International Day of Enlightenment on Mine Danger and Assistance in Demining Activities.

The pilot committed a forced landing in the territory engaged in the German troops. For 18 days, a heavy wounded pilot was broken by the front line. He found residents of the village of Plavaya Valdai district, from where Maresyev was sent to the hospital, where the amputation of both legs was moved. Already in June 1943, the pilot returned to the system. On August 24, 1943, Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

265 years ago (1753) Decree of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in the Russian Empire was canceled by the death penalty.

There is a legend that Elizabeth Petrovna, coming to power as a result of a palace coup, gave an oath, becoming an empress not to deprive any life. The death penalty was replaced by the punishment of the whip and hard work. Although the punishment of the whip was kept and not all who died during an execution were not considered executed.

315 years ago (1703) The first Russian sailing warship of the Baltic fleet was laid on Olonetskaya Verphy - the "Standard" frigate.

It was designed by Amsterdam Ship Master Choosing Guers. Frigate, 25.5 meters long and 6.8 meters wide, was lowered in September 1703. The crew of the vessel was 120 people. In service with the "Stox" there were eight and six-found guns. In those days, this ship was the strongest combat unit of the Baltic Fleet.

The Fregat "Standard" was in the fighting building for more than 20 years. In 1725, he, as a maritime relic, was installed in St. Petersburg on the shore from the Kronverk Harbor. However, in 1728, by order of Catherine I, the frigate was disassembled.

The first chronicle mention (Ipatiev chronicle) of Moscow dates back April 5, 1147 (871 years ago).

"On the day of heels on the praise of Saint Virgin" Prince Yuri Dolgoruky took in the town called Moscow of his friends and allies headed by Novgorod-Seversky Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich.

The complex of buildings consisted of two towers of 110 floors each. The northern tower was a height of 526.3 meters, South - 415 meters. They were built on the project of the architect Minor Yamasaka.

On September 11, 2001, as a result of the terrorist attack, in which more than 2 thousand people died, the complex was destroyed.

After 13 years, in 2014, a newly rebuilt World Trade Center was reopened. On the territory of the 104-storey building is a memorial in memory of the dead and the museum.

On this day, the North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, a better known as the Washington Treaty. In accordance with the document, the main task of the Alliance is to protect freedom and security of its member states by political and military means.

Now the organization includes 29 states.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the monument was born in the year of the Century Centence of Brazil. The author of the sculptural image of Christ was Ector and Silva Costa. Construction lasted 9 years.

In 1103, the connected army of several Russian princes under the general command of Vladimir Monomakh defeated Polovtsy in a tract of Sute near the island of Khortitsa on Dnieper (district of the current city of Zaporizhia in Ukraine).

Two years before that half, who realized the intentions of the Russian princes to show them for the rosetteer raids, prevented the retribution to the diplomatic way: Polovtsy ambassadors proposed to conclude a contract of peace. The Russians agreed, but warned: the contract operates "to the first treachery". Polovtsy violated the contract for an autumn of 1102, attacking the Pereyaslav lands, and monomakh decided to teach cunning steppes. He conceived to start a hike in an unusual time, in the spring, when the enemy does not expect danger, when Polovtsy horses are exhausted with hungry winter.

Monomah applied a new tactics of the battle: he put up against the moving cavalry Stepnyakov dense, well armed and well-closed hiking shields. Several equestrian attacks on this system choked, the enemy losses grew. And when the monomas felt the confusion of the Polovtsy, he hit the cone on them with flanks. The victory of the Russians was complete. Large losses, steppes fled in a panic. Among those killed were twenty-half khan.

In 1147, the Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky went to the village of Kuchkovo on the banks of the Moscow River. There, on the high shore of the Borovitsky Hill, he had a meeting with Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich.

They wanted to agree on the union against common enemies. The place in the merger of two rivers - Moscow and the stronger so attracted the dolvoruk that he decided to establish the city here. The chronicles are bosses on the description of the event that has entered the story as the first mention of Moscow. Who could have foreseen then that hardly the famous village would become with the time the capital of an extensive monarchy.

In 1606, there was a liemithmithria (Grigory Oreveva) over Prince Simeon Bekbulatovich, in which he saw a danger to his illegal rule.

By this time, the impostate was discontent to be dangerous for him, talking about the fact that he was not the son of Ivan the Terrible, became more and more open. These conversations were discussed and possible, more worthy candidates for the throne. Among them, Simeon Bekbulatovich was coming. This baptized Tatar Khan from Casimov in 1575, Ivan the Terrible and Holy Fee, without any formalities and coordination with the Boyar Duma, declared the "Grand Duke of All Russia".

Simeon's rule, as it were, the parody times of the Tatar yoke, when the Moscow princes performed the will of the Horde Kane (kings) was purely decorative. Foreign Ambassadors Ivan Grozny openly said that at any time he could return to the kingdom again. It is difficult to say to what extent Ivan Grozny hollowed by the figure of Simeon for his intrigue, and in what all this idea was a consequence of his mental unhealthy. A year later, Ivan again officially sat down on the throne, and Simeon, to whom the Terrible was still relative to, sent to the Grand Diction in Tver. In Moscow, Simeon began to speak again after the death of the son of Ivan the Terrible - Tsar Fyodor Johnovich, the Dynasty of Rurikovich was stopped at whom, with the top of Boris Godunov.

Many sincerely believed that the person he himself, Ivan Grozny proclaimed the king, has more grounds to sit on the throne, than Boris, whom King Ivan did not even include in the number of guardians of the Son of Fyodor in the number of guardians. Thus, the harmless Simeon, who did not show any ambiguous claims, seemed dangerous Godunov, and he put on him opal. It was even more frightened by his "invincible emperor Dmitry I", as the impostor of Grigory Freakov officially called. According to his order, Simeon Bekbulatovich, who lived private life, was violently towered to the monks and in custody was taken into a remote Kirillo-Belozersky monastery.

On April 4th, the birthday of Main Reed - a soldier, hunter, journalist, the author of adventure novels and leads. He was an Irish, his writing fate was in England, but the heart and feather beloved to America.

Main Reed belongs to a rare variety of authors, whose fame, having fading without a trace where they can read them in the original, keeps only due to translations. Perhaps, nowhere, as in the USSR, he did not disassemble the imagination of young readers, and anywhere no longer kept such loyalty to the beloved writer, becoming adults. His novel "Rider without a head" was particularly popular in our country, the interest in which he had even increased after entering the screen in 1972 of the film of Vladimir Weinshtock with Oleg Sovimov.

Chesls Milos wrote: "Main Reed instilled a new, closer look at nature and created a romantic image of a new world. After Reed America, forests, prairies, Mustangs and Bizonov began to exist in European literature already regardless of him. "

In 1862, academician of the Academy of Arts, artist and schedule Leonid Pasternak was born in Odessa.

The father of the famous poet Boris Pasternak became famous, first of all, with his illustrations to the novel of the Lion Tolstoy "Resurrection." After the revolution, before emigrating in 1921, he still managed to make several sketches of Lenin from nature.

In 1883, in Istanbul, one of the creators of the Soviet camp economy, Lieutenant General Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel, was born in the family of the employee.

In 1904, he graduated from the construction technique in Germany, worked in construction companies in Nikolaev and Kherson. In 1919, Frenkel emigrated to Istanbul, and with the onset of Nap returned to Soviet Russia. In 1924, the College of OGPA sentenced a former emigrant by 10 years of conclusion, which classo alien element had to serve in Solovki.

Experience in commercial structures came in handy Frankel and here: he suggested effective ways to exploit the Solovetsky Rassil, and the camp boss first made it with his adviser, and in 1927 he freed ahead of time. Soon after, Frenkel first headed the Solovetsky representative office in Moscow first, and in 1930 he became the head of the production department of the Gulag. Its main achievement was the activities as the head of work on the construction of the White Coon. In 1934, Frankel headed the Bamgrad, which was engaged in the construction of the second path "Transsiba", and in 1940 he became the deputy head of all Gulaga - the head of the main department of railway construction camps.

Stalinist repressions went around him: In 1947, 64-year-old Frenkel retired and left to death in 1960 lived in Moscow.

Events and dates April 4 - real, basic and past ...

Surely many of you are interested in the history of the world and our country, distant and recent past events that occurred, memorable dates, a significant and significant success of development and all kinds of discoveries, as well as folk signs, as confident, everyone is not against finding out who from famous and successful people was born April 4, in different years and era.

Below, you will learn how certain past and real events of April 4 influenced the course of world history, or some separate country, what the date of this day was remembered, which incident, something extraordinary I remember this day in, and also than noteworthy Date of this day, who was born and died from famous people and much more. In short, we will help you in more detail about all this and with benefit to understand. You will find on this page all the answers of these topics on this page, we tried to collect the maximum of this day of this day.

Who was born on April 4

Ilya Rakhmelevich Reznik. Born on April 4, 1938 in Leningrad. Russian poet songwriter, People's Artist of Russia (2003). Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts. People's Artist of Ukraine (2013)

Rada Nikitichna Ajubey (April 4, 1929, Kiev, USSR - August 11, 2016, Moscow, Russia) - Soviet journalist and writer-journalist. Daughter Nikita Sergeevich Khrushcheva

Andrei Arsenyevich Tarkovsky (April 4, 1932, Varazaraye village, Yuryevtsky district, Ivanovo industrial region - December 29, 1986, Paris, France) - Soviet film director and screenwriter, from 1980 worked in Western Europe. People's Artist of the RSFSR. One of the largest filmmakers of the XX century

Robert John Downey John (Robert John Downey Jr.). Born on April 4, 1965 by New York. American actor, producer and musician. Golden Globe Prizi Laureate (2001, 2010), BAFTA (1993) and Saturn (1994, 2009, 2014), Nominee for AMMI Prize (2001) and Oscar (1993, 2009)

Elina Abrahamovna Bystritskaya. Born on April 4, 1928 in Kiev. Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, teacher, singer. People's Artist of the USSR (1978)

Joseph Lister (04.04.1827 [Essex county] - 10.02.1912 [County Kent]) - English surgeon, introduced an antiseptic

Karl Siemens (04/04/1823 [Herden] - 11/19/1883 [London]) British Metallurg and Inventor Born in Germany

Main Reed (04/04/1818 [Balliron] - 10/22/1883 [London]) - English Writer

Lion Sapega (04/04/1557 [Ostrodno estate] - 07.07.1633 [Vilna]) - outstanding Belarusian political, public and military leader

in 1928, folk artist of the five republics of Elina Bystritskaya was born in Kiev

in 1960, the Actor Hugo Wiving was born in Nigeria, who played Elrond in the film "Lord of the Rings" and "Hobbit", Smith's agent in the films "Matrix" and V in the film "V - So Vendetta"

in 1965, Actor Robert Downey Jr. was born in Manhattan, while Tony Stark in the films "Iron Man" and "Avengers", Sherlock Holmes in the series "Sherlock Holmes" and Hank Palmer in the film "Judge"

in 1967, Actor Dmitry Nagiyev was born in Leningrad, who played Nagiyev in the TV series "Kitchen", foma in the TV series "Fizruk" and astrologer in the film "Horoscope for good luck"

in 1970, the Canadian actor Barry Pepper was born, playing Fuller in the film "Lone Ranger", Jack Valianta in the film City of Pokoka "and ordinary Jackson in the film" Save Private Ryan "

in 1975, the actress Klodett Mink was born in Toronto, who played Diana Bargaz in the "Edge", Judy Ryan in the film "Redemption" and Chevon in the series "Star Cruiser Galaxy"

in 1976, the actor James Raye was born in San Antonio, who played Svetsen Spencer in the series "Clearvideo"

in 1979, the Australian Perth was born actor Heath Ledger, who was playing by Joker in the Dark Knight film, "Annis del Mara in the movie" Gorbai Mountain "and Negotie Kelly in the film" Banda Kelly "

in 1979, the actress Natasha Lionn was born in Manhattan, who played Nickcots in the TV series "Orange - Hit of the Season", Grace in the film "Save Grace" and Jessica in the film "American Pie: Everything Assembly"

in 1983, Actress Amanda Rigetti was born in Utah, playing Holly in the TV series "Chicago Police" and "Chicago on fire", Whitney Miller in the film "Friday 13th" and Grace Van Pelet in the TV series "Mentalist"

in 1987, Actress Sarah Gadon was born in Toronto, who played Miren in the film "Dracula", Clais Tagert in the movie "Star Map" and Kari in the film "New Spiderman: High Voltage"

in 1988, the actress Valery Gladilina was born, who played Alena Sergeevna in the TV series "Molodechka" and Any, Setsru Kui, in the "Univer" series

in 1992, Actress Alex Alexans was born in Chicago, who played Hayley in the TV series "Walking Dead", Ruth in the film "Children of Corn" and Angela Show in the TV series "Heroes"

in 1993, Actress Daniela Bobadilla was born in Mexico City, who played Sam Hudson in the TV series "Growney Management", Alison in the film "Heart Texas" and Emma in the series "Awakening".

Dates on April 4.

In Angola - Day of Peace and Accord

Taiwan - Children's Day

Internet Day

International Day of Enlightenment on Mine Having and Assistance in Demming Activities

Popular calendar is Vasily Warm, or a suntech, drip, a greenhouse

if the sun is in circles - to be excellent crop

Girls on April 4 wondered at sunrise, looking at the sun. If it is surrounded by a red light - a good harvest will be

Baked on this day Kalachi, who symbolized the sun. There were signs that were observed

Warm this day was called because it was April 4, the drops rang, and the most real spring was coming

April 4 events occurred - historical dates

in 1500, the Portuguese Cabral discovered Brazil, thinking that he opened a big island

in 1541, General of the Order of Jesuits becomes Ignatius Lyola, becoming the first general in the entire history of the Order

in 1581 after the completion of the world travel, Pirate Francis Drake becomes a knight and admiral

in 1896, the next gold fever began on Alaska, this time in the Yukon area

in 1968, Martin Luther King died, a man who spoke on all of America that he had a dream

in 1973, in New York, the buildings of the World Trade Center, famous twin towers opened

in 1983, American shuttle "Challenger" made his first flight into space

in 1985, Dinara Asanova died, the director who removed the controversial films about the younger generation - "boys" and does not hurt a head of Dyatla "

in 1990, Mark Frankkin died, a songwriter, the author of the iconic song about Komsomol residents and volunteers and the current River Volga

in 2001, Vladimir Voronin is elected president of Moldova

in 2004, Nikita Theological, composer, author of music for many Soviet patriotic movies died.

Events April 4.

Moscow is the largest metropolis of the Russian Federation and one of the huge cities in the world. The first mention of Moscow is witnessed in the Ipatiev chronicles. Date April 4, 1147 is indicated in the annals as the day of the meeting in the city of two princes - Yuri Dolgorukova and Svyatoslav Olgovich. "Come to me, brother in Moscow," said Prince Chernigovsky's primary sources.

Although, in fact, Moscow was founded much earlier than the specified date. After the meeting, the princes between them broke out war for the Kiev throne. Ten years later, the victory went to Yuri Dolgorukhu, although she cost him life. The immortality of Yuri earned not due to the seizure of the throne, but thanks to the feast of the principality at the edge of the principality. In the Russian history, the Dolgoruky entered as the founder of Moscow.

In those days, the city was not so large, but rather - a small settlement that eased at the turn of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. During the period of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, the city was destroyed and completely looted. However, this circumstance did not prevent Moscow to become the capital of Moscow Rus. For the same day, about 10 million people live on the territory of the capital.

The canal is a waterway laid along the Lake Ladoga. He connects Neva and Volkhov. In general, there are two channels: Ekoladozhsky (18th century), which is currently not used due to drying and overgrowth, and Novoladozhsky, dating from the 19th century and operated to this day.

The construction of the Ekoladozhsky Canal began in 1719, during the reign of Peter the First. Only after eleven years the construction was completed. Due to the fact that the channel did not correspond to some standards (its depth was no more than one meter), in the new Ladoga and Shlisselburg, gateways were built to maintain the normal "shipping" depth. Starwoodozhsky Channel was the largest hydraulic structure of the Russian Empire and all of Europe.

A man who first highlighted ascorbic acid from Lemon was the American scientist Charles King. It is well known that Vitamin C plays a considerable role in maintaining human health. It activates the production of collagen - building material for cells, and also participates in the process of absorbing iron and maintaining the immune balance in the body.

For the first time, the existence of vitamins was mentioned in 1880, after the experiments of the Russian biologist Nikolai Lunin. In his scientific papers, from repeatedly pointed out the impact of some, as long as the unopened, the microsistratism necessary for the normal life of the body. However, the findings of Lunin at that time were skeptical. Everything has changed thanks to Hungarian Biochemistry Albert Saint-Diery. It was he who in 1927 proved the existence of vitamins.

Signs on April 4 - Sunny Vasily Day

In the old days, April 4 was called Vasily Sunny, Wasil Suncher, Vasily warm, Vasily Greenhouse.

All the nicknames of Vasily were associated with the fact that these days the long-awaited body was occurring, and good weather was installed.

The peasants tried to watch the peasants on April 4, where the streams flow from the drops, in order to do not build houses at this place - they believed that it was there that the construction would be stopped. They said: "The progress of the water in the earthly depths".

In the Orthodox Church, on April 4, the memory of the martyr of Vasily, who is known as the presbyter in Ankire Galatius, is honored.

At that time, Arian heresy was actively spread, and Vasily called on his flock to adhere to Orthodoxy, for which it was subject to torment and persecution.

When Emperor Julian arrived in the city, Vasily accused him of faithfulness, and he, in turn, commanded to cut the skin with live Vasily and beat him. With prayer, he betrayed God's soul.

The peasants believed that Vasily-Dweller helps to make canvas cleaner and stronger. They endured them on the snow and substituted under the rays of the spring sun.

Also, on April 4, the weather phenomena analyzed and tried to predict what the coming days and months will be.

April 4 in the world is noted Web Master DayCatholics celebrate today St. Isidore's Day - the patron saint of the Internet, and in the UN countries there are a day of enlightenment on issues of mine danger and assistance in activities related to demining.

Holidays April 4, 2019

Web Master Day

- International holiday
With the development of the Internet, a new specialty appeared - Web Master and Hosting. More information about hosting can be found at Everyone who uses the Internet services, knows what April 4th is a holiday.
A webmaster's day is celebrated every year on April 4, because the date of this day is 4.04 by his writing resembles a mistake that uses often webmasters "Page not found" - 404. The date of this holiday also coincides with the international internet day.
Web master or "manager" by the site is a completely new profession, which appeared in the development of the Internet.
The webmaster is a person who can do everyone regarding the development of a website or corporate applications on the Internet.
Tim Berners-Lee - "Prawetz" of the Internet first introduced into appeal The term "web master" in his "Hypertext Stand Guide On Online" in 1992, when the "publicly available" Internet began to develop only.

St. Isyidor's Day - the patron of the Internet

- Catholic holiday
Today, Catholics celebrate the holiday of St. Isyidor's Day - the patron of the Internet. Study Isidore, Bishop Seville - the author of the first book on etymology, gained fame worldwide due to his piety and love for sciences.
The first Isidotel first in Spain presented the work of Aristotle, was a man of wide views and reformer. Today, Holy Isidore is considered the last of the fathers of the Latin Church and one of the last ancient Christian philosophers. Among scientists it is believed that Holy Isidore was in due time was the most educated person in the Middle Ages a significant impact on training.
20-Tomny "etymology" (Etymologiae) Isidore Seville is essentially the first encyclopedia in the world. It was assembled a huge material that covered the entire amount of knowledge of the whole era at that time.
Holy Isidore was considered the patron saint of students and students. In 2003, Holy Isidore was officially named Pope John Paul II patron of computers and Internet users.
The worldwide network is essentially a treasury of theoretical and practical human knowledge, so the Catholic Church elected Saint Isidor to the patron of the Internet.
This holiday is still unofficial, but nevertheless, today it is becoming increasingly popular.

International Day of Enlightenment on Mine Hazardous Assistance in Deminting Activities

- holiday in the UN countries
In the UN Countries Today, the International Day of Enlightenment on Mine Danger and Assistance in Democ Notes.
Nowadays, mines have remained a formidable force and only demining allows you to neutralize this weapon that death, destruction and suffering over time.
On this day, April 4, until around the world, people know what holiday today. He was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on December 8, 2005 and on the same day the resolution was signed, in which it was noted that this holiday should be celebrated every year on April 4.

Unusual holidays

Today, April 4, you can have fun with friends. Mark unusual holidays: International Piano and Piano Adjustment Day, Snow Travel Day to the Sea and the Day of the Wise

International Piano and Piano Adjustment Day

Noting today the feast of the piano tutorial, you need to know that you can create beautiful music only playing on a well-established tool. Technical progress now creates new musical instruments, and old, good, classic someone must repair, customize. It is known that piano is an individual subject, and a tool setup specialist should be a master who knows all the techniques and technologies. There are very few good piano customer setup masters. Profession Adviser Piano all over the world is considered the most kind of profession.

Snow travel day to the sea

Mysterious whisper of melt water does not leave any snow indifferent in the spring!
April 4, tesh snow know what holiday today. It is on this day that they become a little bit blue, softer and begin to smell the sea. Today, on this festive day, the melting snow will go to his long way to the Magic Sea. You can send your greetings with him to the sea so that it is waiting for you in the summer to visit!

Day of the wise

One day three wisers gathered and argued that for a person it is more important - the past, present or future.
One sage believed that his past makes him who he was
The second was convinced that a person makes his future.
The third sage thought and said that only in the present it is possible to change something in his life and that neither the past nor the future person is subject to.
When a person is grateful to remember his past, act effectively in the present and dream of a beautiful future, only then he will be happy!

Folk Calendar

Vasily Warm, Vasily Greenhouse, Vasily Dweller, Vasily Solnechnik

Today, Orthodox Christians make the memory of the Sacred Martyr Vasily Ankir, who lived in the 4th century.
Vasily in the people received many different nicknames that were associated with the onset of warm and sunny days. From today, begins to knock.
Our ancestors were talking on this day: "Zimolbil Vasily Dweller".
On Vasily, the peasants looked at the sun and wondered - if the sun would bring in red circles, it promised a good harvest. This day was also observed behind the sky. The clouds on this day foreshadowed soon warm and rain.
Such signs existed in the people: if the snow melts on the northern side of the anthill, it is worth expecting a warm and long summer.
On this day, the hostess baked the events, who symbolized the sun and distributed them to everyone relatives and familiar ..
Name Day in April 4 Vasily, Vasilisa, Darya, Isaac, Taisi
Just on April 4, the day of traveling snow to the sea, the International Day of the Piano Adjustments, World Rat Day, Independence Day - Senegal, Name Day of Vasily, Isaacia.

April 4 in history

1945 - Soviet troops were liberated from the Nazis Bratislav.
1949 - in Washington USA, Belgium, Great Britain, Holland, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal and France signed the NATO North Atlantic Treaty. In 1952, Greece and Turkey joined the contract, in 1955 - FRG, in 1982 - Spain. In 1999, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic became members of NATO. In 2004 - Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia ..
1949 - a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers on measures to join the "anti-Soviet" radio stations was published.
1966 - In Krasnodon, the former German policeman, a member of the arrests and torture of members of the "Young Guard" I. Melnikov.
1968 - in Memphis (USA) Racist killed a preacher, a fighter for the rights of blacks Martin Luther King.
1970 - in Magdeburg (GDR) officers of the KGB secretly burned and thrown into the river the remains of Hitler.
1973 - World Trade Center opened in New York (Manhattan).
1979 - KazNen Prime Minister Pakistan Zulfir Ali Bhutto.
1983 - the first flight of the American Space Shuttle "Challenger" took place.
1984 - Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov died, Soviet aircraft designer (r. 1906).
1990 - Mark Fradkin, composer died.
2004 - the beginning of the rebellion of Shiites against the occupying forces in Iraq under the guidance of the Islamic organization "Army Mahdi".

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1147 - On this day, Prince Suzdal Yuri Dolgoruky arranged a great feast in honor of his ally Prince Novgorod-Seversky Svyatoslav Olgovich. The feast was held in anyone until the time not known to Moscow, which was the reason for the first mention of this city in the Ipatiev Chronicle.

1482 - Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyevich concluded an agreement with Prince MA Mozhaisk. According to his text, the prince bequeathed after his death Belozero Great Prince. It was a significant infringement of the rights of the son of Mikhail Andreevich - Vasily and became the beginning in the offensive of Ivan III on the right of specific princes.

1558 - Ivan IV Grozny gave the right to the merchants of Stroganov to use all the non-land in the pool of Kama.

1719 - In Russia, the construction of the Ladoga Canal began.

1753 - Decree of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in the Russian Empire is canceled by the death penalty.

1786 - Decree of Empress Ekaterina II on the ban "Let the balls in the prevention of fire cases and unfortunate adventures", long preventing the development of aeronautics in Russia for a long time.

1794 - Battle under the Razlavitians, as a result of which the troops of Polish rebels under the leadership of T. Koscinchenko defeated the royal troops.

1809 - Russian Emperor Alexander I announced the preservation of religious freedom in Finland.

1850 - on sale in St. Petersburg in the store Smpdina received the first complete edition of Evgenia Onegin A.S. Pushkin.

1866 - Attempt by D.V. Karakozova on the emperor Alexander II. The king remained alive, and Karazov was sentenced to hanging.

1917 - German Ambassador to Switzerland received a pass plan through the territory of Germany leaders of Russian political emigration; Returning to Petrograd from Emigration V.I. Lenin formulated the so-called. "April theses", in which he called on to move from the first stage of the revolution to the second, socialist - to fight for the parliamentary republic, and for the "Republic of the Soviets".

1917 - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Temporary Government P.N. Milyukov announced the external objectives of Russia during the war: the creation of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the reunification of the Ukrainian lands of Austria-Hungary with Russia and the possession of Constantinople and the Bosphorus Strait.

1920 - Election of P.N. Wrangel commander-in-chief of the Russian army in the Crimea.

1944 - RKKA cut off the Odessa grouping of the Wehrmacht pathway to Romania.

1945 - The troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front during the Bratislava-Brnovsk offensive operation were released by Bratislava.

1949 - Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the joy of "anti-Soviet" radio stations (enhancing information isolation).

1953 - Official message about the termination of doctors as a falsified.

1966 - In Krasnodon, the former German policeman, a member of the arrests and torture of the members of the "Young Guard" I. Melnikov.

1972 - The management of the CPSU refused the visa by Swedish representatives to present the Nobel Prize in literature A.I. Solzhenitsyn.
