In Russia, students had no idea about the magistracy, and in general they did not know what it was. And already in 2003, Russia joined the Bologna process, and training was now divided into two parts: four years (as if basic) and two (at the end of the main course, studies end with the defense of a master's thesis).

Why do you need a master's degree?

The fact is that the task of the Bologna process is to enable specialists who have graduated from universities to go to any country in the world and easily find a job there in their specialty. That is, the level of education should be high and approximately the same in different states. Students trained in master's programs have identical knowledge and skills. About six years (since 2012) have already passed since almost all Russian universities switched to such a system of teaching their students.

Do I need to go to graduate school?

A four-year study at the institutes gives students only the basic knowledge base for their chosen profession. Moreover, only in the last year of their undergraduate studies they begin to give the basics so that they can comprehend the intricacies of the profession. There is one more aspect. If you want to find a job abroad, then without a diploma after a master's degree, it is unlikely that you will be able to fulfill your dream. Preference will be given not to a specialist, but to a master.

How to apply for a master's degree

First of all, the student will face the question of the beginning of training. How to apply for a master's degree? Who has this opportunity? Only students of the last year of bachelor's degree or everyone, of course, from among those who have higher education? Is it possible to apply for a master's program if you are a 49-year-old man working as a security guard in a hypermarket? The answer is, in general, simple.

If you are a citizen of Russia living abroad, or a foreign citizen who has received a bachelor's or specialist's degree, then you can safely apply to a university. Thus, there are no prohibitions regarding gender, age, nationality.

You will be required to pass a competitive selection for free education, pass entrance tests. By the way, these tests may differ from each other in different universities. You will have to pass a comprehensive graded exam (usually oral). The approximate passing score depends on the rules for admission to a particular university.

In addition, the following documents must be submitted:

  • passport and photocopies;
  • application for admission;
  • diplomas confirming your higher education;
  • photo of the required size;
  • if admission is on preferential terms, then documents confirming the right to benefits will be required;
  • certificates from health workers for permission to study;
  • some educational institutions require a portfolio from applicants.

Here are sample steps describing how to enroll in a master's program.

Forms of study

This question is always of interest to students. For convenience, educational institutions go towards students. You can get an education:

  • full-time (the most complete, deep learning, designed for daily classes);
  • in absentia (twice a year visits to the university, control of knowledge acquisition);
  • evening training (students work during the day, study in the evening);
  • remotely (having a computer and access to the Internet, students study according to an individual study schedule, which is very convenient to combine with work or any other employment).


Those who are thinking of going after a bachelor's or a specialist's degree to a master's should know that tuition, as a rule, is paid. That is, to solve the question: "How to enter the magistracy?" - this is one thing, but paid or free education is completely different. Moreover, the cost of education depends on the location of the educational institution, and on its prestige, and on the form of education. You can not discount the amount of points that you scored upon admission to the entrance examinations. The profile of the profession and its popularity also affect. Approximate prices at well-known universities and institutes in Moscow range from fifty to three hundred thousand rubles a year. And if the choice was made in the direction of management or applied informatics, then the price will double or even triple.

Now it’s clear how to enter the magistracy, but this is only half the battle. How to unlearn and finish? Here is a non-trivial question. In general, everything is not so simple.

And how to enter the master's program on a budget? Is it possible? Yes, it's possible. If you have a bachelor's degree or a diploma that you received before 2012 (specialist diploma), then a master's degree will be considered for you as the first higher education. The future student will be admitted to the competition on a budgetary basis.

How to apply for a master's degree after a bachelor's degree? If you studied for a bachelor's degree for free, then continue the same free education further. Moreover, a student will be able to get another profession if he considers that the choice he made earlier turned out to be wrong.

What areas does the magistracy cover?

This is a very interesting and important question. In the magistracy, in two years of study, you will be able to significantly supplement your knowledge and skills in the specialty that you received in the bachelor's or specialist's programs. However, you can also radically change your choice.

What is the most popular now in the magistracy? Each student has a choice:

  • psychological direction;
  • advertising;
  • economy;
  • management activities;
  • management;
  • pedagogical disciplines;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • design.

So, where to enter the magistracy is a purely individual matter. You can choose from a huge variety of universities and training programs both in Russia and abroad.

Each student, before graduating from the main higher education program, thinks about whether to continue studying or stop there.

After studying for four years and receiving a bachelor's degree, many immediately go to get a job. But employers are suspicious of such education. It is often considered insufficient. Therefore, those students who do not yet have a job during the defense of their bachelor's thesis, most often continue to study further.

The next step after the bachelor's degree is the specialist. Specialist degree means complete higher education. To get it, you need to study an additional year. As a rule, for a well-paid job, this degree is enough (if, of course, knowledge is also attached to it).

What is a master's degree?

Master's degree is the third step in the higher education program. The first two are bachelor and specialist, respectively. You can apply for a master's degree both after completing the main program and after receiving a specialist diploma.

It is worth noting that it is better to make a decision about what kind of education to receive in the future right away. After a bachelor's degree, you need to study for a master's degree for an additional two years. But the master's program is slightly different from the graduate program. And in the event that the issue of admission to the magistracy is decided after receiving the degree of a specialist, the entrance exams will still have to be passed.

Who needs a master's degree?

First of all, it is needed for those students who in the future are going to engage in some kind of scientific activity or devote themselves to teaching. After all, the magistracy is the highest step, which is the starting point for admission to graduate school.

An academic degree gives an advantage to young people without work experience in their specialty when applying for a job. Employers take candidates with a master's degree more seriously. But in technical specialties, a bachelor with work experience is more often preferred than an academic without any skills in the profession.

Before deciding to spend two extra years on education, it is worth knowing what a master's degree is and some features of obtaining an academic degree.

Master's Degree Options

A certified specialist can safely start looking for a job. A bachelor can do the same, but it is desirable to have work experience or some professional skills. And you can combine work and study.

There are several options for obtaining an academic degree. The simplest situation is when a student, after receiving a bachelor's degree in the same specialty, is going to continue his studies in a master's program. In this case, the difficulty lies only in the fact that the number of budget places is limited to a few people per stream. And therefore, if a student does not have a bachelor's degree with honors or excellent knowledge, then he will have to pay a rather large amount for two years of a master's degree.

Admission to the master's program on a commercial basis

Admission to the magistracy on a paid basis is much easier. Student requirements are different. That is, you still have to pass the exams, but no one will find fault with it. Yes, and the attitude of teachers to them is different. More forgiving. This, of course, does not happen everywhere, but it occurs quite often.

But not everyone can afford such pleasure. Then the way out is a correspondence magistracy, in which you can work and pay for education. It should be noted that the cost of studying in the correspondence department is much lower than in the daytime.

Benefits of a Master's Degree

What does a master's degree give you that you can't get in a bachelor's or graduate program?

First of all, the master's program is distinguished by the possibility of an individual approach to students. There are significantly fewer students, respectively, much more attention is paid to each. This, in fact, depends on the quality of the education received. In a general flow of two hundred people, it is difficult to attract attention.

Master's degree is an opportunity to deepen the knowledge already gained in the main program. There is also the opportunity to change the direction of your education and acquire completely new knowledge and skills. In this way, you can significantly expand the scope of your activities and become a more attractive candidate in the eyes of the employer.

Full-time or part-time magistracy. What to choose?

Combining work with study is real even on the full-time form of a magistrate. Usually teachers treat part-time students with understanding. The main thing is that the employer adequately treats the absence of an employee during his session, since only a correspondence magistracy provides for paid student leave. Moreover, no one cancels such social benefits as a hostel, scholarships, student ID benefits.

But if you didn’t manage to enter the full-time department, do not despair. The correspondence form also allows students to get all the necessary knowledge for the program. There is just less time for it. And such a feature as an individual approach is not implemented. In most cases, if a student has passed the entrance exams to a master's program, then there is no reason to doubt his ability to cope with the program on his own. Moreover, it implies the student's ability to learn independently.

Features of the correspondence form of the magistracy

The correspondence department enables the student to receive a high-quality higher education and at the same time not devastate the family budget of the parents. In the case when young people pay for their own education, this form is more acceptable. It gives you the opportunity to earn without interrupting the educational process.

The disadvantages of the correspondence department include the lack of social benefits and a longer study time compared to the traditional full-time form. The duration of the educational process is 2 years 5 months.

The number of items corresponds to the full-time form. The number of hours allotted for these subjects differs. There are twice as many of them. The rest of the time you will have to work on your own. And for this, it is necessary to plan your time in the intersessional period in order to distribute the load over the entire academic year. Otherwise, you may not have time to prepare for the session. Three weeks is often not enough to memorize the required amount of information.

Why was the magistracy introduced?

The transition to the education system "4 + 2" (bachelor's + master's) was due to the desire of the Ministry of Education to bring the domestic system closer to the European level. In the countries of the European Union, there are only two types of higher education: bachelor and master.

If you have the opportunity and desire to get a higher education in Europe, you need to find out what a master's degree abroad is. Since the introduction of the European education system was carried out with adaptation to the Slavic mentality, the conditions for admission and training differ quite significantly.

It is worth noting that a master's degree obtained under such a system is valid in all countries of the European Union. To find a job there in your specialty, you still need to acquire a master's degree.

Step 1 - Choosing a program and form of study

1. Make sure that your level of education allows you to study in a master's program, that is, you have a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree.

If you have a diploma issued by a foreign state, you must go through the nostrification procedure.

2. Check out the list of master's programs.

Please note that master's programs are offered in three areas: Finance and Credit, Economics and Management, as well as in two forms of study - full-time (2 years of study) and part-time (2.5 years of study). In full-time education, there are programs that are taught entirely in English.

3. Determine on what conditions you want to receive education:

    for full-time education in all programs there are budgetary and non-budgetary places, in English-language programs students in state-funded places pay for an additional educational service - education in English. Under full-time education, bachelor applicants are granted a deferment from military service, subject to admission in the year of graduation from the bachelor's degree.

    there are no state-funded places for full-time part-time education and no deferment from military service is granted.

4. If the form of study you have chosen involves payment, make sure that you know the cost of training and the payment procedure.

5. Make sure that documents are being accepted for training in the form you have chosen.

Step 2 - Preparing for admission

6. Depending on the chosen form of study and the proposed master's program, determine what kind of entrance testing you will have. Tests differ in areas (Finance and Credit, Economics and Management) and in the forms of education:

Full-time education

    for budget places - a comprehensive test of 4 disciplines;

    for non-budgetary places - a test in economic theory or management theory.

For part-time education - a test in economic theory or management theory.

7. For graduates of non-core specialties, there are preparatory courses at the Faculty of Finance. Completion of the courses will help students pass the entrance exams to the master's program, increasing their chances of taking one of the extrabudgetary places (with tuition fees), admission to which is competitive.

Step 3 - Submission of documents and testing

8. Familiarize yourself with the list of documents and the deadlines for admission to enroll in the magistracy.

9. During the work of the selection committee of the faculty, submit documents.

When submitting documents, please indicate exactly which master's program you are applying for. Make sure you know the required dates:

    the date and time of the test (as well as which test you have to take),

    the date by which it is necessary (if necessary) to submit the original document on higher education and the enrollment procedure;

    the date by which, if necessary, the tuition fee agreement must be concluded and the date by which the tuition fee must be paid.

Step 4 - Enrollment

10. Find out on the site the test result and your status - whether you can qualify for training in that form.

11. If you did not find yourself in the lists with test results, contact the selection committee immediately in order to avoid technical errors when calculating points and determining ratings.

12. Remember that, subject to the achievement of the minimum required number of points (25 and above), you can apply for admission on an extrabudgetary basis. You may need to submit an additional application for this - check with the selection committee.

13. Upon admission, it is necessary to bring the original document of higher education to the selection committee on time.

14. If you entered an extra-budgetary place or a place with payment for the cost of additional educational services (training in English) - check with the selection committee how and by what date you need to pay for tuition, according to the enrollment procedure.

If you are already studying at a university in a bachelor's degree or have even graduated from a university and have a bachelor's degree, you probably have a question, why do you need a master's degree and, if necessary, where exactly and why does it make sense to go on to study further? What will be the benefit of an additional diploma? There are a number of reasons why a Master's degree and studying at a Master's will help you later in life, especially if you study not for show, but choose the right place of study and the Master's curriculum itself. So, why do you need a master's program and what are the reasons for entering a master's program?

1. Deepen your knowledge

Bachelor's programs are inherently designed to provide a basic education in a specific profession and a specific major subject. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you already understand the basics of the subject and profession and can start working in your profession as a qualified specialist. For a number of specialties and vacancies, higher education is a prerequisite for work and a bachelor's degree is the minimum that is enough. However, this is only enough to start your career and start working in your specialty. But to move up the career ladder, deeper knowledge is needed both in the main specialty, the main subject, and in related areas. If we are talking specifically about education and work in the specialty, especially in Western companies and world-class companies, then one of the main reasons why a master's degree is needed is that without a master's degree, as a rule, it is impossible to occupy leadership positions, and therefore receive more income and grow in your profession. If you do not want to be a leader, but want to develop as a specialist, the lack of in-depth knowledge can also prevent you from further professional growth - without a master's degree and the corresponding in-depth knowledge, it is also usually impossible to move on to a higher-paid and interesting job as a specialist of a higher category.

2. Get a specialization

The second reason why a master's degree is needed and what is the advantage of obtaining a master's degree is connected with career and professional growth - this is an additional specialization. If we are talking about managerial roles and, accordingly, leadership positions, then work in them requires not only subject knowledge of the profession (for example, knowledge of engineering), but also economic and managerial skills. Many master's programs additionally pay attention to the management, administration and economic aspects of professional activity. The second specialization may already be within the subject area and is useful both from the point of view of specialization in management and from the point of view of specialization precisely as a highly qualified specialist. For example, after receiving a basic engineering education, in a master's program you can additionally specialize in management in engineering, and after receiving a basic economic education, you can, for example, specialize in international economics or political economy. Such a specialization will not only give you an advantage when considering your application for a particular job, but will also maximize your career prospects, both in terms of moving up in leadership positions and raising your level as a specialist. And all this leads to more interesting tasks, more comfortable working conditions, and, of course, to a higher income and standard of living.

3. Significantly improve the quality of education and job prospects

If you are concerned about the quality of teaching at your university or, having started working in your profession, you find that your knowledge is far from the current level of development of the profession, then you need to think about transferring to another university (if you are still a 2-3 year undergraduate student) or on admission to a master's program at another university (for those who have already received a bachelor's degree or are studying in the 4th year of a bachelor's degree). And at the same time, it’s quite serious to think about changing the city, or even the country for training! It is likely that by changing the place of study, transferring to a university or enrolling in a master's program in another city or even another country, you can significantly improve the quality of your education and the prospects for employment in your profession in a highly paid job after graduation. It is due to a fundamentally different quality of education, access to modern research and technology, the availability of practice in the best companies and enterprises in the world.

4. Get the necessary experience and connections in the profession

Many graduates of universities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries are faced with the problem of lack of work in their specialty after receiving a diploma. Often this is due to the lack of need for the acquired profession in the city where you study. The second popular reason for the inability to get a job in their specialty is the lack of practical experience in the profession among university graduates (especially undergraduates). And this is largely due to the separation of universities from business and industry and the separation of curricula (including outdated materials) from modern realities.

You can also solve this problem by enrolling in a master's program of a higher level of education, most likely in another city or even in another country - it is likely that in this way you will be able to find a university where studying will allow you to get an interesting internship in a company of your profile and even establish contacts in this company in order to continue working in it after graduation, with the knowledge obtained just for their tasks. Or, it is also quite possible that you will be able to enroll in a master's program in a city (and country) where there is a high demand for specialists in your profession and, in addition to practice and connections, you will receive very great prospects for job offers - both in terms of quantity, and in terms of salary and other conditions. labor.

By the way, attention to all who study in “non-commercial” professions - when entering a master's program in another country, for example in Germany, you may well gain practical knowledge in your profession and a really promising and highly paid job in your profession after a diploma - it is more than likely that your A “non-profit” profession in Germany will be respected and in due demand, and therefore a good reward and funding for your work.

5. Change your place of residence and living conditions

Yes exactly. The time of study is not just the time of obtaining the necessary knowledge, but also the opportunity to effectively change the place of one's residence, and with it the living conditions, including the conditions of future work. At the same time, you can change the city within one country, or you can change the country - many countries, including Germany, are very supportive of foreign students. And after receiving higher education in Germany, you will get the opportunity to stay here, legally live and work and get full access to all local benefits - both natural - mild climate and convenient location, and social - wages, medicine, security, pensions, protection of employees, long holidays and so on. Yes, and just working conditions you will also get local - even in the same factories and factories, a high level of working conditions. And what can we say about the level of laboratories, spacious offices and excellent equipment, no matter what profession you later work in! A good reason to think about transferring to a German university.

6. Change paid education to free (budget)

Not such a global reason why a master's degree is needed, as a change of residence. But, on the other hand, it is very pragmatic and very relevant for many students - if you study at a paid department, then you can enroll in a master's program already at a free department. And by the way, you may well enter the free department of the magistracy of a German university even after the paid department of the bachelor's degree of the university in your homeland! Moreover, in the master's program of a German university, you can study in English and also receive a scholarship from 300 to 1500 euros per month! A good reason to think about entering a master's program in Germany! Especially considering the other possibilities we have mentioned above.

The main thing: do not miss your opportunities!

Among successful professionals and experienced career consultants, there is such a rule - even if you like your current job - regularly look at job postings for employees of your profile and level, and even go to interviews! This way you will not only be in good shape to look for a job in case something happens to your company, but you will also not miss out on really interesting and unique offers that will change your life for the better both financially and professionally - higher salary, new tasks, interesting prospects and a new professional level! Start acting on this rule already as a student, including in the field of education - stay tuned for new opportunities and use them as soon as possible! Otherwise, someone else will use them and you will miss it! And when you get a bachelor's degree - this is an important moment, an important milestone - you have achieved a certain result and now it is important to take the next step extremely meaningfully and consciously. And admission to a master's program in itself, in another university, in another country, and especially admission to a master's program in Germany, is one of such interesting and, in its own way, unique opportunities to change your future for the better, which should not be missed!

Today, many bachelor's, specialist's, and master's degree graduates who decide to continue their studies in the master's program are concerned about one question:

What categories of persons have the right to study at the master's program for free?

Let's consider the situations of admission to the magistracy on the budget for bachelors, specialists, graduates and masters.

1. Admission to the magistracy with a bachelor's degree is considered as obtaining the first higher education. At the same time, you have every chance to enter the master's program on a budgetary form of education on a competitive basis.

2. Admission to a master's program with an old-style "graduate diploma", for those graduates who were still studying at levels, and not at the levels of higher professional education introduced in 2012, allows them to enter a master's program on a budget.

3. Admission to the magistracy with a diploma of a specialist of a new sample is considered as obtaining a second higher education. Therefore, you can only apply for a contract form of education.

4. Admission to the magistracy with a master's degree is considered as obtaining a second higher education. Education in the magistracy in a new specialty can be carried out only on a paid basis.

Recall that the new law "On the Education of the Russian Federation", which entered into force on September 1, 2013, describes the full structure of Russian education. Let's turn to the laws of Russia to prove the right of "graduates" to study in a "free master's program."

Master's degree for graduates is free

1. The new law on education (Article 69, part 8) defines those cases when higher education is considered as a second higher education. This norm duplicates Article 6, Clause 5 of the Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” for master's programs.

2. In the 8th part of Article 69 of Law No. 273-F3, education in a master's program at the expense of the budget (master's degree is free) is considered as a second or subsequent higher education for persons with a master's or specialist's degree.

3. Previously, there was an exception to this rule: Article 4 Part 4 of the Federal Law No. 232-FZ of October 24, 2007 (as amended by Federal Law No. 260-FZ of November 10, 2009). According to this exception: persons with a diploma of the qualification "certified specialist" could study at the magistracy free of charge. In this case, getting an education is not considered as getting a second higher education.

4. In article 121, paragraph 21 of the Federal Law No. 185-FZ, the law of October 24, 2007 No. 232-FZ is declared completely invalid, including Art. 4. Note that the terms, including the names of documents on qualifications and education, have been preserved in the new Federal Law No. 273-F3.

5. Consider Article 60, Part 7, Clause 3. Under the diploma of a specialist is meant a document confirming the receipt of higher education of a specialist. This means that the notion of a diploma of a specialist in the law on education does not include a diploma of a "certified specialist".

6. Let us conclude: in Article 69, Part 2, Part 2 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, there are no indications of persons with diplomas of a “graduated specialist”. Therefore, obtaining an education in a master's program for graduates is not considered as a second or subsequent higher education.

So, from September 1, 2013, graduates have the right to enter the master's program on a budget and study for free.

The entry in the column for "graduates" and "specialists" is different

According to the law of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ “On higher and postgraduate professional education”, a diploma of a “specialist” or “certified specialist” determines the conditions for admission. We remind you that "graduates" can study in the master's program for free.

1. So a graduate in documents on education in a certain column under the name "qualification" has an entry like "Chemist", "Geographer", etc.

2. The same persons who have the qualification "specialist" in the corresponding column have the entry "Specialist".
