Each graduate who wants to become a student of one of the universities of the Russian Federation in 2018 has a difficult task - to successfully pass the Unified State Exam, as well as to choose the right one educational institution and faculty for submission of documents. Most 11th graders and their parents are first faced with the final exam grading system and often find it difficult to find answers to the questions that arise. Therefore, we decided to shed light on important points.

In 2017-2018, the basic rules passing the exam will not be substantially changed. This means that for graduates, the 100-point assessment system for final tests will also be relevant.

How is it going?

During the examination of the examination papers, for each correctly completed task, the graduate is credited with the so-called "primary points", which upon completion of the examination of the work are summed up and transferred to the "test score", which is indicated in the USE certificate.

Important! Since 2009, the scale of converting the primary and test scores of the USE into the traditional school five-point grades has not been officially used, because in 2017 and 2018 the final exams are not included in the certificate.

Checking work is done in two ways:

  • automatically (using special programs and technical means);
  • manually (the correctness of the detailed answers is checked by two independent experts).

It is quite difficult to dispute the result of an automatic check. If, when filling out the answer table, the basic rules were not followed, the computer may not protect the result, and only the graduate himself will be to blame for this, who has not followed a number of mandatory rules.

If controversial issues arise during the expert review, a third specialist is involved, whose opinion will be decisive.

When to expect results?

The following time frames apply by law:

  • data processing (on compulsory subjects) in the RSCI should not last longer than 6 calendar days;
  • for data processing (optional subjects), the RCRO is given 4 days;
  • verification at the Federal Testing Center should take no more than 5 business days;
  • approval of the results by the State Examination Commission - 1 more day;
  • up to 3 days for sending the results to the USE participants.

In practice, it can take from 8 to 14 days from the moment of passing the exam to receiving the official result.

Converting USE scores into grades

Despite the fact that officially in 2018 the scale of converting points in USE subjects into a five-point assessment is not used, many still want to interpret their result in a more familiar "school" system. To do this, you can use special tables or online calculators.

The table for converting test scores of the OGE into grades

Russian language



Social Studies

Foreign languages




The second method is a little easier and more convenient than finding the required values \u200b\u200bin the cells of a huge table. You just need to select a subject (mathematics, Russian, chemistry, physics, history, English, social studies ... and other subjects), enter the data and get the desired result in a matter of seconds.

We suggest trying how simple and convenient it is to use in practice online calculators of the USE score and its translation into a 5-point grade.

Transfer of points from primary to test

Converting USE scores into grades

Internet systems for applicants

The academic year 2017-2018 is over, the exam is passed, the results are known and even an interactive translation scale primary points showed that the USE result is located in a fairly good range ... But, is this enough to enter the desired university?

Evaluate your real chances of joining based on test scores and the university's minimum passing threshold.

Important! The minimum passing score is formed by the university itself. It will directly depend on the points of applicants who apply in 2018. The more popular the specialty, the higher the passing score will be.

Often, even 100-point results are not enough for admission to the budget at the TOP faculties. Chances to see their surname in the lists of those who entered such directions have only the prize-winners of the Olympiads, who give significant additional points.

In 2018, the most popular services for selecting a university and monitoring the threshold of entrance points for various specialties will be:

  1. Ucheba.ru
  2. Apply online
  3. Higher School of Economics calculator
  4. Postyplenie.ru
  5. Typical applicant

Finding these services is very easy. It is enough to enter their name into any search engine.

The transfer of USE points is made after the initial result is calculated, on the basis of the approved scale, it is converted into test points.

They are playing important role upon admission to the university and are recorded in the certificate of passing the exam.

Those who graduate from grade 11 and are preparing to enter the university are especially interested in learning how the USE score is translated.

Hundreds of thousands of students undergo this procedure every year. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to pass only two subjects - mathematics and Russian.

The rest of the subjects - and there are a total of 14 - are surrendered on a voluntary basis, depending on the chosen university.

In order for the results to be displayed in the certificate, the graduate needs to score more than the established minimum.

How are the results of the exam

The exam results are evaluated by a commission and transferred to a 100-point system.

There is an algorithm for converting these amounts into more familiar estimates. This method has not been officially applied since 2009.

But if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with the scale of translation of USE grades.

The results are assessed in two stages:

  • by the number of tasks completed, the student is given a primary score. It consists of the sum for all tasks completed correctly;
  • then the primary USE scores are converted into test ones. This figure is recorded in the USE certificate and plays an important role for admission to a university. Below is a translation table for the mathematics exam.

Important: the scale is designed taking into account the complexity of the tasks.

You can always get up-to-date information on the Unified State Exam on the portal http://ege.edu.ru/ru.

What is the minimum score

To obtain the USE certificate, a student needs to score more than the established minimum limit in Russian language and mathematics.

It is determined annually for each individual subject. In fact, the minimum score is the equivalent of a three.

This result reflects that the student has mastered the curriculum satisfactorily.

Minimum score:

  1. Determines the issuance of a certificate of passing the exam.
  2. It is established for each subject annually after passing the exam and before the results are published.

At the end of 2016, in order to obtain a certificate, it was necessary to obtain at least 36 test points in the Russian language.

In mathematics, this border is 3, and in the profile level - 27.

Difference between primary scores and test scores

When evaluating the results of passing the exam, the initial amount is set first. Then, these USE 2017 points are transferred to test ones.

They are determined on a 100-point scale. This mark will be included in the USE certificate if it is higher than the minimum.

When calculating points, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. For each correctly completed task, one or more points are awarded.
  2. At the end, the amount for the entire work is calculated.
  3. The primary USE scores are being transferred.

With regard to test scores, they are calculated on a 100-point system. But the sum of the primary may differ for different subjects.

For example, in mathematics, you can get 30 primary points, and for foreign languages \u200b\u200bthis boundary is 80.

The assessment of the assignment depends on its complexity. For the tasks of part B, one primary point is awarded for the correct answer.

For part C, there are several options: for tasks 1 and 2, 2 primary points are awarded, the correct answer to question 3 and 4 gives 3 at once, and tasks 5 and 6 will add 4 points to the student's result.

USE scores and grades

Although there is an approximate scale for converting USE scores into marks familiar to all students, since 2009 this system has not been applied.

The refusal to transfer to grades is due to the fact that the amount of points does not affect the indicator in the certificate. It is recorded in a separate certificate.

In the event that a student scored less than the minimum in one of the compulsory subjects, he will not be issued a certificate or a certificate.

If this is a subject of those that are surrendered on a voluntary basis, the result will simply not be counted anywhere.

If according to the results of passing the exam an unsatisfactory mark was obtained, what should be done? It all depends on what subject.

  1. If the number of points scored is below the minimum in mathematics or in Russian, you can retake the exam in the same year on one of the reserve days.
  2. When an unsatisfactory mark is obtained in both subjects at once, retaking is possible only next year.
  3. If you failed to score enough points in an optional subject, you can retake the exam only next year. An unsatisfactory result will not be reflected in any document. In fact, everything will look as if the graduate did not pass this exam at all.

Depending on the subject, retaking is possible either in the same year on reserve days, or in the next.

Thus, if a student does not pass mathematics at the basic level, he can take advantage of reserve days.

And if the low score is based on the results profile level, retake will be possible only in a year.

What to do if the graduate does not agree with the assessment

If a graduate is confident that his work deserves a higher mark, he has the right to appeal.

In such a situation, the work will be re-examined by the conflict commission.

There are two possible outcomes. When the grade appears to be undervalued, the student can either add points or remove them.

Important: according to the results of the exam in 2010, of all appeals filed, the third part was satisfied.

The first two parts of the exam are tested without human intervention. The possibility of errors cannot be ruled out.

This may be due to illegible handwriting and similar circumstances.

If it appears that the grade is low, students appeal.

What the exam consists of

The general text of the assignment consists of three parts.

  1. Part A is written as a test. The graduate needs to choose the correct one out of the four suggested answers.
  2. In part B, the following types of tasks are possible: writing a one-word answer, choosing several correct options, or establishing correspondences.
  3. Part C asks the student to give a detailed answer to the question.

Depending on the type of task, the check progress differs. The first two parts are checked automatically. The responses are scanned by the system and evaluated.

This process takes place without human intervention. Upon completion of the verification, the results are sent to the testing center in Moscow.

Part C is assessed by two independent experts. If the results match, this total is set.

If a slight discrepancy is found after evaluation, the average result is displayed.

If there is a noticeable inconsistency, a third specialist is appointed.

After completing the verification, all data is sent to a single testing center. There they are processed and recorded in the database.

From there they are sent to the schools where the exam was taken.

How Unified State Exam Results Affect University Admission

In order to apply for admission to a university, graduates need to take the Unified State Exam.

In total, you can apply to 5 universities, in each of them no more than three specialties.

The application is prepared in writing and handed over personally, or sent by mail.

If the second option is selected, you will need to issue a certified letter with a description of the attachment, as well as a receipt confirmation.

To find out whether the application was satisfied, you need to go to the official website of the university.

When the acceptance of documents is completed, a list of those who apply for admission is posted there. Their results of passing the exam are also given there.

Enrollment takes place in two waves.

  1. When the first list is published, several days are allotted for applicants to be able to provide the originals of their documents (in most cases, copies of them are sent).
  2. If the deadline for the submission of documents has ended, but there are still free places, a second list is prepared.

To enter the university, you will need the following package of documents:

  • application for admission;
  • certified copies of the passport and identity document;
  • a form with a list of points scored based on the USE results;
  • photographs (their size and number are established by the rules of the university).

Other documents may also be required from the applicant. For detailed information, you need to contact the university of interest.

The transfer of USE points in 2017 is carried out according to the same system as in previous years.

To pass the exam, you need to score at least the minimum number of points, which is set for each subject annually.

To get a certificate and a certificate with the results of the exam, you need to exceed this limit in compulsory subjects.

How to translate primary scores into test exam 2015 in Russian

The scale for transferring USE-2017 points must be known to future applicants and high school graduates. It will be useful to them in the self-preparation process. In particular, the scale will be needed to assess your responses when performing training tests. In the review, we will analyze what primary and test scores are, as well as their values \u200b\u200bfor compulsory and specialized subjects. You will also learn how these points look in the familiar five-point system.

Primary and test points

For each answer in KIM, the subject is awarded points. After execution examination work, all these points are added up. The final value is the primary score. They are also called preliminary. Then comes the turn of transferring USE points to 100 point system... There is a very complex mathematical formula for these purposes. It takes into account various statistics. As a result of scaling, the final test score appears, which is entered in the school certificate or is considered by the members of the admissions committee of the university.

« Wheret is the test score of the USE (on a 100-point system), θ is the primary score, θminIs a value that equals one primary point, and θmax, - the estimate corresponding to the primary score, one less than the maximum possible.

Rounding is done to the nearest whole number. Zero primary point corresponds to 0 for the Unified State Exam, and the maximum possible - 100. "

Conversion of USE-2017 points into grades on a five-point scale

However, many are accustomed to assessing their work in "fives", "twos", "threes" and "fours". Therefore, they see all these primary and test scores as simply a pile of incomprehensible numbers. To make it easier to evaluate your results, you can transfer points to a five-point system.

This is how they look uSE scores for mandatory and profile subjects... The list contains primary and test (they are in brackets) points.

Unified State Exam Score Transfer Scale in Social Studies

  • 0 - 18 (0 - 41) - "2";
  • 19 - 30 (42 - 54) - "3";
  • 31 - 42 (55 - 66) - "4";
  • from 43 (from 67) - "5".

Computer Science Points Transfer Scale

  • 0 - 7 (0 - 41) - "2";
  • 8 - 15 (42 - 57) - "3";
  • 16 - 26 (58 - 78) - "4";
  • from 27 (from 79) - "5".

Scale for translating USE-2017 points in Russian

  • 0 - 14 (0 - 34) - "2";
  • 15 - 32 (36 - 56) - "3";
  • 33 - 44 (57 - 70) - "4";
  • from 45 (from 71) - "5".

Literature score conversion scale

  • 0 - 8 (0 - 31) - "2";
  • 9 - 23 (32 - 54) - "3";
  • 24 - 31 (55 - 66) - "4";
  • from 32 (from 67) - "5".

Unified State Exam Scores in Chemistry

  • below 14 (0 - 35) - "2";
  • 14 - 31 (36 - 55) - "3";
  • 32 - 49 (56 - 72) - "4";
  • from 50 (73) - "5".

Scale for transferring points by foreign language

  • 0 - 21 (0 - 21) - "2";
  • 22 - 59 (22 - 59) - "3";
  • 60 - 84 (60 - 84) - "4";
  • from 85 (from 85) - "5".

Primary scores correspond to test scores.

Unified State Exam Points Conversion Scale in Physics

  • 0 - 10 (0 - 35) - "2";
  • 11 - 23 (36 - 52) - "3";
  • 24 - 34 (53 - 67) - "4";
  • from 35 (from 68) - "5".

Geography conversion scale

  • 0 - 12 (0 - 35) - "2";
  • 13 - 22 (37 - 50) - "3";
  • 23 - 37 (51 - 66) - "4";
  • from 38 (from 67) - "5".

The scale for the transfer of USE-2017 points in mathematics of the basic level

  • 0 - 6 - "2";
  • 7 - 11 - "3";
  • 12 - 16 - "4";
  • from 17 - "5".

Primary scores in basic math do not translate into test scores.

Scale for transferring points by history

  • 0 - 12 (0 - 35) - "2";
  • 13 - 27 (36 - 49) - "3";
  • 28 - 42 (50 - 67) - "4";
  • from 43 (from 68) - "5".

Unified State Exam score conversion scale in mathematics of the profile level

  • 0 - 5 (0 - 26) - "2";
  • 6 - 11 (26 - 46) - "3";
  • 12 - 17 (47 - 64) - "4";
  • from 18 (from 65) - "5".

Biology score conversion scale

  • 0 - 12 (0 - 34) - "2";
  • 13 - 28 (36 - 53) - "3";
  • 29 - 43 (54 - 70) - "4";
  • from 44 (from 71) - "5".


This is how the table of evaluations of the USE-2017 points looks like on a five-point scale. The values \u200b\u200bare purely approximate. Therefore, the table may contain serious inaccuracies. But as a guideline that will help assess your knowledge during the performance of training tests, it may well be in demand.

The page contains USE results in all subjects for past years - from 2010 to the present. The tables show the average score for each of the subjects, the number of 100-point students, the percentage of those who did not pass the exam (who did not overcome the threshold established for the subject), the total number of those who passed the exam.

The material was prepared based on the official releases of Rosobrnadzor.

USE results 2019

Thing Average score High-scores (81-100) 100-point Did not pass the exam 2019,% Number of those who passed the exam
Russian language 69,5 23,5 2 590 0.6% (threshold 24 points) 664 000
Math Profile 56,5 7,1 6.7% (threshold of 27 points) 362 600
Mathematics base 4,1 - - (threshold 3 points) 312 000
Social Studies 54,9 7,8 (threshold 42 points) 315 200
Physics 54,4 8,6 (threshold 36 points) 139 500
History 55,3 9,4 6.9 (threshold 32 points) 103 300
Biology 52,2 5,6 (threshold 36 points) 123 800
Chemistry 56,7 11,5 14.4 (threshold 36 points) 89 000
English language 73,8 42,7 (threshold 22 points) 74 300
Informatics and ICT 62,4 21,7 (threshold 40 points) 74 900
Literature 63,4 15,9 4% (threshold 32 points) 44 200
Geography 57,2 7,4 6% (threshold 37 points) 16 600
German 72,4 42,1 (threshold 22 points) 1 250
French 73,1 39,3 (threshold 22 points) 800
Spanish language 72,2 45,5 (threshold 22 points) 132
Chinese 62,5 29,2 1 (threshold 22 points) 75
Total: 302 000 6 729 6,4% 750 000

Almost 750 thousand people are registered to participate in the main period of the Unified State Exam-2019, of which 662 thousand are graduates of the current year. During the main period of the Unified State Exam, 5,713 examination points (PES) were involved, about 51 thousand audiences. All PPEs used the technology of printing examination materials in classrooms, in 8 regions, for the first time this year, the technology of transferring examination materials to PPEs via the Internet.

  • Since 2019, graduates have the right to choose only one level of the USE in mathematics (basic or specialized) for passing, but this level can be changed during retaking.
  • Since 2019, graduates of previous years are not eligible to participate in the USE in basic mathematics.
  • The popularity of natural science subjects has grown. So, in 2019, an increase in the number participants of the exam in biology it was 25 thousand compared to last year, in chemistry - about 16 thousand, in physics - about 13 thousand participants. Also, in comparison with 2018, the level of interest in computer science and ICT has noticeably increased (an increase in the number of participants by 27 thousand people), english language (an increase of 18 thousand people) and history (an increase of 15 thousand).
  • In 2019 for the first time passed the exam in the Chinese language, 289 people applied for participation. Only 75 people passed the exam on time. Muscovite Anastasia Andryunina is the only one of all who has passed the USE in Chinese by 100 points, and is going to enter the RUDN University.
  • 300 points on the exam were scored by a resident of Seversk named Putin. Graduate Alexander Putin passed the maximum score in Russian, mathematics and physics.
  • Two participants of the Unified State Exam-2019 were able to gain 400 bonuses based on the results of four exams. 30 participants became 300-point... 445 people typed 200 credits on two exam.
  • 812 people were removed from the exam for various violations, including for the presence of mobile phones (355 remote) and cheat sheets (323 remote)
  • The USE in a foreign language is planned to be included in the number of compulsory subjects from 2022. This will be preceded by the necessary preparatory work, approbation, discussion of how best to differentiate the exam by the level of difficulty.
  • From 2020, it may be possible to take the exam in computer science on a computer.

USE results 2018

Thing Average score High-scores (81-100) 100-point Didn't pass the USE 2018,% Number of those who passed the exam
Russian language 70,93 26,7% 3722 (0,6%) 0.4% (threshold 24 points) 645 500
Math Profile 49,8 145 (0,03%) 7% (threshold of 27 points) 421 000 (61%)
Mathematics base 4,29 - - 3.1% (threshold 3) 567 000
Social Studies 55,7 16.43% (threshold 42 points) 368 000 (53%)
Physics 53,2 (threshold 36 points) 171 500 (25%)
History 55,1 7,4 206 (0,002%) 9.6% (threshold 32 points) 112 000 (20%)
Biology 51,7 45 (0,03%) 17.01% (threshold 36 points) 140 000 (21%)
Chemistry 55,1 634 (0,75%) 15.88% (threshold 36 points) 84 500 (14%)
English language 69,2 15 (0,02%) (threshold 22 points) 83 500
Informatics and ICT 58,4 13% 254 (0,4%) 11.51% (threshold 40 points) 67 000
Literature 62,7 599 (1%) (threshold 32 points) 42 500
Geography 56,6 64 (0,4%) 7.3% (threshold 37 points) 16 000
German 68,9 3 (0,2%) (threshold 22 points) 1 758
French 77,3 2 (0,2%) (threshold 22 points) 948
Spanish language 79,1 (threshold 22 points) 153
Total: 6 136 4,8% 731 000

Exams in 2018 were taken by 731,000 people (in the main period - 670,000), including 645,000 graduates of the current year.

  • Graduates who did not meet the minimum threshold scores for compulsory exam (basic math and Russian), can retake the exam in the same year on a reserve day. If it didn't work out again, then in September.
  • If USE participants find mobile devices or cribs, they are removed from the exam without the right to retake in the current year.
  • Elective subjects can only be retaken for the next year. In 2018, 478 people were removed from the exam for phones, 463 for cribs. "This year there were several guys who used earphones, and the camera was not on the phone, but on their clothes. All these graduates were removed from exams without the right to retake. ", - said Igor Kruglinsky, head of the general education quality assessment department of Rosobrnadzor.
  • When applying to a university, you can use any result that has not expired.
  • USE results the mark in the certificate is not affected.
  • A notable event in the Unified State Exam-2018 was the fact that Rosobrnadzor did not recognize.
  • The number of 100 points increased by 1000 in comparison with the previous year.
  • One participant from Moscow passed four subjects for 100 points at once.
  • 1.9% (12,252 people) did not receive a certificate following the USE results.

USE results 2017

Thing Average score Number of 100 points Did not pass the exam 2017,% Number of Dealers
Russian language 69,1 25,04% 3 099 0.5% (threshold 24 points) 617 000
Math Profile 47,1 4,51% 224 14.34% (threshold of 27 points) 391 981
Mathematics base 4,24 - - 3.4% (threshold 3 points) 453 000
Social Studies 55,4 4,46% 142 13.8% (threshold 42 points) 318 000
Physics 53,2 4,94% 278 3.78% (threshold 36 points) 155 281 (24%)
History 52,7 8.7% (threshold 32 points) 110 000
Biology 52,6 6,54% 75 18% (threshold 36 points) 111 748
Chemistry 55,2 15% (threshold 36 points) 74 000
English language 70,2 59 (threshold 22 points) 64 422
Informatics and ICT 59,2 9.3% (threshold 40 points) 53 000
Literature 59,6 343 2.9% (threshold 32 points) 41 267
Geography 55,1 8,6% 9.3% (threshold 37 points) 14 000
German 63,8 24,56% 0 3.36% (threshold 22 points) 1 769
French 75,9 50,81% 0 0.43% (threshold 22 points) 1 123
Spanish language 68,4 38,04% 0 6.75% (threshold 22 points) 231
Total: 5 026 703 000

About 703 thousand people took part in the exams, of which about 617 thousand people are graduates of the current year.

  • Those who did not get the minimum score in one compulsory subject were allowed retake the exam on a reserve day... 12 thousand people went to retake mathematics of the basic level in the reserve period. On a reserve day, 2,000 graduates retried mathematics of the profile level.
  • There are quite a lot of 100 points in Russian... For example, in the Vologda region there are 27 such people, in the Krasnoyarsk region - 61, in the Chelyabinsk region - 76, in the Novosibirsk region - 89.
  • 21 people managed to recruit 300 points for the exam in 2017. This means that they received 100 points each on three USEs.
  • The number of attempts to cheat or smuggle the phone to the exam in 2017 decreased by 25 percent on average. In one of the regions, a school director was fired for trying to help students in the exam. In another, the teacher was fired because he came to the exam with a mobile phone.
  • The total number of violations this year has decreased by more than one and a half times compared to the previous year.
  • In 2017, as in 2016, the most popular elective subjects were social studies (54% of the USE participants chose), physics (26%), history (21%), biology (20%), chemistry (13%).
  • 2.6% (15,878 people) did not receive a certificate following the USE results.

USE results 2016

Thing Average score Number of high-scores (81-100) Number of 100 points Did not pass the exam 2016,% Number of Dealers
Russian language 68 25,58% 3433 1% 658 000
Math Profile 46,2 2,69% 296 15,33% 439 229
Mathematics base 4,15 - - 4.6% (threshold 3 points) 453 000
Social Studies 53,1 3,11% 59 17.6% (threshold 42 points) 382 000
Physics 50,0 6.11% (threshold 36 points) 180 000
History 16% (threshold 32 points)
Biology 52 7,16% 61 18.6% (threshold 36 points) 126 006
Chemistry 84 000
English language 69,78 27 64 050
Informatics 56,6 12.4% (threshold 40 points)
Literature 57,91 256 4.3% (threshold 32 points) 43 585
Geography 13% (threshold 37 points)
German 66,76 32,77% 1 3,29% 1 980
French 73,62 42,31% 6 1,25% 1 273
Spanish language 74,59 49,65% 2 2,8% 204

300 points on three examinations in 2016, only three students were recruited throughout Russia. Mikhail Chekanov from Olenegorsk, Murmansk region, passed physics, specialized mathematics and computer science with the highest marks. A graduate from Kemerovo Elizaveta Shabanova received 100 points on the Unified State Exam in Russian language, history, social studies. In Kirov, a graduate of the famous Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, Alexander Artemiev, passed physics, computer science and mathematics for 100 points and entered Phystech.

  • number deletions graduates with the exam in 2016 amounted to about a thousand people, while schoolchildren began to use paper cheat sheets more often.
  • 1.9% (12,308 people) did not receive a certificate based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

USE results 2015

Thing Average score Number of high-scores (81-100) Number of 100 points Did not pass the exam 2015,% Number of Dealers
Russian language 65,8 19,8% 3036 1,5%
Math Profile 45,6 521 151
Mathematics base 3,95 - - 7,4%
Social Studies 58,6 371 200
Physics 51,4 159 500
History 47,1 145 000
Biology 53,6 122 936
Chemistry 57,1
English language 64,9 61 946
Informatics and ICT 54
Literature 57,1 5.3% (threshold 32 points) 37 512
Geography 53
Spanish language

In total, 725 thousand people took part in the Unified State Exam, of which 650 thousand people are graduates of the current year. The total number of staff in all subjects in 2015 was 3,922 people.

In 2015, for the first time, the mathematics exam was held at two levels - profile and basic. The exam participant had the right to independently choose any of the levels, or both levels, depending on their educational needs, as well as the prospects for continuing education.

  • 4.8% (31 343 people) did not receive a certificate based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

USE results 2014

Thing Average score Number of 100 points Did not pass the USE 2014,% Number of Dealers
Russian language 62,5 2385 4%
Maths 46,4
Social Studies 53,1
Physics 45,7 16,7%
History 46,4 20,4%
Biology 54,8
Chemistry 55,7 13,4%
English language 61,3
Informatics and ICT 57,2 11,5%
Literature 54,1
Geography 53,1 15,5%
Spanish language

In total, 733,368 people took part in the exam, of which 684,574 people are graduates of the current year. The total number of staff in all subjects in 2014 was 3,705 people.

  • The number of those who did not pass the compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) in 2014 decreased by 24% compared to 2013.
  • The number of 100 points decreased by three times.
  • Was downgraded this year minimum score in compulsory subjects. If this had not happened, 28,000 students would not have received their certificates.

Unified State Exam Results 2013

Thing Average score Number of 100 points Didn't pass the exam 2013,% Number of Dealers
Russian language 63,9 2531 1,9 834020
Maths 48,7 538 6,2 803741
Social Studies 59,5 84 481990
Physics 53,5 474 11,0 208875
History 54,8 500 11,0 164219
Biology 58,6 466 7,1 162248
Chemistry 67,8 3220 7,3 93802
English language 72,4 581 3,3 74668
Informatics 63,1 563 8,6 58851
Literature 457 5,6 44420
Geography 57,2 193 12,1 20736
German 58,6 4 3,2 2768
French 69,5 5 0,5 1561
Spanish language 68,9 0 1,7 233

Unified State Exam Results 2012

Thing Average score Number of 100 points Did not pass the USE 2012,% Number of Dealers
Russian language 61,5 1923 2.2% (threshold 36 points) 827529
Maths 45,2 54 5.5% (threshold 24 points) 803913
Social Studies 55,5 84

5.8% (threshold 39 points)

Physics 47,3 44 13.5% (threshold 36 points) 205988
History 52,1 219 12.4% (threshold 32 points) 153502
Biology 54,3 46 8.1% (threshold 36 points) 159448
Chemistry 57,8 370 10.8% (threshold 36 points) 89529
English language 61,2 28 3.3% (threshold 20 points) 71825
Informatics 60,7 364 11.6: (threshold 40 points) 59646
Literature 337 4.9% (threshold 32 points) 42102
Geography 56,1 66 8.4% (threshold of 37 points) 23523
German 58,0 1 3,2 2970
French 67,1 0 0,7 1621
Spanish language 70,4 1 0,8 265

USE 2011 results

Thing Average score Number of 100 points Did not pass the exam 2011,% Number of Dealers
Russian language 60,02 1437 4,1 760618
Maths 47,49 205 4,9 738746
Social Studies 57,11 23 3,9 280254
Physics 51,54 206 7,4 173574
History 51,2 208 9,4 129354
Biology 54,29 53 7,8 144045
Chemistry 57,75 331 8,6 77806
English language 61,19 11 3,1 60651
Informatics 59,74 31 9,8 51180
Literature 57,15 355 5 39317
Geography 54,4 25 8 10946
German 48,99 2 6,6 2746
French 62,97 0 1,2 1317
Spanish language 70,09 0 1,4 143

The number of those who took the USE compared to 2010, the number of graduates who took the USE, in 2011 decreased from 850 thousand to 720 thousand (by 15%).

USE results 2010

The table contains the results of passing the exam in 2010 throughout Russia.

Thing Number of applicants Did not pass the exam 2010,% Number of 100 points The number of students who did not start part C,%
Russian language 901929 3,7 1415 5,4
Maths 854708 6,1 160 38,81
Social Studies 444219 3,9 34 3,01
Physics 213186 5 114 32,32
History 180900 9 222 12,08
Biology 171257 6,1 133 8,51
Chemistry 83544 6,2 275 11,27
English language 73853 5 2 5,51
Informatics 62652 7,2 90 22,33
Literature 54313 5 422 1,69
Geography 22256 6,3 17 14,06
German 4177 12 0 10,06
French 1883 1 0 4,99

The total number of graduates in 2010 was 836,565 people. This figure is slightly lower than the total number of those who took the exam, due to retakes of graduates of previous years.
