Listen to the Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

An old man lived with his old woman
By the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man was fishing with a net,
The old woman was spinning her yarn.
Once he threw a net into the sea, -
The net came with one slime.
He threw a seine another time,
A seine came with sea grass.
For the third time he threw a net, -
A seine came with one fish,
With a difficult fish - gold.
How the goldfish will beg!
He says in a human voice:
“Let me go, old man, into the sea,
Dear for myself, I will give a ransom:
I'll buy whatever you want."
The old man was surprised, frightened:
He fished for thirty years and three years
And I never heard the fish speak.
He released the goldfish
And he said to her a kind word:
“God be with you, goldfish!
I don't need your ransom;

Step into the blue sea
Walk there for yourself in the open."
The old man returned to the old woman,
He told her a great miracle.
“Today I caught a fish,
Goldfish, not simple;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
The blue asked for a home in the sea,
Paid off at a high price:
I bought whatever I wanted.
I did not dare to take a ransom from her;
So he let her into the blue sea.
The old woman scolded the old man:
"You fool, you fool!
You did not know how to take a ransom from a fish!
If only you took a trough from her,
Ours is completely broken."

So he went to the blue sea;
He sees that the sea is slightly raging.

A fish swam up to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"

"Have mercy, sovereign fish,
My old woman scolded me
Does not give the old man peace:
She needs a new trough;
Ours is completely broken."
The goldfish replies:

You will have a new trough."
The old man returned to the old woman,
The old woman has a new trough.
The old woman scolds even more:
"You fool, you fool!
Begged, fool, trough!
Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough?
Come back, fool, you are to the fish;
Bow to her, ask for a hut already.

So he went to the blue sea,
(The blue sea is cloudy.)
He began to call a goldfish,

"What do you want, old man?"

“Have mercy, empress fish!
The old woman scolds even more,
Does not give the old man peace:
A grumpy woman asks for a hut.
The goldfish replies:
"Do not be sad, go with God,
So be it: you will already have a hut.
He went to his dugout,
And there is no trace of the dugout;
In front of him is a hut with a lamp,
With a brick, bleached pipe,
With oak, plank gates.
The old woman sits under the window,
On what light is the husband scolds.
"You fool, you straight-forward fool!
Begged, simpleton, a hut!
Come back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a black peasant
I want to be a noblewoman."

The old man went to the blue sea;
(The blue sea is not calm.)

A fish swam up to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man replies to her with a bow:
“Have mercy, empress fish!
More than ever, the old woman freaked out,
Does not give the old man peace:
She doesn't want to be a peasant
Wants to be a pillar noblewoman.
The goldfish replies:
"Do not be sad, go with God."

The old man turned to the old woman.
What does he see? High tower.
On the porch stands his old woman
In an expensive sable shower jacket,
Brocade on the top of the kichka,
Pearls weighed down the neck,
On the hands of gold rings,
On her feet are red boots.
Before her are zealous servants;
She beats them, drags them by the chuprun.
The old man says to his old woman:
“Hello, mistress madam noblewoman!
Tea, now your darling is satisfied.
The old woman yelled at him
She sent him to serve at the stable.

Here's a week, another one goes by
The old woman fumed even more:
Again he sends the old man to the fish.
“Come back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a pillar noblewoman,
And I want to be a free queen.
The old man was frightened, he begged:
“What are you, woman, overeating with henbane?
You can't step, you can't speak,
You will make the whole kingdom laugh."
The old woman got more angry,
She hit her husband on the cheek.
"How dare you, man, argue with me,
With me, a pillar noblewoman? -
Go to the sea, they tell you with honor,
If you don’t go, they will lead you involuntarily.”

The old man went to the sea
(The blue sea turned black.)
He began to call the goldfish.
A fish swam up to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man replies to her with a bow:
“Have mercy, empress fish!
Again my old woman rebels:

She no longer wants to be a noblewoman,
Wants to be a free queen.
The goldfish replies:
“Do not be sad, go with God!
Good! the old woman will be queen!
The old man returned to the old woman.
Well? before him are the royal chambers.
In the wards he sees his old woman,
She sits at the table like a queen,
Boyars and nobles serve her,
They pour her overseas wines;
She eats a printed gingerbread;
Around her stands a formidable guard,
They hold axes on their shoulders.
As the old man saw, he was frightened!
He bowed at the feet of the old woman,
He said: “Hello, formidable queen!
Well, now your darling is satisfied.
The old woman did not look at him,
She only ordered him to be driven out of sight.
The boyars and nobles ran up,
They pushed the old man in.
And at the door, the guard ran up,
I almost chopped it off with axes.
And the people laughed at him:
“To serve you, old ignoramus!
Henceforth you, ignoramus, science:
Don't get in your sleigh!"

Here's a week, another one goes by
The old woman fumed even more:
He sends courtiers for her husband,
They found the old man, brought him to her.
The old woman says to the old man:
“Come back, bow to the fish.
I don't want to be a free queen
I want to be the mistress of the sea,
To live for me in the Okiyane-sea,
To serve me a goldfish
And I would have been on the parcels.

The old man did not dare to argue,
He did not dare to speak across the word.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
He sees a black storm on the sea:
So angry waves swelled,
So they walk, so they howl and howl.
He began to call the goldfish.
A fish swam up to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man replies to her with a bow:
“Have mercy, empress fish!
What am I to do with the damn woman?
She doesn't want to be queen
Wants to be the mistress of the sea;
To live for her in the Okiyane-sea,
For you to serve her
And she would have been on the parcels.
The fish didn't say anything.
Just splashed her tail on the water
And she went into the deep sea.
For a long time by the sea he waited for an answer,
I did not wait, I returned to the old woman -
Look: again in front of him is a dugout;
On the threshold sits his old woman,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

Orthodox explanation of the Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish. Monk Konstantin Sabelnikov

The old man (mind) with the old woman (heart) lived by the sea for 33 years. This means that a person lived a conscious life (lived in mind and heart) and became ready to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died and rose again at the age of 33.
The old woman spun yarn - in this life, each person, with his thoughts, words and deeds, creates for himself a moral state of the soul, which will be her clothes in eternity.
The old man was fishing - every person seeks his own good in earthly life.
Once he first pulled out a net with mud and grass, and then with a goldfish - one day a person understands the temporality of temporary life, and this helps him to believe in eternity and in God.
Fish is an ancient symbol of Christ, and gold is a symbol of grace. Rybka asked to be released, although she did not need it, because she had power even over the fate of people - the Lord calls a person to show mercy to someone, and it brings them closer to God, opens the heart to faith in Him.
The old woman made the old man first of all ask for a trough - a person, having come to faith, begins spiritual life with the cleansing of his conscience from sins. Ap. Peter told the believing Jews: "Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins ..." (). Unbelieving people do not have such means and do not know how to ease their conscience.
The old woman scolds the old man and calls him a "fool", because a person acts according to the dictates of the heart and, as La Rochefoucauld said, the mind is always a fool at the heart. When the old man went to ask for a trough, the sea broke out - because God is not pleased when a person who believes in Him wants not to serve Him, but to use Him for their own personal goals, even good ones.
Having received a new trough, the old woman did not thank the fish, but sent the old man with another request - believers rarely sincerely thank God for the fact that He makes it possible to be cleansed from sins in the sacrament of Confession. Having begun church life, they, as a rule, begin to ask God for health and well-being in the family and at work (a new hut).
Then the old woman demanded to be a noblewoman and a queen - a person begins to ask God for something that serves to satisfy vanity and pride (in this case, lust for power). The Lord sometimes allows a person to receive what he asks, so that, while receiving, he would grow in faith in God, and then, having known his passions, he would begin to fight with them and, for the sake of God, give up what feeds them.
When the old woman became a noblewoman, she began to beat the servants, because when a person receives honor and glory and feeds his vanity with them, his heart hardens towards people. She hit an old man who tried to argue with her - because when the passion of vanity intensifies, it dominates the mind of a person more strongly.
The old woman demanded to become a queen - from the desire for fame, a person passes to the desire for power. The old woman demanded power over the goldfish - Abba Dorotheos says that pride before people leads to pride before God.
The old man could not understand that his main problem was the character of the grandmother. He had to ask the goldfish to change the old woman, but he only complained about her. So a person must understand with his mind that his main problem is the passions of the heart, and, having come to faith, he must not only confess his sins (complain against the old woman), but ask God to change his heart.
The fairy tale shows what happens to people who try to change their lives, but not themselves, with the help of God. At first, their life really improves, but then they serve not God, but their passions, although they themselves do not notice this. If a person does not fight passions, then they fight him. The Lord said: “He who does not gather with Me, he squanders” (). Abba Dorotheos said that in the spiritual life a person cannot stand still, he becomes either worse or better. There is no third. Because of pride, a person is left with nothing. Over time, he still loses earthly blessings: with retirement or due to illness, he loses his position, influence on people. Having lost these benefits, he understands that, having received a lot in this life for a while, he did not receive the most important thing - he did not become different.

Mikhail Semyonovich Kazinik, violinist, lecturer-musicologist, teacher, writer-publicist:

Ask any philologist teacher at school what Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's tale about the fisherman and the fish is about? Everyone will say: "This tale is about a greedy old woman who was left with nothing."
My good, another stupidity! It is Pushkin who will waste time condemning another greedy old woman! This is a tale of love. About the unconditional love of an old man. It is easy to love a beautiful, generous, intelligent woman. You try to love an old, dirty, greedy old woman. And here is the evidence: I ask any philologist how the tale of the fisherman and the fish begins. Everyone says to me: "We lived ...". Yes, right. “Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman by the very blue sea!” Right? "That's right!" - say philologists. “That's right!” say the academics. "That's right!" say the professors. "That's right!" the students say. “There lived an old man and an old woman near the blue sea. The old man was fishing with a net ... ". Wrong! It would not be Pushkin. “Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman” - this is the most ordinary beginning of a fairy tale. Pushkin: "An old man lived with his old woman." Do you feel the difference? Because it's still mine! Pushkin gives the code! His own, dear: thirty years and three years together. Flesh of flesh! Greedy - there are such old women! Darling!
Next, where did they live? By the blue sea. I ask philologists: where? “Well, by the sea. By the sea!" Not true. Near the BLUE sea. This is Pushkin's second code. As the old woman desires, she ceases to be "her own", and the sea changes color. Remember? "The blue sea has become cloudy, blackened." The sea is no longer blue.

An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was fishing with a net,

The old woman was spinning her yarn.

Once he cast a net into the sea,

The net came with one slime.

He threw a seine another time, -

A seine came with sea grass.

For the third time he threw a net, -

A seine came with one fish,

With not a simple fish, - gold.

“Let me go, old man, into the sea!

Dear for myself, I will give a ransom:

I'll pay off whatever you want."

The old man was surprised, frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years

And I never heard the fish speak.

He released the goldfish

And he said to her a kind word:

“God be with you, goldfish!

I don't need your ransom;

Step into the blue sea

Walk there for yourself in the open."

The old man returned to the old woman,

He told her a great miracle:

“Today I caught a fish,

Goldfish, not simple;

In our opinion, the fish spoke,

The blue asked for a home in the sea,

Paid off at a high price:

Buy back whatever you want.

I did not dare to take a ransom from her;

So he let her into the blue sea.

The old woman scolded the old man:

"You fool, you fool!

You did not know how to take a ransom from a fish!

If only you took a trough from her,

Ours is completely broken."

So he went to the blue sea;

He sees that the sea is slightly roaring.

A fish swam up to him and asked:

"What do you want, old man?"

"Have mercy, sovereign fish,

My old woman scolded me

Does not give me rest, old man:

She needs a new trough;

Ours is completely broken."

The goldfish replies:

“Do not be sad, go with God.

You will have a new trough."

The old man returned to the old woman,

The old woman has a new trough.

The old woman scolds even more:

"You fool, you fool!

Begged, fool, trough!

Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough?

Come back, fool, you are to the fish;

Bow to her, ask for a hut already.

Here he went to the blue sea

(The blue sea is clouded).

He began to call the goldfish.

"What do you want, old man?"

“Have mercy, empress fish!

The old woman scolds even more,

Does not give me rest, old man:

A grumpy woman asks for a hut.

The goldfish replies:

"Do not be sad, go with God,

So be it: you will already have a hut.

He went to his dugout,

And there is no trace of the dugout;

In front of him is a hut with a lamp,

With a brick, bleached pipe,

With oak wood gates.

The old woman sits under the window,

On what light is the husband scolds:

"You fool, you straight-forward fool!

Begged, simpleton, a hut!

Come back, bow to the fish:

I don't want to be a black peasant

I want to be a noblewoman."

The old man went to the blue sea

(Restless blue sea).

He began to call the goldfish.

A fish swam up to him and asked:

"What do you want, old man?"

The old man replies to her with a bow:

“Have mercy, empress fish!

More than ever, the old woman freaked out,

Does not give me rest, old man:

She doesn't want to be a peasant

Wants to be a pillar noblewoman.

The goldfish replies:

"Don't be sad, walk with God."

The old man returned to the old woman,

What does he see? High tower.

On the porch stands his old woman

In an expensive sable shower jacket,

Brocade on the top of the kichka,

Pearls weighed down the neck,

On the hands of gold rings,

On her feet are red boots.

Before her are zealous servants;

She beats them, drags them by the chuprun.

The old man says to his old woman:

“Hello, lady-madame noblewoman!

Tea, now your darling is satisfied.

The old woman yelled at him

She sent him to serve at the stable.

Here's a week, another one goes by

The old woman became even more furious;

Again he sends the old man to the fish:

“Come back, bow to the fish:

I don't want to be a pillar noblewoman,

And I want to be a free queen.

The old man was frightened, he begged:

“What are you, woman, overeating with henbane?

You can neither step nor speak!

You will make the whole kingdom laugh."

The old woman got more angry,

She hit her husband on the cheek.

"How dare you, man, argue with me,

With me, a pillar noblewoman?

Go to the sea, they tell you with honor;

If you don’t go, they will lead you involuntarily.”

The old man went to the sea

(Blackened blue sea).

He began to call the goldfish.

A fish swam up to him and asked:

"What do you want, old man?"

The old man replies to her with a bow:

“Have mercy, empress fish!

Again my old woman rebels:

She no longer wants to be a noblewoman,

Wants to be a free queen.

The goldfish replies:

“Do not be sad, go with God!

Good! the old woman will be queen!

The old man returned to the old woman.

Well? before him are the royal chambers,

In the wards he sees his old woman,

She sits at the table like a queen,

Boyars and nobles serve her,

They pour her overseas wines;

She eats a printed gingerbread;

Around her stands a formidable guard,

They hold axes on their shoulders.

When the old man saw, he got scared!

He bowed at the feet of the old woman,

He said: “Hello, formidable queen!

Well, is your darling happy now?”

The old woman did not look at him,

She only ordered him to be driven out of sight.

The boyars and nobles ran up,

They pushed the old man with you.

And at the door, the guard ran up,

I almost chopped it off with axes.

And the people laughed at him:

“To serve you, old ignoramus!

Henceforth you, ignoramus, science:

Don't get in your sleigh!"

Here's a week, another one goes by

The old woman fumed even more:

He sends courtiers for her husband.

They found the old man, brought him to her.

The old woman says to the old man:

“Come back, bow to the fish.

I don't want to be a free queen

I want to be the mistress of the sea,

To live for me in the Okiyane-sea,

To serve me a goldfish

And I would have been on the parcels.

The old man did not dare to argue,

He did not dare to speak across the word.

Here he goes to the blue sea,

He sees a black storm on the sea:

So angry waves swelled,

So they walk, so they howl and howl.

He began to call the goldfish.

A fish swam up to him and asked:

"What do you want, old man?"

The old man replies to her with a bow:

“Have mercy, empress fish!

What am I to do with the damn woman?

She doesn't want to be queen

Wants to be the mistress of the sea:

To live for her in the Okiyane-sea,

For you to serve her

And she would have been on the parcels.

The fish didn't say anything.

Just splashed her tail on the water

And she went into the deep sea.

For a long time by the sea he waited for an answer,

I did not wait, I returned to the old woman -

Look: again in front of him is a dugout;

On the threshold sits his old woman,

And in front of her is a broken trough.

On the sea, on the ocean, on an island in Buyan, there was a small dilapidated hut: an old man and an old woman lived in that hut. They lived in great poverty; the old man made a net and began to go to the sea and fish: that was the only way he got his daily food. Once, somehow, the old man threw his net, began to pull, and it seemed to him as hard as it had never happened before: he barely pulled it out. Looks, and the network is empty; only one fish was caught, but the fish is not simple - gold. The fish prayed to him in a human voice: “Don't take me, old man! Let it be better in the blue sea; I myself will be useful to you: whatever you wish, I will do it. The old man thought and thought and said: “I don’t need anything from you: go for a walk in the sea!”

Threw a goldfish into the water and returned home. The old woman asks him: “Have you caught a lot, old man?” - “Yes, just one goldfish, and he threw it into the sea; she prayed strongly: let her go, she said, in the blue sea; I will become useful to you: whatever you wish, I will do everything! I took pity on the fish, did not take a ransom from it, let it go free for nothing. “Oh, you old devil! Great happiness fell into your hands, but you did not manage to own it.

The old woman got angry, scolds the old man from morning to evening, does not give him peace: “If only I begged for bread from her! After all, soon there will be no dry crust; what are you going to eat?" The old man could not stand it, he went to the goldfish for bread; came to the sea and shouted in a loud voice: “Fish, fish. Become a tail in the sea, head to me. The fish swam to the shore: “What do you need, old man?” - "The old woman was angry, she sent for bread." “Go home, you will have plenty of bread.” The old man came back: “Well, old woman, is there bread?” - “There is plenty of bread; Yes, that's the trouble: the trough has split, there is nothing to wash clothes in; go to the goldfish, ask for a new one.

The old man went to the sea: “Fish, fish! Become a tail in the sea, head to me. A goldfish swam: “What do you want, old man?” - "The old woman sent, she asks for a new trough." - "Well, you will have a trough." The old man came back, only through the door, and the old woman again pounced on him: “Go,” she says, “to the goldfish, ask them to build a new hut; you can’t live in ours, and look what falls apart!” The old man went to the sea: “Fish, fish! Become a tail in the sea, head to me. The fish swam, became its head to him, its tail in the sea and asks: “What do you need, old man?” - “Build us a new hut; the old woman swears, does not give me peace; I don’t want, he says, to live in an old hut: it’s all going to fall apart!” "Don't worry, old man! Go home and pray to God everything will be done.”

The old man came back - in his yard there is a new hut, oak, with carved patterns. An old woman runs out to meet him, gets more angry than ever, swears more than ever: “Oh, you old dog! You do not know how to use happiness. He begged for a hut and, tea, you think - he did the job! No, go back to the goldfish and tell her: I don’t want to be a peasant woman, I want to be a governor, so that good people obey me, bow at the waist when they meet. The old man went to the sea, says in a loud voice: “Fish, fish! Become a tail in the sea, head to me. A fish swam, became its tail in the sea, head to him: “What do you need, old man?” The old man answers: “The old woman does not give me peace, she has completely lost her mind: she does not want to be a peasant woman, she wants to be a governor.” “Okay, don’t worry! Go home and pray to God everything will be done.”

The old man returned, and instead of the hut, a stone house stands, built on three floors; servants run around the yard, cooks knock in the kitchen, and an old woman in an expensive brocade dress sits on high chairs and gives orders. "Hello wife!" says the old man. "Oh, you ignoramus! How dare you call me, the warlord, your wife? Hey people! Take this little man to the stable and whip him as hard as possible. At once the servant came running, seized the old man by the scruff of the neck, and dragged him into the stable; the grooms began to treat him with whips, and they treated him so much that he barely got to his feet. After that, the old woman appointed the old man as a janitor; ordered to give him a broom, so that the yard cleans, and feed and water him in the kitchen. A bad life for an old man: clean the yard all day, and a little unclean somewhere - now to the stable! "What a witch! the old man thinks. “Happiness was given to her, but she buried herself like a pig, she doesn’t even consider me a husband!”

Neither more nor less time passed, the old woman was tired of being a governor, she demanded an old man and orders: “Go, old devil, to a goldfish, tell her: I don’t want to be a governor, I want to be a queen.” The old man went to the sea: “Fish, fish! Become a tail in the sea, head to me. A goldfish swam: “What do you need, old man?” - "Why, my old woman was more mad than ever: she doesn't want to be a governor, she wants to be a queen." - "Don't worry! Go home and pray to God everything will be done.” The old man returned, and instead of the former house, a high palace stands under a golden roof; all around the sentries walk and throw out their guns; behind a large garden stretched out, and in front of the palace - a green meadow; troops are gathered in the meadow. The old woman dressed up as a queen, stepped onto the balcony with the generals and the boyars, and began to review and divorce those troops: the drums beat, the music rumbles, the soldiers shout “Hurrah!”

Neither more nor less time passed, bored the old woman to be a queen, ordered to find the old man and present bright before her eyes. There was a commotion, the generals were fussing, the boyars were running around: “What kind of old man?” They forcibly found him in the backyard, took him to the queen. "Listen, you old devil! the old woman tells him. Go to the golden fish and tell her: I don’t want to be a queen, I want to be a mistress of the sea, so that all the seas and all the fish obey me. The old man was to make excuses; where are you! If you don't go, head off! Reluctantly, the old man went to the sea, came and said: “Fish, fish! Become a tail in the sea, head to me. There is no goldfish! The old man calls another time - again no! He calls for the third time - suddenly the sea rustled, agitated; it was bright, clean, but here it turned completely black. A fish swims to the shore: “What do you need, old man?” - “The old woman was even more foolish; she no longer wants to be a queen, she wants to be the mistress of the sea, to rule over all the waters, to command all the fish.

The goldfish said nothing to the old man, turned and went into the depths of the sea. The old man turned back, looks and does not believe his eyes: the palace is as if it had not happened, and in its place stands a small dilapidated hut, and in the hut sits an old woman in a tattered sundress. They began to live as before, the old man again began to fish; but no matter how often he threw his nets into the sea, he could not catch more goldfish.

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish - a wonderful Russian fairy tale about how an old man once caught a goldfish, and she promised to fulfill his three wishes. The author of the fairy tale is the Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Posted by Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" in 1833.
Here is the first printed "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" in 1835 in the journal Library for Reading.

And yet, it turns out, Pushkin wanted to include the fairy tale in the "Songs of the Western Slavs." With this cycle, the fairy tale and poetic size are close.

On the site, read other interesting children's fairy tales:

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

An old man lived with his old woman
By the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man was fishing with a net,
The old woman was spinning her yarn.
Once he threw a net into the sea, -
The net came with one slime.
He threw a seine another time,
A seine came with sea grass.
For the third time he threw a net, -
A seine came with one fish,
With a difficult fish - gold.
How the goldfish will beg!
He says in a human voice:

“Let me go, old man, into the sea,
Dear for myself, I will give a ransom:
I'll buy whatever you want."
The old man was surprised, frightened:
He fished for thirty years and three years
And I never heard the fish speak.
He released the goldfish
And he said to her a kind word:
“God be with you, goldfish!
I don't need your ransom;
Step into the blue sea
Walk there for yourself in the open."

The old man returned to the old woman,
He told her a great miracle.
“Today I caught a fish,
Goldfish, not simple;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
The blue asked for a home in the sea,
Paid off at a high price:
I bought whatever I wanted.
I did not dare to take a ransom from her;
So he let her into the blue sea.
The old woman scolded the old man:

"You fool, you fool!
You did not know how to take a ransom from a fish!
If only you took a trough from her,
Ours is completely broken."

So he went to the blue sea;
He sees that the sea is slightly raging.
A fish swam up to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
"Have mercy, sovereign fish,
My old woman scolded me
Does not give the old man peace:
She needs a new trough;
Ours is completely broken."
The goldfish replies:
You will have a new trough."
The old man returned to the old woman,
The old woman has a new trough.
The old woman scolds even more:
"You fool, you fool!
Begged, fool, trough!
Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough?
Come back, fool, you are to the fish;
Bow to her, ask for a hut already.

So he went to the blue sea,
You will have a new trough."
The old man returned to the old woman,
He began to call a goldfish,
"What do you want, old man?"
“Have mercy, empress fish!
The old woman scolds even more,
Does not give the old man peace:
A grumpy woman asks for a hut.
The goldfish replies:
"Do not be sad, go with God,
So be it: you will already have a hut.
He went to his dugout,
And there is no trace of the dugout;
In front of him is a hut with a lamp,
With a brick, bleached pipe,
With oak, plank gates.
The old woman sits under the window,
On what light is the husband scolds.
"You fool, you straight-forward fool!
Begged, simpleton, a hut!
Come back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a black peasant
I want to be a noblewoman."

The old man went to the blue sea;
(The blue sea is not calm.)
A fish swam up to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man replies to her with a bow:
“Have mercy, empress fish!
More than ever, the old woman freaked out,
Does not give the old man peace:
She doesn't want to be a peasant
Wants to be a pillar noblewoman.
The goldfish replies:
"Do not be sad, go with God."

The old man turned to the old woman.
What does he see? High tower.

On the porch stands his old woman
In an expensive sable shower jacket,
Brocade on the top of the kichka,
Pearls weighed down the neck,
On the hands of gold rings,
On her feet are red boots.
Before her are zealous servants;
She beats them, drags them by the chuprun.
The old man says to his old woman:
“Hello, mistress madam noblewoman!
Tea, now your darling is satisfied.
The old woman yelled at him
She sent him to serve at the stable.

Here's a week, another one goes by
The old woman fumed even more:
Again he sends the old man to the fish.
“Come back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a pillar noblewoman,
And I want to be a free queen.
The old man was frightened, he begged:
“What are you, woman, overeating with henbane?
You can't step, you can't speak,
You will make the whole kingdom laugh."
The old woman got more angry,
She hit her husband on the cheek.
"How dare you, man, argue with me,
With me, a pillar noblewoman? -
Go to the sea, they tell you with honor,
If you don’t go, they will lead you involuntarily.”

The old man went to the sea
(The blue sea turned black.)
He began to call the goldfish.
A fish swam up to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man replies to her with a bow:
“Have mercy, empress fish!
Again my old woman rebels:
She no longer wants to be a noblewoman,
Wants to be a free queen.
The goldfish replies:
“Do not be sad, go with God!
Good! the old woman will be queen!

The old man returned to the old woman.
Well? before him are the royal chambers.
In the wards he sees his old woman,
She sits at the table like a queen,
Boyars and nobles serve her,
They pour her overseas wines;
She eats a printed gingerbread;
Around her stands a formidable guard,
They hold axes on their shoulders.
As the old man saw, he was frightened!
He bowed at the feet of the old woman,
He said: “Hello, formidable queen!
Well, now your darling is satisfied.
The old woman did not look at him,
She only ordered him to be driven out of sight.
The boyars and nobles ran up,
They pushed the old man in.
And at the door, the guard ran up,
I almost chopped it off with axes.
And the people laughed at him:
“To serve you, old ignoramus!
Henceforth you, ignoramus, science:
Don't get in your sleigh!"

Here's a week, another one goes by
The old woman fumed even more:
He sends courtiers for her husband,
They found the old man, brought him to her.
The old woman says to the old man:
“Come back, bow to the fish.
I don't want to be a free queen
I want to be the mistress of the sea,
To live for me in the Okiyane-sea,
To serve me a goldfish
And I would have been on the parcels.

The old man did not dare to argue,
He did not dare to speak across the word.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
He sees a black storm on the sea:
So angry waves swelled,
So they walk, so they howl and howl.
He began to call the goldfish.
A fish swam up to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man replies to her with a bow:
“Have mercy, empress fish!
What am I to do with the damn woman?
She doesn't want to be queen
Wants to be the mistress of the sea;
To live for her in the Okiyane-sea,
For you to serve her
And she would have been on the parcels.
The fish didn't say anything.
Just splashed her tail on the water
And she went into the deep sea.
For a long time by the sea he waited for an answer,
I did not wait, I returned to the old woman -
Look: again in front of him is a dugout;
On the threshold sits his old woman,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish- the imperishable work of A.S. Pushkin. The fairy tale has long been so beloved and popular that for many it will be unexpected that its literary roots are in Serbian folklore, and by no means in Russian. To the magician of the word A.S. Pushkin managed to adapt it in such a way that all the described realities are close and understandable to our kids, so we see the fairy tale online as a wonderful activity for your child. On the pages of this site you can free read the tale of the fisherman and the fish online, and introduce the child to this most interesting work.

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Acquaintance with Tale of the fisherman and the fish can become the bridge that will lead your child to the wonderful world created by the world-renowned Russian poet. Surely the baby will want to get acquainted with other works A.S. Pushkin and, thereby, incredibly enrich their literary literacy.
