As Einstein said, the logic will deliver you from one point to another, and the imagination can transfer you anywhere. People with developed imagination are dreamers who know how to enjoy life, as even in the most difficult situations may come up with an unexpected decision. That is why it is very important to develop an imagination in adults and not put it in children. We all know how children love to imagine, but adults often do not understand whether it is stupid in the ensuing such a way of thinking of a small man. As a result, people, ordinary individuals, incapable of creative thinking grow. However, our goal: to prove that at any age you can develop an imagination.

What is imagination?

Imagination is the type of creative thinking of a person in which he independently creates new images, ideas, opens unprecedented horizons. Very often, the dreamers become operators in a wide variety of spheres of life:

  • Sergey Pavlovich Korolev dreamed of conquering cosmos and became the leading developer and constructor of missiles in the USSR.
  • Pablo Picasso possessed an incredible imagination, in this one can see if looking at his brilliant paintings, which, by the way, not everyone can understand.
  • Alexander Flemming dreamed that he would find a medicine from infections. So it happened, he opened Penicillin, who saved many people from terrible diseases.
  • The Great Experimentator Thomas Edison highlighted its incandescent lamp the whole world. However, this was preceded by not only a developed imagination, but also incredibly hard work.

You can continue endlessly, there are many people with a developed imagination among scientific and creative figures.

One of the types of imagination is a recreation thinking, thanks to which the person "thinks" what has not seen before, which did not come across in the past. In contrast to memory, the recreation imagination is distinguished by incredible flexibility and dynamism.

The complexity of the development of imagination is that it is difficult to formalize, control and subjugate an algorithm. However, the good news will be that the imagination is available for each person, therefore, it is possible to develop it at any time period.

Household appliances and exercises for the development of imagination

In order for the imagination in itself, it is necessary to stimulate those sections of the brain that are responsible for life experience. It turns out that the more irritants receive a person, the more developed his imagination. So, household means for the development of imagination, accessible to each person:

  • It is necessary to communicate with a large number of people.
  • Participate in a variety of public events.
  • Every day to fulfill new and new things.
  • No need to go along the rolled road, you should choose unknown paths. This applies not only to pedestrian or car walks, but also decision making methods.

Consider 2 very productive methods that help develop imagination at any age.

We develop imagination by expanding the number of models of the world

The world model is perceived by different people in different ways, so it is difficult to talk about objectivity in the interpretation of reality. This wording displays the saying "to the taste and color of comrades." However, any model of the world can be expanded by trying to understand the point of view of other people and their idea of \u200b\u200bthe world. In everyday communication, try to put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and see the world with his eyes. Experiment - Today you are a child, tomorrow is an elderly neighbor, and the day after tomorrow - the fighter returned from the army. All these mental reincarnations will have a positive way to affect your creative thinking.

Reading - Tell me what your favorite book and I will tell who you are!

Books are an inexhaustible simulator for imagination. As they say, "the book is a small window, through it the whole world is visible." During reading artistic literature, images are visualized. For the development of imagination, it is recommended to choose detective novels, adventures, scientific and popular fiction. Quite effectively affects the imagination of man and poetry. However, lovers read a day. Night should be aware that books are not the only way to develop creative thinking and imagination. Over time, avid readers get used to getting other people's thoughts, their mind is not fully working, so the books must be alternating with other exercises. The optimal reader rhythm for each of their own, as a rule, can be considered to read 1-5 books per month.

Exercises for the development of imagination in creative crisis

The lack of imagination is often worried about creative personalities, which in their vocation are forced to constantly work with fantasy. We give several exercises that will help to detect the writer talent or practice imagination:

  • Take a handle or pencil and colorfully describe the place in which you like to relax.
  • Imagine that an unexpected guest at 4 am to go to you. What do you tell him? Write it on paper.
  • Write a small story on a philosophical topic, for example, what is the meaning of life?
  • Create a message for yourself in the future. Contact yourself after 10 years, ask or advise, tell me about yourself and try to guess what you will be busy in the future.
  • Find 250 class options if you have an extra week.

Gaming Exercises Developing Imagination

  • Running a friend. Drudla are simple pictures that resemble doodles containing several interpretations. A person is invited to say that he sees in the image. It is interesting that there are no right and incorrect answers. The response search process itself is a training session.
  • Word game. Standard game can be complicated by new rules. For example, you need to call only those words, the designations of which will fit in a five-liter barrel. Or call only those items that are in the house.
  • Description of images. Very effective method, especially for children. Show the child any illustration and ask to tell what he sees. You will be surprised by the limitless imagination of a little researcher.
  • Adults will love such a game. During a trip to the subway or other public transport, try to come up with a biography of any passenger - the name, last name, year of birth, the main moments of life. Guess his kind of activity and hobby. Such a game can become an excellent version of the pastime with friends in the park or any other crowded place.

Computer exercises for the development of imagination

It is impossible to describe all the techniques for a person's fantasy training. Now wide popular is a variety of online simulators, allowing to fantasize and develop imagination anywhere - on a trip, in a break at work, at home.

Our BRAIN Apps service represents a series of wonderful games that help develop imagination and creativity. These are games from the "Thinking" section. We also recommend visiting the task section in which you will find interesting riddles with trick.

Remember that imagination is a gift that you should use. If you do not use a fantasy, you can very soon to turn into an ordinary and boring person who is not interested in anyone. Dare!

After the lateral gap was produced, we had a lot in most of our illogical (lateral) judgments. Now we have to take a step aimed at eliminating the separation of the template. The upcoming stage is associated with the work on the development of creative imagination for the search and the creation of full-fledged creative ideas from metamorphosis, which come in previous stages. In other words, in this lesson you will learn how to learn how to easily eliminate the lateral break. This lesson describes the techniques, principles and features of the development of creative imagination, and also contains useful techniques, exercises and games.

What is a creative imagination

Creative imagination - This is a type of imagination, during which a person independently creates new images and ideas representing a certain value. These ideas can be implemented in specific creative activities.

Also close to creative imagination and useful in the process of creative thinking is a recreation imagination. Resting imagination This is the creation of object images that were not previously perceived by a person in a complete form, although it was already familiar with such objects or with their individual elements. At the same time, the knowledge of these objects has already been used in a person, which determines mainly the reproductive nature of the images created. At the same time, these images are distinguished from the memory of memory, the flexibility and dynamism of the elements. Simply put, recreation of imagination, unlike creative, more consciously relies on the previous experience.

The peculiarity of the imagination in the creative process is that it is exactly the imagination is difficult to control when creating something new. If an almost accurate action algorithm could be described in previous stages, then the last stage should be relying on the ability of a person to creative imagination and associative thinking, you can read about the latter in a special lesson for the development of memory.

The ability to find problems solving

Before moving towards the development of productive imagination, it is important to note that the ability to creative imagination is available for everyone. The human mind has an important property that consists in the presence of an incentive of eliminating logical contradictions.

For example, many smokers, knowing about the serious harm of smoking, always know how to explain to themselves and the reason for which they do not refuse this harmful habit. It turns out that smokers face the internal contradiction of "smoking useful - smoking harmful", which in psychology is called cognitive dissonance (). This contradiction causes psychological discomfort, and people are forced to invent all possible ways to eliminate this contradiction, and some of them reflect the high creative abilities of a person: smoking can be harmful, but it's nice, smoking helps creative, sets up to the right way, helps to train breathing, reduces weight etc. Almost every smokers have its own excuse, which was caused by a logical contradiction.

It turns out that man is initially programmed to fight contradictions and look for a way out of the established complex situations. In the previous lesson, we have many modified judgments regarding the object in the selected focus. At the stage of the template break, we violated logic, and came to dissonance, which will have to be corrected using our imagination, life experience and natural predisposition to a certain type of thinking. Moreover, the ability of people effectively look for solutions to logical contradictions is the stronger than the person's experience, ideas about various behavioral models and other knowledge about the world.

To understand how this mechanism works in person personally, as well as to practice your imagination, we suggest you perform an exercise called "Mixed letters in words"

Exercise "Mixed letters in words"

This exercise perfectly shows that our brain can find and understand the meaning of words, even if he is trying to intend to confidently. This happens because we read not by letters and syllables, but the words entirely and in addition, we understand the meaning of words thanks to the neighboring words and phrases with which our brain came across before.

Development of imagination

One of the main ways to develop imagination is to obtain multilateral life experience. The more we communicate with different people, we participate in various events, we are engaged in different things, the more sensual, emotional and intellectual experience we get. As a result, all this experience and participates in the elimination of logical dissonances arising from lateral thinking. Naturally, there are no universal recommendations for obtaining life experience, but you can pay attention to such things as the expansion of models of peace and reading.

Expansion of the number of models of the world. The term "world model", as well as Framing, which was stated in the second lesson, is popular in neurolinguistic programming to describe various approaches of people to the interpretation of reality.

A variety of models of the world proceeds from the fact that reality is perceived by people in different ways, and no one can be an objective interpreter of reality. To understand the essence of the process of creating something new, it is necessary to realize that all ideas that our ideas are perceived by every person in different ways. For example, some musical works that you like can cause a negative attitude from other people. The problem of interpretation of music well shows the difference in people's ideas: that one seems to be a beautiful, original or even ingenious, another may not seem at all.

For the development of creative thinking, you need to use the representative features of various models of the world. In other words, the more we communicate with different people and try to understand them, the better it will be better than our creative thinking.

Reading. Reading books and other sources of information, including using photography techniques, a very effective way to develop creative imagination. While reading there is an active visualization of what you read. Since other than letters from which there are words and suggestions, you do not get any additional information, then you have to imagine a picture of what is happening. Especially useful for the development of creativity to read fiction, adventure, detectives and, of course, poetry.

However, the effect of reading books on the ability to creatively think is not entirely definitely. For example, Schopenhauer in his work "Parergaund Paralipomena" noted that excessive reading is not only useless, since the reader in the process of reading gets ready-made strangers and worse, they assimilate them than if he came to them on his own, but also harmful for mind, because Weakens it and teach it to look for ideas in external sources, and not from your own head. This can only add that although reading and expanding our models of the world, but the habit of searching the truth in the books worsens the ability to search for a creative solution.


For creative thinking, the ability to find links between already acquired experiences and the fact that we are contemplating at the moment in other words, build associations. The exercises below are aimed at developing imagination and associative thinking.

Exercise 1. Rotate figures

This exercise is aimed at training imagination. The use of it in the development of imagination proposed in the 1980s a well-known psychologist Roger Shepard. In each task you will be shown 2 figures: some are obtained by reflection of each other, others - by turning, and the third are simply similar and are not a turn and reflection of each other.

Exercise 2. Running a friend

Exercise 3. On the letter (test)

Try for a minute to call as many things that are now in the room together with you and begin with the letter: "K". On the letter "P" ... And on "B"?

Consider how much you got. If you try, you can call more than 50 things, and it is possible and more than 100. To improve this exercise, think what groups of surrounding items you forgot to include. For example, the letter "B" can be called:

  • things hanger, (objects),
  • screws, introduction in the book on the shelf, (items details),
  • tungsten thread lamps, felt, wool, viscose, etc. (materials),
  • vault on the carpet, wax on the floor (coating),
  • hair, eyelids, freckles, whiskey, etc. (body),
  • imagination, delight, excitement, the ability to come up with something else (mental concepts),
  • air, breeze, word options, you yourself, all others (also on "in").

Think what else can you call? Practice with other letters: "P", "K", "C" - simpler, "D", "A", "T" more comprehensive.

Exercise 4. Come up with the name and description

Try to come up with a name or signature for the picture, describe what happens on it:

As you have already guessed, it is a picture of Pablo Picasso. It is called "Night Fishing on Antibes". For the development of creative imagination, try more often to describe the interesting things around you: paintings, photos, music, food and much more. Try to walk more often in museums, carefully look at the exhibits. The mystery of the Black Square Malevich, for example, is that in the presence of imagination and creative perception of the world, in this picture you can see for yourself much. If you do not bother your creativity, then you will only see the geometric figure of black color, nothing personifies. Black square is a mirror of your imagination.

There is another modification of this exercise: during a trip to public transport, try to come up with a name, biography, or other details for unfamiliar people who go with you, based only on their appearance. If you are traveling a friend in the company, share your own with him, and then offer him to do the same, compare your stories.

Games for the development of imagination

Imagination is a key factor in the last element of our creative thinking scheme. The better the imagination is developed, the wider the human worldview, the faster it is able to find the necessary associations in his head, the more creative ideas.

Imagination develops with us constantly, the more we know the world, the better our imagination is developed. However, one of the contemplation of the world is not enough. It is important to think about what we see, analyze what is happening.

Check your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the subject of this lesson, you can pass a small test consisting of several questions. In each question, only 1 option can be correct. After choosing one of the options, the system automatically moves to the next question. The points you receive affect the correctness of your answers and spent time spent. Please note that questions every time are different, and the options are mixed.

The chef instructed the creative task, and you do not know from which end to it to come? Children ask to tell a fairy tale, but besides "Kolobka" in the head nothing comes? The girl wants surprises, and you can not understand what it means?

It's time to start looking for information about how to develop an imagination in adults. After all, it is with his absence that all difficulties that may arise in the many other situations described above are connected.

But do not be upset and stild tons of information: from this article you will learn the most efficient, but at the same time simple techniques for the development of imagination in an adult. Get ready for traveling to the world of fantasies!

To begin with, we will understand what imagination is and why many people have it. So what does this word mean?

The imagination is called the ability of a person to generate various images, ideas and ideas in its consciousness. It is active when you specifically imagine something, and it happens passive, that is, unconscious.

For example, if you felt hunger, and your brain immediately issued a picture of an appetizing burger or fried meat - the imagination was connected; If you searched the photo from the holidays and remembered how it was good to lie on the beach - it worked it.

Thus, if a person says that he has no imagination, then this is not at all. This ability has each, but it is developed in different ways. And as any other ability or skill, imagination can be developed.

This ability is more active in young children, adolescents and boys. It is in these periods of life that we will know the world, we dream, we build ambitious plans. With age, a person usually deepens into certain thoughts, study, work, draws attention only to real things and pressing problems.

And if you are not a creative person who has all life is associated with images, but a serious programmer or sales manager, then invent bright ideas every year becomes more difficult. A man begins to think with stereotypes and sees the world too literally.

The consequence of this becoming boring conversations, the inability to make the world around themselves beautiful and colorful. How to deal with it?

In fact, develop the imagination is not too complicated even for adults. Next, various technicians and methods will be listed that will help cope with the problem of the absence of active imagination.

The main condition for the success of these exercises is openness to experiments and lack of constraint. The simplest of them are performed only in your head, and therefore, it is not necessary to fear errors - no one will see them. And those methods that involve interacting with other people will help you not only develop the imagination, but also have fun.

1. Activate "Imagining" by visualization

Perhaps the visualization is the easiest way to activate the work of the imagination and develop it. The essence of this exercise is in the detailed mental reproduction of a certain subject, place, actions.

You need to start with small: try carefully consider the object lying on the table, and then close your eyes and present it. This can be anything, for example, a book or a telephone.

2. Develop imagination, reading books

Visualization of events from books is closely related to the previous way. Only here the task is more difficult - you need to keep a lot of characters in my head, the images, to force them to move and interact. Try not to just read in the letters and words, absorbing certain information, but to generate a holistic picture.

Over time, reading books will be the same exciting occupation as watching movies ... Or maybe even better! After all, reading the book, it is possible not to be limited to the fantasy of the director, but to give will to his own imagination, but at the same time develop it.

3. Playing the Association

Associative thinking is developed by most adults. Well, what, and imagine an orange color with the word "orange" will succeed in each. Playing this game with a team, you can not only have fun, but also increase the imagination skill.

4. Invent Kotops and other unknown animals

Where did the names of the medical and weevil come from? Someone came up with them! Moreover, the easiest way. Once the animal feeds on honey, it means that it is necessary to call it a medical device, and that bird with a long beak - donomos.

Despite the fact that the names you are unlikely to enter the textbooks of biology, this occupation can be very cheerful and fascinating. The combination of various words and inventing new ones will perfectly help develop imagination not only in children, but also in adults.

5. Communicate to art

In fact, all creative people enjoy this way to develop certain qualities in themselves. If you lack ideas, inspiration or imagination, go to the art gallery or an exhibition, see movies and master classes.

Watch how others do it. Sometimes a brilliant copyright concept can be born from small pieces and ideas. And if you periodically watch the creativity of your favorite authors, then our own ideas will also wait long for a long time.

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We live in time of rapidly developing technologies that require from us and children of special concentration of attention, flexibility of thinking and fast adaptation. Such a world needs non-standard solutions and creative approaches to the disconnection of various problems. Therefore, it is important to develop imagination in children and adults.

We are not born with the ability to create object images in consciousness. This ability comes to us at an early age, and contribute to this fairy tales and poems, drawing and modeling, dancing and music. The first thinking images in children appear at the age of two, and already by three years with the development of speech, the imagination becomes richer.

But under five years old, they cannot fantasize and do not act at the same time - each of their fantasy is embodied in a game or story. And only in the senior preschool age, children begin to create objects of thinking in their minds.

It is very important to maintain the development of imagination from preschoolers, help them to fantasize, for example, in the process of reading fairy tales and games. They give the necessary base for the formation of imagination, learn to make decisions and be responsible for him.

It requires control of games and imaginary plots, since children are hard to separate imaginary from the actual. And the main task of parents is to distinguish between the fantasy from childhood and stupidity, which carries the negative and harm, and be prepared for the manifestation of children's aggressiveness. And it should also be helped to create positive imaging objects that will help customize the child to positive things, and will also help solve this or that problem.

Help develop imagination from preschoolers and schoolchildren

An independently child cannot develop object thinking at the proper level and the parents should help in this process.

Presentation: "Develop imagination and attention"

  • The latitude of fantasies depends on the wealth of life experience, so it is necessary to expand the horizons of children, help them form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and events around. It is based on the existing knowledge that the imagination is developed, especially in younger students. It's no secret that the erudite child is able to create a brighter imaginary world.
  • Imagination can develop from preschoolers and on the basis of someone else's experience. For example, it can be based on the story of the parents or read fairy tales. Of course, this will have to learn and develop such a skill;
  • Remember that fantasies and emotional state go around. Depending on the mood, the fictional objects are endowed with various properties, so it is so important to form a positive emotional background in children.

But it happens that the child has enough knowledge, and a lot of bright impressions in life, and he does not want to dream and dream . Here you need to help - push it unobtrusively to this:

  • give various motivations, for example, together come up with how you spend the weekend and on the basis of this, make a story, and then embody this story to life;
  • explain that in the invented stories, no matter how they were, there is nothing galloping, but on the contrary it is fun and interesting. A child who likes to invent different adventures for his favorite heroes is easier to cope with any life situations;
  • for the development of imagination from preschoolers, it is important to confidence in parents, because it is they who teach fantasize and dream;
  • if you want the child to develop creative potential in itself, start and you tell him invented fairy tales, make some fakes. After all, children love to copy adult behavior.

Presentation: "Development and correction of imagination in children"

We help children open a creative start

Children in preschool age can help develop an imagination by the following exercises:

  • read the children of books, consider pictures with them, go to the theater and on excursions;
  • offer to draw what he saw in the performance, tell what he did during the day;
  • look and draw different stories that you can discuss in advance and help the child see what should happen;
  • praise for any composed stories, poems, songs;
  • preschoolers must spend time behind the games, but their choice lies with your responsibility, surround the child with constructors and puzzles by age, use ready-made educational games and exercises.

If it seems to you that younger schoolchildren develop the imagination more difficult, then this is an erroneous opinion.

They have more knowledge and life experience, which means the material for fantasies and imagines, but it is difficult to find an approach, the right game or exercise for the development of this skill. As an option, ask to imagine and describe some kind of plot from the read book, offer to make some changes to the development of events in your favorite fairy tale or cartoon. Remember that drawing, modeling, origami and various fakes made by your own hands, as well as various vivid impressions that everyone wants to tell are excellent tools for the development of the imagination of schoolchildren and preschoolers.

Presentation: "Development of creative imagination"

We develop playing

Here are some options for games and exercises, stimulating the development of imagination in children of senior preschool age:

  • effective exercise - offer the child to circle your palms with pencil or paints and let him tell you what they look like and draw on their picture, such as a bird, and the hand is her wing or a bouquet where the brush is the branches of colors;
  • for the development of artistic skills, let the child choose any three colors of the paint and sketch the whole sheet of paper, and then tell me what it looks like;
  • excellent game for imagination - put a large stack of paint to the middle of a sheet of paper, bend it in half and open. Offer to tell you what or whom the blots look like;
  • for many of us, a simple game is familiar when they are given unfinished drawings and are offered to draw them and tell about the resulting result, try it with your children;
  • draw two identical silhouettes of wizards, and let the child will create one kind pencil, and another evil character, and then tell you what has done bad and how good won it. This exercise is not only developing fantasy, but helps to distinguish between good and evil;
  • exercises with dancing are also very effective. Offer to dance joy or delight, chanterelle or just blossomed flower;
  • cut various mugs and strips of different sizes from paper, let the child tell, to which they are similar - this game allows you to create new images;
  • inconsider children an exercise in which you need to change the end of the fairy tale familiar to them;
  • another exercise - Tell the fairy tale, and then together separated fantastic events from those that can happen in real life, so you will have two stories - one with real events, another completely fantastic.

Presentation: "Development of intellectual abilities of preschoolers through the use of game technologies"

We help to fantasize

Several exercises stimulating fantasy in children:

    • Increase and decrease. Tell me that the child has a magic wand with the help of which he can change the size of anything, let it tell that it is reduced, and what increased and what will lead to;
    • Adding fictional properties to people. Invite the person with new skills and bodies, thus creating a fantastic hero and building the plot around him;
    • Revive the drawing. Tell your child that everything painted by him can come to life, let him come up and sketches who and for what he wants to revive;
    • Transformation into any subject. Let the child deltinate in order for him to turn into what item, and let it show how he would then look like;
    • Deliver items that do not have the skills and properties. For example, trees learned to talk and what came of it. Or imagine that a stick like a horse can jump;
  • Employment of non-living objects with new properties. Suppose, water that treats all diseases or makes it only for the truth;
  • The revival of dead animals, people, the heroes of fairy tales and the idea, as if developing events further developed;
  • Changing the usual relationship between fabulous characters;
  • Offer to come up with names with various drawings and pictures of famous artists;
  • Combine several items in one and vice versa fantasize what could be if some items would be divided into several parts, each of which came to life;
  • Games with time. This exercise allows you to imagine that time accelerated and the day fly in 5 hours or vice versa summer lasts not three months, and half a year, and perhaps invented the time machine;
  • Offer to come up with some kind of house or a gadget of the future;
  • Invent new holidays, contests and plots for matinees.
There are plenty of such games and exercises, you can and yourself invent them on the go. Here the main thing to start and go to the goal.

Developing children we develop ourselves

Constantly coming up with new games and classes for the child, parents also fantasize and imagine, thereby developing these qualities in themselves. And often, without noticing, the creative ideas of simple solutions begin to generate creative ideas. This is also manifested in the answers to unexpected questions of children, and in the new placement of furniture and even in the preparation of ordinary dishes in a new way.

Playing a simple look at the development of imagination with a child, we also begin to imagine and fantasize, helping to create an exciting plot.

But it can be started to develop in this direction for a long time before the appearance of children. There is a lot of exercises that are designed specifically for adults and are directed to the disclosure and development of thinking flexibility. Of course, some of them, at first they may seem ridiculous or complex, but do not be afraid of difficulties. Without such workouts, we are hard to take change and move forward, we begin to think patterns.

One of the most mysterious mental phenomena of the human brain is imagination. Under this concept, they understand a special mental process, thanks to which new images are created on the basis of early perceived. It reflects the real reality in a new unusual form. Without it, creative professions would not exist: poets, artists, writers, musicians. Naturally, the question arises - how to develop an imagination?

Varieties of imagination

There are many species of this mental process. Briefly consider the main of them.

  • Active. Thanks to him, we have the ability to consciously cause the desired image. In turn, it is divided into:
  1. Creative - helps to create new images that are later embodied in the painting, architectural work, music, clothing, etc. without having at least a remote idea of \u200b\u200bthe future of their work, a person will not start working. This species is also called productive, since the image created by our brain is later embodied in the form of a picture, sculptures, songs, clothes and many other things.
  2. Restable - allows you to again and again represent the visual image of those things that we have ever seen. This species is very important, since the information accumulated by them is a base from which ideas are drawn for creativity.
  • Passive. It generates images and ideas, which in the near future will not be embodied by a person. It may be conscious or unconscious.
  1. The dream is the ability of the human brain to generate images of a distant future, plan the things that, in general, is possible, but not soon. Dreams appear consciously.
  2. Dreams. The main feature of this type of imagination lies in the fact that the implementation of the brain created by the brain is impossible and unrealistic. Consciously manifest.
  3. Hallucinations - unconscious generation of the human brain of those images that are unreal and non-existent. It is manifested in the event of a brain failure (for example, as a result of the adoption of some drugs or in mental illness). Their impact so strongly that a person is absolutely no doubt about their unreality.
  4. Dreams, we see at the time when our body rests. Manifest unconsciously.

Features of the development of imagination

The level of development of imagination is individual for each person. It is also developed in different ways in adults and in children.
Preferably, it depends on how much man developed his imagination. An important role in this is played by the surrounding people. If parents do not allow their child to fantasize, belong to his innocent fiction with condemnation, then, most likely, the baby will be less likely to give free to his fantasies.
Some psychologists allocate three stages of fantasy development:

  • childhood from 3 years;
  • teenage years;
  • youth.

In these periods, a person has the most stormy fantasy when it is believed in the most incredible wonders, I want to perform feats, get involved in the adventures. At the same time, at such stages are often accumulated, risky and dangerous deeds.
It should be noted that the degree of development of imagination is directly related to the emotionality of a person: the more the ability to fantasy - the stronger emotion.
Without a developed imagination, a person thinks the stamps, his inner world is Sudden and monotonous, his brain cannot issue new ideas, unique images.

It is noticed that the imagination is improving those who Released from: limiting thinking patterns, from complexes, negative states and other mental trash. For this purpose, use the turbo-horselik () system.

Exercises for the development of imagination

There are a large number of exercises for the development of imagination. They will suit both adults and children.

  • Visualization

This exercise is recommended as an initial. It is designed to train the skill to reproduce and create visual images in detail. You can develop fantasy, memory and thinking.
Fight some item. You can start from something simple, for example, books. Imagine it to the smallest details. Further openly open it, Polyce, imagine how reading or view pictures. At first it will be a bit hard, although it seems very simple: the images may be fuzzy, and thoughts elude. When the visualization of simple items will begin to get easily - go to more complex. In general, this exercise will teach you to manage your thoughts.

  • New words

Invent and make up new words. Call objects in a new way. At first, you will have to lie down to come up with something interesting and successful. But the more training, the easier the words will come to mind.

  • Verbal counting

By making calculations, you not only train fantasy, but also mind. You can additionally represent how to write down the numbers on paper and do the calculations there.

  • Silent movies

View movies without sound gives the will of fantasy. You can not only voice the individual phrases or the dialogs of the heroes, but also come up with a whole story. You can play this game with friends: everyone will choose a hero and talk for him.

  • Association

This exercise is interesting not only to children, but also adults. You can play in associations both independently and the team. Come up with an association to some word: imagine an object or feeling associated with the mandated word. It is very important to explain what exactly these two words binds. This game is well developing creative thinking.

  • Reading

When you read the book, try as much as possible to imagine everything that happens in the novel or the story: heroes, houses, rooms, outfits, nature.

  • Study of schemes and cards

Turn the exercise in an interesting exciting game. Come up with the story of the treasure hidden by pirates and try to find it. Or come up with a journey through uncharted lands. You can just go on a map on familiar cities and represent the places where you have already visited.

  • Fold out stories

This game is well played by the company. Come up with an exciting fairy tale and tell your friends. Most importantly - you need to invent the story on your own, on the go, without preparation.
Simulation of situations or hypothesis.
Start the game from the phrase "And what if ...". Try to invent the hypothesis is impedeable, and continue the thought in the same spirit. The situation must be as incredible as possible.

  • Hobby

Create imagination will help creative hobbies: drawing, knitting, sewing, weaving, beads and much more. Nowadays the choice is huge. Find the passion to your taste where you can give fantasy will. In addition, you can spend time with pleasure, which will be a good rest.

Those people who know how to develop imagination have the opportunity not only to train their brains, but also make their lives brighter. This will help not only in your work, but also in everyday life.
