Probably there is not a single person who at least once did not hear insults addressed to him.

In addition, open spaces are now widely used.

There it is also possible to stumble upon a boorish attitude and purposeful humiliation of the individual.

Therefore, very often people are interested in what to do if you are offended.

There is a law that provides for liability for such acts. But, the presence of the insult will have to be proven.

Navigating the article

General concept

In the modern world, communication with the presence of insults is very common. And this applies not only to personal communication, but also on social networks or on.

Now you can often see that the personality of people is degrading.

Insults rush in unnoticed and become a common way of speaking.

Young people hiding under someone else's photo on social networks mistakenly think that their actions will be without.

This happens because not everyone knows that the legislation provides for an appropriate article for such acts.

For example, for insults posted on the Internet, a person can be brought to justice, on the basis of Art. 5.61 of the Administrative Code. You just have to prove what kind of person and how exactly he showed the belittling of the personality. Actions tantamount to insult:

  • indecent text
  • offensive photo or video
  • humiliation in the comments
  • belittling dignity in one-to-one conversation or in society

In this case, it is necessary to clearly understand that the statements refer to an insult. That is, there must be a weighty evidence base for his presence.

If the insult came via the Internet

What to do if you are offended on the Internet is often of interest to users of various networks. After identifying offensive moments on social networks, you need to highlight an important piece of text and take a screenshot. It should be clear who the appeal concerns.

To confirm the fact that it was this one who posted the text, you will need to seek the help of the person who watched this procedure. In addition, he must confirm this in court.

It is recommended that you contact your site provider and explain the situation. It should help to establish the identity of the offender, as well as remove unpleasant expressions from the site. When the unpleasant information is removed, and the desire to punish the offender remains, a certain scheme should be followed:

  • A claim is written on a piece of paper.
  • Contacting RosNIIROS and WhoIs services will help to find out the address of the person who owns the site. If the attempts remain in vain, then this can be done through law enforcement agencies.
  • A letter with a claim is sent by registered mail to the address of the provider. Receipt, needed in court. Therefore, it is recommended to keep it.
  • Next, you need to file a statement with the police. Quite often, employees of this organization do not want to get involved in such cases. If this happened, you can appeal their refusal to the prosecutor's office. Only first you will have to take it in writing at the department. Employees of the authorized body must find out the identity of the abuser. When the data for it already exists, they must be indicated in the application. In this case, it is more likely to punish the offender.
  • After that, you need to go to the court and write a statement about prosecution. Only in advance it is necessary to prepare the evidence base in the form of screenshots and photographs of the screen where the text of the insults is visible. In order for them to be accepted by the court, it is necessary to examine the page together with, and draw up an appropriate protocol. And also he will have to put his visa in it.

Insulted at the place of work

Quite often in the production process, people allow themselves to humiliate and insult colleagues.

Then the victim creeps in with the question of what to do if you have been insulted at work.

Such actions are strongly related to dignity, since these actions are seen by others.

If a person has been insulted at the place of work, there is no need to remain silent.

After all, this can happen again if left without punishment. Therefore, it is better to immediately defend your interests. People are not always ready to go to the police and start a lawsuit.

Therefore, for the first time, it may be sufficient to have a memo addressed to the head of the company. He has the right to impose a disciplinary penalty on the offender.

Well, if, nevertheless, a decision is made to punish the offender to the fullest extent, then two instances can be used: the police court.

It is better to write two applications at once to both organizations. The police will investigate and write out, and moral damage can be recovered through the court.

Insulted in the street

It is much more difficult to answer the question, what to do if you are insulted on the street?

Of course, there is a way to bring the offender to justice.

But, you have to prove the presence of insults.

Nevertheless, if you manage to attract witnesses and record a video in which significant facts are present, you can safely file a statement with the police.

After identifying the identity of the offender, you can apply to the court for compensation for moral damage. The claim is required to indicate the following articles as a basis: 1099, 1101, 150, 152 of the Civil Code.

The main thing in this procedure is to correctly state all the circumstances of the case and attach strong evidence and arguments.

They can be:

  • sms messages
  • audio and video materials

In order to draw up a legally correct application, it is recommended to contact a specialist. They will help you understand the situation and identify whether the statement relates to an insult. And you can also contact the prosecutor's office with a similar question.

Important! Bringing the guilty person to administrative responsibility does not prohibit additionally applying civil law.

Under what conditions can you be held accountable

A person can be held liable:

  • sixteen years old
  • with full proof of guilt
  • in the presence of a preliminary pre-trial settlement of the issue

Nevertheless, in practice, such appeals are quite rare, since they have many conventions. Even less often, the court makes a positive decision. This is due to the fact that a person does not know his rights, or he knows, but cannot do the right thing.

It should be understood that a police statement will help to find the owner of obscene expressions on the Internet. Therefore, those who like to "play smart" behind someone else's photograph should think about whether it is worth doing. After all, it is not known how this could end.


When the insult is proven, it is quite possible to recover moral damage from the offender. The affected person has the right to establish its amount independently. In addition, he may request a refutation of the information posted on the Internet.

Also, compensation for damage can be obtained not only from the offender, but also from the media. But, it should be understood that not all resources belong to them. Therefore, for a start it will be useful to understand the structure of the site on which the insult was posted.

The administrative penalty that the offender will receive will be equal to:

  • forty thousand fine for insulting in private conversation
  • eighty thousand sanction for publication in the media

In addition, the law provides for the possibility of receiving corrective labor for such acts. They are equal:

  • six months for the first violation
  • year for the second offense

The violator will pay the fines to the state treasury. But the victim will receive moral damage in monetary terms. Just understand that the police can issue a fine, and the court will award compensation.

Very often, people turn to lawyers with a request to help bring to justice the person who, in their opinion, has inflicted an insult. But it should be understood that not every word spoken by an opponent can be considered offensive.

I will not cite literary words that are often used in the course of arguments or swearing as an example. They don't fall under the offensive category. Do not fall into this category and phrases such as "no brains at all."

Why? Everything is simple here. The absence of a human brain is, a priori, impossible. Otherwise, he could not live. That is, such a phrase is just a fiction, nothing more. It's another matter if the opponent uses profanity or words that indicate mental illness, etc.

For example, the words "idiot" or "idiot" are offensive because they indicate the mental disability of the person to whom they are speaking. If a person is actually healthy, he has the right to apply for protection of his rights to the police and to the court.

In the event that the victims have doubts about the correctness of their claims, they can seek help from lawyers, philologists or linguists. These specialists will help you figure out if a person has been insulted. Or maybe this is slander, which already falls under Art. 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

About responsibility for insults - presented in the video:

Ask your question in the form below

There are various situations in life. It happens that there was a conflict situation with a person and you were insulted. Surely this happened to everyone.

Whether it's casual insults or special ones. With colleagues at work, or in a friendly company, or with a stranger in the store. Most often insulted intentionally, for some purpose, for example, trying to offend, humiliate, or show that the offender is better than you.

Insult - this is always unpleasant, so you need to know how to react to them. Those who do not know how to respond to insults can go into serious depression. Therefore, it will be written here about how to respond to insults.

First, in order to understand how to correctly respond to an insult, you need to discard all emotions. Especially fear. Otherwise, the abuser may feel that you are afraid and then he will continue to offend you more.

He himself experiences fear, but sensing yours, he will become impudent and rude more and more every time. Therefore, remember that you are strong when you are confident.

You may be offended to the core by phrases that you think are true. But this is not the case. So just make it clear to others. Begin to love yourself, from your fingertips to the ends of your hair, and your soul. There are no more like you. Remember this. You are unique. Nobody has the right to be rude to you. You are good at everything that gives you joy. You are smart. You are beautiful. Say nice words to yourself every morning in front of the mirror, admire yourself.

Think carefully, why do people try to offend people who are not like them? In fact, the answer is simple - people are afraid. They are afraid to look weaker than others, thereby insulting and humiliating you. Do not let the slack and do not let insult you.

They try to appear stronger by humiliating others, but in reality, the offenders are weak personalities.

Therefore, be smarter, be calm about unpleasant phrases addressed to you. remember, that this person is weaker than you and is afraid to just be worse than you.

Nobody can offend you. If they run into you directly, for example in a store, that you choose something for a long time or pay for a long time in the queue for a ticket, but they shout at you, then do not be silent! Approach the one who is yelling at you and ask: “Who gave you the right to talk to me like that?”, “Who am I to you so that you yell at me? You can shout at your wife at home or at your son! "

In this way, you can make the abuser's brains move. Maybe he will understand the fact that everyone has the same rights. And if your boss or colleague insults you at work, give him the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Maybe next time your colleagues will follow the language.

You need to remember that constructive criticism and insults are different things. So, as criticism implies help in eliminating a person's shortcomings, and with an insult, a person humiliates someone else's dignity, while demonstrating his own. Therefore, there is not a drop of truth in the insults and therefore you should not take them to heart and delve into yourself, thereby causing sadness and bad emotions in yourself.

Sometimes offenders use non-normative vocabulary, very rude phrases in order to offend more. It happens that they use subtle insults, manifested through outright sarcasm, ridicule. In order to correctly answer the words of the offender, you need to understand what insults are flying in your direction. For example, you do not need to respond to insults with direct obscene words, you can simply use the knowledge of neurolinguistic programming.

There are people who are too emotional who are not familiar to you, but stuck in a public place... Such can behave inappropriately and attack with fists. Therefore, if you sense that the person is not friendly with the language, then just ignore him. Why would you stoop to the same level. And a fight will definitely not lead to good.

It is best to calmly respond with an indifferent voice or ignore it. It turns out that you do not care what he thinks and says. As a result, he will quickly fall behind. There are situations where you can respond in the same manner as you are addressed. You are a leader, you love yourself.

For example, at work they tell you with a smirk that you are so ridiculous that they put on a crumpled shirt. You can answer in the same spirit: “Thank you for your concern, and you have bags under your eyes all week. What would it be connected with? " And smile sweetly.

Interesting thing, when someone tries to give you a negative assessment of your appearance or your actions, try to thank the person. This will clearly baffle him and he will not find anything else to say. Serious companies have weekly meetings. Usually, meetings look like the boss gathers his subordinates and begins to scold, sometimes shout, etc.

For those who are not pleased and upset to hear the boss scream, there is an interesting thing that is easy to do.

Just imagine that you went to visit a large aquarium, and your boss is a fish, which does nothing but open its mouth. But not a single sound is heard.

This wonderful psychological thing will help those who are nervous about the negativity of the boss. After all, the chief cannot be answered with an insult or yelled at him, but no one can stop you from listening to him.

If after the vacation your “beloved” colleague tries to poke you on the topic that you have recovered well, then agree with him with a smile. He may continue the conversation with the question, what will you do with the excess weight? Tell him that you decided to be fat and that you like McDonald's food and that athletes are not inspiring you.

How to respond to insults:

  1. The most important thing is to be smarter than the one who is trying to offend you.
  2. Not stopping to the level of the offender, not yelling at him, not letting out direct insults - this will only aggravate the situation.
  3. Remember that the one who offends you is already in a losing position. You need to sincerely feel sorry for such people, most likely life has already offended them.
  4. Everyone has the same rights.
  5. Respond with the same methods.
  6. You are a strong personality.
  7. Turn off emotions.
  8. Love yourself.

Remember that there is no exact way to properly respond to abuse. After all, it depends on the situation and on who offends you. But thanks to this article, you can understand how to respond to offenders.

There are a lot of people in the world who are different from each other. The differences lie in their character, in the manner of walking, talking, eating, dressing, in the rules of culture, in their development as a person. All these moments greatly affect a person. It often happens that there are people who have no idea about the culture and the rules of communication.


Most people can often get nasty, present the other in a bad light. Such situations can occur with people of different ages, starting from early childhood and ending with quite mature years. Not all people can insult and be rude. There are those who simply do not know what to do in such situations. What if you are offended? This question worries everyone who has been offended at least once in their life. He makes you think about your actions and deeds in relation to other people.

Why are people being rude? What are the reasons for this behavior?

In order to understand how to act in such situations, it is important to understand the reasons for this behavior of another person. After all, knowing the reason, you can not take a person's words seriously. An insult can be answered immediately beautifully and without the development of further conflict. People can be rude and humiliate the dignity of another person for the following reasons:

  1. The person is unhappy and cannot fully enjoy himself. In this situation, he may offend others for the reason that he considers himself unhappy. That is, he has nothing to enjoy in life. At the same time, yelling at the other helps him to feel happy.
  2. There is no reason to be insulted. There are people who simply feed on negative energy, and their screams are a common condition that does not allow living in a normal way. He wastes his nerves, his emotions, because he has pain inside him.
  3. By lowering the other person's importance, many people raise their egos. As you know, the ego is a state of mind that helps a person feel a personality in himself. But this feeling should know when to stop. Otherwise, it will simply begin to rise above the other person, clinging to him for petty misdeeds. The important thing to remember here is that everyone has their drawbacks.

What should you do if you are offended?

What if you are offended? In such a situation, it is important to behave as required by behavior and communication norms. It is not always necessary to sink to the same level and offend him with your words and actions. After all, a weak and insecure person insults. There are a lot of such people in life, it is impossible to get rid of them. Therefore, you should not take it seriously and not pay attention to it.

But what if you are very offended? What to do in such a situation? There are many cases when you can get nasty. A conflict situation can occur, and during it insults will surface. This is perhaps the most common occurrence in life, and it can happen to almost anyone.

If you are an abuser ...

It happens that a person did not want to do this. But, alas, it happened in a fit of strong emotions. Then many become interested in learning how to behave if offended a person? What to do in such a situation? It's easier here. After all, it is enough just to stop talking nonsense and just ask for an apology, explaining your impulse that these are just emotions.

School. What to do if your child is bullied by peers in school?

An insult is always an unpleasant word. They may sound addressed to another person. What if you are offended? There are different ways to deal with this situation. Depending on the person who is rude, and on the moment at which the incident occurred.

There are different areas of a person's life, which will also distinguish cases of conflict and insults. For example, a school. This is the place where children of different ages come to study. They spend a lot of time in it, gain knowledge of subjects, as well as sometimes life experience.

If at school, what should parents and children do? First of all, it is important to remember that if a child is offended, then only parents should watch over and intercede for the child. Each person understands the word "offend" differently. Its essence is also conveyed to children in various ways.

Boys are prone to frequent offenses, who at the moment of the game can say hurtful words, commit any act. Your child does not need to be taught to repeat the same movement and say the same words. After all, it often happens with children that after half an hour they are already playing again. And when adults are taught to respond to bad actions with bad actions, then these scandals will only grow.

So what if a child is bullied at school? Let's figure it out now. It is important for parents to solve the problems of children from their very early age, or rather, to help them cope in difficult situations. Children come from different families, with different abilities and behavior. Therefore, it is worth focusing on their upbringing. If often a child begins to hear bad words addressed to him, then he will simply withdraw over time and stop developing as a person, because he will have fear. Unfortunately, this can happen once and for all. Therefore, from a very early age, it is important to teach a child the possibility of aggression from other people, words of insult.

Parents should clearly distinguish between the words and actions of classmates. If this is just verbal abuse, then it is important to teach the child to react and respond to them correctly. But it also happens that things take a different turn, namely the child can be hit. In this case, the parents are simply obliged to stand up for him.

What if your spouse has offended you?

Unfortunately, insults can happen even within the walls of your own home. This is the feeling that can be caused in the course of a quarrel, scandal. Most often, such aggressive acts can be between husband and wife. Spouses often fight and allow themselves to say bad words.

If the husband offends, what to do in this case? Of course, it is important to understand that if you receive insults, then each person in a pair is to blame. Rarely a spouse can utter words of humiliation to the other half just like that. Most often, this is an incident that has occurred, which provokes the manifestation of such emotions. Adults should calm down, find a compromise in resolving a conflict dispute. There are some types of cases when the husband is seriously offended, and in this case, ordinary conversations cannot be avoided. Here it is worth looking for the cause of this and rather the problem to solve.

What if you offended a man?

It also happens that a man. What to do in such a situation? It's a little easier here. The whole reason is that a woman can offend and immediately be able to easily and simply make amends. After all, she is full of charm and attractiveness, which she can use. really simple, especially when you know the weak points and just cling to them. In the modern world, men are no longer the knights on horseback who can stand up for themselves and for the interests of their women.

Now you know what to do if you are offended. And here it is important to bring out the key points. First of all, you should be smarter than the one who offends. And this means that sometimes you need to remain silent and ignore the person. Of course, one does not always give up and keep quiet. Because there are situations that do not allow repetition. Then you should answer the insult beautifully and clearly.

It is necessary to remember that the one who offends is already the loser. Such people should be pitied. After all, they are unhappy in life, they do not have their own happiness and deeds that would simply distract from negative thoughts. You can respond to an insult with the same actions and words. The person will understand that he is not right and, possibly, apologize for his actions. At the moment of insult, it is necessary to turn off emotions. Indeed, sometimes they will simply spoil the whole picture and lead only to a negative result. It is important to perceive yourself as a person, behave like a person and understand that there are the same people around who want to live, enjoy every day, raise children and be happy. But they have their own character and behavior. Therefore, it is important to treat them as much as they do.

A little conclusion

One has only to imagine for a minute what will happen if every person responds to insult and harsh behavior in this way - this is the end of peace and goodness on earth. Every psychologist claims that it is necessary to change oneself initially. As soon as the habits of offending a person go away, everything will fall into place. Then children will not hear this, and then repeat after adults.

Useful Tips

    No one wants to just put up with rudeness and rudeness that can be heard on public transport, at work, online, and just outside.

    You do not need to play the role of a victim, but learn to react correctly to aggression in your direction.

    Obviously, for most people, being rude to them can be negative affect well-being, self-esteem and performance.

    How to respond to rudeness

    To be able to respond to rudeness, you first need to work on improving your self-esteem.

    It should be noted that it is not easy to be rude to a person with a strong spirit.

    And yet, if you urgently need to learn how to communicate with a boor, you can use one or more methods of struggle.

    Answers to rudeness

    © Polka Dot Images / Photo Images


    When talking to such people, you should never show them that you are confused. Try to express your point of view frankly, firmly and openly.

    Try not to get defensive and speak calmly and relaxed.

    Most often, rude people are weak, envious people who find it difficult to get used to honesty and calmness, and sometimes do not know these words at all. They take energy for their negativity from those people who succumb to rudeness and start to get nervous. Don't let them feed on your nervousness.


    © diablo2097 / Getty Images

    This method is more suitable as a reaction to prolonged rudeness.

    If the person who is being rude to you cannot stop, you may well be able to help him do it.

    To begin with, try listening to him calmly, until he is convinced himself that he is right. After that sneeze loudly and defiantly - there will be a short pause, in which calmly say the phrase: "Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit" and politely add: "So where did you stop?"


    © Comstock Images / Photo Images

    Simply put: you to me, I to you. This method translates the negative of your interlocutor to himself... You just need to agree with his attacks on you, thank you for the time and effort spent to highlight your shortcomings.

    You can even praise the interlocutor for the attentiveness and the "advice" that you heard. Do this calmly and try not to show the acrimony of your phrases.

    It should be noted that the more witnesses to the conflict, the better for you, because a rude person is unlikely to receive the necessary approval from the outside, and is most likely to cause laughter and jokes in his address.


    A similar method can be used by administrators of forums, sites, blogs and social groups. networks.

    © Elnur

    Despite the fact that most community members are familiar with the general rules, some nevertheless deliberately violate them, after which they express dissatisfaction in the administrator's personal account that they have been denied access.

    After all the arguments have ended, these characters move on to outright rudeness and rudeness.

    The easiest way is to simply ban, but if you want to prove you are right, try without emotion, describe in detail all the mistakes of the offender. At first, the interlocutor will resist and continue to "have fun" with rudeness, but when he realizes that they are communicating with him dryly, without emotion, he will simply lag behind.


    Perhaps the most famous and simplest method of dealing with rudeness. Sometimes silence is not only effective and safe, but beautiful.

    © Latino Life

    If you do not need anything from the rude person, or you are psychologically simply not ready to enter into a debate with him, or if the "interlocutor" is simply out of his mind and can harm your health - just ignore him. The rude ones want to win your attention, do not give them this joy.

    It is worth noting that ignoring must also be correct. No need to include an offensive look and sigh are signals that you have paid attention to it. Do not show any emotions, boor is an empty place for you.

    How beautiful to respond to rudeness

    There are several phrases you can use when dealing with a brute:

    "Sorry, is that all?"

    "I thought better of you"

    "Rudeness doesn't suit you very well"

    "Do you want a polite answer or a truth?"

    "Why are you trying to look worse than you really are?"

    "Like everyone else, I also have bad days. Don't be upset, you will succeed."

    "Yes, of course, come in. May luck be on your side" (in case someone climbs out of line)

    "This role doesn't seem to suit you. What do you really want?"

    "Thank you for showing interest in my person."

    "Do you want to hurt me? For what?"

    How to respond to an insult

    If you are accidentally or intentionally scolded, you should not take these words literally and take everything personally.

    Understand that if the person who insulted you is in a bad mood or is simply not well mannered, this does not mean that you are to blame.

    In order to be able to properly respond to insults, you must first of all know that the person who offends you in all possible ways is himself a victim, namely the victim of the obstinacy of his character.

    Most often, those who "attack" and try to humiliate others are weak individuals who are simply unable to cope with negative emotions, which prompts them to throw everything out on others.

    What to do in response to an insult

    If offended by a stranger

    The best option is to ignore. Just try not to notice the one who is trying to offend you. Of course, there are times when you need to act differently, but more often you need to act as if there is no stranger, andhis words are an empty sound.

    If offended by a loved one

    © anyaberkut / Getty Images

    From the very beginning, try to dot the I's. You should calmly and directly tell him that the words you said hurt you. The right step is to discuss the situation.

    If insulted by a work colleague / boss

    With this set of circumstances, try to gently get away from the conflict. If a co-worker relentlessly insults and silence you does not help, try to answer with neutral barbs.

    © Minerva Studio

    In the case of the boss, conflicts are not needed, which means that do not respond to insults. Instead, imagine your leader as a moody and pugnacious little child.

    In your head, pat him on the head, feed him with porridge and help him sit on the pot. This is the way psychologists recommend. You will not only endure insults, but you will also get a good mood, or at least it will cause a smile on your part and increase your efficiency. Apart from this, the boss can also pay attention to your resilience.

    How to respond to an insult

    The person who is trying to offend you wants to assert himself, to stand out, which means you need to give him a cold answer "Well, has he asserted himself at my expense?"

    Listening to such a person, try to understand what the purpose is, why they want to offend you.

    * If you do not know how to respond to an insult, then you need to know one important thing - not wellyou should go to mutual insults and rash reactions.

    Aside from looking stupid, you also succumb to manipulation, which can end up in a trap for you. You don't have to play by the rules that are dictated to you.

    * Another main rule is respond to rudeness calmly without losing your self-esteem... But, it should be noted that the cultural response to the "attack" of the boor most often does not produce any effect, since the game takes place on someone else's territory and not according to your rules.

    * When it comes to trolling, or similar situations, it is best ignore the offender.

    © IT Stock / Photo Images

    * It happens that you need to answer, but you know beforehand that all your arguments simply will not work against a stubborn rude person. In this case, the best option would be turn around and leave.

    * The person who has offended you or is trying to do it may just have a bad day. Therefore with you it will be enough to ask: "Bad day?" ... If the person is adequate, he will agree and may even ask for forgiveness.

    But, when it comes to a troll, then such a question is not only inappropriate, but can also lead to additional insults in your address.

    * More often than not, responding to an insult is not a good strategy, and you can only get away from this by asking the person in a neutral way about what they just told you. Try to pretend that you didn't hear his words or didn't pay attention to them. In this case, only an outright boor will continue their "attacks".

    * If you find yourself in a situation where it is simply necessary to answer the offender, or you are stifled by the desire to do this, do not rush at him. The main thing is to be calm, cold in words and expressions. Suppress insults preferably with witty remarks and only after the interlocutor has finished his monologue.

    * Sometimes an insult looks more like a mockery. In this case, perhaps the best option would be to answer in the form of a joke, which not only does not offend the person, but also maintains a normal relationship.

    One of the common mistakes people make is trying to justify themselves, they say, "no, you are wrong, I am not to blame"... Firstly, such a strategy can make you humiliated, and secondly, an attempt to justify yourself is simply pointless, because the excuse, as a rule, nobody listens.

    Inconvenient questions

    "How much does it cost?", "When will you get married?", "What is your salary?" - these questions are annoying, and, despite the fact that asking them is bad form, some people still cannot help themselves.

    © AntonioGuillem / Getty Images

    Several situations can be considered, but to begin with, let's note a few universal answers.

    How to respond in an original way

    "I am amazed at your ability to ask questions that can be confusing!"

    - "You are an amazing woman (man). I was always amazed at your ability to ask uncomfortable (correct, difficult, rhetorical) questions!"

    - "I will gladly try to answer your question, just answer first, why are you so interested in this?"

    - "And for what purpose are you interested in this?"

    - "Do you really want to talk about it?" If the answer is yes, then just answer: "And I - not really" - and end the dialogue with a smile.

    If a person is not very pleasant to you, and you have no desire to communicate with him, especially after an incorrect question, you can answer coldly: "This is my dog \u200b\u200bbusiness."

    - Ask again: "I understand correctly that ..."

    Questions about money

    When you are faced with an unpleasant question, you have every right not to give the interlocutor any specific answer. For example, to the question "How much do you make?" you can evade the answer "Like most, the average salary in the industry (much less than Abramovich)."

    © Hemera Technologies / Photo Images

    You can also answer this question with a counter question. For example, to the question "How much does the jacket cost?" you can ask your interlocutor how much his jacket costs. Another way to answer this question is significantly overestimate or underestimate the figure and then turn the conversation into a joke.

    Questions about work

    "What are you doing?", "What are you doing at work?"

    © Pressmaster

    When answering such questions, psychologists advise to name the profession that can give you more confidence for what you are doing. If your job is different, you are engaged in many different things, you can decompose all the work in a month on the shelves. This way you will know what is taking the most time.

    Questions about personal life

    "Why is there no girl (boyfriend)?", "When is the wedding?", "Why haven't you got married yet?"

    © Minerva Studio

    You shouldn't take such questions seriously. In response, you can ask the interlocutor why such an unusual question occurred to him. In this case, the interlocutor will find himself in an awkward situation.

    There is another option - just answer directly, as it is. For example, to the question "Why another one (one)?" proudly admit that you are patiently looking for your soul mate, which would not leave you in difficult times.

    The third option would be "mirroring"... For example, "Do I understand correctly that you don't mind holding a candle over my bed?" , or "… What, today, your main task is to discuss my personal life?" , or "… That interest in other people's troubles is in the order of things for you?"

    How to react to rudeness

    Hamov can be found everywhere. These are people who often experience pressure on themselves, which leads to rudeness as a weapon of defense.

    © golubovy / Getty Images Pro

    Why are they rude

    Reason 1: Despair

    © g-stockstudio / Getty Images

    A person has a bad day - so he is rude. For example, a saleswoman, a client, a colleague who has been brought to stress, tired for the whole working day.

    More often than not, such people, after throwing out all their anger at someone, feel guilty and may even apologize.

    If you decide in such a situation to respond with the same weapon, then the feeling of guilt will go away and the person will think that being rude is normal.

    Reason 2: Self-affirmation

    When a boor humiliates another person, he feels himself superior to him, especially if this person, for one reason or another, cannot fight back the offender.

    © Syda Productions

    Usually such boors have, albeit not great, but still power. They believe that they can just vent their anger at those who depend on them and get away from it with impunity.

    Reason 3: Desire to be noticed

    If rudeness is an integral part of a person, it means that its roots can be hidden in childhood.

    © Deagreez / Getty Images

    A child always wants attention and love from his parents. If he does not receive this, then he begins to be rude, so that at least somehow they would pay attention to him. As a person ages, they use the same strategy.

    Answers to rudeness

    Method 1: You don't need to take everything you say personally

    Often a person who is rude does not do it specifically to you - rather, it is anger at the world in general: ill-mannered youth, goats, etc. and only the rude man himself is white and fluffy.

    © fizkes / Getty Images Pro

    One can only sympathize with such a boor, because living in the world in which he lives is not easy. Remember, everyone sees the world differently. If a boor says that you are an uneducated person, you can try to refute his statement with your knowledge, but this is unlikely to work.

    Method 2: Ham should not be the master of the situation

    Try not to give the boor control over the situation, so that they do not feel stronger.

    © fizkes / Getty Images

    If your boss is rude to you, and it is impossible to get away from this, think about the fact that you are not chained to him for life. You are not a slave, you are only doing your job professionally, i.e. you help him carry out the work, which means that you can call yourself a partner in a certain business. You can demand more respect for yourself because have every right to do this.

    Method 3: Remember your rights

    When you are rude in a public place, you have to fight not with the offenders, but with their superiors.

    © KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images

    Find out first name, last name, title and contacts. You can ask for a complaint book, if there is one. If that doesn't work, try contacting a consumer society or a lawyer.

    Use your weapon - human rights and leverage. This method is suitable if the boor is an official, manager, waiter, security guard and other representatives of large organizations

    Method 4: Use your imagination

    Try to imagine the offender behind a glass wall: you see him, you notice that he is saying something, but you just do not hear.

    © LightFieldStudios / Getty Images

    You can also imagine a boor in the form of a big fish in an aquarium: it seems to move its lips, move its fins, but it is not clear why all this is.

    If you've watched The Matrix movie, then remember the moment when Neo stopped the bullets fired at him. Imagine that the rudeness thrown at you is bullets, and you are invulnerable, and all rudeness does not reach you, falling to the floor with a clang.

    Method 5: Try to contact the boor

    Try to find out the reason for the aggression. For example, you can say: "Now you are rude to me, why do you need this?" or "You have a smile on your face and you say unpleasant things, so I have not yet figured out how to react to your words."

    © Mangostar Studio

    Perhaps the person who hears you will think over their actions, look at themselves from the outside and rethink their behavior. You can use this method when communicating with people with whom you will have to meet and talk more than once - colleagues at work, acquaintances, relatives.

    There is a chance that a person will look at himself from the outside and rethink something in his behavior.

    How beautiful to respond to rudeness

    © tommaso79 / Getty Images

    Rudeness can be well treated with politeness, which scares boors, forcing them to be careful when communicating:

    - "You see, dear, I do not intend (a) to communicate with you in such a tone"

    - "Dear, you may have confused me with someone"

    If the boor cannot stop after all your attempts, then save your nerves, wish him all the best and leave the place of conversation.

    Sometimes the boor should be put in place, otherwise your silence will make them stronger. A good answer can shut the mouth of a boor. But remember, being rude to rudeness does not put you higher.

    Try humor. If you are rude, smile and say "Well, you and a fool (fool, idiot)!" Such an act can further anger the boor, whose reaction will make you laugh.

    Smiling in return is often annoying for a boor, so smile sincerely.

    - "You are kind enough to be rude to me ... Why? Your goal is to offend me? Why?"

    Answer so that your word is the last and then the rudeness will stop.

    Pay no attention to the boor. Imagine the scenario in your head: "You are a leaf by the road ... Everything passes by and nothing offends you" .

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Hello! In this article, we'll show you how to respond to an insult. When we hear negative statements in our address, insults, then the first thing is a defensive reaction, we want to snap back and reciprocate the offender. Usually it is calculated for that. The insulting person is trying to throw the other person out of emotional balance. How do you respond appropriately to maintain your dignity? Is it possible to remain unfazed when they want to humiliate you?

The insult is usually done verbally or in writing. And also it can be expressed in actions (spitting, hitting, indecent gesture, etc.).

An insult includes:

  • coarseness;
  • rudeness;
  • unfounded criticism;
  • banter, sarcasm;
  • the use of physical force against the will of another person.

How we feel when we are insulted

  • Resentment
  • Anger
  • Disturbance
  • Hatred
  • Sadness, despondency
  • Despair
  • Annoyance
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Confusion
  • Contempt.

A whole set of negative feelings. Each of us is visited by one of them or several at once, when we hear insults addressed to us. And these feelings largely determine what our response will be in a given situation. Therefore, their awareness is important in order to learn how to properly respond to any attacks of others, addressed to us.

Why people insult others, are rude

  1. Dissatisfaction with your own life... When a person is unhappy, dissatisfied with his own personality, achievements, his surroundings, etc., he throws out his anger on others. They do not even always realize why they offend others (both close people and strangers).
  2. Features of temperament, strong excitability... It is not uncommon for people to insult someone or take an offensive act against another person in a fit of anger, when they no longer control their emotions. This often happens in situations of quarrel. When emotions subside and reason returns, many regret what they said or did and ask for forgiveness.
  3. Arrogance... There are people who unreasonably believe that some people around them are lower in status. Respectful and friendly communication is not their strong point.
  4. Self-affirmation at the expense of others... By humiliating others, some feel stronger. Although this is just self-deception. Such self-assertion, as a rule, is behind self-doubt and an inferiority complex.
  5. Lack of culture and education... If the rules of politeness and tolerance were not instilled in childhood, then in adulthood this can result in rudeness and disrespectful attitude towards other people. And the children, who mostly grew up on the street, were adversely influenced by the environment and used to communicate in a hostile manner.
  6. Insult for the purpose of provocation... This method is used when they want to piss off a person in order to make him look not in the best light in front of others, to damage his reputation. And all this usually happens in front of eyewitnesses.

Analyzing the reasons for rudeness, we understand that almost always behind it are self-doubt, many complexes and latent dissatisfaction with the offender. Such people deserve nothing but pity. They are deeply unhappy. But unfortunately, when we are harshly faced with rudeness and insults, we cannot immediately realize this and remain calm. More often than not, we react in some way that is familiar to us, which is far from always effective.

Unsuccessful ways to respond to rudeness and insults

  1. An insult in return ... This is one of the most common reactions to rudeness and rudeness. Of course, this technique is sometimes justified, and it even happens that you can get out of the situation as a winner. But still, you cannot know for sure at what moment your abuser will stop and whether he will stop at all. Perhaps his resources will last for a long time, and yours are already running out. So is it worth the risk? Moreover, most likely, there will be an unpleasant aftertaste because they were forced to say all sorts of nasty things.
  2. Currying favor, submission of the will to the offender ... Never accept as a response to outright rudeness and insult phrases in the style: "Yes, I agree with you, this is my flaw", "Sorry for making you nervous with my behavior", "I myself (myself) do not like this in myself", "Okay, I will correct myself" and so on. So you completely lose your face and agree to be dependent on whoever attacks you. Better to be silent for a while. Albeit with a delay, but a more worthy answer is sure to be found.
  3. Use of physical force ... Some are so offended by the words or actions of others that they are ready to settle the matter with their fists. But here, you know, the police are not far away.
  4. Try to persuade, appeal to the human mind. Behind rudeness, rudeness there are always some emotions. First, you need them to calm down, and only then will logic and constructive thinking return. Therefore, it is useless to immediately try to "reason" the attacker.

These methods are unsuccessful because:

  • They require a lot of energy from us, it is emotionally difficult for us in moments of confrontation with a boor.
  • We are unhappy with ourselves, since we could not adequately respond to the insult.
  • The situation of rudeness haunts us for a long time, we plunge into stress.
  • There is a strong desire to take revenge on the offender, we hate him.
  • There is no sense of inner jubilation to indicate that we have emerged victorious from the situation.
  • Over time, it begins to seem that everyone around is rude and asserting themselves at our expense.

Do not forget that in any interaction with someone, the greater influence on the interlocutor is not what we say, but how we do it and how we look at the same time. When our face is covered with paint from rage, the whole body is tense, the voice is at the limit of its volume - the offender feels a personal victory, putting a tick that pissed us off. Or when we withdraw into ourselves, lower our gaze, mutter something quietly and feel that we are about to cry - the boor rejoices again that he managed to suppress us with his pressure.

3 principles to help you successfully confront rudeness and abuse

  1. Respect and love yourself. People around you feel your attitude towards yourself. It is precisely those who are dissatisfied with their own personality that attract rude attacks and insults. And when we are in harmony with ourselves, we understand and accept ourselves, then it is much more difficult to "drop" us, to piss us off.

Self-respect and self-love create invisible but tangible protection from rudeness and rudeness.We advise you to read:.

  1. Believe in yourself, you have them. With your attitude to successfully overcome conflict situations and inner confidence, you attract positive energy to yourself and strengthen your personal resources. You will notice that even outwardly you become more impressive and bolder.
  2. Let yourself be. After all, you can do a lot of things. You have those who make you smile. And there are many pleasant moments around which are worth celebrating. It is important to realize that happiness is in our hands and we must accept it.

Happiness is a process, not some distant goal.

These are the three pillars of your inner harmony and success in relationships with others.

How to respond to rudeness

Task number 1 - to monitor your behavior at the moment of "hitting" and learn to at least outwardly demonstrate self-confidence and equanimity when this happens.

  1. Ignore the rudeness, keep silent. Quite often, this can discourage an opponent. After all, he expects that you will be indignant, you will be nervous, enter into an argument with him. And if this does not happen, then his further attacks are meaningless, and the offender can quickly calm down. In addition, you will keep your emotions and health. We advise you to read:

    Don't think you look weak at this moment. Feel your inner strength and superiority, and others will feel it.

  2. Verbalization of feelings. Rudeness is usually associated with the experience of various negative emotions. Most often, it manifests itself without mind control. It is important to voice these emotions.
    - a) To direct the offender towards awareness of his feelings, you can tell him: "Are you upset?" or "I understand you are outraged by this".
    - b) Report your feelings: "I hate when you say that."... It is important to use the "I-statement".

Usually, this method allows you to reduce the pressure of the rude person and slow down his offensive expressions.

  1. Ask a Question. If the situation has not yet got out of control, and the person has allowed himself a little rudeness, you can ask the question: "Why are you telling me this?" or "Why are you acting like this?" Such tactics are effective only in relations with close people and friends.
  2. Gather all your inner strength and respond without words with external signalsfor example, by gazing firmly into the eyes of the interlocutor for a few seconds.
  3. If the situation allows, then you can simply stop communicating with the rude person.Sample phrase: "Such communication is unpleasant for me, and I have to stop it at the moment!" Say it firmly and leave or hang up if the conversation was over the phone. Often, the offender cools down after such words, apologizes and asks to continue the conversation.

How to respond to insults

The above response techniques will also work in situations where you are being insulted. Here are a few more options for effective answers.

  1. Feel pity for the abuser. As we have already found out, those who offend others are unhappy people, dissatisfied with themselves in the first place. If the interlocutor speaks negatively about you, mentally take pity on him and feel how aggression and anger towards him decrease. After all, why be annoyed when he is so miserable and unhappy? You don't even want to waste your precious energy on this person.
  2. We connect imagination. To make the image of the offender even more pitiful, use the visualization technique. At the moment when he spews his insults, imagine him in some ridiculous form (clown, midget, cockroach, bug, in a funny headdress, etc.) You can also mentally fence off your opponent with a glass wall: you see him, but that's it what he says cannot get to your side.
  3. Can respond to insults beautifully... For example, to thank for the attention to your person: "Thank you for your interest in me"... Or if you hear insults from a familiar person, then you can answer him with a smile: "I'm crazy about you too!" or "Your statements will not prevent me from loving you!"
  4. Make the abuser accountable for what he says. Ask for examples to support the criticism of you. You can tell him: "How exactly is this manifested?" or "Prove that I ..."
  5. You can answer your opponent with smart words... Clarifying questions are often helpful in breaking the never-ending stream of insults. For example: "What do you want from me?", "Can you suggest something?" Usually these phrases confuse the abuser.
  6. Humor also in this case can play in your favor... The ability to respond wittily is always a good defense weapon.
    Examples: “But from now on I’ll ask you for more details, please”, “Listen, how do you manage to come up with nasty things so quickly? Or have you been preparing all night? "," It is really very hot here - your brain is already boiling! "
  7. Appeal to conscience. You can openly ask your interlocutor: "How would you answer yourself if you were so insulted?" This will discourage him, and turn his thoughts in a constructive direction.

All answers must be spoken calmly and confidently. You can do this both seriously and with a smile (depending on the situation and type of reaction). Try to look your opponent directly in the eye. This is an indication of your courage.

How to react to rudeness - examples of phrases

If we distinguish between rudeness, insults, rudeness, then the latter most often comes from strangers, unfamiliar or not particularly significant people for us. Therefore, we must always have this attitude: everything that is uttered by those with whom we do not have any relationship, should not infuriate us.

Feeling pity for the boor or presenting him in a funny way, as in previous cases, are also effective methods for coping with your own negative emotions at the time of a psychological attack.

The main rule is not to descend to the level of a boor and not use his own methods in response.

  1. Ignoring fit in this case as well as possible. You don't have to look at the offender at all (he is an empty space). Imagine yourself, for example, as a stone or a mighty oak tree, the stability of which cannot be broken.
  2. Do not take everything said personally. Indeed, quite often it turns out that you just fell under the "hot hand" (or rather, under the "hot" language) of a boor. And he, in turn, is angry at the whole world and his life, in particular. But he expresses anger in such an uncivilized way. It remains only to pity this unfortunate boor and sympathize with him.
  3. Reduce the significance of what was said.For example: "Do you really think I'm interested in your opinion?" or "Probably a very valuable comment, but purple for me!"
  4. Smile. Smiling will strengthen your inner resources and bewilder the cad.
  5. It would be appropriate answer funny and sarcastically... This will defuse the situation and give you the opportunity to become the master of the situation. “You must have felt a lot better! Congratulations!" or “The audience is delighted! You work for her, don't you? "
  6. Direct question: “You are rude to me. Do you want to hurt me or do you have a different goal? "
  7. You can make the abuser think about it: “More accurate in expressions. They say that everything said can return to you in double size ".
  8. Cheeky answer. For example: "You are not original, next time come up with something better".
  9. Rate the offender: "Rudeness does not suit you", "I hope that rudeness is only your mask, and in fact you are better."
  10. Let go in peace:“Don't worry, and happiness will come to you. Less negative - and everything will work out! ".

It is important not only to prepare for situations of rudeness and be able to correctly respond to rudeness and insults, but also, in general, pay attention to your approach to life and, if necessary, change it. Be positive in everything and do not expect “kicks” from life and those around you. Appreciate and love yourself, and other people will treat you the same way. Do not take everything very personally, because it is one. It is better to let him beat in full force, enjoy life and breathe deeply!

How to properly respond to an insult

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