Cancellation in Russia the death penalty, mention of the white-blue-red tricolor as the official flag, the anniversary of "Aunt Sony", non-adherence to NATO, "Dry Law", the inauguration of "Medveputov" - this was the day on May 7 in history ...
And this day unites the Indian poet and the philosopher Rabindranat Tagore and the legend of American cinema Gary Cooper.

On May 7, 1744 - Decree Elizabeth Petrovna about the abolition of the death penalty in Russia. Good was the Russian man: while in civilized and enlightened Europe, they hung, cut off heads, quartered, chaired, burned alive, poured molten lead in a sip - in wild and cruel Russia.canceled the death penalty. Yes, where we are up to a high European culture ...

On May 7, 1883, Tricolor is mentioned as the official flag of Russia. Before that, the Tricolor was known since the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. And on the eve of his coronation, Alexander III on April 28, 1883, "the command of the flags for decorating buildings in solemn cases" established:
"According to the All-Advanced Minister of Internal Affairs report, the sovereign of the emperor, in the 28th day of April 1883, the highest deign to command: so that in those solemn cases when it is possible to allow the decoration of buildings by flags, it was use only a Russian flag consisting of three strips: top - white, middle - blue and lower - red colors; The use of foreign flags to admit only by attitude towards buildings occupied by embassies and consulates of foreign powers, as well as in cases where the members of the reign dynasties come to the empire and in general, honorary representatives of foreign states are recognized to decorate their nationality flags. "

Some believe that before that, the official was the black and yellow-white flag. Confusion is associated with the following circumstance. Based on the fact that the state coat of arms of the Russian Empire was a golden shield with a black double-headed eagle, with silver crowns, scepter and power, Heraldist B.V. Kone believed that the emblem colors of the Russian Empire according to the rules of Heraldry are black, gold and silver. It was these colors that were used by B.V. Cyne already in 1856 in the design of the state banner in the form of black and gold-silver fringe and brushes. But the use of black and yellow-white decorative flags for decoration and black-yellow-white drapery continued only 25 years. And on 7 May 1883, the white-blue-red tricolor is already mentioned as an official.

On May 7, 1945 - at 2:41 am Nights in Reims at the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Forces of Allies in Europe Dwight Eisenhuer, the act on the unconditional surrender of Germany was signed.

On May 7, 1946 - Tokyo TsUsin Kogia (Tokyo Telecommunication Company) was founded in Tokyo), subsequently "Sony". Therefore, "Aunt Sony" has an anniversary: \u200b\u200b65 warschkov shucked!

On May 7, 1954, the United States, France and England responded with refusal to offer the USSR to enter NATO. Yes, yes, there was such a proposal - the Soviet leaders sometimes cut the peculiar sense of humor ... I wonder how the story would turn around, tell US, France and England: "Yes"?
However, the French had a head about a friend of a friend: on the same day, the battle of Dieenbienpha, a decisive battle of the first Indochinese war, was completed by the surplus of the French garrison.

May 7, 1985 - Decree of the CPSU Central Committee on measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism. Remember, yes? "Non-alcoholic" weddings, queues in wine shops ... and the people of Gorbachev then called "Sokin Son." Yes, the story tells us that the introduction of the "dry law" in Russia sometimes turns around not as the initiators would like ... on the other hand. There are assertions that then the mortality rate among Soviet men has fallen sharply ...

But on May 7, 1992, in Russia, vodka and alcohol first began to be implemented at fair prices.
Well, now we are frightened by the coming price increases. Well, personally, I somehow indifferently - I do not drink. "The sobriety should be the norm of life" (M.S. Gorbachev) :)

Stormy years of perestroika-shootouts were replaced by an apathetic boredom zero: on May 7, 2000, the inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin was held. And he has already won two times as president of Medvedev ... But still they say that Putin will become president again in the next election. Or maybe he really is all already tired and Vladimir Vladimirovich wants to live a private life for himself?
On May 7, 2008 - the inauguration of the third president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

And on May 7, 2006, a completely incolmental event happened - the last witness of the death of the "Titanic" was died - American Lillian Gertród Asolund, died at the age of 99 (at the time of the disaster she was 5 years old). After her alive, there were still two who were saved from the "Titanic", but they were less than a year at the time of the catastrophe, and they do not remember anything about it.
So - from the death of "Titanic" only the term of one human life separates us. By the way, the death of "Titanic" is a reason to remember the day of the radio. After all, on the "Titanic" there was already a radio system who sent a disaster signals. If there was no radio transmitter on the ship - the number of victims could be greater, and Lillian Gertrud asplunds would not live to 99 years ... so there is a good reason to mention Popov, Marconi, Hertz ...

1861 — Rabindranat Tagore (Rabindranath Tagore.) (mind 1941), Indian writer, philosopher, laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature of 1913. Today Rabindranat Tagora is 150 years old!

1901 — Gary Cooper (real name Frank James) ( Gary Cooper - Frank James Cooper) (Mind 1961), the famous American film actor, starred in more than hundreds of films, received two Oscars for the best male role (1941, 1952) and Honor Oscar for a general contribution to the development of American cinema (1961). 110 years since the birth of the America's legend.

On May 7, in many countries of the world, an international holiday is celebrated - the day of the radio, today there is a holiday from the Slavs - Spit, in Kazakhstan celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, and in Russia - the day of the creation of the Armed Forces

Radio day

Every year of radio, as a holiday, is celebrated every year on May 7 and entered the history of world technology and science as the birthday of the radio, because in 1895 it was on this day that the Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov at a meeting of Russian physicochemical society demonstrated the first in the meeting The world has a radio receiver and implemented the first radio session. On May 7, 1945, the 50th anniversary of the invention was celebrated in the USSR.

Day of the creation of the Armed Forces

Russia of Russia (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) is a state military organization who has the main task is to fulfill the tasks recorded in the international treaties of Russia, armed protection of the inviolability and integrity of the territory of our country, as well as the reflection of any aggression that will be directed against the Russian Federation.
On May 7, it became the day of the creation of the Armed Forces of Russia in 1992, when the Russian President signed a decree on the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

In Kazakhstan, May 7 is a public holiday. On May 7, on May 7, annually since 1992, after the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree on the creation of the national armed forces, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland was celebrated. By tradition, on this day, the President of Kazakhstan and at the same time the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country presents awards and makes a decree on the assignment of military ranks by distinguished military personnel.


Slavic on May 7 is noted, the final end of winter is celebrated. On this day, the Slavs make rites of the awakening of the Earth, which bring strength and health. They also describe Maya Zlatovlask - the Mother of all the gods, which on the head of the goddess of the law of Makoshi arranged a ritual of worship and in her honor there was an objection of the sacred fire, which marked the beginning of the summer.
In the worship of the upcoming summer, there were big fires in the glory of the upcoming summer and carried out the rite of frighting, which, as our ancestors believed, brought health and good luck, as well as the magic magician of Trigla, helping the woman to keep the whole year in the family.

Unusual holidays

Today, on May 7, you can celebrate 2 unusual at the same time funny holiday - the day of open windows and a blue holiday

Open windows day

Swipe your window on this day! Let the warm May wind will bring something new and unknown, in your life, let the affectionate sun will warm your warmer for a long winter heart and let your life shine all the colors of the rainbow !!!

Blue holiday

This day is like the sky blue, blue in your eyes beautiful, the streams leaving Sinea, carries the bluish alley behind him.

Church holiday for the national calendar


The people had the opinion that he was oppressed to EMSE to Earth, and Matahe was bothering to people, and therefore, to get rid of this attack, were satisfied with holy water and made prayers.
On May 7, this is the day to which the peasants tried to finish sowing Ovus, so the holiday received the nickname of Essay - Ossee.
The oats in the people said that it, regardless of the weather and the state of the soil, it is necessary to sow strictly at a certain time. There have been such special signs on this day: it is necessary to sow oats when it blooms birch and when the fluff flies from willa and the winged ants appear.
On this day about the future, the crop was tried on some signs: if there are many mosquitoes on Essay, then the crop will be rich.
Our ancestors considered - if at the beginning of May the weather is good, it is not worth a hurry - after Yevsevan, another 12 days of frost are very likely.
Name Day on May 7. Us Alexei, Valentina, Elizabeth, Innokentia, Essay, Joseph, Leonty, Nicholas, Savva, Sergey, Susanne, Foma

May 7 in history

1960 - the adoption of a law on gradual cancellation of the tax of wages.
1960 - Law on the introduction of a 7-hour working day.
1966 - Stanislav Hezhi Lets, Polish Satirik, Poet, Aphorist died.
1985 - The Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism, the eradication of moonshit".
1996 - Riga Duma renamed the street "Cosmonavtikas Gatwa" in the street named after Johar Dudayev.
1999 - for the first time with the split of the Christian church in 1054, Pope visited the Orthodox country (Romania).
2000 - a solemn ceremony of joining the position of President of Russia successor B. Yeltsin V.V. Putin.
2003 - the inhabitants of the Earth could observe a rare astronomical phenomenon that occurs only a few times in the century. Mercury moved between the earth and the sun.
2008 - Dmitry Medvedev inauguration.
2012 - Inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Radio day

On this day, 1895, the Russian physicist Popov carried out the first radiocommunication session ...
It seems quite recently Russian Popov and Italian Marconi tried to transform electromagnetic fluctuations in human speech.

Less than a century ago detector receiversheadphones were perceived as a miracle. And today, radio, television, mobile communication has become natural attributes of our life.

Modern information boom - The result of the labor of many generations of scientists, engineers, technicians - everyone who fate has tied up with a branch of communication. And therefore, the radio day can be bolded to call the holiday of television workers, broadcasting, mailers, televisionists, short-wavelets - radio amateurs. All those who promptly inform us about the most important events occurring in the country unites human affairs, thoughts and souls.

May 7.

Day of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

On May 7, 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation, a decree was signed about organizational measures to create the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Russian armed forces have a three-valid structurewhich is more consistent with today's requirements and allows you to increase the efficiency of combat use, seriously simplify the interaction of various types of armed forces and reduce the system of management of troops.

Currently, the armed forces structurally include three types: ground troops, air force, navy.

Three types of troops: Strategic rocket troops; Space troops, airborne troops, as well as troops that are not included in the types of armed forces, the rear of the Armed Forces, the service of quartering and arrangement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


Many have heard that they call the end of winter. On this day, the Slavs are accomplished by the extension rites of the Awakening of the Earth, bringing strength and health.

Maja Zlatovlask is famous - Mother of all the gods. In her honor, there is an objection of the sacred fire, marking the beginning of the summer. Rotation of white solvent. Obdaching rite, bringing health and good luck.

Squares, games, songs and dances. Dancing and songs for traditional Slavic tools: drum, cugikla, twins, swirls. The glorification of Maya Zlatovlasts on the Kapshche of Makoshi. Magic sorcery of trigla, helping a woman to keep the panel in the family. Well done fun dedicated to Letheny.

Renal events

(April 27, under Art.) After the death of King Fyodor Alekseevich, Peter I (son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from the second marriage with Natalia Naryshkina) was proclaimed king. But the straps raised by his only sister Sophia Sofia, and later the "first" king was proclaimed Ivan V (the son of Alexei Mikhailovich from the first marriage with Maryia Miloslavskaya), Peter became the "second" king, and Tsarevna Sophia became rentheren.

(April 26, in Art.) From St. Petersburg, a gallery fleet under the command of P. M. Apraksin went to the conquest of Finland. At the head of the avant-garde, the counter-admiral Pyotr Mikhailov (i.e., the king himself), Cordibataly commanded Apraksin, and Ariergard - Shautbenacht I. F. Bozis, Venetian Greek in the service of Russia, a very good sailor. Two weeks later, the fleet will suit Helsingfors.


(April 26 under Art. Art.) Peter I arrived in Paris during his second overseas travel. For him, the rooms of the queen in the Louvre were cooked, but the room did not like the king on the magnificence, and he demanded that he was taken apart from the apartment in a private house. The hotel was found near the arsenal, but here the furniture seemed to Peter too magnificently, and he ordered his hiking bed from the van ...

(April 26 under Art. Art.) Coronation of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in Moscow. On the occasion of celebrations to this day, Moscow merchants erected a red gate. Elizabeth herself also began to prepare for this event ahead of time, after a year and a half before the coronation of Kamchatka, Shakhtar's headquarters, with the task of delivering six priests, noble Kamchatka maidens. But the ideas of the queen about the size of their own empire were very approximate: only 6 years old (and for 4 years later the coronation) Tsaritsyn, the messenger with selected girls reached on the way back of Irkutsk.

(April 26, according to Art.) We know from which sector the poems grow, but the scientific truth is born in disputes, which is evidence of the following document: "In this afternoon of 1743, 26 days by half of Lomonosov, drunk drunk, came to that chamber, where professors for conferences meet and in which at that time was Professor Vinsheim and there were writers with him. Lomonosov, not congratulating anyone and not throwing off his hats, past them passed to the geographical department, where the Landlocks paint, and Iduchi near the professorship, dagged by the professor, stopped and had a very indecently discounted and extremely donating sign (Cukish) the most mean and shameless way against By making them, I went to this geographical department, in which there was an adjunct of Trescot and students.

In that department, where he also did not throw off, he pushed Professor Vincemam and all other professors with many grains and abusive words, calling from Pluts and other bad words, which is ashamed to write. Moreover, he threatened by Professor Vincemum, scolding him with every bad brave, that he would correct his teeth, and the Schumacher's adviser called the thief. It came back to the conference and all professors were Branil and the thieves called for the fact that he was denied from the professorial assembly. "

According to witnesses, Lomonosov said: "What do they imagine them? I am the same, and even better than them all, I natural Russian! "

The consequence of this complaint was the arrest of LomonosovHe was remembered and troubled deeds during his stay abroad, at the end of January, from under guard, they still freed that they did not disappear for science, but forced to ask for forgiveness from professors, and the worship was ordered to give half.

(April 26, under Art.) On the day of the celebration of the anniversary of the coronation of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the ceremony of the solemn opening of classes at Moscow University was held.

(April 26 under Art. Art.) Moscow University began to publish a newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti". It was the second newspaper in the middle of the country, in the middle of the beginning of the century, when it began to leave daily, which became the largest newspaper of Russia. Its exit ceased in 1917.

(April 25, under Art.) Under the leadership of M. M. Speransky, work began on the preparation of the first complete meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire.

During the Russian-Turkish War from 7 to 12 May, the Russian army crugged the rod and took Moldova and Valachia.

(April 25, under Art.) Between Russia and Japan, a treatise on the exchange of Kuril Islands on the southern part of Sakhalin was signed.

(April 24, under Art. Art.) Alexander Blok in Ozerski wrote the famous poem "Stranger", born during his personal drama:

... and every evening, an hour appointed
(Ile it only dreams to me?),
Devichy Still, grated silks,
In the foggy moves the window.

And slowly passing between drunk,
Always without satellites, one,
Breathing in spirits and fogs
She sits down at the window.

And believe the ancient beliefs
Her elastic silk
And hat with mourning feathers,
And in the rings a narrow hand.

And strange proximity is shaken
I look at the dark veil,
And I see the coast of fascinated
And fascinated distance.

Deaf secrets are assigned to me,
Someone's sun is awarded to me ...

The second great poet of the first decade of our century Innokenti Annensky wrote: "Oh, read as if you want a block" stranger ", but if you have any Petersburst, you can't not sleep every time a sweet heart, when a wonderful lady breaks down and takes away from you, finally, this whole is already exactly the perfect spirit. .. Oh, you will not tease desire. No, none. All this is so close, it is so available that you want, on the contrary, create a mystery around this narrow hand and a girlish mill, separate, save somehow from rabbit eyes, a fairy tale to plunge. "

(April 24, according to Art.) At the meeting of the III of the State Duma, the Minister of Finance of Russia Vladimir Nikolaevich Khodtsov said to the phrase: "We have parliament, thank God, not yet." (Another version of these words, which was driven to Soviet times: "We, thank God, no Parliament." The accuracy of the facts, quotes, numbers and dates are generally a special topic in today's journalism. Especially on radio and television, when they say oven, at random, In the hope of a promotion "Not caught - not a thief.")


(April 24 under Art. Art.) Start correspondence of the poets of Sergei Yesenin and Nikolai Klyuev.


During the Soviet-Polish war, Poles occupied Kiev, which was released only on June 11

A Kremlin regiment was created, whose tasks are included in the protection of the country's leadership, the most important state objects, as well as participation in military rituals. In the new Russia became known as presidential.

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR introduced the General and Admiral titles in the Red Army.

The title of Marshal Soviet Union was awarded to Semen Konstantinovich Timoshnoy and Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov.

The troops of the 1st Belorussian front went on the Elba River North and south-east of Magdeburg, while taking the city of Genn, Cerbst and large settlements of Shenhausen, Bergtsov, Pariy, Chartau, Gerving, Leittskau, Herden, Walternburg, Shthattz.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front as a result of a long siege on May 7 completely mastered the city and fortress Breslavl (Breslau).

The garrison of the German troops, the defendant city, led by the commandant General from infanteria the background of the Nigof and his headquarters, stopped resistance, folded the weapon and gave up.

Troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, continuing the offensive of the west and south-west Moravska Ostrava city, Freudenthal, Friedland on Morau, Merish-Neustadt, Shtipanov and large settlements of Wildhrub, Svaldd, Medlov, Khwalkov, Schmeil, Svalov, Odra, Palach, Leshel, Svalov, Odra, Palaces, Scholas, Svalkov, Schmeil, Svalov, Odra, Palachs, Schmel, Scholas, Odra, Palaces, Leszno.


German delegation arriving early in the morning at General Eisenhawer's headquarters in Reims(France), signed an act of unconditional surrender. But at the insistence of Stalin the next day in Berlin, occupied by Soviet troops, the second ceremony of signing the act on the unconditional surrender of fascist Germany took place.

The International Olympic Committee invited the USSR to take part in the 1952 Olympic Games.

For the post of chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, instead of the resigned K. E. Voroshilova entered L. I. Brezhnev.


The USSR adopted the Law on the introduction of a semi-hour working day.

North, Black Sea and Pacific Fleamies are awarded the Order of the Red Banner.The Baltic Fleet was twice red-known. Thus were marked by the merits of sailors in the Great Patriotic War.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned to a large group of generals and admirals - participants of the Great Patriotic War.

The Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism, eradicating moonshine." If only there is no error in this data, then, apparently, before the holiday, the people decided not to worry, and it was published in 10 days.


Vladimir Putin brought the oath and officially joined the position of President of the Russian Federation.

On the same day, he appointed Mikhail Kasyanovacting Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, and after three days he proposed his candidacy for approval by the State Duma.

Vladimir Putin brought the oath as president of Russia for the second time.

On this day were born

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
(1840 - 6.11.1893),

Dmitry Nikolaevich Sadovnikov
(1847 - 31.12.1883),
Folklorist, ethnographer, poet, the most complete and better in the scientific relationship between the "Riddles of the Russian People" (1876).

Arthur Arturovich Keller
(1867 - 17.6.1915),
Count, Major General. From the ancient German family, the descendants of which they deserve the honor and glory in military service in Russia. Participated in the Chinese company 1900-01, the Russian-Japanese and 1st world wars. In the last commanded the 1st Astrakhan Cossack regiment, the team of the 4th Don Cossack Division.

Mikhail Borisovich Sandomirsky
(1891, Ekaterinoslav - 30.1.1973, Moscow),
Poet, translator.

Pavel Sergeevich Aleksandrov
(1896 - 16.11.1982),
Academician mathematician, founder of the Soviet topological school, hero of socialist labor.

Nikolay Alekseevich Zabolotsky
(1903, Kazan - 10/14/1958, Moscow),

Boris Abramovich Slutsky
(1919 - 23.2.1986),


Igor Zhemanovich Zalesnoye
(1930, Tbilisi - 30.9.1997, Helsinki),
violinist, conductor, folk artist of the USSR.

Anatoly Ivanovich Lukyanov

Former Speaker of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, now one of the leaders of the communist opposition in the State Duma. It also known as a poet under the pseudonym of the Autumn. The period after the August 1991 events of 1991 was particularly favorable for the poetic creativity of Lukyanov, when he was arrested with Gacchipists.

Evgeny Grigorievich Yasin
Former Russian Economic Minister

Vladimir Vladimirovich Bortko
Film director ("Blonde around the angle", "Dog's heart", "Gangster Petersburg"). In 2003, the attention of all viewers attracted his adaptation of "idiot", but to breathe life in the Bulgaki heroes "Masters and Margarita" could not fully succeed.

Love Alekseevna Germanov
film actress. Junior sister Evdokia.

Her name became known after the role of Tsaritsa Evdokia Lopukhina in films "At the beginning of nice cases" and "Peter's Youth". And then, it happened, the spectacle of the Shanlli agent from the "secret materials" became the most loud work.

Mikhail Ignatiev
Cyclist, 2004 Olympic champion in a group tracks on glasses. She dreams of participation in Tour de France, and let him not talk about victories on the highway, his previous desires came true.

This day did not


Fedor Alekseevich
(9.6.1661 - 1682),
Russian king (1676-82). A number of progressive reforms began to be held in his rule, but due to weak health, the king traveled only six years on the throne.


Dmitry Andreevich Tolstoy
(13.3.1823 - 1889),
Count, State Avestigator, Member of the State Council.

A graduate of the Tsarskoselsky lyceum is considered one of the pillars of the political reaction of the 80s. 19th century, supporter of strong power. It is interesting to combine posts: at first he was an Ober-Prosecutor of the Synod (1865-80) and the Minister of Folk Enlightenment (from 1866), then by President of the Academy of Sciences and at the same time Minister of Internal Affairs and the chief of gendarmes (1882-89). After the gymnasium reform of 1871, a classical education was predominant with emphasis on the study of Greek and Latin, as the President of An Academy of Sciences, the development of the science introduced by them "Temporary Rules" was significantly limited to the freedom of the press.

Alexander Dmitrievich Apraksin
(26.2.1851, Vienna - 1913, Art. Specific, near St. Petersburg),

Belonged to the famous graphic claf and up to 35 years old was a lousy sheep in the family. From the preparatory classes of the school of lawsurance and the gymnasium was excluded for laziness and motorcycle. In a private board, where it was given under a strict supervision, stuck and fled twice. In 20 years, the officer was sent to the Arkhangelsk province for fraud and insult. When in two years he was pardoned by the king, returned to the capital, began to be printed, made a more years of journey in Europe. In 1886, it was again under the trial and was sentenced to the link to Siberia for fakeing bills. The king again pardon him, but deprived the county title. Something then there was a rebirth of Apraksina, and devoted himself entirely to literary work. Critics of his books were evaluated negatively, but they recognized their enormity and adequality. The general public took them favorably, since the author "was sent out of the tastes of the street crowd" in its description of secular life and criminal scenes.

Boris Viktorovich Savinkov
(31.1.1879 - 1925),
Ester, terrorist, writer.

Nikolai Vissarionovich Nekrasov
(1.11.1879 - 1940),
The leader of the left wing of the Cadet Party, Comrade Chairman of the 4th State Duma, a member of the Provisional Government. After October, it was arrested three times: for the first time he was freed after a meeting with Lenin, the second time was released early, in the third, he was sentenced to shooting. In 1990, Nekrasov rehabilitated.

Seraphim Ivanovich Znamensky
(2.2.1906 - 1942),
The famous runner who died at the front.

Vasily Vasilyevich Ulrich
(13.7.1889, Riga - 1951, Moscow),
Chairman of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR (1926-4, Colonel-General of Justice.

The biography of one of the main screws who carried out Stalin's repression (Ulrich's signature stands on a death sentence to dozens of thousands of people), often consists of contradictory facts from birth. Somewhere it is said that he was born in the family of a professional revolutionary, in another place - honorary citizens. In a risk, to call himself the encyclopedic dictionary "Stalin Empire" we assure us that in 1950, Ulrich was arrested and died, being in custody. In fact, he was arranged solemn funerals at the Novodevichy Cemetery, and the necrologist was published in the "Red Star".

Alexey Makarovich Smirnov
(28.2.1920 - 1979),
Movie Actster ("Striped Flight", "Business People", "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurika", "Wedding in Malinovka", "One" old men "go to battle"), the cavalier of two orders of Fame and the Order of the Red Star.

Daily in the world something happens, leaving a bright track in history.
What is the holiday today, who celebrates its birthdays (Angel Day) on this day, as well as about significant events and memorable dates on May 7, read the site.

Holidays May 7, 2014

Radio day

On this day, Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov in 1895 demonstrated the world's first radio receiver at a meeting of Russian physicochemical society.

Day of the creation of the Armed Forces of Russia

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are engaged in the protection of the integrity and inviolability of the country. They are designed to reflect aggression directed against the state.


We call the end of winter: Slavs on this day performed coastal rites of the Awakening of the Earth, which brought power and health.

Name Day on May 7.

Angel's Day Cool Media Naming: Alexey, Valentin, Elizabeth, Innokenty, Joseph, Leonte, Nikolay, Sergey.

Folk signs on May 7

EVSEY - OSSI OSEZ: On this day it was already necessary to finish sowing oats. The people claimed that he was neutral to Earth, Matahe was tightened to some people. To get rid of the attack, prayers were read and washed with holy water.

Renal events that occurred on May 7

Solemn opening of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (1755). The educational institution is based due to the activities of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - the first Russian academician, an outstanding scientist-encyclopedist.

Education of the Jewish Autonomous Region in the RSFSR (1934). At first, the territorial education was attached to the Far Eastern, then to the Khabarovsk Territory. Before the arrival of settlers, no more than 1,200 people lived in the area of \u200b\u200bBirobidzhan.

Accepted resolution "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism, eradication of moonshine" Council of Ministers of the USSR (1985). In parallel, prices for alcohol rose, its sale was dramatically limited. Vodka was released on coupons.

May 7 born

English poet and playwright Robert Browning (1812), German composer, pianist and conductor Johannes Brahms. (1833), composer, teacher and conductor Peter Tchaikovsky (1840), Indian writer and public figure Rabindranat Tagore (1861), poet and translator Nikolay Zabolotsky (1903), violinist, teacher, conductor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Igor Rady (1930), Writer, film director, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Vladimir Bortko (1946).

In the photo - Petr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

In this significant day, the traditional holiday is celebrated in each country. Therefore, in this category you can read certain dates that celebrate various nationalities. On this day, various fun entertainment and events are arranged.

Holidays in Russia May 7, 2020

Day of the creation of the Armed Forces of Russia

The "Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" annually celebrate their holiday on May 7. The main goal of the Russian Federation is the integrity and inviolability of territories. In 1992, the Russian president signed a decree on organizational treaties.

This happened to create the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Defense. From this day, the country notes this event of the seventh of May. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serve more than a million citizens.

Holidays in the rest of the world May 7, 2020

Radio day

It is worth noting that from 1945 on May 7 in the Soviet countries celebrated the birth of radio. Radio appeared since 1895. At the time when Russian physicist Alexander Popov presented his manufactured first radio before the society.

To date, this holiday is widely celebrated in our country. Many generations passed through the boom of radio receivers. Today, times have changed. Thanks to modern technology, new equipment is created. Therefore, this holiday celebrates all engineers, scientists and including technical researchers.

Defender of the Fatherland Day in Kazakhstan

"Defender of the Fatherland Day" is a day off in Kazakhstan. All residents of the country annually celebrate this state event on May 7. In 1992, the president of Kazakhstan named Nursultan Nazabayev was signed a decree on the creation of the Armed Forces.

The President of Kazakhstan is the Supreme Commander. He is a presenter of all awards to its compatriots and heroes. Military reform has been adopted in this country. Actual reforms are carried out in military units. The main structured headquarters of the ground forces are created. BUT

also enhanced air defense. It is worth noting that Kazakhstan cooperates with NATO. A program that is a "partnership in the name of the world."

Other holidays on May 7, 2020


The second week after Easter comes off the "dead day". This event is noted literally on the second day after a fomine Sunday. Orthodox Easter was chosen this day. Different, this holiday is called "Radonitsa."

On this day, the entire Orthodox religion shares the Easter joy about the resurrection of the Savior. As Saint John Zlatoust testified, on this day many residents went to the cemeteries and thus celebrated this event.

On this day, painted eggs are painted in cemeteries. Thus, the memorial meal is satisfied. The Orthodox Church argues that on this day close toes should not mourn, but on the contrary, this day should be celebrated (in 2020 - May 7).

Sea man day

Near the Atlantic Ocean is a small town called "Nazare". A few thousand people live on this old fishing coast. Many believe that the best beaches are located on this territory. Such a beach may not meet more in Portugal.

Locals love to wear traditional outfits. Basically, these costumes wear fishermen living in this village. Wives of fishermen can be found in colorful skirts and tied on the head of shocks. Traditional marine festival is arranged annually on May 7. All residents of Nazare with great pleasure note this event.

May 7, 2020 in the folk calendar


The Christian world mentions several Saints Euseviev. It is worth noting the Great Martyrs, for example, Eugene. He lived in the first century. Evgenia Nikodmidia executed Emperor Diocletian. As stated in the people, everyone will turn to EMSE to Earth, but Mataget is sticking to the people.

Accordingly, everyone wanted to get rid of attack. All Christians prayed and washed away with holy water. To the seventh number, it was necessary to finish sowing oats. Therefore, he went from here the name "Evsey".

Name Day on May 7.

Susanna, Joseph, Sergey, Nikolay, Elizabeth, Innokenty, Leonte, Valentin, Alexey.

Renal events on May 7 in history

  • 1755 - the solemn discovery of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • 1780 - Catherine The second officially complained by the coat of arms of St. Petersburg
  • 1934 - a new territorial education appeared in the RSFSR "Jewish Autonomous"
  • 1936 - Day of the Presidential Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin
  • 1985 - Council of the Ministry of the USSR adopted a resolution "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism, the eradication of moonshine"

Born on this day

  1. Pavel Aleksandrov 1896 - Mathematics and Academician
  2. Rabindranat Tagore 1861 - Indian Writer and Public Worker
  3. Vladimir Bortko 1946 - Russian Writer and Filmoremor
  4. Peter Tchaikovsky 1840 - Composer, Conductor and Pedagogue
  5. Johannes Brahms 1833 - Pianist, Composer and Conductor
  6. Igor Zheguznaya 1930 - Soviet violinist and conductor
  7. Eva Perone 1919 - First Lady Argentina
  8. Nikolay Zabolotsky 1903 - Soviet poet and translator
  9. Robert Browning 1812 - poet and playwright
