange and inexplicable coincidence, passed exactly along the line, which, like a black mark, turned out to be illuminated in an old children's photograph ...

"True Russian patriot"

However, Alexei was not to hold firmness. When he got the prostheses, he trained long and hard. First he learned to walk, and then to fly a plane. The front-line soldier never told his comrades, and even more so the authorities, that the prostheses made for him turned out to be, to put it mildly, very uncomfortable. Ironically, after more than three decades, he will get good prostheses ... in Germany! And who knows, maybe among those who tried so hard for the Russian hero were the sons of those who opposed Maresyev on the other side of the front.

And then, in the forty-third, Maresyev, with his perseverance, struck not only colleagues and commanders, but also high aviation commanders. And he got permission to return to duty. He learned to fly again in the 11th reserve aviation brigade in Ivanovo. In June 1943, the pilot again got into combat formation. Fought on the Kursk Bulge As part of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, he was deputy squadron commander. In August 1943, during one battle, Alexei Maresyev shot down three enemy Focke-Wulf FW-190 fighters at once.

On August 24, 1943, Senior Lieutenant Maresyev was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Presenting a subordinate for an award, regiment commander N.P. Ivanov wrote: "A true Russian patriot, he, not sparing life and blood, fights against the Nazi invaders and, despite a serious physical handicap, achieves excellent success in air battles."

In the subsequent period, Maresyev fought in the Baltic states. Evidence of his flying skills was a promotion: Maresyev was appointed navigator of the regiment. In total, he made 86 sorties, shot down 11 enemy aircraft.

In June 1944, Major Maresyev of the Guards became an inspector pilot of the Air Force Higher Educational Institutions Administration. And two years later, already in the post-war forty-sixth, the front-line soldier was honorably escorted from military service. A new, no less important stage of life began for him. Perseverance, diligence and natural abilities helped him successfully graduate from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU. But he continued to study. In 1956, Maresyev completed his postgraduate studies at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. Evidence of his success on the new path was the defense of his dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.

Colonel A.P. Maresyev was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Revolution, the Red Star, the Red Banner, the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the October Order, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Badge of Honor, "For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd degree, and medals , foreign orders.

The war, thoughts about the experience, about comrades-in-arms did not let go of Alexei Petrovich even in peacetime. He shares his memories in his memoirs "On the Kursk Bulge". Using archival materials and personal observations, Maresyev writes about the Battle of Kursk, about the courage of his brother-soldiers, pilots of the 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Corps, about the methods of educating air fighters in front-line conditions.

But Maresiev himself became the hero of a literary work, which was destined for an amazing fate.

In 1946, Boris Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man" was published. So the pilot-hero became the prototype of a literary hero (although in the book the author changed only one letter in his last name).

The first post-war years, when both front-line soldiers and young people literally read the story, were not easy at times. The people began to restore the destroyed industry and agriculture. And Polevoy's book came to readers in unsettled homes, in unsightly and cold libraries, in families where tears for the fallen in the war had not yet dried.

"The Tale of a Real Man" and its hero for a whole generation has become a mentor and friend. She was very loved and is now loved in China, in Vietnam that fought. This fact is known. A book about a Russian hero was found near a Vietnamese soldier who fell during the attack. It was pierced by a bullet from an American M-16 automatic rifle, and the pages were stained with the blood of a fighter. The Greek patriot Beloyanis, sentenced to death, spoke excited words about The Tale... and Maresiev. The well-known Turkish writer Nazim Hikmet, a political prisoner, also wrote about this from prison. Maresyev and the book dedicated to him were admired by the great dark-skinned American singer Paul Robeson.

In 1948, at the Mosfilm studio, director Alexander Stolper made a feature film based on Polevoy's book. It is interesting that Alexei Petrovich was even offered to play the main role himself, but he refused. This role was played very well by the popular actor Pavel Kadochnikov. And the composer Sergei Prokofiev wrote the opera of the same name, the libretto of which was based on the book by Boris Polevoy. Already today, in the first decade of the 21st century, the production of Prokofiev's opera was restored, and it sounded again from the big stage.

A look up to the sky

Two days before the 85th birthday of Alexei Petrovich, on Friday, May 18, 2001, a gala evening began in the Theater of the Russian Army in honor of this date. Invitations were received by many well-known politicians, artists— German Gref, Yuri Luzhkov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Mikhail Gluzsky, Mark Zakharov. According to the idea of ​​the organizers of the evening, the hero of the day was supposed to pass the baton to a new hero, whose name readers, TV viewers, radio listeners - citizens of our country were ready to name in their letters, phone calls.

The then head of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Egor Stroev said about him: "It's bad when someone thinks that a state can exist without its heroes..."

The hall was full, but the beginning of the evening dragged on. Everyone was waiting for Maresyev, but for some reason he, an obligatory and punctual person, was delayed. And suddenly the host announced in a pained voice that Alexei Petrovich was gone. Just before the start of the evening, he had a heart attack. Maresyev was urgently taken to the intensive care unit of a Moscow clinic, where he died without regaining consciousness.

The gala evening nevertheless took place, but it began with a moment of silence. All speakers invariably noted that Alexei Maresyev, despite his worldwide fame, was always a modest and sympathetic person, a hero not by title, but by essence, and his feat served as an example for hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Until the very last day, he worked with excellent dedication as First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Veterans and Invalids of Russia. The front-line hero was proud of the title of honorary soldier of one of the military units and honorary citizen of the cities: Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kamyshin and Orel. A small planet of the solar system, a sea vessel, youth patriotic clubs are named after the pilot.

Supported by The Government of Moscow established the Maresyev International Prize "For the Will to Live". This award is awarded to people who "showed courage and heroism, managed to survive in extreme situations, showed an unshakable will to live, returned to it and made a significant contribution to the development of the state, world society."

The award is supposed to be given out for participation in hostilities, the fight against terrorism, survival during man-made and natural disasters, returning to life after serious injuries and illnesses, outstanding achievements in sports. The awarding of laureates takes place annually in Moscow on the eve of the birthday of Alexei Maresyev.

The hero was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. It began to rain softly in May, and iridescent drops rolled down from the branches of the trees. It was as if nature itself mourned the loss... The funeral ceremony ended with a triple military salute and the performance of the Russian anthem. An Orthodox wooden cross was erected on the grave, and later a monument. The look of the bronze pilot is directed to the sky - he seems to be following the plane, leaving to heavenly heights. This is how Maresiev himself lived his life: with a climb.

100th anniversary of Alexei Maresyev: celebration program

The Volgograd region is preparing for a large-scale celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev. The centenary of the birth of the famous pilot will be celebrated in many Russian regions on May 20. But the main celebrations will take place in the small homeland of the pilot, in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region, where tens of thousands of guests will come.

Festivities will start early in the morning. At 10.00 will take place laying flowers and a rally at the monument to Alexei Maresyev on Nekrasov street. It will be attended by representatives of regional and city authorities, veterans. Young residents of Kamyshin will receive a passport for the first time on this day. The rally will end with the passage of the guard of honor of the Volgograd garrison and parade crew of the Kamyshinskaya 56th Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade, as well as students of the cadet classes of the city's schools.

After the official part of the holiday, a solemn meeting and a concert will be held in the Tekstilshchik Palace of Culture. And then the holiday will move to the Volga Embankment.

At 11-00 the first visitors will be met by the Center for Patriotic Education named after Maresyev, where the art gallery, exhibition halls, art circles are located. The exposition includes unique exhibits: household items, military awards, personal belongings of the legendary pilot, provided by his son Viktor Maresyev. The highlight of the interactive hall is the Air Combat multimedia diorama, which tells about the battle on the Kursk Bulge, where our heroic fellow countryman distinguished himself. The center also features an aircraft control simulator of the times of the Great Patriotic War.

15.30 — The Druzhba Culture and Leisure Center will host the premiere of the film Aleksey Maresyev: “I am not a legend. I'm just human!" .

IN 15.00 on the Volga embankment starts military-patriotic action "Service under the contract - your choice" and an exhibition of samples of military equipment Ground forces.

During the action, a mobile point for selecting citizens for military service under the contract of the Southern Military District will be deployed, whose specialists will carry out advisory work on military service under the contract.

Also, the audience will see the performance of the aerobatic team of the DOSAAF of Russia "Rus", the crews of the Yak-52 DOSAAF of the Republic of Belarus, the show of paratroopers.

For everyone who wants to work military field kitchen, where the reeds and guests of the city can treat themselves to real soldier's porridge and tea.

16.00 - Open championship in army hand-to-hand combat of the Russian Airborne Troops, waiting for the audience and demonstration performances.

17.00 - performance aerobatic team "Falcons of Russia" and a demonstration of modern aircraft. The program includes aerobatics, flights of Tu-160 strategic missile carriers, Su-34 multi-purpose aircraft, Su-24M front-line bombers and the famous Yak-130.

And from 20:00 to 23:00 on Komsomolskaya Square the performance of the vocal and instrumental ensemble of the Airborne Forces "Blue Berets" and the "stars" from Moscow - Zara, the Lyube group, Alexander Marshal and Dmitry Koldun will delight the reeds. The colorful show will end at 23.00 with festive fireworks on Komsomolskaya Square.

May 21, Kamyshin - Championship of the Volgograd region in sailing. Sailing regatta of cruising yachts.

No less grandiose events will be held in Volgograd, Srednyaya Akhtuba and in all corners of the region.

On May 22, on the territory of the landing site "Middle Akhtuba-2" of the Srednyaya Akhtuba municipal district, for the first time, the regional aviation festival named after A. Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev. The event starts at 10 am and will bring together athletes - representatives of regional federations of aircraft modeling, aviation and parachuting sports. Within the framework of the festival, a parade-flight of ultralight aircraft, parachute acrobatics with pyrotechnic effects, and air freestyle are planned. The program of the event also includes competitions for amateur aircraft modellers, regional competitions of the patriotic and author's song "Clear Sky". Children's and youth creative groups will take part in the Wings of Russia concert program. The culmination of the festival will be an air battle of radio-controlled model aircraft.

In Volgograd on May 24 at 18.00 at the historical and memorial museum-reserve "Battle of Stalingrad" a large-scale concert "The Song of a Real Man" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev will be held.

The combined choir will include the leading soloists of the Volgograd Regional Philharmonic, the Tsaritsynskaya Opera Theatre, the Volgograd Musical Theatre, the Volgograd Regional Children's Philharmonic, musicians of the Volgograd Academic Symphony Orchestra, professional, amateur and student choirs, church choirs, children's choirs of art schools, as well as vocalists institutions of general and additional education.

The program will feature patriotic songs about peaceful and military deeds, love for the Motherland and the wealth of the Russian character.

One of the most unusual events will be hand-bike race for wheelchair users "Volgograd-Kamyshin". Not only wheelchair users from the Volgograd region, but also from Moscow and the Moscow region, Balashov, Bryansk, Omsk, Ufa, Donetsk (Ukraine) and Mogilev (Belarus) will take part in the hand-bike run. The start of the Volgograd-Kamyshin hand-bike run will take place at 11.00 on May 19 at the Dzerzhinsky Traktorozavodsky Square in Volgograd. The finish is scheduled for May 20 in the city of Kamyshin, where wheelchair users will take part in celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hero of the Soviet Union Maresyev.

Recall that 2016 in the Volgograd region, at the initiative of front-line soldiers and members of veteran organizations, was declared the year of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev. The preparation of the region for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous pilot is carried out with the support of the federal center and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
