Probably everyone has seen at least once how a person's face suddenly becomes covered with red spots. Such sudden redness not only spoil the appearance of their owner, but also give rise to psychological complexes, so the question of the possibility of getting rid of them is quite acute. In the publication we will talk about why the face turns red and how you can deal with it.

Causes of facial redness

Before attempting to get rid of facial redness, it is necessary to find out the causes of this problem and determine what exactly is the factor that provokes the defect. If you find the answer to all these questions, then it will become clear to you which remedy will help with skin redness. Dermatologists and cosmetologists have several options for the causes of redness on the face. But they all agree that the nature of the phenomenon is not only physiological, but also psychological. So why does the face blush most often?

Among the psychological factors, the following are distinguished:

  • nervous strain;
  • prolonged depression and stress;
  • constant anxiety;
  • an inferiority complex and psychological barriers;
  • shyness.

Physiological reasons may be as follows:

It is necessary to analyze the lifestyle, as well as not just physical, but also psychological health. Try to determine if your conditions and symptoms are the same as the statements above, so that you can determine the reason why the skin is covered with red spots. In a situation where there are no psychological problems, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination, which will show if you have any hidden diseases. If you have determined what was the provocateur, then you need to try to eliminate the disease or adjust your lifestyle.

For even more interesting information on why the face turns red, see the video:

Eliminate the cause of redness

If you are constantly faced with the fact that your face turns red, then you can turn to several simple measures that will help get rid of this phenomenon. To correct the situation yourself, use the following recommendations and / or folk remedies:

  • try to worry less often, avoid stressful situations and do not overexert yourself;
  • if you suffer from complexes, try to get rid of them, for example, seek help from a psychologist;
  • use special cosmetics with a protective effect, choose products without alcohol and other aggressive substances;
  • engage in nutritional correction, give preference to natural food;
  • do not take medicine for too long;
  • try to smoke less tobacco products;
  • give up regular alcohol consumption;
  • try to avoid unnecessary skin contact with irritants;
  • check if you have an allergic reaction;
  • drink vitamins that are good for the skin and the body.

There are many points on this list, but this does not mean that all of them will help you. The main thing is to find out what the cause of the disease is, and the methods of struggle will logically follow from the provoking factor. Try to choose only those methods of dealing with redness that are relevant to your situation.

If the redness persists constantly, it will not be superfluous to go to an appointment with cosmetologist, perhaps procedures such as galvanizing or cleaning the skin with ultrasound are suitable for solving the problem.

In the event that redness is caused allergic reaction, you need to start taking antihistamines, for example, Suprastin or Tavegil, and treat the skin with an emollient ointment with antiallergic effect. In addition, you will have to follow a diet until the redness goes away. This is necessary in order to exclude potential allergens from entering the body and to reduce the load on the organs of the digestive system. One of the conditions for a strict diet is the daily use of porridge on the water. It perfectly removes toxins and cleanses the intestines.

Review your diet, it should be balanced and varied, do not allow a lack of vitamins E and C, which help to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent inflammatory processes in the body.

Refuse visits to baths and saunas, try to avoid sudden temperature changescausing skin redness.

Refusal from bad habits will also help reduce the problem of red spots. Smoking, alcoholic beverages and spicy foods stimulate blood flow to the skin, which makes the redness even more noticeable.

In addition, in case of emergency, you can use decorative cosmetics and temporarily mask the disease.

Folk recipes for redness

You can try to cope with redness on your own. We will be helped by folk beauty recipes that saved our grandmothers from this problem. The most effective of them are the following:

Be attentive to the signals that your body gives you, because the red skin of the face can be the first sign of a serious illness.

Homemade masks for facial redness

The use of home masks cannot be called therapeutic therapy, but they can soothe irritation on the skin of the face and normalize blood flow under the skin. After applying the masks, the skin on the face will become more pale and will not redden as much as it was before. For masks, you need 20-30 minutes, and you can repeat the procedure every 2 days. The course is three weeks, after which a break is required. Be careful and choose a product for your skin type:


You now have up-to-date information on what you can do to combat redness in your skin. First, it is imperative to determine the cause of the defect, then try to eliminate it from a beautician, dermatologist or using folk remedies. In any case, try to correct your lifestyle, normalize your diet, give up bad habits. If the recommendations are followed correctly, after a few weeks you will enjoy a positive result: the blood will not rush too close to the skin surface, and red spots and irritation will disappear.

In the old days, the term “red maiden”, which was popular, meant the beauty and attractiveness of a girl. Now they don't say that, but what to do if you are not allegorically, but literally often blush and do not consider it charming? Nowadays, the question "How to stop blushing for any reason?" girls are more often asked, but men also sometimes have to suffer from such a feature of the body. If you correctly identify the causes of skin redness and learn how to control the process, you can cope with the problem. Let's get down to it!

Why do people blush

You can “paint yourself up” from shame or embarrassment, from excitement, confusion, fear. We all experience these feelings from time to time, but not all people have a reddening reaction. And not everyone is able to understand how painful such moments are. It's one thing to blush at 16, but when you're in your 40s, the signs of embarrassment on your face aren't always appropriate. There are few reasons for sudden skin redness and they are interrelated.

Physiological reasons:

  • blood rushes to the vessels on the face when blood pressure rises. You can determine this using a tonometer - a device for measuring pressure;
  • rosacea, in which the tone of small vessels is disturbed, and the skin turns red not only from emotions, but also from heat, frost, and often just for no reason. You will not confuse rosacea with anything - these are the branches of thin red vessels on the cheeks, nose, less often on the forehead and chin;
  • also causes redness, impaired circulation in the veins and arteries.

It is necessary to deal with the problems of pressure and blood circulation in the therapist's office. And couperosis can be controlled independently or with the help of a good beautician.

If you have rosacea, do not heat or cool your skin too much. Sauna, steam baths and cold showers are not for you. It is better not to smoke and forget about alcohol, so as not to provoke blood flow to problem areas. Never rub your skin, avoid scrubs and any harsh action. Use professional cosmetics that can help control rosacea. Let the beautician select the brand and product, because with masks from the nearest store you will only harm yourself. To strengthen blood vessels, you can drink Ascorutin tablets: one, three times a day after meals, for two weeks.

Neurological Cause:

  • vessels dilate when the body feels tension.

If your nervous system is shattered and malfunctioning, it may be time to see a neurologist. Or try to independently adjust the work of the nervous system, this will be discussed a little further.

The reasons are psychological:

  • these are emotions and experiences: fear, embarrassment, embarrassment,.

Simply put, redness occurs as a reaction to tension. Most often, this process is triggered by a psychological factor: a person was agitated before the performance (fear or embarrassment), the nervous system immediately reacted (palms sweaty, heart often beat), as a result, the pressure rose. This is the close relationship of all the reasons. Therefore, it is much easier to cope with redness if you approach the matter comprehensively, thoroughly and ... creatively.

How to beat emotions

More often people blush who are not completely confident in themselves, those who care about someone's opinion about them. After all, no one blushes alone, you can blush only in the presence of another person. This is modesty or the fear of communication, the fear of falling into someone's eyes, of doing something wrong. You can understand the reasons for low self-esteem at the reception with a psychotherapist. But start learning to control your emotions now.

  1. "Calm, only calm", - as the famous character of the fairy tale Astrid Lindgren said. Tune in to take any circumstance for granted. Life consists of surprises - sometimes pleasant, and more often - not very, and it is not worth reacting to them too violently every time, health will not be enough. Allow anything that can happen to happen. Your task is to receive events and people with maximum peace of mind.
  2. Relax. As soon as you feel a treacherous heat on your skin and a rapid heart rate, try to relax and stop the process. You can relieve stress in different ways, it is important to find a way that suits you. You can sit down and breathe deeply, consciously controlling your breathing. If possible, try listening to relaxing music or dancing a little. Or maybe a few light exercise will help. Or self-hypnosis.
  3. Don't dive headfirst into the situation. Look at what is happening, as if from the side. Sometimes, in order to solve a problem, you need to distance yourself from events, wait a little. Do not demand quick reactions and decisions from yourself; in the heat of emotions, people rarely do the right thing.
  4. Try to forget about the problem. If you go in cycles, then you can bring the position to erythrophobia - fear of embarrassment blush. A person who is worried about redness will invariably blush over and over again, because he does not control fear. Inspire yourself that there is no problem. Perhaps comparing your difficulties with the troubles of other people will help: incurable diseases, loss of a home or a loved one, war, in the end. Against the background of such serious things, ruddy cheeks will seem like a trifle.
  5. Conquer fear. Take the particularity of your body for granted. The movement of blood through the vessels is not subject to your will, like the growth of hair or the digestion of dinner by the intestines. Do not be afraid to blush, but, on the contrary, look forward to these moments! Try to induce the redness yourself, so you will get used to it, and then you will stop worrying about it. Less worry means less blush.
  6. Avoid unwanted moments.You will not sit your life at home in isolation, but it is in your power to choose a profession that is far from direct communication with people. Not performing on stage, not going on business trips, not reading reports, not making loud toasts and not attracting too much attention - you can not do all this. Take care of yourself, bypass any uncomfortable situations, if it makes you feel happy and calm.
  7. Do whatever it takes to feel confident. Dress to please yourself. Keep your hair and shoes clean. Use the best that is available to you: accessories, dishes, jewelry.

These tips will also be useful for teenagers who often blush when embarrassed. They can help direct thoughts in the right direction and increase self-esteem.

How to stop blushing when embarrassed

You know the feeling of awkwardness when talking and meeting people, your face, neck and shoulders blush with excitement. It may not be that bad. It has been noticed that people sympathize with those who blush from time to time. They are considered sincere, incapable of lying, conscientious, reliable comrades. In the ancient Roman Empire, it was the red-cheeked fellows who were honored as the most daring, intelligent, fast warriors. Let these facts comfort you and help fight your embarrassment.

There are several exercises that acting students use to learn not to blush with excitement, not to be ashamed of the audience, to overcome shame, which will probably seem difficult to you. But step over yourself, conquer fear and the result will be obvious.

  1. Begin by walking to the soft accompaniment of your own singing. Do this every day until you get used to singing as easily as breathing.
  2. Put on extravagant clothes and walk around the city.
  3. Go outside and ask passers-by for directions. How to go to a library or local history museum, how to find a polyclinic number 11, where to buy flowers - ask different questions. If you are very shy, start with one question a day. Your task is to get used to boldly addressing strangers. Train every day and come up with new tasks. When you can offer candy to a stranger, move on to the next exercise.
  4. Come to an open party or city event. Disco on the occasion of initiation into students, the opening of an exhibition of handicrafts or painting, even a literary evening in a public library will do. Choose an event, come and meet someone. Do not pester everyone, of course, but subtly try to make a new acquaintance.

Train the nervous system

Coaching the psyche and working with emotions is half the battle. To stop blushing when talking, you need to tune your body to work in a different mode. Here is a simple set of measures to train the nervous system:

  • temper... Start by rubbing your body with a damp towel or dousing your feet, then gradually move to a cool and then a cold short shower. Do not take a hot bath or shower, it does not benefit the nervous system;
  • pay attention to yoga... It not only trains the body and makes it more enduring, it calms, improves blood circulation, adjusts to harmony and gives energy;
  • forbid yourself to smoke, drink alcohol, eat hot and spicy;
  • go in for sports... During the session, the body will release heat, you will turn red and it will be more difficult for the body to give out the same skin reaction to emotions. In addition, from a healthy lifestyle, you will have a natural permanent blush;
  • the sensitivity of the nervous system will decrease if you monitor what you eat: Less artificial food from cans and containers, and more raw vegetables and fruits.

Reorganization of the body is not a matter of one week or even one month. This is a new way of life, control over yourself and your body. But in the end, you will forget about the awkward blush at crucial moments.

What to do if you start to blush when embarrassed

Let's say you have already started applying all the tips outlined above. But there is no result yet, and tomorrow there is an important meeting or conversation. There is a way out - these are quick, but short-acting means:

  • drink half a liter of ice-cold water ten minutes before an event or conversation. This will constrict blood vessels, making it difficult for blood to flow. Take your time to avoid getting sick, drink slowly. This method is heavy artillery, use it as little as possible;
  • stretch your arms forward and imagine a fire underneath. Feel his heat and how the blood rushes to the hands, and from the face - gradually leaves;
  • buy a face mask with a cooling effect. Typically, such masks include essential oils and extracts, the action of which will last from half an hour to two hours;
  • try powder or baby powder if you have very light skin. The foundation will also keep the complexion in a natural shade well:
  • three or four sessions will give your face a pleasant color that will hide your blush;
  • if during a conversation you feel that you have begun to blush, on purpose, pay attention to it yourself and try to laugh it off. You can say something like this:

- Oh, you drove me completely into the paint!

- Well, she blushed again ...

- I always blush when I like someone.

- Wow, I even blushed!

Rest assured, people are not looking at your red cheeks, because more important is how interesting, open and sincere you are. Our tips will help you cope with the problem, but it is more important that you love yourself right now, as you are.

How often have you met people who, for the slightest reason, start to blush? One has only to take a step towards them, to talk to them or just to look, as they immediately turn crimson and begin to hesitate, hiding their eyes in excitement. And if you yourself relate to such people, then what do you experience at such moments? Embarrassment, shame, awkwardness? How to avoid this unpleasant problem, what to do, how not to blush when talking to people?

Is redness of the skin a problem or a fiction?

Even in the 19th century, such a problem did not exist - scarlet cheeks were considered the standard of beauty. The girls specially used blush abundantly to get even a little closer to the ideal and blush effectively. Remember at least the famous fairy tale film "Frost". The evil stepmother rubbed her daughter's cheeks with beets and said: “No, not a princess…. The princess! " It is not for nothing that the expression "red maiden" means the beauty and attractiveness of women.

Thinking about it, many will smile and consider the problem of sudden facial flushing as contrived. But not those who themselves instantly begin to feel shy and are covered with a thick treacherous blush for any reason. Indeed, often these people have reddening not only cheeks, but also forehead, nose, chest, shoulders and even eyes. And they are not able to control this process. Imagine that you are walking towards a nice guy, and as soon as you meet his gaze, you turn red like a cancer. The guy shrugged his shoulders and walked on. And then he will make a couple of jokes about this. Or a situation when someone's wallet was stolen at work, and when asked "who did it?", You immediately blush, although you are not guilty of anything. What will be the reaction of others? And what do you do, how do you work after that?

Sudden facial flushing deprives many people of self-confidence and lowers self-esteem. They are forced to give up promotions, because burning cheeks and ears make it difficult to work with clients. How will colleagues react to a lawyer who, with every question, will be embarrassed and blush? And what about a manager who blushes when signing a contract?

Causes of sudden facial flushing

The fact that people blush is a feature of their nervous system. Someone constantly turns pale, someone sweats, and you blush. There is no pathology in this. Did you know that the ability to blush was highly valued by Gaius Julius Caesar? When the founder of the Roman Empire was choosing future warriors, he unexpectedly threw an iron stick behind them. Those who blushed were good for his army, and those who blushed were driven away. After all, it was the warriors who were able to blush that were considered the most desperate, most selfless fighters. Our ancestors were sure that such people are characterized by courage, quick reactions and a subtle mind. Because of what the ancient wisdom "The coward turns pale, the brave turns red" has reached our days.

Unfortunately, many ladies with crimson cheeks, forced to be ashamed of their thick blush, are not at all reassured by this fact. They are ashamed of themselves and try to find a solution to the problem, dream of stopping blushing once and for all. Alas, no foundation can help hide such a bright blush. In order to understand the causes of redness, let's see why a person literally flashes a blush when there is no apparent reason for this.

First of all, we note that skin redness is an absolutely natural physiological reaction. And why a person blushes when no one expects such a reaction from him, the question is not too difficult. The embarrassment and shame experienced by people who are insecure play a big role here. The fear of being misunderstood, offended, or just a laughing stock in others' eyes makes them not just shy, but live in tension and constantly expect trouble from society.

Did you know that a person blushes only in the presence of other people? Try blushing alone when there is no one in the room and no one is looking at you, and you will realize that nothing has worked out. One of the options for dealing with the treacherous paint on your face is to imagine that the room or street is completely empty and you have no one to blush in front of anyone. This method is good for public speaking and monologues. If you need contact with the interlocutor, you will fail.

Therefore, the best way to avoid unwanted facial flushing is to increase self-esteem. Once you start believing in yourself and your own strength, your embarrassment and fear of society will disappear. Believe me, your acquaintances are real people with their own shortcomings, and often very serious ones. Perhaps, compared to their problems, your reason to be embarrassed is nothing. Learn to love yourself and appreciate what nature has given you. Even the fact that you blush makes you different from others.

Exaggeration of the problem of sudden redness

Usually, a person with sudden redness has two problems. The first is that at the slightest reason, he blushes, regardless of the circumstances. The second is his reaction to how he looks and to the opinions of others about him. Moreover, it is the second problem that is much more dangerous than the first. People are burdened by the fact that from any look or word, their face is covered with a scarlet color. They avoid communicating with friends and colleagues, they literally start hiding from them. And this will certainly give a response: who wants to communicate with those who are constantly embarrassed and running away. As a result, a person develops social phobia - a fear of communication.

Oddly enough, but social anxiety is more likely to affect those who most of all crave communication with other people. It is public people who are often worried about the question: how to stop blushing in front of the public, in front of important clients, or just when communicating with friends? And if you consider yourself to be in this category, then be objective in front of the facts. As much as you are ashamed of your reaction to the actions of others, you cannot be sure that someone is judging you for your red cheeks. It is possible that this problem is generally far-fetched and few people around you notice that you blushed again.

Try to conduct a "sociological survey" among your friends: how often they see redness on your face and how they feel at the same time. If you're expecting a response that they dislike and mock your flaw, your friends' responses will surprise you. Often, ruddy cheeks on a girl's face are considered a sweet and touching addition to her appearance. What if others don't care about your redness, but you suffer and don't know what to do, tormented by non-existent problems? Some girls only think that they have blushed, and excitement and bashfulness already make them hide their eyes and become very embarrassed. Carry a small mirror with you to make sure that you are really blushing and not “glowing” only inside?

A way to deal with redness

Of course, you can come to terms with the fact that you are constantly blushing. Just accept this feature of yours as an invariable fact. Someone is short, others are overweight or, conversely, thin. Well, you just blush for any reason. If you learn to live with it, then such a problem will not cause too much inconvenience. In the end, you can laugh off the comments of others and laugh at yourself. And if you do it first, then others will lose any desire to let go of barbs at you. But there are people striving for perfection. For them, the thought that eternally scarlet cheeks will interfere with their studies, career, personal life is unacceptable.

Unwanted facial flushing is predictable. Of course, this is very difficult and requires practice, but if successful, the result will be noticeable to you and others. Before you blush, you feel a growing embarrassment and heat inside. Once you realize that you have blushed, you feel awkward and glow even more. Vicious circle? No, this chain can be broken.

And here's what you need to do to stop redness of the skin: the best way is not to be silent at the first sign of its appearance. Speak out loud, address your interlocutor. Whatever you say, your brain will be distracted from increasing blood flow to your face. Having said a couple of phrases, you can not only stop the redness of the skin, but also prevent the interlocutor from misunderstanding you. Come up with a couple of jokes in advance that will relieve your tension and negate the impression of crimson cheeks. For example, you can act like this:

  • Oh, something I blushed! I won't unlearn it.
  • No, what are you!
  • Indeed? And inside I'm all on fire!

Such a sweet dialogue will help the interlocutor not to pay attention to your redness, even if it appears. And if there is no negative reaction, then there will be fewer reasons for concern. Maybe next time you will be less nervous and you will not be able to blush.

If you don't have enough imagination, then you can offer a few common phrases that can save the day. The main thing is to break the vicious circle in your own words: redness, embarrassment, even greater blush. And it’s better to do it in a playful way to defuse the situation.

  • I blushed so as not to seem perfect;
  • Yes, the cheeks are on fire. I just wanted to get your attention;
  • Well, I always blush when I want to appear innocent;
  • God, I read your thoughts and could not resist, even my cheeks were flushed;
  • I always worry and blush when I think about you;
  • The blush on my face is a reaction to the stupidity you said;
  • I blushed because I am always embarrassed when I am praised;
  • Oh, this excellent pupil syndrome - I constantly blush when I worry.

As you can see, there are lots of ways to "talk" your embarrassment and you won't have to blush forever. Stretch your imagination and come up with your own excuses that are close to your situation.

If no methods help you cope with embarrassment and redness of the skin, then one thing remains: to love yourself for who you are. After all, your scarlet cheeks speak of sincerity and gentle character. And such qualities are very highly valued by the opposite sex. Ask a loved one what he thought of your complexion when you first met. Tell us how much this problem worries you, that you will do everything to find a way to learn not to blush.

It is quite possible that you will be surprised to learn that it was your red cheeks that caught his attention and made him different from other girls. After all, you are a woman, and unlike men, it is much easier for you to cover up your feelings with a sweet embarrassment and a flaming face. So boldly raise your head and blush to your health, because this is a feature that makes you unique!

Some people tend to blush only in awkward moments, for example, when someone made a stinging joke at you or you made a serious mistake in front of others. But, there are those whose cheeks begin to fill with a blush for no particular reason. If you think that such a habit greatly interferes with your being in society, it gives you some discomfort, then you can try to get rid of it. In our article, we will provide some useful tips on this topic.

Causes of facial redness

There are several main reasons why a person may have sudden flushing of their cheeks, ears, or even neck. These include:

  • increased activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • second jumps in blood pressure;
  • overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • uncontrollable emotional state (a person does not “manage” his own emotions badly);
  • rosacea is a disruption in the functioning of thin vessels that are located in the face and neck area (thus, redness may appear due to heat, cold, or even for no reason).
the face turns red from pressure surges, rosacea, nervous strain or inability to control emotions

How to learn not to blush?

The problem of unreasonable redness of the face and neck area is completely solvable. To do this, follow the recommendations described below.

Be calm

It is important to learn how in any situation, even the most difficult or unforeseen, to remain calm and balanced. You should not take the small failures of life as a tragedy, on the contrary, take this fact for granted and move on with your head held high.

Know how to relax

At that very moment when you will feel the next rush of heat and acceleration of the heart rate, try not to think about anything, relax, and also try to stop this process. You can just take a deep breath, and then exhale very smoothly, wash with cool water, go out into the fresh air, etc.

Train the nervous system

Conduct constant trainings with your own nervous system, that is, learn to perceive and react to some moments of your life without aggression. Help other people to get out of difficult situations, give advice, analyze, tell how you would act, etc.

Don't just think about the problem

If some unpleasant event has happened in your life, then you should not plunge into it "headlong", forgetting about everything in the world. If you try to forget about your failures, at least for a while, then perhaps you will stop blushing and will be easier to relate to everything.

Forget your fears

If a person is fixated on the fact that he will definitely blush, and when communicating with other people he will think only about this, then of course this will happen according to the law of meanness. But, if you get distracted and for a moment forget about your "peculiarity", then perhaps it will pass you by.

Avoid awkward situations

Try to skip life moments that can lead you to severe redness. For example, do not perform on stage in front of a huge audience, do not attract increased attention from others, do not make long toasts at a festive table, etc. You should feel comfortable and free every day.

Be confident in yourself

If you want to get rid of, or at least reduce your redness, then become more confident in your actions, desires, etc. For example, dress exactly the way you like it, be neat, make people enjoy talking to you.


Try to gradually temper your body, starting with rubbing your entire body with a cool towel and ending with dousing with cold water. You can also take a contrast shower. This procedure has a positive effect on the work of blood vessels.

Engage in physical activity

Yoga classes will not only make you more resilient and patient, but will also teach you to calm down, tune in to positive thinking, give you energy and improve blood circulation.

Choose the sport that suits your physical activity. It is believed that during exercise, the body emits a huge amount of heat and energy, the skin begins to redden, and this is especially true of the face area. In the future, it will be difficult for your body to react with the same force to various emotions, and the causeless redness should subside.

Give up bad habits

Get rid of all your addictions urgently: smoking, alcohol, spicy and too salty foods.

Eat right

Watch your diet, it is important that it is balanced and correct. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, also do not forget about proteins and carbohydrates. Avoid flour products, sweets and fast food. Try to drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day (this is about 8 full glasses of 250 ml).

Be in the fresh air

Ventilate the room you are in at the moment, such as an apartment or office, as often as possible. Take a walk in the fresh air, for example, in a park, forest, etc.

to stop blushing, you need to learn how to manage your feelings

How to behave at the moment of an attack of redness?

There are situations when a person is in a noisy company or any other place where there are a huge number of people and, suddenly, for no reason at all, his face starts to turn red. What to do and how not to become an object of ridicule? Proceed as follows:

  • if no one paid attention to your redness, then immediately drink a glass of cold water, this will help stop the redness;
  • breathe as deeply and often as possible, but unnoticed by others;
  • pretend that a speck got in your eye or you just choked;
  • when you feel a rush of heat, then immediately cough;
  • if they paid attention to you, then try to comment on the appearance of your redness;
  • girls can use concealers (for example, foundation);
  • in front of the mirror, conduct daily training to eliminate redness, bring this process to automatic.

We are all completely different, so do not be shy about the characteristics of your body. Facial redness is not such a serious problem, it will not be difficult to eliminate it. The main thing is to follow our advice and you will succeed.
