Where there is bread and warmth, there is good to live.

Rain falls on the evil and the good.

Throw good back, find yourself ahead.

And in dashing virtue is.

Learn good, evil will not come to mind.

True good is always simple.

A kind person and someone else's disease to the heart.

Do not measle with a good deed.

Look for good, but bad will come by itself.

Good is remembered for a long time, and famously - twice.

Honor the good, but do not pity the evil!

He wouldn't hurt a fly either.

Good seed, good and shoot.

The millstones themselves are not eaten, but people are fed.

Your beaver is no good to anyone.

And good can go bad.

There is only one measure, but kindness is not the same.

Good to grow, thin to crawl along the burrows.

From good to bad one step.

It is better to suffer than to suffer.

Dashing dashing, and good good.

Good Ivan - both to people and to us; thin Ivan - neither to people, nor to us.

Not the type to rob the naked.

You don’t understand good, so don’t do bad!

Everything is good, but not everything is good.

It's good where we're not.

Famously remembered, but the good of the century will not be forgotten.

Live well and live badly.

The good and the cracker are good, but the evil and the meat is not for the future.

An affectionate word is more than a club.

Encourage good and condemn evil.

It is better to be offended than offended.

Good feelings are the neighbors of love.

Good does not change for bad.

Every bread is not without chaff.

It is good to be in joy and live in sweetness.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

And there are grains in the chaff.

A fly in the ointment will ruin a barrel of honey. Kind

There is no good without evil.

Everyone is kind, but not to everyone.

You can't make good out of bad.

There will be no mind for a good deed, but for a bad one.

Thankfully there is no pattern.

A good deed lives for two centuries.

Life is given for good deeds.

Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

A good word to a man is like rain in a drought.

Do good and expect good.

The world is not without good people.

A good deed does not sink in water.

A good deed does not go unrewarded.

To a good hello, a kind and answer.

Good good and memory.

To do good is to amuse yourself.

With a kind word, the homeless is rich.

Good news will add honor.

Know who you are doing good.

Kindness without reason is empty.

Good is not dashing - walks quietly.

Good is good everywhere.

A good deed praises itself.

Do not boast of silver, but boast of goodness.

Wish you well, do well!

Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

Good is not sought from good.

Good and good in a dream.

And the dog remembers the good old.

A kind word is in pearls.

He went far, but did not find good.

They do not seek evil from good.

The good is good, but the rib is cut in half for the bad.

There is good, but not everyone is given.

Good that they are looking for a treasure, but bad - at hand.

Good deeds live even after death.

To be kind is to be kind and be known.

Good good and glory. good

For good, expect good, for bad - bad.

Gold glitters even in the mud.

A good deed does not like secrecy.

Help for a good person is not a loss.

The good will be silent, the bad will be said.

Virtue does not harm the good.

A good person is put in a red corner.

In the article you will find proverbs on the topic "Good and Evil", as well as their interpretation for children.

Proverbs and sayings about good and evil for preschool children, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

There is a lot of power and meaning in one saying, because a few words very clearly and clearly convey the meaning of life's truths. Very often, the child is faced with the concepts of evil and good, and therefore he should explain in detail the meaning of many sayings about these qualities.

Proverbs and their meanings:

Proverb in the original How to explain it?
All well-wishers, but in need of help - there is no desire. Not every person who pretends to be kind and conscientious actually has positive qualities.
Everyone is busy, wants good for himself If you want to get something good, you must first work hard.
Kindness without reason is empty. Good deeds are smart deeds. Stupidity has no good intentions.
Good will be good when people praise. Goodness should not be boasted, but it is possible and necessary to receive praise for goodness.
A true pointer is not a fist, but a caress. With the help of kindness, much can be achieved, but rudeness and force will not help.
In a good life, curls curl, and in a bad life, they split. When a person is kind and ready to help others, everything goes well with him, and if he is evil, he harms himself.
Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it. To receive kindness from others, it must be regularly given.
Encourage good and condemn evil. Good deeds should be answered with gratitude, and evil deeds should be punished and scolded.
You won't get rich with stolen goods. Only what you have done with your own hands will benefit you.
You give to others, you get yourself. If you help others, this help will definitely come back to you.
Good is good everywhere. A good person is welcome everywhere and always, but a bad person is disliked.
A good person is put in a red corner. A good person will always be helped and will always respond with a kind word about him.
The good will be silent, and the bad will be said. It is customary to keep silent about the good, and the bad is always heard.
Kind words are better than soft pie. From pleasant words, the soul is good.
A kind person and someone else's disease to the heart. A good person cares not only about himself, but also about others.
Good and cracker for health, evil and meat is not for the future. A good person will never say that he was underestimated, and a bad person will constantly point out the shortcomings of others and demand attention.
Good brotherhood is better than wealth. The help and support of a good person is better than any money.
It is better to endure yourself than to offend others. Being a kind person is a good quality that is valued much more than anything else.
For famously - famously, for good - good. When you do good deeds, you get good in return.
Do not resist bad against good. Good is much stronger than evil in any situation.

The best proverbs and sayings about good and evil for children of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Even very young children from their first words understand the tangible difference between good and evil. From an early age, develop kids by telling them sayings and explaining them.

Proverbs and their interpretations:

original proverb What does the proverb mean?
A good dog does not bark at the wind. A good person is immediately noticeable, he stands out from the background of bad ones.
There is no bad without good. Every bad deed teaches good deeds.
The world is not without good people. Every team has a good person.
Live better, you will be nicer to everyone. If you do all the things, people around you like you.
For good, good and pay. Good deeds that you do to people will definitely come back to you.
For a good deed, expect praise boldly. Good deeds are worthy of gratitude, bad deeds are not.
Himself - from a sparrow, and the heart - from a cat. Even a small and inconspicuous person is able to do a good deed.
Whoever follows the bad will not find good. Do not follow the example of bad people.
Whoever loves good deeds, life is sweet to him. A good person loves life and rarely complains about it.
Good must be with fists. Kindness is not always visible.
No matter what face, it would be a heart of gold. A person should not be judged by his appearance, but by what he does.
Not all work is good. If you have done something, it does not mean that you have done something good.
Repaying good with good is the business of everyone, but repaying evil with good is the business of the brave. Any person is ready to respond with good deeds in return, but not everyone will respond with evil for evil.
A good deed is to speak the truth boldly. Not lying is a good thing to do.
A kind word is in pearls. Good and pleasant words are comparable to jewels.
Good hello and the cat is pleasant. Kindness and good deeds will be appreciated and noticed by anyone.
Do good and throw it into the water. Don't ask for anything in return for a good deed.
A good deed will not sink in water. Good deeds are not forgotten
A kind word will open the iron door. Even a trifle, but done with good intentions, can change a lot.
A kind word is sweeter than honey. Pleasant and good words are very popular with people.
Good will not die, but evil will perish. Good deeds are not forgotten, but they try to forget about bad deeds.
A good deed will not go unrewarded. All good deeds must be rewarded.
A kind word reaches the heart. Pleasant and good words are felt by the heart.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about good and evil for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

It is imperative for a child to know folk proverbs. This is the national creativity and heritage with which he becomes wiser, more mature, more experienced, better.

Proverbs and interpretations:

Proverb in the original How to explain it?
Goodness is collected bit by bit. By doing a few or many good deeds, you can notice a positive result.
Kindness to the good will come in a difficult hour, the deceit of the evil will always overtake. If you do good, in a difficult moment, wait for help from those whom you once helped.
God helps the good. The one who does well is always lucky.
Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble. Helping others expect help for yourself.
Remember good, but do not forget evil. No need to be upset because someone hurt you, but thank the one who helped you once.
Good to grow, and thin to crawl through holes. Good deeds should be proud of, and bad deeds should be kept silent.
Pity with tears, and kindness with calluses. You cry from bad deeds, but you are proud of good deeds.
An evil person will not live in a good age. A person who makes everyone bad will not be able to live in peace.
Good will be remembered, but not famously forgotten. Good deeds are talked about a lot and often, but evil deeds are discussed and scolded.
Honor the good, but do not pity the evil. A person who does good is remembered for a long time and only good things are said about him, and evil is only discussed.
Good does not change for bad. No good deed can be compared with a bad one.
Hold on to the good, but turn away from the bad. Do not hurt anyone, try to help everyone.
Good glory runs, and bad glory flies. Good deeds are not spoken loudly, but bad deeds are often spoken about with anger.
Good is not dashing - it wanders quietly. It is customary to keep silent about your good deeds.
A good start is half the battle. Approach any business with good thoughts and it will be successful.
A good word is a good answer. When you say nice words, you get nice words in return.
Good people die, but their deeds live on. Even if a person is no longer there, his good deeds will be remembered by others for a long time.
The word of the heart reaches the heart. Pleasant words are not only perceived by ear, but also felt.
If you do good to others, expect the same for yourself. If you do good deeds to your loved ones, they will definitely answer you the same.
A good host has good empty soup, while a bad host has bad fatty soup. Even a small help, but from a pure heart, will be more pleasant than services done as a favor.
It is bad for those who do no good to anyone. If a person lives without helping anyone, without yielding and without doing good deeds, he will not enjoy and enjoy life.
A good friend is better than a hundred relatives. A person who does good deeds is much better than a person who is close by blood.
Do not judge by the strength of the hands, but judge by the strength of the heart. A person should be judged only because of what he does.
Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive with oats. A kind word and a good deed can help much more than fists and scandals.
Do not pity the one who jumps, but pity the one who cries. Show mercy to others and do not envy others.
Do not run away from the good, but do not do the bad. If you are helped, gladly accept help, and if someone offends you, do not react to him.
A good conscience is not afraid of slander. If you have done nothing wrong, you should not be afraid of anything.
A good deed nourishes both the soul and the body. Good deeds and deeds are not only good for the servants and appearance, but also felt by the soul.
A good deed lives for two centuries. All the good deeds that a person does do not remain forgotten and unnoticed.

Proverbs and sayings about good and evil with drawings for children: photo

In order for the child to perceive tongue twisters more easily and understand them immediately, one should present him with pictures with images of the proverb and explain what exactly is shown there.


Children's drawing "Good"

Proverb, saying - “A kind word is also pleasant for a cat”: explanation of the meaning, meaning of a proverb, sayings

“A kind word is also pleasant for a cat” is an old folk proverb. It should not be taken literally. She “says” that if a person treats everyone around him carefully, gently and well (be it animals or even people), it will be felt positively perceived immediately. Your attitude will also change for the better.

Proverb, saying - “A bad world is better than a good quarrel”: explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings

This proverb very accurately conveys the feelings of a person who is in a quarrel or experiencing resentment. After any scandal, it is better to look for a way of reconciliation for a long time, but persistently, than to be in the “war” stage with a loved one for a very long time. In this case, life without a friend (or any other person) is considered "thin", i.e. bad.

Proverb, saying - “A good deed lives for two centuries”: explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings

A very old and kind proverb that teaches people to be conscientious, diligent and do only good deeds. After all, everything bad that a person does, it tries to forget, but humanity talks about a good deed for a long time and with joy.

Proverb, saying "There is no blessing in disguise": explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings

A proverb that says that any bad deed (be it an insult, a quarrel or other evil) can end in good (reconciliation, friendship, joy).

Proverb, saying "Do not resist the bad against the good": explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings

A proverb and a life truth that claims that even the worst evil always triumphs over good, therefore it is for him that one should strive.

Proverb, saying “They don’t look for good from good”: explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings

The meaning of the proverb is this: if you do good and do good deeds, you should not look for their cause. Everything that is done good in the world comes from a pure heart.

Proverb, saying "Lies do not lead to good": explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings

If you lie, deceive people, lie to everyone - such behavior will never and under no circumstances lead a person to good. All that he can amass for himself is only evil, disappointment, resentment and hatred. Cheating is a bad thing.

Proverb, saying "Life is given for good deeds": explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings

This proverb warns that a person is given life only in order to perform conscientious and good deeds. If he spends his life on evil - he went in the wrong direction and he urgently needs to fix something in his life.

Proverb, saying "A kind word inspires": explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings

Much has been said about the power of good and pleasant words. But this proverb conveys exactly the feelings of the person who hears pleasant words in his direction. There is a feeling that behind the back “wings literally appeared”. To regularly and often feel like this, you should not skimp on kind words to others.

Proverb, saying "The world is not without good people": explanation of the meaning, meaning of the proverb, sayings.

The proverb says that there are many evil people in the world, but at the same time, there are good people in it who should be looked for and on whom you can rely.

Video: "Proverbs and sayings on the topic" Good and Evil "

Say to your children more often: “Good evening!”, “Good morning!”, be kind to your children, and then you won’t have to shake your head in dismay and ask your grown-up child: “Who are you so angry at?” Love your children and they will love you back!

Proverbs about kindness

A big soul, like a big fire, is visible from afar.

A true pointer is not a fist, but a caress.

Good and cracker - to health, but evil and meat is not for future use.

A kind person and someone else's disease to the heart.

A kind word reaches the heart.

A kind word reaches the heart

Good for the good, but for the bad - a rib in half.

Good people die, but their deeds are not lost.

A good person will live in good life.

A good person teaches good.

A kind person is better than a stone bridge.

Kindness without reason is empty.

A good wife is fun, and a thin one is an evil potion.

A good wife and fatty cabbage soup - look no other good.

A good wife will save the house, and a bad wife will shake it with her sleeve.

A good family will add intelligence - intelligence.

The owner is happy to have a good guest.

Good for good, and bad for bad.

Kindness without reason is empty.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

A good master is a master of money, and a thin one is a servant.

A good man will come - as if he will bring light.

To be kind is to be kind and be known.

A good man will do better than an angry one.

A good deed praises itself.

Hold on to the good, but turn away from the bad.

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

A good tailor cuts with a margin.

For a good person, every day is a holiday.

Help is not at a loss for a kind person.

The good horse is under me, and the Lord is above me.

Good deeds are better than soft pie.

A good mother hen sees grain with one eye, and a kite with the other.

A good horse is not without a rider, and an honest man is not without a friend.

Good is remembered for a long time, and dashing twice.

Good silence - what is not the answer?

Give bread to everyone, but don't eat everyone's bread.

Pity with tears, and kindness with calluses.

Life is given for good deeds.

If you follow the unkind, you will run into trouble.

Evil and evil were associated, but both fell into the pit.

God will not add a century to an evil person.

Evil - death, and good - Sunday.

The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy.

And the dog remembers the good old.

Who helps people, and his desires come true.

Beauty until the evening, and kindness forever.

Beauty is taken away by years, kindness will not be taken away.

It is better not to give, but after that do not measles.

An affectionate word - that spring day.

Do not consider generous, giving someone else's.

Do not judge by the strength of the hands, but judge by the strength of the heart.

Do not throw yourself at a kind word, but do not be angry at a rude one.

Do not drive a horse with oats, but drive with a whip.

No matter what face, it would be a heart of gold.

Knock on seven doors to open one.

Rye and wheat will be born in a year, but a kind person will always come in handy.

Listen to good people - they will lead you on the path.

Sow good, sprinkle good, reap good, bestow good.

The heart is not a stone. The man lives in pity.

Darkness does not like light, and evil does not remember good.

Learn to be good, then the bad will not come to mind.

It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

The good is good everywhere, the good is good everywhere.

You will spend an hour in goodness - you will forget all grief.

Sayings about kindness

To pardon a thief - to destroy a good one.

Everyone is good, but not to everyone.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Good time - it's time to leave the table.

Good thief is all right.

Good - good memory.

A good dog does not bark at the wind.

Good hello and the cat is pleasant.

Kind - good glory.

For a good man a hundred hands.

The world is not without good people.

On a good flower and a bee flies.

Do not look lumpy - look in bulk.

Good is not sought from good.

The wolf took pity on the mare.

The world is not without good people.

Any parent wants their child to grow up kind and affectionate. But after all, “just like that” is not enough. And in order for our aspirations to come true, we, as parents, must teach the baby from early childhood to be kind not only to mom and dad, but also to their peers, to the elderly, and also to animals. After all, if a child can hit a cat or a dog with a stick, then sooner or later he will swing at a person. But to be so kind and decent, kids just learn proverbs about goodness. The very proverbs that we have collected for you on this page.

Good Proverbs

Everything is good, but not for everyone's benefit.

All well-wishers, but in need of help - there is no desire.

Everyone is busy, wants good for himself.

Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.

You give to others, you get yourself.

A true pointer is not a fist, but a caress.

You won't get rich with stolen goods.

In a good life, curls curl, and in a bad life, they split.

The good will be silent, and the bad will be said.

Encourage good and condemn evil.

A good person is put in a red corner.

Good is good everywhere.

Kind words are better than soft pie.

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

Good and cracker for health, evil and meat is not for the future.

Kindness without reason is empty.

A kind person and someone else's disease to the heart.

A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.

Hold on to the good, but turn away from the bad.

A good conscience is not afraid of slander.

A good deed nourishes both the soul and the body.

A good deed lives for two centuries.

A good deed does not hurt a good deed.

Kind silence - than not the answer.

Good will be remembered, but not famously forgotten.

Honor the good, but do not pity the evil.

Good kid, yes dashing hop.

Good does not change for bad.

You don’t understand good, so don’t do bad.

Salt is good, but if you shift it, your mouth turns up.

A good godfather will add mind.

A good mother hen sees grain with one eye, and a kite with the other.

A good proverb is said in time.

A good family will add intelligence-mind.

Good glory runs, and bad glory flies.

Good glory is hateful to evil.

Good glory sits behind the stove, and thin glory runs around the world.

It is necessary to hurry to do good.

Good is not dashing - it wanders quietly.

Good will not die, but evil will perish.

Goodness does not flow like a river in the world, but lives as a family.

Good something and cattle understands.

Good will be good when people praise.

A good deed will not go unrewarded.

Kind silence is better than bad grumbling.

A good start is half the battle.

A good seed is a good sprout.

To say a kind word is to give a staff in hand.

To a good guest - good and nature.

The owner is happy to have a good guest.

For the good - good, and for the bad - a rib in half.

A good word is a good answer.

A good wife and an honest husband.

Good news doesn't stay in place.

Good people die, but their deeds live on.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

A good millstone will grind itself, a bad one will dare itself.

A good horse is not without a rider, and an honest man is not without a friend.

To be kind is to be kind and be known.

A kind word reaches the heart.

A good person cries with joy, and an evil one with envy.

A kind person is better than a stone bridge.

A good wife and fatty cabbage soup - look no other good.

A good intention is worth something in itself.

Kindness is collected bit by bit.

A good deed will not sink in water.

Good from a good person will always come, evil from a bad person will come to

hard times.

Everyone pays good for good, good for evil - a real person.

The kindness of the good will come in a difficult hour, the deceit of the evil will always overtake.

A good horse does not get tired, a good person does not refuse to help.

A kind word will open the iron door.

You don't appreciate goodness when you don't earn it yourself.

My good is my soul.

A good intention is half the happiness.

A kind word is sweeter than honey.

God helps the good.

Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.

It is good to scorn - not to know people.

Remember good, but do not forget evil.

Good to grow, and thin to crawl through holes.

Life is given for good deeds.

Pity with tears, and kindness with calluses.

Live better, you will be nicer to everyone.

The one who wants good is like the one who does good.

For good, good and pay.

For a good deed, expect praise boldly.

The evil one does not believe that there are good people.

An evil person will not live in a good age.

Evil is death, and good is Sunday.

And the dog remembers the good old.

True good is always simple.

And good can go bad.

Whoever follows the bad will not find good.

He who smartly thinks, with that dashing (i.e., Satan) thinks.

He who does not govern himself will not instruct others.

Whoever loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.

Beauty until the evening, and kindness forever.

Whoever loves God will receive much goodness.

Who, having done good, reproaches, he belittles his price.

Whoever does good, God will repay him.

Rashness cannot be overcome with goodness.

It is better to endure yourself than to offend others.

For famously - famously, for good - good.

Good for us and all.

Do not judge by the strength of the hands, but judge by the strength of the heart.

Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive with oats.

Do not resist bad against good.

No matter what face, it would be a heart of gold.

Do not pity the one who jumps, but pity the one who cries.

Repaying good with good is everyone's business, but repaying evil with good is everyone's business.


Not all work is good.

Do not run away from the good, but do not do the bad.

From dashing you will not hear a kind word.

Feel free to talk about a good deed.

Rye and wheat will be born in a year, and a kind person will always come in handy.

Having done good, do not repent.

The heart is a prophet, it senses both good and bad.

The word of the heart reaches the heart.

If you do good a hundred times, it’s good; if you don’t do it a hundred and first time, everything is lost.

If you do good to others, expect the same for yourself.

He did good, but in return he made an enemy.

Darkness does not like light - the evil does not tolerate the good.

Hurry up for a good deed, and a bad one will come in time.

Learn good, evil will not come to mind.

A good host has good empty soup, while a bad host has bad fatty soup.

It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

You will spend an hour in goodness - you will forget all grief.

The jokes don't end well.

good sayings

A good dog does not bark at the wind.

Do good and throw it into the water.

Good hello and the cat is pleasant.

The wolf is kind to the sheep, but they don’t let him graze.

A kind word is in pearls.

A good head feeds a hundred hands.

Good must be with fists.

And there are grains in the chaff.

There is no bad without good.

It won't lead to good.

Good is not sought from good.

The world is not without good people.

The heart is not a stone.

Himself - from a sparrow, and the heart - from a cat.

Here we have such a collection. There are, of course, many more similar topics. But now I want to say not about that.

The grandson, having read these proverbs about goodness, asked:

- Granny, what does the saying “Kindness should be with fists” mean? After all, fighting is bad!

I thought a little and said:

- If you see that they are offending the weak, then you must definitely intercede! This is how you do a good deed.

How would you respond to your child?

And yet, answer, please, do they help you in your upbringing?

In chapter:

The struggle between good and evil is an eternal theme, and the main one in folklore. It is folk wisdom that teaches us to be kind to others. After all, good, like evil, sooner or later returns.

All parents want to raise a kind and sensitive child, so that one day they will repay them the same. And for this, it is we, adults, who are obliged to convey folk wisdom, expressed in proverbs and sayings about goodness.

Proverbs and sayings about kindness, kindness and good deeds

Proverbs and sayings about good and evil

Good and evil are relative concepts. For some, bad thoughts are already evil, while others do not see good in ordinary good deeds. From childhood, it is important to convey to the child what is good and what is bad, because it is his actions that determine a good deed or evil. Just like folk tales, proverbs about good and evil for schoolchildren and young children will bring their mite to future generations.

Proverbs and sayings about good and evil people

What is good or evil? Probably not every child, and even not every adult will be able to answer this question. They say that there are no good and evil, there are good and evil deeds that make the person himself so. Proverbs about good and evil people, what awaits them in life? Read in this section.
