1.1. Formation of a value attitude to nature among younger schoolchildren as a pedagogical problem.

1.2. Influence of the means of art on the formation of a value attitude to nature among younger schoolchildren.

1.3. Model of the process of formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art in younger schoolchildren.

Conclusions on the 1st chapter.

2.1. The program of experimental work and analysis of the results of the ascertaining study of the level of formation of the value attitude to nature among younger schoolchildren.

2.3. Analysis of the results of experimental work on the formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren.

Conclusions on the 2nd chapter.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Formation of a value attitude to the knowledge of nature among younger students 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Geletkanich, Irina Nikolaevna

  • Theoretical and pedagogical foundations for the formation of a natural-science picture of the world in junior schoolchildren 1998, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Burova, Lidia Ilyinichna

  • Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of a subjective-non-pragmatic attitude to nature in primary school age 2002, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kazarova, Olga Alexandrovna

  • Formation of the emotional and value attitude of junior schoolchildren to musical activity in the process of musical education in elementary school 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bakhtin, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich

  • Education in junior schoolchildren of a value attitude to visual activity 2002, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kuzmina, Olga Dmitrievna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren"

Relevance of the research topic. The past century was marked by society's turning to environmental problems, which was primarily due to the need of people to maintain health and improve their living environment. At the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries, the crisis of anthropogenic civilization aggravated, which necessitated the emergence of an ecogenic civilization, a change in the centering of society's consciousness from human problems to problems of human interaction with nature. The priority task of the coming century is to ensure the co-evolution of mankind and the biosphere based on the sustainable development of society, while coordinating its needs with the possibilities of nature for self-regulation (V.I. Danilov-Danilyan, R.S. Karpinskaya, I.K. Liseev, V.V. Mantatov , N.N. Moiseev and others).

Scientists see the solution to the problems of interaction between man and nature in the formation of the ecological culture of society as part of a general culture, the formation of which is the task of education. According to UNESCO in 2000, only 10% of the adult population of the planet have a high level of environmental culture. The necessary components of this culture are environmental knowledge, skills and abilities of resource-saving and environmental protection activities, activities to restore and improve the ecological state of the environment, as well as a value attitude towards nature. They are formed primarily in the process of environmental education (S.V. Alekseev, L.I. Burova, I.T. Gaisin, N.S. Dezhnikova, A.N. Zakhlebny, L.A. Korobeynikova, T.A. Solovieva and others).

As the researchers note, despite the strengthening of the environmental orientation of the content of education, this knowledge, skills and abilities do not become personally significant. We see the reason for this in insufficient involvement in the purposeful formation of a value attitude to nature, including in primary school. This is confirmed by the data of a pilot study of primary school graduates (196 students) conducted by us in 1999. A high level of formation of a value attitude to nature was shown by 19.4% of students, the same low; most of children (61.2%) was at the average level.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, individual components of the value attitude to nature and the pedagogical conditions for their formation in preschoolers (JI.V. Bezrukova, N.N. Kondratiev, S.N. Nikolaeva), students (E.N. Aleksandrova, Z.Ya. Andrievskaya, T.B. Baranova, L.M. Gorbunov, I.D. Zverev, G.A. Kostetskaya, V.V. Nikolina, E.Yu. Nogteva, I.T. Suravegina) and students of pedagogical universities (N K. Andrienko, V.I. Eroshenko, JI.A. Reut). Of particular importance are the studies of age-related features of the development of a subjective but non-pragmatic attitude to nature (SD Deryabo, VA Yasvin, etc.). The problem of formation of aesthetic (O.Yu. Zyryanova, V.I. Myastsova, A.Zh. Ovchinnikova, V.A. Sukhomlinsky), moral (S.A. Karpeev, A.V. Mironov, L.P. Simonova, T.P. Yuzhakova), positive emotional (V.V. Zotov, I.V. Tsvetkova) and conscious attitude to nature (O.E. Vinokurova, E.V. Yakovleva).

As factors in the formation of environmentally significant relationships to nature, the following are distinguished: natural objects and phenomena (especially the immediate environment); people who are reference persons; natural science knowledge; works of art about nature; creative activity in nature (including artistic direction).

Art as a component of the picture of the world and the result of its holistic and valuable experience and comprehension contributes to the formation of a valuable attitude towards nature. Cognitive and axiological functions of art are studied in philosophy (Yu.B. Borev, M.S. Kagan, Yu.A. Ogorodnikov, J1.N. Stolovich, R.S. Shulga), in psychology (V.M. Allahverdov, JI .S. Vygotsky, E.P. Krupnik, A.N. Leontiev), in pedagogy (I.F. Goncharov, D.B. Kabalevsky, B.M. Nemensky, L.N. Tolstoy). However, this problem has not been sufficiently developed in science, and approaches to its solution are ambiguous.

In pedagogical science, there is a widespread opinion about the need to npnive the means of art in the environmental education of students, but the nature of their influence on the formation of a value attitude to nature is not sufficiently disclosed. Some issues of the formation of ecological culture (mainly among schoolchildren of middle and high school) in the perception of works of musical, visual and literary art were studied (V.G. Kezin, V.V. Medushevsky, L.P. Pechko, E. D. Shevlyakova and others). However, the question of using the means of art in primary school in order to form the value attitude of students to nature was not the subject of special study.

Despite the broad discussion of the problem of forming a value attitude to nature, a number of unresolved problems remain. Traditionally, in pedagogical theory and practice, the concept of "value attitude to nature" is defined from the standpoint of utilitarianism, so far there is no definition that is adequate to this concept. It is required to specify the criteria and indicators of the formation of a value attitude to nature, the essence of the process of its formation. The use of art in this process is disclosed in fragments, so it is necessary to generalize individual aspects. The content and technology of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren remain undeveloped, and the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of this process have not been identified.

The younger school age is sensitive to the development of the values ​​of society, to the subject-non-pragmatic interaction with nature. students primary school are characterized by emotional responsiveness to the problems of the surrounding nature, the syncretism of the perception of the world, its artistic development. However, the value attitude to nature among junior schoolchildren is formed situationally. This component of the content of education is realized mainly when younger schoolchildren read and compose works about nature (educational area "Philology"), less often when studying natural science content (educational area "Natural Science") and is practically not implemented in the classroom of musical and visual arts (educational area "Art").

Analysis pedagogical activity in the primary grades, he showed insufficient and ineffective use by teachers and students of the possibilities of art in the formation of a value-based attitude to nature among students. In 1999, a diagnostic study was conducted on 32 primary school teachers and 64 graduate students majoring in Pedagogy and Methodology. primary education". On its basis, it was concluded that only 12.5% ​​of teachers and 23.4% of students show a high level of readiness for the purposeful organization of this process, the average - 68.75% and 64.1%, low - 18.75% and 12 .5% respectively.

An analysis of research, the pedagogical experience of primary school teachers and their own practice of working in primary school made it possible to identify contradictions: between the need for a value attitude to nature and the inefficiency of the pedagogical practice of its formation among younger students; between the ability of the means of art to influence the formation of a value attitude to nature in younger students and the insufficient theoretical development of ways to use this potential.

Taking into account the identified contradictions, the choice of the research topic was made, the problem of which is formulated as follows: what are the content, technology and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren. Solving this problem is the goal of the study.

The object of the research is the process of ecological education of junior schoolchildren.

The subject of the research is the process of formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, the following tasks were solved:

Reveal the essence of the value attitude of younger students to nature and the process of its formation;

To reveal the influence of the means of art on the formation of a value attitude to nature among younger students;

Develop, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the me-del (content, technology and pedagogical conditions) of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger students;

To analyze the dynamics of the formation of a value attitude to nature among younger schoolchildren.

The hypothesis of the study is based on the assumption that the formation of a value attitude towards nature among younger schoolchildren will be more effective if the means of art are systematically used in this process based on value-oriented content, technology and cje-blowing pedagogical conditions:

The methodological basis of the study is the culturological approach in synthesis with the axiological one, which involves understanding culture as a set of values ​​of society, ecological culture as a necessary part of this culture and the conditions for its further existence; art as a form of artistic and creative reflection of the culture of society; man as a subject of culture and part of nature, knowing and transforming the latter on the basis of its integrity and self-development. The leading values ​​are the inherent value of not only Man, but also Nature, their co-evolution based on the ecological imperative and noospheric development.

The general scientific level of methodology determines the personal-activity approach to the study of psychological and pedagogical phenomena: the interpretation of the relationship as an integrative personal property; understanding of artistic creativity as a way of displaying the surrounding world and oneself in this world, expressing a value attitude towards it and oneself by means of art.

The specific scientific level of methodology is represented by the cultural concept of the content of education (V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. S rinks); studies of the psychological and pedagogical mechanism for the formation of the experience of value relations (A.V. Kiryakova, V.A. Slastenin, N.E. Shchurkova, etc.); the concept of continuous environmental education of students.

Research methods: theoretical analysis scientific literature and official documents on the problem of research, program and methodological materials for elementary school in terms of the possibility of forming on their basis a value attitude to nature; modeling; analysis of the pedagogical experience of primary school teachers and their own pedagogical activity; observation of manifestations of a value attitude to nature and the process of its formation in elementary school; questioning, testing and conversation with younger schoolchildren, their parents, primary school teachers and students of the specialty "pedagogy and methods of primary education" on the problem of forming a value attitude to nature and the influence of art on it; analysis of the products of artistic and creative activity of younger schoolchildren and students in interaction with nature; pedagogical experiment; methods of statistical data processing.

The experimental base of the study was the primary classes of secondary schools No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 26, 30 and 41 in Cherepovets. The experimental group consisted of 100 junior schoolchildren, the control group - 140 students of a three-year primary school and 192 junior schoolchildren of a four-year period of primary education. The pilot study involved 196 junior schoolchildren. 98 parents of students from the control and experimental groups, 32 primary school teachers, 294 students of the specialty "pedagogy and methods of primary education" of Cherepovets State University took part in the experimental work.

The study was carried out in three interrelated stages.

The first stage (1996-1999) - comprehension of the theoretical foundations of the research problem, development of the conceptual apparatus of the research; definition of the object, subject, goals and objectives, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the study; building a general hypothesis and inheritance program; development and substantiation of a model of the process of formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren; a pilot study of the level of formation of a value attitude to nature among primary school graduates and the readiness of teachers and students to solve the problem under study; choice of experimental base.

The second stage (1999-2002) - carrying out experimental work on the implementation of the model of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren and increasing the readiness for this process of teachers of experimental classes and students of the specialty "pedagogy and methods of primary education"; diagnostics of the value attitude to nature of students in grades 1-3(4); diagnostics of the readiness of 3-5 year students to solve the problem under study; statistical processing of the obtained results; development of teaching materials.

The third stage (2002-2003) - qualitative analysis of the data obtained in the course of experimental work, systematization and generalization of the research results, their further implementation in practice, dissertation preparation.

The scientific novelty of the research results is as follows:

The content and scope of the concept "value attitude of junior schoolchildren to nature" is determined;

The essence of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren is revealed (on the basis of value orientation in terms of artistic perception and creativity);

A model (content, technology and pedagogical conditions) of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art in younger schoolchildren has been developed and experimentally tested.

The theoretical significance of the results of the study lies in the fact that the formulated definitions of the concepts "value attitude of younger students to nature" and "value orientation" contribute to the disclosure of the axiological approach in pedagogical theory; the developed content and technology of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren contribute to the theory of environmental education of students; the identified pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of this process contribute to the implementation of personal-activity and integrative approaches in primary school education; the identified criteria, indicators and levels of formation of a value attitude to nature among younger schoolchildren are important for monitoring the ecological culture of students. In general, the results of the study contribute to improving the quality of primary education based on the formation of a holistic picture of the world among students.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development, implementation and possibility of using by primary school teachers and students of the specialty "pedagogy and methodology of primary education" a complex of means of musical, literary and visual arts, methodological materials (scientific and artistic content) for the formation of a value attitude to nature, as well as of a tested complex of methods for diagnosing the level of formation of this relationship in younger schoolchildren. When preparing students of the specialty "Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education", with advanced training of primary school teachers and retraining of teaching staff, developed and tested methods for diagnosing the level of readiness for the formation of a value attitude towards nature among younger students and the use of art in this process can be used, as well as elective course content to increase this level.

The reliability of the obtained results is ensured by the methodological validity of the initial theoretical provisions; a set of methods pedagogical research adequate to its problem, subject and tasks; experimental verification of the proposed provisions in educational process elementary school; representativeness of the sample size; continuity and interconnectedness of the results obtained at different stages of the study; evidence of qualitative characteristics by quantitative estimates obtained in the course of statistical processing of experimental data.

The following provisions are put forward for defense:

1. The value attitude of junior schoolchildren to nature is a stable personal acceptance of nature as a subject of non-pragmatic interaction. It is characterized by a positive attitude towards natural objects and phenomena, the ability to subjectify them, balancing their practical use in satisfying one’s reasonable needs and spiritual interaction with them based on the use of artistic, creative, resource-saving and environmental protection tonologies, technologies for restoration and improvement ecological state of the environment.

2. A value attitude to nature is formed on the basis of value orientation, that is, the management of students' sequential actions: search - evaluation - choice - projection of valuable objects and natural phenomena. The teacher analyzes, plans, organizes, controls and regulates the operations performed by students. In the process of pedagogical interaction, younger students develop the ability to independently build these actions based on the value acceptance of natural objects and phenomena.

3. The formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger students is the process of establishing a positive, subjective, non-pragmatic attitude to nature through artistic images, visual and expressive means, artistic materials, tools and techniques based on the search - evaluation - choice - projection of values ​​for students objects and phenomena of nature in the process of artistic perception and creativity.

4. The model of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art in younger students includes the content, technology for the implementation of motivational, operational, meaningful, instrumental, productive components and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of this process.

5. Criteria and indicators of the formation of a value attitude to nature among younger students are positivity: cognitive (scientific and aesthetic) interest in natural objects and phenomena, an adequate attitude to the characteristics of living beings and natural phenomena, compliance with environmental standards. meaningful behavior; subjectivity: the ability to see the uniqueness of natural objects and phenomena and convey it by various means, the ability to feel the impact of nature on oneself and be aware of one’s own changes under its influence, the ability to interact with living beings on the basis of discovering “human features” in them and giving them “freedom of action” »; non-pragmatism: manifestation of concern for nature, observance of moral restrictions in the study of natural science and practical use of natural material, the desire to study non-pragmatic technologies and their application.

The levels of formation of the value attitude to nature among junior schoolchildren are subject-non-pragmatic, social-consumer, utilitarian. The subjective-non-pragmatic (high) level is characterized by the steady manifestation of all indicators of a positive, subjective, non-pragmatic attitude towards nature. At the social-consumer (average) level, the manifestation of indicators is non-systematic. At the utilitarian (low) level, the value attitude to nature is extremely unstable, its indicators appear very rarely.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main theoretical provisions and conclusions were presented in speeches at the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Forms and Methods of Educational Work in Higher Educational Institutions" (Kazan - 2001); All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Education for the XXI century: accessibility, efficiency, quality" (Moscow - 2002); interregional scientific conference of students and post-graduate students "Young researchers - to the region" (Vologda - 2002); regional scientific and practical conference "Development of the system continuing education regional and municipal level (Cherepovets - 2001); regional scientific and methodological conference "New approaches to understanding the essence of developing primary education" (Pskov - 2001); regional scientific-practical conference "Continuing environmental education: experience, problems, prospects" (Vologda - 2001); regional scientific-practical conference "Modernization of education: preschool ecology" (Sokol - 2003); city ​​scientific-practical conference "Education of ecological culture in the system of continuous education: experience, problems, prospects" (Cherepovets - 2001); interuniversity conference "The problem of the formation of a child's personality in the system of preschool and primary education" (Cherepovets - 2001); I-III interuniversity conferences of young scientists at Cherepovets State University (2000, 2001, 2002).

The results of the study are presented in 11 publications of the author, discussed at meetings of the Department of General Pedagogy and the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, at the seminars of graduate students of the Cherepovets State University, methodological seminars of primary school teachers of secondary schools Nos. 2, 10 and 41 in Cherepovets. The research materials are used by the author during lectures and practical classes of the elective course "Formation of a value attitude towards nature by means of art among junior schoolchildren" with students of the 4th year of study in the specialty 031200 - "pedagogy and methods of primary education" (1999-2002); the management of pedagogical practice and scientific supervision of course and final works of students in the field of the problem under study is carried out. Methodological materials for diagnosing the value attitude to nature of younger schoolchildren are used by primary school teachers in the city of Cherepovets and students (specialty 031200).

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  • Social adaptation of junior schoolchildren by means of art 2006, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Pestereva, Olga Aleksandrovna

  • Formation of worldview among younger schoolchildren in integrated art classes 2005, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Shishlyannikova, Nina Petrovna

  • Pedagogical conditions for the formation of an ecological attitude to nature in junior schoolchildren in the process of teaching natural science 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Mazitova, Leyla Asgatovna

  • Formation of a culture of nature-loving junior schoolchildren 2008, candidate of pedagogical sciences Sokolova, Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education", Ivanova, Margarita Mikhailovna

Conclusions on the 2nd chapter

1. The majority of students in the period of primary school education are at the social-consumer level of formation of a value attitude towards nature, which is characterized by an unsystematic manifestation of indicators of positive, subjective and non-pragmatic othoiie-tion towards it. The number of primary school graduates with a utilitarian level, in comparison with the 1st grade, statistically significantly decreases, and with a subjective but non-pragmatic level it increases. However, without the purposeful work of the teacher, the level of formation of the value attitude to nature among the majority of students remains insufficient, and decreases in adolescence.

2. As a basis for organizing the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren, we took the model of environmental education developed by us on the basis of personal-activity and integrative approaches to the study of nature by students. Such an organization is effective for creating a holistic picture of the world among students and forming, on its basis, a value attitude towards nature.

For its implementation, the following is necessary: ​​coordination of programs in the disciplines of natural science and art cycles, including the content of integrated classes (classroom and extracurricular, compulsory and optional); analysis of the means of art included in these programs; availability of artistic audiovisual means; the creation of pedagogical conditions conducive to the effective formation of a value-based attitude towards nature by the means of art in younger schoolchildren. The effectiveness of the model was tested in experimental work.

3. In the process of the formative experiment in elementary school, the following pedagogical conditions were realized:

Taking into account the personal experience of a value attitude to nature of the teacher and students, updating on its basis the needs, motives, goals of the interaction of younger students with nature;

Managing the operations of searching for valuable objects and natural phenomena by students, their assessment, choice and projection in behavior and creativity, expanding the subjective functions of younger students;

Integration of the natural science and artistic content of the study of nature by students based on their sensory experience;

The study and application by students of the means of art based on the positive, subjective, non-pragmatic attitude to nature reflected in them

The readiness of teachers to use the means of art in the process of forming a value attitude to nature among younger students.

4. A diagnostic study of younger schoolchildren of the experimental group in grades 1, 2 and 3 shows that the formation of a value attitude to nature based on the developed model (content, technology and pedagogical conditions) is more effective. Statistically significant differences in the levels of formation of a value attitude to nature exist both between the students of the experimental and control groups, and among younger students of the experimental group between classes (in the control group, there is no significant difference in the levels between classes). There is a relationship between the level of formation of the value attitude to nature in younger students and the level of formation of their attitude to the art of artistic reflection of nature.

5. The special course "Formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art among junior schoolchildren" has shown its effectiveness. Compared with the data of the ascertaining study of students in the 3rd year and with the results of the study of students in the control group in the 5th year, the level of readiness of students who attended the course is significantly higher.


An analysis of modern environmental problems, a theoretical analysis of scientific literature, teachers' pedagogical practice and their own pedagogical activity made it possible to convince themselves of the need for a special study of the problem of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren. Value attitude to nature is one of the main components of the ecological culture of the individual. It is formed mainly in the process of environmental education of schoolchildren on the basis of creating in them a holistic (scientific and humanitarian) picture of the world. The formation of this attitude is a priority task of primary environmental education, since primary school age is sensitive for this. With insufficient theoretical development of the problem of forming a value attitude to nature among younger students, as well as with inefficient organization of this process in elementary school, the problem is relevant and has a solution.

The theoretical analysis of the problem in the philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature made it possible to define the concept of "value attitude of junior schoolchildren to nature" as a stable personal acceptance of nature as a subject of non-pragmatic interaction. This definition relies on the characteristics of the concepts of "value" (justified in axiology), "attitude to nature" (developed in the theory of relations), and "value attitude to nature" (revealed in the content of environmental education). Thus, the essential characteristics of a value are its choice on the basis of a positive assessment, the endowment with subjective properties and the non-pragmatism of a person's attitude towards it. The study of the psychological aspect of the problem of relations showed that the stability of the value attitude to nature is determined by the involvement of the emotional, intellectual and activity spheres of the personality in the process of its formation, the development of the student's subjectivity. In pedagogical science, the value attitude to nature is considered as an axiological component of the ecological culture of the individual, it is proved that the high level of its development is determined by the ecocentric consciousness of the individual and manifests itself in the subject-non-pragmatic interaction with nature.

Undoubtedly, direct contact with nature has the strongest impact on the personality, on the formation of attitudes towards it, and in this aspect, this problem has been sufficiently studied. Art, being a reflection of values ​​in a figurative form, a holistic reflection of the world, is able to significant influence on the formation of a value attitude towards nature. In the process of perception and reproduction of works of art, a person is able to acquire values ​​that will become guidelines for her behavior. In artistic creativity, these values ​​are embodied by means of art, which include artistic images, visual and expressive means, artistic materials, tools and techniques. The problem of using these means in the process of forming a value attitude to nature among younger schoolchildren required a special study.

The study and application of the means of art by younger students contributes to the formation of a positive, subjective, non-pragmatic attitude towards nature. The stability of the formation of a value attitude towards nature, including in the conditions of artistic communication (perception, reproduction and composition of works of art), is ensured by a value orientation, which includes the following sequence of actions: search - evaluation - choice - projection. Pedagogical management of this process (value orientation) contributes to the formation of socially significant values.

We consider the formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren as the process of establishing a positive, subjective, non-pragmatic attitude to nature through artistic images, visual and expressive means, artistic materials, tools and techniques based on the search - evaluation - choice - projection of values ​​for the individual objects and phenomena of nature in the process of artistic perception and creativity. The pedagogical organization of this process includes motivational, operational, content, instrumental and productive components.

An analysis of the initial state of the system of environmental education in elementary school showed the need to make changes to the content and technology for the implementation of these components, the need to introduce pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art. The methods of experimental transformation of the system are reflected in the model of the process under study developed by us. The value component of the content of primary education was strengthened. The technology of value orientation of junior schoolchildren in the conditions of artistic communication in the study of nature has been developed. Actualization of the needs, motives and goals of interaction with nature based on the personal experience of younger students and management (self-management) of the stages of search - evaluation - choice - projection of value objects and natural phenomena by students. The instrumental component of the model was developed in detail (the means of musical, literary and fine arts were identified, methods of forming a value attitude to nature by these means) and the resultant one (criteria, indicators and levels of formation of a value attitude to nature in younger schoolchildren, a set of methods for diagnosing it).

As a hypothesis, it was suggested that the formation of a value attitude to nature among younger students will be more effective if the means of art are systematically used in this process based on value-oriented content, technology and the following pedagogical conditions:

1) taking into account the personal experience of the value attitude to nature of the teacher and students, actualizing on its basis the needs, motives and goals of the interaction of younger students with nature;

2) managing the operations of searching for valuable objects and natural phenomena by students, their assessment, choice and projection in behavior and creativity, expanding the subjective functions of younger students;

3) integration of the natural science and artistic content of the study of nature by students on the basis of their sensory experience;

4) the study and application by students of the means of art on the basis of the positive, subjective, non-pragmatic attitude to nature reflected in them;

5) the readiness of teachers to use the means of art in the process of forming a value attitude towards nature in younger students.

The experimental model, hypothesis and diagnostic methods were developed as a result of a pilot experiment (1996 - 1999) based on the pedagogical activity of the author of the study in the primary school. At the end of the 1998-1999 academic year, a pilot study of the level of formation of a value attitude to nature among third-graders (196 students) was conducted, which showed the need to introduce the developed model in pedagogical process elementary school.

In 1999-2000 academic year An ascertaining study of first-graders was conducted (100 experimental and 140 students of control classes (1-3)), which showed an insufficient level of formation of a value attitude to nature in 90% of students. For three years (1999 - 2002) experimental work was carried out in these classes (formative experiment and control and diagnostic studies). At the same time, the need for additional training of primary school teachers (psychological, theoretical and practical) for this process was identified. The training of teachers in the experimental classes was carried out both before the formative experiment and during it. The author of the study carried out management (analysis, planning, organization, control and regulation) of the experimental process.

In parallel, a pedagogical experiment was carried out at the university to improve the quality of students' preparation for the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of younger schoolchildren. The students studied the elective course "Formation of a value attitude to nature by means of art among younger schoolchildren." Prepared students (118 people), under the guidance of the author of the study, conducted experimental work in the classrooms of the four-year period of primary education (the study covered 192 junior schoolchildren).

In the process of experimental work, a model (content, technology and pedagogical conditions) of the process of forming a value attitude to nature by means of art was implemented among younger schoolchildren. If we rank the components of the model throughout the experiment, we can draw the following conclusion. In the 1st grade, the content and instrumental components of the model played a leading role, in the 2nd grade, motivational and operational. In the 3rd grade, the effective component took the first place, the second place was occupied by the motivational and operational component, the third - by the content and instrumental. Analysis of the results of the study showed the effectiveness of the developed model. It is important that all pedagogical conditions are interconnected and only in interconnection contribute to the effective formation of a value attitude towards nature.

Attitude towards nature is dynamic, its formation is influenced by various factors. Therefore, a complex of diagnostic methods was used to determine the levels. There were 2.1 times more third-graders (36%) in the experimental group with a subject-non-pragmatic level of formation of a value attitude to nature than in the control group (17%), and 3.6 times more compared to the ascertaining section. Students who are at a subjective-non-pragmatic (high) level of formation of a value-based attitude to nature were characterized by a stable nature of positive manifestations, they systematically showed all signs of subjective perception of most natural objects and phenomena, pragmatic and non-pragmatic relations were balanced, the desire for spiritual interaction with nature prevailed .

The social-consumer level remained the predominant level of formation of a value attitude towards nature, however, there were 13% fewer third-graders with this level in the experimental group than in the control group (64% and 77%, respectively). These students observed the situational nature of positive manifestations, not all signs of subjective perception were manifested systematically and in relation to a small number of natural objects and phenomena, a pragmatic attitude towards nature prevailed, but there was a desire for non-pragmatic interaction with it.

There were no junior schoolchildren with a utilitarian (low) level at the end of the third grade in the experimental group, in the control group their number was 6%. These students showed a stable character of an ambivalent attitude towards nature (positive towards some natural objects, phenomena and negative towards others), they were dominated by an object attitude (signs of subjective perception were extremely rare), there was no desire for non-pragmatic interaction with nature, the attitude towards it with positions of benefit to themselves.

Thus, positive dynamics in the levels of formation of a value attitude to nature was observed in younger schoolchildren, both in the experimental group and in the control group. However, in the experimental group it is higher, which is confirmed by statistical processing of the results (Student's t-test, X2-test).

After the formative experiment with students of the specialty "pedagogy and methods of primary education", the level of readiness of students in the experimental group became significantly higher than the level of readiness of students in the control group and the results of the ascertaining experiment. In the 3rd year in the experimental group, 3.38% of students showed a high level of readiness, an average - 83.06% and a low level - 13.56%; in the 5th year, respectively - 48.3%, 51.7%, students with a low level were not identified. The ascertaining study of students in the control group showed that 3.41% were at a high level, 76.14% were average, and 20.45% were low; in the final year, their results were respectively 26.14%, 68.75% and 5.11%.

So, in the course of the study, its tasks were solved and experimental data were obtained confirming the validity of the hypothesis. We see the prospect of studying the problem in the need to identify the conditions for the preservation, consolidation and further formation of a value attitude to nature among schoolchildren in the middle and senior classes. The problem of identifying the pedagogical conditions for integrating the natural science and humanitarian content of students' education in preparation for work in the specialty "Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education" requires further solution.

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The relevance of the study is due to the increased requirements for the training of competitive, mobile personnel in the system of higher vocational education. The existing strategies for a preventive approach to solving the health problems of students do not correspond to the challenges of the time and, as a rule, are of an information-educational, propaganda, or medical-hygienic nature. Based on the analysis of various points of view, the concepts of "criterion" and "indicator" are defined, General requirements to the selection and justification of criteria. To assess the level of upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving classes, the following criteria were identified and disclosed among students: emotional; motivational-need; intellectual; activity. The diagnostic aspects are considered, allowing to reveal the degree of severity of each of the above criteria; characteristics of the levels of upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving activities.

health-improving classes.

value education

level evaluation criterion

1. Amosova Yu.E. Formation of values healthy lifestyle life of students of the Pedagogical College: dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - Chelyabinsk, 2010. - 192 p.

2. Asmolov A.G. Psychology of personality: principles of general psychological analysis. - M.: Meaning: Academy, 2008. - 414 p.

3. Balsevich V.K., Lubysheva L.I. Physical culture: youth and modernity // Theory and practice physical culture. - 1995. - No. 4. - P.2-7.

4. Vakhitov R.R. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of university students based on the mechanisms of reflection: dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - Magnitogorsk, 2007. - 177 p.

5. Gimazov R.M. Formation of the need for physical culture and health-improving classes among high school students in the northern region of Siberia: dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - Volgograd, 2002. - 179 p.

6. Zhdanov S.I. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of a student's subjective position of a health-improving orientation: author. dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - Chelyabinsk, 2009. - 23 p.

7. Mityushin A.A. Reflection: Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. – M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1983. - S. 579-580.

8. Shabanov A.G. Process Modeling distance learning in the system of continuous education: Ph.D. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences. - Barnaul, 2004. - 40 p.

9. Shlyapnikova V.V., Koltyreva L.Yu. Peculiarities of development of junior schoolchildren with visual impairments by means of game activity in the process of physical culture // Fundamental research. - 2013. - No. 6 (part 4). - S. 1008-1011.


Significant transformations in the sphere of production and professional activity have led to an increase in the requirements for the training of competitive, mobile personnel in the system of higher professional education. One of the key conditions for the reproduction of a qualified and able-bodied specialist is his introduction to a healthy lifestyle. The demand for competitive specialists by society makes the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of young people especially acute.

This problem is becoming more and more acute every year, being the most relevant for modern society. The results of many studies in recent years indicate the growing burden on the body, nervous system, and psyche of young people. The existing strategies for a preventive approach to solving the health problems of students do not correspond to the challenges of the time and, as a rule, are of an information-educational, propaganda, or medical-hygienic nature. The main means of preventing diseases and complications in the state of health of young people is the normalized activation of their motor activity in the process of health-improving classes.

The sphere of emotional and value requests of young people is outside the educational influence, the initiative of the young generation in achieving personal success and well-being is not in demand in the required volume, bright forms of expressing the attractiveness of a healthy lifestyle are not found, the mechanism for implementing the principle of unity of personal and professional development is not spelled out. young specialist.

The urgency of the problem, its practical significance determined the choice of the research topic: "Determining the criteria for assessing the level of upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving classes among students."

The purpose of the study: to determine the criteria for assessing the level of upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving classes of students.

Based on the analysis of various points of view, we define the criterion as a quality, property of the object under study, which makes it possible to judge its state, level of functioning and development. At the same time, the “indicator” is a quantitative or qualitative characteristic of the formation of each quality, property, attribute of the object under study, that is, a measure of the formation of a particular criterion.

An analysis of the psychological, pedagogical and sociological literature shows that there are general requirements for identifying and substantiating criteria, which can be summarized as follows: the criteria must be objective (as far as possible in pedagogy), allow unambiguous assessment of the feature under study, avoid controversial assessments by different people; the criteria must be adequate, valid, that is, evaluate exactly what the experimenter wanted to evaluate; criteria should be disclosed through a number of indicators, as they appear, one can judge a greater or lesser degree of severity of the criterion; criteria should reflect the dynamics of the measured quality in time and space; with the help of criteria, links between all components of the phenomenon under study should be established; qualitative indicators should act in unity with quantitative ones.

To assess the level of upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving activities among students, we identified the following criteria: emotional; motivational-need; intellectual; activity. The emotional component is characterized by an emotionally colored and experienced system life priorities, and it is represented, firstly, by the presence of an emotional mood associated with the realization of one's health potential, since a person should preferably be set not only to cure diseases and overcome troubles, but also to constantly maintain and strengthen health. Secondly, health in the system of human value orientations is one of the leading values. A positive attitude and acceptance of health as a value is the basis for the formation of a value attitude towards health-improving classes among students.

The criterion of the emotional component is expressed through a set of such indicators as the presence of a value orientation towards a healthy lifestyle, a positive emotional orientation of classes, the ability to resist fatigue and stress, knowledge and application of self-regulation techniques.

The motivational-need component is represented by the presence of the desire and desire to maintain and strengthen one's health through health-improving activities. In the most general terms, a motive is what determines, stimulates a person to perform an action. In contrast to the motive, motivation is an "alloy" of the driving forces of behavior in the form of needs, interests, drives, guidelines, ideals. Motivation is the core of the personality, to which its properties such as orientation, value orientations, attitudes, social expectations, claims, emotions, volitional qualities, as well as other socio-psychological characteristics.

In the structure of the process under study, motivation is expressed in the need to acquire new valeological knowledge, the desire to study health issues in order to apply the knowledge gained in the practice of health-improving activities. The formation of the motivational-need component determines the motivation for a healthy lifestyle and is the link between the simple desire to “be healthy” and real actions to preserve and strengthen one’s health, first of all, to health-improving activities. A positive and valuable attitude towards one's health, together with motivation, generates a health-enhancing behavior style, represented by active behavior strategies to improve one's health through health-improving activities.

The intellectual component is represented by the student's knowledge system. Knowledge - predominantly logical information about the surrounding (external) and inner world person, reflected and fixed in his mind. Knowledge is the result of the assimilation of facts, concepts and laws of science, which reflect the patterns of development of nature, society and man as an object and subject of activity, cognition and communication. The purpose and result of the formation of knowledge is their effectiveness; the ability of a person to their everyday and socially oriented (sports, work) life and activities to meet and improve socially and personally significant needs and abilities.

The criterion of the intellectual component is manifested through such indicators as the level of erudition in matters of a healthy lifestyle; possession key concepts(conceptual and terminological apparatus), since the basis theoretical training in the studied aspect, they make up terms; possession of information about the methods and techniques of health promotion in health-improving classes; knowledge of subjective and objective indicators of self-control and their assessment; familiarization with health-saving educational technologies.

The activity criterion is determined, first of all, by the fact that a person in practice uses knowledge about health, turning them into competencies, and thereby mastering a healthy lifestyle. The criterion of the activity component is expressed through the student's attitude to active participation in health-improving classes; participation in recreational activities; readiness for constant self-improvement, self-development by means of physical culture; the ability to independently adequately choose these means, taking into account their individual characteristics and preferences; the ability to creatively use various health-improving methods and techniques in the classroom.

Let us dwell on the diagnostic aspects that allow us to identify the severity of each of the above criteria. An emotional criterion, including a positive emotional mood associated with the awareness of the need to improve health through recreational activities, a value attitude to health, and the desire for emotional coloring of classes, was diagnosed by us using the methodology of E.B. Fantalova. In addition to these indicators, the technique allows you to identify internal conflicts in the field of attitudes to health, anxiety and uncertainty associated with the awareness of one's condition.

The level of the motivational-need component was diagnosed in students by assessing the indicators of the cognitive and practical scales of the methodology of S. Deryabo and V. Yasvin "Index of Attitude to Health". The use of this technique allows not only to obtain data indicating the attitude of the subjects to their health and a healthy lifestyle, to health-improving activities, but also to identify problem areas that require correction.

The intellectual component of the upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving classes, represented by a system of knowledge about health as a phenomenon, about the factors of its condition and impact on it, as well as students' ideas about the role and place of health-improving classes in terms of impact on saving and strengthening, was diagnosed by us using express a questionnaire that included the following questions:

  1. What do the terms “health”, “physical health”, “mental health” mean to you?
  2. What do you think "healthy lifestyle" means?
  3. What do you think, what determines the overall health of a person (heredity, ecology, lifestyle, health care system, regular physical education).
  4. Try to determine the role of recreational activities in maintaining and strengthening the health of young people.
  5. What, in your opinion, should be the content of health-improving classes in order to obtain the maximum health-improving effect.

The activity component, which characterizes, firstly, the degree of student activity in relation to health-improving classes, and, secondly, the completeness, strength and awareness of specific skills, was assessed as follows.

We used a modified sociological questionnaire by R.M. Gimazova, consisting of 34 questions. The degree of formation of specific skills in the classroom was assessed in terms of completeness, strength and awareness; in order to obtain objective results, the method of expert assessment was used:

The coefficient of completeness of skill possession was calculated by the formula:

where n is the number of correctly performed actions;

N - the number of actions included in the skill structure;

K - the coefficient of strength of mastering the skill was calculated by the formula:

Where - the coefficient of completeness of skill formation at the first check;

The coefficient of completeness of skill formation during the subsequent check;

Awareness was determined by the degree of validity of actions by students:

a) the student is not sufficiently aware of the action being performed, cannot justify his choice;

b) in general, the action is conscious, while justifying the actions, the student makes some inaccuracies;

c) the action is fully conscious, logically justified.

Points were chosen as the unit for measuring the indicators of upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving classes among students; at the same time, the ratio scale from zero to three points was recognized as a reasonable assessment scale. On the basis of the selected criteria and indicators in the course of the experimental work, four levels of upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving activities were identified: low, basic, sufficient, high.

Let us present the characteristics of these levels. A low level (0 points) is characterized by the absence of systemic ideas about health, low motivation (or its complete absence) of health-preserving behavior. The value of health is very arbitrary and occupies a place in the second half of the hierarchy of values. Such an internal background does not give grounds for having a value attitude to health-improving activities, does not motivate activities to improve physical and mental health by means of physical culture. The subject has a tendency to risky behavior, the presence of bad habits, laziness, frequent diseases. The needs of students to maintain a healthy lifestyle are very blurred; knowledge and ideas are superficial and episodic.

The basic level (1 point) is characterized by the fact that the student has a certain amount of ideas about the possibilities of maintaining and strengthening his own health, but this volume is often limited to well-known information (personal hygiene, rules healthy eating, observance of the daily routine, etc.). The concept of health culture, the value aspects of recreational activities is very limited. Occupation with various types of recovery is considered more like entertainment, or a tribute to fashion. In the hierarchy of student values, the focus on systematic health-improving activities occupies a middle position. This level is characterized by a certain beginning of the formation of the experience of preserving health behavior: the transformation of bad habits, getting used to the systematic observance of hygiene rules, the desire for a balanced diet, an attempt to determine specific types and forms of health-improving activities.

With a sufficient level of a student's value attitude to health-improving classes (2 points), the idea of ​​health and a healthy lifestyle in general is systemic. The volume indicator of awareness of a person's capabilities in health promotion, self-improvement and self-development includes most health-saving factors. In this case, health is considered by the student as the most important component of life well-being, as a priority value, which is the result of constant own efforts. Health-saving behavior is close to the norm, although violations are also allowed; the student demonstrates the desire to accumulate the necessary valeological information; bad habits are not shown, but may occasionally occur. Motivation and interest in classes are quite stable, the basic competencies of a healthy lifestyle are generally formed, but not brought to automatism.

A high level (3 points) implies a full range of ideas about how to preserve and strengthen individual health, where ideas about self-knowledge, understanding one's life purpose, and the role of health in achieving it are dominant. In health-improving classes, the student demonstrates activity, the ability to independently set goals, determine tasks for their implementation. Motivation to study is stable and high. In behavior, a firm attitude to systematic studies, a creative approach to them is fixed; formed a high adaptation to the adverse effects of external factors, discipline, respect for the participants in the classes. The subject constantly replenishes his own intellectual baggage with the necessary information of a valueological nature.

Thus, in order to assess the level of upbringing of the value attitude to health-improving classes among students, we considered the following criteria:

emotional; motivational-need; intellectual; activity, as well as diagnostic aspects are presented, allowing to identify the degree of severity of each of the above criteria; characteristics of the levels of education.


Tavstukha O.G., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Orenburg State Pedagogical University”, Orenburg.

Kiryakova A.V., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Education, Orenburg State University, Orenburg.

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"Studying the level of formation of the emotional-value attitude to music among younger schoolchildren"

Baranova Alena Yurievna, primary school teacher, MBU "School No. 59", master student of the department "Pedagogy and teaching methods"

Togliatti State University, Togliatti (Russia)

Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute

Emotional-value attitude is a component of the personality structure, manifested in a sense of dignity, respect for the perceived object, or, conversely, in censure, condemnation, low value.

One of the indicators of a person's spiritual and moral culture is the interest in musical art. We cannot say that we have known music if it is not emotionally perceived, experienced and meaningful, in which case it does not represent artistic and aesthetic significance and is only an indicator of a person's erudition.

Music, like any other kind of art, reflects reality, but by specific means inherent only to it. In music as an art form, both its educational and cognitive aspects are important. And the unity of these components gives a high degree of impact of works of art on a person.

The game represents the most important aspect of the upbringing of spirituality, the formation of a system of moral, aesthetic, universal values. Passing from preschool activities in school, the game does not lose its relevance, it becomes not only a means, but also one of the forms of teaching younger students, contributes to the formation learning activities, activates the cognitive activity of primary school students.

According to the Federal State Educational Standards, the upbringing of an emotional and valuable attitude to art is one of the goals of studying music and one of the tasks of developing a younger student.

The formation of an emotional-value attitude in relation to musical activity is aimed at the development of a child through play activities and various forms of including children in the creative process. Forms of work with children involve the involvement of knowledge from various types of art and the involvement of children in the process of their own artistic creativity, aimed at mastering the world around them and their own personality.

E.B. Abdullina, G.V. Agadilova, Yu.B. Alieva, D.B. Kabalevsky, E.V. Nikolaeva, O.P. Radynova show that the problem of the formation of primary school students' emotional and value towards music is not new for pedagogical science, and its individual topics are framed in psychological and pedagogical works.

A.M. Burov, A.N. Malyukov, E.B. Zhurova in their works touch upon some aspects of the development of the value attitude of children to artistic and aesthetic activities.

Despite a lot of work done, this topic does not lose its relevance. In our time, this problem attracts with its practical significance. In a modern school, the learning process is aimed at the intellectual sphere of educational and cognitive activity of younger students, forming musical knowledge, sometimes without affecting the emotional-evaluative and value spheres.

Research problem: what is the effectiveness of the formation of an emotional and value attitude to art through gaming activities in music lessons in elementary school.

Object of study: the formation of an emotional and value attitude to music among younger students.

Subject of study: the process of forming an emotional and value attitude to art through play activities in music lessons in elementary school.

Research hypothesis: the process of forming an emotional and value attitude to art through play activities in music lessons for younger students will be effective if traditional teaching methods and play activities are combined.

The purpose of the study: to identify the conditions for the formation of an emotional and value attitude to art through play activities in music lessons for younger students.

Research objectives:

1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

2. To identify the level of formation of the emotional and value attitude to art among younger students.

3. Select and test methods aimed at forming an emotional and value attitude to art through play activities in music lessons for younger students through play activities.

4. Analyze the results and draw conclusions.

Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources on the research problem, method of observation, content analysis, questioning; psychological and pedagogical experiment, including ascertaining, forming and control stages.

The basis of the pilot study was the students of the 3rd "A" class of MBU secondary school No. 59. The study involved 21 students aged 8 to 10 years, including 10 girls and 11 boys.

The following diagnostic methods were used to identify the level of formation of the emotional-value attitude to music among younger schoolchildren: the method of content analysis when processing children's mini-compositions after listening to musical works; questionnaire consisting of 3 open and 1 closed questions; method of observation in assessing emotional responsiveness in the process of listening to music in the classroom.

Observation of students in music lessons showed that when listening to works, students sparingly show emotions (drooping heads, barely noticeable body movements, distraction of attention).

The survey was aimed at understanding what students expect from music lessons. Most of the children chose the options:

"What do you like about music lessons?"

Like to sing;

"What kind of music do you like?"

What would you like to do in music lessons?

Draw after listening to music

Play music games;

When analyzing the compositions, three levels of the value attitude of younger schoolchildren to musical and aesthetic activities were identified.

Low level (8 people) is characterized by:

Ø Inability to translate your idea into a coherent text; the presence of simple everyday words (fast, slow, calm, cheerful, kind).

Ø No drawings.

The average level (13 people) is characterized by:

Ø The presence of a storyline in the text, the presence figurative expressions.

Ø The presence of a drawing, its correspondence to the title or content of the work.

High level (0 people) is characterized by:

Ø The presence of a storyline, the ability to model a musical image on their own.

Ø The presence in the drawing of a rich color scheme, the dynamism of the drawing, the recognition of images.

Ø The ability to verbally describe the picture.

In order to increase the level of emotional and value attitude to art among younger students, a program of training sessions is being developed, designed for music lessons, after which a control cut will be made to identify the changes that have occurred.

List of used literature

1. Bakhtin V. V. - Emotional and valuable attitude of younger schoolchildren to musical activity in extracurricular complex classes in art // Proceedings of PSPU im. V. G. Belinsky. 2011. No. 24. S. 554-557.

2. Kabalevsky, D.B. Basic principles and methods of the music program for general education schools // Programs of educational institutions. [Text] D.B. Kabalevsky -M., Enlightenment, 2004.

3. An exemplary program of primary general education in music.







in the discipline "Additional education for schoolchildren"



Shagartaeva Elena Sergeevna

student of the 3rd year of the group PPO-b-o-14-2

Psychological and pedagogical education

full-time education

Work manager:

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy

and educational technologies

Kolosova Natalya Viktorovna

Stavropol, 2017

ecological culture schoolboy nature



1 Value attitude to nature as a component of ecological culture

2 Environmental education in the structure of the system of additional education for children

3 Analysis of the pedagogical practice of forming a value attitude towards nature among schoolchildren

Chapter 2

1 Identification of the initial level of formation of schoolchildren's value attitude to nature

2 Implementation of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of a value attitude towards nature in schoolchildren in the conditions of additional education

3 Analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment





Relevance. The significance of this problem is determined by the presence of contradictions between the organization of the educational process and the existing system of values, value relations of the individual; between the need to form a value attitude towards nature in junior schoolchildren and the lack of didactic and methodological means of optimizing this process; between the implementation of the process of education by teachers and their insufficient methodological preparedness. This predetermines the study of conditions, methodological tools regarding this phenomenon in primary school age, which is characterized by specific features.

To determine the content of the formation of a value attitude to nature, it is necessary to take into account the features psychological characteristics children of primary school age. During this period, the child acquires the experience of interacting with the nature of the region, which means that the attitude towards the environment inherent in his personality is formed - this is not only a fact of knowledge and understanding, but the ability to cohabit with the immediate surrounding reality, which for the younger student is nature. The educational potential of nature is coordinated with the priorities of spirituality, it helps to ensure harmony in relations with the environment of the motherland.

In pedagogical science, the question of the formation of a value attitude towards nature among younger schoolchildren has not yet found its sufficient reflection.

Thus, the relevance of the research problem and the search for conditions for optimizing the process of forming a value attitude to nature among elementary school students determined the choice of the research topic.

Purpose of the study- theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of additional education conditions in shaping schoolchildren's value attitude to nature.

Object of study: the process of formation of schoolchildren's value attitude to nature.

Subject of study: the process of formation of schoolchildren's value attitude to nature in the conditions of additional education.

The problem, subject and purpose of the study led to the implementation of the following tasks:

To carry out a theoretical analysis of the problem of formation of values ​​and value attitudes towards nature in junior schoolchildren.

To expand and clarify the essence of the concept of "value attitude to nature" and to identify the features of its manifestation in children of primary school age.

To determine the criteria and indicators of the levels of formation of the value attitude towards nature in junior schoolchildren.

Theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the model and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the process of formation of a value attitude towards nature in junior schoolchildren in conditions of additional education.

Hypothesis: it is possible to optimize the process of formation of a value attitude towards nature among younger schoolchildren under the following conditions: integration of local history material into the content of primary additional education; a variety of forms, methods, techniques, means of the educational process; implementation of a holistic approach to classroom and extracurricular educational work with younger students; methodological readiness of the teacher for coordinated and multifaceted activities on the stated problem.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, classification, systematization, generalization, pedagogical experiment.

Theoretical significance The research lies in the fact that the material on the formation of a value attitude towards nature in schoolchildren in the conditions of additional education was systematized.

Practical significance The work consists in the fact that in the presented material there are results that reveal practical ways of successfully forming a value attitude towards nature in schoolchildren in conditions of additional education. Work materials can be used in practice school institutions, institutions of additional education for children to improve the value attitude to nature of younger students.

Work structure: course work consists of an introduction, two chapters with six paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.


.1 Value attitude to nature as a component of ecological culture

The problem of ecological education of children and youth has been and remains relevant for scientists - representatives of various branches of knowledge. Works of philosophers, psychologists, ecologists, doctors, hygienists, sociologists, teachers, etc. are devoted to its study. Interest in environmental topics is growing, works are devoted to these issues that reflect various aspects of the identified problem.

The initial aspect in the study of the problem under study is the definition of the ratio of "value attitude" and "value attitude to nature". In modern science, various approaches have been implemented to determine the essence of the concepts of "value", "attitude", "value attitude". However, despite the fact that the problem of studying value relations has a long history, today in psychological and pedagogical science there is no common understanding of this phenomenon. Given this, the concept of "value attitude to nature" is considered by us from the standpoint of an axiological approach.

Value relationships reflect special kind objective connections of a person with his natural, social and technogenic environment, which contain information about the correlation of the objective properties of objects with the needs of the subject, and therefore about the vital significance of the surrounding objects and phenomena, their ability to satisfy needs and interests, bring benefits or discontent.

Under the value attitude to nature, we mean an integrative personal quality, which is manifested in the moral, intellectual and value attitude of a junior schoolchild to the natural and social environment in which he lives, his cultural and spiritual heritage, historical past, ethnic identity. We believe that the value attitude to nature is an internal, integrative condition for the self-realization of the individual.

Mastering the ideas of a value attitude to nature, turning them into guidelines for the life of children and youth is facilitated by the pedagogical interpretation of the local history potential for education. Local history work ensures the adaptation of the child in the social and natural environment of his native land, creates conditions for expanding the worldview of the younger student, the system of knowledge, moral views and beliefs that determine the attitude towards nature and the development of the emotional and value sphere of the individual.

From the point of view of A.I. Bilan, the formation of a value attitude to nature at each age stage of personality development has its own specific features, which must be taken into account in pedagogical activity. We note that the formation of a value attitude to nature in children of primary school age is considered by us as a process, which implies a purposeful educational influence on the development of the components of the studied integrative quality as a result of the implementation of the corresponding local history aspect of the content of primary education.

In the field of view of researchers of the process of environmental education of schoolchildren are questions of the formation and development of environmental consciousness, environmental outlook, environmental behavior, environmental education, as well as environmental and axiological aspects, features of the organization of the process of environmental education in the system of primary education, secondary school.

So, in the monograph N.A. Biryukov, a number of problems are considered, which we will also touch upon in our work, we are talking, first of all, about the system of environmental education, about the formation of worldview and environmental values ​​in the education system, about the place of educational ecology in the structure modern education etc .

The process of ecological education of junior schoolchildren is fundamentally and systematically studied in the works of N. Lysenko, in which special attention is paid to the organization and content of research activities in the nature of schoolchildren, means of enhancing cognitive activity in the process of familiarizing children with nature, to unlocking the cognitive potential of environmental knowledge in a complex environment. the use of various activities of children in nature. The place of folk customs, traditions, oral folk art in the system of environmental education is also highlighted.

In the monograph G.P. Pustovit determined the main parameters, levels and directions of the subjective attitude of the individual to nature in its ontogenesis and characterized the types of its practical activities in the environment. Theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations for the modernization of the content of environmental education and upbringing of students in grades 1-9, conceptual approaches and principles for selecting, structuring and building their content in out-of-school educational institutions and criteria for effectiveness in the formation of components of environmental education of a person are substantiated. The classification of principles, forms and methods has been improved, new active organizational and pedagogical forms and methods of environmental education and upbringing of students have been developed, and their effectiveness has been proven.

The pedagogical heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky regarding his ideas for the development of ecological culture of younger schoolchildren. The effectiveness of using the ideas of V.A. Sukhomlinsky is that they help to form aesthetic, practical, environmental, cognitive and moral values ​​in children. At the same time, they contribute to the expansion of children's ideas about the phenomena of inanimate and living nature, their relationship and interdependence, etc. The humanistic ideas of V. Sukhomlinsky, notes I.A. Sychko, provide for the most complete consideration of the natural basis of the child. The underestimation of these foundations causes alienation from the organic connection with the natural environment, weakens the connection between generations and the influence of folk pedagogy. Here the main idea is the responsibility of everyone for the normal life of all.

The problems associated with the formation of a value attitude to nature as a component of environmental work in additional education are considered by K.G. Magrlamova, noting that the concept of "value attitude" includes the norm (behavior) and the desired (ideal) and is considered as a social form of assessment by the individual of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality and acceptable types of interaction with it, which have subject-individual identifications and developed by mankind in the process historical development» . On the basis of the mentioned interpretation, the author considers the education of students of a value attitude towards nature as a purposeful conscious process of personality formation, the activity of which is manifested in the moral and ethical principles of environmentally expedient behavior in solving environmental problems.

The content of environmental education of students in the educational process of the basic school, the scientist proposes to consider the following components: ontological, which provides the formation of a complex of environmental knowledge, skills and abilities of knowing the laws and patterns of the functioning of the environment; evaluating, which forms a certain system of ideals, values ​​and beliefs in relation to the individual to nature; guide, which reveals the essence of environmentally appropriate behavior and activities of the individual in the environment.

The process of educating a value attitude to nature among students in grades 3-4 in extracurricular work is presented in scientific heritage L.S. Kurniak. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches and the practice of organizing extracurricular work, the author substantiates the criteria for the formation of a value attitude towards nature, which include positivity, subjectivity and non-pragmatism in relation to nature. Important are the pedagogical conditions for educating a value attitude to nature, formed by the researcher, taking into account the personal experience of a value attitude to nature of a teacher and students, actualizing on its basis the needs, motives and goals of interaction of younger students with nature; managing the operations of searching for valuable objects and natural phenomena by students, their evaluation, choice and projection in behavior and creativity, expanding the subjective functions of younger students; integration of the natural science and artistic content of the study of nature by students on the basis of their sensory experience; assimilation and application by students of knowledge about nature based on the reflection in them of a positive, subjective, non-pragmatic attitude towards it.

The humanistic paradigm of education is based on pedagogically expedient, humane subject-subject relations between teachers and schoolchildren.

The humanization of education is realized by filling all forms of consciousness and communication between people with a humanistic meaning. An important place in this process is occupied by the humane attitude of the educator to the pupils, the humanistic orientation of their behavior, the formation of humane qualities in them. Special conditions should contribute to solving the problems of not legal, but ethical education. Consequently, the humanistic attitude is the effective mechanism on which education is based.

The relevance of this provision for environmental education is explained, in our opinion, by an increase in last years general and, in particular, environmental culture, which cannot but affect the process of environmental education. The teacher in the process of environmental education relies on trust, responsiveness and other positive qualities of the student's personality. The elementary school teacher has indisputable authority among students, which is also explained by age characteristics. All this contributes to the establishment of harmonious relationships and, in general, has a positive effect on the pedagogical process.

1.2 Environmental education in the structure of the system of additional education for children

The main meaning of environmental education and upbringing of students is their awareness of the relationship and interdependence of man and nature, in the formation of readiness and desire to have a positive impact on changes in the environmental situation, through a value attitude to the environment.

Studying the process of formation of a value attitude towards nature in junior schoolchildren, N.E. Glukhova tested the model of formation of a value attitude towards the native land among junior schoolchildren, the basis of which is such pedagogical conditions as the integration of local history material into the content of the educational process of elementary school, ensuring the integrity of the educational process and preparing teachers for the organization of education and upbringing of students in local history basis .

Clear goal setting for the formation process aesthetic perception nature.

The focus of teaching diverse academic disciplines and extracurricular activities of students on the formation of an aesthetic perception of nature.

Orientation of the educational process to the organization of creative activity of students.

Building the process of formation of aesthetic perception on the basis of the relationship of the creative potential of younger students with nature and with works of art.

Taking into account the development trends of primary school students, which reflect the most significant age features.

The use of multidirectional, diverse activities of younger students, which is necessary for the formation of their knowledge of nature, aesthetic skills.

The use of "weak" influences to give the process of aesthetic perception of nature an activity-creative character.

Orientation of the educational process to the consistent achievement by students of the levels of perception of nature, objective, effective, aesthetic attitude and aesthetic perception of nature.

Systematic diagnostics of the level of aesthetic perception of nature.

Continuity between kindergarten and school in the process of forming the aesthetic perception of nature.

Integration of school and family influences aimed at shaping the aesthetic perception of nature.

Extra-curricular activities of students make it possible to systematize and expand the scope of environmental knowledge and skills of schoolchildren to a large extent. An analysis of the methodological literature shows that extracurricular work should take into account the following conditions: the age characteristics of schoolchildren, their interests and inclinations; a combination of theoretical and practical classes; unity of intellectual and emotional perception of the environment; active practical work to study environmental problems and improve its condition; a combination of play and work activities of schoolchildren.

Research by schoolchildren real life in the process of extracurricular work, it provides material for discussion in the natural environment of various life situations, especially environmentally negative behavior of people. This allows students to learn lessons in practice, change the goals of their activities, make decisions in accordance with their beliefs. At the same time, natural scientific knowledge substantiates the optimal ways of behavior and activity in the environment.

Extracurricular activities create conditions for gaining experience in making environmentally sound decisions based on the acquired knowledge and in accordance with the formation of value approaches and orientations.

The role of extracurricular work is significant in encouraging schoolchildren to independently study nature, which they can carry out in accordance with their more inherent speed of assimilation, which makes the process of becoming a personality much more productive.

In this case, the student can turn to the experiment, short-term and long-term observation, the study of human relations with nature over a long period of time with fixing the results on film, in drawings, diagrams and other documents. All this makes the study of the natural environment and its protection attractive and interesting.

The upbringing of a value attitude to nature among schoolchildren is possible only if there is a relationship between different types and forms of extracurricular work. A variety of activities enable schoolchildren to deeply acquire knowledge about the relationship between man and nature, consider environmental problems in real life, acquire the simplest skills in nature protection, only in additional environmental education is it possible to conduct long excursions, trips to nature, recreational areas, research institutions, with this form of organization of work, the ways of involving schoolchildren in practical activities of an ecological nature are expanding.

At the same time, we came to the conclusion that of the additional activities in the pedagogical and methodical literature mainly typical are considered, and in practice a small variety of types of extracurricular work is used. Teachers mainly use traditional methods of conducting extra-curricular activities, which, in turn, are episodic in nature with a pronounced theoretical approach and a narrow practical focus, which is due to modern socio-economic realities.

Given the wide field of educational opportunities of out-of-school educational institutions, the logic of the study determined brief analysis the results of the implementation of the educational potential of out-of-school education, which can be considered on different levels: personality of the student; establishments; district, city, region, all-Russian level, etc.

The tasks of cultivating an ecological culture, a conscious and careful attitude to nature, as well as responsibility to future generations for conservation are being solved to a large extent teaching staff stations of young naturalists (SUN), environmental and naturalistic centers, environmental circles. For example, classes with young naturalists can be held on the basis of classrooms, in a corner of wildlife, flower beds, an arboretum, on an educational and experimental land plot, a rabbitry, an apiary, as well as on the basis of schools and preschool institutions in the city.

In the summer period, it is possible to organize ecological camps, field practices, both for young naturalists of the ecological center, and regional (city) ecological and naturalistic centers, stations of young naturalists. Organize the work of such specialized tent camps: young ornithologists "Bird of the Year", young ichthyologists "Ichthyos", young biologists "Green Pearl", camp-schools of advanced youth and pedagogical experience "Yunnat".

In the additional education of children, the following mass events can be organized: competitions “My native land, my land”, “Parks are the lungs of cities and villages”; campaigns "Plant a Garden", "Children and the Environment", "Bird of the Year", "Tree of Life". In addition, to hold gatherings of young ecologists, naturalists "Golden Narcissus", a gathering of winners of district, regional competitions "Yunnat-erudite", foresters, environmental propaganda teams; organize the participation of extracurricular educational institutions and schools in various regional mass-educational activities and the like.

1.3 Analysis of the pedagogical practice of forming a value attitude towards nature among schoolchildren

The pedagogical and scientific activity of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Work at the Pavlysh school was structured in such a way that from the first day a child arrived there until last day his stay in it, the disciples daily, if not hourly, communicated with nature. V.A. Sukhomlinsky could not imagine education without trips of the children's team to the primary sources of the word. Here is how Vasily Alexandrovich describes this process: “We walked to the vineyard alley. In a quiet corner surrounded by trees, vines have grown. Braiding a metal frame, they formed a green hut. Inside the hut, the ground is covered with tender grass. Silence reigned here, from here, from the green twilight, the whole world seemed green. We sat down on the grass. This is where our school begins. From here we will look at blue sky, garden, village, sun ... The children could not tear themselves away from the world that fascinated them ... ".

In nature, V.A. Sukhomlinsky saw a powerful source of activating thinking, abilities, life-affirming power: “We went to the steppe, sat on the top of the mound, looked at the wide fields sown with wheat, admired the flowering gardens and slender poplars, the blue sky and the singing of the lark. Admiration for the beauty of the land where grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived, where we are destined to live our lives, repeat ourselves in children, grow old and go to the land that gave birth to us ... ". in the education system. Sukhomlinsky, nature acts both as an object, and as a means, and as the essence of human activity. Constant communication with nature is an essential aspect of the educational process.

So, for example, the “School of Joy” used a unique method of teaching writing: children, inspired by the beauty of nature, draw a picture (meadows, forests, fields, lakes, and so on) from nature, sign the drawing, and through the musical scoring of the word comprehend the basics of literacy. V.A. Sukhomlinsky specially selected such musical melodies in which bright images were born that were prompted by nature and understood by children: the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream and the howling of a blizzard. After listening to the melody, the children heard the silence of the fields and the whisper of the trees in a completely different way. Then the piece of music was listened to again. Thus, a bright emotional image firmly entered the aesthetic culture of the child.

One of the effective forms of environmental education of junior schoolchildren are environmental projects. I.T. Suravegina believes that the results of the projects are: landscaping; creation of a park, alley; ability to find right decisions in difficult environmental situation and evaluate them; skills of possession of a technique of carrying out of nature protection actions . The technology of project environmental protection activity provides for 5 stages. The stage is preparatory. It provides for the coordination of issues on project activities with the administration of the educational institution, school employees who will take part in the project; formation of a group of project participants; conducting the first briefing; stimulation of search work; definition of goals, time of project implementation and required resources; work planning taking into account the work plan of the educational institution; collective discussion of the planned activity. stage - collection of necessary information: discussion and choice of research methods and information retrieval; determination of the total area or volume of the territory for environmental protection measures in the microdistrict, near the school; search for potential territories; study of potential places for the implementation of environmental protection measures; justification of the need for environmental protection measures: landscaping the area, the creation of a park, alleys, etc.; coordination of issues related to the implementation of the project with the authorities local authorities for the purpose of obtaining assistance and permission; searching for information about the work to be done. stage - determination of areas of activity: generalization of the collected material, systematization and analysis of the information received; determination of the most effective ways to solve the problem; planning activities to solve the problem, predicting the consequences of activities, distribution of tasks; determination of the time required for their implementation; study of effective ways of interaction with representatives of the media, authorities; determination of the necessary budget, resources; release of leaflets, booklets, posters calling on the public to support the planned activities; coordination of issues related to the implementation of the project with local authorities, forestry, utilities in order to obtain assistance. stage - stage of activity: implementation of the tasks planned for stage III; collection of signatures in support of environmental protection measures: landscaping, creation of a park or square, planting an alley, and the like; consultation with experts; search for material; conducting a mailing campaign of letters, articles in the media; organization of cooperation with forestry, public utilities, etc.; organizing a community work day to clean up the territory; planting trees, and the like. stage - presentation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the project: processing and registration of the results of the project (creation of a demonstration stand, multimedia presentation); presentation of group work materials at a circle meeting, a conference, a teacher's seminar, parent-teacher meetings; dissemination of information about the work done in the press; study of public opinion on the relevance and expediency of the implemented project; evaluation of results, taking into account the original goals; summarizing the experience gained, determining the strongest and most weaknesses work; identification of opportunities further development project activities.

Other forms of work also provide space for the environmental education of younger students: circles, exhibitions, competitions, holidays, extracurricular activities, extracurricular reading fiction and popular science literature, the organization of the work of "living corners", school museums of local lore, meetings, etc., which we will not dwell on. (The methodology for the formation of a value attitude to nature among younger students is given in Appendix 1). We only note that these forms of work are typical at all stages of the period under study, they can be considered traditional from the second half of the 20th century, only the content modules have changed.

Here is an example of the course "The Road to a Wonderful World".

The purpose of the course "Road to a Wonderful World" is to form in students a system of scientific knowledge, views, beliefs that lay the foundations for a responsible and efficient attitude to the natural environment. The program of the course "Road to the Wonderful World" takes into account the links between the preschool and elementary levels of the general education school and covers the following content lines "Wildlife", "Inanimate nature", "Seasons", "Native land", "Nature is the living environment of organisms", "Nature Protection", "Man and Nature". The content of the course assumes an organic combination of the implementation of educational, developmental and educational tasks of the elementary school by involving students in the work on the ecological path.

The content of the course is maximally adapted to the age capabilities, characteristics and interests of younger students. It covers tasks that contribute to the development of the child's thinking, observation, independence, activity; development of elementary skills necessary for participation in socially useful activities; take into account the needs of the child in communication, exploration of the environment, artistic expression of their feelings. The program integrates environmental knowledge into educational space subjects of the invariant and variable component of the curricula.

The goal is achieved by implementing the following tasks:

to update and form students' knowledge and ideas about sustainable development and ways to achieve it, about everyone's involvement in solving the problems of resource conservation, the environment and the fate of the planet;

to form in students models of behavior and actions that meet the needs of sustainable development;

to develop in students an emotional and value attitude to the problems of the development of human civilization as personally important, as well as the ability and desire to consciously act to preserve the environment and achieve sustainable development of society. Methodological foundations courses are based on a combination of activity, personality-oriented and competence-based approaches.

Within the framework of the partial search, or heuristic method, the teacher can direct the activities of schoolchildren to independently perform individual steps in the search for knowledge about natural objects. For example, using this method in the third grade in the lesson - “Results of observations of inanimate and wildlife and the labor of people (spring season)”, teachers can disassemble proverbs with students: “April with water, May with grass”. First of all, the teacher should turn to the observations of the students themselves, to the already acquired knowledge, life experience. Children should express their opinions: why, when there is a lot of moisture in April, luxurious grasses grow in May. The teacher must summarize all the answers of the students and draw a conclusion about the relationships in nature, about the dependence of the growth and development of plants on precipitation.

Applying research method, it is necessary to take into account its main goal - to teach students to independently learn about nature. It is advisable to offer such assignments that would ensure the creative application by students of basic knowledge about nature, the mastery of the features of creative activity, and the gradual increase in the complexity of natural history problems. In addition, the teacher must control the progress of the work, check the results of the work and organize their discussion. For example, using this method, through observations, one can turn to folk signs. It is quite natural that in educational process research tasks take a long time. Therefore, we recommend that the teacher use this method mainly in extracurricular work.

Classification of methods of ecological education of junior schoolchildren in additional classes.

Explanatory-illustrative: Conversation. Explanation. Story.

Reproductive: Problems of ecological content. Observations of seasonal changes in nature. Basic schemes. Variable tasks.

Problem Statement: Explanation. Observations. Conversation.

Partial-search: Riddles. Rebuses. Crosswords. Quizzes. Interesting exercises. Phenological stories

Basic schemes. Conversation

Research: Observation of seasonal changes in nature. Verification of folk signs about the relationship in nature through observation. Problem tasks.

Distinguishing individual methods of environmental education is important for understanding and organizing various types of student activities. However, this does not mean that in the real educational process these methods must be separated from each other. On the contrary, it is advisable to implement them in combination, parallel to each other.

It is important to emphasize that during the lesson, the methods of environmental education must be changed, alternated depending on the content, the purpose of studying the topic, and the level of training of students.

In the formation of an emotional-valuable, responsible attitude of a junior schoolchild to nature important role the game is playing.

The most important result of the game is the deep emotional satisfaction of the child with its process, which to the greatest extent meets the needs and possibilities of knowing the world around and building harmonious relationships with nature.

The ability of a person to aesthetically perceive, feel and experience the surrounding life, to understand the uniqueness and value of each natural object is a component of ecological and aesthetic culture. Thus, a necessary condition for building a system for educating the ecological and aesthetic culture of the individual is the formation of aesthetic sensitivity to nature in primary school students as a special ability to respond to the environment.

Work in all areas of education of aesthetic responsiveness to nature in younger students is successfully combined in the game. The significance of the game for the education of aesthetic sensitivity to nature in younger schoolchildren is determined by the possibilities of the game in the development of the child's sensory sphere. Thus, the adoption of a game role requires immersion in an imaginary situation, the use of sensory experience. For example, assuming the role of an animal relies on becoming familiar with it. appearance, behavioral features, voice sounding, living conditions. In the absence of such knowledge, the student, having accepted the role, will be forced to pay attention to those properties that he did not pay attention to before, but which are essential for solving the game problem. Thus, the game contributes to the development in younger students of the ability to distinguish the external expressive properties of nature.

The significant potential of the game in the ecological and aesthetic education of younger students can be realized only if the teacher's work is directed accordingly. The effectiveness of the use of the game in order to educate younger students in aesthetic sensitivity to nature also depends on the system for presenting game material.

All games that may be oriented toward educating younger students in an aesthetic sensitivity to nature can be divided into three groups. The first group - games aimed at developing the ability of younger students to distinguish the variety of external expressive properties of natural objects and phenomena. The second - games related to improving the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to show compassion. The third is games that contribute to the development of schoolchildren's susceptibility to external expressiveness in nature and the ability to identify sympathetic reactions in relation to natural objects.

The first group contains such games: “Colors”, “What colors are more?”, “Shades”, “Associations”, “Recognize by voice”, “What do you hear outside the window?”, “Who (what) do these sounds remind you of? ”, “Who moves how”, “Zoo”, “Magic leaves”, “What has changed?”, “Extra color”, “Extra sounds”, “Picture outside the window”, etc. Almost all the proposed games involve the identification of one external properties of nature. For example, during the game “Recognize by voice”, younger students, after familiarizing themselves with the recordings or imitation of the “voices” of nature, must determine which natural object can produce such sounds (a group of sounds corresponds to the singing of a bird, the voice of an animal, the rustle of grass and leaves, the sound of water and wind). The game develops the ability of schoolchildren to distinguish sounds and groups of sounds in terms of pitch, strength, rhythmic organization, timbre color, and to differentiate the sounds of nature. Such games, when properly introduced into the educational process, develop observation, expand the range of perception of aesthetically valuable objects of nature, and contribute to the formation in children of the need to communicate with nature.

The second group includes the games "Define the Mood", "Wild and Domestic Animals", "Unfinished Story", "Unusual Situation", "Sound Picture" and the like. They are focused on the formation of skills to distinguish and understand the emotional states of comrades, peers, adults, and later - animals, birds, plants; create images, convey them using various means of artistic expression. For example, the game "Wild and Domestic Animals" is aimed at developing the ability to identify the characteristic in movements, the behavior of animals; spiritualization of natural objects.

The games of the third group reinforce the knowledge and skills acquired during the performance of the games of the first two groups. During the games “Imaginary Journey to the Forest”, “Game of Forest People”, “Journey to the Land of Divas” and the like, younger students show their sensitivity to nature, the ability for emotional decentration, the creation of images, an aesthetic assessment of natural objects and phenomena from the point of view view of their expressiveness.

The introduction of games of certain groups into the pedagogical process will contribute to the formation of elements of ecological and aesthetic culture in children of primary school age.

Conclusions to the first chapter

The problem of the essence of environmental education, as we see, is multifaceted. Its meaning, purpose and role cannot be limited to the training of environmentally educated schoolchildren. The essence of the process of ecological education of schoolchildren lies in a kind of transformation of eco-cultural values ​​into personally significant ones.

Environmental education cannot be considered only as an integral part of the environmental system, it is, first of all, a necessary component of the formation of a personality capable of solving the problems of the future development of our civilization. Therefore, environmental upbringing and education should be considered as one of the priority factors influencing the progressive changes in society.

The essence of environmental education can be defined by the following key categories: consciousness, culture, behavior, responsibility, through which the understanding of environmental education is projected. Scientists also propose to explore environmental education in the coordinates of other categories: worldview - values ​​- attitudes - behavior as interconnected and interdependent in the process of organizing environmental education. We will consider the first components, which, in our opinion, have been studied to a lesser extent in the context of environmental education.

A value attitude to nature is formed in the process of environmental education and manifests itself in such signs: awareness of the value of nature in human life, the inherent value of nature; a sense of personal involvement in the conservation of natural resources, responsibility for them; the ability of the individual to coexist harmoniously with nature; behave competently, environmentally friendly; a critical assessment of the consumer-utilitarian attitude to nature, which leads to a violation of the natural balance, exacerbation of the ecological crisis; the ability to resist the manifestations of such education in accessible ways; active participation in practical environmental activities; carrying out environmental protection activities on their own initiative; environmental education.

Chapter 2

.1 Identification of the initial level of schoolchildren's formation of a value attitude to nature

To solve the tasks set, a set of research methods was chosen: conversations with children, observation of their behavior in nature in Everyday life and specially created pedagogical situations, analysis of the results of children's activities, documentation of educators, questioning.

The pilot study involved 30 children of primary school age, students of the 1st grade of MKOU secondary school No. 1 of the Kursk municipal district of the Stavropol Territory: 15 children of the experimental group (EG) and 15 children of the control group (CG).

To determine the level of formation of schoolchildren's value attitude to nature in children of primary school age, we have chosen the following criteria and indicators: the quality of environmental ideas (volume, consistency, realism, awareness), the type of attitude to nature (emotions and motives), the nature of the child's activity and behavior in nature (the ability and skills of caring for objects of nature, actions).

The first series of tasks was aimed at identifying indicators of a cognitive criterion - students' understanding of basic local history and moral and ethical concepts, the formation of students' ability to valuablely reproduce the experience about nature acquired in the educational process. For this, the following methods and techniques were used: a story about one's native land, writing an essay on the theme "Spring Forest", creating a projective drawing.

The second series of tasks was aimed at identifying the emotional and value attitude of younger schoolchildren to their native land (nature, architectural monuments, the ability to emotionally respond to events taking place in their homeland). To solve this series of tasks, questionnaires, the game method (“My museum”, “I am a guide”) and observations were used.

The third series of the study included tasks aimed at identifying the ability to identify the emotional foundations of one's behavior and other people, to carry out a moral assessment of situations and to use alternative ways of one's own problem solving. For this purpose, game methods, the method of projects and observation were used during the organization of educational extracurricular activities.

When developing the research program, we took into account the essence, content of the concept of "value attitude to nature" and the features of its formation in children of primary school age.

A high level was characterized by a sufficient amount of children's ideas about objects and natural phenomena (within the framework of the program for teaching and educating children in a preschool institution and primary school), correspondence of ideas to reality, understanding of environmental relationships and dependencies between objects of nature, objects of nature and living conditions, between nature and man, the ability to substantiate them with the help of speech; type of attitude to nature - positive emotional and value; children have formed the skills and abilities of caring for objects of nature, which they independently use.

The average level was characterized by the volume of children's ideas within the framework of the program, partial correspondence of ideas to reality, the ability to differentiate living and non-living beings, partially determine the individual needs of living organisms, name some conditions necessary for their life, lack of understanding of the integrity of nature, the dependence of human life and health on environmental factors, difficulties with argumentation of judgments; type of attitude to nature - mixed; in children, the skills and habits of caring for objects of nature are mainly formed, which are used sporadically.

The low level was characterized by an insufficient volume of children's ideas about objects and natural phenomena, a partial correspondence of ideas to reality, insufficient awareness of the dependence of a living organism on environmental factors, a misunderstanding of environmental relationships, the integrity of nature, a lack of argumentation of judgments; type of attitude to nature - consumer or mixed; the skills and habits of caring for natural objects are basically not formed, they are not used.

As a result of the study, it was found that 20% of children from the EG and 20% of children from the CG showed a high level of formation of a value attitude towards nature among schoolchildren, an average level - 46.7% of children from the EG and 40% of children from the CG, a low level - 33.3% of children from the EG and 40% of children from the CG (Appendix 2.3, Table 1.).

Table 1.

The results of the ascertaining experiment

For clarity, we present the obtained data in Fig. one.

Rice. 1. Results of the ascertaining experiment

We stated that teachers are aware of the need to form a value attitude to nature among younger schoolchildren who have a certain amount of knowledge in ecology, who mainly show interest and interest in raising their own knowledge of nature. Work on environmental education is planned, traditional forms of work and methods of influencing children are used in this direction. However, as the analysis of the documentation (plans of educational work) showed, a fairy tale of natural history content as a means of ecological education of younger schoolchildren is used extremely rarely, and the main method of working with a fairy tale is reading followed by a conversation.

During the ascertaining stage of the experiment, it was found that most parents do not realize the need to carry out work on environmental education in the family, considering this to be the competence of the school educational institution; they are not always attentive to the choice of works about nature for reading to children.

A relatively small percentage of parents are interested in participating in environmental events held at an educational institution, and did not deny the opportunity to expand their knowledge in this area.

The results of the ascertaining experiment made it possible to draw a conclusion about the insufficient ecological education of children of primary school age, the need to optimize the process of ecological education due to the complex impact on the cognitive, sensual and activity spheres of the individual. One of such means is the author's fairy tale of natural history content.

2.2 Implementation of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of a value attitude towards nature in schoolchildren in the conditions of additional education

Taking into account the data of the ascertaining experiment, we have developed pedagogical conditions and a methodology for using author's fairy tales of natural history content in the process of environmental education of children of primary school age.

The purpose of the formative experiment was to develop and test the methodology and select a system of author's fairy tales of natural history content that can be used in the process of environmental education. It should be noted that in the control group purposeful activity on the formation of a value attitude to nature among younger schoolchildren was not carried out.

The purpose of the study was expressed through the solution of the following tasks: the formation in children of the initial ecological ideas about living organisms and their needs, about the connection and dependence in nature, about the integrity of nature and human activity in it; education of a positive emotional and value attitude to nature; creation methodological support on the use of author's fairy tales of natural history content as one of the effective means of environmental education of younger schoolchildren.

At the beginning of the formative experiment, the following pedagogical conditions for the use of fairy tales were ensured:

The use of a fairy tale in the process of communicating with children in various activities in the context of solving the problems of environmental education.

Using visualization in the process of working with a fairy tale (observing objects and natural phenomena, looking at illustrations, etc.).

The use of fairy tales in the system: at the initial stage - the use of short fairy tales, excerpts from fairy tales about living objects, natural phenomena, in order to ensure a positive emotional response to the perception of this object; in the future - the use of short tales about living organisms, inanimate objects of nature, natural phenomena in order to consolidate and expand children's knowledge about a given object or phenomenon, to develop cognitive interest in it; the use of fairy tales, in which the needs of a living organism are considered and the connections of an individual object with others are traced; the use of fairy tales, in which connections and dependencies in nature are traced in a multi-stage hierarchical sequence and unity; creative transformation of the content of familiar fairy tales and their integration into various activities (under the guidance of an educator); creative independent transformation of the content of familiar fairy tales by children.

The unity of positions of teachers and parents on the use of fairy tales in the process of environmental education of children.

The method of using author's fairy tales in the process of ecological education of children of primary school age was implemented in three directions (work with children, with teachers of educational institutions, with parents), among which the leading work was work with children, consisting of three stages:

) consolidation of children's knowledge about objects and natural phenomena, the formation of a positive emotional attitude towards it by means of an author's fairy tale of natural history content;

) the formation of ideas about the connection and dependence in nature, the development of an emotional and value relationship with the help of an author's fairy tale;

) the formation of an idea of ​​the integrity of natural systems and man as a part of nature, the development of a positive emotional and value attitude by means of the author's fairy tale of natural history content, the motivation for environmentally appropriate behavior and activities.

To implement the developed system of working with fairy tales, they were selected in accordance with a specific goal.

The texts of the selected fairy tales were analyzed, their scientific basis was highlighted and compiled into a collection. Fairy tales were presented in such a way as to ensure the gradual enrichment of children's knowledge from ideas about individual objects and natural phenomena to understanding its integrity.

The leading form of work during the formative stage of the experiment was everyday communication with children using fairy tale material.

Such methods of working with fairy tales as reading fairy tales, storytelling, conversations on the content of fairy tales were used; drawing, modeling, manual work on the content of fairy tales; didactic games according to the plots of fairy tales; theatrical games based on the plots of fairy tales; using a fairy tale as an answer to a child's question.

Creative methods of working with the texts of fairy tales were also used (transferring the heroes of familiar fairy tales to new circumstances, changing situations in familiar fairy tales, creating new plots of fairy tales). great attention we paid attention to non-traditional methods of working with fairy tales, which were proposed by J. Rodari and N. Ryzhov (“Once upon a time there was a river”) - different options for creating fairy tales of natural history content “Vinaigrette” from fairy tales; continuation of the fairy tale started by the teacher; inventing a new ending to the tale; a fairy tale in a given direction; fairy tales "on the contrary"; fairy tale game and the like.

At the first stage of solving the project problem, a quasi-real situation was created, which consisted in helping the fairy-tale hero, the onion boy Cipollino, the hero of the fairy tale "The Adventure of Cipollino" by J. Rodari. It was necessary to help the fairy-tale hero, show sympathy for him and show the children how important communication with plants is in a person's life. During the discussion of the current situation, most of the younger students were not familiar with this fairy-tale hero, did not show personal interest in helping him. Some children were familiar with this hero, understood the importance and significance of plants in nature and human life, expressed a desire to help him, but did not know how to do it. There were children who showed initiative and independence in helping the fairy-tale hero, but there were few such children.

The second stage of solving the problem "Growing together" (the stage of discovering a new mode of action) - 5 lessons. At this stage, younger students mastered a new way of environmental action - designing the image of plants as a source of protection, benefit, beauty, knowledge, in the course of performing a system of tasks (emotionally-evaluative, cognitive and activity-based).

When performing tasks of a cognitive nature (20 tasks), various forms and methods of work were used: ethical conversations about objects of wildlife and the role of plants in the life of man and nature: conversations with fairy-tale characters - Dr. Aibolit, Thumbelina, Old Man Lesovichok, Matroskin the cat, Znayka ; games: "Let's play", "What is made of what", "Who am I?", "Guess what's in my hand", "Word game", "Plant structure", "Collect a plant", "Fruits and vegetables", "Owls and Crows", "Where do the plants live?"; discussions, a story with elements of conversation, analysis of literary texts (poems and stories), work according to the dynamic scheme “Objects of living and inanimate nature, products and buildings”, entertaining exercises (riddles, crossword puzzles, physical education minutes).

Tasks of an emotional and evaluative nature (20 tasks) were aimed at developing ideas and concepts about the values ​​of nature, norms and methods of non-pragmatic interaction with natural objects. The fulfillment of tasks of an emotional and evaluative nature was facilitated by the use of various forms and methods of work, such as: games: “Game - thinking “Apple”, game - performance “Who is the most important?”; games: "Ladder", "Food chain", "Repeat after me", "Mood barometer", "Color choice", "Human face", "What would happen if they disappeared ..."; method of artistic representation of natural objects "We draw a forest"; method of ecological reflection, method of ecological identification, method of ecological empathy, discussions "Answer the questions of Dr. Aibolit".

When performing tasks of an activity nature (10 tasks), various forms and methods of work were used: the method of environmental care, practical activities in a corner of nature (planting, care, watering); work on the recognition and definition of natural objects - the games "Magic Bag", "Picture of the World"; production of a collective panel "Plants in nature and human life", creative activity.

The fulfillment of the tasks was facilitated by communication with fairy-tale characters who led the children to their fairy tale, introduced them to plants and their significance in the life of man and nature. This is Dr. Aibolit, Thumbelina, Matroskin the cat, Old Man Lesovichok, Znayka. With them, children mastered the fundamental natural science concepts of "nature", "plants", learned to recognize plants, discussed important properties and the value of plants, communicated with plants living in a corner of nature, observed their condition, looked after them, experimented with plants, chose a friend among plants, came up with a name for him, talked with him, drew his friend, came up with joint business. Fairy-tale heroes gave children gifts-symbols: a houseplant - aloe, as a symbol of the fact that plants are the source of life; application flowering plant, as a symbol of the fact that plants are a source of beauty; vegetables from the garden, as a symbol of the fact that plants are a source of labor; green leaf as a symbol that plants are the source of life; an apple with an asterisk as a symbol that plants are a source of knowledge.

Let us give examples of the performance of some tasks by children. So, for example, completing the task of the game-performance “Who is the most important?” put younger schoolchildren in the situation of choosing the most important object of nature, which helped to systematize children's ideas about objects of nature and emphasize their significance for nature and human life. Participating in a plastic miniature, younger schoolchildren "turned" into objects of nature, which activated the sensory experience and creative activity of the children, they showed emotions and feelings for natural objects, empathized with them.

The result of the game-performance was the children's understanding of the significance of natural objects in the world around us. Participating in the game - thinking "Apple", younger students made a discovery that our Earth is large, and there is very little fertile soil, thereby coming to the conclusion that it is necessary to protect and protect the soil.

The game "Food Chain" made it possible to systematize knowledge about the structure of the ecosystem and think about the fact that everything in nature is interconnected and that natural objects should be treated with care. The interest of younger schoolchildren was aroused by a conversation with Dr. Aibolit, who showed and spoke about indoor plants, their properties and values, about the rules for caring for them. Children participated in the conversation with interest, because learned new characteristics about the plants of their immediate environment.

2.3 Analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment

The final stage of the study was a control experiment. Its purpose is to test the hypothesis, pedagogical conditions and effectiveness of the developed methodology for using the author's fairy tale in the process of environmental education of children of primary school age. To achieve a certain goal, a set of research methods adequate to the age of children was chosen, similar to those carried out in the ascertaining experiment, but in a slightly modified form.

Analysis of the results of the control experiment showed the following dynamics of changes in the levels of environmental education of children (Appendix 4.5, Table 2.).

Table 2.

Results of the control phase of the study

We present the results obtained in Figs. 2.

Rice. 2. Results of the control stage of the experiment

Based on the data shown in the diagram, we can state that in the experimental group of children with a high level of environmental education was 40%, in the control - 20%; with an average level in the experimental group - 60%, in the control - 53.3%; children with a low level of environmental education in the experimental group 0%, in the control group - 26.7%.

Thus, the analysis of the results of the control experiment gives us grounds to assert that in the experimental group the number of children with a high level has significantly increased, and the number of children with a low level has correspondingly decreased; in children of the control group, there is a slight increase in the level of environmental education.

An analysis of the documentation of school teachers during the control stage of the experiment showed that the range of author's fairy tales of natural history content that were used by teachers expanded, the methods of working with a fairy tale became diverse, and the interest of teachers in the environmental education of preschoolers by means of an author's fairy tale about nature increased.

The results of a survey of parents showed that the activity of their interaction with teachers in solving issues of environmental education has increased, at home conscious work is carried out with children from the EG in this direction.

Most parents choose natural history literature for reading to children, in particular fairy tales, conduct conversations on the content of what they have read, and attract children to the natural world.

Conclusions to the second chapter

The author's fairy tale, which is based on specific scientific facts, and the form of presentation of information is figurative, due to the emotionally rich nature, it ensures the effectiveness of the assimilation by children of primary school age of ecological ideas about living organisms, their relationship with each other and with the environment, the relationship between man and nature; the formation of a positive emotional and value attitude, environmentally appropriate behavior and activities in nature.


The problem of the essence of environmental education, as we see, is multifaceted. Its meaning, purpose and role cannot be limited to the training of environmentally educated schoolchildren. The essence of the process of ecological education of schoolchildren lies in a kind of transformation of eco-cultural values ​​into personally significant ones. Environmental education cannot be considered only as an integral part of the environmental system, it is, first of all, a necessary component of the formation of a personality capable of solving the problems of the future development of our civilization. Therefore, environmental upbringing and education should be considered as one of the priority factors influencing the progressive changes in society.

The essence of environmental education can be defined by the following key categories: consciousness, culture, behavior, responsibility, through which the understanding of environmental education is projected. Scientists also propose to explore environmental education in the coordinates of other categories: worldview - values ​​- attitudes - behavior as interconnected and interdependent in the process of organizing environmental education.

A value attitude to nature is formed in the process of environmental education and manifests itself in such signs: awareness of the value of nature in human life, the inherent value of nature; a sense of personal involvement in the conservation of natural resources, responsibility for them; the ability of the individual to coexist harmoniously with nature; the ability to behave competently, environmentally safe; in a critical assessment of the consumer-utilitarian attitude to nature, which leads to a violation of the natural balance, exacerbation of the ecological crisis; active participation in practical environmental activities; in the implementation of environmental activities on their own initiative; in environmental education.

Analysis of the results of the control experiment showed that after the work on the ecological education of children of primary school age by means of the author's fairy tale, the natural history content of children with a high level of environmental education in the EG, children with a high level of environmental education became 40%, in the control - 20%; with an average level in the experimental group - 60%, in the control - 53.3%; children with a low level of environmental education in the experimental group 0%, in the control group - 26.7%.

The author's fairy tale, which is based on specific scientific facts, and the form of presentation of information is figurative, due to the emotionally rich nature, ensures the effectiveness of the assimilation by children of primary school age of ecological ideas about living organisms, their relationship with each other and with the environment, the relationship between man and nature ; the formation of a positive emotional and value attitude, environmentally appropriate behavior and activities in nature.

Thus, on the basis of the study, we believe that our hypothesis was fully confirmed, the goal of the work was realized, the tasks were completed in full.


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Educational environment


The results of the study of the experimental group at the ascertaining stage of the study

General level

Alexander R.

Alexey N.

Anastasia P.

Andrew B.

Victoria N.

Gregory S.

Dmitry K.

Eugene B.

High level in %

Average level in %

7 - 46,7%

Low level in %

5 - 33,3%


The results of the study of the control group at the ascertaining stage of the study

General level

Elizabeth T.

Karina P.

Xenia I.

Love Ch.

Polina Sh.

Sergey M.

High level in %

3 - 20 %

Average level in %

Low level in %


The results of the study of the experimental group at the control stage of the study

General level

Alexander R.

Alexey N.

Anastasia P.

Andrew B.

Valerie K.

Victoria N.

Gregory S.

Dmitry K.

Eugene B.

Average level in %

Low level in %


The results of the study of the control group at the control stage of the study

General level

Elizabeth T.

Karina P.

Xenia I.

Love Ch.

Polina Sh.

Sergey M.

High level in %

3 - 20 %

Average level in %

8 - 53,3%

Low level in %

4 - 26,7%

Peer review methodology

formation of value relations among schoolchildren of 5-9 grades


Purpose: to identify the level of formation of value relations of students in grades 5-9.

Instructions for use. Classroom teacher or another teacher responsible for the student team, performs the role of an expert in the formation of value relations in children. He gets acquainted with the Card for assessing the development of value relations of schoolchildren. This map was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Basic Education for personal results students.

Map for assessing the development of value relations of schoolchildren

Value Relations

Relationship levels

Does not show a constant and sustained interest in knowledge.

Knowledge is not a value.

In the classroom, he is mostly passive, there may be manifestations of a sharp rejection of the educational process.

In the wake of a good mood, he shows a situational interest in information and completing tasks.

Extracurricular activities of a cognitive nature are limited to homework

Cognitive interest is mostly limited educational program. Shows interest in specific subjects.

Knowledge is not one of the most significant values ​​of a person.

In the process of perception educational material quite active, with the support of the teacher demonstrates good learning abilities.

Avoids tasks related to the need for additional independent search for educational information.

Participates in extracurricular activities of a cognitive nature as a spectator or executor of the teacher's instructions

Shows a high degree of interest in knowledge. In the process of acquiring knowledge, he is active and organized.

A position of responsible attitude to teaching has been formed.

In cognitive activity, internal motives play a priority role, rather than external requirements.

Participates in olympiads, conferences, intellectual competitions, not only at the insistence of the teacher, but also on his own initiative.

Shows interest in self-education activities

Attitude to transformative activity and the manifestation of creativity in it

Passive, tries to avoid participation in activities, participates in it only at the request of teachers or student self-government.

The position of a spectator or a non-initiative performer is characteristic.

Creativity is not shown.

Most often indifferent to current events in the class, school, country, world

Active, but not always.

The position of an initiative performer is characteristic, especially when he shows interest in activities. Has little organizational experience related to planning and organizing a joint business in a small group of classmates.

Sometimes shows creativity and responsibility, but still needs external control.

Can respond to a request for assistance to young children, the disabled and the elderly, for participation in socially significant events

In most cases, he is an organizer or an active and responsible executor of ongoing affairs in the classroom, school and beyond.

Possesses organizational skills and abilities.

Strives to be creative.

In the activities carried out, the priority role is played by internal motives, and not external requirements. Emotional responsiveness to joy, grief and problems of people from the immediate and distant environment is characteristic

Attitude to the social and natural environment (based on morality)

Violated ideas about the principles and norms of morality.

In the social activities of the classroom, the school team retains a detached position, at times completely avoids communication and interaction.

Situationally active in socially significant activities.

Communication is limited to a narrow circle of people, prefers communication in a small group of well-known people.

Demonstrates independence from the opinions of others, does not seek to establish constructive relationships.

Shows a fragmentary interest in nature, does not think about the need to preserve it

Realizes and accepts the values ​​of the state, collective, family, personality and individuality of another person.

Understands the need to comply with the norms of morality and law in life.

Shows interest in public life classroom and school community.

Open to communication with other people, but sometimes has difficulty establishing contacts and collaborative relationships.

Socially significant activity does not cause a negative or detached attitude.

Understands the need for a careful attitude to nature, but does not show his own activity in environmental actions

Respects and accepts values Russian state and society, collective, family, another person as an individual and personality.

Guided in life by moral norms and laws.

Takes a socially active position (takes part in actions, volunteer movement, is a member of public organizations).

Has a high level of motivation for communication and cooperation.

Shows emotional and active responsiveness to the problems of society, as well as specific people.

Appreciates the beauty of nature and strives to make efforts to preserve it by participating in various activities

Attitude towards the Fatherland

The image of the Fatherland, values ​​and ideals are blurred.

The desire to comprehend the past and present of the Motherland, civic position and responsibility are weak or absent.

Indifferent to socially useful activities, needs the requirements of a teacher or other adults regarding participation in it.

Does not express any feelings in relation to the events taking place in the country.

Poorly understands his place and role in the social life of the class and school

He tries to master the meaning and image of the Fatherland, basic national values, his place and role in the life of society.

Interest in the events of the past and present of his homeland is situational in nature, selectively expresses his opinion in relation to them.

Sometimes he gives preference to dubious ideals, does not always show citizenship and responsibility.

Usually takes part in socially useful causes, but often for self-interested motives

He is fully aware of the meaning of the concept of "Fatherland", his place and role in the life of society.

Strives to comprehend the past and present of his Motherland, reasonably expresses his point of view on this matter.

The ideals are the basic national values, outstanding figures of the Fatherland of different eras and spheres of society, human virtues and people from their immediate environment who possess them.

He is proud of the successes and experiences failures in the development of his country.

He has a high level of motivation to know himself and his abilities.

Strives for self-improvement.

Makes high demands on himself.

Adheres to the principles of a healthy lifestyle

Having carefully studied the information contained in the map about the manifestations of value relations of students in the process of their development, and based on the results of their pedagogical observations and diagnostic studies carried out in the classroom, the teacher fills out an expert assessment form for the formation of value relations of schoolchildren. A more rational option for filling it out is a consistent assessment of the formation of value relations among all students: first the first relation, then the second, and then the third, fourth, fifth and sixth, that is, you should fill out the table by columns.

Form of expert assessment of the formation of value relations of schoolchildren

In this form, opposite the surname of each student, in the column with the name of a particular relationship fits expert review in points, meaning the following:

6 - the formation of the relationship corresponds to the third level;

4 - the formation of the relationship corresponds to the second level;

2 - the formation of the relationship corresponds to the first level.

It is possible to use grades "3" and "5" if the teacher believes that the development of a value attitude should be characterized as intermediate (borderline) between the first and second (grade "3" is given) or the second and third levels (grade "5" is given).

The subject of expert evaluation can be not one, but several teachers.

Processing and interpretation of results. After the expert marks the sum of points in each row and each column is calculated. Then the coefficient of formation of this or that attitude among the students of the class is determined. It is the quotient of dividing the sum of the scores in the column by the number of grades in it (usually this should be equal to the number of students in the class). Comparative analysis coefficients obtained in this way allows us to assume which of the six value relations are developed to a greater extent, and which to a lesser extent. The average score for assessing the entire set of value relations can be considered as an indicator of the effectiveness of pedagogical activity in implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for the results of students' personal development
