• Tip 1.
    • Tip 2.
    • Tip 3.
    • Tip 4 4⃣.
    • Tip 5.
    • Tip 6.
    • Tip 7.

If you are wondering how to deal with yourself, it means it is time to spend a thorough analysis of your actions, thoughts, desires. It will be much more efficient than empty ladies that "life went into a dead end," "everything is tired and nothing brings joy." Often a person is engaged in self-deception: to recognize it, to realize the problem - the first step towards her decision.

What does it mean to understand yourself that people understand this question? Everyone will have their own, but most of it comes down to awareness, which man wants from life and what he lacks for happiness.

Someone in search of a response depressed is depressed, Someone in alcoholism, others will attack the secrets of Tibet and ancient practices. And someone turns to professional psychologists whose task is to help man.

However, not everyone can truth in the eye and openly recognize the causes of their anxiety. Why does the desire arise to understand yourself? Psychologists allocate 5 main factors:

  • Difficulties and failures in life. At the moments, when something goes not according to plan, a person begins to dig in himself, look for shortcomings. Instead, it is better to deal with what was done wrong in each case: to analyze what actions led to undesirable consequences not to repeat errors.
  • Bad mood, prolonged depression possibly neurosis that require medical interventions
  • Serious conflicts and misunderstanding with close people Or with those whose opinion is important for a person.
  • Unstable hopes and disappointment. For example, you have already represented yourself by the head of the department and prepared a "throne speech" in anticipation of the increase, and the reorganization of the company assumed the state reduction, and you were the first in the list "on the departure." After such a blow, the desire to sort out itself is quite understandable.
  • Age crisis. In the life of everyone, the turning points occur, and this happens not only in adolescence. Experts allocate crises of 20.25 years, medium, pre-age age.

On the other hand, the desire to understand what you want from life, find your fears, disassemble mistakes - these are the normal desires of every reasonable person. And such a person will rather achieve happiness than those for whom it is enough to satisfy the primitive needs from the bottom of the Pyramid of Maslow. It is only necessary to understand in yourself and your life competently to not aggravate the position.

First of all, be honest in front of yourself, do not shove. Perhaps what will open you, you will not please. Three main components of self-analysis:

  • Search for source of discontent. Your bad mood can be explained by bad weather or success of colleagues, quarrels with a child or a burnt dinner. Find what bothers you. If it did not work immediately, make up lists of what is worried. Arm yourself with multi-colored pencils and mark:
  1. red - what can be fixed;
  2. green - that it does not depend on you, and this will have to take as a given;
  3. blue - from what you are able to get rid of.
  • Localization of the source. Do not disseminate concern, for example, work on all spheres of life. If something can be changed, act.
  • Taking what you can't affect. Bad weather spoils mood? Think about what "and it will be", as King Solomon said. What is the point being upset because of the fact that you are impartial?

How to understand exactly what you want from life

To understand what you want from life, first of all, you need to take yourself - such as it is. With this, most people have a problem - especially if in childhood you were attracted to "excellent syndrome": psychological complexes, when the desire to be in the first place is first. Often other people's beliefs imposed on close or society are able to poison life.

But understanding that we are all non-idealIt helps to understand yourself, do not focus on disadvantages, but notice and develop advantages, positive qualities.

Get a personal diary, where to record the chronicle of events, thoughts and emotions that they cause. Psychologists recommend leading such records daily, and then re-read from the beginning, as if about a stranger. Such a view until the side is very useful: you are not thinking about yourself and you can evaluate the hero and its actions impartially, removed.

Look at the children - they can learn sincereness and purposefulness: if cry, then from all soul, And if they want something, they will achieve in any way.

Remember what you loved to do in childhood: sing, draw, play football or dress up dolls. Everyone, if it comes into memory, will find something that, from what "soul sang." And let you, an adult, will no longer become second Aivazovsky or Zaitsev, you can always discover the talents that you forgot and did not use a long time ago.

You can find yourself in spheres as close as possible to your cherished wish. For example, you wanted to become an artist, but Mama said that the accountant's profession is "always proactory" - it's never too late to go to study computer graphics and become a popular graphic designer.

Quite often, people in their desire to divide responsibility for their lives turn to the government, parents, wives and husbands, and even to the highest forces. Hence the thrust in solving complex life questions to various fortune telling, horoscopes, astrology, chiromantia and similar methods.

Believe or not to believe Esoterics - everyone's personal matter. Blindly follow the recommendations of such assistants is not worth it, although there is a rational grain. The exercises of this kind were formed thousands of years ago on the basis of knowledge about the psychophysiology of a person. But remember that in these areas there are a lot of charlatans, and people who can truly understand your problems or predict certain events, not so much.

Try to hear yourself. We are accustomed to the bustle of modern life, the morals of our environment, depending on public opinion. This addiction is so strong that many people go to the unloved job, communicate with people who are unpleasant to them, rest where they are not comfortable if it is fashionable. In a word, they live the life of an exemplary person, but they do not feel happy with happy.

The output can be a hobby. Favorite occupation is what you can be absolutely free. In addition, it is a hobby that can help again feel lost joy, even delight from the possibility of being himself. By doing a favorite thing, there is no need to pretend to those who are not really, to wear masks. And then a serious solid director of the company, crossed by his toy soldiers, turns into a merry white white boys. And the business lady, the mother of three children, with pleasure a tricky cakes - to a naughty girl with pigtails, which with a fading of the heart looks like a curly cookie comes from under grandmother's hands.

Expand the circle of communication. Learning new people, you will see new opportunities for implementing yourself, their plans. Perhaps someone from new acquaintances will be like-minded and will understand your aspirations better than old friends.

Refuse stereotypes. This does not mean that you should not be authorities. But rely, first of all, on your thoughts, emotions, life principles, think your head. The usual worldview of times does not allow us to move forward, develop.

Try to find more sources of positive emotions. Go to theaters, museums, read. If possible, change the situation.

Often, instead of being honest with you and figure out what actually makes us happy, people spend most of the time, networks on the injustice of life and fate. It is much more productive to understand yourself, to understand what you want, and start acting to get rid of discontent and to heal the life of your dreams.

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The most dangerous lie can be considered the deception of yourself. The worst thing is that a person misleads himself is not deliberately, but because it simply cannot sort it up. He goes through life in the wrong direction, risking at any time to be disappointed in itself and other people. Such a person is very often working on an unloved job, lives in no comfortable environment and feels someone else in his own campaign. Still, how to sort out yourself? How to find your calling? How to understand which way to move? Answers to these questions have long been given by professional psychologists and wise people. This article contains the most effective recommendations.

If these thoughts are increasingly starting to visit someone, then he really needs to do with self-analysis. Positive in this moment is at least insignificant, but the insight. It turns out something wrong! It is better than empty wandering in an unpromising direction.

After all, self-deception is dangerous that it is difficult to recognize. But, if the problem is found, it should be proceeded to its immediate solution. The following are the advice on how to deal with yourself, and save time to implement their true goals.

1. Take yourself a present.

The problem of most people is that they are difficult for them as they are. Perhaps not fairly steep or rich, not able to sing nicely or dance, not understanding anything in business, etc. Many with perseverance, worthy of the ram, knock on the closed doors that they will not open. Often, a person cannot accept himself not only because of his convictions, but also under the onslaught of the surrounding people.

For example, a hereditary general in the third knee completely refuses to listen to that his beloved grandson wants to become a musician. Here is a child since childhood and learn to play war, although it comes out somehow not convincing. Over time, he even begins to believe in his army calling. To the nearest war. And there, he and his colleagues are already quickly aware that the grandfather became mistaken. Just hardly have time to fix it. And if the toughever baby still found the time to sort out himself, it was possible and he himself became famous, and the platoon would not be substituted.

2. Take a personal diary.

Sometimes reading about the fate of other people happens for someone more interesting than. In this case, you can take advantage of a small psychological cunning. Just start your own, where to start writing all your thoughts, plans and events in life. When the number of records accumulate, it should be started to read it from the very beginning, as if about another person. Look at your own life from the side. After all, it is sometimes much easier to understand yourself, presenting yourself as an independent viewer than in its own skin.

3. Recall your children's interesting dreams.

Since in the early years of life, a person is most sincerely sincere in front of himself and the surrounding people, then childhood memories are capable of telling a lot. If an obsessive phrase sounds in the head "I can not understand yourself", you can bother time a little back, before the period, when everything was more specific and understandable. It was bad or good, bright or dark, like it or dislike.

E. if they dreamed of becoming an astronaut, they did it from all soul. And even though he matured, already soberly appreciate that the cosmonaut would not work, all the same in the adjacent direction. From the graphic designer, drawing spaceships, to a musician singing about the conquest of star land. The main thing is to allocate that the very "highlight" from which the heart begins to fight rapidly and make it with his "guiding star."

It is realistic to compare your own I want and can understand the presence of those qualities that are necessary for the realization of the cherished goal. For example, if someone wanted to be a prince on a white horse, then at least he should buy a horse. Well, the pedigree is already more difficult. Although, for money, you can at least direct the descendant of Julia Caesar himself on the grandmother's line to become. And with the relevant record in the birth certificate.

4. Take advantage of the prompts over.

Even mature, people feed weakness to the possibility of shifting on others for their lives. On parents, wives and husbands, on the heads and public figures. Well, in the most intimate issues - to the highest forces with which, as many people believe, can be contacted through all sorts of divination and forecasts. A pretty busy way to understand yourself and at the same time not to engage in long self-analysis - astrology, chiromantia, tarot cards and other occult chips.

Thoughtlessly follow their advice to akin to a crime over himself, but to see some kind of prompt. Still, these teachings were formed by the most intelligent representatives of the genus of human. They collected knowledge about, human physiology, its most intimate desires and hopes. So, general patterns that allow predicting certain moments can be very believable. And this is already at least some landmark in life, if I got down from the course and absolutely you do not know where to move on.

5. Analyze your hobby.

Many people cannot understand themselves because they do not hear their inner voice. It is muffled by the morals of the surrounding, fashion trends of modernity, obsessive public opinion, etc. Therefore, we sometimes choose inappropriate work, we go with inappropriate friends in unsuitable institutions. In general, we live an exemplary life of someone else's person. How to sort out yourself in this case? The answer is simple - ! In their hobbies, most people are still free.

It is in them that we can build the occupation to which we have a vocation. It can radically differ from our exemplary social appearance. There are often cases when huge peasants collect butterflies or make origami. Just do not advertise it, because such a passion is faintly fit into their brutal appearance. At the same time, it is immersed in his favorite occupation, they truly find themselves.

How to sort out yourself? The question is not the most difficult! More difficult - to have courage to hear yourself and accept the answer, even if it is quite unexpected. After all, the farther in the debrist is the driving traveler, it is necessary to make a maneuver's cardinal to get out of them. Here, not many are really capable of such an act. But, this is already the topic of another publication.

"How to sort out yourself?" - In fact, the question is not ordinary, for the average man. And if you ask them means - you are not quite an ordinary person (in good sense). We are glad to inform you that in this article you will get everything you need in order to i understand and understand yourself: your motives, goals, desires and even more ...

By the way, it is an extremely important ability that allows you to be in harmony with you and the outside world. Yes, and with the world too, because the external harmony begins with the inner. For example, in the Jewish family, the Father does not ask the Son as a school, instead, he looks at him to the room and evaluates order. If the room is order, then everything is fine in school. These are interesting patterns.

Understand yourself - it means to bring order in your inner world, namely: in feelings, thoughts (place priorities, get rid of casual unactual beliefs, etc.). Such a need usually arises in connection with the internal growth of a person and how the child once becomes not interesting to his toys, and the adult person comes the monotony of existence and personal not realization.

Observe yourself quickly

The easiest way to sort out yourself is to clear the mind from mental trash. What is mental trash? These are different fears, resentment, limiting views, psychological complexes, dependence and much more. In general, everything that prevents any person to live a full-fledged life. Mental trash prevents to understandBecause it is breasting contradictions and conflicts. When you get rid of this garbage, everything will fall into place, everything becomes easier and easier, both in the soul and in life.

There is a proven system that effectively and moderately copes with this task - turbo-horselik (official website). The heart and power of this system is to use subconscious resources to get rid of the "problems". Usually we use only up to 5% of the total consciousness resource, and the rest are idle, so, the turbo-horselik, it uses an idle resource. The system is very easy to use and you only need to be able to read and write. The system work looks approximately as follows: Read the ready-made instructions for subconscious and all, go to do your own business, and the subconscious in the background processes everything itself.

Believe me, with this system, you are unlikely to have no disassembled problems, and even more so you will not speak, like: I can't understand what to do? - You will know what to do, in any case. Also, in the later, you will deal with people, see them, so what to see there, you will feel very good.

Issues helping to understand yourself

In fact, in order to understand well in yourself, you need to make the habit of ask yourself questions regarding: your behavior, thoughts and what you say. And better to write it, reread and analyze. These questions:

  • what for
  • why
  • what I'm from this benefit
  • what will happen if "this" happens / will not happen (applicable to fears)

For example:

1. what It is not satisfied with me in my life?

I'm not satisfied with the lifestyle


Because it harms health and I feel worse

What is my benefit from Healthy lifestyle?

Healthy, strong and beautiful body that does not need stimulants

I'm not satisfied with the work

She is a tedious and monotonous, and the head of the MUD ..

Why not change jobs?

What am I afraid?

Stay without money

BUT as I do not stay without money?

Need to find a job another before dismissal

And a few more to analyze the current situation:

2. What events led to my current life situation?

3. What do I want and why am I worth it?

4. What am I ready to do to achieve my goals?

These topics stand thoroughly to work. Sometimes in the process of writing the "fatty topics", which cost separate attention and need to work with them separately. Especially charged topics it is: personality, relationships and money. They cause a special resonance, because they are tied to the depth instincts - survival and continuation of the kind.

Those who will be worked out on turbo-gophers. There is no point in doing this work, because there is a lot of finished instructions, and this skill is acquired somehow naturally and imperceptibly.

Desire or duty?

Each person along with desires has the duties, the so-called, I want and necessary. You will have clearly delimit these categories, understand what you need and what do you want. Why is it so important? We give a simple example.

The usual student of the Faculty of Law in the first year is absolutely confident that jurisprudence is exactly the direction in which he wants to move throughout his life. It ends the university, enthusiastically starts work. And goes for several years. Now he is completely uninteresting to engage in legal knowledge. It was at that moment that his desire turned into a duty, and the attitude to work changed sharply. What to do in such cases?

Sometimes enough to move away from the bored work, sometimes you need to change something in the work, the universal way it remains that you need to change myself, because the attitude towards peace comes from the inside of us. How to change? Again, work on your thoughts, change behavior. Turbo Suslik to help.

Letter to the Future

Imagine yourself in the future. Imagine that you have the opportunity to send a letter to your past, in which there is everything you want. Write what reached and threw an exemplary plan of how reached. Write the date of implementation. Include in this letter absolutely all sides of your life:

  • personal qualities (for example: purposefulness, confidence, calm, etc.)
  • relationships (with the second half, friends)
  • wealth (how do you come to you, which benefits you have)
  • place where you live

Pick up! After that, carefully reread written and analyze.

Dead end? Distract

If you have been concentrated on the same problem for a long time on the same problem that you can't even think anything else - get distracted from it, forget for several days. It is important to return to this problem in a few days without postponing in a long box. To distracts, use everything your soul: look at the film, visit the city park or spend the evening in a circle of loved ones. Here are the options mass! After that, you can take a fresh look at the problem and solve it. Practice shows that in most cases the problem is invented by the person himself and simply does not exist.

Facilitate Noshu

Speak if there is someone. Close friend, relative or the same psychologist. Use this feature. It does not always and immediately solves the problem, but the fact itself will say - helps. Assign a meeting and tell me everything that has grieved. It is important to listen to his opinion about the situation that has developed in your life. In most cases, the side view helps to understand the essence of the problem and solve it. But of course, from this method of global restructuring of the psyche should not be expected ...


Believe. Believe in yourself and your strength. Whatever your power, but it is! And your existence is confirmed. Do not compare yourself with anyone - there will always be better or worse. What are you? Belief in the best, let it become your predisposition. So that neither happens, continue to believe in the best and let your feelings follow this faith.


Each person in nature is striving for self-knowledge. Sooner or later, there will be questions about himself. It is extremely important to find an answer on them and see the true meaning of your life. Now you have become one step closer to self-knowledge. Do not stop at what happened!

A vaguelying praise of their goals and desires is the cause of various problems and failures in life. Do not confuse goals with needs. For example, the desire to eat or drink is different from the desire to drive around the whole world or learn languages. People who seek success first represent what they want, then put a clear goal and go to her.

"I don't know, I can not imagine, I can not figure out what I need, what I want" - did you hear such phrases? Or maybe you yourself often use them?

Many people in our world just "float withinth." Swim yourself swim and understand that they walked not there, where I wanted. There are, of course, and those who want to try to swim their way, but they are, then it is a stream in the usual direction.

So in life. Here you show discontent towards yourself surrounding and to life. From this point on, problems are added, from here and irritation, stress and depression. Then an understanding comes that life is boring and monotony and is generally meaningless. You regret all the years spent wasted ...

As the lion talked Tolstoy:

"If life does not seem to be huge joy, then this is just because your mind is falsely directed."

And maybe the reason for all your failures is that you yourself do not know what you need in life what you want.

Perhaps in the bustling of countless affairs you just lacked time to stop and think about yourself, understand your desires and aspirations.

Maybe it seemed to you that everything was clear, you know your goal, and in fact you were mistaken or did not correctly understood myself / yourself and did not realize our true desires. Or even other people's desires, for example, the desires of parents, teachers surrounding people. Very often we accept other people's desires for their own. In the end, you understand what remained at the broken trough.

Perhaps even you are somewhere on the villa, on the seashore or just in the office in your workplace. But in despair and confusion. Having lost the joy of life or in an increasingly increasing concern that everything is not as needed - not right! Nothing brings joy and pleasure!

Many call it a "middle-aged crisis." Nevertheless, such feelings and thoughts appear at any time and at any age. Just in adulthood, this is perceived sharper. Such people can make absolutely strange and unexpected actions. For example, they are fired from successful work, leaving to another country or city, thereby trying to start everything from a white sheet.

Men often throw families and nagged novels with girls. I can upset such people. All these actions are good no longer end. Happy man does not get and even makes himself only worse. You will not kill yourself. Without sorting into yourself, the result will be the same, or even even the forest. Then the understanding comes that this is also not what you wanted.

A wish list. How to remove the blockage in the head

Do not run away from yourself! On the contrary, take a step towards yourself. Sit finally and ask yourself the question: "What do I really want?". Of course it is difficult to answer it or hear the answer from your subconscious.

To figure out, we will need a list. List of your desires. It needs to write everything that will come to mind. We advise you to do it right now. Roll the browser window and create a document in the Word called "I want". Write everything there. For example, what you dreamed of childhood, or what you want now. Maybe somewhere to go or do something, but it does not have time or opportunity.

Would you like to draw, sew clothes or take vocal lessons, or learn languages \u200b\u200b.... The more the list will, the better. At once it will not work. Still filling for a few days, complete this list as a piggy bank. Just choose the desires are real, thoughtful, and not something fantastic.

Inventing the next desire, always listen to yourself. Do not write what they want from you, but write exactly what you want yourself. Imagine your desire to come true. What emotions do you experience at the same time? Are you happy and bother? Or is there a small discomfort?

For example, you decided to make a career and earn a lot of money. Are you ready to give your time to a hard work that could spend on relatives and relatives, rest or hobbies? All day to be at work, with rare weekends? And without vacation? Are you ready to go to such sacrifices for your dreams? If you doubt, then it is not what you need.

The main thing to learn how to correctly and clearly express our desires. For example, "learn", "learn" and "know", "be able" - completely different things. You can want to know a foreign language and not to experience the desire to learn it. After all, for this you need to make not small efforts, but without "learning" - "know" here will not work. Therefore, to properly make a desire.

Now create another sheet and imagine that you got an incredible inheritance from the far suddenly appeared a millionaire relative with three million dollars. Now make a new list of desires by separating it into 3 columns:

1 - What will you do now with our wealth.
2 - What would you refuse, what they did earlier.
3 - From what you will not refuse anything, even having a huge amount of money with you.

Pay special attention to what you pointed out in the second paragraph. For example, if you mentioned that the first thing you do is fired from work or throw a husband / wife because before (before you become a millionaire) you were forced to work at this place / live with this person because of the circumstances and t .P.

If you crave cardinal changes in life, it means that now you are not in your place / not with that person you need. This does not mean that you immediately need to tear everything immediately, but you need to pay attention to this situation. Then gradually try to make some steps.

Maybe you just need to change the place of work? Or try to do the same, only in another city? No perspective? Change the scope of activity.

The same with the relationship. Your discontent indicates problems or crisis in relationships. Take some measures to establish relationships. If you think that this makes no sense, it means you need to make cardinal measures. And so on to all points.

  1. Now compare lists. Your desires in the current life and desire in case of emerging opportunities are different?
  2. Find items that repeated in both lists (and which entered the third item of the second list)?
  3. Further of all lists, select the ten most important and important desires for you. It will be difficult to do it, but try to choose more necessary, interesting and significant goals.

Now even more difficult task. Out of ten choose only three most. Such a method allows you to calculate the real desires, to understand yourself, truthfully answer your question - "What do I want?".

And finally, when you figured out the goals and desires, you can proceed to action! Come up with a plan, calculate all the steps and go to the meeting of the dream, success and happiness!

There is nothing enough forces, ever set goals still remain unrealized, and most importantly, you do not know what is happening and how to change your own life. So it's time to sort out yourself. Any failures, misses and difficulties are always connected with the fact that life is trying to tell us what we do wrong. At such moments you just need to stop and find time for yourself.

How to sort oneself

There is nothing easier than give advice to others. When it comes to himself, the majority do not even know where to start. Hessed solutions never help to cope with the problems arising, but aggravate the situation can be very quickly. Therefore, as soon as they felt that they had ceased to control their own life, stop and stop looking for those perpetrators.

Try to stay alone. Turn on your favorite music that causes positive emotions. And close your eyes. Look inside yourself, feel your soul, what feelings are dominated by what bothers, annoying, do not like. Honestly admit that it does not suit in life. After all, the desire to sort out yourself arises only when a person begins to understand that he lives not as he wants. He is not able to understand what happens to him why he acts like that, and not otherwise, for what reason it is impossible to change for the better and why there is not enough strength and determined to change all times and forever.

Trying to find answers to the questions set in front of them, do not condemn. Your task is not to find all imaginable and inconceivable shortcomings, but to understand what you actually want from life and how it can be obtained. Not knowing the strengths and weaknesses, without worrying about his soul, a beautiful sex representative risks choose not the path in the life that she needs to achieve harmony with himself and the outside world. But in life there is nothing more important than peace of mind.

Photo: How to figure it out and understand what I want

When the soul hurts, no money will help to take this pain. Therefore, for the sake of the same happiness, determine for yourself our own vitality and aspirations and remember the existing principles of morality.

Always do, turning with your own internal barometer. Do not go on the parents, relatives or friends, make a decision in vital issues yourself, having weiging everything "for" and "against". If advice is needed, ask, but this does not mean that you have to do so. Never go to a deal with conscience, it is impossible to fix what happened, and regret and remorse of conscience are able to poison all your life.

Getting accustomed to take responsibility for your own life, you will eventually understand what you want to get in the end. Try to periodically make plans to achieve your desires. It doesn't matter how much they seem to be impossible, the main thing is in detail in detail what is necessary for the realization of the intended. In life, a person receives only what awaits. Think about it and think, and not subconsciously you deprive yourself of success, thinking that unworthy of more.

Avoiding difficulties, difficult solutions and actions, a person is not able to appreciate how to live on. He continues to sail downstream, using the experience and advice of others, but not having joys and satisfaction from self-realization. Nothing gives the feeling of need and its own importance as the exercise of conceived. And it doesn't matter very much dreams or small. When a person reaches the desired, he is aware of his own capabilities, becomes more confident and more boldly begins to conquer the next vertex.

But it is very important to choose your own life path. If it is not necessary to seek the goals that are really not needed, then this crisis will come in one fine moment. After all, all efforts were spent on the realization of the desires of other people, their visions, what should be the life of a successful person. Most often with such people are parents.

It's no secret that many parents, giving advice, what to do in life where to go to learn, subconsciously try to realize their own goals and desires. But they are interested in not only the future profession and work, but also the personal life of children. On the one hand, it is caused by the desire to do not make a mistake, but on the other, an attempt to realize what failed himself.

If parents are too pressing and frankly try to make a choice that they like, and not you, do not conflict. Let us understand that their view of the world is fundamentally different from yours and it is very sad that they, depriving the possibilities of becoming independent, threaten your life, because sometime you still have to make decisions yourself.

To sort it yourself, you need to realize how important it is. After all, all further life depends on it. If a person is afraid to look into herself, stay alone with himself and honestly answer who he and what he needs to be happy, he is doomed to a great moment to realize that life live in vain. Even selfless care about the family is often able to turn into a misunderstanding and disregard from the spouse and children. They will be perceived as proper, and to achieve the same attentive attitude towards himself hardly to succeed.

Few people respect those who are ready to dissolve in others without a residue. Despite the love and respect for those who are near, a person should be a person. And it is possible to become it only to deal with how to realize in life and what person to be.

Photo: How to figure it out and understand what I want

How to understand what i want

  • Hiding constantly over the mass of everyday affairs, communication with friends, familiar, watching movies, everybody day you refuse to recognize yourself, understand why sometimes it becomes sad and lonely, and life seems empty and monotonous. Try at least a day to spend the way you want, but in the evening or best in the morning I will definitely, stay in silence alone with you. Give thoughts to flow, do not distill them, focus on who you imagine yourself and what would do if you had the opportunity to quickly change.
  • To clothe thoughts in words, use a piece of paper on which you will describe your life as you imagine it. And then make a list of qualities that are rightfully proud of or would like to fix. Think of what qualities you lack to achieve what I want, and work out them.
  • If you do not like the place of work, the boss is annoying, and all the time it seems that you underestimate, it's time to change the work or open your own business.
  • Catch yourself to think that the family no longer brings joy, as at the very beginning. Domestic affairs were routine, you turned into a housekeeper, and a diploma on the highest formation to dust on the shelf. So you want to be realized not only as mother and wife. Think about finding work. Do not sacrifice your dreams, if you wish, you can always hire a housekeeper or distribute duties around the house. If a man has created a family, he is also obliged to take care of her comfort, helping in everyday life, once can't hire the assistant.
  • Want to help people with advice, experience, knowledge, to deal with negligent officials, make public work.
  • Periodically appear thoughts on how many unhappy people in the world. You get a real pleasure from what is helpfuld, feed homeless animals or have already taken an unfortunate puppy, kitten or a big dog / cat from the street, make donations for the construction of the temple, for sick children, orphans, disabled, your vocation is charity. Want to make the world better - you have something to be proud of. You can compare and sympathize. You have a wonderful soul, because good deeds do not have the earthly price.
  • Remember, you can understand yourself, but will bring it only if you use the knowledge gained in practice. Absolutely nothing will change if you learn much more about yourself than before, but do not take advantage of this and others for the benefit.

Do not try to break ourselves, make compromises with your own conscience or look for lighter ways in life, refusing the innermost goals and desires. Learn to be attentive not only to relatives, friends, acquaintances and others, but also to yourself. To make this world a little better, and your life is similar to the one about which you dreamed of, you need to find harmony with you. It is possible to achieve it only when a person has found strength to sow.
