Psychology is Science, engaged in the study of human mental activities, forming cognitive processes, properties and states of the psyche. Psychology is also exploring the impact on the psyche of external factors and the interaction between individuals in society. There are many sections of general psychology, and in each of them a certain area of \u200b\u200bmanifestations of the psyche, for example, pedagogical psychology, age psychology are studied.

Psychology as science

Throughout the history of mankind, there is a need for division and study of the psychological warehouse of people. Many scientists of antiquity touched upon the topic of psychology and allocated some aspects in terms of idealism and materialism.

The founder of idealism and dualism is considered Plato, which for the first time distributed people on their personal qualities - the mind in the heads, courage in the chest and lust in the stomach. It was believed that the leaders possess the mind, warriors - courage, and slaves - lust. In addition, Plato paid special attention to the human soul, and considered it with something divine, existing separately from the body and know the eternal truths. Thus, Plato highlighted two independent starts, and his teachings became the first in such a way.

His follower was Aristotle, who became a detonator of materialism - directions, approving, the primacy of matter and the secondaryness of a person's consciousness. Aristotle sought to ensure that psychology is part of medicine, but he failed to fully explain the behavior of a person from this point of view. That is why Aristotle first put forward the theory of inseparable body and soul.

Relying on the works of these scientists, many philosophers worked in the direction of studying the psyche and human behavior. In 1879, the first psychological laboratory was opened by the famous psychologist Wilhelm Wywdt, which was the beginning of the development of psychology as experimental science.

The subject of study of psychology

Psychology is a science that considers a person as a subject of activity, the features of its formation and personal qualities, the ability to know the world and interact with him. An important aspect is to study the emergence and development of the human psyche, the foundations of mental activities, the features of the formation of mental images of the world and their embodiment into reality, the unity of social and biological factors in the human life, individual characteristics of the individual, the behavior of the individual in the social environment and in specific activities.

The knowledge of himself is as important as the knowledge of the surrounding world, therefore everyone must have the foundations of the general healthy knowledge. It helps to interact with other people correctly, strive for continuous improvement and development, confidently feel in any environment. Psychology is applied in various fields of human activity, which contributed to the development of its industries - medical, legal, pedagogical, military, marketing.

Generalical knowledge is needed everywhere where there is a need to use human psyche resources. Psychology is widely used in clinics, schools, in managerial structures, in centers of training cosmonauts and social development. Today there are many qualified specialists who own those or other methods that provide professional assistance to anyone who needs it.

Methods of psychology

Currently, it is impossible to allocate some kind of universal technique suitable for each particular person, because many directions have been developed that help to understand the peculiarities of behavior. Psychology distinguishes the following most interesting methods:

  • psychoanalysis - this method is used most often when solving personal problems and internal experiences. An experienced specialist is spent thorough work with unconscious children's memories that are often the cause of problems in adulthood;
  • body-oriented therapy - Some psychologists believe that when suppressing emotions in the body, the so-called muscle clips are observed. To relax them, it is necessary to apply special massages and exercises;
  • positive psychology is a consideration of a specific situation in general, the vision of its positive and negative aspects. Thanks to this approach, it becomes possible to reveal and develop the hidden abilities of a person, which helps him cope with a certain problem.
  • gestalt-psychology is the ability to realize yourself "here and now", which helps to cope better with stressful situations due to the understanding of personal experience.

Often, in the event of personal problems, a person hurries for help from a specialist who owns any method of psychology. If you choose it as much as possible for a particular patient, you can effectively find out the reason for the problems and cope with the problem.

The main tasks of psychology

The main task is to aware of mental characteristics by disclosing subject connections that caused mental phenomena. Such psychological knowledge should be understood as awareness of mental features through the disclosure of communication with the surrounding world. Thus, it becomes obvious that psychology is the most practical science, considering the essence of a person, since due to its study you can know yourself, other people and the world.

A continuous interest in self-knowledge and enrichment of the inner world is explained by the fact that there is a tendency to integrate all aspects of society - economic, political and spiritual, as the basis of well-being. This is explained by the fact that the classical concepts of the economy (solving technological tasks in economic activity) are moved to the second plan more new tasks - modernized concepts aimed at solving humanitarian and psychological problems.

10 ThoughtS ON " Psychology is ...

    Of course, psychology is a strong science! The essence of man, his thoughts in all a century caused the philosophers a whole storm of disputes in search of truth ...
    In one confident, clearly some basics of gestalt therapy need to know. This can be useful in an extreme situation.

    I also believe that psychology is needed absolutely in any field of activity. Whatever a person does not engage in, solid psychology surrounds it. Even if it is professionally not at the height, but at the same time a strong psychologist, take off the career ladder is provided

    All often consider themselves good psychologists! Whether managers during sales or realtors! But many of them are often mistaken in people or themselves become a victim of an even greater psychologist!
    Often more and more I hear that "psychology is life"!

    I have not mastered the psychology yet, people made her weapons impact on the most unknown organ - the brain and manipulation method. I do not like that psychology is taught in every second university. This science is not for everyone. She is only in medical universities.

    I believe that in every family there should be a psychologist or just need to visit psychologists to everyone. These are people who save lives. But you need to be a real professional to help, and not harm people!

    Psychology in recent years has become quite popular among young people. That's just, as can be seen from the article, it is much more complicated and multifaceted by the banal phrase "Want to talk about it?", With which psychologists often associate. Interesting information, thanks.

    Psychology is a rather interesting science, the one that I want to study not only in the mandatory institutional program, but also independently for self-development. It helps a lot in life, in the process of communicating with other people, achieve their own life goals.

    In the USSR, psychology spoke very little and information for ordinary people was even banned. But these are very important knowledge and many people still need to know, we do not know much, but our actions are still triggered and sometimes turn out to be negative. But if you know and move towards, it is easier to succeed.

    Psychology is really science, only what "psychologists" gives rise to our society? Where is it actively used now? In NLP, to increase the sales and formation of society "consumers", not creators and this is a fact. When a person personally begins to be interested in psychology, read books and analyze - this is the necessary psychology to society, unlike the one when the "brainless biorobot" comes for help to the so-called psychologist, in the hope that sessions with a "more knowledgeable person" decide His problems. Salvation of the drowning - the work of the hands of the drowning. You need to live your head, and not the advice of those who tell you what is right and what is not.

from Greek. Psyche - Soul, Logos - Teaching, Science) - Science of the laws of the development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of vital activity. The initial material for psychology is the facts of internal experience - memories, experiences, volitional motives, etc. General psychology opens and explores the patterns of mental life (the problem of the body and soul, reality, consciousness, perception, memories, attention), applied psychology is engaged in mental problems and human spiritual development, issues of education and training (children's and youthful psychology), living together people (social psychology, psychology of the masses) and others. Research practice of psychology is inseparable from social, from public needs related to solving learning problems, education, personnel selection , stimulating the activity of the personality and the team. At the same time, as a result of contacts with other sciences, the psychology itself is enriched with new ideas and approaches that develop its content. The study of the problems of "artificial intelligence", computerization, on the one hand, creativity - on the other, becomes in the modern era, an important direction of psychology. Along with them, social psychology and psychology of management are developing rapidly, the tasks of the role of the "human factor" in the development of society are solved in the management processes.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


from Greek. Psyche - Soul and Logos - Teaching, Science), Science of laws and mechanisms for the development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of vital activity, indirectly subjectively external. reality and active attitude towards it.

During the centuries, the phenomena studied by P. were denoted by the term "soul" and was considered the subject of one of the sections of philosophy, which is 16 V. Got a name. "P.". The nature of the soul and the nature of its ties with the body and external. The world was interpreted differently. Under it was understood either over a natural, disembodied principle, or the form of life of the same order of being, as etc. Phenomena of nature. On the development of P. throughout its history, social practice (in particular, medical and pedagogical) has a deep influence. This development is performed in the cultural system and is mediated by the achievements of both natural and societies. science Already in the era of antiquity, it was discovered that the psyche organ is a brain (Alk-Meon), the dependence of sensual perceptions from the impact of material processes on the senses (democritus), as well as differences in the temperaments of people from the body of the body (Hippocrates).

The problem of knowing himself and the importance of its orientation on arts. Values \u200b\u200bwere put by Socrates, his student Plato presented the soul as an intangible essence, independent of the body. Plato considered that the reasonable part of the human soul is directed to the specifics. Ideal objects, by which he opposed sensual earthly things.

The first holistic system of P. developed Aristotle, who rejected the Dualism of Plato, interpreted the soul as a way to organize a body capable of life as the activity of this body, inseparable from him. He approved holistic and genetic. The approach to the organization and behavior of living beings, developed an idea of \u200b\u200bthe levels of the evolution of their psyche, comparing, in particular, the undeveloped soul of a child with an animal. Aristotle owned many concepts included in the Osn. Foundation psychol. Knowledge: On the abilities, about fantasy (perceptions and ideas were delimited), about the difference between the reason theoretical and practical, on the formation of the nature in the process of committing a person's actions, associations and their physiol. mechanism, etc.

A new era in the development of P. opened scientists. Revolution 17 V. The principle was established a strictly causal explanation of the body's work, which appeared in the form of a device operating under the laws of mechanics. Some philosophers taught that all psychic are subordinate to these laws. Processes (T. Gobbs), others - only lower forms (R. Descart). The principle of mechanical. Causality has become the basis of the most important concepts of P.: Reflex as a natural motor reaction of the body in response to external. incentives; Associations as such a connection of phenomena, with a swarm of one of them entails others; The causal theory of perception, according to the swarm, it captures the impact in the brain. object; The doctrine of affects as products of body activities. In line with mechanism. Methodologies, these concepts were combined with dualism in a person's interpretation. The body, which only moves, was opposed to the soul, K-paradium only thinks. The new form of dualism was radically different from the Dualism of Plato, as the body was understood as an independent machine, the soul began to mean an individual, consciousness as a direct knowledge of the subject about the thoughts and states directly experiencing them. P. From the teachings about the soul becomes a teaching of consciousness or internal. The experience given in self-observation as a person's perception of what is happening in his own mind (J. Lok). This concept of consciousness as internally visible individuals mental. The phenomena defined the development of an introspective direction in P., associated with associanism, according to its GL. Explain, the principle is the association of these phenomena due to the adjacency and frequency of their combination.

In the association itself in the interpretation of associations as connections having a bodily basis (Locke, D. Gartley, J. Priestley), opposed the interpretation, which had the laws of associations to the properties of the most consciousness (J. Berkeley, D. Yum, T. Brown). Analytich has developed in the association. The approach to consciousness: it was assumed that from a small number of simple ideas gradually the whole mental is gradually. Human apparatus. This provision influenced the pedagogy, to solve the issue of how to form children. The mind representing at the birth of a "clean board", the experience of experiencing his writing.

Along with P. Consciousness in 17-19 centuries. Appeared P. unconscious. It rises to the philosophy of Labitsa, who attached an important role to the dynamics of unconscious views (perceptions), a special mental psycho is needed for awareness of the reasons. Activity - Apperception. This teaching was developed by I. Herbart, to-ry, using the experience of pedagogy (in particular, I. Pestalotski), put forward the concept of "apperceptive mass" as the reserve of unconscious mental mental. Elements from which depends on what kind of presentations will appear in consciousness. This mass is acquired in individual experience and can be formed by the educator.

To gray. 19th century The successes of neurophysiology and biology contributed to the emergence of the OSN. Concepts (categories) P., K-Paradise due to widely unfolding experiments. The work has gained the opportunity to be separated from both philosophy and physiology. The study of the functions of the senses organs led to the creation of psychophysics - a special section of P., using quantities, indicators and scales for measuring sensory processes (sensations). In the works of E. Weber and G. T. Ferehner was opened by the OSN. Psychophysic. The law, according to to-ry, the intensity of the feeling is equal to the logarithm of the force of irritation. Thus, I. Kant's opinion was refuted that the study of psychic. Phenomena can not achieve the level of science due to non-applicability in P. Mat. methods. Along with psychophysics, these methods have been used in experiments. Reaction speed studies (Gelmgolts, F. Donders), which became another important direction of P. question. The feeling from the structure of the body or from the exercise depends, led to a dispute between those who considered the psychic. An image of inborn (nitivism) or acquired thanks to the experience (empiricism). In the future, both concepts were revised: both about the natural organization and the experience. The introduction of Evolz ideas in P. ideas of Evolts was crucial for giving these concepts of new content. Biology (C. Darwin, Spencer), from the point of view of the psyche of the psyche began to be considered as the most important instrument of adaptation of the body to the medium. The body performed in the form of a flexible system, an inalienable factor in the development of a fooy in philogenesis and ontogenesis serve mentally. Functions. These functions now have been interpreted as the properties of the body aspiring to self-preservation, and not the functions of an affordable consciousness. This led to the idea that they are implemented by the type of reflex, i.e. Include perception external. Irritant, transformation of this perception in higher nerve centers and a response expedient effect of the organism in the environment. This required to introduce into P. An objective method. Turn it from science of consciousness into science on mentally regulated behavior. However, the solution of this task, for the first time delivered by I. M. Sechenov, was only possible subsequently. In the initial period of formation of P. as de. The disciplines in it dominated the introspective direction presented in the 70s. 19th century Two its leaders - V. Wyandt and F. Brentano. In 1879, WEDDT created in Leipzig, the first laboratory experiments. P., according to the sample of K-Roy, similar institutions began to occur. countries of the world. The subject of P. he believed immediately. The experience of the subject, the method - specially trained self-surveillance, allowing to identify with the help of the experiment the first elements of this experience - psychic. Processes, and the task - the discovery of laws, they proceed to-ry. It was believed that experiments. Study is available only the simplest processes, while complex (thinking) can be pozno only by analyzing the products of culture (language, myth, lawsuit, etc.) in the system of special science - ethnicology (psychology of nations, peoples, ethnic groups). WUNDT considered ch. Affairs P. Study of the structure of consciousness (by virtue of which his teaching is made by structuralism). Brentano, for the reason, the main acts or the functions of consciousness were the investigator of the functionalism in P. The problem of P. He saw in identifying acts of representing the object, judgment about him and its emotional assessment. To do this, it was assumed to use phenomenological. method. Although different from introspective, but also subjective, since it was believed that consciousness discovers its secrets only by his carrier. However, widely unfolded experiments. The work led beyond these ideas, allowing you to establish patterns and facts, the value of the to-rykh did not depend on self-surveillance. They treated the processes of memory, attention, work out skills (Ebbin-Gauz, J. Kettel, W. Brian, N. Harder, etc.).

Parallel developed. Industries P., where the objective and genetic, comparative-east are approved. Methods, as well as new methods of quantities, analysis. Differential P. occurs, studying individual differences between people (V. Stern, A. F. Lazur). For its purposes, the test method is being developed (F. Galton, A. Bina, etc.). The widespread dissemination of this method was due to the needs of practice - schools, clinics, production. The technique of processing data on individual differences and correlations between them (C. Spearmen) is improved. The concepts of mental age and the overall rigging are put forward. Create tests for career guidance and prof. Selection. The massive nature of testing prompted to move from individual tests to group, develop test standardization procedures.

In the practice of learning, along with tests that have become ch. Data use channel P. in school, apply in the interests of scientific. Justification of pedagogy and others. Methods P., in particular, the experiment (E. Meiman, A. P. Nechaev), Questionnaires (G. S. Hall), Objective observation (K. Gros), Clinics. analysis. Racing by P. with pedagogy went into spindle. directions. Project construction ped. Psychology on the principles of nature.-scientific. Knowledge of the child suggested P. F. Kapteyev. The role of muscle activity in the formation of children. The mind was lit by P. F. Forest Haft, to-ryom also belonged to the study of "School Types".

In the beginning. 20 V. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating specials is born. Complex science of children - pedology. Applied to children. The psyche, along with the direction, was explained to its development on the basis of the principles of Evolution. Biology, develop concepts focused on cultural-east. The approach and the confidence of the child dependence on social factors (N. Lange, T. Ribo, J. MFA). Learning children. The psyche undermined confidence in introspection ("inner vision") as ch. P. method, encouraged to rely on objective indicators of the structure, functions and development of the psyche. A deep impact on the change in the appearance of P., on its departure from the subjective method also had to achieve zoopsychology, East. and ethnic. P. (studying the psyche of the peoples standing for Split. East. Steps of cultural development). Following the systematization of ethnographic. Facts widespread developed by comparable experiments. Studies of perception, memory, thinking in children and adults living in the conditions of Razl. cultures. Appeal to genetically spoke. The levels of the development of the psyche exposed the imperfection method of logic. Installations of both structural and functional P. consciousness.

At the turn of 19-20 centuries. P. enters the strip of acute crisis, external. The appearance of a number of new schools was the emergence of a row. Their concepts reflected the requests for the logic of development of scientific. Cognition, the need to transform the OSN. Categories P., exit outside the version that mental. The processes begin and end in the consciousness of the subject. Naib The impact on the progress of P. Pred three schools: Beheviorism, Gestalt Psychology and Freudism. Biheviorism rejected a centuries-old tradition in the understanding of the subject P., offering it is not consciousness, but behavior as a system of objectively observed organism reactions on an external. stimpers. The problem of inclusion in the region of the real actions of the body in the environment was supplied for the first time I. M. Sechenov, who considered mental. The act is made according to the type of reflex and therefore includes along with the center. link (consciousness) as perception of signals going from outside, and response bodily actions. Further conversion of the concept of reflex was associated with the need to explain how the body acquires new forms of behavior. This task was allowed by I. P. Pavlov, the teaching of the Fundament on the conditional reflexes laid the foundation for the objective study of a wide range of psychic. phenomena (primarily the process of learning). V. M. Bekhterev nominated the concept of combinating reflexes, which, similar to conditional reflexes, are acquired, and not congenital. Thus, the most important thing for P. The concept of the experience gained a new content, since translated into natural. Language: Experience does not boil down to what captures and processes consciousness; It means the transformation of the real actions of the body. In the same years, with other positions, the variability of behavior in situations requiring actions for re-organism does not have a ready-made program, E. Torndayk was investigated. In order to explain these actions, he suggested the formula of "samples, errors and random success", K-paradium did not require an appeal to consciousness as a regulator of the body relations with the medium.

T about., Introduction in P. The category of behavior went with respect. sides. Beheviorism made it fundamental. Its boundedness was that the behavior was opposed to consciousness, the reality of which was rejected by the reality. For all subjective phenomena, a physical equivalent (for example, for thinking, since it is associated with speech, - the reaction of voice ligaments). The behavior of a person biologisi was, qualities, differences between him and animal behavior did not see. This reduced the value of the positive contribution of behaviorism into the development of Problems of P.

If behaviorism opposed the consciousness of the behavior, then Freudism is an unconscious psyche. The prerequisite for this was the achievements of pathopsychology in the study of neuroses, suggestion, hypnosis (A. Berkho, I. Bernheim, J. Shar-Ko), launching to clinically. material insolvency traditions. Interpretations of motivation as movable fully conscious motivations of human actions. Relying on the facts, hoped in the clinic of neuroses, 3. Freud concluded that the predetermination of all mental psycho. acts of energy of sexual deposits, which are irrational and hostile consciousness; The phenomena of consciousness serve for them the masking mechanism in the face of the opposing individual of the social environment. Bans from the last side, applying mental injury, suppress the energy of unconscious impositions, to-paradium breaks through by the workarounds in the form of neurotic. Symptoms, dreams, forgetting unpleasant, etc.

Representatives of GestaltPsychology (M. Vertheimer, V. Keler, K. Levin, K. Cooffka) sought to prove that the behavior is determined by the holistic resentful psychic. structures (gestaltami), which arise and change according to special laws. These structures were given a universal nature. They were considered the organizers of the psyche and behavior at all levels and in any form. Therefore, like Bich-Viorists, with K-Ry, they have a sharply half alarmed, Gestaltists did not see the qualitative differences of the human psyche from the animal.

All three main schools in P. appealed to children. The psyche, seeking to justify your concepts empiric. Material, learned in its research. A number of their concepts, identified facts and nominated problems stimulated the development of P., allowed to open the limited ideas. In particular, Gestalt Psychology showed the failure of the "atomistic" P., decomposing complex and holistic psychol. Education on Dep. elements; Beheviorism destroyed the concept that reduces the psyche to the phenomena of consciousness and ignoring real practices. Actions as the most important factor in the history of behavior. Question. On the role in this history of unconscious motivation, about complex relations between the Split. The levels of organization of personality with great sharpness put Freudism.

Dr. The directions of the period of crisis P. were Franz. Sociological. The school, Kraya relied on the ideas of E. Durkheim and explained mental. The properties of the individual of its inclusion in the system of social relations, and the "understanding" psychology of V. Dieltei, K-paradium opposed itself to the natural. P. On the grounds that the human soul can be understood only by correlating it with the values \u200b\u200bof culture (the causal explanation for it is not applicable). Both of these schools influenced the study of the problems of children. P. The first removed the development of psychic. Functions in a child from the process of his communication with other people, the second interpreted the development of the personality, based on the idea that it is determined by its reference. Classes of culture values.

In all these concepts, the need of scientific needs inadequately. P. Include in the system of its categories concepts covering the psychosocial relationship of the subject and its personal and meaningful experiences. The logic of development P. faced the task to overcome the splitness of its concepts, methods, explanatory principles for devoid of internal. Communication Fragments of knowledge. The integrity of P. as science lost. This gave rise to attempts to get out of the crisis by integrating ideas and categories, which were designed in various schools and systems opposing each other. The reflection of this trend was the inclusion of the previous schools in its original schemes of new concepts to avoid one-sidedness of these schemes. In behaviorism, the concept of "intermediate variables" (E. Tolman) is put forward to the fore. This direction was called non-versions. It has become a path to study the center. Physiol. The processes deploying between the sensory "entrance" and the motor "output" of the body of the body (K. Hull). This trend finally wins 50-60s., In particular, influenced by the experience of programming on a computer. The glance is changed and the role of her-rofizioli. The mechanisms, which are now considered as an integral component of the overall behavior structure (D. Hebb, K. Pribram). Attempts are being made to extend the objective method for the study of a sensually-shaped aspect of life, not reducing it to motor functions, as it was characteristic of early behaviorism. Freudism also undergoes transformation. Neofreedism arises - the flow of unconscious mental. Dynamics with the action of sociocul-tour factors (K. Horney, Sally-Van, E. From) and using psychotherapy not only for the treatment of neuroses, but also to deliver normal people from a sense of fear of a hostile social environment.

Along with the new variants of biheviorism and freduism, humanistic ("existential") P. (K. Rogers, A. Oil, Olport, etc.), arguing that the use of scientific. The concepts and objective moments of the study of the individual leads to its "dehumanization" and disintegration, prevents her aspiration for self-development.

Installation on the construction of an integrative psyche scheme. Activated operations of the school J. Piaget, K-paradise took into account the experience of Franz. Psychologists explaining the functions of an individual's consciousness of the inte-rioralization of mertine-perceptual relations, as well as the Freudian version of the antagonism between the attachments of the child and the need to adapt thinking to the requirements of the social environment, as well as the Gestaltist principle of the integrity of psychic. Organizations. These provisions with their own learning program can know. Processes, Piaget created an innovative theory of their development in ontogenesis.

In the USSR after Oct. The revolution was rearranged by P. on the basics of Marxism. In acute discussions, an adequate Marxist methodology for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe psyche as a brain function was developed, but qualitatively different from his physiol. Functions, about its conditional personality at the human level of the social environment, the need to introduce into P. objective methods, on the dialectics of the development of consciousness. These provisions defended K. N. Kornilov, P. P. Blonsky, M. Ya. Basov and others. Formation of owls. P. went taking into account the achievements of psychophysiol. Concepts I. P. Pavlova, Bekhtereva, A. A. Ukhtomsky, N. A. Bernstein and others. Ch. The task, the efforts of owls focused on the decision of the K-Roy. Psychologists, was to overcome the splitness of the concepts of consciousness and behavior. An attempt to approach this problem, nominated by the general course of development of world P., by simply connected the indicated concepts undertaken to Cornilov in the concept called by the reactology, turned out to be unsuccessful. A radical transformation of both concepts was required to integrate them into a new system. Such an approach has determined the formation of the largest in sov. P. School L. S. Vygotsky, among the achievements of K-Roy. Significant are cultural-east. The theory of the development of the psyche and developed by A. N. Leontiev the theory of activity. This school comes from the provision that mental. The human functions are mediated by its inclusion in the world of culture and real activities in it, W. h. communication activities. Between practical externally Activity, K-paradise of the former P. either generally seized from the study, or was reduced to reactions to incentives, and internal. Psychic. Activities there are intercourse. Along with the transformation external. Action in internal (mental) is deployed by the process of incarnation of the latter in objective forms, in particular products of creativity. The introduction of the category of activity made it possible to more adequately approach the problem of the biological and social in the development of a person's psyche, trace, as in the process of assimilation by the individual and East Individual. Experience is transformed by its initial biol. Needs, congenital ways of behavior and knowledge. Principle dialectich. The unity of consciousness and activity was the basis of the numerous. studies of owls. psychologists (S. L. Rubinstein, B. M. Teploye, A. R. Luria, etc.).

The dependence of human behavior from biol. and social factors determines the originality of its research in P., K-paradium develops in "dialogue" between data on nature and culture integrated into its own. Concepts.

The doctrine of consciousness as an active reflection of reality due to society.-East. Practice made it possible with new methodologies. Constitution to develop land. Problems of P., among which psycho-physiological (about the attitude of the psyche for its bodily substrate), psychosocial (on the dependence of the psyche against social processes and its active role in their implementation with specific individuals and groups), psycho-phracted (about the formation of the psyche in the process of real practical . Activities and dependence of this activity from its psychic. Regulators - images, operations, motifs, personal properties), psychodic (about the attitude of sensual and mental psychic. Images to the reality displays) and others. Problems The development of these problems was carried out on the basis of the principles of determinism (disclosure of declaration of phenomena by the action of the factors producing them), systematic (interpretations of these phenomena as internally related components of a holistic psychic. Organizations), development (recognition of transformation, changes in mental. Processes, their transition from one level to another , the emergence of new forms of psychic. processes). P. concluded a set of off. industries, many of the re-purchased will be available. status.

Already in the 2nd floor. 19th century Psychophysiology has developed, Kraaya explores physiol. Mechanisms implementing mental. Phenomena and processes. To gray. 20th century, relying on successes in the study of higher nervous activity, psychophysiology has reached a high level of development in both the USSR and in the MN. Cabin. countries.

Dr. Branch P. - Honey. P., K-paradium was originally focused on the practice of psychotherapy. Subsequently, it was differently differentiated to Honey. P., covering the issues of psychotherapy, psychohygienic, pathopsychology studying the mental psyche as a theoretical. purposes and in the interests of therapeutic psychiatric. Practices, and neuropsychology, decisive tasks of the localization of the defect with focal brain lesions and restoring disturbed functions.

Wide development received children. and ped. P., closely related to each other, since psychic. The development of the child occurs in the conditions of assimilation of the historically developed knowledge, skills and norms of behavior, and the process of learning and education should take into account age psychols. Features of students and the achieved level of development of their personality. Ped. P. also examines the process of learning adults. In addition, the age-related P. appeared, covering changes in psyche in all periods of life of the individual, including the aging period. T. about., Children. P. can be considered as a section of age P.

Development prom. Production delivered to P. The task of studying labor processes in order to increase their effectiveness by rationalizing the engine. operations, instruments of guns and machines to human capabilities, improvement of eco-logic. Conditions on the production and prof. Selection. In this regard, P. Labor stationed. In the context of automation, the production of information and processing of information, decision-making, and other mental psychic performed on the fore. processes; specialist. Research demanded issues of distribution of functions between a person operator and the machine and their coordination. Ing. P., which is important not only for the rationalization of automated automation. Control systems, but also for their design. With nach 60s. Cosmic folds. P., studying the peculiarities of human activity in the conditions of space. flights.

Study of psychol. Sport features, activity determines the subject of P. Sport.

One of the most important regions of P. - Social P., exploring the activities of a person in the teams - labor, training, etc., which have both formal and informal nature, as well as Split. Internal Structure. In the subject of social P. consists of the formation of interpersonal relations in the team, differentiation of functions in it (roles), questions of psychol. Compatibility of participants in collective activities and management of it. Social P. is closely related to the problems of human media impact and with P. speech communication studied by psycholinguistics. Unlike MN. Directions of Cube. Social P., psychologizing societies. Phenomena, edema. Social P. considers the processes studied by it as determined by objective relations in society, which are managed by the East laws. development. With socio-psychol. Problems are closely associated with some questions of P. Education.

In general P., a section dedicated to P. Tehn was also stood out. and art. Creativity that related P. with science and aesthetics.

As a special section, P. Personality, integrating facts and patterns of almost all regions of P., especially social and age P.

Differential integral. The processes that have turned P. in the "bush" of industries due to requests. Branches of practices encountered by P. with specific problems for each of them. These problems are, as a rule, complex and therefore are being developed. disciplines. The inclusion of P. into the composition of interdisciplinary research and participation in them is productive only when it enriches them inherent in her concepts, methods, will explain the principles. At the same time, as a result of contacts with other sciences P. herself enriched with new ideas and approaches that develop its content and categorical apparatus, which ensures its integrity as independent. science.

An important impact on the further development of P. provided in HTR transmission by electronic devices of some functions, which were previously a unique treasure in the human brain, - functions of accumulation and processing information, management and control. This allowed to be widely used in P. Cybernetich. and theoretical information. Concepts and models (who have received special distribution in cognitive psychology), which contributed to the formalization and mathematization of P., introducing cybernetic into it. Thinking style. Automation and cybernetization sharply increased interest in operational diagnosis and prognostics, efficient use and cultivation of those human functions, which cannot be transferred to electronic devices, primarily creative abilities that provide further scientific-tech. progress. The study of the problems of "artificial intelligence", on the one hand, creative activity - on the other, become in the Council. Epoch with important areas of P., along with them, research related to political is rapidly developing., demographic., Ecology. and others. Actual problems of modernity.

Lit.: Leontyev A.N., Problems of the development of the psyche, m.; Rubinstein S. L., Basics of general psychology, m.; its own, problems of general psychology, m.; Petrovsky A.V., History owls. Psychology, M., 1967; Experiment. PSYCHOLOGY, RED.-COST. P. Fress and J. Piaget, Per. with Franz., in. 1-6, M., 1966-78; Yaroshevsky M. G., Psychology in the XX century, m.; his own, history of psychology, m.; Yaroshevsky M. G., Anzheferova L. I., Development and Sovr. Condition Cub. Psychology, M., 1974; Smirnov A. A., Development and Sovr. State of psychol. Sciences in the USSR, M., 1975; Luria. R., about the place of psychology in a number of social and biol. Sciences, VF, 1977, No. 9; Piaget J., Psychology, Interdisciplinary Communications and System of Sciences, In the CN: Psychology, ed. A. V. Petrovsky, M., 1977; Ananyev B. G., man as a subject of knowledge, in his book: Eliminate. psychol. Proceedings, vol. 1, M., 1980; Volkov K. N., Psychology about ped. Problems, M., 1981; Psychol. Science and ped. Practice, K., 1983; Lomom B. F., Methodology, and theoretical. Problems of psychology, M., 1984; Petrovsky A. V., Yaroshevsky M. G., History of Psychology, M., 1994; Psycho-Logy: A Study of a Science, Ed. By S. Koch, V. L-6, N. Y., 1959-63; Classics in psychology, ed. by T. Shipley, N. Y., 1961; The Science of Psychology: Critical Reflections, ED. By D. P. Schultz, N. Y., 1970. M. G. Yaroshevsky.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Recently, the study of human psychology has become very popular. In the West, the consulting practice of specialists of this field has existed for quite a long time. In Russia, this is a relatively new direction. What is psychology? What are its main functions? What methods and programs are psychologists for helping people in difficult situations?

The concept of psychology

Psychology is which is the study of the mechanisms of functioning of the human psyche. It considers regularities in various situations arising from this thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Psychology is something that helps us deeper to deal with their problems and their reasons, realize their shortcomings and strengths. Its study contributes to the development of moral qualities and morality in man. Psychology is an important step towards self-improvement.

Object and subject of psychology

As an object of psychology, some carriers of the phenomena and the processes studied by this science should be. Such could be considered a person, but in all standards it is the subject of knowledge. That is why the object of psychology is considered to be the activities of people, their interaction with each other, behavior in various situations.

The subject of psychology has constantly changed over time in the process of developing and improving its methods. Initially, a man's soul was considered as it. Then the subject of psychology was the consciousness and behavior of people, as well as their unconscious beginning. Currently, there are two views on what is the subject of this science. From the point of view of the first, these are mental processes, states and properties of the personality. According to its second, its subject is the mechanisms of mental activity, psychological facts and laws.

The main functions of psychology

One of the most important is the study of the peculiarities of the consciousness of people, the formation of general principles and patterns in which the individual is valid. This science reveals the hidden possibilities of human psyche, causes and factors affecting the behavior of people. All of the above is theoretical functions of psychology.

However, as anyone has practical application. Its value is to help man, developing recommendations and strategies for action in various situations. In all areas where people have to interact with each other, the role of psychology is invaluable. It allows a person to properly build relationships with others, avoid conflicts, learn to respect the interests of other people and reckon with them.

Processes in psychology

A person's psyche is a single whole. All processes occurring in it are closely interrelated and cannot exist one without the other. That is why the division of them into groups is very conditional.

It is customary to allocate the following processes in human psychology: cognitive, emotional and volitional. The first of them includes memory, thinking, perception, attention and sensation. Their main feature is that it is thanks to them that reacts and responds to the impact on the part of the outside world.

Formed a person's attitude to one or another events, allow themselves to evaluate themselves and others. These include feelings, emotions, mood of people.

Village mental processes are represented directly by the will and motivation, as well as proactivity. They allow a person to control their actions and actions, manage behavior and emotions. In addition, the inclusive processes of psyche are responsible for the ability to achieve their goals, to achieve the desired heights in various fields.

Types of psychology

In modern practice there are several classifications of species of psychology. The most common is to divide it on everyday and scientific. The first species is based primarily on the personal experience of people. Last psychology is intuitive. Most often it is very specific and subjective. Scientific psychology is a science based on rational data obtained using experiments or professional observations. All its provisions are thought out and accurate.

Depending on the scope of application, theoretical and practical types of psychology are distinguished. The first of them is engaged in the study of the patterns and features of the psyche of a person. Practical psychology puts as a basic task to assist people and support, improving their condition and increase productivity.

Methods of psychology

To achieve the goals of science in psychology, various methods of studying the consciousness and characteristics of human behavior are applied. First of all, the experiment belongs to those. It is a modeling of a particular situation provoking a certain behavior of a person. At the same time, scientists record the obtained data and identify the dynamics and dependence of the results from various factors.

Very often in psychology uses the observation method. With the help of it, various phenomena and processes occurring in the human psyche can be explained.

Recently, the methods of survey and testing are widely used. At the same time, people are invited to respond to certain questions for a limited amount of time. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, conclusions are made about the results of the study and certain programs for psychology are drawn up.

It is used to identify problems and their sources, it is based on comparison and analysis of various events of the life of the individual, the key points of its development, identifying crisis stages and determining development steps.

Any science is based on some everyday, empirical experience of people, but otherwise it is the case with psychology. Each of us has stock of everyday psychological knowledge. There are outstanding everyday psychologists, but an ordinary person has certain psychological knowledge. Therefore, there are five differences between everyday life and scientific knowledge.

1) everyday psychological knowledge, specific, they are confined to specific situations, people, challenges. They are characterized by concreteness, limited tasks, situations and persons to which they apply.

One feature of scientific psychological knowledge should be noted: they often coincide with everydays on their external form, i.e., are expressed by the same words. However, the internal content, the values \u200b\u200bof these words are usually different. Lighting terms are usually more vague and multigid.

2) everyday psychological knowledge is intuitive.

This is due to a special way to obtain them - they are purchased through practical experiences.

3) Methods for transferring knowledge and the possibility of their transfer itself. In the field of practical psychology, such an opportunity is very limited. This is directly related to the peculiarity of everyday psychological experience - its concrete and intuitive nature.

4) methods for obtaining knowledge of everyday and scientific psychology. In everyday psychology, we are forced to be limited to observations and reflections. In scientific psychology, an experiment is added to these methods.

5) the difference, and at the same time, the advantage, scientific psychology is that it has an extensive, diverse and sometimes unique actual material, inaccessible in all its volume by one carrier of everyday psychology. This material is accumulated and analyzed, including in special sectors of psychological science, such as age psychology, pedagogical psychology, Pato and Neuropsychology, Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology, Social Psychology, Zoopsychology, etc.

Thus, scientific psychology, firstly, relies on everyday psychological experience, secondly, extracts his tasks from it, finally, thirdly, in the last stage they are checked.

Long and controversial was the formation of psychology as science on processes, functions and mental mechanisms. The most early natural science model of the psyche belongs to I.M. Sechenov (1829-1905). He allocated three links:

1) The initial link is external irritation and its transformation by the senses in the process of nervous excitation of the transmitted to the brain.

2) The average link is the processes of excitation and braking in the brain and the occurrence on their basis of sensations.

3) The ultimate link is external movements.

Thus, in Sechenov, the action and actions are due to external influences: "The initial reason for any act is always in external sensual excitement, because without it is impossible without it."

The psyche is complex and diverse on its manifestations. Typically, three groups of mental phenomena are distinguished:

1) mental processes.

2) mental states.

3) mental properties.

The mental process is the course of a mental phenomenon that has the beginning, development and end manifested in the form of a reaction. The end of one mental process is closely related to the beginning of the new process. Hence the continuity of mental activity.

The mental state is a relatively sustainable level of mental activity, which is manifested in an increased or reduced personality activity.

Mental properties - higher and sustainable personal mental activity regulators.

The relationship between psychology and philosophy should be discussed, because psychology issues have been studied for a long time under philosophy, and only in the middle of the XIX century. Psychology has become an independent science, separating from philosophy. In addition, in the psychology itself there are questions that cannot be solved experimentally. In a collision with such problems, psychologists are forced to contact philosophy and thereby use the conclusions that they offer representatives of related science - philosophy: the problems of the essence and origin of the human consciousness, the nature of the highest forms of human thinking, the influence of society on the individual and personality on society, methodological problems Psychology. Thus, modern psychology and philosophy still develop together, complementing each other. There is integration and interpenetration of knowledge of these sciences on the theoretical and methodological level.

Another science that finds a lot of common interests with the psychology in the development of problems associated with society and personality is sociology. Here, there is also mutual support, but already at the level of the research methodology. For example, sociology borrows methods for studying the individual and human relations from social psychology. At the same time, psychology extensive uses in its experimental studies for the collection of scientific information, which are traditionally sociological. These methods include first and foremost survey and survey. There are also a lot of problems that are trying to jointly solve psychology and sociologists. Such problems include: relationships between people, national psychology, psychology of the economy and state policy. This should also include the problems of socialization and social attitudes, their formation and transformation.

Also, closely related to psychology is pedagogy. At first glance, these science are inseparable among themselves, since the education and training of children cannot not take into account the psychological features of the person. Following such logic, it is impossible to doubt the truth of this judgment. However, in practice, the situation is somewhat different. If psychology developed in philosophy, the pedagogy was initially formed as an independent science. As a result, psychology and pedagogy took shape as independent sciences and exist separately. Unfortunately, in practice there is still no close mutual understanding between psychologists and teachers.

Another, no less well-known example of the relationship of history and psychology is to use in the psychology of the historical method. The essence of this method is that to understand the nature of a mental phenomenon, it is necessary to trace its philo - and ontogenetic development from elementary, to more complex forms. In order to realize that they are the highest forms of human psyche, it is necessary to trace their development in children.

Psychology with medical and biological sciences is no less closely connected. The relationship of psychology with these sciences is due to the dual nature of man as a social and both biological creature. Most mental phenomena, and, above all mental processes, has physiological conditionality, therefore, the knowledge gained by physiologists and biologists is used in psychology in order to better understand certain mental phenomena.

It should also be noted that the main feature of psychology is that it is connected not only with social sciences, but also with technical and biological. Man is a member of all technological and production processes. It is almost impossible to organize the production process without the participation of a person. The man was and remains the main member of this process. Therefore, it is not by chance that psychological science considers a person as an integral part of technical progress.

Thus, modern psychology is closely related to various areas of science and practice. It can be argued that everywhere where a person is involved is, there is a place of psychological science. Therefore, it is not by chance that psychology is becoming increasingly popular and distribution every year. The development of psychology, its introduction in all areas of practical and scientific activities led to the emergence of various industries of psychology.

Modern psychology is a widely detailed area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, including a number of separate disciplines and scientific directions:

1) Social psychology - studies the socio-psychological manifestations of a person's personality, his relationship with people, with a group, psychological compatibility of people, socio-psychological manifestations in large groups (the action of radio, press, fashion, rumors for various people's community).

2) Pedagogical psychology - studies the patterns of personality development in the process of learning, education.

3) Age psychology - studies the patterns of development of a normal healthy person, psychological features and patterns inherent in each age period: from infancy to old age, and in connection with this it is divided into child psychology, psychology of youth and mature age, gerontopsychology (psychology of old age).

4) Child psychology - studies the development of consciousness, mental processes, activities, the entire personality of a growing person, the conditions for accelerating development.

5) labor psychology - considers the psychological peculiarities of human labor activities, the patterns of development of labor skills.

6) Engineering psychology - studies the patterns of human interaction processes and modern technology in order to use them in the practice of designing, creating and operating automated control systems, new types of equipment.

7) Aviation, Space Psychology - Specific areas of engineering psychology analyze the psychological features of the activity of the pilot, astronaut.

8) Medical psychology - studies the psychological peculiarities of the activities of the doctor and the behavior of the patient, develops psychological methods of treatment and psychotherapy. In the clinical psychology studying the manifestation and causes of various disorders in the psyche and human behavior, as well as mental changes during various diseases, there is a pathopsychology, which studies the deviations in the development of the psyche, the disintegration of the psyche at various forms of cerebral pathology. Psychophysiology studies the physiological basis of mental activity, and differential psychology is individual differences in the psyche of people.

9) Legal psychology - studies the psychological peculiarities of the behavior of the participants in the criminal process (psychology of testimony, psychological requirements for interrogation, etc.), psychological problems of the behavior and formation of the personality of the criminal.

10) Military psychology - studies human behavior in combat conditions.

11) The psychology of advertising is to evaluate the needs or expectations of consumers, the development of psychological means of impact on people in order to create demand for the product to be sold. 12) The psychology of religion is trying to understand and explain the behavior of believers in general or representatives of various sects.

13) Environmental Psychology - is studying the most effective ways to improve conditions in settlements, where human activity flows. She pays special attention to the problems of noise, pollution of the medium toxic substances and garbage and their influence on human psyche, the problems of the mutual influence of nature and man. 14) the discussion region is parapsychology, which studies manifestations and mechanisms for the emergence of unusual, "paranormal" human abilities.

Thus, for modern psychology, the differentiation process is characterized, an extensive psychology for individual industries, which often diverge and significantly differ from each other, although they preserve the general subject of research - facts, patterns, psyche mechanisms.

The main methods for obtaining facts in psychology are:

Observation is the most ancient method of knowledge. His form - everyday observations - every person in his daily practice. There are types of observation: a cut (short-term observation), Longitian (long, sometimes for a number of years), selective, solid and special kind - the observation is included (when the observer becomes a member of the group under study).

Observation folds from processes:

1) definition of the task and goal (for what, for what purpose?).

2) selection of an object, subject and situation (what to observe?).

3) the choice of a method of observation, the least affecting the object being studied and the most providing the collection of the necessary information (how to observe?).

4) the choice of ways to register the observed (how to record?).

5) Processing and analysis of the information received (what is the result?).

Observation is an integral part in two other methods - conversation and experiment.

The conversation as a psychological method provides direct or indirect, oral or written receipt from the information being studied about its activities, in which psychological phenomena peculiar to it are objectified.

Natural experiment is carried out in natural conditions of life, study, labor of people, and people do not suspect that an experiment is carried out on them (but its results must be recorded, for example, a hidden camera). Natural experiments make it possible to identify more reliable information, but cannot be carried out repeatedly, because they lose their naturalness and secrecy from the subjects.

The test method is the test method, the establishment of certain human mental qualities. The test is short-term, the same for all subjects tests, based on the results of which the presence and level of development of certain mental qualities of a person is determined. They may be prognostic and diagnosing, must be scientifically substantiated, reliable, valid and identify sustainable psychological characteristics.

the science of the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of vital activity, based on immaculate in self-observation of special experiences that are not attributable to the outside world. The area of \u200b\u200bknowledge about the internal - mental human world. The term appeared in the XVI century. And means actually the doctrine of the soul or science about the soul. A strict sense is understood as a science of the psyche, and a psychologist is a person professionally engaged in psychology in theoretical and practical terms, including to help people in certain situations.

The department of psychology from philosophy occurred in the 2nd half of the XIX century. This became possible due to the development of objective experimental methods that came to the change of introspection, and the formation of a special subject of human psychology, the main signs of which are the activity and assignment of socio-historical experience.

In the system of sciences, psychology occupies a completely special place. The reasons:

1) she is the science of the most difficult thing that is still known to mankind;

2) in it, as it should merge the object and the subject of knowledge; Only in her thought makes a turn on himself, only in it the scientific consciousness of man becomes his scientific self-consciousness;

3) Its practical consequences are unique - they are not only incommensurable more significant results of other sciences, but also qualitatively different: since you know something - it means to master them and learn how to manage, and the management of their mental processes, functions and abilities - the task is the most ambitious; In addition, knowing himself, the man either changes himself.

In the historical terms, two fundamentally different phases of psychology development can be distinguished - the stages of the psychology of donatic and psychology scientific. When it comes to just psychology, it is usually a scientific psychology.

In general, there is a two-way task before psychology: further develop theoretical studies and decide adequately - sometimes urgently - practical problems. Such a vocation of psychology gives reason to consider it as a scientific study of behavior and mental processes, including mental activities, as well as how to practice acquired knowledge.

Psychology has already accumulated many facts about OM, as a new knowledge of himself makes a person to others, changes his relationship, goals, states and experiences. It can be said that psychology - science, not only knowing, but also designing, creating a person.

Psychology - Live, becoming, developing area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and practice. It coexist many approaches, directions, theories, not in all mutually consonants, and sometimes it is difficult to relate: based on different philosophical systems, with different conceptual apparatus, various explanatory principles. In psychology there is no single paradigm - the primary theoretical and practical system determining science as a whole. Moreover, many of its directions are not fundamentally adhered to traditional scientific principles, avoid deep theoretical constructions, without asking serious self-foundation, and to substantial extent are the art of working with the spiritual world of man. There is no consent and that psychology should be priority, what is its subject.

Object of psychology; Although psychology literally means science about the soul, the question of the reality of the soul of Donyn is controversial with traditionally scientific positions; While the soul does not manage to "scientifically" detect and prove or refute its existence, experimenting with it. The soul remains empirically elusive. This is one of the features of psychology. If we talk not about the soul, but about the psyche, the situation will not change: the psyche turns out to be as elusive. But for everyone, the existence of some subjective reality, the world of mental phenomena in the form of thoughts, experiences, ideas, feelings, motivations, wishes and other things; It can be considered as an object of psychology. Although this mental reality has its own, it can be assumed that it is formed according to a single basic principles, try to detect and explore them.

Another feature of psychology is that, leaving the psyche as an object of reflection, it cannot make it an object of direct research: you have to look for other objects and through their study - indirectly - draw conclusions about the psyche itself. The choice of such a "secondary object" depends on what is considered to be the main defining mental life - from the principle of explanatory, which is offered by a certain school scientific.

The subject of psychology has changed over time. At the time of the domination of the introspection, he was inextricably contacted her method and was the sphere of human consciousness. In the second decade of the XX century, due to the divorce of the method of introspection, the subject of psychology was changed: they became human behavior. So in psychology, completely new facts were introduced - facts of behavior. But the consciousness as a subject of psychology can be contused not only behavior (as internally observed - externally observed), but also unconscious mental processes - as observed only indirectly, through "side effects" (-\u003e the spiritual unconscious process). These processes began to be particularly intensively studied from the beginning of the 20th century, and the first results have already caused such a blow to the psychology of consciousness, which is quite commensurate with a blow of behaviorism.

From the standpoint of the theory of activity, the subject of psychology is the laws of generating and functioning the reflection of the mental individual of objective reality in the process of human activity and animal behavior. Here, the activity is taken as the initial reality, the psychology has been dealing with the case, and the psyche is considered as its derivative and as its integral side. So the psyche cannot exist outside of activity, and activities are outside the psyche. Simplifying, it can be said that the subject of psychology is mentally managed. A narrower point of view is the allocation of as an object of psychology indicative - the mental management system. In the practice of research, this was realized in line with two strategic lines: in one of them, activity acts as a subject of research, in the other - as an explanatory principle. So, ideas about the structure of activities, about its dynamics, forms, about the process of interiorization and other things - the result of the implementation of the first line. And the use of the concepts and provisions of the theory of activities to the analysis of mental, consciousness processes, personality is the result of the implementation of the second line. Both lines are closely intertwined, and the successes of each of them make up the basis for the development of another.

The main problems of psychology are scientific are:

1) the problem of psychophysiological - about the attitude of the psyche to its bodily substrate;

2) the problem of psychosocial - about the dependence of the psyche from social processes and its active role in their implementation by specific individuals and groups;

3) the problem is psychopractic - about the formation of the psyche in the course of real practical activity and the dependence of this activity from its mental regulators - images, operations, motives, personal properties;

4) The problem is psycho-functional - on the attitude of sensual and mental mental images to the reality displays, and so on. Developing these problems is based on:

1) the principle of determinism - disclosure of the conditionality of phenomena by the action of the factors producing them;

2) the principle of systemism - interpretations of these phenomena as internally related components of a complete mental organization;

3) the principle of development is the recognition of transformation, changes in mental processes, their transition from one level to another, the emergence of new forms of mental processes.

During the development of the main problems of psychology, its categorical apparatus was formed, where the categorical categories, motive, actions, personalities, etc., the categorical system of psychology, reflecting the mental reality in its identity, serves as the basis of the whole manifold of psychology branches, which speak in the form of individual industries, often Combined independent status. The transformation of psychology in the bunch of industries is due to the requests of various practitioners, encouraging psychology with specific problems. These problems are usually comprehensive and developed by many disciplines. The inclusion of psychology into interdisciplinary research and participation in them productively, only when it enriches them inherent in her concepts, methods and explanatory principles. And in contacts with other sciences, the psychology itself is enriched with new ideas and approaches.

A serious impact on the further development of psychology was also the emergence and widespread computers that took part of a number of functions that were previously the unique property of the human brain - the functions of the accumulation and processing of information, control and control. This has allowed to be widely used in psychology cybernetic and theoretical information concepts and models, which contributed to the formalization and mathematization of psychology, the introduction of the cyber-style cyber style with its advantages due to the use of the logical and mathematical apparatus, computers and other things - but also with its explicit and implicit deficiencies associated with not so much with the alignment of the machine, as with the "cybernetization" of man and living beings at all.

Automation and cybernetization have sharply increased interest in operational diagnosis and prognostics, efficient use and cultivation of human functions that cannot be transmitted by electronic devices, first of all - creative abilities. The study of the problems of intelligence of artificial and human creativity becomes important areas of psychology.

Psychology, the psychology and psychology of management are rapidly developing rapidly developing problems related to the role of the "human factor" in the development of society, in the management processes, as well as research related to the development of outer space, demographic, environmental and other relevant problems of CO- " . The inclusion of psychology into a multifaceted context of the interaction of various social, natural and technical sciences attaches special acute to the methodological analysis of its conceptual funds, explanatory principles, concepts and methodological procedures - in order to identify the most promising areas of its development.


psycho + Greek. Logos - science, teaching). Science of the laws of the development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of vital activity.

P. Associanist. Direction P., considering the ability to form associations from primary psychic units as a basis for mental activity.

P. Age studies the features of mental activity due to age.

P. deep. The direction of foreign psychology and psychiatry, the subject of studying which is the unconscious as the source of the motives of human behavior and the causes of mental disorders. Includes psychoanalysis, the individual psychology of Adler, analytical psychology of Jung, Neofreedism, etc.

P. Children's. Section P. Age.

P. Individual Adler. See Adler Individual Psychology.

P. Criminal. The section of legal (legal) P., studying the psychological patterns of the formation of unlawful installations and their implementation in criminal behavior. In recent years, it is becoming increasingly important along with forensic psychiatric forensic psychological examination.

P. Medical is studied by psychological methods Features of the psyche of a sick person, as well as the psychological features of the professional activities of medical workers, relationship between them and patients. Includes pathopsychology, neuropsychology, somatopsychology, psychophysiology, socio-psychological diagnosis in relation to medical practice, medical professional orientation, psychological aspects of psychoprophylaxis, psychohygin and psychotherapy.

P. "Objective". The direction of P., which is mainly studying the body's reaction to the influence of external, situational factors, abstracting from the subjective experiences of the patient.

P. Social. P., which studies the patterns of behavior and activity of people, due to the factor in their occurrence in social groups, as well as the psychological characteristics of the groups themselves.

P. aging. Gerontopsychology. He is studying the features of psyche when aging. Section Age P.

P. judicial. The section of legal psychology, which studies the mechanisms and patterns of people's activities to investigate, judicial consideration and prevention of crimes.

P. Labor explores mental activity, personality features of a person in the process of work. It is important for organizing the rehabilitation of mentally ill.


Psychology is simply impossible to define; Indeed, it is not easy to characterize. Even if someone does it today, tomorrow it will be considered as an inadequate effort. Psychology is that scientists and philosophers who adhere to various beliefs have created to try to understand the consciousness and behavior of various organisms from the most primitive to more complex. Therefore, reality is not an object at all, it is about the subject or about many subjects. There are few borders here, and with the exception of the canons of science and ethical norms of free society there should be no restrictions on the part of its representatives or from its critics. This is an attempt to understand what has so far escaped from understanding. Any attempt to limit it or enter into some kind of framework implies that something is known regarding the boundaries of our knowledge, and this is not true. As a separate discipline, it originated only a century ago or so on the medical and philosophical faculties. From medicine, she took the orientation to the fact that the explanation of what was being done, it seems and felt, ultimately, should be in biology and physiology, from philosophy she took a class of deep problems concerning the consciousness of will and knowledge. Since then, it is determined in different ways: as "science about the psyche", "Science of mental life", "Science of behavior", etc. All such definitions, of course, rather reflect the prejudices of those who give them than the actual nature of this area. During the writing of this dictionary, a rather strange metaphor arose, which seems to some extent reflects the essential quality of our discipline. It is like ameba, relatively unstructured, but well identifiable as a separate creature with a special way in which it projects itself with some new techniques, some new problem areas, some theoretical models or even some other individual scientific areas, incorrupting them and slowly and clumsily Transforming into another form. Not very flattering, maybe for sure. About lexicographic problems, see a psychologist.


science of consciousness, mental activity and behavior of living beings, ranging from primitive and completing this series of people, from their birth to the end of life (more highly organized creatures than a person, science is currently not knowing).

Psychology (measurements in psychology)

procedures for determining the quantitative severity of psychological phenomena. They use a variety of scales containing a certain set of positions set in some compliance with psychological elements. According to the classification of the scales proposed in 1946 by the American psychologist and psychophysics S. S. Stevens, the following scales are allocated: the ratio of the relationship, the scale interval, the scale of the order and the nominal scale.


Most often, the term is defined as "science on the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche". Other definitions offered by some scientists reflect their interpretation and, depending on the professional inclination, emphasize the leading role of mind or behavior. Separate psychologists even believe that the study of the human psyche can not be considered a scientific discipline in the strict sense of the word.


psychology) - Science, studying the psyche and the consciousness of a person, as well as his behavior. Psychology operates such basic concepts as memory, rational and irrational thinking, intelligence, training, personality, perception and emotion, and also engaged in the study of their connection with human behavior. Existing psychological schools vary by what philosophical concept they adhere to and what methods are used in their work. These include such self-analysis schools as School Freud, Jung and Adler, as well as Gestalt Psychology, behavioral and educational schools; Modern psychology especially attracts the last directions (see Psychology Cognitive). Many practitioners psychologists do not belong to any of these schools; Some occupy eclectic positions. Various areas existing in the psychology, on the other hand, are functional or professional psychology subsections, which are based on practical considerations. These include: anomalous, analytical, applied, clinical, comparative, evolutionary, educational, experimental, gearitrical, industrial, children's, physiological and social psychology. - Psychological (Psychological).


Word formation. Comes from Greek. Psyche - Soul + Logos - Teaching.

Specificity. He studies the patterns of functioning and development of the psyche. Based on the representation in self-observation of special experiences that are not attributed to the outside world. From the 2nd half of the 4th century There was a department of psychology from philosophy, which was possible due to the development of objective experimental methods that came to the change of introspection, and the formation of a special subject of human psychology, the main signs of which were active activity and assigning socio-historical experience. The main philosophical problem of psychology is whether psychology should be considered as an objective, explaining, hypothetical-structural natural science or as a dialogue, understanding, interpreting, reconstructing humanitarian science.


from Greek. RSUSHE - Soul + Logos - Teaching, Science) - Science o laws of the development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of vital activity. The interaction of living utensils with the outside world is implemented through qualitatively different from physiological, but not separable mental processes, acts, states. During the centuries, the phenomena studied by P. were denoted by the general term "soul" and were considered the subject of one of the sections of philosophy called in the XVI century. P. It was shown that mental processes, being a product of interaction between an individual with an external environment, themselves are an active causal behavior factor. If idealistic concepts illegally explained this activity with a special mental causality, cognized by internal observation, then naturally scientific research of genetically primary forms of the psyche approved the priority of objective methods, which in the future became defining for P. self-observation retains the importance of an important, but auxiliary source of information about the human psyche . As a generation and function of social processes, the consciousness of an individual subject has a systemic and semantic organization that gives various manifestations of the psyche properties, qualitatively distinguish them from the psyche of animals. The ability to comprehend the processes of consciousness, regardless of the self-defining about them, is due to the fact that they are developing in the objective system of its relations with others. People surrounding the world. In the same system, peering in DPYGY, the subject acquires the ability to judge the internal plan of its behavior. See the concept of not all the components of this plan are translated into the language of consciousness, but they, forming the scope of the unconscious, serve as the subject of P. Inclusion of P. in the composition of interdisciplinary research and participation in them productively only when it enriches them inherent only to her , methods explanatory principles. At the same time, as a result of contacts with other sciences P. itself enriched with new ideas and approaches that develop its content and categorical apparatus, which ensures its integrity as independent science. The inclusion of P. into a multifaceted context of the interaction of various social, natural and technical sciences attaches special acute to the methodological analysis of its conceptual funds, explanatory principles, concepts and methodological procedures in order to identify promising areas for its further development. P. conflict is one of the areas of research in P. And at the same time a branch of conflictology. P. conflicts acts as a system-forming branch of conflictology. Of the 16 sciences exploring the conflict, only P. examines all types of conflict in humans (social, intrapersonal) and zooconflicts. Man is the central link of conflicts of all levels without exception. Therefore, the knowledge of P. human behavior in conflicts is the condition for their explanation.
