Far Eastern Federal University FAR EASTERN STATE UNIVERSITY FAR EASTERN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY PACIFIC STATE ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY USSURI STATE UNIVERSITY Eastern Pedagogical Institute. Philology. History and Philosophy. Jurisprudence. Geography. Regional studies. Political science. Mathematics. Physics. Chemistry. Biology. Consolidation of four leading universities in the region in 2011 Electricity. Acoustics. Mechanical engineering. Building. Architecture. Metallurgy. Heat engineering. Oceanology. Economics and Management. Technology and commodity science of food products. Finance and credit. Accounting and statistics. Quality control. General pedagogy. History of pedagogy and education. Psychology.

Far Eastern Federal University The combined potential of 4 leading universities of the Primorsky Territory: 3300 full-time teachers of students The total area of ​​buildings and structures - 585.864 thousand square meters. m The total budget in 2010 is 4 billion 434 million rubles.

Far Eastern Federal University FEFU is a bridge connecting the Far East of Russia and the APR Conditions for free exchange of the latest knowledge and technologies in the region Attraction of investments and the transition of the economy of the Far East from a predominantly raw material to an innovative model Attraction of investments and the transition of the economy of the Far East from a predominantly raw material to an innovative model Transformation of the Far East East into a region attractive to qualified and energetic people Integration of the Far East into the cultural, economic and scientific space of the Asia-Pacific region The Far Eastern Federal University is a growth point for an innovative economy in the Far East. The university aims to provide:


Far Eastern Federal University Priority areas of development - innovative clusters Transport and logistics complex Cooperation with the Asia-Pacific countries Biomedical technologies Resources of the World Ocean Energy resources and energy conservation Industry of nanosystems and nanomaterials

Far Eastern Federal University FEFU - for scientific and pedagogical workers Comfortable working conditions on the campus on the island. Russian - full-time teacher model Increased salaries, allowances, research grants Internships and training in the world's leading research and education centers Modern research equipment and support for innovation

Far Eastern Federal University FEFU - Far East Region Competitive education - throughout life! New opportunities for cultural development, sports and healthy lifestyles Innovations in education, science and economy will make the life of the region's residents comfortable and rich. Innovative activities of FEFU will contribute to the modernization of the economy and the creation of new jobs

Far Eastern Federal University FEFU - for students Comfortable living and learning conditions on the campus on about. Russian "Lifting" for students from other regions, stimulating excellent studies Opportunity to continue education in the world's leading research centers Competitive education (including "double" diplomas, oriental languages) and high demand for graduates

Far Eastern Federal University Targets 2019 Enter the 300 best universities in the world (QS rating) Ensure high demand for graduates (up to 70% of those working in the specialty in the first 3 years after graduation) Creation of more than 50 highly productive small innovative enterprises operating in the innovation system of the university Create a university, focused on the international market of educational services (up to 25% of students are foreign students) Research University, which develops fundamental and applied science, participates in the international exchange of advanced knowledge and technologies; Developing University, which ensures the competitive development of the economy of the FEFU-2019 region:

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UNIVERSITY ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION 2011 SECTION NAME SECTION NAME MAY BE IN TWO LINE UNIVERSITY ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION 2011 View your documents in an environment that provides a consistent light level and color temperature. For example, the color characteristics of sunlight change throughout the day and alter the way colors appear on your screen, so keep shades closed or work in a windowless room. To eliminate the blue-green cast from fluorescent lighting, you can install D50 (5000 ° Kelvin) lighting. You can also view printed documents using a D50 lightbox.View your document in a room with neutral-colored walls and ceiling. A room's color can affect the perception of both monitor color and printed color. The best color for a viewing room is neutral gray. Also, the color of your clothing reflecting off the glass of your monitor may affect the appearance of colors on ‑ screen.Remove colorful background patterns on your monitor desktop. Busy or bright patterns surrounding a document interfere with accurate color perception. Set your desktop to display neutral grays only. View your documents in an environment that provides a consistent light level and color temperature. For example, the color characteristics of sunlight change throughout the day and alter the way colors appear on your screen, so keep shades closed or work in a windowless room. To eliminate the blue-green cast from fluorescent lighting, you can install D50 (5000 ° Kelvin) lighting. You can also view printed documents using a D50 lightbox.View your document in a room with neutral-colored walls and ceiling. A room's color can affect the perception of both monitor color and printed color. The best color for a viewing room is neutral gray. Also, the color of your clothing reflecting off the glass of your monitor may affect the appearance of colors on ‑ screen. 05 UNIVERSITY ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION 2011 05 View your documents in an environment that provides a consistent light level and color temperature. For example, the color characteristics of sunlight change throughout the day and alter the way colors appear on your screen, so keep shades closed or work in a windowless room. To eliminate the blue-green cast from fluorescent lighting, you can install D50 (5000 ° Kelvin) lighting. You can also view printed documents using a D50 lightbox.View your document in a room with neutral-colored walls and ceiling. A room's color can affect the perception of both monitor color and printed color. The best color for a viewing room is neutral gray. Also, the color of your clothing reflecting off the glass of your monitor may affect the appearance of colors on ‑ screen.Remove colorful background patterns on your monitor desktop. Busy or bright patterns surrounding a document interfere with accurate color perception. Set your desktop to display neutral grays only.View your document in a room with neutral-colored walls and ceiling. A room's color can affect the perception of both monitor color and printed color. The best color for a viewing room is neutral gray. View your documents in an environment that provides a consistent light level and color temperature. For example, the color characteristics of sunlight change throughout the day and alter the way colors appear on your screen, so keep shades closed or work in a windowless room. To eliminate the blue-green cast from fluorescent lighting, you can install D50 (5000 ° Kelvin) lighting. You can also view printed documents using a D50 lightbox.View your document in a room with neutral-colored walls and ceiling. A room's color can affect the perception of both monitor color and printed color. The best color for a viewing room is neutral gray. Also, the color of your clothing reflecting off the glass of your monitor may affect the appearance of colors on ‑ screen.

Congress and Exhibition Complex FEFU 2014 The Far Eastern Federal University has significant potential in the field of organizing and holding events of international, federal and regional significance. ); Youth events (festivals, conferences, tournaments, etc.); Exhibitions and presentations; Sports, dance championships and tournaments; Solemn events (presentation of prizes, awards, etc.). Number of participants: from 50 to 5000 people. Services provided by the FEFU Convention and Exhibition Complex: Halls and venues on the FEFU campus on about. Russian; Accommodation of participants and guests in three-star hotels of the campus of the sea bay; Registration of event participants, distribution of invitations, etc .; Catering services, catering, banquets, coffee breaks and buffets; Technical equipment and technical support; Volunteers, including those with knowledge of English; Cultural and entertainment program; Printing Services; Development of design layouts; Hall decoration services; Information support. The congress and exhibition complex includes: 1. Concert halls Hall "Blue" for 980 seats: the location of the seats - an amphitheater; small tables in the armrests of the chairs; scene. Hall "Red" for 700 seats: the location of the seats - an amphitheater; small tables in the armrests of the chairs; scene. 2. Conference halls of the campus 1. Hall "Morskoy" with a round table overlooking the bridge "Russian" and the Ajax Bay. Total area - 1000 sq.m. The maximum number of seats at the table is 60 units. Possible accommodation of participants outside the table up to 300 units. 2. Hall "Average" - 1000 sq.m. Free theater seating for up to 700 people. Presidium tables. No windows. 6 3. Hall "Sopka" with a round table, a balcony and a view of the Novik Bay. Total area - 950 sq.m. The maximum number of seats at the table is 45 units. Possible accommodation of participants outside the table up to 250 units. 7 3. Halls and foyers of the campus For holding exhibitions, organizing celebrations in the campus buildings there are a large number of halls, foyers and recreation: Hall on the -1 level (photo) - 923 sq. M; Hall on the -1 level - 600 sq. M; Foyer on level 0 - 1200 sq.m. 4. Campus Hotels Campus Hotel: 176 double rooms; 22 single rooms; 12 two-room suites for two people; 6 "Presidential" numbers; 2 rooms for people with disabilities Registration of event participants, distribution of invitations Printing and distribution of invitations to event participants; Registration of participants; Meeting and seeing off the participants; Distribution of conference materials, etc. events Catering services, catering, banquets, coffee breaks and buffets Within the framework of events, services are provided for organizing: Coffee breaks; Buffets; Banquets; Meals for participants in the format - breakfast / lunch / dinner From "Economy" to "Premium" Technical equipment and support Conference consoles of the BOSCHDCN-CONFF system; Active acoustics JBL 510; LED panels Samsung 40 "(series 6) + tripods; LED panels Samsung 60" (series 8) + tripods; Portable screens Euroscreen Frame Vision Vel-Tex Format 4: 3 275x206 flexwhite; Orion PDP 4250 (direct projection); Sennheiser e865 microphones; Broadcasting video to other display sources, as well as to other rooms; Audio and video (HD) recording. Equipment for simultaneous translation Technical support for simultaneous translation in 32 languages, up to 1200 delegates; The interpreter booth for two is equipped according to international standards. Has active ventilation, 2 sets for simultaneous interpretation from BOSCH (monitor, interpreter console, headset, table lamp). Volunteers, including those with knowledge of English The FEFU volunteer corps consists of students aged 17 to 23 years old: Volunteers have experience of working at international events (APEC Summit Week 2012, Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, etc.)
