Shakespeare said: "Personality is our garden, and will is its gardener." So let's figure out what our inner garden is and how to care for it. To answer all these questions that can be ranked as rhetorical, let's figure out what the formation of a personality is and what basic factors it consists of.

Despite the difficulties with definitions, the formation of a personality and its laws are still included in the sphere of psychological knowledge. Therefore, let us take it as an axiom that a person is a person who has managed to step over a certain level of development. A child who has learned to politely refuse an aggressor at school. The athlete who broke a new record. The girl who passed the exam to get the profession of her dreams.

In general, a person can be called anyone who has firmly decided not to stay at the level of a ciliate shoe. Such people make the decision every day to change their reality as they see fit. But how does the process of personality formation take place? Why can a good doctor and a criminal grow up in the same family? Why are those children who primary grades seem to be future geniuses, later find themselves on the sidelines of life? And how does what is called personal development happen?

This process is influenced by several factors that, throughout life, form the lace of circumstances, ups and downs. But first things first.

Human personality formation: 5 main factors

There are four sources from which a person can gain experience. This is heredity environment, teaching a child to adults, own experience. The indicators of personality development depend on the quality of these sources. And also there is one more factor that some researchers put out in a separate line - this is emotional attachment.

Heredity, or biological in a person

Heredity is the first condition that determines human existence. We are not disembodied spirits. The most important thing a person has is a body. For many clients, psychologists recommend concretizing self-love as love for your body to increase self-esteem.

Features of the psyche are determined by a part of the body - the brain. Genes are those "building blocks" from which personality is then formed. Recently, the biological factor - namely, the factor of heredity - has been underestimated. Let's look at an example. The person suffers from social phobia. What are his actions? If he wants to end his personal nightmare, he turns to those who specialize in solving such problems - that is, psychologists. This is logical. In case of toothache, they go to the dentist. If the washing machine breaks down, they call the master who will fix it.

Using Aristotelian logic, a client exhausted from social fears comes to see a psychotherapist. Then he comes one more time, then another and another. During psychotherapy, the result appears - it becomes easier to communicate with people. However, often after the cessation of visits to a psychologist, everything falls into place. Our hero "gets hooked" on therapeutic sessions. Their results are undoubtedly good. One problem is short-lived. As well as the client's funds.

Where is the "dog buried" here? The reasons for this character's social phobia lie in genetics. In other words, he needs not only and not so much psychotherapy as tranquilizers or antidepressants. And the psychologist's unsuccessful attempts to re-train the client do not bring lasting results. Usually the homework of psychologists with social phobia is “to relax in the middle of a hypermarket filled with people”, “to approach fifteen random passers-by to ask them what time it is,” “to go to a store and not buy anything there.”

Some American researchers specializing in neuroscience argue that this "psychotherapy" is nothing more than torture for the social phobia, who needs pharmacotherapy. Treatment with drugs has as its target those psychological characteristics that are a manifestation of the problems of the psychology of the individual, having a biological background.


An external factor - the environment - leaves a serious imprint on the process of personality formation. It represents those conditions that do not depend on the person himself. A striking example is the sad fate of the outstanding mathematician Hans Henrik Abel. In his honor, the Norwegians established the Abel Prize for mathematicians (poor fellows cannot qualify for the Nobel Prize, so the award was created separately for them).

In 1826, Abel published his work, where he described a way to solve equations of the fifth degree. She automatically elevated him to the rank of the greatest mathematicians of the whole world. But what was the environment where the scientist was born and lived? His parents constantly drank and fought. The family lived on the brink of poverty. Abel's abilities were noticed only by a school teacher. The fifth degree equations were one of those mysteries that attracted the attention of mathematicians from early youth.

The best minds fought over them for decades. But only thanks to the financial help of teachers, the future genius was able to enter the university. Abel's fate was truly full of tragedy: he contracted tuberculosis and died from the disease at the age of 26. The question is: how many more discoveries could a mathematician have made if not for the environmental factor?

Personality is not just a function nervous system organism. From birth, the psyche is bombarded by the most diverse factors. English psychologist John Locke suggested calling the child's psyche "tabula rasa", or "blank slate." This concept means that a child is born without experience - he receives all knowledge through sensory perception of the external world. Despite the fact that Locke's theory does not claim to be absolute, it contains a grain of common sense.

Teaching a child by adults

Formation of personality is impossible without the transfer of experience. Psychology calls this process called interiorization. This term means the transfer of experience by adults to the child, in the process of which personal development and maturation of the internal structures of the psyche occurs. For example, thanks to interiorization, an adult can think to himself without disturbing others. The outstanding Russian psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky believed that any component of the psyche, before becoming part of it, first proceeds as a form of cooperation between a child and an adult. It can be communication or imitation.

The so-called Mowgli children can serve as a clear example of the principle of interiorization in personal development. Being raised with animals, such children have a very poor prognosis regarding possible rehabilitation. If a child under five years of age has not communicated with adults, the chances of learning human speech for him are close to zero. One of these feral children was a Nigerian boy named Bello. Parents abandoned him after birth. The boy was adopted by a flock of chimpanzees, and in 1996 he was found among the thickets of the jungle.

The two-year-old child was mentally retarded and had very low developmental indicators. Bello was also physically handicapped. The child could not learn to talk to people - he avoided them. Bello was placed in a boarding school, where he behaved very restlessly - he threw objects at other children, fought. Over time, his behavior improved slightly. But Bello's behavior remained largely similar to the behavior of monkeys. He did not learn to speak. Bello died six years after settling in a boarding school for an unknown reason.

Therefore, the formation of personality is possible only if the child is entirely under the care and guidance of an adult. Group and cultural experiences play an important role in the development of children.

Own experience

Another important factor that affects the formation of personality. “You are not born a person, you become a person,” said Russian psychologist A.N. Leontiev (apparently paraphrasing Simone de Beauvoir, who considered this phrase an axiom of the development of femininity). Be that as it may, the process of personality formation is always active.

Human experience is always unique. Everyone perceives the world in their own way - this picture does not necessarily have to coincide with the real state of affairs. This approach was taken by the world-class American clinical psychologist Carl Rogers. He argued: the world exists for a person only as he can see it. Everyone chooses the coordinate system himself. A kind person strives for self-actualization, the development of what is laid in him by God (or evolution, which is not so important in this context).

One does not need to go far to confirm the views of the founder of humanistic psychology. There are a lot of everyday examples. There are people who, it would seem, could change their lives, since all the reins of government lie in their hands. But for unknown reasons, the neighbors from above continue to argue about the same day after day, year after year.

Vasya, a thirty-year-old alcoholic, drinks and complains of loneliness. But Aunt Masha, who seems to be doing very badly, does not lose heart and every day takes care of twenty cats that bring her joy. These characters differ from each other no more than the picture of the world that is present in their heads - and, therefore, for many years they have been influencing the formation of the personality of these people.

Carl Rogers believes that the only force that prompts a person to move on is the tendency to maximize their abilities. If an individual knows how to see himself as he is in reality, the scientist speaks of the maximum congruence (correspondence) of his perception of the world. The acceptance of others depends directly on self-acceptance - the kinder a person is to himself, the better he will relate to others.

Attachment is another condition for development

But all these factors of personality formation recognized by official psychology must necessarily be supplemented with one more condition. For development - both general mental and personal - the child's attachment to an adult is necessary. In the overwhelming majority of cases - to the mother. A special contribution to the understanding of this concept was made by L. Petranovskaya, a specialist in the psychology of orphans.

Affection, says the psychologist, is a prerequisite for a child's personality to develop. Interest in the surrounding world, the formation of any abilities and skills are strung, like rings of a child's pyramid, on the rod of affection. If this basis is not there, then from the outside the pyramid may seem stable. But at the first touch of it, the rings will crumble. Personal development becomes impossible.

A child from an orphanage is a child who does not know what mother's love and security are. If he could feel himself protected by a reliable emotional connection with his mother, then his harmonious development would take place. But since the "core" is absent, in any collision, the child's will crumbles. Educators cannot give him what he needs.

The attachment program is the most important factor, which affects the development of personality at a very early age. It is inherent in humans, as well as in other mammals, biologically. If a baby mammal is not under the care of a female mother, then every second he experiences mortal terror. In the wild, babies are always attached to an adult animal. They explore the world - but only if they are sure that the mother is not far from them.


The formation of personality is influenced by a whole tandem of factors. Who will man become? Depends both on the "baggage" that his ancestors and parents awarded him, and on his own efforts. The formation of a personality is a process that continues throughout life, and any stop here can mean degradation and stagnation. Anyone who does not want to be on the sidelines of life will have to make a lot of effort.

Let's listen to Brian Tracy's words: “Take control! You are positive about yourself to the extent that you consider yourself to be in charge of your own life. "

Russia is our Motherland, the country where you and I were born, where our ancestors lived and where, most likely, your children will live. Love for the Motherland is a natural feeling for everyone normal person, a citizen of this country. First of all, love for the Motherland is brought up in every person as love for the mother, love for the home, love for the city, the settlement where the early years of life pass, as love for our country, for its people, culture, and customs. All this causes the desire to make a contribution to making our country more beautiful and life better in it. These needs of a person determine his morality. Morality can also be defined as the desire to find a way and ensure the preservation of humanity as a species on Earth, reducing the influence of factors on life that contribute to human self-destruction.

To love your homeland and be a patriot of your country, you need to know well what our state represents and what is its place in the world community.

At present, Russia is one of the largest countries in the world with a long history and rich cultural traditions. By the size of its territory, Russia ranks first in the world, it is located in the east of Europe and the north of Asia and has an area of \u200b\u200b17.2 million km 2 (17,151,442 km 2), for comparison: China - 933 million km 2, Canada and USA - 9.2 million km 2.

Figure: 1. Comparative diagram of the areas of the four largest countries in the world

On the territory of our country, you can find almost all landscapes of the temperate zone of the Earth - from polar deserts to subtropics.

Russia is one of the richest countries in the world, which has the most important strategic resources: a large and educated population (over 140 million inhabitants), advanced technologies. The most important among them are nuclear technologies, which make it possible to create not only the most powerful nuclear weapons, but also unique power plants (from giant blocks nuclear power plants to miniature nuclear installations in space). Rocket and space technologies, which are advanced in the world in order to ensure the country's security and space exploration, are of great importance. Russia is also not inferior in the world in terms of the development of aviation technologies.

To provide nuclear power, rocketry and aviation in Russia, the most modern metallurgical and chemical technologies have been created and are operating.

Russia has large mineral deposits (up to 40% of the world's reserves), an immense territory and a huge reserve of untouched ecosystems. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the area of \u200b\u200bundeveloped land. They are located in more than half of its territory. These are the most important economic, "tourist" and ecological resources of our country. Russia certainly has everything you need to become one of the most developed countries on Earth.

Russia's place in the world community is determined by its location in relation to other states, military and political alliances, sources of raw materials, product markets, and world trade routes. It can be beneficial and unprofitable and depends on many factors, external and internal conditions and on the policy pursued by the Government. Russian Federation within the country and in relation to other states.

The Russian Federation (Russia) was proclaimed as an independent sovereign state on June 12, 1991. On this day, the "Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR" was adopted. This day is the day of the formation of the Russian Federation (Russia).

According to Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our country is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government.


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2000 No. 849, seven federal districts were formed in Russia: Central, North-West, Volga, South, Ural, Siberian, Far East.

The first change in their number (increase to eight) and composition was the separation of the North Caucasian Federal District from the Southern Federal District on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2010. The second is the formation of the Crimean Federal District in the territories annexed to Russia in 2014. The only change in the names of the districts was the renaming of the originally North Caucasian district into the South on June 21, 2000 (until the subsequent separation of the new North Caucasian district from it).

According to the latest census, more than 100 nations, nationalities, ethnic groups live in Russia: 82% are Russians, 3.8% are Tatars, 3% are Ukrainians, 1.2% are Chuvash, etc.

On the territory of Russia there are 11 time zones, all weather and climatic zones, geological and landscape conditions are widely represented.

At present, despite the difficult international situation and internal difficulties, Russia, due to its significant economic, scientific, technical and military potential, its unique strategic position on the Eurasian continent, objectively continues to play important role in world processes.

In the future, the broad integration of Russia into the world economy, the expansion of cooperation with international economic and financial institutions is becoming increasingly evident. Objectively, the commonality of interests of Russia and the interests of other states on many issues of international security, including countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, preventing and settling regional conflicts, combating international terrorism and drug trafficking, solving acute environmental problems of a global nature, including the problems of nuclear and radiation security.

Currently, the most important aspect that determines Russia's foreign policy approaches to cooperation and the establishment of ties with other countries of the world are equal mutually beneficial relations.

Russia is a Eurasian state. Therefore, it not only maintains ties with other European countries, but also cooperates with them, being an equal member of many European organizations. The most significant among European political and economic organizations is the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The goals and objectives of the OSCE are to maintain peace and security in Europe.

Another important organization is the European Union (EU). For a number of reasons, our country is not yet a member of the European Union, but its cooperation with the EU states, especially Germany, Italy and France, is constantly expanding. This organization is Russia's main economic partner.

The United Nations Organization and the UN Security Council are considered as the central element ensuring the global stability of Russia. Russia understands that the decline in the role of the UN Security Council and the transition to the use of armed forces on the basis of national decisions means that in the future this will contribute to the creation of a threat to Russia's interests.


Participation in the Commonwealth of Independent States is very important for Russia.

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was created at the end of 1991 after the collapse Soviet Union... Gradually, almost all states - the former Soviet republics (except for the Baltic countries) were included in it.

Relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are the most important area of \u200b\u200bforeign policy for Russia.

The main goals and objectives of the CIS are the development of political, military, economic and cultural cooperation between the states that emerged on the site of the former USSR.

For our country, participation in the CIS is of fundamental importance. Russia seeks to maintain its influence in these states and regards ensuring the security and inviolability of the borders of the CIS countries as a priority in its military planning. Close cooperation with these countries is also important because more than 20 million Russian and Russian-speaking populations live outside of Russia in the CIS countries.

Russia is constantly expanding cooperation with the United States in the political and economic spheres and supports efforts to combat international terrorism within the framework of the anti-terrorist coalition. In relations with the United States, Russia is guided by the necessity of strict observance of the norms of international law and by its own national interests. Our country proceeds from the fact that, despite individual differences in views on regional problems, a compromise solution should be found on the basis of respect for international law and mutual respect for national interests.

In conclusion, we note that Russia is one of the richest countries in the world and has every opportunity to become one of the leading world powers, but this will largely depend on the behavior and attitude of the young rising generation of Russia to the present and future of their country. The younger generation needs to learn to respect and responsibly treat all the wealth of Russia, to its history, traditions and culture, to preserve and increase it.


In order for our Motherland - Russia to become a powerful international power, with a well-developed economy, a high standard of living of all the multinational people of Russia, we need the efforts of all members of our society, all citizens of the country.

Every person is a citizen of Russia must protect and enhance its national heritage, must deeply understand what the national interests of the state are, and do everything in his power to preserve them.

Russians need a dynamic collective mind and a high level of responsibility for the well-being and security of their country - the Russian Federation. This is especially true for the younger generation.


1. What is our Motherland - Russia in the world community?

2. On what basis is love for the Motherland formed in a person?

3. With which countries and organizations in the world is Russia successfully cooperating?

4. What is the significance of cooperation with the CIS countries for our country?

The task

Briefly explain what is the role and importance of the younger generation of Russian citizens for the development of our country.

Love to motherland

A sense of patriotism is formed in preschool age, when children begin to realize themselves as part of a whole cultural and historical community, become involved in folk holidays and traditions.

Much has been written about the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people, since an appeal to the national heritage fosters respect, pride in the land on which you live. therefore children need to know and study the culture of their ancestors.

It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people, its culture that will help in the future with respect and interest in the cultural traditions of other nations.

Based on this, the work on the patriotic education of children includes a whole range of tasks:

  • raising a child's love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;
  • the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature and all living things;
  • fostering respect for work;
  • developing interest in Russian folk traditions and crafts;
  • formation of basic knowledge about human rights;
  • expansion of ideas about the cities of Russia;
  • the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.

Moral and patriotic education of a child - difficult pedagogical process... It is based on the development of moral feelings.Feeling of the Motherland ...

It begins with a child's relationship to the family., to the closest people - to mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots connecting him with his home and immediate environment. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul ... And although many impressions have not yet been deeply understood by him, they, passed through childhood perception, play a huge role in the formation of personality patriot.

The immediate environment is of considerable importance for the education in children of interest and love for their native land. Gradually, the child gets to know the kindergarten, his street, city, and then with the country, its capital and symbols. Raising children's love for their city, it is necessary to bring them to the understanding thattheir city is a part of the Motherland, because in all places, large and small, there is a lot in common:

- everywhere people work for everyone (teachers teach children, doctors treat sick people, builders build houses);

- traditions are observed everywhere: the Motherland remembers the heroes who protected it from enemies;

- people of different nationalities live everywhere, work together and help each other;

- people protect and protect nature;

- there are general professional and public holidays, etc.

To show through the small the big, the dependence between the activities of one person and the life of all people - this is what is important for the education of moral and patriotic feelings.

The basic stage in the formation of children's love for the Motherland should be considered the accumulation of social experience of life in their city, the assimilation of accepted norms of behavior, relationships, and familiarization with the world of its culture. Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one's own small homeland, the place where the person was born.

KD Ushinsky noted that"Education, if it does not want to be powerless, must be popular."Raised on love for his small homeland, in Russian folklore and literature, a person will always belong to Russian culture, wherever he was born.

4 people stand by the elevator of a five-story building; they all live on different floors, from the second to the fifth. the elevator wants to get to one floor, and there

let the tenants go on foot. going down one floor is displeasure, going up one floor is double displeasure. on which floor should the elevator stop so that the amount of displeasure is the least

How will the Germans say about a person who has retired?

A) Er ist jetzt im Stillstand (He stopped)
B) Er ist jetzt im Ruhenstand (He is now at rest)
B) Er ist jetzt im Rentnerstand (He is now in a retirement state)
D) Er ist jetzt im Arbeitslosenstand (He is currently unemployed)
D) Er ist jetzt im Sitzstand (He is sitting now)

Help me please. Really needed. Thank you in advance)

How long after immersion under water irreversible processes begin in the body of a drowning person, and he may die?

a) after 3-4 minutes;
b) after 5-6 minutes;
c) after 7-8 minutes.

2. Determine what causes true drowning?
a) as a result of the ingress of water (liquid) into the respiratory tract and lungs of a person, which prevents the flow of air;
b) as a result of spasm of the vocal cords (laryngospasm) when a small amount of fluid enters the upper respiratory tract, which does not enter the lungs;
c) as a result of a sudden stop of heartbeat and breathing.

3. Why should you beware of areas covered with a thick layer of snow on water bodies in winter?
a) ice is not visible behind a layer of snow;
b) snow in the sun can melt quickly;
c) ice is always thinner under the snow than in the open.

4. How is it necessary to approach a person who has fallen under the ice to provide assistance?
a) approach him following his footsteps in the snow;
b) approach him lying down with arms and legs outstretched;
c) come up to it while standing, as if sliding the soles of your feet on snow or ice.

5*. Choose from the following reasons for drowning:
a) prolonged exposure to the sun;
b) violation of the rules of behavior on the water, obviously dangerous actions;
c) diving in unknown places;
d) sudden fall of large amount of precipitation in the form of rain;
e) lack of safety signs at the bathing place.

6 *. Which of the following are not water rescue devices?
a) life balloons;
b) rescue anchor;
c) life bib;
d) life jacket;
e) rescue nets;
f) Aleksandrov's rescue line.

7 *. Identify and note what you should not do when swimming in water.
1. Go into the water (especially in deep places), not being able to swim
2. Swim in unknown places and at depths, even under adult supervision
3. Swim only in approved, well-known places
4. Swim near spillways, locks, piers, bridges, whirlpools, rapids, in the navigable fairway, near watercraft
5. Abruptly enter the water or dive after prolonged exposure to the sun, immediately after eating, in a state of fatigue
6. Swim in water on an inflatable mattress
7. Swim in water on an inflatable tube
8. Leave children on the shore of the reservoir unattended by adults who can swim
9. Be in the water at noon when the sun is at its zenith
10. Long stay in water, especially cold water

P.S. in tasks 5-7 there may be several correct answers.
Help!! very urgent !!

The day was hot. Three versts from the station *** began to drizzle, and a minute later the pouring rain soaked me to the last thread. Upon arrival at

station, the first concern was to change as soon as possible, the second to ask yourself some tea. “Hey, Dunya! - shouted the caretaker, - put on the samovar and go for some cream. With these words, a girl of about fourteen came out from behind the partition and ran into the passage. Her beauty amazed me. "Is this your daughter?" I asked the caretaker. "Daughter, sir," he answered with an air of contented pride, "yes, such a sensible, so agile, all dead mother." Then he began to rewrite my roadside, and I began to examine the pictures that adorned his humble but neat abode. They depicted the story of the prodigal son: in the first, a venerable old man in a cap and dressing gown releases a restless young man, who hastily accepts his blessing and a bag of money. In another, the depicted depicted depraved behavior of a young man: he sits at a table, surrounded by false friends and shameless women. Further, the squandered youth, in rags and in a triangular hat, grazes the pigs and shares a meal with them; his face depicts deep sadness and remorse. At the end, his return to his father is presented; a kind old man in the same cap and dressing gown runs out to meet him: the prodigal son is on his knees; in the long term, the cook kills the well-fed calf, and the elder brother asks the servants about the reason for such joy. I read decent German poetry under each picture. All this has survived in my memory to this day, as well as balsam pots, a bed with a colorful curtain, and other objects that surrounded me at that time. I see, as now, the owner himself, a man of about fifty, fresh and cheerful, and his long green coat with three medals on faded ribbons.

Exercise 1.
From which work is this passage taken? Name the author.

Task 2.
Define the theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe piece.

Task 3.
Name the heroes of the work.

Task 4.
Summarize the plot.

Task 5.
What events in the story can be correlated with each element of the plot:

Exposition -
Stitch -
Action development -
Climax -
Interchange -

Task 6.
Determine the type and style of the passage.

Task 7.
Define the genre and genre of the work, the literary direction.

Task 8.
Find archaisms in the passage and explain the meaning.
