The victory in the Great Patriotic War was achieved only due to the heroism of the Soviet people (not only Russian, as it is often presented in the modern press), many nations have lost their sons on the fronts and in the Nazis camps. Is there a way to note and appreciate the advantage of each individual person for heroism and courage. In the USSR, the highest award was the assignment of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

For the period of the war, the hero's star was awarded 11302 people. But what is strange: when the official sources indicate, representatives of which nations were presented to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, as a rule, it is written: Russians - 7998 people, Ukrainians - 2021 people, Belarusians - 299 people and other peoples - 984 people. But why did you forget the rest of the peoples?

The USSR was a single country of friendly and equal peoples, but then why in official statistics most of the peoples are indicated as others. After all, the heroes of the Soviet Union were: 161 Tatar, 107 Jews, 96 Kazakhs, 90 Georgians, 89 Armenians, 67 Uzbekov, 63 Mordvin, 45 Chuvash, 43 Azerbaijanis, 38 Bashkir, 31 Ossetians, 18 Mari, 16 Turkmen, 15 Lithuanians, 15 Tajiks 12 Latvians, 12 Kyrgyzov, 10 Komi, 10 Udmurts, 9 Estonians, 8 Karelov, 8 Kalmykov, 6 Kabardians, 6 Adygets, 4 Abkhaz, 2 Yakut, 2 Moldavian, 1 Tuwinets. But in this list, you can see the absence of representatives of the repressed peoples - Chechens and the Crimean Tatars.

Really causes a bewilderment of the relationship to representatives of peoples, for some reason those who have become unwanted, and the pen of the pen, they were crossed out of. In fairness it should be noted that 6 Chechens and 5 Crimean Tatars were the heroes of the Soviet Union (Amemethan Sultan - twice). These people made heroic actions, for which they were marked by the highest government award of the USSR. In 1942, by order of Beria, it was stopped by the appeal to the front of representatives of the Chechen-Ingush Republic. It was at the beginning of the year, and by the end of the summer, when the fascists invaded the territory of the Soviet Caucasus, it was decided to allow volunteers from Chechen-Ingushetia to participate in battles. 18.5 thousand volunteers and conscripts from Chechen-Ingushetia fought on the fronts of the Second World War, they stood on the approaches to Stalingrad as part of a separate Chechen-Ingush regiment.

One of the most famous heroes-Chechens became a machine gunner Khanpasha Nuradilov and Sniper Abugazi Idrisov. Nuradilov distinguished himself in battle at the village of Zharka, when he destroyed 120 Hitlerians, the hero destroyed 920 enemy soldiers, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - posthumously. Idrisov from their sniper rifle destroyed 349 soldiers and vermachod officers.

Representatives of the Jewish people played an equally important role in the Securities. For many years about the Jews, everyone said everything only as merchants and intellectuals, but the terrible time of war came, and they proved that their homeland is not an empty sound and they will protect it to the last drop of blood.

More than 200 thousand Jews were presented to the Soviet troops for various state awards, and 107 were presented to the highest award - the Hero of the Soviet Union. Some sources indicate the number - 150, but in most part this is due to the fact that in the difficult years of war, nationality did not always play a decisive role and only after the war it was found that, for example, Mikhail Plotkin, a legendary pilot, was not Russian, and Jew, and such examples are very much, but nevertheless it does not reduce the merit of this or that nation. The huge merit of representatives of the Jewish people consisted that the fascists could not break the proud spirit of Odessa. It was the partisans-Jews forced the enemy to live in constant fear. And if we talk about the exploits of Jews, how not to remember the legendary intelligence of Yankel Chernyak, who organized a magnificent network consisting of agents belonging to the top leadership of fascist Germany. It was the Chernyak group that was able to access the secret developments "Tiger" and convey this information to Moscow. As a result, when, according to the fascists, their best tank was put on the front, the Soviet tanks were already ready for this.

They actively participated in the war and representatives of the then young Soviet republics - Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. The representatives of Western Ukraine did not remain aside, many heroes were subsequently repressed for a possible connection with the UPA, but the fact remains the fact - the heroes were not only in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, but also in other republics.

Unfortunately, those years when the USSR was united and mighty, remained in the past. Also less survivors and those who stood at the origins of the victory, who worked her. After all, now even those who were born in 1930 and the teenager participated in the partisan movement, already 81, and this is a very solid age, given that these people had to survive. And the less remains in living veterans, the less eyewitnesses, who can tell about the war of the truth. Already there is an attempt to change or, easier to say, rewrite the story. The heroes of the war are questioned, they are talking about many events as not real, but only fictional for the purpose of propaganda. Yes, propaganda was, but it was propaganda calling for confrontation with the enemy, which occupied our homeland.

On the front side stood Russian, Chechen, Uzbek, Ukrainian and there was no shadow of doubt that comrade would not leave to die on the battlefield. No, these people had no nationality, they were - Soviet, and perhaps it is in this force that the teenagers do not twist the representative of another nationality in passing along the street or when the Chechen guy does not raise

During the Great Patriotic War on the front, the sons and daughters of all the republics and all the peoples of the USSR were fought on the shoulder. Each people in this war had their heroes.

Peoples whose heroes were the most

During the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the Soviet Union were 7998 Russians, 2021 Ukrainian, 299 Belarusians. Tatars are followed by the number of heroes - 161, Jews - 107, Kazakhs - 96, Georgians - 90, Armenians - 89.

Other nations

Not much behind Georgians and Armenians of Uzbeks - 67 Heroes, Morvintsey - 63, Chuvashi - 45, Azerbaijanis - 43, Bashkirs - 38, Ossetians - 33. Next comes Mari, Turkmen, Lithuanians, Tajiks, Latvians, Kyrgyz, Komi, Udmurts Country from 10 to 18 heroes of the Soviet Union.

On 9 heroes came out of German (this, of course, about the Volga Germans) and Estonian peoples, on 8 from Karelov, Buryats and Mongols, Kalmykov, Kabardians. Adygi gave the country of 6 heroes, Abkhaza - 4, Yakuts - 2, Moldovans - too, 2, Tuvintsy -1. And finally, representatives of the repressed peoples, such as Chechens and the Crimean Tatars, fought no less brave than the rest. 5 Chechens and 6 Crimean Tatars were awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union.

About "uncomfortable" nationalities

On the household level in the USSR there were practically no ethnic conflicts, all peacefully lived side by side, and belonged to each other if not in fraternally, then in good-neighborly. However, at the state level there were periods when some nations were considered "wrong." These are, first of all, repressed peoples, and Jews.

Everyone who is a little interested in the question of the Crimean Tatars, knows the name of Ametkhan Sultan, the legendary pilot-as, twice the hero of the Soviet Union. The features were made by representatives of the Chechen people. As you know, in 1942, a call to the front of the residents of the Chechen-Ingush Republic was stopped, but by the end of the summer of this year, when the fascists invaded the North Caucasus, it was decided to call for the front of volunteers from among the Chechens and Ingush. 18.5 thousand volunteers were calling points. They stood to death on the approaches to Stalingrad as part of a separate Chechen-Ingush regiment.

About Jews often makes it possible that representatives of this ancient people are capable of, above all, to intellectual work and commerce, and warriors of them are so-so. And this is not true. 107 Jews began during the Great Patriotic Heroes of the Soviet Union. Jewish merit, for example, in the organization of the partisan movement in Odessa.

From "natural" numbers - to percent

7998 Russians began during the war heroes of the Soviet Union. At first glance, this number is much more than 6 - just as many heroes of the Soviet Union from Adygs. However, if you look at the percentage of the number of heroes to the population, then a completely different picture will be. The 1939 census showed that 99,591,520 Russians live in the country. Adygov - 88115. And it turns out that the percentage of heroes on the "soul of the population" at the small Adyghe people are even somewhat more than that of Russians - 0.0068 against 0.0080. The "percentage of heroism" among Ukrainians is 0.0072, in Belarusians - 0.0056, at the Uzbeks 0.0013, at the Chechens - 0.0012 and so on. It is clear that in itself the number of heroes cannot be considered an exhaustive characteristic of the National Spirit, but the ratio of the number of heroes and the total population is something that says about the people. If you familiarize yourself with this statistic on the example of the peoples of the USSR, it will become clear - during the war, each of our peoples made their share in the general victory, and allotment of someone would be blatant injustice.

During the Great Patriotic War on the front, the sons and daughters of all the republics and all the peoples of the USSR were fought on the shoulder. Each people in this war had their heroes.

Peoples whose heroes were the most
During the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the Soviet Union were 7998 Russians, 2021 Ukrainian, 299 Belarusians. Tatars are followed by the number of heroes - 161, Jews - 107, Kazakhs - 96, Georgians - 90, Armenians - 89.

Other nations
Not much behind Georgians and Armenians of Uzbeks - 67 Heroes, Morvintsey - 63, Chuvashi - 45, Azerbaijanis - 43, Bashkirs - 38, Ossetians - 33. Next comes Mari, Turkmen, Lithuanians, Tajiks, Latvians, Kyrgyz, Komi, Udmurts Country from 10 to 18 heroes of the Soviet Union. On 9 heroes came out of German (this, of course, about the Volga Germans) and Estonian peoples, on 8 from Karelov, Buryats and Mongols, Kalmykov, Kabardians. Adygi gave the country of 6 heroes, Abkhaza - 4, Yakuts - 2, Moldovans - too, 2, Tuvintsy -1. And finally, representatives of the repressed peoples, such as Chechens and the Crimean Tatars, fought no less brave than the rest. 5 Chechens and 6 Crimean Tatars were awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union.

About "uncomfortable" nationalities

On the household level in the USSR there were practically no ethnic conflicts, all peacefully lived side by side, and belonged to each other if not in fraternally, then in good-neighborly. However, at the state level there were periods when some nations were considered "wrong." These are, first of all, repressed peoples, and Jews. Everyone who is a little interested in the question of the Crimean Tatars, knows the name of Ametkhan Sultan, the legendary pilot-as, twice the hero of the Soviet Union. The features were made by representatives of the Chechen people. As you know, in 1942, a call to the front of the residents of the Chechen-Ingush Republic was stopped, but by the end of the summer of this year, when the fascists invaded the North Caucasus, it was decided to call for the front of volunteers from among the Chechens and Ingush. 18.5 thousand volunteers were calling points. They stood to death on the approaches to Stalingrad as part of a separate Chechen-Ingush regiment.

About Jews often makes it possible that representatives of this ancient people are capable of, above all, to intellectual work and commerce, and warriors of them are so-so. And this is not true. 107 Jews began during the Great Patriotic Heroes of the Soviet Union. Jewish merit, for example, in the organization of the partisan movement in Odessa.

From "natural" numbers - to percent

7998 Russians began during the war heroes of the Soviet Union. At first glance, this number is much more than 6 - just as many heroes of the Soviet Union from Adygs. However, if you look at the percentage of the number of heroes to the population, then a completely different picture will be. The 1939 census showed that 99,591,520 Russians live in the country. Adygov - 88115. And it turns out that the percentage of heroes on the "soul of the population" at the small Adyghe people are even somewhat more than that of Russians - 0.0068 against 0.0080. The "percentage of heroism" among Ukrainians is 0.0072, in Belarusians - 0.0056, at the Uzbeks 0.0013, at the Chechens - 0.0012 and so on. It is clear that in itself the number of heroes cannot be considered an exhaustive characteristic of the National Spirit, but the ratio of the number of heroes and the total population is something that says about the people. If you familiarize yourself with this statistic on the example of the peoples of the USSR, it will become clear - during the war, each of our peoples made their share in the general victory, and allotment of someone would be blatant injustice.

During the Great Patriotic War on the front, the sons and daughters of all the republics and all the peoples of the USSR were fought on the shoulder. Each people in this war had their heroes.

During the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the Soviet Union were 7998 Russians, 2021 Ukrainian, 299 Belarusians. Tatars are followed by the number of heroes - 161, Jews - 107, Kazakhs - 96, Georgians - 90, Armenians - 89.

Not much behind Georgians and Armenians of Uzbeks - 67 Heroes, Morvintsey - 63, Chuvashi - 45, Azerbaijanis - 43, Bashkirs - 38, Ossetians - 33. Next comes Mari, Turkmen, Lithuanians, Tajiks, Latvians, Kyrgyz, Komi, Udmurts Country from 10 to 18 heroes of the Soviet Union. On 9 heroes came out of German (this, of course, about the Volga Germans) and Estonian peoples, on 8 from Karelov, Buryats and Mongols, Kalmykov, Kabardians. Adygi gave the country of 6 heroes, Abkhaza - 4, Yakuts - 2, Moldovans - too, 2, Tuvintsy -1. And finally, representatives of the repressed peoples, such as Chechens and the Crimean Tatars, fought no less brave than the rest. 5 Chechens and 6 Crimean Tatars were awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union. About "uncomfortable" nationalities

On the household level in the USSR there were practically no ethnic conflicts, all peacefully lived side by side, and belonged to each other if not in fraternally, then in good-neighborly. However, at the state level there were periods when some nations were considered "wrong." These are, first of all, repressed peoples, and Jews. Everyone who is a little interested in the question of the Crimean Tatars, knows the name of Ametkhan Sultan, the legendary pilot-as, twice the hero of the Soviet Union. The features were made by representatives of the Chechen people. As you know, in 1942, a call to the front of the residents of the Chechen-Ingush Republic was stopped, but by the end of the summer of this year, when the fascists invaded the North Caucasus, it was decided to call for the front of volunteers from among the Chechens and Ingush. 18.5 thousand volunteers were calling points. They stood to death on the approaches to Stalingrad as part of a separate Chechen-Ingush regiment. About Jews often makes it possible that representatives of this ancient people are capable of, above all, to intellectual work and commerce, and warriors of them are so-so. And this is not true. 107 Jews began during the Great Patriotic Heroes of the Soviet Union. Jewish merit, for example, in the organization of the partisan movement in Odessa. From the "natural" numbers - to the percentage of 7998 Russians began during the war heroes of the Soviet Union.

At first glance, this number is much more than 6 - just as many heroes of the Soviet Union from Adygs. However, if you look at the percentage of the number of heroes to the population, then a completely different picture will be. The 1939 census showed that 99,591,520 Russians live in the country. Adygov - 88115. And it turns out that the percentage of heroes on the "soul of the population" at the small Adyghe people are even somewhat more than that of Russians - 0.0068 against 0.0080. The "percentage of heroism" among Ukrainians is 0.0072, in Belarusians - 0.0056, at the Uzbeks 0.0013, at the Chechens - 0.0012 and so on. It is clear that in itself the number of heroes cannot be considered an exhaustive characteristic of the National Spirit, but the ratio of the number of heroes and the total population is something that says about the people. If you familiarize yourself with this statistic on the example of the peoples of the USSR, it will become clear - during the war, each of our peoples made their share in the general victory, and allotment of someone would be blatant injustice.

During the Great Patriotic War on the front, the sons and daughters of all the republics and all the peoples of the USSR were fought on the shoulder. Each people in this war had their heroes.

Peoples whose heroes were the most

During the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the Soviet Union were 7998 Russians, 2021 Ukrainian, 299 Belarusians. Tatars are followed by the number of heroes - 161, Jews - 107, Kazakhs - 96, Georgians - 90, Armenians - 89.

Other nations

Not much lagged behind Georgians and Armenians of Uzbeks - 67 Heroes, Morvintsev - 63, Chuvashi - 45, Azerbaijanis - 43, Bashkirs - 38, Ossetians - 33.

On 9 heroes came out of German (this, of course, about the Volga Germans) and Estonian peoples, on 8 from Karelov, Buryats and Mongols, Kalmykov, Kabardians. Adygi gave the country of 6 heroes, Abkhaza - 4, Yakuts - 2, Moldovans - too, 2, Tuvintsy -1. And finally, representatives of the repressed peoples, such as Chechens and the Crimean Tatars, fought no less brave than the rest. 5 Chechens and 6 Crimean Tatars were awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union.

About "uncomfortable" nationalities

On the household level in the USSR there were practically no ethnic conflicts, all peacefully lived side by side, and belonged to each other if not in fraternally, then in good-neighborly. However, at the state level there were periods when some nations were considered "wrong." These are, first of all, repressed peoples, and Jews.

Everyone who is a little interested in the question of the Crimean Tatars, knows the name of Ametkhan Sultan, the legendary pilot-as, twice the hero of the Soviet Union. The features were made by representatives of the Chechen people. As you know, in 1942, a call to the front of the residents of the Chechen-Ingush Republic was stopped, but by the end of the summer of this year, when the fascists invaded the North Caucasus, it was decided to call for the front of volunteers from among the Chechens and Ingush. 18.5 thousand volunteers were calling points. They stood to death on the approaches to Stalingrad as part of a separate Chechen-Ingush accepted regiment.

About Jews often makes it possible that representatives of this ancient people are capable of, above all, to intellectual work and commerce, and warriors of them are so-so. And this is not true. 107 Jews began during the Great Patriotic Heroes of the Soviet Union. Huge merit of Jews, for example, in the organizationpartisan traffic in Odessa.

From "natural" numbers - to percent

7998 Russians began during the war heroes of the Soviet Union. At first glance, this number is much more than 6 - just as many heroes of the Soviet Union from Adygs. However, if you look at the percentage of the number of heroes to the population, then a completely different picture will be. The 1939 census showed that 99,591,520 Russians live in the country. Adygov - 88115. And it turns out that the percentage of heroes on the "soul of the population" at the small Adyghe people are even somewhat more than that of Russians - 0.0068 against 0.0080. The "percentage of heroism" among Ukrainians is 0.0072, in Belarusians - 0.0056, at the Uzbeks 0.0013, at the Chechens - 0.0012 and so on. It is clear that in itself the number of heroes cannot be considered an exhaustive characteristic of the National Spirit, but the ratio of the number of heroes and the total population is something that says about the people. If you familiarize yourself with this statistic on the example of the peoples of the USSR, it will become clear - during the war, each of our peoples made their share in the general victory, and to allocate someone would be shining the injustice of Yu.
