The introduction of the point system is the first step towards a full-scale transition to teaching the credit system. In addition, a prerequisite for attestation and accreditation of absolutely all universities will be the provision of results for this experiment.

The transition to a new training system will not qualitatively change the content of academic disciplines: the number of hours, lectures and seminars remains the same.

This system should be used in the educational process in all disciplines. curriculum, including disciplines of the federal and university components, as well as disciplines of the students' choice. Apanasenko G.A. Ballno - rating system: does it have the right to independent existence? // Modern school, 2008. - № 2. - p. nine

1. Ball-rating technology for assessing knowledge is used for the purpose of personally - oriented learning, stimulating the systematic work of students, disclosing their creative abilities, differentiating the assessment of knowledge.

2. Ball-rating technology for assessing knowledge is designed to increase the objectivity and reliability of assessing the level of training of students and is used as one of the elements of managing the educational process at the university.

Understand the system of forming grades in disciplines and other types of employment in order to obtain final grades;

Realize the need for systematic work on the implementation of the curriculum based on the knowledge of your current rating score for each discipline and its change due to untimely mastering of the material;

Timely assess the state of your work on the study of the discipline, the implementation of all types of academic load before the start of the examination session;

During the semester, make adjustments to the organization of the current independent work.

Plan (in detail) the educational process in a specific discipline and stimulate the work of students for systematic work;

Timely make adjustments to the organization educational process based on the results of current rating control;

Objectively determine the final grade in the discipline, taking into account systematic work;

Provide a graded assessment of the level of knowledge in comparison with the traditional system.

6. Ball-rating technology allows to ensure the continuity of control and assessment of the quality of knowledge, both in a particular discipline and throughout the semester, at the current stage of training (all past semesters) and the period of study at this stage of higher professional education (HPE).

When developing a point system for assessing the progress of the department and individual teachers, take into account the following points:

Departments, depending on the specifics of the disciplines taught, establish the types of current control and their value in points;

The cost of attending each lesson is calculated as the quotient of dividing the amount of points established for attending classes by the number of planned training sessions;

For each type of educational work, the maximum number of points is set on condition that it is performed as “excellent”;

In case of an unsatisfactory assessment, no points are awarded for the performance of any type of current control;

The department has the right to declare the performance of any tasks mandatory. In case of non-fulfillment or receiving an unsatisfactory mark for the fulfillment of such compulsory tasks, the final mark will be unsatisfactory regardless of the amount of points scored in other types of current control.

The accumulated amount of points is used to determine the final grade. It is proposed to use a five-point scale adopted in Russia and a somewhat modified ECTS system, adopted in most European countries, as a scale of final assessments.

Theoretical material - attendance at lectures;

Practical skills - performance and defense of laboratory work, seminars;

Performing independent work (essays, creative assignments, computational and graphic works, term papers and projects) and their defense;

Educational, industrial and other practices.

2. Ballroom - rating technology should be clearly described for each discipline and brought to the attention of each student at the beginning of classes, as a component of the discipline study program, which is part of the educational and methodological complex (EMC).

3. When studying one discipline, a student can receive no more than 100 points. Wherein most the student receives points during the semester, about 1/3 - the final certification.

Classes missed for a good reason are worked out on the initiative of the student in the direction of the dean's office; The points received during the practice go to the rating.

5. By the decision of the department, students with a high rating in the discipline (from 90%) may (with their consent) be exempted from passing the exam. To obtain an excellent mark, an exam is required.

7. The complexity of the study of the discipline (the number of hours or credit units according to the curriculum) is taken into account by the coefficient in the assessment of the average performance indicator (OSPU):

Where О1, О 2, Оn - numerical equivalents of grades in the discipline;

К1, К2, Кn - credit units of the corresponding discipline.

The point system for assessing control of academic performance provides not only a differentiated assessment of various types of educational work, but also compliance with the deadlines for their implementation. The following terms are set for submission by departments (teachers) of reports on the current progress of students:

By these dates, each teacher submits reports to the dean's offices on the current progress of students in the groups where he conducts training sessions. Kolbanov V.V. Pedagogy: Textbook. - SPb .: DEAM, 2008 .-- 32p.

If a student who did not score, or who did not score enough points by the time of submission of the report, has a documented good reason (illness, departure for training camps, competitions), the dean's office extends the deadline for submitting control orders to the dean's office with the obligatory notification of the student and the corresponding teacher (department ).

A student who, without a valid reason, did not complete the control tasks and did not score the minimum number of points required to receive a credit or an examination mark at the end of the discipline, only on a compensatory basis can be allowed to re-study it. If he refuses this or if he receives an unsatisfactory mark again, he is expelled from the university. Vasilyeva O.S. Ball - rating system // Psychological Bulletin of the Russian State University, 2008. - № 3. - p. 45

Thus, the use of rating control and assessment can increase the level of motivation to study the subject. The results can be counted as the final grade for the semester test and, as a result, as the final exam grade. And when using the point-rating system, you can monitor the dynamics of the progress of the group as a whole and of each student, the scoring of the rating results will increase the activity of students and introduce a moment of competition into the learning process, identifying the best and lagging students.

The knowledge assessment system, which is traditional for Russian universities, is based on the fact that a student must show his knowledge in an exam or test. The intensity of work in the semester, attendance, the quality of laboratory work, and other educational activity can affect admission to the exam - but not the final grade. Of course, teachers often give the most distinguished students "fives" automatically; and at the exam they torment the "truants" with tricky additional questions and are much softer towards those who demonstrated academic zeal during the semester, but pulled out a bad ticket at the exam. However, the decisive factor in the traditional assessment system is the success of the exam. How to take into account the work in the semester (and whether to take into account at all) - depends only on the "goodwill" of the teacher.

Point-rating system, which domestic universities began to switch to in 2011, is based on completely different principles. Here, the success of the exam or test is only one of the factors influencing the assessment. Equally (and often much more) important is the work during the semester - attending classes, answering questions, doing control works and homework, etc. Thus, students applying for good grades are forced to "gnaw the granite of science" throughout school yearaccumulating points for successful certification. At the same time, the volume of “homework” with LRS is on average higher than with the traditional assessment system - after all, points have to be earned on something.

Often, simultaneously with the introduction of BRS, universities also launch personal account systems, which also serve as "electronic journals" - and students have the opportunity to track their rating "in real time."

What affects the assessment in the point-rating system of training

As a rule, a hundred-point scale is used for BRS. At the same time, a student can receive a certain share of points (usually from 20 to 40) by the answer on the exam, while the rest is the points that "accumulate" during the semester. They can be charged, for example:

  • for current work (attending classes, keeping abstracts, answering "on the spot", doing homework);
  • for the preparation of reports, presentations, abstracts, essays;
  • for completing tests or intermediate tests for sections of the course.

Often, teachers, towards the end of the semester, offer students with low scores additional assignments that can improve their rating.

The points accumulated in this way are added to the points received for the exam. The resulting result is translated into an assessment, which is put down in the statement and record book.

The scale may vary depending on the provision on the point-rating system of education adopted by the university. Usually:

  • you need to get “excellent” from 80-85 to 100 points;
  • "Four" is placed if the total points are in the range from 60-64 to 80-84 points;
  • to get a "three" you must get at least 40-45 points;
  • students not typing minimum quantity points are rated “unsatisfactory”.

In many cases points accumulated in a semester can be "exchanged" for a grade without passing an exam... Naturally, "excellent" in this case is almost impossible to get, but students who do not chase the "red" record, often use this opportunity to make their life easier during the session.

What else affects the student's rating

Despite the fact that the score is put down on a five-point system, the results on a hundred-point scale are usually taken into account when forming the ranking of students' progress in the course. And he, in turn, can influence the appointment of increased (including personal) scholarships, the establishment of individual discounts for training and the provision of other "bonuses".

In some universities, the points taken into account when forming the ranking can also be used to assess other student achievements - scientific work, participation in the social life of the university, volunteer activities, etc.

Pros and cons of the point-rating system

  • systematic work of students throughout the academic year allows you to more effectively master educational material, while the increase in the load in the semester is compensated by the absence of "overstrain" in the session;
  • the need to hand over intermediate work on time "spurs" and disciplines (which is especially important for junior students who are not yet used to planning their workload on their own);
  • students get the opportunity to earn points on those activities in which they are strongest - someone prefers oral presentations, someone focuses on written work;
  • the final grade becomes more predictable and "transparent", the student has more opportunity to influence it;
  • students who are not alien to the "competitive spirit" receive additional - and strong enough - motivation to study.

However, how adequate the BRS is in each specific case depends largely on the university and on the specific teacher. Such an assessment system significantly increases the volume of his work: he must develop and approve an assessment system at a meeting of the department, come up with assignments, and spend time checking them during the semester. And, if the teacher treated this matter purely formally, studying using a point-rating system can result in endless tests and boring essays.

About this, quite often, an unworked system of accrual of accumulative points leads to "distortions" - for example, simple attendance at a lesson turns out to be "more expensive" than a successfully completed work, and a few words "on the topic" said at a seminar bring as many points as laborious written work ... And in such cases, it is difficult to talk about increasing motivation.

In addition, LRS sometimes leads to a seemingly paradoxical result: a decrease in student performance. Many young people, trying to save time and effort, simply refuse additional assignments or exams if they know that they have already typed. minimum score"Allowing them to be certified in the course.

Memo to the student

Distribution of students by profile (in the framework of the direction of training a bachelor at the faculty),

Assignment to practice with the possibility of subsequent employment,

Internship destinations,

Providing a hostel for nonresident students,

Advantages of participating in the competitive selection for a master's degree program for a similar educational program.

  1. Academic rating - max 100 points (by discipline)

    Attendance at training sessions (max 20 points)

    The results of mastering each module of the academic discipline (current and midterm control) (max 20 points)

    Intermediate certification (exam, test with assessment, test) (max 40 points)

    Attendance at training sessions is assessed cumulatively as follows: the maximum number of points assigned to the attendance record (20 points) is divided by the number of lessons in the discipline. The resulting value determines the number of points a student gains for attending one lesson.

    The midterm assessment is carried out either in the last practical lesson (pass with grades or pass), or according to the schedule for the examination session (exam). For admission to the midterm certification, you must score a total of at least 30 points, successfully pass the midterm control in each discipline (not have arrears on current performance).

    ¤ A student may be exempted from passing the intermediate certification (credit, credit with an assessment or exam) if, based on the results of attendance, the results of current and midterm control and creative rating, he scored at least 50 points. In this case, he is given a mark "passed" (for offset) or a mark corresponding to the number of points scored (for offset with a mark or exam) with the student's consent.

    ¤ the teacher of the department, who directly conducts classes with the student group, is obliged to inform the group about the distribution of rating points for all types of work in the first lesson of the training module (semester), the number of modules for academic discipline, the timing and forms of control over their development, the opportunity to receive incentive points, the form of intermediate certification.

    ¤ students have the right to receive information about the current number of points scored in the discipline during the training module (semester). The teacher is obliged to provide the head of the group with this information to familiarize the students.

    Into the traditional four-point

Participation in competitions of student research papers;

Speaking at conferences;

Participation in Olympiads and competitions;

Participation in scientific work on the subject of the department and work in scientific circles;

is determined by the dean's office together with the student council of the faculty and the curator of the group 2 times a year based on the results of the semester (cannot exceed 200 points). Characterizes the student's active participation in the social life of the university and faculty.

The total educational rating is calculated as the sum of the products of the received points in each discipline (according to a 100-point system) by the labor intensity of the corresponding discipline (that is, the volume of hours in the discipline in credit units), with the exception of the discipline "physical culture".

Page content

According to the "Regulations on the current monitoring of progress and interim certification of students in undergraduate and graduate programs at the Financial University" Order No. 0557 / o dated 03.23.2017 and paragraph 2.4 of Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation, the Department of System Analysis in Economics approved a single standard point - a rating system for assessing student knowledge:

“... Criteria for scoring include the quality of preparing students for seminars, performing various types of independent work (while the results of regular express control of students' progress must be at least 50% of the score), as well as attending classrooms (no more than 15% of the score) estimates).

For compulsory disciplines:

Current control of progress in all studied disciplines of full-time undergraduate programs with summing up in the period from 01 to 10 November and from 01 to 10 April of the academic year and at the end of each semester.

20 points maximum for each period

3 points (15% of the maximum 20 points)
foreseen profile of the student's RUE)10 points (at least 50% of the score)
7 points
Total 20 points for each certification (20 * 2 \u003d 40)
Pass / Exam 60 credits
Total 100 points

For elective disciplines and disciplines of the university block:

40 points maximum for the period of mastering the discipline
attending classroom lessons (lectures / seminars)6 points (15% of the maximum 40 points)
the results of regular express control of progress (control or other types of work, foreseen profile of the student's RUE)20 points (at least 50% of the score)
Different kinds learning activities at the seminar provided by the Regulation (Section 2.)13 points
Total 40 points for the period of mastering the discipline
Test 60 credits
Total 100 points

Appendix No. 1 to the "Regulations on current control ..." Order No. 0557 / o dated 23.03.2017

Assessment of the quality of the student's work in the point-rating system is used for effective management educational process, when deciding on the appointment of state academic and personal scholarships, the issuance of diplomas with honors, etc.

  • increasing the motivation of students to master educational programs;
  • obtaining detailed and versatile information about the quality and effectiveness of training, as well as about personal educational achievements of students for their moral and material encouragement;
  • stimulating the systematic work of students during the semester (module);
  • reducing the role of random factors in the current and intermediate certification;
  • information support for the preparation of the supplement for the diploma of the Financial University, comparable to the European one (Diploma Supplement).
  • the unity of the requirements for the work of students;
  • regularity and objectivity in assessing the results of students' work;
  • openness and publicity of the results of students' progress for all participants in the educational process.

1.4. The point-rating system is based on a 100-point system for assessing students 'knowledge, which is used as a supplement to the official five-point system (semester, modular) for assessing students' knowledge, adopted in the Russian Federation.


  1. The scoring criteria include the quality of preparing students for seminars, performing various types of independent work (while the results of the regularly conducted express control of students' progress must be at least 50% of the score), as well as classroom attendance (no more than 15% of the score) ...
  2. When summing up the results of the current control of progress in the middle of the semester, its results in a 20-point assessment are entered in the form of the current control of progress using the TEKU and on the corresponding page of the subject-group journal by the teachers leading the classroom.
  3. A student who has received from 7 to 20 points is considered certified, who received from 0 to 6 points is not certified.
  4. The results of the current monitoring of progress for the second half of the semester / in the module are reported by the teachers leading the classroom lessons to the students at the last lesson and entered into the statements (in the column "points, work in the semester") on the day of the test / exam.
  5. The total score received by the student based on the results of the current control of progress in the semester / module and intermediate certification is converted into a five-point grading system in accordance with Table 2.

table 2

The procedure for transferring a 100-point assessment to a five-point grade

Are you ready to switch to a new format? After all, this is a system in which there is no traditional assessment of students on a five-point scale. Instead, in the process of study, the student receives points for work at seminars, for attending, for taking notes, etc.

Let's continue to familiarize ourselves with the concepts that you will have to face when you become a student.

Today I want to talk about BRS - point-rating system.
What is it? What is its essence? In which universities is it applied? What are the pros and cons of this system? You will find the answers to these questions in this article.

What is a point-rating system?

In other words, it is a system that lacks the traditional assessment of students on a five-point scale.

Instead, in the process of study, the student receives points for work at seminars, for attending, for taking notes, etc. (in the amount of no more than 40 points *). At the end of each semester, all points are summed up among themselves and added to the points received by the student on the exam (maximum 60 points can be obtained) and after that they are transferred to the grade according to the following scheme *:
86 - 100 points - "5"
70 - 85 points - "4"
51 - 69 points - "3"
If, as a result, a student scores less than 51 points, it is considered that he has not mastered the discipline.

* - this scheme, as well as dividing 100 points by "40 - for a semester, 60 for an exam" may differ slightly depending on the university.

In which universities is it applied?

The point-rating system is used in such universities as HSE, RUDN, REU, Financial University, Moscow Financial University, Moscow State University of Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Ural Federal University, Kazan Federal University, SFedU, etc. Exact information about whether the point-rating system is used in your chosen educational institution, you can always find on the website of the university itself.

What are the pros and cons of the point-rating system?


  • The objectivity of the assessment of student achievements in studies increases.
    Objectivity - the main requirement for assessment - is not well implemented in the traditional system. In the point-rating system, the exam ceases to be the “final sentence”, because it will only add points to those gained in the semester. If, on the contrary, the student gets nervous on the exam and does not write it so well, the mark will not be reduced so much due to the points scored per semester.
  • The motivation for constant active work throughout the semester increases (although for some, this is probably a minus).
    As you know, many students used to be guided by the rule “from session to session, students live happily,” that is, they did almost nothing during the semester, and for a couple of days they studied all the material and successfully (or not so much) passed the exam. With BRS, it will be more difficult to do this.
  • At the end of each semester, an overall course rating is formed, which makes various university opportunities more accessible, for example, a trip for a semester or a year to a foreign university to study. It's simple, if you want to get cool opportunities, study well.
  • "Race" for points.
    With a point-rating system of education, some students (especially in not particularly friendly groups) experience a sense of constant competition. This is most often manifested when a teacher, for example, gives 2-3 topics for presentations or reports and students must distribute among themselves who will do them and who, accordingly, will receive points. And it happens that students who already have enough points do not allow those who need these points more, who have very few of them, to do such work. It is in such situations that humanity and the ability to yield are manifested.
  • Sometimes it is not entirely clear distribution of points between different types of work.
    Agree, it's strange to hear from a teacher that he, for example, gives the same number of points for answering a seminar and for writing an essay or abstract. After all, completely different amounts of time are spent on these two types of work. However, sometimes you come across teachers who distribute points in a not entirely clear and logical way.
  • Subjectivity in the absence of clear criteria.


Although one of the goals of BRS is the elimination of subjectivity in assessing students, all the same, if there are no clear criteria for how a particular type of work should be assessed, the teacher sets them as he sees fit. Moreover, often teachers take into account students' scores only formally, putting the grade at the end of the semester "by eye".

As a person who recently left the usual school system and began to study according to the point-rating system, I can say that it was much more difficult for me to write about the minuses of the BRS than about the pluses.

And that means it's a little easier to learn by getting points, not grades. After all, you always know: everything depends only on you, you can “freeze” a little during the semester, but then it will become more difficult on the exam, because you will know that you lack a lot of points before the desired grade, and this adds excitement (I personally was a witness to the unfortunate scene, when classmates did not have 3-5 points to four and they "flew" from the scholarship "). So in this system everything is certainly in your hands!

Now, when you see information on the website of the university you like that a point-rating system is used in it, you will know a little more about it and will assume what awaits you!
