The development of the speech of students in 1-4 correctional classes of the VII type.

Speech is one of the types of human communicative activity, which is the basis of the upbringing and education of children. At present, the problem of speech impairment in schoolchildren is one of the most relevant for a general education school, since writing and reading is a means of further gaining knowledge.
Having started working with children with mental retardation, I immediately encountered a number of problems related to the peculiarities of cognitive activity and mental development of these children. The most important of these problems are a poor vocabulary, the inability of students to express their own thoughts, and a violation in the formation of monologue speech. This creates certain difficulties not only in learning, but also in the overall development of such children.
Speech deficiencies that are found when teaching a child at school can lead to academic failure, give rise to self-doubt. Timely corrective measures can make life much easier for a small student.
The speech activity of children with mental retardation has a number of features:
poor vocabulary (especially active), concepts are narrowed, vague, sometimes erroneous;
significant difficulties in mastering the grammatical structure of speech (especially in understanding and using logical and grammatical structures);
peculiar formation of the word-formation system of the language;
late mastery of the ability to recognize speech as a special kind of reality, different from the objective;
violation in the formation of monologue speech.
The listed features of speech activity cause significant difficulties in learning and developing coherent speech.
My observations show that children with mental retardation have no school interests, they do not immediately join the class, do not answer the teacher's questions, as if they do not hear what is being said. If they are involved in the work, they stop it as soon as difficulties arise. Children do not always learn the program material, they cannot concentrate on the task. The atmosphere of the class is exciting for them, and with it they quickly get tired. They cannot evaluate the work done, do not pay attention to the mistakes corrected in the notebook by the teacher. They do not develop a conscious attitude to the assessment of the teacher.
Children with mental retardation experience more difficulties in compiling descriptive stories of a reproductive and productive type than their normally developing peers. In descriptive presentations and essays, they violate the integrity and coherence of the text message. The integrity and semantic organization of the text of the presentation is violated by a change in the order of words in a sentence and the omission of one of the microthemes. For essays, violations of the sequence of description are more typical.
When analyzing written works, she revealed the inability of schoolchildren with mental retardation to single out the structural components of productive and reproductive texts. In the works of such children, the following mistakes in the compositional structure are made: in most of the presentations and essays there is no introductory part, there are no conclusions at all in works of a descriptive nature.
An assessment of the methods of interphrase communication shows that a significant part of the work of students with mental retardation is a set of sentences that are not interconnected. Attention is drawn to the presence of meaningless sentences, verbal clichés, "stuck" on the name of any action. The most typical for the works of students of the studied category are such types of connectives as lexical repetition and pronominal substitution.
Correction of speech disorders and related features of the development of the pupil is carried out in the process of training and education in all lessons, extracurricular and other activities in compliance with the speech regime and ensures the formation and full development of children's speech, the elimination of defects in oral speech, writing, reading. But, none of the traditional school subjects specifically teach speech.
Therefore, in order to create optimal conditions for the development of oral speech in children with mental retardation in correction classes, I provided additional tasks in the general course "Russian Language". Based on the program "Russian language" V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky.
The goal for myself was determined as follows: to teach children speech, develop communication skills, teach them to communicate in different situations.
Course objectives:
1) Help children comprehend their speech practice in order to master the ability to communicate on this basis. For this, elementary speech science concepts are introduced about what speech is for, what a text is, a kind of text.
2) To organize active speech activity of students, in which they will constantly apply the acquired knowledge, independently create certain statements, speech works. Children learn to listen, speak, compose.
3) The culture of speech behavior is a manifestation of the general culture of a person. Students come closer to understanding important ideas of a worldview nature: about the connection between language and reality, language and thinking, about the purpose of a culture of behavior in life. Therefore, the section "Culture of communication" has a special role in the program.
4) Develop a sense of the appropriateness of the statement, cultivate attention to that side of speech that is associated with a kind, respectful attitude towards a person, i.e. form polite speech.
5) Awaken the creative imagination of students.
The method of work on speech warm-up is as follows: first, I show how the task is performed, then the children perform the task in chorus, individually or in pairs, after which the work is discussed. At this stage, the skills of reasonable self-assessment are developed.
Consider a sample set of exercises.
Articulation gymnastics
1. Breathing exercise "Rocket". Take a deep breath through the nose, slowly raise your hands through the sides up, bring your palms together, pressing tightly against each other, stretch up, holding your breath. Slow deep exhalation with the sound A, hands in time with the exhalation go down through the sides. It is performed 2-3 times.
2. "Chatterbox" - the mouth is wide open, straight arms are raised up. Simultaneously with the movements of the wide soft tongue back and forth, and in time with these movements, soft, relaxed hands also move back and forth (do not bend the elbows). Runs 5-7 seconds.
3. Alternating "Smiles", "Tubes", "Horn", "Windows".
"Smile" - at this time, the hands are spread apart, the fingers alternately form rings with the thumb.
"Tube" - the fingers of both hands gather in a pinch and touch at chest level. It is performed 3-5 times.
"Speaker" - the teeth are slightly open, the lips are slightly elongated and rounded. The palms at this time in front of the chest are folded like a boat.
"Window" - the mouth is wide open (upper and lower teeth are visible in the "window"), straight arms are raised above the head, fingers are forcefully separated.
4. "Clicking" ("Clicking") with the tongue - straight arms raised up above the head. On command, simultaneously with the clatter of the tongue, the fists of both hands are first clenched and unclenched at the same time, then alternately either the right or the left hand. Runs 5-7 seconds.
5. Exercise "Crocodile". Widely open and close the mouth, accompanied by hand movements that imitate the movements of the crocodile's mouth: the mouth is wide open - at a younger age, the arms are bent at the elbows with tightly connected wrists and divorced hands, one up, the other down, while the fingers are tense and divorced with force, in older preschool age arms extended forward. When closing the mouth, connect the hands, tightly squeezing the palms and bringing the fingers together. The movements are accompanied by eye movements: the mouth of the crocodile is open - open the eyes wide, the mouth is closed - close the eyes, while the head is motionless. It is performed 3-5 times.
6. "Swing" - the movement of the tongue up and down. The hands also move up and down. In older preschool age, the movements of the tongue and hands are accompanied by synchronous eye movements (the head is motionless).
7. "Watch" - at a younger age, the arms are bent at the elbows in front of the chest, palms forward, the fingers of each hand are tightly pressed to each other (palm - "Plate"). At the senior preschool age, the arms are extended forward. The movement of the tongue with the simultaneous movement of the hands and eyes to the right and left (while the head is motionless). Runs within 5-7 seconds.
8. Exercise "Snake". The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands cover the parallel shoulder joints (the right hand is the right shoulder, the left hand is the left shoulder). The mouth is closed, the tongue lies freely. The hands are sharply thrown forward, the fingers are squeezed into a pinch, and the tongue, like a snake's sting, is also thrown forward. Then the arms slowly bend and return to the shoulders, the tongue - "sting" also slowly relaxes and returns to its place. The exercise is performed at senior preschool age 3-5 times.
9. "Scissors" - performed lying on the stomach, palms pressed to the floor. It is performed 5-7 times.
10. "We will punish the naughty tongue" - biting the tip of a wide tongue, while the lips are stretched in a smile. The arms are spread apart, the fists of both hands are clenched and unclenched in time with the movements of the jaws. Runs within 10 seconds.
11. Girlfriends are walking around the yard - Two talkative turkeys.
Open your mouth, put the tongue on the upper lip, move the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear the tongue from the lip, stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add voice until you hear: "bl - bl - bl".
12. On the lower sponge tongue
Spread out like a doormat.
Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. Hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5.
13. Hey, my friend, Antoshka!
Play the harmonica for us!
Smile, open your mouth, stick your tongue to the palate. Without dropping your tongue, open and close your mouth. lips in a smile position. When repeating the exercise, it is necessary to open the mouth wider and longer to keep the tongue in the upper position.
14. Like a magician, our Nikolka -
He turned the spatula into a needle.
Smile, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, then make the tongue narrow and the tip of the tongue sharp. Alternate movements 6 times.
15. Do you want to play?
We drive the ball into the goal.
Pull out your lips with a tube and blow on a cotton ball that lies on the table for a long time. The gate can be two dice or a box. Perform the exercise 6 - 8 times.
16. The ceiling was painted by a gnome,
He invites us to his house.
Smile, open your mouth, "stroke" the hard palate with the tip of your tongue, moving back and forth. Do 10 times, changing directions.
17. The ball burst at Tanya -
The poor girl is crying.
Invite the child to pronounce the sound "sh" for a long time. the front edge of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, the exhaled stream of air is warm.
18. Quickly swims along the river
And our ship is buzzing - "yyyy"!
Open your mouth and pronounce the sound "yyyy" for a long time - an imitation of the whistle of a steamer. Pay attention to the child that the wide tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate and does not move.
19. With my brother, we will take the pump -
There will be a holiday for the wheels:
Let's pump up the tires
Daddy's car.
Invite the child to pronounce the sound "sssss ..." for a long time. Pay attention that when pronouncing the sound, the tongue is behind the lower teeth, the lips are in a smile, the exhaled stream is cold.
20. I dig a hole with a shovel,
I embroider flowers with a needle.
Smile, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, then make the tongue narrow and the tip of the tongue sharp. Alternate movements 6 - 8 times.
21. The wind blew on a dandelion -
The sarafan shattered.
Pull your lips forward with a tube and blow on a cotton ball for a long time. Attached to a string. Perform the exercise 4-6 times.
22. Julia quickly ate a bagel,
I wanted a strawberry.
Round the lips as if pronouncing the sound "o", then imitate the capture of strawberries with the lips.
23. Murka arches his back,
Eyes squinting and yawning.
Smile, open your mouth. Pressing the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth, while arching the back of the tongue.
24. Kitty is angry with Masha:
He wants fish, not porridge.
Smile, open your mouth. Press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth, while raising and lowering the back of the tongue. Perform the exercise 3-5 times.
25. We ate semolina porridge
And they wanted more.
The trunk was pulled out by an elephant,
The giant is crying - a child.
Stretch your lips into a smile. Say "yum - yum - yum" then stretch your lips forward, say "uuuuuuuuuu" for a long time, alternate ex. 4 - 6 times.
26. Sucking orange juice
From the tube mother's son.
Simulate sucking juice through a thin tube. Execute ex. 10 - 15 sec.
27. The puppy licked the plate,
He asks for a piece of sausage.
Lick a saucer smeared with jam with a wide tongue. Execute ex. 10 - 15 sec.
28. Here is a fungus on a thin stalk -
You put it in a bowl.
Smile, show teeth, open your mouth slightly and, pressing your wide tongue with the entire plane against the palate, open your mouth wide. The tongue will resemble a thin cap of the fungus, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble the leg of the mushroom. Hold the tongue in this position for up to 10 seconds.
29. Deftly tassel fence
Petya and Yegor are painting.

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth and “paint” your upper teeth with the tip of your tongue, move your tongue first from side to side, then from bottom to top.
30. The puppy has a baby
Big teeth already.
As Trezorka will show them,
Yegorka runs straight into the house.
Smile without tension, so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. To show the child how to do this, you need to say the sound "and" to yourself. Hold your lips in this position for a count of 1 to 5.
31. Widely open mouth,
Fat hippo yawns
A cheerful monkey
lips clenched,
Reads a book.
Open mouth wide. Breathing in through the mouth: imitation of a yawn. Then close your lips tightly. Alternate exercises.
32. We will make a pipe,
A pipe - a whistle.
Pull closed lips forward with a tube. Hold in this position for a count of 3 to 5
33. We collect without haste,
Like a squirrel, nuts.
Open mouth. Alternately rest your tongue on your cheeks, simulating the extrusion of balls. Exercise to perform slowly, clearly.
34. Pour water into a barrel -
We inflate strongly cheeks.
The mouth is closed, the lips are tightly compressed, the cheeks are puffed out. Rinse your mouth with air.
35. Smiles are not needed now -
Make a mouth like a fish.
Lips pursed, cheeks drawn in. Exercise to perform slowly, clearly.
We bake pancakes
For both son and daughter.
Open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce the sound combination "five - five - five." Perform the exercise for 10 - 15 seconds.
36. Petya got up early today
And beating the drum.
Smile, open your mouth, tap with the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, while clearly pronouncing the sound "d - d - d ..." - slowly at first, then increase the pace. Perform the exercise for 10 - 15 seconds.
37. Horseback riding
Anya and Seryozha are jumping.
Smile, show teeth, open your mouth and, sucking your tongue to the palate, click the tip of your tongue. Mouth open wide. (as a horse clatters its hooves)
38. Tick - so, tick - so - The clock goes - Like that!
Open mouth wide. Slowly move the tongue horizontally from side to side, pull the tongue to the corners of the mouth. Alternately change the position of the tongue 4 - 6 times.
39. We were swinging on a swing
And they smiled at each other.
Smile, show teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue behind the lower teeth on the inside and hold in this position counting from 1 to 5, then raise the wide tongue by the upper teeth and hold counting from 1 to 5. alternately change the position of the tongue 4 - 5 times.

A huge role in the formation of the skill of coherent speech in the classroom is played by game exercises and tasks that allow you to get rid of formalism, boredom in the classroom. They can become bridges along which children will move from one type of activity to another, without ceasing to be indispensable assistants in developing the child's ability to express their thoughts, correctly building speech.
The quality and quantity of a child's vocabulary largely determine the level of speech development in general. It is necessary to pay attention to both passive (that is, those words that are stored in the memory reserve) and active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is very important that the child knows what meanings the word has, knows how to use it correctly in independent speech. Game exercises - tasks help in expanding vocabulary.
"Word Game"
Task number 1."Name as many words as possible for fruits" (vegetables, trees, flowers, wild and domestic animals and birds, toys, tools, furniture, professions, etc.).
Task number 2."Now I will give you words, and you will tell me what this item can do.
A blizzard - sweeps, and thunder - ..., wind - ..., and snow - ..., rain - ..., and sun - ...".
With each answer, it is appropriate to ask: "What else does the sun do, it does not only shine?" Have the child pick up as many action words as possible.
Then you can repeat the same game in reverse: "Who flies? Who swims? Who hammers nails? Who catches mice?"
Task number 1."Tell me, if the object is made of iron, what is it called, what is it?"
iron -
paper -
tree -
snow -
fluff -
glass -
Task number 2. "Name another object as white as snow."
(As narrow as a ribbon; as fast as a river; as round as a ball; as yellow as a melon.)
Task number 3. "Compare:
to taste - lemon and honey, onion and apple;
by color - carnation and chamomile, pear and plum;
in terms of strength - rope and thread, stone and clay;
in width - a road and a path, a river and a stream;
in height - a bush and a tree, a mountain and a hill.
Task: "Guess the riddle:
Flying, squeaking
Legs long drags,
The chance will not miss -
Sit down and bite. (Mosquito)

round, striped,
Taken from the garden.
Sugar and scarlet became -
Eat, please. (Watermelon)

How did you guess what it was about? Try to describe to me some object, and I will try to guess who or what it is.
"Friend Words" (synonym exercise)
Task number 1.
"What do you think, how else can you say about a sad person?" (Sad)
"Valuable - what is it? Hard - what is it?"
Task number 2.
"What word can replace the word "horse"? The word "doctor", "cup", "food"?
Task number 3.
"Which word is superfluous, does not fit with other words? Why?"
sad, mournful, despondent, deep
Brave, resounding, courageous, daring
Weak, brittle, long, fragile
Strong, distant, durable, reliable
If the child does not understand the meaning of a word, explain it.

"Enemy Words"(exercise on antonyms)
Task: "Say the opposite:
cold, clean, hard, thick;
dull, wet, older, light;
spacious, enemy, top, lose;
raise, day, morning, spring;
winter, tomorrow, early, close;
low, rarely, slowly, joyfully;
dark, sat down, took, found;
forgot, dropped, littered, straightened.

"One and many" (changing words by numbers)
Task number 1.
“Now we will play the following game: I will name one object with a word, and you name the word so that many objects turn out. For example, I will say “pencil”, and you must say “pencils”.
book, pen, lamp;
city, chair, ear;
child, man, glass;
name, spring, friend.
Task number 2.
"Now let's try the other way around. I will say a word that means many things, and you - one."
claws, clouds, warriors, leaves;
flowers, saws, well done, stems.
Exercise number 14. "Decrease".
Assignment: "Tell me what the small object will be called? A small ball is a ball, and a small table is ...".
grass, hand, shoulder, sun, bank;
chair, book, flag, cup, hat.
"Finish the word."
Assignment: "Guess what word I want to say? By ..." (Pillow)
Syllables with which words can begin: for, mi, mu, lo, at, ku, zo, che, etc.
"Explain the word."
Assignment: "I want to find out how many words you know. Tell me, what is a bicycle?"
knife, hat, ball, letter;
umbrella, pillow, nail, donkey;
fur, diamond, connect, shovel;
sword, trouble, brave, hero;
poem, gambling.
The purpose of this exercise is to teach the child not only to learn new words through explanation, but also to clearly express the idea, indicating the main use of the object, describing its features.
Also in the classroom, in addition to speech exercises, tasks are provided for the restoration of psychophysical functions. These are relaxation exercises, psycho-gymnastics, games for the development of fine articulation and general motor skills, voice and breathing exercises. Tasks for the development of cognitive processes, spatial and visual perception.
Relaxation exercises allow the child's body to release excess tension and restore balance, thereby maintaining mental health.
Relaxation exercises.
The game "Rain in the forest."
Children stand in a circle one after another - they "turn" into trees in the forest. I read the text, the children perform actions.
“The sun shone in the forest, and all the trees pulled their branches towards it. They stretch high and high so that each leaf is warm (children rise on their toes, raise their hands high, fingering).
But a strong wind blew and began to shake the trees in different directions. But the trees hold on tightly to their roots, stand stably and only sway (children sway to the sides, straining their leg muscles). The wind brought rain clouds, and the trees felt the first gentle drops of rain (children with light finger movements touch the back of a friend standing in front).
The rain is knocking harder and harder (children increase finger movements). The trees began to feel sorry for each other, to protect from strong blows of rain with their branches (children run their hands on the backs of their comrades). But here comes the sun. The trees rejoiced, shook off the extra drops of rain from the leaves, leaving only the necessary moisture. The trees felt inside themselves freshness, vivacity and joy of life.
Relaxation exercises for facial expressions
1. Wrinkle your forehead, raise your eyebrows (surprise), relax it. Relax completely. Try to keep your forehead absolutely smooth, at least for one minute.
2. Frown (angry) - relax your eyebrows.
3. Expand your eyes (fear, horror) - relax your eyelids (laziness, you want to take a nap).
4. Expand the nostrils (we inhale - the smell; exhale passionately) - relaxation.
5. Close your eyes (horror, doomsday) - relax your eyelids (false alarm).
6. Narrow your eyes (the Chinese thought) - relax.
7. Raise your upper lip, wrinkle your nose (contempt) - relax.
8. Bare your teeth - relax your cheeks and mouth.
9. Pull down the lower lip (disgust) - relaxation.


(All relaxation exercises are performed to calm relaxing music.) “Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are in a meadow on a beautiful summer day. Right in front of you you see a magnificent butterfly fluttering from flower to flower. Follow the movement of her wings. The movements of her wings are light and graceful. Now let everyone imagine that he is a butterfly, that he has beautiful and large wings. Feel your wings move up and down slowly and smoothly. Enjoy the feeling of slowly and smoothly floating in the air. Now take a look at the motley meadow over which you are flying. Look how many bright colors it has. Find the most beautiful flower with your eyes and gradually begin to approach it. Now you can smell the fragrance of your flower. Slowly and smoothly, you sit down on the soft, fragrant center of the flower. Breathe in its scent again... and open your eyes. Tell me about your feelings."

Relaxation and Imagination Exercise

“Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe slowly and easily. Imagine that you are in a fragrant summer meadow. Above you is a warm summer sun and a high blue sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. High in the sky you see a bird soaring in the air. This is a large eagle with smooth and shiny feathers.
The bird soars freely in the sky, its wings spread out to the sides. From time to time she slowly flaps her wings. You hear the sound of flapping wings as they cut through the air vigorously.
Now let each of you imagine that he is a bird. Imagine that your wings are slowly moving up and down. Imagine that you are slowly soaring, floating in the air and your wings are outstretched to the sides. Your wings cut through the air, resting on its dense masses. Enjoy the freedom and wonderful feeling of floating in the air. Now, slowly flapping your wings, approach the ground. Here we are on the ground. Open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood and a wonderful feeling of flying, which will last all day.”

Relaxation and Imagination Exercise

“Get in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Breathe easily and slowly. Imagine that you are in nature, in a beautiful place. Warm, quiet day. You are pleased and you feel good. You are absolutely calm. You lie and look up at the clouds - big, white, fluffy clouds in a beautiful blue sky. Breathe freely. As you inhale, you begin to gently rise above the ground. With each breath, you slowly and smoothly rise towards a large fluffy cloud. You rise even higher to the very top of the cloud and gently sink into it.
You are now floating on top of a large fluffy cloud. Your arms and legs are spread freely to the sides, you are too lazy to move. You are resting. The cloud slowly begins to sink lower and lower with you until it reaches the ground. Finally, you are safely stretched out on the ground, and your cloud has returned to its home in the sky. It smiles at you, you smile at it. You are in a great mood. Save it for the whole day."

Relaxation and Imagination Exercise

“Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and listen to my voice.
Imagine that you are in a beautiful place by the sea. A wonderful summer day. The sky is blue, the sun is warm. You feel absolutely calm and happy. Soft waves roll up to your feet, and you feel the pleasant freshness of sea water. There is a feeling of a light and fresh breeze blowing over the whole body. The air is clean and transparent. A pleasant feeling of freshness and vigor seizes the whole body: forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. You feel how the body becomes light, strong and obedient. Breathe easily and freely. The mood becomes vigorous and cheerful, I want to get up and move.
We open our eyes. We are full of strength and energy. Try to keep these feelings for the whole day.

Relaxation and imagination exercise "RAINBOW"
“Sit comfortably, relax, breathe evenly and deeply. Close your eyes. Imagine that there is a rainbow in front of your eyes.
The first color is blue. Blue can be soft and soothing, like flowing water. Blue pleasantly caresses the eye in the heat, it refreshes you, like swimming in a lake. Feel this freshness.
The next one is yellow. Yellow brings us joy, it warms us like the sun, it reminds us of a tender fluffy chicken, and we smile. If we are sad and lonely, it cheers us up.
Green is the color of a soft lawn, leaves and warm summers. If we feel uneasy and insecure, green will help us feel better. Open your eyes. What did you feel and sense when you imagined that you were looking at the color blue, yellow and green? Take these feelings with you all day long.”
Relaxation exercises with focus on breathing
Blow out the candle. Inhale deeply, drawing as much air into the lungs as possible. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, exhale slowly, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound “u” for a long time.
Lazy cat Raise your hands up, then stretch forward, stretch like a cat. Feel how the body stretches. Then sharply lower your hands down, pronouncing the sound "a".
Neck relaxation exercises
Curious Varvara Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head as far to the left as possible, then to the right. Inhale-exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:
Curious Varvara looks to the left, looks to the right.
And then again forward - here a little rest.
Raise your head up, look at the ceiling as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:
And Varvara looks up the longest and farthest!
Comes back - relaxation is nice!
Slowly lower your head down, press your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:
And now let's look down - the muscles of the neck have tensed!
Coming back - relaxing is nice!
Relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle
Dropping hands Children raise their arms to the sides and lean forward slightly. At the suggestion of the facilitator, relieve tension in the shoulders and let the arms fall down. Hanging, the arms sway slightly passively. Until they stop. The exercise is repeated. Hands should not be swayed after they fall. You can tell the children the image - the hands hang like ropes.
We shake with brushes Starting position - arms are bent at the elbows, brushes passively hang down. With a quick and continuous movement of the forearm, shake the brushes like rags.
Shake off the water from your fingers. Starting position - arms bent at the elbows, palm down, hands hanging down. With the movement of the forearm several times we drop the brushes down. Before exercises, it is useful for children to tightly clench their hands into a fist so that the difference in the tense and relaxed state of the muscles is more clearly felt.
Raise and lower your shoulders. Children raise their shoulders as high as possible, then freely lower them to a normal position (drop their shoulders down)
Firm soft hands. Hands raised to the sides. Children stretch all the joints of the arms to the limit (relieve the tension, allowing the shoulders to drop) and strain all the muscles - from the shoulder to the ends of the fingers. Then, without weakening the arms, the tension is weakened, allowing the shoulders to drop, and the elbows, hands and fingers to be slightly passively bent. Hands seem to lie on a soft pillow.
Mill. Children describe large circles with their hands, making swing movements forward and up. After a vigorous push, the arms and shoulders are released from all tension, take off freely, describe a circle and passively fall. Movements are performed several times in a row at a fairly fast pace. Make sure that children do not have clamps in their shoulders, in which the correct circular motion is violated in the hands.
Relaxation and tension of the muscles of the body
We drop our hands. Children raise their arms to the sides and release the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders from tension. The body, head and arms fall forward, the knees are slightly bent. Then the children straighten up, successively unbending in the hip, lumbar and shoulder girdle, and take their original position.
Wooden and rag dolls. Movements help to be aware of the tense and relaxed state of the muscles of the body. Depicting wooden dolls, children strain the muscles of the legs, body, arms slightly laid aside and make a sharp turn of the whole body, keeping the neck, arms, and shoulders motionless. Feet firmly and motionless on the floor. Imitating rag dolls, they relieve excessive tension in the shoulders and body, the arms hang passively. In this position, the children with a quick, short push turn the body to the left, then to the right. At the same time, the arms take off and wrap around the waist.

Slow motion Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, put their hands freely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music: Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw. But not everyone knows how to relax, to rest. We have a game like this - very easy, simple. Movement slows down, tension disappears.
And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!
In conclusion, I want to note that teaching children with mental retardation coherent correct speech is a big and painstaking work. Only daily work on the development of speech will give positive results.
Everyone needs to learn how to express their thoughts well and correctly in oral and written form, to be able to speak and write convincingly, vividly. Therefore, one of the most important tasks at the present stage of teaching students is the development of speech.

Ready-made abstracts of classes and GCD on various subjects and topics, designed for correctional classes and groups of all types. Working programs of correctional classes "for all occasions". Classes adapted for children of all categories of correctional pedagogy on the development of speech, mathematics, the world around them and other subjects and academic disciplines. Concrete experiences of educators specializing in social pedagogy. Proven ways and methods of adaptation and education of difficult preschoolers and students in the process of their direct learning.

Make notes of classes in correctional groups together with MAAM.

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All sections | Corrective lessons. Summaries of classes, GCD in correctional groups

Summary of joint activities for children of the preparatory group with disabilities (speech disorders) Abstract joint activities for preparatory children groups with disabilities (with speech disorders) Theatrical activity based on a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut". Target: The development of speech through theatrical activities. Correctional-developing...

Theme "Flowers" Target: to clarify and expand knowledge about flowers, their places of growth, structure. Tasks: Correctional - educational : exercise in word formation using diminutive suffixes, form relative adjectives, learn to select ...

Corrective lessons. Lesson notes, GCD in correctional groups - GCD on the development of manual motor skills in children with visual impairments in middle preschool age on the topic "Trees"

Publication "GCD on the development of manual motor skills in children with visual impairments in ..." Directly educational activities for the development of manual motor skills in children with visual impairments in the middle preschool age Topic: Trees. Objectives: Educational: - Expand children's knowledge about trees. - continue to teach how to hold a pencil correctly - Form a skill ...

Synopsis of the GCD in the senior group of compensatory orientation (visual impairment) "Mom is my sun" GCD in the senior group of compensatory orientation (visual impairment) on the topic "Mom is my sun" Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the holiday - Mother's Day. Educational areas: "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Labor", "Cognition" "Speech ...

Abstract of the frontal speech therapy lesson in the senior group for children with severe speech disorders "New Year" Topic: "New Year" Age: 5 years Purpose: Clarification and generalization of knowledge about the features of the New Year holiday. Tasks: 1. Correctional and educational: - Development of the grammatical structure of speech, - Enrichment of the dictionary with adjectives, verbs - Formation of the ability to select ...

Abstract of the frontal speech therapy lesson in the senior speech therapy group for children with severe speech disorders "Pisces" Topic: "Pisces" Age: 5 years Purpose: to form ideas on the topic "Pisces" Tasks: 1. Correctional and educational: - Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, agreement of nouns with adjectives ...

Corrective lessons. Summaries of classes, GCD in correctional groups - Synopsis of entertainment in the younger group for children with visual impairment "Let's help the hedgehog"

Entertainment in the younger group for visually impaired children on the topic: "Let's help the hedgehog" correctional and educational: - Expand children's ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality; - To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfruits and vegetables; - Learn to recognize and name...

OOD on visual perception for children with visual impairment in the preparatory school groups "Young Cosmonauts" ood for the development of visual perception in the preparatory group for school for children with visual impairment. On the topic: "Young cosmonauts" Correction and developmental tasks: 1. Expand and consolidate children's knowledge of space, the structure of the solar system, cosmic phenomena; concepts...

Tatiana Buraya
Seminar on the exchange of experience on the topic "Conditions and rules for conducting correctional classes with children of primary school age"

The effectiveness of the educational process depends on the environment in which it takes place. In our case, this is correctional and developmental environment: development of multivariate models (travel games, literary living rooms, oral journal, conversations, clubs, etc.)

Correctional classes is a special propaedeutic work based on the use of practical exercises, games, elements of productive and other types and forms of activity, which ultimately contributes to the assimilation school knowledge and skills. Their corrective orientation is manifested in the correction impaired mental functions (lack of visual, auditory perception, spatial orientation disorders, etc., causing so-called school difficulties, in the development of cognitive processes.


Corrective exercises are recommended to be carried out once a week.. Classes can be held as in the first, and in the second half of the day; duration classes 15-30 min.. Forms, organizing children on lesson may be the most different: sitting in a semicircle on chairs or on a carpet, being at single desks or located at different ends of the office.

Any The lesson is organized on condition positive emotional attitude in the child.

An important factor is the definition of the structure classes, which should provide for the alternation of different types activities: organization of practical actions, resolution of problem situations, the use of didactic games, musical and rhythmic exercises, graphic tasks, etc.

Tasks of varying degrees of difficulty are offered to children depending on their individual abilities and corrective tasks. Children learn the properties of objects and objects, learn to compare, find opposite qualities, highlight the main and secondary features, group according to certain (or self-dedicated) signs, classify, establish cause-and-effect relationships.


1. Before each occupation it should be explained target: what will we do, how, why.

2. Every 5-7 minutes it is advisable to conduct physical exercises using relaxation exercises, shaping correct posture, eye exercises.

3. Start lesson follows with a warm-up, then organize a repetition (easier task, then move on to new material (more difficult task) and finish with tasks that do not cause any particular difficulties for the child.

4. Be sure to evaluate the work, noting right performance and mistakes made, explaining how they should be to correct.

5. Finish class follows on an optimistic note with a summing up of the past classes.

On classes you can make drawings, ornaments, applications, buildings from designer parts, paper crafts, the shape of which is given verbally or using a diagram for adults. You can train students in retelling fairy tales according to a schematic plan drawn up by an adult. With the help of games and exercises, it is necessary to form search orientation samples in children when performing a task. (Mosaic, Fold the picture). Games and exercises in which children act by trial and error develop their attention and visual perception.

Close attention needs to be paid corrections and development of fine motor skills. Managed the development of the movements of the fingers of the child's hands has a positive effect on the development of his speech.

To develop hand movements classes traditional forms can be used work: tracing the contour of figures, drawing by points, sketches in a given space, shading contour drawings depicting various objects. For the development of tactile and kinesthetic sensations, games are offered with sand: “I bake, bake, bake”, “Find an object”, “Leave a trace”, “Drawings in the sand; water games. Children are happy to pour water from one vessel to another, create waves, look at their reflection in the water, blow bubbles. Games with cereals, small stones, nuts, natural material. For example: “Help Cinderella sort out the cereal”, “Collect beads for mom”, “Guess by touch”, “Lay out the pattern”. In addition, the child should be given the opportunity to crumple and tear paper, knead plasticine, manipulate objects of various textures (fur, leather, velvet, wool, wood, foil).

Offer laces, fasteners, balls of thread for rewinding, ropes of various thicknesses for tying and untying knots, boards with knurled plasticine for laying out patterns from seeds, cereals, small stones, playing with mosaics. These games teach children attention, perseverance, develop an eye.

The ability to confidently use scissors plays a special role in development. Permanent exercises: symmetrical cutting, appliqué, scissor cutting of figures from postcards, magazines. Clothespins - very curious game, and good gymnastics for hands. Folding paper figures is also one of the means of developing the small muscles of the hands.

Finger games occupy an important place in the formation of fine motor skills. This is a dramatization of stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. For the development of general and large motor skills, sports equipment, laces, mosaics, ring throws, massage mats are needed ...

Systematic classes design intensively develop sensory abilities in children. To do this, you need to have construction kits of different sizes, with a set of colored parts, folding pyramids, a logical cube, a geometric loto, inserts, forms, etc.

Basic Methods correctional and developmental classes that I use in my work with younger students are game methods. Play is the leading activity for junior schoolchildren. The game is not only pleasure and joy, it is the life of a child, his existence, the world in which he lives, through which he comprehends life, learns to build relationships with other people. With the help of the game, you can develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination and other mental functions.

Conducting remedial classes involves the presence of didactic games of various types (demonstration). Must have a file games:

for the development of speech, relaxation games, gymnastics for the speech apparatus, breathing exercises, various types of massage (face, neck, head, etc., communication games, various types of psycho-gymnastics, games and exercises with different levels of motor activity, games on attention, on the development of memory, logical thinking, etc.

And today I want to invite you to participate in one of these remedial classes. In progress classes I would like to hear your statements, answers to the questions that I will ask you. Please be active.

Before everyone we have a greeting game, which helps to increase the overall emotional background, improve the psychological climate in the group. And now repeat the words with me and movements:

Hello golden sun! Hello blue sky! Hello free breeze!

Hello little oak tree! We live in the same region, I welcome you all!


Goals: creating a positive working mood in the group, preparing for the upcoming activities.

Game "Act according to instructions"

Please listen to what you need to do and then do it. Instruction: stand up, stretch, turn around first right, then to the left, look out the window, clap your hands, sit down and say “okay” out loud!

In this game, the child develops memory, the ability to carefully listen to the task to the end, the ability to navigate in space is fixed.

2. MAIN PART (repetition game and new material)

Loading the ship game

let's go with you let's go on a short trip by ship.

We need to load the ship with passengers with names starting with the letter "A".

Can be items belonging to the same class (shoes, clothes, tools, flowers, etc.)

Having loaded our ship with everything necessary, we let's go sailing.... and suddenly (storm music plays)

Game "Desert Island"

“Let's imagine with you that we seemed to be sailing the seas and oceans on a ship. And suddenly one day in the middle of the sea we were caught by a real storm!

A strong, strong wind hit our ship, waves swept over our deck, lightning struck our masts, and the ship began to sink. But we all managed to escape. We jumped into a small boat, which was carried by the waves to a desert island. So we ended up on this deserted piece of land. All our belongings sank, and only this small bag remained, which we managed to grab from the sinking ship. How can we now survive on this island, wait for help? Maybe for this we will need those items that we managed to save in the bag. Let's take a look and see how they can help us."

Everyone in turn takes one item out of the bag and tells how this item will help them survive on the island, call for help, why it can be useful, what and how can be made from it. Any options are accepted.

Items lying in a magical pouch:

Newspaper, matches, floppy disk, deodorant cap, stationery knife, plastic spoon, cellophane bag, glass perfume bottle, plastic shampoo bottle, faulty camera.

Did you have any difficulties? Why?

What do you think develops in children in this game?

This game contributes to the development of children's imagination, thinking, perception and attention. In addition, while playing Desert Island, children have the opportunity to learn to think quickly, express the most daring and incredible hypotheses and proposals, and be creative in solving problems. Trying to comprehend the game situation, children remember experience obtained while watching movies and cartoons, reading books. Thinking about each subject, children learn to carefully study it, analyze all its properties. (shape, material, explicit or implicit purpose, size) and find a use for it. It develops them purposeful and differentiated perception, analytical thinking, imagination, tactile sensations.


A game "Lavata"

Everyone joins hands in a circle. Walk with a side step and repeat words: We dance together, tra-ta-ta, our favorite dance is lavata. The players stop, the leader speaks: My elbows are good, but my neighbor's is better. Everyone takes each other by the elbows and repeats the dance. Then presenter speaks: My neck is good, but my neighbor's is better. Everyone performs other movements, etc.


Goals: checking the skills acquired in the lesson, consolidation of positive emotions, summing up.

At the end of each classes are held relaxation exercise.

Goals: to relieve tension from the muscles of the trunk, arms, legs.

A game "Clouds"

Reflection “Everything is in my hands”:

And now let's sum up the results of our today's meeting.

Now draw your hand on a piece of paper and write your answers to the questions inside the outline.

Most of all I liked…

In the future, I will use...

Here I found out today (A) new...

I already knew what I heard today about...

Today was unexpected for me...

Do not forget that childhood is an amazing time in the life of every person - it does not end with admission to school. Make enough time for games.

Target: correction of visual-spatial orientation, optical gnosis and visual attention.

Equipment: computer, split picture, chest, didactic material for the games "Cosmodrome", "Repeat after me", noisy picture, Schulte table, surprise box, Luntik doll.

Lesson duration: 25 minutes.

Lesson plan:

  1. Orgmoment (psychogymnastics) - 1 minute.
  2. Warm-up (finger gymnastics, kinesiology exercises, BAT massage) – 4 minutes.
  3. Work on the topic - 18 minutes.
  4. The result of the lesson is 2 minutes.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing moment.

Mimicry imitation:

  • Imagine that you saw something beautiful.
  • A cold wind blew on you from behind. You got angry.
  • The wind died down and a fragrant flower bloomed in the clearing. Smell it.

2. Warm up.

  • Gymnastics for fingers (rings, "lazy" fingers, repeat after me).
  • A kinesiological set of exercises for the correction of the interhemispheric commissure ("fist - rib - palm", "ear - nose").
  • BAT massage (tip of the nose, earlobes, pits behind the ears, parietal region, "third eye", point at the thumb).

3. Work on the topic.

Game training for the correction of visual-spatial orientation (repeat after me).

Heda test: Here is my right hand, show me yours. Repeat after me (right index finger to nose, right palm to chin, palm against chest). This is my left hand. Touch your left hand to your right ear. What is behind you, in front of you, to your right, to your left, above your head, under your feet.

Teacher: Luntik came to visit us with a magic chest. It contains tasks that must be completed so that Luntik can return to his planet.

Teacher: Consider the picture that is shown here (noisy picture).

Child names objects (bucket, kettle, fish, ball, Christmas tree).

Teacher: Collect the picture (cut picture).

Answer the questions. What is shown in the picture? Where is the boy coming from? From which hand did the mitten fall? Where is the dog in relation to the boy? What's on the boy's head? What is under the boy's feet? What is to the left of the boy? What is to the right of the boy?

Teacher: Count quickly from 1 to 20 on the table.

Child visually looks for numbers and calls them in order.

Teacher: Where is the number 1, in which row, in which column? Etc.

Child finds and names the coordinates of the given digits.

Teacher: You need to help Luntik make a map of the starry sky.

Child lays out objects on the sheet according to the instructions of the teacher. Compares with the standard card. Annex 1(slide 1).

Teacher's instruction for the sky map:

  1. Place an orange rocket in the center of the sheet.
  2. Place a red triangle in the upper right corner.
  3. Place a brown square above the rocket.
  4. To the left of the rocket, place a green ring.
  5. Place a white cloud in the upper left corner.
  6. Place a flower under the rocket.
  7. In the lower right corner, place a purple flying saucer.
  8. Place a blue circle in the lower left corner.
  9. To the right of the rocket, place a yellow star.
  10. Show the smallest figure and name it. (Brown square).
  11. Show the biggest figure. (Yellow star).
  12. How is the star located in relation to the rocket? (To the right of the rocket).
  13. How is the star located in relation to the flying saucer? (The star is located above the flying saucer).

Teacher: The game "Cosmodrome". In order for Luntik to fly home to the moon, you need to place spaceships in your field in exactly the same way as the dispatcher. Appendix 1 (slide 2). If you draw everything correctly, the ship will take off. Well done! You have completed all the tasks. Where is Luntik? Yes, he flew away.

4. Bottom line.

Teacher: You did a good job. Luntik decided to thank you and left you a surprise. But you have to find it according to the instructions (go to the door, turn right, find a box with a blue bow on the cabinet shelf, it contains a surprise). Lesson completed. You can rest. Goodbye.


  1. A.I. Kornev. Reading and writing disorders. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003
  2. O.A. Stepanova. Prevention of school difficulties. M., T.Ts., "Sphere", 2003
  3. A.F. Anufriev. S.N. Kostromin. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. "Axis - 89", Moscow, 2005
  4. A.L. Sirotyuk. Education of children taking into account psychophysiology. M., T.Ts., "Sphere", 2001

All pictures posted in the work are links to larger originals.

Amount of children: 9 people, age - 6 years

Class: 1 Russian

Topic of the lesson: Correctional lesson "Funny little men"

Goals: development of voluntary attention, development of mediated thinking, learning to model the content of the text with subsequent reproduction of the content.

Forms, techniques and methods of work: team work, independent work.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Exercises for attention.

3. Tasks for thinking.

4. Modeling a fairy tale.

5. Reproduction of a fairy tale based on a model.

6. Reflection.

Expected Result:

After conducting a correctional lesson, children develop the skills of voluntary attention, mediated thinking. Modeling the content of texts, students reproduce it based on the model.

Materials: image of animals (6 pictures) - riddles are selected in accordance with the images of animals; geometric shapes: large and small circles, squares and triangles - each figure is red, blue and yellow; schemes of "merry little men". For reflection, butterflies, flower, mushroom, leaf.

Lesson progress:

The psychologist invites children to travel to a forest clearing.

Teacher - psychologist: Today in the lesson we will not only complete various tasks, but also make an imaginary journey to a forest clearing.

The guys stand in a circle, the driver turns away. Everyone sings:

“Olya, you are in the forest now, we are shouting “Ay!” to you.

Close your eyes tightly, who called you, find out.

One of the players calls the driver by name, the driver recognizes and names the one who called him. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Exercise "Get to Know a Friend"

Teacher - psychologist: In order not to get lost in the forest, let's see how attentive you are to each other, whether you recognize each other from the description.

Two students stand with their backs to each other, and the psychologist asks each of them in turn a question regarding the appearance of the one who has his back to him.

Does Sasha have a green or blue shirt?

Katya in boots or sneakers? Etc.

Exercise "Hide and Seek"

Teacher - psychologist: Animals are very cautious and therefore, when they see people, they hide. A psychologist in front of children hides "animals" behind geometric shapes.

Bear hid behind a big yellow circle, hedgehog for the little yellow circle, wolf for the big red square, hare for the little red square, deer for the big green triangle, squirrel for the little green triangle.


Teacher - psychologist: Animals will appear if we guess riddles about them.

1. Who is cold in winter

Wandering angry, hungry (Wolf)

2. I'm prickly, you won't take me

I am called……….. (Hedgehog)

3. He put his paw in the hollow,

And let's growl, roar,

Oh how cute are you

Clubfoot ……… (Bear)

4. White in winter, gray in summer (Hare)

5. I walk in a fluffy coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak,

I chew nuts. (Squirrel)

6. Grass touching with hooves

A handsome man walks through the forest

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Deer)

Teacher - psychologist: Do you remember who was hiding behind what figure?

The guys must remember who was hiding behind what figure, that is, “hide” again.

Exercise "Classification"

Teacher - psychologist: Arrange next to the figures that match each other on the same grounds.

Large and small circles, squares, triangles of three primary colors are used. The psychologist helps children decide which of the signs to lay out the figures:

shape, color, size.

Exercise "Funny little men"

Children perform the movements depicted schematically in the pictures.

fairy tale simulation

Teacher - psychologist: You have worked hard, it's time to relax, listen to a fairy tale.

1. A psychologist reads N. Pavlova's fairy tale "Strawberry".

The sun is shining. A strawberry ripened in the clearing. A mosquito saw her and squealed: “ berry ripe: red, fragrant!

Heard a mosquito birdie, flew to the meadow. Wants to eat strawberries.

Heard a mosquito mouse ran to the meadow. Wants to eat strawberries.

Heard a mosquito frog, jumped into the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries.

Heard a mosquito snake, crawled into the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries.

Ran into sun cloud. A mosquito saw her and squeaked: “It will rain: wet, cold!”

Heard a mosquito bird - rather on a tree.

Heard a mosquito mouse - rather in a mink.

I heard a mosquito frog - rather under the leaf.

I heard a mosquito snake - rather under the root.

And the strawberry berry bathes in the rain and rejoices that no one has touched it.

2. When re-reading, children model a fairy tale by sticking figures of different colors on paper, denoting the heroes of the fairy tale and the sequence of ongoing events (the sun is a yellow circle, strawberries are red, clouds are blue, etc.)

3. Children tell a story based on a model.

The lesson is over, and it's time for us to return. Our trip was magical.

If we close our eyes and focus for one minute, we will be back in the classroom.

Reflection of the lesson:

What did you like? What do you remember?

On the board are a flower, a fungus and a leaf. If you liked today's lesson, then plant a butterfly on a flower, if you didn’t really like it, then on a fungus. And if you didn’t like it at all, then on the leaf. Students go out one at a time.
