Several times a year, lovers of stars and romance gather in the open air to see a mesmerizing spectacle - a solar eclipse. This is an unusual phenomenon that affects the rhythm of the planet as a whole, makes a person break away from his routine and think about the eternal. For scientists, an eclipse is an incredible opportunity to study new phenomena of the planet, space, the universe ...

Solar eclipse occurs when the solar and lunar orbits intersect and the lunar disk obscures the sun. The picture is truly mesmerizing: a black disk appears in the sky, framed by a border of sunbeams that look like the rays of a crown. It's getting dark around, and with a total eclipse in the sky you can see the stars ... Why don't you have a plot for a romantic date? But a date during a solar eclipse will not last long, about 4-5 minutes, but we guarantee its unforgettable!

When and where will the next solar eclipse be?

In 2020, you can enjoy the stunning phenomenon three times: February 15, July 13 and August 11.

Eclipse February 15

The eclipse on February 15, unfortunately, has already passed. It was partial, the moon did not completely cover the sun, and complete darkness did not come. The southern part of our planet has become a more advantageous observation point. To be precise, the best place to see a solar eclipse was Antarctica. But not only there the disc of the moon was seen in the frame of the solar corona. Also lucky are the inhabitants of Australia and partially the population of South America and Africa. The inhabitants of Russia were not at all lucky, the eclipse was not visible at any point in a large and immense country. Many photographs of the inhabitants of Antarctica, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay can be found on various social networks. And you can also watch a video, but which captures the entire eclipse, on the YouTube video hosting.

Eclipse July 13

For those who are too lazy to get out of a warm and cozy bed in winter, there was an amazing opportunity to see a fascinating phenomenon in summer. In 2020, another partial solar eclipse will take place on July 13, 2020. You can enjoy the phenomenon in Tasmania, Australia (in the southern part), in Antarctica (in the eastern part). Therefore, we book tickets, hotel rooms and countdown! The exact time of this particular solar eclipse: 06 hours 02 minutes before noon Moscow time.

Eclipse August 11

Well, if you do not have the opportunity to leave for a couple of days to another country, to another continent to look at the solar corona, do not be discouraged. On August 11, the solar eclipse can be observed in Russia, in Moscow. Of course, not only in Moscow, but also in the northeastern part of China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the Far East and Siberia. People in the central part of Russia, in Scandinavia, in Greenland and in Canada, in the northern part will also be able to see the phenomenon.

In 2020, there will be only partial solar eclipses. It turns out that we will not have the opportunity to see the all-consuming darkness, and the appearance of stars in the sky during the day? Maybe there have never been total solar eclipses at all?

Eclipse history

Let's dwell on this issue with you and recall a course in literature in high school. After all, the most famous solar eclipse is the eclipse on May 1, 1185. It was on this day that Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich set off on an unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians. We know about him thanks to the ancient Russian work "The Lay of Igor's Campaign", which we study at school at the school desk.

The version that there was no total solar eclipse at all disappears. But now it is not 1185, but the 21st century already, has there really been no total solar eclipses on Earth since the 12th century?

We clarify, and it turns out that the last total solar eclipse was not so long ago. He could be watched on March 20, 2015. The phenomenon took place in the north Atlantic Ocean and in Africa. More recently, a solar eclipse occurred on November 14, 2012 in Australia. And the longest total solar eclipse occurred on July 22, 2009. The phenomenon lasted 6 minutes and 4 seconds. To see the longest eclipse of the sun by the moon, people traveled to central and northeastern India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China and Ryukyu.

The phenomenon of a total solar eclipse has been confirmed, but, unfortunately, it is not expected in 2020. The nearest will happen on July 2, 2020, and to see what is happening with your own eyes you will need to move to the central parts of Argentina and Chile, or to Tuamotu. But those who do not like to travel will have to wait to see a total solar eclipse in Russia. You will have to wait until March 30, 2033, it is in March that the phenomenon of a black lunar disk with a solar corona can be observed in the eastern part of Russia, and also in Alaska, maybe by a total eclipse the territory of the peninsula will also become part of the Russian Federation ...

We remind you that in 2020 you can see 2 more private solar eclipses: July 13 and August 11. Take a pen, go to the calendar and circle the above dates, then you definitely will not miss these events and can enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of a short moment.

On Friday, July 27, a unique event will take place - the longest lunar eclipse of the century, which can be observed in almost all corners of the globe. The Earth will completely eclipse the Moon by one hour and 43 minutes, Day.Az reports with reference to Today.

At this time, people will be able to observe the "bloody moon" - the Earth's satellite will turn red.

What is a lunar eclipse and "blood moon"

The "bloody" moon is called during an eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow over its satellite. Unlike a solar eclipse, where the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking sunlight, the Moon does not “darken” during an eclipse, but instead turns blood red.

This effect occurs due to the fact that the sun's rays, passing through the Earth's atmosphere, reach the Moon. Because blue and purple waves scatter more than red and orange waves, more red waves reach the moon, making it "bloody".

How often does a lunar eclipse occur?

Lunar eclipses are less common than solar eclipses - no more than three per year, which can be observed in a particular place, although in some years they may not be at all. However, every lunar eclipse can be observed from over half the globe.

The excitement around the eclipse of July 27 is due to the fact that it will last for a long time. The moon will be in the shadow of the Earth for four hours and will be completely eclipsed by one hour and 43 minutes. This is just below the theoretical limit of a lunar eclipse (one hour and 47 minutes). The eclipse will last that long on Friday night because the moon will pass through the center of Earth's shadow.

Where and when can you see a lunar eclipse?

The eclipse will be best seen in the Middle East, eastern Africa, India and western China. Also, the eclipse can be seen while in the rest of Africa, Europe, other parts of Asia, Australia, and eastern South America.

In Ukraine, the phase of a total lunar eclipse will occur on July 27 at 23:21 (20:21 GMT).
In India, the total eclipse will begin at 1 am on July 28, and end at 2:43 am.
In Australia, the moon will begin to turn red at 4:30 am on Saturday morning, with a total eclipse occurring between 5:30 and 6:30 am.

In the UK, the partial eclipse will start at 20:30, the total eclipse will occur between 21:20 and 22:13.

In East Africa, a partial eclipse will begin at 21:30, with a "blood moon" visible between 22:30 pm and 00:13. This region will have the best eclipse view.

What is the best way to look at the "Blood Moon"

It is best to get out of the city, away from lights and lights. In the city, the contrast between the moon and the sky will not be so bright. Unlike a solar eclipse, it is absolutely safe to look at the "bloody moon". You do not need a telescope for observations, but stocking up with binoculars will be useful.

Recently, astronomy has ceased to be a compulsory subject at school, hopes are pinned on this publication for the possibility of filling the forced gaps in education with the help of the Internet ...

First of all, let us turn to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia in order to take advantage of the time-tested and, undoubtedly, outstanding scientists, the definition of the subject of our conversation: "An eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the sun, moon, planet, satellite of a planet or a star cease to be visible to the terrestrial observer in whole or in part.
Eclipses occur due to the fact that either one celestial body covers another, or the shadow of one non-self-luminous body falls on another of the same body. An eclipse of the Sun is observed when it is covered (obscured) by the Moon. "
Solar eclipses always happen on New Moon.

A solar eclipse is a unique phenomenon every time.
What kind of eclipses are there?

We are so used to our moon that we do not even know how lucky we are with it! And we were lucky with her twice. First, our Moon is not some shapeless cobblestone like Phobos or Deimos, but a neat little round mini-planet! Second: the Moon is now far enough from the Earth and there are no daily earthquakes and huge waves, once in the past caused by the tidal forces of the Moon (in our time, the Moon is moving away from the Earth at a speed of 4 cm per year - in the early eras this was faster). The moon is now so far away that its apparent angular size is close to the angular size of the even more distant Sun. And once the Moon was so close to the Earth that solar eclipses happened every new moon, although there was still no one to look at them at that time ...

Each solar eclipse is unique in its own way, exactly how the eclipse will look to a terrestrial observer is determined by 3 factors (in addition to weather): the angular diameters (dimensions) of the Sun visible from the observation point α and the moon β and the trajectory of the Moon relative to the Sun and stars (Fig. 2).

Figure: 2. The angular diameters of the Sun visible from the Earth's surface ( α ) and the moon ( β ), the trajectory of the Moon's movement across the starry sky (dotted line).

Due to the fact that the Moon and the Earth move in elliptical orbits (the Moon is sometimes closer, sometimes further from the Earth, and the Earth, in turn, sometimes closer, sometimes further from the Sun), the apparent angular diameter of the Moon, depending on its orbital position, can vary from 29 , 43 "to 33.3" (arc minutes), and the apparent angular diameter of the Sun is from 31.6 "to 32.7". Moreover, their average apparent diameters, respectively, are at the Moon: 31 "05" and at the Sun: 31 "59".
Depending on whether the visible trajectory of the Moon's motion passes through the center of the Sun, or crosses its visible region at an arbitrary place, as well as various combinations of the apparent angular sizes of the Moon and the Sun, three types of solar eclipses are traditionally distinguished: partial, total and annular eclipses ...

Partial solar eclipse

If the observed trajectory of the Moon does not pass through the center of the Sun, then the Moon, as a rule, cannot completely obscure the Sun with itself (Fig. 3) - an eclipse in which the Moon covers the sun is not completely called private (the quotient of the word "part" with the meaning of "partial eclipse"). Such an eclipse can occur with any possible combination of the apparent angular diameters of the Moon and the Sun.

Most solar eclipses occurring on Earth are partial eclipses (approximately 68%).

Total solar eclipse

If, at any point on the Earth's surface, observers can see that the Moon completely covers the Sun, then such an eclipse is called a total solar eclipse. Such an eclipse occurs when the apparent trajectory of the Moon passes through the center of the Sun or very close to it and at the same time the apparent diameter of the Moon β must be greater than or at least equal to the apparent diameter of the Sun α (fig. 4).

Figure: 4. Total solar eclipse, March 20, 2015 12:46 observed near the North Pole.

A total solar eclipse can be observed within very small areas of the earth's surface, as a rule, it is a strip up to 270 km wide, outlined by the shadow of the moon - observers in the adjacent shaded areas see only a partial solar eclipse (Fig. 5).

Figure: five. Total solar eclipse, the shadow of the Moon on the surface of the Earth, the dark dotted line indicates the trajectories of the shadow region

For any particular area, a total solar eclipse is very rare. In Moscow, for example, the last total solar eclipse was in August 1887 (08/19/1887), and the next one is expected on 10/16/2126. So, sitting in one place, sitting in one place, you can never see a total solar eclipse in your life ( however, in August 1887 Muscovites did not see him anyway due to bad weather). Therefore: "If you want to survive the event, do everything possible to make it happen!" / Slogan of Enthusiasts /
Thank God, on the whole, on the Earth's surface, total eclipses do not happen so rarely, on average, once every one and a half years and make up almost 27% of all variants of eclipses.

Annular solar eclipse

If the trajectory of the motion of the moon passes near the center of the sun, but the apparent angular diameter of the moon is less than the solar β < α , then at the moment of alignment of the centers the Moon cannot completely obscure the Sun and a ring-shaped glow is created around it, such an eclipse is called annular (Fig. 6), but in oral speech, traditionally striving to express the meaning, the expression is ... "annular solar eclipse" is a term, and "annular eclipse" is still only jargon ...

Figure: 6. An annular solar eclipse, someday ...

Annular (annular) solar eclipses are currently the rarest type of eclipse, accounting for only 5%. But, as we know, the Moon is gradually moving away from the Earth and annular eclipses will happen more and more often.

Why are solar eclipses very rare?

The main reason that solar eclipses do not occur in our time every new moon is that the plane of the Moon's orbit does not coincide with the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit) and is tilted to it at an angle of 5.145 degrees (Fig. 7, pos. 1). In this figure, as, indeed, in all others, the dimensions of the corners and the ratio of the scales of objects are exaggerated for clarity of images.

Figure: 7.

Work on the article "Solar Eclipses" continues.

Sergey Ov (Seosnews9)

2020 solar eclipses - exact dates (MSK), type, phases, locations

June 21, 2020 - annular (annular) solar eclipse 06/21/2020 09:41 AM MSK, an annular eclipse can be observed in northeastern Africa, the south of the Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan, India and China, partial solar eclipse - in the middle and southern latitudes of Russia , as well as in the south of Europe, in Central, Central, Southeast Asia and Melanesia .

December 14, 2020 - total solar eclipse, the phase of the maximum eclipse will come 12/14/2020 7:15 PM MSK, a total eclipse can be observed in the Pacific Ocean, the very south of South America and in the Atlantic Ocean, private in both oceans, in the south and central part of South America, the Antarctic Peninsula and on the southwestern coast of Africa. Will not be observed in Russia .

Solar eclipses 2019:
January 2019 - Partial solar eclipse ;
July 2019 - Total solar eclipse;
December 2019 -
(observed in Russia)

06.01.2019 04:28 - New Moon.
This new moon will happenpartial solar eclipse , the phase of the maximum eclipse will come January 6, 2019 at 04:41 AM MSK, eclipse can be observed in eastern Mongolia, northeastern China, Korea and Japan, in Russia - in the south of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

02.07.2019 22:16 - New Moon.
This new moon will happen total solar eclipse , the phase of the maximum eclipse will come July 2, 2019 at 10:26 PM MSK, a partial eclipse of the Sun can be observed only in the South Pacific, Central and South America (Chile, Argentina), alas: will not be observed in Russia ...

26.12.2019 08:13 - New Moon.
This new moon will make the inhabitants of the Earth happy with the third eclipse of the sun of the year - it will be annular solar eclipse (annular), the phase of the maximum eclipse will come 26 December 2019 05:18:53 MSK, the annular eclipse can be observed in the east of the Arabian Peninsula, the south of India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Malaysia and Indonesia, private in Central and Southeast Asia, Australia and the west of Oceania , in Russia, the eclipse will be observed in Transbaikalia and Primorye .

2018 year:
February 2018 - Partial solar eclipse;
July 2018 - Partial solar eclipse;
August 2018 - Partial solar eclipse
(observed in Russia)

16.02.2018 00:05 - New Moon
This new moon will happen partial solar eclipse , the phase of the maximum eclipse will come 02/15/2018 at 23:52 MSK, a partial eclipse of the Sun can be observed only in Antarctica and southern South America (Chile, Argentina) - summary: in Russia will not be observed.

13.07.2018 05:48 - New Moon ( , (super new moon) - translation option from english word "supermoon", the other is "Super Moon". On a new moon, the Moon is usually not visible, but in such cases there are very strong tides, maybe the best translation would be: "Strong Moon"?)
In addition, on this new moon there will be partial solar eclipse , the phase of the maximum eclipse will come 07/13/2018 06:02 AM MSK... The eclipse can be observed, alas, only in Antarctica on the Budd Coast, the southernmost part of Australia, Tasmania or in the Indian Ocean between Antarctica and Australia - no eclipse will be observed in Russia .

11.08.2018 12:58 - New moon( , Strong Moon)
This new moon will also happenpartial solar eclipse , the phase of the maximum eclipse will come August 11, 2018 at 12:47 PM MSK, the eclipse can be observed in the north of Canada, Greenland in the Scandinavian countries, in Russia - in the northern and middle latitudes of Central Russia, throughout Siberia and the Far East , north-eastern part of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China .

2017: February 2017 - Annular solar eclipse; August 2017 - Total solar eclipse

26 February 2017 17:58
This winter new moon will happen annular solar eclipse ... The maximum eclipse phase will come February 26, 2017 at 05:54 PM MSK ... An annular eclipse of the Sun can be observed in the south of Argentina and Chile, southwest of Angola, and private in the south of South America, Antarctica, West and South Africa - in Russia will not be observed.

21 August 2017 21:30 - astronomical new moon.
This summer new moon will happen total solar eclipse
. The maximum eclipse phase will come August 21, 2017 at 09:26 PM MSK. A total eclipse of the Sun can be observed, alas, only in North America in the United States, private in Russia - in Chukotka (the moon will touch the sun only slightly); in other countries - in the USA and Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland and Great Britain, Portugal (at sunset), Mexico, Central America, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guinea and Brazil.

March 2016 - Total solar eclipse + Supermoon

09 March 2016 04:54 Moscow time - astronomical new moon;
This new moon will happen total solar eclipse, the phase of the maximum eclipse will come March 09, 2016 at 04:58 MSK, a total eclipse of the Sun can be observed on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Halmahera, private in Russia - in Primorye, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands and Kamchatka; other countries in India, China, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, USA and Canada (Alaska) ;

01.09.2016 12:03 - astronomical new moon;
This new moon will happen annular solar eclipse, the phase of the maximum eclipse will come September 01, 2016 at 12:08 PM MSK , An annular eclipse can be observed, alas, only in central Africa and Madagascar, and private in all African countries, in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and in the Indian Ocean

March 2015 - Total solar eclipse + Supermoon

20 March 2015 12:36 PM Moscow time - astronomical new moon; ;
On this new moon, a total solar eclipse will occur, the maximum phase of the eclipse will occur on March 20, 2015 at 12:46:47 MSK, total eclipse of the sun can be observed in the Faroe Islands, Svalbard and the North Pole, partial eclipse in Russia - throughout the European part and Western Siberia; as well as in Greenland, Europe and Central Asia. ;

* Eclipses, eclipse \u003d Z.

Z. - astronomical phenomena, consisting in the fact that the terrestrial observer the sun, moon, planet, satellite of a planet or a star cease to be visible in whole or in part. Z. occur due to the fact that either one celestial body covers another, or the shadow of one non-self-luminous body falls on another of the same body. Thus, the Z. of the Sun is observed when it is covered by the Moon; Z. Moon - when the shadow of the Earth falls on it; Z. satellites of planets - when they fall into the shadow of the planet; Z. in systems of double stars - when one star covers another. Z. also includes the passage of a satellite's shadow across the planet's disk, the closure of stars and planets by the Moon (the so-called coverings (see Cover)), the passage of the inner planets - Mercury and Venus - along the solar disk, and the passage of satellites across the planetary disk. With the beginning of manned spacecraft flights, it became possible to observe the Earth's Z. Sun from these ships (see ill.). The Z. of the Sun and the Moon, connected with the motion of the Moon around the Earth, are of greatest interest.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd ed. 1969 - 1978

In ancient times, a solar eclipse was perceived with horror and admiration at the same time. In our time, when the reasons for this phenomenon became known, people's feelings practically did not change. Some await him impatiently, hoping to observe this majestic phenomenon, others with some concern and anxiety. I wonder if there will be a solar eclipse in 2018 in Russia?

A little about the cause and types of solar eclipse

In our age of enlightenment, even a schoolboy knows why the sun is eclipsed. For those who have forgotten the essence of what is happening, we remind you that a solar eclipse occurs due to the closure of the solar disk by the Moon. Overlapping can be complete or partial. Such an event can occur on a full moon and not for long. The maximum time for a solar eclipse is barely 7.5 minutes. It happens:

  1. completewhen the lunar disk completely obscures the Sun for human eyes on Earth;
  2. privatewhen the Moon partially covers the Sun;
  3. annular - at this time, the disk of the Moon completely overlaps the disk of the Sun, but the rays of our star are visible at the edges of the lunar disk.

The last type of eclipse is the most beautiful for all lovers of unusual natural phenomena and the most interesting from the point of view of astrologers and experts in astronomical science. An annular eclipse is very rare and therefore eagerly awaited. Only a small ring of light remains in the sky for a few minutes.

When will there be a solar eclipse in 2018

Next year there will be only three such natural phenomena. Moreover, only one of them can be observed on the territory of Russia. It is not surprising that Russians are already interested in what time and where there will be a solar eclipse in Russian Federation, since in order to observe this beautiful event, which does not last long, you need to know the exact time. This table gives a complete picture of the upcoming events in 2018:

date and time Where will the solar eclipse
02/15/18 at 23-52 pm A partial eclipse can be seen in southern South America and Antarctica.
07/13/18 at 06-02 m. A partial eclipse will be observed in Antarctica, on the extreme southern coast of Australia, in Tasmania and in the Indian Ocean in the region of Australia and Antarctica.
08/11/18 at 12-47 pm A partial eclipse will be seen by residents of Greenland, Canada, Scandinavia, northern and central Russia, Siberia and the Far East, northeastern Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia.

Impact on all living things

Solar eclipses do not pass without a trace for all living organisms on our planet. Almost all animals become restless and try to hide. The birds stop chirping and singing. The flora and that leads as if night had come. The human body is also going through hard times. Negative processes begin about two weeks before the onset of the eclipse. The same period continues after a natural phenomenon. Persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases and hypertensive patients are especially affected. Elderly people are also exposed to severe stress. They have exacerbated chronic diseases and anxiety. People with a weak psyche may become depressed or act rashly. Even healthy people become irritable and prone to showdown. Signing serious financial or legal documents is not recommended these days. Businessmen should not enter into business agreements and contracts.

Scientists find no explanation for such changes in the human body. Astrologers who have long been observing the influence of planets on a person do not advise planning anything these days. They recommend taking care of your inner world or reading a book, or listening to calm relaxing music. Church ministers generally advise to pray.

At the same time, life does not stand still these days. Someone dies, others are born. Astrological scientists have long noticed that children born on the days of eclipses tend to become extraordinary personalities. Very often nature rewards them with great talent.


According to astrologers, all solar eclipses are cyclical. The cycle lasts 18.5 years. Everything that happens to you on the days of eclipses continues for the next eighteen and a half years. In this regard, on these critical days it is not recommended:

  • starting something new;
  • to undergo surgical intervention;
  • quarrel, get angry and irritated over trifles.

What you can do on critical days

In the days of solar eclipses in 2018, it is better to say goodbye to the past once and for all. You need to cleanse your home of junk and old things and let in new energy to transform your life. You can go on a diet if you decide to become slim and beautiful. It is recommended to cleanse your body and forget about bad habits. Some psychics advise you to sort out your thoughts, "put everything on the shelves" and outline plans for the future. At the same time, you must clearly imagine your dream and imagine that it has practically come true. If everything is done intelligently and correctly, it will give a huge impetus to the implementation of the most incredible decisions. The only thing that needs to be noted is that dreams should be realistically achievable, not transcendental.

And yet, do not despair if you did not manage to see this miracle of nature. Eclipses will still be in your life, and more than one. The next eclipse, which we will see on the territory of Russia, will take place on 08/12/26.

  • The longest eclipse in this century was the phenomenon that took place on July 22, 2009.
  • The speed of the shadow of our satellite on the surface of our planet during an eclipse is about 2 thousand meters per second.
  • The eclipse of the Sun is so beautiful because of an interesting coincidence: the diameter of the planet is four hundred times the lunar, and at the same time the distance to the satellite is four hundred times less than to our star. In this regard, only on Earth can a total eclipse be seen.

On March 20 this year, there will be a total solar eclipse that will block up to 90 percent of the sun. The eclipse will be the largest event in the past 16 years. On this day, the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. A solar eclipse can cause temporary power outages across Europe. The eclipse will occur on the afternoon of March 20 on Friday and will start at 7:41 UTC (UTC) and end at 11:50 UTC.

The beginning of the solar eclipse: 12:13 Moscow time

Maximum phase of a solar eclipse: 13:20 Moscow time

End of the solar eclipse: 14:27 Moscow time

Maximum solar disk darkening: 58 percent

In eastern Greenland, Iceland, the Svalbard archipelago and the Faroe Islands, a total eclipse will be observed. A partial solar eclipse will be observed in Russia, Europe, northern and eastern Africa and northern and eastern Asia.

The last total solar eclipse of this magnitude occurred on August 11, 1999, and the next will take place in 2026. In addition, an eclipse can disrupt solar power supplies and result in a power outage.

Remember not to look directly at the Sun's disk during time, as this can lead to irreversible damage to the eyes. For observation, you need to use special solar filters.

The eclipse falls on the day of the equinox and the new moon, and the Moon reaches the lunar perigee, the closest point to Earth in its orbit. The vernal equinox occurs on March 20, 2015 at 22:45 UTC (March 21, 1:45 Moscow time). It represents the moment when the Sun crosses the celestial equator. On the day of the equinox, the length of night and day is the same and is 12 hours.

The March new moon will be a supermoon that, while not visible, will have more than the usual impact on Earth's oceans. An eclipse occurs when a celestial body, such as the Moon or a planet, passes into the shadow of another body. On Earth, two types of eclipses can be observed: solar and lunar.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon's orbit passes between the Sun and Earth. When this happens, the Moon blocks the light from the Sun and casts a shadow on the Earth.

There are several types of solar eclipses:

Complete - it is visible in certain areas of the Earth, which are in the center of the lunar shadow falling on the Earth. The sun, moon and earth are in a straight line.

Partial - This eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are not exactly on the same line, and the observers are in penumbra.

Annular - occurs when the Moon is at the farthest point from the Earth. As a result, it does not completely block the solar disk, but looks like a dark disk with a bright ring around it.
