When practicing the correct sound pronunciation, the teacher needs to clearly know articulation pattern of each sound, those. in what position when pronouncing a particular sound are the lips, teeth, tongue and vocal cords. Therefore, before starting work with children, the teacher should study the floor movement of all organs of the articulatory apparatus, pronouncing the studied sound in isolation from others in front of a mirror. If this is difficult, the teacher should use teaching aids in speech therapy.

When the articulatory mode of sound is mastered by the teacher, one should start selecting the articulation exercises necessary for staging sounds. Exercises for the basic sounds are given in the appendix. They will help develop the correct articulation pattern.

When teaching children, it is necessary to correlate each exercise that has a name with some visual image, for example, with the object shown in the picture (the wide tip of the tongue is a spatula, the narrow tip of the tongue is a needle, etc.). In subsequent work, when the picture is shown, the children will perform the appropriate exercises without additional explanations from the teacher.

In preschool institutions, it is necessary to carry out and articulation gymnastics - a system of exercises for speech organs. Its goal is to improve the movements of the articulatory organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds, and to prepare the speech apparatus for speech load.

In a child, the organs of articulation (lips, teeth, tongue) are still poorly developed, so you should help him in preparing the muscles involved in the speech act. Chewing, sucking, swallowing contribute to the development of large muscles, and the process of speaking requires a differentiated development of smaller muscles. This is what is meant to help. articulation gymnastics, which not only develops the speech apparatus, but is also an effective means of preventing certain speech disorders.

The correct and systematic conduct of articulatory gymnastics at preschool age contributes to the production of correct sounds by children, and subsequently to the assimilation of words of a complex syllabic structure.

for articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics with children of middle preschool age is carried out twice daily:

in the morning and after a daytime sleep, according to the instructions of the teacher. Children perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror. The duration of the gymnastics is 5 minutes.

The complex of articulatory gymnastics is preliminarily developed by the teacher (see appendix) in accordance with the sound being developed.

The complex includes 4-5 exercises: 2-3 static and 2-3 dynamic. For example, complex "Articulation exercises for staging the sound Sh": static: "Tubule" and "Cup"; dynamic: "Malyar", "Woodpecker" and "Horse".

A complex of articulation gymnastics is planned for a week. The following week, it partially changes: one of the exercises, well mastered by the children, is replaced by a new one, aimed at staging the same sound (for example, in the above complex, the Woodpecker exercise can be replaced with the Delicious Jam exercise).

As a result, the teacher introduces children to one new exercise every week and practices it in articulation gymnastics.

It is advisable to start acquaintance with a new articulation exercise with a small plot sketch. For example, it is advisable to illustrate the exercise “Delicious jam” with such a story.

“Sweet Carlson visited his grandmother in the summer, who lived in the countryside. One day he came to Pen and boasted that he had learned to count well. Carlson suggested that Grandma count her jars of jam. Grandmother agreed and let Carlson into the pantry, where there were jars of jam on the shelves. After a while, Carlson came out of there, licking his lips. Like this (teacher showing).

Then the teacher offers to perform the exercise (necessarily with visual control). At the same time, he controls the correctness of its implementation by each child.

After that, the teacher shows a picture depicting this exercise and calls it. Children perform a new exercise again, no longer according to the show, but according to the picture. The teacher again checks the correctness of the articulation exercise by each child.

It is desirable to carry out articulation gymnastics in a hall where there are wall mirrors. Children line up in front of them - the teacher stands behind them. Everyone sees each other in the mirror. Communication, showing articulatory poses also occurs through them. In this position, the children see how they perform the exercises, as the teacher shows him; see the pictures that the teacher shows. And the teacher can see how the children perform the proposed articulations.

It is proposed to use exercises in articulation gymnastics, the descriptions of which are given below.

Static exercises

1. "Smile".

Target. Develop the circular muscles of the lips.

The lips are stretched (smile), the closed teeth are visible. Hold lips in ta which position should 10-15 seconds.

2. "Tube".

Target. Is the same.

Lips are closed and extended in the form tubes forward. Hold the lips in this position for 10-15 seconds.

3. "Proboscis".

Target. Develop lip mobility.

The lips are tightly closed and stretched forward with tension as far as possible. Hold your lips in this position for 10 seconds.

4. "Spatula".

Target. Develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue and hold it in this position for a long time.

Put the relaxed wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip and hold it counting from 1 to 10. The upper lip is raised, does not touch the surface of the tongue.

5. "Needle".

Target. Develop the ability to strain the lateral muscles of the tongue and hold it in this position for a long time.

Stick the narrow tip of the tongue out of the mouth without touching the lips. Hold it in this position on the count from 1 to 10 .

6. "Angry Kitty"

Target. Develop the mobility of the muscles of the back of the tongue.

The mouth is ajar, the coccyx of the tongue rests against the lower front teeth, the back of the tongue is raised, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10.

7. "Groove".

Target. Develop the ability to control a targeted air stream along the midline of the tongue to the tip; develop the lateral muscles of the tongue.

Stick out a wide tongue from the mouth, bend its lateral edges up. Gently blow on the coccyx of the tongue. Perform 3-4 times for 5-7 seconds.

8. "Sail".

Target. Develop stretching of the hyoid ligament; the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue in an elevated position.

Open the mouth wide, put the wide tip of the tongue behind the front upper teeth on the tubercles, bend the back slightly forward, press the lateral edges to the upper molars. Hold the tongue in this position on the count from 1 to 10 . Perform 2-3 times.

9. "Cup".

Target. Exercise in the ability to hold a wide tongue in the upper position.

Open the mouth wide, raise the wide tongue of the tongue, pull it up to the upper teeth (but do not touch them), the lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10. Perform 3-4 times.

10. "Fence".

Target. Develop the ability to keep your teeth clenched; improve the circular muscles of the lips.

Teeth tightly clenched, lips in a smile position. Perform 5-6 times for 10-15 seconds.

Dynamic exercises

11. "Duck beak".

Target. To develop the mobility of the lips, their quick switching from one position to another.

The lips are folded into a tube. Cheeks hf- sigh, the lips relax a little and produce closing and opening movements.

12. "Curtains".

Target. Is the same.

The mouth is slightly open, the lower lip covers the lower teeth, and the upper one rises, revealing the upper teeth. The position of the lips then changes: the lower lip descends, revealing the lower teeth, and the upper lip descends, covering the upper teeth. Perform 5-6 times.

13. "Horse".

Target. Learn to stretch the hyoid ligament of the tongue.

Suck the tip of the tongue to the palate. Clicking is done with a change in tempo (slow - faster - very fast). Perform 10-15 times.

14. "Fungus".

Target. Is the same.

Open your mouth wide. "Suck" the surface of the tongue to the sky, while strongly pulling down the lower jaw. Perform 5-6 times.

15. "Painter".

Target. Develop the mobility of the tongue in the upper position.

Open your mouth wide. With a wide tip of the tongue, draw across the sky from the upper teeth to the uvali (small tongue) and back. Perform at a slow pace 5-6 times.

16. "Woodpecker".

Target. Develop the mobility of the coccyx of the tongue.

Open your mouth wide. With a silon tongue, hit the tubercles behind the upper teeth. In this case, the child pronounces the sound "d". imitating a woodpecker: d-d-d-d-d (15-20 seconds).

17. "Iron".

Target. Is the same.

The mouth is slightly open. With a wide tip of the tongue, you need to stroke the tubercles behind the upper teeth: back - forward. Perform 20-25 times.

18. "Drive away the mosquito."

Target. Learn to cause independent trembling of the coccyx of the tongue under the influence of a strong air jet.

The upper and lower lips touch the protruding tip of the tongue. A strong air jet directed at the tip of the tongue sets it in motion - the tongue trembles.

19. "biting the tip of the tongue"

Target. Activate the muscles of the tip of the tongue.

Lips in a smile position. Biting the tip of the tongue is done 8-10 times.

20. "Swing".

Target. Exercise in a quick change of movements of the tip of the tongue; work out coordination of movements of the tip of the tongue (up - down).

The mouth is wide open. The tip of the tongue is located behind the upper teeth on the tubercles, then descends behind the lower teeth. Perform 15-20 times.

21. "Ball rolling".

Target. Strengthen the lateral muscles of the tongue.

The lips are closed, the tongue makes circular movements (as if around the lips) with inside mouth. Movements are performed first clockwise (5-6 circles); then counterclockwise (5-6 circles). The speed of the movement of the tongue can be changed.

22. "Watch".

Target. Develop the lateral muscles of the tongue and coordination of movements (from right to left).

The mouth is open. The "narrow" tongue moves from one corner of the mouth to the other, trying not to touch the lips. The exercise is carried out at a slow pace at the expense of the teacher or is accompanied by the words: tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. Execution time - 20 seconds.

23. "Meat grinder".

Target. Work out the “thin and wide tongue” positions with mechanical assistance (teeth).

The lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are tightly clenched. Push the tip of the tongue between the clenched teeth, while the tongue becomes wide and thin. Push it forward as far as possible. Perform 3-4 times.

24. "Hide and Seek".

Target. To develop the mobility of the back of the tongue and the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth for a long time.

The mouth is wide open, the teeth are open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue rises and “peeps out” from behind the lower teeth, behind the more she descends, "hides." Tip language remains in the same place. Perform 10 times.

25. "Delicious jam"

Target. Develop movements of the wide tip of the tongue in the upper position.

Hug the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue and remove the tongue into the oral cavity. Do not close your mouth while doing this. Perform 5-6 times.

26. "Snake".

Target. Develop the lateral muscles of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Tongue stick out forward as far as possible, strain and make narrow. The narrow tongue can be moved as much as possible and removed deep into the mouth. Movements are made at a slow pace, perform 5-6 times.

27. "Mood".

Target. Develop lip mobility.

Lips stretched in a smile, teeth in a fence (good mood). Then the lips are folded into a tube, the teeth are in their original position. Facial expressions help the child to look angry. Perform 5 times (be sure to smile at the end).

Articulation gymnastics- this is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of the movements of the organs involved in the speech process.

The purpose of articulation gymnastics- development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Articulatory gymnastics includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, working out certain positions of the lips, tongue, and soft palate, which are necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Every day, play speech therapy exercises in front of the mirror;
- it is undesirable to perform gymnastics immediately after eating;
- an adult monitors the quality and accuracy of the movements performed;
- exercise for 3-5 minutes every day.


Oh what a pleasure
There is cherry jam!

Slightly open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

Here is a fungus on a thin stalk -
You put it in a basket!

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and, pressing your wide tongue with the whole plane to the sky, open your mouth wide. The tongue will resemble a thin cap of the fungus, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble the stem of the mushroom.

Deftly tasseled fence
Petya and Yegor are painting.

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth and “paint” your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue, move your tongue first from side to side, then from bottom to top. (Upper teeth only).


Puppy has little ones
Big teeth already.
As Trezorka will show them,
Yegorka runs straight into the house.

Smile without tension, so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. To show the child how to do this, you need to say the sound “and” to yourself. Hold your lips in this position for a count of 1 to 5.

Our tongue is done
He gets a lollipop!

1. Glue a piece of candy to the sky, get it with the tip of your tongue.
2. Invite the child to smile, show his teeth, open his mouth and reach for the lollipop with the tip of his tongue. The lips remain motionless.


We will make a pipe
A pipe - a whistle.

Pull closed lips forward with a tube. Hold in this position for a count of 5 to 7.


We collect without haste,
Like a squirrel - nuts.

Open mouth. Alternately rest your tongue on your cheeks, simulating the extrusion of balls.

Pour water into the barrel -
We inflate strongly cheeks

Close your mouth, squeeze your lips tightly, puff out your cheeks. Rinse your mouth with air.

Don't need smiles now
Make a mouth like a fish.

Lips pursed, cheeks drawn in.


We bake pancakes
For both son and daughter.

Open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce the sound combination: “five-five-five”.

Peter got up early today
And beating the drum.

Smile, open your mouth, tap with the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, while clearly pronouncing the sound; “d-d-d-d…” - slowly at first, then increase the pace.

On horseback along the track
Anya and Seryozhka are jumping.

Smile, show teeth, open your mouth and, sucking your tongue to the sky, click the tip of your tongue. Open your mouth wide. (Like a horse clatters its hooves).


tick-tock, tick-tock
The clock is running -
Like this!

Open mouth wide. Slowly move the tongue horizontally from side to side, pull the tongue to the corners of the mouth. Alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.

We were swinging on the swings
And smiled at each other!

Smile, show teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue behind the lower teeth on the inside and hold in this position counting from one to five, then raise the wide tongue of the upper teeth and hold the count from one to five. Alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.

Me and my friend Sveta
We chew mints.

Smile, open your mouth, “chew” with your front teeth, wide tip of the tongue.


Girlfriends are walking around the yard -
Two chatty turkeys.

Open the mouth, put the tongue on the upper lip and move the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear the tongue from the lip, stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add voice until you hear “bl-bl-bl…”.

I-U, I-U, I-U
We took a pipe to the kindergarten.

Part your lips in a wide smile, then pull them forward (“tube”). Alternate movements 6-7 times.

On the lower lip tongue
Let's spread it like a doormat.

Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. Hold in this position for a count of 5 to 10.


Hey, my friend, Antoshka!
Play the harmonica for us!

Smile, open your mouth, stick your tongue to the sky. Without dropping your tongue, open and close your mouth. Lips in a smile position. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and longer and keep your tongue in the upper position.


Like our magician Nikolka -
He turned the spatula into a needle.


Lida, Olya and Natasha
They drank milk from a cup.

Smile, open your mouth, stretch your tongue forward, bend the tip of your tongue up.

"Brushing teeth"

We brush our teeth in the morning
We love songs and jokes.

Run the tip of your tongue over your upper and lower teeth. Perform 5 movements from right to left and from left to right.

The ceiling was painted by a gnome,
He invites us to his house.

Smile, open your mouth, “stroke” the hard palate with the tip of your tongue, making movements back and forth.


Floating fast on the river
And our ship is buzzing - “yyyy”!

Open your mouth and pronounce the sound “yyyyyy” for a long time - an imitation of the whistle of a steamer. Pay attention to the child that the wide tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate and does not move.

Brush your teeth thoroughly
All kids must.

Lick your teeth inside and out for 3-5 movements in each direction.

The tongue plays hide and seek -
Play with it guys!

Smile, open your mouth, stretch your tongue between your teeth as far as possible, quickly remove it inside your mouth. Repeat 5-6 times.

I dig a hole with a spatula
I embroider flowers with a needle.

Smile, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, then make the tongue narrow and the tip of the tongue sharp.

Lower and raise the lower jaw.


Julia quickly ate a bagel,
I wanted a strawberry.

Round the lips as when pronouncing the sound "o". Then imitate the capture of strawberries with lips.

"The kitty is angry", "Gorka".
Murka arches his back,
Eyes squinting and yawning.

Smile, open your mouth. Press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth, while arching the back of the tongue.

Kitty is angry with Masha:
He wants fish, not porridge.

Smile, open your mouth. Press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth, while raising and lowering the back of the tongue.


This round coil
A true friend to threads.
The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The wide tongue rolls forward and retracts deep into the mouth.


Our tongue has grown wiser.
He managed to make a cup.
You can pour tea there.
And drink with sweets.

The mouth is wide open. The anterior and lateral edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.



Exercise number 1. "Smile" (Frog)

Target: develop the ability to keep your lips in a smile for a few seconds.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed, the lips are closed.

At the expense of "one" smile, do not bare your teeth. Hold the lips in this position under the count from 1 to 10. Then return the lips to their original position and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

Ask the child to stretch the lips into a smile, while the incisors should be exposed (visible), that is, the smile should be wide.

Frogs will like this - Our lips smiled

Lips pull straight to the ears! Straight to the ears stretched.

smiling puppy,You try "iii" say

teeth for show Show me your fence!

I could do the samePull lips straight to ears

Here look. Now. Frogs like it very much.

Smiling, laughing,
And their eyes are like saucers.

The wide Neva is a river,
And the smile is wide.
All my teeth are visible -
From the edges to the gums.

Turned us into frogs

We reached for the ears.

Stretched out, smiled

And then they returned home.

When performing the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the head is kept straight, when smiling, the lips should be closed, but not tense. Teeth should not be exposed. Movements with the hand or hands should be performed simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise number 2 "Tube"


Description of the exercise: In order to make a "tube" you need to stretch your lips forward into a tube. Please note - when switching, there should be no movements of the lower jaw. Only the lips move!

Verses for the second movement of the articulation exercise:

Let's put our lips on the pipe, Elephant will like it

And we can even play it. I pull my lips with my trunk!


An elephant came to visit us -
Amazing child.
Look at the elephant
Pull your lips with your trunk!

I imitate an elephant - I pull my lips with a trunk.
And now I release them and return them to their place.

If our lips smile
Look - the fence appears.
Well, if the lips are a narrow tube,
So we can play the flute.

Door lips are flexible.
They can become a smile.
Can be assembled into a tube
Then smile again. (Author - T.A. Kulikovskaya)

Our lips are very flexible.
Deftly drawn into smiles.
And now vice versa:
Lips stretch forward (Author - T.A. Kulikovskaya)

Exercise number 3. "Open and close the door."


How to do the exercise:

First movement: Teeth should be closed, lips in a smile. The incisors are exposed (big smile). "The door is closed."

Second movement: Teeth open(about two centimeters), lips in a smile, incisors are bare. "The door is open."

Movements in the articulatory exercise alternate: there is either closing or opening of the teeth. moving lower jaw. In this case, the lips should not participate in the movements. The lower jaw should not move forward.

“We will open the doors together,
And then we'll close them."

Another variant of the game content of this exercise is “Cold - hot”. We open the window when we are hot. And close the window when it's cold.

I will open my mouth a little, I will make my lips “Window”.

Teeth are side by side

And they look out the window.

Exercise number 4. "Watch"

Purpose: to achieve good mobility of the tongue.

First, we do the “Smile” exercise: the teeth are open by about two centimeters, the lips are in a smile, the incisors are bare.

Then ask the child to stick out his tongue and turn to the right corner of his mouth. Then do the same movement, but to the left corner of the mouth.

It is necessary to alternate the movements of the tongue to the right and left. At the same time, the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw should not move to the right or left, but must be motionless!

"Tick tock, tick tock!"

The clock is ticking - that's it!

Left tick,

Right so.

The clock is ticking - that's it!

Poems about the Merry tongue for articulation exercises.

Rested and stretched

Turned left, turned right

Like this, like this:

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Language is like a clock pendulum
Ready to rock again and again.
kitten smiles,
He tries just like you.

Exercise number 5. "Shovel"

Target: develop the ability to keep the tongue in a free, relaxed position, lying on the lower lip.

Put a wide relaxed tongue on the lower lip. Lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.

How to do the articulation exercise:

"Let our tongue rest,
Let him take a nap."

Tongue wide, smooth

It turns out "shovel"

The dog is tired and breathes tiredly.
She didn't even run after the cat.
A wide tongue will rest, lie down,
And again the dog runs after the cat.

I smile: here is a joker -
The language has become narrow.
Between the teeth, like a knot,
A long tongue came out.

Exercise number 6 "Needle"

Target: learn to make the tongue narrow and hold it in that position.

How to do the articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Put a wide relaxed tongue on the lower lip. Lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.

Movement 2. Ask the child to stick a narrow tongue between the incisors, lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.
It turned out "Needle".

I pull my tongue with a needle!

Don't come! I'll prick!

The alternation of these two movements and switching the position of the tongue from wide to narrow. At the same time, the mouth is open, the lips do not move.

That is a needle, that is a shovel
You guys have tongue. (T.A. Kulikovskaya)

The tongue lies with a spatula
And it doesn't tremble at all.
We are a needle then
Let's pull the tongue with a point.

The bird has a very pointed beak.
And thin, sharp, like a needle.
Take a look at the next page:
My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Exercise number 7 "Swing"

Goal: to learn make the tongue narrow and hold it in that position.

How to do the articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the tubercles behind the upper teeth (to the alveoli), the lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed, the mouth is open.

Movement 2. Ask the child to lower the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.

In the exercise, you need to alternate the movements of the wide tip of the tongue up and down.

Verses for the articulation exercise:

Ah, the swing! Ah, the swing!

Caught, flew

Ripped off the ground

Taken straight to the sky!

Capture the spirit

The heart freezes

Up - wow! Down - wow!

Everything flashes in the eyes!

I'm flying! I'm flying!

And I scream, and I laugh!

Stronger swing yus,

I'll fly straight to the sky.

On a swing I'm flying:
Up - down, up - down.
I sing, I fly, I scream:
Up - down, up - down.

On the swing
I'm swinging
Up down,
Up down,
And I rise higher
And then I fly down.

On the swing I rode: Above the oak, above the spruce

We took off on the swings. It flew up and went down.
Tell me, would you be able to
Tongue "swing swing"?

Exercise number 8 "Kitty" (Slide)

Purpose: to learn to hold the tongue in the position necessary for the pronunciation of whistling sounds. Develop the muscles of the tongue, strengthen the tip of the tongue.

How to do the articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Lips in a smile, teeth are bared, mouth is open. It is necessary to bring the wide tip of the tongue closer to the lower incisors.

Movement 2. Move the tip of the tongue along the bottom of the mouth back deep into the mouth to the hyoid ligament. In this case, the back of the back of the tongue should be curved upwards.

In the exercise, you need to alternate the movements of the tongue back and forth. At the same time, the lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed, the lower jaw does not move.

Poems for articulation exercise

On the bench by the window

The cat lay down and dozes.

The cat opens its eyes

The cat arches its back.

Our kitty got angry:
She forgot to wash the bowl.
You don't get close to her
The pussy can scratch!

You can also do a variant of the exercise - "Slide" and hold the position of the back of the back of the tongue at the top on the count.

Slide. Sled. Well it's time

Rush down. Hooray! Hooray!

Down the hill, whistling in the ears,

Only snow in the face flies.

The tongue falls behind the teeth,
Its tip is pressed against the teeth.
The back is very, very arched,
Here is what a slide turns out! (Smirnova E.B.)

The back of the tongue now
It will become a mountain for us.
Come on, slide, get up!
We're going down the hill!

Exercise number 9 "Hippo"

Purpose: to learn how to smoothly open and close the mouth, relax the muscles of the tongue, keep the lips and tongue in a given position.

Description of the articulation exercise.

At the expense of "one" open your mouth to a distance of 2 - 3 fingers wide, while the tongue should lie freely in the mouth, the tip is at the lower teeth. Hold your mouth in this position for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 4 to 5 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

Wide open mouth

It turned out "behemoth",

And then they shut their mouths

Resting "behemoth".

When performing the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the head does not tilt, keep straight, only the lower jaw should go down. Movements with the hand or hands should be performed simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise number 10 "Proboscis"

Target: develop the ability to stretch your lips forward, hold in this position for several seconds.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

On the count of "one" stretch closed lips forward. Hold the “proboscis” under the count from 1 to 10. Then return the lips to their original position, hold under the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

The elephant pulled out the trunk,

He invited us to play.

Lips "proboscis" folded,

Made friends with the elephant.

It is necessary to ensure that during the exercise the child pulls forward only the lips, while the lower jaw must remain motionless. Movements with the hand or hands should be performed simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise number 11 "Sail"

Target: learn to hold the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

At the expense of "one" smile, open your mouth, raise your tongue by the upper front teeth and rest against the alveoli. Hold the tongue in this position under the count from 1 to 10. Then return to the starting position, close the mouth and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 5-6 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

The wind blows the sail

Our boat is being adjusted.

One two three four five,

We will keep the sail.

It is necessary to ensure that when performing the exercise, the tongue rests against the alveoli behind the upper teeth. Movements with the hand and hands should be performed simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise number 12 "Cup"

Target: develop the ability to hold the tongue with the anterior and lateral edges bent upwards.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

At the expense of "one" smile, open your mouth, stick your tongue out of your mouth. Raise the tip, front and sides of the tongue up so that you get a "ladle". Hold the tongue in this position, close the mouth and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

This cup, my friend,

Made a clever tongue.

We need as long as possible.

Hold this bucket.

It is necessary to ensure that during the exercise the tongue retains the shape of the bucket and is not pressed against the teeth or upper lip. Movements with the hand or hands should be performed simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise number 13 "Fungus"

Target: work out the rise of the tongue up, train the hyoid ligament.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

On the count of "one" smile, open your mouth, raise your tongue up and stick to the sky, the tip of the tongue should be at the upper front teeth. Hold the tongue in this position under the count from 1 to 10. Then return to its original position, close the mouth and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

Tongue lifted up

It looked like a fungus.

We'll hold on just a little

And then we'll pull the leg.

It is necessary to ensure that when performing the exercise, the lips are in a smile, the tongue is located throughout the sky, and the tip of the tongue is at the upper front teeth. The mouth must be kept wide open. Movements with the hand or hands should be performed simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise number 14 "Piglet"

Target: teach to perform precise movements with the lips under the count, train the muscles of the lips.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

    On the count of "one", stretch the closed lips forward with the "proboscis", turn the "proboscis" to the left, on the count of "two" - turn to the right, on the count of "three" - raise it up, on the count of "four" - lower it down. Then return to the starting position, close your mouth and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

    Under the count of "one", "two", "three", "four", stretch your lips forward with a "proboscis", perform circular motions along the path left - up - right - down. Then return to the starting position, close your mouth and hold the count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

Imitate a pig

Let's fold the lips with a heel,

One two three four,

We twisted the heel.

When performing an articulation exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the lips do not open. The head should not tilt or drop down. Movements with the hand or hands must be performed synchronously with the movements of the lips.

Exercise number 15 "Rabbit"

Target: learn to perform a light massage of the lower lip with the upper teeth;

Raise the upper lip and hold for 2-3 seconds.

Description of the articulation exercise.

Starting position - sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, the head is held straight, the mouth is closed.

Smile, open your mouth and bite your lower lip with your upper front teeth counting from 1 to 10. Then close your mouth, keep it closed counting from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

Likes to gnaw fluffy rabbit

And cabbage and carrots.

Giving a rabbit a carrot

And patted behind the ear.

The exercise must be performed rhythmically, follow the synchronous movements of the fingers.

Exercise number 16 "Bridge" (Kitty, Hill)

Target: learn to hold the tongue in the position necessary for the pronunciation of whistling sounds. Develop the muscles of the tongue, strengthen the tip of the tongue.

Description of the articulation exercises. We open our mouth. Having arched the back of the tongue, we rest its tip against the lower teeth from the inside of the mouth. We hold in this position for 3-5 seconds. Slowly bring together and clench your teeth, close your mouth. "Bridge" stands behind closed teeth. Then we invite the child to straighten the tongue, relax, swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

Bend the tongue out like a back
This red cat kicked out.
Well, look at the picture:
He is walking across the bridge.

Exercise number 17 "Hamster".

Target: develop voluntary movements language. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue and cheeks.

Description of the articulation exercise. The tongue alternately rests on the right and left cheeks, lingering in each position for 3-5 seconds.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

The hamster puffs out its cheeks,
He has grain in bags.
We puff up our cheeks too
Let's help the hamster now.

I try to press my tongue

I lean heavily on the cheek.

My cheek popped

Like a hamster bag.

We offer the baby to inflate his cheeks with his mouth closed and hold in this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax, swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise number 18 "Kitten laps milk."

Target: develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, activate the lateral edges and the tip of the tongue.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

Kitten loves milk
Pour - and there is not a drop in an instant.
Laps quickly and easily
"Shovel" sticking out his tongue.

We will bend the edges of the tongue,
Do the same as me.
The tongue lies wide
And, like a cup, deep.

How does a cat love sour cream?

Lick your mouth soon.

Murzik took our comb,

And began to comb.

We are not behind him;

We will show everything with a tongue.

We open our mouth wide, make 4-5 movements with a wide tongue, as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We give the child time to rest and relax, we offer to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise

Exercise number 19 "Delicious honey." (Delicious jam)

Target. Develop movements of the wide tip of the tongue in the upper position. Hug the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue and remove the tongue into the oral cavity. Do not close your mouth while doing this. Perform 5-6 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

All the people know this:
The bear loves delicious honey.
Tongue licks the lip
And sit down closer to the honey.

We open our mouth wide, with a sharp tip of the tongue we draw along the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure that the lower jaw does not move. We perform 6-8 times. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we offer to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise number 20 "Nutlet".

Purpose: to train the muscles of the tongue.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

Squirrel clicks nuts
Thoroughly, without delay.
We rest the tongue
Left - right, sideways.

With the mouth closed, we rest the tense tip of the tongue either on the left or on the right cheek. We perform 6-8 times. Then we give the child time to rest and relax, we offer to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise number 21 "Drum"

Target: work out the mobility of the tongue and prepare it for the vibration necessary for the sound "r". Strengthen the muscles of the tongue (especially the tip of the tongue).

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue up. With the tip of the tongue, with force, “hit” the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth and pronounce the sounds: “d-d-d ...”. Perform 10-20 seconds at first slowly, then faster and faster. Make sure that only the tip of the tongue “works”, and the tongue itself does not jump.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

Wide open mouth, wide tongue

Raise it up and say it loud

abruptly, repeatedly, without lowering the exercise contributes to the evocation

language: D-D-D-D-D. sounds: R, R, L.

The drummer is very busy

D-d, d-d-d,

Drummer drumming:

D-d, d-d-d,

Bey, help with your hands:

D-D, d-d-d,

Beat the rhythm with your feet:

D-d, d-d-d.

Learn to play the drum:

D-d-d, d-d-d,

Your tongue will become obedient:

D-d-d, d-d-d,

Tongue, go up:

D-d-d, d-d-d,

Look - do not stray from the rhythm:

D-d-d, d-d-d.

Exercise number 22 "AccordionA"

Target: develop tongue mobility, strengthen the tip of the tongue. work out

lifting of the tongue.


    Smile, open your mouth (the upper and lower teeth are visible) and with a wide tongue “clean” the upper teeth from the inside, making movements from side to side.

    Smile, open your mouth wide, “suck” your tongue to the palate;

Without lowering your tongue, lower your lower jaw strongly, close your mouth and open it wide again, without changing the position of your tongue;

Repeat 4-5 times.

Instead of an account, you can use poetic lines:

I suck my tongue on the palate

Now look both ways:

Jaw moves up and down

She has such a cruise.

I play the harmonica

I open my mouth wider

I will press my tongue to the palate,

Below the jaw will take.

Everyone knows and understands the traditional types of gymnastics, consisting of various exercises for the arms, legs, and back. We train them to develop gross motor skills so that the muscles become stronger and the body more agile and faster.

Why is it necessary to train the tongue, because it has no bones? It is this organ that is the main one for our speech, so it also needs special exercises. The development and strengthening of his muscles allows him to accurately and clearly pronounce all words and sounds, making speech more clear and understandable.

Articulation gymnastics is necessary for children to develop pronunciation skills

Articulation gymnastics - what is it?

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus - increasing the mobility and development of motor skills of the lips, tongue, cheeks, frenulum, which is required for the correct reproduction of sounds. The purpose of articulatory gymnastics is to work out the movements of all the organs listed above and bring them to the required positions to automatism.

For good diction and pronunciation, a child needs strong lips and a tongue that easily changes its position. It is to achieve this that it is necessary to engage in articulation gymnastics with him, performing special exercises and playing speech therapy games.

Often, speech defects and insufficiently clear diction become an obstacle to the child's full communication with peers, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state. You can reduce the likelihood of such problems in children with the help of articulatory gymnastics, which should be started as early as possible. For children aged 2-4 years, it will help them learn to pronounce all sounds correctly, at 5-7 years old it will correct and reduce speech defects.

You can do gymnastics for the tongue with a speech therapist or at home in front of a mirror

Who should take care of the baby?

You can do articulatory gymnastics with your child on your own, however, you should periodically be examined by a speech therapist, starting from 1.5 - 2 years (see also:). By the age of 4, it is already quite clearly visible what sounds the baby has problems with pronouncing. It happens that at the age of five they go away by themselves, but only a specialist can correctly assess the development of a child’s speech and determine how age-appropriate it is (more details in the article:). It is he who should deal with the correction of the pronunciation of the baby if there are problems. Based on individual characteristics, the doctor will prescribe a special set of exercises, explain how to perform them correctly and demonstrate this by his own example.

Almost in every kindergarten a speech therapist works, so they also do articulation gymnastics with the kids. He not only conducts regular inspections, but also, starting from 5 summer age, deals with the elimination of defects, conducting lessons for the development of speech. However, these classes are often not enough; in the presence of pronounced problems, it will be required to regularly perform all necessary exercises and at home.

Exercises should be started in front of a mirror - so the child can observe the movements of the lips and tongue. Unlike adults, in which all movements are performed automatically, the baby needs a visual display of all his actions during classes in order to develop the necessary skills.

The goal of gymnastics is to make the tongue strong and mobile and teach it to take the positions necessary for the pronounced sounds.

Adults, pronouncing sounds, do it without thinking about the setting of the tongue, the position of the lips, or breathing. For a child who is just learning their correct pronunciation, all these moments seem rather difficult and obscure. Lips and tongue obey him with great difficulty, constantly trying to take a more comfortable, but not always correct position.

You can make classes easier and more interesting for the child by turning boring and incomprehensible exercises into fun games and stories about the adventures of the language, accompanying them with poems and riddles. Invite him to imagine that his tongue lives in his house (mouth), where he hides behind high fence(teeth). He goes to bed, looks out the window, goes for a walk, turns into a kitten or a horse, rides on a steamboat - this is how you can imagine any exercise as exciting game and a whole story about his life.

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of articulatory gymnastics for kids. It is comparable to the role of morning exercises and has a similar effect on the muscles of the face - it strengthens them, improves blood circulation in them, develops mobility and flexibility. Consolidating existing skills and acquiring new ones will allow the daily implementation of the recommended complex, devoting 5 minutes to classes several times a day and repeating each exercise 4 to 8 times.

It is possible that some of the exercises can cause difficulties even for you. In this case, do them together with the child, not embarrassed to admit to him your difficulties. Be patient, and stay calm - and at some point you will succeed. Pictures depicting each articulation exercise or special speech therapy training videos can help you achieve it.

Exercises and games

Playing with the tongue is one of the first classes of articulatory gymnastics. Parents need to read the text of the fairy tale about the tongue and show the necessary movements. First, the child repeats them, the next time he shows them himself.

The following are examples of exercises with brief instructions, included in the main complex for the development of articulatory motor skills in younger children preschool age. All tasks should be performed 4 - 8 times, dynamic - doing 2 - 6 repetitions, for static - linger in the specified position for 3 - 5 seconds. Before each repetition, give the child a little time to rest and relax the muscles of the face and tongue.

Universal Complex

  • “Delicious honey” - we make the following movements - we open our mouth and draw a pointed tongue along the upper lip, first in one direction, then in the other direction. During execution, we control the chin - it must remain static.
  • "Needle" - we open our mouth and stick out a tense tongue, trying to give it a pointed shape. We fix the position for a few seconds.
  • “Swing” - to perform, we open our mouth wide and place a calm tongue on the lower lip, then we raise it to the top, then we lower it down.
  • “Kitten laps milk” - open your mouth and stick out your tongue, then make a few lapping movements.
  • "Shovel" - to perform this exercise, you need to open your mouth and place a relaxed tongue on your lower lip. We linger in this position for a while.
  • "Pendulum" - we open our mouth and stretch our lips in a smile, after which we stick out a pointed tongue and touch its tip alternately to the corners of the lips. During execution, we control the position of the chin - it should remain static, and the tongue - it should not slide over the lips.
  • “Bridge” - we open our mouth and rest from the inside with the tip of the tongue against the teeth from below. We fix the position and slowly close the mouth without relaxing the tongue.
  • "Window" - slowly open your mouth, and then close it.
  • “Nutlet” - without opening your mouth, we alternately rest with a tense tongue against the walls of the cheeks.
  • "Smile" - is done as follows: the corners of the lips are stretched in a smile, so that the teeth become visible, and then smoothly return to their original position.
  • "Proboscis" - we stretch our lips forward, as if we want to kiss someone, hold them in this position, then slowly return them to their original position.
  • "Hamster" - closing your mouth, puff out your cheeks and linger in this position.
  • "Cup" - open your mouth, then place on the lower lip soft tongue, bend its sides up and slowly raise it in this state to the upper arch.

Examples of exercises to strengthen the tongue

Learning the sounds "s", "ss", "s", "z"

With the correct pronunciation of these sounds, the lips need to be slightly stretched in a smile, so that the teeth are slightly visible, and the tongue rests on the teeth in front, while touching the chewing edges. With this position, a groove is formed along the tongue, when passing through which the inhaled air forms a whistling noise. You can feel its movement by bringing your hand to your mouth. The following exercises will help improve articulation and learn the correct pronunciation of these sounds:

  • “Whistles” - we stretch our lips in a smile, hide our tongue from below behind our teeth and try to whistle.
  • “Blowing cotton from the palm of your hand” - we stretch our lips in a smile and place a calm tongue on the lower lip, sticking it out slightly. We take a breath and exhale the air, as if we are trying to blow something away.

Correct pronunciation of the sounds "sh", "g"

When pronouncing hissing sounds, the mouth should be kept slightly open, the lips should be rounded, and the end of the tongue should be raised to the upper arch, touching it with the edges of the chewing teeth from above. In this position, a small bowl-shaped notch appears under the tongue, through which air passes as you exhale. You can feel its movement by bringing your hand to your mouth.

Exercise “Delicious jam”

In parallel with the training of the articulatory apparatus, it is necessary to work with the child to identify various hissing and whistling sounds by ear. This can be done in a playful way - for example, an adult pronounces a particular sound, after which he begins to pronounce various words. Hearing a word with a hidden sound, the baby must show it to an adult - for example, with a clap. The following exercises will help you learn how to pronounce these sounds correctly:

  • “Delicious jam” - open your mouth, stretch your lips in a smile and run your tongue 2-3 times over your upper lip, licking it.
  • “Blow the cotton from the spout” - put a little cotton on the tip of the tongue. We put it in a “cup”, lift the cotton wool up with it, and blow it off as we exhale.
  • “We put the tongue to sleep” - we have a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.

Learning the sounds "h", "u"

The development of these sounds can begin only when the child has learned to pronounce deaf hissing sounds. The following exercises are suitable for this:

  • “The chick is calling mom” - slightly open your mouth and place a relaxed tongue on your lower lip. We pronounce the sound “pya-pya-pya”, touching the tongue with our lips.
  • Holding a wide relaxed tongue - open your mouth and maintain the position for 10 seconds.

Exercise is necessary for the sounds: R, R, F, H, W, S, C, T, D, C

When exercising, it is important to keep the tongue and lips relaxed and carefully control the breath, not allowing it to be delayed. We repeat each exercise 3-6 times.

Learning the sounds "l" and "l"

  • "Malyar" - slightly open your mouth and stretch your lips in a smile and drive with a tense tongue along the upper arch.
  • “The steamer is buzzing” - open your mouth and stretch your lips, as if smiling. We clamp the tip of the tongue with our teeth, exhale and say “s-s-s” - if done correctly, you will hear a sound resembling “l”.
  • “Inflate the cheeks” - we clamp the tip of the tongue with our teeth and exhale the air, puffing out our cheeks. If the exercise is performed correctly, then the air should calmly flow around the tongue.

Exercise "Steamboat"

The correct pronunciation of the sound "r"

The pronunciation of this sound most often causes difficulties, because it is tremulous and anterior lingual. Many parents themselves do not always distinguish it from a similar vibrational throat sound. The following exercises will help you develop its exact pronunciation:

  • "Horse" - opening your mouth, we click your tongue.
  • "Mushroom" - open your mouth and glue your tongue to the upper palate, so as to feel the tightness of the frenulum. Fix the position and keep it as long as possible.
  • "Drum" - open your mouth and stretch your lips in a smile. Keeping the position, hit the top of the teeth with the tip of the tongue, pronouncing "d-d-d-d". When you bring your hand to your mouth, you can feel the air coming out in jolts. During execution, it is important to control that the mouth is constantly open, and the tongue does not touch the lower teeth.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined type kindergarten No. 38

Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region

Articulation gymnastics

Parent meeting summary

Erosheva Anna Vladimirovna,

correctional group teacher



Speech sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements of articulatory organs - kinem. The development of this or that kinema opens up the possibility of mastering those speech sounds that could not be pronounced due to its absence. We correctly pronounce various sounds, both in isolation and in the speech stream, thanks to the strength, good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Thus, the pronunciation of speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of various articulatory-mimic movements with the tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with diffuse sounds (muttering, babble). Such movements are the first stage in the development of a child's speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the organs of speech in the natural conditions of life. The accuracy, strength and differentiation of these movements develop gradually in the child.

For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech are needed - tongue, lips, palate. Articulation is associated with the work of numerous muscles, including: chewing, swallowing, mimic. The process of voice formation occurs with the participation of the respiratory organs (larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm, intercostal muscles). Thus, speaking of special speech therapy gymnastics, one should keep in mind the exercises of numerous organs and muscles of the face, oral cavity, shoulder girdle, and chest.

Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes - and the correction of sound pronunciation disorders of any etiology and pathogenesis; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, working out certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

1. It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to do the exercises 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Do not offer children more than 2-3 exercises at a time.

2. Each exercise is performed 5-7 times.

3. Static exercises are performed for 10-15 seconds (holding the articulation posture in one position).

4. When choosing exercises for articulation gymnastics, you must follow a certain sequence, go from simple exercises to more complex ones. It is better to spend them emotionally, in a playful way.

5. Of the two or three exercises performed, only one can be new, the second and third are given for repetition and consolidation. If the child performs some exercise not well enough, you should not introduce new exercises, it is better to work out old stuff. To consolidate it, you can come up with new game techniques.

6. Articulatory gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position.

7. The child must see the adult's face well, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult should be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics. Also, the child can use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), but then the adult should be opposite the child facing him.

8. It is better to start gymnastics with exercises for the lips.

Organization of articulation gymnastics

1. An adult talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.

2. An adult shows the exercise.

3. The child does the exercise, and the adult controls the execution.

An adult conducting articulatory gymnastics should monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another. It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ of articulation are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal.

4. If the child does not get some kind of movement, help him (with a spatula, a teaspoon handle or just a clean finger).

5. In order for the child to find the correct position of the tongue, for example, lick the upper lip, spread it with jam, chocolate or something else that your child loves. Get creative with the exercises.

At first, when children perform exercises, there is a tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Gradually, the tension disappears, the movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

The system of exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills should include both static exercises and exercises aimed at developing dynamic coordination of speech movements.

Before you start doing the exercises, be sure to read the recommendations for articulation gymnastics.

Exercise number 1 "TALE OF THE FUNNY LANGUAGE"

1 part. The tongue lived in the world. He had his own house.

The house was called a mouth. That's what an interesting house the Merry Tongue had. The house opened and closed. Look how the house closed. (An adult slowly and clearly closes and opens his teeth). Teeth! The lower teeth are the porch and the upper teeth are the door.

Tongue lived in his house and often looked out into the street. He opens the door, leans out of it and again hides in the house. Look! (An adult shows a wide tongue several times and hides it). The language was very curious. He wanted to know everything.

2 part. He sees how the kitten laps milk, and thinks: "Let me try that too." He became wide and leaned out on the porch, and then hides. Lean out and hide, lean out and hide. Slowly at first, then faster. Just like a kitten does. Can you do that? Come on, try it!

He also loved to sing songs. He was cheerful. What he sees and hears on the street is what he sings. He will hear the children screaming "a - a - a", open the door wide - wide and sing: "A - a - a." He will hear the horse neigh "and - and - and", make a narrow crack in the door and sing: "And - and - and." He will hear the train buzzing "u - u - u", make a round hole in the door and sing: "U - u - u." So unnoticed by the Tongue, the day will pass. The Tongue gets tired, closes the door and goes to sleep.

Here is the end of the story.

Exercise number 2 "SMILE»

Target: teach your child to keep their lips in a smile counting up to 10 times.

Description. Keep your lips in a smile. Teeth are not visible.

Exercise number 3 "FENCE"

Description. Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. (To show the child how to do this, you need to make a sound to yourself and) Hold your lips in this position counting from 1 to 5 - 10.

Exercise number 4 "OKOSHKO"

Description. Open your mouth wide - "hot", close your mouth - "cold".

It is better to do the exercise from the Fence: if the teeth are well exposed, then the “window” will turn out to be of high quality, and the child in the mirror will clearly see what his tongue is doing.

Exercise number 5 "PUPPY"

Description. Lick a saucer smeared with jam with a wide tongue. Execute ex. 10 - 15 sec.

The puppy licked the plate

He asks for a piece of sausage.

Exercise number 6 "Hide and Seek"

Description. Smile lips closed, stick out the tongue, then hide it behind closed lips.

Exercise number 7 "DELICIOUS JAM"

Target: develop the movement of the wide front of the tongue upward and the position of the tongue close to the shape of the cup, which it takes when pronouncing hissing sounds.

Description. Slightly open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

Aunt nephew

Meets merrily.

Tea for him with jam

Offers here.

Oh how delicious

Sweet jam.


A. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not "plant" the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).

b. The tongue should be wide, its lateral edges touching the corners of the mouth.

V. If the exercise does not work out, you need to return to the exercise "Punish a naughty tongue." As soon as the tongue becomes flattened, you need to lift it up and wrap it on the upper lip.

Exercise number 8 "SHOVEL"


Description. Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. Hold it in this position by counting from 1 to 5 - 10. The lateral edges should touch the corners of the mouth, do not stretch the lips strongly into a smile so that there is no tension


A. Do not stretch your lips into a strong smile so that there is no tension.

B. Make sure that the lower lip does not tuck.

B. Do not stick out the tongue far, it should only cover the lower lip.

D. The lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.

Exercise number 9 "NEEDLE"

Target: develop the ability to make the language narrow.

Description. Smile, open your mouth wide, push your tongue forward, strain it, make it narrow. Hold the counting pose up to 10 times. The tongue should not be clamped with lips, teeth, lowered to the chin.

Exercise number 10 "SHOVEL - NEEDLE"

Description. Smile, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, then make the tongue narrow and the tip of the tongue sharp. Alternate movements 6 times.

Like a magician, our Nikolka -

He turned the spatula into a needle.

Exercise number 11 "SHOVEL - NEEDLE"

Description. Smile, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, then make the tongue narrow and the tip of the tongue sharp. Alternate movements 6 - 8 times.

I dig a hole with a shovel

I embroider flowers with a needle.

Exercise number 12 "BALL"

Description. Puff out your cheeks, puff out your cheeks. Invite the child to pronounce the sound “sh” for a long time, the front edge of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, the exhaled stream of air is warm.

The ball burst at Tanya -

The poor girl is crying.

To make it more interesting to inflate the "ball" and for prevention sounds V, F- bite your lower lip with your upper teeth - fff - here is the inflated balloon - with your index fingers, as it were, pierce your cheeks - that's the balloon blown away.

Exercise number 13 "BALL BURST"

Description. Invite the child to pronounce the sound "shhh" for a long time. Pay attention to the fact that when pronouncing the sound "sh" the front edge of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, the exhaled stream of air is warm.

Give Tongue a pipe

And five more balls

Ride the mosquitoes!

Inflating balloons:

"Sit down, mosquitoes!"

Exercise number 14 "WATCH"

Target: develop the ability to direct the tongue to the corners of the mouth.

Description: Open mouth wide. Slowly move the tongue horizontally from side to side, pull the tongue to the corners of the mouth. Alternately change the position of the tongue 4 - 6 times.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

The clock is running -

Like this!

Introduce arbitrariness into some exercises, ask the child to follow the instructions. For example, verbal: tongue to the left - to the right, visual: watch my finger carefully - where the finger is, there is the tongue. Visual SUPPORT!

Exercise number 15 "BUBLIK"

Description. Close your teeth. Round the lips, as when pronouncing the sound "o" and slightly stretch forward. The upper and lower incisors are visible.

Julia quickly ate a bagel,

I wanted a strawberry.

Exercise number 16 "TUBE"

Description: Simulate sucking juice through a thin tube. Execute ex. 10 - 15 sec.

Sucking orange juice

From the tube mother's son.

Exercise number 17 "TONGUE SLEEPING"

Description. Open your mouth a little. Calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, say: "five-five-five." Perform the exercise for 10 seconds.

Oh, our Tongue is tired,

Lie down in bed on the side;

Pya - pya - pya - pya - pya - pya

Let's all rest, friends!

Exercise number 18 "Swing"

Target: develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue up and down, which is necessary when combining the sound l with vowels a, s, o, y.

Description. Smile, open your mouth, show your teeth, put a wide tongue behind the lower teeth (on the inside) and hold in this position counting from 1 to 5. Then raise the wide tongue behind the upper teeth (also on the inside) and hold the count from 1 up to 5. So alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.

We were swinging on the swings

And they smiled at each other.


Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

Exercise number 19 "ENGINE"

Description. Part your lips in a wide smile, then stretch them into a tube. Alternate 6 times.

Come on, kids, with the Tongue

Let's ride together!

Let's play train

And we smile: "And - y! And - y! And - y!"

Exercise number 20 "MALYAR"

Target: work out the movement of the tongue up. stretch the hyoid ligament and its mobility.

Description. Smile, open your mouth and “stroke” the hard palate with the tip of your tongue, moving your tongue back and forth. Do 10 times, changing directions.

The ceiling was painted by a gnome,

He invites us to his house.


A. Lips and lower jaw must be motionless.

B. Make sure that the tip of the tongue reaches the inner surface of the upper teeth as it moves forward and does not protrude from the mouth.

Exercise number 21 "PAINT THE FENCE"

Description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth and “paint” your upper teeth with the tip of your tongue, move your tongue first from side to side, then from bottom to top.

Deftly tasseled fence

Petya and Yegor are painting.

Exercise number 22 "POLOVICHEK"

Description: Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. Hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5.

On the lower lip tongue

Spread out like a doormat.

Spread a rug

On the porch Tongue.

Exercise number 23 "HAMMER"

Description. Smile, open your mouth. Tap the tip of your tongue on your upper teeth. Pronounce the combination of the sounds "dddd" and "tttt" repeatedly and clearly.

He took the tongs

Took an ax

And went to fix the fence.

D - d - d - d - d - d - hammer knocks,

T - t - t - t - t - t - here is the clove.

The sun shines in the morning -

It's time to visit your aunt!

Exercise number 24 "HORSE"

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hyoid ligament and develop a lift of the tongue up.

Description. Smile, show teeth. Open your mouth and sucking your tongue to the palate, click the "narrow" tip of the tongue (like a horse clattering its hooves).

On horseback along the track

Anya and Seryozha are jumping.

On a horse on the road

jumping tongue,

And the horse's hooves -

Click, click, click, click, click.

Going slowly up the hill:

Tsok tsok tsok tsok tsok.

And from the mountain it rushes with an arrow:

Tsok - tsok - tsok - tsok - tsok.


A. The exercise is first performed at a slow pace, then faster.

B. The lower jaw must not move; only the language works.

B. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, i.e. so that the child clicks his tongue, not smack.

Exercise number 25 "THE HORSE RIDES QUIETLY"

Target: develop the movement of the tongue up and help the child determine the place of the tongue when pronouncing the sound "l".

Description. The child should make the same movements with the tongue as in the previous exercise, only silently.


A. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless: only the tongue performs the exercise.

B. The tip of the tongue should not curl inward.

B. The tip of the tongue rests on the palate behind the upper teeth, and does not protrude from the mouth.

Exercise number 26 "HIPPO - MONKEY"

Description. Open mouth wide. Breathing in through the mouth: imitation of a yawn. Then close your lips tightly. Alternate exercises.

mouth wide open,

A fat hippo yawns.

A cheerful monkey

lips clenched,

Reads a book.

Exercise number 27 "CLEANING THE TEETH"

Target: Develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower and upper teeth.

Description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth and “clean” your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue from the inside, first moving your tongue from side to side, then “throw out the trash” from the bottom up. The lower jaw is motionless, only the tongue works. Perform under the account of 10 - 15 times.

Exercise number 28 "WHOSE TEETH IS CLEANER?"

Target: to develop the rise of the tongue up and the ability to speak the language.

Description. Open your mouth wide and use the tip of your tongue to “clean” the upper teeth from the inside, making tongue movements from side to side.


A. Lips in a smile, upper and lower teeth visible.

B. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not protrude, does not bend inward, but is located at the roots of the upper teeth.

B. The lower jaw is motionless; only the language works.

Exercise number 29 "PIPE"

Target: work out the movement of the lips forward.

Description. Pull closed lips forward with a tube (teeth are closed). Hold lips in this position for a count of 1 to 5 - 10.

We will make a pipe

A pipe - a whistle.

If there are difficulties in doing it, play: in kisses, which piglet has a piglet, twist this piglet clockwise and counterclockwise; lightly massaging with your fingers, pull the baby's lips forward. It is good to combine the Fence-Pipe in dynamics.

Exercise number 30 "ELEPHANT DRINKING"

Description. To form an elephant's trunk, stretching the lips forward with a tube, collect some water, while slightly smacking. Unclenching and clenching his fists, the baby helps the elephant to draw water - pppfff and open his palm above his head - the elephant refreshed himself with water.

Exercise number 31 "ELEPHANT EATS PORRIDGE"

Description. Stretch your lips into a smile. Say "yum - yum - yum" then stretch your lips forward, say "uuuuuuuuuu" for a long time, alternate ex. 4 - 6 times.

We ate semolina

And they wanted more.

The trunk was pulled out by an elephant,

Yes, and semolina porridge -

Just a meal

Yum - yum - yum - yum.

Exercise number 32 "TREZOR"

Description. Smile without tension, so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. To show the child how to do this, you need to say the sound "and" to yourself. hold your lips in this position for a count of 1 to 5.

The puppy has a baby

Big teeth already.

As Trezorka will show them,

Yegorka runs straight into the house.


Description. " Push out "a wide tongue between the lips (as if you are driving the ball into the goal).

Do you want to play?

We drive the ball into the goal.

Exercise number 34 "KOLOBOK"

Description. Open your mouth, alternately press your tongue against your cheeks, "squeezing out" the balls.

Here interesting game -

Air Gingerbread Man.

Roll from cheek to cheek

Not everyone could.

Exercise number 35 "Pancake"

Description: Open your mouth a little, calmly put a wide tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce the sound combination "five - five - five." Perform the exercise for 10 - 15 seconds.

We bake pancakes

For both son and daughter.

Aunt Chechka

Nephew is waiting

Pancakes with poppy seeds

Bakes for dinner.

Exercise number 36 "PUNISH THE Naughty Tongue"

Target: to develop the ability, by relaxing the muscles of the tongue, to keep it wide, flattened.

Description. Open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce the sounds "five-five-five ...". Keep a wide tongue in a calm position with an open mouth, counting from 1 to 5 - 10.


A. The lower lip should not be tucked up and pulled over the lower teeth.

B. The tongue should be wide, its edges touching the corners of the mouth.

B. Pat your tongue with your lips several times on one exhalation. Make sure that the child does not retain exhaled air.

You can control the performance as follows: bring the cotton wool to the child's mouth, if he does the exercise correctly, it will deviate. At the same time, this exercise contributes to the development of a directed air jet.

Exercise number 37 "Knead the dough"

Description. Smile, slap your tongue between your lips - “pya-pya-pya-pya-pya ...”, bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth (alternate these two movements).

Exercise number 38 "tongue massage"

Target: develop the ability to keep the tongue in a calm, relaxed state.

Description. Smile, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip. With the upper lip we pat on the tongue: pya-pya-pya. Perform under the account of 10 - 15 times. Then we bite the wide tongue with the upper teeth: ta-ta-ta. Perform under the account of 10 - 15 times. The lateral edges should touch the corners of the mouth, the lips should not stretch too much into a smile so that there is no tension.

Exercise number 39 "MUSHROOM"

Target: to develop a rise of the tongue up, stretching the hyoid ligament (bridle).

Description. Smile, show teeth, open your mouth slightly and, pressing your wide tongue with the entire plane against the palate, open your mouth wide. The tongue will resemble a thin cap of the fungus, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble the stem of the mushroom. Hold the tongue in this position for up to 10 seconds.

Here is a fungus on a thin stalk -

You put it in a bowl.


A. Make sure that the lips are in the position of a smile.

B. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed equally tightly - no half should fall.

B. When repeating the exercise, you need to open your mouth wider.

Exercise number 40 "TURKEYS TALK"

Target: to develop the rise of the tongue up, the mobility of its front part.

Description. Open your mouth, put your tongue on your upper lip and make movements with the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add a voice until you hear bl-bl-bl (like a turkey mumbles).

Girlfriends walk around the yard -

Two chatty turkeys.

Under the window - bll, bll, bll -

The Indians are talking.

Turkey speech

Nobody understands.

Turkeys on the swing

They nod cheerfully.

Ride Tongue

"Bll, bll!" - offer.


A. Make sure that the tongue is wide and not narrowed.

B. Make sure that the movements of the tongue are back and forth, and not from side to side.

B. The tongue should "lick" the upper lip, and not be thrown forward.

Exercise number 41 "Catch a MOUSE"

Description. Lips in a smile, open your mouth, say "ah" and bite the wide tip of your tongue (caught the mouse by the tail).

Exercise No. 42 "DRUMMER"

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue, develop the lift of the tongue up and the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense.

Description. Smile, open your mouth and tap with the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and distinctly pronouncing the sound d: d-d-d. First, pronounce the sound d slowly, gradually speeding up the tempo. Perform the exercise for 10 - 15 seconds.

Peter got up early today

And beating the drum.


A. The mouth should be open all the time, lips in a smile, the lower jaw is motionless; only the language works.

B. Make sure that the sound "d" has the character of a clear blow, it is not squelching.

B. The tip of the tongue should not tuck.

D. The sound "d" must be pronounced so that the exhaled air stream is felt. To do this, bring a piece of cotton wool to your mouth. When performed correctly, the exercise will deviate.

The main exercise for setting P, Pb. If the mouth closes, the tongue falls - apply mechanical assistance: let the child hold a stick 1 cm wide with his teeth (you can start with a counting stick), the tongue "knocks" over the stick.

Exercise number 43 "SAIL"

Target: develop the ability to raise the tongue to the sky and hold the posture counting up to 10 times

Description. Smile, open your mouth, fasten the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth. Hold the counting pose up to 10 times.

Exercise number 44 "STEAM HOOMING"

Target: develop a lift of the back of the tongue up.

Description. Open your mouth and say with tension a long “s-s-s ...” - an imitation of the whistle of a steamer. Pay attention to the child that the wide tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate and does not move.

Floating fast on the river

And our ship is buzzing - "yyyy"!


Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and is in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised to the sky.

Exercise number 45 "PUSSY"

Target: develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.

Description: Smile, open your mouth. Pressing the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth, bend the tongue in a slide, resting the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth. Hold the counting pose up to 10 times.

Murka arches his back,

Eyes squinting and yawning.

Exercise No. 46 "PUSSY IS ANGRY"

Target: develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth and arch the back.

Description: Smile, open your mouth. Press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth, while raising the back of the tongue, as a cat arches its back when angry and lowers. Perform the exercise 3-5 times.

Kitty is angry with Masha:

He wants fish, not porridge.

The main exercise for setting whistlers. If the tongue does not hold on to the teeth, the child can hold it with the index finger. If the air jet goes along the entire plane of the tongue, make a path with a toothpick along the plane of the tongue in the middle.

Exercise number 47 "Accordion"

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hyoid ligament (bridle).

Description. Smile, open your mouth, stick your tongue to the palate and, without lowering your tongue, close and open your mouth (as the accordion furs stretch, so the hyoid frenulum stretches). The lips are in a smile position. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and keep your tongue in the upper position for longer.

Hey, my friend, Antoshka!

Play the harmonica for us!


A. Make sure that when opening the mouth, the lips are motionless.

B. Open and close the mouth, holding it in each position counting from three to ten.

B. Make sure that when opening the mouth, one of the sides of the tongue does not sag.

Exercise number 48 "FISH"

Description. Lips pursed, cheeks drawn in. Exercise to perform slowly, clearly.

Don't need smiles now

Make a mouth like a fish.

Exercise number 49 "Rinse your mouth"

Description. The mouth is closed, the lips are tightly compressed, the cheeks are puffed out. Rinse your mouth with air.

Pour water into the barrel -

We inflate strongly cheeks.

Exercise number 50 "GLUE THE CANDY"

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue and work out the rise of the tongue up.

Description. Put the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip. Put a thin piece of toffee on the very edge of the tongue, glue a piece of candy to the palate behind the upper teeth.


A. Make sure that only the tongue works, the lower jaw must be motionless.

B. Open the mouth no wider than 1.5-2 cm.

B. If the lower jaw is involved in the movement, you can put the child's clean index finger on the side between the molars (then he will not close his mouth).

D. The exercise must be performed at a slow pace.

Exercise number 51 "BARREL"

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

Description. Smile, open your mouth, the tongue alternately rests on the right, then on the left cheek from the inside. Perform under the account of 10 - 15 times.

Exercise number 52 "CUP"

Target: Develop the ability to hold the tongue in the shape of a cup.

Description . The mouth is open. The anterior and lateral edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth. The tongue resembles the shape of a ladle or bowl. Water from the "cup" does not pour out.

The main exercise for setting hissing sounds. To make the Cup, it is better to make it from the Pancake: the tongue should be relaxed. You can ask the baby to blow on tea, because when pronouncing hissing air comes warm.

Exercise No. 53 "FOCUS"

Target: to develop the lifting of the tongue up, the ability to give the tongue the shape of a bucket and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.

Description. Smile, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the upper lip so that its lateral edges are pressed, and there is a groove in the middle of the tongue, and blow off the cotton wool placed on the tip of the nose. At the same time, the air should go in the middle of the tongue, then the fleece will fly up.


A. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless.

B. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed against the upper lip; a gap is formed in the middle into which the air stream goes. If this does not work, you can slightly hold your tongue.

B. The lower lip should not tuck in and pull over the lower teeth.

Exercise number 54 "NUTS"

Description: The mouth is closed. The tip of the tongue with tension alternately rests on the cheeks, simulating the extrusion of balls, hard balls-"nuts" are formed on the cheeks. Exercise to perform slowly, clearly.

We collect without haste,

Like a squirrel, nuts.

The tip of the tongue is well strengthened, the hardness of which is important when performing the sound L. You can resist from the outside of the cheek with your index finger.

Exercise number 55 "PUMP"

Description. Invite the child to pronounce the sound "sssss ..." for a long time. Pay attention that when pronouncing the sound, the tongue is behind the lower teeth, the lips are in a smile, the exhaled stream is cold.

With my brother, we will take the pump -

There will be a holiday for the wheels:

Let's pump up the tires

Daddy's car.
