The distribution of USE scores in 2018 for tasks in social studies can be found in demo version in the section "Grading system examination work on social studies "

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 29 tasks. Part 1 contains 20 tasks with a short answer. Part 2 contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer.

Table of distribution of USE scores 2018 by assignments - social studies

Table 1

Job number Primary scores
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 2
10 1
11 2
12 1
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 2
17 2
18 2
19 2
20 2
21 2
22 2
23 3
24 3
25 3
26 3
27 3
28 4
29 6

The score table for assignments is taken from the 2018 demo version a, published on the official website of FIPI,

Part 1 contains tasks of two levels of difficulty: 10 tasks of the basic level and 10 tasks of the advanced level. Part 2 presents two tasks of the basic level (21 and 22) and seven tasks of a high level of difficulty (23–29).

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and examination work in social studies in general

Tasks 1–3, 10, 12 are evaluated by 1 point. The task is considered completed correctly if the answer is written in the form indicated in the instructions for completing the task.

Correct performance of tasks 4–9, 11, 13–20 is estimated with 2 points. These tasks are assessed as follows: complete correct performance of the task - 2 points; completing a task with one error (one incorrectly indicated, including an extra, number along with all correct numbers) OR incomplete performance of the task (lack of one required number) - 1 point; incorrect performance of the task (when two or more erroneous numbers are indicated) - 0 points.

Complete correct performance of the tasks of Part 2 is estimated from 2 to 6 points.

For complete correct execution of tasks 21, 22, 2 points are given; tasks 23–27 - 3 points each; tasks 28 - 4 points; assignments 29 - 6 points.

Evaluation criteria for assignments in social studies USE 2019

(with a detailed answer)

  • Three questions are answered correctly - 2 points.
  • Any two questions are answered correctly - 1 point.
  • Any one question is answered correctly. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 2

in social studies, it is assessed:

  • The explanation is correct and given answers to two questions - 2 points.
  • Any two elements of the answer are given correctly - 1 point.
  • Any one element of the answer is cited correctly. OR OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 2

in social studies, it is assessed:

  • Two sources (paths) are named correctly and 2 examples are given (4 examples in total) - 3 points.
  • Two sources (paths) are named correctly, any 2-3 examples are given - 2 points.
  • One or two sources (paths) are correctly named, any 1 example is given. OR 1 source (path) is correctly named and 2 examples corresponding to it are given - 1 point.
  • All answers that do not meet the above criteria for giving marks of 1, 2 and 3 points. OR General considerations are given that do not meet the requirement of the assignment. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 3

in social studies, it is assessed:

  • Three functions are correctly named and explained - 3 points.
  • Two or three functions are correctly named, two of them are explained - 2 points.
  • One or three functions are correctly named, one of them is explained. OR Only three functions are correctly named - 1 point.
  • Only one or two functions are correctly named. OR General considerations are given that do not meet the requirement of the assignment. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 3

in social studies, it is assessed:

25.1 Disclosure of the meaning of the concept - 2 points

  • Explanation of the meaning / definition of the concept is given fully, clearly, clearly, unambiguously: indicated essential featuresrelated to the characteristics of this concept / distinguishing it from other concepts (the content of the concept is correctly disclosed through the generic affiliation of the concept and its species difference (s)) - 2 points.
  • The meaning of the concept as a whole is disclosed, but in an incomplete volume: only one of the essential features related to the characteristics of this concept / distinguishing it from other concepts is indicated, OR the answer contains some inaccuracies / shortcomings that do not distort it in substance - 1 point.
  • In the answer, along with the correct ones, there are incorrect signs (characteristics, descriptions, comparisons, etc.) that distort the content of the concept in essence. OR There are no specific characteristics, essential features of the concept / only insignificant features are indicated that do not reveal the meaning of the concept. OR Other situations not provided for by the rules for assigning 2 and 1 points - 0 points.

Grading Guidelines:

  1. Does not count: - characteristic of a generic affiliation, repeating the concept, the meaning of which must be revealed; - as an essential characteristic, a feature already contained in the formulation of the task; - explanation of the meaning / definition of a concept through negation or only through the etymology of the word, metaphor or allegory.
  2. If according to criterion 25.1 (disclosure of the meaning of a concept) 0 points are given, then according to criterion 25.2 0 points are given.

25.2 Availability and quality of sentences containing information on various aspects of the concept - 2 points

  • Two sentences have been drawn up, each of which contains information that is correct from the point of view of scientific social science about the aspects of the concept corresponding to the requirement of the task - 2 points.
  • One sentence has been drawn up containing information, correct from the point of view of scientific social science, about any aspect of the concept in accordance with the requirement of the assignment - 1 point.
  • - 0 points.

Grade Guide:

When assessing, the following are not counted:

  • sentences containing essential errors that distort the meaning of the concept and / or its individual aspects;
  • proposals that reveal the relevant aspects at the household level, without involving social science knowledge;
  • phrases, uncommon sentences.

Maximum score - 4

in social studies, it is assessed:

  • Three functions are correctly named and illustrated with examples - 3 points.
  • Two or three functions are correctly named, two of them are illustrated with examples - 2 points.
  • One or three functions are correctly named, one of them is illustrated with example (s) - 1 point.
  • Only one or three functions are correctly named. OR Any number of examples are given without specifying functions. ORGeneral considerations are given that do not meet the requirement of the assignment. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 3

in social studies, it is assessed:

  • The sphere, type of stratification and three criteria are correctly indicated - 3 points.
  • The sphere, type of stratification and one or two criteria are indicated correctly. OR The sphere and three criteria are correctly indicated - 2 points.
  • The sphere and type of stratification are indicated correctly. OR The sphere and one or two criteria are indicated correctly - 1 point.
  • Only the sphere is correctly specified. OR The scope is not specified (specified incorrectly) regardless of the presence of other response elements. OR General considerations are given that do not meet the requirement of the assignment. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 3

in social studies, it is assessed:

28.1 Disclosure of the topic in essence - 3 points

  • A complex plan contains at least three points, including two points, the presence of which will allow you to reveal this topic in essence. Both of these "mandatory" points are detailed in sub-clauses, allowing you to reveal this topic on the merits - 3 points.
  • A complex plan contains at least three points, including two points, the presence of which will allow you to reveal this topic in essence. Only one of these "obligatory" points is detailed in sub-clauses, allowing to reveal this topic in essence - 2 points.
  • A complex plan contains at least three points, including only one point, the presence of which will allow you to reveal this topic in essence. This "obligatory" item is detailed in sub-clauses, allowing to reveal this topic on the merits - 1 point.
  • All other situations not provided for by the rules for setting 2 and 1 points. OR Cases when a graduate's answer in the form does not correspond to the requirement of the assignment (for example, it is not drawn up in the form of a plan with the highlighting of points and sub-points) - 0 points.

Grading Guidelines:

  1. Items / sub-items that are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not included in the assessment.
  2. If criterion 28.1 gets 0 points, then criterion 28.2 gets 0 points

28.2 Correctness of wording of points and sub-points of the plan - 1 point

  • The wording of the points and sub-points of the plan are correct and do not contain errors, inaccuracies - 1
  • All other situations 0

Maximum score - 4

in social studies, it is assessed:

29.1 Disclosure of the meaning of the statement - 1 point.

  • The meaning of the statement is revealed: one or more main ideas related to the content of the social science course have been correctly identified, and / or one or more theses are formulated in the context of the statement, which (s) requires substantiation - 1 point.
  • The meaning of the statement has not been disclosed: no main idea has been highlighted / no thesis has been formulated. OR The highlighted idea, the formulated thesis do not reflect the meaning of the statement / the meaning of the statement has been replaced by reasoning of a general nature ("homework") that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement. OR The disclosure of the meaning is replaced by direct retelling / paraphrasing of the given statement / consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole - 0 points.

Grade Guide:

  • If according to criterion 29.1 (disclosure of the meaning of the statement) 0 points are given, then 0 points are given for all other evaluation criteria.

29.2 The theoretical content of the mini-essay - 2 points.

(explanation of the key concept (s), availability and correctness of theoretical provisions)

  • In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) explanations of the key concept (s) and theoretical provisions are given - 2 points.
  • In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept (s) that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given, theoretical provisions are not presented. OR In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, theoretical provisions are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors), the meaning of the key concept (s) is not disclosed. OR In the given explanations of the key concept (s) / theoretical provisions, some inaccuracies were made that do not distort the scientific meaning of these concepts, theoretical provisions - 1 point.
  • All other situations not provided for by the rules for scoring 2 and 1 points, including if the theoretical content of the mini-essay is absent: the meaning of the key concept (s) is not explained, the theoretical provisions are not given or are not related to the main idea / thesis do not reveal the meaning of the statement. OR Reasoning of an everyday nature without reliance on social science knowledge is given - 0 points.

Grade Guide:

  • If criterion 29.2 gets 0 points, then criterion 29.3 gets 0 points.

29.3 The theoretical content of the mini-essay: the presence and correctness of reasoning, conclusions - 1 point.

  • In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, based on the correct explanation (s) of the key concept (s), theoretical provisions are given interconnected consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a well-founded and a conclusion that is reliable from the point of view of scientific social science - 1 point.
  • All other situations, including reasoning and conclusions of a domestic nature without relying on social science knowledge - 0 points.

29.4 The quality of the facts and examples given - 2 points.

  • Cited from various sources at least two correct, detailed formulated facts / examples, confirming the illustrated idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion and not duplicating each other in content There is an explicit connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay - 2 points.
  • There is only one correct, detailed formulated fact / example that confirms the illustrated idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion. There is a clear connection between this fact / example and the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the work. OR Correct, detailed formulated facts / examples are given from sources of the same type, confirming the illustrated idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion. There is an explicit connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay. OR Two examples are given from sources of different types, duplicating each other in content. There is an explicit connection of each fact / example with the idea / thesis / position / reasoning / conclusion given in the essay - 1 point.
  • All other situations not provided for by the rules for assigning 2 and 1 points
    0 - 0 points.

Grade Guide:

As sources can be used facts of public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including reading books, watched movies), materials of educational subjects (history, geography, etc.).

  1. Examples from different academic subjects are considered as examples from various sources
  2. Facts / examples containing factual and semantic errors that led to a material distortion of the essence of the statement or testifying to a lack of understanding of the historical, literary, geographical and (or) other material used are not included in the assessment.

Maximum score - 6

Evaluation criteria

To begin with, let's dwell on the criteria for evaluating the essay, because if you fail one important criterion, then the whole essay will go down the drain. We are talking about criterion K1 -disclosure of the meaning of the statement ... If the graduate incorrectly revealed the meaning of the statement, that is, did not indicate the problem posed by the author, and the expert gave 0 points according to the K1 criterion, then the answer is not further checked, and 0 points are given according to the other criteria (K2, KЗ).


Factual argumentation is based only on personal social experience and everyday ideas
OR given example (s) from a source of the same type

No factual information available
OR the given facts do not correspond to the substantiated thesis

Maximum score

It is in accordance with the specified criteria that your essay will be checked and evaluated.

Essay structure

1. Quote.

3. The meaning of the statement.

4. Own point of view.

5. Argumentation at the theoretical level.

6. At least two examples from social practice, history and / or literature, confirming the correctness of the statements made.

7. Conclusion.

1. Choice of utterance

When choosing statements for an essay,you must be sure that

own the basic concepts of the basic science to which it belongs;

clearly understand the meaning of the statement;

you can express your own opinion (fully or partially agree with the statement or refute it);

know the social science terms necessary for a competent substantiation of a personal position at a theoretical level (while the terms and concepts used should clearly correspond to the topic of the essay and not go beyond it);

you will be able to give examples from social practice, history, literature, as well as personal life experience to confirm your own opinion.

2. Defining the problem of speaking

3. Formulation of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe statement
Next, you need to reveal the meaning of the statement, but you should not repeat the statement word for word. In this case, the following clichés can be used:

"The meaning of this statement is that ..."

4. Determination of your position to the statement
Here you can
agree with the author completely , canpartially , refuting a certain part of the statement, orargue with the author, expressing the opposite opinion. In this case, you can use cliché phrases:

"One cannot but agree with the author of this statement about ..."

"I will allow myself to disagree with the author's opinion that ..."

"In part, I adhere to the author's point of view about ..., but with ... I cannot agree."

"Have you ever thought about the fact that ...?"

5-6. Argumentation of one's own opinion
Next, you should justify your own opinion on this issue. To do this, it is necessary to select the arguments (evidence), that is, remember the basic terms, theoretical provisions.
The reasoning should be done at two levels:
Theoretical level - it is based on social science knowledge (concepts, terms, contradictions, directions of scientific thought, relationships, as well as the opinions of scientists, thinkers).
Empirical level - two options are possible here:
a) using examples from history, literature and events in society;
b) appeal to personal experience.

When selecting facts, examples from public life and personal social experience, mentally answer yourself the following questions:
1. Do they support my opinion?
2. Could they be interpreted differently?
3. Do they contradict the thesis I expressed?
4. Are they convincing?
The proposed form will allow strict control over the adequacy of the arguments and prevent "drifting off topic" .

7. Conclusion
Finally, a conclusion must be formulated. The conclusion does not have to literally coincide with the judgment given to justify: it brings together
in one or two sentences the main ideas of the arguments and summarizes the reasoning , confirming the correctness or incorrectness of the judgment that was the subject of the essay.
To formulate a problematic conclusion, cliché phrases can be used:
"Thus, we can conclude ..."
"Summing up a common feature, I would like to note that ..."

Ready essays in social studies

"Am I entitled or obliged?"

The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for both the observance of the rights and the observance of the duties of all people on the territory of the Russian Federation. But what is still primary: rights or obligations?

Take the Constitution. Article 30 states: "Everyone has the right to association, including the right to form trade unions to protect their interests." This paragraph speaks only of rights, but further there follows an explanation: "The freedom of activity of public associations is guaranteed." Once it is “guaranteed,” then someone is obliged to enforce this right. So you can make out any article, any law, and the rights of one will always be the responsibility of the other.

It may be recalled that not a single Utopia has had a layer of society completely devoid of responsibilities. Under communism, people tried to build a society of equal opportunities, equal rights, but in no case, for the sake of prosperity, this society was not deprived of its responsibilities.

Thus, duties are always present, but there is no right. The slaves in Rome and the sudras in India were practically powerless. The state saw in them only labor force.

The rights must be earned. It was labor, as F. Engels said, that brought the monkey into people. And, passing through the spirals of the evolutionary process, a person acquires more and more duties, which are more and more difficult to fulfill. But, at the same time, and new rights.

I believe that responsibilities are higher than rights (and this question is NOT the same as the question “Which came before - an egg or a chicken?”). And only by fulfilling my obligations towards others, I have the right to demand from others the observance of my rights.

"Nature creates man, but develops and forms his society" (VG Belinsky).

Man is a biological and social being. Throughout his life he goes through the process of socialization - familiarization with traditional values, foundations of the surrounding world. This process is limited to two poles: birth and death. From early childhood, a person is surrounded by the primary agents of socialization: family, kindergarten, school. The formation of character and worldviews are the main tasks of the primary agents. Secondary agents of socialization, such as universities, professional institutions, the workplace, form a picture of the vast surrounding world and a person's place in it. Thanks to the agents of socialization, a person becomes a person, reveals his individual characteristics and abilities in interaction with people. A person can determine who he is by comparing himself to other people, listening to the opinions of others. According to Maslow's theory, there is a pyramid of human needs. The foundation of the pyramid is biological needs (thirst, hunger, sleep, procreation); in the middle of the pyramid are social needs (work, self-realization); and the highest are spiritual needs (cognition, worldview). All needs are closely related. A person cannot live without food, water, and air, then he cannot live without communication with other people. History knows facts that without communicating with people, a person goes crazy, and without developing his intellectual abilities, he ceases to be a person and lives at the natural level, satisfying biological needs.

Thus, the fundamental basis of man is his biological essence, and the pivotal basis is the social one. I completely agree with the opinion of the famous writer VG Belinsky that "nature creates a person, but develops and forms his society."

"Progress is a circle, but faster and faster." L. Levinson .

Humanity is in constant movement... Science, technology, the human mind are developing, and if we compare primitiveness and our days, it is clear that human society is progressing. From a primitive herd we came to the state, from primitive tools to perfect technology, and if before a person could not explain such natural phenomena as a thunderstorm or the change of year, then by now he has already mastered space. Based on these considerations, I cannot agree with Levinson's point of view on progress as a cyclical movement. In my opinion, this understanding of history means marking time without moving forward, constant repetition.

Time will never turn back, no matter what factors contributed to the regression. Man will always solve any problem and will not allow his kind to die out.

Of course, there have always been ups and downs in history, and therefore I believe that the graph of human progress is a rising broken line, in which ups prevails in magnitude over declines, but not a straight line or a circle. This can be seen by remembering some historical or life facts.

First and foremost, dips in the progress graph create wars. For example, Russia began its history as a powerful state capable of outstripping any other in its development. But as a result tatar-Mongol invasion it lagged behind for many years, there was a decline in the culture and development of the country's life. But, in spite of everything, Russia got to her feet and continued to move forward.

Second, the progress of society is impeded by such a form of organization of power as dictatorship. In the absence of freedom, society cannot progress, a person from a thinking being turns into an instrument in the hands of a dictator. This can be seen in the example of fascist Germany: Hitler's regime of power slowed down political progress, the development of freedom and human rights, and democratic institutions of power for decades.

Thirdly, oddly enough, but sometimes recessions in the development of society occur through the fault of the person himself, i.e. associated with scientific and technological progress. Many people now prefer communication with machines to human communication. As a result, the level of humanity falls. The invention of nuclear reactors is, of course, a great discovery that makes it possible to conserve natural energy resources, but in addition to nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons were also created, which brought innumerable troubles to people and nature. An example of this is the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the explosion at Chernobyl. But still, mankind changed its mind, realizing the real threat of such weapons: in many countries there is now a moratorium on the production of nuclear weapons.

So progress is evident human mind and society as a whole and the prevalence in history of positive actions of people over their mistakes. It is also obvious that social progress is not an endless movement in a circle, which, in principle, cannot be considered progress, but a movement forward and only forward.

Translation scales developed by FGBNU "FIPI" specialists primary points in marks on a five-point scale for the OGE are RECOMMENDED. Used in a specific subject Russian Federation the system for transferring primary OGE scores to a five-point scale is adopted by the regional ministry / department / committee ... of education.

Social Studies

How many points you need to score in social studies at the OGE in order to get this or that grade (passing score in profile classes) can be found in the document given from the FIPI website

Maximum score, which an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work, - 39 points. The criteria for evaluating the OGE in social studies can be found in the demo version published on the FIPI website.

Table 1

The table of conversion of points into the estimates of the OGE 2018 social studies

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.

Passing score OGE in social studies for specialized classes - 30

Minimum OGE score to obtain a satisfactory result in social studies - 15.

FIPI Recommendations - tables for converting primary scores to grades in all subjects

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and examination work as a whole.

Correctly performed work is estimated at 39 points.

Each correctly completed task 1–21, 23–25 is estimated with 1 point.

Task 22 is evaluated according to the following principle: 2 points - no mistakes; 1 point - one mistake was made; 0 points - two or more mistakes were made.

The tasks of Part 2 are evaluated depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. For complete and correct completion of tasks 26–28, 30 and 31, 2 points are given. If the answer is incomplete - 1 point.

For complete and correct performance of task 29, 3 points are awarded. In case of incomplete implementation, depending on the representation of the required components of the answer - 2 or 1 point.

Thus, for completing the tasks of Part 2 (correct and complete formulation of answers to all six questions), the examinee can receive a maximum of 13 points.

Memo to the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

A total of 29 tasks; by difficulty level: basic -12; high - 10, high - 7; Working time 235 minutes (3h 55m)

Maximum primary score for work - 62 (35 for part I and 27 for part II);


Answer form ‚number of points

task execution time

What to look for

20 tasks with a short answer

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating symbols.

Tasks 1–3, 10, 12 are evaluated by 1 point.

Correct performance of tasks 4–9, 11, 13–20 is estimated with 2 points; completing a task with one error (one incorrectly indicated, including an extra, number along with all correct numbers) OR incomplete performance of the task (lack of one required number) - 1 point; incorrect performance of the task (when two or more erroneous numbers are indicated) - 0 points.

1) for each of tasks 1–3, 10 - 1-4 minutes;

2) for each of tasks 4-9, 11-20 2-8 minutes;

tasks 1–3 aim to test knowledge and understanding the biosocial essence of a person, the main stages and factors of socialization of the individual, the laws and trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes, etc.

tasks 4-18 check knowledge in 5 blocks: person and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture (tasks 4-6); economics (tasks 7-10), social relations (tasks 11, 12); politics (tasks 13-15), law (tasks 16-18).

- tasks for choosing and recording several correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

- a task to identify the structural elements of concepts using tables;

- a task to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets;

- the task of differentiating facts, opinions and theoretical provisions in social information ( task 19 - fact, assessment, theory);

- a task to define terms and concepts corresponding to the proposed context ( task 20 - insert missing words into the text).

Task 12 -work with a diagram, diagram, task 10 -with a schedule of demand (supply).

Task 14 checks the knowledge of the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the federal structure of the Russian Federation, and task 16- knowledge of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, human and civil rights and freedoms

1. You need to know the content of concepts in all sections of the course and be able to relate them to each other.

Example: Relate the following social institutions to spheres of public life:

1. School A. Economics

2. Budget B. Politics

3. Marginal V. Spiritual sphere

4. Party G. Social sphere

Answer: A – 2 ‚B – 4‚ C – 1 ‚D – 3.

2. When working with diagrams and tables, fill them in slowly, carefully reading the assignments.

3. Write down the answer first in the work and only then transfer it to the USE form.

9 tasks with a detailed answer.

In these tasks, the answer is formulated and written down by the examinee independently in a detailed form.

For complete correct execution of tasks 21, 22, 2 points are given; tasks 23–28 - 3 points each; assignments 29 - 5 points

1) for each of tasks 21-28 - 2-8 minutes;

2) for task 29 - 45 minutes.

knowledge in 6 blocks: social philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, jurisprudence

assignments 21-24 - analysis of sources;

task 25 - on the ability to independently reveal the meaning of key social science concepts and apply them in a given context (there should be THREE sentences in the answer).

Task 26- the ability to concretize the studied theoretical positions with examples;

Task 27 - formulation and argumentation of independent evaluative, prognostic and other judgments, explanations, conclusions;

Task 28 -drawing up a plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic of a social science course.

Task 29- an alternative task involving writing an essay on one of 5 topics.

1. Here you will need skills in working with tables, diagrams, diagrams, as well as the ability to compare the data given in them.

2. In the essay, give a full detailed analysis of the quotation (choice from six suggested) using subject terminology (theoretical reasoning) ‚ based on factual material and one's own life experience (at least two examples from various sources).

3. Do not neglect the tasks of this block: any statement can be true and bring additional points.

4. Do not forget that lengthy sayings will not be taken into account. The answer must be clear ‚clear and fully relevant to the topic.

The results of the tasks of Part 1 are processed automatically. The answers to the tasks in Part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts based on specially developed criteria.

Scale for converting primary points into test (A - primary, B - test)


