Do you want to loudly declare yourself to the world? Tired of writing to the table? It's time to throw off the shackles of uncertainty and show your best! The site invites all young and beginners, as well as experienced writers who understand real books, to take part in unique competitions of masters of the word and pen.

Literary competitions are fertile ground for novice writers, giving not only the opportunity to show a work to a wide range of readers, get reviews, hear criticism or earn approval and trust, but also compete for a cash prize! We regularly hold up to five competitions simultaneously, in which absolutely any author who considers himself a worthy rival to other writers can apply for participation.

The loudest contests for authors

If you love to write, your works are read by friends and close people, but you believe that no publishing house will take up the publication of your work - cast aside doubts!. Our daily audience reaches several tens of thousands of readers, each of which can see your novel, story or short story and vote for the first place. In addition to monetary rewards, we offer the best author to sign an agreement with publishers that publish books by young writers in print. Agree that this is a good opportunity to wake up famous. This also applies to short stories, the best works are published as part of collections. Where else can you demonstrate to the public your brilliant talent and ability to deftly juggle words? Our massive literary talent competition lights up bright stars every year!

The editors of the site hold competitions not only for authors of books, but also for illustrators who are ready to invest a bit of their own work in the release of unique works of modern literature. If you have a talent for creating deep images that reveal key moments in the plot of copyrighted books, you love to draw and want to prove that you are worthy of a major award - register in the illustrators competition and become the new winner of the annual ART Breakthrough Award!

We have compiled a selection of literary competitions and awards 2019. Poets and prose writers, experienced and novice authors can participate. Carefully read the conditions on the sites and do not forget about the deadlines!

II International Literary Competition "ETNOMIR - Rainbow of Consonances"

Organizers: International Public Foundation "Dialogue of Cultures - United World", Union of Polish Organizations "Unity".
The competition accepts works calling for a dialogue of cultures, revealing the uniqueness, beauty and diversity of the modern ethnic world. Literary works that promote the ideals of humanism, the formation of patriotic consciousness, that is, a special emotional experience of the author's belonging to the country, traditions, native land and culture. Works that do not correspond to the subject or the text of which exceeds the specified number of characters are not accepted for the Competition.

Literary competition of works about nature "LET'S PRESERVE THE BEAUTY"

Works (manuscripts) in Russian in the genres:

– Publicism;

– Popular science and educational literature (including reference books and dictionaries);
– Publicism;
– Artistic works for adults;
- Artwork for children.

Organizer: Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the competition is to search and identify authors who write about the life, life, traditions and customs of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation. 2019 has been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of the World's Indigenous Languages. The Association decided to hold the II literary competition "Voice of the North" in 2019 among novice authors writing in the languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.


The award is intended to help preserve the tradition of a short story by a classic of American literature with its characteristic optimism, irony and a dynamic plot with an unexpected ending. For the O. Henry Literary Award, one story per applicant is accepted. The volume of the story should not exceed two thousand words. The short stories competing for the award must have the characteristic properties of O. Henry's prose - an optimistic outlook on life, irony, a dynamic plot and an unexpected ending.

Literary competition "In search of truth and justice"

Organizer: Party "Fair Russia". Prose, poetry and journalistic works of authors under the age of 35 can be nominated for the award. The award includes three categories:

  • "Young prose of Russia" (novels, novels, short stories).
  • "Young Poetry of Russia" (poems, poems).
  • "Young journalism of Russia" (features, articles).
Each category has 1st, 2nd, 3rd places. There is a cash prize for each of three categories:
1st place - 75,000 rubles.
2nd place - 50,000 rubles.
3rd place - 25,000 rubles.
The works of the winners will be published in the magazine "Roman-gazeta".

Video Poetry Competition "Video Elements"

Organizers: Union of Russian Writers, etc.
Everyone over the age of 14 is invited to participate in the competition.
Videos filmed (created) by any available means, corresponding to the subject and nominations are accepted:

  • "Modern Poetry" - the poem selected for visualization must be dated no earlier than 2000
  • "Classics of the genre" - visualization of classical poetic texts
  • "Poetry of the Urals" - videos on poems by Ural authors
  • "Mayakovsky Today" - videos on the poems of Vladimir Mayakovsky, a special nomination established by the Central City Public Library named after. V.V. Mayakovsky
  • My Magnitogorsk - videos on poems about Magnitogorsk, a special nomination is announced in 2019, the year of the 90th anniversary of the city
  • Out-of-competition nomination "Image of a poet" - documentaries about poets (up to 40 minutes)
Competition website

All-Russian Literary Prize named after Fyodor Abramov "Clean Book"

The award was established in memory of the outstanding Russian writer and publicist Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov.
The prize is awarded to authors of literary works in two categories:
"Modern Prose" (prose works) - two equivalent prizes of 500 thousand rubles are awarded;
"Literary criticism" (literary critical works) - one prize of 500 thousand rubles is awarded.

Literary and artistic prose works (novels, short stories, collections of short stories and / or short stories) and literary critical works with a volume of 5 author's printed sheets, written in Russian and published in separate editions or published in literary and art magazines, can be nominated for the competitive selection. during 2017-2018.

Literary competition "Spotted hero"

Organizers: Federal State Budgetary Institution “Joint Directorate of the State Natural Biosphere Reserve “Kedrovaya Pad” and the National Park “Land of the Leopard” named after N.N. Vorontsov, autonomous non-profit organization Far Eastern Leopards. The competition is dedicated to the seventh anniversary of the formation of the national park “Land of the Leopard. The purpose of the competition is to attract the attention of the general public to the problem of preserving the wild population of the Amur leopard.

Prizes of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth

Annual premium

The Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth (hereinafter referred to as the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation) is the highest recognition of the merits of cultural figures before the state and society in the education and upbringing of the younger generation. Three prizes of the President of the Russian Federation are awarded annually.

International competition "Prose 2020"

Writers living outside the Russian Federation take part in the competition. Short stories and no more than two author's sheets are accepted for participation in the competition. To participate in the competition, you must send to the address of the organizers [email protected]

International competition "Poetry 2020"

The competition is attended by poets living outside the Russian Federation. A maximum of two poems are accepted for participation in the competition.
To participate in the competition, you must send to the address of the organizers [email protected] the works themselves, a photo of the participant and his data (full name, city of residence, date of birth).

Literary competition "For the will and love of life"

Organizers: literary club "First Dew". People with disabilities are invited to participate without restrictions on age, citizenship, place of residence. Works are accepted in three categories: Poetry (5-10 poems) Prose (2-3 stories, no more than 15 thousand characters) Journalism Literary and journalistic works may not necessarily be related to the topic of disability. A variety of genres, a variety of topics, corresponding to the spiritual interests of their authors are welcome.

Read Russia Award for the best translation

In 2020, the prize will be awarded for the translation of works of Russian literature into the following world languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Greek, German, Polish, French, Japanese. The list of languages ​​can be expanded. The competition accepts translations published by foreign publishers in 2018 and 2019.

Everyone has a place to step forward. Now there are many writers, screenwriters and copywriters who have not yet managed to establish their positions in the creative environment. What to do if you do not have a special education and promising acquaintances, but at the same time you have already written one or two stories or scripts? Modern technologies help young and adult talents to express themselves. You do not need to write to the table and wait for a belated assessment of your work. You can already understand how much the texts are in demand.

Competition "Urban legend" for fans of science fiction

Participation and victory in the contest "Urban Legend" will ensure the publication of the story in the collection of the "Contact" club, which was created by fantasy lovers. The club's publications are sent to major libraries - so you can get, firstly, an official publication, and secondly, fame among literature lovers. Each winner will receive a copy of the collection by mail. There will be three prizes in the competition. Deadline March 15, prizes: publications and gift publishing.

Literary award "Electronic letter"

Getting a prestigious literary award is important, especially for an aspiring writer. "Electronic Letter" is an award given to contestants who have uploaded their books (printed in a standard Word file) to the portal. The works will be evaluated by an authoritative jury, which includes Denis Dragunsky, Dmitry Bykov, Andrey Vasilevsky, Natalya Kochetkova, Sergey Chonishvili, Natalya Lomykina.

The Litres: Samizdat platform will help earn money for those who have already written a book. Outside of the competition, you can upload your works to the site and track sales. The publisher will pay you a percentage that can reach impressive proportions. Deadline March 15, prizes: literary award, publication, percentage of book sales.

Grant for participation in the project "Cross-border journalism"

If you have a bright research project in mind, you have the opportunity to fully recover the costs and make a beautiful statement about yourself. Bloggers, journalists and freelancers who are friends with the word can participate in the competition for the grand. During the work on the project, the participants will unite in a group and begin to create materials about sensitive and interesting topics relating to many countries (Russia, the Baltic countries and Asia), their inhabitants and current events. Thus, participants, with the help of mentors, will be able to create interesting materials and decide on further publication. Deadline March 4, prizes: payment of expenses, free mentoring, publications.

Studying at the summer media school in Prague

Thanks to the Boris Nemtsov Foundation, you can win free education with travel, accommodation and meals in Prague for 3 summer weeks. It is enough to go through two stages of selection: initial and interview via Skype. All those who are interested in correct and interesting coverage of current events are invited to cooperate: bloggers, copywriters, journalists.

To participate, you just need to plan a project that experienced mentors will help you implement in Prague. Deadline April 1, prizes: free education, transfer, accommodation, meals and assistance in the implementation of the project.

Russian Reporter Magazine and I Am a Creator Contest

To participate in the “I am a creator” contest, it is necessary to prepare material about the heroes of our time who take an active social position, are volunteers or simply enter into an argument with injustice. There will be 6 winners. Deadline March 15th. Each winner will receive a monetary reward and popularity.

Publishing house "Chtivo" is looking for authors

For those writers who have finished work on the manuscript and do not know where to run with it, applications are open to the publishing house "Chtivo". Just make sure that the manuscript meets the requirements and send it to the address indicated on the site. Deadline: within a year. If successful, an official publication and earnings await you.

Literary competition "Red Nose"

All those who appreciate humor and are ready to submit their works in prose or verse to the jury - act right now. There is still time to select works or write them from scratch. Deadline March 25, 2018, prizes: diplomas, bonus and cash reward.

We invite you to take part in the Reading Contest "Dedication to Paustovsky"!

The competition is organized by the Museum of K.G. Paustovsky in order to update the diverse creative heritage of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky, the interpretation of the writer's prose and the role of his heritage in the modern cultural and historical space for the professional acting community, lovers of the literary word and the general public.

Anyone over the age of 12 can take part in the competition.

Readings are categorized as follows: nominations:

- "Knight of Literature" (Memoirs of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky);
- "The Art of Seeing the World" (K. G. Paustovsky about creativity and people of art);
- Literary portraits (KG Paustovsky about writers);
- K.G. Paustovsky about love;
- Paustovsky Theater;
- Humorous pages of K.G. Paustovsky;
- Travel notes K.G. Paustovsky;
- "The Charm of the Russian Landscape" in the works of K.G. Paustovsky;
- School classics (works by K. G. Paustovsky for children).

Created: 24 November 2019


Details Literary competitions

1. General Provisions
The literary competition of readers "Govorun" is a competitive event for expressive reading of excerpts from poetic works of Russian and foreign writers, as well as excerpts in prose. The competition is held by the leaders of the musical theater "Edelweiss" in order to improve spiritual culture, patriotic education, as well as speech development and the formation of interest in the artistic word, the development of the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the poetic word.

Let's try to conditionally divide the contests into three groups:
- prestigious literary awards: "Big Book", "Booker", "National Bestseller", genre awards such as "Wanderer", etc.
- competitions held by publishers, such as "Manuscript of the Year";
- online competitions.

Prestigious Literary Awards

Prestigious literary awards are designed for publishing authors, have a solid prize pool, beautiful prizes to put on the shelf, and attract wide media attention. Even getting into the long list is already happiness and a reason to proudly announce it on the cover of the book. However, no award guarantees success with the reader.

It is very difficult to nominate yourself for such a competition, even if you published a book at your own expense - publishers, thick magazines or a panel of judges most often have the right to nominate.

Therefore, you can forget about these awards and calm down. There is one of two things: either it happens or it doesn't happen, nothing depends on our efforts.

Exception - "Debut". But it has drawbacks - it is a premium for authors under 25-35 years old.

Competitions held by publishers

These contests are mainly aimed at emerging writers and give them a great chance to jumpstart their writing career and get some initial boost.

There are no prizes in them or they are purely symbolic, but they have one big, just a huge plus.

These are, by definition, fair competitions. The organizer, who is also the publisher, is vitally interested in finding new talented authors, so each text is given attention. As far as I understand, such awards have two main tasks. Firstly, the promotion of the author - attracting the attention of the media and attracting the attention of readers with the inscription on the cover "Winner of such and such an award." Therefore, only the text determines everything. There is no point in giving impetus to a mediocre text - it will be a waste of time and money. No matter how much you kick a hedgehog, it won't fly like a bird. Secondly, the fee of a novice author in our time cannot serve as a more or less significant incentive for writing new works. But this recognition and moral support - they play their role.

Finally, this is one of the few chances to publish a non-format work.

My personal experience is very positive. Winning the Blogbuster competition allowed me to meet some great editors. Thanks to these acquaintances, my story was published, and the novel did not lie by itself for months, but was read immediately, out of turn. But you need to understand that the victory of one text in the competition does not guarantee the publication of another, the only thing you can count on is attention to your application.

Then the novel became the winner of another publishing competition - "Manuscript of the Year", thanks to which I already have something to fill in the "Media about the novel" page on the book's website.

Online contests

Online contests are just the case when participation is more important than winning. This will allow the novice author to save some time, because he will not step on the well-known rake.

Of course, not a single editor will take seriously your comment that the text won first place in the "Afftor, write escho" contest held by the "Young Star of Literature" portal.

The prize most often becomes a beautiful picture, which says "Winner of such and such a competition." You can post it on your blog or website.

The main thing that a novice author needs from an online competition is reviews, reviews and reviews. The chance of getting a review, or at least a detailed review from the editor of the publishing house that turned you down, tends to zero. For the most part, blog readers will either write "Thank you", or "Drink yada", or remain silent.

If you're lucky enough to make it to the finals of an online contest, sometimes you can get a review from a pro. If not, you will get feedback from people who are interested in literary theory, read a lot and share their impressions in detail. It can be very useful to pay attention to your mistakes, shortcomings and virtues. At a minimum, even your worst story will be read to the end by someone and will poke your nose at least in one of the reasons for failure. This is a kind of school.

It must be understood that strong "middle peasants" often win in online competitions - stories that are understandable and interesting to most judges, and also equally satisfying male and female tastes. In addition, long-standing competitions have their own established notions of a good story. Those. you have to understand that the judges of any competition are a certain target audience, a section.

There is some risk of running into a not entirely benevolent audience and getting bogged down in a vicious skirmish or some other holivar. But it is only your choice - to react to such things or not.

Finally, it is very interesting to be a judge of the contest. Therefore, do not be afraid of lynch competitions. Of course, it takes time, but what a practice it gives! Firstly, you will kind of feel yourself in the shoes of an editor considering drift and understand how to interest him. Secondly, you will easily notice a dozen logs that you could not see in your own eye. Thirdly, you will get acquainted with a huge number of clichés, and you will know how to avoid them.

How to find out about competitions
