The unified state exam is a compulsory test for obtaining general secondary education and continuing education in secondary and higher educational institutions... Compulsory subjects and optional disciplines differ. Social science has been among the second for several years now. This year it will be written by about 400 thousand schoolchildren.

The procedure for conducting, scoring and announcing the results of the Unified State Exam is regulated by Federal Law No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation".

Consider when will be known uSE results Social Science 2017 and what are the ways to find them out.

When will the exam results be?

Schedule of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017 determined the day of delivery of the discipline for June 5th, Monday. June 21, as well as July 1, is the day when you can have time to hand over any subject.

According to the rules for holding a unified exam, The terms of checking the completed tasks and the announcement of the results have a certain time frame:

  • Forms of CMMs (test and measurement materials) are scanned at the exam sites and sent electronically to regional information processing centers. This stage takes up to 4 days;
  • From the regional centers, scans of works are transferred to the federal center, where they are re-processed. This is the longest period and can last up to a week;
  • The results issued at the federal level are transferred back to the regions (1 day);
  • At the local level, state examination commissions at meetings confirm the results of the federal audit (1 day);
  • The publication of the results is also given 1 day.

In total, it takes no more than 14 days to check the results of the exam. Given that this period falls on the holiday of June 12, the official day of publication of the results of the exam in social studies appointed to June, 22.

Note that June 22 is as late as possible announcement of results. Statistics show that, on average, the number of points scored becomes known 2-3 days earlier than the deadline.

Where to find the results of the exam in social studies

Publication of USE results takes place on a number of information portals:

  • The official portal of the Unified State Exam;
  • Sites of regional committees, departments of education.

In addition, you can find out the results of the passed exam at:

  • Information boards in schools or other places for passing the exam;
  • Hot telephone lines opened in a number of regions by education departments.

To check the result you will need:

  • Name of the examinee;
  • Passport ID;
  • Identification number issued to the USE participant.

Information is provided to individuals who have taken the exam and to their parents at no cost.

Where can I see my work?

You can get acquainted with your work after passing the exam and publishing the results. All scanned works go to the personal account of the USE participant on the official website of the Unified State Exam. From the scans, you can understand how the work is evaluated and what mistakes were made.

Often, published papers and results raise questions and disagreement with the final scores. In this case, it is necessary within 2 days after the announcement of the USE results file an appeal with the examination board.

The commission will re-examine the work and issue a verdict:

  • About the change in the assessment
  • Refusal to change it.

Also, the Commission is empowered to accept statements about violations during the exam. Such appeals are filed on the day of the exam. The reason may be:

  • Violations of the rules by the organizers;
  • Failure to provide the agreed time for 4 hours (if this did not happen through the fault of the exam participant).

It is important for schoolchildren to follow the order of the Unified Exam:

  1. Come to the drop-off points in advance to fill out the documents;
  2. Do not take prohibited items (mobile devices, books, cheat sheets) with you;
  3. Follow the rules of conduct during the exam, which exclude the possibility of "cheating" or consulting a friend.

The unified state examination is a serious event at the state level, during which participants must strictly follow all regulations.

The Unified Exam is assessed in two point systems:

  • Primary;
  • Test.

Initially submitted works are evaluated in primary scores... Further, on a special scale, which undergoes changes every year and depends on the general level of training of schoolchildren, the primary scores transferred to test... It is the number test points is the final result of the exam.

It is important to note that the results are published in primary scores!

In 2017, to pass social studies, you need to type minimum 19 primary or 42 test points.

Early Unified State Exam in Social Studies

An early stage of passing the state exam is held annually in the spring. It involves schoolchildren who will not be able to take part in the main stage. The reasons are accepted:

  • Treatment, rest in sanatoriums;
  • Participation in olympiads, competitions.

Early Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017 passed 7 april and on the reserve day 12th of April... It was written by 17.5 thousand schoolchildren. The results were released on April 18th.

Date of retaking the Unified State Exam in Social Studies in 2017

Social science is an optional discipline in the Unified State Exam. According to the rules, its retake is possible only next year.

Choosing this subject as an exam, experts recommend soberly assessing your strengths and carefully preparing for delivery. About 20% of schoolchildren, having chosen social studies as an additional subject, do not take the USE.

Failure in the exam on this subject does not threaten the lack of a certificate, but it is often required for admission to universities.

Having passed the exam, although the graduate understands approximately whether he did well or badly on the exam, the final score is always a huge intrigue. Of course, I would like to know the results as soon as possible, and it is obvious that this can be done on the Internet, fortunately, there is a special service for this. The results of the USE in 2018 according to passport data: the official website of 2018, how to quickly find out the results of the passed USE.

When will the USE results of 2018 appear?

It is clear that it will not be possible to find out the results of the exam the day after the exams. Still, it takes a certain amount of time to check, and besides, automatic checking using computers is only a small part of the work. The main and the most meaningful, and therefore the valuable part of the answers is checked by the commission, and this takes time.

For each exam that is passed as an exam, there are deadlines for when it should appear full information about how successfully schoolchildren coped with it. And if the main wave of the Unified State Exam passes from May 28 to June 20, then the results become known from June 6 to June 29.

Beyond the main wave of surrender USE chart conducting exams also provides for an additional period of additional examination for those who, for valid reasons, could not pass the exam in a particular subject together with everyone.

When will the USE results in a specific subject become known:

  • Geography, Informatics and ICT (lease on May 28) - June 15th.
  • In mathematics (basic level) (for rent on May 30) - June 15th.
  • Mathematics ( profile level) (for rent on June 1) - June 18.
  • Chemistry and History (for rent on June 4) - June 20.
  • In Russian (for rent on June 6) - June 25.
  • By foreign languages (for rent on June 9, 13 and 18) - 5'th of July.
  • Social Studies (for rent June 14) - June 29.
  • Biology (for rent June 18) - 4th of July.
  • Physics and Literature (for rent on June 20) - 5'th of July.

Additional period passing the exam scheduled this year for June 22 - July 2, respectively, and the results will be announced later:

  • Geography, Informatics and ICT (for lease on June 22) - 5'th of July.
  • In mathematics, both difficulty levels (surrendered on June 25) - July 10.
  • In Russian (for rent on June 26) - 11 july.
  • In biology, history and chemistry (for rent on June 27) - 11 july.
  • In foreign languages \u200b\u200b(for rent on June 27 and 29) - July, 12.
  • Literature, physics, social studies (for rent on June 28) - 11 july.
  • Reserve date for all items is July 2nd - July 17th.

It should be borne in mind that those dates that are indicated are extreme, and on a particular day that is indicated, the results of the exam must appear. In theory, the results may appear a little earlier - nothing prevents them from being published when all tickets have been fully processed. So the graduates do not have to wait for the USE results to be announced at school, but a couple of days before the specified date, they can independently see whether the 2018 USE results appeared on the official website according to passport data.

How to get acquainted with the results of the exam in 2018 according to passport data: the official website of 2018

The results of the exam in 2018 according to passport data can be found on the official website of the exam-2018 -. This is a special service where you need to enter information about the last name, first name and patronymic of the graduate, the registration code, and also select the region of Russia where the exams were passed. Having successfully completed this procedure, the graduate will see all the official information about the exams he has passed, including the results of the checked USE.

Please note that due to the increased interest among graduates in the USE results, there are many fake sites on the Internet that can spread viruses or engage in other types of fraud. Be carefull!

The entry page to the official portal contains a reminder that the database may not contain the results of the USE in 2018 for every region, since the single portal works only with those regional executive bodies that themselves wish to do so, it is impossible to order them to publish information on the specified website. So if your regional authorities for some reason decided to abandon this practice, information on the results of the Unified State Exam in 2018 according to passport data should be looked for on the official websites of regional authorities.

How to find out the results of the Unified State Exam in 2018 according to passport data: the portal "Gosuslugi"

Another option, how to find out the results of the USE in 2018, using passport data, which exists officially, is a service provided in real time on the portal of public services (). To receive the service, a graduate needs to have an account on the portal, otherwise the procedure is similar.

This option should be borne in mind, in particular, in case of possible technical problems on the main USE portal, when students begin to massively check the results.

According to Rosobrnadzor, during the main delivery period Unified State Exam Social Studies passed about 318 thousand participants, physics - more than 155 thousand, literature - more than 41 thousand. It is noted that the average scores in all three subjects in the current year are comparable to the results of last year.

Head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsovexplained that this speaks about the stability of the exam and the objectivity of the assessment, as well as about competent work with the results of the exam, when they are analyzed and used in the work of institutions for the advanced training of teachers.

At the same time, the department reports on the reduction in the number of USE participants who did not manage to overcome the established minimum threshold in subjects:

  • in social studies from 17.5% last year to 13.8% this year;
  • in physics - from 6.1% to 3.8%;
  • in literature - from 4.4% to 2.9%.

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In addition, it is reported that thanks to the use of scanning technology for the participants' works at the examination points, the results of the unified state exams in social studies, literature and physics were processed ahead of the deadlines set by the schedule for issuing the results. Thus, graduates will know their results in the specified subjects a day earlier.

The unified state exam is the final test of the knowledge of school graduates. The Russian language is a compulsory subject that all students take. Successful passing of this exam depends on obtaining a certificate and admission to professional educational institutions.

the date of the Unified State Exam in Russian - June 9... An additional day for passing the exam is June 29. Officially set dates when they will be known uSE results in Russian.

Checking the results includes several stages:

  • processing in the regions - 15.06;
  • processing of results by federal agencies - 22.06;
  • sending the results to the subjects of the Russian Federation - 23.06;
  • confirmation of the results - 26.06;
  • official publication of the results - 27.06.

FROM June 27, 2017 USE results in Russian can be viewed in any suitable way. If the exam is taken on a reserve day, the results will be known no earlier than July 11.

How do I know my results?

Once verified and approved, the exam results are made available to participants and their representatives. There are several ways where check the results of the exam in Russian:

  • Rosobrnadzor hotlines.

You can get advice on how to conduct an exam by calling 8-495-984-89-19. The lines are open on weekdays from 10 am to 6 pm Moscow time. Calls are accepted from organizers, participants, their parents or representatives, teachers and other interested parties.

In many regions, telephone lines are also open to inform citizens about the Unified State Exam.

  • Official portal of the exam.

The site publishes trial versions of assignments and all the necessary information regarding the exam. You can check your results in the section "USE Participants" or type the address in your browser. After clicking on the link, a form will open where the following lines are filled in: the participant's name, registration code or passport number. Then the region is selected and the verification combination of numbers is entered.

The results of the USE in Russian in 2017 are posted on information boards. All interested persons can get acquainted with the results. Results tables are also submitted to local education authorities.

  • Public services portal.

To obtain information, you need to register on the website of public services. The system is logged in by email and password. The section "Find out the results of the exam" is selected from the catalog of services. An application for obtaining information is filled in electronically. Access to information is carried out by passport data or registration code.

The system issues general information on all exams passed, as well as more detailed information on each of them.

  • Regional education authorities' portals.

Local representative offices of educational authorities publish data on the USE on their official websites. You can find out the address of the portal in your region on the USE website after going to the "Contacts" section.

How can I view the work and file an appeal?

The opportunity to see your work is provided in the event of an appeal. The procedure is carried out in cases where the participant does not agree with the points awarded. To do this, you need to write an application in two copies and submit it to the organization that allowed the participant to take the exam.

The authorized persons submit the document to the commission. Submit an application is allowed within two working days after the official announcement of the results. Present on appeal uSE participant, its representatives, expert commission.

Reception applications for appeal in Russian is produced until June 27... The final approval of the results is carried out by July 17th.

During the procedure, the participant is given the right to familiarize himself with his work. For this, copies of it are provided.

Based on the results of the appeal, a decision is made:

  • leave the amount of points unchanged;
  • adjust the result up or down.

Converting points to grades is made according to the following scheme:

  • 2 - from 0 to 24 points;
  • 3 - from 25 to 57;
  • 4 - from 58 to 71;
  • 5 - more than 72.

The exam is considered passed with a score of 25 or more. For admission to universities, an average of 36 points are required.

Early Unified State Exam in Russian

Unified State Exam in Russian the early period passed March 27... The official results were made available to participants on April 4. An additional day for testing is April 14. Test results are available from April 24th.

Graduates of previous years could pass the exam ahead of schedule, as well as students who completed the program and did not have academic arrears. If there is a doctor's conclusion, it is also allowed to postpone the exam to an earlier date.

The largest number of students passed the prescheduled USE in Russian compared to other subjects. In total, there were registered to participate in the exam 19.7 thousand people.

Date of retaking the exam in Russian

Retaking the Russian language exam held in September. The retest date is already known - this is September 5th... Additionally, one more day is allocated for its passage - 16 of September.

If the participant has not typed minimal amount points, then he is given the right to retake... Participants are also allowed to retake in the following cases:

  • if you fail to appear for testing for valid reasons;
  • cancellation of results with the possibility of re-delivery;
  • testing has not been completed for good reasons.

To pass the exam at an additional time, damage to valid circumstances (medical certificates and other supporting documents) is required.
